98-03cauncil File # 1 �'� Green Sheet $ �eR3S Presented By Referred To 1 a 3 4 s 6 7 8 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Ciry Council consents to and approves of the appointments and reappointrnents, made by the Mayor, of the following individuais to serve on the NEIGHBORHOOD SALES TAX REINVESTMENT (STAR) PROGRAM. APPOINTED Dr. Bruce P. Corrie 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Michelle Ketcham REAPPOIN'I'ED Marjorie Ebensteiner Stephen Gordon 7ohn Loban John Margot Foundation Representative (FIlIs remainder of Ruby I.ee's unexpued term.) Neighborhood Business Representative District Council Representative Placming Commission Representative At-Lazge Representative Capita] Improvement Budget Committee (CIB) TERM EXPIRES Januazy 1,1999 January 1, 2001 Januazy 1, 2001 Januazy 1, 2001 (Concurrent with term an Planning Commission) Sanuary 1, 2001 November 1, 2000 (Concurrent with term on CIB Cotncnittee) 23 Miche]]e Vojacek Member of Financial Communiry January 1, 2�01 2 4 Requested by Department of: Mayor's Office By: Peter Hames By: Appi By: Form Approved by City Attorney Sy: �. c Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �;���/r� RE50LUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 7 Adopted hy Council: Date Adoption Certified by Counci secretary Mayor Coleman's Office Roger Curtis 266-8531 N°_ 52354 iNmnTeo / �"` �s-9� GREEN SHEET INITIAVDATE INRIAV00.TE — � DEPAflSMENT DIqECTOR '� CIiY COUNCIL GN ( �7 CITY ATTOPNEY � GTY CLEAK BER FOR ���� fING � BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. 8 M6i SEAViCES DIR. = � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CUP ALL LOCAT(QNS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of the appointments and reappointments of following members to serve on the Neighborhood Sales Taa Reinvestment (STAR) Program. Appointed: Dr. Bruce Corrie and Michelle Ketcham; Reappointments: Marjorie Ebensteiner, Stephen Gordon, John Loban, John _ PUNNING COMMISSION _ ( __ CIBCOMMITfEE _ _ _ STAFG _ " _ DISTRIGT COURT _ , SUPPORTS WNICH COUNCIL OBJEC7IVE? PEHSONAL SERYICE CONiRACTS MUST ANSWER 7HE FOLLOWING QUESTtONS: i. Has this pe�sonffirm ever worked under a contract for this depaRment? YES NO 2. Has this person7firm ever been a City empbyee? YES NO 3. Does thi5 persoNfi�m possess a skill rrot normally possessed 6y eny current ciry employee7 YES NO Ezplain aif yes answers on aeparate eheet antl attaeh to green s�eet PAOBLEM.ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY�Who, What, When. Whare. Wfiy): �s. a. ► DEC 2 3 i997 iL AMOUNT OF TAANSACTION S COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (GIRCLE ONE) YES f40 )ING SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER 'C�AL INFOAbfAT10N' (EXPl0.1N) ' 390 CI'IY BAI,1, SAWT PALTL, ]1412VNESprA 55102 Phonr. 266-8525 FA7{: 26f�85I3 9�-3 Name: $omc Addresr. J�2 _2zitview Ac�. Sr. paul Md SS1I7 Strcet City � ZiP Tcitphone IGumber. Planning T3istrid Countii: Prrtcrr�� M�iting Address: �'Vhnt is your occupation? Ptace of Empluyment: Committcr(s) Applied Fo�: : � �, �'` . �. � . :f . : r . • !lA Ciry Couacll Ws�d_ ."'y.,�"� Profesror Of' Fcaxmics Coc�cd.ia �vi�sitv — St. P�al. �y,�• ..� .... � .� Wlint skitts, trainiog or e:perience do you possess for the committee(s) tor which you seek appointment? Pl�ase see attacYrmt. '1'he iniorraa[iou inctuded in this appliCation is considered priratc data according to th<Minnesota Govemment Data practices Act. As a result, this iaformatioa is aot rdeased to the general public. (O'VER) Rev. 8-5-47 : ... rta�ne: � ��, vx� � - Pio�an Address: -gL,,�yLFamd�;im 600 Pbn,�se C�r -- _ 9 ��3 �_ Phone: {HomN St. L�1 � y� y ivamc: _,__Jascri &zath T)i.r�tor - Divessity Fi�ls Addrus: _ F'as�iatirn £Op IKttc,�st C.�ntet - Phone: ($omelSr. Paul, 1�N 5SL01 4Work1 �� --- 1�Iam=: T�-. Kav N� Ea�utave Vice PL�i.cLnt Address: �'+`�cli.a Lfii�rsity, S[. P�7., M3 SS1Q'+ ^ Phoae: (R�meL_ 6+1-5832 Ressons for your interest in thzs particnlar commikter ���Y � ��� uty Have you had previous contact with the committee for wbich you are making appliCatioa? If Sa, whett, and the circuautsaces? In an attempt to rnsure that committee representation reflects the makenp of our community, p{ease cbeck the line xppiicabfe to you. This inFormation is stricUy valuntnry. White (Causasiaa) B�ack(Afr'scxn Amorican) Aaieric�n Indian orAlasksa Eskimo �_ MAIe �'entale Disabied: Yes No X 1(speciai accommodations are aeeded, ptease specify: �ispaaic ...Y,_ Asisn or Psciftc Is{ander Date of Birth: 1/18/59 $ow did you henr abont this openittg? a 9'�'-3 As volunteer Program Dixector of APECD {Asian Pacific Endowment for Community Development, a unique philanthzopic fund set up jointIy with'The Saint Paul Foundation and the Asian American community) tar�eting the Aszan A�nerican poputation in Minnesota, I deveIoped and implemented a progzam to award �rants to conununi2y organirations for the past two years. As such I have a sense of the nezds within the minority communities and can bring to the Star Nei,ehborhood Crrant Committee slcills that can help the grant review pzocess. i have atso been involved with Yhe African Amezican, Native American and Hispanic commuuity in Minnesota and so have a sensitivity to their needs coo. Furthez, as an economist wich a speciatization in econom9c development and some experience tivith inner city development issues in Saint Paul 1 think i can add some important insights into the gant revicw process. 3 �' ' Name: Home Address: 1� Street Telephane Nnmber: ����,��� 9�-3 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CIT1' HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 2G6-$S25 FAX: 266-8513 /C�� ,LCCR�R3 Pianning District Council: �• SFP 5 1997 �,�fiYO`r,"S flFfiv� ,uN City � /!�� 2 ��i3- D6�D ss f�.� Zip 7�1, .- 7i_ cL� U.�ek_° �- f.t)oa-i=- 1 1-�e' lS City Council Ward: 1�Y✓�c� =-� Praferred Mailing Address: SSS �a�. ��. S�u�e� '-EO°� S�, �u.r.,_Q SS l0 �j `Vfiat is your occupation? Place ef F:ngioyr.i�nt: Committee(s) Applied For: � )_S rYl. What skills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? �� i P.�- rs.�tlC.�-t.D� - The information incSuded in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to fhe general public. it'���- P�'ZJca-�1 t V�. (O'VER) Rev. 8-5-97 Name: �avt_ Lo Address: Phone: � �,. . . , y_ rtt"' S`E`�c.�l- `ju.�: ! i��- 1- � ��-a SS/t�1 Name: f\!( 4lCtrc( �j2C'�o�'t 3r Address: — � • �'4'tt oF1 � �{ � 3q�'l fi �Z��'j ��LV� O � �`� �(.tuQ '� Yl:one: fiiomel N� - - (yyork) (o`f� O( 3 j � f- �i�} Name: ��MJ Address• �yZ Phone; (Home) c 4.1 ar+ d �rt, _ �1�3 Reasons for your inYerest in'this particular committee: n�_^3� � t f Dti�t.C[� _. G�Kd� �CN�LGQ i�C ��� , . , 55 �c�� �' � /CQ! � Q :�.br9� �O � c°'� �,�cc�-Lr n� � ) �r-C/1C� �/�, �„� � $ave you had previoas conYact wiih the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and fhe circumstances? . � In an atte:�.pi to ensure lhat comnsifYee E�epresen;aYion reflects the makeup of our cQmmunily, please check the line applicable to yov. This information is strictfy votuniary, � White (Caucasian) Hispanic Biack (African American) Asian or Pacific lslander American Tndian orAlaskan Fskimo Male � Female Date of Birth: �l �n" ���" Disabted; Yes No � If special accommodations are needed, please specify: How did you hear about this opening? ��d ��'�xf� �(,�vi.�cP,c.c�J � t�-3 Namc: Address; Phone: 1� Address: Phone: Namc: Address: Phone: pER�ON_ AI, RFF�RFr. ('F , �1 A,� Lo � �C�r�rc -' �• 'l � +�u �yZ� — v — �� t ►l�{ cl�land !