97-1555council Fi1e # q� —iSSS ordinance # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 g 9 l� 11 IZ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2� 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 � 29 �, �, Presented Referred To 33 RESOLVED: That application, ID #33885, for an Auto Repair Garage License by Dale Import's Inc. DBA Dale Import's Inc. (Thosas A. Gavic, President) at 100 Cottage Avenue West be and the saate ia hereby approved with the following conditions: 1) All work required for the change in the use of the building is completed and a certificate of occupancy ia obtained from thia office. We will not issue the o££icial licensing document until this condition is satisfied. 2) The off-street parking surface in front of the building must be uaed only as employee parking apace and/or the ahort term parking for customers, salesperson, etc. This apace may not be used for storage of vehicles awaitinq aervice or as drop-off area for vehicles towed to the eite. Vehiclea coming to this site for servicinq must be parked inside the fence area. 3) The bueiness o£ obtaining vehicles with the sole purpose of salvaging them exclusively for this value as scrap metal ia expressly forbidden. Auto salvage is not a permitted use in the 1-1 zoning district the property is located. 4) It is understood that an auto body repair busineas will generate parts that will be diacarded as acrap. This later activity ie permiseible as part of the normal servicing required to repair the vehicle. These discarded parts must be removed from the property weekly. The discarded pa=ts will be atored inside the £ence area either in an enclosed container or in a location that is not viaible from the street. Requested by Department of: Green Sheet # 50315 :� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date • - - - -: •�_ � •��f'R ' •R By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: �� Sy: Form Approved by City Attorney $Y � �// fl ��- /� �9 � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Adopted by Council: Date � ,�, _ � `q�l� N° 50315� -� - - DEPIIR7MENLOFFICEICOUNd� �DATEINITIqTED { ��,�5� LIEP/Licensing � GREEN SHEE CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE iN1T1AVDATE iN1T1AUDATE � DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR � CITYCOUNCI� Christine_Rozek, 266-9108 ASSIGN �CITYATTORNEY OqT'CLERK MUST BE ON CpUNCIL A6ENDA BY (DATE) NUMBER FOR ❑ BUDGET DIRECTOR a FIN. 8 MGi. SEflVICES DIR. NOUTING r'OT hearing: a aa, �ROEA OMAVOR�OflA5SI5TANT) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS fOR SIGNATURE) ACT10N REOUESTED: Dale Import's Inc. DBA Dale Import's Inc. requests Council approval of its applicaCion for an Auto Body Repair Garage License located at 100 Cottage Avenue West (ID 1f338&5). RECOMMENOATIONS: Approve (A� or Rejec[ (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLlOW1NG �UES710NS: _ PIANNING COMMISSiON _ CN0. SERViC£ COMMISSION �. Has tfris persoo/firm ever workad untler a contract tor tfiis department> _ q8 CAMMITTEE YES NO _��� � 2. Has this personKrm ever been a city empioyee� — YES NO _DISTRICTCWFi _ 3. DoesthispersDMfirm possess a Skifl frot normally possessetl by a�y cunent ciry employee'+ SUFPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain aii yes answers on seperete aheet and attech to grean sheet INRIATINCa PROBIEM. ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (VJho. Whet, When, Whare. Why) ADVANTAC�ES �FAPPROVED: �ISAOVAMAGES IF APPROVE� OISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED� �'?��I ;� � � oEC o s Tssl � ___._� �.�., TO7AL AMOUN70F TNANSAG710N 5 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTiViTY NUMBER FiNpNC1A1 WFORRSATION: (EXPLAIN) �� ��S CLASS III � C �� �' LICEI��Fi1APPLICATION ��� rv ,,,�' �, j � 1 _ � J r� •�• r� •� u r� •r PLEASE TYPE OR PRiNT IN 1NK CITY OF SAINT PAUL Offia ofLicense, Impationa and Envirmunrnta, Protenion 350 Sc Peca A Sum 300 SdalPcuLMvmcso�a SS4M (61])3669090 fu�C6i31766912d q�- �sss S 5���• � S S Company Name: a/� T".S L, C.orporation / Putnenhip / So1c PropricWrship If business is incotporated, give date of incorporation: }� i� Doing Business As: Business Phone: Business Address: t d� G--� C 6 T"Tl�i G` /} t/E, S` f, P/�'f C M'�'�, S�� l7 Svect Addrsat � City Sinte Zip Setween what cross s�ieeu is the business located? p� �� 5�� VJhich side of ihe sYreet� J� U v 7'N Are the premises now occupied7„� S What Type of Business? S J°� A G E Mail To Address: SLT/i/x.e� '. sv�ce Aamsa, city Stntc Zip Applicant Informauon: , Name and TiAe: � /� �r /� v! C �' /� E S l t7�"�--'T Fust :.liddle (Maidrn) Lase 7iUe Home Address: S y b S �(, Tv rZ A f� 1), �'/� � UL.