98-1000a' � i OR1Gi Presented By Re£e=red To Cor.�it.ee: Date WI3EREA5, After due consideration and study of the financial condition of the Water Utility, projected future expenses and approval of the 1999 Budget, the Board of Water Commissioners and the City Council have deternuned that the present rate shucture is inadequate to continue operations without an adjustment; and WHEREAS, The Board and City Council recommend that the residential water billing cycle continue on a quarterly cycle, and that Board staff continue the level monthly or quarterly payment and direct pay option pians available on a voluntary basis for consumers; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 85.01 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code the City Council hereby approves the following Schedule of Water Rates for a11 water bills levied on or after January 1, 1999. 1999 WATER RATES Insi e Cit For first 100,000 cu, ft. per month �� � C.ouncil File # q8 -t o � Green Sheet # GaSp a RESOLUTION SA1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Winter* Summer* * City of Maplewood Winter* Summer*� All over 100,000 cu. ft. per month All Year City of Maplewood All Year $135 per 100 cu. ft. 1.45 « „ « $1.25 per 100 cu. ft. Outside City (Escept Maplewoodl $1.62 per 100 cu. ft. 1.74 " " " $1.58 per 100 cu. ft. $1.70 per 100 cu. ft. $1.50 per 100 cu. ft. $1.46 per 100 cu. ft. ��. � FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1-INCH AND SMALLER METERS * Winter rates shali apply to bills sent during January through May, and December. **Summer rates sha11 apply to bills sent during June through November. FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1 1/2-INCH AND LARGER METERS AND ROSEVILLE, LITTLE CANADA AND MASTEI2 METER ACCOUNTS * Winter rates shall apply to bills sent during January through April, November and December. **Suinmer rates sha11 apply to bills sent during May through October. MINIMUM CHARGES: FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1-INCH AND SMALLER METERS Minimum charges sha11 be based upon consumption of 300 cubic feet per quarter for those on quarterly billing. Minimum charges shall be based upon consumption of 100 cubic feet per month far those on monthly billing. FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1 1/2-INCH AND LARGER METERS Mnumum charges shall be based upon consumption of 300 cubic feet per month. a�-1�aoa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 LATE CHARGES: The imposition of late payment charges, as set forth below, to be imposed upon water and sewer service chazges which are not paid within thirty (30) days of the billing date; as authorized in City Council Resolution No. 94-1304. CUSTOMER AMOUNT OF LATE CLASSIFTCATION DELINQUENCY CHARGEx RESIDENTIAL 0-$2,000 5% per annum* �` RESIDENTIAL $2,001 - $50,000 $100 + 0.83% I2ESIDENTIAL $50,001+ $500*** COMMERCIAL 0-$2,000 5% per annum*** COMMERCIAL $2,001 - $50,000 $100 + 0.83% COMMERCIAL $50,001+ $500 IS 16 *Exceptions: Late chazge shall not apply to interdepartmental City of Saint Paul sewer 17 and water billings. 18 19 Late charge shall not apply to previous residential owner billings, such as 20 special bills, in accordance with established guidelines. 21 22 **Exception: 5% late charge of up to $50 shall not be collected on a residential account 23 for a one-time delinquency occurrence for each account, in accordance 24 with established guidelines. 25 26 ***Exception: 5% late charge of up to $100 shali not be collected on a commercial 27 account for a one-time delinquency occurrence for each account, in 28 accordance with established guidelines. Requutcd by Depaztmcnt of: qdopted by Council: Aate �sv , j�, ` �� ` L 4doption Certified by Coundl Secretary iY- �pproved by Mayor: e � � � � Water Utility By. �.