97-993Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall �4�i� Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of Eric and Victoria Estep, as documented in Finance 2 Department File Number 47-G8 and, with the accompanying Certificate of Intended Non-Use from the 3 Departxnent of Public Works, made a part hereof by this reference and filed in the office of the City 4 Clerk of Saint Paul, the City, for itself and on behalf of the Department of Public Works, does hereby 5 waive the right to the sewer easement in the property known as 635 Pascai Street South and legally 6 described as I.ot 9, Block 3, Twin City View. Requested by Department of: Technologv & Management Services By: c�/ Directo Form Approved by Ciry Attorney � �Y� rn'"�.� ���� �-y-97 Council File # 9'1-q q 3 Green Sheet # ,� �!' 9 � 9 By: � � Approv Mayor for ubmission to Council Approved by Ma or: Da�e �\z, �a- By: ✓�— By: � Adopted by Council: Date ���*� AdoptiRn Certified by Council Sec��tary' v T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVTSION Date: August 1, 1947 Green Sheet Number: 39999 Pe[son aad Pitone Nmnber: 2 ETAB'tMENY' DIRECTOR 4 CITY COIINCII. Peter White 266-885Q �° �` 1 ATr°�Y TY c� �Y iJDGETDII2ECTOR FFICEOFFINANCIALSVCS. aR be on CoIDia1 A$enda bY: YOR (OR ASS15f � OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: To release the sewer easement on, over, under and across I,ot 9, Block 3, ltvin City View. Ref: 1. Resolution for consideration; 2. l�,i�ing property subject to easement release; 3. Cert�cate of Intended Non-Use. " AUG 0 s 1997 COMI�:NDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (ip ��'�' ,��'� CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLIAWSNG: 1. Has the person/£rm ever worked under a contract for this deparhnent? YFS NO e�nnNwc comnnssioN A srarF . Has this persoNFirm ever been a City employee? YES NO crvn, ssuncs conmvss[orv - . Dces this person/Firm possess a skill not normally possessed by eiry YES NO current City empl0yee? em ceniteurree Ex lain all YES a�uwers on a se ate sheet and attach. SUPPORTS WIIICH COUNCIi, OBdECTIVE? COUNCIL WARD(S) � DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL 15 [HITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUF., OPPORTUNI'1'Y (FYho, Wliat, 4Vhen, Wltere, K'hy?): Erie and Victoria Estep, owners of the subject property, submitted a request to the Real Estate Division for release of sewer easement. DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: This action will clear an uunecessary cloud on the title to petitioners' property. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: �� � None. Public Works has abandoned the sewer line. �J� � i:��T ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: An unnecessary cloud on the title to petitioners' property will remain. _�„ OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $� �� COSf fREUENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: �7�A ACTMTY NUb1BER: N/A FiNANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAI� N!A � n � r �,� . r � v `� N � , t� �`" y- } N `-' r � v `v _ � � . _ -- � - �or� . n � M K 2 - M 0 N �D � �■ � t� �. � � v v Y �� r ? y � � r ?? S V . =' �` e/�- —_ -- ,� � a ln } v 7 � lfl Z i, '7 " OZ �' . _ � = ' � e 'l2 -<'- f�f•'SZF.po �, . _p '^ : S �¢+'-= _ =- - . � .?Fn c I R ° _ o - cU ' . o '•z: .';;3. ,_ :'_. �, �' � tD 7 . ._., .. - v -(�t :�.. .; = _ - :� . ^ - � '-- _ _ , . .sari ` --,-_' t^ CV �4 `n N �� _ . � _ �'-� : ". g � V - 4 � ? `v ' - " � .V M � C � � C � . � � C � � � � N ` _ J : Y ' _ n . �"' "' " t. g M W = M . �' - 2 _ � v � � ` v _ J � - l. � � �- � _q _ _ _�_ _, _ � � � c - - '�, ' '^� _ J � V : N ' "� c.