97-909�����i�g�,� Presented by_ Refened To �Yhet��e - � )a3 ��� RESOLUTION OF Councii File # �—�0 9 Green Sheet # 5 d Committee Date �� �/ � r� .l�?_ Yw�. 1 WF�REAS, the City of Saint Paul City Council recognizes the private investment that is occnn�iug� 2 �; and C: .�.+. d 3 WHEREAS, ��y p�+er�e usiness ventures will continue to expand in the next few years; and \JC1r�ou. t�e; 1�1�c l�occ� e.. ^r•z a,- t 1s'.s ar� c�.oc..w.e-�'�S 4 WI�REAS, out uung the priorities fo3 �e�c;� an S-t-.'Pa...\ -��.�.r ,pe.rsQe��-:ui s�e..`��.ba,-hnods 5 WFIEREAS, °°'���� needs public street improvements and other amenities this year including building front 6 improvements, retail promotion and street scape improvements; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council does hereby request that the Mayor direct staf£to prepaze a budget amendment to rovide from *�~°°^� for these activities� 4'� -��w� ��n N- MG or's o�`� � P � t Sn�@t�n 9�c1e�n'���'.: cd-r.v,,n� fe..�u�r'�' bwr� Wi-kY� o.. b•.� �' (J \av� a. ��'�e_ 4a�W . �. \q_�_ C: Cdvn>`��_ �`�' Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attorney By: Adopted by Council: Date R � Adoprion rtified by Council Secreta3yq Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �---` � �y: Approved by Mayor: Date � ( �� By: e PAUL, MINNESOTA Q �l ..a�a DEPqryTME1jT DA �, 6J9 D -- - . (:ll3f l: 11 GREEN SHEET No. ��� COf�UemPF�jSq � PNONE � DEPARThIENT DIHEC � QiY COUNCIL J t31ak NUMBER WR � pS`/ ATfORNEY � CrtY C7.ERK MUSf BE ON COUNqL AGENDA BY (DAT� pOUfING � BUOGET OIflECfOR � FlN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR � � MAVOR (OR ASSISTAM) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (Ci1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIC,NATUTi� ACfiON REWE51ED: Request tUat the Mayor designate $125,000 from the general fund to fund the Selby Initiative. PEWMMENDAnONS: Mu� f� a aeiec� (A) COUNqL COLIMITTEEfiiESEApCH HEPORf OPTIONAL _ PLqNNING COMMISSION _ qVIL SERVICE COMMfSS10N ��YST PHONE NO. _ qB COMMR7EE _ COMMENTS: _ STAFF _ _ DI5TRICT CQURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL O&IECi1VE7 IfNTIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPPORTUNIIY pNM. What. Whan. Where. WhY): ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVAMA6ES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUN7 OF TRANSACiION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOUHCE ACTNITY NUMBEH FINANCIAL WFOFiMATIQN: (EXPLAIN) l ,��, 9`�- 90 9 � f l., ` CITY OF SAINT PAUI, " ��;;_; ::,. ;,��- � OFFICE OF THE CIT'Y COUNCIL `°,.. _ w�`� JERRY BLAKEY Couacalmember MEMORANDUM TO: Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Michael Harris Councilmember Roberta Megazd Counciimember Joseph Collins Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Gladys Morton FROM: Councilmember 7erry Blakey DATE: Tuesday, July 22, 1997 RE: SELBY AVENUE INITIATIVE City Council Meeting - July 23, 1997 Please review the attached information for the .Tu1y 23, 1997, City Council Meeting. I trust that you will continue to support the tremendous development on Selby Avenue. JB:cln Attachments cc: ✓Nancy Anderson CITY HALL THIRD FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MiNNESOTA 55102 6121265-3610 Sa�"��t.q6 Piinted on RecycicciPaper Selby Area. CDC July Ig, 199'1 Councilmember Blakey Oflice of the City Council City Hall, Room 310 City of St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Selby Avenue Ini6ative 9�-9a9 801 Seiby Avarue SCPau1,.�Twnz:osa 55304 612-225-9452 612.292.8502 Dear Councilmember Blakey: The Selby Goalition is an advisory group composed of communiry residents and businesses esfabtished to promote the Seiby Avenue Task Force recommendations. In otder to meei the goals of the Selby Coalition we have applied for Star Grant funds. We are hopeful in receiving a$50,000 grant and $SO,�OO loan for exterior physical improvements to residenrial and cammercial properties on Selby Avenue and have been invited to submit a finat application by 3uly 28, 1997. Recent discussions of the Selby Coalition have focused on the need foz additional dollars in order (o provide positive and lasting changes to the Avenue. We aze requesting as�istance to meet this objective. Enclosed is a request to the Ciry Council for $225,000 for the Selby Avenue IniUative. ShouId vou have any questions or commenu, please feel free to contact me at your eafliest convenience. � MoFrSincerely, , ` / / � �1.�h,'- ���� ? %,.. .� � �.,'���---__ _ - - . i- � �.''pind'erhugl�es-Washington, � ` Executive Dinctor �� ` cc: Selby Coalition Members IIarrell5pears, Ckiair SACDC Assisting Neighbo�s in DevetOp�ng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BetteT Commxnities 97-ga9 sE�Y co�u.moN 8p1 Se�yArer�St Pa� NiV 557D4 �2259�x2,F.oc2�2 Se1by Avenue lniteative Request for �� 2� ,Q00 to support the Seiby Avenue Initiative Submitted to Counciimember Bfakey and the St. Paul City Council Submitted on Behatf of the Selby COalitio�l By: Angelia Pindefiughes-Washington, Executive Rirector Selby Area Community Development Gorporation 97- 9a9 TABLE OF C(JNTENTS SELBY COA7_TI70N Selby Avenue Initiative Proposal BACKGROUND AND INTRODUCTION 1 Issues 1 Assets 2 C�rre�rt endeavors 2 PURPOSE 3 AC2'IVITIES 4 Critical Components 4 Component Descriptions Selby Cocdition Membets 6 9? Selby Coai"rt�n Se{byAvenue initiative Proposaf BACKGROUND AND INTRODUCTIIJN The fo/%winginlroductoryinfoimafion is taken direcflyfiom the Se/byAvenae P/an in July of 1995, the City Council initiated a Small Area Plan and 40.acre Zoning Study for Sefby Aveaue between Hamiine and Vrginia Street. The Counal noted that development progress had been made over the last 10 years but that there remained vacant and undenrtilized property thal could underrnine the Avenue's stability and vitality. Accordingly, they asked that a task force be formed to develop a frameworic of future land use, zoning changes, and publiclprivate irrvestment for the Avenue for adoption by the Planning Commission and City Council. A task force was formed made up of repceserrtatives of aCea residents and businpSC owne[s, Cathedral Hili Busi�ess Association, Lexington Hamline Community Council, Ramsey Hill Association, Summit University Planning Council, afld the Selby Area Communify Developmerrt Corporation The task force met from January 