97-987������C�br�� Presented Referred To Council File # 9R - Rg� Green Sheet # 3$ t5 �. RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA a9 Comminee Date 1 PROPOSED FUNDING ALLOCATION FOR THE CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS PARTNERSHIP 2 PROGRAM (COPP) Jf1VENII.E CRIME PREVENTION 3 WIiEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council believes that the programs funded through COPP aze of value to the 4 citizens of Saint Paul; and 5 WHEREAS, programs that deal with juvenile crime prevention are designed to keep youth from engaging in 6 criminal activities which will negatively impact themselves as well as the citizens of Saint Paul; and 7 VJI�REAS, the Saint Paul City Council has decided to fund juvenile crime prevention programs through COPP; 8 and 9 WI3EREAS, $29,000 recommended for the Youth Services Bureau was not accepted and subsequently remains 10 available for other COPP juvenile crime prevenrion funding; and 11 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council accept and approve the allocation of 12 funding to Project Fresh Start, Inc. Outreach for Youth Program. Requested by Depamnent of: � Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: � �.__ ,� a �� Approved by Mayor: Date � � � Adopted by Council: Aate Q��-� ���'� Adoption Certified by Council Secretz�y 9't- 9�� 3���� DEW�R7NIENLOFFlCEICOVNCIL DATE INITIATED ci�courrcn, ni9� GREEN SHEE CONTACT PEASON ffi PHONE INITIALl�ATE INITIAWATE � DEPARTMENT �IRECTOR � CITV COUNCIL ASSIGN qNATTORNEY CItYCLEftK CO11IlC BIIlUEI G12CI S MOTfOII G-8G7O NUMBEa FON � 0 MUST BE ON CAIINC�L AGEIi�A 8Y (DATE) ROUTING � BUOGET DIRECTOR O FIN. 8 MGT. SERVICES Dlfl. ORDER � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP AlL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION FEQUESTED: Approval of 1997 Civic Organizations Parmership Program (COPP) allocation of funding for Project Fresh Statt, Inc. Outreach for Youth Program. RECqMMENDAT�oNS: Approva (n) or Rejact (R) pER50NAL SERVICE CONiRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMl5S10N __ CIVIL SERYIGE CAMMISSION 1. Has this personlfirm ever worked under a contract for Nis department? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO _�� 2. Has this person/Flrm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ o�s7RiGT Coua7 _ 3. Does this erson/firm p possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current crty employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJEGTNE? YES NO Exp{ain ell yes answera on separate sheet anE attach to green aheet INITUTING PROBIEAA, ISSUE, OPPEIR'NNITY (Whp, What, When. W�ere, Wny): The need to accept and approve the allocauon of funding for Project Fresh Start, Inc. as a part of the 1997 COPP Juvenile Crime Prevention. A�VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Allocauon of funding will be able to provide the services identified in the Councll's 1997 COPP service delivery policies. DISAOVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None. DISAOVANTAGES IF NOTAPPqOVE�. ���� Services will not be available. 707AL AMOUNi OP TRANSACTION S COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE ACTNIri NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) q �- 98"l Project k'resh Starf, Inc. Out - Reash for Youth 1150 East 7th Street St. Pau1, Minnesota 55106 ( 612 } 772 - 0279 PR03EC�' STAFp' I.0 ( full time ) SI8,30Q.00 One of the disadvantages of not having another staff person is that it Ieaves one somebody to try and do it all_ The fact that we are a new pragram will also make it tight. This person wi1l be responsible recruiting more volunteers to carry out the necessary duties to follow through. They will set up all traiping sessions for people iaterested io being a