98-1009Council File # 9� /LT/.� oR1G�uA� Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Couneil consents to and approves of the appointments and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the YOUTH FITND BOARD. 6 � 8 9 10 MEMBER Shirley Alexander Maria DeLeon Brennan Elliott Brooks William (Billy) Collins Diana Rodriguez Miriam Rykken 11 Jim Kelley i2 Greg Simbeck 13 Chazles Redu�ond 14 Jennifer Bozicevich 15 Le91101son 15 Michael Lohman Green Sheet # 52349 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA REPRESENTING Adult At-Lazge Adult At-Lazge Youth At-Lazge Wazd 1—Adult Wazd 2—Adult Wud 3—Adult Wazd 4—Adult Wazd 5—Adult Wazd 5—Youth Wazd 6—Adult Wazd 6—Youth Ward �—Adult APPOINTED/REAPPOINTED Appointed Appointed Reappointed Reappointed Reappointed Reappointed Reappointed Reappointed Appointed Reappointed (Former Youth-At-Lazge Representative) Reappointed Reappointed 17 is Each of the above members shall serve a one-year term which will expire on July 1, 1999. 19 20 2 1 Requested by Department of: By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Appr By: Adopted by Council: Date ,� � Form Approved by City Attorney By: �i�'^ C ��l�Gz,�^' . � N° 52349 OEMR7MENTpFFICER'pUNCII � DATE INITIATED �� / �(// � Mayor Coleman's Office I 10-28-98 � G RE EN SH E E COMACTPERSON 8 PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAVDATE OOEPARTMENTO�RECTOR �CITYCOUNqL Alberto Quintela 266-8529 ASSIGN �CITYATTORNEY �CITYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) NIIMBER FOP � BUDGET OIREGTOR � FlN 8 MGT SEFVICES DIR. NOUTNG O(iDEH rYl �pyOR (OR ASSISTAfJn � I� 1 70TAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED' Youth Fund Board appt. of Shirley Aleaander, Maria DeLeon,Charles Redmond & reappts. of Brennan Brooks, Billy Collins, Diana Rodriguez, Miriam Rykken, Jim Relley, Greg Si.mbeck, Jennifer Bozicevich, Leah Olson and Michael Lohman to the YOUTH FUND BOARD. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rei� (Rl PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION �� Hes thi5 person/firm ever wo�ketl under a conirac� for ihis depariment? _ CIB CqMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has ihis personRirm ever been a ciry employee? _ STAFF — VES NO _ DISTRICT COUfiT — 3. Does thi5 person/firm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO ExD�ein aII yes answers on seperate eheet enE attach to green sheet INITIATING PflOBLEM.ISSUE.OPPORTUNIiY(Who. Whet, When. Where. Why) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED' DISADVANTAGES IFAPPflOVE� DISADVFNTAGESIFNOTAPARWED- �� � � '-� C����4 ���a��: G�.�r�� y+�.Pn r1 dA •:LiE�. �� =.;�s� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIALINFOPFnAT10N:(EXPIAIN) �r/ �oe� �� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 �CT 26 i99� +�'�AYQ�S Of�l�� Name: Shirlev A. Alexander HomeAddress: 882 Haeue Avenue St. Paul, 551�4 Street City Zip Telephone Number: Planning District Council: �Flome) 651-292-01�3 �vork)b51-293-5911 (pAX) $ City Council �Vard: PreferredhlailingAddressS Same as above What is your occupation? Place of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: Human Services Counselor/Administrator Wilder Foundation & Trustina Nei2hbors . � �. ... . What skills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? S1RC0 1979. I hava haan in��nlvoA in �sp*. S2i'V'6B� rn �nnth thrnngh mV WOTIc With vaYini C�gPTf �PR' T}1 VM� !`j�l C �,� R' R rl, rz� Si QYPYR Tnnr>r fit� Ynnth ieag Fnirndation Wnman VPTYIIYP anA Trncting Noiahhnrc I�7osses5 ckillc in nrgani�ing mAntnrin$ �or..i� �PaYning rnnnaraYil�c lcorRl^� tJ�.�4lSllllg aT�l� �nmtllt�nit�_nartnaring The information included in this application is considered private daYa according to the Nfinnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is noi released to the general public. (O VER) Rev. 8-5-9 i PERSONAL REFERENCE Nam¢: Councilmember Jerry Blakey Address: i t,� N_ Mi l to Straat RT Panl MrT 551 (14 Phone: (Home) (651) 646-5923 �ork� (651) 266-8610 Name: Address: Phone: Name: Michael A1ada Add1'C55: 1561 Sdheelock Parkway cr P 1 AiN 55717 Phone: (Homel (651) 489-4892 a (651) 872-1123 Reasons foryour interest in this particular committee: The development of vouth ha� A �[ �,S }i �1 fi 3-IIa 7r41 � F-ES� f E I � S P Y t3 0.1d'S caoacitieG w�th � 't3�_�ed agen s 'ce�l.s]�va��., T (IP4l ra t ���_,a, p�� s ��l i 6 a A k l .1 --- - nn � citizPn narr;r;n r' t, ,� � �� r•r� f ct v i r h• g mv backeround 'n , nrlarct� rl • rh � f� rt, 't]�_� �� of the Youth Fund Board will improve service effectiveness. Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and the circumstances? Yes. I applied for the �o th Fvnd RnarA _ twice or;thin tha 1 r f've �ea-�s In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. R'hite (Caucasian) _� Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male Disabled: Yes X Female No Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Date of Birth: If special accommodations are needed, please specify: N/ a Georgina Stephens 875 Laurel Avenue St. PauZ, MN 55104 (fIomel f651) 222-5515 (Work) (651) F�5_[,555 Howdidyouhearaboutthisopening? Councilmember Serry Blak � �L�� ��� ,, " �, v' � �� , �: V � OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CIT'Y HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 Name• �!nQ 172,1�r.�r� Home Address: � �� i "C..�-�'l0 t'� ��r�' — �.WL- �' �l.l.` � 11 � Street City Zip Telephone Number: (Homel48`d91�33 (�Vorkl �F'AXl � Plannina District Council: IV�� C`���ns �t�rv,ir�n .ity Council `Vard: C�`riS ��-'''''�✓�"� Preferred Mailing Address: �i'hat is your occupation % Place of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: I C��' �t`�o�c'tov � rc-�� - � Y�r�. �+• �-,c,e ` � ll� 9� i�o'9 �c�'C.=��� SLP 25 198� n� �+%��°C (:��fu= �t ro�, cz�.Y �unct ' What skills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? �� ��� The information included in this application is considered pri�ate datn according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. (OVER} Rev. 8-5-97 PERSONAL REFERENCES Name: Address: Phone: Name: �r �_�5�.. Address: T���`6 -- �nS Tc7w�.�' �b �`{�� �-'��� SS'� Phone: (Home) �2S 'C�aD (Workl ��.I 0 ��ib Name: Address: Phone: (Home) 5�k 1• C�ztLi (Wor�) ��-! l- �59L1 ReasonsforyourinYerestinthisparticularcommiYYe� �rn�,nr}� �'O C�''1 � vnrl-In her�l-�1�, , ri�-� ,P1��-r-�P n� �-�,�-�,r, i!�, C�h � I��r-P � R.� c�n �-�-i ,. �f Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you �re mnking application? If so, when, and the circumstances? In an attempf fo ensure that committee represenfntion ref�ects fhe makeup of our community, ptease check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. White (Caucasian) Black (African Americln) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Nlale Disabled: Yes � Female No �. If special accommodations are needed, plense specify: Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander DateofBirth• �2 Zy �D How did you hear about this opening? (Home) T�Sq • �4�3 (Work) (.�2 � .��Z ��.r rt (,.. �. -I�aY.., �x u s o+r, i'1e��I c� r.r�l��iS �(�c]n �.e� [.l.rr.�c r� c r, �.-...... n.