D00614Y ' , .a _ ' r Approved Copies to: - City Clerk (Original) - Finance DepYs Accounting �ivision - Requesting Dept CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: BUDGET REVISION ADMINiSTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 70.O7.d of the City the request of the Director of Finance & Management Services to amend the 1995 budget of the General Fund Finance and Management Services Department is authnrized to amend said budget in the following man r. DEPARTMENT 8,. DIVISION: LEDGER, FUND, ACTIVITY, OBJECT, PROJECT Finance & Management Services General Government Accounts GL-001 09002-0219 Fees Other Professional5ervices GL-001 09060-0548 Expettditure from Contingency � V v Y �c�s��l C_t,l_!`t�. and based on APPROVED CHANGES the AMENDED BUDGET 0 100,000 100,000 230,000 {100,000) 134,040 230,000 0 230,000 � � c � \ � � by: Requested m . a V�}i��:�"� G`r+�a�L li�u{�i�ie AUG '� 1995 Date �' �� Date �-�2- 95 Date a IGREEN SHEET fJ_ 31334 � DEPARTMENT DIRECTOP O CITV CAUNdL a CINATfORNEY � QTYCLEPK � BUDGET DIRECTOp � FIN. 8 MC.T. 5E � MAYOft (Ofl ASSISiAN'n � �. � L e�-ra TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) G�— INITIAUDATE DIR. Approve the transfer of $100,000 from GL 001 °°^^v�ovz-6�^n to GL 001 09002�9 in order to hire William A Mercer Inc to conduct a medical claims audit of the City' benefits carrier, Medica. _ PIANNINGCOMMISS�ON _ GVILSERVICE _ CIB GOMMITTEE _ _ STAFF _ _ �ISTRICTCOUflT _ SUPPOPTS WHIGN COUNpL O&IECTIVE7 PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWER T E FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 7. Has this personttirm ev¢r workatl untler a contract f this dapartment? YES NO 2. Has ihis person/firm ever been a ciry employee. YES NO 3. Does this persoNfi�m possess a skiff not n rmally possessed by any current ciry empbyee? YES NO Ezplaln all yes enswsra on seperate s et antl attech to green sheet INfTIAi1NG PROBLEM. ISSVE. OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Medica receives approximately $15 million annually in and retirees. The City has never conducted a medical business decision to periodically audit any entity t The City is concerned with the 1eve1 of network pro network management fees; Medica's method of coordi at claims, and with the administration of out-of-net ork The audit would greatly assist in the deve suggested improvements to be negotiated in As a result of the audit, the City would b recoveries from Medica and other carxiers.. ldone p emiums from the City, its employees, laims audit. It is a prudent t receives such large payments. er savings retained by Medica £or its ng Medicare benefits on retiree prescription drug claims. p�Qent of baseline performance factors and �ture contract(s) with Medica or other carriers. in a better position to potentially locate ��� � � El��EC� AUG 419av CETY CLERk�E �� � ��� �� � �.tSP�VqNTACES IP NOT APPROVED: The City, its employees an retirees, will continue o pay a total of approximately $15 million in premiums to a ealth carrier without a claims audit. It would be extremely difficult for the City t negotiate performance star�dards snd suggested improvements for claims administration ' future contracts with Medica and other carriers without having the results of a thorough laims audit. AMOUNTOF $ 1�� COST/flEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE uL-V V 1 ACTIVITY NUMBER 09002 FINANCIAL MFORMATION: (EXPLAIN} CITY OF SA{NT PAUL O�FICE OF THE MAYOR � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: No: L7�91�] � BUDGET REVISION Date: —� �`�'j�j _ Approved Copies to: - City Clerk (Originaq - Pinance DepYs Accounting Division - Requesting Dept. ADMINISTR,4TIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in SeMion 10A7.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Oirector of Finance & Managem Services to amend the 1995 budget of the Gene Fund fund, the Director of the Finance and Management Services Depar6nent is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner. OEPARTMENT & ONISION: LEDGER,FUND,ACTNITY,OBJECT,PROJECT Finance & Management Services General Govemment Accounts GL-001 �9002-0219 Fees Other Professional Services GL-001 09060-054& Expenditure from Contingency CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 0 100,000 M100,000 23�,000 (1�O,O�U) 130,000 230,000 0 230,000 `J Date �s-2- S� Date �� �2 - 9 5 Date ���y GREEN SHEE N° 31334 �DEPARTMEMDIRECfOF ❑CITYCAUNGI �� OCT'ATTOflNEY ' QCITYCLERK � BUDGET DIRECiOH � FlN. & MGT. SERVICES Dlq. aMAYOA(OflASSISTANT) f�!'l.-0oF e,.CO4lSt��nt TOTAL # OF SIGNATUHE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� Approve the transfer of $100,000 from GL 001 09002 0431 to GL 001 09002 0219 in order to hixe William A Mercer Inc to conduct a medical claims audit of the City's benefits carrier, Medica. Anv� �A� a _ PLANNING COMMISSION __ CIVR SERVICE CAMMISSION _ CIB COMMITfEE _ _ STAFF _ _ DISTRICTCqURT _ SUPPoRTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 PEHSONAL SERVICE CONTpACTS MUST ANSWEH SIiE FOILOW{Nti �UESTONS: 1. Has this person�rm ever worked urMer a coMract for Mis departmeni? - YES NO 2. Has this persnnlfirm ever 6een a city employee? YES NO 3. Dces Mis person/firm possess a skill not normalry possessetl by any curreM city employee? YES NO � Explain all yes enswers on separete sheet and ettaeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPP�RTUNITV (N7w. Whaq `Mien, Where, Why): Medica receives approximately $15 million annually in premiums from the City, its employees, and retirees. The City has never conducted a medical claims audit. It is a prudent business decision to periodically audit any entity that receives such large payments. The Gity is concerned with the level of network provider savings retained by Medica for its network management fees; Medica's method of coordinating Medicare bene£its on retiree claims, and with the administration of out-of-network prescription drug claims. �'he audit would greatly assist in the development of baseline performance factors and suggested improvements to be negotiated in future contract(s) with Medica or other carriers. As a result of the audit, the City would be in a better position to potentially locate recovexies from Medica and other carriers. None R�CE.NE� AUG 41995 ClTY CIERK The City, its employees and retirees, will continue to pay a total of approximately $15 million in premiums to a health carrier without a claims audit. It would be extremely difficult for the City to negotiate performance standards and suggested improvements for claims a'dministration in future contracts with Medica and other carriers without having the results of a thorough claims audit. �TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 1 OO. OOO COST/REVENUE BUDOE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHGSOURCE '�' ACTIVITYNUMBER OJOOZ FINANCIAL INFORMA110N: (EXPLAIN) 1 � , /yl '!/ !VS QW . QUV