97-904Council File # �� —�{ Green Sheet # �� l� �� UTION + �' ,-. Presented By Referred To i 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 io ii 12 13 14 15 16 i� is is zo zi Zz 23 Committee: Date RESOLVED, thatl�e..Sais+Hfaul City Councii consents to and approves of the appointments and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the WORKFORG'E DEVELOPMENT COI7NCII.. in Representing Term EaRr�tion 7oanne Ciccarelli Community-Based Organization June 30, 2000 Paul Kelnberger [Shall fill the remainder of Lindy Thomas' unexpired term] Rea�2pointed Councilmember Jerry Blakey Louis Greengazd Theron Barnes Richard Hanson Rolf M'iddleton 7ay Zack Private Sector Representing Economic Development Organized Labor Private Sector Private Sector Private Sector Private Sector 7une 30, 1998 Term Ea iration 7une 30, 2000 7une 30, 2000 June 30, 2000 7une 30, 2000 7une 30, 2000 7une 30, 2000 /e�. Requeated by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: App By: Form Approved by City Attorney , � �-��� �„�.� 1 BY. _ roved by Mayor: Date ��tt Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council - $ �/�i �ID.� ar1-Ro`� ���,� � DEPMiMENTAFFlCEtiOUNpL DATE WITIATED J i O 1. L Mayor Coleman's Office 7-15-97 GREEN SHEE CONTAGT PERSON & PHONE INITAVDATE INITIAVDATE Alberto Quintela 266-8529 � �EPAFYTMENTOIRECTOR � GRV GOUNGIL AS516N � GN ATTORNEY � qTV CLERK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENOA BY (DATE MUMBER FOR � FiOVrING O BUOGET DIflECTOA O FfN. S MGT. SEPVICES DIA. UAUEA � MAYOR (OP ASSISTAN'n � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CIIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACT10N flEQUESTED: Approval of appts. of Joanne Ciccarelli, Paul Kelnberger and reappts. of Councilmember Jerry Blakey, Louis Grengard, Theron Barnes, Richard Hanson, Rolf Middleton and Jay Zack to serve on the WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL. RECOMMENDnTIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) pEHSONAt SEHVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIOIiS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CrvIL SERVICE COMMISSION S� Has thls pBrsonJfimt eVer workad und¢i a CoMreCt for ihis tlepartineM? _ CIB CAMMITfEE _ YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this personffrm ever been a ciry empfoyee? — YES NO _DISTRICTCOUR7 _ 3. DoESthis personRirm possess a skill not normalfy possessed by any wment ciry emplqree4 SUPPORTS WHiCH CAUNCIlO&IECTIVE? YES NO Explein all yes enswers on seperete sheet atW attsch to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, Wben, Wbere, Why): ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED' -, , ��'€� . � �Fi? 2 �IUL �� t�97 �ISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: �V°P�� JUt , � 70TAL AMOUN70F iRANSACTION 5 COST/HEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNOISdG SOURCE ACTIVI7Y NUMBER FINANdAL INFORR%iATtON. IEXPLAIN) q�i -qo�t Interdepartmental Memorandum CI1'Y OF SAINT PAUL TO: I�Z���A Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President David Thune Councilmember 7erry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Joseph Collins Councilmember Michael Harris Councilmember Roberta Megard Councilmember Giadys Morto Alberto Quintela ri � Assistant to the MayorV ' DATE:, 7uly 15, 1997 RE: WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT COUNCII. Mayor Coleman has recommended that the following individuals be appointed and reappointed to serve on the Workforce Development Council. A�pointed Joanne Ciccazelli Paul Kelnberger [Shall serve the remainder of Lindy Thomas' unexpired term] R E'dDD Ointed Councilmember 7erry Blakey Louis Greengard Theron Barnes Richard Hanson Rolf 2vfiddleton Jay Zack Renresentine Community-Based Organization Private Sector RenresentinQ Economic Development Organized Labor Private Sector Private Sector Private Sector Private Sector Term Exniration June 30, 2000 3une 30, 1998 Term Exairation June 30, 2000 3une 30, 2000 June 30, 2000 7une 30, 2000 7une 30, 2000 June 30, 2000 Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating these individuals, copies of the new appointees' applications and an applicant report listing applicants on file since 7anuary 1, 1944. Feel free to contact me at 266-8529 if you have any questions. Attachments c: I3ancy Anderson, Council Research Kathy Korf, Workforce Development Council Jacqui Shoholm, Workf'orce Development Council � OFFSCE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HAI,L SA2NT PAIIL, MI2IN£SOTA 55102. , 266-8525� FAX: 266-8513 ' 1"cL.`dS.�"{L�e.'G 4 \ ��0� t�!AY 19 1S97 21ane: Joanne Ciccarelli ' "```�';��'� j' Home Addzess: �1$12 Saunders Avenue. St. Paul '�� � - SSll6 Street . City Zip Telephone 2�ber: (Home� 699-3690 fAorkl 296-1464 .(�AX) 247-1306 Planning District CouncilcHiQhland Area Community Counci�Jyty Coimcil Aard: 3 Prefezzed Hailing Add=ess: 265 E 6th St.. Suite 813, St. Paul, MN., 55101-1918 Ahat is pour occupation? Management (Dept. Of -Economic Security/ Rehab Services Branch) Place�o� E�ioyneat: State of Minnesota Co�*mittee(s) Applied For: St. Paul Wnrkforce DevelopMent Committee � k'nat sY.ills/trai.ning or esperience do pou possess £or the committee(s) for vhich you seek appoint�ent? . ** 26+ years experience working in employment programs for people with disabilities. ** Cnrrerir gartner in rhe sC. P�n� Workforce Center and a member of the Manaeement Team ' for the Center. ** Knowledeeable"about the current resources that make uA the Workforce Center. . ._ -. - � , " � - . --= r`-`::.'>-�;. �; �-- - - ° _ _ � The 3nfozmation included in this is conside=ed privaze'data according to the Hinnesota Govexment Data Practices Act. As a result, this i.nformation is not zeleased to the general public. - - ���� Rev.4/21/93 PERSOHAL REFIIiE27CES Name: a Address: - 390 N. Robert Street Ist Floor St. Paul MN 55101 Ffione • - - Home Aork Name: Jackie Shoholm Address: 494 Sible Street St. Paul MN 5510I Phone• lHome) Ci7ork) 228-3283 xyme: Marilyn McGuire •� :.r- u� � Phone• (Home) SAork) 282 Z67? Reasons £or qour interest in this particuZar co�ittee: Mv ir,terest in this committee is to.assist the Center in meeting their ¢oals in providing services to the citizens of St. Paul,•and in particular to citizens with disabilities Have you had previous contact vith the commi.ttee for which you are making application. If so, vhen, and circumstances? " Tn an attempt to ensure zhat co�ittee representatioa reflects the makeup of our coaimunitg, pi�ase c�ecY_ tl±e 3i^- :�,r'icable to yO:l. 1I115 zniormation is stri�:tly voluntary. Rhite (Cancasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Paci£ic Islander Amezican Indian or A7.askan Eskimo Male:. ' - - ' _ - _ �- : . Female _`' - . Date of Birth: 2'=23-39 , ' - " -. Disabled: Yes No If special ac�o�odatiaas aze needed, please speciiy: Hov did you hear about this opening? I heard about this ooening from Jackie Shoholm � �31i _ �`�1i�G�-- Name• Paul M. Kelnber OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 3 9 � CITX HAI,I, SAINT PAL3L� MSD7tI�SOTA - 55102 266-8525_" FAX: 266-8513 � �� - �Q� Home Address: 8208 Galway Rd., Woodbury, MN 55125 S�t� 11 199t _ Street City ���� � Zyp Telephone 2�ber: (Home) �fi12) 739-7417 tGork) �612) 227-943� .