97-911Council File # ���r �_� Green Sheet # ���� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 14 20 21 � ��ait Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � WIIEREAS the Saint Paul City Councii has become increasingly aware of the historic and arclutectural significance of the building located at 710 Dayton Avenue in 8aint Paul presently siated for demolition as a nuisance pursuant to resolution 96-1039 of this council; and WHEREAS the fee owner has done only some of the repairs to the building and has suffered the forfeiture of a performance bond in the amount of $2000.00 posted to secure the necessary building permits but has now recommitted krimself to the timely rehabilitation of the property, and WHEREAS ciry inspectars have found the building at times to be unsecured and open as an attractive nuisance; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that the property owner be granted an extension of 180 days (from the date of adoption and approval of tlus reso]ution) to comply with the original abatement order found in council resolution 96-1039 on the additional conditions that (1) city inspectors be granted complete access to both the interior and exterior of the property to monitor compliance progress and security, and (2) the building be secured by the means recommended by ciry inspectors Furthermore, the original performance bond of $2000.00 should be reinstated without delay to secure the necessary building permits without the need to post additional security. Requested by Department of: By: Form Ap oi.�d 't � A rney Hy: Appsoved by M or for Svbmission to Council BY� �' �— Approved by Mayor: � Date By: � CS'�-- By Adopted by Council: Date CCq�� , 1\� Adoption Certified by Counci Sec azy 38�4� DEP%1fl71AENT�OFFICFiLOUNdL DATEINITIATED g^� q,L c�t coun��i GREEN SHEE � ' CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INRIAVDATE INITIAVDATE �OEPARTMENTDIqE �CrtYCOUNCIL 3erry Blakey, 266-8620 N y'BEBFOfl ❑CRYATTOflNEY �CffYCLERK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) pOUTING O BUDGET DIREGTOR � FiN. 8 MGT. SERVIGE DIR. OHOEN O MqYpR {OR ASSISTAN'n � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION pE�UESTED: GT'BIltlII an extension of 180 da s to the g y property owner oE 710 Dayton Avenue with the following conditions: 1) city inspectors be granted access to interior and exterior to monitor compliance progress and security, 2) the building is secured by the means recommended by city inspectors. pECpMMENDAT70NS: approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACT'S MUST ANSWER THE EQLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ FLANNING CAMMISSIQN _ CIVIL SERVICE GOMMISSION �� Has this person/firm ever worked untler a contract for Mis tlepartmeM? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this personflirm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ OISTRICT COUq7 ____ 3. Does this ersonflirm p possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNpL O&IECTIVE7 YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPpRTUNITV (Who. What, When, Where, Why): ADVANTACaES IF APPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED ��41T1C� ��?3��f(�1 ��' sul 1 � �9s7 �„� �_�... � �_� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVE� �� 70TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIqCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANC�ALINFORNIATION:(EXPLAIN) - . a�=-a�� - - -- - - - - -- - CITY OF SAINT PAIIL CITZZEN SSRVICE PROGRAM - 190 CITY AAT•T• 266-8989 ID: 53253 DATE: 02-02-95 RBFERRED TO: S.P.P.H. \7ACANP BUILDING IACATIO23: �10 DAYTON AVE Name Organization _ Address _ H. Phone _Pln Dist Apt# -City A.Code -B. Phone Council Dist � THE FOLLOWING IS ALLEGED BY TFIB COMPLAINANT.... VACANT BUZLDING Received by Jx ���� , �. �� � n �{ � r� � i � RESULTS OF INSPECTION BY VAC DEPARTMENT Insp Date 07/07/97 Inspector Reneta ➢Ieiss Next Review Date 07/14/97 Vac. Bldg. Monitorin Status recheck and update. Hoarding/Securing Summary abatement order issued. UNABLE TO REINSPSCT IN 5 DAYS � �-�' +° ° r /v�Pf ��;, �� ����� b,�d ���� �` ��� � 7 12s.��. � �� � ��� � . �- �� � � i � �� , - �� � .��.5 � ��' � k� . }�- � �� ��� �� ��� G� a-s l-�.Fl�-c� �'� �d� � fi�� (-, e— � - v � � � , � � a .q� =m = zm =� W f0 O W f0 W W �= NO �= y d �3 d � � .G < L 6 0 GI W 6 0 6 0 ° c � m p a ° c m ° c m N 0.2 d L d L Q�A�� Q�Am Q�t�m > �P'g > �PC >zPC Y�} q� M�� Y W� N T C. � J > O. �✓ > 6 � V ---' J m CA U b m C�� m CN� N 2rOS+ 0�00 2..00 � � O\ 0 L' p U\ b L W\� L � no�m`orn v��o a�-.o N\ 3 J Y N\ U Y N\ U M } -2t�dYYQ 2�- W --�N W U �0��000 Od\ ON�. W 1 V V Y L t N O C y N O W C b LL 0 M � O�c•� , v F U ' tl p l a � F U� � F y U �' J LL W m Y� J O. L'O J O. 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L C 0 O L d L i V 9 6� b � O O � O O Y Y � J --m C D C m 'ln -D� ---0 � - _-_ c f�P��[ �PP� 2 W N N L O W P P�- O 6 O O O= 6 O O O -- --"- - "i- 2NN 2NN --- U �0 .-..-�1 N O d��& O�� r � �.��� � g —. ____ _ . N C C d E N G C Y Y W r.. W � W�� W U �Y Y�w �Y� Y� � Y M L L Y M L L OCU' a p0(9U > 6 � r > � `- < 2 2 c c a 0 z z (� J J 6 1 n � � N U 6J N W W W K Z S O N H H p J Q N � t m 0 K F Y Y � C c�'J 3 f.'J 2 O W W W J J � R 2 < 2 O N N U N N w .. co .. c� � c�� ca= N 2p 20 � � � � � C Jm Jm J J �! � � 2 t � 2 U W U W i f ? f � • Z Q 4 T • o � •' N Y T y .e'�i� c n v��` o 0 6N6 � T� P P � � t�d W N d af06 N Ot1C O � Y �R J J < 6 3 3 a us° � � � � c c > > • .t N • o O O �Y C N� O � � N a'1�9�1 From: Gerry McInerney - To: Jerryb Subject: 710 Dayton q'1-qt� Here is the outline of events as I can recall them some of the dates are hazy: Aug 28, 1996 the legislative hearing officer hears the case on 710 Dayton Ave. September 4 1996 Neil Heideman shows before council requesting a layover to arrange financing to purchase the property. I belive you lay over this item until September 25. September 25 Neil asks for more time to get the financing together and produces a letter from his bank stating that they are looking at his proposal. You lay it over until October 23. October 23. Nei1 requests another layover you give him three weeks to November 13. November 13 - You pass the resolution but it gives Neil 30 days to get the financing in line and post bond or the building is demolished. I told Neil that he has six months to complete the worlc but that if he has 50a done by the end of the 180 days he can get another 180 days to finish the rehab. Neil calls in early May saying he just put in his drawings into HPC ( Aaron called today and stated that the complete application was delivered June 20) I asked Neil how far along he was and he said that he had to wait for winter to be over to do the roof so he could then work inside on the building. I told him that I thought he should move the construction along quickly to meet the 50% requirement by the end of 180 days. July 11 - Gerry Strathman states that Neil has called to staCe he has recieved a 5 day repair or remove order. Neighbors call and I go visit with Carl Brown and tell Neil his best bet would be to hire an attorney to file a TRO to stop the city from demolition. Numerous neighbors call wanting to save the house, some don't necessarily care if Neil is the one to do the work or not. I e�lain the city process and why it is in place. Some are ok with it others are not. ATTACHED are the code compliance ( very long list) the complaints for the property, and the resolution. The complaints on the property aren't alot and I had Citizen Service runs the last four years but it is interesting to note that even this year ther have been complaints on snow on the walk which lead the inspector to trash issues. FYI - Bethany stated earlier this month that the SUPC had taken °t��q�i a position on zero tolerance for tearing down houses. The Block Party is 4:o� p.m. on Sunday in fsont of 710 Dayton. Options You could ask someone from the block to step forward and post bond and guarantee the finished product. I think that Michael Koop is interested ( he is from the state preservation and understands probably better that the rest of the neighbors the issues with process). You could intervene and ask Renatta on Monday to hold off on the contract to demo and then pass a resolution at council giving another entity 180 days to complete the rehab. This may entail the neighbors providing a letter of credit or contracting with professional to do the interior and exterior repairs. q��t 41 Rehab Schedule for 710 Dayton Avenue, St. Paul, Mn 1. Reroof and repair facia. Remove west chimney 2. Prepair and paint exterior including reglazing five windows. Replace 1 window with 1/1 original layout. 