97-903Council Fi1a # ` � — � C � Green SLeet#38�� 1 RESOLUTION CTTY OF SAINT PAi3L,11IINNESOTA Presented By: Refeaed To: Committee: Date_ 1 WHEREAS The Executive Office of the Weed and Seed Program has awarded the 2 City of Saint Paul funding for a Weed and Seed site in Railroad island in Saint Paul, s and 5 WHEREAS, The City of 5aint Paul's Police Department wishes to access the 6 funding Sor a Weed and Seed site in Railroad Isiand, and 7 9 10 11 12 13 1� 15 16 17 18 19 2Q 21 22 23 25 26 27 WHEREAS, The amount of the award is �125,000, THEREFORE BE IT RE50LVED that the Saint Paul City Council accept the the award of $125,000 for the Weed and Seed site to be located in Railroad Island and designate the Saint Paul Police Department to administer the award. Requested � Chief GVilliam K. Finney Approval Recommended by Sa � �� Adopted by Councii: llate: Adoption CertiYied by Council Secreta�y: Approved 6y Mayo Date: �`2JJ 5�} BY ` "--'�. � Fotm A roved by City ttorney: V s � C ` � _ � % � -- y.� �'� q�-q b3 �RLlf17 AFPIGF�COUNCIL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET Saint Paul Poliee De artment 7/1OJ97 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INRIAVDATE INRIAVDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOfl � � CITV CAUNCIL Chief Wm. K. Finne 292-3588 A ��� N CITYATfORNEY CT'CLERK NUNBERPOR MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA 8Y (OAT� qOUTiNG BUDGET DIpECTOR FIN. erlK SERVICES DIR. OROER MAYOR(ORASSISTANn 'O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION ftE4UE5TED: City Council acceptance oE a federal Weed and Seed award in the amount of $125,000 RECOMMENDAT�ONS: npprove (A) o� Reject (R) pEpSONAL SERVICE CONTflACTS MUST ANSWEP THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personRirm eve� worketl untler a coMrect for this tlepartmer�t? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO _ SiAFF 2. Nas this persoNfirm ever been a city empioyee? — YES NO _ Oisrn�c7 coUaT _ 3. Does this erson/firm p possess a skitl not normally possessed Dy any current ciry emplayee? 5UPPORTS WHICH COUNpL OBJEGTNE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl atteeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE.OPPoRTUNITV (Who, What, When, Where, The City of Saint Paul Police Department has been awarded a Weed and Seed award in the amount of $125,Q00 for the Railroad Island neighborhood. AOVANTAGESIFAPPR�VED: If approved, the Weed and Seed program would be put into operation in the Railroad Island neighborhood which is bounded by the railroad tracks on the north, Payne Avenue on the east, I35E and railroad tracks on the west, and East Seventh Street and railroad tracks on the south. DISAOVANTAGES IF APPROVE�. None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED. � The federal fundsing of $125,000 could not be accessed for a Weed and Seed site in Railroad Island. TOTAL AMOUNT OF 7RANSACTION $ R � � 5�Q(1(1 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDItdGSOURCE Fsrarntivo (lffiro nf WaPA anA SaaA ACiNITVNUMBER FINANCIAL INFOpFnAT10N (EXPLAIN) ���_ �-s Office of the Assistant Attomey General William K. Finney Chief of Police City of St. Paul 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Chief Finney: RECEIVED JUL 0 � 1997 CHIEF'S OFFICE T am pleased to inform you that the Office of Justice Programs (OJP? has approved a Weed and Seed Grant Award in the amount of $125,000 to the City o£ St. Paul. This Award will enable you to support activities within your Weed and Seed target area. The awarding of Asset