97-9715� � / ORIG1�.lAL Presented &y Council File # t� - 9 l S Green Sheet # 7 � � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Referred To � Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 WHEREAS, Chapter 293 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code was enacted to regulate the 6 subject of noise in the City of Saint Paul; and 7 8 WHEREAS, §293.11 provides for the granting of vaziances from the sound level 9 limitations contained in §293.09, upon a finding by the City council that full compliance with 10 Chapter 293 would consCitute an unreasonable hardship on an applicant, other persons or on the 11 community; and 12 13 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Saints Professional Baseball Club, Inc., represented by Tom 14 Whaley, Director of Operations, who has been designated as the responsible person on the 15 application, has applied for a variance to allow live music at Midway Stadium, 1771 Energy Pazk 16 Drive, on Friday, August 29, 1997; and 17 18 WfTEREAS, applicant is seeking a variance for the hours of 5:30 pm. to 10:30 p.m. on 19 that date; and 20 21 WHEREAS, if applicant is not granted a variance it will not be able to present the 22 concert;and 23 24 WHEREAS, the Office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection has 25 reviewed the application and has made recommendations regarding conditions for the variance; 26 now therefore, be it 27 28 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby grants a variance to the 29 Saint Paul Saints Professional Baseball, Club, Inc., subject to the following conditions: 30 31 1) The variance shall be for the hours of 5:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. on 32 August 29, 1947. 33 34 2) All electronically powered equipment used in conjunction with the 35 event shall not exceed 100 dBA as measured at the closer of the i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 sound mix or at a distance of 100 feet from the front of the stage. 3) The applicant sha11 provide personnel and equipment who shall provide continuous sound level monitoring between 5:30 p.m. and 1030 p.m. on the date of the concert to ensure compliance with Condition #2. 4) All electronically powered equipment, PA systems, loudspeakers or snnilaz devices sha11 be tumed off no later than 1030 p.m. on the date of the concert. QR����f�� Requested by Department of: �� ���� ���/�/ / ' / Form Approved by City Attorney By : `�� c3 ��,�— � \ Q 1> ,,,.1�. :J ay Approved by Mayor: �ate `�/( fb( 4 �' Approve ayor for S mission to Council By: By: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � N° 5D280 nn Qrl � DEPARTMENT/OFFlCEIGOUNCIL � DATE �NITIATED i f � �� � OEFICE OF LIEP JULY 14,144 GREEN SHEE CONTACT PERSON 8 GHONE INITIAVDATE INITIA VDATE � OEPARTMENT OtFECT�R � CIN COUNqL PETER KISHEL 266-9133 ASSIGN �CIT'ATTORNEV �CITVCLEAK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA 8Y (DATE7 NUMBEP FOR O BUD�ET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT SEBVICES DIR. HOUTING AUGUST 6, 1997 �� AVOR(ORASSISTANp � TOTAL # OF SIGNA7URE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTEO� Resolution granting the Saint Paul Saints Professional Baseball Club, Inc. a sound level variance from the sound level limitations contained in Chapter 293.09. RECOMMENDATIONS: AoTova {p) or Rejea �A) PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUS? ANSWER THE FOLLOWINCa QUESTIONS: _ PLANNMG COMMISSION _ CIViL SEFVIGE COMMISSION S- Has this person/firm ever wwked untler a contrec� tor ih�s tlepartment� _ GIB CqMMITTEE _ �'ES NO 2. Has this personHirm ever been a city employee? _ STAFP _ YES fd0 _ DISTa�CTCOUR7 _ 3. Does this OersonRirm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current