97-967Council File # �� lr { Ordinance $ Green Sheet # �� OR4���°AL Presented By Referred To RESOLUTfON CITY OF SA{NT PAUL, MINNESOTA y�O ; Committee: Date 1 2 3 RESOLVED: That application (ID #85085) for an Auto Repair Garage Licsnse by lnter City Truck Service Inc. DBA Inter City Truck Service (Michaei Petrucci, President) at 649 Pelhazn Blvd be and the same is heaeby approved. 4 6 Y as a s Absent Requested by Department of: 7 B a e� P ` , � 8 Bost�roi[ _ off•rP f r• se Insoections and 9 Harris 10 e ar Env'ro�mental Protect+on 11 � a �: 12 T ane� V —�� i 3� Morton � / 15 \1 i�� / T /"''Z� 16 Adopted by Council: Date �� BY ' --- 17 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 Form Approved by City Attorney 20 21 By: � ��.�ti.�'�–._------------ � \ ( 22 � �Y��/�vr ,,.��r�-4J \�� c�--,�.ai.. - - - 23 Approved by Mayor: Date + LJ� � � 24 25 �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to 26 $Y: �_ Council 27 By: °t� �q�? �"]h n - i DEPo1RtMENTqFFICEICOUNGL DATE IMITIATED `} { � �} { LIEP/Licensing GREEN SHEE CONiACT PERSON 8 PHONE O DEPARTMENT DIREGTOR � CINCWPSCIL �NITIAVDATE Christine Rozek, 266-9108 nssicH 0 cmarroaNev � CIT'CLERK NUMBERF�R MUST BE ON COUNCILAGENDA BY (DA � G �/ pOUTING � BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES �IR. r'Or hearin : $' �p j l OflOEH �MAYOR(ORASSISTANT} � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CIIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SICaNATURE) AGTION REQUESTED: Inter City Truck Service Inc. DBA Inter City Truck Service requests Council approval of its application for an Auto Repair Garage License located at 649 Pelham Boulevard (ID �/85085). RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (9) PERSONAL SERYICE CONTPACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this personlfirm ever worked untler a crontract for this depar[menY? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever 6een a ciry employee� _ 57AFF — YES NO _ DIS7AIC7 COURi _ 3. Does this pereon/Firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciN employea? SUPPORTSWHICHC�UNCILOBJECTIVE? YES NO Expfain e!I yes enswers on seperate sheet anC attach to greon sheet INITIATiNG PROBLEM, SSUE, OPPOFTUNITY (Who. What. Whan, Where, Why): ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED. DISADVANTAGES IF APPRWED. DISADVANTRGES IF NOT APPROVED: s� : ��i �8�� su� � � ���� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIIdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FfNANCIAI INPoftFfATI�N (EXPLAIN) Greensheet# 37947 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 4J28j97 l in Tracker?_ 23 9T /WP'n Received / MP'n Processed Q7 -?G? License ID # 85085 License Type: � Auto Repair GaraQe COmpBny Name: Inter City Truck Service Inc_ DBA: Inter City Truck Service Business Addresss: 649 Pelham Blvd Business Phone: 646-7000 Contact NamelAddress:_Michael Petrucci. ll85 Pterce TPr Home Phone: 571-7916 Date to Council Public Hearing Notice Sern to Labels Ordered: �� District Council #: / � ,�1 I r1r%�d��, °`-',�" � f Notice Sent to Public: f O�F��� Ward #: r DepartmentJ Date Inspections Comments City Attomey �- �•`��- O•� • Environmentaf Hea{th .� ' Fire �•Z( �� .