98-1011Council File � �� /��/J 4R1G1�A1. Presented By Green Sheet # 52348 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 7 Referred To Co[omittee: Date 1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointments and 2 reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following-nazned individuals to serve on the SAINT PAUL LONG 3 RANGE CAPTTAL IMPROVEMEI�IT BUDGET COMMITTEE (CIB). 4 5 ��l�l�'�TE�T`� 6 Member Planning District 5enate DistriM Term Eapiration 7 Lsaac Contreras 3 65 11-1-2000" s RickL.Aagenais 15 64 11-1-2001 9 Kim Hunter 11 66 11-1-2001 la JotuiSielmieier 16 64 11-1-2000* 11 12 �FtE!P�f�l`1�L�'I�� 13 Paul M. Gilliland 2 55 11-1-2001 14 Wayne Lundeen 7 65 11-1-2001 15 Ferdinand F. Peters 13 64 11-1-2001 16 Randall J. Reetz 1 67 11-1-2001 17 Pau1P. Savage 12 66 ll-1-2001 18 GaryB.Unger 2 67 11-1-2001 19 Bob Voeller 5 55 11-1-2001 20 21 All of the above-named members shall serve three-year terms which will expire o� November 1, 2001—with 22 the exception of Isaac Conireras and Sohn Siekmeier. Isaac Contreras shall serve the remainder of 23 Jose Verdeja's unexpired term and John Siekmeier shall serve the remainder of Judith Benton's unexpired 24 term. 2 5 Requested by Department of: Byc Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary By: App� By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: =�i GLca/ /� -� �� f! :2 �� C ��`� Approved/]�y Mayor fq� Submission to r.,,,,,..;� � /' l S , n Adopted by Council: Date "� \a„1� � _ N° 52348 DEPFRTMENTADFFlCEICOUNCIL � DATE INITIATEO ��� ���� Mayor Coleman's off��e ' �0-2�-9s � G RE EN SH E E CONTACT PERSON E PHONE INITIAVDATE INITIAVDATE � OEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � QTV COUNCIL Roger Ci. CllTt1S (266-8531) OSSIGN �CITYATTORNEV �GITVCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCI� AGENDA BY (DATE) NUMBEP FOR BUDGET DIRECTOFi � FIN 8 MGT SEFVICES Dlfl. NOVTING OPOEfl � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION iiEQUESTED: Approval of appts. of Issac Contreras, Rick Dagenais, Kim Hunter & John Siel�eier and reappts of Paul Gilliland, Wayne Lundeen, Ferdinand Peters, Randall Reetz, Paul Savage, Gary Unger an Bob Voeller to serve on the Saint Paul Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee (CIB). RECOMMENDATIONS� AvWwe (A) or Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOILOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CNIL SEftVICE COMMISSION �- Has this personffirm ever workad untler a contract for this tlepartment? _ q6 COMMIiTEE _ YES NO 2. Has ihis person�rm ever been a city employee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ D�SiRICT COURT _ 3. Does this personflirm possess a Skill not normally possessetl by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNdL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explaln ali yes answers on separate sM1eet antl ettach to green sheet INRIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPOFTUNITV (VJho. What, When. Where, Why)� ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: �ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVEO DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: �s�� ����a.*�� ��fl��r OGT 3 019�9 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONEj YES NO FUNDING SOUFCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORFnATION: (EXPLAIN) n �� S ���� , � OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CTI'Y HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 98-���� REC�NdED sEP } 5 19�5 Name• �fAAC � C o�/ i.PE KAf t�:�YflR'S O�FIC� Home Address: 3 6 Street Telephone Number: Planning District Council: � Z �l '�� Gs,_ � � Zip City Counci! �Vard: _ S-� attD Z �� ' ,; � Preferred 11Sailing Address: SSEn..� a s �,-l5� � � � � ,� � , �- � � � �Vhat is your occupation? Piace o£Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: ' S,-A� '. C1-,b FIryN,-�c. �AL Advi�o/1 n ' C' �LTv�AL C.APrTAL 1�J43T.�^£�T PZc�(Itf1� `Vhat skills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? e��'t��cT T6ZRirJSQ � r=1�C�1 flSSC —�� jU�(� Se,.�n. � �rc . _ S£21'LS �i oN1 ��� SfCJRfT(fS L/C£�SC � � (_rF6_ hNO HfAz��i Ia5-scFl,�c£ ��c��SC _ _ QQ�D�� �24�t��'a-r,o.�s MoTivarlc j'FLpr�vr.✓E- -�<S� �JAJAc S�RJ�c� — S �,�s. StCa�rJD CLASS P4�1 � orF�C£l - F�G-���Mq�/ �FSl6-,�ATi J� r Oeco2n7�D - nlAv� �M�R��E ��aP �c�ris�£Me,�; ,�FaAL The information included in this application is considered private data accordine to the 11Sinnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. (O VER) Rev. 8-5-97 9�-�Q��� PER40NAL F RFNCFS Name: ��_ � 1Glc /-1tr�IGAt� Address: _ � ��- S�'t IT N AJ£ Phone: fAome) ork) ( t l Z 9 Z `� S' 7</ Name: �' EJL A�/ (r Address: I('� 7 3 (� Fl�, ,.i £ q �£ S � �.A u L M,v s S/ o i Phone: �FIomel ork) GS/ 7 7/ -/77 3 Name: � U Pf S�' 2 2 A� d Address: _ Z Z I F_ _ Ge�fzT�c.F Si. Phone: ffiomel /�s �- ZZ 7' 7/SO (Work) � Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: %� 6f t� F F,2 d/ r. � �'� 1� E C� 17� � r ST I A JL j e� Pc�G / �/� �'' S,�/LLS A�n �3o��cE�F � (� dre s � (SSvs g Have you had previous contact with the committee for hrhich you are making application? If so, when, and the circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please � check the Iine applicab[e to yoa, This informafion is sfricfIy voluntary. �Vhite (Caucasian) 7� Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � Mate Femate Date of Birth: _ �/ - �- 7 3 Disabled: Yes No If special accommodations are needed, ptease specify: How did you hear about this opening? 98- i��i �►. �. �I ; ►�1 Name: � - Address: Phone: Name: �rFR c/A�! �r Address: 107; {�A�, �£ ,4✓ E Sr nA�L ri,.i - sio I Phone: (Homel (_WSrk) GS+- �� t- 17� 3 Name: � U Pf_ S F 2 rt A a O Address: __7 Zt £ _ Ce�RTic.F Si. Phone: (E�omel (�5 /- ZZ 7- 7/SO orkl � Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: %a 6f tn F s F,2 �// r c r� TR E �. Itv o � ST. �AdL .� i� Pr�co<� r n ,�., � S,�i�cS _/-�� 6Za3°..�cE s � (� c�aretS ��r (5 � g Have you had previons contact with the commiYtee for tiyhich you are making application? If so, when, and the circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. White (Caacasian) X Hispanic Black (African Ame�ican) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � Male Female Date of Birth: �/ - 1- 7 3 Disabied: Yes No If special accommodations are needed, please specify: L J How did you hear about this opening? � ' �. � . 09�21/98 J10N 08:55 FAX 6128284246 ° SV INFO SVCS � � 002 Office of the Mayor 390 City Hall, Saint Pau1, Minnesota 55102 266-8525 Fax:266-8513 ��v i�11 Application for Committee, Board, or Commission Name e� L� �f}�ENi4tS Home address TeIephones b � E-mail address �����Sgb A7ET Planning District Council �j�,/�g.�p ^%��gj��eT /s City Council Ward 3 Preferredmailingaddress��l� fi ��KWA+1 STCbYJL �n� SS�({, str<et city stete zip Occupation�A.yUR&,E.� T'E�f}AJ��AG /�Ci,�t9�5 /TiON° 1}N� ei4�iStiTf �1}NNiNG, Place of employment ���p �}L�� S�Ue =A�Fo2.Vi1f}T/On} f G//7�D� Employment addre:.s Committee(s) applied for G'�QjTAL L_/t%l �,e0�t21��r 1 5+�b1�T L�� What skills/trainin;g or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? S�� l�r, The information included in this application is considered private data, according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is noi released to tfie general public. page 1 of 2 29/21/98 MOti 08:55 F�% 6128284246 SV I\FO SVCS C� 003 ��— s(���. Personai References �q ,/ ��� ��s vame �!'G��vrt-� /�'1rC��C /7ft.e21S Address �10� C/Ty l�A'LL srP�� R�tll� S'S/dZ _ Telephones �(prp'�io� Name �ir2 .57 ,•¢/�<.t//c;/ — ?.QA���'i� z Address $7� ��jL �i18L f c t��c�,�°_KC ^��O' C/TiJ f��u- � - Sr. P,� Telephones 6S/- ,zGG - b� �� Nasite /�f�f� �/IFGL�B P,ddress�Q,`f� `-'p,�p p�l?Ku7A-y - STP.9t>� /J'i� �51/�_ Telephones � ��9'7 '7 Reasons for your interest in this particular committee J�F /��/�G� ?�E fl _ Have you have previous contact with the committee for which you are making applicatiun? If so, when, and under what circumstances? y�S� fIL7��t�fR R�P1etY5En�TA-TIJG �o,e P>Sr.eie,T i� On� 7"M� 1995 S�e�'r .4 vr��,T,e�� T/ts� �ee In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check Che box applicabie 2o you. This informa2ion is strictly volun[ary. � White (Caucasian) ❑ Hispanic ❑Black (African-American) � Asian or Pac ific Islander ❑ American lndian or Alaskan Eskimo Q Male Female ❑ Date of birth 1��y5�S� Disabled: ❑ Yes No � If special accommodation� are needed, please specify How did you hear about this opening? (��VW�r`/taF,ttRFe I�/C�/�i¢EL Hi�.217i`3 page 2 of 2 � 09/21/98 HON 08:�5 FA% 6128284246 SV ItiFO SVCS q��:�11� Attachment to Application for Committee, Board, or Commission Rick Daganais What ski4ls/training or experience do you possess for the committee(s} for which you sE�ek appointment? I served on the F3ighland Dishict Council (District 15) for 4 years. During this ttme I was the Chairperson of the Transportation Committee. We reviewed many projects and made recommendatians to the Community Council based on their merit, cost, and impact to the residents and neighborhoods. During this time the Transportation Committee was able to make man_y improvements especiall_y conceming safet_y. I believe that we achieved these improvements Ibecause of our ability to work with the City departments, especially Public �L�T�S. I W2� iLT! 3�tQ!'??8Ye FCF7?S?R�1UVQ i9 *.}1C C� Sl????c grld T itilitieg t2ck fprr.P Zr I995. The task: force provided insight into the CIB process. My current job responsibilities include: Determining budgets for projects and insuring that they are completed within the budget. Purchase computer hardware, saftware and services. Review financing options for computer equipment and present to management. Many of these activities require a return on inveshnent and benefit analysis as part of the appropriation process. Reason� for your interest in tfiis particular committee I have lived in St. Paul for 9 years. I am interested in how the City works, the improvements the City is making and want to be part of it. I enjoyed working with the residents and t�usinesses of Higliland an�1 the City of St. Paul depart*nents during my term on the Commumity Council. Seing part of the CIB committee would allow me to take the experiences amd Irnowledge I have gained from the Highland Community and contribute to the greater c:ommunity of St. Paul. r�� �-.: :1U�: I'1•LJ :... � �l� 2 "1 OFFICE OF THE �YOR 390 CIT'I' TiALL S?.I�iTPAUL,ML�iNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 � 3 f��'�' Nume: �� ,�,, I-�u,�+c-✓ Home Address: '�> > Ga "� �� �`� ✓z S� � �'� � 1'1 1� S S' / c: �C StreeY City Zip TelephoneNvmber: (Homgl L��l-l3'tS�' ork� �:5`/-��� (PAXI���-c�3� PlanningDistriciCouncil: ��5���� l�' ��+�,i���- CiiyCouncif�Vard: � �� , �-w � 1 l. ��.,L s. fl C C_ 1�� Preferred Mailing Address: ` ' ' ` � What is yaur occupation? Place of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: -t�l �ti 4 �tC, i r�n C.d ✓r Sv�.I � K.� � i G -�. � e � t S �^r'� �^-7p s s, a.. — 'FVhat skills, training or ezperience do you possess for the committee(s) for w•hich you seek appointment? Z c_ CX F v 2� a � m �.-� cl. �- � � W �`�'�-., n � a h h' �-.� i ss �c es �\ u a bi 6 0 �a� s�c c e =L (� � a a�s c s,� e �n.� �f�. e s' / �..JC� SG C yt ()(eSzrVn.•k,+ � c� - 7 The information included in this application Is considered private datg according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices AcT. As a result, this inform�tion is not released to the general public. 1':L ;ILU�:'!� '�:.JuC In.�. 1`'.U. G1( G' �:�: +f. _ (OVERI Rec. 8-=-c �_� �,� rr ��� e s �h�- w�� a at-,�� e,�4' l,cc.�. #-i a✓ti�� ba s; s�? ✓ - J 'J )=i FiJ�. jl•(: ,.lfl lf.L �IC�J�.°.i�!: Cil:Ui C:.,. PP�. uIL G: .,:i: �?� ' :. • ./:f : a�l:i�:i�l�y Name: `' o � �i .l Address: `'/� (,( c� tyl 3>..�,-�, � j-�ben--E ' ' - -- Phone: ($Qme)��2-���" a9�2� or � �1�2-(�,35 cS�"U Name: `�� °-c�� Fsq�.`.idLe� Address: �l� '2t r� S+-e��e k s C�'* � Phoae: (�T_9.Illt') or ) (l�/ (04�/. G 3% R Name: Address: Phone: lHomel �yo�)�S! (cu�-oc�s Reasons foryour interest 1n thL� particular comm�ttee: � a m vtrr ' n a-e �����- „1..._ __ �1_ . e�.,.�_ n(ni�.,,...a �.n�....c�-e ..�.�.R_ �livn6.��� a'� _ T �✓1��.�c. ifs im�onr{-�t.�� •�! _LZ`Vt.Pr !.t_�r r�.0t�..E /X2C�sr ✓G�'riSfil.i{ �o� .'��'z �v'^M�SSrIh. J Have you had previous contact wIth the commlttee fof which you are making appiication? If so, when, and the circumstan¢eaY c�uzs'ro. 4�,.,:�,�, 1�9C�. ��iG6 L"� su.