D00609Wnrte — Cliv C1erk P�nk — Finanea Dept. Canary — Dept. • OFY'i(iY; OF THF MAYOR ADMINIS'IRATIVE ORDER BI'IlGE7' YZEt7SI0\ No: ��o��q Date: `_ � I 3DJIL�"ISTR.�TI<'E ORDER, Consistent with the auth I 1 C I th Mayor m Section 10.07.4 of the Cdy Charter antl based on :he request of the Dvector of the Departmeni of E' _ to amentl the 19�.5 budget of the Speci al Revenue funtl. the D�rector of the Department of Finance and Management Services is author�zed to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Amended Butlget Change Budget G YUtYL.� �l��Ll� - �Y5�1.l1L F�(Udfi�l] 30a-a3i44-Oii5 &nr"uGBfi ri�ALin CtiBfi - FnES NnGICAL 3V�-?JLU4-ULLI rcfir"UCnn HBALT& CABn - P03iACB "s05-33i4§-ui4i BnFUGEE AHALiB CAn� - P&iFiiNG 3U�-SdLS2-UL57 NAii6fi R�n& ALTA PBuG - OiHfi& a0$-"s32a9-02i9 SriMUNiZAiiGN RCTiuN PL'aN - r"�fi3-uT]iE& � 330,OOO.fiO y0,G6 �1�GUU�UV s`7'v,000,OG 3ii7,700�OG 8iii.7uG.00 460,GOO.OG $5u0,Gu 51�UUU,�1� �g'}��Q1�1I�U�1 f31fi.500.uG1 40.G6 $90,�u6.06 y5G0,OG SL y25,uG0.fi0 ;io�,aoa.00 �222,i0Q,OG NBB�fiAS, ADDITiGNAL SPfiH6iNG AUTHOZI"tY I9 NnBDBD ila n&FGGnB IinaLifi CA&fi r""v6 FiBDiCeL FnB, PuSTAGE, AND FEiRiiAG eE "rHY3iCAiN, r"n�8 �&nB NOT BUDGBTBD Ai h i1iGfi BNirUGn A�fOiJAY: eND �6nBnn5, THBBB i5 SFnNDiAC AUTfluniT3 i�i eAZiGGS OTHn& OBdn"Ci i;OGn� THAS GGULD B� T&ANS"r%B@8G Tii3afiFOBB BB BnS6Lu"nD, ifiAT Tfin FiAYuu APPSOVn9 Tnn CHAAGS TO iHE i99a nJDG&T. ������, �� App o by: ayor 7 ` � � '�� Date �ITY OF SAINT I�AiTL Public Health /21/95 ��40� GREEN SHEET N_ 30582 INITIAVDATE INRIAVDpTE DEPAPTMENiDIRECTOR �CITYCOUNCII CRY ATTORNEY � CRY CLERK BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SEflVICES Dlfl. MAVOR (Ofl ASSISTAN'n O FOfl TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) REQUESTED: � signatures on Administrative Orcier budget revision for Speczal Revenue fund 305 _ PLAfJNMG COMMISSION _ CNIL SEflVICE COMMISSION _ pB COMMITfEE _ _ STAFF _ _ DISTRICTCOURT _ SUPPOFTS WHICH CAUNCIL O&IECfIVE? PERSONAL SEHVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWER THE POLLOWING DUES710NS: t. Has this persoNfirm ever worketl untler a conhact for this deparknent? YES NO 2. Has this perso�rtn ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this personHirtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any curreM c'Ry employee? YES NO Expla(n all yes answers on seperate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNIT' (Who, Whet, When, Where, Why): Spending authority is needed in Refugee Health Care physician services as thts was not budgeted at a high enough amount. Authority is also needed in postage and printing. There is spendfng authority in 3&252 and 33259 that could be transferred. RECEiVED , ,,. hysicians will be paid for their services. RECEIVED JllL 31 1995 CITY CI_ERF� DISAOVANTAGES NONE Physicians will not be paid. AMOUNTOFTRANSACTION S 61,500 COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUND�HGSOURCE Special receipts ACTIVITVNUMBEH 33244, 33252, 33259 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (E%PLAIN) p - , � �V