� ' License S�te a�an aece�ved:_ Lease Received: �-)t�-��'� ��� Police Jr"" '�'�� �•� . Zoning ����q� o�� � : � : ,�t w �<:F �i-:. ._;� :.4: _, ��` ° 1 +�;r _ a:asr _ _ : ._.. .. : � . .". . . ... .. � 'S''��.=���aC`.-�..'-:i�;.. �,. 3 ,. i M. ;:t .,;�.':.-; - , . .� ;.,"�""+5. ^:��.` .� ciASS rQ =: �:.� .c�:oFSAn� _ .:_ � - orr�orv�.�o,� -� ; . .. . __ ._ _�.�,. ° ,: ": . 5; L�GENSE APPLICATION �, � $� D � :. �� rt n , a �� no�� ,.��y q . . . �., - `.�s,����:—. a �;��- -�� ;•c: -�.,,.�.,�u,� ¢4y ,V - , . . _ - -. _�_ __ . _._- --�sa�aswsoracsu�zss.?cz� N���V� � AQR 9 g uo Fi� 9 T}p� of Liccnse(s) being app3ied for. Company:�ame: Ia� UUSID3S 35 ]➢CO�01'dL� Doinz Business .4s: _,(,11 Busioess Address: E7 ; THIS APPr ICAT30*F IS St3BTECTTORfi��' BY 7"f�PLBLIC , PLEASE TYPE OIZ PRINT II� LtiK - �a �� Au,� f�epaiv (xa�qe � 3 I 7,'� 6 ! Sole PmptiUOrzhip i _' _ '` c_"_'_'c __' Business Pnone: (�/'7 b 1 7��n SaGt Add::ss / / Cicy S[aw Zip Be:u'een a'haz cross s�eeu is tbe business lo`ated? 11�tt/�ct.5 �7 �' _T �`/F� Which sid. of the saeet? ���'� Ar> t;�e premis�<_ now' occupied? �i c' S R1tat T}'pe of Business? �-'/'�'/�%�� �� % ���;%'�� "� � �tail To ;4dd; ess: � `�I i ° �l <� r=, j3 �d�� ST' %�r � � //'iv � .,`-// % Svct ACdr�s Ci,y Sute �io Applicant Info.�matioa: xame ana ra�: /%i c%t. L/ �'h � tc f�r.'cccc �` /'«= S.�F-. r ' iust T.fiddle (T`.aidrn) L+A Tiu: � HomeAddress: //�S ��/� 'Ge T'�"/'� - �'./ /1�//s f''i�=' —_5"S�/J/ Svc;Ad'was Ciry Sute Zip Jaze of Binh: f `,�- �� Placx of Bi�-�h: 5 T r�=-� � Ho� ?hone: S// %9�� i3ave wu evec b�n con��icted of any felony, ai� o: viola[ion o; any city ordinance other than �affic? Y=..S ��O� vzte af arrest Coarge: _ Con�•iction: SenuDCe: List the na�s and residenccs of thrc persons of goo6 moral c�za;ter, li�'ing within tbe Twin Cives Meaa �z, noe relaced co the appiicant or fmanciatly intesested in t�e premises oi business, v.�ho may be refezied to ac to t6e applicant's character. NAME ADDRESS px�'`� list liceases which you cusendy hold, formezly peld, or may have aa interest in:, , Have auy of the above named licenses eva been revoked? _ YES � i30 If yes, list the datu �d teasons frn r�vocacion: _ � . � _. . Are yw go"sng to operate this businesa personally? X YES ,_� NO ff not, who will opuate it1 Fiiri I�attx �' h�.. CS42� (Maidea) ' -: - Lsst . 6ry Da�e oC Hitth . �p Pl+a+e NumSa + j . �.�� r1..�_ - . , y�ct ✓ i/l : �s v � 72Y � 3E � _ ::.°_- . .., -...x�:'.,_r.,. ...:;. ? ' ' } :..:_ %..�. ; : _ ��: y .:is'.. ""Kalae^e ,go�g w have a mana�erorazsistantin this busiaess? =��_�-YFS-. ��- �==lO=lf tlie rc the foltowing_infotmation_ _ : a�i�,� . -. � -�J� �r ,siN�mc Kddlcinival (�Saidrny .. . � . L^st .omc Addscss: S.'nxt'�urt Gry Please lisi your es�lo}�ent hiscory for rHe pre.•ious f ve (� }'ear period: Business/Emolovment Address �����c�f� Tr�=� E,�� �_;— _ "c.�- >"__r��� --- List atl other office.� of t6e cor�orerion: OFFiCEFZ TITLE HO?vtE AO�� BliSL'��SS DA� OF \��,tE (Qfiice 3eld) ADDRESS °[i0\E PHO\c nRTH /� � ��/G ��C'L'� /�e�'CGL'<< /���.$ �/�5 /iCi�c'E T.zila<c _5�7� �%/G 4%L �oc�. s '_,2�r'-%7 -� / r -.v= La/Ci. v13' �`�L.S����� 2-d�'��/ :f '�usiness is a �ac�e:ship, Qkue ia:?ude che rollowiag i;.ic.:,,aaon ior eacS oxcmer (use addidonal p2sea :f ne^essan ): rust \am- � -a:�ci� S:cztt�:.-,�e =ir,[ �ntnt :=c.