Forfeiture Funds will be made under a separate cover pendinq the development of an agreement with either the Drug Enforcement Administration or the Federal Bureau of Investigation and approval of the costs requested. The original and one copy of the Award with Special Conditions are enclosed. If you accept this Award, sign both the Award and Special Conditions and return the copy to the Financial Management Division (FMD), Office of the Comptroller, OJP. Keep the original copy of the Award and Special Conditions for your file. Obligations and expenditures may be incurred on or after the first day of the official grant period. Also included are copies of the required 03P guidelines and reporting forms (for both financial and progress reports) with instructions for preparation of the forms. All copies of the progress and financial reports, as required under the terms of your Award, should be sent to FMD, which will subsequently forward them to your Program Manager. Progress reports must be submitted within 30 days after the end of the reporting periods, which are June 3o and December 31 for the life of the award. The awarding agency may opt, by special condition to the award, to combine the first report into the subsequent reportinq period. For example, if the begin date on the award is June lst, the awarding agency may opt to receive the first report 30 days after the December 31st reporting period. U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs �'1-9p3 Washington, D. C. 20531 3uly 3, 1997 �� _�03 By accepting this Award, you assume certain administrative and financial responsibilities including the timely submission of a11 financial and programmatic reports, the resolution of all interim audit findings, and the maintenance of a minimum level of grant cash-on-hand. Should your organization not adhere to the terms and conditions of this Award, it is subject to termination for cause or other administrative action, as appropriate. Sf you have any programmatic or administrative questions pertaining to this Award, please feel free to contact your Program Manager, Michael Connor on (202)616-9384, or your Financial Analyst, Robert Balzer on (202)307-3577. Sincerely, �-C�/7✓ I,aurie obinson Assistant Attorney Gen ral Enclosure . q�-qo3 II.S. DBPARidffiTl OF JUSTICS AWARD R� ,y*T l �. a OFPICS OF JOSTICS PROGRlMS x '� � ❑8 07P ❑ SSA ❑ OS3➢P ❑8 GRAtTT � � PAG3 1 OF 4 ��'�'"" ❑ 8JS ❑ NZJ ❑ OVC O COOPBRATZVB AGRSRfd3T C�CK APPROPRSATB 808 i. GRANC&3 NAUffi ASID ADDR855 (Iacludiag Zip Code) 4. AWARD NOPIDEA — — — Cit of St. Paul 97 H ��2� 15 West Rellogg Swlavard Saiat Paul, MN 55102 5. P80SSCT PSRSODa PROM �'1/0119� TO 06/30/98 HIIDGEL P%RIO➢: PROM �7/�1/97 TO U6/3Q(98 lA. GRANTEB IRSJVS[mOR NO. 6. AWARD DAT&: �. ACTION Jul 3 1997 � � T TnT. 2. SIIHGRANTSB NA2�ffi A!ID ADDR855 (Iacluding Zip Code) 8. SVPPLffi�ffiS`1T NOUIDHR ❑ SVPPLE4ffii'PAL 2A, SIIBGRANTES IRS/Vffi�IDOR NO. 9. PAEVI0II5 AWARD AM09STT $ 0.00 3. PROJECT TI1Z8 10. AMODNT OP TSIS AWARD $ 125,000.00 Weed and Seed PY 37 11. TOTAL AiVARD $ 125.DOO.D➢ 12. SYECIAL CONDITIONS (Check, iE applieahle) O X T88 ABOVS GRANP PROJSCT IS A4PROVHD SIIBJSCT TO SQCB CONDITIONS OR LIIQITATIONS AS AA8 SST FORTB ON T9S ATTACHBD 03 PAGB(S). 13. SSATOTORY A9T80RITY FOR GRANf �X TITLB I OF T8E OMNTBUS CRItB: CONTROL AND SAFB STR88T5 ACT OF 1968. 42 II.S.C. 3'101, 8T. SEQ., AS Al�.+NDBD. ❑ TITLB II OF TFffi JWSl72L8 JQSTICB AN9 DELINQIIENCY PRSVII7P202i ACT OF 1974. 42 II.S.C. 5601. 8T. 584.. AS ADffi!ID&D ❑ VICTIMS OF CRIME ACT OF 1984, 42 II.S.C. 10601� ET. Sfi¢.