� r �v/� S S� 2 � su�n.4aa� ary s�ce z�p DateofBirth: I' lU' Y PlaceofBirth: M/�LS. HomePhone: S7�'`� y'�� Have you ever been com•icted of any felony, crime or violation of any city ordinance other than traffic? 1'ES NO.� Date of acrest: Chuge: �, Conviction: Sentence: List Ihe names and residrnces of three persons of good maral character, living within the Twin Cities Meffo Area, not related to the applicant oz financially intetested in the premises or business, who may be referred to as to the applicanPs chazacter: NAME ADDRESS PHONE _/�r D y f� �7 STn I= I/4 IT 3 S 2 C� /v) /t 1� � So.�.. / 7� �=1 2 3 Z _!���- � Gv� N/�M h -•- t-r�� s ��z - g v� �r i r, � SE�� �� ��s o s� �G y2 j-- s��� List licenses u•hich cou currendy hold, formerly held, or may have an interest in: , . _� v ra rz � FA � �� G� 2��- � � 9 �� y� c i�- r � v� Ha�•e am• of the above named licenses ever been revoked? YES � NO If yes, lis[ the dates and reasons for revocation: , _,, Where7 Z/28/97 Are you going to opecale this business personail}•? *� YES Home Addlnr. Strat Ace you going to ha��e a manager or assistant in this business? �_ YES please complete the :ollo«ing information: NO If not, U•ho ���ilt operate it? Q/� �) S SS t \Sidd]e Initid (>Lidrn) State Zip Dete oCBinh NO If the manager is not the same as the operator, First N�e .'vfiddlc Initial (�fa�drn) Last Dam of Binh Home Addrcas: SVeet Namc City SLte Zip Phone Number Please list your empJo}-ment history for the precious five (5) }ear period: Business/Emplovment , l�A L�' S f fL Y1C E C' TiL � � y� C lti i 1-1 �J //�' DA � �' �ivi�odt t S � 3 I /�� z� S 1 . List all othet officers of the cotporation: OFFICER TITLE HOME HOME BUSINESS DATE OF NAME (Office Held) ADDRESS PHONE PHONE BIRTH '] /�viG S y G S y CT��A l� J, If business is s partnership, please include the following infoimation for each partner (use additional pages if necessary): Fint \amc !vliddle [nitial �'vfaiden) Last Date of Birth HomcAdHeas: Strccc:�ame City Sutc Zip Phone\umba Fint I�amc !4fiddlc initiai (,Maiden) Last Date of Birth Home Addrsaa: Sbeet ;:�e Ciry Sute Zip Phonc Number MII�INESOTA TA3{ IDEN'TIFICATION NUMBER - Fursuant to the Law�s of Minnesota, ] 984, Chapter �02, Artic]e 8, Section 2(270.72) (Tat Cle�ance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities are required to provide to the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business tax idrntification number and the social security number of each license applicant Under the Minnesota Crovemment Data Practices Act and tho Federal Privacy Act of 7 974, we are required to advise you of the following regardmg the use of the Minnesota Tax Ident�cation Number: - This informalion may be used to deny the issuance or renewal of your license in Ihe event pou oia�e Minnesota sales, emp]oyer's wzthholding or motor vehicle excise taxes; - Upon zeceiving tlus information, the licensing authority w�ll supply it only to the Minnesota Department of Revenue. However, undet the federal Exchange of Information Agreement, the Department of Revenue may supply this information to the Internal Revenue Service. Mumesota Tax Identi5cation Numbers (Sales & Use Tax Ninnber) may be obtained fram the State of Minnesota, Business Records Department, 10 River Pazk Plaza (612-246-b181). � t � ` � Social Secwiry Number: �� 5 T 5 1 �� ?1 Minnesota Tax Idennf'ication Number: � 2 I S S � If a Minneso�a Tax Identification Number is not required for the business being operated, indicate so by placing an"X" in the box. �'r � 2/18,'97 CERTIFICATION OF WORKERS' CO?JPENSATION COVERAGE PURSUANT TO M�iI3ESOTA STATUTE 176.182 Q I SS� I hereby certify that I, or m}� company, am in compliance ��ith the �corkers compensation insurance coverage requirements of Minnesota Statute ] 76.182, subdi4ision 2. I also understFmd that pro��ision