�ne.ldd�cs.r. S¢eatia�e Ia ^ \tio9: :aival �tidd:c :^saal (�taidca) Ci.y (�tudcn) Ciry � . oS V i� _- f. _ _ .. .li., ' _ $tate ZiQ � DateofSinh � =i '_:=:; PhontN ��� ' ���,� 7 l,asi $�,r. !au State Da�e ot Birt6 Lp Phone `7u:nUer Da2 of Birth Z�iD ?SOne Yumbet !vLvTFSOT.� TAX IDE'�iT:?CaI'IOti �L�4IDER - Rusuant to che laws of.lTnnao[a. 1984, CSapru 502, Attide 8, S�aon 2(270.72) ('az Cear.wce; Lssuaace oPLicanses), licensing authori[ics uz ieqvired w provide to the Stau of'vTinnesota Commissioner of Revenue, che :�iinnesota business cax idencificatioa number and et�e sa-.ial sec:uiry numbei of each license apgGcant t nder the 2vfinnesota Govecn�nt Daza Pracrices Act and t6e Federal Pri�•acy r1d of 1974, me �re requited to advise you oi ibe foIIowing :e2arding the use of ;be .�I'innesota Tax Jdenrificaaon Number: - This infocmarion may be used to deny the issaance oc renewa! of yo�s license in t6e event you owe lvfinnesota sales, emQloyer s withholding or motar veSicle ezcise tazes; - Upon t�,,:.iving thit infom�ation, the licaaxing authority wilI supply it on[y to tha :vfwnuata DepatII�ent of Reveaa�. Aowever, under the Federdl Ecc3ange of Infoimarion Agreemeat ;Le Depazmrat of Revenue may suppiy dils infoimation to ct�e Intemat Revenue Savica _ . .. . � , . 4finneiota Taz Tdeariticarion tiumoers (SaSes & G'u Taz \umber} may brobuined imm tne Stau of.Svfnnesota. Busineu R�ords:. Department,lORivaParkPlaza(6t2-296-bi81): - ..� , - ._ - .. — .._._...._ ._ _�_._.__.._...__.. , _.. _ �.._.. - - -- �- - - �- -- - . Sociai Sxnnty,Nam6ec: . <., � -v .. , .. -, -_ . .. . . ... .. ---� c:�::c.- = -.. ,.., ... _ �a�:r���s�ti�r,� �1-ly8s�7� . �_... _._..._: .. _. _.. � If a ATnnesota Taz Iden�cazion Numixr is not cequired foi the busineu being opuated, indicat� w by plecing an "X` in d�e . : . . . , r:...;s._r ,_..: - .. _.. �boz.'-,.,-...._ , _: ,:. _ ... . _. .. ---- - . . .._. �,:_..___... � =--'---..._". . - - - ....,-�._- - . ,.��;::,}.;. . `�' ` . . . ,.. := T°��,:, w �c ",.f - .' _.._ : ..: ��" »� .,'� <-�.-, .._ ,, . � T � :.�.,.t�` , i�.e.cx.._— . ___ . . ._ __ .._ . ' .,.,....5�"' ��,�,r-.�..�:�z-,a..,..::;��_`K ,3 . ° . �i+.va .� ,. kiiCAR1'lt.t3n!�.araat= � .�,. �'?'._.._.. " �i �s7, '��a `''-�'�+`•)"�+�e Council File # �� lr { Ordinance $ Green Sheet # �� OR4���°AL Presented By Referred To RESOLUTfON CITY OF SA{NT PAUL, MINNESOTA y�O ; Committee: Date 1 2 3 RESOLVED: That application (ID #85085) for an Auto Repair Garage Licsnse by lnter City Truck Service Inc. DBA Inter City Truck Service (Michaei Petrucci, President) at 649 Pelhazn Blvd be and the same is heaeby approved. 4 6 Y as a s Absent Requested by Department of: 7 B a e� P ` , � 8 Bost�roi[ _ off•rP f r• se Insoections and 9 Harris 10 e ar Env'ro�mental Protect+on 11 � a �: 12 T ane� V —�� i 3� Morton � / 15 \1 i�� / T /"''Z� 16 Adopted by Council: Date �� BY ' --- 17 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 Form Approved by City Attorney 20 21 By: � ��.�ti.�'�–._------------ � \ ( 22 � �Y��/�vr ,,.