�,-c� - q}31 �`�l l�CC.t,�Q S S t C7 ] �workl �"7 ( ` L $ y� - �� � l3an k 2�1�. C�� o� S �(u,�.� —(Workl b�f �- a t 3 j �X Y'�1'� S-t .��.e M�l 55 �� y �tv.,��� a-��_ _ zn� Reasons for your interest in'this particafar committee: �1- ��,�-c,, t l,�naC C�v-CCQ �n`. S�� . _ , . _ - . '—�—� �, � �� � � � Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, wheii, and the circumstances?� lvr7- Ice an attc:�:pt te ensure Yhat comtnittee representation ref]ects the makeug af our commanity, pieas> check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly volunYary. � `Vhite (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific 7slander ____ American Indian orAlaskan Eskimo _____ Mate ,� Female Date of Birth: ����'' ��` isabied: Yes �o � special accommodations are needed, please specify: w did you hea� about this opening? � f (.N�-4tR- �-c/� (r� h'� ��-3 Applicatian for the Neighborhood Sales Tax Revitalization Program Committee Skills, training, & experience: i) Financial experience--Responsible for a$250,000 annual operating budget. Analyze financial statements and evaluate project viability based on fmancial impact to the organization. Fortner St. Paul small business owner. 2) Policy experience--Working as a lobbyist and trade association executive, I understand the impact of local policy on the decision making process. Further, as a St. Paul resident, I understand the history and policy that will impact growing neighborhood businesses and organizations. 3) Conununication sl:ills--I possess the ability to work within a committee structure. I have participated in many different committees, serving on several state task forces and committees. have the skills to work successfully in this envlronment, working with a11 representarives to achieve mutual consensus. g�-.� 12-22-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 1 cOMMZTTEE : NST Neighborhood Sales Tax Board FOR APPLZCATIONS RECEIVED BETWEEN O1j01/94 AND 12/17/97 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS 003265 Beigbeder, M. Deniae 301 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 225-1980 ConsultantJCoromunity & Ec Dev WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE E2H GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHEA CAMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ---- °--"--- -------- -°----- -"- °- --- 1 8 01/24J97 W F Peggy Byrne Summit University Planning Council 627 Selby Avenue, 55104 w) 228-1855 002873 Blackman, Ruth 66 E. 9th St. St. Paul, MN 55101 Home - 227-3658 RetiredJWest Publishing F� 17 O1/14f97 W F Norm Coleman 266-8510 Jim Miller 222-2561 Tom Marver 266-8508 003261 Burley, David Highland Gri11 and Cafe 771 Cleveland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 Work - 690-1173 FAX 6901330 Restaurant Owner 3 15 O1f15J97 W M Mark Moeller 1751 Bohland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 h) 690-2977 w) 698-6321 Frank caulfield 1953 Rome St. Paul, MN 55116 h) 698-5098 w) 644-7200 Gleen & Carolyn Ayres 2 Edgcumbe Place St. Paul, MN 55116 h) 699-8804 w) 371-5016 q�-3 12-22-47 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLZCANTS.RPT PAGE 2 COMMITTEE : NST Neighborhood Sales Tax Board FOR APPLZCATIONS RECEIVED BETWEEN O1/O1/44 APID 12f17/47 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMEi3T5 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETA GEN DIS DISTR2CT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- ----°-- -------- -------- --- '-- --- Also received letter, dated 1/15J97, £rom Sha{wn Bartsh, Preaident Highland Area Community Council, re{commending Hr. Burley as STAR rep. 003334 Retcham, Michelle 3 15 09/OSj9� W F 1599 Juno Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - 696-1852 Dep. Dir. MN Soft Drink Assn. 9-5-97 STAR 168 E. Sixth, Suite 4202 St. Paul, MN 55101 h) 222-1114 w) 291-2722 Aichard Beeson, Jr. St. Anthony Park State Bank 2265 Como Avenue St. Paul, MN w) 6A9-0131, Ext. 314 Mimi Doran 1422 Ashland Avenue, 55104 h) 645-9731 w) 736-3070 003263 Leier, Mary Jo 1895 PortLand Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55104 Home - 645-2813 Secretary 4 13 O1/14j97 W F Ferd Peters President, Merriam Park Community Council 1708 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MI3 55104 h) 647-5991 w) 647-6250 Ellen Weiss President, St. Paul League of Women voters 8737 Baxter Way Inver Grove Hgts., 55016 Ed Sower Ex. Director, Merriam Park Community Council 1573 Selby Ave., Ste. 319 St. Paul, MN 55104 h) 546-0098 w) 645-6887 9�-3 12-22-97 COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : NST Neighborhood Sales Tax Board FOR APPLICATIONS RECEIVED BETWEEN O1/O1J94 AND 12/17J9� APPLICANT J REFEREI3CE COMMENTS 003257 Mohrbacher, Paul Science Muaeum of Minnesota 30 E. lOth Street St. Pau1, MN 55101 Work - 221-4745 FAX 2214777 Coord. Community Relations Jim Miller District 17 Council 445 Minnesota, #524 h) 221-0488 PACE 3 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (4THER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ _"- 2 16 O1f13/97 W M (CapitolRiver Council) Anne Hunt Neighborhood Enerqy Consortium 475 Cleveland, #1 St. Pau1, MN SS1Q4 w) 644-5436 Ed Johnson District 9: West �th Federation 474 W. 7th Street St. Paul, MN 55102 003259 Patton, William 899 Clark Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Home - 776-6743 Part-time employee/Dayton's William Skally 1215 Highland Pkwy. St. Faul, MN 55105 h) 690-0341 w) 298-1188 Karen christo£ferson 2149 Snowshoe Lane St. Paul, MN 55119 h) 731-2940 w) 851-9242 Eugene Ravieri 125 50. oxford Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 h) 224-7934 w) 331-8291 5 5 O1J21/97 W M Letter received from: Jeff Freeman 95-3 12-22-97 APPLICANPS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : NST Neighborhood Salea Tax Board FOR APPLZCATIONS RECEIVED BETWEEN O1/O1/94 ANB 12J17/47 PAGE 4 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETA GEN DZS DISTRZC2 DZSTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVZNG ON) ---------------------------°------ ---- -�------ -�-°--- -------- --- --- --- Preaident, Bd. of Directors East Side Neighborhood Development Company, Z{nc. recom[aending Bi11 Patton as candidate for STA{R Board 003108 Randall, Beth Hamline Midway Area Rehabilitation Corporation 1558 W. Minnehaha Avenue St. Paul, 13N 55104 Work - 644-0065 FAX 6441955 Hamline Midway Area Rehab Corp Robert Wicker 1538 Englewood Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 h) 644-7477 w) same as home Michelle Vojachek 773 E. Cottage, 55106 h) 776-0452 Jan Morlock 907 Payne Avenue, 55101 w) 771-1152 Stacy Millet, LISC (current STAR member) 002814 Rothchild, Mary T. 1077 Linwood Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 222-8945 Banker Andy Boss 2265 Como Avenue St. Paul, MN W) 647-D131 Bi11ie Young 15 Crocus Hi11 St. Paul, MN A) 224-7778 2 16 11f2S/95 W F O1J14/97 W F David Allen 450 N. Syndicate St. Pdul� MN ��-3 12-22-97 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APYLICANTS.RPT COMMZTTEE : NST Neighborhood Sales Tax Board FOR APPLICATIONS RECEIVED BETWEEN O1j01/94 AND 12/17/97 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS W) 641-0305 ODQ259 Schultz, David A. 1126 St. Clair Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 292-1096 Professor of Political Science PAGE 5 WARD PLANNING SENA2E APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTFIER COMMITTEES SERVZNG OI3j ____ ________ ________ ________ __° --- --- 2 16 Norman Walbek Deht of Political Science Gustaws Adolphus College h) (507) 231-6087 w) {507) 931-7421 Scott Hui2dos 2425 30th Ave. hJ 721-0008 w) John Schockley 18 Barton Ave. h) 379-7907 w) S. Minneapolis 624-4144 Mpls. (507) 931-7437 Dennis Giblin 228 Redwood Circle Sroomfield, CO 80020 (303) 465-4269 Bruce Auerbach Professor o£ Poltical Science Albright College w) (610) 921-�571 h) (610) 970-4736 1-14-97 NsT (District 16 nominee) Dennis Giblin 228 Redwood Circle Broomfield, CO 80020 303-465-4269 { Bruce Auerbach professor of Political Science, Albriqht Coll(ege Reading, YA 14612 w) 610 921-7571 h) 610 970-4736 O1/14f97 W M Garrett Sheldon Associate Professor of Political Science and {Chair of the Dept. of Social Sciences Clinch Va11ey College of U of Virginia, 24293 9�-3 12-22-97 COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RFT PAGE 6 COMMZTTEE : NST Neighborhood Sales 2ax Hoard FOR APPLICATIONS RECEZVED BBTWEEN O1J01/94 AND 12/17/97 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SEt3ATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT {PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING OIS) Wise Virginia 24293 703-3280110 003092 Sprung, Albert E. 957 Flandrau St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 772-2880 Chemical Technican 6 3 11J2S/95 W M Joey Lundquist 6286 Upper 35th St. Court N. Oakdale, MN 55128 h) ?79-4270 w) 832-2600 Robert Bohlken 2253 Pinehurst Lane Stillwater� MN 55082 h) 430-1465 Peter Hanson 1023 Tiller Lane Shoreview, MN 55126 h) 484-7352 w) 241-94�2 003105 Tasselmyer, Benita Bleecker 785 Aldine Street St. Paul, MN 55104-1105 Home - 641-1037 Zndustrial Engineer L', 11 12J01/95 W F Alice Hausman State Representative 1447 Chelmsford Ave., 55108 w) 296-6013 h) 646-6220 Henry Kristal President, Embers Restaurants 1664 University Ave., 55104 w) 645-6473 Nea1 Thao Ramsey Co. Human Svcs.fSt. Paul School Board 154 Wyoming, 55107 h) 290-0590 w) 226-4274 Kathi Austin-Mahle Pastor, Hamline United Methodist Church 1514 Englewood Ave., 55104 g�-3 12-22-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICAt3T5 REPORT PAGE 7 CO24fiTTEE : NST Neighborhood Salea Tax Board FOR APPLICATZONS RECEIVED BETWEEN O1f01/94 AND 12J17/97 APPLZCANT f REFERENCE CAHBiEL3TS w) 645-0667 001333 Thompaon, Missy Staplea Thompson Associates Suite 211 1885 University Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Work - 644-2710 FAX 6443282 Real Estate Broker(COnsultant John Mannillo Mannillo and Associates 413 Wacouta h) b99-3322 w) 292-8306 Sanice Rettman St. Paul City Council h} 489-8630 w) 298-5289 Joaeph Errigo Weatroinister Corporation 328 W. 6th w) 291-1150 1 8 65 11/27j95 W M - 11-27-95 Neiqhborhood Salea Tax (STAR Program{) Councilmember Dino Guerin w) 266-8670 Gloria Bostrom, Director Fannie Mae Partnership Office w) 298-9605 Jon Gutzmann Executive Director Saint Paul Public Housing Agency w) 248-5664 602886 Van Hecke, Betsy 1380 Ashland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 649-0693 Attorney WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DIS2RICT DISTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- -----�'- -------- -------- --- --� --- 4 13 O1/14f97 W F Business Review Council Hon. Diana E. Murphy Circuit Judge, Eighth Court of Appeals � � 12-22-97 APPLZCANTS.RPT CAMM2TTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : NST Neighborhood Salea Tax Board FOR APPLICATIOI3S RECEIVED BETWEEN O1/O1/94 AND 12/17J97 APPLICANT j REFERENCE CO?4QENTS U.S. Courthouse 110 S. Fourth St. Mpls. 55401 w) 348-1601 PAGE 8 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) °-- ------° --�----- ---�---- --- --- --- Shirley Raider, Preaident SneLLing-Hamline Community Council 1448 Laurel h) 644-7845 w) 874-8225 Michael cheever Asst. United States Attorney U.S. Courthouse 110 S. Fourth St. Mpls. 55401 w� 348-1500 003258 Wertz, Steven First Bank Midway � 23$3 University Avenue St. Paul, MN 55114 Work - 647-3586 FAX 6473533 Business Lender Jan Morlock Executive Director East Side Neighborhood Dev. Company 900 Payne Avenue St. Paul, MN 55101 w) 771-1152 Melody Holland-Rehder Business Bankinq Lender First Bank Midway 2383 University Avenue St. Paul, MN 55114 w) 647-3577 Ol/17f97 W M Jeff Freeman Board President East Side Neighborhood Development Corporaiiotn 367 E. Jessamine St. Pau1, MN 55101 (Je£f Freeman sent a letter, dated 1/15J97, r{ecommending Mr. Wertz as East Side Neighborhood Developme{nt Company representative. Mr. Freeman also recommendedt William Patton) 9�-3 12-22-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 9 COHMITTEE : NST Neighborhood Sales Tax Board FOR APPLICATIONS RECEIVED BETWEEN O1J01/94 AND 12/17f97 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CO.�fffENTS 003264 Wilson, Stephen A. Northern States Power Company WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- ---°--- -------- --- --- --- 1 8 O1/23/97 B Work - 330-7980 FAX 3305913 Sr. Strategic Planning Analyst Peggy Byrne Summit-U Planning Council cauncil File # 1 �'� Green Sheet $ �eR3S Presented By Referred To 1 a 3 4 s 6 7 8 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Ciry Council consents to and approves of the appointments and reappointrnents, made by the Mayor, of the following individuais to serve on the NEIGHBORHOOD SALES TAX REINVESTMENT (STAR) PROGRAM. APPOINTED Dr. Bruce P. Corrie 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Michelle Ketcham REAPPOIN'I'ED Marjorie Ebensteiner Stephen Gordon 7ohn Loban John Margot Foundation Representative (FIlIs remainder of Ruby I.ee's unexpued term.) Neighborhood Business Representative District Council Representative Placming Commission Representative At-Lazge Representative Capita] Improvement Budget Committee (CIB) TERM EXPIRES Januazy 1,1999 January 1, 2001 Januazy 1, 2001 Januazy 1, 2001 (Concurrent with term an Planning Commission) Sanuary 1, 2001 November 1, 2000 (Concurrent with term on CIB Cotncnittee) 23 Miche]]e Vojacek Member of Financial Communiry January 1, 2�01 2 4 Requested by Department of: Mayor's Office By: Peter Hames By: Appi By: Form Approved by City Attorney Sy: �. c Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �;���/r� RE50LUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 7 Adopted hy Council: Date Adoption Certified by Counci secretary Mayor Coleman's Office Roger Curtis 266-8531 N°_ 52354 iNmnTeo / �"` �s-9� GREEN SHEET INITIAVDATE INRIAV00.TE — � DEPAflSMENT DIqECTOR '� CIiY COUNCIL GN ( �7 CITY ATTOPNEY � GTY CLEAK BER FOR ���� fING � BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. 8 M6i SEAViCES DIR. = � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CUP ALL LOCAT(QNS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of the appointments and reappointments of following members to serve on the Neighborhood Sales Taa Reinvestment (STAR) Program. Appointed: Dr. Bruce Corrie and Michelle Ketcham; Reappointments: Marjorie Ebensteiner, Stephen Gordon, John Loban, John _ PUNNING COMMISSION _ ( __ CIBCOMMITfEE _ _ _ STAFG _ " _ DISTRIGT COURT _ , SUPPORTS WNICH COUNCIL OBJEC7IVE? PEHSONAL SERYICE CONiRACTS MUST ANSWER 7HE FOLLOWING QUESTtONS: i. Has this pe�sonffirm ever worked under a contract for this depaRment? YES NO 2. Has this person7firm ever been a City empbyee? YES NO 3. Does thi5 persoNfi�m possess a skill rrot normally possessed 6y eny current ciry employee7 YES NO Ezplain aif yes answers on aeparate eheet antl attaeh to green s�eet PAOBLEM.ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY�Who, What, When. Whare. Wfiy): �s. a. ► DEC 2 3 i997 iL AMOUNT OF TAANSACTION S COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (GIRCLE ONE) YES f40 )ING SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER 'C�AL INFOAbfAT10N' (EXPl0.1N) ' 390 CI'IY BAI,1, SAWT PALTL, ]1412VNESprA 55102 Phonr. 266-8525 FA7{: 26f�85I3 9�-3 Name: $omc Addresr. J�2 _2zitview Ac�. Sr. paul Md SS1I7 Strcet City � ZiP Tcitphone IGumber. Planning T3istrid Countii: Prrtcrr�� M�iting Address: �'Vhnt is your occupation? Ptace of Empluyment: Committcr(s) Applied Fo�: : � �, �'` . �. � . :f . : r . • !lA Ciry Couacll Ws�d_ ."'y.,�"� Profesror Of' Fcaxmics Coc�cd.ia �vi�sitv — St. P�al. �y,�• ..� .... � .� Wlint skitts, trainiog or e:perience do you possess for the committee(s) tor which you seek appointment? Pl�ase see attacYrmt. '1'he iniorraa[iou inctuded in this appliCation is considered priratc data according to th<Minnesota Govemment Data practices Act. As a result, this iaformatioa is aot rdeased to the general public. (O'VER) Rev. 8-5-47 : ... rta�ne: � ��, vx� � - Pio�an Address: -gL,,�yLFamd�;im 600 Pbn,�se C�r -- _ 9 ��3 �_ Phone: {HomN St. L�1 � y� y ivamc: _,__Jascri &zath T)i.r�tor - Divessity Fi�ls Addrus: _ F'as�iatirn £Op IKttc,�st C.�ntet - Phone: ($omelSr. Paul, 1�N 5SL01 4Work1 �� --- 1�Iam=: T�-. Kav N� Ea�utave Vice PL�i.cLnt Address: �'+`�cli.a Lfii�rsity, S[. P�7., M3 SS1Q'+ ^ Phoae: (R�meL_ 6+1-5832 Ressons for your interest in thzs particnlar commikter ���Y � ��� uty Have you had previous contact with the committee for wbich you are making appliCatioa? If Sa, whett, and the circuautsaces? In an attempt to rnsure that committee representation reflects the makenp of our community, p{ease cbeck the line xppiicabfe to you. This inFormation is stricUy valuntnry. White (Causasiaa) B�ack(Afr'scxn Amorican) Aaieric�n Indian orAlasksa Eskimo �_ MAIe �'entale Disabied: Yes No X 1(speciai accommodations are aeeded, ptease specify: �ispaaic ...Y,_ Asisn or Psciftc Is{ander Date of Birth: 1/18/59 $ow did you henr abont this openittg? a 9'�'-3 As volunteer Program Dixector of APECD {Asian Pacific Endowment for Community Development, a unique philanthzopic fund set up jointIy with'The Saint Paul Foundation and the Asian American community) tar�eting the Aszan A�nerican poputation in Minnesota, I deveIoped and implemented a progzam to award �rants to conununi2y organirations for the past two years. As such I have a sense of the nezds within the minority communities and can bring to the Star Nei,ehborhood Crrant Committee slcills that can help the grant review pzocess. i have atso been involved with Yhe African Amezican, Native American and Hispanic commuuity in Minnesota and so have a sensitivity to their needs coo. Furthez, as an economist wich a speciatization in econom9c development and some experience tivith inner city development issues in Saint Paul 1 think i can add some important insights into the gant revicw process. 3 �' ' Name: Home Address: 1� Street Telephane Nnmber: ����,��� 9�-3 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CIT1' HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 2G6-$S25 FAX: 266-8513 /C�� ,LCCR�R3 Pianning District Council: �• SFP 5 1997 �,�fiYO`r,"S flFfiv� ,uN City � /!�� 2 ��i3- D6�D ss f�.� Zip 7�1, .- 7i_ cL� U.�ek_° �- f.t)oa-i=- 1 1-�e' lS City Council Ward: 1�Y✓�c� =-� Praferred Mailing Address: SSS �a�. ��. S�u�e� '-EO°� S�, �u.r.,_Q SS l0 �j `Vfiat is your occupation? Place ef F:ngioyr.i�nt: Committee(s) Applied For: � )_S rYl. What skills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? �� i P.�- rs.�tlC.�-t.D� - The information incSuded in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to fhe general public. it'���- P�'ZJca-�1 t V�. (O'VER) Rev. 8-5-97 Name: �avt_ Lo Address: Phone: � �,. . . , y_ rtt"' S`E`�c.�l- `ju.�: ! i��- 1- � ��-a SS/t�1 Name: f\!( 4lCtrc( �j2C'�o�'t 3r Address: — � • �'4'tt oF1 � �{ � 3q�'l fi �Z��'j ��LV� O � �`� �(.tuQ '� Yl:one: fiiomel N� - - (yyork) (o`f� O( 3 j � f- �i�} Name: ��MJ Address• �yZ Phone; (Home) c 4.1 ar+ d �rt, _ �1�3 Reasons for your inYerest in'this particular committee: n�_^3� � t f Dti�t.C[� _. G�Kd� �CN�LGQ i�C ��� , . , 55 �c�� �' � /CQ! � Q :�.br9� �O � c°'� �,�cc�-Lr n� � ) �r-C/1C� �/�, �„� � $ave you had previoas conYact wiih the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and fhe circumstances? . � In an atte:�.pi to ensure lhat comnsifYee E�epresen;aYion reflects the makeup of our cQmmunily, please check the line applicable to yov. This information is strictfy votuniary, � White (Caucasian) Hispanic Biack (African American) Asian or Pacific lslander American Tndian orAlaskan Fskimo Male � Female Date of Birth: �l �n" ���" Disabted; Yes No � If special accommodations are needed, please specify: How did you hear about this opening? ��d ��'�xf� �(,�vi.�cP,c.c�J � t�-3 Namc: Address; Phone: 1� Address: Phone: Namc: Address: Phone: pER�ON_ AI, RFF�RFr. ('F , �1 A,� Lo � �C�r�rc -' �• 'l � +�u �yZ� — v — �� t ►l�{ cl�land !�,-c� - q}31 �`�l l�CC.t,�Q S S t C7 ] �workl �"7 ( ` L $ y� - �� � l3an k 2�1�. C�� o� S �(u,�.� —(Workl b�f �- a t 3 j �X Y'�1'� S-t .��.e M�l 55 �� y �tv.,��� a-��_ _ zn� Reasons for your interest in'this particafar committee: �1- ��,�-c,, t l,�naC C�v-CCQ �n`. S�� . _ , . _ - . '—�—� �, � �� � � � Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, wheii, and the circumstances?� lvr7- Ice an attc:�:pt te ensure Yhat comtnittee representation ref]ects the makeug af our commanity, pieas> check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly volunYary. � `Vhite (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific 7slander ____ American Indian orAlaskan Eskimo _____ Mate ,� Female Date of Birth: ����'' ��` isabied: Yes �o � special accommodations are needed, please specify: w did you hea� about this opening? � f (.N�-4tR- �-c/� (r� h'� ��-3 Applicatian for the Neighborhood Sales Tax Revitalization Program Committee Skills, training, & experience: i) Financial experience--Responsible for a$250,000 annual operating budget. Analyze financial statements and evaluate project viability based on fmancial impact to the organization. Fortner St. Paul small business owner. 2) Policy experience--Working as a lobbyist and trade association executive, I understand the impact of local policy on the decision making process. Further, as a St. Paul resident, I understand the history and policy that will impact growing neighborhood businesses and organizations. 3) Conununication sl:ills--I possess the ability to work within a committee structure. I have participated in many different committees, serving on several state task forces and committees. have the skills to work successfully in this envlronment, working with a11 representarives to achieve mutual consensus. g�-.