��-.r� � �C�or...t �i-� r:v�-�r� �, r� i v-� o� 33 5 Q Name Ho�e Address: City �`=i��y �������� JAN � i958 DIV. �F P�RKS Zip Telephone Nuaber: (Ho�e) j o`1 Cn (Aork) 6o Yy -9 b3 Planning Distiict CoimciL• ; � City Council Aazd• y � f' T Preferred Hailing Addzess: ��'�( ��,.�,}-�n J{.uc ��- Q (�'� N Ahat is your occupation? G1.uU m� lr7} - �nc�pee �/ 5no�.� �G r�1aU0.� Place o£ Eaployment: Comnittee(s) P_pplied Rhat skills/training or esperience do you possess £or the committee(s) £or vhich ycu see:c appointment? = o.m r ���n�l�-t �n�ol�p1, nn th� ��� �h FvAress u,hcn�l� hoardl nd� hra�� �y��rio.n�e ufi� - f'h� Wa�n a„ �oa�dl Mcc�,nc, �5 ran C)n - f'ht �p�th ��r«< �a�.}h har �t�_ T d • - � '- --- • u • � • • m �.-�-h �a}, �al a.1� � I �+u . V The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this infornatioa is not released to the general public. (ODER) OFFZCE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY xaZ,L SAINT PAIIL, MINiv'ESOTA 55102 266-8526 Rev. 8-15-90 PERSONAI. REFERENCES Name:_2anGl�, lr Address: �Z7Z �0.W'�'Ofl �} G } 6 G.�n4 Phone: (Home) �ny�J � �/�//(0 tWork) (aS9 - CI(nl'� Name : 1�1� � � (A��� Addres Phone: Name Address:_ y� Z2 (�� /�sbtir'w �� lc Mp lg —� Phone: CHone) X Z 3 � � �. _ _�AorkZ__ _ _— Reasons for your interest in this particular co�ittee: �`}c EIj`�f� 0. t.4dU'� �� J� OuT rnmmun, .� � SeG r t{�a�- 'f"he nf'h � tA,pt,�}�� �— c��1cy1 ni ncool T bc h'e � �z,�„\�l� r, n, ar �.� �crson -E-n .�'; tt +he po�n no.� Have you had previous contact vith the co�ittee £or vhich you are malcing application. I�' so, vhen, and circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that comittee representation reflects the makeup o£ our cou�unity, please check the line applicable to you. This in�ormation is strictly volvntarp. � White (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Y Male Female Disahled: Yes No _� Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Date o£ Birth: �� 1 S�"� �` If special acconmodations are needed, please specify. Hov did you hear about this opening? J�M ��GA C tie�l,}�itG � c-�nf o4 +�adh r�r S�� 9�= �dd � 10-29-98 APPLICANTS-RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS 001033 B1ick, Beth 401 Ashland Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55102 Home - 291-8583 unemployed Rita Adams 774-1040 Dawn Alexander 1535 Magnolia St. 776-2639 Ann Degroot 1434 Ashland Avenue 644-8464 or 822-0127 PAGE 1 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) 1 8 5-30-90 apps. for PHA, PA and FN Sara Tesch 1630 S. 6th Mpls h) 375-1037 Nancy Wisocke 1630 S. 6th Mpls h) 375-1037 Walter Rupp Advocating Change Together 1821 University Ave, 55104 wj 641-0297 02/20/98 W F 5-15-92 Re£ugee Advisory Committee, Parks and{ Recreation, Riverfront Redevelopment Corporation, H.H.H. {JOb Corps Center, Neighborhood Advisory Committee, Affi{rmative Action Advisory Committee, Public Housing Aut{hority and Como Park Educational Resource Center Task Fo{rce. 2-20-98 Planning; Riverfront; HPC; ACOA; Disa{bilities; Bicycle; Food and Nutrition; Health Services,{ Human Rights; Business Review, Youth Fund Board, Zo{ning, Ryan White, Overniqht Shelter; MELSA; NAC; New Ame{ricans and Parks-Rec: -{-----------_ � 9�- id�� 10-29-95 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 PAGE 2 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 2-20-98 References for Multiple Committees (S{ee #16 section) Rebecca Hoffman Strong Currently Homeless w) 293-5913 (pager) 608-2760 Barb Warren Mental Health Resources 1821 University, Ste. 400 w) 659-2900 Mary Kay Kennedy A.C.T. Midway Building 1821 University Avenue, Ste. 312 002944 Brown, Sherri Mortenson 10 Victoria S. St. Pdu1, MN 55105 Home - 291-9189 Executive Director Valerie Whitehead 1951 Montreal St. Paul, MN 55116 H) 698-9652 003504 De Leon, Maria 1098 Marion Street St. Paul, MN 55117 Home - 488-9633 Program Mgr./Youth Worker 9-24-98 Youth Fund Board Mary Buminson 386 McNeal Hall 1985 Buford Avenue St. Paul, MN SS10S h) 48�9-8463 w) 624-3227 2 16 5 6 02/21/95 W F 09/24/98 H F Carla DeBOSe T7/88 IDS Twoer Mpls., MN 55440 � %� iod � 10-29-98 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 3 COMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT J REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- ------�- -------- -------- --- --- --- h) 525-0506 w) 671-8170 Joyce Hayden 2'750 Medicine Ridge Road Plymouth, MN 55441 h) 541-0594 w) 541-0594 043445 Evenrud, Nelson T. 1061 Thomas Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55104 Home - 917-9683 Supervisor 1 7 3-13-98 Parks-Rec and Youth Fund Board Eric Hacket 4453 Colfax Ave., S. Mpls. 55409 h) 823-3537 Matthew Palmer 4128 Sheridan Ave. S. Mpls., MN 55410 h) 926-2928 Sarah Kerbeshien 5059 Vincent Ave. S. Mpls., 55410 h) 926-6031 003232 Ford, Michelle 1134 Blair Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55104 03(13/98 II M 4 13 10/25/96 W F Advisory Committee on Aging Home - 644-9350 Outreach Case Manager Colleen Hegranes College of St. Catherine/Dean of Students h) 698-0622 Robert McCarthy 1776 Dayton Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55104 h) 644-8510 w) 844-3316 9�=i��9 10-29-98 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 4 APPLICANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTI3ER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ___________________________________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ Dee Foutch 215 E. 9th St. Pau1, MN 55101 w) 228-3283 003365 Fuller, Joan 3 14 1161 Randolph Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 695-0958 Natl. Admissions Rep/Hotels 2-17-98 Youth Fund & HPC Officer James Quinn Newport Police Dept. Broadway, Newport, RI 02840 w) (4010 847-0088, X 240 Eileen Morrice hasbro Toy Company Riverside, RI w) 9401) 725-869'7, X 8747 Ronnie Getter 1149 Randolph Ave. St. paul� MN h) 690-4627 002943 Gunderson, Patricia 283 N. Avon Street St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 297-9323 Self Employed Pam Lachowsky 682 Dayton Ave. St. Paul� MN 55104 H) 224-7226 Trish Gra£strum 329 Minnesota Ave. Roseville, MN 55113 H) 484-7568 1 8 02/17/98 W F 02/17/95 W F Robin Caulfield 733 Jefferson Ave. St. Paul� MN 55105 H) 222-4620 9�! iv�y 10-29-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 5 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLFINNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT {PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) -----------°------°-------------- ---- -------- °------ -------- --- -° --- 003025 Heinz, Jo #2 1319 Conway Street St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 772-9081 Student/GAP Project Volunteer 7 4 07/31/95 U F Janet Preston 602 Ivy Ave. E. h) 774-3249 w) 227-3938 State Senator Randy Kelly h) 772-1114 w) 296-5285 Andy Dawkins 788 Charles Ave. h) 224-6270 w) 296-5158 003110 Aoye, Dennis 1552 Blair St. Pau1, MN 55104-1828 Home - 644-0461 11/30/95 W M 11-30-95 Police Civilian Review Commission &{Youth Fund Board -- No References Listed by Applicant. 