3. Remove non-bearing walls and plaster from interior. Remove back stairs. Install new doors at back of house 4. Repiace front porch 5. Instail new electric service and rewire 6. Replumb house for kitchen, two baths and basement laundry 7. Install new "forced-air heating system 8. Insulate and sheetrock inside walls 9. Repair fireboxes for two fireplaces 10. Install new flooring of tile, wood and carpet with repairs to subfloor where necessary 11. Remove added back deck and install new steps to back door 12, Install new wooden combination storm windows /(/ ,.t.�-C_. � , � . �� �� � � 1 month concurrent with reroof 3weeks 3 weeks 2 weeks 2 weeks 2.weeks 3 weeks 1 week 3 weeks 1 week concurrent with back deck removal q�-91� we, the undersigned, request that the demolition of 7I0 Dayton Ave., St. Paul, Mn, ordered by Reneta Weiss be Stopped. As it curr2ntly stands, we have no complaints about the house at 710 Dayton Ave and want it restored as a single family home which would make it a considerable asset to our community and to the City of St. Paul. We understand that you, Jerry Biakey, our city council person, have the authority to stop the tear down proceedure without adding further cost and complication to bringing this property back on to the tax rolls for the city. � ��.w/ � We appreciate your cooperation and leadership in this urgent �ter. q'1-9�� We, the undersigned, request that the demolition of 710 D�yton Ave., St. Paul, Mn, ordered by Reneta Weiss be stopped. As it currently stands, we have house at 710 Dayton Ave and want family home which would make it community and to the City of St. no complaints about the it restored as a single a considerable asset to our Paul. We understand that you; Jerry Blakey, our city council person, have the authority to stop the tear down proceedure without adding further cost and complication to bringing this property back on to the tax rolls for the city. We appreciate your cooperation and leadership in this urgent matter. / � J��� �� q'1. � �� — We, the undersigned, request that the demolition of 710 Dayton Ave., St. Paul, Mn, ordered by Reneta Weiss be stopped. As it currently stands, we have no complaints about the house at 710 Dayton Ave and want it restored as a single family home which would sake it a considerable asset to our community and to the City of St. Paul. We understand that you; Jerry Blakey, our city council person,-have the authority to stop the tear down proceedure without adding further cost and complication to bringing this property back on to the tax rolis for the city. r��� �s� �5� �L� IbZ, _[- SS�� _ �U,L ��I�S2. We appreciate your cooperation and leadership in this urgent matter. \ � r 1 � � We, the undersigned, reguest that the demolition of '710 Dayton Ave., St. Paul, Mn, ordered by Reneta Weiss be Stopped. As it currently stands, we have no complaints about the house at 710 Dayton Ave and want it restored as a single family home which would make it a considerable asset to our community and to the City of St. Paul. We understand that you, Jerry Blakey, our city council person, have the authority to stop the tear down proceedure without adding further cost and complication to bringing this property back on to the tax.rolls for the city. We appreciate your cooperation and leadership in this urgent matter. i:i: . � a \ f;i �l �7.�?bX'i �L � S�t�LL. � , r... . . �c.�. �1 �. + � ` L Q� •91\ 740 Marshail Avenue St. Daul, MN �5102 � i�� / 9 y? ��„� 7rt��„ C'�� - �. �� ;";�.:�-✓ .� �v �,�- �.� � �t� � . n�. ., , , ���.�. 292-13� � 1? ��.� � ���� �� � � ����� � ��a ��� � . .� ��... ,�-�- �-,�.�.� � �-�- � '� -Y�- -�`°,`� ������ ��� ���� .� .�-n ,� � � � �� ,� � �. Q � �� � � ti� a�t. �lzr��� o �i ��- � � /w�.y °�-r,-� / �- ,�-e,.c�� �.,,,�.�� ��. ��e�;-� �-� �;� � � � � � �.--� /� �'-� ��v a.e� � -� �' �n�-.�" �����.�..� �-,.z,�-,,aa-=-y������ �- �, ��- ��������� �..,-� ��� � � � O�� � �'-d-✓ - - , � ,e.�.�� � �_ _ _-,�...� _ �� . � �. �.�.�,.y.�.. � ��� . �� � � � �� �� �r� ,!�— � �-�. :� � �°� �� .z.�, �� ��-�. `s # a���3z � 9���,�`.� ' •_��9--� �?fz�-.i �7� City of �aint Paul City Attomey's Office 400 City xall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 FAX #: 298-5614 FAX TRANSMITTAL COVER SHEET DATE: TO: FROM: July 11, I997 Marcia Moermond Steve Christie � /'1�C� � NiJMBER OF PAGES IINCLUDING COVER SHEET): 4 COMMENTS: Here's the final form of the resolution as signed by the mayor; however, you might need to verify whether the council gave the owner some other consideration. I believe the owner may have gotten a reprieve of the 30 day deadline if he posted the usual permit bond for a nuisance building and completed all work in 180 days. While the vacant building folke may have told the owner to contact me about the situation, I have heard nothing. CONFIDENTI�iTY NOTiCB• THE DOCUMENT(S) ACCOMFANYING TFiIS FAX CONTAIN CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION WHICH IS LEGALLY PRIVILEGED. THE INFORMATION IS INTENDED QNLY FOR THE USE pF THE INTENDED RECIPIENT NAMFD ABOVE. IF YOU ARE NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY DISCLOSURE, COPYING, DISTRIBUTION OR THE TAKING OF ANY ACTION IN RELIANCE ON THE CONTENTS OF TFIIS TELECOPIED INFORMATION EXCEPT ITS DIRECT DELIVERY TO THE INTENDED RECIPIENT NAMED ABOVE IS STRICTLY PROAIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED TFiIS FAX IN ERROR, PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY BY TELEPHONE TO PRRANGE FOR RETURN OF THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS TO US. 2 3 4 5 6 ? 8 9 30 il 23 13 14 15 ib 17 I8 19 � � � � � 26 27 28 29 � ' 3? 33 5 36 37 38 39 � 41 42 43 � �����` ' s v • i �`si f:; _ Preseaeea ay OF �fif�O�Q RESQL!)T1�14 � ----_ �� f� - - --�+�+ ,,�,�..�� � �. .., . . .� ts . � ----- �_ , -, , -. ,:r�. - � � . �. — � -- . . - ..,... _ _ .. .. �.< , �.- . f�� o �v ty � ♦ �.- � _ n ' •.:i � � , • �. • • wt� a -�u' _ ••� .,rra � � _ . .,� . . . .. , ,.-, , r . :�»:� �. .- . � ..� r�. ,.,.� .�, . � s .., �� � � .._ � �S.N f.:N � • '. � Loc 8; aad the Eaa 10 feet of Lot 9, Block 3, Habo�m��s Addition t�o St. Pau,i_ �� �d �n �e re�otds m the Ramsey �oumtp �er's Office and �wf�A4n obtained by S�t Paul Pabiic IieaIa� on or befaae 7une 3, 1996, the fodlowing are �c 7�3'ts�n Ave�e�, $�,�pa�i,�� p{� �for die Subjea PsvpertY: Arehie E. &utc ]i.. 712 Rube�scein, Herit�e Pnseevatioa Co��, % �, 34U St. Pecer �3W, St. Paul, MN 55102, Dennis S�ith, 1300 Godward SOreet NE. Mp}s., MN 554I3; KazhY C,��d, 4T16 Fremwu Avtm►e South, IvlpZc., MN 55404. '�S, Sei�at Pail Pnbl'sc Hea3tb b�s setva8 in ac�ozdaz�ce w'ssh the provisioas of Chapter 45 of the Sair�t gaui I,eg�stative Code an order idearifed as an "Orcler to Abate I�uisance ��tsY dsued D4ay 30, 199fi; a�oc! . . .. - �� . ,� , .�, �. �, �,<, .., . � , , � <. �..� � .� >. . � u, _. . .. � �. , r_, r ' •• . � i .n� . . � L . w � • �(c.. .. � .�.�� � � ��' .O�• n:-• 1�.� H1w'>1� �.�./t � � 1 i�.' wr� I l f�' � . t - \I \ I 1' �. �.-r. ll.. f' fl .!. 1 1� ♦`�w �. 1�• .1� t. '�• . L' fll � Y� { 1♦ iiC I: i• i� .✓ • t I �• .�M �).�1 � { i �� .. . .. � � .. ,., .. . � �: , � ., ,.. .. . . . . . . . .. . .. �, . ..,� . .i�• • . �. � ...,. . ,:. , . � �, ,.� .>,� .. ,.� . „ ..� , � 1' � 11 . N' � • 1� . � � � � � � . � ' � , ' /�� v .u,t �.. � � �- • r ' - _ t : av,� � • � � � �' �a �� ' t�' ,.,, .. : � . . . ., . . .� . :. - ., . .. . , . 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I. • �1 ' 4 ti l li . 1�� � q rL� if� �a♦� ��� �.� ?7iaz t��re aow exists and bas txiste� mnEripie Ha�ang or Building code vioIa�oas at the Slil>ject pcppeny, Tkat aa fhder w Abate Nnisaace Bui7ding(s} was sent to the tP�n knawn nsponc4b3e garties w cozrect [he deficiencies oz m demalis� a�3 temove fhe buildiag{s}. 'fr, I 1.:.1 ' �.M':. ✓It u_ 1' • � �.1i�Y' •l � I f 1 !. /♦ � i' 1 i I�i � t. s .i� i. •t L� .Kl. ��'. �.� i � � � _ •� � �? t • • � � � � �• t � ' • � ' 1 t � O � ,: . ,. � _ � . . . „� � �� .,, ,. _ �. ... ..., . .. , .� �''�' 1 � Myll,�ill •;�:I[ Ir. {f .�i.f + � Iri�� w.t' • •r, � � � � � � ✓ �� ti I � • t � . 1. � 1: 1 � ! b t � ! " f • 1. � 11 � ^ ! � 6 • , • ! . • A Lr. • Ya� • � +• ��• The S�aant Paui City Coua�iF he�eby makes the followi� pzaer: � •.- ., _� ,.�:,�..�. . ...,. :.., .., . _ � . .: �.. . ,,,a.. , . :... � .. � . - , .,< <�, . .. . . . . � � . , �.