+;�� o�-ie ', '�� c�t L :L ` � ` �? r — J (T � l'� .n S� n c.. S 1 �3 S U C� a-/-i iL. In an aYtempt to ensure that commitTee representation reAects the makeup of our communiry, piease check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. x White (CBUeasian) � Black (African American) American Indian or Alasl:an Esl:imo :�iale � Female Disab�ed: Yes ho � If special atcommodations are needed, please specify: Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Date of Birth: C ' � r How did you hear about this apening? -"� � -� �'''= " ; "' "` °-""_h`; S - ,J�! '� �� i�!- s i�.�, � �.r: .� ,,.�- -G-n r rn u ci V ea oL - I'�L� R C r� -�-� (o�. h�_.!`/e. ✓ � ��,-���� Name: R£CEiVED MAY � 5 1995 F�i;,°�-.� :i�ri�� Home AddLess: 11(lFi C��mmit �V�ZiL�2� ��'�}� �'3k#�� 4�}g� Street Citp Zip •-- Telephone Number: i /�`` �-:` Planning District Crnmcil: 16 ^ City Coimcil Qard: �. - �/ ��' Pre£erred Hailing Address: hON2 "� � � "I�� Ahat is your occupation? Civil en�ineer / t � ` ` j " " n �- Ylace�of Employment: _ Co�ittee(s) Applied For: ,� Ahat skilYs/training or eaperience do you possess for the co�ittee(s) for vhich you seek appoinl�ent7 '• '• - � � ' ' ' • •- • • • _ • • _ •' ' ' I served on the District 16 Board of Directors since 1992: Committee Chair o� Communications and Uutreach, and Traffic-and Parking Ca m' Pai Vice Yresident of AFG� Local 2249; Yarticipated in several trainin��essions focussed on win-win bargainin� and alternative dispute resolutions Have chaired mar�y meetings and have participated in nezotiations. The in£ormation included in this application is conside=ed priva�e data acco=ding to t^e Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this inforc.tation is not released tc the general public. �������� y OFFICE OF THE HAyOR 390 ciTY HALL SAIN`P PAIIL, MINTIESOTA 55102 266-8526 (OVER) Rec. �j21/S , � MN/DOT MRPLEWOOD LAB SEP-28 13�12 Name: Addre9s: Phone: Name_ Address: Pkone: Name: Address: Phone: Sep 30 '98 9�34 P.02 612 266 8513 P.HSi05 ��' �.�� �� > �t P�.;.. Fax�612-779-5616 ST PRUL MAYOR'S OFFICE �hn L av- /S�'h �s�S'a ��,.� d��4 sf N� ,el �` /4/Ri � �hs�.c��Pr :.�.,� c / !� _L.�e� S� t9_ u . : : ►. i u��ons for your interest in this particular commitue: Have you had previous conYACt with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and tde circumstances' In an atfempt to ensure that tomm+Ltee representstion reilects the makeup of our cvmmnnity, plrasc theck the line appueable to you_ This intormatiott ia strittly voluntary. White (Caueasian) Black {Africsn American} p,�perican Indisn ar Aliskan Eskimo Male Dicabled: Yes �L "3 ��.. �� � �i' . . Femai� No Tf spec�al atcammodations are needed, ple9se spCCify: z �'s�i $yqpsaic Asian or Patific Islander pate of Birth: onening? q��f��� � �: :�. C� 1. �.` 10-29-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 1 CAMMITTEE : CIB Capital Budget Committee FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1JO1J94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMI�NTS 003050 Alger, Stuart 1117 Portland Avenue St. Paul� MN 55104 Home - 225-4635 Administrative Fellow WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GE23 DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- -�- --- --- 1 13 09/12/95 W M Dan Marckel 1492 Simpson Street St. Paul, MN H) 644-9037 Dave Maertz 1670 Ashland Avenue St. Paul, MN H) 644-5867 Jerry Rausch 18918 Barrington Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55346 H) 949-0498 001165 Auge, Gregory J. 981 Conway Street St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 771-6�36 Stocker 7 4 67 10/25/96 W M Neil Grass 1547 Leone 774-0463 or b26-0048 James Pack 1081 Reaney Avenue 771-5770 Kathy Thomas 1248 Margaret Avenue 771-3100 2-2-98 MACAP Father John Dombrowski 840 East 6th 5treet (h) 776-7681 (w) 776-2741 �'' 10-29-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PacE 2 COMMITTEE : CIB Capital Budget Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CO2R�NT5 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETA GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- ---°--- ----�--- -------- --- --- --� Sue O'Donnell same address as Father John (h) 731-3732 (w) 776-2741 003376 B�issenbach, Ren 489 View Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 222-2558 Self-Employed, Consultant Mary Yaeger fl89 View St., 55102 h) 222-2558 w0 220-5290 May Lund 10839 Upton Ave. S. Bloomington h) 881-5012 w) 861-2245 chuck and Rose McGUire 177 Bedford Ave. S.E. h) 379-7390 2 9 02f26J98 W M Al1 of above references listed 2-26-95 for CI{B; HPC; RRDC7 Planning Commission and Workforce Dev. Cnc. 003262 Bliven, Mark 2 9 O1j14J97 W M 238 Ann Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 228-0271 Plat DYawer-self/MN Post Board No References Listed 003139 Cardinal, Robert J. 761 Iowa Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 771-3330 Busienss Broker 5 5 02/26/96 W M Business Review Council Gary & Virqie Bundy 765 Iowa Avenue E., 55106 h) 774-0836 James & CoYinne Fanslow 760 Iowa Ave. E., 55106 h) 771-7655 � ^; I. � �, �, 10-29-98 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPI,ICANTS . RPT PAGE 3 COMMSTTEE : CIB Capital Budget Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CAMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) {OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Ren & Marty Srainard 757 Iowa Ave. E., 55106 h) 771-0914 003053 Casey, Michael 1526 Selby Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 � 13 09/13/95 W M Home - 647-1169 Electronics Technician Ed Bower 340 Cretin Avenue N. St. Paul, MN H) 64'I-0097 Jim Affelder Liberty State Bank W) 646-S6S1 Michael Klassen 800 City Hall Annex St. Paul, MN 55102 W) 266-6209 003153 Clarke, Susan Legender The Healing Circle 477 Selby Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Work - 227-8776 FAX 2271055 Chiropractor/Nutritionist 1 [3 03/14/96 W F Dr. Paul Zollinger 198 Western Avenue, 55102 w) 224-1122 Richard Schneider Princeton Bank 360 Cedar Avenue, 55101 h) 290-2424 Dr. Jane Dusek Roseridge Building, Ste. 303 1611 W. Co. Road B. Roseville, MN 55113 w) 636-2056 P ��;�� 10-29-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 4 COMMITTEE : CIB Capital Budget Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CAMt�NTS 003061 Connor, Robert J. 65 N. Winthrop Street St. Paul, MN 55119 Aome - 738-3689 InsUrance Agent Russell Miller 267 White Bear Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 H) 774-6394 Representative Steve Trimble 77 Maria St. Pau1, MN 55106 H) 774-2096 Senator Randy Kelly 1630 David Street St. Paul, MN 55119 H) 772-1114 003475 Contreras, Isaac F. 365 E. Curtice Street St. Paul, MN 55107 Home - (651) 224-4274 Financial Advisor 7 1 2 3 9-15-98 Capital Cultural Committee Rick Aguilar 602 Smith Avenue St. Paul, MN 55107 (w) (651) 292-9574 Ger Vang 1073 Payne Avenue St. Paul, MN 55101 (w) (651) 771-1773 Lupe Serrano 221 E. Curtice Street St. Paul, MN 55107 (h) (651) 227-7150 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 09/15/95 W M 09/15/98 H M 001911 Corbey, Eugene J. 5 10 06/12/95 W M 1615 Chelsea Street ��' =i��1 10-29-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 5 COMMZTTEE : CIB Capital Budget Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1JOlj94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CONASENTS WAR➢ PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- St. Paul, MN 55108 Home - 488-5254 Transportation consultant Hugh R. Schilling (Chair, MAC) 354 Woodlawn Avenue St. Paul, MN h) 698-3680 w) 378-6440 Janice Rettman 6S2 Iowa Avenue W. St. Paul, MN h) 489-8630 w) 295-5289 003488 Dagenais, Rick L. 2111 Highland Parkway St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - 698-7562 MgrTech Acquis & Capacity Ping 9-21-98 Councilmember Mike Harris 310C City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 w) 266-8630 Tom Stadsnlev Traffic Engineer St. Paul Public works 800 City xall Annex St. Paul w) 266-6217 Mark Moeller 2073 Ford Parkway St. Paul, MN 55116 690-2977 002939 Diebel, Daniel .7. 2301 Como Avnue, #104 St. Paul� MN 55108 3 15 4 14 09/21/98 W M 02/06/95 W M Work - 641-1061 Self-EMployed-Fin. Investment �� :.���1 10-29-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANT5.RPT PAGE 6 COMMITTEE : CIB Capital Budget Committee FOR AYPLICATIO23S DATED AFTER O1/O1f94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMt�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DZSTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --" --- --- Gary Archambault 1410 W. 104th Street Bloomington, MN 55431 H) 888-0152 Mark Shields 2205 Riverwood Place St. Paul, MN 55104 H) 645-0770 Gerald Keating 3820 E. 26th Street Mpls., MN 55404 H) 721-1912 003244 Fahey, John 180 Maria Avenue St. Paul� MN 55106 Home - 772-0229 Construction Carpenter 7 4 67B 11/18/96 W M Neighborhood Sales Tax Board Councilmember Dino Guerin Harry Melander President, Carpenters Local �87 411 Main Street w) 224-5661 Larry Meuwissen President, Neiqhborhood Housing Services 8 Bates Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55106 002990 Finger, Michael M. 1338 Osceola Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 3 14 05/25/95 W M Home - 690-3158 Personnel Director Georgiann Errigo Summit Hill Living at Home 917 Milton Hall St. Paul, MN 55105 H) 222-1698 Mike Smith 1 q i � �' : �,; �. 1 10-29-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 7 COMMITTEE : CIB Capital Budget Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) "--- -------- "------- -------- °- --- --- HOMES, Inc. 2344 Nicollet Ave. S., $`3300 Mpls., MN 55404 W) 870-0383 cRaig Ruschmeyer The MN Initiative 160 First TYUSt Center 18D East Fifth Street St. Pau1, MN 55101 W) 225-1775 003235 Gombold, Michael J. 60 Bates Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106-6339 Home - 774-3386 Photographer(Studio Owner 7 4 11/13/96 W M Dave Grupa (business partner in Spectrum Imag{es) 2235 Ide Court Maplewood, MN 55109 h) 773-5081 w) 771-6878 Donavan Cummings District 4 Community Council President 770 E. 6th Street, 55106 h) 774-9783 Jim Erchul Dayton's Bluff Neighborhood Housing Services 951 E. 5th Street St. Paul, MN 55106 w) 774-6995 002988 Jocobs, Lawrence R. 2157 Sargent Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 698-1917 Associate Professor Ann Wynia 1550 Branston Ave. St. Pdul H) 644-5283 05/25/95 U M Myron Orfield 4019 Sheridan Avenue 10-29-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE : CIB Capital Budget Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ----------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- -----°- --- --- --- � n .. � � �i � it PAGE 8 926-9205 Matt Entenza 1622 Hague Ave. H) 647-1425 003143 Johnson, Les C. 366 E. Larpenteur St. Paul, MN 55117-2477 Home - 778-1280 Retired Sue Vannelli District 5 Planning Council 1014 Payne Avenue w) 774-5234 5 5 02/13/96 W M Y 003037 Kerska, Margaret A. 1128 E. Hawthorne St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 774-9255 Homemaker Danel Vasterling 205 W. Winnefred St. Paul HO 227-9254 Lisa Freeze 1124 Hawthorne 775-0714 Cazol O'IIonnell 1035 97th Lane NE 783-9037 003060 Malmstedt, Philip P. 719 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 224-6014 Concrete Contractor Tom Becken Cemstone Products Co. 6 5 1 8 08/21/95 W F 09/18/95 W M ,-, �� ., .. 1 � ,; ;,� 10-29-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 9 COMMITTEE : CIB Capital Budget Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COtR�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 2025 Pointe Road Mendota Hgts, MN 55120 W) 688-9292 Curt Clarson 721 Summit AVenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Toni Conley 2055 Norfolk Avenue H) 699-4311 003375 Mullen, Mark R. �300 Hewitt Avenue St. Paul� MN 55104 Home - 523-4328 Legal Clerk 4 11 09/21/98 U M 2-13-98 Planning Commission; CIB; Parks and R{ec and BZA: Mayor Charles Stokke 800 Wilson Ave. Menomonie, WI 54751 h) (715) 235-4912 w) (715) 232-2369 Lowell Prange City Administrator 800 Wilson Ave. Menomonie, WI 54751 (h) (715) 235-5482 w) (715) 232-2157 Mayor Virginia Smith 30 W. Central St. Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 h) (715) 723-5439 w) (715) 726-2734 9-8-98 Youth Fund Board Human Rights Overnight Shelter Police Civilian Internal Affairs Planning Commission [same references as those listed above) 003391 Nelson, Owen L. 7 1 03/03/98 W M Retired Scientist ,� ' �!��.