97-955�-^. r'z � � F ?� � �_: ; T� Presented By: RESaLUTION ;AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Referred To: � \ �" Committee: Date , WHEREAS, The City o int Paul has indicated support for a transitway in the Riverview Gorridor s extending from downtown Saint Paul to the Minneapolis/Saint Paul Intemational Airport and the Mall a ofAmerica: and a s WHEREAS, The first phase of work on the corridor is the preparation of a Corridor Sudy to address in s a preliminary manner the alignmerits and transit altematives for the corridor, and � a WHEREAS, Land use in the corridor wili be a major element of corridor studies and Saint Pau! staff s are assisting in that element of work; and io ii WHEREAS, Support for this project has been recieved from the Metropolitian Council, the Ramsey ix County Regional Railroad Authority, the Ramsey County Legislative Delegation, the Minnesota �a Department of Transportation, the Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce, the Saint Paui Port in Authority and others; and u �s WHEREAS, a request for poposals was issued and consultant costs for the Corridor Study will be n$115,000 of which Saint Paul's share is $15,000; and 18 is WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to sec. 10.07.01 of the city charter, recommends the following changes zo to the 1997 budget: z� Currerrt Amended zz Budget Change Budget za FINANGING PLANc za Department of Planning and Economic Developement zs Saint Paul's share of Riverview Transit Corridor Study zs GL 130 36100 9830 Use of Fund Balance 187,483 15,000 202,483 z� Allotherspending 5,108,169 0 5,108,169 za Total 5,295,652 15,000 5,310,652 zs ao SPENDING PLAN: a, Department of Planning and Economic Developement �z Saint Paul's share of Riverview Transit Corridor Study 33 Gl 130 36100 0219 Fees-Other Professnl Srvc 30,OOD 15,000 45,000 aa Ail other spending 5,265,652 0 5,265,652 ss 7otal 5,295,652 15,000 5,310,652 ss a7 RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 1997 budget. 38 Reauested bv Deoartment of: By: Adopted by Council: Date ��� �!'}� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: By: � �, R � / Approved by Mayor: Date ��l S( �— By: � By: Form �a�n�,� F,�e # 9'1- q 55 GreenShcet# 32613 oZ� l by Budget n Directo , � �. t C�.c Appr ved by mission to Council: By: Sa1�M1PaMBWB���IH:1\\1p�d�\ RTCSIUOY.YM41 muant neean�rntetrrrot�c�comvca owrewma'ren q� � q�. ExecutiveAdministration-Mayor'sOffice 07-18-97 GREEN SH No. 32613 CONiACTPERSON&PHONE OI DEPARiMEN'fDptECIVR �5 CItYCAUN(:CII, Pam Wheelock 266-6655 ,�� � cm�nrrow�v � cnvc�.� MOSfBEONCOUNN,AGR.DABY(DA'I'E) � O BVDGEfD➢tECfOR a tW.&M4T.SERVICFSDpt h41Y0R(OAASSLSt � CE@FqCCOUNfPNi TOTAL # OF 5IGNAT[JRE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACISON REQ[IYS1fD Approve the attached budget arnendment to the Pazking & Transit Fund so that Saint Paui can participate in the Riverview Transit Corridor Study with other government agencies. eECOnm�anAIIONS:npp�ovx(q)orRejea(x) I PERSONAI,SERVICECONI'RAC7'SMI7STANSWERTHEFOLIAWINGQUE5ITONS: PLANNfNGCOMA953IOx _CIYR,SERVtCECOMA515S50N I.H855hi5peYSOnH�vIDeV¢iwoek¢dlmdCCacoLllec[TOrYniSde�lattmenC? C� COMI.RlR� _ YES NO n_srnt't� _ 2. Has 11vs persodfi}m ever been a ciry employee? _nu _ YES NO sueroars wwcx couNCa ostscme? 