97-986I Presented ReEexred t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1� ll 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2� 21 22 23 24 25 26 2� 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 90 41 Council File # ��� Green Sheet # 3'13 y 3 WHEREAS, The Rice and Arlington Spoxts Dome Eacility was scheduled to open during the fizst week of danuary 1997� and WH£AEAS, Due to constzuctio� delays the Rice and Axlington Sporis Dome did not open until Febsuary 27, 199"7� and WHEREAS, This has caused an ninety five thousand dolla[ cash flow shortage for the enterprise, and WHERERS, The �ivision of Parks and Recxeation Metxo Park Operating and Maintenance activity is in a cash flow position to loan the Rice and Arlington Sport Dome activity the needed $95,000, and WHEREAS, The Mayoi, pursuant to Section 10.07.01 of the City Charter, does certify that theYe are available for aPpropriation, revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1998 budget, and WNEREAS, Council File 277520, atlopted October 1, 1981 did establish certain Special Fund policies� and WHEREAS� The Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1998 budget: DEPARTMEN2 OF COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION OF PARK AND RECREATION PARKS AND RECREATION GRANTS & AIDS CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGE W�10UNT FINANCING PLAN 860-33193-9890 Use of Fund BalanCe 860 All Other E'inancing SPENDING PLAN 860-33193-0566 Tra�sfer to Enterprise Fund 860 All Other Spending DEPAATMENT OF COMMUNSTY SERVIC£S DIVSSION OF PARK AND RECREATION RSCE ARLIN6TON SPORTS DOM£ ETNANCING PLAN 326-23133-7305 Transfet fcom Special Revenue Pund 326 A11 Othee Financing SPENDTNG PLAN 326-23133-0219 Fees Othet Prof. Services 326 All Other Spending $ 922,922.80 ($95,000.00) $ 32'1,922.80 1.628 750.00 -0- 1.628,"75D.00 52,051,6�2.80 (595,000.00) 51,956,672.80 S 35,000.00 595,000.00 S 130,000.00 1,575.104.00 -0- 1,575.104.00 51�610�104.00 $95,000.00 $1,'705,104.00 CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGE AMOUNT $ -0- ',�95,000.00 S 95�000.00 235 145.00 -0- 235,195.00 $ 235�145.00 $95�000.00 S 330,145.00 $ -0- 595�000.00 S 95,000.00 2 �63 190.00 -0- 2,763,190.00 $2,"163,190.00 595�000.00 S2,858,190.00 4 2 Page 1 of 2 RESOLUTION C1TY OF SAiNT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� �� 45 46 47 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED� That the City CoUnc31 approves these changes to the 1998 budget. "� ` 9 �'� f 1\ ' �� Approval Recommendetl dget 'TeCtoz Page 2 of 2 Requested by: Adopted by Council: Date _.1�,�__ �T �_"— Adoption Certified by Council 5ecretary BY � �- � � ��, Approved by Mayor: Date: �(!d' By: �- �. Divis' o Parks and Recreation r Form Approved by City By: ��1 Approved Mayor fo Counc' By: Submi.ssion to D EPARTMEHT/0 FflCE/COUNCIL P�rks and Recreation CONTACT PEfl50N AND PHONE GREEN SHEET iwnavonre 9n - 98�� N0.37343 wmnwwTe Vic Wittgenstein 2366-6409 � 1 DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR 5 CIiYGOUNCIL ASSIGN 3 CITY ATTOftNEY C�TI' CLERK NUtaBE1t FOA — MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY AOUTING 2 gUDGEfDIftECiOR _FlN.&MGT.SERVICESDIR. (DATE) 4 b�AYORlORASSISTpNT1 6 ChiefAccountant �/���� 7 Parks TOiA4 # OF SIGNATUflE PAGE � tlP ALL LOCAS10N5 WR 51GNATUftH ACTION REQVESTED: Approval of Council Resolution amending budget of fund 860-Parks and Recreation Grants & Aids and Rice Arlington Sports Dome. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve �A� or Feject IR1 _PLANNINGCOMMISSION _QVILSERVICECOMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE __ A STAFF OISTqICT COUNQL SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVEP INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whac, When, Where, Whyl: Pf7iSONAL SHMCE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWHt THE FOLLOWING nUE5TON5: i. Has this persoNfirm ever warked ueMer a contrecc for this depattmenV YES NO 2. Has this person/frtm ever been a city employee> YES NO 3. Does this persoNfnm possess a skill nat normally possesxd by any current ciry em0�oyx? VES NO E�plain sll yes arwwers on seperace sheet and atmch to 9��� sheet. Due to construction delays the Rice and Arlington Sports Dome opened late causing a ninety five thousand cash flow shortage. ADVANiAGES IF APPROVED: The foan of $95,000 from Parks and Recreation Metro Park Operating and Maintenance activity witl help the Rice and Arlington Sports Dome to operate as intended. D�SADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. � 1�Cj st• _ n r�f.7;.9 � iv�� DISA�VANTAGES IF NOT APPftOVED: Rice and Arlington Sports Dome would have a estimated S95,000 cash flow shortage. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S �J�J.00O COST/REVFNUEBUDGEiED [CiRCLE ONE) FVNqNG50URGF P&R Grants & Aids and Rice & Arlinqton Sports Dome ACTMTYNUMBHt 33 DATE INITIATED 07-7 0-97 YES NO GINANCIAL INfORMATION: IEXPLAINI I Presented ReEexred t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1� ll 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2� 21 22 23 24 25 26 2� 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 90 41 Council File # ��� Green Sheet # 3'13 y 3 WHEREAS, The Rice and Arlington Spoxts Dome Eacility was scheduled to open during the fizst week of danuary 1997� and WH£AEAS, Due to constzuctio� delays the Rice and Axlington Sporis Dome did not open until Febsuary 27, 199"7� and WHEREAS, This has caused an ninety five thousand dolla[ cash flow shortage for the enterprise, and WHERERS, The �ivision of Parks and Recxeation Metxo Park Operating and Maintenance activity is in a cash flow position to loan the Rice and Arlington Sport Dome activity the needed $95,000, and WHEREAS, The Mayoi, pursuant to Section 10.07.01 of the City Charter, does certify that theYe are available for aPpropriation, revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1998 budget, and WNEREAS, Council File 277520, atlopted October 1, 1981 did establish certain Special Fund policies� and WHEREAS� The Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1998 budget: DEPARTMEN2 OF COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION OF PARK AND RECREATION PARKS AND RECREATION GRANTS & AIDS CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGE W�10UNT FINANCING PLAN 860-33193-9890 Use of Fund BalanCe 860 All Other E'inancing SPENDING PLAN 860-33193-0566 Tra�sfer to Enterprise Fund 860 All Other Spending DEPAATMENT OF COMMUNSTY SERVIC£S DIVSSION OF PARK AND RECREATION RSCE ARLIN6TON SPORTS DOM£ ETNANCING PLAN 326-23133-7305 Transfet fcom Special Revenue Pund 326 A11 Othee Financing SPENDTNG PLAN 326-23133-0219 Fees Othet Prof. Services 326 All Other Spending $ 922,922.80 ($95,000.00) $ 32'1,922.80 1.628 750.00 -0- 1.628,"75D.00 52,051,6�2.80 (595,000.00) 51,956,672.80 S 35,000.00 595,000.00 S 130,000.00 1,575.104.00 -0- 1,575.104.00 51�610�104.00 $95,000.00 $1,'705,104.00 CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGE AMOUNT $ -0- ',�95,000.00 S 95�000.00 235 145.00 -0- 235,195.00 $ 235�145.00 $95�000.00 S 330,145.00 $ -0- 595�000.00 S 95,000.00 2 �63 190.00 -0- 2,763,190.00 $2,"163,190.00 595�000.00 S2,858,190.00 4 2 Page 1 of 2 RESOLUTION C1TY OF SAiNT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� �� 45 46 47 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED� That the City CoUnc31 approves these changes to