�.� < � v y � � a � �' = - �- - - - uL 'n c _.d(° z-] - ' � y N l'\• v \ � = � n S _ � � ^1 � � Q � V = �S2_ _— ' � - � _�.�__` � � m � � — — � '." � ' . �`, _��_- cJ�F��-�_' �� r_ i� �- M � OD t= v�T, = OD � '� G - _ _' v M fsf� � 1 `\r `} r } � n +a ^ N ` � ♦' Ol v } �� � � � : y v � � p d' � J �l1 N � ~l ( e � O 4 t� � � � _ �n v � ° v � � '� S �LZ! �'" S'L Z! py � �" SZJ o a_ __ o,- s.� j���� � M � S"ZS O�r �• �, ° �, u ,'ri I Of+ l ES � n r , 4y � � I � `� oo �� � � f o _ � - - - � �G N OQ 61 � � �-- � �n N _ � � o M � o � i -� + -- � � I � �` v �c ` u � � � 1 v f a ' 80 � ooH o � � � � ^ � � � � � m ' � `�_� � I v �. � �, L, N � " ' f 6 ` ti J � �- ►n� �`d r ° `� ny _ o � bo f_ `L °) � +. _I N N � N �y N N r � I 1 _ • � I � ( � � 6f� .gi -tf aawad�c� , � o� ° h 2 O t � e 4' ` (za- y (99- c O � 7 '+ "° � o h �s � y � ° °�" C 9F/- 'b V ` �Z,S/- � � � o i � � oy s v � 06l- 2 b (86/-) \ o � ` Okt V 41 y ° Oh : «z � �,s5z-� /�, s .S Z '9 21 " v � ,. 1Ei � r Q � � � � � I � c Q .° * �. ZZ'£S �.-' of� Ei�o N - i � Z 7 � N 1 N ', � 1 I _ N M � �L n� t K � �i � � �1 M2i M � ° �- � /.Z'£S Srs S{ 1F'lh �: ---?y - ' b � �'�.. T O � I I O _ � � O O r, (4 h' i 00 � - � t� ' :_ O!- m � . � � � ' � n �� � � � �� � � � � M DO 1� � n� +.1 � . ,� \i � �.. Ny � , N 0 � � ` }: �' � �. I � 1 r n .. r — � i� � � Q1 � � O� N M __S� -- '�rz, �—�r— � CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE � r ��� THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE In the Matter of CITY OF SAINT PAUL Vacation File �t 97-C-8 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: Lot 9, Block 3, Twin Ciry View except as here noted: Department of Public Works Its C �iU'Gi,c.�� rT,�x.+boi 5ignature STATE OF MINNESOTA ) > SS. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing instrumen[ was ac}�wwledged before me this 31s; day of C/ UL Y , 1997, bY TNdm95 .7 E��U/y , me G Ft/f�-iit/C--E'�. of�T.�/9UG�U/�Gi� {�ufi�P�'S ,a �U/1/%G11 �B1efOlL/���� u�er Che laws of [he State of Minnesota. � BARBARA 3. KOL5TAD � ����-4 ��-��-� 1�7AfF( P{YBUC —MINNfS07A ''Notary Pubtic, Ramsey C [y, Minnesora. �w►s�r cour�rr 1Ay(:plpR, £7�bN,ian. $!, 2000 • My commission expires � j� � f i � �O O ** Please return this original copy to 14p City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall �4�i� Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of Eric and Victoria Estep, as documented in Finance 2 Department File Number 47-G8 and, with the accompanying Certificate of Intended Non-Use from the 3 Departxnent of Public Works, made a part hereof by this reference and filed in the office of the City 4 Clerk of Saint Paul, the City, for itself and on behalf of the Department of Public Works, does hereby 5 waive the right to the sewer easement in the property known as 635 Pascai Street South and legally 6 described as I.ot 9, Block 3, Twin City View. Requested by Department of: Technologv & Management Services By: c�/ Directo Form Approved by Ciry Attorney � �Y� rn'"�.� ���� �-y-97 Council File # 9'1-q q 3 Green Sheet # ,� �!' 