ciry empioyee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJEGTIVE° YES NO Expfain ai{ yes answers on separata afieet antl atlacfi to green sheM INRIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPPORiUNITY (Wha. What, When, Where, Wny). The Saint Paul Saints Pro£essional Baseball Club, Inc. has requested a sound level variance for a concert at Midway Stadium, 1771 Energy Park Drive. The concert is scheduled from 5:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. on Friday, August 29, 1997. A9VANTAGESIfAPPROVED: Will place conditions that will limit the sound level inpact in surrounding residential areas. �ISADVANTAGES �F APPROVE� Persons living near Midway Stadium will be able to hear the music from the concer[. Will require staff Cime to monitor the event. CtD�if�C� �fi JU! 16 199? OISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED. The sound level impact on surrounding residential areas could be greater with no conditions. Applicant may not be able to present the concert without exceeding the sound level limitations contained in 293.09. TOTAL AMOUNTOFTRANSAC710N S aSU • dC COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES M/O l� FUNDIfiG SOURCE 32�-3335Q pCTIVITY NUMBER �141 FINANCI0.l INFORMATIpN. (EICPLAIN� For monitorin overtime. � CITY OF 5A1NT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayar 7uly 14, 1997 q?-q�l OFFICE OF LICENS$ INSPECTIONS AND ENVII20NMENTAL PROTF.C1'ION Ro6ertKesslei, Di>ecior TAWRY PROFESSZONAL Telephone: 612-2669090 BUIl.DING Facsim�le: 612-26G9099 Suite 300 612-1669124 350 St Peter Street Sa�rttP¢u1,Minnesota 55102-IS10 TO: Nancy Anderson, Council Investigation & Research Room 310, City Hall FROM: Peter Kishel Office of Licens , pections and Environmental Protection SUBJECT: Noise Variance Public Hearing Attached is a sound level variance application from the St. Paul Saints Baseball Club for a music concert to be held at Midway Stadium on Friday, August 29, 1997 from 5:30 p.m, to 10:30 p.m.. Resolution to follow later. Also attached is a copy of the Public Hearing Notice sent to property owners within 200 feet of Midway Stadium. Please have this item placed on the Council agenda for August b, 1997. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-9133. PTK/ko Attachments �, r � JUL 15 i�97 a� -�� � ST. PAUL SAIA'TS PROFESSIONAL BASEBALL •(612) 644-3517 BUSIA'ESS •(612) 644-1627 FAX •(612) 644-6659 TICKETS June 23, 1997 Mr. Peter Kishel City of St. Paul Environmental Health 350 St. Peter Street, #330 St. Paul, MN 55102-1510 Re: Application for sound level variance August 29,1947 Dear Peter: Enclosed please find a completed application for sound level variance for a concert that we would like to host on Friday evening, August 29, 1997 at Midway Stadium. Also enciosed is our check in the amount of $150.00 to cover your fee for this application. Please contact me if you have any questions or if I can be of assistance in expediting your review. Thank you very much for your time and attention in this regard. Sincerely, St. Paul Saints Professional Baseball Club, Inc. �-,��� . Tam Whaley � Director of Operations TGW/am enc. c: Roberta Megard : Vic Wittgenstein 1771 EI�ERGY PARK DRIVE • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA • 55108 • http:J/spsaints.com Application for Soand Level Variance City of St Fanl Naise Ord'manee L7u�mer293 nf e6e St Peai �e�a[ive Code �����t i. Or�ni�onotpecsoZSeekiugv2riancA• St. Paul S Frofessional Baseball Club, Ine. � A �� , 1771 Energy Park Drive, St. Paul, MN 55108 3. Resposiir.'e �, T'nte c¢ Tom Whaley Director of Operations 5. �elepkone• 644-3517 6. BricflydcscribGihexacfisesoutreandtqa:ipmentatvptved; Concert sound amplification� "- 7_ Add*+ess oz Iegaidescriproa af nOiSC souccc: Same as above 3. Noi:e source �ma of o�Crafiaa; 5: 30pm - 10: 30pm 9. Brisfly desc�lx tht sreps that will be taken to m;,,;,,+�>e tfie noise Ieveis: Sound levels will be kept within variance Limits and sound between acts will be reduced. 