- .. �� ,�, ., � . .� .. . � . .� - - . .�.. .. ..• .. � .., . � . � :., ._ • , - ,�^.. . �.., r � � �: �� ..,,,. . . !I � � I . l.Y' � q 1 " ;' If�f • !v' :f�• :y • 1 hi !' � rT i.; �- _ i. ' ' • � :.�.. �.� ' � .. �._ .... . • • : l� x�f • a U�' ) ' r� r , O s." •�!1 t :if:� � ' � � . ., , ,� JUL-11-1997 _ � -. _•. - � 2 3 d S 5 7 8 9 20 I1 I2 Y3 14 11�11 FROM CITY RTTORNEYS OFFICE r � r: ;: �•. TO 92668574 P.04 q�-q�► � �- �t� 3 .. . .. . :... .. . , ... . , �.. ,. , . .� i I� s f� R' f�' tt �•' q��i� �r � 1 � i � .0 �.♦ a - - i._ ,. � . � � �a� • �u . o � � ' r' • �y • m ' e.' •:a, nv t ��' ti.• •�.. -�.�t � • '+s • Ma.s � s !1 .�� �.1 "•J � 1 4�� :��: ]� �1 lr' � �.' 11 � �.�• -{ • ��- • � ) " \IIY, �, ��s A • � H�1 i. � 1 1 � • 1 � I �by l � " •.Yli • i � t . � t � ��.� ,._ ,. ..�. _. .�„ ..- ._ .. .�:. . � , .. / A • I. � f'IJ ��� y11 ♦ w� .�.. �' • '� " J� • . t.� � I�.I• " � � .,.: ... : �.. .., . . .... . , . . 4. It is fi�es oc�d, ttnt a copy of this resoh�tion be mailad w the owners a� i�ed parties in accor�z with Chagter 45 of tLe 5aiat Paul I.agisla6ve Code. xequesrx9 by nepazr.�,� ot: sy: /Lr��¢���.. ,Adogted by Adaptien S ! �'' — � — �� Porm Appz'ove3 by City �At os:esy � � 8y: Q.Mx �.. � � I � i Apyraved 2�Y Ma�vo{ i Date BY% Appzoved by t�sayer fOr Submf.ssiaa to Camcil BY: —' "' � `�'�Ltl.!.(1 TJTAL P.Oa TOTRL P.04 s��Nr .suL � •AAAA Saint Paui Public Heatth 555 Ce@ar street Saint Paul, MN 55101-2260 �AX: (612) 222-2770 FACSiHIILE TRAPiSMLSSION To: Location: Sender: ���E�t�� ,`1l � 1 �g91 � q��� �YF:�.� �43 q�-�i� To F : �b6 ��,f� `1 Cover Sheet and Transmittal Fotm This transmission consists of page(s) (includi� cover sheet)_ If tz'aasmission is incomplete or illegible, call sender at �6121 298-4153. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Golema2 Mayo� I3ovember b, 1996 Neil L. Hiedeman 699 Dayton Avenue Saint Paul, MN SS1Q4 Re: 710 Dayton Avenue Dear Properry Owner: OFF�CEOFUCENSE,INSPEC710NSaNU QI�,�OI �� ENVIRONMEMALpR07'EC(70N "t � Robt�t KesxJer. Dirccro. _IAWRYPRpFESSlONAL Ze4plqne:6t2-166-4040 BU/LDING Farsiml&: 67I-266-9099 Suirc 300 6I? J66-9111 350 Sc Pe1es Sbeet Sau+rPau(itfiivxsom SSIO2-IS70 Pursuant to your request 710 Dayton Avenue was inspected November 5, 1996 and the following report is submitted: I:lil� i. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Rebuild broken and deteriorated stairway as close as is practicat to code. Repair or remove exterior access. Tuck point foundation. ltepair window sash and frames. Insure complete concrete floor (remove wood itooring). Repair chimney cleanout and property close openings and repair, Repair partitioning and hung ceilings or remove all. First. Second and Third Floore 1. Repair or replace waIis and ceilings as necessary throughout. 2. Insure partition.i� that has been removed is not load bearing. 3. Repiace all floot coverings. 4. Replace damaged cabinets, doors, trim, windows, etc. 5. Replace broken stair treads and parts. EXt�Ii4x I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Repair or repiace all deteriorated trim, soffit, facia, siding, ecc. Properly rebuild rear porch with approved materials. Compietely rebuild deteriorated mud room. Completely rebuild deteriorated west entry step, platform, rails, roof, etc. Replace broken and Ieaking roof covering. Replace ill-insta]led front en4ry steps. November 6, 1996 Page 2 Code Compliaace Inspection Report Re: 710 Dayton Avenue ���V� B�DII�LG: �xcer�o_r - (concinued) 7. Replace iIl-installed front sidewatk. 8. Repair and tuck point chimuey's. 9. Repair or remove gutters and dowaspouu. neml 1. Pmvide haad aad guazd rails al! staitways and steps as per attachment. 2. Provide thumb type dead bolts for all entry doors. 3. Repair or replace any deteriorated window sash, broken glass, sash holders, etc. as necessary. 4. Provide storms and screens complete and in good repair fox a21 door and window 5. 6. Q F7 ]0. openings. Fire block conshuction as necessary. Where wall and ceiling covering is removed, attic, replaced doors and windows, (insulation, glass, weather stripping, etc.) shall meet new energy code standazds. 1Zelevel structure as much as is practicai. Prepaze and paint interior and exterior as necessary (take the necessary precaurions if lead base paint is present). Any fraxriing members that do not meet code (where wall and ceiliag covering zs removed, members that aze overspanned, overspaced, not being carried properly, door and window openings that are not headered, etc.) are to be reconstructed as per code. A determination as to exacfly what will have to be done is to be made by this deparhnent or a regi.stered structural engineer. Provide general clean-up of premise. £LECTRICAL: 1. Re-wire entire house to Bulletin 80-1. 2. All gutted areas to be wired to new code standards. 3. Inscatl smoke detectors to U.B.C. PLL�3ING: 1. All plumbing W be replaced. 2. Replace all plumbing, including waste and vent piping, gas piping and water piping to code. 3. Cap off oucside ra.inteader piping to code. 4. Install all plumbing fixtures and appurtenances to code. S. Test atl piping and fixtures as per code. HEATINC:: i. Clean and ORSAT test boiler. 2. Replace manual gas valve. ' i�ovciriber 6, 199G Page 3 Code Compliance Inspection Report Re: �10 Dayton Avenue EiEATtNG: - (coatimied) 3. Remove unused gas pipu3g and cap openir�s. 4. Provide combus6on air. 5. Line chunney and add drip tee. ZS2N�.� This properry was inspected as being a singte family residence. N�?�S: 1. See attachment for permit requirements. 2. Provide plans and specifications as to what is io be tebuilt. 3. Provide smoke detection as per UBC. Sincerely, ���l,w n. DonaId F. Wagner Building Inspecwr DFW:aw atiachment �4� � � �l TOTRL P.04 Council File # ���r �_� Green Sheet # ���� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 14 20 21 � ��ait Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � WIIEREAS the Saint Paul City Councii has become increasingly aware of the historic and arclutectural significance of the building located at 710 Dayton Avenue in 8aint Paul presently siated for demolition as a nuisance pursuant to resolution 96-1039 of this council; and WHEREAS the fee owner has done only some of the repairs to the building and has suffered the forfeiture of a performance bond in the amount of $2000.00 posted to secure the necessary building permits but has now recommitted krimself to the timely rehabilitation of the property, and WHEREAS ciry inspectars have found the building at times to be unsecured and open as an attractive nuisance; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that the property owner be granted an extension of 180 days (from the date of adoption and approval of tlus reso]ution) to comply with the original abatement order found in council resolution 96-1039 on the additional conditions that (1) city inspectors be granted complete access to both the interior and exterior of the property to monitor compliance progress and security, and (2) the building be secured by the means recommended by ciry inspectors Furthermore, the original performance bond of $2000.00 should be reinstated without delay to secure the necessary building permits without the need to post additional security. Requested by Department of: By: Form Ap oi.�d 't � A rney Hy: Appsoved by M or for Svbmission to Council BY� �' �— Approved by Mayor: � Date By: � CS'�-- By Adopted by Council: Date CCq�� , 1\� Adoption Certified by Counci Sec azy 38�4� DEP%1fl71AENT�OFFICFiLOUNdL DATEINITIATED g^� q,L c�t coun��i GREEN SHEE � ' CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INRIAVDATE INITIAVDATE �OEPARTMENTDIqE �CrtYCOUNCIL 3erry Blakey, 266-8620 N y'BEBFOfl ❑CRYATTOflNEY �CffYCLERK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) pOUTING O BUDGET DIREGTOR � FiN. 8 MGT. SERVIGE DIR. OHOEN O MqYpR {OR ASSISTAN'n � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION pE�UESTED: GT'BIltlII an extension of 180 da s to the g y property owner oE 710 Dayton Avenue with the following conditions: 1) city inspectors be granted access to interior and exterior to monitor compliance progress and security, 2) the building is secured by the means recommended by city inspectors. pECpMMENDAT70NS: approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACT'S MUST ANSWER THE EQLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ FLANNING CAMMISSIQN _ CIVIL SERVICE GOMMISSION �� Has this person/firm ever worked untler a contract for Mis tlepartmeM? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this personflirm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ OISTRICT COUq7 ____ 3. Does this ersonflirm p possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNpL O&IECTIVE7 YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPpRTUNITV (Who. What, When, Where, Why): ADVANTACaES IF APPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED ��41T1C� ��?3��f(�1 ��' sul 1 � �9s7 �„� �_�... � �_� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVE� �� 70TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIqCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANC�ALINFORNIATION:(EXPLAIN) - . a�=-a�� - - -- - - - - -- - CITY OF SAINT PAIIL CITZZEN SSRVICE PROGRAM - 190 CITY AAT•T• 266-8989 ID: 53253 DATE: 02-02-95 RBFERRED TO: S.P.P.H. \7ACANP BUILDING IACATIO23: �10 DAYTON AVE Name Organization _ Address _ H. Phone _Pln Dist Apt# -City A.Code -B. Phone Council Dist � THE FOLLOWING IS ALLEGED BY TFIB COMPLAINANT.... VACANT BUZLDING Received by Jx ���� , �. �� � n �{ � r� � i � RESULTS OF INSPECTION BY VAC DEPARTMENT Insp Date 07/07/97 Inspector Reneta ➢Ieiss Next Review Date 07/14/97 Vac. Bldg. Monitorin Status recheck and update. Hoarding/Securing Summary abatement order issued. UNABLE TO REINSPSCT IN 5 DAYS � �-�' +° ° r /v�Pf ��;, �� ����� b,�d ���� �` ��� � 7 12s.��. � �� � ��� � . �- �� � � i � �� , - �� � .��.5 � ��' � k� . }�- � �� ��� �� ��� G� a-s l-�.Fl�-c� �'� �d� � fi�� (-, e— � - v � � � , � � a .q� =m = zm =� W f0 O W f0 W W �= NO �= y d �3 d � � .G < L 6 0 GI W 6 0 6 0 ° c � m p a ° c m ° c m N 0.2 d L d L Q�A�� Q�Am Q�t�m > �P'g > �PC >zPC Y�} q� M�� Y W� N T C. � J > O. �✓ > 6 � V ---' J m CA U b m C�� m CN� N 2rOS+ 0�00 2..00 � � O\ 0 L' p U\ b L W\� L � no�m`orn v��o a�-.o N\ 3 J Y N\ U Y N\ U M } -2t�dYYQ 2�- W --�N W U �0��000 Od\ ON�. W 1 V V Y L t N O C y N O W C b LL 0 M � O�c•� , v F U ' tl p l a � F U� � F y U �' J LL W m Y� J O. L'O J O. 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L C 0 O L d L i V 9 6� b � O O � O O Y Y � J --m C D C m 'ln -D� ---0 � - _-_ c f�P��[ �PP� 2 W N N L O W P P�- O 6 O O O= 6 O O O -- --"- - "i- 2NN 2NN --- U �0 .-..-�1 N O d��& O�� r � �.��� � g —. ____ _ . N C C d E N G C Y Y W r.. W � W�� W U �Y Y�w �Y� Y� � Y M L L Y M L L OCU' a p0(9U > 6 � r > � `- < 2 2 c c a 0 z z (� J J 6 1 n � � N U 6J N W W W K Z S O N H H p J Q N � t m 0 K F Y Y � C c�'J 3 f.'J 2 O W W W J J � R 2 < 2 O N N U N N w .. co .. c� � c�� ca= N 2p 20 � � � � � C Jm Jm J J �! � � 2 t � 2 U W U W i f ? f � • Z Q 4 T • o � •' N Y T y .e'�i� c n v��` o 0 6N6 � T� P P � � t�d W N d af06 N Ot1C O � Y �R J J < 6 3 3 a us° � � � � c c > > • .t N • o O O �Y C N� O � � N a'1�9�1 From: Gerry McInerney - To: Jerryb Subject: 710 Dayton q'1-qt� Here is the outline of events as I can recall them some of the dates are hazy: Aug 28, 1996 the legislative hearing officer hears the case on 710 Dayton Ave. September 4 1996 Neil Heideman shows before council requesting a layover to arrange financing to purchase the property. I belive you lay over this item until September 25. September 25 Neil asks for more time to get the financing together and produces a letter from his bank stating that they are looking at his proposal. You lay it over until October 23. October 23. Nei1 requests another layover you give him three weeks to November 13. November 13 - You pass the resolution but it gives Neil 30 days to get the financing in line and post bond or the building is demolished. I told Neil that he has six months to complete the worlc but that if he has 50a done by the end of the 180 days he can get another 180 days to finish the rehab. Neil calls in early May saying he just put in his drawings into HPC ( Aaron called today and stated that the complete application was delivered June 20) I asked Neil how far along he was and he said that he had to wait for winter to be over to do the roof so he could then work inside on the building. I told him that I thought he should move the construction along quickly to meet the 50% requirement by the end of 180 days. July 11 - Gerry Strathman states that Neil has called to staCe he has recieved a 5 day repair or remove order. Neighbors call and I go visit with Carl Brown and tell Neil his best bet would be to hire an attorney to file a TRO to stop the city from demolition. Numerous neighbors call wanting to save the house, some don't necessarily care if Neil is the one to do the work or not. I e�lain the city process and why it is in place. Some are ok with it others are not. ATTACHED are the code compliance ( very long list) the complaints for the property, and the resolution. The complaints on the property aren't alot and I had Citizen Service runs the last four years but it is interesting to note that even this year ther have been complaints on snow on the walk which lead the inspector to trash issues. FYI - Bethany stated earlier this month that the SUPC had taken °t��q�i a position on zero tolerance for tearing down houses. The Block Party is 4:o� p.m. on Sunday in fsont of 710 Dayton. Options You could ask someone from the block to step forward and post bond and guarantee the finished product. I think that Michael Koop is interested ( he is from the state preservation and understands probably better that the rest of the neighbors the issues with process). You could intervene and ask Renatta on Monday to hold off on the contract to demo and then pass a resolution at council giving another entity 180 days to complete the rehab. This may entail the neighbors providing a letter of credit or contracting with professional to do the interior and exterior repairs. q��t 41 Rehab Schedule for 710 Dayton Avenue, St. Paul, Mn 1. Reroof and repair facia. Remove west chimney 2. Prepair and paint exterior including reglazing five windows. Replace 1 window with 1/1 original layout. 3. Remove non-bearing walls and plaster from interior. Remove back stairs. Install new doors at back of house 4. Repiace front porch 5. Instail new electric service and rewire 6. Replumb house for kitchen, two baths and basement laundry 7. Install new "forced-air heating system 8. Insulate and sheetrock inside walls 9. Repair fireboxes for two fireplaces 10. Install new flooring of tile, wood and carpet with repairs to subfloor where necessary 11. Remove added back deck and install new steps to back door 12, Install new wooden combination storm windows /(/ ,.t.�-C_. � , � . �� �� � � 1 month concurrent with reroof 3weeks 3 weeks 2 weeks 2 weeks 2.weeks 3 weeks 1 week 3 weeks 1 week concurrent with back deck removal q�-91� we, the undersigned, request that the demolition of 7I0 Dayton Ave., St. Paul, Mn, ordered by Reneta Weiss be Stopped. As it curr2ntly stands, we have no complaints about the house at 710 Dayton Ave and want it restored as a single family home which would make it a considerable asset to our community and to the City of St. Paul. We understand that you, Jerry Biakey, our city council person, have the authority to stop the tear down proceedure without adding further cost and complication to bringing this property back on to the tax rolls for the city. � ��.w/ � We appreciate your cooperation and leadership in this urgent �ter. q'1-9�� We, the undersigned, request that the demolition of 710 D�yton Ave., St. Paul, Mn, ordered by Reneta Weiss be stopped. As it currently stands, we have house at 710 Dayton Ave and want family home which would make it community and to the City of St. no complaints about the it restored as a single a considerable asset to our Paul. We understand that you; Jerry Blakey, our city council person, have the authority to stop the tear down proceedure without adding further cost and complication to bringing this property back on to the tax rolls for the city. We appreciate your cooperation and leadership in this urgent matter. / � J��� �� q'1. � �� — We, the undersigned, request that the demolition of 710 Dayton Ave., St. Paul, Mn, ordered by Reneta Weiss be stopped. As it currently stands, we have no complaints about the house at 710 Dayton Ave and want it restored as a single family home which would sake it a considerable asset to our community and to the City of St. Paul. We understand that you; Jerry Blakey, our city council person,-have the authority to stop the tear down proceedure without adding further cost and complication to bringing this property back on to the tax rolis for the city. r��� �s� �5� �L� IbZ, _[- SS�� _ �U,L ��I�S2. We appreciate your cooperation and leadership in this urgent matter. \ � r 1 � � We, the undersigned, reguest that the demolition of '710 Dayton Ave., St. Paul, Mn, ordered by Reneta Weiss be Stopped. As it currently stands, we have no complaints about the house at 710 Dayton Ave and want it restored as a single family home which would make it a considerable asset to our community and to the City of St. Paul. We understand that you, Jerry Blakey, our city council person, have the authority to stop the tear down proceedure without adding further cost and complication to bringing this property back on to the tax.rolls for the city. We appreciate your cooperation and leadership in this urgent matter. i:i: . � a \ f;i �l �7.