97-908Council File # -` ! "��U— oR��li��i�� Green sheet # 32223 PAUL, MINLtESOTA , oi Presented By Referred To CommiCtee: Date WHEREAS, anticipated oNsitle funding has not materialized Sor Ihe Water St reconsirudion project, approved as Log #SU-03047 in the 7997 Capital Improvement Budget, antl WHEREAS, a need exists to conduct preliminary street and public rigFttofi-way design for ihe 5aint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework plan, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Councii of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of ihe Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Capital Improvement Budget, a5 heretofore adopted antl amended by this Council is hereby further amended in following particular. Current Amended Budget Change Budget FINANCING PLAN Water St-City Limits to Plato C97-2CO50 1997 CIB SPENDING PLAN Water SFCity Limits to Plato C97 2CO50 Plans & Construction FINANCING PLAN Downtown West St Improv-Prel Des. C97-2XXXX 1997 CIB �� ��� �� �� �i� �• � �� �� ��� �� �� ��� r� � �� �� �•� �� �� ��� �� � �i �� ��� �� �� ��� �� � �� � �� �� ��� �� �� ��� �� � �� �� ��� �� �� ��� �� ��I 90�' SPENDING PLAN Dovmtovm West St Improv-Prel Des. C97-2XXXX P21. Design � �� �� ��� �� .� ��� �� � �� �� ��� �� �� ��� �� RESOLVED, that tl�e Ciry Councif adopts the above changes to the Capital budget. � St. Pnul I.on9 - Range CaPital ImP=ovemant $udget CommiNe� =��eived this sequest on � 1 Z 7._ and xeco�m�ntls �date) A►A �P �V1 .__ ----" ,.--- ti Sign�� Y� NaYs B2akev Bostrom (`r�77inc j�.-ri c M aar�_ Morton _� Thune Absent Requested by Department of: EJW1.ib Public Woxks -✓" �� Approval Adopted by Council: DaCe ° Adoption Certified by Council S cretary By: Approved By Mayor: Date By By: FOrin Director: ^ by City Attorney: /C �/7 / \ �'��i� Approv Mayor for Submission to Council: �y: G�ll 4 � O` t / t �O DEPAflTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCIL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET NO. 32223 Public Works 6�4�97 I ITI ATE INITIAVDATE CONTACTPERSON&PHONE �DEPAqTMEMDIflECTOR� ❑7 CITVCOUNCIL Ed Wam - 266-6241 or Tom Eggum - 266-6099 �+SSIGN � CITY ATfOflNEV CIT' CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BV (DAT� NUMBEH FOR 5 ❑ ROUTING � BUDGE7DIRECTOR ❑$ FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. ASAP ° " D �' � OR (OR ASSISTANI) � TOTAL S OF SIGNATURE PAGES l (CIIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAiORE) ❑7 A.nciate � DEPL ACCAUNTANT ACTION REQUESTED Approve attached Council Resolution transfernng $100,000 {GIB) from 1997 Water Street reconstruction (design) to Downtown West Street Improvements Preliminary Design. RECqMMENDATiOrvS: Approve (A) w Re�ett (R) PERSONAL SEflVICE CONIRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLO ING 0 STIONS: PLANNIPIG COMMISSION CIVII SERVICE CAMMISSION �. Has this persoNfirtn ever worked under a contract for this dep 6ni? — -- YES NO CIB CoMMiTiEE 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee? — —" YES NO _ srnFF _ 3. Does this persoNfircn possess a skitl not normalry possesse by any cu nt ciry employee? Oi5TRICT COUNCIL _ YES NO SUPPORTS WHICH COUNpL OBJECTNE? Explain ali yes amwers on separaie sheet antl attach to 9reen sh t INiT1ATING PROBLEM, IS5UE, OPPOpTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY): The recentiy completed "Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework Plan" has generated increased interest and opportunity for various improvements to many of the downtown public rights of way. Early attention to creating new guidelines for downtown streets and sidewalks will allow the City to respond quickly to development opportunities that include public improvement proposais. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Gity staff, through an interdisciplinary team, wili be able to respond effectivefy by analyzing the transportation needs of downtown and creating a preliminary design of the streetscapes to be compatible with the Framework. This preliminary work will be done in coordination with Capitol Centre Plaza and Lawson Block redesign efforts. This would be followed in 1998 with the redesign and reconstruction of Wabasha Street between Kellogg Boulevard and 7th Street. DISA�VANTAGES IF APPfiOVED: None; Ramsey County Public Works has agreed to "recycie" (resurtace) the roadway irr 1998. R���q�/�d JUL 7 199T JUN 3� 1g9t ARAYOR'S OFFICE ��'��" �� 1 �� DISAOVANTAGESIFNO7APPROVED: ., . t Opportunities to coordinate the public right of way design and construction with the planned lawson block and Capital (Osborne) Plaza reconstruction and the planned opening of the Wabasha Street Bridge wilf not be realized. �t�C� ��.