1{?, $riaffyStatozeasortfocserSanavariaace• Concert sound may exceed allowable limits 1I. Daus dur:ag which the vaiiaupe is reqntsud: Friday, August 29, 1947 g��. �*: � a` `=r �Sw:s ��yvv Return cotnpieted AppiStation and $15Q.00 fee to: CTTY` OF SAINT PAITL FNV�ONMg7TAL �iEALTH 350 Si: PET�R STRE.Ei', �`330 SAIIdT PAUL, MN 55102-15tU 256-9730 t)ffite Use flRFy �ce xm'� LEtviewcd Darc Pobtic NoPCC Swt Refemd to Cowxi! �fL5�:1� CITY OF SAINT PAL'L ?�'orm Coieman, Mayor July 14, 1997 Deaz St. Paul Property Owner: OPFICE OF LICE\SE, I�SPECTIO\S A\'D E�VIRO�'.v1�TALPROTECTIO\ � w � � /� I RaberlKessler,Director �! � � LOWRY PROFESSIONAL Telephone: 612-2669090 BUII1JLSrG Facsimi(e: 612-166�9099' Smte 300 611-1669124 350 St. Peter SYreet SaimPaul,Minnesoi¢ 55102-I510 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING This is to inform you of an appiication to request a variance from the sound level limitations as indicated in the St. Paul Noise Ordinance (Chapter 293 of the St. Paul Legislaave Code). A public hearing before the City Council on this variance request will be held on: Date: Auo st 6, 1997 T'une: 430 p.m. Locarion: 3rd Floor, City Hall Council Cham`xrs With±n fdteen (151 davs of tbe ma�t date on tftis notice written comments or obiecHons mav be Ciled with the City of St. Paul Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protec6on 350 St. Peter Suee[, Suite 300 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1510 Descrip�ion of Variance: Noise Source: ._ ... The St. Paul Saints Baseball Club has requested a sound level variance for a live music concert on Friday, August 29, 1997 from 5:30 p.m. to 1030 p.m Midway Stadium 1771 Energy Pazk Drive If you have an sno s, please feel free to call me at 266-9133. Yours y, s `Pe[er . Kishel Safety and Health Analyst � c: CouncIl Member Roberta Megazd Commander, Northwest Sector Police Community Organizer, Aamline Midway Coalition 3im Curran, Univezsity United Executive D'uector, Midway Chaznbez of Commezce Serry Gagner, Haznline Midway Coaliaoa President Scatt Moser President, St. Anthony Pazk Association President, St. Anthony Pazk Business Associadon Abby Struck, St. Anthony Park Commvnity Council Benita Tasselmyer, Haznline Midway Coalition Robett Wicker, H-MARC 5� � / ORIG1�.lAL Presented &y Council File # t� - 9 l S Green Sheet # 7 � � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Referred To � Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 WHEREAS, Chapter 293 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code was enacted to regulate the 6 subject of noise in the City of Saint Paul; and 7 8 WHEREAS, §293.11 provides for the granting of vaziances from the sound level 9 limitations contained in §293.09, upon a finding by the City council that full compliance with 10 Chapter 293 would consCitute an unreasonable hardship on an applicant, other persons or on the 11 community; and 12 13 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Saints Professional Baseball Club, Inc., represented by Tom 14 Whaley, Director of Operations, who has been designated as the responsible person on the 15 application, has applied for a variance to allow live music at Midway Stadium, 1771 Energy Pazk 16 Drive, on Friday, August 29, 1997; and 17 18 WfTEREAS, applicant is seeking a variance for the hours of 5:30 pm. to 10:30 p.m. on 19 that date; and 20 21 WHEREAS, if applicant is not granted a variance it will not be able to present the 22 concert;and 23 24 WHEREAS, the Office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection has 25 reviewed the application and has made recommendations regarding conditions for the variance; 26 now therefore, be it 27 28 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby grants a variance to the 29 Saint Paul Saints Professional Baseball, Club, Inc., subject to the following conditions: 30 31 1) The variance shall be for the hours of 5:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. on 32 August 29, 1947. 