tutor. They will do all the necessary charting. They wilt participate in any meetengs related to tutoring, stay abreast of preseut aad absent students, as we11 as assigning all students to a tutor. This person wiil atso be responsible for making sure thaE all volunteers get the necessary traiaing for them to functiun ia the project. ��71�� $ 3,SOQ.00 The computer upgrade is necessary and will enabte staff, tutors, and students to work efficiently without delays ia waidqg to access equipment. ('pNT ACTF.D SFR c:F.S $ 3,OOU.OQ Workshops, training, and sem�nars are necessary to bring staff and volunteers to the forefront of where they should be to stay afloat We need to be aware of everything going on in the schools, neighborhooda, and etc. we need to be trained to effectively train and teach our youth. SUPPLj�S $ 2,200.00 Suppties a�e needed to help the process of development within the youth. They 6ave enough worries with failing grades, lack of reading ski{ls, or the fact of droppiag out of school altogether. ��g S 1, 946.00 Pastage, Printi�g, Copying, and Brochures are necessaxy for any businesa to be successfai. a?- 9�7 Project Fresh Start, Inc. Out - Reach for Xouth 1150 East ?th Street S� Paul, Minnesota SS1Q6 ( 612 ) 772 - 0279 BUDGET Si)MMAItY SALARY , TI'�'LE, & NAME Pro)ect Statt TOTAL SALARX: 1.Opositions FRINGE BENEk�TS SA.LARY ( 15.000.00 ) X 22% FOR EMPLOICEES =$3,3Q0.00 TOTAL COST: ais,uoo.00 $15,000.00 Sl$,300.00 EMPLOYEE IN - STATE TRAVEL (mttea aocczeeea.n cenn p��mucJ 370 roiles x .27 cents = $54.00 TOTAL'�'RAVEL SUPPLIES PENS . TABI.E']"S. BOOKS, COPY MACHIP[E PAPER, LASER PRIN'f PAPER, DICTIONARIES. CLP,AAIING SUPPLIES, ETC.,. EQUIPMENT { �k,,,�� ) UP6RADECOMPUTERSOFTWA.RE $I500.00 COMPUTER, PRINTER TOTAL EQIJiPMENT CONTRACTED SERVICES WORK 3EiOPS, SEMINARS, AND TRAINTNGS $3,000.00 TOTAL CON'I'RACTEA SERVICES UTHER POSTAGE PkINTiNG COPXING BROCHURES TOTAL OTIiER $ 3Q0.00 $ 300.00 $ 346.00 51,000.00 F.T.E.lPOSITIONS: t.o $ Sd.00 $ 2,200.00 $ 3 S 3,000.00 S 1, 946.00 GRAND TOTAL FOIt THIS CATEGOTtX $29,000.00 �t�- ��� Dear Gladys, This is the information you requested oa Project Fresh Start. The following breakdown is what you requeeYed about other funding received: NSP St. Pau1 Foundation Administration Rent Phone Utalities CPA Roof SupQlies O£fice Copier Supplies C(eaning Total s s,000.oa $ �,000.00 $10,000.00 $ 3,004.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 300.00 $ 700.00 $ 200.00 $ 100.Q0 $ 200.00 $ 60Q.00 $ 31.OQ S 8,231.00 Remaining Balance S 1,769.00 ������C�br�� Presented Referred To Council File # 9R - Rg� Green Sheet # 3$ t5 �. RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA a9 Comminee Date 1 PROPOSED FUNDING ALLOCATION FOR THE CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS PARTNERSHIP 2 PROGRAM (COPP) Jf1VENII.E CRIME PREVENTION 3 WIiEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council believes that the programs funded through COPP aze of value to the 4 citizens of Saint Paul; and 5 WHEREAS, programs that deal with juvenile crime prevention are designed to keep youth from engaging in 6 criminal activities which will negatively impact themselves as well as the citizens of Saint Paul; and 7 VJI�REAS, the Saint Paul City Council has decided to fund juvenile crime prevention programs through COPP; 8 and 9 WI3EREAS, $29,000 recommended for the Youth Services Bureau was not accepted and subsequently remains 10 available for other COPP juvenile crime prevenrion funding; and 11 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council accept and approve the allocation of 12 funding to Project Fresh Start, Inc. Outreach for Youth Program. Requested by Depamnent of: � Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: � �.