� PIIBLIC LAiQ 98-493, AS ADffiVDED. � OTHSR �Speci£y): 14. FOTQAE FISCAL YEFSt(S) SIIPPORT: SECOND YEAR'S SIIDG&T PSRTOD: N/A AMOIINT OP FOItDS: NjA TYPB OP PfRIDS: THIRD YBAR'S SIIDGST P&RZOD: N/A AkIOSIHT OF PONDS: Li/8 TYPE OF PqN�S: 15. MST80D OF PAYMffii'I 1'88 GRANT88 WILL RSCSIPS CASB VIA A LBTTER OF CRSDIT ❑ YSS ❑$ NO ' AGENCY APPROVAL GRANT88 ACCSP7ANC8 16. TYPEO HAMS AND TITLS OF APPROVING OJP OPFICSAL 18. TYPSD NalMB A!ID TITLB OF ADTHORIZED GRANT88 OFFICrnT Lauria Robiasoa William R. Fianey Assiataat Atto ey General Chief of Police @7AT6R8 OF ROVIN6 OJP OFFICIAL 19. SIGNATQAB OF AV'C80RIZ&� GRANT88 19A. DATS A68NCY BS8 ONLY 20. ACWSIIiTING CLASSIPICATION CODB 21. FISCAL POND BDD. DSV. YEAR CADS ACT. OPC. REG. SIIB. P MS AMOUNC X Q WS 26 00 00 OJP FORM 4000/2 (REV. 5-8]) PREVIOIIS SDITIONS ARS OaSOLETS. %� II.S. DEPARTTIIZNT OF .NSTICE I AWARD CONTIIVUATIOIU OFPICE OF JQSTSCB PROGP.AM:'i SNEET �� � pJp ❑ SSA ❑ OJ.TDP PAGE 2 OP 4 ❑ SJS ❑ NLJ ❑ OVC �CtC APPROPIZIRTS 80% �R GRANT ❑ COOP%IV�TIVE AGRH�21T PR ��� � 97-WS-QX-0020 AW1RD DATS Jul 3, 1997 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. The recipient agrees to comply with the financial and administrative requirements set forth in the current edition of the Of£ice o£ Justice Programs (OJP) Financial Guide. 2. The recipient agrees to comply with the organizational audit requirements o£ the applicable OMB audit circular. The first audit report period should be for 1/1J97 to 12/31j97. The managemsnt letter must be submitted with the audit report. Grantee audit reports must be submitted no later than thirteen (13) months after the close of each fiscal year during the term oE the award. Recipients who receive $100,000 or more o£ Federal Funds during their fiscal year, are sequired to submit an organization-wide financial and compliance audit report. Recipients who reaeive $25,000 to $100,000 of Federal Funds, are required to submit a program or organization-wide audit regort as directed by the granting agency. Recipients who receive less than $25,000 of Federal Funds, are not reguired to submit a program or organization-wide financial and compliance audit report for that year. Note: If your audit disclosed findings or recommendations you must include with your audit report, a corrective aation plan containing the £ollowing. 1) The name and number of the contact person responsible for the corrective action plan. 2) Specific steps taken to comply with the recommendations. 3) Timetable £or per£ormance andfor implementation dates for each recommendation. 4) Descriptions of monitoring to be conducted to ensure implementation. The submissions of audit reports for a11 grantees sha11 be as follows: 1) Mail original and one copy of the completed audit report to: U.S. Aepartment of Housing and Urban Development. 2) Mai1 one cogy of the completed audit report to: Federal Audit Clearinghouse OSP POBM 4000/2 <REV- 5-87) PREVIOQS EDITIONS ARE OBSOL5TE. �t�]-qn3 II.S. DSPAR1MIIiT OF J65TIC8 OPFICS OP JQSTICS YROGRAMS ER0.TSCT Ii0N3%R AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET � OSP ❑ H3A ❑ OJSDP ❑ HSS ❑ NiS ❑ OVC C�CR APPROPRIATE HO% � GRANT ❑ COOPP•FWTNS A6R8IIfEtiT xwxxn nxxs July 3, 1997 SPECIAL CONDITIONS Bureau o£ the Census 1201 E. lOth Street Jeffersonville, IN 47132 3) Mail a copy of Cover (transmittal) letter to: Office of Comptroller Office of Justice Programs Attn.: Control Desk, Room 942 633 Indiana Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20531 PAGS 3 �P 4 3. Approval ot this grant does not indicate an approval of any consultant rate in exeess of $450 per day. 5pecific and detailed justification must be aubmitted to and approved by the Executive Office for Weed and Seed prior to obligation or expanditure of sueh funds. 