�?bX'i �L � S�t�LL. � , r... . . �c.�. �1 �. + � ` L Q� •91\ 740 Marshail Avenue St. Daul, MN �5102 � i�� / 9 y? ��„� 7rt��„ C'�� - �. �� ;";�.:�-✓ .� �v �,�- �.� � �t� � . n�. ., , , ���.�. 292-13� � 1? ��.� � ���� �� � � ����� � ��a ��� � . .� ��... ,�-�- �-,�.�.� � �-�- � '� -Y�- -�`°,`� ������ ��� ���� .� .�-n ,� � � � �� ,� � �. Q � �� � � ti� a�t. �lzr��� o �i ��- � � /w�.y °�-r,-� / �- ,�-e,.c�� �.,,,�.�� ��. ��e�;-� �-� �;� � � � � � �.--� /� �'-� ��v a.e� � -� �' �n�-.�" �����.�..� �-,.z,�-,,aa-=-y������ �- �, ��- ��������� �..,-� ��� � � � O�� � �'-d-✓ - - , � ,e.�.�� � �_ _ _-,�...� _ �� . � �. �.�.�,.y.�.. � ��� . �� � � � �� �� �r� ,!�— � �-�. :� � �°� �� .z.�, �� ��-�. `s # a���3z � 9���,�`.� ' •_��9--� �?fz�-.i �7� City of �aint Paul City Attomey's Office 400 City xall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 FAX #: 298-5614 FAX TRANSMITTAL COVER SHEET DATE: TO: FROM: July 11, I997 Marcia Moermond Steve Christie � /'1�C� � NiJMBER OF PAGES IINCLUDING COVER SHEET): 4 COMMENTS: Here's the final form of the resolution as signed by the mayor; however, you might need to verify whether the council gave the owner some other consideration. I believe the owner may have gotten a reprieve of the 30 day deadline if he posted the usual permit bond for a nuisance building and completed all work in 180 days. While the vacant building folke may have told the owner to contact me about the situation, I have heard nothing. CONFIDENTI�iTY NOTiCB• THE DOCUMENT(S) ACCOMFANYING TFiIS FAX CONTAIN CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION WHICH IS LEGALLY PRIVILEGED. THE INFORMATION IS INTENDED QNLY FOR THE USE pF THE INTENDED RECIPIENT NAMFD ABOVE. IF YOU ARE NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY DISCLOSURE, COPYING, DISTRIBUTION OR THE TAKING OF ANY ACTION IN RELIANCE ON THE CONTENTS OF TFIIS TELECOPIED INFORMATION EXCEPT ITS DIRECT DELIVERY TO THE INTENDED RECIPIENT NAMED ABOVE IS STRICTLY PROAIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED TFiIS FAX IN ERROR, PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY BY TELEPHONE TO PRRANGE FOR RETURN OF THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS TO US. 2 3 4 5 6 ? 8 9 30 il 23 13 14 15 ib 17 I8 19 � � � � � 26 27 28 29 � ' 3? 33 5 36 37 38 39 � 41 42 43 � �����` ' s v • i �`si f:; _ Preseaeea ay OF �fif�O�Q RESQL!)T1�14 � ----_ �� f� - - --�+�+ ,,�,�..�� � �. .., . . .� ts . � ----- �_ , -, , -. ,:r�. - � � . �. — � -- . . - ..,... _ _ .. .. �.< , �.- . f�� o �v ty � ♦ �.- � _ n ' •.:i � � , • �. • • wt� a -�u' _ ••� .,rra � � _ . .,� . . . .. , ,.-, , r . :�»:� �. .- . � ..� r�. ,.,.� .�, . � s .., �� � � .._ � �S.N f.:N � • '. � Loc 8; aad the Eaa 10 feet of Lot 9, Block 3, Habo�m��s Addition t�o St. Pau,i_ �� �d �n �e re�otds m the Ramsey �oumtp �er's Office and �wf�A4n obtained by S�t Paul Pabiic IieaIa� on or befaae 7une 3, 1996, the fodlowing are �c 7�3'ts�n Ave�e�, $�,�pa�i,�� p{� �for die Subjea PsvpertY: Arehie E. &utc ]i.. 712 Rube�scein, Herit�e Pnseevatioa Co��, % �, 34U St. Pecer �3W, St. Paul, MN 55102, Dennis S�ith, 1300 Godward SOreet NE. Mp}s., MN 554I3; KazhY C,��d, 4T16 Fremwu Avtm►e South, IvlpZc., MN 55404. '�S, Sei�at Pail Pnbl'sc Hea3tb b�s setva8 in ac�ozdaz�ce w'ssh the provisioas of Chapter 45 of the Sair�t gaui I,eg�stative Code an order idearifed as an "Orcler to Abate I�uisance ��tsY dsued D4ay 30, 199fi; a�oc! . . .. - �� . ,� , .�, �. �, �,<, .., . � , , � <. �..� � .� >. . � u, _. . .. � �. , r_, r ' •• . � i .n� . . � L . w � • �(c.. .. � .�.�� � � ��' .O�• n:-• 1�.� H1w'>1� �.�./t � � 1 i�.' wr� I l f�' � . t - \I \ I 1' �. �.-r. ll.. f' fl .!. 1 1� ♦`�w �. 1�• .1� t. '�• . L' fll � Y� { 1♦ iiC I: i• i� .✓ • t I �• .�M �).�1 � { i �� .. . .. � � .. ,., .. . � �: , � ., ,.. .. . . . . . . . .. . .. �, . ..,� . .i�• • . �. � ...,. . ,:. , . � �, ,.� .>,� .. ,.� . „ ..� , � 1' � 11 . N' � • 1� . � � � � � � . � ' � , ' /�� v .u,t �.. � � �- • r ' - _ t : av,� � • � � � �' �a �� ' t�' ,.,, .. : � . . . ., . . .� . :. - ., . .. . , . 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I. • �1 ' 4 ti l li . 1�� � q rL� if� �a♦� ��� �.� ?7iaz t��re aow exists and bas txiste� mnEripie Ha�ang or Building code vioIa�oas at the Slil>ject pcppeny, Tkat aa fhder w Abate Nnisaace Bui7ding(s} was sent to the tP�n knawn nsponc4b3e garties w cozrect [he deficiencies oz m demalis� a�3 temove fhe buildiag{s}. 'fr, I 1.:.1 ' �.M':. ✓It u_ 1' • � �.1i�Y' •l � I f 1 !. /♦ � i' 1 i I�i � t. s .i� i. •t L� .Kl. ��'. �.� i � � � _ •� � �? t • • � � � � �• t � ' • � ' 1 t � O � ,: . ,. � _ � . . . „� � �� .,, ,. _ �. ... ..., . .. , .� �''�' 1 � Myll,�ill •;�:I[ Ir. {f .�i.f + � Iri�� w.t' • •r, � � � � � � ✓ �� ti I � • t � . 1. � 1: 1 � ! b t � ! " f • 1. � 11 � ^ ! � 6 • , • ! . • A Lr. • Ya� • � +• ��• The S�aant Paui City Coua�iF he�eby makes the followi� pzaer: � •.- ., _� ,.�:,�..�. . ...,. :.., .., . _ � . .: �.. . ,,,a.. , . :... � .. � . - , .,< <�, . .. . . . . � � . , �.- .. �� ,�, ., � . .� .. . � . .� - - . .�.. .. ..• .. � .., . � . � :., ._ • , - ,�^.. . �.., r � � �: �� ..,,,. . . !I � � I . l.Y' � q 1 " ;' If�f • !v' :f�• :y • 1 hi !' � rT i.; �- _ i. ' ' • � :.�.. �.� ' � .. �._ .... . • • : l� x�f • a U�' ) ' r� r , O s." •�!1 t :if:� � ' � � . ., , ,� JUL-11-1997 _ � -. _•. - � 2 3 d S 5 7 8 9 20 I1 I2 Y3 14 11�11 FROM CITY RTTORNEYS OFFICE r � r: ;: �•. TO 92668574 P.04 q�-q�► � �- �t� 3 .. . .. . :... .. . , ... . , �.. ,. , . .� i I� s f� R' f�' tt �•' q��i� �r � 1 � i � .0 �.♦ a - - i._ ,. � . � � �a� • �u . o � � ' r' • �y • m ' e.' •:a, nv t ��' ti.• •�.. -�.�t � • '+s • Ma.s � s !1 .�� �.1 "•J � 1 4�� :��: ]� �1 lr' � �.' 11 � �.�• -{ • ��- • � ) " \IIY, �, ��s A • � H�1 i. � 1 1 � • 1 � I �by l � " •.Yli • i � t . � t � ��.� ,._ ,. ..�. _. .�„ ..- ._ .. .�:. . � , .. / A • I. � f'IJ ��� y11 ♦ w� .�.. �' • '� " J� • . t.� � I�.I• " � � .,.: ... : �.. .., . . .... . , . . 4. It is fi�es oc�d, ttnt a copy of this resoh�tion be mailad w the owners a� i�ed parties in accor�z with Chagter 45 of tLe 5aiat Paul I.agisla6ve Code. xequesrx9 by nepazr.�,� ot: sy: /Lr��¢���.. ,Adogted by Adaptien S ! �'' — � — �� Porm Appz'ove3 by City �At os:esy � � 8y: Q.Mx �.. � � I � i Apyraved 2�Y Ma�vo{ i Date BY% Appzoved by t�sayer fOr Submf.ssiaa to Camcil BY: —' "' � `�'�Ltl.!.(1 TJTAL P.Oa TOTRL P.04 s��Nr .suL � •AAAA Saint Paui Public Heatth 555 Ce@ar street Saint Paul, MN 55101-2260 �AX: (612) 222-2770 FACSiHIILE TRAPiSMLSSION To: Location: Sender: ���E�t�� ,`1l � 1 �g91 � q��� �YF:�.� �43 q�-�i� To F : �b6 ��,f� `1 Cover Sheet and Transmittal Fotm This transmission consists of page(s) (includi� cover sheet)_ If tz'aasmission is incomplete or illegible, call sender at �6121 298-4153. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Golema2 Mayo� I3ovember b, 1996 Neil L. Hiedeman 699 Dayton Avenue Saint Paul, MN SS1Q4 Re: 710 Dayton Avenue Dear Properry Owner: OFF�CEOFUCENSE,INSPEC710NSaNU QI�,�OI �� ENVIRONMEMALpR07'EC(70N "t � Robt�t KesxJer. Dirccro. _IAWRYPRpFESSlONAL Ze4plqne:6t2-166-4040 BU/LDING Farsiml&: 67I-266-9099 Suirc 300 6I? J66-9111 350 Sc Pe1es Sbeet Sau+rPau(itfiivxsom SSIO2-IS70 Pursuant to your request 710 Dayton Avenue was inspected November 5, 1996 and the following report is submitted: I:lil� i. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Rebuild broken and deteriorated stairway as close as is practicat to code. Repair or remove exterior access. Tuck point foundation. ltepair window sash and frames. Insure complete concrete floor (remove wood itooring). Repair chimney cleanout and property close openings and repair, Repair partitioning and hung ceilings or remove all. First. Second and Third Floore 1. Repair or replace waIis and ceilings as necessary throughout. 