{�AX) (612)223-5158 Planning District Gouncil: N/A Citp Council Aard: N/A Preferred Hailing Address: Johnson, West & Co., PL C; 336 Robei't St. N., #1400 St. Paul, MN 55101 T7fiat is your occupation? C. P. A. Place�of Emplopment: Co�ittee(s) Applied For: Where needed. � � L �� � Ahat skills/training--oz esperience do you possess £or the committee(s) £or uhich you seek apgointment? The information included in thi.s application is considered p=ivate data according to the Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. (OPER) Rev.�/21/93 PERSONAL HEFERENCES Kame Address: � 2220 Kenwood Court, Maplewood MN 55117 Phone: _ 7Home) �612) 772-1807 (Work) �612) 224-2000 xame: James Warner Address: 1110 Ar�yle, St. Paul, 1V1N 55103 Phone: CHome) �612)_489-6969 (Aork) Name: Falzone Address• Warbler Lane, St. Paul, MN 55119 Phone: (Home) �612) 739-4159 �p (612} 776-8400 Reasons £or qour interest in this partieular Have you had p=evious contact vith the co�ittee for vhich you are making application. If so, when, and circumstances? In an attempt to ensvre that co�ittee representation re£Iects tfie makeup of our communitp, please check the 15.ne applicable to qou. This information is strictlp voZvntarp. X Ahite (Caucasian) _ $lack (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo X Male Female Disahled: Yes No X Date of $irth: If specia7. accommodations are needed, please specify Hispanic 6sian or paci£ic Islander 10/15l43 Hov did you hear about this opening2 Referred by currerit member. ��1�.1 06-18-97 APPLICANTS.RYT CAMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 1 COMMZTTEE : PIC Workforce Development Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AP'TER O1/O1/94 - APPLZCRNT / REFERENCE CAMMENTS WARD PLANIIING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ______________________�--------__-_ -___ -_-__--- --_-_-__ _------- -__ _-- --- 003139 Cardinal, Robert J. 5 5 02/26/96 W M 761 iowa Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 771-3330 Buaiensa Broker Gary & Vizgie Bundy 765 Iowd Avenue E., 55106 h) 774-0836 James & Corinne Fanslow 760 Iowa Ave. E., 55106 h) '771-7655 Ren & Marty Brainard 757 Iowa Ave. E., 55106 h) ?71-0914 000345 Ciccarelli, Joanne Dept. Economic Security Rehab Servicea Branch 245 E. 6th, Ste. S13 St. Paul, MN 55101 1918 Work - 296-1464 FAX 2971306 Management/Dept. Ec. Security 5-19-97 Workforce Development Rim Rezek 390 N. Robert St. St. Paul, MN 55101 w) 228-9154 Jacqui Shoholm 494 Sibley Street, 55101 w) 228-3283 Marilyn McGuire 390 N. Robert, 55101 w) 282-2692 002943 Gundereon, Patricia 283 N. Avon Street St. Paul, MN 55104 1 8 05f19/97 W F 02/17/95 W F Home - 297-9323 Self Employed 06-18-97 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT �� -q�`1 PAGE 2 CONRfiTTEE : PIC Workforce Development Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COt�AfENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DA2'E ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTFiER COMMZTTEES SERVIt3G ON) °__ ________ ________ ________ "-_ __- --- Pam Lachowsky 682 Dayton Ave. St. Paul, MN 55104 H) 224-7226 Triah Grafstrum 329 Minneaota Ave. Roseville, MN 55Y13 H) 484-7568 Robin Caulfield 733 Jefferson Ave. St. Paul, MN 55105 H) 222-4620 063186 Jefferaon, Shirley A. #1112 2285 Stewart Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - 696-5286 Human Reaourcea Profeasional tiancy Scott City Administrator Municipal Bldg. 101 S. Lincoln St. Chanute, KS 66270 (w) (316) 431-5210 Pamela Relly 400 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th St. w) 266-6477 Harbara Fox-TOdd 3218 Red Oak Drive Eagan, MN 55121 h) 454-6096 003311 Kelnberger, Paul M. Johnson, Weat & Co. PLC 336 Robert St. N., #`1400 St. Paul, MPi 55101 Work - 227-9431 RAX 2235156 CPA 06J11/96 B F 06/11/97 W M �t'1- q �`l 06-18-97 AFPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT CAHI�SITTEE : PIC Workforce Development Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTfiR O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / RERERENCE COA4SENT5 Louis Henry 2220 Renwood Couxt Maplewood, M13 55117 h) 772-1807 w) 224-2000 Jamea Waruer 1110 Argyle St. Paul, MN 55103 h) 489-6969 George Falzone Warbler Lane St. Paul, MN 55119 h) 739-4159 w) 776-8400 003247 McCarty, Steven N. 1356 N. Victoria 5treet St. Paul, MN 55117 Aome - 488-5045 Human Reaources Manager Patricia A. Rleinman 1004 Summit Avenue Minneapolis, MN 554p3 Renwood Erickson 12742 Foliage Court Apple Valley, MN 55124 h) 431-1253 w) 228-8590 PAGE 3 WARD PLANNZI3G SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTf�R COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) 11/14/96 W M Neighborhood Advisory Comm. 3amea O'Toole 2640 national Union Blvd. Tuckerton, NJ 08087 h) (609) 296-9865 w) (609) 296-8883 003146 Nault, Brigid Hamline Midway Community Cncl 1761 IIniversity Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55104 Work - 646-4557 FAX 6465521 Ex. Dir.JMidway Family YMCA 03/06/96 W F Steve Rufus 06-18-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT �I �� - �l o`i PAGE 4 COMMITTEE : PIC Workforce Development Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1(O1f94 APPLICANT j REFERENCE CADSMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ---- -------- ---'-_-__ _____--- --_ __- °- 1782 Princeton, 55105 h) 690-SS56 w) 645-9359 Harold Slawik 63 lexington Parkway N., 55104 h0 222-5301 w0 641-8551 Elin Malmquist Skinner Spruce Tree Centre, Suite 4 1600 University Ave., 55104 w) 646-2636 001627 Paulson, Altin R. 555 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 292-9926 Marketing Manager 1 8 09/25/95 NA M Parks Recreation Commission Mary Allen Duas Director� Div. of Indian Work 3045 Park Ave., Mpls. 55407 h) 824-9028 w) 827-1745 Geneveve Bolger President, Bolger Publications 3001 Como Avenue Mpls, 55401 Rev. Gary Reierson Ex. Dir. Mpls. Council of Churches 122 W. Franklin Mpls., 55404 w) B70-3660 9-25-95 Civic Center Authority; Parka-Rec; Po{rt Authority; PIC & Riverfront Corporation Jim Wyuchor, MN Broadcasting Assn. 3517 Raleigh Avenue St. Louis Park, MN 55416 h) 784-3753 w) 92b-8123 John Mayasick Hubbard Broadcasting �1'I -� o�i 06-T8-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICA23TS.RPT PAGE 5 COMMITTEE : PIC Workforce Development Council FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPlICANT j REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SEt3ATE APP DATE ETH GE23 DIS DISTRICT DZSTRIC2 (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- ---^---- -------- -------- --- --- --- 3415 University Avenuer St. Paul, MN 55114 w� 642-4150 Mark Weibel American