1996 ihrough November 1996 to draft this pian. Consideration was given to the 1993 Lexington Hamline and 1989 Selby Avenue Land Use Small Area Pians for the Avenue, existing zoning and tand use, and the 1988 Community Design Center's marketing studies. The task force toured the Avenue and met wdh staff of the Selby Area Community Devefopment Corporation, Twin Cities Housing Development Corporafion and property owners conceming possible B-2C zoning and rezoning of the business area between Oxford and ChatswoRh. The task force ideirtif+ed several issues and assets that the Setby Avenue Plan shouid address. issues ♦ Too many vacant business buiidings and lots; ♦ poor appearance of buiidings and streetscape; e Missing buildings in residentiai and business biocks; ♦ Suiidings tuming their backs on the street — long biank wails face the street; 97- 90 9 ♦ Vacant property at one neighborhood gateway at Selby and Dale comers; ♦ Perception that crime is worse than it actually is in the area; Assets ♦ Good and affocdabte housing stock; ♦ Opportunity for new and expanding businesses in vacant buildings anrl on vacant tots; ♦ Proximity to downtown and State Capitol jobs and cuilurat insiitutions; ♦ Well designed, historic buiidings ail along Selby Avenue; ♦ Selby businesses can serve the neighborhood Consumer market area between the Grand and Unive�sity market areas; � Three distind pasfs to Selby Avenue, (1) Westem to Dale, (2) Daie to Lexington, and (3) Lewngton to Fiamline; ♦ Neighborhood strength through celebrations and organizations; ♦ Diverse population; ♦ Selby Avenue is easity accessible and has strong name identification. Current endeavors Currerrt endeavors to address a few of the above issues include: Too many vacant bui/dings and lots, Missing buiidinqs in residentiai and business b/acks, 1/acant properf}. af one neighborhood gateway af Selby and Date comers Beginning at Selby and Dale, the Northeast and Southwest comers will soon have a restaurant arxl fumiture store, and a who(e foods grocery coop. A building, one-half block away, has been rehabbed a�d houses a laundromat, within this same block, a long bfighted house will soon house a beauty saion. On the vacant lot of the Southeast comer of Selby and Uctoria, the Sefby Area Community Deve{opment Cocporation has plans underway to develop a commercial building. On the Southwest comer, the new ovmers are reviewing pians to rehab the second floor for residential use. On this same block, owners are rehabbing the buitding that will house a smafl restaurant. Although these activities are more than has previousiy occurred, ii stiil does not address the many other potentiai deveiopments that need to occur. Foorappeaiance ofbuildingsandsireetscape: Twin Cities Deveiopmerrt Corporation, Inner Cfty Youth League, Summit University Planning Council and the Selby Area 97-9oq Community Deveiopmertt Corporation recently joined together to implement a beautification project of Seiby Avenue with plants, yaiU care, etc. However, this effort vaas a one-fime everrt and should be a continuat project. The Selby Area Community Developmerrt Corporation contracted with Grarrt and Hurst Design firm io provide a Conceptuai Vsion Model that shows hbw the Avenue's buikSings and streetscape couid appear. Due to a tack ofi funds the maJei has not been compieted, and it is the desire of the Coalition to complete this project. It is expected that ihe Selby Coalition would issue a Request for Proposals to enlist design firrns in redesigning Selby Avenue storefronts and streetscape. Suiidrngs fuming ffieir backs on the street— lor�g blank wal(s face �e s[reet: The CuAing Club has presented pians to the HPC that provides the buiiding with additional windows, lhus opening up the buitding to the street. The Selby Area Community DevelopmeM Corporation (SACDC) has signed a sublease in the Beamer Errteiprises, inc. building. Once the loan for the SACpC's new business is approved, rehab dollars will allow this building to open up to the street with lots of windows. Perception that crime is worse �an it actually is in U�e area; Many crime prevention efforts are undeMray that addsess actual crime issues. StatisUcs from the Cfty of St. PauPs po�ice departmerrt show that crime is down. The perception within the Community is changing, but there is stifl a negative perception from individuals and businesses outside the Community. rr • � � This Proposal reflects the renewed and stro�ger coliaborative efforts of the individual members and businesses of the Sel6y Coalit[on. Now more than ever, there is a stronger commitment from the Cammunity to ensure that successful and iong term changes are made in the revitafization of Sefby Avenue. The Seiby Coalition, Councilmember Blakey and his offiice aiong with Selby community members have committed to positive changes on the Avenue for the good of the Community as a whole. The purpose of the Selby Avenue Initiative is to begin implementing the Seiby Area 7ask Force recommendations for Selby Avenue. The tan3et boundary for this proposal is Seiby Avenue from Dale to Lexington Avenues. Recerrt revitalization efforts on Selby Avenue have brought about increased and positive interests from businesses and residents. However, there is stifi a perception that not much in the form of devefopment will occur West of Daie due to previously unsuccessfui attempts to revitaiize the Seiby Community. We must focus our efforts on maintaining the positive interest for the long term economic viabiiify and vita/i2y of the Community. Future in�tiatives will be easier to impiement once residents and businesses are able to see concrete results from initiatives outlined in this Proposal. 