�.�.c. � General Manager Form Approved by Gr� Atcorney � ����. � t B •...�. . ., . ... �� . . i ��� i _ /�_ / � / �. �c_� �-�.--- a8- }�o� 10/05/98 Bernie R. Bullert - 266-6274 NOVEHffiER 12, 1998 ���'IC HEARING E ffi SCHEDULED TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET No 62502 arv.nanfr "�'� • �-fi-7 0 � cmmuc _ rwuxw.aEancesom. ❑s.wio.ts¢avinccrc � WY011(d! 1111i) ❑ (CLIP ALL ATtONS FOR SIGNATURE) City Council approval of resolution concurring with action taken by the Board of Water Commissioners establishing the water rates for 1999. A public hearing is scheduled for November 12, 1998 in the City Council Chambers. PLANNING CAMMISSION GB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERViCE COMMISSION Rnard nf Watar CommiccipneTS Resolution No. 4606 Flss th's Pe�M� aver worked under a wMrac[ for tfiis tlepartment7 vES nio Hes this Pe�suMrtn ever been a dtY emDloYee9 YES NO Dcesthis P��NBrm possess a sldll not norma�NP� bY anY curteM cdY emPlaYee'� rES ao �c mis persoNfirm a tara�ea MenaoY7 YES NO The Utility needs adequate.financing to maintain reasonable levels of capital improvements and system maintenance in order to provide qualiCy service in a cost-effective mannex. Also federal water quality regulations require the Utility to make capital improvements that necessitate funding through debt issues: These debt issues require us to maintain certain minimum financing standards that must be covered through the proper budgeting for obligations. Above goals will be achieved and will provide a typical average City of Saint Paul customer, (using 8,400 CCF) with an increase in rates of 2.94 percent. None apparent Utility would be less likely to maintain reasonable standards for service to customers and adequate financial reserves. ae�wuNt oF Twwsnetioa s SOURCE COSTIREVENUEBUOGECm(pRCLEON� YES NU ACTNRY NUMBER a- C- , a `�' Gaun�ol R�sea�c� ���te� OCT 0 7 1998 �CF � 9 �99$ �����s �����° arY oF sr. PnuL OFFiCE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTlON — GENERAI FORM $1.35 per 100 cu. ft. 1.45 " " " RESENTE� BY DAT .OMMISSIONER - - - - - WHEREAS, After due consideration and study of the financial condition of the Water Utility, projected future ezcpenses and approval of the 1999 Budget, the Board of Water Commissioners and the City Council have detemuned that the present rate shucture is inadequate to continue operations without an adjiutment; and WHEREAS, The Board and City Council recommend that the residential water billing cycle continue on a quarterly cycle, and that Boazd staff continue the level monthly or quarteriy payment and direct pay option plans available on a voluntary basis for consumers; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 85.01 of the Saint Paul Legislarive Code the City Council hereby approves the following Schedule of Water Rates for all water bills levied on or after January 1, 1999. 1999 WATER RATES Inside Citv For first 100,000 cu. ft. per month Winter* Summer* * City of Maplewood Winter* Summer** A11 over IOQ,OQO cu. ft. per month All Yeaz City of Maplewood All Year Water Commissioners Yeas Nays In favor Opposed $1.25 per 100 cu. ft. qg- �oao Na 4606 Outside Ciry (Exce�t Maplewood� $1.62 per 100 cu. fr. 1 J4 « ,> « $1.58 per 100 cu. $. $1 JO per 100 cu. ft. $1.50 per 100 cu. ft. $1.46 per 100 cu. ft. Adopted by the Bosrd af Water Commissioners IMPORTAN7 RETURIV 70 80ARD rn�r�utes F«e SECY. r.rrir.i�m� CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFiCE OF 7HE BOARD OF WATER COMMI551(JNERS RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM q�'- �ao�o No 'RESENTED BY DAT .:OMMISSIONER FOR ACCOUNTS HAVIlVG 1-I�i CH A1�TD SiVIALLER METERS * Winter rates shall apply to bills sent during 3anuary