� 12-22-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 1 cOMMZTTEE : NST Neighborhood Sales Tax Board FOR APPLZCATIONS RECEIVED BETWEEN O1j01/94 AND 12/17/97 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS 003265 Beigbeder, M. Deniae 301 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 225-1980 ConsultantJCoromunity & Ec Dev WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE E2H GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHEA CAMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ---- °--"--- -------- -°----- -"- °- --- 1 8 01/24J97 W F Peggy Byrne Summit University Planning Council 627 Selby Avenue, 55104 w) 228-1855 002873 Blackman, Ruth 66 E. 9th St. St. Paul, MN 55101 Home - 227-3658 RetiredJWest Publishing F� 17 O1/14f97 W F Norm Coleman 266-8510 Jim Miller 222-2561 Tom Marver 266-8508 003261 Burley, David Highland Gri11 and Cafe 771 Cleveland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 Work - 690-1173 FAX 6901330 Restaurant Owner 3 15 O1f15J97 W M Mark Moeller 1751 Bohland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 h) 690-2977 w) 698-6321 Frank caulfield 1953 Rome St. Paul, MN 55116 h) 698-5098 w) 644-7200 Gleen & Carolyn Ayres 2 Edgcumbe Place St. Paul, MN 55116 h) 699-8804 w) 371-5016 q�-3 12-22-47 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLZCANTS.RPT PAGE 2 COMMITTEE : NST Neighborhood Sales Tax Board FOR APPLZCATIONS RECEIVED BETWEEN O1/O1/44 APID 12f17/47 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMEi3T5 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETA GEN DIS DISTR2CT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- ----°-- -------- -------- --- '-- --- Also received letter, dated 1/15J97, £rom Sha{wn Bartsh, Preaident Highland Area Community Council, re{commending Hr. Burley as STAR rep. 003334 Retcham, Michelle 3 15 09/OSj9� W F 1599 Juno Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - 696-1852 Dep. Dir. MN Soft Drink Assn. 9-5-97 STAR 168 E. Sixth, Suite 4202 St. Paul, MN 55101 h) 222-1114 w) 291-2722 Aichard Beeson, Jr. St. Anthony Park State Bank 2265 Como Avenue St. Paul, MN w) 6A9-0131, Ext. 314 Mimi Doran 1422 Ashland Avenue, 55104 h) 645-9731 w) 736-3070 003263 Leier, Mary Jo 1895 PortLand Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55104 Home - 645-2813 Secretary 4 13 O1/14j97 W F Ferd Peters President, Merriam Park Community Council 1708 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MI3 55104 h) 647-5991 w) 647-6250 Ellen Weiss President, St. Paul League of Women voters 8737 Baxter Way Inver Grove Hgts., 55016 Ed Sower Ex. Director, Merriam Park Community Council 1573 Selby Ave., Ste. 319 St. Paul, MN 55104 h) 546-0098 w) 645-6887 9�-3 12-22-97 COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : NST Neighborhood Sales Tax Board FOR APPLICATIONS RECEIVED BETWEEN O1/O1J94 AND 12/17J9� APPLICANT J REFEREI3CE COMMENTS 003257 Mohrbacher, Paul Science Muaeum of Minnesota 30 E. lOth Street St. Pau1, MN 55101 Work - 221-4745 FAX 2214777 Coord. Community Relations Jim Miller District 17 Council 445 Minnesota, #524 h) 221-0488 PACE 3 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (4THER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ _"- 2 16 O1f13/97 W M (CapitolRiver Council) Anne Hunt Neighborhood Enerqy Consortium 475 Cleveland, #1 St. Pau1, MN SS1Q4 w) 644-5436 Ed Johnson District 9: West �th Federation 474 W. 7th Street St. Paul, MN 55102 003259 Patton, William 899 Clark Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Home - 776-6743 Part-time employee/Dayton's William Skally 1215 Highland Pkwy. St. Faul, MN 55105 h) 690-0341 w) 298-1188 Karen christo£ferson 2149 Snowshoe Lane St. Paul, MN 55119 h) 731-2940 w) 851-9242 Eugene Ravieri 125 50. oxford Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 h) 224-7934 w) 331-8291 5 5 O1J21/97 W M Letter received from: Jeff Freeman 95-3 12-22-97 APPLICANPS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : NST Neighborhood Salea Tax Board FOR APPLZCATIONS RECEIVED BETWEEN O1/O1/94 ANB 12J17/47 PAGE 4 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETA GEN DZS DISTRZC2 DZSTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVZNG ON) ---------------------------°------ ---- -�------ -�-°--- -------- --- --- --- Preaident, Bd. of Directors East Side Neighborhood Development Company, Z{nc. recom[aending Bi11 Patton as candidate for STA{R Board 003108 Randall, Beth Hamline Midway Area Rehabilitation Corporation 1558 W. Minnehaha Avenue St. Paul, 13N 55104 Work - 644-0065 FAX 6441955 Hamline Midway Area Rehab Corp Robert Wicker 1538 Englewood Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 h) 644-7477 w) same as home Michelle Vojachek 773 E. Cottage, 55106 h) 776-0452 Jan Morlock 907 Payne Avenue, 55101 w) 771-1152 Stacy Millet, LISC (current STAR member) 002814 Rothchild, Mary T. 1077 Linwood Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 222-8945 Banker Andy Boss 2265 Como Avenue St. Paul, MN W) 647-D131 Bi11ie Young 15 Crocus Hi11 St. Paul, MN A) 224-7778 2 16 11f2S/95 W F O1J14/97 W F David Allen 450 N. Syndicate St. Pdul� MN ��-3 12-22-97 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APYLICANTS.RPT COMMZTTEE : NST Neighborhood Sales Tax Board FOR APPLICATIONS RECEIVED BETWEEN O1j01/94 AND 12/17/97 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS W) 641-0305 ODQ259 Schultz, David A. 1126 St. Clair Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 292-1096 Professor of Political Science PAGE 5 WARD PLANNING SENA2E APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTFIER COMMITTEES SERVZNG OI3j ____ ________ ________ ________ __° --- --- 2 16 Norman Walbek Deht of Political Science Gustaws Adolphus College h) (507) 231-6087 w) {507) 931-7421 Scott Hui2dos 2425 30th Ave. hJ 721-0008 w) John Schockley 18 Barton Ave. h) 379-7907 w) S. Minneapolis 624-4144 Mpls. (507) 931-7437 Dennis Giblin 228 Redwood Circle Sroomfield, CO 80020 (303) 465-4269 Bruce Auerbach Professor o£ Poltical Science Albright College w) (610) 921-�571 h) (610) 970-4736 1-14-97 NsT (District 16 nominee) Dennis Giblin 228 Redwood Circle Broomfield, CO 80020 303-465-4269 { Bruce Auerbach professor of Political Science, Albriqht Coll(ege Reading, YA 14612 w) 610 921-7571 h) 610 970-4736 O1/14f97 W M Garrett Sheldon Associate Professor of Political Science and {Chair of the Dept. of Social Sciences Clinch Va11ey College of U of Virginia, 24293 9�-3 12-22-97 COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RFT PAGE 6 COMMZTTEE : NST Neighborhood Sales 2ax Hoard FOR APPLICATIONS RECEZVED BBTWEEN O1J01/94 AND 12/17/97 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SEt3ATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT {PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING OIS) Wise Virginia 24293 703-3280110 003092 Sprung, Albert E. 957 Flandrau St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 772-2880 Chemical Technican 6 3 11J2S/95 W M Joey Lundquist 6286 Upper 35th St. Court N. Oakdale, MN 55128 h) ?79-4270 w) 832-2600 Robert Bohlken 2253 Pinehurst Lane Stillwater� MN 55082 h) 430-1465 Peter Hanson 1023 Tiller Lane Shoreview, MN 55126 h) 484-7352 w) 241-94�2 003105 Tasselmyer, Benita Bleecker 785 Aldine Street St. Paul, MN 55104-1105 Home - 641-1037 Zndustrial Engineer L', 11 12J01/95 W F Alice Hausman State Representative 1447 Chelmsford Ave., 55108 w) 296-6013 h) 646-6220 Henry Kristal President, Embers Restaurants 1664 University Ave., 55104 w) 645-6473 Nea1 Thao Ramsey Co. Human Svcs.fSt. Paul School Board 154 Wyoming, 55107 h) 290-0590 w) 226-4274 Kathi Austin-Mahle Pastor, Hamline United Methodist Church 1514 Englewood Ave., 55104 g�-3 12-22-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICAt3T5 REPORT PAGE 7 CO24fiTTEE : NST Neighborhood Salea Tax Board FOR APPLICATZONS RECEIVED BETWEEN O1f01/94 AND 12J17/97 APPLZCANT f REFERENCE CAHBiEL3TS w) 645-0667 001333 Thompaon, Missy Staplea Thompson Associates Suite 211 1885 University Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Work - 644-2710 FAX 6443282 Real Estate Broker(COnsultant John Mannillo Mannillo and Associates 413 