� 10-29-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 10 COMMITTEE : CIB Capital Budget Coaunittee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMt�NTS 3-3-95 CIB WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Otto Folger 1677 Conway, 55106 h) 774-3760 Toni Baker 165 N. Hazel St., 55119 h) 731-7763 w) 266-4112 Jay Fonkert 2003 Freemont Ave., 55119 h) 735-8630 w) 296-4701 002996 Olesak, Thomas A. 1050 W. Hoyt Avenue St. Paul, MN 55117 Home - 488-7437 Architect 5 10 06/13/95 W M Neighborhood Sales Tax Board Stephanie Wing 3481 Shore Drive Excelsior MN 55331 A) 474-5396 Ross Turner 875 Parkview Ave. St. Paul, MN 55117 H) 489-1759 Melodie McKay 1148 Hoyt Ave. St. Paul, MN 55108 H) 489-1505 11-15-96 Planning Commission Rich Speers 730 2nd Ave. S., #1100 Minneapolis, MN 55402 w) 341-9564 Tom Roberts 4005 W. 65th Street Edina, MN 55435 ; ;-� � �, 10-29-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 11 COMMITTEE : CIB Cdpital Budqet Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CObII�NTS w) 920-6123 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT D2STRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Jerry Ritter 730 2nd Ave. S., �1100 Minneapolis, MN 55402 w) 341-9553 2-10-97 NST Julie Hoff District 10 C.O. 1556 Como Avenue, 55108 w) 644-3889 Tom Roberts 4005 W. 65th Street Edina, MN 55435 w) 920-6123 Jerry Ritter 730 2nd Ave. S., #1100 Minneapolis, MN 55402 w) 341-9553 002997 olsen, J. James 1381 Albert Street N. St. Paul, MN 55108 Home - 646-5625 Administrator Terry Schutten Ramsey Co. Offices 50 W. Kellogg St. Paul, MN 55102 W) 266-8000 James Scheibel 1100 Vermont Ave. NW Washington,DC 20525 W) 202-6065000 Mrs. Terry Hoffman 378 Summit Ave. St. Paul, MN 55102 A) 222-0732 10 06/12/95 W M 003042 Palmguist, Bonnie 3 15 08/25/95 W F - ,� � �, 10-29-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 12 CAMMITTEE : CZB Capital Budget Committee FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMt��NTS WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 1938 Pinehurst Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - 690-0143 Retired-History Center Mary Lou Klas 746 Fairmount Avenue 5t. Paul H) 291-1543 Jay Kelly 1083 Lombard Avenue H) 227-2451 Dennis Weissnet 854 Sunrise FI) 439-7089 4-7-97 Riverfront Development Corporation Judge Mary Lou Rlas 746 Fairmount Avenue h) 291-1543 w) 266-8211 Mary Jo Richardson Address Unclear--Shoreview h) 483-6895 Jay Relly 1083 Lombard Avenue h) 227-2451 w) 221-0962 003331 Puhl, Daniel G. 881 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 1 8 65A 09/03/97 W M Home - 298-9880 Logistics Mgt. Specialist Stephen R. Frohrip 5704 44th Ave. South Mpls., 55417 h) 727-1248 w) 520-6301 David M. Olson � � _ �� � ��, 10-29-98 CAMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 13 CAMMITTEE : CZB Capital Budget Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPI,ICAPIT / REFERENCE COMbSENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- �-°---- -------- --- -° °- 1196 Parkwood Drive Woodbury, MN 55125 h) 730-6910 w� 70-5618 Curtis L. Newcomb 2565 Bayberry Avenue Stillwater, MN h) 351-7257 w) 296-4585 002980 Reid, Vicki 936 Lincoln Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 2 16 OS/16/95 W M Home - 298-101D Communication Consultant Barb Shaepe 8561 Norwood Circle Eden Prairie, MN 55347 H) 937-0748 Nancy Christensen 533 St. Clair Ave. St. Paul, MN 55102 W) 228-0973 Andy Lindberg Corporate Public Affairs Honeywell Plaza Mpls., MN 55408 W) 951-0055 002950 Rineer, Bruce R. 1614 Edgerton Street St. Paul, MN 55101 6 5 03/O1/95 W M Home - 776-1184 Customer Service Rep. Bi11 David 8491 Hyde Ave. S. Cottage Grove, MN 55016 H) 458-3497 John and Mary Jo Oren H) ?74-6299 �� "1 ., = ? �. � 10-29-98 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 14 COMHZTTEE : CIB Capital Budget Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMt�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETFi GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- William Amundson 6055 Hadley Ave. S. Cottage Grove, MN 55016 H) 459-2862 002945 Schumann, Michael 541 Dayton Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 1 8 02/22/95 W F Home - 224-0216 Co-owner, Traditions Ltd. Jerry Blakey W) 266-8610 Mary Boyne Capra 1043 Grand Ave., #315 St. Paul, MN 55105 W) 224-3324 Judy McLaughlin 275 Summit Ave. St. Paul, MN H) 228-9111 002226 Scott, Donald James 180 W. Larpenteur Avenue St. Paul, MN 55113 5 6 11/06/96 W M Aome - 489-9275 G.L. (?) Sandy Winkel 1239 Herbert, #325 St. Paul, MN 55106 H) 776-1107 Curt Lindquist 1350 Reaney Street St. Paul, MN 55106 H) 771-3858 Dorothy Dalaska 1300 E. Wilson, #910 St_ Paul, MN 55106 H) 774-6481 ,� � � _ _, ,,. 10-29-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 15 COMMITTEE : CZB Capital Budget Committee FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMl��NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ------------------------------- ---- -------- --°---- -------- --- --- --- 11-6-96 CIB, Planning Commission & Food and N{utrition Commission S/A Be11 Ring St. Paul/Maplewood w) 779-9177 L.I.G.L. University 222-4409 Reedy. L. GL. E. 7th street w) 776-5046 003493 Sellner, Patrick M. 1860 Yorkshire Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - (651) 699-3510 CPA Audit Manager 9-22-98 CIB Tom Newberry 3114 University Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 642-4242 Steve Polacek 45 S. Seventh Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 Carol Kline 2272 Edgcumbe Road 699-7137 002979 Siekmeier, John 1106 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 291-1829 Civil Engineer 3 15 2 16 02/22/98 W M 09/21/98 W M Larry Powell US Bureau of Mines 10-29-98 COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT - _ � � �ti PAGE 16 COMMITTEE : CIB Capital Budget Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARU PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETFi GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 5629 Minnehaha Ave. 5. Mpls., MN 55417 W) 725-4577 James Blair US Bureau of Mines 5629 Minnehaha Ave. S. Mpls., MN 55417 John Carlson 4111 Central Ave. Columbia Heights� MN 55421 W) 781-6166 9-21-95 Updated CIB References Revin O'Connor 297 Pinewood Drive Apple Valley, MN 55124 w) 431-3415 John Carlson 15850 Zumbrota St. N.E. Ham Lake, MN 55304 w) 638-2651 Mark Chandler 1845 Ford Parkway St. Paul, MN 55116 h) 698-1813 003069 Stevens, Elizabeth Anne 581 Thomas Avenue St. Paul, MN 55103 Home - 291-1997 Mediator Chuck Votel Public Health 555 Cedar, 55102 w) 292-7718 1 7 Bill Wilson 168 N. Lexington Pkwy., 55104 h) 647-1176 02/15/96 W F Commander Mike Smith 10-29-98 APPLICANTS-RPT COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT �> �� � C� � 1 PAGE 17 COMMITTEE : CIB Capital Budget Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COTfMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---� -------- -------- -°----- --- --- --- St. Paul Police Department 100 E. llth, 55101 w) 292-3512 Barb Lammers 410 Edmond Avenue, 55103 w0 291-5120 003484 Tarnowski, David J. 683 Winthrop Street, N. St. Paul, MN 55119 Home - 739-4717 CPA 7 1 67A 09/18/98 W M 9-18-98 CIB & MACHP Tim Smith (677-5115) Dean Portner (844-2500) Sandy Howe (831-2350) 003240 Whitcomb, Ron 1781 Hillcrest Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - 690-9472 Bank President 3 15 64B 11/18/96 W M Neighborhood Sales Tax Board Shawn Bartsh, Attorney 790 Cleveland Ave. S., Suite 214 St. Paul, MN 55116 w0 699-0601 Mark Moe11eY 1751 Bohland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 h) 690-2977 w) 298-6321 Tom Sexton 407 Mount Curve Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55105 w) 647-1259 � � � __ �, � �� 10-29-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 18 COMMZTTEE : CIB Capital Budget Coromittee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMt+�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ----------------------------------- ---- - 003318 Zuomek, Scott Joseph 7 1 1750 E. Minnehaha Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 771-1280 Output Distribution Coord. Richard Hagen Number One General Mills Blvd. Golden Valley, 55440 w) 540-2178 John Markoe General Mills Number One General Mills Boulevard Golden Valley, MN 55440 w) 540-7852 08/07/97 W M Don Reis General Mills Number One General Mills Boulevard Golden Valley, MN 55440 w) 540-2512 Council File � �� /��/J 4R1G1�A1. Presented By Green Sheet # 52348 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 7 Referred To Co[omittee: Date 1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointments and 2 reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following-nazned individuals to serve on the SAINT PAUL LONG 3 RANGE CAPTTAL IMPROVEMEI�IT BUDGET COMMITTEE (CIB). 4 5 ��l�l�'�TE�T`� 6 Member Planning District 5enate DistriM Term Eapiration 7 Lsaac Contreras 3 65 11-1-2000" s RickL.Aagenais 15 64 11-1-2001 9 Kim Hunter 11 66 11-1-2001 la JotuiSielmieier 16 64 11-1-2000* 11 12 �FtE!P�f�l`1�L�'I�� 13 Paul M. Gilliland 2 55 11-1-2001 14 Wayne Lundeen 7 65 11-1-2001 15 Ferdinand F. Peters 13 64 11-1-2001 16 Randall J. Reetz 1 67 11-1-2001 17 Pau1P. Savage 12 66 ll-1-2001 18 GaryB.Unger 2 67 11-1-2001 19 Bob Voeller 5 55 11-1-2001 20 21 All of the above-named members shall serve three-year terms which will expire o� November 1, 2001—with 22 the exception of Isaac Conireras and Sohn Siekmeier. Isaac Contreras shall serve the remainder of 23 Jose Verdeja's unexpired term and John Siekmeier shall serve the remainder of Judith Benton's unexpired 24 term. 2 5 Requested by Department of: Byc Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary By: App� By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: =�i GLca/ /� -� �� f! :2 �� C ��`� Approved/]�y Mayor fq� Submission to r.,,,,,..;� � /' l S , n Adopted by Council: Date "� \a„1� � _ N° 52348 DEPFRTMENTADFFlCEICOUNCIL � DATE INITIATEO ��� ���� Mayor Coleman's off��e ' �0-2�-9s � G RE EN SH E E CONTACT PERSON E PHONE INITIAVDATE INITIAVDATE � OEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � QTV COUNCIL Roger Ci. CllTt1S (266-8531) OSSIGN �CITYATTORNEV �GITVCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCI� AGENDA BY (DATE) NUMBEP FOR BUDGET DIRECTOFi � FIN 8 MGT SEFVICES Dlfl. NOVTING OPOEfl � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION iiEQUESTED: Approval of appts. of Issac Contreras, Rick Dagenais, Kim Hunter & John Siel�eier and reappts of Paul Gilliland, Wayne Lundeen, Ferdinand Peters, Randall Reetz, Paul Savage, Gary Unger an Bob Voeller to serve on the Saint Paul Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee (CIB). RECOMMENDATIONS� AvWwe (A) or Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOILOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CNIL SEftVICE COMMISSION �- Has this personffirm ever workad untler a contract for this tlepartment? _ q6 COMMIiTEE _ YES NO 2. Has ihis person�rm ever been a city employee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ D�SiRICT COURT _ 3. Does this personflirm possess a Skill not normally possessetl by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNdL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explaln ali yes answers on separate sM1eet antl ettach to green sheet INRIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPOFTUNITV (VJho. What, When. Where, Why)� ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: �ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVEO DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: �s�� ����a.*�� ��fl��r OGT 3 019�9 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONEj YES NO FUNDING SOUFCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORFnATION: (EXPLAIN) n �� S ���� , � OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CTI'Y HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 98-���� REC�NdED sEP } 5 19�5 Name• �fAAC � C o�/ i.PE KAf t�:�YflR'S O�FIC� Home Address: 3 6 Street Telephone Number: Planning District Council: � Z �l '�� Gs,_ � � Zip City Counci! �Vard: _ S-� attD Z �� ' ,; � Preferred 11Sailing Address: SSEn..� a s �,-l5� � � � � ,� � , �- � � � �Vhat is your occupation? Piace o£Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: ' S,-A� '. C1-,b FIryN,-�c. �AL Advi�o/1 n ' C' �LTv�AL C.APrTAL 1�J43T.�^£�T PZc�(Itf1� `Vhat skills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? e��'t��cT T6ZRirJSQ � r=1�C�1 flSSC —�� jU�(� Se,.�n. � �rc . _ S£21'LS �i oN1 ��� SfCJRfT(fS L/C£�SC � � (_rF6_ hNO HfAz��i Ia5-scFl,�c£ ��c��SC _ _ QQ�D�� �24�t��'a-r,o.