003185 Jackson, Tina M. 1 7 06/10/96 B F 740 N. Lexington Pkwy. St. Pau1, MN 55104 Aome - 488-'7580 Social Worker Linita Gay 731 21st Ave. S.E. Augsburg College w) 330-1022 Dapne Topps 935 Olson Memorial Hwy. T.C.O.I.C. w) 377-0150 Lisa Sayles Harvest Prep 2338 Humboldt Ave. 10-29-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS ��' i�oq PAGE 6 WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- ----�--- -------- -------- --- --- --- h) 529-6173 ------------------------------------ 11-4-96 Human Rights Commission Linita Gay 731 21st Ave. S.E. Augusburg College w) 330-1022 Daphne Topps 935 Olson Memorial Hwy T.C.O.I.C.. w) 377-0150 Lisa Sayles Harvest Prep 2338 Humbold Ave. h) 529-6173 003017 James, Cricket 6 2 1280 Kennard St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 772-2370 Sales Rep Dino Guerin 19�7 N. Park Drive H) 738-1458 Terri McLaughlin 1821 Goodrich St. Paul, MN 55105 H) 699-4364 Curman Gaines 168 E. 6th Street St, Paul, MN H) 222-5536 003375 Mu11en, Mark R. #300 Hewitt Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Aome - 523-4328 Legal Clerk 4 11 { 07/20/95 NA F 09/08/98 U M 9P= iJa� 10-29-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 PAGE 7 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) _____________________________ ___� ________ ________ ________ ^__ 2-13-98 Planning Commission; CIB; Parks and R{ec and BZA: Mayor Charles Stokke 800 Wilson Ave. Menomonie, WI 54751 h) (715) 235-4912 w) (715) 232-2369 Lowe11 Prange City Administrator 800 Wilson Ave. Menomonie, WI 54751 (h) (715) 235-5482 w) (715) 232-2187 Mayor Virginia Smith 30 W. Central St. Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 h) (715) 723-5439 w) (715) 726-2734 9-8-98 Youth Fund Board Human Rights Overnight Shelter Police Civilian Internal Affairs Planning Commission [same references as those listed above] 003474 Nuckles, Kimberly 1640 Randolph Avenue-A St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - (651) 699-7780 Executive Director 3 15 O8f26/98 W F 8-26-98 YASFB John Hottinger, MN State Senator 120 State Capitol St. Paul, MN 55155 h) 227-1952 w) 296-6153 Joeleen Gonder Spacek Suite 200 81 South 9th Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 h) 476-2319 w) 38-=9162 Kathy Moriarity 651 1/2 University Avenue St. Pdu1, MN 55104 h) 488-5940 w) 291-2480 S 10-29-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE C� ENTS 002981 Oyeyemi, Kunle 1780 52nd St. E. Inver Grove Hgts., MN 55077 Home ^ 457-1599 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- ------�- -------- -------- --- --- --- -�i� ida � PAGE 8 OS/16/95 B M Y Rubin Latz 245 E. 6th Street St. Paul, MN 55101 H) 292-5734 Richard Omi H) 290-0905 Jona Oyinloye 220 S. Robert St. St. Paul, MN 55107 002385 Reagan, Maryjane Rachner 1917 Pinehuret Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55116 1340 Aome ^ 698-1038 Reading Tutor James Noonan 364 N. Owasso Blvd. Shoreview H) 482-7723 Dr. Donald Derauf 600 Wentworth Ave. Mendota Hgts. Steven Kurak 13196 Eldorado St. NE B1aiRe, MN H) 755-4439 3 15 03J26J97 W F 003359 Redmond, Charles 1236 Dayton Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 646-8478 Lawn Mtce./Snow Removal O1/OS/98 W M 9� �oo� 10-29-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 9 CAMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT J REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ____ _______^ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ Randy Treichel 1272 Dayton Avenue h) 645-9416 w) 659-0613 Karl Grahek 184 N. Syndicate h) 644-9204 w) 649-9303 Kurt 0ldham 4122 Pillsbury Avenue Minneapolis h) 823-2697 9� �o�� Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: FROM: IZ�� RE: Saint Paul CitXCouneilmember� Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember 7erry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Nfichael Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter Alberto Quintela, 7r. Q, . Assistant to the Mayor � - October 29, 1998 Youth Fund Board Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointments and reappointments of the following I individuals to serve on the Youth Fund Board. MEMBER Shirley Alexander Maria DeLeon Brennan Elliott Brooks William (Billy) Collins Diana Rodriguez NTiriam Rykken 7im Kelley Greg Simbeck Charles Redmond Jennifer Bozicevich Leah Olson Michael Lohman Adult At-Large Adult At-Large Youth At-Lazge Ward 1—Adult Wazd 2—Adult Wazd 3—Adult Wazd 4—Adult Ward 5—Adult Ward 5—Youth Wazd 6—Adult Ward 6—Youth Ward 7—Adult APPOINTED/REAPPOINTED Appointed Appointed Reappointed Reappointed Reappointed Reappointed Reappointed Reappointed Appointed Reappointed (Former Youth-At-Large) Reappointed Reappointed Each of the above members shall serve a one-year term which will expire on 7uly 1, 1999. Attached is a copy ofthe resolution, copies ofthe new appointees' applications and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January 1, 1994. Feel free to call me at 266-8529 ifyou have any questions. Attachments c: Nancy Anderson, Council Research� Eric Thompson, Youth Fund Board Staff/Parks and Recreation Council File # 9� /LT/.� oR1G�uA� Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Couneil consents to and approves of the appointments and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the YOUTH FITND BOARD. 6 � 8 9 10 MEMBER Shirley Alexander Maria DeLeon Brennan Elliott Brooks William (Billy) Collins Diana Rodriguez Miriam Rykken 11 Jim Kelley i2 Greg Simbeck 13 Chazles Redu�ond 14 Jennifer Bozicevich 15 Le91101son 15 Michael Lohman Green Sheet # 52349 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA REPRESENTING Adult At-Lazge Adult At-Lazge Youth At-Lazge Wazd 1—Adult Wazd 2—Adult Wud 3—Adult Wazd 4—Adult Wazd 5—Adult Wazd 5—Youth Wazd 6—Adult Wazd 6—Youth Ward �—Adult APPOINTED/REAPPOINTED Appointed Appointed Reappointed Reappointed Reappointed Reappointed Reappointed Reappointed Appointed Reappointed (Former Youth-At-Lazge Representative) Reappointed Reappointed 17 is Each of the above members shall serve a one-year term which will expire on July 1, 1999. 19 20 2 1 Requested by Department of: By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Appr By: Adopted by Council: Date ,� � Form Approved by City Attorney By: �i�'^ C ��l�Gz,�^' . � N° 52349 OEMR7MENTpFFICER'pUNCII � DATE INITIATED �� / �(// � Mayor Coleman's Office I 10-28-98 � G RE EN SH E E COMACTPERSON 8 PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAVDATE OOEPARTMENTO�RECTOR �CITYCOUNqL Alberto Quintela 266-8529 ASSIGN �CITYATTORNEY �CITYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) NIIMBER FOP � BUDGET OIREGTOR � FlN 8 MGT SEFVICES DIR. NOUTNG O(iDEH rYl �pyOR (OR ASSISTAfJn � I� 1 70TAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED' Youth Fund Board appt. of Shirley Aleaander, Maria DeLeon,Charles Redmond & reappts. of Brennan Brooks, Billy Collins, Diana Rodriguez, Miriam Rykken, Jim Relley, Greg Si.mbeck, Jennifer Bozicevich, Leah Olson and Michael Lohman to the YOUTH FUND BOARD. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rei� (Rl PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION �� Hes thi5 person/firm ever wo�ketl under a conirac� for ihis depariment? _ CIB CqMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has ihis personRirm ever been a ciry employee? _ STAFF — VES NO _ DISTRICT COUfiT — 3. Does thi5 person/firm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO ExD�ein aII yes answers on seperate eheet enE attach to green sheet INITIATING PflOBLEM.ISSUE.OPPORTUNIiY(Who. Whet, When. Where. Why) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED' DISADVANTAGES IFAPPflOVE� DISADVFNTAGESIFNOTAPARWED- �� � � '-� C����4 ���a��: G�.