�dCT't �sr�i JUL � $ 1997 TO7ALAMOUNTOFTRANSAC710N$ IOO,OOO COSTIREVENUEBUDGETE�.(�"IACLEONE) YE No FUNDING SOUqCE i 9J�I CIB � ACINITY NUMBER C97-2CO50 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) FOR 7123j97 COLRVCIL AGF�IDA ITFS1 #12, Res. #97-908 Downtown Streef Redesiqn — Explanation for Gt�r sx. #32223 7/18/97 The recently published Saint Paui on the Mississippi Development Framework, provides direction for development on the rivertront and downtown. The Framework includes guidelines for redesign of downfown streets. The CIB Committee is racommending approval of the first two years (1998, 1999) of downtown street reconstruction. This wiil include Wabasha, St. Peter, Fifth and Sixth streets. We propose to do preliminary engineering in 1997 to review and revise street and sidewalk standards. We are adjusting our priorities to do this work within current 1997 budgets. The attached resolution will transfer $i00,000 from the Water Street Project to the Downtown West Sireets Project. The Framework identifies the fo4lowing objectives in redesigning the downtown street system: attractive, convenient transit; maximized on-street parking; greater friendliness to pedestrians and non-motorized traffic; and substantially calmed traffic. Using an updated traffic study, we wili review traffic direction, number of lanes, lane widths, on- street parking, sidewalk widths and bike lanes. Chapter 3 of the Framework (page 55) covers this. The Wabasha Initiative, just recently funded in its second year by the City Council, has a purpose of utilizing a public/private/non-profit partnership to take many immediate actions to improve the fiunction and appearance ofi Wabasha Street. We are improving the appearance of this key downtown street, improving confidence in downtown and anticipat+ng the start of longer term improvement projects. We are learning through the {nitiative what attracts people to the Wabasha area. We will appiy this knowiedge to the redesign and rebuilding of downtown streets. Here are the actions which we wiil undertake in 1997 and early 1998 anticipating the construction funding in 1998: 1. Utilize a multi-disciplinary team to review and restablish street and sidewalk standards for downtown. 2. Conduct a downtown traffic study to provide a modei of present and expected traffic. 3. Classifiy all downtown streets according to present and expected pedestrian use. The Framework suggests dividing streets into three pedestrian use categories: destination streets, connector sfreets, background streets. 4. Reestabiish standards for downtown street and sidewalk construction. The attached 5reen sh. #32223 will transfer fiunds from Water Street to Downtown West Street Redesign. It wili not increase Public Works spending or draw down other revenue sources. Water Street was scheduled for reconstruction in 1997. Ramsey County is wifiing to do this through a full overlay for this sfreet with county funding. This wi11 add several years to the life of this street, and provides an opportunity to redirect those fiunds to a higher priority. �ei'An�MENi/OPFlGHGOUNaL OATEINIPATED GREEN SHEET � r,o.32z2s Pub1 Work 6/4/97 � m �p ( �/pAT£ � INRIAUDAiE CONTAC7 pEfl50N & PHONE � DEPAATMENT D�RECTOR J/7 �7 CT' CAUNqL EdWam-266-6241or7omEggum-266-6099 NuMeeRwa �5 cinarroaNer �� �cmrc�eax MUST BE ON COUNC1lAGENDABY (DATE) POUTING � gUDGEf �IqECTOfi ❑$ FIN, & MGT. SEpV:CES OIR. ASAP °qOEq �MAYORIQR�SISTMT) � T07AL i OF SIGNANRE PAGES 1 (NP ALL LOCATIONS FOH SIGNATUp� 7�pssocale Q DEPi ACCAUMANf [ ACTION PEQUESTEO Approne attached Council Resoiution transferring $� 00,000 (CIB) from 1997 Water Street reconsiruction (design) to Downtown West Street Improvements Preliminary Design. 4NING CAMMISSION CIB CAMMfT'fEE STAFF DIS7AICT COUNCit � PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSW ER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: CIVI65'cRVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this persoNfirtn eve� worked untler a contract for this tlepartmen4 YES NO ` 2. Has this personlfirtn ever been a city emoloyee? YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a sKill no[ nortnalfy possessed by any curcent ciry employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separsta sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBIEM, ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAL WHEN, WHERE, WNt�: The recently completed "Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework Pian" has generated increased interest and oppoRunity for various improvements to many of the downtown public rights of way. Early attention to creating new guidefines for downtown streets and sidewalks will ailow the city to respond quickly to development opportunities that include pubiic improvement proposals. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVE�: City staff, through an interdisciplinary team, will be able to respond effectively by ana{yzing the transportation needs of downtown and creating a preliminary design of the sireetscapes to be compatibie with the Framework. This preiiminary work will be done in coordination with Capitoi Centre Plaza and 4awson Block redesign eflorts_ This would be followed in 1998 with the redesign and reconstruction of Wabasha Street between Kellagg Soulevarc� and 7th Street. _ � ,y 4 � i C_ None; Ramsey County Public Works has agreed to "recycle" (resurface) the roadway in 1998. �_ _ _. __.�_._ _ - . _�.. ]15A0VPMAGESIF NOT APPfl�YEO:�. " _ - _ _ ' __ "' _ " :. _.:: "' ..... . ... .. . . . . . . . . .:" " "�.�,._ .:-.:� : -'.F} .' : ' _ ' "' Opportunities to coordinate the public right of way design and construction with the pianned Lawson biock and Capitah ;l, (Osbome) Piaza reconstruction and the pianned opening of.the WabashaStreet Bridge,wili nof be realized_.� �-:-;� ;�; _, _:-= _ - - - - =� _ -- - ^" � ^" � " �' , .� - -v_.��s� ., - � �= '��"'.. - ��-..� ` r ` y_� ` � . 2'.:r , �i ' �� ` ��• � � 1 �"�: � - . - �� -_- -N.__� s_rs-�_, ___ _ . ... __ • ^�. . - " � � _ _ '_' . .,. -�.. . .-.. :: . . '. _ " ".' _..`, -.'a'jc��_ _'z.. - ' - . _ Council File n Green Sheet � 32223 RESOLUTION C1TY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, anticipated ouiside fiunding has not materialized for the Water St reconstruciion project, approved as Log �SU-03047 in the 1997 Capital improvement Budgei, and WHEREAS, a need exists to conduct preliminary street and public righiof-vray design for the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Deveiopment Framework plan, so _ 7NEREFOflE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Councii ot the City ot Saint Paui, upon recommendation of the Mayorand advice ot the Long Range Capital lmprovement Budget Committee, that the Capital fmprovement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended �� by this Councii is hereby further amended in fotlowing particuiar. Curceni Amended 8udgat Change Bud9et FlNANCING PLAN Water St-City Limits to Plato � C97-2CO50 1997 C18 SPENDING PLAN Water SbCity Limits to Plato . G97-2CO50 Plans & Co�struction FINANCING PL4N � � � Downtown West St 4mprov-Prel Des C97-2XXXX 1997 CIB � �� ��� �� .� ��� �i � �� �� ��� �� � ��� �� i �. �� ��� �• �� ..� �� � �� a� ��� �. a. .a. .� ..♦ 3 n t 0.00 700.000.00 100.000.00 � �- - -- �: 0.00 100.000.00 700,000.00 .. 1 � r��_„ -=-_ ,�_�;�-_-_ -':� _ �,-= '" =�i=�� _ _�� :: :. SPENDING PLAN bowntown West St Improv-Pret Des. C97-2XXXX Prel. Qesign � �. .. �.. �� �• .�� �� � �� �. �.. �� .� ��. �. RESOLVED, that the City Counc7 adopts tfie a6ove changes to the Capitai budget � Yeas Blakev Bostrom C`n77ins �*=rYi ��a rd �orton Thune Adopted by Cocuici2: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Ppproved By Mayoz: Date By: Requested by Department of: EJW/jb Public Works 7' " Aaproval Recommende Dy u e Director: By: _ Form Approved by City Attorney; BY= 9 Approved by Mayor £or Submission�to Counci?: $y: Council File # -` ! "��U— oR��li��i�� Green sheet # 32223 PAUL, MINLtESOTA , oi Presented By Referred To CommiCtee: Date WHEREAS, anticipated oNsitle funding has not materialized Sor Ihe Water St reconsirudion project, approved as Log #SU-03047 in the 7997 Capital Improvement Budget, antl WHEREAS, a need exists to conduct preliminary street and public rigFttofi-way design for ihe 5aint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework plan, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Councii of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of ihe Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Capital Improvement Budget, a5 heretofore adopted antl amended by this Council is hereby further amended in following particular. Current Amended Budget Change Budget FINANCING PLAN Water St-City Limits to Plato C97-2CO50 1997 CIB SPENDING PLAN Water SFCity Limits to Plato C97 2CO50 Plans & Construction FINANCING PLAN Downtown West St Improv-Prel Des. C97-2XXXX 1997 CIB �� ��� �� �� �i� �• � �� �� ��� �� �� ��� r� � �� �� �•� �� �� ��� �� � �i �� ��� �� �� ��� �� � �� � �� �� ��� �� �� ��� �� � �� �� ��� �� �� ��� �� ��I 90�' SPENDING PLAN Dovmtovm West St Improv-Prel Des. C97-2XXXX P21. Design � �� �� ��� �� .� ��� �� � �� �� ��� �� �� ��� �� RESOLVED, that tl�e Ciry Councif adopts the above changes to the Capital budget. � St. Pnul I.on9 - Range CaPital ImP=ovemant $udget CommiNe� =��eived this sequest on � 1 Z 7._ and xeco�m�ntls �date) A►A �P �V1 .__ ----" ,.--- ti Sign�� Y� NaYs B2akev Bostrom (`r�77inc j�.