�s MoTivarlc j'FLpr�vr.✓E- -�<S� �JAJAc S�RJ�c� — S �,�s. StCa�rJD CLASS P4�1 � orF�C£l - F�G-���Mq�/ �FSl6-,�ATi J� r Oeco2n7�D - nlAv� �M�R��E ��aP �c�ris�£Me,�; ,�FaAL The information included in this application is considered private data accordine to the 11Sinnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. (O VER) Rev. 8-5-97 9�-�Q��� PER40NAL F RFNCFS Name: ��_ � 1Glc /-1tr�IGAt� Address: _ � ��- S�'t IT N AJ£ Phone: fAome) ork) ( t l Z 9 Z `� S' 7</ Name: �' EJL A�/ (r Address: I('� 7 3 (� Fl�, ,.i £ q �£ S � �.A u L M,v s S/ o i Phone: �FIomel ork) GS/ 7 7/ -/77 3 Name: � U Pf S�' 2 2 A� d Address: _ Z Z I F_ _ Ge�fzT�c.F Si. Phone: ffiomel /�s �- ZZ 7' 7/SO (Work) � Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: %� 6f t� F F,2 d/ r. � �'� 1� E C� 17� � r ST I A JL j e� Pc�G / �/� �'' S,�/LLS A�n �3o��cE�F � (� dre s � (SSvs g Have you had previous contact with the committee for hrhich you are making application? If so, when, and the circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please � check the Iine applicab[e to yoa, This informafion is sfricfIy voluntary. �Vhite (Caucasian) 7� Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � Mate Femate Date of Birth: _ �/ - �- 7 3 Disabled: Yes No If special accommodations are needed, ptease specify: How did you hear about this opening? 98- i��i �►. �. �I ; ►�1 Name: � - Address: Phone: Name: �rFR c/A�! �r Address: 107; {�A�, �£ ,4✓ E Sr nA�L ri,.i - sio I Phone: (Homel (_WSrk) GS+- �� t- 17� 3 Name: � U Pf_ S F 2 rt A a O Address: __7 Zt £ _ Ce�RTic.F Si. Phone: (E�omel (�5 /- ZZ 7- 7/SO orkl � Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: %a 6f tn F s F,2 �// r c r� TR E �. Itv o � ST. �AdL .� i� Pr�co<� r n ,�., � S,�i�cS _/-�� 6Za3°..�cE s � (� c�aretS ��r (5 � g Have you had previons contact with the commiYtee for tiyhich you are making application? If so, when, and the circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. White (Caacasian) X Hispanic Black (African Ame�ican) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � Male Female Date of Birth: �/ - 1- 7 3 Disabied: Yes No If special accommodations are needed, please specify: L J How did you hear about this opening? � ' �. � . 09�21/98 J10N 08:55 FAX 6128284246 ° SV INFO SVCS � � 002 Office of the Mayor 390 City Hall, Saint Pau1, Minnesota 55102 266-8525 Fax:266-8513 ��v i�11 Application for Committee, Board, or Commission Name e� L� �f}�ENi4tS Home address TeIephones b � E-mail address �����Sgb A7ET Planning District Council �j�,/�g.�p ^%��gj��eT /s City Council Ward 3 Preferredmailingaddress��l� fi ��KWA+1 STCbYJL �n� SS�({, str<et city stete zip Occupation�A.yUR&,E.� T'E�f}AJ��AG /�Ci,�t9�5 /TiON° 1}N� ei4�iStiTf �1}NNiNG, Place of employment ���p �}L�� S�Ue =A�Fo2.Vi1f}T/On} f G//7�D� Employment addre:.s Committee(s) applied for G'�QjTAL L_/t%l �,e0�t21��r 1 5+�b1�T L�� What skills/trainin;g or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? S�� l�r, The information included in this application is considered private data, according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is noi released to tfie general public. page 1 of 2 29/21/98 MOti 08:55 F�% 6128284246 SV I\FO SVCS C� 003 ��— s(���. Personai References �q ,/ ��� ��s vame �!'G��vrt-� /�'1rC��C /7ft.e21S Address �10� C/Ty l�A'LL srP�� R�tll� S'S/dZ _ Telephones �(prp'�io� Name �ir2 .57 ,•¢/�<.t//c;/ — ?.QA���'i� z Address $7� ��jL �i18L f c t��c�,�°_KC ^��O' C/TiJ f��u- � - Sr. P,� Telephones 6S/- ,zGG - b� �� Nasite /�f�f� �/IFGL�B P,ddress�Q,`f� `-'p,�p p�l?Ku7A-y - STP.9t>� /J'i� �51/�_ Telephones � ��9'7 '7 Reasons for your interest in this particular committee J�F /��/�G� ?�E fl _ Have you have previous contact with the committee for which you are making applicatiun? If so, when, and under what circumstances? y�S� fIL7��t�fR R�P1etY5En�TA-TIJG �o,e P>Sr.eie,T i� On� 7"M� 1995 S�e�'r .4 vr��,T,e�� T/ts� �ee In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check Che box applicabie 2o you. This informa2ion is strictly volun[ary. � White (Caucasian) ❑ Hispanic ❑Black (African-American) � Asian or Pac ific Islander ❑ American lndian or Alaskan Eskimo Q Male Female ❑ Date of birth 1��y5�S� Disabled: ❑ Yes No � If special accommodation� are needed, please specify How did you hear about this opening? (��VW�r`/taF,ttRFe I�/C�/�i¢EL Hi�.217i`3 page 2 of 2 � 09/21/98 HON 08:�5 FA% 6128284246 SV ItiFO SVCS q��:�11� Attachment to Application for Committee, Board, or Commission Rick Daganais What ski4ls/training or experience do you possess for the committee(s} for which you sE�ek appointment? I served on the F3ighland Dishict Council (District 15) for 4 years. During this ttme I was the Chairperson of the Transportation Committee. We reviewed many projects and made recommendatians to the Community Council based on their merit, cost, and impact to the residents and neighborhoods. During this time the Transportation Committee was able to make man_y improvements especiall_y conceming safet_y. I believe that we achieved these improvements Ibecause of our ability to work with the City departments, especially Public �L�T�S. I W2� iLT! 3�tQ!'??8Ye FCF7?S?R�1UVQ i9 *.}1C C� Sl????c grld T itilitieg t2ck fprr.P Zr I995. The task: force provided insight into the CIB process. My current job responsibilities include: Determining budgets for projects and insuring that they are completed within the budget. Purchase computer hardware, saftware and services. Review financing options for computer equipment and present to management. Many of these activities require a return on inveshnent and benefit analysis as part of the appropriation process. Reason� for your interest in tfiis particular committee I have lived in St. Paul for 9 years. I am interested in how the City works, the improvements the City is making and want to be part of it. I enjoyed working with the residents and t�usinesses of Higliland an�1 the City of St. Paul depart*nents during my term on the Commumity Council. Seing part of the CIB committee would allow me to take the experiences amd Irnowledge I have gained from the Highland Community and contribute to the greater c:ommunity of St. Paul. r�� �-.: :1U�: I'1•LJ :... � �l� 2 "1 OFFICE OF THE �YOR 390 CIT'I' TiALL S?.I�iTPAUL,ML�iNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 � 3 f��'�' Nume: �� ,�,, I-�u,�+c-✓ Home Address: '�> > Ga "� �� �`� ✓z S� � �'� � 1'1 1� S S' / c: �C StreeY City Zip TelephoneNvmber: (Homgl L��l-l3'tS�' ork� �:5`/-��� (PAXI���-c�3� PlanningDistriciCouncil: ��5���� l�' ��+�,i���- CiiyCouncif�Vard: � �� , �-w � 1 l. ��.,L s. fl C C_ 1�� Preferred Mailing Address: ` ' ' ` � What is yaur occupation? Place of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: -t�l �ti 4 �tC, i r�n C.d ✓r Sv�.I � K.� � i G -�. � e � t S �^r'� �^-7p s s, a.. — 'FVhat skills, training or ezperience do you possess for the committee(s) for w•hich you seek appointment? Z c_ CX F v 2� a � m �.-� cl. �- � � W �`�'�-., n � a h h' �-.� i ss �c es �\ u a bi 6 0 �a� s�c c e =L (� � a a�s c s,� e �n.� �f�. e s' / �..JC� SG C yt ()(eSzrVn.•k,+ � c� - 7 The information included in this application Is considered private datg according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices AcT. As a result, this inform�tion is not released to the general public. 1':L ;ILU�:'!� '�:.JuC In.�. 1`'.U. G1( G' �:�: +f. _ (OVERI Rec. 8-=-c �_� �,� rr ��� e s �h�- w�� a at-,�� e,�4' l,cc.�. #-i a✓ti�� ba s; s�? ✓ - J 'J )=i FiJ�. jl•(: ,.lfl lf.L �IC�J�.°.i�!: Cil:Ui C:.,. PP�. uIL G: .,:i: �?� ' :. • ./:f : a�l:i�:i�l�y Name: `' o � �i .l Address: `'/� (,( c� tyl 3>..�,-�, � j-�ben--E ' ' - -- Phone: ($Qme)��2-���" a9�2� or � �1�2-(�,35 cS�"U Name: `�� °-c�� Fsq�.`.idLe� Address: �l� '2t r� S+-e��e k s C�'* � Phoae: (�T_9.Illt') or ) (l�/ (04�/. G 3% R Name: Address: Phone: lHomel �yo�)�S! (cu�-oc�s Reasons foryour interest 1n thL� particular comm�ttee: � a m vtrr ' n a-e �����- „1..._ __ �1_ . e�.,.�_ n(ni�.,,...a �.n�....c�-e ..�.�.R_ �livn6.��� a'� _ T �✓1��.�c. ifs im�onr{-�t.�� •�! _LZ`Vt.Pr !.t_�r r�.0t�..E /X2C�sr ✓G�'riSfil.i{ �o� .'��'z �v'^M�SSrIh. J Have you had previous contact wIth the commlttee fof which you are making appiication? If so, when, and the circumstan¢eaY c�uzs'ro. 4�,.,:�,�, 1�9C�. ��iG6 L"� su.+;�� o�-ie ', '�� c�t L :L ` � ` �? r — J (T � l'� .n S� n c.. S 1 �3 S U C� a-/-i iL. In an aYtempt to ensure that commitTee representation reAects the makeup of our communiry, piease check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. x White (CBUeasian) � Black (African American) American Indian or Alasl:an Esl:imo :�iale � Female Disab�ed: Yes ho � If special atcommodations are needed, please specify: Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Date of Birth: C ' � r How did you hear about this apening? -"� � -� �'''= " ; "' "` °-""_h`; S - ,J�! '� �� i�!- s i�.�, � �.r: .� ,,.�- -G-n r rn u ci V ea oL - I'�L� R C r� -�-� (o�. h�_.!`/e. ✓ � ��,-���� Name: R£CEiVED MAY � 5 1995 F�i;,°�-.� :i�ri�� Home AddLess: 11(lFi C��mmit �V�ZiL�2� ��'�}� �'3k#�� 4�}g� Street Citp Zip •-- Telephone Number: i /�`` �-:` Planning District Crnmcil: 16 ^ City Coimcil Qard: �. - �/ ��' Pre£erred Hailing Address: hON2 "� � � "I�� Ahat is your occupation? Civil en�ineer / t � ` ` j " " n �- Ylace�of Employment: _ Co�ittee(s) Applied For: ,� Ahat skilYs/training or eaperience do you possess for the co�ittee(s) for vhich you seek appoinl�ent7 '• '• - � � ' ' ' • •- • • • _ • • _ •' ' ' I served on the District 16 Board of Directors since 1992: Committee Chair o� Communications and Uutreach, and Traffic-and Parking Ca m' Pai Vice Yresident of AFG� Local 2249; Yarticipated in several trainin��essions focussed on win-win bargainin� and alternative dispute resolutions Have chaired mar�y meetings and have participated in nezotiations. The in£ormation included in this application is conside=ed priva�e data acco=ding to t^e Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this inforc.tation is not released tc the general public. �������� y OFFICE OF THE HAyOR 390 ciTY HALL SAIN`P PAIIL, MINTIESOTA 55102 266-8526 (OVER) Rec. �j21/S , � MN/DOT MRPLEWOOD LAB SEP-28 13�12 Name: Addre9s: Phone: Name_ Address: Pkone: Name: Address: Phone: Sep 30 '98 9�34 P.02 612 266 8513 P.HSi05 ��' �.�� �� > �t P�.;.. Fax�612-779-5616 ST PRUL MAYOR'S OFFICE �hn L av- /S�'h �s�S'a ��,.� d��4 sf N� ,el �` /4/Ri � �hs�.c��Pr :.�.,� c / !� _L.�e� S� t9_ u . : : ►. i u��ons for your interest in this particular commitue: Have you had previous conYACt with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and tde circumstances' In an atfempt to ensure that tomm+Ltee representstion reilects the makeup of our cvmmnnity, plrasc theck the line appueable to you_ This intormatiott ia strittly voluntary. White (Caueasian) Black {Africsn American} p,�perican Indisn ar Aliskan Eskimo Male Dicabled: Yes �L "3 ��.. �� � �i' . . Femai� No Tf spec�al atcammodations are needed, ple9se spCCify: z �'s�i $yqpsaic Asian or Patific Islander pate of Birth: onening? q��f��� � �: :�. C� 1. �.