of false information in this cert�cation consUmtes su$icient grounds for ad� erse action against all licenses held, including revocation and suspension of said licenses. � Nazne ofInsurance Company: � M E/L I C/} F'/�M } c Y f i" S Policytdumber. Coveragefrom r /' 9`1 ya f^/'" /� I hace no emplo}�ees coeered under workers' compensation insurance (INITIALS) ANY FALSIFICATION OF.S,tiSWERS GNEN OR MATERIAL ST3BMITTED WII.L RESULT IN DFNIAL OF THIS APPLICATION I hereby state that I have answered all of the preceding questions, and that the information contained hetein is true and correct to the best of my laiowledge and belief. I hereby state fiuther that I have received no money or other consideration, by H•ay of loan, gift, contibutioq os otheiuise, other than aiready disclosed in the application which I hereuith submitted. I also understand this premise may be inspected b}' police, fire, health and other cih� officials at any and all times u�hrn the business is in operation. ��"a�-�t G� � �'� 3� - � � Signatum (REQUIR�D for all app6cations) Date We nill accept pa} ment by cash, check (made pa�able to City of Saint Pau� or credit card (M/C or Visa). IFPAYING BYCREDIT CARD PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: � MastetCard � Visa EXPIRATION DATE: ACCOUNT NUMI3ER: f�[�/C7❑ ❑�{�❑ ❑C]C�❑ ❑OC7C7 ❑C�C7❑ '.�ame of Czr�oldec of Cazd Holder(required for all charaesl Date ""Note: If this application is Foodll.iquor related, please contact a CiTy of Saint Paul Health Inspectot, Steve Olson (266-9139), to review plans. If any substantial changes Yo strvcture are aoticipated, please contact a City of Saint Pau1 Plan Examiner at 266-9007 to apply for building permiu. Ifthere are any ahanges to the parking lot, floor space, or for new operations, please contact a City of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-9008. Ail applications require the following documents. Please attach t6ese documents w�hen submitting your applicatioa: 1. A detailed descripvon of the desigq ]ocadon and squaze footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). The foAow�ng data should be on the site plan (preferably on an 8 1/Z" x 11" or 8 1/2" x 14" paper): - Name, address, and phone number. - The scale should be stated such as 1"= 20'. ^N should be indicated toward the top. - Placement of a11 pertinent features of the intefior of the licensed faoifity such as seaiing areas, kitchens, offices, repair area, pzrking, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is for m addivon or expansion of the licensed facility, indicate both the current uea and the proposed eapansion. 2. A copy of your ]ease agreemrnt or proof of owTership of the property. SPECIFIG LTCENSE APPLICATIONS REQUIItE ADDTTIOn'AL I'�i TFORMATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR DETAILS >>>> �- �.� aias�9a council Fi1e # q� —iSSS ordinance # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 g 9 l� 11 IZ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2� 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 � 29 �, �, Presented Referred To 33 RESOLVED: That application, ID #33885, for an Auto Repair Garage License by Dale Import's Inc. DBA Dale Import's Inc. (Thosas A. Gavic, President) at 100 Cottage Avenue West be and the saate ia hereby approved with the following conditions: 1) All work required for the change in the use of the building is completed and a certificate of occupancy ia obtained from thia office. We will not issue the o££icial licensing document until this condition is satisfied. 2) The off-street parking surface in front of the building must be uaed only as employee parking apace and/or the ahort term parking for customers, salesperson, etc. This apace may not be used for storage of vehicles awaitinq aervice or as drop-off area for vehicles towed to the eite. Vehiclea coming to this site for servicinq must be parked inside the fence area. 3) The bueiness o£ obtaining vehicles with the sole purpose of salvaging them exclusively for this value as scrap metal ia expressly forbidden. Auto salvage is not a permitted use in the 1-1 zoning district the property is located. 