Osterman .�.:'i _i'� -'i!'.� t'I':�1`� ��'_i; 4!_' ,�,i�± F:... 2d��, � - - - RECEIVED NO'�'YCE OF CLAIM �'012M to thc Cit�y� of Sa�n:t Pau��I�n�n�l�ta h117U1F501u•Slll€SflllxtlE�OO.US S1cTftS 2�)(Il ...E'VE.'i}�/)E1'SfJ>t.-.�Wlin clairns ciczrruzges fi•om�anv nuaratcipaliC,W�1Qi��i�Tt��b��diQEi�tU 1�7e ��ovErriir�g boctv nf the mundedpaliTV wirlcin 1 SO drn�s afi�r the allege�!l��ss o�2ri�ury�s`r-liscu;��red�x ravtice stating the iin:r•,PI;��'�n,7i: circ:mi.rtanc�•s Yhc:reG�,Q�ri�d�tP-11l�tOiPtt nf;vmpensaliun or oth¢Y r�lief d�rnandact-" Please Co:mE3lete tliis form in its entirety b;V clearl�y ty��fyig or pr9niing��our answer to each questir�n, If ruure space is needed,attach additional st�eets. �'lease note tb.at yo� �ill uot b�contacfed�y telephone to claz-i�y ans�vers,au pruvide as n�auch in�ormatiun�s necessar�'to esplaftl your clain�,snd t6e smount of coruf�erysAtiot�beir�tg requested. I'ou n�ll receive y �-ritten scltnu�'lE:dge�uent once y�ur�orm is received. 'The process caz�talr.e up tu ten w�el:s ur Tonger depEUdirig on the iiatnre of your claizr�. '�'k�is form must be s►�ned,and bot��ttges completed. If sorriet}1iYt�+doES nOt apply�,write�\!A'. SEND CUlVIFY,ET��� �N"'OYtlVI AND OTHER DOCl�1Vl�.N'�'S TQ: CI'ITY CLERIi, X5 WEST IiELLC7GG SLVD, 3].� CITY HALL, S�NT PAUL, l��N �5102 Fiz�t NanZe Nlidd.le Initial I sst Narne��,�f�ir it� C;omp<�n_y<�r Business Name ��(�� . . �1xe Y��u au Instu•a�lce Company'? 'Y"es l� If e�,Clz��m Numrer? Street Address �/ � �GL� WO� V�-' ciry d i�iqf�L� C���O state� J Zip C'oaz �S/ / � Dayrime phone ccs r)G yG-°�329�e�1 p��n��' ---- Evening Telephone{��)�8��9 I7ate of AccidcntJ Injury or 1���1'e i]isco�•ered�_��� ' � Time am �,m Please statc,in de:tail,rv11��t oce��r�red(happened),9nd why you are submiiting a claiin.Please indica.te��rh �or hnw you fecl it�c Ciry of SainT 1?3uI or its e uyees 3r.involved and/or rtsponsiblc for�oYU-dama�e�. � T F� -', �r � �� � 1 Q � _/?/t.Gc' P1c3se cF?.ecl:.rhe ho:�.(esj that rnust closely represent the reason for c.om�leting tlzis fnrtn: �M,v vehicle��as clam.sger3 in axi aeeident ❑1�Zy vehicle vcr�s c�m..a�ed�lurin�a ta�� ❑ 1vly veh.icle rwas tiamage�i by:�p���c�le or condition of the str•eet ❑My vehicle rvas c�irn.ageei h��s plo�v Q M�vchicle wa���'oz�gfulljr tawed and/or ticketed ❑ I��c>as injured on City�rape�y ❑ Uther ty'Pe�f pr.operty c�aznage—please specify -----. ❑ Uther type of iz�jury—please speeify �-�•- In order to process y�ur cla.im vout need t�inelnde eopies of all applic�ble documents, For the claims types listc�below,please be siire to i.r�cl:ude the docvments indicsted nr it wil�delay the han.dl.i.n:�of ;vr�ur claim_ Dacurnents WILL NOT be ret�7rneci anci l�coz�.e the propertv of the City. You are encoura�cd t�kee�+a copv fc�r yc�uTSelf before submitting your claim form. O Pr<��erty damage clai�i�s to a vehicle:tt���o esti.rr,�tes tor the repazrs to your vehicle if the da.ma�c cr�:ccds $500_00; or the actu.31 bills andlor rcccipts far the repairs O '�'��cvin�clairns: legible copies af any tioket zssued and a copy of-tYie impound Iot receipi O C�ther propertv damabe i%lai.m,s_two rc�r�ir estimates if tlie dainage e:�ceeds�SUO_�U; or the acival bilts an.cl/or receipts for the rcp3irs;detaiied list of dan�aged items O Injur_y elsims:medical bi11s,receipts O Phutog?aphs ar�alwa.ys wtichmc tc�ducument and support your claim but wi1..l n�t be ret�ur�ed. �?