throuah May, and December. **Summer rates shall apply to bills sent during 7une through November. FOR ACCOUNTS FIAVING 1 1/2-INCH AND LA.RGER METERS AND ROSEVII.LE, LITTLE CANADA AND MASTER METE12 ACCOUNTS * Winter rates shall apply to bills sent during January through April, November and December. **Summer rates shall apply to bills sent during May through October. MININIITiYI CHARGES: FOR ACCOUPiTS HA'VING 1-INCH AND SVtALLER METERS Minimum chazges shail be based upon consumption of 3�0 cubic feet per quarter for those on quarterly billing. Minimum charges shall be based upon consumption of 100 cubic feet per month for those on monthly billing. FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1 1/2-INCH AND LARGER METERS Minimum chazges shall be based upon consumption of 300 cubic feet per month. Water Commisaioners Yeas In favor. I3ays �..�-�. Adopted by the Boazd of Water Commissioners IMPORTANT RETURN TO BOARD MINUTES FILE ,'�I:7ClZI�I_�I 5£CY. cirr oF sr. anuL OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION — 6ENERAL FORM aS-1 uafl N 4606 �o M ME 5 5 1 0NER BendIIaV DATE September 8,.1998 LATE CHARGES: The imposition of late payment chazges, as set forth below, to be imposed upon water and sewer service charges which are not paid within thirty (30) days of the billin� date; as authorized in City Council Resolution No. 94-1304. CUSTOIVTEI2 ANIOUNT OF LATE CLASSIFICATION DELINQUENCY CHARGE* RESIDENTIAL 0-$2,000 5% per annum** RESIDENTIAL �2,001 - $50,000 $100 + 0.83% RESIDENTIAL $50,001+ $500*** CObIMERCIAL 0-$2,000 5% per annum*** CONIlYI�RCIA3� $2,001 - $50,000 $100 + p.g3% COMtii �RCIAL $50,001+ $500 *Exceptions: Late charge shall not apply to interdepartmental City of Saint Paul sewer and water billings. Late chazge shall not apply to previous residential owner billings, such as speciat bills, in accordance with established guidelines. **Exception: 5% late charge of up to $50 shail not be coIlected on a residential account for a one-time delinquency occurrence for each account, in accordance with established guidelines. ***Exception: 5% late charge of up to $100 shall not be collected on a commercial account for a one-time delinquency occurrence for each account, in accordance with established guidelines. Water Commissioners Yeas Nays Benanav Kittridge Vice President Easelmann Reiter Arcand ' , ident Harris Adopted by the Board af Water Commissioners In favor 4 Oppos� Z 1HlPORTANT RETURN TO BOAi2R MMUY�$ €!6E ��I:7ClIP.In Se tember 8 lg 98 i � / ��� 1 , ` a' � i OR1Gi Presented By Re£e=red To Cor.�it.ee: Date WI3EREA5, After due consideration and study of the financial condition of the Water Utility, projected future expenses and approval of the 1999 Budget, the Board of Water Commissioners and the City Council have deternuned that the present rate shucture is inadequate to continue operations without an adjustment; and WHEREAS, The Board and City Council recommend that the residential water billing cycle continue on a quarterly cycle, and that Board staff continue the level monthly or quarterly payment and direct pay option pians available on a voluntary basis for consumers; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 85.01 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code the City Council hereby approves the following Schedule of Water Rates for a11 water bills levied on or after January 1, 1999. 