��r�-4J \�� c�--,�.ai.. - - - 23 Approved by Mayor: Date + LJ� � � 24 25 �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to 26 $Y: �_ Council 27 By: °t� �q�? �"]h n - i DEPo1RtMENTqFFICEICOUNGL DATE IMITIATED `} { � �} { LIEP/Licensing GREEN SHEE CONiACT PERSON 8 PHONE O DEPARTMENT DIREGTOR � CINCWPSCIL �NITIAVDATE Christine Rozek, 266-9108 nssicH 0 cmarroaNev � CIT'CLERK NUMBERF�R MUST BE ON COUNCILAGENDA BY (DA � G �/ pOUTING � BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES �IR. r'Or hearin : $' �p j l OflOEH �MAYOR(ORASSISTANT} � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CIIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SICaNATURE) AGTION REQUESTED: Inter City Truck Service Inc. DBA Inter City Truck Service requests Council approval of its application for an Auto Repair Garage License located at 649 Pelham Boulevard (ID �/85085). RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (9) PERSONAL SERYICE CONTPACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this personlfirm ever worked untler a crontract for this depar[menY? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever 6een a ciry employee� _ 57AFF — YES NO _ DIS7AIC7 COURi _ 3. Does this pereon/Firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciN employea? SUPPORTSWHICHC�UNCILOBJECTIVE? YES NO Expfain e!I yes enswers on seperate sheet anC attach to greon sheet INITIATiNG PROBLEM, SSUE, OPPOFTUNITY (Who. What. Whan, Where, Why): ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED. DISADVANTAGES IF APPRWED. DISADVANTRGES IF NOT APPROVED: s� : ��i �8�� su� � � ���� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIIdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FfNANCIAI INPoftFfATI�N (EXPLAIN) Greensheet# 37947 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 4J28j97 l in Tracker?_ 23 9T /WP'n Received / MP'n Processed Q7 -?G? License ID # 85085 License Type: � Auto Repair GaraQe COmpBny Name: Inter City Truck Service Inc_ DBA: Inter City Truck Service Business Addresss: 649 Pelham Blvd Business Phone: 646-7000 Contact NamelAddress:_Michael Petrucci. ll85 Pterce TPr Home Phone: 571-7916 Date to Council Public Hearing Notice Sern to Labels Ordered: �� District Council #: / � ,�1 I r1r%�d��, °`-',�" � f Notice Sent to Public: f O�F��� Ward #: r DepartmentJ Date Inspections Comments City Attomey �- �•`��- O•� • Environmentaf Hea{th .� ' Fire �•Z( �� .� ' License S�te a�an aece�ved:_ Lease Received: �-)t�-��'� ��� Police Jr"" '�'�� �•� . Zoning ����q� o�� � : � : ,�t w �<:F �i-:. ._;� :.4: _, ��` ° 1 +�;r _ a:asr _ _ : ._.. .. : � . .". . . ... .. � 'S''��.=���aC`.-�..'-:i�;.. �,. 3 ,. i M. ;:t .,;�.':.-; - , . .� ;.,"�""+5. ^:��.` .� ciASS rQ =: �:.� .c�:oFSAn� _ .:_ � - orr�orv�.�o,� -� ; . .. . __ ._ _�.�,. ° ,: ": . 5; L�GENSE APPLICATION �, � $� D � :. �� rt n , a �� no�� ,.��y q . . . �., - `.�s,����:—. a �;��- -�� ;•c: -�.,,.�.,�u,� ¢4y ,V - , . . _ - -. _�_ __ . _._- --�sa�aswsoracsu�zss.?cz� N���V� � AQR 9 g uo Fi� 9 T}p� of Liccnse(s) being app3ied for. Company:�ame: Ia� UUSID3S 35 ]➢CO�01'dL� Doinz Business .4s: _,(,11 Busioess Address: E7 ; THIS APPr ICAT30*F IS St3BTECTTORfi��' BY 7"f�PLBLIC , PLEASE TYPE OIZ PRINT II� LtiK - �a �� Au,� f�epaiv (xa�qe � 3 I 7,'� 6 ! Sole PmptiUOrzhip i _' _ '` c_"_'_'c __' Business Pnone: (�/'7 b 1 7��n SaGt Add::ss / / Cicy S[aw Zip Be:u'een a'haz cross s�eeu is tbe business lo`ated? 11�tt/�ct.5 �7 �' _T �`/F� Which sid. of the saeet? ���'� Ar> t;�e premis�<_ now' occupied? �i c' S R1tat T}'pe of Business? �-'/'�'/�%�� �� % ���;%'�� "� � �tail To ;4dd; ess: � `�I i ° �l <� r=, j3 �d�� ST' %�r � � //'iv � .,`-// % Svct ACdr�s Ci,y Sute �io Applicant Info.