-ri c M aar�_ Morton _� Thune Absent Requested by Department of: EJW1.ib Public Woxks -✓" �� Approval Adopted by Council: DaCe ° Adoption Certified by Council S cretary By: Approved By Mayor: Date By By: FOrin Director: ^ by City Attorney: /C �/7 / \ �'��i� Approv Mayor for Submission to Council: �y: G�ll 4 � O` t / t �O DEPAflTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCIL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET NO. 32223 Public Works 6�4�97 I ITI ATE INITIAVDATE CONTACTPERSON&PHONE �DEPAqTMEMDIflECTOR� ❑7 CITVCOUNCIL Ed Wam - 266-6241 or Tom Eggum - 266-6099 �+SSIGN � CITY ATfOflNEV CIT' CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BV (DAT� NUMBEH FOR 5 ❑ ROUTING � BUDGE7DIRECTOR ❑$ FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. ASAP ° " D �' � OR (OR ASSISTANI) � TOTAL S OF SIGNATURE PAGES l (CIIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAiORE) ❑7 A.nciate � DEPL ACCAUNTANT ACTION REQUESTED Approve attached Council Resolution transfernng $100,000 {GIB) from 1997 Water Street reconstruction (design) to Downtown West Street Improvements Preliminary Design. RECqMMENDATiOrvS: Approve (A) w Re�ett (R) PERSONAL SEflVICE CONIRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLO ING 0 STIONS: PLANNIPIG COMMISSION CIVII SERVICE CAMMISSION �. Has this persoNfirtn ever worked under a contract for this dep 6ni? — -- YES NO CIB CoMMiTiEE 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee? — —" YES NO _ srnFF _ 3. Does this persoNfircn possess a skitl not normalry possesse by any cu nt ciry employee? Oi5TRICT COUNCIL _ YES NO SUPPORTS WHICH COUNpL OBJECTNE? Explain ali yes amwers on separaie sheet antl attach to 9reen sh t INiT1ATING PROBLEM, IS5UE, OPPOpTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY): The recentiy completed "Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework Plan" has generated increased interest and opportunity for various improvements to many of the downtown public rights of way. Early attention to creating new guidelines for downtown streets and sidewalks will allow the City to respond quickly to development opportunities that include public improvement proposais. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Gity staff, through an interdisciplinary team, wili be able to respond effectivefy by analyzing the transportation needs of downtown and creating a preliminary design of the streetscapes to be compatible with the Framework. This preliminary work will be done in coordination with Capitol Centre Plaza and Lawson Block redesign efforts. This would be followed in 1998 with the redesign and reconstruction of Wabasha Street between Kellogg Boulevard and 7th Street. DISA�VANTAGES IF APPfiOVED: None; Ramsey County Public Works has agreed to "recycie" (resurtace) the roadway irr 1998. R���q�/�d JUL 7 199T JUN 3� 1g9t ARAYOR'S OFFICE ��'��" �� 1 �� DISAOVANTAGESIFNO7APPROVED: ., . t Opportunities to coordinate the public right of way design and construction with the planned lawson block and Capital (Osborne) Plaza reconstruction and the planned opening of the Wabasha Street Bridge wilf not be realized. �t�C� ��.�dCT't �sr�i JUL � $ 1997 TO7ALAMOUNTOFTRANSAC710N$ IOO,OOO COSTIREVENUEBUDGETE�.(�"IACLEONE) YE No FUNDING SOUqCE i 9J�I CIB � ACINITY NUMBER C97-2CO50 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) FOR 7123j97 COLRVCIL AGF�IDA ITFS1 #12, Res. #97-908 Downtown Streef Redesiqn — Explanation for Gt�r sx. #32223 7/18/97 The recently published Saint Paui on the Mississippi Development Framework, provides direction for development on the rivertront and downtown. The Framework includes guidelines for redesign of downfown streets. The CIB Committee is racommending approval of the first two years (1998, 1999) of downtown street reconstruction. This wiil include Wabasha, St. Peter, Fifth and Sixth streets. We propose to do preliminary engineering in 1997 to review and revise street and sidewalk standards. We are adjusting our priorities to do this work within current 1997 budgets. The attached resolution will transfer $i00,000 from the Water Street Project to the Downtown West Sireets Project. The Framework identifies the fo4lowing objectives in redesigning the downtown street system: attractive, convenient transit; maximized on-street parking; greater friendliness to pedestrians and non-motorized traffic; and substantially calmed traffic. Using an updated traffic study, we wili review traffic direction, number of lanes, lane widths, on- street parking, sidewalk widths and bike lanes. Chapter 3 of the Framework (page 55) covers this. The Wabasha Initiative, just recently funded in its second year by the City Council, has a purpose of utilizing a public/private/non-profit partnership to take many immediate actions to improve the fiunction and appearance ofi Wabasha Street. We are improving the appearance of this key downtown street, improving confidence in downtown and anticipat+ng the start of longer term improvement projects. We are learning through the {nitiative what attracts people to the Wabasha area. We will appiy this knowiedge to the redesign and rebuilding of downtown streets. Here are the actions which we wiil undertake in 1997 and early 1998 anticipating the construction funding in 1998: 1. Utilize a multi-disciplinary team to review and restablish street and sidewalk standards for downtown. 