33 34 2) All electronically powered equipment used in conjunction with the 35 event shall not exceed 100 dBA as measured at the closer of the i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 sound mix or at a distance of 100 feet from the front of the stage. 3) The applicant sha11 provide personnel and equipment who shall provide continuous sound level monitoring between 5:30 p.m. and 1030 p.m. on the date of the concert to ensure compliance with Condition #2. 4) All electronically powered equipment, PA systems, loudspeakers or snnilaz devices sha11 be tumed off no later than 1030 p.m. on the date of the concert. QR����f�� Requested by Department of: �� ���� ���/�/ / ' / Form Approved by City Attorney By : `�� c3 ��,�— � \ Q 1> ,,,.1�. :J ay Approved by Mayor: �ate `�/( fb( 4 �' Approve ayor for S mission to Council By: By: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � N° 5D280 nn Qrl � DEPARTMENT/OFFlCEIGOUNCIL � DATE �NITIATED i f � �� � OEFICE OF LIEP JULY 14,144 GREEN SHEE CONTACT PERSON 8 GHONE INITIAVDATE INITIA VDATE � OEPARTMENT OtFECT�R � CIN COUNqL PETER KISHEL 266-9133 ASSIGN �CIT'ATTORNEV �CITVCLEAK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA 8Y (DATE7 NUMBEP FOR O BUD�ET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT SEBVICES DIR. HOUTING AUGUST 6, 1997 �� AVOR(ORASSISTANp � TOTAL # OF SIGNA7URE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTEO� Resolution granting the Saint Paul Saints Professional Baseball Club, Inc. a sound level variance from the sound level limitations contained in Chapter 293.09. RECOMMENDATIONS: AoTova {p) or Rejea �A) PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUS? ANSWER THE FOLLOWINCa QUESTIONS: _ PLANNMG COMMISSION _ CIViL SEFVIGE COMMISSION S- Has this person/firm ever wwked untler a contrec� tor ih�s tlepartment� _ GIB CqMMITTEE _ �'ES NO 2. Has this personHirm ever been a city employee? _ STAFP _ YES fd0 _ DISTa�CTCOUR7 _ 3. Does this OersonRirm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current ciry empioyee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJEGTIVE° YES NO Expfain ai{ yes answers on separata afieet antl atlacfi to green sheM INRIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPPORiUNITY (Wha. What, When, Where, Wny). The Saint Paul Saints Pro£essional Baseball Club, Inc. has requested a sound level variance for a concert at Midway Stadium, 1771 Energy Park Drive. The concert is scheduled from 5:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. on Friday, August 29, 1997. A9VANTAGESIfAPPROVED: Will place conditions that will limit the sound level inpact in surrounding residential areas. �ISADVANTAGES �F APPROVE� Persons living near Midway Stadium will be able to hear the music from the concer[. Will require staff Cime to monitor the event. CtD�if�C� �fi JU! 16 199? OISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED. The sound level impact on surrounding residential areas could be greater with no conditions. Applicant may not be able to present the concert without exceeding the sound level limitations contained in 293.09. TOTAL AMOUNTOFTRANSAC710N S aSU • dC COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES M/O l� FUNDIfiG SOURCE 32�-3335Q pCTIVITY NUMBER �141 FINANCI0.l INFORMATIpN. (EICPLAIN� For monitorin overtime. � CITY OF 5A1NT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayar 7uly 14, 1997 q?