2. Insure partition.i� that has been removed is not load bearing. 3. Repiace all floot coverings. 4. Replace damaged cabinets, doors, trim, windows, etc. 5. Replace broken stair treads and parts. EXt�Ii4x I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Repair or repiace all deteriorated trim, soffit, facia, siding, ecc. Properly rebuild rear porch with approved materials. Compietely rebuild deteriorated mud room. Completely rebuild deteriorated west entry step, platform, rails, roof, etc. Replace broken and Ieaking roof covering. Replace ill-insta]led front en4ry steps. November 6, 1996 Page 2 Code Compliaace Inspection Report Re: 710 Dayton Avenue ���V� B�DII�LG: �xcer�o_r - (concinued) 7. Replace iIl-installed front sidewatk. 8. Repair and tuck point chimuey's. 9. Repair or remove gutters and dowaspouu. neml 1. Pmvide haad aad guazd rails al! staitways and steps as per attachment. 2. Provide thumb type dead bolts for all entry doors. 3. Repair or replace any deteriorated window sash, broken glass, sash holders, etc. as necessary. 4. Provide storms and screens complete and in good repair fox a21 door and window 5. 6. Q F7 ]0. openings. Fire block conshuction as necessary. Where wall and ceiling covering is removed, attic, replaced doors and windows, (insulation, glass, weather stripping, etc.) shall meet new energy code standazds. 1Zelevel structure as much as is practicai. Prepaze and paint interior and exterior as necessary (take the necessary precaurions if lead base paint is present). Any fraxriing members that do not meet code (where wall and ceiliag covering zs removed, members that aze overspanned, overspaced, not being carried properly, door and window openings that are not headered, etc.) are to be reconstructed as per code. A determination as to exacfly what will have to be done is to be made by this deparhnent or a regi.stered structural engineer. Provide general clean-up of premise. £LECTRICAL: 1. Re-wire entire house to Bulletin 80-1. 2. All gutted areas to be wired to new code standards. 3. Inscatl smoke detectors to U.B.C. PLL�3ING: 1. All plumbing W be replaced. 2. Replace all plumbing, including waste and vent piping, gas piping and water piping to code. 3. Cap off oucside ra.inteader piping to code. 4. Install all plumbing fixtures and appurtenances to code. S. Test atl piping and fixtures as per code. HEATINC:: i. Clean and ORSAT test boiler. 2. Replace manual gas valve. ' i�ovciriber 6, 199G Page 3 Code Compliance Inspection Report Re: �10 Dayton Avenue EiEATtNG: - (coatimied) 3. Remove unused gas pipu3g and cap openir�s. 4. Provide combus6on air. 5. Line chunney and add drip tee. ZS2N�.� This properry was inspected as being a singte family residence. N�?�S: 1. See attachment for permit requirements. 2. Provide plans and specifications as to what is io be tebuilt. 3. Provide smoke detection as per UBC. Sincerely, ���l,w n. DonaId F. Wagner Building Inspecwr DFW:aw atiachment �4� � � �l TOTRL P.04 Council File # ���r �_� Green Sheet # ���� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 14 20 21 � ��ait Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � WIIEREAS the Saint Paul City Councii has become increasingly aware of the historic and arclutectural significance of the building located at 710 Dayton Avenue in 8aint Paul presently siated for demolition as a nuisance pursuant to resolution 96-1039 of this council; and WHEREAS the fee owner has done only some of the repairs to the building and has suffered the forfeiture of a performance bond in the amount of $2000.00 posted to secure the necessary building permits but has now recommitted krimself to the timely rehabilitation of the property, and WHEREAS ciry inspectars have found the building at times to be unsecured and open as an attractive nuisance; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that the property owner be granted an extension of 180 days (from the date of adoption and approval of tlus reso]ution) to comply with the original abatement order found in council resolution 96-1039 on the additional conditions that (1) city inspectors be granted complete access to both the interior and exterior of the property to monitor compliance progress and security, and (2) the building be secured by the means recommended by ciry inspectors Furthermore, the original performance bond of $2000.00 should be reinstated without delay to secure the necessary building permits without the need to post additional security. Requested by Department of: By: Form Ap oi.�d 't � A rney Hy: Appsoved by M or for Svbmission to Council BY� �' �— Approved by Mayor: � Date By: � CS'�-- By Adopted by Council: Date CCq�� , 1\� Adoption Certified by Counci Sec azy 38�4� DEP%1fl71AENT�OFFICFiLOUNdL DATEINITIATED g^� q,L c�t coun��i GREEN SHEE � ' CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INRIAVDATE INITIAVDATE �OEPARTMENTDIqE �CrtYCOUNCIL 3erry Blakey, 266-8620 N y'BEBFOfl ❑CRYATTOflNEY �CffYCLERK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) pOUTING O BUDGET DIREGTOR � FiN. 8 MGT. SERVIGE DIR. OHOEN O MqYpR {OR ASSISTAN'n � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION pE�UESTED: GT'BIltlII an extension of 180 da s to the g y property owner oE 710 Dayton Avenue with the following conditions: 1) city inspectors be granted access to interior and exterior to monitor compliance progress and security, 2) the building is secured by the means recommended by city inspectors. pECpMMENDAT70NS: approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACT'S MUST ANSWER THE EQLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ FLANNING CAMMISSIQN _ CIVIL SERVICE GOMMISSION �� Has this person/firm ever worked untler a contract for Mis tlepartmeM? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this personflirm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ OISTRICT COUq7 ____ 3. Does this ersonflirm p possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNpL O&IECTIVE7 YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPpRTUNITV (Who. What, When, Where, Why): ADVANTACaES IF APPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED ��41T1C� ��?3��f(�1 ��' sul 1 � �9s7 �„� �_�... � �_� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVE� �� 70TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIqCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANC�ALINFORNIATION:(EXPLAIN) - . a�=-a�� - - -- - - - - -- - CITY OF SAINT PAIIL CITZZEN SSRVICE PROGRAM - 190 CITY AAT•T• 266-8989 ID: 53253 DATE: 02-02-95 RBFERRED TO: S.P.P.H. \7ACANP BUILDING IACATIO23: �10 DAYTON AVE Name Organization _ Address _ H. Phone _Pln Dist Apt# -City A.Code -B. Phone Council Dist � THE FOLLOWING IS ALLEGED BY TFIB COMPLAINANT.... VACANT BUZLDING Received by Jx ���� , �. �� � n �{ � r� � i � RESULTS OF INSPECTION BY VAC DEPARTMENT Insp Date 07/07/97 Inspector Reneta ➢Ieiss Next Review Date 07/14/97 Vac. Bldg. Monitorin Status recheck and update. Hoarding/Securing Summary abatement order issued. UNABLE TO REINSPSCT IN 5 DAYS � �-�' +° ° r /v�Pf ��;, �� ����� b,�d ���� �` ��� � 7 12s.��. � �� � ��� � . �- �� � � i � �� , - �� � .��.5 � ��' � k� . }�- � �� ��� �� ��� G� a-s l-�.Fl�-c� �'� �d� � fi�� (-, e— � - v � � � , � � a .q� =m = zm =� W f0 O W f0 W W �= NO �= y d �3 d � � .G < L 6 0 GI W 6 0 6 0 ° c � m p a ° c m ° c m N 0.2 d L d L Q�A�� Q�Am Q�t�m > �P'g > �PC >zPC Y�} q� M�� Y W� N T C. � J > O. �✓ > 6 � V ---' J m CA U b m C�� m CN� N 2rOS+ 0�00 2..00 � � O\ 0 L' p U\ b L W\� L � no�m`orn v��o a�-.o N\ 3 J Y N\ U Y N\ U M } -2t�dYYQ 2�- W --�N W U �0��000 Od\ ON�. W 1 V V Y L t N O C y N O W C b LL 0 M � O�c•� , v F U ' tl p l a � F U� � F y U �' J LL W m Y� J O. L'O J O. 