4. Grantee shall be aware that lodging, meals and incidental expenses (M & IE) relative to OJP sponsored conferences shall generally be limited to the established Federal rate for the geographio location of the conference. Any exception to this policy must be justified as cost effective and will require the prior approval of the Executive Office for Weed and Seed and the Office of the Comptroller, OJP. Any such conference costs exceeding the Federa7. rate and incurred without prior justification and prior approval will be disallowed. 5. Budget item submissions £or equipment and other contract items are aecepted as best estimate only and are not deeated approved at that price. Recipients are required to ensure such items are not currently available, are not duplicative or excessive, arid should make market surveys and obtain the best prices available. 6. Grantee acknowledges that failure to submit an acceptable Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (if grantee is required submit one pursuant to 28 CFR Section 42.302), that is approved by the Office of Civil Rights, is a violation of its CertiEied Assurances and may result in the suspension the drawdown of funds. to of 7. Grantee agrees to require that organizations which receive grant funds certify, as part of the contract, that they have appropriate hiring policies and screening procedures for employees who will be working with youth and other residents O.TP FORM 4000/2 (ASV. 5-87) PRSVIOIIS SDITIONS ARS OHSOLSTB. � II.S. DBPARTMffiiT OF JUSTICS OFPICB OP JVSi2C8 PROG I�1n/_�� ZK�II� ���1�r ����1� SHEET PROJBCE N[R.SBR � OJP ❑ 8JA ❑ QT.TDP ❑ HSS ❑ STIJ ❑ OVC CSSCR APPAOPRIATB BO% 97-WS-qX-�020 ❑% GRAN'T ❑ COOPEAATNS AGASffi.� AS°� �*T$ Su1y 3, 1997 SPECIAL CQ*IDITIOATS as part of the Weed and Seed strategy. �[�1 -qo3 PAGS 4 02 4 8. The recipient agrees to complete and keep on file, as appropriate, Smmigration and Naturalization Service Employment Eligibilty Verification Form (I-9). This form is to be used by recipients of federal funds to verify that persons are eligible to work in the United States. 9. The graatee agrees to conduct at least one Safe Haven Program as part of their overall Weed and Seed strategy. 10. While speci£ie program strategies may vary from site to site, the planning, development and execution £or the following elements shall be common to all Weed and Seed sites. These common elements are: (1) to organize and regularly convene a Weed and Seed steering committee; (2) to maintain focus on the four components in the target neighborhood; (3) to screen applicants working with children while selecting and mobilizing resources to address neighborhood problems; (4) to regularly revisit goals, objectives, and the implementation strategies and schedules. Failure to substantially comply with these elements are cause to discontinue grant funding. GRANTEE ACCEPTANCE OF SPECIAL CONDITIONS DATE �1 OJP PORM 4000/2 (REV. 5-87) PRSVIOIIS EDITIONS ARE Oe50L&28. Council Fi1a # ` � — � C � Green SLeet#38�� 1 RESOLUTION CTTY OF SAINT PAi3L,11IINNESOTA Presented By: Refeaed To: Committee: Date_ 1 WHEREAS The Executive Office of the Weed and Seed Program has awarded the 2 City of Saint Paul funding for a Weed and Seed site in Railroad island in Saint Paul, s and 5 WHEREAS, The City of 5aint Paul's Police