Commercial Bank 425 North Robert, Ste. 280 St. Paul, MN 55101 w) 291-6819 003175 Potta, Curt xome ^ 825-8210 Bus. OwnerfCurrency Exchange 6 5 06/10/96 W M Leater Johnson 366 E. Larpenteur h) 778-1280 Gordon Peteraon 577 Univeteity h) 224-3329 Julie Wood 8826 Glenbrook Ave. COttage GYOVa h) 459-5395 w) 225-2740 003068 Price, Guy R. Rainbow Foods 1566 University Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Work - 644-4321 Rainbow Foods Tim Schmidt 1515 Excelsior Blvd. Hopkina, MN 55343 w) 931-1100 Jim tielson 1566 University Avenue, 55104 w) 6Q4-4321 09/27f45 W M 003151 Rasmusaen, Diane R. 03/1if96 W F Apt. 1 185 E. Thompson Ave. St. Paul, MN 55118 �t�i - `( ° `1 O6-Y8-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE CAHMITTEE : PIC Workforce Development Council FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APpyICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS 6 WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ _�- --- -__ Home - 450-2322 Memberahip Coordinator YMCA Brigid Nault Midway YMCA, 55104 h) 426-2712 w) 646-4557 Tammy Abrahamson h) 447-6356 w) 646-4557 Crystelle Underdahl 410 E. Butler West St. Paul, MN 55118 h) 457-7352 w) 738-1600 003136 Saeks, Gayle Jewiah Family Svc. St. Paul Suite 227 790 Cleveland Avenue St. Paul, MPI 55116 St. Paul, MN 55116 Work - 698-0767 FAX 6980162 Vocational Improvemt Developer Jean E. Hart 60 Norwest Center w) 224-5463 Sunny Floum 40Q Groveland Avenue, #1011 Minneapolis, MN 55403 h) 452-9229 w) 698-D767 Joan Bream 9405 Nosth 118th Place Scottsdale, AZ 85259 (602) 860-8293 02/22J96 W F 003271 Schoeller, ICristin M. 03/10/97 W F 1502 Midway Parkway q�-�a� 06-28-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLTCANTS REPORT COMMITTSE : PZC Workforce Development Couneil FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1J94 APPLICAIiT j REFERENCE CAHIISENTS St. Pdul, MN SS10S Home - 641-1349 Family Transition Coordinator PAGE 7 WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DSSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- --__-_�- ________ _-_�---- --- --- --- Sandy Thompaon Department o£ Families and Children and Learn{ing 550 Cedar St. Paul, MN w) 296-2965 Paula Goldberg PACER Center w) 827-2966 Brian Abery Uof M (Institute on Community Integration) w) 625-5592 003191 Scrogqins , Marvin M. The Right Step, Inc. 245 E. 6th St., Ste. 255 St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - 221-1918 FAX 2210967 Busineas Manager Larry McRenzie 801 Irving Avenue N. Minneapolis, MN 5541i h) 374-3052 w) 221-1918 Lonnie Morqan 4916 18th Ave. S. Hinneapolis, MN 55417 h) 724-0332 w) 944-8570 Wallace Jackman 9613 Colvmbus Bloomington, MN 55430 h) 588-9613 w) 827-4021 Mr. Scroggins heard about the openings from Councilmember Jerry Blakey. 06/20/96 B M 003240 Whitcomb, Ron 3 15 64H 11/18/96 W M 1781 Hillcrest Avenne Neighborhood Sales 2ax Board St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - 690-9472 ��-9�� 06-28-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 8 COMMITTEE : PIC Workforce Development Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/Ol/94 APPLICAHT f REFSRENCE CObAfENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER CAMMITTEES SERVING O1Q) -__- __-____� ______-^ ____-_-- ___ °- --- Bank President Shawn Bartah, Attorney 790 Cleveland Ave. S., Suite 214 St. Paul, MN 55116 w0 699-0601 Mark Moeller 1751 Bohland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 h) 690-2977 w) 298-6321 Tom Sexton 407 Mount Curve Blvd. 5t. Paul, MN 55105 w) 647-1259 003171 Wilcox, Rachel A. ¥1910 66 E. 9th Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Home - 227-6349 Vocational Counaelor 2 17 O6/03/96 W F Y Mary Lynn Sabo Citi Walk 66 E. 9th St., 55101 w) 221-0298 Rich Detmers 701 Dorland Rd. Haplewood, MN 55119 h) 578-9067 Sheryl Lee 1344 Colby Ave., 55116 h) 699-4325 003167 Yueten, Peggy � 1 Goodwill/Easter Seal 2543 Como Avenue St. Paul, MN 55108-1298 03/1$/96 W F a� -`io`i 06-38-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 9 CAMMZTTEE : PIC Workforce Development Council FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1J94 APPLICAKT f REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (FRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- °------ --°°-- -------- --- --- --- Work - 646-2591 AdministratorjVP Program Svcs. Dr. Curman Gaines Superintendent 36� Colborne, 55102 w) 293-5150 Dr. Kay Sloan, Preaident (St. Paul resident) North Hennepin Community College 7411 85th Avenue N. Brooklyn Park, MN w) 424-0702 Mr. Ed Lyons, President Private Industry Council Westmoreland/Fayette Counties Greensburg, PA 15601 w) (412) 836-2600 Council File # �� —�{ Green Sheet # �� l� �� UTION + �' ,-. Presented By Referred To i 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 io ii 12 13 14 15 16 i� is is zo zi Zz 23 Committee: Date RESOLVED, thatl�e..Sais+Hfaul City Councii consents to and approves of the appointments and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the WORKFORG'E DEVELOPMENT COI7NCII.. in Representing Term EaRr�tion 7oanne Ciccarelli Community-Based Organization June 30, 2000 Paul Kelnberger [Shall fill the remainder of Lindy Thomas' unexpired term] Rea�2pointed Councilmember Jerry Blakey Louis Greengazd Theron Barnes Richard Hanson Rolf M'iddleton 7ay Zack Private Sector Representing Economic Development Organized Labor Private Sector Private Sector Private Sector Private Sector 7une 30, 1998 Term Ea iration 7une 30, 2000 7une 30, 2000 June 30, 2000 7une 30, 2000 7une 30, 2000 7une 30, 2000 /e�. Requeated by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: App By: Form Approved by City Attorney , � �-��� �„�.� 1 BY. _ roved by Mayor: Date ��tt Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council - $ �/�i �ID.� ar1-Ro`� ���,� � DEPMiMENTAFFlCEtiOUNpL DATE WITIATED J i O 1. L Mayor Coleman's Office 7-15-97 GREEN SHEE CONTAGT PERSON & PHONE INITAVDATE INITIAVDATE Alberto Quintela 266-8529 � �EPAFYTMENTOIRECTOR � GRV GOUNGIL AS516N � GN ATTORNEY � qTV CLERK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENOA BY (DATE MUMBER FOR � FiOVrING O BUOGET DIflECTOA O FfN. S MGT. SEPVICES DIA. UAUEA � MAYOR (OP ASSISTAN'n � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CIIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACT10N flEQUESTED: Approval of appts. of Joanne Ciccarelli, Paul Kelnberger and reappts. of Councilmember Jerry Blakey, Louis Grengard, Theron Barnes, Richard Hanson, Rolf Middleton and Jay Zack to serve on the WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL. RECOMMENDnTIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) pEHSONAt SEHVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIOIiS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CrvIL SERVICE COMMISSION S� Has thls pBrsonJfimt eVer workad und¢i a CoMreCt for ihis tlepartineM? _ CIB CAMMITfEE _ YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this personffrm ever been a ciry