2. Conduct a downtown traffic study to provide a modei of present and expected traffic. 3. Classifiy all downtown streets according to present and expected pedestrian use. The Framework suggests dividing streets into three pedestrian use categories: destination streets, connector sfreets, background streets. 4. Reestabiish standards for downtown street and sidewalk construction. The attached 5reen sh. #32223 will transfer fiunds from Water Street to Downtown West Street Redesign. It wili not increase Public Works spending or draw down other revenue sources. Water Street was scheduled for reconstruction in 1997. Ramsey County is wifiing to do this through a full overlay for this sfreet with county funding. This wi11 add several years to the life of this street, and provides an opportunity to redirect those fiunds to a higher priority. �ei'An�MENi/OPFlGHGOUNaL OATEINIPATED GREEN SHEET � r,o.32z2s Pub1 Work 6/4/97 � m �p ( �/pAT£ � INRIAUDAiE CONTAC7 pEfl50N & PHONE � DEPAATMENT D�RECTOR J/7 �7 CT' CAUNqL EdWam-266-6241or7omEggum-266-6099 NuMeeRwa �5 cinarroaNer �� �cmrc�eax MUST BE ON COUNC1lAGENDABY (DATE) POUTING � gUDGEf �IqECTOfi ❑$ FIN, & MGT. SEpV:CES OIR. ASAP °qOEq �MAYORIQR�SISTMT) � T07AL i OF SIGNANRE PAGES 1 (NP ALL LOCATIONS FOH SIGNATUp� 7�pssocale Q DEPi ACCAUMANf [ ACTION PEQUESTEO Approne attached Council Resoiution transferring $� 00,000 (CIB) from 1997 Water Street reconsiruction (design) to Downtown West Street Improvements Preliminary Design. 4NING CAMMISSION CIB CAMMfT'fEE STAFF DIS7AICT COUNCit � PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSW ER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: CIVI65'cRVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this persoNfirtn eve� worked untler a contract for this tlepartmen4 YES NO ` 2. Has this personlfirtn ever been a city emoloyee? YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a sKill no[ nortnalfy possessed by any curcent ciry employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separsta sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBIEM, ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAL WHEN, WHERE, WNt�: The recently completed "Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework Pian" has generated increased interest and oppoRunity for various improvements to many of the downtown public rights of way. Early attention to creating new guidefines for downtown streets and sidewalks will ailow the city to respond quickly to development opportunities that include pubiic improvement proposals. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVE�: City staff, through an interdisciplinary team, will be able to respond effectively by ana{yzing the transportation needs of downtown and creating a preliminary design of the sireetscapes to be compatibie with the Framework. This preiiminary work will be done in coordination with Capitoi Centre Plaza and 4awson Block redesign eflorts_ This would be followed in 1998 with the redesign and reconstruction of Wabasha Street between Kellagg Soulevarc� and 7th Street. _ � ,y 4 � i C_ None; Ramsey County Public Works has agreed to "recycle" (resurface) the roadway in 1998. �_ _ _. __.�_._ _ - . _�.. ]15A0VPMAGESIF NOT APPfl�YEO:�. " _ - _ _ ' __ "' _ " :. _.:: "' ..... . ... .. . . . . . . . . .:" " "�.�,._ .:-.:� : -'.F} .' : ' _ ' "' Opportunities to coordinate the public right of way design and construction with the pianned Lawson biock and Capitah ;l, (Osbome) Piaza reconstruction and the pianned opening of.the WabashaStreet Bridge,wili nof be realized_.� �-:-;� ;�; _, _:-= _ - - - - =� _ -- - ^" � ^" � " �' , .� - -v_.��s� ., - � �= '��"'.. - ��-..� ` r ` y_� ` � . 2'.:r , �i ' �� ` ��• � � 1 �"�: � - . - �� -_- -N.__� s_rs-�_, ___ _ . ... __ • ^�. . - " � � _ _ '_' . .,. -�.. . .-.. :: . . '. _ " ".' _..