�r�� y+�.Pn r1 dA •:LiE�. �� =.;�s� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIALINFOPFnAT10N:(EXPIAIN) �r/ �oe� �� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 �CT 26 i99� +�'�AYQ�S Of�l�� Name: Shirlev A. Alexander HomeAddress: 882 Haeue Avenue St. Paul, 551�4 Street City Zip Telephone Number: Planning District Council: �Flome) 651-292-01�3 �vork)b51-293-5911 (pAX) $ City Council �Vard: PreferredhlailingAddressS Same as above What is your occupation? Place of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: Human Services Counselor/Administrator Wilder Foundation & Trustina Nei2hbors . � �. ... . What skills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? S1RC0 1979. I hava haan in��nlvoA in �sp*. S2i'V'6B� rn �nnth thrnngh mV WOTIc With vaYini C�gPTf �PR' T}1 VM� !`j�l C �,� R' R rl, rz� Si QYPYR Tnnr>r fit� Ynnth ieag Fnirndation Wnman VPTYIIYP anA Trncting Noiahhnrc I�7osses5 ckillc in nrgani�ing mAntnrin$ �or..i� �PaYning rnnnaraYil�c lcorRl^� tJ�.�4lSllllg aT�l� �nmtllt�nit�_nartnaring The information included in this application is considered private daYa according to the Nfinnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is noi released to the general public. (O VER) Rev. 8-5-9 i PERSONAL REFERENCE Nam¢: Councilmember Jerry Blakey Address: i t,� N_ Mi l to Straat RT Panl MrT 551 (14 Phone: (Home) (651) 646-5923 �ork� (651) 266-8610 Name: Address: Phone: Name: Michael A1ada Add1'C55: 1561 Sdheelock Parkway cr P 1 AiN 55717 Phone: (Homel (651) 489-4892 a (651) 872-1123 Reasons foryour interest in this particular committee: The development of vouth ha� A �[ �,S }i �1 fi 3-IIa 7r41 � F-ES� f E I � S P Y t3 0.1d'S caoacitieG w�th � 't3�_�ed agen s 'ce�l.s]�va��., T (IP4l ra t ���_,a, p�� s ��l i 6 a A k l .1 --- - nn � citizPn narr;r;n r' t, ,� � �� r•r� f ct v i r h• g mv backeround 'n , nrlarct� rl • rh � f� rt, 't]�_� �� of the Youth Fund Board will improve service effectiveness. Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and the circumstances? Yes. I applied for the �o th Fvnd RnarA _ twice or;thin tha 1 r f've �ea-�s In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. R'hite (Caucasian) _� Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male Disabled: Yes X Female No Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Date of Birth: If special accommodations are needed, please specify: N/ a Georgina Stephens 875 Laurel Avenue St. PauZ, MN 55104 (fIomel f651) 222-5515 (Work) (651) F�5_[,555 Howdidyouhearaboutthisopening? Councilmember Serry Blak � �L�� ��� ,, " �, v' � �� , �: V � OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CIT'Y HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 Name• �!nQ 172,1�r.�r� Home Address: � �� i "C..�-�'l0 t'� ��r�' — �.WL- �' �l.l.` � 11 � Street City Zip Telephone Number: (Homel48`d91�33 (�Vorkl �F'AXl � Plannina District Council: IV�� C`���ns �t�rv,ir�n .ity Council `Vard: C�`riS ��-'''''�✓�"� Preferred Mailing Address: �i'hat is your occupation % Place of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: I C��' �t`�o�c'tov � rc-�� - � Y�r�. �+• �-,c,e ` � ll� 9� i�o'9 �c�'C.=��� SLP 25 198� n� �+%��°C (:��fu= �t ro�, cz�.Y �unct ' What skills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? �� ��� The information included in this application is considered pri�ate datn according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. (OVER} Rev. 8-5-97 PERSONAL REFERENCES Name: Address: Phone: Name: �r �_�5�.. Address: T���`6 -- �nS Tc7w�.�' �b �`{�� �-'��� SS'� Phone: (Home) �2S 'C�aD (Workl ��.I 0 ��ib Name: Address: Phone: (Home) 5�k 1• C�ztLi (Wor�) ��-! l- �59L1 ReasonsforyourinYerestinthisparticularcommiYYe� �rn�,nr}� �'O C�''1 � vnrl-In her�l-�1�, , ri�-� ,P1��-r-�P n� �-�,�-�,r, i!�, C�h � I��r-P � R.� c�n �-�-i ,. �f Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you �re mnking application? If so, when, and the circumstances? In an attempf fo ensure that committee represenfntion ref�ects fhe makeup of our community, ptease check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. White (Caucasian) Black (African Americln) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Nlale Disabled: Yes � Female No �. If special accommodations are needed, plense specify: Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander DateofBirth• �2 Zy �D How did you hear about this opening? (Home) T�Sq • �4�3 (Work) (.�2 � .��Z ��.r rt (,.. �. -I�aY.., �x u s o+r, i'1e��I c� r.r�l��iS �(�c]n �.e� [.l.rr.�c r� c r, �.-...... n.��-.r� � �C�or...t �i-� r:v�-�r� �, r� i v-� o� 33 5 Q Name Ho�e Address: City �`=i��y �������� JAN � i958 DIV. �F P�RKS Zip Telephone Nuaber: (Ho�e) j o`1 Cn (Aork) 6o Yy -9 b3 Planning Distiict CoimciL• ; � City Council Aazd• y � f' T Preferred Hailing Addzess: ��'�( ��,.�,}-�n J{.uc ��- Q (�'� N Ahat is your occupation? G1.uU m� lr7} - �nc�pee �/ 5no�.� �G r�1aU0.� Place o£ Eaployment: Comnittee(s) P_pplied Rhat skills/training or esperience do you possess £or the committee(s) £or vhich ycu see:c appointment? = o.m r ���n�l�-t �n�ol�p1, nn th� ��� �h FvAress u,hcn�l� hoardl nd� hra�� �y��rio.n�e ufi� - f'h� Wa�n a„ �oa�dl Mcc�,nc, �5 ran C)n - f'ht �p�th ��r«< �a�.}h har �t�_ T d • - � '- --- • u • � • • m �.-�-h �a}, �al a.1� � I �+u . V The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this infornatioa is not released to the general public. (ODER) OFFZCE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY xaZ,L SAINT PAIIL, MINiv'ESOTA 55102 266-8526 Rev. 8-15-90 PERSONAI. REFERENCES Name:_2anGl�, lr Address: �Z7Z �0.W'�'Ofl �} G } 6 G.�n4 Phone: (Home) �ny�J � �/�//(0 tWork) (aS9 - CI(nl'� Name : 1�1� � � (A��� Addres Phone: Name Address:_ y� Z2 (�� /�sbtir'w �� lc Mp lg —� Phone: CHone) X Z 3 � � �. _ _�AorkZ__ _ _— Reasons for your interest in this particular co�ittee: �`}c EIj`�f� 0. t.4dU'� �� J� OuT rnmmun, .� � SeG r t{�a�- 'f"he nf'h � tA,pt,�}�� �— c��1cy1 ni ncool T bc h'e � �z,�„\�l� r, n, ar �.� �crson -E-n .�'; tt +he po�n no.