Sherman � �:i ' �s����r.�c�ao��s �or �ili�e� �o�ic� o� �(ai�� ta �E�y af Sainf Pa�l� Minnesota State Statute 466.05 NOTICE OF CLAIM...(E)very person...who claims d� ffc��/,�� municipality...shaU cause to be presented to the goveming body of the municipality within 180 days after the � alleged loss or injury is drscove�ed a notice stating the tlme, place, and circumstances�re�a�i��e amount of compensation or other �elief demanded. ! CITY CLERK Please complete tl�is form in its entirety by typing or printing your answer to each question in the space provided. If additional space is needed, please attach additional sheets. � � PLEASE RETURN THIS Office of City Clerk COMPLETED FORM TO: 170 City Hall i 15 W I<ellogg Blvd St Paul MN 55102 Your Name: �( � O J� ��'7' ��/�/��v ' . - Street-Address:--f�j �___ tit,f_, - /��`��v�//��"7 -�- --�l� /"---- __--- -- -- �`�✓.�/�/T d�.�C1� ��oZ�' - City: State: Zip Code::.���� Daytime Telephone: /� ^�y�^( �...��..�Evening Telephone: ( -�1'����/�n Date of Accident r Inciden ;Gi -Jd�'�l��ay of Weelc: �1��� Time: �,/��am or pm (circle one) . , Please state, in detail, wf�at occurred and the circumstances surrounding the event. Indicate how the City of aint P ul �s involv , and why feel the it responsible :/ _ �.. �" �`�,� � c� w�/' �� G. (� ,--�•,�Y� r;CO2/J.S � t`n fbU�,b '�"�■��,u� 0 7"' .S � . , �- /(///'V — l ` _� . � ` � Please indicate your reason for completing this form: � :� f:=1 Veliicle accident l:7 Other property damage (please �rovide specifics below) ';;;;i`I� � Vehicle was towed ���� �� "i�� , :.;j; ❑ Vehicle damaged ❑ Other i�jury to person (please provide specifics below) :,,���;: i�. ❑ Slipped and fell. on City property �'� ' �:�: � ;; :.,;�;� Please provide the names and telephone numbers of any City employees involved in this i ;' ncident ccideQnt and how they�ve��olv�d��� ��� �Q ; � � ,� /�� �S /� � , � ; ; a � , U-e. .__ - � — c� (over) ° f ' ' � lf your vehicle was involved, please complete the followin L Year, mal<e, and model: �g�g ���id � 2�� License Plate Numbee: /���K Extent and area damaged: Was a City vehicle involved in tl�is acciden /inciden , es No (circle one) If yes, please complete the following: Type of vehicle ��lJU '(iC- V � '�\ Year, mal<e, and model � ' Color of vehicle License Plate Number: - Description of vel�icle Location of acciden incide t (please provide specifics sucl� as street address, intersection, cross streets, pa� �e,,f�il�y� �tc.)• W� ��/�s��l"����� �j f/.� /T � Please.draw_or attach a_diagram.if_applicable: L�/, yl9/T/���/!4�//��!/� XW9Gf� �-°-� _ `'y► � - �. f}r�f�,�� �i �!L�C /� ,�'�:s r � . � -- ,� Jc� T2��+ ���� Please specify the nature and extent of tl�e compe sation relief you are requesting. Please attach copies of any bills, receipts, ticl<ets, or other documents to support your claim. If you are claimi damage to a vehicle, please submit two estimates. * 4-- � G � �TS =- /�'�7 l�S�,�'/-� ^-^' f.L� -��- = � !� �(/ �/�_.__ � - � � O / 2 - o �. : � �c �s � Were_there witnesses to this accident incident? es No (circle one) : If yes, please ive the n es, addresses, ancl telephone numbers of the witnesses: /,�/� �- o`-��-vS��t/ z.- . r�a in�� �...-- ,�-��,�/� � _ _ S : Were the police called? Yes � (circle one) If yes, what department or agency? � Police report number: = Please print the name of the �l ' person comptetin this form: �i� � �], ��/�i���� - 9 Piease sign your name: l _ - � L �!L �2�'/h�' e� - j: Date form s gned: C_-� � � ��� — � � � � �isl< Mgmt Division - Revised 1-30-01 ;g{i��',��(i' ;�;r..��':t��i�;(�: ,+:�r katl,tF'%r; . ' St�t� of Minr�e��ta Rams�y Distri�t C�urt �.- � CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKING CITATIC)I� citatian No.: 620900754751 Case No.: St.Paul Police Department _ Vehicle License Number: 999I°I.J K State: M N USA �an��ie viN: . Make: FOR� Model; NOT IN LI5T Golor; BLUE Type: PASSVEH Tab Month: Tab Year: Date 8f Dff�nse 6l6/2013 Tim�af Offence 11:00 . Statute/�rd Offense '157.t13��.�D P��k v�Fl cl��t��rne ic�cati��t��r�e tt���4$G�i1��e�tiV� hours- 1 G9.34.1{a)(6) PARK WJI 20'!tJF X-WALK �ffense Location: 1396 MINN�HAHA AV E Intersecting Street, 2nd Cross Stre�t: Of'fense City: St. Paul Meter Number: Permit Zone: •� Signs Vis: �h��k��,: �hafk�ut: Parked: (HH:MMj T�m������ Unit: 961 officer 1: PEO R.Burgos Offieer Nurtmb�r: 8fi401 Officer 2: . Officer Number: ' Report d�fe�tive met�rs t�y noon the next business day C�II(fi5'I)��fi-9776 To pay your fine by credit c�rd,wait�business day�and then caie (65'I)268-�2�2 If cited far Na Proof bf In�urar�ce or No Drivers Li�er�se ih Possess�an, Prbof of Insuran��and/or � � Drivers License shoutd be shown in one of the Violations Bureau Locat9onx tisted below vu?:ti+n 3�business day�of