4) It is understood that an auto body repair busineas will generate parts that will be diacarded as acrap. This later activity ie permiseible as part of the normal servicing required to repair the vehicle. These discarded parts must be removed from the property weekly. The discarded pa=ts will be atored inside the £ence area either in an enclosed container or in a location that is not viaible from the street. Requested by Department of: Green Sheet # 50315 :� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date • - - - -: •�_ � •��f'R ' •R By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: �� Sy: Form Approved by City Attorney $Y � �// fl ��- /� �9 � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Adopted by Council: Date � ,�, _ � `q�l� N° 50315� -� - - DEPIIR7MENLOFFICEICOUNd� �DATEINITIqTED { ��,�5� LIEP/Licensing � GREEN SHEE CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE iN1T1AVDATE iN1T1AUDATE � DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR � CITYCOUNCI� Christine_Rozek, 266-9108 ASSIGN �CITYATTORNEY OqT'CLERK MUST BE ON CpUNCIL A6ENDA BY (DATE) NUMBER FOR ❑ BUDGET DIRECTOR a FIN. 8 MGi. SEflVICES DIR. NOUTING r'OT hearing: a aa, �ROEA OMAVOR�OflA5SI5TANT) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS fOR SIGNATURE) ACT10N REOUESTED: Dale Import's Inc. DBA Dale Import's Inc. requests Council approval of its applicaCion for an Auto Body Repair Garage License located at 100 Cottage Avenue West (ID 1f338&5). RECOMMENOATIONS: Approve (A� or Rejec[ (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLlOW1NG �UES710NS: _ PIANNING COMMISSiON _ CN0. SERViC£ COMMISSION �. Has tfris persoo/firm ever workad untler a contract tor tfiis department> _ q8 CAMMITTEE YES NO _��� � 2. Has this personKrm ever been a city empioyee� — YES NO _DISTRICTCWFi _ 3. DoesthispersDMfirm possess a Skifl frot normally possessetl by a�y cunent ciry employee'+ SUFPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain aii yes answers on seperete aheet and attech to grean sheet INRIATINCa PROBIEM. ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (VJho. Whet, When, Whare. Why) ADVANTAC�ES �FAPPROVED: �ISAOVAMAGES IF APPROVE� OISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED� �'?��I ;� � � oEC o s Tssl � ___._� �.�., TO7AL AMOUN70F TNANSAG710N 5 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTiViTY NUMBER FiNpNC1A1 WFORRSATION: (EXPLAIN) �� ��S CLASS III � C �� �' LICEI��Fi1APPLICATION ��� rv ,,,�' �, j � 1 _ � J r� •�• r� •� u r� •r PLEASE TYPE OR PRiNT IN 1NK CITY OF SAINT PAUL Offia ofLicense, Impationa and Envirmunrnta, Protenion 350 Sc Peca A Sum 300 SdalPcuLMvmcso�a SS4M (61])3669090 fu�C6i31766912d q�- �sss S 5���• � S S Company Name: a/� T".S L, C.orporation / Putnenhip / So1c PropricWrship If business is incotporated, give date of incorporation: }� i� Doing Business As: Business Phone: Business Address: t d� G--� C 6 T"Tl�i G` /} t/E, S` f, P/�'f C M'�'�, S�� l7 Svect Addrsat � City Sinte Zip Setween what cross s�ieeu is the business located? p� �� 5�� VJhich side of ihe sYreet� J� U v 7'N Are the premises now occupied7„� S What Type of Business? S J°� A G E Mail To Address: SLT/i/x.e� '. sv�ce Aamsa, city Stntc Zip Applicant Informauon: , Name and TiAe: � /� �r /� v! C �' /� E S l t7�"�--'T Fust :.liddle (Maidrn) Lase 7iUe Home Address: S y b S �(, Tv rZ A f� 1), �'/� � UL.� r �v/� S S� 2 � su�n.4aa� ary s�ce z�p DateofBirth: I' lU' Y PlaceofBirth: M/�LS. HomePhone: S7�'`� y'�� Have you ever been com•icted of any felony, crime or violation of any city ordinance other than traffic? 1'ES NO.� Date of acrest: Chuge: �, Conviction: Sentence: List Ihe names and residrnces of three persons of good maral character, living within the Twin Cities Meffo Area, not related to the applicant oz financially intetested in the premises or business, who may be referred to as to the applicanPs chazacter: NAME ADDRESS PHONE _/�r D y f� �7 STn I= I/4 IT 3 S 2 C� /v) /t 1� � So.�.. / 7� �=1 2 3 Z _!