`, -.'a'jc��_ _'z.. - ' - . _ Council File n Green Sheet � 32223 RESOLUTION C1TY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, anticipated ouiside fiunding has not materialized for the Water St reconstruciion project, approved as Log �SU-03047 in the 1997 Capital improvement Budgei, and WHEREAS, a need exists to conduct preliminary street and public righiof-vray design for the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Deveiopment Framework plan, so _ 7NEREFOflE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Councii ot the City ot Saint Paui, upon recommendation of the Mayorand advice ot the Long Range Capital lmprovement Budget Committee, that the Capital fmprovement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended �� by this Councii is hereby further amended in fotlowing particuiar. Curceni Amended 8udgat Change Bud9et FlNANCING PLAN Water St-City Limits to Plato � C97-2CO50 1997 C18 SPENDING PLAN Water SbCity Limits to Plato . G97-2CO50 Plans & Co�struction FINANCING PL4N � � � Downtown West St 4mprov-Prel Des C97-2XXXX 1997 CIB � �� ��� �� .� ��� �i � �� �� ��� �� � ��� �� i �. �� ��� �• �� ..� �� � �� a� ��� �. a. .a. .� ..♦ 3 n t 0.00 700.000.00 100.000.00 � �- - -- �: 0.00 100.000.00 700,000.00 .. 1 � r��_„ -=-_ ,�_�;�-_-_ -':� _ �,-= '" =�i=�� _ _�� :: :. SPENDING PLAN bowntown West St Improv-Pret Des. C97-2XXXX Prel. Qesign � �. .. �.. �� �• .�� �� � �� �. �.. �� .� ��. �. RESOLVED, that the City Counc7 adopts tfie a6ove changes to the Capitai budget � Yeas Blakev Bostrom C`n77ins �*=rYi ��a rd �orton Thune Adopted by Cocuici2: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Ppproved By Mayoz: Date By: Requested by Department of: EJW/jb Public Works 7' " Aaproval Recommende Dy u e Director: By: _ Form Approved by City Attorney; BY= 9 Approved by Mayor £or Submission�to Counci?: $y: Council File # -` ! "��U— oR��li��i�� Green sheet # 32223 PAUL, MINLtESOTA , oi Presented By Referred To CommiCtee: Date WHEREAS, anticipated oNsitle funding has not materialized Sor Ihe Water St reconsirudion project, approved as Log #SU-03047 in the 7997 Capital Improvement Budget, antl WHEREAS, a need exists to conduct preliminary street and public rigFttofi-way design for ihe 5aint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework plan, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Councii of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of ihe Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Capital Improvement Budget, a5 heretofore adopted antl amended by this Council is hereby further amended in following particular. Current Amended Budget Change Budget FINANCING PLAN Water St-City Limits to Plato C97-2CO50 1997 CIB SPENDING PLAN Water SFCity Limits to Plato C97 2CO50 Plans & Construction FINANCING PLAN Downtown West St Improv-Prel Des. C97-2XXXX 1997 CIB �� ��� �� �� �i� �• � �� �� ��� �� �� ��� r� � �� �� �•� �� �� ��� �� � �i �� ��� �� �� ��� �� � �� � �� �� ��� �� �� ��� �� � �� �� ��� �� �� ��� �� ��I 90�' SPENDING PLAN Dovmtovm West St Improv-Prel Des. C97-2XXXX P21. Design � �� �� ��� �� .� ��� �� � �� �� ��� �� �� ��� �� RESOLVED, that tl�e Ciry Councif adopts the above changes to the Capital budget. � St. Pnul I.on9 - Range CaPital ImP=ovemant $udget CommiNe� =��eived this sequest on � 1 Z 7._ and xeco�m�ntls �date) A►A �P �V1 .__ ----" ,.--- ti Sign�� Y� NaYs B2akev Bostrom (`r�77inc j�.-ri c M aar�_ Morton _� Thune Absent Requested by Department of: EJW1.ib Public Woxks -✓" �� Approval Adopted by Council: DaCe ° Adoption Certified by Council S cretary By: Approved By Mayor: Date By By: FOrin Director: ^ by City Attorney: /C �/7 / \ �'��i� Approv Mayor for Submission to Council: �y: G�ll 4 � O` t / t �O DEPAflTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCIL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET NO. 32223 Public Works 6�4�97 I ITI ATE INITIAVDATE CONTACTPERSON&PHONE �DEPAqTMEMDIflECTOR� ❑7 CITVCOUNCIL Ed Wam - 266-6241 or Tom Eggum - 266-6099 �+SSIGN � CITY ATfOflNEV CIT' CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BV (DAT� NUMBEH FOR 5 ❑ ROUTING � BUDGE7DIRECTOR ❑$ FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. ASAP ° " D �' � OR (OR ASSISTANI) � TOTAL S OF SIGNATURE PAGES l (CIIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAiORE) ❑7 A.nciate � DEPL ACCAUNTANT ACTION REQUESTED Approve attached Council Resolution transfernng $100,000 {GIB) from 1997 Water Street reconstruction (design) to Downtown West Street Improvements Preliminary Design. RECqMMENDATiOrvS: Approve (A) w Re�ett (R) PERSONAL SEflVICE CONIRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLO ING 0 STIONS: PLANNIPIG COMMISSION CIVII SERVICE CAMMISSION �. Has this persoNfirtn ever worked under a contract for this dep 6ni? — -- YES NO CIB CoMMiTiEE 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee? — —" YES NO _ srnFF _ 3. Does this persoNfircn possess a skitl not normalry possesse by any cu nt ciry employee? Oi5TRICT COUNCIL _ YES NO SUPPORTS WHICH COUNpL OBJECTNE? Explain ali yes amwers on separaie sheet antl attach to 9reen sh t INiT1ATING PROBLEM, IS5UE, OPPOpTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY): The recentiy completed "Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework Plan" has generated increased interest and opportunity for various improvements to many of the downtown public rights of way. Early attention to creating new guidelines for downtown streets and sidewalks will allow the City to respond quickly to development opportunities that include public improvement proposais. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Gity staff, through an interdisciplinary team, wili be able to respond effectivefy by analyzing the transportation needs of downtown and creating a preliminary design of the streetscapes to be compatible with the Framework. This preliminary work will be done in coordination with Capitol Centre Plaza and Lawson Block redesign efforts. This would be followed in 1998 with the redesign and reconstruction of Wabasha Street between Kellogg Boulevard and 7th Street. DISA�VANTAGES IF APPfiOVED: None; Ramsey County Public Works has agreed to "recycie" (resurtace) the roadway irr 1998. R���q�/�d JUL 7 199T JUN 3� 1g9t ARAYOR'S OFFICE ��'��" �� 1 �� DISAOVANTAGESIFNO7APPROVED: ., . t Opportunities to coordinate the public right of way design and construction with the planned lawson block and Capital (Osborne) Plaza reconstruction and the planned opening of the Wabasha Street Bridge wilf not be realized. �t�C� ��.�dCT't �sr�i JUL � $ 1997 TO7ALAMOUNTOFTRANSAC710N$ IOO,OOO COSTIREVENUEBUDGETE�.(�"IACLEONE) YE No FUNDING SOUqCE i 9J�I CIB � ACINITY NUMBER C97-2CO50 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) FOR 7123j97 COLRVCIL AGF�IDA ITFS1 #12, Res. #97-908 Downtown Streef Redesiqn — Explanation for Gt�r sx. #32223 7/18/97 The recently published Saint Paui on the Mississippi Development Framework, provides direction for development on the rivertront and downtown. The Framework includes guidelines for redesign of downfown streets. The CIB Committee is racommending approval of the first two years (1998, 1999) of downtown street reconstruction. This wiil include Wabasha, St. Peter, Fifth and Sixth streets. We propose to do preliminary engineering in 1997 to review and revise street and sidewalk standards. We are adjusting our priorities to do this work within current 1997 budgets. The attached resolution will transfer $i00,000 from the Water Street Project to the Downtown West Sireets Project. The Framework identifies the fo4lowing objectives in redesigning the downtown street system: attractive, convenient transit; maximized on-street parking; greater friendliness to pedestrians and non-motorized traffic; and substantially calmed traffic. Using an updated traffic study, we wili review traffic direction, number of lanes, lane widths, on- street parking, sidewalk widths and bike lanes. Chapter 3 of the Framework (page 55) covers this. The Wabasha Initiative, just recently funded in its second year by the City Council, has a purpose of utilizing a public/private/non-profit partnership to take many immediate actions to improve the fiunction and appearance ofi Wabasha Street. We are improving the appearance of this key downtown street, improving confidence in downtown and anticipat+ng the start of longer term improvement projects. We are learning through the {nitiative what attracts people to the Wabasha area. We will appiy this knowiedge to the redesign and rebuilding of downtown streets. Here are the actions which we wiil undertake in 1997 and early 1998 anticipating the construction funding in 1998: 1. Utilize a multi-disciplinary team to review and restablish street and sidewalk standards for downtown. 2. Conduct a downtown traffic study to provide a modei of present and expected traffic. 3. Classifiy all downtown streets according to present and expected pedestrian use. The Framework suggests dividing streets into three pedestrian use categories: destination streets, connector sfreets, background streets. 4. Reestabiish standards for downtown street and sidewalk construction. The attached 5reen sh. #32223 will transfer fiunds from Water Street to Downtown West Street Redesign. It wili not increase Public Works spending or draw down other revenue sources. Water Street was scheduled for reconstruction in 1997. Ramsey County is wifiing to do this through a full overlay for this sfreet with county funding. This wi11 add several years to the life of this street, and provides an opportunity to redirect those fiunds to a higher priority. �ei'An�MENi/OPFlGHGOUNaL OATEINIPATED GREEN SHEET � r,o.32z2s Pub1 Work 6/4/97 � m �p ( �/pAT£ � INRIAUDAiE CONTAC7 pEfl50N & PHONE � DEPAATMENT D�RECTOR J/7 �7 CT' CAUNqL EdWam-266-6241or7omEggum-266-6099 NuMeeRwa �5 cinarroaNer �� �cmrc�eax MUST BE ON COUNC1lAGENDABY (DATE) POUTING � gUDGEf �IqECTOfi ❑$ FIN, & MGT. SEpV:CES OIR. ASAP °qOEq �MAYORIQR�SISTMT) � T07AL i OF SIGNANRE PAGES 1 (NP ALL LOCATIONS FOH SIGNATUp� 7�pssocale Q DEPi ACCAUMANf [ ACTION PEQUESTEO Approne attached Council Resoiution transferring $� 00,000 (CIB) from 1997 Water Street reconsiruction (design) to Downtown West Street Improvements Preliminary Design. 