3 �7-9�9 Activitles c�c«i cfl�,�rte� The Selby Coatition has idenfified #he foilowing dems as critical components of fhe Selby Avenue initiafeve: 1. Storefrorrt Windows and E�derior Building Design review; 2, Street fumiture, plants and banners; 3. Ad�uate business signage; 4. A study to determine the 6est opGon for an enhanced streetscape, that woaid indude bus stop enclosures and bump outs and the completion of the Selby Avenue Conceptuai vsion Modei; 5. A study to determine if there is a need for a parking ramp or underground parking on the Avenue; 6. The development of a Request for Proposals to present exte�or improvemecit aitematives to businesses on the Avenue; 7. Enhanced sheet IigMing; 8. PuWic Space Programming to inGude a community market open on weekends; 9. Marketing, promotionai and business survey; 10. Financia{ and technical assislance provided for the Housing and Business Fair and Selby Days Cefebration; 11. Assistance to the Seiby Coafition to have a part-time coottiinator that woufd staft a small o�ce and provide information, gathered in one Community location, fpr sesidants and businesses to receive infomiation on housing and business loans; Component Descrtptions The Selby Coalition would like fo complete work the Selby Area Community DevelopmeM Corporation began with the creation of a Conceptual Vision Model of Selby Avenue. We would like to issue Request for Proposais from design architects to address possible redesign of storefronts and the Selby Avenue streetscape. We have appiied to STAR for $50,000 in foans, and $50,000 in grants to provide exterior physicai improvements to residerrts and businesses. This Proposal v✓dl augment the STAR funds. A study should be undedaken to determine if tt�ere is a need for a parking ramp or underground parfcing on ihe Avenue. � �7-90� We need a more enhanced streetscape that incorporates banners that read simply `Selby Avenue"; street fumiture; a study thaf looks at the need for bus stop enGosures and bump out's where appropriafe; adequafe business signage and improved storefrorrt appearances; enhanced street lightinq (much like theJighfing EasE of Date). In addition, as a part of pubiic space programmi�, a smai{ Community market open on weekends wouid further enhance the Selby community. RedevetopmeM of Selby Avenue must indude a well thought out marketing, promotional and business suNey plan forthe Avenue. !n mid to late October, 1997, a Housing and Business Fair wilt 6e held at Gentra! High School. Several agencies from fhe community arid the City of St. Paul wii{ offer information on housing and business Ioans and assistance. In September of each year the Sefby Days Cele6ration occurs. The City of St. Paul has provided technical and a smalf amount of financial assistance for these projects. 7he Selby Coalition would like to receive atlditionai funds to provide a much tan�er and effective fair and celebration fa the future. The Seiby Coalitian will secure a smaf{ space ({ocated in one of the Sefby Coalition partner's offices) for community members seeking business and residentiai information. Part of this initiative request wil! be to help support this e�Fort thmugh technical assistance arid a smal{ amourrt of financing in order to accompfish this goal. v:- �.. ,..,. .... „�:: .._. <. ,. With fhe resurgence of revitalization interests, the Selby Coali6on hoges that the City Council is abie to provide funding and technical assistance for this Seiby Avenue IniGative. As the Selby Coalition activities progress, we feel confidant in the ability to enlist additional businesses to leverage financial and fechnical assistance received from the City oF St. Paul in order to suppiement this $125,000 request. 97- 909 Selby Coalifion Members Oryanizations represented in the Selby Coa4ition are: Cathedral HiN Business Association Cari Nelson Concemed Citizens Focus Group James Geary, Vemon Crowe lndividual Bus+nesses and Residents James Jones, JJ Auto Body Ramsey Hiil Association Judy McLaughlin Seiby Area Community Development Corpora6on Angefia Pinderhughes-Washingfon Summit University Pianning Council Peggy Byme 6 JUL 22 '97 10�31 6A24068 �---�--. Setby 14v�enue tnit's�tnre Budget Sforefrorrt Windows and Ektedor Buiiding Oesign review and Devebpment of Request for Proposafs Exterior lmprovemerrt Atlematives Street Fumi►ure, piarns and banners Susiness Signage Sludy- enhanced streetscape and Conceptuai vision Model Study - Parkir�p On the Avenue Street Ligtdirsg Consuttant Pubiic Sparx Proqramming Community Madcet �inanciaUtechnicaf assistance Hoeising and Business Fair sel6y t7ays Celebration Selby CoatiNon Part Ume staff and o�ce space aod the coordinetion and implemeMalion of a Markeling, Promollonai and business survey TOTAL: 513,000 $2S,OD0 $20,000 $12�006 $ 3,pOQ $ 5.00D $15,000 $ 4,Ofl0 $ 28_QOq $125.QOU P.2 9� 9 q �����i�g�,� Presented by_ Refened To �Yhet��e - � )a3 ��� RESOLUTION OF Councii File # �—�0 9 Green Sheet # 5 d Committee Date �� �/ � r� .l�?_ Yw�. 1 WF�REAS, the City of Saint Paul City Council recognizes the private investment that is occnn�iug� 2 �; and C: .�.+. d 3 WHEREAS, ��y p�+er�e usiness ventures will continue to expand in the next few years; and \JC1r�ou. t�e; 1�1�c l�occ� e.. ^r•z a,- t 1s'.s ar� c�.oc..w.e-�'�S 4 WI�REAS, out uung the priorities fo3 �e�c;� an S-t-.'Pa...\ -��.�.r ,pe.rsQe��-:ui s�e..`��.ba,-hnods 5 WFIEREAS, °°'���� needs public street improvements and other amenities this year including building front 6 improvements, retail promotion and street scape improvements; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council does hereby request that the Mayor direct staf£to prepaze a budget amendment to rovide from *�~°°^� for these activities� 4'� -��w� ��n N- MG or's o�`� � P � t Sn�@t�n 9�c1e�n'���'.: cd-r.v,,n� fe..�u�r'�' bwr� Wi-kY� o.. b•.� �' (J \av� a. ��'�e_ 4a�W . �. \q_�_ C: Cdvn>`��_ �`�' Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attorney By: Adopted by Council: Date R � Adoprion rtified by Council Secreta3yq Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �---` � �y: Approved by Mayor: Date � ( �� By: e PAUL, MINNESOTA Q �l ..a�a DEPqryTME1jT DA �, 6J9 D -- - . (:ll3f l: 11 GREEN SHEET No. ��� COf�UemPF�jSq � PNONE � DEPARThIENT DIHEC � QiY COUNCIL J t31ak NUMBER WR � pS`/ ATfORNEY � CrtY C7.ERK MUSf BE ON COUNqL AGENDA BY (DAT� pOUfING � BUOGET OIflECfOR � FlN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR � � MAVOR (OR ASSISTAM) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (Ci1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIC,NATUTi� ACfiON REWE51ED: Request tUat the Mayor designate $125,000 from the general fund to fund the Selby Initiative. PEWMMENDAnONS: Mu� f� a aeiec� (A) COUNqL COLIMITTEEfiiESEApCH HEPORf OPTIONAL _ PLqNNING COMMISSION _ qVIL SERVICE COMMfSS10N ��YST PHONE NO. _ qB COMMR7EE _ COMMENTS: _ STAFF _ _ DI5TRICT CQURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL O&IECi1VE7 IfNTIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPPORTUNIIY pNM. What. Whan. Where. WhY): ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVAMA6ES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUN7 OF TRANSACiION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOUHCE ACTNITY NUMBEH FINANCIAL WFOFiMATIQN: (EXPLAIN) l ,��, 9`�- 90 9 � f l., ` CITY OF SAINT PAUI, " ��;;_; ::,. ;,��- � OFFICE OF THE CIT'Y COUNCIL `°,.. _ w�`� JERRY BLAKEY Couacalmember MEMORANDUM TO: Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Michael Harris Councilmember Roberta Megazd Counciimember Joseph Collins Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Gladys Morton FROM: Councilmember 7erry Blakey DATE: Tuesday, July 22, 1997 RE: SELBY AVENUE INITIATIVE City Council Meeting - July 23, 1997 Please review the attached information for the .Tu1y 23, 1997, City Council Meeting. I trust that you will continue to support the tremendous development on Selby Avenue. JB:cln Attachments cc: ✓Nancy Anderson CITY HALL THIRD FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MiNNESOTA 55102 6121265-3610 Sa�"��t.q6 Piinted on RecycicciPaper Selby Area. CDC July Ig, 199'1 Councilmember Blakey Oflice of the City Council City Hall, Room 310 City of St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Selby Avenue Ini6ative 9�-9a9 801 Seiby Avarue SCPau1,.�Twnz:osa 55304 612-225-9452 612.292.8502 Dear Councilmember Blakey: The Selby Goalition is an advisory group composed of communiry residents and businesses esfabtished to promote the Seiby Avenue Task Force recommendations. In otder to meei the goals of the Selby Coalition we have applied for Star Grant funds. We are hopeful in receiving a$50,000 grant and $SO,�OO loan for exterior physical improvements to residenrial and cammercial properties on Selby Avenue and have been invited to submit a finat application by 3uly 28, 1997. Recent discussions of the Selby Coalition have focused on the need foz additional dollars in order (o provide positive and lasting changes to the Avenue. We aze requesting as�istance to meet this objective. Enclosed is a request to the Ciry Council for $225,000 for the Selby Avenue IniUative. ShouId vou have any questions or commenu, please feel free to contact me at your eafliest convenience. � MoFrSincerely, , ` / / � �1.�h,'- ���� ? %,.. .� � �.,'���---__ _ - - . i- � �.''pind'erhugl�es-Washington, � ` Executive Dinctor �� ` cc: Selby Coalition Members IIarrell5pears, Ckiair SACDC Assisting Neighbo�s in DevetOp�ng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BetteT Commxnities 97-ga9 sE�Y co�u.moN 8p1 Se�yArer�St Pa� NiV 557D4 �2259�x2,F.oc2�2 Se1by Avenue lniteative Request for �� 2� ,Q00 to support the Seiby Avenue Initiative Submitted to Counciimember Bfakey and the St. Paul City Council Submitted on Behatf of the Selby COalitio�l By: Angelia Pindefiughes-Washington, Executive Rirector Selby Area Community Development Gorporation 97- 9a9 TABLE OF C(JNTENTS SELBY COA7_TI70N Selby Avenue Initiative Proposal BACKGROUND AND INTRODUCTION 1 Issues 1 Assets 2 C�rre�rt endeavors 2 PURPOSE 3 AC2'IVITIES 4 Critical Components 4 Component Descriptions Selby Cocdition Membets 6 9? Selby Coai"rt�n Se{byAvenue initiative Proposaf BACKGROUND AND INTRODUCTIIJN The fo/%winginlroductoryinfoimafion is taken direcflyfiom the Se/byAvenae P/an in July of 1995, the City Council initiated a Small Area Plan and 40.acre Zoning Study for Sefby Aveaue between Hamiine and Vrginia Street. The Counal noted that development progress had been made over the last 10 years but that there remained vacant and undenrtilized property thal could underrnine the Avenue's stability and vitality. Accordingly, they asked that a task force be formed to develop a frameworic of future land use, zoning changes, and publiclprivate irrvestment for the Avenue for adoption by the Planning Commission and City Council. A task force was formed made up of repceserrtatives of aCea residents and businpSC owne[s, Cathedral Hili Busi�ess Association, Lexington Hamline Community Council, Ramsey Hill Association, Summit University Planning Council, afld the Selby Area Communify Developmerrt Corporation The task force met from January 1996 ihrough November 1996 to draft this pian. Consideration was given to the 1993 Lexington Hamline and 1989 Selby Avenue Land Use Small Area Pians for the Avenue, existing zoning and tand use, and the 1988 Community Design Center's marketing studies. The task force toured the Avenue and met wdh staff of the Selby Area Community Devefopment Corporation, Twin Cities Housing Development Corporafion and property owners conceming possible B-2C zoning and rezoning of the business area between Oxford and ChatswoRh. The task force ideirtif+ed several issues and assets that the Setby Avenue Plan shouid address. issues ♦ Too many vacant business buiidings and lots; ♦ poor appearance of buiidings and streetscape; e Missing buildings in residentiai and business biocks; ♦ Suiidings tuming their backs on the street — long biank wails face the street; 97- 90 9 ♦ Vacant property at one neighborhood gateway at Selby and Dale comers; ♦ Perception that crime is worse than it actually is in the area; Assets ♦ Good and affocdabte housing stock; ♦ Opportunity for new and expanding businesses in vacant buildings anrl on vacant tots; ♦ Proximity to downtown and State Capitol jobs and cuilurat insiitutions; ♦ Well designed, historic buiidings ail along Selby Avenue; ♦ Selby businesses can serve the neighborhood Consumer market area between the Grand and Unive�sity market areas; � Three distind pasfs to Selby Avenue, (1) Westem to Dale, (2) Daie to Lexington, and (3) Lewngton to Fiamline; ♦ Neighborhood strength through celebrations and organizations; ♦ Diverse population; ♦ Selby Avenue is easity accessible and has strong name identification. Current endeavors Currerrt endeavors to address a few of the above issues include: Too many vacant bui/dings and lots, Missing buiidinqs in residentiai and business b/acks, 1/acant properf}. af one neighborhood gateway af Selby and Date comers Beginning at Selby and Dale, the Northeast and Southwest comers will soon have a restaurant arxl fumiture store, and a who(e foods grocery coop. A building, one-half block away, has been rehabbed a�d houses a laundromat, within