empfoyee? — YES NO _DISTRICTCOUR7 _ 3. DoESthis personRirm possess a skill not normalfy possessed by any wment ciry emplqree4 SUPPORTS WHiCH CAUNCIlO&IECTIVE? YES NO Explein all yes enswers on seperete sheet atW attsch to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, Wben, Wbere, Why): ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED' -, , ��'€� . � �Fi? 2 �IUL �� t�97 �ISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: �V°P�� JUt , � 70TAL AMOUN70F iRANSACTION 5 COST/HEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNOISdG SOURCE ACTIVI7Y NUMBER FINANdAL INFORR%iATtON. IEXPLAIN) q�i -qo�t Interdepartmental Memorandum CI1'Y OF SAINT PAUL TO: I�Z���A Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President David Thune Councilmember 7erry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Joseph Collins Councilmember Michael Harris Councilmember Roberta Megard Councilmember Giadys Morto Alberto Quintela ri � Assistant to the MayorV ' DATE:, 7uly 15, 1997 RE: WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT COUNCII. Mayor Coleman has recommended that the following individuals be appointed and reappointed to serve on the Workforce Development Council. A�pointed Joanne Ciccazelli Paul Kelnberger [Shall serve the remainder of Lindy Thomas' unexpired term] R E'dDD Ointed Councilmember 7erry Blakey Louis Greengard Theron Barnes Richard Hanson Rolf 2vfiddleton Jay Zack Renresentine Community-Based Organization Private Sector RenresentinQ Economic Development Organized Labor Private Sector Private Sector Private Sector Private Sector Term Exniration June 30, 2000 3une 30, 1998 Term Exairation June 30, 2000 3une 30, 2000 June 30, 2000 7une 30, 2000 7une 30, 2000 June 30, 2000 Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating these individuals, copies of the new appointees' applications and an applicant report listing applicants on file since 7anuary 1, 1944. Feel free to contact me at 266-8529 if you have any questions. Attachments c: I3ancy Anderson, Council Research Kathy Korf, Workforce Development Council Jacqui Shoholm, Workf'orce Development Council � OFFSCE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HAI,L SA2NT PAIIL, MI2IN£SOTA 55102. , 266-8525� FAX: 266-8513 ' 1"cL.`dS.�"{L�e.'G 4 \ ��0� t�!AY 19 1S97 21ane: Joanne Ciccarelli ' "```�';��'� j' Home Addzess: �1$12 Saunders Avenue. St. Paul '�� � - SSll6 Street . City Zip Telephone 2�ber: (Home� 699-3690 fAorkl 296-1464 .(�AX) 247-1306 Planning District CouncilcHiQhland Area Community Counci�Jyty Coimcil Aard: 3 Prefezzed Hailing Add=ess: 265 E 6th St.. Suite 813, St. Paul, MN., 55101-1918 Ahat is pour occupation? Management (Dept. Of -Economic Security/ Rehab Services Branch) Place�o� E�ioyneat: State of Minnesota Co�*mittee(s) Applied For: St. Paul Wnrkforce DevelopMent Committee � k'nat sY.ills/trai.ning or esperience do pou possess £or the committee(s) for vhich you seek appoint�ent? . ** 26+ years experience working in employment programs for people with disabilities. ** Cnrrerir gartner in rhe sC. P�n� Workforce Center and a member of the Manaeement Team ' for the Center. ** Knowledeeable"about the current resources that make uA the Workforce Center. . ._ -. - � , " � - . --= r`-`::.'>-�;. �; �-- - - ° _ _ � The 3nfozmation included in this is conside=ed privaze'data according to the Hinnesota Govexment Data Practices Act. As a result, this i.nformation is not zeleased to the general public. - - ���� Rev.4/21/93 PERSOHAL REFIIiE27CES Name: a Address: - 390 N. Robert Street Ist Floor St. Paul MN 55101 Ffione • - - Home Aork Name: Jackie Shoholm Address: 494 Sible Street St. Paul MN 5510I Phone• lHome) Ci7ork) 228-3283 xyme: Marilyn McGuire •� :.r- u� � Phone• (Home) SAork) 282 Z67? Reasons £or qour interest in this particuZar co�ittee: Mv ir,terest in this committee is to.assist the Center in meeting their ¢oals in providing services to the citizens of St. Paul,•and in particular to citizens with disabilities Have you had previous contact vith the commi.ttee for which you are making application. If so, vhen, and circumstances? " Tn an attempt to ensure zhat co�ittee representatioa reflects the makeup of our coaimunitg, pi�ase c�ecY_ tl±e 3i^- :�,r'icable to yO:l. 1I115 zniormation is stri�:tly voluntary. Rhite (Cancasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Paci£ic Islander Amezican Indian or A7.askan Eskimo Male:. ' - - ' _ - _ �- : . Female _`' - . Date of Birth: 2'=23-39 , ' - " -. Disabled: Yes No If special ac�o�odatiaas aze needed, please speciiy: Hov did you hear about this opening? I heard about this ooening from Jackie Shoholm � �31i _ �`�1i�G�-- Name• Paul M. Kelnber OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 3 9 � CITX HAI,I, SAINT PAL3L� MSD7tI�SOTA - 55102 266-8525_" FAX: 266-8513 � �� - �Q� Home Address: 8208 Galway Rd., Woodbury, MN 55125 S�t� 11 199t _ Street City ���� � Zyp Telephone 2�ber: (Home) �fi12) 739-7417 tGork) �612) 227-943� .{�AX) (612)223-5158 Planning District Gouncil: N/A Citp Council Aard: N/A Preferred Hailing Address: Johnson, West & Co., PL C; 336 Robei't St. N., #1400 St. Paul, MN 55101 T7fiat is your occupation? C. P. A. Place�of Emplopment: Co�ittee(s) Applied For: Where needed. � � L �� � Ahat skills/training--oz esperience do you possess £or the committee(s) £or uhich you seek apgointment? The information included in thi.s application is considered p=ivate data according to the Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. (OPER) Rev.�/21/93 PERSONAL HEFERENCES Kame Address: � 2220 Kenwood Court, Maplewood MN 55117 Phone: _ 7Home) �612) 772-1807 (Work) �612) 224-2000 xame: James Warner Address: 1110 Ar�yle, St. Paul, 1V1N 55103 Phone: CHome) �612)_489-6969 (Aork) Name: Falzone Address• Warbler Lane, St. Paul, MN 55119 Phone: (Home) �612) 739-4159 �p (612} 776-8400 Reasons £or qour interest in this partieular Have you had p=evious contact vith the co�ittee for vhich you are making application. If so, when, and circumstances? In an attempt to ensvre that co�ittee representation re£Iects tfie makeup of our communitp, please check the 15.ne applicable to qou. This information is strictlp voZvntarp. X Ahite (Caucasian) _ $lack (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo X Male Female Disahled: Yes No X Date of $irth: If specia7. accommodations are needed, please specify Hispanic 6sian or paci£ic Islander 10/15l43 Hov did you hear about this opening2 Referred by currerit member. ��1�.1 06-18-97 APPLICANTS.RYT CAMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 1 COMMZTTEE : PIC Workforce Development Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AP'TER O1/O1/94 - APPLZCRNT / REFERENCE CAMMENTS WARD PLANIIING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ______________________�--------__-_ -___ -_-__--- --_-_-__ _------- -__ _-- --- 003139 Cardinal, Robert J. 5 5 02/26/96 W M 761 iowa Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 