__ ,� a �� Approved by Mayor: Date � � � Adopted by Council: Aate Q��-� ���'� Adoption Certified by Council Secretz�y 9't- 9�� 3���� DEW�R7NIENLOFFlCEICOVNCIL DATE INITIATED ci�courrcn, ni9� GREEN SHEE CONTACT PEASON ffi PHONE INITIALl�ATE INITIAWATE � DEPARTMENT �IRECTOR � CITV COUNCIL ASSIGN qNATTORNEY CItYCLEftK CO11IlC BIIlUEI G12CI S MOTfOII G-8G7O NUMBEa FON � 0 MUST BE ON CAIINC�L AGEIi�A 8Y (DATE) ROUTING � BUOGET DIRECTOR O FIN. 8 MGT. SERVICES Dlfl. ORDER � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP AlL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION FEQUESTED: Approval of 1997 Civic Organizations Parmership Program (COPP) allocation of funding for Project Fresh Statt, Inc. Outreach for Youth Program. RECqMMENDAT�oNS: Approva (n) or Rejact (R) pER50NAL SERVICE CONiRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMl5S10N __ CIVIL SERYIGE CAMMISSION 1. Has this personlfirm ever worked under a contract for Nis department? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO _�� 2. Has this person/Flrm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ o�s7RiGT Coua7 _ 3. Does this erson/firm p possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current crty employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJEGTNE? YES NO Exp{ain ell yes answera on separate sheet anE attach to green aheet INITUTING PROBIEAA, ISSUE, OPPEIR'NNITY (Whp, What, When. W�ere, Wny): The need to accept and approve the allocauon of funding for Project Fresh Start, Inc. as a part of the 1997 COPP Juvenile Crime Prevention. A�VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Allocauon of funding will be able to provide the services identified in the Councll's 1997 COPP service delivery policies. DISAOVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None. DISAOVANTAGES IF NOTAPPqOVE�. ���� Services will not be available. 707AL AMOUNi OP TRANSACTION S COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE ACTNIri NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) q �- 98"l Project k'resh Starf, Inc. Out - Reash for Youth 1150 East 7th Street St. Pau1, Minnesota 55106 ( 612 } 772 - 0279 PR03EC�' STAFp' I.0 ( full time ) SI8,30Q.00 One of the disadvantages of not having another staff person is that it Ieaves one somebody to try and do it all_ The fact that we are a new pragram will also make it tight. This person wi1l be responsible recruiting more volunteers to carry out the necessary duties to follow through. They will set up all traiping sessions for people iaterested io being a tutor. They will do all the necessary charting. They wilt participate in any meetengs related to tutoring, stay abreast of preseut aad absent students, as we11 as assigning all students to a tutor. This person wiil atso be responsible for making sure thaE all volunteers get the necessary traiaing for them to functiun ia the project. ��71�� $ 3,SOQ.00 The computer upgrade is necessary and will enabte staff, tutors, and students to work efficiently without delays ia waidqg to access equipment. ('pNT ACTF.D SFR c:F.S $ 3,OOU.OQ Workshops, training, and sem�nars are necessary to bring staff and volunteers to the forefront of where they should be to stay afloat We need to be aware of everything going on in the schools, neighborhooda, and etc. we need to be trained to effectively train and teach our youth. SUPPLj�S $ 2,200.00 Suppties a�e needed to help the process of development within the youth. They 6ave enough worries with failing grades, lack of reading ski{ls, or the fact of droppiag out of school altogether. ��g S 1, 946.00 Pastage, Printi�g, Copying, and Brochures are necessaxy for any businesa to be successfai. a?