� Have you had previous contact vith the co�ittee £or vhich you are malcing application. I�' so, vhen, and circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that comittee representation reflects the makeup o£ our cou�unity, please check the line applicable to you. This in�ormation is strictly volvntarp. � White (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Y Male Female Disahled: Yes No _� Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Date o£ Birth: �� 1 S�"� �` If special acconmodations are needed, please specify. Hov did you hear about this opening? J�M ��GA C tie�l,}�itG � c-�nf o4 +�adh r�r S�� 9�= �dd � 10-29-98 APPLICANTS-RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS 001033 B1ick, Beth 401 Ashland Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55102 Home - 291-8583 unemployed Rita Adams 774-1040 Dawn Alexander 1535 Magnolia St. 776-2639 Ann Degroot 1434 Ashland Avenue 644-8464 or 822-0127 PAGE 1 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) 1 8 5-30-90 apps. for PHA, PA and FN Sara Tesch 1630 S. 6th Mpls h) 375-1037 Nancy Wisocke 1630 S. 6th Mpls h) 375-1037 Walter Rupp Advocating Change Together 1821 University Ave, 55104 wj 641-0297 02/20/98 W F 5-15-92 Re£ugee Advisory Committee, Parks and{ Recreation, Riverfront Redevelopment Corporation, H.H.H. {JOb Corps Center, Neighborhood Advisory Committee, Affi{rmative Action Advisory Committee, Public Housing Aut{hority and Como Park Educational Resource Center Task Fo{rce. 2-20-98 Planning; Riverfront; HPC; ACOA; Disa{bilities; Bicycle; Food and Nutrition; Health Services,{ Human Rights; Business Review, Youth Fund Board, Zo{ning, Ryan White, Overniqht Shelter; MELSA; NAC; New Ame{ricans and Parks-Rec: -{-----------_ � 9�- id�� 10-29-95 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 PAGE 2 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 2-20-98 References for Multiple Committees (S{ee #16 section) Rebecca Hoffman Strong Currently Homeless w) 293-5913 (pager) 608-2760 Barb Warren Mental Health Resources 1821 University, Ste. 400 w) 659-2900 Mary Kay Kennedy A.C.T. Midway Building 1821 University Avenue, Ste. 312 002944 Brown, Sherri Mortenson 10 Victoria S. St. Pdu1, MN 55105 Home - 291-9189 Executive Director Valerie Whitehead 1951 Montreal St. Paul, MN 55116 H) 698-9652 003504 De Leon, Maria 1098 Marion Street St. Paul, MN 55117 Home - 488-9633 Program Mgr./Youth Worker 9-24-98 Youth Fund Board Mary Buminson 386 McNeal Hall 1985 Buford Avenue St. Paul, MN SS10S h) 48�9-8463 w) 624-3227 2 16 5 6 02/21/95 W F 09/24/98 H F Carla DeBOSe T7/88 IDS Twoer Mpls., MN 55440 � %� iod � 10-29-98 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 3 COMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT J REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- ------�- -------- -------- --- --- --- h) 525-0506 w) 671-8170 Joyce Hayden 2'750 Medicine Ridge Road Plymouth, MN 55441 h) 541-0594 w) 541-0594 043445 Evenrud, Nelson T. 1061 Thomas Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55104 Home - 917-9683 Supervisor 1 7 3-13-98 Parks-Rec and Youth Fund Board Eric Hacket 4453 Colfax Ave., S. Mpls. 55409 h) 823-3537 Matthew Palmer 4128 Sheridan Ave. S. Mpls., MN 55410 h) 926-2928 Sarah Kerbeshien 5059 Vincent Ave. S. Mpls., 55410 h) 926-6031 003232 Ford, Michelle 1134 Blair Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55104 03(13/98 II M 4 13 10/25/96 W F Advisory Committee on Aging Home - 644-9350 Outreach Case Manager Colleen Hegranes College of St. Catherine/Dean of Students h) 698-0622 Robert McCarthy 1776 Dayton Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55104 h) 644-8510 w) 844-3316 9�=i��9 10-29-98 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 4 APPLICANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTI3ER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ___________________________________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ Dee Foutch 215 E. 9th St. Pau1, MN 55101 w) 228-3283 003365 Fuller, Joan 3 14 1161 Randolph Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 695-0958 Natl. Admissions Rep/Hotels 2-17-98 Youth Fund & HPC Officer James Quinn Newport Police Dept. Broadway, Newport, RI 02840 w) (4010 847-0088, X 240 Eileen Morrice hasbro Toy Company Riverside, RI w) 9401) 725-869'7, X 8747 Ronnie Getter 1149 Randolph Ave. St. paul� MN h) 690-4627 002943 Gunderson, Patricia 283 N. Avon Street St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 297-9323 Self Employed Pam Lachowsky 682 Dayton Ave. St. Paul� MN 55104 H) 224-7226 Trish Gra£strum 329 Minnesota Ave. Roseville, MN 55113 H) 484-7568 1 8 02/17/98 W F 02/17/95 W F Robin Caulfield 733 Jefferson Ave. St. Paul� MN 55105 H) 222-4620 9�! iv�y 10-29-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 5 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLFINNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT {PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) -----------°------°-------------- ---- -------- °------ -------- --- -° --- 003025 Heinz, Jo #2 1319 Conway Street St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 772-9081 Student/GAP Project Volunteer 7 4 07/31/95 U F Janet Preston 602 Ivy Ave. E. h) 774-3249 w) 227-3938 State Senator Randy Kelly h) 772-1114 w) 296-5285 Andy Dawkins 788 Charles Ave. h) 224-6270 w) 296-5158 003110 Aoye, Dennis 1552 Blair St. Pau1, MN 55104-1828 Home - 644-0461 11/30/95 W M 11-30-95 Police Civilian Review Commission &{Youth Fund Board -- No References Listed by Applicant. 003185 Jackson, Tina M. 1 7 06/10/96 B F 740 N. Lexington Pkwy. St. Pau1, MN 55104 Aome - 488-'7580 Social Worker Linita Gay 731 21st Ave. S.E. Augsburg College w) 330-1022 Dapne Topps 935 Olson Memorial Hwy. T.C.O.I.C. w) 377-0150 Lisa Sayles Harvest Prep 2338 Humboldt Ave. 10-29-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS ��' i�oq PAGE 6 WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- ----�--- -------- -------- --- --- --- h) 529-6173 ------------------------------------ 11-4-96 Human Rights Commission Linita Gay 731 21st Ave. S.E. Augusburg College w) 330-1022 Daphne Topps 935 Olson Memorial Hwy T.C.O.I.C.. w) 377-0150 Lisa Sayles Harvest Prep 2338 Humbold Ave. h) 529-6173 003017 James, Cricket 6 2 1280 Kennard St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 772-2370 Sales Rep Dino Guerin 19�7 N. Park Drive H) 738-1458 Terri McLaughlin 1821 Goodrich St. Paul, MN 55105 H) 699-4364 Curman Gaines 168 E. 6th Street St, Paul, MN H) 222-5536 003375 Mu11en, Mark R. #300 Hewitt Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Aome - 523-4328 Legal Clerk 4 11 { 07/20/95 NA F 09/08/98 U M 9P= iJa� 10-29-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 PAGE 7 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) _____________________________ ___� ________ ________ ________ ^__ 2-13-98 Planning Commission; CIB; Parks and R{ec and BZA: Mayor Charles Stokke 800 Wilson Ave. Menomonie, WI 54751 h) (715) 235-4912 w) (715) 232-2369 Lowe11 Prange City Administrator 800 Wilson Ave. Menomonie, WI 54751 (h) (715) 235-5482 w) (715) 232-2187 Mayor Virginia Smith 30 W. Central St. Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 h) (715) 723-5439 w) (715) 726-2734 9-8-98 Youth Fund Board Human Rights Overnight Shelter Police Civilian Internal Affairs Planning Commission [same references as those listed above] 003474 Nuckles, Kimberly 1640 Randolph Avenue-A St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - (651) 699-7780 Executive Director 3 15 O8f26/98 W F 8-26-98 YASFB John Hottinger, MN State Senator 120 State Capitol St. Paul, MN 55155 h) 227-1952 w) 296-6153 Joeleen Gonder Spacek Suite 200 81 South 9th Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 h) 476-2319 w) 38-=9162 Kathy Moriarity 651 1/2 University Avenue St. Pdu1, MN 55104 h) 488-5940 w) 291-2480 S 10-29-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE C� ENTS 002981 Oyeyemi, Kunle 1780 52nd St. E. Inver Grove Hgts., MN 55077 Home ^ 457-1599 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- ------�- -------- -------- --- --- --- -�i� ida � PAGE 8 OS/16/95 B M Y Rubin Latz 245 E. 6th Street St. Paul, MN 55101 H) 292-5734 Richard Omi H) 290-0905 Jona Oyinloye 220 S. Robert St. St. Paul, MN 55107 002385 Reagan, Maryjane Rachner 1917 Pinehuret Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55116 1340 Aome ^ 698-1038 Reading Tutor James Noonan 364 N. Owasso Blvd. Shoreview H) 482-7723 Dr. Donald Derauf 600 Wentworth Ave. Mendota Hgts. Steven Kurak 13196 Eldorado St. NE B1aiRe, MN H) 755-4439 3 15 03J26J97 W F 003359 Redmond, Charles 1236 Dayton Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 646-8478 Lawn Mtce./Snow Removal O1/OS/98 W M 9� �oo� 10-29-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 9 CAMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT J REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ____ _______^ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ Randy Treichel 1272 Dayton Avenue h) 645-9416 w) 659-0613 Karl Grahek 184 N. Syndicate h) 644-9204 w) 649-9303 Kurt 0ldham 4122 Pillsbury Avenue Minneapolis h) 823-2697 9� �o�� Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: FROM: IZ�� RE: Saint Paul CitXCouneilmember� Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember 7erry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Nfichael Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter Alberto Quintela, 7r. Q, . Assistant to the Mayor � - October 29, 1998 Youth Fund Board Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointments and reappointments of the following I individuals to serve on the Youth Fund Board. MEMBER Shirley Alexander Maria DeLeon Brennan Elliott Brooks William (Billy) Collins Diana Rodriguez NTiriam Rykken 7im Kelley Greg Simbeck Charles Redmond Jennifer Bozicevich Leah Olson Michael Lohman Adult At-Large Adult At-Large Youth At-Lazge Ward 1—Adult Wazd 2—Adult Wazd 3—Adult Wazd 4—Adult Ward 5—Adult Ward 5—Youth Wazd 6—Adult Ward 6—Youth Ward 7—Adult APPOINTED/REAPPOINTED Appointed Appointed Reappointed Reappointed Reappointed Reappointed Reappointed Reappointed Appointed Reappointed (Former Youth-At-Large) Reappointed Reappointed Each of the above members shall serve a one-year term which will expire on 7uly 1, 1999. Attached is a copy ofthe resolution, copies ofthe new appointees' applications and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January 1, 1994. Feel free to call me at 266-8529 ifyou have any questions. Attachments c: Nancy Anderson, Council Research� Eric Thompson, Youth Fund Board Staff/Parks and Recreation Council File # 9� /LT/.� oR1G�uA� Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Couneil consents to and approves of the appointments and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the YOUTH FITND BOARD. 6 � 8 9 10 MEMBER Shirley Alexander Maria DeLeon Brennan Elliott Brooks William (Billy) Collins Diana Rodriguez Miriam Rykken 11 Jim Kelley i2 Greg Simbeck 13 Chazles Redu�ond 14 Jennifer Bozicevich 15 Le91101son 15 Michael Lohman Green Sheet # 52349 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA REPRESENTING Adult At-Lazge Adult At-Lazge Youth At-Lazge Wazd 1—Adult Wazd 2—Adult Wud 3—Adult Wazd 4—Adult Wazd 5—Adult Wazd 5—Youth Wazd 6—Adult Wazd 6—Youth Ward �—Adult APPOINTED/REAPPOINTED Appointed Appointed Reappointed Reappointed Reappointed Reappointed Reappointed Reappointed Appointed Reappointed (Former Youth-At-Lazge Representative) Reappointed Reappointed 17 is Each of the above members shall serve a one-year term which will expire on July 1, 1999. 19 20 2 1 Requested by Department of: By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Appr By: Adopted by Council: Date ,� � Form Approved by City Attorney By: �i�'^ C ��l�Gz,�^' . � N° 52349 OEMR7MENTpFFICER'pUNCII � DATE INITIATED �� / �(// � Mayor Coleman's Office I 10-28-98 � G RE EN SH E E COMACTPERSON 8 PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAVDATE OOEPARTMENTO�RECTOR �CITYCOUNqL Alberto Quintela 266-8529 ASSIGN �CITYATTORNEY �CITYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) NIIMBER FOP � BUDGET OIREGTOR � FlN 8 MGT SEFVICES DIR. NOUTNG O(iDEH rYl �pyOR (OR ASSISTAfJn � I� 1 70TAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED' Youth Fund Board appt. of Shirley Aleaander, Maria DeLeon,Charles Redmond & reappts. of Brennan Brooks, Billy Collins, Diana Rodriguez, Miriam Rykken, Jim Relley, Greg Si.mbeck, Jennifer Bozicevich, Leah Olson and Michael Lohman to the YOUTH FUND BOARD. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rei� (Rl PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION �� Hes thi5 person/firm ever wo�ketl under a conirac� for ihis depariment? _ CIB CqMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has ihis personRirm ever been a ciry employee? _ STAFF — VES NO _ DISTRICT COUfiT — 3. Does thi5 person/firm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO ExD�ein aII yes answers on seperate eheet enE attach to green sheet INITIATING PflOBLEM.ISSUE.OPPORTUNIiY(Who. Whet, When. Where. Why) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED' DISADVANTAGES IFAPPflOVE� DISADVFNTAGESIFNOTAPARWED- �� � � '-� C����4 ���a��: G�.�r�� y+�.Pn r1 dA •:LiE�. �� =.;�s� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIALINFOPFnAT10N:(EXPIAIN) �r/ �oe� �� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 �CT 26 i99� +�'�AYQ�S Of�l�� Name: Shirlev A. Alexander HomeAddress: 882 Haeue Avenue St. Paul, 551�4 Street City Zip Telephone Number: Planning District Council: �Flome) 651-292-01�3 �vork)b51-293-5911 (pAX) $ City Council �Vard: PreferredhlailingAddressS Same as above What is your occupation? Place of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: Human Services Counselor/Administrator Wilder Foundation & Trustina Nei2hbors . � �. ... . What skills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? S1RC0 1979. I hava haan in��nlvoA in �sp*. S2i'V'6B� rn �nnth thrnngh mV WOTIc With vaYini C�gPTf �PR' T}1 VM� !`j�l C �,� R' R rl, rz� Si QYPYR Tnnr>r fit� Ynnth ieag Fnirndation Wnman VPTYIIYP anA Trncting Noiahhnrc I�7osses5 ckillc in nrgani�ing mAntnrin$ �or..i� �PaYning rnnnaraYil�c lcorRl^� tJ�.�4lSllllg aT�l� �nmtllt�nit�_nartnaring The information included in this application is considered private daYa according to the Nfinnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is noi released to the general public. (O VER) Rev. 8-5-9 i PERSONAL REFERENCE Nam¢: Councilmember Jerry Blakey Address: i t,� N_ Mi l to Straat RT Panl MrT 551 (14 Phone: (Home) (651) 646-5923 �ork� (651) 266-8610 Name: Address: Phone: Name: Michael A1ada Add1'C55: 1561 Sdheelock Parkway cr P 1 AiN 55717 Phone: (Homel (651) 489-4892 a (651) 872-1123 Reasons foryour interest in this particular committee: The development of vouth ha� A �[ �,S }i �1 fi 3-IIa 7r41 � F-ES� f E I � S P Y t3 0.1d'S caoacitieG w�th � 't3�_�ed agen s 'ce�l.s]�va��., T (IP4l ra t ���_,a, p�� s ��l i 6 a A k l .1 --- - nn � citizPn narr;r;n r' t, ,� � �� r•r� f ct v i r h• g mv backeround 'n , nrlarct� rl • rh � f� rt, 't]�_� �� of the Youth Fund Board will improve service effectiveness. Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and the circumstances? Yes. I applied for the �o th Fvnd RnarA _ twice or;thin tha 1 r f've �ea-�s In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. R'hite (Caucasian) _� Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male Disabled: Yes X Female No Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Date of Birth: If special accommodations are needed, please specify: N/ a Georgina Stephens 875 Laurel Avenue St. PauZ, MN 55104 (fIomel f651) 222-5515 (Work) (651) F�5_[,555 Howdidyouhearaboutthisopening? Councilmember Serry Blak � �L�� ��� ,, " �, v' � �� , �: V � OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CIT'Y HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 Name• �!nQ 172,1�r.�r� Home Address: � �� i "C..�-�'l0 t'� ��r�' — �.WL- �' �l.l.` � 11 � Street City Zip Telephone Number: (Homel48`d91�33 (�Vorkl �F'AXl � Plannina District Council: IV�� C`���ns �t�rv,ir�n .ity Council `Vard: C�`riS ��-'''''�✓�"� Preferred Mailing Address: �i'hat is your occupation % Place of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: I C��' �t`�o�c'tov � rc-�� - � Y�r�. �+• �-,c,e ` � ll� 9� i�o'9 �c�'C.=��� SLP 25 198� n� �+%��°C (:��fu= �t ro�, cz�.Y �unct ' What skills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? �� ��� The information included in this application is considered pri�ate datn according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. (OVER} Rev. 8-5-97 PERSONAL REFERENCES Name: Address: Phone: Name: �r �_�5�.. Address: T���`6 -- �nS Tc7w�.�' �b �`{�� �-'��� SS'� Phone: (Home) �2S 'C�aD (Workl ��.I 0 ��ib Name: Address: Phone: (Home) 5�k 1• C�ztLi (Wor�) ��-! l- �59L1 ReasonsforyourinYerestinthisparticularcommiYYe� �rn�,nr}� �'O C�''1 � vnrl-In her�l-�1�, , ri�-� ,P1��-r-�P n� �-�,�-�,r, i!�, C�h � I��r-P � R.� c�n �-�-i ,. �f Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you �re mnking application? If so, when, and the circumstances? In an attempf fo ensure that committee represenfntion ref�ects fhe makeup of our community, ptease check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. White (Caucasian) Black (African Americln) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Nlale Disabled: Yes � Female No �. If special accommodations are needed, plense specify: Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander DateofBirth• �2 Zy �D How did you hear about this opening? (Home) T�Sq • �4�3 (Work) (.�2 � .��Z ��.r rt (,.. �. -I�aY.., �x u s o+r, i'1e��I c� r.r�l��iS �(�c]n �.e� [.l.rr.�c r� c r, �.-...... n.��-.r� � �C�or...t �i-� r:v�-�r� �, r� i v-� o� 33 5 Q Name Ho�e Address: City �`=i��y �������� JAN � i958 DIV. �F P�RKS Zip Telephone Nuaber: (Ho�e) j o`1 Cn (Aork) 6o Yy -9 b3 Planning Distiict CoimciL• ; � City Council Aazd• y � f' T Preferred Hailing Addzess: ��'�( ��,.�,}-�n J{.uc ��- Q (�'� N Ahat is your occupation? G1.uU m� lr7} - �nc�pee �/ 5no�.� �G r�1aU0.� Place o£ Eaployment: Comnittee(s) P_pplied Rhat skills/training or esperience do you possess £or the committee(s) £or vhich ycu see:c appointment? = o.m r ���n�l�-t �n�ol�p1, nn th� ��� �h FvAress u,hcn�l� hoardl nd� hra�� �y��rio.n�e ufi� - f'h� Wa�n a„ �oa�dl Mcc�,nc, �5 ran C)n - f'ht �p�th ��r«< �a�.}h har �t�_ T d • - � '- --- • u • � • • m �.-�-h �a}, �al a.1� � I �+u . V The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this infornatioa is not released to the general public. (ODER) OFFZCE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY xaZ,L SAINT PAIIL, MINiv'ESOTA 55102 266-8526 Rev. 8-15-90 PERSONAI. REFERENCES Name:_2anGl�, lr Address: �Z7Z �0.W'�'Ofl �} G } 6 G.�n4 Phone: (Home) �ny�J � �/�//(0 tWork) (aS9 - CI(nl'� Name : 1�1� � � (A��� Addres Phone: Name Address:_ y� Z2 (�� /�sbtir'w �� lc Mp lg —� Phone: CHone) X Z 3 � � �. _ _�AorkZ__ _ _— Reasons for your interest in this particular co�ittee: �`}c EIj`�f� 0. t.4dU'� �� J� OuT rnmmun, .� � SeG r t{�a�- 'f"he nf'h � tA,pt,�}�� �— c��1cy1 ni ncool T bc h'e � �z,�„\�l� r, n, ar �.� �crson -E-n .�'; tt +he po�n no.� Have you had previous contact vith the co�ittee £or vhich you are malcing application. I�' so, vhen, and circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that comittee representation reflects the makeup o£ our cou�unity, please check the line applicable to you. This in�ormation is strictly volvntarp. � White (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Y Male Female Disahled: Yes No _� Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Date o£ Birth: �� 1 S�"� �` If special acconmodations are needed, please specify. Hov did you hear about this opening? J�M ��GA C tie�l,}�itG � c-�nf o4 +�adh r�r S�� 9�= �dd � 10-29-98 APPLICANTS-RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS 001033 B1ick, Beth 401 Ashland Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55102 Home - 291-8583 unemployed Rita Adams 774-1040 Dawn Alexander 1535 Magnolia St. 776-2639 Ann Degroot 1434 Ashland Avenue 644-8464 or 822-0127 PAGE 1 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) 1 8 5-30-90 apps. for PHA, PA and FN Sara Tesch 1630 S. 6th Mpls h) 375-1037 Nancy Wisocke 1630 S. 6th Mpls h) 375-1037 Walter Rupp Advocating Change Together 1821 University Ave, 55104 wj 641-0297 02/20/98 W F 5-15-92 Re£ugee Advisory Committee, Parks and{ Recreation, Riverfront Redevelopment Corporation, H.H.H. {JOb Corps Center, Neighborhood Advisory Committee, Affi{rmative Action Advisory Committee, Public Housing Aut{hority and Como Park Educational Resource Center Task Fo{rce. 2-20-98 Planning; Riverfront; HPC; ACOA; Disa{bilities; Bicycle; Food and Nutrition; Health Services,{ Human Rights; Business Review, Youth Fund Board, Zo{ning, Ryan White, Overniqht Shelter; MELSA; NAC; New Ame{ricans and Parks-Rec: -{-----------_ � 9�- id�� 10-29-95 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 PAGE 2 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 2-20-98 References for Multiple Committees (S{ee #16 section) Rebecca Hoffman Strong Currently Homeless w) 293-5913 (pager) 608-2760 Barb Warren Mental Health Resources 1821 University, Ste. 400 w) 659-2900 Mary Kay Kennedy A.C.T. Midway Building 1821 University Avenue, Ste. 312 002944 Brown, Sherri Mortenson 10 Victoria S. St. Pdu1, MN 55105 Home - 291-9189 Executive Director Valerie Whitehead 1951 Montreal St. Paul, MN 55116 H) 698-9652 003504 De Leon, Maria 1098 Marion Street St. Paul, MN 55117 Home - 488-9633 Program Mgr./Youth Worker 9-24-98 Youth Fund Board Mary Buminson 386 McNeal Hall 1985 Buford Avenue St. Paul, MN SS10S h) 48�9-8463 w) 624-3227 2 16 5 6 02/21/95 W F 09/24/98 H F Carla DeBOSe T7/88 IDS Twoer Mpls., MN 55440 � %� iod � 10-29-98 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 3 COMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT J REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- ------�- -------- -------- --- --- --- h) 525-0506 w) 671-8170 Joyce Hayden 2'750 Medicine Ridge Road Plymouth, MN 55441 h) 541-0594 w) 541-0594 043445 Evenrud, Nelson T. 1061 Thomas Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55104 Home - 917-9683 Supervisor 1 7 3-13-98 Parks-Rec and Youth Fund Board Eric Hacket 4453 Colfax Ave., S. Mpls. 55409 h) 823-3537 Matthew Palmer 4128 Sheridan Ave. S. Mpls., MN 55410 h) 926-2928 Sarah Kerbeshien 5059 Vincent Ave. S. Mpls., 55410 h) 926-6031 003232 Ford, Michelle 1134 Blair Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55104 03(13/98 II M 4 13 10/25/96 