4NING CAMMISSION CIB CAMMfT'fEE STAFF DIS7AICT COUNCit � PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSW ER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: CIVI65'cRVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this persoNfirtn eve� worked untler a contract for this tlepartmen4 YES NO ` 2. Has this personlfirtn ever been a city emoloyee? YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a sKill no[ nortnalfy possessed by any curcent ciry employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separsta sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBIEM, ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAL WHEN, WHERE, WNt�: The recently completed "Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework Pian" has generated increased interest and oppoRunity for various improvements to many of the downtown public rights of way. Early attention to creating new guidefines for downtown streets and sidewalks will ailow the city to respond quickly to development opportunities that include pubiic improvement proposals. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVE�: City staff, through an interdisciplinary team, will be able to respond effectively by ana{yzing the transportation needs of downtown and creating a preliminary design of the sireetscapes to be compatibie with the Framework. This preiiminary work will be done in coordination with Capitoi Centre Plaza and 4awson Block redesign eflorts_ This would be followed in 1998 with the redesign and reconstruction of Wabasha Street between Kellagg Soulevarc� and 7th Street. _ � ,y 4 � i C_ None; Ramsey County Public Works has agreed to "recycle" (resurface) the roadway in 1998. �_ _ _. __.�_._ _ - . _�.. ]15A0VPMAGESIF NOT APPfl�YEO:�. " _ - _ _ ' __ "' _ " :. _.:: "' ..... . ... .. . . . . . . . . .:" " "�.�,._ .:-.:� : -'.F} .' : ' _ ' "' Opportunities to coordinate the public right of way design and construction with the pianned Lawson biock and Capitah ;l, (Osbome) Piaza reconstruction and the pianned opening of.the WabashaStreet Bridge,wili nof be realized_.� �-:-;� ;�; _, _:-= _ - - - - =� _ -- - ^" � ^" � " �' , .� - -v_.��s� ., - � �= '��"'.. - ��-..� ` r ` y_� ` � . 2'.:r , �i ' �� ` ��• � � 1 �"�: � - . - �� -_- -N.__� s_rs-�_, ___ _ . ... __ • ^�. . - " � � _ _ '_' . .,. -�.. . .-.. :: . . '. _ " ".' _..`, -.'a'jc��_ _'z.. - ' - . _ Council File n Green Sheet � 32223 RESOLUTION C1TY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, anticipated ouiside fiunding has not materialized for the Water St reconstruciion project, approved as Log �SU-03047 in the 1997 Capital improvement Budgei, and WHEREAS, a need exists to conduct preliminary street and public righiof-vray design for the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Deveiopment Framework plan, so _ 7NEREFOflE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Councii ot the City ot Saint Paui, upon recommendation of the Mayorand advice ot the Long Range Capital lmprovement Budget Committee, that the Capital fmprovement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended �� by this Councii is hereby further amended in fotlowing particuiar. Curceni Amended 8udgat Change Bud9et FlNANCING PLAN Water St-City Limits to Plato � C97-2CO50 1997 C18 SPENDING PLAN Water SbCity Limits to Plato . G97-2CO50 Plans & Co�struction FINANCING PL4N � � � Downtown West St 4mprov-Prel Des C97-2XXXX 1997 CIB � �� ��� �� .� ��� �i � �� �� ��� �� � ��� �� i �. �� ��� �• �� ..� �� � �� a� ��� �. a. .a. .� ..♦ 3 n t 0.00 700.000.00 100.000.00 � �- - -- �: 0.00 100.000.00 700,000.00 .. 1 � r��_„ -=-_ ,�_�;�-_-_ -':� _ �,-= '" =�i=�� _ _�� :: :. SPENDING PLAN bowntown West St Improv-Pret Des. C97-2XXXX Prel. Qesign � �. .. �.. �� �• .�� �� � �� �. �.. �� .� ��. �. RESOLVED, that the City Counc7 adopts tfie a6ove changes to the Capitai budget � Yeas Blakev Bostrom C`n77ins �*=rYi ��a rd �orton Thune Adopted by Cocuici2: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Ppproved By Mayoz: Date By: Requested by Department of: EJW/jb Public Works 7' " Aaproval Recommende Dy u e Director: By: _ Form Approved by City Attorney; BY= 9 Approved by Mayor £or Submission�to Counci?: $y: