97-935a ����n �� � , CITY OF SAINT AULI MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Council�ile# 97�9� GreenSheet# � z /9 Committee:Date: 1 WtiN;li�AS, the Saint Yaul Yolice llepartment has entered Into an Agreement with the Vi2ice of the City 2 Council, and 3 4 WHEREAS, the Office of the City Council has selected the Saint Paul Police Department to receive 5$10,000 to help administer the Gun Stoppers program under the 1997 Civic Organization Partnership Program 6 (COPP), and 7 8 WIIEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department Gun Stoppers program was developed to reduce the amount 9 of Tirearm - related violence in the City of Saint Paul, and 10 11 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department will utilize the funds for advertising the Gun Stopgers 12- program, and 13 14 WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, recommends 15 the following changes be made Yo the 1997 budget: 16 ' 17 18 19 20 CURRENT AMENDED 21 SPEiVDING PLAN: BUDGET CIIANGES BUDGET 22 001- General Fund 23 09100-Civic Organizations Contributions 24 0545 - City Contributions to Outside Agencies 561,767 (10,000) 551,767 25 26 , , , 27 SPENDING PLAN: 28 001 - General Fund 29 04000-Office of The Chief 30 0219-40003 - Fees Other Professional Services 90,417 10,000 100,417 31 32 , , � 33 34 35 36 37 TII��REFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the City,Council approves these chan�es to the 1447 budget. Requested by Depa�tment of: Adopted by Council:Il Adopti¢� Certified by By: �{,m�_ Approved by Mayor: ate: � 4 ti�� 4'� BY� �� C062797A.XLS By: Ap� By � Form By:� p,ppr By: Recommended �Fi) YY'� � to Council: � m �ne� rtn�vn a rnurvt �FSEF 4�ILLIAM K2 FIJAf' f'LEASE TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE RAGES GREEN SHEET INI7IAL/DATE — �EPARTAIENT OIRECTOR CINATTORNEY BUDGET DIRECTOP AMYOR(ORASSISTAN �J Jy� (CL{P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) INITIWDATE GITY COUNqI CITY CLERK FIN, & MGt SERVICES DIR. PASS THE ATTACHED CITY COUNCIL RESOI.UTION RECAMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) _ PL4NNIN6 COMMISSION _ CML SERVICE COMMISSION _ CIB COMMITfEE _ � SiAPF _ __ DISTqICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNGL a&IECTNE7 PEHSONAL SEHYICE CONTflACTS MUST ANSWEH THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 7. Has this personNirm ever worked untler a coMract for this tlapartment? YES Pf0 2. Has this person7frtm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does fhis personit(rm possess a skilt nof normally possessed by any current city empbyee? YES NO Ezplatn all yas answers on seperate sheet and ettech to green sheet What, WhBn. Wherry, Why). THE ST. PAUL POLICE DEPARTMENT NAS ENTERE➢ INTD AN AGREEMENT WITH THE OFFICE �F THE CITY COUNCIL TO RECEIYE �IO,OOO FROM THE 1S9J CIVIC OR6AUIZATION PARTNERSHIP PffOGRAM �COPP) WHICH WILL BE USED TO HELP ADMINISI"ER THE ST. PAUL POLICE DEPARTMENT GUN ST�PPERS PR�6RAM. THIS PROGRAM IS DESIGNED TO REDUCE THE LEVEL OF FIREARM VIOLENCE IN THE CITY AND TO APPREHEND THOSE 4;H0 ARE ILLEGALLY CARRYING FIREARMS IN THE COMMUNITY. )YqNTAGES IF APPROVED. THE ST. PAUL POLICE GUN ST�PPERS PR�CsRAM WIIL BE ABLE TO EXPAND AND ENHANCE ITS MESSAGE ANB GOALS BY UTILIZIN6 SPECIFICJDEDICATEB FUNDING. THIS WILL ALLOW TFiE GUN STORPES PROGRAM TO ADVERTISE ON A GREATER SCALE AND PROMOTE ITS SENEFITS TO THE CITIZENS OF ST. PAUL. NONE JUL 2 � ���� �G q� -933' 38432 �Ul. d l 1�9T ��� a � �� ; THE MESSA6E OF THE GUN STOPPERS PROGRAM WILL 8E SEVERELY RESTRICTE➢ AND ULTtMNiELY FAI� T4 REFCH THOSE WHOM THE PROGRAM IS Itd7ENDED TO TARGET. fOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ J�,./ ��' �� COSVREVENUE (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ��35191�## �����f' �€�`�$ � . �: UNDIWG SOURCE ACTIVITV NANCIAL �NFORFSATION. (EXPLAIN) a ����n �� � , CITY OF SAINT AULI MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Council�ile# 97�9� GreenSheet# � z /9 Committee:Date: 1 WtiN;li�AS, the Saint Yaul Yolice llepartment has entered Into an Agreement with the Vi2ice of the City 2 Council, and 3 4 WHEREAS, the Office of the City Council has selected the Saint Paul Police Department to receive 5$10,000 to help administer the Gun Stoppers program under the 1997 Civic Organization Partnership Program 6 (COPP), and 7 8 WIIEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department Gun Stoppers program was developed to reduce the amount 9 of Tirearm - related violence in the City of Saint Paul, and 10 11 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department will utilize the funds for advertising the Gun Stopgers 12- program, and 13 14 WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, recommends 15 the following changes be made Yo the 1997 budget: 16 ' 17 18 19 20 CURRENT AMENDED 21 SPEiVDING PLAN: BUDGET CIIANGES BUDGET 22 001- General Fund 23 09100-Civic Organizations Contributions 24 0545 - City Contributions to Outside Agencies 561,767 (10,000) 551,767 25 26 , , , 27 SPENDING PLAN: 28 001 - General Fund 29 04000-Office of The Chief 30 0219-40003 - Fees Other Professional Services 90,417 10,000 100,417 31 32 , , � 33 34 35 36 37 TII��REFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the City,Council approves these chan�es to the 1447 budget. Requested by Depa�tment of: Adopted by Council:Il Adopti¢� Certified by By: �{,m�_ Approved by Mayor: ate: � 4 ti�� 4'� BY� �� C062797A.XLS By: Ap� By � Form By:� p,ppr By: Recommended �Fi) YY'� � to Council: � m �ne� rtn�vn a rnurvt �FSEF 4�ILLIAM K2 FIJAf' f'LEASE TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE RAGES GREEN SHEET INI7IAL/DATE — �EPARTAIENT OIRECTOR CINATTORNEY BUDGET DIRECTOP AMYOR(ORASSISTAN �J Jy� (CL{P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) INITIWDATE GITY COUNqI CITY CLERK FIN, & MGt SERVICES DIR. PASS THE ATTACHED CITY COUNCIL RESOI.UTION RECAMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) _ PL4NNIN6 COMMISSION _ CML SERVICE COMMISSION _ CIB COMMITfEE _ � SiAPF _ __ DISTqICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNGL a&IECTNE7 PEHSONAL SEHYICE CONTflACTS MUST ANSWEH THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 7. Has this personNirm ever worked untler a coMract for this tlapartment? YES Pf0 2. Has this person7frtm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does fhis personit(rm possess a skilt nof normally possessed by any current city empbyee? YES NO Ezplatn all yas answers on seperate sheet and ettech to green sheet What, WhBn. Wherry, Why). THE ST. PAUL POLICE DEPARTMENT NAS ENTERE➢ INTD AN AGREEMENT WITH THE OFFICE �F THE CITY COUNCIL TO RECEIYE �IO,OOO FROM THE 1S9J CIVIC OR6AUIZATION PARTNERSHIP PffOGRAM �COPP) WHICH WILL BE USED TO HELP ADMINISI"ER THE ST. PAUL POLICE DEPARTMENT GUN ST�PPERS PR�6RAM. THIS PROGRAM IS DESIGNED TO REDUCE THE LEVEL OF FIREARM VIOLENCE IN THE CITY AND TO APPREHEND THOSE 4;H0 ARE ILLEGALLY CARRYING FIREARMS IN THE COMMUNITY. )YqNTAGES IF APPROVED. THE ST. PAUL POLICE GUN ST�PPERS PR�CsRAM WIIL BE ABLE TO EXPAND AND ENHANCE ITS MESSAGE ANB GOALS BY UTILIZIN6 SPECIFICJDEDICATEB FUNDING. THIS WILL ALLOW TFiE GUN STORPES PROGRAM TO ADVERTISE ON A GREATER SCALE AND PROMOTE ITS SENEFITS TO THE CITIZENS OF ST. PAUL. NONE JUL 2 � ���� �G q� -933' 38432 �Ul. d l 1�9T ��� a � �� ; THE MESSA6E OF THE GUN STOPPERS PROGRAM WILL 8E SEVERELY RESTRICTE➢ AND ULTtMNiELY FAI� T4 REFCH THOSE WHOM THE PROGRAM IS Itd7ENDED TO TARGET. fOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ J�,./ ��' �� COSVREVENUE (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ��35191�## �����f' �€�`�$ � . �: UNDIWG SOURCE ACTIVITV NANCIAL �NFORFSATION. (EXPLAIN) a ����n �� � , CITY OF SAINT AULI MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Council�ile# 97�9� GreenSheet# � z /9 Committee:Date: 1 WtiN;li�AS, the Saint Yaul Yolice llepartment has entered Into an Agreement with the Vi2ice of the City 2 Council, and 3 4 WHEREAS, the Office of the City Council has selected the Saint Paul Police Department to receive 5$10,000 to help administer the Gun Stoppers program under the 1997 Civic Organization Partnership Program 6 (COPP), and 7 8 WIIEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department Gun Stoppers program was developed to reduce the amount 9 of Tirearm - related violence in the City of Saint Paul, and 10 11 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department will utilize the funds for advertising the Gun Stopgers 12- program, and 13 14 WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, recommends 15 the following changes be made Yo the 1997 budget: 16 ' 17 18 19 20 CURRENT AMENDED 21 SPEiVDING PLAN: BUDGET CIIANGES BUDGET 22 001- General Fund 23 09100-Civic Organizations Contributions 24 0545 - City Contributions to Outside Agencies 561,767 (10,000) 551,767 25 26 , , , 27 SPENDING PLAN: 28 001 - General Fund 29 04000-Office of The Chief 30 0219-40003 - Fees Other Professional Services 90,417 10,000 100,417 31 32 , , � 33 34 35 36 37 TII��REFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the City,Council approves these chan�es to the 1447 budget. Requested by Depa�tment of: Adopted by Council:Il Adopti¢� Certified by By: �{,m�_ Approved by Mayor: ate: � 4 ti�� 4'� BY� �� C062797A.XLS By: Ap� By � Form By:� p,ppr By: Recommended �Fi) YY'� � to Council: � m �ne� rtn�vn a rnurvt �FSEF 4�ILLIAM K2 FIJAf' f'LEASE TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE RAGES GREEN SHEET INI7IAL/DATE — �EPARTAIENT OIRECTOR CINATTORNEY BUDGET DIRECTOP AMYOR(ORASSISTAN �J Jy� (CL{P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) INITIWDATE GITY COUNqI CITY CLERK FIN, & MGt SERVICES DIR. PASS THE ATTACHED CITY COUNCIL RESOI.UTION RECAMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) _ PL4NNIN6 COMMISSION _ CML SERVICE COMMISSION _ CIB COMMITfEE _ � SiAPF _ __ DISTqICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNGL a&IECTNE7 PEHSONAL SEHYICE CONTflACTS MUST ANSWEH THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 7. Has this personNirm ever worked untler a coMract for this tlapartment? YES Pf0 2. Has this person7frtm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does fhis personit(rm possess a skilt nof normally possessed by any current city empbyee? YES NO Ezplatn all yas answers on seperate sheet and ettech to green sheet What, WhBn. Wherry, Why). THE ST. PAUL POLICE DEPARTMENT NAS ENTERE➢ INTD AN AGREEMENT WITH THE OFFICE �F THE CITY COUNCIL TO RECEIYE �IO,OOO FROM THE 1S9J CIVIC OR6AUIZATION PARTNERSHIP PffOGRAM �COPP) WHICH WILL BE USED TO HELP ADMINISI"ER THE ST. PAUL POLICE DEPARTMENT GUN ST�PPERS PR�6RAM. THIS PROGRAM IS DESIGNED TO REDUCE THE LEVEL OF FIREARM VIOLENCE IN THE CITY AND TO APPREHEND THOSE 4;H0 ARE ILLEGALLY CARRYING FIREARMS IN THE COMMUNITY. )YqNTAGES IF APPROVED. THE ST. PAUL POLICE GUN ST�PPERS PR�CsRAM WIIL BE ABLE TO EXPAND AND ENHANCE ITS MESSAGE ANB GOALS BY UTILIZIN6 SPECIFICJDEDICATEB FUNDING. THIS WILL ALLOW TFiE GUN STORPES PROGRAM TO ADVERTISE ON A GREATER SCALE AND PROMOTE ITS SENEFITS TO THE CITIZENS OF ST. PAUL. NONE JUL 2 � ���� �G q� -933' 38432 �Ul. d l 1�9T ��� a � �� ; THE MESSA6E OF THE GUN STOPPERS PROGRAM WILL 8E SEVERELY RESTRICTE➢ AND ULTtMNiELY FAI� T4 REFCH THOSE WHOM THE PROGRAM IS Itd7ENDED TO TARGET. fOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ J�,./ ��' �� COSVREVENUE (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ��35191�## �����f' �€�`�$ � . �: UNDIWG SOURCE ACTIVITV NANCIAL �NFORFSATION. (EXPLAIN)