Wacouta h) b99-3322 w) 292-8306 Sanice Rettman St. Paul City Council h} 489-8630 w) 298-5289 Joaeph Errigo Weatroinister Corporation 328 W. 6th w) 291-1150 1 8 65 11/27j95 W M - 11-27-95 Neiqhborhood Salea Tax (STAR Program{) Councilmember Dino Guerin w) 266-8670 Gloria Bostrom, Director Fannie Mae Partnership Office w) 298-9605 Jon Gutzmann Executive Director Saint Paul Public Housing Agency w) 248-5664 602886 Van Hecke, Betsy 1380 Ashland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 649-0693 Attorney WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DIS2RICT DISTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- -----�'- -------- -------- --- --� --- 4 13 O1/14f97 W F Business Review Council Hon. Diana E. Murphy Circuit Judge, Eighth Court of Appeals � � 12-22-97 APPLZCANTS.RPT CAMM2TTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : NST Neighborhood Salea Tax Board FOR APPLICATIOI3S RECEIVED BETWEEN O1/O1/94 AND 12/17J97 APPLICANT j REFERENCE CO?4QENTS U.S. Courthouse 110 S. Fourth St. Mpls. 55401 w) 348-1601 PAGE 8 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) °-- ------° --�----- ---�---- --- --- --- Shirley Raider, Preaident SneLLing-Hamline Community Council 1448 Laurel h) 644-7845 w) 874-8225 Michael cheever Asst. United States Attorney U.S. Courthouse 110 S. Fourth St. Mpls. 55401 w� 348-1500 003258 Wertz, Steven First Bank Midway � 23$3 University Avenue St. Paul, MN 55114 Work - 647-3586 FAX 6473533 Business Lender Jan Morlock Executive Director East Side Neighborhood Dev. Company 900 Payne Avenue St. Paul, MN 55101 w) 771-1152 Melody Holland-Rehder Business Bankinq Lender First Bank Midway 2383 University Avenue St. Paul, MN 55114 w) 647-3577 Ol/17f97 W M Jeff Freeman Board President East Side Neighborhood Development Corporaiiotn 367 E. Jessamine St. Pau1, MN 55101 (Je£f Freeman sent a letter, dated 1/15J97, r{ecommending Mr. Wertz as East Side Neighborhood Developme{nt Company representative. Mr. Freeman also recommendedt William Patton) 9�-3 12-22-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 9 COHMITTEE : NST Neighborhood Sales Tax Board FOR APPLICATIONS RECEIVED BETWEEN O1J01/94 AND 12/17f97 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CO.�fffENTS 003264 Wilson, Stephen A. Northern States Power Company WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- ---°--- -------- --- --- --- 1 8 O1/23/97 B Work - 330-7980 FAX 3305913 Sr. Strategic Planning Analyst Peggy Byrne Summit-U Planning Council cauncil File # 1 �'� Green Sheet $ �eR3S Presented By Referred To 1 a 3 4 s 6 7 8 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Ciry Council consents to and approves of the appointments and reappointrnents, made by the Mayor, of the following individuais to serve on the NEIGHBORHOOD SALES TAX REINVESTMENT (STAR) PROGRAM. APPOINTED Dr. Bruce P. Corrie 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Michelle Ketcham REAPPOIN'I'ED Marjorie Ebensteiner Stephen Gordon 7ohn Loban John Margot Foundation Representative (FIlIs remainder of Ruby I.ee's unexpued term.) Neighborhood Business Representative District Council Representative Placming Commission Representative At-Lazge Representative Capita] Improvement Budget Committee (CIB) TERM EXPIRES Januazy 1,1999 January 1, 2001 Januazy 1, 2001 Januazy 1, 2001 (Concurrent with term an Planning Commission) Sanuary 1, 2001 November 1, 2000 (Concurrent with term on CIB Cotncnittee) 23 Miche]]e Vojacek Member of Financial Communiry January 1, 2�01 2 4 Requested by Department of: Mayor's Office By: Peter Hames By: Appi By: Form Approved by City Attorney Sy: �. c Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �;���/r� RE50LUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 7 Adopted hy Council: Date Adoption Certified by Counci secretary Mayor Coleman's Office Roger Curtis 266-8531 N°_ 52354 iNmnTeo / �"` �s-9� GREEN SHEET INITIAVDATE INRIAV00.TE — � DEPAflSMENT DIqECTOR '� CIiY COUNCIL GN ( �7 CITY ATTOPNEY � GTY CLEAK BER FOR ���� fING � BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. 8 M6i SEAViCES DIR. = � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CUP ALL LOCAT(QNS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of the appointments and reappointments of following members to serve on the Neighborhood Sales Taa Reinvestment (STAR) Program. Appointed: Dr. Bruce Corrie and Michelle Ketcham; Reappointments: Marjorie Ebensteiner, Stephen Gordon, John Loban, John _ PUNNING COMMISSION _ ( __ CIBCOMMITfEE _ _ _ STAFG _ " _ DISTRIGT COURT _ , SUPPORTS WNICH COUNCIL OBJEC7IVE? PEHSONAL SERYICE CONiRACTS MUST ANSWER 7HE FOLLOWING QUESTtONS: i. Has this pe�sonffirm ever worked under a contract for this depaRment? YES NO 2. Has this person7firm ever been a City empbyee? YES NO 3. Does thi5 persoNfi�m possess a skill rrot normally possessed 6y eny current ciry employee7 YES NO Ezplain aif yes answers on aeparate eheet antl attaeh to green s�eet PAOBLEM.ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY�Who, What, When. Whare. Wfiy): �s. a. ► DEC 2 3 i997 iL AMOUNT OF TAANSACTION S COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (GIRCLE ONE) YES f40 )ING SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER 'C�AL INFOAbfAT10N' (EXPl0.1N) ' 390 CI'IY BAI,1, SAWT PALTL, ]1412VNESprA 55102 Phonr. 266-8525 FA7{: 26f�85I3 9�-3 Name: $omc Addresr. J�2 _2zitview Ac�. Sr. paul Md SS1I7 Strcet City � ZiP Tcitphone IGumber. Planning T3istrid Countii: Prrtcrr�� M�iting Address: �'Vhnt is your occupation? Ptace of Empluyment: Committcr(s) Applied Fo�: : � �, �'` . �. � . :f . : r . • !lA Ciry Couacll Ws�d_ ."'y.,�"� Profesror Of' Fcaxmics Coc�cd.ia �vi�sitv — St. P�al. �y,�• ..� .... � .� Wlint skitts, trainiog or e:perience do you possess for the committee(s) tor which you seek appointment? Pl�ase see attacYrmt. '1'he iniorraa[iou inctuded in this appliCation is considered priratc data according to th<Minnesota Govemment Data practices Act. As a result, this iaformatioa is aot rdeased to the general public. (O'VER) Rev. 8-5-47 : ... rta�ne: � ��, vx� � - Pio�an Address: -gL,,�yLFamd�;im 600 Pbn,�se C�r -- _ 9 ��3 �_ Phone: {HomN St. L�1 � y� y ivamc: _,__Jascri &zath T)i.r�tor - Divessity Fi�ls Addrus: _ F'as�iatirn £Op IKttc,�st C.�ntet - Phone: ($omelSr. Paul, 1�N 5SL01 4Work1 �� --- 1�Iam=: T�-. Kav N� Ea�utave Vice PL�i.cLnt Address: �'+`�cli.a Lfii�rsity, S[. P�7., M3 SS1Q'+ ^ Phoae: (R�meL_ 6+1-5832 Ressons for your interest in thzs particnlar commikter ���Y � ��� uty Have you had previous contact with the committee for wbich you are making appliCatioa? If Sa, whett, and the circuautsaces? In an attempt to rnsure that committee representation reflects the makenp of our community, p{ease cbeck the line xppiicabfe to you. This inFormation is stricUy valuntnry. White (Causasiaa) B�ack(Afr'scxn Amorican) Aaieric�n Indian orAlasksa Eskimo �_ MAIe �'entale Disabied: Yes No X 1(speciai accommodations are aeeded, ptease specify: �ispaaic ...Y,_ Asisn or Psciftc Is{ander Date of Birth: 1/18/59 $ow did you henr abont this openittg? a 9'�'-3 As volunteer Program Dixector of APECD {Asian Pacific Endowment for Community Development, a unique philanthzopic fund set up jointIy with'The Saint Paul Foundation and the Asian American community) tar�eting the Aszan A�nerican poputation in Minnesota, I deveIoped and implemented a progzam to award �rants to conununi2y organirations for the past two years. As such I have a sense of the nezds within the minority communities and can bring to the Star Nei,ehborhood Crrant Committee slcills that can help the grant review pzocess. i have atso been involved with Yhe African Amezican, Native American and Hispanic commuuity in Minnesota and so have a sensitivity to their needs coo. Furthez, as an economist wich a speciatization in econom9c development and some experience tivith inner city development issues in Saint Paul 1 think i can add some important insights into the gant revicw process. 