Department wishes to access the 6 funding Sor a Weed and Seed site in Railroad Isiand, and 7 9 10 11 12 13 1� 15 16 17 18 19 2Q 21 22 23 25 26 27 WHEREAS, The amount of the award is �125,000, THEREFORE BE IT RE50LVED that the Saint Paul City Council accept the the award of $125,000 for the Weed and Seed site to be located in Railroad Island and designate the Saint Paul Police Department to administer the award. Requested � Chief GVilliam K. Finney Approval Recommended by Sa � �� Adopted by Councii: llate: Adoption CertiYied by Council Secreta�y: Approved 6y Mayo Date: �`2JJ 5�} BY ` "--'�. � Fotm A roved by City ttorney: V s � C ` � _ � % � -- y.� �'� q�-q b3 �RLlf17 AFPIGF�COUNCIL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET Saint Paul Poliee De artment 7/1OJ97 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INRIAVDATE INRIAVDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOfl � � CITV CAUNCIL Chief Wm. K. Finne 292-3588 A ��� N CITYATfORNEY CT'CLERK NUNBERPOR MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA 8Y (OAT� qOUTiNG BUDGET DIpECTOR FIN. erlK SERVICES DIR. OROER MAYOR(ORASSISTANn 'O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION ftE4UE5TED: City Council acceptance oE a federal Weed and Seed award in the amount of $125,000 RECOMMENDAT�ONS: npprove (A) o� Reject (R) pEpSONAL SERVICE CONTflACTS MUST ANSWEP THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personRirm eve� worketl untler a coMrect for this tlepartmer�t? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO _ SiAFF 2. Nas this persoNfirm ever been a city empioyee? — YES NO _ Oisrn�c7 coUaT _ 3. Does this erson/firm p possess a skitl not normally possessed Dy any current ciry emplayee? 5UPPORTS WHICH COUNpL OBJEGTNE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl atteeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE.OPPoRTUNITV (Who, What, When, Where, The City of Saint Paul Police Department has been awarded a Weed and Seed award in the amount of $125,Q00 for the Railroad Island neighborhood. AOVANTAGESIFAPPR�VED: If approved, the Weed and Seed program would be put into operation in the Railroad Island neighborhood which is bounded by the railroad tracks on the north, Payne Avenue on the east, I35E and railroad tracks on the west, and East Seventh Street and railroad tracks on the south. DISAOVANTAGES IF APPROVE�. None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED. � The federal fundsing of $125,000 could not be accessed for a Weed and Seed site in Railroad Island. TOTAL AMOUNT OF 7RANSACTION $ R � � 5�Q(1(1 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDItdGSOURCE Fsrarntivo (lffiro nf WaPA anA SaaA ACiNITVNUMBER FINANCIAL INFOpFnAT10N (EXPLAIN) ���_ �-s Office of the Assistant Attomey General William K. Finney Chief of Police City of St. Paul 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Chief Finney: RECEIVED JUL 0 � 1997 CHIEF'S OFFICE T am pleased to inform you that the Office of Justice Programs (OJP? has approved a Weed and Seed Grant Award in the amount of $125,000 to the City o£ St. Paul. This Award will enable you to support activities within your Weed and Seed target area. The awarding of Asset Forfeiture Funds will be made under a separate cover pendinq the development of an agreement with either the Drug Enforcement Administration or the Federal Bureau of Investigation and approval of the costs requested. The original and one copy of the Award with Special Conditions are enclosed. If you accept this Award, sign both the Award and Special