W F Advisory Committee on Aging Home - 644-9350 Outreach Case Manager Colleen Hegranes College of St. Catherine/Dean of Students h) 698-0622 Robert McCarthy 1776 Dayton Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55104 h) 644-8510 w) 844-3316 9�=i��9 10-29-98 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 4 APPLICANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTI3ER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ___________________________________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ Dee Foutch 215 E. 9th St. Pau1, MN 55101 w) 228-3283 003365 Fuller, Joan 3 14 1161 Randolph Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 695-0958 Natl. Admissions Rep/Hotels 2-17-98 Youth Fund & HPC Officer James Quinn Newport Police Dept. Broadway, Newport, RI 02840 w) (4010 847-0088, X 240 Eileen Morrice hasbro Toy Company Riverside, RI w) 9401) 725-869'7, X 8747 Ronnie Getter 1149 Randolph Ave. St. paul� MN h) 690-4627 002943 Gunderson, Patricia 283 N. Avon Street St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 297-9323 Self Employed Pam Lachowsky 682 Dayton Ave. St. Paul� MN 55104 H) 224-7226 Trish Gra£strum 329 Minnesota Ave. Roseville, MN 55113 H) 484-7568 1 8 02/17/98 W F 02/17/95 W F Robin Caulfield 733 Jefferson Ave. St. Paul� MN 55105 H) 222-4620 9�! iv�y 10-29-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 5 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLFINNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT {PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) -----------°------°-------------- ---- -------- °------ -------- --- -° --- 003025 Heinz, Jo #2 1319 Conway Street St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 772-9081 Student/GAP Project Volunteer 7 4 07/31/95 U F Janet Preston 602 Ivy Ave. E. h) 774-3249 w) 227-3938 State Senator Randy Kelly h) 772-1114 w) 296-5285 Andy Dawkins 788 Charles Ave. h) 224-6270 w) 296-5158 003110 Aoye, Dennis 1552 Blair St. Pau1, MN 55104-1828 Home - 644-0461 11/30/95 W M 11-30-95 Police Civilian Review Commission &{Youth Fund Board -- No References Listed by Applicant. 003185 Jackson, Tina M. 1 7 06/10/96 B F 740 N. Lexington Pkwy. St. Pau1, MN 55104 Aome - 488-'7580 Social Worker Linita Gay 731 21st Ave. S.E. Augsburg College w) 330-1022 Dapne Topps 935 Olson Memorial Hwy. T.C.O.I.C. w) 377-0150 Lisa Sayles Harvest Prep 2338 Humboldt Ave. 10-29-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS ��' i�oq PAGE 6 WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- ----�--- -------- -------- --- --- --- h) 529-6173 ------------------------------------ 11-4-96 Human Rights Commission Linita Gay 731 21st Ave. S.E. Augusburg College w) 330-1022 Daphne Topps 935 Olson Memorial Hwy T.C.O.I.C.. w) 377-0150 Lisa Sayles Harvest Prep 2338 Humbold Ave. h) 529-6173 003017 James, Cricket 6 2 1280 Kennard St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 772-2370 Sales Rep Dino Guerin 19�7 N. Park Drive H) 738-1458 Terri McLaughlin 1821 Goodrich St. Paul, MN 55105 H) 699-4364 Curman Gaines 168 E. 6th Street St, Paul, MN H) 222-5536 003375 Mu11en, Mark R. #300 Hewitt Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Aome - 523-4328 Legal Clerk 4 11 { 07/20/95 NA F 09/08/98 U M 9P= iJa� 10-29-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 PAGE 7 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) _____________________________ ___� ________ ________ ________ ^__ 2-13-98 Planning Commission; CIB; Parks and R{ec and BZA: Mayor Charles Stokke 800 Wilson Ave. Menomonie, WI 54751 h) (715) 235-4912 w) (715) 232-2369 Lowe11 Prange City Administrator 800 Wilson Ave. Menomonie, WI 54751 (h) (715) 235-5482 w) (715) 232-2187 Mayor Virginia Smith 30 W. Central St. Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 h) (715) 723-5439 w) (715) 726-2734 9-8-98 Youth Fund Board Human Rights Overnight Shelter Police Civilian Internal Affairs Planning Commission [same references as those listed above] 003474 Nuckles, Kimberly 1640 Randolph Avenue-A St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - (651) 699-7780 Executive Director 3 15 O8f26/98 W F 8-26-98 YASFB John Hottinger, MN State Senator 120 State Capitol St. Paul, MN 55155 h) 227-1952 w) 296-6153 Joeleen Gonder Spacek Suite 200 81 South 9th Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 h) 476-2319 w) 38-=9162 Kathy Moriarity 651 1/2 University Avenue St. Pdu1, MN 55104 h) 488-5940 w) 291-2480 S 10-29-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE C� ENTS 002981 Oyeyemi, Kunle 1780 52nd St. E. Inver Grove Hgts., MN 55077 Home ^ 457-1599 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- ------�- -------- -------- --- --- --- -�i� ida � PAGE 8 OS/16/95 B M Y Rubin Latz 245 E. 6th Street St. Paul, MN 55101 H) 292-5734 Richard Omi H) 290-0905 Jona Oyinloye 220 S. Robert St. St. Paul, MN 55107 002385 Reagan, Maryjane Rachner 1917 Pinehuret Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55116 1340 Aome ^ 698-1038 Reading Tutor James Noonan 364 N. Owasso Blvd. Shoreview H) 482-7723 Dr. Donald Derauf 600 Wentworth Ave. Mendota Hgts. Steven Kurak 13196 Eldorado St. NE B1aiRe, MN H) 755-4439 3 15 03J26J97 W F 003359 Redmond, Charles 1236 Dayton Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 646-8478 Lawn Mtce./Snow Removal O1/OS/98 W M 9� �oo� 10-29-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 9 CAMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT J REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ____ _______^ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ Randy Treichel 1272 Dayton Avenue h) 645-9416 w) 659-0613 Karl Grahek 184 N. Syndicate h) 644-9204 w) 649-9303 Kurt 0ldham 4122 Pillsbury Avenue Minneapolis h) 823-2697 9� �o�� Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: FROM: IZ�� RE: Saint Paul CitXCouneilmember� Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember 7erry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Nfichael Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter Alberto Quintela, 7r. Q, . Assistant to the Mayor � - October 29, 1998 Youth Fund Board Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointments and reappointments of the following I individuals to serve on the Youth Fund Board. MEMBER Shirley Alexander Maria DeLeon Brennan Elliott Brooks William (Billy) Collins Diana Rodriguez NTiriam Rykken 7im Kelley Greg Simbeck Charles Redmond Jennifer Bozicevich Leah Olson Michael Lohman Adult At-Large Adult At-Large Youth At-Lazge Ward 1—Adult Wazd 2—Adult Wazd 3—Adult Wazd 4—Adult Ward 5—Adult Ward 5—Youth Wazd 6—Adult Ward 6—Youth Ward 7—Adult APPOINTED/REAPPOINTED Appointed Appointed Reappointed Reappointed Reappointed Reappointed Reappointed Reappointed Appointed Reappointed (Former Youth-At-Large) Reappointed Reappointed Each of the above members shall serve a one-year term which will expire on 7uly 1, 1999. Attached is a copy ofthe resolution, copies ofthe new appointees' applications and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January 1, 1994. Feel free to call me at 266-8529 ifyou have any questions. Attachments c: Nancy Anderson, Council Research� Eric Thompson, Youth Fund Board Staff/Parks and Recreation