1999 WATER RATES Insi e Cit For first 100,000 cu, ft. per month �� � C.ouncil File # q8 -t o � Green Sheet # GaSp a RESOLUTION SA1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Winter* Summer* * City of Maplewood Winter* Summer*� All over 100,000 cu. ft. per month All Year City of Maplewood All Year $135 per 100 cu. ft. 1.45 « „ « $1.25 per 100 cu. ft. Outside City (Escept Maplewoodl $1.62 per 100 cu. ft. 1.74 " " " $1.58 per 100 cu. ft. $1.70 per 100 cu. ft. $1.50 per 100 cu. ft. $1.46 per 100 cu. ft. ��. � FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1-INCH AND SMALLER METERS * Winter rates shali apply to bills sent during January through May, and December. **Summer rates sha11 apply to bills sent during June through November. FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1 1/2-INCH AND LARGER METERS AND ROSEVILLE, LITTLE CANADA AND MASTEI2 METER ACCOUNTS * Winter rates shall apply to bills sent during January through April, November and December. **Suinmer rates sha11 apply to bills sent during May through October. MINIMUM CHARGES: FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1-INCH AND SMALLER METERS Minimum charges sha11 be based upon consumption of 300 cubic feet per quarter for those on quarterly billing. Minimum charges shall be based upon consumption of 100 cubic feet per month far those on monthly billing. FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1 1/2-INCH AND LARGER METERS Mnumum charges shall be based upon consumption of 300 cubic feet per month. a�-1�aoa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 LATE CHARGES: The imposition of late payment charges, as set forth below, to be imposed upon water and sewer service chazges which are not paid within thirty (30) days of the billing date; as authorized in City Council Resolution No. 94-1304. CUSTOMER AMOUNT OF LATE CLASSIFTCATION DELINQUENCY CHARGEx RESIDENTIAL 0-$2,000 5% per annum* �` RESIDENTIAL $2,001 - $50,000 $100 + 0.83% I2ESIDENTIAL $50,001+ $500*** COMMERCIAL 0-$2,000 5% per annum*** COMMERCIAL $2,001 - $50,000 $100 + 0.83% COMMERCIAL $50,001+ $500 IS 16 *Exceptions: Late chazge shall not apply to interdepartmental City of Saint Paul sewer 17 and water billings. 18 19 Late charge shall not apply to previous residential owner billings, such as 20 special bills, in accordance with established guidelines. 21 22 **Exception: 5% late charge of up to $50 shall not be collected on a residential account 23 for a one-time delinquency occurrence for each account, in accordance 24 with established guidelines. 25 26 ***Exception: 5% late charge of up to $100 shali not be collected on a commercial 27 account for a one-time delinquency occurrence for each account, in 28 accordance with established guidelines. Requutcd by Depaztmcnt of: qdopted by Council: Aate �sv , j�, ` �� ` L 4doption Certified by Coundl Secretary iY- �pproved by Mayor: e � � � � Water Utility By. �.�.�.c. � General Manager Form Approved by Gr� Atcorney � ����. � t B •...�. . ., . ... �� . . i ��� i _ /�_ / � / �. �c_� �-�.--- a8- }�o� 10/05/98 Bernie R. Bullert - 266-6274 NOVEHffiER 12, 1998 ���'IC HEARING E ffi SCHEDULED TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET No 62502 arv.nanfr "�'� • �-fi-7 0 � cmmuc _ rwuxw.aEancesom. ❑s.wio.ts¢avinccrc � WY011(d! 1111i) ❑ (CLIP ALL ATtONS FOR SIGNATURE) City Council approval of resolution concurring with action taken by the Board of Water Commissioners establishing the water rates for 1999. A public hearing is scheduled for November 12, 1998 in the City Council Chambers. PLANNING CAMMISSION GB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERViCE COMMISSION Rnard nf Watar CommiccipneTS Resolution No. 4606 Flss th's Pe�M� aver worked under a wMrac[ for tfiis tlepartment7 vES nio Hes this Pe�suMrtn ever been a dtY emDloYee9 YES NO Dcesthis P��NBrm possess a sldll not norma�NP� bY anY curteM cdY emPlaYee'� rES ao �c mis persoNfirm a tara�ea MenaoY7 YES NO The Utility needs adequate.financing to maintain reasonable levels of capital improvements and system maintenance in order to provide qualiCy service in a cost-effective mannex. Also federal