�matioa: xame ana ra�: /%i c%t. L/ �'h � tc f�r.'cccc �` /'«= S.�F-. r ' iust T.fiddle (T`.aidrn) L+A Tiu: � HomeAddress: //�S ��/� 'Ge T'�"/'� - �'./ /1�//s f''i�=' —_5"S�/J/ Svc;Ad'was Ciry Sute Zip Jaze of Binh: f `,�- �� Placx of Bi�-�h: 5 T r�=-� � Ho� ?hone: S// %9�� i3ave wu evec b�n con��icted of any felony, ai� o: viola[ion o; any city ordinance other than �affic? Y=..S ��O� vzte af arrest Coarge: _ Con�•iction: SenuDCe: List the na�s and residenccs of thrc persons of goo6 moral c�za;ter, li�'ing within tbe Twin Cives Meaa �z, noe relaced co the appiicant or fmanciatly intesested in t�e premises oi business, v.�ho may be refezied to ac to t6e applicant's character. NAME ADDRESS px�'`� list liceases which you cusendy hold, formezly peld, or may have aa interest in:, , Have auy of the above named licenses eva been revoked? _ YES � i30 If yes, list the datu �d teasons frn r�vocacion: _ � . � _. . Are yw go"sng to operate this businesa personally? X YES ,_� NO ff not, who will opuate it1 Fiiri I�attx �' h�.. CS42� (Maidea) ' -: - Lsst . 6ry Da�e oC Hitth . �p Pl+a+e NumSa + j . �.�� r1..�_ - . , y�ct ✓ i/l : �s v � 72Y � 3E � _ ::.°_- . .., -...x�:'.,_r.,. ...:;. ? ' ' } :..:_ %..�. ; : _ ��: y .:is'.. ""Kalae^e ,go�g w have a mana�erorazsistantin this busiaess? =��_�-YFS-. ��- �==lO=lf tlie rc the foltowing_infotmation_ _ : a�i�,� . -. � -�J� �r ,siN�mc Kddlcinival (�Saidrny .. . � . L^st .omc Addscss: S.'nxt'�urt Gry Please lisi your es�lo}�ent hiscory for rHe pre.•ious f ve (� }'ear period: Business/Emolovment Address �����c�f� Tr�=� E,�� �_;— _ "c.�- >"__r��� --- List atl other office.� of t6e cor�orerion: OFFiCEFZ TITLE HO?vtE AO�� BliSL'��SS DA� OF \��,tE (Qfiice 3eld) ADDRESS °[i0\E PHO\c nRTH /� � ��/G ��C'L'� /�e�'CGL'<< /���.$ �/�5 /iCi�c'E T.zila<c _5�7� �%/G 4%L �oc�. s '_,2�r'-%7 -� / r -.v= La/Ci. v13' �`�L.S����� 2-d�'��/ :f '�usiness is a �ac�e:ship, Qkue ia:?ude che rollowiag i;.ic.:,,aaon ior eacS oxcmer (use addidonal p2sea :f ne^essan ): rust \am- � -a:�ci� S:cztt�:.-,�e =ir,[ �ntnt :=c.�ne.ldd�cs.r. S¢eatia�e Ia ^ \tio9: :aival �tidd:c :^saal (�taidca) Ci.y (�tudcn) Ciry � . oS V i� _- f. _ _ .. .li., ' _ $tate ZiQ � DateofSinh � =i '_:=:; PhontN ��� ' ���,� 7 l,asi $�,r. !au State Da�e ot Birt6 Lp Phone `7u:nUer Da2 of Birth Z�iD ?SOne Yumbet !vLvTFSOT.� TAX IDE'�iT:?CaI'IOti �L�4IDER - Rusuant to che laws of.lTnnao[a. 1984, CSapru 502, Attide 8, S�aon 2(270.72) ('az Cear.wce; Lssuaace oPLicanses), licensing authori[ics uz ieqvired w provide to the Stau of'vTinnesota Commissioner of Revenue, che :�iinnesota business cax idencificatioa number and et�e sa-.ial sec:uiry numbei of each license apgGcant t nder the 2vfinnesota Govecn�nt Daza Pracrices Act and t6e Federal Pri�•acy r1d of 1974, me �re requited to advise you oi ibe foIIowing :e2arding the use of ;be .�I'innesota Tax Jdenrificaaon Number: - This infocmarion may be used to deny the issaance oc renewa! of yo�s license in t6e event you owe lvfinnesota sales, emQloyer s withholding or motar veSicle ezcise tazes; - Upon t�,,:.iving thit infom�ation, the licaaxing authority wilI supply it on[y to tha :vfwnuata DepatII�ent of Reveaa�. Aowever, under the Federdl Ecc3ange of Infoimarion Agreemeat ;Le Depazmrat of Revenue may suppiy dils infoimation to ct�e Intemat Revenue Savica _ . .. . � , . 