9 � 9 By: � � Approv Mayor for ubmission to Council Approved by Ma or: Da�e �\z, �a- By: ✓�— By: � Adopted by Council: Date ���*� AdoptiRn Certified by Council Sec��tary' v T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVTSION Date: August 1, 1947 Green Sheet Number: 39999 Pe[son aad Pitone Nmnber: 2 ETAB'tMENY' DIRECTOR 4 CITY COIINCII. Peter White 266-885Q �° �` 1 ATr°�Y TY c� �Y iJDGETDII2ECTOR FFICEOFFINANCIALSVCS. aR be on CoIDia1 A$enda bY: YOR (OR ASS15f � OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: To release the sewer easement on, over, under and across I,ot 9, Block 3, ltvin City View. Ref: 1. Resolution for consideration; 2. l�,i�ing property subject to easement release; 3. Cert�cate of Intended Non-Use. " AUG 0 s 1997 COMI�:NDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (ip ��'�' ,��'� CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLIAWSNG: 1. Has the person/£rm ever worked under a contract for this deparhnent? YFS NO e�nnNwc comnnssioN A srarF . Has this persoNFirm ever been a City employee? YES NO crvn, ssuncs conmvss[orv - . Dces this person/Firm possess a skill not normally possessed by eiry YES NO current City empl0yee? em ceniteurree Ex lain all YES a�uwers on a se ate sheet and attach. SUPPORTS WIIICH COUNCIi, OBdECTIVE? COUNCIL WARD(S) � DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL 15 [HITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUF., OPPORTUNI'1'Y (FYho, Wliat, 4Vhen, Wltere, K'hy?): Erie and Victoria Estep, owners of the subject property, submitted a request to the Real Estate Division for release of sewer easement. DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: This action will clear an uunecessary cloud on the title to petitioners' property. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: �� � None. Public Works has abandoned the sewer line. �J� � i:��T ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: An unnecessary cloud on the title to petitioners' property will remain. _�„ OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $� �� COSf fREUENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: �7�A ACTMTY NUb1BER: N/A FiNANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAI� N!A � n � r �,� . r � v `� N � , t� �`" y- } N `-' r � v `v _ � � . _ -- � - �or� . n � M K 2 - M 0 N �D � �■ � t� �. � � v v Y �� r ? y � � r ?? S V . =' �` e/�- —_ -- ,� � a ln } v 7 � lfl Z i, '7 " OZ �' . _ � = ' � e 'l2 -<'- f�f•'SZF.po �, . _p '^ : S �¢+'-= _ =- - . � .?Fn c I R ° _ o - cU ' . o '•z: .';;3. ,_ :'_. �, �' � tD 7 . ._., .. - v -(�t :�.. .; = _ - :� . ^ - � '-- _ _ , . .sari ` --,-_' t^ CV �4 `n N �� _ . � _ �'-� : ". g � V - 4 � ? `v ' - " � .V M � C � � C � . � � C � � � � N ` _ J : Y ' _ n . �"' "' " t. g M W = M . �' - 2 _ � v � � ` v _ J � - l. � � �- � _q _ _ _�_ _, _ � � � c - - '�, ' '^� _ J � V : N ' "� c.�.� < � v y � � a � �' = - �- - - - uL 'n c _.d(° z-] - ' � y N l'\• v \ � = � n S _ � � ^1 � � Q � V = �S2_ _— ' � - � _�.�__` � � m � � — — � '." � ' . �`, _��_- cJ�F��-�_' �� r_ i� �- M � OD t= v�T, = OD � '� G - _ _' v M fsf� � 1 `\r `} r } � n +a ^ N ` � ♦' Ol v } �� � � � : y v � � p d' � J �l1 N � ~l ( e � O 4 t� � � � _ �n v � ° v � � '� S �LZ! �'" S'L Z! py � �" SZJ o a_ __ o,- s.� j���� � M � S"ZS O�r �• �, ° �, u ,'ri I Of+ l ES � n r , 4y � � I � `� oo �� � � f o _ � - - - � �G N OQ 61 � � �-- � �n N _ � � o M � o � i -� + -- � � I � �` v �c ` u � � � 1 v f a ' 80 � ooH o � � � � ^ � � � � � m ' � `�_� � I v �. � �, L, N � " ' f 6 ` ti J � �- ►n� �`d r ° `� ny _ o � bo f_ `L °) � +. _I N N � N �y N N r � I 1 _ • � I � ( � � 6f� .gi -tf aawad�c� , � o� ° h 2 O t � e 4' ` (za- y (99- c O � 7 '+ "° � o h �s � y � ° °�" C 9F/- 'b V ` �Z,S/- � � � o i � � oy s v � 06l- 2 b (86/-) \ o � ` Okt V 41 y ° Oh : «z � �,s5z-� /�, s .S Z '9 21 " v � ,. 1Ei � r Q � � � � � I � c Q .° * �. ZZ'£S �.