Conditions and return the copy to the Financial Management Division (FMD), Office of the Comptroller, OJP. Keep the original copy of the Award and Special Conditions for your file. Obligations and expenditures may be incurred on or after the first day of the official grant period. Also included are copies of the required 03P guidelines and reporting forms (for both financial and progress reports) with instructions for preparation of the forms. All copies of the progress and financial reports, as required under the terms of your Award, should be sent to FMD, which will subsequently forward them to your Program Manager. Progress reports must be submitted within 30 days after the end of the reporting periods, which are June 3o and December 31 for the life of the award. The awarding agency may opt, by special condition to the award, to combine the first report into the subsequent reportinq period. For example, if the begin date on the award is June lst, the awarding agency may opt to receive the first report 30 days after the December 31st reporting period. U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs �'1-9p3 Washington, D. C. 20531 3uly 3, 1997 �� _�03 By accepting this Award, you assume certain administrative and financial responsibilities including the timely submission of a11 financial and programmatic reports, the resolution of all interim audit findings, and the maintenance of a minimum level of grant cash-on-hand. Should your organization not adhere to the terms and conditions of this Award, it is subject to termination for cause or other administrative action, as appropriate. Sf you have any programmatic or administrative questions pertaining to this Award, please feel free to contact your Program Manager, Michael Connor on (202)616-9384, or your Financial Analyst, Robert Balzer on (202)307-3577. Sincerely, �-C�/7✓ I,aurie obinson Assistant Attorney Gen ral Enclosure . q�-qo3 II.S. DBPARidffiTl OF JUSTICS AWARD R� ,y*T l �. a OFPICS OF JOSTICS PROGRlMS x '� � ❑8 07P ❑ SSA ❑ OS3➢P ❑8 GRAtTT � � PAG3 1 OF 4 ��'�'"" ❑ 8JS ❑ NZJ ❑ OVC O COOPBRATZVB AGRSRfd3T C�CK APPROPRSATB 808 i. GRANC&3 NAUffi ASID ADDR855 (Iacludiag Zip Code) 4. AWARD NOPIDEA — — — Cit of St. Paul 97 H ��2� 15 West Rellogg Swlavard Saiat Paul, MN 55102 5. P80SSCT PSRSODa PROM �'1/0119� TO 06/30/98 HIIDGEL P%RIO➢: PROM �7/�1/97 TO U6/3Q(98 lA. GRANTEB IRSJVS[mOR NO. 6. AWARD DAT&: �. ACTION Jul 3 1997 � � T TnT. 2. SIIHGRANTSB NA2�ffi A!ID ADDR855 (Iacluding Zip Code) 8. SVPPLffi�ffiS`1T NOUIDHR ❑ SVPPLE4ffii'PAL 2A, SIIBGRANTES IRS/Vffi�IDOR NO. 9. PAEVI0II5 AWARD AM09STT $ 0.00 3. PROJECT TI1Z8 10. AMODNT OP TSIS AWARD $ 125,000.00 Weed and Seed PY 37 11. TOTAL AiVARD $ 125.DOO.D➢ 12. SYECIAL CONDITIONS (Check, iE applieahle) O X T88 ABOVS GRANP PROJSCT IS A4PROVHD SIIBJSCT TO SQCB CONDITIONS OR LIIQITATIONS AS AA8 SST FORTB ON T9S ATTACHBD 03 PAGB(S). 13. SSATOTORY A9T80RITY FOR GRANf �X TITLB I OF T8E OMNTBUS CRItB: CONTROL AND SAFB STR88T5 ACT OF 1968. 42 II.S.C. 3'101, 8T. SEQ., AS Al�.+NDBD. ❑ TITLB II OF TFffi JWSl72L8 JQSTICB AN9 DELINQIIENCY PRSVII7P202i ACT OF 1974. 42 II.S.C. 5601. 8T. 584.. AS ADffi!ID&D ❑ VICTIMS OF CRIME ACT OF 1984, 42 II.S.C. 10601� ET. Sfi¢.