771-3330 Buaiensa Broker Gary & Vizgie Bundy 765 Iowd Avenue E., 55106 h) 774-0836 James & Corinne Fanslow 760 Iowa Ave. E., 55106 h) '771-7655 Ren & Marty Brainard 757 Iowa Ave. E., 55106 h) ?71-0914 000345 Ciccarelli, Joanne Dept. Economic Security Rehab Servicea Branch 245 E. 6th, Ste. S13 St. Paul, MN 55101 1918 Work - 296-1464 FAX 2971306 Management/Dept. Ec. Security 5-19-97 Workforce Development Rim Rezek 390 N. Robert St. St. Paul, MN 55101 w) 228-9154 Jacqui Shoholm 494 Sibley Street, 55101 w) 228-3283 Marilyn McGuire 390 N. Robert, 55101 w) 282-2692 002943 Gundereon, Patricia 283 N. Avon Street St. Paul, MN 55104 1 8 05f19/97 W F 02/17/95 W F Home - 297-9323 Self Employed 06-18-97 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT �� -q�`1 PAGE 2 CONRfiTTEE : PIC Workforce Development Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COt�AfENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DA2'E ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTFiER COMMZTTEES SERVIt3G ON) °__ ________ ________ ________ "-_ __- --- Pam Lachowsky 682 Dayton Ave. St. Paul, MN 55104 H) 224-7226 Triah Grafstrum 329 Minneaota Ave. Roseville, MN 55Y13 H) 484-7568 Robin Caulfield 733 Jefferson Ave. St. Paul, MN 55105 H) 222-4620 063186 Jefferaon, Shirley A. #1112 2285 Stewart Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - 696-5286 Human Reaourcea Profeasional tiancy Scott City Administrator Municipal Bldg. 101 S. Lincoln St. Chanute, KS 66270 (w) (316) 431-5210 Pamela Relly 400 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th St. w) 266-6477 Harbara Fox-TOdd 3218 Red Oak Drive Eagan, MN 55121 h) 454-6096 003311 Kelnberger, Paul M. Johnson, Weat & Co. PLC 336 Robert St. N., #`1400 St. Paul, MPi 55101 Work - 227-9431 RAX 2235156 CPA 06J11/96 B F 06/11/97 W M �t'1- q �`l 06-18-97 AFPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT CAHI�SITTEE : PIC Workforce Development Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTfiR O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / RERERENCE COA4SENT5 Louis Henry 2220 Renwood Couxt Maplewood, M13 55117 h) 772-1807 w) 224-2000 Jamea Waruer 1110 Argyle St. Paul, MN 55103 h) 489-6969 George Falzone Warbler Lane St. Paul, MN 55119 h) 739-4159 w) 776-8400 003247 McCarty, Steven N. 1356 N. Victoria 5treet St. Paul, MN 55117 Aome - 488-5045 Human Reaources Manager Patricia A. Rleinman 1004 Summit Avenue Minneapolis, MN 554p3 Renwood Erickson 12742 Foliage Court Apple Valley, MN 55124 h) 431-1253 w) 228-8590 PAGE 3 WARD PLANNZI3G SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTf�R COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) 11/14/96 W M Neighborhood Advisory Comm. 3amea O'Toole 2640 national Union Blvd. Tuckerton, NJ 08087 h) (609) 296-9865 w) (609) 296-8883 003146 Nault, Brigid Hamline Midway Community Cncl 1761 IIniversity Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55104 Work - 646-4557 FAX 6465521 Ex. Dir.JMidway Family YMCA 03/06/96 W F Steve Rufus 06-18-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT �I �� - �l o`i PAGE 4 COMMITTEE : PIC Workforce Development Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1(O1f94 APPLICANT j REFERENCE CADSMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ---- -------- ---'-_-__ _____--- --_ __- °- 1782 Princeton, 55105 h) 690-SS56 w) 645-9359 Harold Slawik 63 lexington Parkway N., 55104 h0 222-5301 w0 641-8551 Elin Malmquist Skinner Spruce Tree Centre, Suite 4 1600 University Ave., 55104 w) 646-2636 001627 Paulson, Altin R. 555 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 292-9926 Marketing Manager 1 8 09/25/95 NA M Parks Recreation Commission Mary Allen Duas Director� Div. of Indian Work 3045 Park Ave., Mpls. 55407 h) 824-9028 w) 827-1745 Geneveve Bolger President, Bolger Publications 3001 Como Avenue Mpls, 55401 Rev. Gary Reierson Ex. Dir. Mpls. Council of Churches 122 W. Franklin Mpls., 55404 w) B70-3660 9-25-95 Civic Center Authority; Parka-Rec; Po{rt Authority; PIC & Riverfront Corporation Jim Wyuchor, MN Broadcasting Assn. 3517 Raleigh Avenue St. Louis Park, MN 55416 h) 784-3753 w) 92b-8123 John Mayasick Hubbard Broadcasting �1'I -� o�i 06-T8-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICA23TS.RPT PAGE 5 COMMITTEE : PIC Workforce Development Council FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPlICANT j REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SEt3ATE APP DATE ETH GE23 DIS DISTRICT DZSTRIC2 (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- ---^---- -------- -------- --- --- --- 3415 University Avenuer St. Paul, MN 55114 w� 642-4150 Mark Weibel American Commercial Bank 425 North Robert, Ste. 280 St. Paul, MN 55101 w) 291-6819 003175 Potta, Curt xome ^ 825-8210 Bus. OwnerfCurrency Exchange 6 5 06/10/96 W M Leater Johnson 366 E. Larpenteur h) 778-1280 Gordon Peteraon 577 Univeteity h) 224-3329 Julie Wood 8826 Glenbrook Ave. COttage GYOVa h) 459-5395 w) 225-2740 003068 Price, Guy R. Rainbow Foods 1566 University Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Work - 644-4321 Rainbow Foods Tim Schmidt 1515 Excelsior Blvd. Hopkina, MN 55343 w) 931-1100 Jim tielson 1566 University Avenue, 55104 w) 6Q4-4321 09/27f45 W M 003151 Rasmusaen, Diane R. 03/1if96 W F Apt. 1 185 E. Thompson Ave. St. Paul, MN 55118 �t�i - `( ° `1 O6-Y8-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE CAHMITTEE : PIC Workforce Development Council FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APpyICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS 6 WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ _�- --- -__ Home - 450-2322 Memberahip Coordinator YMCA Brigid Nault Midway YMCA, 55104 h) 426-2712 w) 646-4557 Tammy Abrahamson h) 447-6356 w) 646-4557 Crystelle Underdahl 410 E. Butler West St. Paul, MN 55118 h) 457-7352 w) 738-1600 003136 Saeks, Gayle Jewiah Family Svc. St. Paul Suite 227 790 Cleveland Avenue St. Paul, MPI 55116 St. Paul, MN 55116 Work - 698-0767 FAX 6980162 Vocational Improvemt Developer Jean E. Hart 60 Norwest Center w) 224-5463 Sunny Floum 40Q Groveland Avenue, #1011 Minneapolis, MN 55403 h) 452-9229 w) 698-D767 Joan Bream 9405 Nosth 118th Place Scottsdale, AZ 85259 (602) 860-8293 02/22J96 W F 003271 Schoeller, ICristin M. 03/10/97 W F 1502 Midway Parkway q�-�a� 06-28-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLTCANTS REPORT COMMITTSE : PZC Workforce Development Couneil FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1J94 APPLICAIiT j REFERENCE CAHIISENTS St. Pdul, MN SS10S Home - 641-1349 Family Transition Coordinator PAGE 7 WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DSSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- --__-_�- ________ _-_�---- --- --- --- Sandy Thompaon Department o£ Families and Children and Learn{ing 550 Cedar St. Paul, MN w) 296-2965 Paula Goldberg PACER Center w) 827-2966 Brian Abery Uof M (Institute on Community Integration) w) 625-5592 003191 Scrogqins , Marvin M. The Right Step, Inc. 245 E. 6th St., Ste. 255 St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - 221-1918 FAX 2210967 Busineas Manager Larry McRenzie 801 Irving Avenue N. Minneapolis, MN 5541i h) 374-3052 w) 221-1918 Lonnie Morqan 4916 18th Ave. S. Hinneapolis, MN 55417 h) 724-0332 w) 944-8570 Wallace Jackman 9613 Colvmbus Bloomington, MN 55430 h) 588-9613 w) 827-4021 Mr. Scroggins heard about the openings from Councilmember Jerry Blakey. 