-q�l OFFICE OF LICENS$ INSPECTIONS AND ENVII20NMENTAL PROTF.C1'ION Ro6ertKesslei, Di>ecior TAWRY PROFESSZONAL Telephone: 612-2669090 BUIl.DING Facsim�le: 612-26G9099 Suite 300 612-1669124 350 St Peter Street Sa�rttP¢u1,Minnesota 55102-IS10 TO: Nancy Anderson, Council Investigation & Research Room 310, City Hall FROM: Peter Kishel Office of Licens , pections and Environmental Protection SUBJECT: Noise Variance Public Hearing Attached is a sound level variance application from the St. Paul Saints Baseball Club for a music concert to be held at Midway Stadium on Friday, August 29, 1997 from 5:30 p.m, to 10:30 p.m.. Resolution to follow later. Also attached is a copy of the Public Hearing Notice sent to property owners within 200 feet of Midway Stadium. Please have this item placed on the Council agenda for August b, 1997. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-9133. PTK/ko Attachments �, r � JUL 15 i�97 a� -�� � ST. PAUL SAIA'TS PROFESSIONAL BASEBALL •(612) 644-3517 BUSIA'ESS •(612) 644-1627 FAX •(612) 644-6659 TICKETS June 23, 1997 Mr. Peter Kishel City of St. Paul Environmental Health 350 St. Peter Street, #330 St. Paul, MN 55102-1510 Re: Application for sound level variance August 29,1947 Dear Peter: Enclosed please find a completed application for sound level variance for a concert that we would like to host on Friday evening, August 29, 1997 at Midway Stadium. Also enciosed is our check in the amount of $150.00 to cover your fee for this application. Please contact me if you have any questions or if I can be of assistance in expediting your review. Thank you very much for your time and attention in this regard. Sincerely, St. Paul Saints Professional Baseball Club, Inc. �-,��� . Tam Whaley � Director of Operations TGW/am enc. c: Roberta Megard : Vic Wittgenstein 1771 EI�ERGY PARK DRIVE • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA • 55108 • http:J/spsaints.com Application for Soand Level Variance City of St Fanl Naise Ord'manee L7u�mer293 nf e6e St Peai �e�a[ive Code �����t i. Or�ni�onotpecsoZSeekiugv2riancA• St. Paul S Frofessional Baseball Club, Ine. � A �� , 1771 Energy Park Drive, St. Paul, MN 55108 3. Resposiir.'e �, T'nte c¢ Tom Whaley Director of Operations 5. �elepkone• 644-3517 6. BricflydcscribGihexacfisesoutreandtqa:ipmentatvptved; Concert sound amplification� "- 7_ Add*+ess oz Iegaidescriproa af nOiSC souccc: Same as above 3. Noi:e source �ma of o�Crafiaa; 5: 30pm - 10: 30pm 9. Brisfly desc�lx tht sreps that will be taken to m;,,;,,+�>e tfie noise Ieveis: Sound levels will be kept within variance Limits and sound between acts will be reduced. 1{?, $riaffyStatozeasortfocserSanavariaace• Concert sound may exceed allowable limits 1I. Daus dur:ag which the vaiiaupe is reqntsud: Friday, August 29, 1947 g��. �*: � a` `=r �Sw:s ��yvv Return cotnpieted AppiStation and $15Q.00 fee to: CTTY` OF SAINT PAITL FNV�ONMg7TAL �iEALTH 350 Si: PET�R STRE.Ei', �`330 SAIIdT PAUL, MN 55102-15tU 256-9730 t)ffite Use flRFy �ce xm'� LEtviewcd Darc Pobtic NoPCC Swt Refemd to Cowxi! �fL5�:1� CITY OF SAINT PAL'L ?