���1 of 2—Please complete and return tioth pages of Claim Form rl.�.� �!i ?iii_ p��_;�11 ii�: �ij rP�w� F..:'; rdo. r _� Failure tu cum��lete��.d return�nuYh pa�es will i•esult i:n de)ay in the huntllitt�of your c11i.m. FUI C:laim�-�A��$se c�malete tbis section Were tl�ere witnesses to the u�cident? es Nu IJn�.�o�vr� (CiTC1e} Prot�ide their z?alnes,adc�r�sses arxd teleplione numbers:� � � I F� G �� ��- Were the police�r law entorcetnent called? RYes 1�To LTnirn�wn (circlej Tt yes,w11at dep�iiZment ox agency�' '�r.�,v >> G��st#c�r.report# /_� --<�9�=��� ti�'tierc�iid the�c�iclent o.r ir�jiuy take place'' Prr�vi.de street address,eross street,intersect:ic:�n,n.ame of park or fa.cilit}�, closcst laxidmark,etc. Flca�c t�e ss de� tsileei as possible. I.f zlecessary,:�tt:ich�i e�ia�ram- _ A?'h/ c�'�- ti �„� �C_� o� I'leasz n�di�ate thz:�lount you are see_l:in�;in ci�ttlpensation or t�vt►�t you c��ould like the City t��do to resol�,-e this claiiz� to votu�satisfactian. � ��`���? - 7� . - �-� -_-- �'ehicle C'lai��- �lesse com lete this sect:iou ❑check bol if tlus secti.on cloes not a �l - XOL1T VZIIICIZ: �'ear���_Ma�.��' ��,�—Muael� R C�'� R tA �,icens�;Ylate Nunlbez' /�i �7-�/'pL' S�ate � Color h� � — R.egistered C)wner _ ' c Driver of Ve`hicle Axea Damaged J�P� �� � � `' � `�`' City VZ}llClZ_ I�23I It�ake�aPl� Mo 1 " _ - �T vc/� License Flate Ntunb�.�'fl/-9'� State Colc�r �- �L Dri��er of Vehicle(t:ity�,mployee's Name)�f.f� , �' s.��J a�'"p�, flrea T7amas;ed_,_. -_ �--- In'u �ClaimS- IeA��COk�l. lete tbiS section check bo�if this section d�ies not a� lv How were yoii inj ured`!,_ _ -- What p�rt(sj of yotrr bc�cly��ere snjured? - —=- Ha�c_q�u so'ught 7nedical tr-�a,tment? Ye: N�� Pl�nnulg to Seel��Yeatrrient{circlej �Vhen d.i.ii,vutr receive treatment? �ru-�-idc dzte�s)1 [�Tamc�f Meclical Provider(s): _._, -- Address __ ,'7'elephone i_�i.d you miss�vork as a restilt af you.r injurS'? Yes No �Vhen did}'ou miss tivork? m __ (pr���'i.�3�date{5)) Natxte of yotu'Empl��yer: Tcl�hone Address �(Che�i�hexe xf yuu are attachin�more p:t�es tr�tlxis clsuu form. Ntimber of additianal pages�. l�y sigtiitig tjars fnrm,you are sta:tin�tlxat all rnf'or�nation you haveproviil�d is tTUe an.d'eorre.ct to tlie best of yc,a�r�kn.o�t�le.rlge_ Unsigr�ed form,s svil!l nat be pro�essed. ST�brttlttLtEy�false.clair►i cart �'esY[Ct i�r prnsecution. Date farm nas cuulpleted �=r�� '/`�._ Frint the l�axx�e of the Person who C.ompleted th..3.s�' ---° ; 5;:�;natYxre of�'ersan Making t�he Cl:iim: - RC��i:SC(3 Fet�rtiaty 2G1 I FREEWAY AUTO BODY � INC. Workfile ID: cff7368f FederalID: 411476560 229 SNELLING AVE N, SAINT PAUL, MN 55104 State ID: �298�9z Phone: (651) 646-7389 FAX: (651) 646-5384 Preliminary Estimate Customer: OSTERMAN, MICHAEL