06/20/96 B M 003240 Whitcomb, Ron 3 15 64H 11/18/96 W M 1781 Hillcrest Avenne Neighborhood Sales 2ax Board St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - 690-9472 ��-9�� 06-28-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 8 COMMITTEE : PIC Workforce Development Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/Ol/94 APPLICAHT f REFSRENCE CObAfENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER CAMMITTEES SERVING O1Q) -__- __-____� ______-^ ____-_-- ___ °- --- Bank President Shawn Bartah, Attorney 790 Cleveland Ave. S., Suite 214 St. Paul, MN 55116 w0 699-0601 Mark Moeller 1751 Bohland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 h) 690-2977 w) 298-6321 Tom Sexton 407 Mount Curve Blvd. 5t. Paul, MN 55105 w) 647-1259 003171 Wilcox, Rachel A. ¥1910 66 E. 9th Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Home - 227-6349 Vocational Counaelor 2 17 O6/03/96 W F Y Mary Lynn Sabo Citi Walk 66 E. 9th St., 55101 w) 221-0298 Rich Detmers 701 Dorland Rd. Haplewood, MN 55119 h) 578-9067 Sheryl Lee 1344 Colby Ave., 55116 h) 699-4325 003167 Yueten, Peggy � 1 Goodwill/Easter Seal 2543 Como Avenue St. Paul, MN 55108-1298 03/1$/96 W F a� -`io`i 06-38-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 9 CAMMZTTEE : PIC Workforce Development Council FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1J94 APPLICAKT f REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (FRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- °------ --°°-- -------- --- --- --- Work - 646-2591 AdministratorjVP Program Svcs. Dr. Curman Gaines Superintendent 36� Colborne, 55102 w) 293-5150 Dr. Kay Sloan, Preaident (St. Paul resident) North Hennepin Community College 7411 85th Avenue N. Brooklyn Park, MN w) 424-0702 Mr. Ed Lyons, President Private Industry Council Westmoreland/Fayette Counties Greensburg, PA 15601 w) (412) 836-2600 Council File # �� —�{ Green Sheet # �� l� �� UTION + �' ,-. Presented By Referred To i 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 io ii 12 13 14 15 16 i� is is zo zi Zz 23 Committee: Date RESOLVED, thatl�e..Sais+Hfaul City Councii consents to and approves of the appointments and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the WORKFORG'E DEVELOPMENT COI7NCII.. in Representing Term EaRr�tion 7oanne Ciccarelli Community-Based Organization June 30, 2000 Paul Kelnberger [Shall fill the remainder of Lindy Thomas' unexpired term] Rea�2pointed Councilmember Jerry Blakey Louis Greengazd Theron Barnes Richard Hanson Rolf M'iddleton 7ay Zack Private Sector Representing Economic Development Organized Labor Private Sector Private Sector Private Sector Private Sector 7une 30, 1998 Term Ea iration 7une 30, 2000 7une 30, 2000 June 30, 2000 7une 30, 2000 7une 30, 2000 7une 30, 2000 /e�. Requeated by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: App By: Form Approved by City Attorney , � By: �-��� �,w.�,.� - roved by Mayor: Date ��tt Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council - $ �/�i �ID.� ar1-Ro`� ���,� � DEPMiMENTAFFlCEtiOUNpL DATE WITIATED J i O 1. L Mayor Coleman's Office 7-15-97 GREEN SHEE CONTAGT PERSON & PHONE INITAVDATE INITIAVDATE Alberto Quintela 266-8529 � �EPAFYTMENTOIRECTOR � GRV GOUNGIL AS516N � GN ATTORNEY � qTV CLERK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENOA BY (DATE MUMBER FOR � FiOVrING O BUOGET DIflECTOA O FfN. S MGT. SEPVICES DIA. UAUEA � MAYOR (OP ASSISTAN'n � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CIIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACT10N flEQUESTED: Approval of appts. of Joanne Ciccarelli, Paul Kelnberger and reappts. of Councilmember Jerry Blakey, Louis Grengard, Theron Barnes, Richard Hanson, Rolf Middleton and Jay Zack to serve on the WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL. RECOMMENDnTIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) pEHSONAt SEHVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIOIiS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CrvIL SERVICE COMMISSION S� Has thls pBrsonJfimt eVer workad und¢i a CoMreCt for ihis tlepartineM? _ CIB CAMMITfEE _ YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this personffrm ever been a ciry empfoyee? — YES NO _DISTRICTCOUR7 _ 3. DoESthis personRirm possess a skill not normalfy possessed by any wment ciry emplqree4 SUPPORTS WHiCH CAUNCIlO&IECTIVE? YES NO Explein all yes enswers on seperete sheet atW attsch to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, Wben, Wbere, Why): ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED' -, , ��'€� . � �Fi? 2 �IUL �� t�97 �ISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: �V°P�� JUt , � 70TAL AMOUN70F iRANSACTION 5 COST/HEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNOISdG SOURCE ACTIVI7Y NUMBER FINANdAL INFORR%iATtON. IEXPLAIN) q�i -qo�t Interdepartmental Memorandum CI1'Y OF SAINT PAUL TO: I�Z���A Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President David Thune Councilmember 7erry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Joseph Collins Councilmember Michael Harris Councilmember Roberta Megard Councilmember Giadys Morto Alberto Quintela ri � Assistant to the MayorV ' DATE:, 7uly 15, 1997 RE: WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT COUNCII. Mayor Coleman has recommended that the following individuals be appointed and reappointed to serve on the Workforce Development Council. A�pointed Joanne Ciccazelli Paul Kelnberger [Shall serve the remainder of Lindy Thomas' unexpired term] R E'dDD Ointed Councilmember 7erry Blakey Louis Greengard Theron Barnes Richard Hanson Rolf 2vfiddleton Jay Zack Renresentine Community-Based Organization Private Sector RenresentinQ Economic Development Organized Labor Private Sector Private Sector Private Sector Private Sector Term Exniration June 30, 2000 3une 30, 1998 Term Exairation June 30, 2000 3une 30, 2000 June 30, 2000 7une 30, 2000 7une 30, 2000 June 30, 2000 Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating these individuals, copies of the new appointees' applications and an applicant report listing applicants on file since 7anuary 1, 1944. Feel free to contact me at 266-8529 if you have any questions. Attachments c: I3ancy Anderson, Council Research Kathy Korf, Workforce Development Council Jacqui Shoholm, Workf'orce Development Council � OFFSCE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HAI,L SA2NT PAIIL, MI2IN£SOTA 55102. , 266-8525� FAX: 266-8513 ' 1"cL.`dS.