water quality regulations require the Utility to make capital improvements that necessitate funding through debt issues: These debt issues require us to maintain certain minimum financing standards that must be covered through the proper budgeting for obligations. Above goals will be achieved and will provide a typical average City of Saint Paul customer, (using 8,400 CCF) with an increase in rates of 2.94 percent. None apparent Utility would be less likely to maintain reasonable standards for service to customers and adequate financial reserves. ae�wuNt oF Twwsnetioa s SOURCE COSTIREVENUEBUOGECm(pRCLEON� YES NU ACTNRY NUMBER a- C- , a `�' Gaun�ol R�sea�c� ���te� OCT 0 7 1998 �CF � 9 �99$ �����s �����° arY oF sr. PnuL OFFiCE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTlON — GENERAI FORM $1.35 per 100 cu. ft. 1.45 " " " RESENTE� BY DAT .OMMISSIONER - - - - - WHEREAS, After due consideration and study of the financial condition of the Water Utility, projected future ezcpenses and approval of the 1999 Budget, the Board of Water Commissioners and the City Council have detemuned that the present rate shucture is inadequate to continue operations without an adjiutment; and WHEREAS, The Board and City Council recommend that the residential water billing cycle continue on a quarterly cycle, and that Boazd staff continue the level monthly or quarteriy payment and direct pay option plans available on a voluntary basis for consumers; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 85.01 of the Saint Paul Legislarive Code the City Council hereby approves the following Schedule of Water Rates for all water bills levied on or after January 1, 1999. 1999 WATER RATES Inside Citv For first 100,000 cu. ft. per month Winter* Summer* * City of Maplewood Winter* Summer** A11 over IOQ,OQO cu. ft. per month All Yeaz City of Maplewood All Year Water Commissioners Yeas Nays In favor Opposed $1.25 per 100 cu. ft. qg- �oao Na 4606 Outside Ciry (Exce�t Maplewood� $1.62 per 100 cu. fr. 1 J4 « ,> « $1.58 per 100 cu. $. $1 JO per 100 cu. ft. $1.50 per 100 cu. ft. $1.46 per 100 cu. ft. Adopted by the Bosrd af Water Commissioners IMPORTAN7 RETURIV 70 80ARD rn�r�utes F«e SECY. r.rrir.i�m� CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFiCE OF 7HE BOARD OF WATER COMMI551(JNERS RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM q�'- �ao�o No 'RESENTED BY DAT .:OMMISSIONER FOR ACCOUNTS HAVIlVG 1-I�i CH A1�TD SiVIALLER METERS * Winter rates shall apply to bills sent during 3anuary throuah May, and December. **Summer rates shall apply to bills sent during 7une through November. FOR ACCOUNTS FIAVING 1 1/2-INCH AND LA.RGER METERS AND ROSEVII.LE, LITTLE CANADA AND MASTER METE12 ACCOUNTS * Winter rates shall apply to bills sent during January through April, November and December. **Summer rates shall apply to bills sent during May through October. MININIITiYI CHARGES: FOR ACCOUPiTS HA'VING 1-INCH AND SVtALLER METERS Minimum chazges shail be based upon consumption of 3�0 cubic feet per quarter for those on quarterly billing. Minimum charges shall be based upon consumption of 100 cubic feet per month for those on monthly billing. FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1 1/2-INCH AND LARGER METERS Minimum chazges shall be based upon consumption of 300 cubic feet per month. Water Commisaioners Yeas In favor. I3ays �..