` 10-29-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 1 CAMMITTEE : CIB Capital Budget Committee FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1JO1J94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMI�NTS 003050 Alger, Stuart 1117 Portland Avenue St. Paul� MN 55104 Home - 225-4635 Administrative Fellow WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GE23 DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- -�- --- --- 1 13 09/12/95 W M Dan Marckel 1492 Simpson Street St. Paul, MN H) 644-9037 Dave Maertz 1670 Ashland Avenue St. Paul, MN H) 644-5867 Jerry Rausch 18918 Barrington Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55346 H) 949-0498 001165 Auge, Gregory J. 981 Conway Street St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 771-6�36 Stocker 7 4 67 10/25/96 W M Neil Grass 1547 Leone 774-0463 or b26-0048 James Pack 1081 Reaney Avenue 771-5770 Kathy Thomas 1248 Margaret Avenue 771-3100 2-2-98 MACAP Father John Dombrowski 840 East 6th 5treet (h) 776-7681 (w) 776-2741 �'' 10-29-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PacE 2 COMMITTEE : CIB Capital Budget Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CO2R�NT5 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETA GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- ---°--- ----�--- -------- --- --- --� Sue O'Donnell same address as Father John (h) 731-3732 (w) 776-2741 003376 B�issenbach, Ren 489 View Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 222-2558 Self-Employed, Consultant Mary Yaeger fl89 View St., 55102 h) 222-2558 w0 220-5290 May Lund 10839 Upton Ave. S. Bloomington h) 881-5012 w) 861-2245 chuck and Rose McGUire 177 Bedford Ave. S.E. h) 379-7390 2 9 02f26J98 W M Al1 of above references listed 2-26-95 for CI{B; HPC; RRDC7 Planning Commission and Workforce Dev. Cnc. 003262 Bliven, Mark 2 9 O1j14J97 W M 238 Ann Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 228-0271 Plat DYawer-self/MN Post Board No References Listed 003139 Cardinal, Robert J. 761 Iowa Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 771-3330 Busienss Broker 5 5 02/26/96 W M Business Review Council Gary & Virqie Bundy 765 Iowa Avenue E., 55106 h) 774-0836 James & CoYinne Fanslow 760 Iowa Ave. E., 55106 h) 771-7655 � ^; I. � �, �, 10-29-98 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPI,ICANTS . RPT PAGE 3 COMMSTTEE : CIB Capital Budget Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CAMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) {OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Ren & Marty Srainard 757 Iowa Ave. E., 55106 h) 771-0914 003053 Casey, Michael 1526 Selby Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 � 13 09/13/95 W M Home - 647-1169 Electronics Technician Ed Bower 340 Cretin Avenue N. St. Paul, MN H) 64'I-0097 Jim Affelder Liberty State Bank W) 646-S6S1 Michael Klassen 800 City Hall Annex St. Paul, MN 55102 W) 266-6209 003153 Clarke, Susan Legender The Healing Circle 477 Selby Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Work - 227-8776 FAX 2271055 Chiropractor/Nutritionist 1 [3 03/14/96 W F Dr. Paul Zollinger 198 Western Avenue, 55102 w) 224-1122 Richard Schneider Princeton Bank 360 Cedar Avenue, 55101 h) 290-2424 Dr. Jane Dusek Roseridge Building, Ste. 303 1611 W. Co. Road B. Roseville, MN 55113 w) 636-2056 P ��;�� 10-29-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 4 COMMITTEE : CIB Capital Budget Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CAMt�NTS 003061 Connor, Robert J. 65 N. Winthrop Street St. Paul, MN 55119 Aome - 738-3689 InsUrance Agent Russell Miller 267 White Bear Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 H) 774-6394 Representative Steve Trimble 77 Maria St. Pau1, MN 55106 H) 774-2096 Senator Randy Kelly 1630 David Street St. Paul, MN 55119 H) 772-1114 003475 Contreras, Isaac F. 365 E. Curtice Street St. Paul, MN 55107 Home - (651) 224-4274 Financial Advisor 7 1 2 3 9-15-98 Capital Cultural Committee Rick Aguilar 602 Smith Avenue St. Paul, MN 55107 (w) (651) 292-9574 Ger Vang 1073 Payne Avenue St. Paul, MN 55101 (w) (651) 771-1773 Lupe Serrano 221 E. Curtice Street St. Paul, MN 55107 (h) (651) 227-7150 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 09/15/95 W M 09/15/98 H M 001911 Corbey, Eugene J. 5 10 06/12/95 W M 1615 Chelsea Street ��' =i��1 10-29-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 5 COMMZTTEE : CIB Capital Budget Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1JOlj94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CONASENTS WAR➢ PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- St. Paul, MN 55108 Home - 488-5254 Transportation consultant Hugh R. Schilling (Chair, MAC) 354 Woodlawn Avenue St. Paul, MN h) 698-3680 w) 378-6440 Janice Rettman 6S2 Iowa Avenue W. St. Paul, MN h) 489-8630 w) 295-5289 003488 Dagenais, Rick L. 2111 Highland Parkway St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - 698-7562 MgrTech Acquis & Capacity Ping 9-21-98 Councilmember Mike Harris 310C City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 w) 266-8630 Tom Stadsnlev Traffic Engineer St. Paul Public works 800 City xall Annex St. Paul w) 266-6217 Mark Moeller 2073 Ford Parkway St. Paul, MN 55116 690-2977 002939 Diebel, Daniel .7. 2301 Como Avnue, #104 St. Paul� MN 55108 3 15 4 14 09/21/98 W M 02/06/95 W M Work - 641-1061 Self-EMployed-Fin. Investment �� :.���1 10-29-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANT5.RPT PAGE 6 COMMITTEE : CIB Capital Budget Committee FOR AYPLICATIO23S DATED AFTER O1/O1f94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMt�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DZSTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --" --- --- Gary Archambault 1410 W. 104th Street Bloomington, MN 55431 H) 888-0152 Mark Shields 2205 Riverwood Place St. Paul, MN 55104 H) 645-0770 Gerald Keating 3820 E. 26th Street Mpls., MN 55404 H) 721-1912 003244 Fahey, John 180 Maria Avenue St. Paul� MN 55106 Home - 772-0229 Construction Carpenter 7 4 67B 11/18/96 W M Neighborhood Sales Tax Board Councilmember Dino Guerin Harry Melander President, Carpenters Local �87 411 Main Street w) 224-5661 Larry Meuwissen President, Neiqhborhood Housing Services 8 Bates Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55106 002990 Finger, Michael M. 1338 Osceola Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 3 14 05/25/95 W M Home - 690-3158 Personnel Director Georgiann Errigo Summit Hill Living at Home 917 Milton Hall St. Paul, MN 55105 H) 222-1698 Mike Smith 1 q i � �' : �,; �. 1 10-29-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 7 COMMITTEE : CIB Capital Budget Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) "--- -------- "------- -------- °- --- --- HOMES, Inc. 2344 Nicollet Ave. S., $`3300 Mpls., MN 55404 W) 870-0383 cRaig Ruschmeyer The MN Initiative 160 First TYUSt Center 18D East Fifth Street St. Pau1, MN 55101 W) 225-1775 003235 Gombold, Michael J. 60 Bates Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106-6339 Home - 774-3386 Photographer(Studio Owner 7 4 11/13/96 W M Dave Grupa (business partner in Spectrum Imag{es) 2235 Ide Court Maplewood, MN 55109 h) 773-5081 w) 771-6878 Donavan Cummings District 4 Community Council President 770 E. 6th Street, 55106 h) 774-9783 Jim Erchul Dayton's Bluff Neighborhood Housing Services 951 E. 5th Street St. Paul, MN 55106 w) 774-6995 002988 Jocobs, Lawrence R. 2157 Sargent Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 698-1917 Associate Professor Ann Wynia 1550 Branston Ave. St. Pdul H) 644-5283 05/25/95 U M Myron Orfield 4019 Sheridan Avenue 10-29-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE : CIB Capital Budget Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ----------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- -----°- --- --- --- � n .. � � �i � it PAGE 8 926-9205 Matt Entenza 1622 Hague Ave. H) 647-1425 003143 Johnson, Les C. 366 E. Larpenteur St. Paul, MN 55117-2477 Home - 778-1280 Retired Sue Vannelli District 5 Planning Council 1014 Payne Avenue w) 774-5234 5 5 02/13/96 W M Y 003037 Kerska, Margaret A. 1128 E. Hawthorne St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 774-9255 Homemaker Danel Vasterling 205 W. Winnefred St. Paul HO 227-9254 Lisa Freeze 1124 Hawthorne 775-0714 Cazol O'IIonnell 1035 97th Lane NE 783-9037 003060 Malmstedt, Philip P. 719 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 224-6014 Concrete Contractor Tom Becken Cemstone Products Co. 6 5 1 8 08/21/95 W F 09/18/95 W M ,-, �� ., .. 1 � ,; ;,� 10-29-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 9 COMMITTEE : CIB Capital Budget Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COtR�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 2025 Pointe Road Mendota Hgts, MN 55120 W) 688-9292 Curt Clarson 721 Summit AVenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Toni Conley 2055 Norfolk Avenue H) 699-4311 003375 Mullen, Mark R. �300 Hewitt Avenue St. Paul� MN 55104 Home - 523-4328 Legal Clerk 4 11 09/21/98 U M 2-13-98 Planning Commission; CIB; Parks and R{ec and BZA: Mayor Charles Stokke 800 Wilson Ave. Menomonie, WI 54751 h) (715) 235-4912 w) (715) 232-2369 Lowell Prange City Administrator 800 Wilson Ave. Menomonie, WI 54751 (h) (715) 235-5482 w) (715) 232-2157 Mayor Virginia Smith 30 W. Central St. Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 h) (715) 723-5439 w) (715) 726-2734 9-8-98 Youth Fund Board Human Rights Overnight Shelter Police Civilian Internal Affairs Planning Commission [same references as those listed above) 003391 Nelson, Owen L. 7 1 03/03/98 W M Retired Scientist ,� ' �!��.� 10-29-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 10 COMMITTEE : CIB Capital Budget Coaunittee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMt�NTS 3-3-95 CIB WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Otto Folger 1677 Conway, 55106 h) 774-3760 Toni Baker 165 N. Hazel St., 55119 h) 731-7763 w) 266-4112 Jay Fonkert 2003 Freemont Ave., 55119 h) 735-8630 w) 296-4701 002996 Olesak, Thomas A. 1050 W. Hoyt Avenue St. Paul, MN 55117 Home - 488-7437 Architect 5 10 06/13/95 W M Neighborhood Sales Tax Board Stephanie Wing 3481 Shore Drive Excelsior MN 55331 A) 474-5396 Ross Turner 875 Parkview Ave. St. Paul, MN 55117 H) 489-1759 Melodie McKay 1148 Hoyt Ave. St. Paul, MN 55108 H) 489-1505 11-15-96 Planning Commission Rich Speers 730 2nd Ave. S., #1100 Minneapolis, MN 55402 w) 341-9564 Tom Roberts 4005 W. 65th Street Edina, MN 55435 ; ;-� � �, 10-29-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 11 COMMITTEE : CIB Cdpital Budqet Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CObII�NTS w) 920-6123 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT D2STRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Jerry Ritter 730 2nd Ave. S., �1100 Minneapolis, MN 55402 w) 341-9553 2-10-97 NST Julie Hoff District 10 C.O. 1556 Como Avenue, 55108 w) 644-3889 Tom Roberts 4005 W. 65th Street Edina, MN 55435 w) 920-6123 Jerry Ritter 730 2nd Ave. S., #1100 Minneapolis, MN 55402 w) 341-9553 002997 olsen, J. James 1381 Albert Street N. St. Paul, MN 55108 Home - 646-5625 Administrator Terry Schutten Ramsey Co. Offices 50 W. Kellogg St. Paul, MN 55102 W) 266-8000 James Scheibel 1100 Vermont Ave. NW Washington,DC 20525 W) 202-6065000 Mrs. Terry Hoffman 378 Summit Ave. St. Paul, MN 55102 A) 222-0732 10 06/12/95 W M 003042 Palmguist, Bonnie 3 15 08/25/95 W F - ,� � �, 10-29-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 12 CAMMITTEE : CZB Capital Budget Committee FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMt��NTS WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 1938 Pinehurst Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - 690-0143 Retired-History Center Mary Lou Klas 746 Fairmount Avenue 5t. Paul H) 291-1543 Jay Kelly 1083 Lombard Avenue H) 227-2451 Dennis Weissnet 854 Sunrise FI) 439-7089 4-7-97 Riverfront Development Corporation Judge Mary Lou Rlas 746 Fairmount Avenue h) 291-1543 w) 266-8211 Mary Jo Richardson Address Unclear--Shoreview h) 483-6895 Jay Relly 1083 Lombard Avenue h) 227-2451 w) 221-0962 003331 Puhl, Daniel G. 881 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 1 8 65A 09/03/97 W M Home - 298-9880 Logistics Mgt. Specialist Stephen R. Frohrip 5704 44th Ave. South Mpls., 55417 h) 727-1248 w) 520-6301 David M. Olson � � _ �� � ��, 10-29-98 CAMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 13 CAMMITTEE : CZB Capital Budget Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPI,ICAPIT / REFERENCE COMbSENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- �-°---- -------- --- -° °- 1196 Parkwood Drive Woodbury, MN 55125 h) 730-6910 w� 70-5618 Curtis L. Newcomb 2565 Bayberry Avenue Stillwater, MN h) 351-7257 w) 296-4585 002980 Reid, Vicki 936 Lincoln Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 2 16 OS/16/95 W M Home - 298-101D Communication Consultant Barb Shaepe 8561 Norwood Circle Eden Prairie, MN 55347 H) 937-0748 Nancy Christensen 533 St. Clair Ave. St. Paul, MN 55102 W) 228-0973 Andy Lindberg Corporate Public Affairs Honeywell Plaza Mpls., MN 55408 W) 951-0055 002950 Rineer, Bruce R. 1614 Edgerton Street St. Paul, MN 55101 6 5 03/O1/95 W M Home - 776-1184 Customer Service Rep. Bi11 David 8491 Hyde Ave. S. Cottage Grove, MN 55016 H) 458-3497 John and Mary Jo Oren H) ?74-6299 �� "1 ., = ? �. � 10-29-98 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 14 COMHZTTEE : CIB Capital Budget Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMt�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETFi GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- William Amundson 6055 Hadley Ave. S. Cottage Grove, MN 55016 H) 459-2862 002945 Schumann, Michael 541 Dayton Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 1 8 02/22/95 W F Home - 224-0216 Co-owner, Traditions Ltd. Jerry Blakey W) 266-8610 Mary Boyne Capra 1043 Grand Ave., #315 St. Paul, MN 55105 W) 224-3324 Judy McLaughlin 275 Summit Ave. St. Paul, MN H) 228-9111 002226 Scott, Donald James 180 W. Larpenteur Avenue St. Paul, MN 55113 5 6 11/06/96 W M Aome - 489-9275 G.L. (?) Sandy Winkel 1239 Herbert, #325 St. Paul, MN 55106 H) 776-1107 Curt Lindquist 1350 Reaney Street St. Paul, MN 55106 H) 771-3858 Dorothy Dalaska 1300 E. Wilson, #910 St_ Paul, MN 55106 H) 774-6481 ,� � � _ _, ,,. 