�"{L�e.'G 4 \ ��0� t�!AY 19 1S97 21ane: Joanne Ciccarelli ' "```�';��'� j' Home Addzess: �1$12 Saunders Avenue. St. Paul '�� � - SSll6 Street . City Zip Telephone 2�ber: (Home� 699-3690 fAorkl 296-1464 .(�AX) 247-1306 Planning District CouncilcHiQhland Area Community Counci�Jyty Coimcil Aard: 3 Prefezzed Hailing Add=ess: 265 E 6th St.. Suite 813, St. Paul, MN., 55101-1918 Ahat is pour occupation? Management (Dept. Of -Economic Security/ Rehab Services Branch) Place�o� E�ioyneat: State of Minnesota Co�*mittee(s) Applied For: St. Paul Wnrkforce DevelopMent Committee � k'nat sY.ills/trai.ning or esperience do pou possess £or the committee(s) for vhich you seek appoint�ent? . ** 26+ years experience working in employment programs for people with disabilities. ** Cnrrerir gartner in rhe sC. P�n� Workforce Center and a member of the Manaeement Team ' for the Center. ** Knowledeeable"about the current resources that make uA the Workforce Center. . ._ -. - � , " � - . --= r`-`::.'>-�;. �; �-- - - ° _ _ � The 3nfozmation included in this is conside=ed privaze'data according to the Hinnesota Govexment Data Practices Act. As a result, this i.nformation is not zeleased to the general public. - - ���� Rev.4/21/93 PERSOHAL REFIIiE27CES Name: a Address: - 390 N. Robert Street Ist Floor St. Paul MN 55101 Ffione • - - Home Aork Name: Jackie Shoholm Address: 494 Sible Street St. Paul MN 5510I Phone• lHome) Ci7ork) 228-3283 xyme: Marilyn McGuire •� :.r- u� � Phone• (Home) SAork) 282 Z67? Reasons £or qour interest in this particuZar co�ittee: Mv ir,terest in this committee is to.assist the Center in meeting their ¢oals in providing services to the citizens of St. Paul,•and in particular to citizens with disabilities Have you had previous contact vith the commi.ttee for which you are making application. If so, vhen, and circumstances? " Tn an attempt to ensure zhat co�ittee representatioa reflects the makeup of our coaimunitg, pi�ase c�ecY_ tl±e 3i^- :�,r'icable to yO:l. 1I115 zniormation is stri�:tly voluntary. Rhite (Cancasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Paci£ic Islander Amezican Indian or A7.askan Eskimo Male:. ' - - ' _ - _ �- : . Female _`' - . Date of Birth: 2'=23-39 , ' - " -. Disabled: Yes No If special ac�o�odatiaas aze needed, please speciiy: Hov did you hear about this opening? I heard about this ooening from Jackie Shoholm � �31i _ �`�1i�G�-- Name• Paul M. Kelnber OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 3 9 � CITX HAI,I, SAINT PAL3L� MSD7tI�SOTA - 55102 266-8525_" FAX: 266-8513 � �� - �Q� Home Address: 8208 Galway Rd., Woodbury, MN 55125 S�t� 11 199t _ Street City ���� � Zyp Telephone 2�ber: (Home) �fi12) 739-7417 tGork) �612) 227-943� .{�AX) (612)223-5158 Planning District Gouncil: N/A Citp Council Aard: N/A Preferred Hailing Address: Johnson, West & Co., PL C; 336 Robei't St. N., #1400 St. Paul, MN 55101 T7fiat is your occupation? C. P. A. Place�of Emplopment: Co�ittee(s) Applied For: Where needed. � � L �� � Ahat skills/training--oz esperience do you possess £or the committee(s) £or uhich you seek apgointment? The information included in thi.s application is considered p=ivate data according to the Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. (OPER) Rev.�/21/93 PERSONAL HEFERENCES Kame Address: � 2220 Kenwood Court, Maplewood MN 55117 Phone: _ 7Home) �612) 772-1807 (Work) �612) 224-2000 xame: James Warner Address: 1110 Ar�yle, St. Paul, 1V1N 55103 Phone: CHome) �612)_489-6969 (Aork) Name: Falzone Address• Warbler Lane, St. Paul, MN 55119 Phone: (Home) �612) 739-4159 �p (612} 776-8400 Reasons £or qour interest in this partieular Have you had p=evious contact vith the co�ittee for vhich you are making application. If so, when, and circumstances? In an attempt to ensvre that co�ittee representation re£Iects tfie makeup of our communitp, please check the 15.ne applicable to qou. This information is strictlp voZvntarp. X Ahite (Caucasian) _ $lack (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo X Male Female Disahled: Yes No X Date of $irth: If specia7. accommodations are needed, please specify Hispanic 6sian or paci£ic Islander 10/15l43 Hov did you hear about this opening2 Referred by currerit member. ��1�.1 06-18-97 APPLICANTS.RYT CAMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 1 COMMZTTEE : PIC Workforce Development Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AP'TER O1/O1/94 - APPLZCRNT / REFERENCE CAMMENTS WARD PLANIIING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ______________________�--------__-_ -___ -_-__--- --_-_-__ _------- -__ _-- --- 003139 Cardinal, Robert J. 5 5 02/26/96 W M 761 iowa Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 771-3330 Buaiensa Broker Gary & Vizgie Bundy 765 Iowd Avenue E., 55106 h) 774-0836 James & Corinne Fanslow 760 Iowa Ave. E., 55106 h) '771-7655 Ren & Marty Brainard 757 Iowa Ave. E., 55106 h) ?71-0914 000345 Ciccarelli, Joanne Dept. Economic Security Rehab Servicea Branch 245 E. 6th, Ste. S13 St. Paul, MN 55101 1918 Work - 296-1464 FAX 2971306 Management/Dept. Ec. Security 5-19-97 Workforce Development Rim Rezek 390 N. Robert St. St. Paul, MN 55101 w) 228-9154 Jacqui Shoholm 494 Sibley Street, 55101 w) 228-3283 Marilyn McGuire 390 N. Robert, 55101 w) 282-2692 002943 Gundereon, Patricia 283 N. Avon Street St. Paul, MN 55104 1 8 05f19/97 W F 02/17/95 W F Home - 297-9323 Self Employed 06-18-97 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT �� -q�`1 PAGE 2 CONRfiTTEE : PIC Workforce Development Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COt�AfENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DA2'E ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTFiER COMMZTTEES SERVIt3G ON) °__ ________ ________ ________ "-_ __- --- Pam Lachowsky 682 Dayton Ave. St. Paul, MN 55104 H) 224-7226 Triah Grafstrum 329 Minneaota Ave. Roseville, MN 55Y13 H) 484-7568 Robin Caulfield 733 Jefferson Ave. St. Paul, MN 55105 H) 222-4620 063186 Jefferaon, Shirley A. #1112 2285 Stewart Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - 696-5286 Human Reaourcea Profeasional tiancy Scott City Administrator Municipal Bldg. 101 S. Lincoln St. Chanute, KS 66270 (w) (316) 431-5210 Pamela Relly 400 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th St. w) 266-6477 Harbara Fox-TOdd 3218 Red Oak Drive Eagan, MN 55121 h) 454-6096 003311 Kelnberger, Paul M. Johnson, Weat & Co. PLC 336 Robert St. N., #`1400 St. Paul, MPi 55101 Work - 227-9431 RAX 2235156 CPA 06J11/96 B F 06/11/97 W M �t'1- q �`l 06-18-97 AFPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT CAHI�SITTEE : PIC Workforce Development Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTfiR O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / RERERENCE COA4SENT5 Louis Henry 2220 Renwood Couxt Maplewood, M13 55117 h) 772-1807 w) 224-2000 Jamea Waruer 1110 Argyle St. Paul, MN 55103 h) 489-6969 George Falzone Warbler Lane St. Paul, MN 55119 h) 739-4159 w) 776-8400 003247 McCarty, Steven N. 1356 N. Victoria 5treet