�-�. Adopted by the Boazd of Water Commissioners IMPORTANT RETURN TO BOARD MINUTES FILE ,'�I:7ClZI�I_�I 5£CY. cirr oF sr. anuL OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION — 6ENERAL FORM aS-1 uafl N 4606 �o M ME 5 5 1 0NER BendIIaV DATE September 8,.1998 LATE CHARGES: The imposition of late payment chazges, as set forth below, to be imposed upon water and sewer service charges which are not paid within thirty (30) days of the billin� date; as authorized in City Council Resolution No. 94-1304. CUSTOIVTEI2 ANIOUNT OF LATE CLASSIFICATION DELINQUENCY CHARGE* RESIDENTIAL 0-$2,000 5% per annum** RESIDENTIAL �2,001 - $50,000 $100 + 0.83% RESIDENTIAL $50,001+ $500*** CObIMERCIAL 0-$2,000 5% per annum*** CONIlYI�RCIA3� $2,001 - $50,000 $100 + p.g3% COMtii �RCIAL $50,001+ $500 *Exceptions: Late charge shall not apply to interdepartmental City of Saint Paul sewer and water billings. Late chazge shall not apply to previous residential owner billings, such as speciat bills, in accordance with established guidelines. **Exception: 5% late charge of up to $50 shail not be coIlected on a residential account for a one-time delinquency occurrence for each account, in accordance with established guidelines. ***Exception: 5% late charge of up to $100 shall not be collected on a commercial account for a one-time delinquency occurrence for each account, in accordance with established guidelines. Water Commissioners Yeas Nays Benanav Kittridge Vice President Easelmann Reiter Arcand ' , ident Harris Adopted by the Board af Water Commissioners In favor 4 Oppos� Z 1HlPORTANT RETURN TO BOAi2R MMUY�$ €!6E ��I:7ClIP.In Se tember 8 lg 98 i � / ��� 1 , ` a' � i OR1Gi Presented By Re£e=red To Cor.�it.ee: Date WI3EREA5, After due consideration and study of the financial condition of the Water Utility, projected future expenses and approval of the 1999 Budget, the Board of Water Commissioners and the City Council have deternuned that the present rate shucture is inadequate to continue operations without an adjustment; and WHEREAS, The Board and City Council recommend that the residential water billing cycle continue on a quarterly cycle, and that Board staff continue the level monthly or quarterly payment and direct pay option pians available on a voluntary basis for consumers; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 85.01 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code the City Council hereby approves the following Schedule of Water Rates for a11 water bills levied on or after January 1, 1999. 1999 WATER RATES Insi e Cit For first 100,000 cu, ft. per month �� � C.ouncil File # q8 -t o � Green Sheet # GaSp a RESOLUTION SA1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Winter* Summer* * City of Maplewood Winter* Summer*� All over 100,000 cu. ft. per month All Year City of Maplewood All Year $135 per 100 cu. ft. 1.45 « „ « $1.25 per 100 cu. ft. Outside City (Escept Maplewoodl $1.62 per 100 cu. ft. 1.74 " " " $1.58 per 100 cu. ft. $1.70 per 100 cu. ft. $1.50 per 100 cu. ft. $1.46 per 100 cu. ft. ��. � FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1-INCH AND SMALLER METERS * Winter rates shali apply to bills sent during January through May, and December. **Summer rates sha11 apply to bills sent during June through November. FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1 1/2-INCH AND LARGER METERS AND ROSEVILLE, LITTLE CANADA AND MASTEI2 METER ACCOUNTS * Winter rates shall apply to bills sent during January through April, November and December. **Suinmer rates sha11 apply to bills sent during May through October. MINIMUM CHARGES: FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1-INCH AND SMALLER METERS Minimum charges sha11 be based upon consumption of 300 cubic feet per quarter for those on quarterly billing. Minimum charges shall be based upon consumption of 100 cubic feet per month far those on monthly billing. FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1 1/2-INCH AND LARGER METERS Mnumum charges shall be based upon consumption of 300 cubic feet per month. a�-1�aoa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 LATE CHARGES: The imposition of late payment