Job Number: Written By: MIKE OSTERMAN Insured: OSTERMAN, MICHAEL Policy #: Claim #: Type of Loss: Date of Loss: Days to Repair: 0 Point of Impact: 12 Front Owner: Inspection Location: Insurance Company: OSTERMAN, MICHAEL FREEWAY AUTO BODY, INC. (651) 646-7389 Business 229 SNELLING AVE N SAINT PAUL, MN 55104 Repair Facility (651)646-7389 Day VEHICLE Year: 2012 Body Style: 4D SED VIN: 1GiZA5EU3CF217369 Mileage In: 14801 Make: CHEV Engine: 4-2.4L-FI License: 197-JAC Mileage Out: Model: MALIBU LS Produdion Date: State: MN Vehicle Out: Color: WHITE Int: Condition: Job#: TRANSMISSION Dual Mirrors Stereo Bucket Seats Automatic Transmission Privacy Glass Search/Seek Recline/Lounge Seats 4 Wheel Drive CONVENIENCE CD Player Heated Seats Overdrive Air Conditioning Premium Radio WHEELS POWER Tilt Wheel Satellite Radio Aluminum/Alloy Wheels Power Steering Cruise Control SAFETY PAINT Power Brakes Intermittent Wipers Anti-Lock Brakes(4) Clear Coat Paint Power Windows Climate Control Driver Air Bag OTHER Power Locks Keyless Entry Passenger Air Bag Traction Control Power Driver Seat Alarm Head/Curtain Air Bags Stability Control Power Passenger Seat Steering Wheel Controls Front Side Impact Air Bags Fog Lamps Power Mirrors Message Center Positraction Signal Integrated Mirrors Heated Mirrors RADIO Communications System DECOR AM Radio SEATS Body Side Moldings FM Radio Leather Seats 5/20/2013 1:44:19 PM 030101 Page 1 Preliminary Estimate Cust�mer: OSTERMAN, MICHAEL Job Number: Vehicle: 2012 CHEV MALIBU LS 4D SED 4-2.4L-FI WHITE Line Oper Description Part Number Qty Extended Labor Paint Price$ 1 FRONT BUMPER&GRILLE 2 Repl License bracket 15823714 1 31.50 0.2 3 O/H front bumper 2.5 4 Repl Bumper cover 20832808 1 374.43 Incl. 3.4 5 Add for Clear Coat i•� 6 * Add for fog lamps 0_0 7 Repl Upper grille chrome 15899022 1 105.17 Incl. 8 Repl Lower grille chrome 25784044 1 109.07 Incl. 9 Repl Grille surround lower grille 25784043 1 163.32 Incl. 10 Repl Em�lem 22909142 1 45.92 Incl. 11 FRONT LAMPS 12 Repl LT Headlamp assy 25984638 1 292.60 0.3 13 Aim headlamps 0.5 14 # HAZARDOUS WASTE 1 5.00 X 15 # FLEX ADDITIVE 1 5.00 X SUBTOTALS 1,132.01 3.5 4.8 ESTIMATE TOTALS Category Basis Rate Cost$ Parts 1,122.01 Body Labor 3.5 hrs @ $52.00/hr 182.00 Paint Labor 4.8 hrs @ $ 52.00/hr 249.60 Paint Supplies 4.8 hrs @ $32.00/hr 153.60 Miscellaneous 10.00 Subtotal 1,717.21 Sales Tax $ 1,122.01 @ 7.6250% 85.55 Grand Total 1,802.76 Deductible 0.00 CUSTOMER PAY 0.00 INSURANCE PAY 1,802.76 THIS IS A VISUAL ESTIMATE ONLY. ADDITIONAL PARTS AND LABOR MAY BE REQUIRED UPON VEHICLE TEAR DOWN. PARTS PRICES SUBJECT TO INVOICE. FREEWAY AUTO BODY OFFERS A LIMITED LIFE TIME WARRANTY ON REPAIR WORKMANSHIP AND REFINISHING FOR AS LONG AS YOU OWN YOUR VEHICLE. NO WARRANTY FOR RUST REPAIRS WILL APPLY. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CONTACT THE MANAGEMENT OF FREEWAY AUTO BODY WITH ANY QUESTIONS. MN ST 60A.955 - A PERSON WHO FILES A CLAIM WITH INTENT TO DEFRAUD OR HELPS COMMIT A FRAUD AGAINST AN INSURER IS GUILTY OF A CRIME. 5/20/2013 1:44:19 PM 030101 Page 2