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W � W�� W U �Y Y�w �Y� Y� � Y M L L Y M L L OCU' a p0(9U > 6 � r > � `- < 2 2 c c a 0 z z (� J J 6 1 n � � N U 6J N W W W K Z S O N H H p J Q N � t m 0 K F Y Y � C c�'J 3 f.'J 2 O W W W J J � R 2 < 2 O N N U N N w .. co .. c� � c�� ca= N 2p 20 � � � � � C Jm Jm J J �! � � 2 t � 2 U W U W i f ? f � • Z Q 4 T • o � •' N Y T y .e'�i� c n v��` o 0 6N6 � T� P P � � t�d W N d af06 N Ot1C O � Y �R J J < 6 3 3 a us° � � � � c c > > • .t N • o O O �Y C N� O � � N a'1�9�1 From: Gerry McInerney - To: Jerryb Subject: 710 Dayton q'1-qt� Here is the outline of events as I can recall them some of the dates are hazy: Aug 28, 1996 the legislative hearing officer hears the case on 710 Dayton Ave. September 4 1996 Neil Heideman shows before council requesting a layover to arrange financing to purchase the property. I belive you lay over this item until September 25. September 25 Neil asks for more time to get the financing together and produces a letter from his bank stating that they are looking at his proposal. You lay it over until October 23. October 23. Nei1 requests another layover you give him three weeks to November 13. November 13 - You pass the resolution but it gives Neil 30 days to get the financing in line and post bond or the building is demolished. I told Neil that he has six months to complete the worlc but that if he has 50a done by the end of the 180 days he can get another 180 days to finish the rehab. Neil calls in early May saying he just put in his drawings into HPC ( Aaron called today and stated that the complete application was delivered June 20) I asked Neil how far along he was and he said that he had to wait for winter to be over to do the roof so he could then work inside on the building. I told him that I thought he should move the construction along quickly to meet the 50% requirement by the end of 180 days. July 11 - Gerry Strathman states that Neil has called to staCe he has recieved a 5 day repair or remove order. Neighbors call and I go visit with Carl Brown and tell Neil his best bet would be to hire an attorney to file a TRO to stop the city from demolition. Numerous neighbors call wanting to save the house, some don't necessarily care if Neil is the one to do the work or not. I e�lain the city process and why it is in place. Some are ok with it others are not. ATTACHED are the code compliance ( very long list) the complaints for the property, and the resolution. The complaints on the property aren't alot and I had Citizen Service runs the last four years but it is interesting to note that even this year ther have been complaints on snow on the walk which lead the inspector to trash issues. FYI - Bethany stated earlier this month that the SUPC had taken °t��q�i a position on zero tolerance for tearing down houses. The Block Party is 4:o� p.m. on Sunday in fsont of 710 Dayton. Options You could ask someone from the block to step forward and post bond and guarantee the finished product. I think that Michael Koop is interested ( he is from the state preservation and understands probably better that the rest of the neighbors the issues with process). You could intervene and ask Renatta on Monday to hold off on the contract to demo and then pass a resolution at council giving another entity 180 days to complete the rehab. This may entail the neighbors providing a letter of credit or contracting with professional to do the interior and exterior repairs. q��t 41 Rehab Schedule for 710 Dayton Avenue, St. Paul, Mn 1. Reroof and repair facia. Remove west chimney 2. Prepair and paint exterior including reglazing five windows. Replace 1 window with 1/1 original layout. 3. Remove non-bearing walls and plaster from interior. Remove back stairs. Install new doors at back of house 4. Repiace front porch 5. Instail new electric service and rewire 6. Replumb house for kitchen, two baths and basement laundry 7. Install new "forced-air heating system 8. Insulate and sheetrock inside walls 9. Repair fireboxes for two fireplaces 10. Install new flooring of tile, wood and carpet with repairs to subfloor where necessary 11. Remove added back deck and install new steps to back door 12, Install new wooden combination storm windows /(/ ,.t.�-C_. � , � . �� �� � � 1 month concurrent with reroof 3weeks 3 weeks 2 weeks 2 weeks 2.weeks 3 weeks 1 week 3 weeks 1 week concurrent with back deck removal q�-91� we, the undersigned, request that the demolition of 7I0 Dayton Ave., St. Paul, Mn, ordered by Reneta Weiss be Stopped. As it curr2ntly stands, we have no complaints about the house at 710 Dayton Ave and want it restored as a single family home which would make it a considerable asset to our community and to the City of St. Paul. We understand that you, Jerry Biakey, our city council person, have the authority to stop the tear down proceedure without adding further cost and complication to bringing this property back on to the tax rolls for the city. � ��.w/ � We appreciate your cooperation and leadership in this urgent �ter. q'1-9�� We, the undersigned, request that the demolition of 710 D�yton Ave., St. Paul, Mn, ordered by Reneta Weiss be stopped. As it currently stands, we have house at 710 Dayton Ave and want family home which would make it community and to the City of St. no complaints about the it restored as a single a considerable asset to our Paul. We understand that you; Jerry Blakey, our city council person, have the authority to stop the tear down proceedure without adding further cost and complication to bringing this property back on to the tax rolls for the city. We appreciate your cooperation and leadership in this urgent matter. / � J��� �� q'1. � �� — We, the undersigned, request that the demolition of 710 Dayton Ave., St. Paul, Mn, ordered by Reneta Weiss be stopped. As it currently stands, we have no complaints about the house at 710 Dayton Ave and want it restored as a single family home which would sake it a considerable asset to our community and to the City of St. Paul. We understand that you; Jerry Blakey, our city council person,-have the authority to stop the tear down proceedure without adding further cost and complication to bringing this property back on to the tax rolis for the city. r��� �s� �5� �L� IbZ, _[- SS�� _ �U,L ��I�S2. We appreciate your cooperation and leadership in this urgent matter. \ � r 1 � � We, the undersigned, reguest that the demolition of '710 Dayton Ave., St. Paul, Mn, ordered by Reneta Weiss be Stopped. As it currently stands, we have no complaints about the house at 710 Dayton Ave and want it restored as a single family home which would make it a considerable asset to our community and to the City of St. Paul. We understand that you, Jerry Blakey, our city council person, have the authority to stop the tear down proceedure without adding further cost and complication to bringing this property back on to the tax.rolls for the city. We appreciate your cooperation and leadership in this urgent matter. i:i: . � a \ f;i �l �7.�?bX'i �L � S�t�LL. � , r... . . �c.�. �1 �. + � ` L Q� •91\ 740 Marshail Avenue St. Daul, MN �5102 � i�� / 9 y? ��„� 7rt��„ C'�� - �. �� ;";�.:�-✓ .� �v �,�- �.� � �t� � . n�. ., , , ���.�. 292-13� � 1? ��.� � ���� �� � � ����� � ��a ��� � . .� ��... ,�-�- �-,�.�.� � �-�- � '� -Y�- -�`°,`� ������ ��� ���� .� .�-n ,� � � � �� ,� � �. Q � �� � � ti� a�t. �lzr��� o �i ��- � � /w�.y °�-r,-� / �- ,�-e,.c�� �.,,,�.�� ��. ��e�;-� �-� �;� � � � � � �.--� /� �'-� ��v a.e� � -� �' �n�-.�" �����.�..� �-,.z,�-,,aa-=-y������ �- �, ��- ��������� �..,-� ��� � � � O�� � �'-d-✓ - - , � ,e.�.�� � �_ _ _-,�...� _ �� . � �. �.�.�,.y.�.. � ��� . �� � � � �� �� �r� ,!�— � �-�. :� � �°� �� .z.�, �� ��-�. `s # a���3z � 9���,�`.� ' •_��9--� �?fz�-.i �7� City of �aint Paul City Attomey's Office 400 City xall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 FAX #: 298-5614 FAX TRANSMITTAL COVER SHEET DATE: TO: FROM: July 11, I997 Marcia Moermond Steve Christie � /'1�C� � NiJMBER OF PAGES IINCLUDING COVER SHEET): 4 COMMENTS: Here's the final form of the resolution as signed by the mayor; however, you might need to verify whether the council gave the owner some other consideration. I believe the owner may have gotten a reprieve of the 30 day deadline if he posted the usual permit bond for a nuisance building and completed all work in 180 days. While the vacant building folke may have told the owner to contact me about the situation, I have heard nothing. CONFIDENTI�iTY NOTiCB• THE DOCUMENT(S) ACCOMFANYING TFiIS FAX CONTAIN CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION WHICH IS LEGALLY PRIVILEGED. THE INFORMATION IS INTENDED QNLY FOR THE USE pF THE INTENDED RECIPIENT NAMFD ABOVE. IF YOU ARE NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY DISCLOSURE, COPYING, DISTRIBUTION OR THE TAKING OF ANY ACTION IN RELIANCE ON THE CONTENTS OF TFIIS TELECOPIED INFORMATION EXCEPT ITS DIRECT DELIVERY TO THE INTENDED RECIPIENT NAMED ABOVE IS STRICTLY PROAIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED TFiIS FAX IN ERROR, PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY BY TELEPHONE TO PRRANGE FOR RETURN OF THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS TO US. 2 3 4 5 6 ? 