charges, as set forth below, to be imposed upon water and sewer service chazges which are not paid within thirty (30) days of the billing date; as authorized in City Council Resolution No. 94-1304. CUSTOMER AMOUNT OF LATE CLASSIFTCATION DELINQUENCY CHARGEx RESIDENTIAL 0-$2,000 5% per annum* �` RESIDENTIAL $2,001 - $50,000 $100 + 0.83% I2ESIDENTIAL $50,001+ $500*** COMMERCIAL 0-$2,000 5% per annum*** COMMERCIAL $2,001 - $50,000 $100 + 0.83% COMMERCIAL $50,001+ $500 IS 16 *Exceptions: Late chazge shall not apply to interdepartmental City of Saint Paul sewer 17 and water billings. 18 19 Late charge shall not apply to previous residential owner billings, such as 20 special bills, in accordance with established guidelines. 21 22 **Exception: 5% late charge of up to $50 shall not be collected on a residential account 23 for a one-time delinquency occurrence for each account, in accordance 24 with established guidelines. 25 26 ***Exception: 5% late charge of up to $100 shali not be collected on a commercial 27 account for a one-time delinquency occurrence for each account, in 28 accordance with established guidelines. Requutcd by Depaztmcnt of: qdopted by Council: Aate �sv , j�, ` �� ` L 4doption Certified by Coundl Secretary iY- �pproved by Mayor: e � � � � Water Utility By. �.�.�.c. � General Manager Form Approved by Gr� Atcorney � ����. � t B •...�. . ., . ... �� . . i ��� i _ /�_ / � / �. �c_� �-�.--- a8- }�o� 10/05/98 Bernie R. Bullert - 266-6274 NOVEHffiER 12, 1998 ���'IC HEARING E ffi SCHEDULED TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET No 62502 arv.nanfr "�'� • �-fi-7 0 � cmmuc _ rwuxw.aEancesom. ❑s.wio.ts¢avinccrc � WY011(d! 1111i) ❑ (CLIP ALL ATtONS FOR SIGNATURE) City Council approval of resolution concurring with action taken by the Board of Water Commissioners establishing the water rates for 1999. A public hearing is scheduled for November 12, 1998 in the City Council Chambers. PLANNING CAMMISSION GB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERViCE COMMISSION Rnard nf Watar CommiccipneTS Resolution No. 4606 Flss th's Pe�M� aver worked under a wMrac[ for tfiis tlepartment7 vES nio Hes this Pe�suMrtn ever been a dtY emDloYee9 YES NO Dcesthis P��NBrm possess a sldll not norma�NP� bY anY curteM cdY emPlaYee'� rES ao �c mis persoNfirm a tara�ea MenaoY7 YES NO The Utility needs adequate.financing to maintain reasonable levels of capital improvements and system maintenance in order to provide qualiCy service in a cost-effective mannex. Also federal water quality regulations require the Utility to make capital improvements that necessitate funding through debt issues: These debt issues require us to maintain certain minimum financing standards that must be covered through the proper budgeting for obligations. Above goals will be achieved and will provide a typical average City of Saint Paul customer, (using 8,400 CCF) with an increase in rates of 2.94 percent. None apparent Utility would be less likely to maintain reasonable standards for service to customers and adequate financial reserves. ae�wuNt oF Twwsnetioa s SOURCE COSTIREVENUEBUOGECm(pRCLEON� YES NU ACTNRY NUMBER a- C- , a `�' Gaun�ol R�sea�c� ���te� OCT 0 7 1998 �CF � 9 �99$ �����s �����° arY oF sr. PnuL OFFiCE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTlON — GENERAI FORM $1.35 per 100 cu. ft. 1.45 " " " RESENTE� BY DAT .OMMISSIONER - - - - - WHEREAS, After due consideration and study of the financial condition of the Water Utility, projected future ezcpenses and approval of the 1999 Budget, the Board of Water Commissioners and the City Council have detemuned that the present rate shucture is inadequate to continue operations without an adjiutment; and WHEREAS, The Board and City Council recommend that the residential water billing cycle continue on a quarterly cycle, and that Boazd staff continue the level monthly or quarteriy payment and direct pay option plans available on a voluntary basis for consumers; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 85.01 of the Saint Paul Legislarive Code the City Council hereby approves the following Schedule of Water Rates for all water bills levied on or after January 1, 1999. 