this same block, a long bfighted house will soon house a beauty saion. On the vacant lot of the Southeast comer of Selby and Uctoria, the Sefby Area Community Deve{opment Cocporation has plans underway to develop a commercial building. On the Southwest comer, the new ovmers are reviewing pians to rehab the second floor for residential use. On this same block, owners are rehabbing the buitding that will house a smafl restaurant. Although these activities are more than has previousiy occurred, ii stiil does not address the many other potentiai deveiopments that need to occur. Foorappeaiance ofbuildingsandsireetscape: Twin Cities Deveiopmerrt Corporation, Inner Cfty Youth League, Summit University Planning Council and the Selby Area 97-9oq Community Deveiopmertt Corporation recently joined together to implement a beautification project of Seiby Avenue with plants, yaiU care, etc. However, this effort vaas a one-fime everrt and should be a continuat project. The Selby Area Community Developmerrt Corporation contracted with Grarrt and Hurst Design firm io provide a Conceptuai Vsion Model that shows hbw the Avenue's buikSings and streetscape couid appear. Due to a tack ofi funds the maJei has not been compieted, and it is the desire of the Coalition to complete this project. It is expected that ihe Selby Coalition would issue a Request for Proposals to enlist design firrns in redesigning Selby Avenue storefronts and streetscape. Suiidrngs fuming ffieir backs on the street— lor�g blank wal(s face �e s[reet: The CuAing Club has presented pians to the HPC that provides the buiiding with additional windows, lhus opening up the buitding to the street. The Selby Area Community DevelopmeM Corporation (SACDC) has signed a sublease in the Beamer Errteiprises, inc. building. Once the loan for the SACpC's new business is approved, rehab dollars will allow this building to open up to the street with lots of windows. Perception that crime is worse �an it actually is in U�e area; Many crime prevention efforts are undeMray that addsess actual crime issues. StatisUcs from the Cfty of St. PauPs po�ice departmerrt show that crime is down. The perception within the Community is changing, but there is stifl a negative perception from individuals and businesses outside the Community. rr • � � This Proposal reflects the renewed and stro�ger coliaborative efforts of the individual members and businesses of the Sel6y Coalit[on. Now more than ever, there is a stronger commitment from the Cammunity to ensure that successful and iong term changes are made in the revitafization of Sefby Avenue. The Seiby Coalition, Councilmember Blakey and his offiice aiong with Selby community members have committed to positive changes on the Avenue for the good of the Community as a whole. The purpose of the Selby Avenue Initiative is to begin implementing the Seiby Area 7ask Force recommendations for Selby Avenue. The tan3et boundary for this proposal is Seiby Avenue from Dale to Lexington Avenues. Recerrt revitalization efforts on Selby Avenue have brought about increased and positive interests from businesses and residents. However, there is stifi a perception that not much in the form of devefopment will occur West of Daie due to previously unsuccessfui attempts to revitaiize the Seiby Community. We must focus our efforts on maintaining the positive interest for the long term economic viabiiify and vita/i2y of the Community. Future in�tiatives will be easier to impiement once residents and businesses are able to see concrete results from initiatives outlined in this Proposal. 3 �7-9�9 Activitles c�c«i cfl�,�rte� The Selby Coatition has idenfified #he foilowing dems as critical components of fhe Selby Avenue initiafeve: 1. Storefrorrt Windows and E�derior Building Design review; 2, Street fumiture, plants and banners; 3. Ad�uate business signage; 4. A study to determine the 6est opGon for an enhanced streetscape, that woaid indude bus stop enclosures and bump outs and the completion of the Selby Avenue Conceptuai vsion Modei; 5. A study to determine if there is a need for a parking ramp or underground parking on the Avenue; 6. The development of a Request for Proposals to present exte�or improvemecit aitematives to businesses on the Avenue; 7. Enhanced sheet IigMing; 8. PuWic Space Programming to inGude a community market open on weekends; 9. Marketing, promotionai and business survey; 10. Financia{ and technical assislance provided for the Housing and Business Fair and Selby Days Cefebration; 11. Assistance to the Seiby Coafition to have a part-time coottiinator that woufd staft a small o�ce and provide information, gathered in one Community location, fpr sesidants and businesses to receive infomiation on housing and business loans; Component Descrtptions The Selby Coalition would like fo complete work the Selby Area Community DevelopmeM Corporation began with the creation of a Conceptual Vision Model of Selby Avenue. We would like to issue Request for Proposais from design architects to address possible redesign of storefronts and the Selby Avenue streetscape. We have appiied to STAR for $50,000 in foans, and $50,000 in grants to provide exterior physicai improvements to residerrts and businesses. This Proposal v✓dl augment the STAR funds. A study should be undedaken to determine if tt�ere is a need for a parking ramp or underground parfcing on ihe Avenue. � �7-90� We need a more enhanced streetscape that incorporates banners that read simply `Selby Avenue"; street fumiture; a study thaf looks at the need for bus stop enGosures and bump out's where appropriafe; adequafe business signage and improved storefrorrt appearances; enhanced street lightinq (much like theJighfing EasE of Date). In addition, as a part of pubiic space programmi�, a smai{ Community market open on weekends wouid further enhance the Selby community. RedevetopmeM of Selby Avenue must indude a well thought out marketing, promotional and business suNey plan forthe Avenue. !n mid to late October, 1997, a Housing and Business Fair wilt 6e held at Gentra! High School. Several agencies from fhe community arid the City of St. Paul wii{ offer information on housing and business Ioans and assistance. In September of each year the Sefby Days Cele6ration occurs. The City of St. Paul has provided technical and a smalf amount of financial assistance for these projects. 