the 1998 budget. "� ` 9 �'� f 1\ ' �� Approval Recommendetl dget 'TeCtoz Page 2 of 2 Requested by: Adopted by Council: Date _.1�,�__ �T �_"— Adoption Certified by Council 5ecretary BY � �- � � ��, Approved by Mayor: Date: �(!d' By: �- �. Divis' o Parks and Recreation r Form Approved by City By: ��1 Approved Mayor fo Counc' By: Submi.ssion to D EPARTMEHT/0 FflCE/COUNCIL P�rks and Recreation CONTACT PEfl50N AND PHONE GREEN SHEET iwnavonre 9n - 98�� N0.37343 wmnwwTe Vic Wittgenstein 2366-6409 � 1 DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR 5 CIiYGOUNCIL ASSIGN 3 CITY ATTOftNEY C�TI' CLERK NUtaBE1t FOA — MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY AOUTING 2 gUDGEfDIftECiOR _FlN.&MGT.SERVICESDIR. (DATE) 4 b�AYORlORASSISTpNT1 6 ChiefAccountant �/���� 7 Parks TOiA4 # OF SIGNATUflE PAGE � tlP ALL LOCAS10N5 WR 51GNATUftH ACTION REQVESTED: Approval of Council Resolution amending budget of fund 860-Parks and Recreation Grants & Aids and Rice Arlington Sports Dome. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve �A� or Feject IR1 _PLANNINGCOMMISSION _QVILSERVICECOMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE __ A STAFF OISTqICT COUNQL SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVEP INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whac, When, Where, Whyl: Pf7iSONAL SHMCE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWHt THE FOLLOWING nUE5TON5: i. Has this persoNfirm ever warked ueMer a contrecc for this depattmenV YES NO 2. Has this person/frtm ever been a city employee> YES NO 3. Does this persoNfnm possess a skill nat normally possesxd by any current ciry em0�oyx? VES NO E�plain sll yes arwwers on seperace sheet and atmch to 9��� sheet. Due to construction delays the Rice and Arlington Sports Dome opened late causing a ninety five thousand cash flow shortage. ADVANiAGES IF APPROVED: The foan of $95,000 from Parks and Recreation Metro Park Operating and Maintenance activity witl help the Rice and Arlington Sports Dome to operate as intended. D�SADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. � 1�Cj st• _ n r�f.7;.9 � iv�� DISA�VANTAGES IF NOT APPftOVED: Rice and Arlington Sports Dome would have a estimated S95,000 cash flow shortage. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S �J�J.00O COST/REVFNUEBUDGEiED [CiRCLE ONE) FVNqNG50URGF P&R Grants & Aids and Rice & Arlinqton Sports Dome ACTMTYNUMBHt 33 DATE INITIATED 07-7 0-97 YES NO GINANCIAL INfORMATION: IEXPLAINI I Presented ReEexred t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1� ll 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2� 21 22 23 24 25 26 2� 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 90 41 Council File # ��� Green Sheet # 3'13 y 3 WHEREAS, The Rice and Arlington Spoxts Dome Eacility was scheduled to open during the fizst week of danuary 1997� and WH£AEAS, Due to constzuctio� delays the Rice and Axlington Sporis Dome did not open until Febsuary 27, 199"7� and WHEREAS, This has caused an ninety five thousand dolla[ cash flow shortage for the enterprise, and WHERERS, The �ivision of Parks and Recxeation Metxo Park Operating and Maintenance activity is in a cash flow position to loan the Rice and Arlington Sport Dome activity the needed $95,000, and WHEREAS, The Mayoi, pursuant to Section 10.07.01 of the City Charter, does certify that theYe are available for aPpropriation, revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1998 budget, and WNEREAS, Council File 277520, atlopted October 1, 1981 did establish certain Special Fund policies� and WHEREAS� The Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1998 budget: DEPARTMEN2 OF COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION OF PARK AND RECREATION PARKS AND RECREATION GRANTS & AIDS CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGE W�10UNT FINANCING PLAN 860-33193-9890 Use of Fund BalanCe 860 All Other E'inancing SPENDING PLAN 860-33193-0566 Tra�sfer to Enterprise Fund 860 All Other Spending DEPAATMENT OF COMMUNSTY SERVIC£S DIVSSION OF PARK AND RECREATION RSCE ARLIN6TON SPORTS DOM£ ETNANCING PLAN 326-23133-7305 Transfet fcom Special Revenue Pund 326 A11 Othee Financing SPENDTNG PLAN 326-23133-0219 Fees Othet Prof. Services 326 All Other Spending $ 922,922.80 ($95,000.00) $ 32'1,922.80 1.628 750.00 -0- 1.628,"75D.00 52,051,6�2.80 (595,000.00) 51,956,672.80 S 35,000.00 595,000.00 S 130,000.00 1,575.104.00 -0- 1,575.104.00 51�610�104.00 $95,000.00 $1,'705,104.00 CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGE AMOUNT $ -0- ',�95,000.00 S 95�000.00 235 145.00 -0- 235,195.00 $ 235�145.00 $95�000.00 S 330,145.00 $ -0- 595�000.00 S 95,000.00 2 �63 190.00 -0- 2,763,190.00 $2,"163,190.00 595�000.00 S2,858,190.00 4 2 Page 1 of 2 RESOLUTION C1TY OF SAiNT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� �� 45 46 47 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED� That the City CoUnc31 approves these changes to the 1998 budget. "� ` 9 �'� f 1\ ' �� Approval Recommendetl dget 'TeCtoz Page 2 of 2 Requested by: Adopted by Council: Date _.1�,�__ �T �_"— Adoption Certified by Council 5ecretary BY � �- � � ��, Approved by Mayor: Date: �(!d' By: �- �. Divis' o Parks and Recreation r Form Approved by City By: ��1 Approved Mayor fo Counc' By: Submi.ssion to D EPARTMEHT/0 FflCE/COUNCIL P�rks and Recreation CONTACT PEfl50N AND PHONE GREEN SHEET iwnavonre 9n - 98�� N0.37343 wmnwwTe Vic Wittgenstein 2366-6409 � 1 DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR 5 CIiYGOUNCIL ASSIGN 3 CITY ATTOftNEY C�TI' CLERK NUtaBE1t FOA — MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY AOUTING 2 gUDGEfDIftECiOR _FlN.&MGT.SERVICESDIR. (DATE) 4 b�AYORlORASSISTpNT1 6 ChiefAccountant �/���� 7 Parks TOiA4 # OF SIGNATUflE PAGE � tlP ALL LOCAS10N5 WR 51GNATUftH ACTION REQVESTED: Approval of Council Resolution amending budget of fund 860-Parks and Recreation Grants & Aids and Rice Arlington Sports Dome. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve �A� or Feject IR1 _PLANNINGCOMMISSION _QVILSERVICECOMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE __ A STAFF OISTqICT COUNQL SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVEP INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whac, When, Where, Whyl: Pf7iSONAL SHMCE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWHt THE FOLLOWING nUE5TON5: i. Has this persoNfirm ever warked ueMer a contrecc for this depattmenV YES NO 2. Has this person/frtm ever been a city employee> YES NO 3. Does this persoNfnm possess a skill nat normally possesxd by any current ciry em0�oyx? VES NO E�plain sll yes arwwers on seperace sheet and atmch to 9��� sheet. Due to construction delays the Rice and Arlington Sports Dome opened late causing a ninety five thousand cash flow shortage. ADVANiAGES IF APPROVED: The foan of $95,000 from Parks and Recreation Metro Park Operating and Maintenance activity witl help the Rice and Arlington Sports Dome to operate as intended. D�SADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. � 1�Cj st• _ n r�f.7;.9 � iv�� DISA�VANTAGES IF NOT APPftOVED: Rice and Arlington Sports Dome would have a estimated S95,000 cash flow shortage. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S �J�J.00O COST/REVFNUEBUDGEiED [CiRCLE ONE) FVNqNG50URGF P&R Grants & Aids and Rice & Arlinqton Sports Dome ACTMTYNUMBHt 33 DATE INITIATED 07-7 0-97 YES NO GINANCIAL INfORMATION: IEXPLAINI