3 �' ' Name: Home Address: 1� Street Telephane Nnmber: ����,��� 9�-3 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CIT1' HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 2G6-$S25 FAX: 266-8513 /C�� ,LCCR�R3 Pianning District Council: �• SFP 5 1997 �,�fiYO`r,"S flFfiv� ,uN City � /!�� 2 ��i3- D6�D ss f�.� Zip 7�1, .- 7i_ cL� U.�ek_° �- f.t)oa-i=- 1 1-�e' lS City Council Ward: 1�Y✓�c� =-� Praferred Mailing Address: SSS �a�. ��. S�u�e� '-EO°� S�, �u.r.,_Q SS l0 �j `Vfiat is your occupation? Place ef F:ngioyr.i�nt: Committee(s) Applied For: � )_S rYl. What skills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? �� i P.�- rs.�tlC.�-t.D� - The information incSuded in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to fhe general public. it'���- P�'ZJca-�1 t V�. (O'VER) Rev. 8-5-97 Name: �avt_ Lo Address: Phone: � �,. . . , y_ rtt"' S`E`�c.�l- `ju.�: ! i��- 1- � ��-a SS/t�1 Name: f\!( 4lCtrc( �j2C'�o�'t 3r Address: — � • �'4'tt oF1 � �{ � 3q�'l fi �Z��'j ��LV� O � �`� �(.tuQ '� Yl:one: fiiomel N� - - (yyork) (o`f� O( 3 j � f- �i�} Name: ��MJ Address• �yZ Phone; (Home) c 4.1 ar+ d �rt, _ �1�3 Reasons for your inYerest in'this particular committee: n�_^3� � t f Dti�t.C[� _. G�Kd� �CN�LGQ i�C ��� , . , 55 �c�� �' � /CQ! � Q :�.br9� �O � c°'� �,�cc�-Lr n� � ) �r-C/1C� �/�, �„� � $ave you had previoas conYact wiih the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and fhe circumstances? . � In an atte:�.pi to ensure lhat comnsifYee E�epresen;aYion reflects the makeup of our cQmmunily, please check the line applicable to yov. This information is strictfy votuniary, � White (Caucasian) Hispanic Biack (African American) Asian or Pacific lslander American Tndian orAlaskan Fskimo Male � Female Date of Birth: �l �n" ���" Disabted; Yes No � If special accommodations are needed, please specify: How did you hear about this opening? ��d ��'�xf� �(,�vi.�cP,c.c�J � t�-3 Namc: Address; Phone: 1� Address: Phone: Namc: Address: Phone: pER�ON_ AI, RFF�RFr. ('F , �1 A,� Lo � �C�r�rc -' �• 'l � +�u �yZ� — v — �� t ►l�{ cl�land !�,-c� - q}31 �`�l l�CC.t,�Q S S t C7 ] �workl �"7 ( ` L $ y� - �� � l3an k 2�1�. C�� o� S �(u,�.� —(Workl b�f �- a t 3 j �X Y'�1'� S-t .��.e M�l 55 �� y �tv.,��� a-��_ _ zn� Reasons for your interest in'this particafar committee: �1- ��,�-c,, t l,�naC C�v-CCQ �n`. S�� . _ , . _ - . '—�—� �, � �� � � � Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, wheii, and the circumstances?� lvr7- Ice an attc:�:pt te ensure Yhat comtnittee representation ref]ects the makeug af our commanity, pieas> check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly volunYary. � `Vhite (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific 7slander ____ American Indian orAlaskan Eskimo _____ Mate ,� Female Date of Birth: ����'' ��` isabied: Yes �o � special accommodations are needed, please specify: w did you hea� about this opening? � f (.N�-4tR- �-c/� (r� h'� ��-3 Applicatian for the Neighborhood Sales Tax Revitalization Program Committee Skills, training, & experience: i) Financial experience--Responsible for a$250,000 annual operating budget. Analyze financial statements and evaluate project viability based on fmancial impact to the organization. Fortner St. Paul small business owner. 2) Policy experience--Working as a lobbyist and trade association executive, I understand the impact of local policy on the decision making process. Further, as a St. Paul resident, I understand the history and policy that will impact growing neighborhood businesses and organizations. 3) Conununication sl:ills--I possess the ability to work within a committee structure. I have participated in many different committees, serving on several state task forces and committees. have the skills to work successfully in this envlronment, working with a11 representarives to achieve mutual consensus. g�-.� 12-22-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 1 cOMMZTTEE : NST Neighborhood Sales Tax Board FOR APPLZCATIONS RECEIVED BETWEEN O1j01/94 AND 12/17/97 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS 003265 Beigbeder, M. Deniae 301 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 225-1980 ConsultantJCoromunity & Ec Dev WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE E2H GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHEA CAMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ---- °--"--- -------- -°----- -"- °- --- 1 8 01/24J97 W F Peggy Byrne Summit University Planning Council 627 Selby Avenue, 55104 w) 228-1855 002873 Blackman, Ruth 66 E. 9th St. St. Paul, MN 55101 Home - 227-3658 RetiredJWest Publishing F� 17 O1/14f97 W F Norm Coleman 266-8510 Jim Miller 222-2561 Tom Marver 266-8508 003261 Burley, David Highland Gri11 and Cafe 771 Cleveland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 Work - 690-1173 FAX 6901330 Restaurant Owner 3 15 O1f15J97 W M Mark Moeller 1751 Bohland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 h) 690-2977 w) 698-6321 Frank caulfield 1953 Rome St. Paul, MN 55116 h) 698-5098 w) 644-7200 Gleen & Carolyn Ayres 2 Edgcumbe Place St. Paul, MN 55116 h) 699-8804 w) 371-5016 q�-3 12-22-47 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLZCANTS.RPT PAGE 2 COMMITTEE : NST Neighborhood Sales Tax Board FOR APPLZCATIONS RECEIVED BETWEEN O1/O1/44 APID 12f17/47 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMEi3T5 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETA GEN DIS DISTR2CT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- ----°-- -------- -------- --- '-- --- Also received letter, dated 1/15J97, £rom Sha{wn Bartsh, Preaident Highland Area Community Council, re{commending Hr. Burley as STAR rep. 003334 Retcham, Michelle 3 15 09/OSj9� W F 1599 Juno Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - 696-1852 Dep. Dir. MN Soft Drink Assn. 9-5-97 STAR 168 E. Sixth, Suite 4202 St. Paul, MN 55101 h) 222-1114 w) 291-2722 Aichard Beeson, Jr. St. Anthony Park State Bank 2265 Como Avenue St. Paul, MN w) 6A9-0131, Ext. 314 Mimi Doran 1422 Ashland Avenue, 55104 h) 645-9731 w) 736-3070 003263 Leier, Mary Jo 1895 PortLand Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55104 Home - 645-2813 Secretary 4 13 O1/14j97 W F Ferd Peters President, Merriam Park Community Council 1708 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MI3 55104 h) 647-5991 w) 647-6250 Ellen Weiss President, St. Paul League of Women voters 8737 Baxter Way Inver Grove Hgts., 55016 Ed Sower Ex. Director, Merriam Park Community Council 1573 Selby Ave., Ste. 319 St. Paul, MN 55104 h) 546-0098 w) 645-6887 9�-3 12-22-97 COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : NST Neighborhood Sales Tax Board FOR APPLICATIONS RECEIVED BETWEEN O1/O1J94 AND 12/17J9� APPLICANT J REFEREI3CE COMMENTS 003257 Mohrbacher, Paul Science Muaeum of Minnesota 30 E. lOth Street St. Pau1, MN 55101 Work - 221-4745 FAX 2214777 Coord. Community Relations Jim Miller District 17 Council 445 Minnesota, #524 h) 221-0488 PACE 3 