�'orm Coieman, Mayor July 14, 1997 Deaz St. Paul Property Owner: OPFICE OF LICE\SE, I�SPECTIO\S A\'D E�VIRO�'.v1�TALPROTECTIO\ � w � � /� I RaberlKessler,Director �! � � LOWRY PROFESSIONAL Telephone: 612-2669090 BUII1JLSrG Facsimi(e: 612-166�9099' Smte 300 611-1669124 350 St. Peter SYreet SaimPaul,Minnesoi¢ 55102-I510 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING This is to inform you of an appiication to request a variance from the sound level limitations as indicated in the St. Paul Noise Ordinance (Chapter 293 of the St. Paul Legislaave Code). A public hearing before the City Council on this variance request will be held on: Date: Auo st 6, 1997 T'une: 430 p.m. Locarion: 3rd Floor, City Hall Council Cham`xrs With±n fdteen (151 davs of tbe ma�t date on tftis notice written comments or obiecHons mav be Ciled with the City of St. Paul Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protec6on 350 St. Peter Suee[, Suite 300 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1510 Descrip�ion of Variance: Noise Source: ._ ... The St. Paul Saints Baseball Club has requested a sound level variance for a live music concert on Friday, August 29, 1997 from 5:30 p.m. to 1030 p.m Midway Stadium 1771 Energy Pazk Drive If you have an sno s, please feel free to call me at 266-9133. Yours y, s `Pe[er . Kishel Safety and Health Analyst � c: CouncIl Member Roberta Megazd Commander, Northwest Sector Police Community Organizer, Aamline Midway Coalition 3im Curran, Univezsity United Executive D'uector, Midway Chaznbez of Commezce Serry Gagner, Haznline Midway Coaliaoa President Scatt Moser President, St. Anthony Pazk Association President, St. Anthony Pazk Business Associadon Abby Struck, St. Anthony Park Commvnity Council Benita Tasselmyer, Haznline Midway Coalition Robett Wicker, H-MARC 5� � / ORIG1�.lAL Presented &y Council File # t� - 9 l S Green Sheet # 7 � � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Referred To � Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 WHEREAS, Chapter 293 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code was enacted to regulate the 6 subject of noise in the City of Saint Paul; and 7 8 WHEREAS, §293.11 provides for the granting of vaziances from the sound level 9 limitations contained in §293.09, upon a finding by the City council that full compliance with 10 Chapter 293 would consCitute an unreasonable hardship on an applicant, other persons or on the 11 community; and 12 13 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Saints Professional Baseball Club, Inc., represented by Tom 14 Whaley, Director of Operations, who has been designated as the responsible person on the 15 application, has applied for a variance to allow live music at Midway Stadium, 1771 Energy Pazk 16 Drive, on Friday, August 29, 1997; and 17 18 WfTEREAS, applicant is seeking a variance for the hours of 5:30 pm. to 10:30 p.m. on 19 that date; and 20 21 WHEREAS, if applicant is not granted a variance it will not be able to present the 22 concert;and 23 24 WHEREAS, the Office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection has 25 reviewed the application and has made recommendations regarding conditions for the variance; 26 now therefore, be it 27 28 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby grants a variance to the 29 Saint Paul Saints Professional Baseball, Club, Inc., subject to the following conditions: 30 31 1) The variance shall be for the hours of 5:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. on 32 August 29, 1947. 33 34 2) All electronically powered equipment used in conjunction with the 35 event shall not exceed 100 dBA as measured at the closer of the i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 sound mix or at a distance of 100 feet from the front of the stage. 3) The applicant sha11 provide personnel and equipment who shall provide continuous sound level monitoring between 5:30 p.m. and 1030 p.m. on the date of the concert to ensure compliance with Condition #2. 