1999 WATER RATES Inside Citv For first 100,000 cu. ft. per month Winter* Summer* * City of Maplewood Winter* Summer** A11 over IOQ,OQO cu. ft. per month All Yeaz City of Maplewood All Year Water Commissioners Yeas Nays In favor Opposed $1.25 per 100 cu. ft. qg- �oao Na 4606 Outside Ciry (Exce�t Maplewood� $1.62 per 100 cu. fr. 1 J4 « ,> « $1.58 per 100 cu. $. $1 JO per 100 cu. ft. $1.50 per 100 cu. ft. $1.46 per 100 cu. ft. Adopted by the Bosrd af Water Commissioners IMPORTAN7 RETURIV 70 80ARD rn�r�utes F«e SECY. r.rrir.i�m� CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFiCE OF 7HE BOARD OF WATER COMMI551(JNERS RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM q�'- �ao�o No 'RESENTED BY DAT .:OMMISSIONER FOR ACCOUNTS HAVIlVG 1-I�i CH A1�TD SiVIALLER METERS * Winter rates shall apply to bills sent during 3anuary throuah May, and December. **Summer rates shall apply to bills sent during 7une through November. FOR ACCOUNTS FIAVING 1 1/2-INCH AND LA.RGER METERS AND ROSEVII.LE, LITTLE CANADA AND MASTER METE12 ACCOUNTS * Winter rates shall apply to bills sent during January through April, November and December. **Summer rates shall apply to bills sent during May through October. MININIITiYI CHARGES: FOR ACCOUPiTS HA'VING 1-INCH AND SVtALLER METERS Minimum chazges shail be based upon consumption of 3�0 cubic feet per quarter for those on quarterly billing. Minimum charges shall be based upon consumption of 100 cubic feet per month for those on monthly billing. FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1 1/2-INCH AND LARGER METERS Minimum chazges shall be based upon consumption of 300 cubic feet per month. Water Commisaioners Yeas In favor. I3ays �..�-�. Adopted by the Boazd of Water Commissioners IMPORTANT RETURN TO BOARD MINUTES FILE ,'�I:7ClZI�I_�I 5£CY. cirr oF sr. anuL OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION — 6ENERAL FORM aS-1 uafl N 4606 �o M ME 5 5 1 0NER BendIIaV DATE September 8,.1998 LATE CHARGES: The imposition of late payment chazges, as set forth below, to be imposed upon water and sewer service charges which are not paid within thirty (30) days of the billin� date; as authorized in City Council Resolution No. 94-1304. CUSTOIVTEI2 ANIOUNT OF LATE CLASSIFICATION DELINQUENCY CHARGE* RESIDENTIAL 0-$2,000 5% per annum** RESIDENTIAL �2,001 - $50,000 $100 + 0.83% RESIDENTIAL $50,001+ $500*** CObIMERCIAL 0-$2,000 5% per annum*** CONIlYI�RCIA3� $2,001 - $50,000 $100 + p.g3% COMtii �RCIAL $50,001+ $500 *Exceptions: Late charge shall not apply to interdepartmental City of Saint Paul sewer and water billings. Late chazge shall not apply to previous residential owner billings, such as speciat bills, in accordance with established guidelines. **Exception: 5% late charge of up to $50 shail not be coIlected on a residential account for a one-time delinquency occurrence for each account, in accordance with established guidelines. ***Exception: 5% late charge of up to $100 shall not be collected on a commercial account for a one-time delinquency occurrence for each account, in accordance with established guidelines. Water Commissioners Yeas Nays Benanav Kittridge Vice President Easelmann Reiter Arcand ' , ident Harris Adopted by the Board af Water Commissioners In favor 4 Oppos� Z 1HlPORTANT RETURN TO BOAi2R MMUY�$ €!6E ��I:7ClIP.In Se tember 8 lg 98 i � / ��� 1 , `