3. Does tLis persoa/finn possess a skill not normally possessed by any curreut city employee? YFS NO (Explain all yes auswers on separate sheet aod attach to greeu sheet) MfffA'L4.G PROBI.EM, [SSUE, OP40&iUN[tY (l4hq Whae, WMq Where, Why). funending the 1997 budget will allow Saint Paul to financially participate with Raznsey County, Hennepin County and the Metropolitan Councii in a scoping study of the Riverview Corridor Transihvay. � :�w ��� �` `�� '`v�, r, � ��Y�' Jt1t, � 3 1�57 ; �.,� u A�YANTAGESLL+APPROVEO� � �i� � � 1� C1 - The scoping study of preliminary alignments and transit alternatives for the Corsidor further supports the efforts of Ramsey�� n, � County Regional Railroad Authority, the Ramsey County legislative delegarion, the Minnesota Department of Transpor[ation, the Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce, the Saint Port Authoriry, and others who have been working on and supporting this initiative. DISADVAM'AGES @ APPROYEO, None. �,�)�� , �� � �,�°���° �, ,,�! �: ^ ;��:v7 �. DISMVAN"CAGE$ OF NOT ApPRO V ED. Ramsey County Regional Rail Authoriry would be forced to locate this funding elsewhere which could possibly strain the working relafionship and cooperative efforts of the parhiership in this initiative. TOTALAMOI)MI'OF]'Rq1iSpCi'(ON _� 15 000 cosrmeverroeauucareucaxca,�om� rns � ����A� Parking & Transit Fund AC„�,��� GL - 13 - 3 100 s¢vrwcw.nvEOxm.anoca: cIXri,n��� . SailrtPaulBUdgetORfce�H:llllpstlll RTCSNDY.WKO) O]M�I9] �-^. r'z � � F ?� � �_: ; T� Presented By: RESaLUTION ;AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Referred To: � \ �" Committee: Date , WHEREAS, The City o int Paul has indicated support for a transitway in the Riverview Gorridor s extending from downtown Saint Paul to the Minneapolis/Saint Paul Intemational Airport and the Mall a ofAmerica: and a s WHEREAS, The first phase of work on the corridor is the preparation of a Corridor Sudy to address in s a preliminary manner the alignmerits and transit altematives for the corridor, and � a WHEREAS, Land use in the corridor wili be a major element of corridor studies and Saint Pau! staff s are assisting in that element of work; and io ii WHEREAS, Support for this project has been recieved from the Metropolitian Council, the Ramsey ix County Regional Railroad Authority, the Ramsey County Legislative Delegation, the Minnesota �a Department of Transportation, the Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce, the Saint Paui Port in Authority and others; and u �s WHEREAS, a request for poposals was issued and consultant costs for the Corridor Study will be n$115,000 of which Saint Paul's share is $15,000; and 18 is WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to sec. 10.07.01 of the city charter, recommends the following changes zo to the 1997 budget: z� Currerrt Amended zz Budget Change Budget za FINANGING PLANc za Department of Planning and Economic Developement zs Saint Paul's share of Riverview Transit Corridor Study zs GL 130 36100 9830 Use of Fund Balance 187,483 15,000 202,483 z� Allotherspending 5,108,169 0 5,108,169 za Total 5,295,652 15,000 5,310,652 zs ao SPENDING PLAN: a, Department of Planning and Economic Developement �z Saint Paul's share of Riverview Transit Corridor Study 33 Gl 130 36100 0219 Fees-Other Professnl Srvc 30,OOD 15,000 45,000 aa Ail other spending 5,265,652 0 5,265,652 ss 7otal 5,295,652 15,000 5,310,652 ss a7 RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 1997 budget. 38 Reauested bv Deoartment of: By: Adopted by Council: Date ��� �!'}� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: By: � �, R � / Approved by Mayor: Date ��l S( �— By: � By: Form �a�n�,� F,�e # 9'1- q 55 GreenShcet# 32613 oZ� l by Budget n Directo , � �. t C�.c Appr ved by mission to Council: By: Sa1�M1PaMBWB���IH:1\\1p�d�\ RTCSIUOY.YM41 muant neean�rntetrrrot�c�comvca owrewma'ren q� � q�. ExecutiveAdministration-Mayor'sOffice 07-18-97 GREEN SH No. 32613 CONiACTPERSON&PHONE OI DEPARiMEN'fDptECIVR �5 CItYCAUN(:CII, Pam Wheelock 266-6655 ,�� � cm�nrrow�v � cnvc�.