4) All electronically powered equipment, PA systems, loudspeakers or snnilaz devices sha11 be tumed off no later than 1030 p.m. on the date of the concert. QR����f�� Requested by Department of: �� ���� ���/�/ / ' / Form Approved by City Attorney By : `�� c3 ��,�— � \ Q 1> ,,,.1�. :J ay Approved by Mayor: �ate `�/( fb( 4 �' Approve ayor for S mission to Council By: By: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � N° 5D280 nn Qrl � DEPARTMENT/OFFlCEIGOUNCIL � DATE �NITIATED i f � �� � OEFICE OF LIEP JULY 14,144 GREEN SHEE CONTACT PERSON 8 GHONE INITIAVDATE INITIA VDATE � OEPARTMENT OtFECT�R � CIN COUNqL PETER KISHEL 266-9133 ASSIGN �CIT'ATTORNEV �CITVCLEAK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA 8Y (DATE7 NUMBEP FOR O BUD�ET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT SEBVICES DIR. HOUTING AUGUST 6, 1997 �� AVOR(ORASSISTANp � TOTAL # OF SIGNA7URE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTEO� Resolution granting the Saint Paul Saints Professional Baseball Club, Inc. a sound level variance from the sound level limitations contained in Chapter 293.09. RECOMMENDATIONS: AoTova {p) or Rejea �A) PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUS? ANSWER THE FOLLOWINCa QUESTIONS: _ PLANNMG COMMISSION _ CIViL SEFVIGE COMMISSION S- Has this person/firm ever wwked untler a contrec� tor ih�s tlepartment� _ GIB CqMMITTEE _ �'ES NO 2. Has this personHirm ever been a city employee? _ STAFP _ YES fd0 _ DISTa�CTCOUR7 _ 3. Does this OersonRirm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current ciry empioyee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJEGTIVE° YES NO Expfain ai{ yes answers on separata afieet antl atlacfi to green sheM INRIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPPORiUNITY (Wha. What, When, Where, Wny). The Saint Paul Saints Pro£essional Baseball Club, Inc. has requested a sound level variance for a concert at Midway Stadium, 1771 Energy Park Drive. The concert is scheduled from 5:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. on Friday, August 29, 1997. A9VANTAGESIfAPPROVED: Will place conditions that will limit the sound level inpact in surrounding residential areas. �ISADVANTAGES �F APPROVE� Persons living near Midway Stadium will be able to hear the music from the concer[. Will require staff Cime to monitor the event. CtD�if�C� �fi JU! 16 199? OISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED. The sound level impact on surrounding residential areas could be greater with no conditions. Applicant may not be able to present the concert without exceeding the sound level limitations contained in 293.09. TOTAL AMOUNTOFTRANSAC710N S aSU • dC COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES M/O l� FUNDIfiG SOURCE 32�-3335Q pCTIVITY NUMBER �141 FINANCI0.l INFORMATIpN. (EICPLAIN� For monitorin overtime. � CITY OF 5A1NT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayar 7uly 14, 1997 q?-q�l OFFICE OF LICENS$ INSPECTIONS AND ENVII20NMENTAL PROTF.C1'ION Ro6ertKesslei, Di>ecior TAWRY PROFESSZONAL Telephone: 612-2669090 BUIl.DING Facsim�le: 612-26G9099 Suite 300 612-1669124 350 St Peter Street Sa�rttP¢u1,Minnesota 55102-IS10 TO: Nancy Anderson, Council Investigation & Research Room 310, City Hall FROM: Peter Kishel Office of Licens , pections and Environmental Protection SUBJECT: Noise Variance Public Hearing Attached is a sound level variance application from the St. Paul Saints Baseball Club for a music concert to be held at Midway Stadium on Friday, August 29, 1997 from 5:30 p.m, to 10:30 p.m.. Resolution to follow later. Also attached is a copy of the Public Hearing Notice sent to property owners within 200 feet of Midway Stadium. Please have this item placed on the Council agenda for August b, 1997. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-9133. PTK/ko Attachments �, r � JUL 15 i�97 a� -�� � ST. PAUL SAIA'TS PROFESSIONAL BASEBALL •(612) 644-3517 BUSIA'ESS •(612) 644-1627 FAX •(612) 644-6659 TICKETS June 23, 1997 Mr. Peter Kishel City of St. Paul Environmental Health 350 St. Peter Street, #330 St. Paul, MN 55102-1510 Re: Application for sound level variance August 29,1947 Dear Peter: Enclosed please find a completed application for sound level variance for a concert that we would like to host on Friday evening, August 29, 1997 at Midway Stadium. Also enciosed is our check in the amount of $150.00 to cover your fee for this application. Please contact me if you have any questions or if I can be of assistance in expediting your review. Thank you very much for your time and attention in this regard. Sincerely, St. Paul Saints Professional Baseball Club, Inc. �-,��� . Tam Whaley � Director of Operations TGW/am enc. c: Roberta Megard : Vic Wittgenstein 1771 EI�ERGY PARK DRIVE • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA • 55108 • http:J/spsaints.com Application for Soand Level Variance City of St Fanl Naise Ord'manee L7u�mer293 nf e6e St Peai �e�a[ive Code �����t i. Or�ni�onotpecsoZSeekiugv2riancA• St. Paul S Frofessional Baseball Club, Ine. � A �� , 1771 Energy Park Drive, St. Paul, MN 55108 3. Resposiir.'e �, T'nte c¢ Tom Whaley Director of Operations 5. �elepkone• 644-3517 6. BricflydcscribGihexacfisesoutreandtqa:ipmentatvptved; Concert sound amplification� "- 7_ Add*+ess oz Iegaidescriproa af nOiSC souccc: Same as above 3. Noi:e source �ma of o�Crafiaa; 5: 30pm - 10: 30pm 9. Brisfly desc�lx tht sreps that will be taken to m;,,;,,+�>e tfie noise Ieveis: Sound levels will be kept within variance Limits and sound between acts will be reduced. 1{?, $riaffyStatozeasortfocserSanavariaace• Concert sound may exceed allowable limits 1I. Daus dur:ag which the vaiiaupe is reqntsud: Friday, August 29, 1947 g��. �*: � a` `=r �Sw:s ��yvv Return cotnpieted AppiStation and $15Q.00 fee to: CTTY` OF SAINT PAITL FNV�ONMg7TAL �iEALTH 350 Si: PET�R STRE.Ei', �`330 SAIIdT PAUL, MN 55102-15tU 256-9730 t)ffite Use flRFy �ce xm'� LEtviewcd Darc Pobtic NoPCC Swt Refemd to Cowxi! �fL5�:1� CITY OF SAINT PAL'L ?�'orm Coieman, Mayor July 14, 1997 Deaz St. Paul Property Owner: OPFICE OF LICE\SE, I�SPECTIO\S A\'D E�VIRO�'.v1�TALPROTECTIO\ � w � � /� I RaberlKessler,Director �! � � LOWRY PROFESSIONAL Telephone: 612-2669090 BUII1JLSrG Facsimi(e: 612-166�9099' Smte 300 611-1669124 350 St. Peter SYreet SaimPaul,Minnesoi¢ 55102-I510 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING This is to inform you of an appiication to request a variance from the sound level limitations as indicated in the St. Paul Noise Ordinance (Chapter 293 of the St. Paul Legislaave Code). A public hearing before the City Council on this variance request will be held on: Date: Auo st 6, 1997 T'une: 430 p.m. Locarion: 3rd Floor, City Hall Council Cham`xrs With±n fdteen (151 davs of tbe ma�t date on tftis notice written comments or obiecHons mav be Ciled with the City of St. Paul Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protec6on 350 St. Peter Suee[, Suite 300 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1510 Descrip�ion of Variance: Noise Source: ._ ... The St. Paul Saints Baseball Club has requested a sound level variance for a live music concert on Friday, August 29, 1997 from 5:30 p.m. to 1030 p.m Midway Stadium 1771 Energy Pazk Drive If you have an sno s, please feel free to call me at 266-9133. Yours y, s `Pe[er . Kishel Safety and Health Analyst � c: CouncIl Member Roberta Megazd Commander, Northwest Sector Police Community Organizer, Aamline Midway Coalition 3im Curran, Univezsity United Executive D'uector, Midway Chaznbez of Commezce Serry Gagner, Haznline Midway Coaliaoa President Scatt Moser President, St. Anthony Pazk Association President, St. Anthony Pazk Business Associadon Abby Struck, St. Anthony Park Commvnity Council Benita Tasselmyer, Haznline Midway Coalition Robett Wicker, H-MARC