D00610White — City Clerk Pink— Finance Dep[ � C1TY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORdER ADMINiSTRATIVE ORDER, No: �UUI�J � � Date: 0 � I _ - i � in tne matter of the reouirement of the Ci cy of Saint Paul that aii travel of all non-Citp Personnel must receive maporai or coimcil approval; and WF�REr1S, i�e St. Paul Public Health's Population Based Registry Program is requestin� that Frogram iianager Steve GrosKreutz attend the State I�unization Inf'ormaiion Systetns Conference in Atlanta, Ga. on August 1-3, 1595, and 'w"�S, He is requesting to attend this meetin� because of his involvement with the State vrant; and • Tvt�S, the cost oi this trip has been approved in the siate grani; therefore oe it pi2DSRGD, that the City o£ St. Paul through its iiayor approv�payment not to exceed ai,200 for the travel of Sceve Groskreutz. Ftmds 3325"0 • APPROVED AS TO FORM � � . Assistant Cit Attorney Date � � � ��� Administrative Assistant to M2yor DEPANTMENT)OFFICHCOUNCIL OAl Public Health 555CQdQ�Cs�'- 7 �� CANTACT PEFSON & PH� NE ' AS NU MUST ON CqUNpL AGENOA BY (DATE) pp OF TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLI FOA ��Q GREEN SHEET N° 3 0 5 7 8 DEPARTMENTDIqECfOfl OCRYCOUNCIL � Nrt � AVDA � CRY ATTOflNEV � CRY CLERK BUDGET �IRECTOfl � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. MAYOR (OFi ASSISTAMT) ❑ ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) horiaation to pay costs associated with Steve Groskreutz travel to Atlanta 6a. on August , 1995. _ CIB COMMITfEE __ _ _ STAFF _' _ DISTR�CTCOUPT _' SUPPORT$ WHICH CAUNCIL O&IECTIVE? PEp50NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWINCa QUESTIONS: 1. Has Mis person/firm ever worketl under a contra� for this tlepartment? - ,_ YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry empioyee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a sltill not normaiiy possessetl by any current ciry employee? YES NO Explafn all yes answers on separote sheat antl ettaeh to green sheet NITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPEIRTUNIN (Who, What. Whan, Where, Why): tev Groskreutz Program Manager of the Population Based REgistry Program is being requested y the State of MN. Health Dept. to attend the National Conference in Atlanta, Ga. on August -3, 1995. The conference is the State Immunization Informat�on Systems Conference. _�,.: ;,,..; _ :► teve will be reimbursed for this trip. ���a ���V�� RECEIVED JUL 31 1gg5 teve wili not be able to attend the conference. �, � , _ , �; ��� � � ���J� r, � - � TRANSACTIOfi $ isZOO COSTfREYENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHGSOUiiCE State Grant ACTIVITYNUMBEp 33256 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � u� �