� MOSfBEONCOUNN,AGR.DABY(DA'I'E) � O BVDGEfD➢tECfOR a tW.&M4T.SERVICFSDpt h41Y0R(OAASSLSt � CE@FqCCOUNfPNi TOTAL # OF 5IGNAT[JRE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACISON REQ[IYS1fD Approve the attached budget arnendment to the Pazking & Transit Fund so that Saint Paui can participate in the Riverview Transit Corridor Study with other government agencies. eECOnm�anAIIONS:npp�ovx(q)orRejea(x) I PERSONAI,SERVICECONI'RAC7'SMI7STANSWERTHEFOLIAWINGQUE5ITONS: PLANNfNGCOMA953IOx _CIYR,SERVtCECOMA515S50N I.H855hi5peYSOnH�vIDeV¢iwoek¢dlmdCCacoLllec[TOrYniSde�lattmenC? C� COMI.RlR� _ YES NO n_srnt't� _ 2. Has 11vs persodfi}m ever been a ciry employee? _nu _ YES NO sueroars wwcx couNCa ostscme? 3. Does tLis persoa/finn possess a skill not normally possessed by any curreut city employee? YFS NO (Explain all yes auswers on separate sheet aod attach to greeu sheet) MfffA'L4.G PROBI.EM, [SSUE, OP40&iUN[tY (l4hq Whae, WMq Where, Why). funending the 1997 budget will allow Saint Paul to financially participate with Raznsey County, Hennepin County and the Metropolitan Councii in a scoping study of the Riverview Corridor Transihvay. � :�w ��� �` `�� '`v�, r, � ��Y�' Jt1t, � 3 1�57 ; �.,� u A�YANTAGESLL+APPROVEO� � �i� � � 1� C1 - The scoping study of preliminary alignments and transit alternatives for the Corsidor further supports the efforts of Ramsey�� n, � County Regional Railroad Authority, the Ramsey County legislative delegarion, the Minnesota Department of Transpor[ation, the Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce, the Saint Port Authoriry, and others who have been working on and supporting this initiative. DISADVAM'AGES @ APPROYEO, None. �,�)�� , �� � �,�°���° �, ,,�! �: ^ ;��:v7 �. DISMVAN"CAGE$ OF NOT ApPRO V ED. Ramsey County Regional Rail Authoriry would be forced to locate this funding elsewhere which could possibly strain the working relafionship and cooperative efforts of the parhiership in this initiative. TOTALAMOI)MI'OF]'Rq1iSpCi'(ON _� 15 000 cosrmeverroeauucareucaxca,�om� rns � ����A� Parking & Transit Fund AC„�,��� GL - 13 - 3 100 s¢vrwcw.nvEOxm.anoca: cIXri,n��� . SailrtPaulBUdgetORfce�H:llllpstlll RTCSNDY.WKO) O]M�I9] �-^. r'z � � F ?� � �_: ; T� Presented By: RESaLUTION ;AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Referred To: � \ �" Committee: Date , WHEREAS, The City o int Paul has indicated support for a transitway in the Riverview Gorridor s extending from downtown Saint Paul to the Minneapolis/Saint Paul Intemational Airport and the Mall a ofAmerica: and a s WHEREAS, The first phase of work on the corridor is the preparation of a Corridor Sudy to address in s a preliminary manner the alignmerits and transit altematives for the corridor, and � a WHEREAS, Land use in the corridor wili be a major element of corridor studies and Saint Pau! staff s are assisting in that element of work; and io ii WHEREAS, Support for this project has been recieved from the Metropolitian Council, the Ramsey ix County Regional Railroad Authority, the Ramsey County Legislative Delegation, the Minnesota �a Department of Transportation, the Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce, the Saint Paui Port in Authority and others; and u �s WHEREAS, a request for poposals was issued and consultant costs for the Corridor Study will be n$115,000 of which Saint Paul's share is $15,000; and 18 is WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to sec. 10.07.01 of the city charter, recommends the following changes zo to the 1997 budget: z� Currerrt Amended zz Budget Change Budget za FINANGING PLANc za Department of Planning and Economic Developement zs Saint Paul's share of Riverview Transit Corridor Study zs GL 130 36100 9830 Use of Fund Balance 187,483 15,000 202,483 z� Allotherspending 5,108,169 0 5,108,169 za Total 5,295,652 15,000 5,310,652 zs ao SPENDING PLAN: a, Department of Planning and Economic Developement �z Saint Paul's share of Riverview Transit Corridor Study 33 Gl 130 36100 0219 Fees-Other Professnl Srvc 30,OOD 15,000 45,000 aa Ail other spending 5,265,652 0 5,265,652 ss 7otal 5,295,652 15,000 5,310,652 ss a7 RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 1997 budget. 38 Reauested bv Deoartment of: By: Adopted by Council: Date ��� �!'}� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: By: � �, R � / Approved by Mayor: Date ��l S( �— By: � By: Form �a�n�,� F,�e # 9'1- q 55 GreenShcet# 32613 oZ� l by Budget n Directo , � �. t C�.c Appr ved by mission to Council: By: Sa1�M1PaMBWB���IH:1\\1p�d�\ RTCSIUOY.YM41 muant neean�rntetrrrot�c�comvca owrewma'ren q� � q�. ExecutiveAdministration-Mayor'sOffice 07-18-97 GREEN SH No. 32613 CONiACTPERSON&PHONE OI DEPARiMEN'fDptECIVR �5 CItYCAUN(:CII, Pam Wheelock 266-6655 ,�� � cm�nrrow�v � cnvc�.� MOSfBEONCOUNN,AGR.DABY(DA'I'E) � O BVDGEfD➢tECfOR a tW.&M4T.SERVICFSDpt h41Y0R(OAASSLSt � CE@FqCCOUNfPNi TOTAL # OF 5IGNAT[JRE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACISON REQ[IYS1fD Approve the attached budget arnendment to the Pazking & Transit Fund so that Saint Paui can participate in the Riverview Transit Corridor Study with other government agencies. eECOnm�anAIIONS:npp�ovx(q)orRejea(x) I PERSONAI,SERVICECONI'RAC7'SMI7STANSWERTHEFOLIAWINGQUE5ITONS: PLANNfNGCOMA953IOx _CIYR,SERVtCECOMA515S50N I.H855hi5peYSOnH�vIDeV¢iwoek¢dlmdCCacoLllec[TOrYniSde�lattmenC? C� COMI.RlR� _ YES NO n_srnt't� _ 2. Has 11vs persodfi}m ever been a ciry employee? _nu _ YES NO sueroars wwcx couNCa ostscme? 3. Does tLis persoa/finn possess a skill not normally possessed by any curreut city employee? YFS NO (Explain all yes auswers on separate sheet aod attach to greeu sheet) MfffA'L4.G PROBI.EM, [SSUE, OP40&iUN[tY (l4hq Whae, WMq Where, Why). funending the 1997 budget will allow Saint Paul to financially participate with Raznsey County, Hennepin County and the Metropolitan Councii in a scoping study of the Riverview Corridor Transihvay. � :�w ��� �` `�� '`v�, r, � ��Y�' Jt1t, � 3 1�57 ; �.,� u A�YANTAGESLL+APPROVEO� � �i� � � 1� C1 - The scoping study of preliminary alignments and transit alternatives for the Corsidor further supports the efforts of Ramsey�� n, � County Regional Railroad Authority, the Ramsey County legislative delegarion, the Minnesota Department of Transpor[ation, the Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce, the Saint Port Authoriry, and others who have been working on and supporting this initiative. DISADVAM'AGES @ APPROYEO, None. �,�)�� , �� � �,�°���° �, ,,�! �: ^ ;��:v7 �. DISMVAN"CAGE$ OF NOT ApPRO V ED. Ramsey County Regional Rail Authoriry would be forced to locate this funding elsewhere which could possibly strain the working relafionship and cooperative efforts of the parhiership in this initiative. TOTALAMOI)MI'OF]'Rq1iSpCi'(ON _� 15 000 cosrmeverroeauucareucaxca,�om� rns � ����A� Parking & Transit Fund AC„�,��� GL - 13 - 3 100 s¢vrwcw.nvEOxm.anoca: cIXri,n��� . SailrtPaulBUdgetORfce�H:llllpstlll RTCSNDY.WKO) O]M�I9]