- 9�7 Project Fresh Start, Inc. Out - Reach for Xouth 1150 East ?th Street S� Paul, Minnesota SS1Q6 ( 612 ) 772 - 0279 BUDGET Si)MMAItY SALARY , TI'�'LE, & NAME Pro)ect Statt TOTAL SALARX: 1.Opositions FRINGE BENEk�TS SA.LARY ( 15.000.00 ) X 22% FOR EMPLOICEES =$3,3Q0.00 TOTAL COST: ais,uoo.00 $15,000.00 Sl$,300.00 EMPLOYEE IN - STATE TRAVEL (mttea aocczeeea.n cenn p��mucJ 370 roiles x .27 cents = $54.00 TOTAL'�'RAVEL SUPPLIES PENS . TABI.E']"S. BOOKS, COPY MACHIP[E PAPER, LASER PRIN'f PAPER, DICTIONARIES. CLP,AAIING SUPPLIES, ETC.,. EQUIPMENT { �k,,,�� ) UP6RADECOMPUTERSOFTWA.RE $I500.00 COMPUTER, PRINTER TOTAL EQIJiPMENT CONTRACTED SERVICES WORK 3EiOPS, SEMINARS, AND TRAINTNGS $3,000.00 TOTAL CON'I'RACTEA SERVICES UTHER POSTAGE PkINTiNG COPXING BROCHURES TOTAL OTIiER $ 3Q0.00 $ 300.00 $ 346.00 51,000.00 F.T.E.lPOSITIONS: t.o $ Sd.00 $ 2,200.00 $ 3 S 3,000.00 S 1, 946.00 GRAND TOTAL FOIt THIS CATEGOTtX $29,000.00 �t�- ��� Dear Gladys, This is the information you requested oa Project Fresh Start. The following breakdown is what you requeeYed about other funding received: NSP St. Pau1 Foundation Administration Rent Phone Utalities CPA Roof SupQlies O£fice Copier Supplies C(eaning Total s s,000.oa $ �,000.00 $10,000.00 $ 3,004.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 300.00 $ 700.00 $ 200.00 $ 100.Q0 $ 200.00 $ 60Q.00 $ 31.OQ S 8,231.00 Remaining Balance S 1,769.00 ������C�br�� Presented Referred To Council File # 9R - Rg� Green Sheet # 3$ t5 �. RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA a9 Comminee Date 1 PROPOSED FUNDING ALLOCATION FOR THE CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS PARTNERSHIP 2 PROGRAM (COPP) Jf1VENII.E CRIME PREVENTION 3 WIiEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council believes that the programs funded through COPP aze of value to the 4 citizens of Saint Paul; and 5 WHEREAS, programs that deal with juvenile crime prevention are designed to keep youth from engaging in 6 criminal activities which will negatively impact themselves as well as the citizens of Saint Paul; and 7 VJI�REAS, the Saint Paul City Council has decided to fund juvenile crime prevention programs through COPP; 8 and 9 WI3EREAS, $29,000 recommended for the Youth Services Bureau was not accepted and subsequently remains 10 available for other COPP juvenile crime prevenrion funding; and 11 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council accept and approve the allocation of 12 funding to Project Fresh Start, Inc. Outreach for Youth Program. Requested by Depamnent of: � Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: � �.__ ,� a �� Approved by Mayor: Date � � � Adopted by Council: Aate Q��-� ���'� Adoption Certified by Council Secretz�y 9't- 9�� 3���� DEW�R7NIENLOFFlCEICOVNCIL DATE INITIATED ci�courrcn, ni9� GREEN SHEE CONTACT PEASON ffi PHONE INITIALl�ATE INITIAWATE � DEPARTMENT �IRECTOR � CITV COUNCIL ASSIGN qNATTORNEY CItYCLEftK CO11IlC BIIlUEI G12CI S MOTfOII G-8G7O NUMBEa FON � 0 MUST BE ON CAIINC�L AGEIi�A 8Y (DATE) ROUTING � BUOGET DIRECTOR O FIN. 8 MGT. SERVICES Dlfl. ORDER � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP AlL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION FEQUESTED: Approval of 1997 Civic Organizations Parmership Program (COPP) allocation of funding for Project Fresh Statt, Inc. Outreach for Youth Program. RECqMMENDAT�oNS: Approva (n) or Rejact (R) pER50NAL SERVICE CONiRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMl5S10N __ CIVIL SERYIGE CAMMISSION 1. Has this personlfirm ever worked under a contract for Nis department? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO _�� 2. Has this person/Flrm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ o�s7RiGT Coua7 _ 3. Does this erson/firm p possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current crty employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJEGTNE? YES NO Exp{ain ell yes answera on separate sheet anE attach to green aheet INITUTING PROBIEAA, ISSUE, OPPEIR'NNITY (Whp, What, When. W�ere, Wny): The need to accept and approve the allocauon of funding for Project Fresh Start, Inc. as a part of the 1997 COPP Juvenile Crime Prevention. A�VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Allocauon of funding will be able to provide the services identified in the Councll's 1997 COPP service delivery policies. DISAOVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None. DISAOVANTAGES IF NOTAPPqOVE�. ���� Services will not be available. 707AL AMOUNi OP TRANSACTION S COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE ACTNIri NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) q �- 98"l Project k'resh Starf, Inc. Out - Reash for Youth 1150 East 7th Street St. Pau1, Minnesota 55106 ( 612 } 772 - 0279 PR03EC�' STAFp' I.0 ( full time ) SI8,30Q.00 One of the disadvantages of not having another staff person is that it Ieaves one somebody to try and do it all_ The fact that we are a new pragram will also make it tight. This person wi1l be responsible recruiting more volunteers to carry out the necessary duties to follow through. They will set up all traiping sessions for people iaterested io being a tutor. They will do all the necessary charting. They wilt participate in any meetengs related to tutoring, stay abreast of preseut aad absent students, as we11 as assigning all students to a tutor. This person wiil atso be responsible for making sure thaE all volunteers get the necessary traiaing for them to functiun ia the project. ��71�� $ 3,SOQ.00 The computer upgrade is necessary and will enabte staff, tutors, and students to work efficiently without delays ia waidqg to access equipment. ('pNT ACTF.D SFR c:F.S $ 3,OOU.OQ Workshops, training, and sem�nars are necessary to bring staff and volunteers to the forefront of where they should be to stay afloat We need to be aware of everything going on in the schools, neighborhooda, and etc. we need to be trained to effectively train and teach our youth. SUPPLj�S $ 2,200.00 Suppties a�e needed to help the process of development within the youth. They 6ave enough worries with failing grades, lack of reading ski{ls, or the fact of droppiag out of school altogether. ��g S 1, 946.00 Pastage, Printi�g, Copying, and Brochures are necessaxy for any businesa to be successfai. a?- 9�7 Project Fresh Start, Inc. Out - Reach for Xouth 1150 East ?th Street S� Paul, Minnesota SS1Q6 ( 612 ) 772 - 0279 BUDGET Si)MMAItY SALARY , TI'�'LE, & NAME Pro)ect Statt TOTAL SALARX: 1.Opositions FRINGE BENEk�TS SA.LARY ( 15.000.00 ) X 22% FOR EMPLOICEES =$3,3Q0.00 TOTAL COST: ais,uoo.00 $15,000.00 Sl$,300.00 EMPLOYEE IN - STATE TRAVEL (mttea aocczeeea.n cenn p��mucJ 370 roiles x .27 cents = $54.00 TOTAL'�'RAVEL SUPPLIES PENS . TABI.E']"S. BOOKS, COPY MACHIP[E PAPER, LASER PRIN'f PAPER, DICTIONARIES. CLP,AAIING SUPPLIES, ETC.,. EQUIPMENT { �k,,,�� ) UP6RADECOMPUTERSOFTWA.RE $I500.00 COMPUTER, PRINTER TOTAL EQIJiPMENT CONTRACTED SERVICES WORK 3EiOPS, SEMINARS, AND TRAINTNGS $3,000.00 TOTAL CON'I'RACTEA SERVICES UTHER POSTAGE PkINTiNG COPXING BROCHURES TOTAL OTIiER $ 3Q0.00 $ 300.00 $ 346.00 51,000.00 F.T.E.lPOSITIONS: t.o $ Sd.00 $ 2,200.00 $ 3 S 3,000.00 S 1, 946.00 GRAND TOTAL FOIt THIS CATEGOTtX $29,000.00 �t�- ��� Dear Gladys, This is the information you requested oa Project Fresh Start. The following breakdown is what you requeeYed about other funding received: NSP St. Pau1 Foundation Administration Rent Phone Utalities CPA Roof SupQlies O£fice Copier Supplies C(eaning Total s s,000.oa $ �,000.00 $10,000.00 $ 3,004.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 300.00 $ 700.00 $ 200.00 $ 100.Q0 $ 200.00 $ 60Q.00 $ 31.OQ S 8,231.00 Remaining Balance S 1,769.00