97-998T LL City of St. Pau1 # , APPROVING ASSES5MENT AISD FIXING TIMB OF HEARING THfiREON UN L FIL N. (� t�� . a9 le No. J DBC97 ent No. 9'754,9755 Voting Warc3 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for 2 J9710B (9754) Boardings-up of vacant buildings from June 9 to June 28, 1997. TDBC97 (9755) Summary Abatements (Property clean-up & Grass Cutting) thru mid-July 1997. Pimn4uFn SEP 131997 Preliminary Order xx approved xx Final Order �cx approved xx The assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RBSOLVBD, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the lst day of October, 1997, at the hour of Four thirty o'clock P.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Valuation and Assessment Engineer give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Yeas Nays B akey �/BOStram �l l ins ,✓E�rr i s �ard or on une Adopted by the Council: Date '� �� Certified Passed by Council Secretary g�r c7 , � �In Favor Q Against _^ Mayor To Legislative Iiearing Officer - September 16, 1997 RE-7-25-97 Public Hearing Date - October 1. 1997 T.M.S.lREAL ESTATE DIVISION :ontact Pnson aad P6on Nv er: Ro�na Flink �� 266-8859 be oa Council Agenda by: be in Council Research O�ce on oa Friday 8-13-97 8-1-97 OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CL7P ALL LOCAT[ONS FOR cox nss�sravrt � 1�COVr�cn, xES�ca 5et date of public hearing. Approve asmts. for Boardings-up of vac. bldgs. from 3une 9 to June 28, 1997 and Summary abate. (Property clean-up & Grass cutting� thru mid-July 1997. File No.'s J9710B, 9754; TABC97, 9755. NMEADATI NS: APPROVE (A1 OR ECT (R) E Q\AL SE 410E COTTRACTS 31UST ANSWElt THE FOLIAW3NG ruflxwc co�uss�ox A srntt� 1. Haz tLe persoa/tirm ever worked under a contratt tor this departmevt? YES NO crva svcv�cc conrnflssoN A r�nc� xwm • Hu tbis person7fvm ever been a City employeeT YES NO cID conmairrse —• } • a �� B � a ' Does this personlC�rm pussess a skill not norma{!y possessed by any YES NO A g' current City employee? �risn•hidhCouncilObjecGve -- Explain alf YES ansrers on a separate sheet and attach. Neighborhoods Wazd 2 1TQiG PROBLEM, 1SSilE, OPPOR'7'[3NI1'Y (�i3o, What, When, Where, Wby?): Property owners or renters create a health hazard at various times throughout the City of Saint Paul when their proaertv is not kent uo. IF APPROVED: Cost recovery programs to recover expenses for Boardings-up and Summary Abatements. Tlus includes cutting tall grass and weeds, hauling away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, all household items such as refrigerators, stoves, sofas, chairs and all other items. In winter this includes the removal of snow and ice from sidewalk attd cross waiks. IF APPROVED: If Council does not approve these charges, General Fund would be required to pay the assessment. Assessments are payable over i year and collected with the property taxes if not IF NOT APPROVED: Neighborhoods would be left to deteriorate attd properfy values would decline. Nobody would take care of their property, especially vacant or rental properties. Rodents, filth, garbage and trash would accumulate everywhere. Disease and pests could become a problem. $19,306.12 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) xss xo SOURCE; Assessments only ACTMTYNUMBER: Date: 'j/21/9'7 Green Sheet Number: 40013 EPARTTIE\T DIItECTOR COUNCII, 1TY A1TORhEY 17Y CLEAK UDf'ET DIitECiOR •& MGT. SVC. DIIL. :� fI.INFORMATION: (EXPLAL� 82 property owners will be notified oF the public hearin¢ and T LL City of St. Pau1 # , APPROVING ASSES5MENT AISD FIXING TIMB OF HEARING THfiREON UN L FIL N. (� t�� . a9 le No. J DBC97 ent No. 9'754,9755 Voting Warc3 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for 2 J9710B (9754) Boardings-up of vacant buildings from June 9 to June 28, 1997. TDBC97 (9755) Summary Abatements (Property clean-up & Grass Cutting) thru mid-July 1997. Pimn4uFn SEP 131997 Preliminary Order xx approved xx Final Order �cx approved xx The assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RBSOLVBD, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the lst day of October, 1997, at the hour of Four thirty o'clock P.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Valuation and Assessment Engineer give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Yeas Nays B akey �/BOStram �l l ins ,✓E�rr i s �ard or on une Adopted by the Council: Date '� �� Certified Passed by Council Secretary g�r c7 , � �In Favor Q Against _^ Mayor To Legislative Iiearing Officer - September 16, 1997 RE-7-25-97 Public Hearing Date - October 1. 