4finneiota Taz Tdeariticarion tiumoers (SaSes & G'u Taz \umber} may brobuined imm tne Stau of.Svfnnesota. Busineu R�ords:. Department,lORivaParkPlaza(6t2-296-bi81): - ..� , - ._ - .. — .._._...._ ._ _�_._.__.._...__.. , _.. _ �.._.. - - -- �- - - �- -- - . Sociai Sxnnty,Nam6ec: . <., � -v .. , .. -, -_ . .. . . ... .. ---� c:�::c.- = -.. ,.., ... _ �a�:r���s�ti�r,� �1-ly8s�7� . �_... _._..._: .. _. _.. � If a ATnnesota Taz Iden�cazion Numixr is not cequired foi the busineu being opuated, indicat� w by plecing an "X` in d�e . : . . . , r:...;s._r ,_..: - .. _.. �boz.'-,.,-...._ , _: ,:. _ ... . _. .. ---- - . . .._. �,:_..___... � =--'---..._". . - - - ....,-�._- - . ,.��;::,}.;. . `�' ` . . . ,.. := T°��,:, w �c ",.f - .' _.._ : ..: ��" »� .,'� <-�.-, .._ ,, . � T � :.�.,.t�` , i�.e.cx.._— . ___ . . ._ __ .._ . ' .,.,....5�"' ��,�,r-.�..�:�z-,a..,..::;��_`K ,3 . ° . �i+.va .� ,. kiiCAR1'lt.t3n!�.araat= � .�,. �'?'._.._.. " �i �s7, '��a `''-�'�+`•)"�+�e Council File # �� lr { Ordinance $ Green Sheet # �� OR4���°AL Presented By Referred To RESOLUTfON CITY OF SA{NT PAUL, MINNESOTA y�O ; Committee: Date 1 2 3 RESOLVED: That application (ID #85085) for an Auto Repair Garage Licsnse by lnter City Truck Service Inc. DBA Inter City Truck Service (Michaei Petrucci, President) at 649 Pelhazn Blvd be and the same is heaeby approved. 4 6 Y as a s Absent Requested by Department of: 7 B a e� P ` , � 8 Bost�roi[ _ off•rP f r• se Insoections and 9 Harris 10 e ar Env'ro�mental Protect+on 11 � a �: 12 T ane� V —�� i 3� Morton � / 15 \1 i�� / T /"''Z� 16 Adopted by Council: Date �� BY ' --- 17 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 Form Approved by City Attorney 20 21 By: � ��.�ti.�'�–._------------ � \ ( 22 � �Y��/�vr ,,.��r�-4J \�� c�--,�.ai.. - - - 23 Approved by Mayor: Date + LJ� � � 24 25 �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to 26 $Y: �_ Council 27 By: °t� �q�? �"]h n - i DEPo1RtMENTqFFICEICOUNGL DATE IMITIATED `} { � �} { LIEP/Licensing GREEN SHEE CONiACT PERSON 8 PHONE O DEPARTMENT DIREGTOR � CINCWPSCIL �NITIAVDATE Christine Rozek, 266-9108 nssicH 0 cmarroaNev � CIT'CLERK NUMBERF�R MUST BE ON COUNCILAGENDA BY (DA � G �/ pOUTING � BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES �IR. r'Or hearin : $' �p j l OflOEH �MAYOR(ORASSISTANT} � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CIIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SICaNATURE) AGTION REQUESTED: Inter City Truck Service Inc. DBA Inter City Truck Service requests Council approval of its application for an Auto Repair Garage License located at 649 Pelham Boulevard (ID �/85085). RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (9) PERSONAL SERYICE CONTPACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this personlfirm ever worked untler a crontract for this depar[menY? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever 6een a ciry employee� _ 57AFF — YES NO _ DIS7AIC7 COURi _ 3. Does this pereon/Firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciN employea? SUPPORTSWHICHC�UNCILOBJECTIVE? YES NO Expfain e!I yes enswers on seperate sheet anC attach to greon sheet INITIATiNG PROBLEM, SSUE, OPPOFTUNITY (Who. What. Whan, Where, Why): ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED. DISADVANTAGES IF APPRWED. DISADVANTRGES IF NOT APPROVED: s� : ��i �8�� su� � � ���� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIIdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FfNANCIAI INPoftFfATI�N (EXPLAIN) Greensheet# 37947 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 4J28j97 l in Tracker?_ 23 9T /WP'n Received / MP'n Processed Q7 -?G? License ID # 85085 License Type: � Auto Repair GaraQe COmpBny Name: Inter City Truck Service Inc_ DBA: Inter City Truck Service Business Addresss: 649 Pelham Blvd Business Phone: 646-7000 Contact NamelAddress:_Michael Petrucci. ll85 Pterce TPr Home Phone: 571-7916 Date to Council Public Hearing Notice Sern to Labels Ordered: �� District Council #: / � ,�1 I r1r%�d��, °`-',�" � f Notice Sent to Public: f O�F��� Ward #: r DepartmentJ Date Inspections Comments City Attomey �- �•`��- O•� • Environmentaf Hea{th .� ' Fire �•Z( �� .� ' License S�te a�an aece�ved:_ Lease Received: �-)t�-��'� ��� Police Jr"" '�'�� �•� . Zoning ����q� o�� � : � : ,�t w �<:F �i-:. ._;� :.4: _, ��` ° 1 +�;r _ a:asr _ _ : ._.. .. : � . .". . . ... .. � 'S''��.=���aC`.-�..'-:i�;.. �,. 3 ,. i M. ;:t .,;�.':.-; - , . .� ;.,"�""+5. ^:��.` .� ciASS rQ =: �:.� .c�:oFSAn� _ .:_ � - orr�orv�.�o,� -� ; . .. . __ ._ _�.�,. ° ,: ": . 5; L�GENSE APPLICATION �, � $� D � :. �� rt n , a �� no�� ,.��y q . . . �., - `.�s,����:—. a �;��- -�� ;•c: -�.,,.�.,�u,� ¢4y ,V - , . . _ - -. _�_ __ . _._- --�sa�aswsoracsu�zss.?cz� N���V� � AQR 9 g uo Fi� 9 T}p� of Liccnse(s) being app3ied for. Company:�ame: Ia� UUSID3S 35 ]➢CO�01'dL� Doinz Business .4s: _,(,11 Busioess Address: E7 ; THIS APPr ICAT30*F IS St3BTECTTORfi��' BY 7"f�PLBLIC , PLEASE TYPE OIZ PRINT II� LtiK - �a �� Au,� f�epaiv (xa�qe � 3 I 7,'� 6 ! Sole PmptiUOrzhip i _' _ '` c_"_'_'c __' Business Pnone: (�/'7 b 1 7��n SaGt Add::ss / / Cicy S[aw Zip Be:u'een a'haz cross s�eeu is tbe business lo`ated? 11�tt/�ct.5 �7 �' _T �`/F� Which sid. of the saeet? ���'� Ar> t;�e premis�<_ now' occupied? �i c' S R1tat T}'pe of Business? �-'/'�'/�%�� �� % ���;%'�� "� � �tail To ;4dd; ess: � `�I i ° �l <� r=, j3 �d�� ST' %�r � � //'iv � .,`-// % Svct ACdr�s Ci,y Sute �io Applicant Info.�matioa: xame ana ra�: /%i c%t. L/ �'h � tc f�r.'cccc �` /'«= S.�F-. r ' iust T.fiddle (T`.aidrn) L+A Tiu: � HomeAddress: //�S ��/� 'Ge T'�"/'� - �'./ /1�//s f''i�=' —_5"S�/J/ Svc;Ad'was Ciry Sute Zip Jaze of Binh: f `,�- �� Placx of Bi�-�h: 5 T r�=-� � Ho� ?hone: S// %9�� i3ave wu evec b�n con��icted of any felony, ai� o: viola[ion o; any city ordinance other than �affic? Y=..S ��O� vzte af arrest Coarge: _ Con�•iction: SenuDCe: List the na�s and residenccs of thrc persons of goo6 moral c�za;ter, li�'ing within tbe Twin Cives Meaa �z, noe relaced co the appiicant or fmanciatly intesested in t�e premises oi business, v.�ho may be refezied to ac to t6e applicant's character. NAME ADDRESS px�'`� list liceases which you cusendy hold, formezly peld, or may have aa interest in:, , Have auy of the above named licenses eva been revoked? _ YES � i30 If yes, list the datu �d teasons frn r�vocacion: _ � . � _. . Are yw go"sng to operate this businesa personally? X YES ,_� NO ff not, who will opuate it1 Fiiri I�attx �' h�.. CS42� (Maidea) ' -: - Lsst . 