10-29-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 15 COMMITTEE : CZB Capital Budget Committee FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMl��NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ------------------------------- ---- -------- --°---- -------- --- --- --- 11-6-96 CIB, Planning Commission & Food and N{utrition Commission S/A Be11 Ring St. Paul/Maplewood w) 779-9177 L.I.G.L. University 222-4409 Reedy. L. GL. E. 7th street w) 776-5046 003493 Sellner, Patrick M. 1860 Yorkshire Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - (651) 699-3510 CPA Audit Manager 9-22-98 CIB Tom Newberry 3114 University Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 642-4242 Steve Polacek 45 S. Seventh Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 Carol Kline 2272 Edgcumbe Road 699-7137 002979 Siekmeier, John 1106 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 291-1829 Civil Engineer 3 15 2 16 02/22/98 W M 09/21/98 W M Larry Powell US Bureau of Mines 10-29-98 COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT - _ � � �ti PAGE 16 COMMITTEE : CIB Capital Budget Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARU PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETFi GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 5629 Minnehaha Ave. 5. Mpls., MN 55417 W) 725-4577 James Blair US Bureau of Mines 5629 Minnehaha Ave. S. Mpls., MN 55417 John Carlson 4111 Central Ave. Columbia Heights� MN 55421 W) 781-6166 9-21-95 Updated CIB References Revin O'Connor 297 Pinewood Drive Apple Valley, MN 55124 w) 431-3415 John Carlson 15850 Zumbrota St. N.E. Ham Lake, MN 55304 w) 638-2651 Mark Chandler 1845 Ford Parkway St. Paul, MN 55116 h) 698-1813 003069 Stevens, Elizabeth Anne 581 Thomas Avenue St. Paul, MN 55103 Home - 291-1997 Mediator Chuck Votel Public Health 555 Cedar, 55102 w) 292-7718 1 7 Bill Wilson 168 N. Lexington Pkwy., 55104 h) 647-1176 02/15/96 W F Commander Mike Smith 10-29-98 APPLICANTS-RPT COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT �> �� � C� � 1 PAGE 17 COMMITTEE : CIB Capital Budget Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COTfMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---� -------- -------- -°----- --- --- --- St. Paul Police Department 100 E. llth, 55101 w) 292-3512 Barb Lammers 410 Edmond Avenue, 55103 w0 291-5120 003484 Tarnowski, David J. 683 Winthrop Street, N. St. Paul, MN 55119 Home - 739-4717 CPA 7 1 67A 09/18/98 W M 9-18-98 CIB & MACHP Tim Smith (677-5115) Dean Portner (844-2500) Sandy Howe (831-2350) 003240 Whitcomb, Ron 1781 Hillcrest Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - 690-9472 Bank President 3 15 64B 11/18/96 W M Neighborhood Sales Tax Board Shawn Bartsh, Attorney 790 Cleveland Ave. S., Suite 214 St. Paul, MN 55116 w0 699-0601 Mark Moe11eY 1751 Bohland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 h) 690-2977 w) 298-6321 Tom Sexton 407 Mount Curve Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55105 w) 647-1259 � � � __ �, � �� 10-29-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 18 COMMZTTEE : CIB Capital Budget Coromittee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMt+�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ----------------------------------- ---- - 003318 Zuomek, Scott Joseph 7 1 1750 E. Minnehaha Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 771-1280 Output Distribution Coord. Richard Hagen Number One General Mills Blvd. Golden Valley, 55440 w) 540-2178 John Markoe General Mills Number One General Mills Boulevard Golden Valley, MN 55440 w) 540-7852 08/07/97 W M Don Reis General Mills Number One General Mills Boulevard Golden Valley, MN 55440 w) 540-2512 Council File � �� /��/J 4R1G1�A1. Presented By Green Sheet # 52348 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 7 Referred To Co[omittee: Date 1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointments and 2 reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following-nazned individuals to serve on the SAINT PAUL LONG 3 RANGE CAPTTAL IMPROVEMEI�IT BUDGET COMMITTEE (CIB). 4 5 ��l�l�'�TE�T`� 6 Member Planning District 5enate DistriM Term Eapiration 7 Lsaac Contreras 3 65 11-1-2000" s RickL.Aagenais 15 64 11-1-2001 9 Kim Hunter 11 66 11-1-2001 la JotuiSielmieier 16 64 11-1-2000* 11 12 �FtE!P�f�l`1�L�'I�� 13 Paul M. Gilliland 2 55 11-1-2001 14 Wayne Lundeen 7 65 11-1-2001 15 Ferdinand F. Peters 13 64 11-1-2001 16 Randall J. Reetz 1 67 11-1-2001 17 Pau1P. Savage 12 66 ll-1-2001 18 GaryB.Unger 2 67 11-1-2001 19 Bob Voeller 5 55 11-1-2001 20 21 All of the above-named members shall serve three-year terms which will expire o� November 1, 2001—with 22 the exception of Isaac Conireras and Sohn Siekmeier. Isaac Contreras shall serve the remainder of 23 Jose Verdeja's unexpired term and John Siekmeier shall serve the remainder of Judith Benton's unexpired 24 term. 2 5 Requested by Department of: Byc Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary By: App� By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: =�i GLca/ /� -� �� f! :2 �� C ��`� Approved/]�y Mayor fq� Submission to r.,,,,,..;� � /' l S , n Adopted by Council: Date "� \a„1� � _ N° 52348 DEPFRTMENTADFFlCEICOUNCIL � DATE INITIATEO ��� ���� Mayor Coleman's off��e ' �0-2�-9s � G RE EN SH E E CONTACT PERSON E PHONE INITIAVDATE INITIAVDATE � OEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � QTV COUNCIL Roger Ci. CllTt1S (266-8531) OSSIGN �CITYATTORNEV �GITVCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCI� AGENDA BY (DATE) NUMBEP FOR BUDGET DIRECTOFi � FIN 8 MGT SEFVICES Dlfl. NOVTING OPOEfl � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION iiEQUESTED: Approval of appts. of Issac Contreras, Rick Dagenais, Kim Hunter & John Siel�eier and reappts of Paul Gilliland, Wayne Lundeen, Ferdinand Peters, Randall Reetz, Paul Savage, Gary Unger an Bob Voeller to serve on the Saint Paul Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee (CIB). RECOMMENDATIONS� AvWwe (A) or Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOILOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CNIL SEftVICE COMMISSION �- Has this personffirm ever workad untler a contract for this tlepartment? _ q6 COMMIiTEE _ YES NO 2. Has ihis person�rm ever been a city employee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ D�SiRICT COURT _ 3. Does this personflirm possess a Skill not normally possessetl by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNdL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explaln ali yes answers on separate sM1eet antl ettach to green sheet INRIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPOFTUNITV (VJho. What, When. Where, Why)� ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: �ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVEO DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: �s�� ����a.*�� ��fl��r OGT 3 019�9 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONEj YES NO FUNDING SOUFCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORFnATION: (EXPLAIN) n �� S ���� , � OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CTI'Y HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 98-���� REC�NdED sEP } 5 19�5 Name• �fAAC � C o�/ i.PE KAf t�:�YflR'S O�FIC� Home Address: 3 6 Street Telephone Number: Planning District Council: � Z �l '�� Gs,_ � � Zip City Counci! �Vard: _ S-� attD Z �� ' ,; � Preferred 11Sailing Address: SSEn..� a s �,-l5� � � � � ,� � , �- � � � �Vhat is your occupation? Piace o£Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: ' S,-A� '. C1-,b FIryN,-�c. �AL Advi�o/1 n ' C' �LTv�AL C.APrTAL 1�J43T.�^£�T PZc�(Itf1� `Vhat skills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? e��'t��cT T6ZRirJSQ � r=1�C�1 flSSC —�� jU�(� Se,.�n. � �rc . _ S£21'LS �i oN1 ��� SfCJRfT(fS L/C£�SC � � (_rF6_ hNO HfAz��i Ia5-scFl,�c£ ��c��SC _ _ QQ�D�� �24�t��'a-r,o.�s MoTivarlc j'FLpr�vr.✓E- -�<S� �JAJAc S�RJ�c� — S �,�s. StCa�rJD CLASS P4�1 � orF�C£l - F�G-���Mq�/ �FSl6-,�ATi J� r Oeco2n7�D - nlAv� �M�R��E ��aP �c�ris�£Me,�; ,�FaAL The information included in this application is considered private data accordine to the 11Sinnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. (O VER) Rev. 8-5-97 9�-�Q��� PER40NAL F RFNCFS Name: ��_ � 1Glc /-1tr�IGAt� Address: _ � ��- S�'t IT N AJ£ Phone: fAome) ork) ( t l Z 9 Z `� S' 7</ Name: �' EJL A�/ (r Address: I('� 7 3 (� Fl�, ,.i £ q �£ S � �.A u L M,v s S/ o i Phone: �FIomel ork) GS/ 7 7/ -/77 3 Name: � U Pf S�' 2 2 A� d Address: _ Z Z I F_ _ Ge�fzT�c.F Si. Phone: ffiomel /�s �- ZZ 7' 7/SO (Work) � Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: %� 6f t� F F,2 d/ r. � �'� 1� E C� 17� � r ST I A JL j e� Pc�G / �/� �'' S,�/LLS A�n �3o��cE�F � (� dre s � (SSvs g Have you had previous contact with the committee for hrhich you are making application? If so, when, and the circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please � check the Iine applicab[e to yoa, This informafion is sfricfIy voluntary. �Vhite (Caucasian) 7� Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � Mate Femate Date of Birth: _ �/ - �- 7 3 Disabled: Yes No If special accommodations are needed, ptease specify: How did you hear about this opening? 98- i��i �►. �. �I ; ►�1 Name: � - Address: Phone: Name: �rFR c/A�! �r Address: 107; {�A�, �£ ,4✓ E Sr nA�L ri,.i - sio I Phone: (Homel (_WSrk) GS+- �� t- 17� 3 Name: � U Pf_ S F 2 rt A a O Address: __7 Zt £ _ Ce�RTic.F Si. Phone: (E�omel (�5 /- ZZ 7- 7/SO orkl � Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: %a 6f tn F s F,2 �// r c r� TR E �. Itv o � ST. �AdL .� i� Pr�co<� r n ,�., � S,�i�cS _/-�� 6Za3°..�cE s � (� c�aretS ��r (5 � g Have you had previons contact with the commiYtee for tiyhich you are making application? If so, when, and the circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. White (Caacasian) X Hispanic Black (African Ame�ican) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � Male Female Date of Birth: �/ - 1- 7 3 Disabied: Yes No If special accommodations are needed, please specify: L J How did you hear about this opening? � ' �. � . 09�21/98 J10N 08:55 FAX 6128284246 ° SV INFO SVCS � � 002 Office of the Mayor 390 City Hall, Saint Pau1, Minnesota 55102 266-8525 Fax:266-8513 ��v i�11 Application for Committee, Board, or Commission Name e� L� �f}�ENi4tS Home address TeIephones b � E-mail address �����Sgb A7ET Planning District Council �j�,/�g.�p ^%��gj��eT /s City Council Ward 3 Preferredmailingaddress��l� fi ��KWA+1 STCbYJL �n� SS�({, str<et city stete zip Occupation�A.yUR&,E.� T'E�f}AJ��AG /�Ci,�t9�5 /TiON° 1}N� ei4�iStiTf �1}NNiNG, Place of employment ���p �}L�� S�Ue =A�Fo2.Vi1f}T/On} f G//7�D� Employment addre:.s Committee(s) applied for G'�QjTAL L_/t%l �,e0�t21��r 1 5+�b1�T L�� What skills/trainin;g or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? S�� l�r, The information included in this application is considered private data, according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is noi released to tfie general public. page 1 of 2 29/21/98 MOti 08:55 F�% 6128284246 SV I\FO SVCS C� 003 ��— s(���. Personai References �q ,/ ��� ��s vame �!'G��vrt-� /�'1rC��C /7ft.e21S Address �10� C/Ty l�A'LL srP�� R�tll� S'S/dZ _ Telephones �(prp'�io� Name �ir2 .57 ,•¢/�<.t//c;/ — ?.QA���'i� z Address $7� ��jL �i18L f c t��c�,�°_KC ^��O' C/TiJ f��u- � - Sr. P,� Telephones 6S/- ,zGG - b� �� Nasite /�f�f� �/IFGL�B P,ddress�Q,`f� `-'p,�p p�l?Ku7A-y - STP.9t>� /J'i� �51/�_ Telephones � ��9'7 '7 Reasons for your interest in this particular committee J�F /��/�G� ?