8 9 30 il 23 13 14 15 ib 17 I8 19 � � � � � 26 27 28 29 � ' 3? 33 5 36 37 38 39 � 41 42 43 � �����` ' s v • i �`si f:; _ Preseaeea ay OF �fif�O�Q RESQL!)T1�14 � ----_ �� f� - - --�+�+ ,,�,�..�� � �. .., . . .� ts . � ----- �_ , -, , -. ,:r�. - � � . �. — � -- . . - ..,... _ _ .. .. �.< , �.- . f�� o �v ty � ♦ �.- � _ n ' •.:i � � , • �. • • wt� a -�u' _ ••� .,rra � � _ . .,� . . . .. , ,.-, , r . :�»:� �. .- . � ..� r�. ,.,.� .�, . � s .., �� � � .._ � �S.N f.:N � • '. � Loc 8; aad the Eaa 10 feet of Lot 9, Block 3, Habo�m��s Addition t�o St. Pau,i_ �� �d �n �e re�otds m the Ramsey �oumtp �er's Office and �wf�A4n obtained by S�t Paul Pabiic IieaIa� on or befaae 7une 3, 1996, the fodlowing are �c 7�3'ts�n Ave�e�, $�,�pa�i,�� p{� �for die Subjea PsvpertY: Arehie E. &utc ]i.. 712 Rube�scein, Herit�e Pnseevatioa Co��, % �, 34U St. Pecer �3W, St. Paul, MN 55102, Dennis S�ith, 1300 Godward SOreet NE. Mp}s., MN 554I3; KazhY C,��d, 4T16 Fremwu Avtm►e South, IvlpZc., MN 55404. '�S, Sei�at Pail Pnbl'sc Hea3tb b�s setva8 in ac�ozdaz�ce w'ssh the provisioas of Chapter 45 of the Sair�t gaui I,eg�stative Code an order idearifed as an "Orcler to Abate I�uisance ��tsY dsued D4ay 30, 199fi; anc! . . .. - �� . ,� , .�, �. �, �,<, .., . � , , � <. �..� � .� >. . � u, _. . .. � �. , r_, r ' •• . � i .n� . . � L . w � • �(c.. .. � .�.�� � � ��' .O�• n:-• 1�.� H1w'>1� �.�./t � � 1 i�.' wr� I l f�' � . t - \I \ I 1' �. �.-r. ll.. f' fl .!. 1 1� ♦`�w �. 1�• .1� t. '�• . L' fll � Y� { 1♦ iiC I: i• i� .✓ • t I �• .�M �).�1 � { i �� .. . .. � � .. ,., .. . � �: , � ., ,.. .. . . . . . . . .. . .. �, . ..,� . .i�• • . �. � ...,. . ,:. , . � �, ,.� .>,� .. ,.� . „ ..� , � 1' � 11 . N' � • 1� . � � � � � � . � ' � , ' /�� v .u,t �.. � � �- • r ' - _ t : av,� � • � � � �' �a �� ' t�' ,.,, .. : � . . . ., . . .� . :. - ., . .. . , . 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I. • �1 ' 4 ti l li . 1�� � q rL� if� �a♦� ��� �.� ?7iaz t��re aow exists and bas txiste� mnEripie Ha�ang or Building code vioIa�oas at the Slil>ject pcppeny, Tkat aa fhder w Abate Nnisaace Bui7ding(s} was sent to the tP�n knawn nsponc4b3e garties w cozrect [he deficiencies oz m demalis� a�3 temove fhe buildiag{s}. 'fr, I 1.:.1 ' �.M':. ✓It u_ 1' • � �.1i�Y' •l � I f 1 !. /♦ � i' 1 i I�i � t. s .i� i. •t L� .Kl. ��'. �.� i � � � _ •� � �? t • • � � � � �• t � ' • � ' 1 t � O � ,: . ,. � _ � . . . „� � �� .,, ,. _ �. ... ..., . .. , .� �''�' 1 � Myll,�ill •;�:I[ Ir. {f .�i.f + � Iri�� w.t' • •r, � � � � � � ✓ �� ti I � • t � . 1. � 1: 1 � ! b t � ! " f • 1. � 11 � ^ ! � 6 • , • ! . • A Lr. • Ya� • � +• ��• The S�aant Paui City Coua�iF he�eby makes the followi� pzaer: � •.- ., _� ,.�:,�..�. . ...,. :.., .., . _ � . .: �.. . ,,,a.. , . :... � .. � . - , .,< <�, . .. . . . . � � . , �.- .. �� ,�, ., � . .� .. . � . .� - - . .�.. .. ..• .. � .., . � . � :., ._ • , - ,�^.. . �.., r � � �: �� ..,,,. . . !I � � I . l.Y' � q 1 " ;' If�f • !v' :f�• :y • 1 hi !' � rT i.; �- _ i. ' ' • � :.�.. �.� ' � .. �._ .... . • • : l� x�f • a U�' ) ' r� r , O s." •�!1 t :if:� � ' � � . ., , ,� JUL-11-1997 _ � -. _•. - � 2 3 d S 5 7 8 9 20 I1 I2 Y3 14 11�11 FROM CITY RTTORNEYS OFFICE r � r: ;: �•. TO 92668574 P.04 q�-q�► � �- �t� 3 .. . .. . :... .. . , ... . , �.. ,. , . .� i I� s f� R' f�' tt �•' q��i� �r � 1 � i � .0 �.♦ a - - i._ ,. � . � � �a� • �u . o � � ' r' • �y • m ' e.' •:a, nv t ��' ti.• •�.. -�.�t � • '+s • Ma.s � s !1 .�� �.1 "•J � 1 4�� :��: ]� �1 lr' � �.' 11 � �.�• -{ • ��- • � ) " \IIY, �, ��s A • � H�1 i. � 1 1 � • 1 � I �by l � " •.Yli • i � t . � t � ��.� ,._ ,. ..�. _. .�„ ..- ._ .. .�:. . � , .. / A • I. � f'IJ ��� y11 ♦ w� .�.. �' • '� " J� • . t.� � I�.I• " � � .,.: ... : �.. .., . . .... . , . . 4. It is fi�es oc�d, ttnt a copy of this resoh�tion be mailad w the owners a� i�ed parties in accor�z with Chagter 45 of tLe 5aiat Paul I.agisla6ve Code. xequesrx9 by nepazr.�,� ot: sy: /Lr��¢���.. ,Adogted by Adaptien S ! �'' — � — �� Porm Appz'ove3 by City �At os:esy � � 8y: Q.Mx �.. � � I � i Apyraved 2�Y Ma�vo{ i Date BY% Appzoved by t�sayer fOr Submf.ssiaa to Camcil BY: —' "' � `�'�Ltl.!.(1 TJTAL P.Oa TOTRL P.04 s��Nr .suL � •AAAA Saint Paui Public Heatth 555 Ce@ar street Saint Paul, MN 55101-2260 �AX: (612) 222-2770 FACSiHIILE TRAPiSMLSSION To: Location: Sender: ���E�t�� ,`1l � 1 �g91 � q��� �YF:�.� �43 q�-�i� To F : �b6 ��,f� `1 Cover Sheet and Transmittal Fotm This transmission consists of page(s) (includi� cover sheet)_ If tz'aasmission is incomplete or illegible, call sender at �6121 298-4153. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Golema2 Mayo� I3ovember b, 1996 Neil L. Hiedeman 699 Dayton Avenue Saint Paul, MN SS1Q4 Re: 710 Dayton Avenue Dear Properry Owner: OFF�CEOFUCENSE,INSPEC710NSaNU QI�,�OI �� ENVIRONMEMALpR07'EC(70N "t � Robt�t KesxJer. Dirccro. _IAWRYPRpFESSlONAL Ze4plqne:6t2-166-4040 BU/LDING Farsiml&: 67I-266-9099 Suirc 300 6I? J66-9111 350 Sc Pe1es Sbeet Sau+rPau(itfiivxsom SSIO2-IS70 Pursuant to your request 710 Dayton Avenue was inspected November 5, 1996 and the following report is submitted: I:lil� i. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Rebuild broken and deteriorated stairway as close as is practicat to code. Repair or remove exterior access. Tuck point foundation. ltepair window sash and frames. Insure complete concrete floor (remove wood itooring). Repair chimney cleanout and property close openings and repair, Repair partitioning and hung ceilings or remove all. First. Second and Third Floore 1. Repair or replace waIis and ceilings as necessary throughout. 2. Insure partition.i� that has been removed is not load bearing. 3. Repiace all floot coverings. 4. Replace damaged cabinets, doors, trim, windows, etc. 5. Replace broken stair treads and parts. EXt�Ii4x I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Repair or repiace all deteriorated trim, soffit, facia, siding, ecc. Properly rebuild rear porch with approved materials. Compietely rebuild deteriorated mud room. Completely rebuild deteriorated west entry step, platform, rails, roof, etc. Replace broken and Ieaking roof covering. Replace ill-insta]led front en4ry steps. November 6, 1996 Page 2 Code Compliaace Inspection Report Re: 710 Dayton Avenue ���V� B�DII�LG: �xcer�o_r - (concinued) 7. Replace iIl-installed front sidewatk. 8. Repair and tuck point chimuey's. 9. Repair or remove gutters and dowaspouu. neml 1. Pmvide haad aad guazd rails al! staitways and steps as per attachment. 2. Provide thumb type dead bolts for all entry doors. 3. Repair or replace any deteriorated window sash, broken glass, sash holders, etc. as necessary. 4. Provide storms and screens complete and in good repair fox a21 door and window 5. 6. Q F7 ]0. openings. Fire block conshuction as necessary. Where wall and ceiling covering is removed, attic, replaced doors and windows, (insulation, glass, weather stripping, etc.) shall meet new energy code standazds. 1Zelevel structure as much as is practicai. Prepaze and paint interior and exterior as necessary (take the necessary precaurions if lead base paint is present). Any fraxriing members that do not meet code (where wall and ceiliag covering zs removed, members that aze overspanned, overspaced, not being carried properly, door and window openings that are not headered, etc.) are to be reconstructed as per code. A determination as to exacfly what will have to be done is to be made by this deparhnent or a regi.stered structural engineer. Provide general clean-up of premise. £LECTRICAL: 1. Re-wire entire house to Bulletin 80-1. 2. All gutted areas to be wired to new code standards. 3. Inscatl smoke detectors to U.B.C. PLL�3ING: 1. All plumbing W be replaced. 2. Replace all plumbing, including waste and vent piping, gas piping and water piping to code. 3. Cap off oucside ra.inteader piping to code. 4. Install all plumbing fixtures and appurtenances to code. S. Test atl piping and fixtures as per code. HEATINC:: i. Clean and ORSAT test boiler. 2. Replace manual gas valve. ' i�ovciriber 6, 199G Page 3 Code Compliance Inspection Report Re: �10 Dayton Avenue EiEATtNG: - (coatimied) 3. Remove unused gas pipu3g and cap openir�s. 4. Provide combus6on air. 5. Line chunney and add drip tee. ZS2N�.� This properry was inspected as being a singte family residence. N�?�S: 1. See attachment for permit requirements. 2. Provide plans and specifications as to what is io be tebuilt. 3. Provide smoke detection as per UBC. Sincerely, ���l,w n. DonaId F. Wagner Building Inspecwr DFW:aw atiachment �4� � � �l TOTRL P.04