6ry Da�e oC Hitth . �p Pl+a+e NumSa + j . �.�� r1..�_ - . , y�ct ✓ i/l : �s v � 72Y � 3E � _ ::.°_- . .., -...x�:'.,_r.,. ...:;. ? ' ' } :..:_ %..�. ; : _ ��: y .:is'.. ""Kalae^e ,go�g w have a mana�erorazsistantin this busiaess? =��_�-YFS-. ��- �==lO=lf tlie rc the foltowing_infotmation_ _ : a�i�,� . -. � -�J� �r ,siN�mc Kddlcinival (�Saidrny .. . � . L^st .omc Addscss: S.'nxt'�urt Gry Please lisi your es�lo}�ent hiscory for rHe pre.•ious f ve (� }'ear period: Business/Emolovment Address �����c�f� Tr�=� E,�� �_;— _ "c.�- >"__r��� --- List atl other office.� of t6e cor�orerion: OFFiCEFZ TITLE HO?vtE AO�� BliSL'��SS DA� OF \��,tE (Qfiice 3eld) ADDRESS °[i0\E PHO\c nRTH /� � ��/G ��C'L'� /�e�'CGL'<< /���.$ �/�5 /iCi�c'E T.zila<c _5�7� �%/G 4%L �oc�. s '_,2�r'-%7 -� / r -.v= La/Ci. v13' �`�L.S����� 2-d�'��/ :f '�usiness is a �ac�e:ship, Qkue ia:?ude che rollowiag i;.ic.:,,aaon ior eacS oxcmer (use addidonal p2sea :f ne^essan ): rust \am- � -a:�ci� S:cztt�:.-,�e =ir,[ �ntnt :=c.�ne.ldd�cs.r. S¢eatia�e Ia ^ \tio9: :aival �tidd:c :^saal (�taidca) Ci.y (�tudcn) Ciry � . oS V i� _- f. _ _ .. .li., ' _ $tate ZiQ � DateofSinh � =i '_:=:; PhontN ��� ' ���,� 7 l,asi $�,r. !au State Da�e ot Birt6 Lp Phone `7u:nUer Da2 of Birth Z�iD ?SOne Yumbet !vLvTFSOT.� TAX IDE'�iT:?CaI'IOti �L�4IDER - Rusuant to che laws of.lTnnao[a. 1984, CSapru 502, Attide 8, S�aon 2(270.72) ('az Cear.wce; Lssuaace oPLicanses), licensing authori[ics uz ieqvired w provide to the Stau of'vTinnesota Commissioner of Revenue, che :�iinnesota business cax idencificatioa number and et�e sa-.ial sec:uiry numbei of each license apgGcant t nder the 2vfinnesota Govecn�nt Daza Pracrices Act and t6e Federal Pri�•acy r1d of 1974, me �re requited to advise you oi ibe foIIowing :e2arding the use of ;be .�I'innesota Tax Jdenrificaaon Number: - This infocmarion may be used to deny the issaance oc renewa! of yo�s license in t6e event you owe lvfinnesota sales, emQloyer s withholding or motar veSicle ezcise tazes; - Upon t�,,:.iving thit infom�ation, the licaaxing authority wilI supply it on[y to tha :vfwnuata DepatII�ent of Reveaa�. Aowever, under the Federdl Ecc3ange of Infoimarion Agreemeat ;Le Depazmrat of Revenue may suppiy dils infoimation to ct�e Intemat Revenue Savica _ . .. . � , . 4finneiota Taz Tdeariticarion tiumoers (SaSes & G'u Taz \umber} may brobuined imm tne Stau of.Svfnnesota. Busineu R�ords:. Department,lORivaParkPlaza(6t2-296-bi81): - ..� , - ._ - .. — .._._...._ ._ _�_._.__.._...__.. , _.. _ �.._.. - - -- �- - - �- -- - . Sociai Sxnnty,Nam6ec: . <., � -v .. , .. -, -_ . .. . . ... .. ---� c:�::c.- = -.. ,.., ... _ �a�:r���s�ti�r,� �1-ly8s�7� . �_... _._..._: .. _. _.. � If a ATnnesota Taz Iden�cazion Numixr is not cequired foi the busineu being opuated, indicat� w by plecing an "X` in d�e . : . . . , r:...;s._r ,_..: - .. _.. �boz.'-,.,-...._ , _: ,:. _ ... . _. .. ---- - . . .._. �,:_..___... � =--'---..._". . - - - ....,-�._- - . ,.��;::,}.;. . `�' ` . . . ,.. := T°��,:, w �c ",.f - .' _.._ : ..: ��" »� .,'� <-�.-, .._ ,, . � T � :.�.,.t�` , i�.e.cx.._— . ___ . . ._ __ .._ . ' .,.,....5�"' ��,�,r-.�..�:�z-,a..,..::;��_`K ,3 . ° . �i+.va .� ,. kiiCAR1'lt.t3n!�.araat= � .�,. �'?'._.._.. " �i �s7, '��a `''-�'�+`•)"�+�e