�E fl _ Have you have previous contact with the committee for which you are making applicatiun? If so, when, and under what circumstances? y�S� fIL7��t�fR R�P1etY5En�TA-TIJG �o,e P>Sr.eie,T i� On� 7"M� 1995 S�e�'r .4 vr��,T,e�� T/ts� �ee In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check Che box applicabie 2o you. This informa2ion is strictly volun[ary. � White (Caucasian) ❑ Hispanic ❑Black (African-American) � Asian or Pac ific Islander ❑ American lndian or Alaskan Eskimo Q Male Female ❑ Date of birth 1��y5�S� Disabled: ❑ Yes No � If special accommodation� are needed, please specify How did you hear about this opening? (��VW�r`/taF,ttRFe I�/C�/�i¢EL Hi�.217i`3 page 2 of 2 � 09/21/98 HON 08:�5 FA% 6128284246 SV ItiFO SVCS q��:�11� Attachment to Application for Committee, Board, or Commission Rick Daganais What ski4ls/training or experience do you possess for the committee(s} for which you sE�ek appointment? I served on the F3ighland Dishict Council (District 15) for 4 years. During this ttme I was the Chairperson of the Transportation Committee. We reviewed many projects and made recommendatians to the Community Council based on their merit, cost, and impact to the residents and neighborhoods. During this time the Transportation Committee was able to make man_y improvements especiall_y conceming safet_y. I believe that we achieved these improvements Ibecause of our ability to work with the City departments, especially Public �L�T�S. I W2� iLT! 3�tQ!'??8Ye FCF7?S?R�1UVQ i9 *.}1C C� Sl????c grld T itilitieg t2ck fprr.P Zr I995. The task: force provided insight into the CIB process. My current job responsibilities include: Determining budgets for projects and insuring that they are completed within the budget. Purchase computer hardware, saftware and services. Review financing options for computer equipment and present to management. Many of these activities require a return on inveshnent and benefit analysis as part of the appropriation process. Reason� for your interest in tfiis particular committee I have lived in St. Paul for 9 years. I am interested in how the City works, the improvements the City is making and want to be part of it. I enjoyed working with the residents and t�usinesses of Higliland an�1 the City of St. Paul depart*nents during my term on the Commumity Council. Seing part of the CIB committee would allow me to take the experiences amd Irnowledge I have gained from the Highland Community and contribute to the greater c:ommunity of St. Paul. r�� �-.: :1U�: I'1•LJ :... � �l� 2 "1 OFFICE OF THE �YOR 390 CIT'I' TiALL S?.I�iTPAUL,ML�iNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 � 3 f��'�' Nume: �� ,�,, I-�u,�+c-✓ Home Address: '�> > Ga "� �� �`� ✓z S� � �'� � 1'1 1� S S' / c: �C StreeY City Zip TelephoneNvmber: (Homgl L��l-l3'tS�' ork� �:5`/-��� (PAXI���-c�3� PlanningDistriciCouncil: ��5���� l�' ��+�,i���- CiiyCouncif�Vard: � �� , �-w � 1 l. ��.,L s. fl C C_ 1�� Preferred Mailing Address: ` ' ' ` � What is yaur occupation? Place of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: -t�l �ti 4 �tC, i r�n C.d ✓r Sv�.I � K.� � i G -�. � e � t S �^r'� �^-7p s s, a.. — 'FVhat skills, training or ezperience do you possess for the committee(s) for w•hich you seek appointment? Z c_ CX F v 2� a � m �.-� cl. �- � � W �`�'�-., n � a h h' �-.� i ss �c es �\ u a bi 6 0 �a� s�c c e =L (� � a a�s c s,� e �n.� �f�. e s' / �..JC� SG C yt ()(eSzrVn.•k,+ � c� - 7 The information included in this application Is considered private datg according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices AcT. As a result, this inform�tion is not released to the general public. 1':L ;ILU�:'!� '�:.JuC In.�. 1`'.U. G1( G' �:�: +f. _ (OVERI Rec. 8-=-c �_� �,� rr ��� e s �h�- w�� a at-,�� e,�4' l,cc.�. #-i a✓ti�� ba s; s�? ✓ - J 'J )=i FiJ�. jl•(: ,.lfl lf.L �IC�J�.°.i�!: Cil:Ui C:.,. PP�. uIL G: .,:i: �?� ' :. • ./:f : a�l:i�:i�l�y Name: `' o � �i .l Address: `'/� (,( c� tyl 3>..�,-�, � j-�ben--E ' ' - -- Phone: ($Qme)��2-���" a9�2� or � �1�2-(�,35 cS�"U Name: `�� °-c�� Fsq�.`.idLe� Address: �l� '2t r� S+-e��e k s C�'* � Phoae: (�T_9.Illt') or ) (l�/ (04�/. G 3% R Name: Address: Phone: lHomel �yo�)�S! (cu�-oc�s Reasons foryour interest 1n thL� particular comm�ttee: � a m vtrr ' n a-e �����- „1..._ __ �1_ . e�.,.�_ n(ni�.,,...a �.n�....c�-e ..�.�.R_ �livn6.��� a'� _ T �✓1��.�c. ifs im�onr{-�t.�� •�! _LZ`Vt.Pr !.t_�r r�.0t�..E /X2C�sr ✓G�'riSfil.i{ �o� .'��'z �v'^M�SSrIh. J Have you had previous contact wIth the commlttee fof which you are making appiication? If so, when, and the circumstan¢eaY c�uzs'ro. 4�,.,:�,�, 1�9C�. ��iG6 L"� su.+;�� o�-ie ', '�� c�t L :L ` � ` �? r — J (T � l'� .n S� n c.. S 1 �3 S U C� a-/-i iL. In an aYtempt to ensure that commitTee representation reAects the makeup of our communiry, piease check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. x White (CBUeasian) � Black (African American) American Indian or Alasl:an Esl:imo :�iale � Female Disab�ed: Yes ho � If special atcommodations are needed, please specify: Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Date of Birth: C ' � r How did you hear about this apening? -"� � -� �'''= " ; "' "` °-""_h`; S - ,J�! '� �� i�!- s i�.�, � �.r: .� ,,.�- -G-n r rn u ci V ea oL - I'�L� R C r� -�-� (o�. h�_.!`/e. ✓ � ��,-���� Name: R£CEiVED MAY � 5 1995 F�i;,°�-.� :i�ri�� Home AddLess: 11(lFi C��mmit �V�ZiL�2� ��'�}� �'3k#�� 4�}g� Street Citp Zip •-- Telephone Number: i /�`` �-:` Planning District Crnmcil: 16 ^ City Coimcil Qard: �. - �/ ��' Pre£erred Hailing Address: hON2 "� � � "I�� Ahat is your occupation? Civil en�ineer / t � ` ` j " " n �- Ylace�of Employment: _ Co�ittee(s) Applied For: ,� Ahat skilYs/training or eaperience do you possess for the co�ittee(s) for vhich you seek appoinl�ent7 '• '• - � � ' ' ' • •- • • • _ • • _ •' ' ' I served on the District 16 Board of Directors since 1992: Committee Chair o� Communications and Uutreach, and Traffic-and Parking Ca m' Pai Vice Yresident of AFG� Local 2249; Yarticipated in several trainin��essions focussed on win-win bargainin� and alternative dispute resolutions Have chaired mar�y meetings and have participated in nezotiations. The in£ormation included in this application is conside=ed priva�e data acco=ding to t^e Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this inforc.tation is not released tc the general public. �������� y OFFICE OF THE HAyOR 390 ciTY HALL SAIN`P PAIIL, MINTIESOTA 55102 266-8526 (OVER) Rec. �j21/S , � MN/DOT MRPLEWOOD LAB SEP-28 13�12 Name: Addre9s: Phone: Name_ Address: Pkone: Name: Address: Phone: Sep 30 '98 9�34 P.02 612 266 8513 P.HSi05 ��' �.�� �� > �t P�.;.. Fax�612-779-5616 ST PRUL MAYOR'S OFFICE �hn L av- /S�'h �s�S'a ��,.� d��4 sf N� ,el �` /4/Ri � �hs�.c��Pr :.�.,� c / !� _L.�e� S� t9_ u . : : ►. i u��ons for your interest in this particular commitue: Have you had previous conYACt with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and tde circumstances' In an atfempt to ensure that tomm+Ltee representstion reilects the makeup of our cvmmnnity, plrasc theck the line appueable to you_ This intormatiott ia strittly voluntary. White (Caueasian) Black {Africsn American} p,�perican Indisn ar Aliskan Eskimo Male Dicabled: Yes �L "3 ��.. �� � �i' . . Femai� No Tf spec�al atcammodations are needed, ple9se spCCify: z �'s�i $yqpsaic Asian or Patific Islander pate of Birth: onening? q��f��� � �: :�. C� 1. �.` 10-29-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 1 CAMMITTEE : CIB Capital Budget Committee FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1JO1J94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMI�NTS 003050 Alger, Stuart 1117 Portland Avenue St. Paul� MN 55104 Home - 225-4635 Administrative Fellow WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GE23 DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- -�- --- --- 1 13 09/12/95 W M Dan Marckel 1492 Simpson Street St. Paul, MN H) 644-9037 Dave Maertz 1670 Ashland Avenue St. Paul, MN H) 644-5867 Jerry Rausch 18918 Barrington Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55346 H) 949-0498 001165 Auge, Gregory J. 981 Conway Street St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 771-6�36 Stocker 7 4 67 10/25/96 W M Neil Grass 1547 Leone 774-0463 or b26-0048 James Pack 1081 Reaney Avenue 771-5770 Kathy Thomas 1248 Margaret Avenue 771-3100 2-2-98 MACAP Father John Dombrowski 840 East 6th 5treet (h) 776-7681 (w) 776-2741 �'' 10-29-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PacE 2 COMMITTEE : CIB Capital Budget Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CO2R�NT5 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETA GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- ---°--- ----�--- -------- --- --- --� Sue O'Donnell same address as Father John (h) 731-3732 (w) 776-2741 003376 B�issenbach, Ren 489 View Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 222-2558 Self-Employed, Consultant Mary Yaeger fl89 View St., 55102 h) 222-2558 w0 220-5290 May Lund 10839 Upton Ave. S. Bloomington h) 881-5012 w) 861-2245 chuck and Rose McGUire 177 Bedford Ave. S.E. h) 379-7390 2 9 02f26J98 W M Al1 of above references listed 2-26-95 for CI{B; HPC; RRDC7 Planning Commission and Workforce Dev. Cnc. 003262 Bliven, Mark 2 9 O1j14J97 W M 238 Ann Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 228-0271 Plat DYawer-self/MN Post Board No References Listed 003139 Cardinal, Robert J. 761 Iowa Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 771-3330 Busienss Broker 5 5 02/26/96 W M Business Review Council Gary & Virqie Bundy 765 Iowa Avenue E., 55106 h) 774-0836 James & CoYinne Fanslow 760 Iowa Ave. E., 55106 h) 771-7655 � ^; I. � �, �, 10-29-98 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPI,ICANTS . RPT PAGE 3 COMMSTTEE : CIB Capital Budget Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CAMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) {OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Ren & Marty Srainard 757 Iowa Ave. E., 55106 h) 771-0914 003053 Casey, Michael 1526 Selby Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 � 13 09/13/95 W M Home - 647-1169 Electronics Technician Ed Bower 340 Cretin Avenue N. St. Paul, MN H) 64'I-0097 Jim Affelder Liberty State Bank W) 646-S6S1 Michael Klassen 800 City Hall Annex St. Paul, MN 55102 W) 266-6209 003153 Clarke, Susan Legender The Healing Circle 477 Selby Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Work - 227-8776 FAX 2271055 Chiropractor/Nutritionist 1 [3 03/14/96 W F Dr. Paul Zollinger 198 Western Avenue, 55102 w) 224-1122 Richard Schneider Princeton Bank 360 Cedar Avenue, 55101 h) 290-2424 Dr. Jane Dusek Roseridge Building, Ste. 303 1611 W. Co. Road B. Roseville, MN 55113 w) 636-2056 P ��;�� 10-29-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 4 COMMITTEE : CIB Capital Budget Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CAMt�NTS 003061 Connor, Robert J. 65 N. Winthrop Street St. Paul, MN 55119 Aome - 738-3689 InsUrance Agent Russell Miller 267 White Bear Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 H) 774-6394 Representative Steve Trimble 77 Maria St. Pau1, MN 55106 H) 774-2096 Senator Randy Kelly 1630 David Street St. Paul, MN 55119 H) 772-1114 003475 Contreras, Isaac F. 365 E. Curtice Street St. Paul, MN 55107 Home - (651) 224-4274 Financial Advisor 7 1 2 3 9-15-98 Capital Cultural Committee Rick Aguilar 602 Smith Avenue St. Paul, MN 55107 (w) (651) 292-9574 Ger Vang 1073 Payne Avenue St. Paul, MN 55101 (w) (651) 771-1773 Lupe Serrano 221 E. Curtice Street St. Paul, MN 55107 (h) (651) 227-7150 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 09/15/95 W M 09/15/98 H M 001911 Corbey, Eugene J. 5 10 06/12/95 W M 1615 Chelsea Street ��' =i��1 10-29-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 5 COMMZTTEE : CIB Capital Budget Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1JOlj94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CONASENTS WAR➢ PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- St. Paul, MN 55108 Home - 488-5254 Transportation consultant Hugh R. Schilling (Chair, MAC) 354 Woodlawn Avenue St. Paul, MN h) 698-3680 w) 378-6440 Janice Rettman 6S2 Iowa Avenue W. St. Paul, MN h) 489-8630 w) 295-5289 003488 Dagenais, Rick L. 2111 Highland Parkway St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - 698-7562 MgrTech Acquis & Capacity Ping 9-21-98 Councilmember Mike Harris 310C City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 w) 266-8630 Tom Stadsnlev Traffic Engineer St. Paul Public works 800 City xall Annex St. Paul w) 266-6217 Mark Moeller 2073 Ford Parkway St. Paul, MN 55116 690-2977 002939 Diebel, Daniel .7. 2301 Como Avnue, #104 St. Paul� MN 55108 3 15 4 14 09/21/98 W M 02/06/95 W M Work - 641-1061 Self-EMployed-Fin. Investment �� :.