���- � Gv� N/�M h -•- t-r�� s ��z - g v� �r i r, � SE�� �� ��s o s� �G y2 j-- s��� List licenses u•hich cou currendy hold, formerly held, or may have an interest in: , . _� v ra rz � FA � �� G� 2��- � � 9 �� y� c i�- r � v� Ha�•e am• of the above named licenses ever been revoked? YES � NO If yes, lis[ the dates and reasons for revocation: , _,, Where7 Z/28/97 Are you going to opecale this business personail}•? *� YES Home Addlnr. Strat Ace you going to ha��e a manager or assistant in this business? �_ YES please complete the :ollo«ing information: NO If not, U•ho ���ilt operate it? Q/� �) S SS t \Sidd]e Initid (>Lidrn) State Zip Dete oCBinh NO If the manager is not the same as the operator, First N�e .'vfiddlc Initial (�fa�drn) Last Dam of Binh Home Addrcas: SVeet Namc City SLte Zip Phone Number Please list your empJo}-ment history for the precious five (5) }ear period: Business/Emplovment , l�A L�' S f fL Y1C E C' TiL � � y� C lti i 1-1 �J //�' DA � �' �ivi�odt t S � 3 I /�� z� S 1 . List all othet officers of the cotporation: OFFICER TITLE HOME HOME BUSINESS DATE OF NAME (Office Held) ADDRESS PHONE PHONE BIRTH '] /�viG S y G S y CT��A l� J, If business is s partnership, please include the following infoimation for each partner (use additional pages if necessary): Fint \amc !vliddle [nitial �'vfaiden) Last Date of Birth HomcAdHeas: Strccc:�ame City Sutc Zip Phone\umba Fint I�amc !4fiddlc initiai (,Maiden) Last Date of Birth Home Addrsaa: Sbeet ;:�e Ciry Sute Zip Phonc Number MII�INESOTA TA3{ IDEN'TIFICATION NUMBER - Fursuant to the Law�s of Minnesota, ] 984, Chapter �02, Artic]e 8, Section 2(270.72) (Tat Cle�ance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities are required to provide to the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business tax idrntification number and the social security number of each license applicant Under the Minnesota Crovemment Data Practices Act and tho Federal Privacy Act of 7 974, we are required to advise you of the following regardmg the use of the Minnesota Tax Ident�cation Number: - This informalion may be used to deny the issuance or renewal of your license in Ihe event pou oia�e Minnesota sales, emp]oyer's wzthholding or motor vehicle excise taxes; - Upon zeceiving tlus information, the licensing authority w�ll supply it only to the Minnesota Department of Revenue. However, undet the federal Exchange of Information Agreement, the Department of Revenue may supply this information to the Internal Revenue Service. Mumesota Tax Identi5cation Numbers (Sales & Use Tax Ninnber) may be obtained fram the State of Minnesota, Business Records Department, 10 River Pazk Plaza (612-246-b181). � t � ` � Social Secwiry Number: �� 5 T 5 1 �� ?1 Minnesota Tax Idennf'ication Number: � 2 I S S � If a Minneso�a Tax Identification Number is not required for the business being operated, indicate so by placing an"X" in the box. �'r � 2/18,'97 CERTIFICATION OF WORKERS' CO?JPENSATION COVERAGE PURSUANT TO M�iI3ESOTA STATUTE 176.182 Q I SS� I hereby certify that I, or m}� company, am in compliance ��ith the �corkers compensation insurance coverage requirements of Minnesota Statute ] 76.182, subdi4ision 2. I also understFmd that pro��ision of false information in this cert�cation consUmtes su$icient grounds for ad� erse action against all licenses held, including revocation and suspension of said licenses. � Nazne ofInsurance Company: � M E/L I C/} F'/�M } c Y f i" S Policytdumber. Coveragefrom r /' 9`1 ya f^/'" /� I hace no emplo}�ees coeered under workers' compensation insurance (INITIALS) ANY FALSIFICATION OF.S,tiSWERS GNEN OR MATERIAL ST3BMITTED WII.L RESULT IN DFNIAL OF THIS APPLICATION I hereby state that I have answered all of the preceding questions, and that the information contained hetein is true and correct to the best of my laiowledge and belief. I hereby state fiuther that I have received no money or other consideration, by H•ay of loan, gift, contibutioq os otheiuise, other than aiready disclosed in the application which I hereuith submitted. I also understand this premise may be inspected b}' police, fire, health and other cih� officials at any and all times u�hrn the business is in operation. ��"a�-�t G� � �'� 3� - � � Signatum (REQUIR�D for all app6cations) Date We nill accept pa} ment by cash, check (made pa�able to City of Saint Pau� or credit card (M/C or Visa). IFPAYING BYCREDIT CARD PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: � MastetCard � Visa EXPIRATION DATE: ACCOUNT NUMI3ER: f�[�/C7❑ ❑�{�❑ ❑C]C�❑ ❑OC7C7 ❑C�C7❑ '.�ame of Czr�oldec of Cazd Holder(required for all charaesl Date ""Note: If this application is Foodll.iquor related, please contact a CiTy of Saint Paul Health Inspectot, Steve Olson (266-9139), to review plans. If any substantial changes Yo strvcture are aoticipated, please contact a City of Saint Pau1 Plan Examiner at 266-9007 to apply for building permiu. Ifthere are any ahanges to the parking lot, floor space, or for new operations, please contact a City of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-9008. Ail applications require the following documents. Please attach t6ese documents w�hen submitting your applicatioa: 1. A detailed descripvon of the desigq ]ocadon and squaze footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). The foAow�ng data should be on the site plan (preferably on an 8 1/Z" x 11" or 8 1/2" x 14" paper): - Name, address, and phone number. - The scale should be stated such as 1"= 20'. ^N should be indicated toward the top. - Placement of a11 pertinent features of the intefior of the licensed faoifity such as seaiing areas, kitchens, offices, repair area, pzrking, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is for m addivon or expansion of the licensed facility, indicate both the current uea and the proposed eapansion. 2. A copy of your ]ease agreemrnt or proof of owTership of the property. SPECIFIG LTCENSE APPLICATIONS REQUIItE ADDTTIOn'AL I'�i TFORMATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR DETAILS >>>> �- �.� aias�9a council Fi1e # q� —iSSS ordinance # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 g 9 l� 11 IZ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2� 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 � 29 �, �, Presented Referred To 33 RESOLVED: That application, ID #33885, for an Auto Repair Garage License by Dale Import's Inc. DBA Dale Import's Inc. (Thosas A. Gavic, President) at 100 Cottage Avenue West be and the saate ia hereby approved with the following conditions: 1) All work required for the change in the use of the building is completed and a certificate of occupancy ia obtained from thia office. We will not issue the o££icial licensing document until this condition is satisfied. 2) The off-street parking surface in front of the building must be uaed only as employee parking apace and/or the ahort term parking for customers, salesperson, etc. This apace may not be used for storage of vehicles awaitinq aervice or as drop-off area for vehicles towed to the eite. Vehiclea coming to this site for servicinq must be parked inside the fence area. 3) The bueiness o£ obtaining vehicles with the sole purpose of salvaging them exclusively for this value as scrap metal ia expressly forbidden. Auto salvage is not a permitted use in the 1-1 zoning district the property is located. 4) It is understood that an auto body repair busineas will generate parts that will be diacarded as acrap. This later activity ie permiseible as part of the normal servicing required to repair the vehicle. These discarded parts must be removed from the property weekly. The discarded pa=ts will be atored inside the £ence area either in an enclosed container or in a location that is not viaible from the street. Requested by Department of: Green Sheet # 50315 :� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date • - - - -: •�_ � •��f'R ' •R By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: �� Sy: Form Approved by City Attorney $Y � �// fl ��- /� �9 � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Adopted by Council: Date � ,�, _ � `q�l� N° 50315� -� - - DEPIIR7MENLOFFICEICOUNd� �DATEINITIqTED { ��,�5� LIEP/Licensing � GREEN SHEE CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE iN1T1AVDATE iN1T1AUDATE � DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR � CITYCOUNCI� Christine_Rozek, 266-9108 ASSIGN �CITYATTORNEY OqT'CLERK MUST BE ON CpUNCIL A6ENDA BY (DATE) NUMBER FOR ❑ BUDGET DIRECTOR a FIN. 8 MGi. SEflVICES DIR. NOUTING r'OT hearing: a aa, �ROEA OMAVOR�OflA5SI5TANT) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS fOR SIGNATURE) ACT10N REOUESTED: Dale Import's Inc. DBA Dale Import's Inc. requests Council approval of its applicaCion for an Auto Body Repair Garage License located at 100 Cottage Avenue West (ID 1f338&5). RECOMMENOATIONS: Approve (A� or Rejec[ (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLlOW1NG �UES710NS: _ PIANNING COMMISSiON _ CN0. SERViC£ COMMISSION �. Has tfris persoo/firm ever workad untler a contract tor tfiis department> _ q8 CAMMITTEE YES NO _��� � 2. Has this personKrm ever been a city empioyee� — YES NO _DISTRICTCWFi _ 3. DoesthispersDMfirm possess a Skifl frot normally possessetl by a�y cunent ciry employee'+ SUFPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain aii yes answers on seperete aheet and attech to grean sheet INRIATINCa PROBIEM. ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (VJho. Whet, When, Whare. Why) ADVANTAC�ES �FAPPROVED: �ISAOVAMAGES IF APPROVE� OISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED� �'?��I ;� � � oEC o s Tssl � ___._� �.�., TO7AL AMOUN70F TNANSAG710N 5 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTiViTY NUMBER FiNpNC1A1 WFORRSATION: (EXPLAIN) �� ��S CLASS III � C �� �' LICEI��Fi1APPLICATION ��� rv ,,,�' �, j � 1 _ � J r� •�• r� •� u r� •r PLEASE TYPE OR PRiNT IN 1NK CITY OF SAINT PAUL Offia ofLicense, Impationa and Envirmunrnta, Protenion 350 Sc Peca A Sum 300 SdalPcuLMvmcso�a SS4M (61])3669090 fu�C6i31766912d q�- �sss S 5���• � S S Company Name: a/� T".S L, C.orporation / Putnenhip / So1c PropricWrship If business is incotporated, give date of incorporation: }� i� Doing Business As: Business Phone: Business Address: t d� G--� C 6 T"Tl�i G` /} t/E, S` f, P/�'f C M'�'�, S�� l7 Svect Addrsat � City Sinte Zip Setween what cross s�ieeu is the business located? p� �� 5�� VJhich side of ihe sYreet� J� U v 7'N Are the premises now occupied7„� S What Type of Business? S J°� A G E Mail To Address: SLT/i/x.e� '. sv�ce Aamsa, city Stntc Zip Applicant Informauon: , Name and TiAe: � /� �r /� v! C �' /� E S l t7�"�--'T Fust :.liddle (Maidrn) Lase 7iUe Home Address: S y b S �(, Tv rZ A f� 1), �'/� � UL.� r �v/� S S� 2 � su�n.4aa� ary s�ce z�p DateofBirth: I' lU' Y PlaceofBirth: M/�LS. HomePhone: S7�'`� y'�� Have you ever been com•icted of any felony, crime or violation of any city ordinance other than traffic? 1'ES NO.� Date of acrest: Chuge: �, Conviction: Sentence: List Ihe names and residrnces of three persons of good maral character, living within the Twin Cities Meffo Area, not related to the applicant oz financially intetested in the premises or business, who may be referred to as to the applicanPs chazacter: NAME ADDRESS PHONE _/�r D y f� �7 STn I= I/4 IT 3 S 2 C� /v) /t 1� � So.�.. / 7� �=1 2 3 Z _!���- � Gv� N/�M h -•- t-r�� s ��z - g v� �r i r, � SE�� �� ��s o s� �G y2 j-- s��� List licenses u•hich cou currendy hold, formerly held, or may have an interest in: , . _� v ra rz � FA � �� G� 2��- � � 9 �� y� c i�- r � v� Ha�•e am• of the above named licenses ever been revoked? YES � NO If yes, lis[ the dates and reasons for revocation: , _,, Where7 Z/28/97 Are you going to opecale this business personail}•? *� YES Home Addlnr. Strat Ace you going to ha��e a manager or assistant in this business? �_ YES please complete the :ollo«ing information: NO If not, U•ho ���ilt operate it? Q/� �) S SS t \Sidd]e Initid (>Lidrn) State Zip Dete oCBinh NO If the manager is not the same as the operator, First N�e .'vfiddlc Initial (�fa�drn) Last Dam of Binh Home Addrcas: SVeet Namc City SLte Zip Phone Number Please list your empJo}-ment history for the precious five (5) }ear period: Business/Emplovment , l�A L�' S f fL Y1C E C' TiL � � y� C lti i 1-1 �J //�' DA � �' �ivi�odt t S � 3 I /�� z� S 1 . List all othet officers of the cotporation: OFFICER TITLE HOME HOME BUSINESS DATE OF NAME (Office Held) ADDRESS PHONE PHONE BIRTH '] /�viG S y G S y CT��A l� J, If business is s partnership, please include the following infoimation for each partner (use additional pages if necessary): Fint \amc !vliddle [nitial �'vfaiden) Last Date of Birth HomcAdHeas: Strccc:�ame City Sutc Zip Phone\umba Fint I�amc !4fiddlc initiai (,Maiden) Last Date of Birth Home Addrsaa: Sbeet ;:�e Ciry Sute Zip Phonc Number MII�INESOTA TA3{ IDEN'TIFICATION NUMBER - Fursuant to the Law�s of Minnesota, ] 984, Chapter �02, Artic]e 8, Section 2(270.72) (Tat Cle�ance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities are required to provide to the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business tax