� PIIBLIC LAiQ 98-493, AS ADffiVDED. � OTHSR �Speci£y): 14. FOTQAE FISCAL YEFSt(S) SIIPPORT: SECOND YEAR'S SIIDG&T PSRTOD: N/A AMOIINT OP FOItDS: NjA TYPB OP PfRIDS: THIRD YBAR'S SIIDGST P&RZOD: N/A AkIOSIHT OF PONDS: Li/8 TYPE OF PqN�S: 15. MST80D OF PAYMffii'I 1'88 GRANT88 WILL RSCSIPS CASB VIA A LBTTER OF CRSDIT ❑ YSS ❑$ NO ' AGENCY APPROVAL GRANT88 ACCSP7ANC8 16. TYPEO HAMS AND TITLS OF APPROVING OJP OPFICSAL 18. TYPSD NalMB A!ID TITLB OF ADTHORIZED GRANT88 OFFICrnT Lauria Robiasoa William R. Fianey Assiataat Atto ey General Chief of Police @7AT6R8 OF ROVIN6 OJP OFFICIAL 19. SIGNATQAB OF AV'C80RIZ&� GRANT88 19A. DATS A68NCY BS8 ONLY 20. ACWSIIiTING CLASSIPICATION CODB 21. FISCAL POND BDD. DSV. YEAR CADS ACT. OPC. REG. SIIB. P MS AMOUNC X Q WS 26 00 00 OJP FORM 4000/2 (REV. 5-8]) PREVIOIIS SDITIONS ARS OaSOLETS. %� II.S. DEPARTTIIZNT OF .NSTICE I AWARD CONTIIVUATIOIU OFPICE OF JQSTSCB PROGP.AM:'i SNEET �� � pJp ❑ SSA ❑ OJ.TDP PAGE 2 OP 4 ❑ SJS ❑ NLJ ❑ OVC �CtC APPROPIZIRTS 80% �R GRANT ❑ COOP%IV�TIVE AGRH�21T PR ��� � 97-WS-QX-0020 AW1RD DATS Jul 3, 1997 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. The recipient agrees to comply with the financial and administrative requirements set forth in the current edition of the Of£ice o£ Justice Programs (OJP) Financial Guide. 2. The recipient agrees to comply with the organizational audit requirements o£ the applicable OMB audit circular. The first audit report period should be for 1/1J97 to 12/31j97. The managemsnt letter must be submitted with the audit report. Grantee audit reports must be submitted no later than thirteen (13) months after the close of each fiscal year during the term oE the award. Recipients who receive $100,000 or more o£ Federal Funds during their fiscal year, are sequired to submit an organization-wide financial and compliance audit report. Recipients who reaeive $25,000 to $100,000 of Federal Funds, are required to submit a program or organization-wide audit regort as directed by the granting agency. Recipients who receive less than $25,000 of Federal Funds, are not reguired to submit a program or organization-wide financial and compliance audit report for that year. Note: If your audit disclosed findings or recommendations you must include with your audit report, a corrective aation plan containing the £ollowing. 1) The name and number of the contact person responsible for the corrective action plan. 2) Specific steps taken to comply with the recommendations. 3) Timetable £or per£ormance andfor implementation dates for each recommendation. 4) Descriptions of monitoring to be conducted to ensure implementation. The submissions of audit reports for a11 grantees sha11 be as follows: 1) Mail original and one copy of the completed audit report to: U.S. Aepartment of Housing and Urban Development. 2) Mai1 one cogy of the completed audit report to: Federal Audit Clearinghouse OSP POBM 4000/2 <REV- 5-87) PREVIOQS EDITIONS ARE OBSOL5TE. �t�]-qn3 II.S. DSPAR1MIIiT OF J65TIC8 OPFICS OP JQSTICS YROGRAMS ER0.TSCT Ii0N3%R AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET � OSP ❑ H3A ❑ OJSDP ❑ HSS ❑ NiS ❑ OVC C�CR APPROPRIATE HO% � GRANT ❑ COOPP•FWTNS A6R8IIfEtiT xwxxn nxxs July 3, 1997 SPECIAL CONDITIONS Bureau o£ the Census 1201 E. lOth Street Jeffersonville, IN 47132 3) Mail a copy of Cover (transmittal) letter to: Office of Comptroller Office of Justice Programs Attn.: Control Desk, Room 942 633 Indiana Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20531 PAGS 3 �P 4 3. Approval ot this grant does not indicate an approval of any consultant rate in exeess of $450 per day. 5pecific and detailed justification must be aubmitted to and approved by the Executive Office for Weed and Seed prior to obligation or expanditure of sueh funds. 