-' of� Ei�o N - i � Z 7 � N 1 N ', � 1 I _ N M � �L n� t K � �i � � �1 M2i M � ° �- � /.Z'£S Srs S{ 1F'lh �: ---?y - ' b � �'�.. T O � I I O _ � � O O r, (4 h' i 00 � - � t� ' :_ O!- m � . � � � ' � n �� � � � �� � � � � M DO 1� � n� +.1 � . ,� \i � �.. Ny � , N 0 � � ` }: �' � �. I � 1 r n .. r — � i� � � Q1 � � O� N M __S� -- '�rz, �—�r— � CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE � r ��� THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE In the Matter of CITY OF SAINT PAUL Vacation File �t 97-C-8 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: Lot 9, Block 3, Twin Ciry View except as here noted: Department of Public Works Its C �iU'Gi,c.�� rT,�x.+boi 5ignature STATE OF MINNESOTA ) > SS. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing instrumen[ was ac}�wwledged before me this 31s; day of C/ UL Y , 1997, bY TNdm95 .7 E��U/y , me G Ft/f�-iit/C--E'�. of�T.�/9UG�U/�Gi� {�ufi�P�'S ,a �U/1/%G11 �B1efOlL/���� u�er Che laws of [he State of Minnesota. � BARBARA 3. KOL5TAD � ����-4 ��-��-� 1�7AfF( P{YBUC —MINNfS07A ''Notary Pubtic, Ramsey C [y, Minnesora. �w►s�r cour�rr 1Ay(:plpR, £7�bN,ian. $!, 2000 • My commission expires � j� � f i � �O O ** Please return this original copy to 14p City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall �4�i� Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of Eric and Victoria Estep, as documented in Finance 2 Department File Number 47-G8 and, with the accompanying Certificate of Intended Non-Use from the 3 Departxnent of Public Works, made a part hereof by this reference and filed in the office of the City 4 Clerk of Saint Paul, the City, for itself and on behalf of the Department of Public Works, does hereby 5 waive the right to the sewer easement in the property known as 635 Pascai Street South and legally 6 described as I.ot 9, Block 3, Twin City View. Requested by Department of: Technologv & Management Services By: c�/ Directo Form Approved by Ciry Attorney � �Y� rn'"�.� ���� �-y-97 Council File # 9'1-q q 3 Green Sheet # ,� �!' 9 � 9 By: � � Approv Mayor for ubmission to Council Approved by Ma or: Da�e �\z, �a- By: ✓�— By: � Adopted by Council: Date ���*� AdoptiRn Certified by Council Sec��tary' v T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVTSION Date: August 1, 1947 Green Sheet Number: 39999 Pe[son aad Pitone Nmnber: 2 ETAB'tMENY' DIRECTOR 4 CITY COIINCII. Peter White 266-885Q �° �` 1 ATr°�Y TY c� �Y iJDGETDII2ECTOR FFICEOFFINANCIALSVCS. aR be on CoIDia1 A$enda bY: YOR (OR ASS15f � OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: To release the sewer easement on, over, under and across I,ot 9, Block 3, ltvin City View. Ref: 1. Resolution for consideration; 2. l�,i�ing property subject to easement release; 3. Cert�cate of Intended Non-Use. " AUG 0 s 1997 COMI�:NDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (ip ��'�' ,��'� CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLIAWSNG: 1. Has the person/£rm ever worked under a contract for this deparhnent? YFS NO e�nnNwc comnnssioN A srarF . Has this persoNFirm ever been a City employee? YES NO crvn, ssuncs conmvss[orv - . Dces this person/Firm possess a skill not normally possessed by eiry YES NO current City empl0yee? em ceniteurree Ex lain all YES a�uwers on a se ate sheet and attach. SUPPORTS WIIICH COUNCIi, OBdECTIVE? COUNCIL WARD(S) � DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL 15 [HITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUF., OPPORTUNI'1'Y (FYho, Wliat, 4Vhen, Wltere, K'hy?): Erie and Victoria Estep, owners of the subject property, submitted a request to the Real Estate Division for release of sewer easement. DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: This action will clear an uunecessary cloud on the title to petitioners' property. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: �� � None. Public Works has abandoned the sewer line. �J� � i:��T ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: An unnecessary cloud on the title to petitioners' property will remain. _�„ OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $� �� COSf fREUENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: �7�A ACTMTY NUb1BER: N/A FiNANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAI� N!A � n � r �,� . r � v `� N � , t� �`" y- } N `-' r � v `v _ � � . _ -- � - �or� . n � M K 2 - M 0 N �D � �■ � t� �. � � v v Y �� r ? y � � r ?? S V . =' �` e/�- —_ -- ,� � a ln } v 7 � lfl Z i, '7 " OZ �' . _ � = ' � e 'l2 -<'- f�f•'SZF.po �, . _p '^ : S �¢+'-= _ =- - . � .?Fn c I R ° _ o - cU ' . o '•z: .';;3. ,_ :'_. �, �' � tD 7 . ._., .. - v -(�t :�.. .; = _ - :� . ^ - � '-- _ _ , . .sari ` --,-_' t^ CV �4 `n N �� _ . � _ �'-� : ". g � V - 4 � ? `v ' - " � .V M � C � � C � . � � C � � � � N ` _ J : Y ' _ n . �"' "' " t. g M W = M . �' - 2 _ � v � � ` v _ J � - l. � � �- � _q _ _ _�_ _, _ � � � c - - '�, ' '^� _ J � V : N ' "� c.�.� < � v y � � a � �' = - �- - - - uL 'n c _.d(° z-] - ' � y N l'\• v \ � = � n S _ � � ^1 � � Q � V = �S2_ _— ' � - � _�.�__` � � m � � — — � '." � ' . �`, _��_- cJ�F��-�_' �� r_ i� �- M � OD t= v�T, = OD � '� G - _ _' v M fsf� � 1 `\r `} r } � n +a ^ N ` � ♦' Ol v } �� � � � : y v � � p d' � J �l1 N � ~l ( e � O 4 t� � � � _ �n v � ° v � � '� S �LZ! �'" S'L Z! py � �" SZJ o a_ __ o,- s.� j���� � M � S"ZS O�r �• �, ° �, u ,'ri I Of+ l ES � n r , 4y � � I � `� oo �� � � f o _ � - - - � �G N OQ 61 � � �-- � �n N _ � � o M � o � i -� + -- � � I � �` v �c ` u � � � 1 v f a ' 80 � ooH o � � � � ^ � � � � � m ' � `�_� � I v �. � �, L, N � " ' f 6 ` ti J � �- ►n� �`d r ° `� ny _ o � bo f_ `L °) � +. _I N N � N �y N N r � I 1 _ • � I � ( � � 6f� .gi -tf aawad�c� , � o� ° h 2 O t � e 4' ` (za- y (99- c O � 7 '+ "° � o h �s � y � ° °�" C 9F/- 'b V ` �Z,S/- � � � o i � � oy s v � 06l- 2 b (86/-) \ o � ` Okt V 41 y ° Oh : «z � �,s5z-� /�, s .S Z '9 21 " v � ,. 1Ei � r Q � � � � � I � c Q .° * �. ZZ'£S �.-' of� Ei�o N - i � Z 7 � N 1 N ', � 1 I _ N M � �L n� t K � �i � � �1 M2i M � ° �- � /.Z'£S Srs S{ 1F'lh �: ---?y - ' b � �'�.. T O � I I O _ � � O O r, (4 h' i 00 � - � t� ' :_ O!- m � . � � � ' � n �� � � � �� � � � � M DO 1� � n� +.1 � . ,� \i � �.. Ny � , N 0 � � ` }: �' � �. I � 1 r n .. r — � i� � � Q1 � � O� N M __S� -- '�rz, �—�r— � CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE � r ��� THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE In the Matter of CITY OF SAINT PAUL Vacation File �t 97-C-8 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: Lot 9, Block 3, Twin Ciry View except as here noted: Department of Public Works Its C �iU'Gi,c.�� rT,�x.+boi 5ignature STATE OF MINNESOTA ) > SS. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing instrumen[ was ac}�wwledged before me this 31s; day of C/ UL Y , 1997, bY TNdm95 .7 E��U/y , me G Ft/f�-iit/C--E'�. of�T.�/9UG�U/�Gi� {�ufi�P�'S ,a �U/1/%G11 �B1efOlL/���� u�er Che laws of [he State of Minnesota. � BARBARA 3. KOL5TAD � ����-4 ��-��-� 1�7AfF( P{YBUC —MINNfS07A ''Notary Pubtic, Ramsey C [y, Minnesora. �w►s�r cour�rr 1Ay(:plpR, £7�bN,ian. $!, 2000 • My commission expires � j� � f i � �O O ** Please return this original copy to 14p City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 **