idrntification number and the social security number of each license applicant Under the Minnesota Crovemment Data Practices Act and tho Federal Privacy Act of 7 974, we are required to advise you of the following regardmg the use of the Minnesota Tax Ident�cation Number: - This informalion may be used to deny the issuance or renewal of your license in Ihe event pou oia�e Minnesota sales, emp]oyer's wzthholding or motor vehicle excise taxes; - Upon zeceiving tlus information, the licensing authority w�ll supply it only to the Minnesota Department of Revenue. However, undet the federal Exchange of Information Agreement, the Department of Revenue may supply this information to the Internal Revenue Service. Mumesota Tax Identi5cation Numbers (Sales & Use Tax Ninnber) may be obtained fram the State of Minnesota, Business Records Department, 10 River Pazk Plaza (612-246-b181). � t � ` � Social Secwiry Number: �� 5 T 5 1 �� ?1 Minnesota Tax Idennf'ication Number: � 2 I S S � If a Minneso�a Tax Identification Number is not required for the business being operated, indicate so by placing an"X" in the box. �'r � 2/18,'97 CERTIFICATION OF WORKERS' CO?JPENSATION COVERAGE PURSUANT TO M�iI3ESOTA STATUTE 176.182 Q I SS� I hereby certify that I, or m}� company, am in compliance ��ith the �corkers compensation insurance coverage requirements of Minnesota Statute ] 76.182, subdi4ision 2. I also understFmd that pro��ision of false information in this cert�cation consUmtes su$icient grounds for ad� erse action against all licenses held, including revocation and suspension of said licenses. � Nazne ofInsurance Company: � M E/L I C/} F'/�M } c Y f i" S Policytdumber. Coveragefrom r /' 9`1 ya f^/'" /� I hace no emplo}�ees coeered under workers' compensation insurance (INITIALS) ANY FALSIFICATION OF.S,tiSWERS GNEN OR MATERIAL ST3BMITTED WII.L RESULT IN DFNIAL OF THIS APPLICATION I hereby state that I have answered all of the preceding questions, and that the information contained hetein is true and correct to the best of my laiowledge and belief. I hereby state fiuther that I have received no money or other consideration, by H•ay of loan, gift, contibutioq os otheiuise, other than aiready disclosed in the application which I hereuith submitted. I also understand this premise may be inspected b}' police, fire, health and other cih� officials at any and all times u�hrn the business is in operation. ��"a�-�t G� � �'� 3� - � � Signatum (REQUIR�D for all app6cations) Date We nill accept pa} ment by cash, check (made pa�able to City of Saint Pau� or credit card (M/C or Visa). IFPAYING BYCREDIT CARD PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: � MastetCard � Visa EXPIRATION DATE: ACCOUNT NUMI3ER: f�[�/C7❑ ❑�{�❑ ❑C]C�❑ ❑OC7C7 ❑C�C7❑ '.�ame of Czr�oldec of Cazd Holder(required for all charaesl Date ""Note: If this application is Foodll.iquor related, please contact a CiTy of Saint Paul Health Inspectot, Steve Olson (266-9139), to review plans. If any substantial changes Yo strvcture are aoticipated, please contact a City of Saint Pau1 Plan Examiner at 266-9007 to apply for building permiu. Ifthere are any ahanges to the parking lot, floor space, or for new operations, please contact a City of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-9008. Ail applications require the following documents. Please attach t6ese documents w�hen submitting your applicatioa: 1. A detailed descripvon of the desigq ]ocadon and squaze footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). The foAow�ng data should be on the site plan (preferably on an 8 1/Z" x 11" or 8 1/2" x 14" paper): - Name, address, and phone number. - The scale should be stated such as 1"= 20'. ^N should be indicated toward the top. - Placement of a11 pertinent features of the intefior of the licensed faoifity such as seaiing areas, kitchens, offices, repair area, pzrking, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is for m addivon or expansion of the licensed facility, indicate both the current uea and the proposed eapansion. 2. A copy of your ]ease agreemrnt or proof of owTership of the property. SPECIFIG LTCENSE APPLICATIONS REQUIItE ADDTTIOn'AL I'�i TFORMATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR DETAILS >>>> �- �.� aias�9a