St. Paul, MN 55117 Aome - 488-5045 Human Reaources Manager Patricia A. Rleinman 1004 Summit Avenue Minneapolis, MN 554p3 Renwood Erickson 12742 Foliage Court Apple Valley, MN 55124 h) 431-1253 w) 228-8590 PAGE 3 WARD PLANNZI3G SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTf�R COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) 11/14/96 W M Neighborhood Advisory Comm. 3amea O'Toole 2640 national Union Blvd. Tuckerton, NJ 08087 h) (609) 296-9865 w) (609) 296-8883 003146 Nault, Brigid Hamline Midway Community Cncl 1761 IIniversity Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55104 Work - 646-4557 FAX 6465521 Ex. Dir.JMidway Family YMCA 03/06/96 W F Steve Rufus 06-18-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT �I �� - �l o`i PAGE 4 COMMITTEE : PIC Workforce Development Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1(O1f94 APPLICANT j REFERENCE CADSMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ---- -------- ---'-_-__ _____--- --_ __- °- 1782 Princeton, 55105 h) 690-SS56 w) 645-9359 Harold Slawik 63 lexington Parkway N., 55104 h0 222-5301 w0 641-8551 Elin Malmquist Skinner Spruce Tree Centre, Suite 4 1600 University Ave., 55104 w) 646-2636 001627 Paulson, Altin R. 555 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 292-9926 Marketing Manager 1 8 09/25/95 NA M Parks Recreation Commission Mary Allen Duas Director� Div. of Indian Work 3045 Park Ave., Mpls. 55407 h) 824-9028 w) 827-1745 Geneveve Bolger President, Bolger Publications 3001 Como Avenue Mpls, 55401 Rev. Gary Reierson Ex. Dir. Mpls. Council of Churches 122 W. Franklin Mpls., 55404 w) B70-3660 9-25-95 Civic Center Authority; Parka-Rec; Po{rt Authority; PIC & Riverfront Corporation Jim Wyuchor, MN Broadcasting Assn. 3517 Raleigh Avenue St. Louis Park, MN 55416 h) 784-3753 w) 92b-8123 John Mayasick Hubbard Broadcasting �1'I -� o�i 06-T8-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICA23TS.RPT PAGE 5 COMMITTEE : PIC Workforce Development Council FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPlICANT j REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SEt3ATE APP DATE ETH GE23 DIS DISTRICT DZSTRIC2 (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- ---^---- -------- -------- --- --- --- 3415 University Avenuer St. Paul, MN 55114 w� 642-4150 Mark Weibel American Commercial Bank 425 North Robert, Ste. 280 St. Paul, MN 55101 w) 291-6819 003175 Potta, Curt xome ^ 825-8210 Bus. OwnerfCurrency Exchange 6 5 06/10/96 W M Leater Johnson 366 E. Larpenteur h) 778-1280 Gordon Peteraon 577 Univeteity h) 224-3329 Julie Wood 8826 Glenbrook Ave. COttage GYOVa h) 459-5395 w) 225-2740 003068 Price, Guy R. Rainbow Foods 1566 University Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Work - 644-4321 Rainbow Foods Tim Schmidt 1515 Excelsior Blvd. Hopkina, MN 55343 w) 931-1100 Jim tielson 1566 University Avenue, 55104 w) 6Q4-4321 09/27f45 W M 003151 Rasmusaen, Diane R. 03/1if96 W F Apt. 1 185 E. Thompson Ave. St. Paul, MN 55118 �t�i - `( ° `1 O6-Y8-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE CAHMITTEE : PIC Workforce Development Council FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APpyICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS 6 WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ _�- --- -__ Home - 450-2322 Memberahip Coordinator YMCA Brigid Nault Midway YMCA, 55104 h) 426-2712 w) 646-4557 Tammy Abrahamson h) 447-6356 w) 646-4557 Crystelle Underdahl 410 E. Butler West St. Paul, MN 55118 h) 457-7352 w) 738-1600 003136 Saeks, Gayle Jewiah Family Svc. St. Paul Suite 227 790 Cleveland Avenue St. Paul, MPI 55116 St. Paul, MN 55116 Work - 698-0767 FAX 6980162 Vocational Improvemt Developer Jean E. Hart 60 Norwest Center w) 224-5463 Sunny Floum 40Q Groveland Avenue, #1011 Minneapolis, MN 55403 h) 452-9229 w) 698-D767 Joan Bream 9405 Nosth 118th Place Scottsdale, AZ 85259 (602) 860-8293 02/22J96 W F 003271 Schoeller, ICristin M. 03/10/97 W F 1502 Midway Parkway q�-�a� 06-28-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLTCANTS REPORT COMMITTSE : PZC Workforce Development Couneil FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1J94 APPLICAIiT j REFERENCE CAHIISENTS St. Pdul, MN SS10S Home - 641-1349 Family Transition Coordinator PAGE 7 WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DSSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- --__-_�- ________ _-_�---- --- --- --- Sandy Thompaon Department o£ Families and Children and Learn{ing 550 Cedar St. Paul, MN w) 296-2965 Paula Goldberg PACER Center w) 827-2966 Brian Abery Uof M (Institute on Community Integration) w) 625-5592 003191 Scrogqins , Marvin M. The Right Step, Inc. 245 E. 6th St., Ste. 255 St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - 221-1918 FAX 2210967 Busineas Manager Larry McRenzie 801 Irving Avenue N. Minneapolis, MN 5541i h) 374-3052 w) 221-1918 Lonnie Morqan 4916 18th Ave. S. Hinneapolis, MN 55417 h) 724-0332 w) 944-8570 Wallace Jackman 9613 Colvmbus Bloomington, MN 55430 h) 588-9613 w) 827-4021 Mr. Scroggins heard about the openings from Councilmember Jerry Blakey. 06/20/96 B M 003240 Whitcomb, Ron 3 15 64H 11/18/96 W M 1781 Hillcrest Avenne Neighborhood Sales 2ax Board St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - 690-9472 ��-9�� 06-28-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 8 COMMITTEE : PIC Workforce Development Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/Ol/94 APPLICAHT f REFSRENCE CObAfENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER CAMMITTEES SERVING O1Q) -__- __-____� ______-^ ____-_-- ___ °- --- Bank President Shawn Bartah, Attorney 790 Cleveland Ave. S., Suite 214 St. Paul, MN 55116 w0 699-0601 Mark Moeller 1751 Bohland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 h) 690-2977 w) 298-6321 Tom Sexton 407 Mount Curve Blvd. 5t. Paul, MN 55105 w) 647-1259 003171 Wilcox, Rachel A. ¥1910 66 E. 9th Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Home - 227-6349 Vocational Counaelor 2 17 O6/03/96 W F Y Mary Lynn Sabo Citi Walk 66 E. 9th St., 55101 w) 221-0298 Rich Detmers 701 Dorland Rd. Haplewood, MN 55119 h) 578-9067 Sheryl Lee 1344 Colby Ave., 55116 h) 699-4325 003167 Yueten, Peggy � 1 Goodwill/Easter Seal 2543 Como Avenue St. Paul, MN 55108-1298 03/1$/96 W F a� -`io`i 06-38-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 9 CAMMZTTEE : PIC Workforce Development Council FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1J94 APPLICAKT f REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (FRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- °------ --°°-- -------- --- --- --- Work - 646-2591 AdministratorjVP Program Svcs. Dr. Curman Gaines Superintendent 36� Colborne, 55102 w) 293-5150 Dr. Kay Sloan, Preaident (St. Paul resident) North Hennepin Community College 7411 85th Avenue N. Brooklyn Park, MN w) 424-0702 Mr. Ed Lyons, President Private Industry Council Westmoreland/Fayette Counties Greensburg, PA 15601 w) (412) 836-2600