7he Selby Coalition would like to receive atlditionai funds to provide a much tan�er and effective fair and celebration fa the future. The Seiby Coalitian will secure a smaf{ space ({ocated in one of the Sefby Coalition partner's offices) for community members seeking business and residentiai information. Part of this initiative request wil! be to help support this e�Fort thmugh technical assistance arid a smal{ amourrt of financing in order to accompfish this goal. v:- �.. ,..,. .... „�:: .._. <. ,. With fhe resurgence of revitalization interests, the Selby Coali6on hoges that the City Council is abie to provide funding and technical assistance for this Seiby Avenue IniGative. As the Selby Coalition activities progress, we feel confidant in the ability to enlist additional businesses to leverage financial and fechnical assistance received from the City oF St. Paul in order to suppiement this $125,000 request. 97- 909 Selby Coalifion Members Oryanizations represented in the Selby Coa4ition are: Cathedral HiN Business Association Cari Nelson Concemed Citizens Focus Group James Geary, Vemon Crowe lndividual Bus+nesses and Residents James Jones, JJ Auto Body Ramsey Hiil Association Judy McLaughlin Seiby Area Community Development Corpora6on Angefia Pinderhughes-Washingfon Summit University Pianning Council Peggy Byme 6 JUL 22 '97 10�31 6A24068 �---�--. Setby 14v�enue tnit's�tnre Budget Sforefrorrt Windows and Ektedor Buiiding Oesign review and Devebpment of Request for Proposafs Exterior lmprovemerrt Atlematives Street Fumi►ure, piarns and banners Susiness Signage Sludy- enhanced streetscape and Conceptuai vision Model Study - Parkir�p On the Avenue Street Ligtdirsg Consuttant Pubiic Sparx Proqramming Community Madcet �inanciaUtechnicaf assistance Hoeising and Business Fair sel6y t7ays Celebration Selby CoatiNon Part Ume staff and o�ce space aod the coordinetion and implemeMalion of a Markeling, Promollonai and business survey TOTAL: 513,000 $2S,OD0 $20,000 $12�006 $ 3,pOQ $ 5.00D $15,000 $ 4,Ofl0 $ 28_QOq $125.QOU P.2 9� 9 q �����i�g�,� Presented by_ Refened To �Yhet��e - � )a3 ��� RESOLUTION OF Councii File # �—�0 9 Green Sheet # 5 d Committee Date �� �/ � r� .l�?_ Yw�. 1 WF�REAS, the City of Saint Paul City Council recognizes the private investment that is occnn�iug� 2 �; and C: .�.+. d 3 WHEREAS, ��y p�+er�e usiness ventures will continue to expand in the next few years; and \JC1r�ou. t�e; 1�1�c l�occ� e.. ^r•z a,- t 1s'.s ar� c�.oc..w.e-�'�S 4 WI�REAS, out uung the priorities fo3 �e�c;� an S-t-.'Pa...\ -��.�.r ,pe.rsQe��-:ui s�e..`��.ba,-hnods 5 WFIEREAS, °°'���� needs public street improvements and other amenities this year including building front 6 improvements, retail promotion and street scape improvements; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council does hereby request that the Mayor direct staf£to prepaze a budget amendment to rovide from *�~°°^� for these activities� 4'� -��w� ��n N- MG or's o�`� � P � t Sn�@t�n 9�c1e�n'���'.: cd-r.v,,n� fe..�u�r'�' bwr� Wi-kY� o.. b•.� �' (J \av� a. ��'�e_ 4a�W . �. \q_�_ C: Cdvn>`��_ �`�' Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attorney By: Adopted by Council: Date R � Adoprion rtified by Council Secreta3yq Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �---` � �y: Approved by Mayor: Date � ( �� By: e PAUL, MINNESOTA Q �l ..a�a DEPqryTME1jT DA �, 6J9 D -- - . (:ll3f l: 11 GREEN SHEET No. ��� COf�UemPF�jSq � PNONE � DEPARThIENT DIHEC � QiY COUNCIL J t31ak NUMBER WR � pS`/ ATfORNEY � CrtY C7.ERK MUSf BE ON COUNqL AGENDA BY (DAT� pOUfING � BUOGET OIflECfOR � FlN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR � � MAVOR (OR ASSISTAM) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (Ci1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIC,NATUTi� ACfiON REWE51ED: Request tUat the Mayor designate $125,000 from the general fund to fund the Selby Initiative. PEWMMENDAnONS: Mu� f� a aeiec� (A) COUNqL COLIMITTEEfiiESEApCH HEPORf OPTIONAL _ PLqNNING COMMISSION _ qVIL SERVICE COMMfSS10N ��YST PHONE NO. _ qB COMMR7EE _ COMMENTS: _ STAFF _ _ DI5TRICT CQURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL O&IECi1VE7 IfNTIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPPORTUNIIY pNM. What. Whan. Where. WhY): ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVAMA6ES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUN7 OF TRANSACiION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOUHCE ACTNITY NUMBEH FINANCIAL WFOFiMATIQN: (EXPLAIN) l ,��, 9`�- 90 9 � f l., ` CITY OF SAINT PAUI, " ��;;_; ::,. ;,��- � OFFICE OF THE CIT'Y COUNCIL `°,.. _ w�`� JERRY BLAKEY Couacalmember MEMORANDUM TO: Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Michael Harris Councilmember Roberta Megazd Counciimember Joseph Collins Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Gladys Morton FROM: Councilmember 7erry Blakey DATE: Tuesday, July 22, 1997 RE: SELBY AVENUE INITIATIVE City Council Meeting - July 23, 1997 Please review the attached information for the .Tu1y 23, 1997, City Council Meeting. I trust that you will continue to support the tremendous development on Selby Avenue. JB:cln Attachments cc: ✓Nancy Anderson CITY HALL THIRD FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MiNNESOTA 55102 6121265-3610 Sa�"��t.q6 Piinted on RecycicciPaper Selby Area. CDC July Ig, 199'1 Councilmember Blakey Oflice of the City Council City Hall, Room 310 City of St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Selby Avenue Ini6ative 9�-9a9 801 Seiby Avarue SCPau1,.�Twnz:osa 55304 612-225-9452 612.292.8502 Dear Councilmember Blakey: The Selby Goalition is an advisory group composed of communiry residents and businesses esfabtished to promote the Seiby Avenue Task Force recommendations. In otder to meei the goals of the Selby Coalition we have applied for Star Grant funds. We are hopeful in receiving a$50,000 grant and $SO,�OO loan for exterior physical improvements to residenrial and cammercial properties on Selby Avenue and have been invited to submit a finat application by 3uly 28, 1997. Recent discussions of the Selby Coalition have focused on the need foz additional dollars in order (o provide positive and lasting changes to the Avenue. We aze requesting as�istance to meet this objective. Enclosed is a request to the Ciry Council for $225,000 for the Selby Avenue IniUative. ShouId vou have any questions or commenu, please feel free to contact me at your eafliest convenience. � MoFrSincerely, , ` / / � �1.�h,'- ���� ? %,.. .� � �.,'���---__ _ - - . i- � �.''pind'erhugl�es-Washington, � ` Executive Dinctor �� ` cc: Selby Coalition Members IIarrell5pears, Ckiair SACDC Assisting Neighbo�s in DevetOp�ng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BetteT Commxnities 97-ga9 sE�Y co�u.moN 8p1 Se�yArer�St Pa� NiV 557D4 �2259�x2,F.oc2�2 Se1by Avenue lniteative Request for �� 2� ,Q00 to support the Seiby Avenue Initiative Submitted to Counciimember Bfakey and the St. Paul City Council Submitted on Behatf of the Selby COalitio�l By: Angelia Pindefiughes-Washington, Executive Rirector Selby Area Community Development Gorporation 97- 9a9 TABLE OF C(JNTENTS SELBY COA7_TI70N Selby Avenue Initiative Proposal BACKGROUND AND INTRODUCTION 1 Issues 1 Assets 2 C�rre�rt endeavors 2 PURPOSE 3 AC2'IVITIES 4 Critical Components 4 Component Descriptions Selby Cocdition Membets 6 9? Selby Coai"rt�n Se{byAvenue initiative Proposaf BACKGROUND AND INTRODUCTIIJN The fo/%winginlroductoryinfoimafion is taken direcflyfiom the Se/byAvenae P/an in July of 1995, the City Council initiated a Small Area Plan and 40.acre Zoning Study for Sefby Aveaue between Hamiine and Vrginia Street. The Counal noted that development progress had been made over the last 10 years but that there remained vacant and undenrtilized property thal could underrnine the Avenue's stability and vitality. Accordingly, they asked that a task force be formed to develop a frameworic of future land use, zoning changes, and publiclprivate irrvestment for the Avenue for adoption by the Planning Commission and City Council. A task force was formed made up of repceserrtatives of aCea residents and businpSC owne[s, Cathedral Hili Busi�ess Association, Lexington Hamline Community Council, Ramsey Hill Association, Summit University Planning Council, afld the Selby Area Communify Developmerrt Corporation The task force met from January 1996 ihrough November 1996 to draft this pian. Consideration was given to the 1993 Lexington Hamline and 1989 Selby Avenue Land Use Small Area Pians for the Avenue, existing zoning and tand use, and the 1988 Community Design Center's marketing studies. The task force toured the Avenue and met wdh staff of the Selby Area Community Devefopment Corporation, Twin Cities Housing Development Corporafion and property owners conceming possible B-2C zoning and rezoning of the business area between Oxford and ChatswoRh. The task force ideirtif+ed several issues and assets that the Setby Avenue Plan shouid address. issues ♦ Too many vacant business buiidings and lots; ♦ poor appearance of buiidings and streetscape; e Missing buildings in residentiai and business biocks; ♦ Suiidings tuming their backs on the street — long biank wails face the street; 97- 90 9 ♦ Vacant property at one neighborhood gateway at Selby and Dale comers; ♦ Perception that crime is worse than it actually is in the area; Assets ♦ Good and affocdabte housing stock; ♦ Opportunity for new and expanding businesses in vacant buildings anrl on vacant tots; ♦ Proximity to downtown and State Capitol jobs and cuilurat insiitutions; ♦ Well designed, historic buiidings ail along Selby Avenue; ♦ Selby businesses can serve the neighborhood Consumer market area between the Grand and Unive�sity market areas; � Three distind pasfs to Selby Avenue, (1) Westem to Dale, (2) Daie to Lexington, and (3) Lewngton to Fiamline; ♦ Neighborhood strength through celebrations and organizations; ♦ Diverse population; ♦ Selby Avenue is easity accessible and has strong name identification. Current endeavors Currerrt endeavors to address a few of the above issues include: Too many vacant bui/dings and lots, Missing buiidinqs in residentiai and business b/acks, 1/acant properf}. af one neighborhood gateway af Selby and Date comers Beginning at Selby and Dale, the Northeast and Southwest comers will soon have a restaurant arxl fumiture store, and a who(e foods grocery coop. A building, one-half block away, has been rehabbed a�d houses a laundromat, within this same block, a long bfighted house will soon house a beauty saion. On the vacant lot of the Southeast comer of Selby and Uctoria, the Sefby Area Community Deve{opment Cocporation has plans underway to develop a commercial building. On the Southwest comer, the new ovmers are reviewing pians to rehab the second floor for residential use. On this same block, owners are rehabbing the buitding that will house a smafl restaurant. Although these activities are more than has previousiy occurred, ii stiil does not address the many other potentiai deveiopments that need to occur. Foorappeaiance ofbuildingsandsireetscape: Twin Cities Deveiopmerrt Corporation, Inner Cfty Youth League, Summit University Planning Council and the Selby Area 97-9oq Community Deveiopmertt Corporation recently joined together to implement a beautification project of Seiby Avenue with plants, yaiU care, etc. However, this effort vaas a one-fime everrt and should be a continuat project. The Selby Area Community Developmerrt Corporation contracted with Grarrt and Hurst Design firm io provide a Conceptuai Vsion Model that shows hbw the Avenue's buikSings and streetscape couid appear. Due to a tack ofi funds the maJei has not been compieted, and it is the desire of the Coalition to complete this project. It is expected that ihe Selby Coalition would issue a Request for Proposals to enlist design firrns in redesigning Selby Avenue storefronts and streetscape. Suiidrngs fuming ffieir backs on the street— lor�g blank wal(s face �e s[reet: The CuAing Club has presented pians to the HPC that provides the buiiding with additional windows, lhus opening up the buitding to the street. The Selby Area Community DevelopmeM Corporation (SACDC) has signed a sublease in the Beamer Errteiprises, inc. building. Once the loan for the SACpC's new business is approved, rehab dollars will allow this building to open up to the street with lots of windows. Perception that crime is worse �an it actually is in U�e area; Many crime prevention efforts are undeMray that addsess actual crime issues. StatisUcs from the Cfty of St. PauPs po�ice departmerrt show that crime is down. The perception within the Community is changing, but there is stifl a negative perception from individuals and businesses outside the Community. rr • � � This Proposal reflects the renewed and stro�ger coliaborative efforts of the individual members and businesses of the Sel6y Coalit[on. Now more than ever, there is a stronger commitment from the Cammunity to ensure that successful and iong term changes are made in the revitafization of Sefby Avenue. The Seiby Coalition, Councilmember Blakey and his offiice aiong with Selby community members have committed to positive changes on the Avenue for the good of the Community as a whole. The purpose of the Selby Avenue Initiative is to begin implementing the Seiby Area 7ask Force recommendations for Selby Avenue. The tan3et boundary for this proposal is Seiby Avenue from Dale to Lexington Avenues. Recerrt revitalization efforts on Selby Avenue have brought about increased and positive interests from businesses and residents. However, there is stifi a perception that not much in the form of devefopment will occur West of Daie due to previously unsuccessfui attempts to revitaiize the Seiby Community. We must focus our efforts on maintaining the positive interest for the long term economic viabiiify and vita/i2y of the Community. Future in�tiatives will be easier to impiement once residents and businesses are able to see concrete results from initiatives outlined in this Proposal. 3 �7-9�9 Activitles c�c«i cfl�,�rte� The Selby Coatition has idenfified #he foilowing dems as critical components of fhe Selby Avenue initiafeve: 1. Storefrorrt Windows and E�derior Building Design review; 2, Street fumiture, plants and banners; 3. Ad�uate business signage; 4. A study to determine the 6est opGon for an enhanced streetscape, that woaid indude bus stop enclosures and bump outs and the completion of the Selby Avenue Conceptuai vsion Modei; 5. A study to determine if there is a need for a parking ramp or underground parking on the Avenue; 6. The development of a Request for Proposals to present exte�or improvemecit aitematives to businesses on the Avenue; 7. Enhanced sheet IigMing; 8. PuWic Space Programming to inGude a community market open on weekends; 9. Marketing, promotionai and business survey; 10. Financia{ and technical assislance provided for the Housing and Business Fair and Selby Days Cefebration; 11. Assistance to the Seiby Coafition to have a part-time coottiinator that woufd staft a small o�ce and provide information, gathered in one Community location, fpr sesidants and businesses to receive infomiation on housing and business loans; Component Descrtptions The Selby Coalition would like fo complete work the Selby Area Community DevelopmeM Corporation began with the creation of a Conceptual Vision Model of Selby Avenue. We would like to issue Request for Proposais from design architects to address possible redesign of storefronts and the Selby Avenue streetscape. We have appiied to STAR for $50,000 in foans, and $50,000 in grants to provide exterior physicai improvements to residerrts and businesses. This Proposal v✓dl augment the STAR funds. A study should be undedaken to determine if tt�ere is a need for a parking ramp or underground parfcing on ihe Avenue. � �7-90� We need a more enhanced streetscape that incorporates banners that read simply `Selby Avenue"; street fumiture; a study thaf looks at the need for bus stop enGosures and bump out's where appropriafe; adequafe business signage and improved storefrorrt appearances; enhanced street lightinq (much like theJighfing EasE of Date). In addition, as a part of pubiic space programmi�, a smai{ Community market open on weekends wouid further enhance the Selby community. RedevetopmeM of Selby Avenue must indude a well thought out marketing, promotional and business suNey plan forthe Avenue. !n mid to late October, 1997, a Housing and Business Fair wilt 6e held at Gentra! High School. Several agencies from fhe community arid the City of St. Paul wii{ offer information on housing and business Ioans and assistance. In September of each year the Sefby Days Cele6ration occurs. The City of St. Paul has provided technical and a smalf amount of financial assistance for these projects. 7he Selby Coalition would like to receive atlditionai funds to provide a much tan�er and effective fair and celebration fa the future. The Seiby Coalitian will secure a smaf{ space ({ocated in one of the Sefby Coalition partner's offices) for community members seeking business and residentiai information. Part of this initiative request wil! be to help support this e�Fort thmugh technical assistance arid a smal{ amourrt of financing in order to accompfish this goal. v:- �.. ,..,. .... „�:: .._. <. ,. With fhe resurgence of revitalization interests, the Selby Coali6on hoges that the City Council is abie to provide funding and technical assistance for this Seiby Avenue IniGative. As the Selby Coalition activities progress, we feel confidant in the ability to enlist additional businesses to leverage financial and fechnical assistance received from the City oF St. Paul in order to suppiement this $125,000 request. 97- 909 Selby Coalifion Members Oryanizations represented in the Selby Coa4ition are: Cathedral HiN Business Association Cari Nelson Concemed Citizens Focus Group James Geary, Vemon Crowe lndividual Bus+nesses and Residents James Jones, JJ Auto Body Ramsey Hiil Association Judy McLaughlin Seiby Area Community Development Corpora6on Angefia Pinderhughes-Washingfon Summit University Pianning Council Peggy Byme 6 JUL 22 '97 10�31 6A24068 �---�--. Setby 14v�enue tnit's�tnre Budget Sforefrorrt Windows and Ektedor Buiiding Oesign review and Devebpment of Request for Proposafs Exterior lmprovemerrt Atlematives Street Fumi►ure, piarns and banners Susiness Signage Sludy- enhanced streetscape and Conceptuai vision Model Study - Parkir�p On the Avenue Street Ligtdirsg Consuttant Pubiic Sparx Proqramming Community Madcet �inanciaUtechnicaf assistance Hoeising and Business Fair sel6y t7ays Celebration Selby CoatiNon Part Ume staff and o�ce space aod the coordinetion and implemeMalion of a Markeling, Promollonai and business survey TOTAL: 513,000 $2S,OD0 $20,000 $12�006 $ 3,pOQ $ 5.00D $15,000 $ 4,Ofl0 $ 28_QOq $125.QOU P.2 9� 9 q