1997 T.M.S.lREAL ESTATE DIVISION :ontact Pnson aad P6on Nv er: Ro�na Flink �� 266-8859 be oa Council Agenda by: be in Council Research O�ce on oa Friday 8-13-97 8-1-97 OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CL7P ALL LOCAT[ONS FOR cox nss�sravrt � 1�COVr�cn, xES�ca 5et date of public hearing. Approve asmts. for Boardings-up of vac. bldgs. from 3une 9 to June 28, 1997 and Summary abate. (Property clean-up & Grass cutting� thru mid-July 1997. File No.'s J9710B, 9754; TABC97, 9755. NMEADATI NS: APPROVE (A1 OR ECT (R) E Q\AL SE 410E COTTRACTS 31UST ANSWElt THE FOLIAW3NG ruflxwc co�uss�ox A srntt� 1. Haz tLe persoa/tirm ever worked under a contratt tor this departmevt? YES NO crva svcv�cc conrnflssoN A r�nc� xwm • Hu tbis person7fvm ever been a City employeeT YES NO cID conmairrse —• } • a �� B � a ' Does this personlC�rm pussess a skill not norma{!y possessed by any YES NO A g' current City employee? �risn•hidhCouncilObjecGve -- Explain alf YES ansrers on a separate sheet and attach. Neighborhoods Wazd 2 1TQiG PROBLEM, 1SSilE, OPPOR'7'[3NI1'Y (�i3o, What, When, Where, Wby?): Property owners or renters create a health hazard at various times throughout the City of Saint Paul when their proaertv is not kent uo. IF APPROVED: Cost recovery programs to recover expenses for Boardings-up and Summary Abatements. Tlus includes cutting tall grass and weeds, hauling away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, all household items such as refrigerators, stoves, sofas, chairs and all other items. In winter this includes the removal of snow and ice from sidewalk attd cross waiks. IF APPROVED: If Council does not approve these charges, General Fund would be required to pay the assessment. Assessments are payable over i year and collected with the property taxes if not IF NOT APPROVED: Neighborhoods would be left to deteriorate attd properfy values would decline. Nobody would take care of their property, especially vacant or rental properties. Rodents, filth, garbage and trash would accumulate everywhere. Disease and pests could become a problem. $19,306.12 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) xss xo SOURCE; Assessments only ACTMTYNUMBER: Date: 'j/21/9'7 Green Sheet Number: 40013 EPARTTIE\T DIItECTOR COUNCII, 1TY A1TORhEY 17Y CLEAK UDf'ET DIitECiOR •& MGT. SVC. DIIL. :� fI.INFORMATION: (EXPLAL� 82 property owners will be notified oF the public hearin¢ and T LL City of St. Pau1 # , APPROVING ASSES5MENT AISD FIXING TIMB OF HEARING THfiREON UN L FIL N. (� t�� . a9 le No. J DBC97 ent No. 9'754,9755 Voting Warc3 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for 2 J9710B (9754) Boardings-up of vacant buildings from June 9 to June 28, 1997. TDBC97 (9755) Summary Abatements (Property clean-up & Grass Cutting) thru mid-July 1997. Pimn4uFn SEP 131997 Preliminary Order xx approved xx Final Order �cx approved xx The assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RBSOLVBD, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the lst day of October, 1997, at the hour of Four thirty o'clock P.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Valuation and Assessment Engineer give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Yeas Nays B akey �/BOStram �l l ins ,✓E�rr i s �ard or on une Adopted by the Council: Date '� �� Certified Passed by Council Secretary g�r c7 , � �In Favor Q Against _^ Mayor To Legislative Iiearing Officer - September 16, 1997 RE-7-25-97 Public Hearing Date - October 1. 1997 T.M.S.lREAL ESTATE DIVISION :ontact Pnson aad P6on Nv er: Ro�na Flink �� 266-8859 be oa Council Agenda by: be in Council Research O�ce on oa Friday 8-13-97 8-1-97 OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CL7P ALL LOCAT[ONS FOR cox nss�sravrt � 1�COVr�cn, xES�ca 5et date of public hearing. Approve asmts. for Boardings-up of vac. bldgs. from 3une 9 to June 28, 1997 and Summary abate. (Property clean-up & Grass cutting� thru mid-July 1997. File No.'s J9710B, 9754; TABC97, 9755. NMEADATI NS: APPROVE (A1 OR ECT (R) E Q\AL SE 410E COTTRACTS 31UST ANSWElt THE FOLIAW3NG ruflxwc co�uss�ox A srntt� 1. Haz tLe persoa/tirm ever worked under a contratt tor this departmevt? YES NO crva svcv�cc conrnflssoN A r�nc� xwm • Hu tbis person7fvm ever been a City employeeT YES NO cID conmairrse —• } • a �� B � a ' Does this personlC�rm pussess a skill not norma{!y possessed by any YES NO A g' current City employee? �risn•hidhCouncilObjecGve -- Explain alf YES ansrers on a separate sheet and attach. Neighborhoods Wazd 2 1TQiG PROBLEM, 1SSilE, OPPOR'7'[3NI1'Y (�i3o, What, When, Where, Wby?): Property owners or renters create a health hazard at various times throughout the City of Saint Paul when their proaertv is not kent uo. IF APPROVED: Cost recovery programs to recover expenses for Boardings-up and Summary Abatements. Tlus includes cutting tall grass and weeds, hauling away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, all household items such as refrigerators, stoves, sofas, chairs and all other items. In winter this includes the removal of snow and ice from sidewalk attd cross waiks. IF APPROVED: If Council does not approve these charges, General Fund would be required to pay the assessment. Assessments are payable over i year and collected with the property taxes if not IF NOT APPROVED: Neighborhoods would be left to deteriorate attd properfy values would decline. Nobody would take care of their property, especially vacant or rental properties. Rodents, filth, garbage and trash would accumulate everywhere. Disease and pests could become a problem. $19,306.12 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) xss xo SOURCE; Assessments only ACTMTYNUMBER: Date: 'j/21/9'7 Green Sheet Number: 40013 EPARTTIE\T DIItECTOR COUNCII, 1TY A1TORhEY 17Y CLEAK UDf'ET DIitECiOR •& MGT. SVC. DIIL. :� fI.INFORMATION: (EXPLAL� 82 property owners will be notified oF the public hearin¢ and