���1 10-29-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANT5.RPT PAGE 6 COMMITTEE : CIB Capital Budget Committee FOR AYPLICATIO23S DATED AFTER O1/O1f94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMt�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DZSTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --" --- --- Gary Archambault 1410 W. 104th Street Bloomington, MN 55431 H) 888-0152 Mark Shields 2205 Riverwood Place St. Paul, MN 55104 H) 645-0770 Gerald Keating 3820 E. 26th Street Mpls., MN 55404 H) 721-1912 003244 Fahey, John 180 Maria Avenue St. Paul� MN 55106 Home - 772-0229 Construction Carpenter 7 4 67B 11/18/96 W M Neighborhood Sales Tax Board Councilmember Dino Guerin Harry Melander President, Carpenters Local �87 411 Main Street w) 224-5661 Larry Meuwissen President, Neiqhborhood Housing Services 8 Bates Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55106 002990 Finger, Michael M. 1338 Osceola Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 3 14 05/25/95 W M Home - 690-3158 Personnel Director Georgiann Errigo Summit Hill Living at Home 917 Milton Hall St. Paul, MN 55105 H) 222-1698 Mike Smith 1 q i � �' : �,; �. 1 10-29-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 7 COMMITTEE : CIB Capital Budget Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) "--- -------- "------- -------- °- --- --- HOMES, Inc. 2344 Nicollet Ave. S., $`3300 Mpls., MN 55404 W) 870-0383 cRaig Ruschmeyer The MN Initiative 160 First TYUSt Center 18D East Fifth Street St. Pau1, MN 55101 W) 225-1775 003235 Gombold, Michael J. 60 Bates Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106-6339 Home - 774-3386 Photographer(Studio Owner 7 4 11/13/96 W M Dave Grupa (business partner in Spectrum Imag{es) 2235 Ide Court Maplewood, MN 55109 h) 773-5081 w) 771-6878 Donavan Cummings District 4 Community Council President 770 E. 6th Street, 55106 h) 774-9783 Jim Erchul Dayton's Bluff Neighborhood Housing Services 951 E. 5th Street St. Paul, MN 55106 w) 774-6995 002988 Jocobs, Lawrence R. 2157 Sargent Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 698-1917 Associate Professor Ann Wynia 1550 Branston Ave. St. Pdul H) 644-5283 05/25/95 U M Myron Orfield 4019 Sheridan Avenue 10-29-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE : CIB Capital Budget Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ----------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- -----°- --- --- --- � n .. � � �i � it PAGE 8 926-9205 Matt Entenza 1622 Hague Ave. H) 647-1425 003143 Johnson, Les C. 366 E. Larpenteur St. Paul, MN 55117-2477 Home - 778-1280 Retired Sue Vannelli District 5 Planning Council 1014 Payne Avenue w) 774-5234 5 5 02/13/96 W M Y 003037 Kerska, Margaret A. 1128 E. Hawthorne St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 774-9255 Homemaker Danel Vasterling 205 W. Winnefred St. Paul HO 227-9254 Lisa Freeze 1124 Hawthorne 775-0714 Cazol O'IIonnell 1035 97th Lane NE 783-9037 003060 Malmstedt, Philip P. 719 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 224-6014 Concrete Contractor Tom Becken Cemstone Products Co. 6 5 1 8 08/21/95 W F 09/18/95 W M ,-, �� ., .. 1 � ,; ;,� 10-29-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 9 COMMITTEE : CIB Capital Budget Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COtR�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 2025 Pointe Road Mendota Hgts, MN 55120 W) 688-9292 Curt Clarson 721 Summit AVenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Toni Conley 2055 Norfolk Avenue H) 699-4311 003375 Mullen, Mark R. �300 Hewitt Avenue St. Paul� MN 55104 Home - 523-4328 Legal Clerk 4 11 09/21/98 U M 2-13-98 Planning Commission; CIB; Parks and R{ec and BZA: Mayor Charles Stokke 800 Wilson Ave. Menomonie, WI 54751 h) (715) 235-4912 w) (715) 232-2369 Lowell Prange City Administrator 800 Wilson Ave. Menomonie, WI 54751 (h) (715) 235-5482 w) (715) 232-2157 Mayor Virginia Smith 30 W. Central St. Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 h) (715) 723-5439 w) (715) 726-2734 9-8-98 Youth Fund Board Human Rights Overnight Shelter Police Civilian Internal Affairs Planning Commission [same references as those listed above) 003391 Nelson, Owen L. 7 1 03/03/98 W M Retired Scientist ,� ' �!��.� 10-29-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 10 COMMITTEE : CIB Capital Budget Coaunittee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMt�NTS 3-3-95 CIB WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Otto Folger 1677 Conway, 55106 h) 774-3760 Toni Baker 165 N. Hazel St., 55119 h) 731-7763 w) 266-4112 Jay Fonkert 2003 Freemont Ave., 55119 h) 735-8630 w) 296-4701 002996 Olesak, Thomas A. 1050 W. Hoyt Avenue St. Paul, MN 55117 Home - 488-7437 Architect 5 10 06/13/95 W M Neighborhood Sales Tax Board Stephanie Wing 3481 Shore Drive Excelsior MN 55331 A) 474-5396 Ross Turner 875 Parkview Ave. St. Paul, MN 55117 H) 489-1759 Melodie McKay 1148 Hoyt Ave. St. Paul, MN 55108 H) 489-1505 11-15-96 Planning Commission Rich Speers 730 2nd Ave. S., #1100 Minneapolis, MN 55402 w) 341-9564 Tom Roberts 4005 W. 65th Street Edina, MN 55435 ; ;-� � �, 10-29-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 11 COMMITTEE : CIB Cdpital Budqet Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CObII�NTS w) 920-6123 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT D2STRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Jerry Ritter 730 2nd Ave. S., �1100 Minneapolis, MN 55402 w) 341-9553 2-10-97 NST Julie Hoff District 10 C.O. 1556 Como Avenue, 55108 w) 644-3889 Tom Roberts 4005 W. 65th Street Edina, MN 55435 w) 920-6123 Jerry Ritter 730 2nd Ave. S., #1100 Minneapolis, MN 55402 w) 341-9553 002997 olsen, J. James 1381 Albert Street N. St. Paul, MN 55108 Home - 646-5625 Administrator Terry Schutten Ramsey Co. Offices 50 W. Kellogg St. Paul, MN 55102 W) 266-8000 James Scheibel 1100 Vermont Ave. NW Washington,DC 20525 W) 202-6065000 Mrs. Terry Hoffman 378 Summit Ave. St. Paul, MN 55102 A) 222-0732 10 06/12/95 W M 003042 Palmguist, Bonnie 3 15 08/25/95 W F - ,� � �, 10-29-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 12 CAMMITTEE : CZB Capital Budget Committee FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMt��NTS WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 1938 Pinehurst Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - 690-0143 Retired-History Center Mary Lou Klas 746 Fairmount Avenue 5t. Paul H) 291-1543 Jay Kelly 1083 Lombard Avenue H) 227-2451 Dennis Weissnet 854 Sunrise FI) 439-7089 4-7-97 Riverfront Development Corporation Judge Mary Lou Rlas 746 Fairmount Avenue h) 291-1543 w) 266-8211 Mary Jo Richardson Address Unclear--Shoreview h) 483-6895 Jay Relly 1083 Lombard Avenue h) 227-2451 w) 221-0962 003331 Puhl, Daniel G. 881 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 1 8 65A 09/03/97 W M Home - 298-9880 Logistics Mgt. Specialist Stephen R. Frohrip 5704 44th Ave. South Mpls., 55417 h) 727-1248 w) 520-6301 David M. Olson � � _ �� � ��, 10-29-98 CAMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 13 CAMMITTEE : CZB Capital Budget Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPI,ICAPIT / REFERENCE COMbSENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- �-°---- -------- --- -° °- 1196 Parkwood Drive Woodbury, MN 55125 h) 730-6910 w� 70-5618 Curtis L. Newcomb 2565 Bayberry Avenue Stillwater, MN h) 351-7257 w) 296-4585 002980 Reid, Vicki 936 Lincoln Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 2 16 OS/16/95 W M Home - 298-101D Communication Consultant Barb Shaepe 8561 Norwood Circle Eden Prairie, MN 55347 H) 937-0748 Nancy Christensen 533 St. Clair Ave. St. Paul, MN 55102 W) 228-0973 Andy Lindberg Corporate Public Affairs Honeywell Plaza Mpls., MN 55408 W) 951-0055 002950 Rineer, Bruce R. 1614 Edgerton Street St. Paul, MN 55101 6 5 03/O1/95 W M Home - 776-1184 Customer Service Rep. Bi11 David 8491 Hyde Ave. S. Cottage Grove, MN 55016 H) 458-3497 John and Mary Jo Oren H) ?74-6299 �� "1 ., = ? �. � 10-29-98 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 14 COMHZTTEE : CIB Capital Budget Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMt�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETFi GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- William Amundson 6055 Hadley Ave. S. Cottage Grove, MN 55016 H) 459-2862 002945 Schumann, Michael 541 Dayton Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 1 8 02/22/95 W F Home - 224-0216 Co-owner, Traditions Ltd. Jerry Blakey W) 266-8610 Mary Boyne Capra 1043 Grand Ave., #315 St. Paul, MN 55105 W) 224-3324 Judy McLaughlin 275 Summit Ave. St. Paul, MN H) 228-9111 002226 Scott, Donald James 180 W. Larpenteur Avenue St. Paul, MN 55113 5 6 11/06/96 W M Aome - 489-9275 G.L. (?) Sandy Winkel 1239 Herbert, #325 St. Paul, MN 55106 H) 776-1107 Curt Lindquist 1350 Reaney Street St. Paul, MN 55106 H) 771-3858 Dorothy Dalaska 1300 E. Wilson, #910 St_ Paul, MN 55106 H) 774-6481 ,� � � _ _, ,,. 10-29-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 15 COMMITTEE : CZB Capital Budget Committee FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMl��NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ------------------------------- ---- -------- --°---- -------- --- --- --- 11-6-96 CIB, Planning Commission & Food and N{utrition Commission S/A Be11 Ring St. Paul/Maplewood w) 779-9177 L.I.G.L. University 222-4409 Reedy. L. GL. E. 7th street w) 776-5046 003493 Sellner, Patrick M. 1860 Yorkshire Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - (651) 699-3510 CPA Audit Manager 9-22-98 CIB Tom Newberry 3114 University Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 642-4242 Steve Polacek 45 S. Seventh Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 Carol Kline 2272 Edgcumbe Road 699-7137 002979 Siekmeier, John 1106 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 291-1829 Civil Engineer 3 15 2 16 02/22/98 W M 09/21/98 W M Larry Powell US Bureau of Mines 10-29-98 COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT - _ � � �ti PAGE 16 COMMITTEE : CIB Capital Budget Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARU PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETFi GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 5629 Minnehaha Ave. 5. Mpls., MN 55417 W) 725-4577 James Blair US Bureau of Mines 5629 Minnehaha Ave. S. Mpls., MN 55417 John Carlson 4111 Central Ave. Columbia Heights� MN 55421 W) 781-6166 9-21-95 Updated CIB References Revin O'Connor 297 Pinewood Drive Apple Valley, MN 55124 w) 431-3415 John Carlson 15850 Zumbrota St. N.E. Ham Lake, MN 55304 w) 638-2651 Mark Chandler 1845 Ford Parkway St. Paul, MN 55116 h) 698-1813 003069 Stevens, Elizabeth Anne 581 Thomas Avenue St. Paul, MN 55103 Home - 291-1997 Mediator Chuck Votel Public Health 555 Cedar, 55102 w) 292-7718 1 7 Bill Wilson 168 N. Lexington Pkwy., 55104 h) 647-1176 02/15/96 W F Commander Mike Smith 10-29-98 APPLICANTS-RPT COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT �> �� � C� � 1 PAGE 17 COMMITTEE : CIB Capital Budget Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COTfMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---� -------- -------- -°----- --- --- --- St. Paul Police Department 100 E. llth, 55101 w) 292-3512 Barb Lammers 410 Edmond Avenue, 55103 w0 291-5120 003484 Tarnowski, David J. 683 Winthrop Street, N. St. Paul, MN 55119 Home - 739-4717 CPA 7 1 67A 09/18/98 W M 9-18-98 CIB & MACHP Tim Smith (677-5115) Dean Portner (844-2500) Sandy Howe (831-2350) 003240 Whitcomb, Ron 1781 Hillcrest Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - 690-9472 Bank President 3 15 64B 11/18/96 W M Neighborhood Sales Tax Board Shawn Bartsh, Attorney 790 Cleveland Ave. S., Suite 214 St. Paul, MN 55116 w0 699-0601 Mark Moe11eY 1751 Bohland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 h) 690-2977 w) 298-6321 Tom Sexton 407 Mount Curve Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55105 w) 647-1259 � � � __ �, � �� 10-29-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 18 COMMZTTEE : CIB Capital Budget Coromittee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMt+�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ----------------------------------- ---- - 003318 Zuomek, Scott Joseph 7 1 1750 E. Minnehaha Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 771-1280 Output Distribution Coord. Richard Hagen Number One General Mills Blvd. Golden Valley, 55440 w) 540-2178 John Markoe General Mills Number One General Mills Boulevard Golden Valley, MN 55440 w) 540-7852 08/07/97 W M Don Reis General Mills Number One General Mills Boulevard Golden Valley, MN 55440 w) 540-2512