the'vidlation. s,:;; To payyour citation onlin�e: www.2ndwebp�courts.state.mn_.us For additional information or to pay your fine by telephone using a credit card, cau: �ss��2ss-s2o2. Please have your citation number and credit card available. Mail payments to: Ramsey District Court Traffic i/iolatlons Bureau 15 WRSt Kella�g Boulevard-Room 1�0 � � St. Paul, MN 66102-1813 Make checks payable_to� Ramsey District Cou�t � (A charg�of up to$30.00 will be assessad on all retumed checks) -� Violatians Bureau Locations � St. Paul�ourt Suburban Gaurt Lavv Enforcement Cente� �15 W. h�llo�g Blvd. t�M 130 �QSd Whita 8ear Rve, 425 Grave�treet St. Paul, INN 55102 Mapleuv�od, Mh155109 St. Paul, MhJ 55107 Office Hours:8:00 A.M. -430 P.M. Monday-Friday(Excluding Holidays} • aearir�g Off�c�rs: �j°��ipoii�tirent anly�eall(fi51}-2fi6�202 Payment and Penalties If you wish to pl.:ead guiliy for the affenst{s}on the reverse side af the citation,you must do so within 30 day�fr�tti tt�e date tFtie�ifatioil I$fil�t!vti►1tN th�C�i.rt. It i$y�ur resp�n�ibility tb present your payment n a timely manner. Pleasa aliow 6 business days for processing.A$6.00 lat�f�e is a�d�d td aU�np�id fine��I�nc�s.ARer d�day�trom tFie date th�eitati�in i�fil�d with the Court additional�ielinquent fee�ma�;be added ta all unpaid f ne amounts. Additional penalties may include: 1)referra�l to the Department af Public Safety for driver's license suspension,2)arrest warrant issued, and/or 3}roferral to a collections aeency. If the or'Fense is a petty misdemeanor,failure ta appear will be considered a plea of guilty and waiver tti the risht t8 trial ui�less tNe failur�tb a�pear is du�t8�ircurt5sts�nces�,�yand t�i� person's control(M.S. 169.91). Appeal ' To pl�ad not�uilty, ar t�ple�d guilty and affer an explanation: 1)Afttr�i business days, caii 66'I-�66-920�to confirm that the citation has been fi�ed with the court. 2)If the citation has been filad, request a hearing afficer appointment. 3)Wh�i�y�iu�r�iv��t the Vt�latio�i�Bi.ir��u,t�ll the��s�ii�t'tFiat y�u f5�v�$he�r'i�i� officzr appointment:Yau must have a photolD with you. I understand that by PAYIN�THIS FINE I AM ENTERING A PLEA�F GUILTY to this offens2(s) �nd voluntar�ly w�lve the f�llawi�ig right t�: ' A. a trial to the court, if offense is a petty misdemeanor, B, a trial t�the court vr to a jury if the offense is a misdemeanor, C. re�r�scntatiar��y caunsel, D, a presumptiv�of innocence until provan guilty beyand a reasanabls doubt, E. ��,i�frbr�t ai�d�rb��-exarr�ine�II witi��s��a�g�inst m�, ar�d F. either remain silent or to testify in my own behalf. I also understand that if this offense is a petty misdemeanor,the maximum possibla sentence is $300.00; if tt5i�off�iise is�titi3�Jemeanor,the m�xiri'tum p�issibl�s�t�t�n�e i�$1,000.00 ffile and/or 90 days imprisonment. � ' �itation No.: fi2090075475� . Saint Paul Police fmpound Lot, 830 Barge Channel Road, Vehicle Release Form Make: 78 FORD License#: 999HJK CN: 11113978 Invoice#: 14�96 Date/Time Released: 06/06/2A13 21:09 Tow Charge: $ 54.50 � Released to: OWNER Storage Charge: $ 0.00 Paid by: CREDIT CARD Admin Charge: $ 80.00 Released by: PERLITA Tax: (7.625%} $ 10.26 I,the undersigned,have recovered the vehicle des ribed above. Subtotal: $ 144.76 I will check the vehicle for damage or any other pr blems that may have occurred while this vehicle was in the c stody of the Service Charge: $ 0.00 Saint Pauf Police Department. I acknowledge I will report damage and/or any other problems to the Impound Lot staff Total Charges: _ $ 144.76 on this form prior to leaving the impound lot. Damage and/or other problem: � Police Report made: Yes�No,_IF Yes, CN , If NO, Why? TO PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS, REPORT ANY PROBLEMS/DAMAGE BEFORE LEAVING THE LOT 5/2000 Signature � Saint Paui Police impound Lot, 830 Barge Channel Road, Vehicle Release Form . Make: 78 FORD License#: 999HJK CN: 11113978 Invoice#: 144696 Date/Time Released: 06/06/2A13 21:09 Tow Charge: $ 54.50 r Released to: OWNER Storage Charge: $ 0.00 Paid by: CREDIT CARD Admin Charge: $ 80.00 Released by: PERLITA Tax: (7.625%} $ 10.26 I,the undersigned,have recovered the vehicle described above. Subtotai: $ 144.76 I will check the vehicie for damage or any other problems that may have occurred while this vehicle was in the custody of the Service Charge: $ 0.00 Saint Paul Police Department. I acknowiedge I will report damage and/or any other problems to the Impound Lot staff T'otal Charges: _ $ 144.76 on this form prior to leaving the impound lofi. Damage and/or other problem: Police Report made: Yes�No_IF Yes, CN , If NO, Why? TO PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS, REPORT ANY PROBLEMS/DAMAGE BEFORE LEAVING THE LOT Signature 5�2000 � � � �