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (4THER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ _"- 2 16 O1f13/97 W M (CapitolRiver Council) Anne Hunt Neighborhood Enerqy Consortium 475 Cleveland, #1 St. Pau1, MN SS1Q4 w) 644-5436 Ed Johnson District 9: West �th Federation 474 W. 7th Street St. Paul, MN 55102 003259 Patton, William 899 Clark Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Home - 776-6743 Part-time employee/Dayton's William Skally 1215 Highland Pkwy. St. Faul, MN 55105 h) 690-0341 w) 298-1188 Karen christo£ferson 2149 Snowshoe Lane St. Paul, MN 55119 h) 731-2940 w) 851-9242 Eugene Ravieri 125 50. oxford Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 h) 224-7934 w) 331-8291 5 5 O1J21/97 W M Letter received from: Jeff Freeman 95-3 12-22-97 APPLICANPS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : NST Neighborhood Salea Tax Board FOR APPLZCATIONS RECEIVED BETWEEN O1/O1/94 ANB 12J17/47 PAGE 4 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETA GEN DZS DISTRZC2 DZSTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVZNG ON) ---------------------------°------ ---- -�------ -�-°--- -------- --- --- --- Preaident, Bd. of Directors East Side Neighborhood Development Company, Z{nc. recom[aending Bi11 Patton as candidate for STA{R Board 003108 Randall, Beth Hamline Midway Area Rehabilitation Corporation 1558 W. Minnehaha Avenue St. Paul, 13N 55104 Work - 644-0065 FAX 6441955 Hamline Midway Area Rehab Corp Robert Wicker 1538 Englewood Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 h) 644-7477 w) same as home Michelle Vojachek 773 E. Cottage, 55106 h) 776-0452 Jan Morlock 907 Payne Avenue, 55101 w) 771-1152 Stacy Millet, LISC (current STAR member) 002814 Rothchild, Mary T. 1077 Linwood Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 222-8945 Banker Andy Boss 2265 Como Avenue St. Paul, MN W) 647-D131 Bi11ie Young 15 Crocus Hi11 St. Paul, MN A) 224-7778 2 16 11f2S/95 W F O1J14/97 W F David Allen 450 N. Syndicate St. Pdul� MN ��-3 12-22-97 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APYLICANTS.RPT COMMZTTEE : NST Neighborhood Sales Tax Board FOR APPLICATIONS RECEIVED BETWEEN O1j01/94 AND 12/17/97 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS W) 641-0305 ODQ259 Schultz, David A. 1126 St. Clair Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 292-1096 Professor of Political Science PAGE 5 WARD PLANNING SENA2E APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTFIER COMMITTEES SERVZNG OI3j ____ ________ ________ ________ __° --- --- 2 16 Norman Walbek Deht of Political Science Gustaws Adolphus College h) (507) 231-6087 w) {507) 931-7421 Scott Hui2dos 2425 30th Ave. hJ 721-0008 w) John Schockley 18 Barton Ave. h) 379-7907 w) S. Minneapolis 624-4144 Mpls. (507) 931-7437 Dennis Giblin 228 Redwood Circle Sroomfield, CO 80020 (303) 465-4269 Bruce Auerbach Professor o£ Poltical Science Albright College w) (610) 921-�571 h) (610) 970-4736 1-14-97 NsT (District 16 nominee) Dennis Giblin 228 Redwood Circle Broomfield, CO 80020 303-465-4269 { Bruce Auerbach professor of Political Science, Albriqht Coll(ege Reading, YA 14612 w) 610 921-7571 h) 610 970-4736 O1/14f97 W M Garrett Sheldon Associate Professor of Political Science and {Chair of the Dept. of Social Sciences Clinch Va11ey College of U of Virginia, 24293 9�-3 12-22-97 COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RFT PAGE 6 COMMZTTEE : NST Neighborhood Sales 2ax Hoard FOR APPLICATIONS RECEZVED BBTWEEN O1J01/94 AND 12/17/97 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SEt3ATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT {PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING OIS) Wise Virginia 24293 703-3280110 003092 Sprung, Albert E. 957 Flandrau St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 772-2880 Chemical Technican 6 3 11J2S/95 W M Joey Lundquist 6286 Upper 35th St. Court N. Oakdale, MN 55128 h) ?79-4270 w) 832-2600 Robert Bohlken 2253 Pinehurst Lane Stillwater� MN 55082 h) 430-1465 Peter Hanson 1023 Tiller Lane Shoreview, MN 55126 h) 484-7352 w) 241-94�2 003105 Tasselmyer, Benita Bleecker 785 Aldine Street St. Paul, MN 55104-1105 Home - 641-1037 Zndustrial Engineer L', 11 12J01/95 W F Alice Hausman State Representative 1447 Chelmsford Ave., 55108 w) 296-6013 h) 646-6220 Henry Kristal President, Embers Restaurants 1664 University Ave., 55104 w) 645-6473 Nea1 Thao Ramsey Co. Human Svcs.fSt. Paul School Board 154 Wyoming, 55107 h) 290-0590 w) 226-4274 Kathi Austin-Mahle Pastor, Hamline United Methodist Church 1514 Englewood Ave., 55104 g�-3 12-22-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICAt3T5 REPORT PAGE 7 CO24fiTTEE : NST Neighborhood Salea Tax Board FOR APPLICATZONS RECEIVED BETWEEN O1f01/94 AND 12J17/97 APPLZCANT f REFERENCE CAHBiEL3TS w) 645-0667 001333 Thompaon, Missy Staplea Thompson Associates Suite 211 1885 University Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Work - 644-2710 FAX 6443282 Real Estate Broker(COnsultant John Mannillo Mannillo and Associates 413 Wacouta h) b99-3322 w) 292-8306 Sanice Rettman St. Paul City Council h} 489-8630 w) 298-5289 Joaeph Errigo Weatroinister Corporation 328 W. 6th w) 291-1150 1 8 65 11/27j95 W M - 11-27-95 Neiqhborhood Salea Tax (STAR Program{) Councilmember Dino Guerin w) 266-8670 Gloria Bostrom, Director Fannie Mae Partnership Office w) 298-9605 Jon Gutzmann Executive Director Saint Paul Public Housing Agency w) 248-5664 602886 Van Hecke, Betsy 1380 Ashland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 649-0693 Attorney WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DIS2RICT DISTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- -----�'- -------- -------- --- --� --- 4 13 O1/14f97 W F Business Review Council Hon. Diana E. Murphy Circuit Judge, Eighth Court of Appeals � � 12-22-97 APPLZCANTS.RPT CAMM2TTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : NST Neighborhood Salea Tax Board FOR APPLICATIOI3S RECEIVED BETWEEN O1/O1/94 AND 12/17J97 APPLICANT j REFERENCE CO?4QENTS U.S. Courthouse 110 S. Fourth St. Mpls. 55401 w) 348-1601 PAGE 8 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) °-- ------° --�----- ---�---- --- --- --- Shirley Raider, Preaident SneLLing-Hamline Community Council 1448 Laurel h) 644-7845 w) 874-8225 Michael cheever Asst. United States Attorney U.S. Courthouse 110 S. Fourth St. Mpls. 55401 w� 348-1500 003258 Wertz, Steven First Bank Midway � 23$3 University Avenue St. Paul, MN 55114 Work - 647-3586 FAX 6473533 Business Lender Jan Morlock Executive Director East Side Neighborhood Dev. Company 900 Payne Avenue St. Paul, MN 55101 w) 771-1152 Melody Holland-Rehder Business Bankinq Lender First Bank Midway 2383 University Avenue St. Paul, MN 55114 w) 647-3577 Ol/17f97 W M Jeff Freeman Board President East Side Neighborhood Development Corporaiiotn 367 E. Jessamine St. Pau1, MN 55101 (Je£f Freeman sent a letter, dated 1/15J97, r{ecommending Mr. Wertz as East Side Neighborhood Developme{nt Company representative. Mr. Freeman also recommendedt William Patton) 9�-3 12-22-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 9 COHMITTEE : NST Neighborhood Sales Tax Board FOR APPLICATIONS RECEIVED BETWEEN O1J01/94 AND 12/17f97 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CO.�fffENTS 003264 Wilson, Stephen A. Northern States Power Company WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- ---°--- -------- --- --- --- 1 8 O1/23/97 B Work - 330-7980 FAX 3305913 Sr. Strategic Planning Analyst Peggy Byrne Summit-U Planning Council