4. Grantee shall be aware that lodging, meals and incidental expenses (M & IE) relative to OJP sponsored conferences shall generally be limited to the established Federal rate for the geographio location of the conference. Any exception to this policy must be justified as cost effective and will require the prior approval of the Executive Office for Weed and Seed and the Office of the Comptroller, OJP. Any such conference costs exceeding the Federa7. rate and incurred without prior justification and prior approval will be disallowed. 5. Budget item submissions £or equipment and other contract items are aecepted as best estimate only and are not deeated approved at that price. Recipients are required to ensure such items are not currently available, are not duplicative or excessive, arid should make market surveys and obtain the best prices available. 6. Grantee acknowledges that failure to submit an acceptable Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (if grantee is required submit one pursuant to 28 CFR Section 42.302), that is approved by the Office of Civil Rights, is a violation of its CertiEied Assurances and may result in the suspension the drawdown of funds. to of 7. Grantee agrees to require that organizations which receive grant funds certify, as part of the contract, that they have appropriate hiring policies and screening procedures for employees who will be working with youth and other residents O.TP FORM 4000/2 (ASV. 5-87) PRSVIOIIS SDITIONS ARS OHSOLSTB. � II.S. DBPARTMffiiT OF JUSTICS OFPICB OP JVSi2C8 PROG I�1n/_�� ZK�II� ���1�r ����1� SHEET PROJBCE N[R.SBR � OJP ❑ 8JA ❑ QT.TDP ❑ HSS ❑ STIJ ❑ OVC CSSCR APPAOPRIATB BO% 97-WS-qX-�020 ❑% GRAN'T ❑ COOPEAATNS AGASffi.� AS°� �*T$ Su1y 3, 1997 SPECIAL CQ*IDITIOATS as part of the Weed and Seed strategy. �[�1 -qo3 PAGS 4 02 4 8. The recipient agrees to complete and keep on file, as appropriate, Smmigration and Naturalization Service Employment Eligibilty Verification Form (I-9). This form is to be used by recipients of federal funds to verify that persons are eligible to work in the United States. 9. The graatee agrees to conduct at least one Safe Haven Program as part of their overall Weed and Seed strategy. 10. While speci£ie program strategies may vary from site to site, the planning, development and execution £or the following elements shall be common to all Weed and Seed sites. These common elements are: (1) to organize and regularly convene a Weed and Seed steering committee; (2) to maintain focus on the four components in the target neighborhood; (3) to screen applicants working with children while selecting and mobilizing resources to address neighborhood problems; (4) to regularly revisit goals, objectives, and the implementation strategies and schedules. Failure to substantially comply with these elements are cause to discontinue grant funding. GRANTEE ACCEPTANCE OF SPECIAL CONDITIONS DATE �1 OJP PORM 4000/2 (REV. 5-87) PRSVIOIIS EDITIONS ARE Oe50L&28. Council Fi1a # ` � — � C � Green SLeet#38�� 1 RESOLUTION CTTY OF SAINT PAi3L,11IINNESOTA Presented By: Refeaed To: Committee: Date_ 1 WHEREAS The Executive Office of the Weed and Seed Program has awarded the 2 City of Saint Paul funding for a Weed and Seed site in Railroad island in Saint Paul, s and 5 WHEREAS, The City of 5aint Paul's Police Department wishes to access the 6 funding Sor a Weed and Seed site in Railroad Isiand, and 7 9 10 11 12 13 1� 15 16 17 18 19 2Q 21 22 23 25 26 27 WHEREAS, The amount of the award is �125,000, THEREFORE BE IT RE50LVED that the Saint Paul City Council accept the the award of $125,000 for the Weed and Seed site to be located in Railroad Island and designate the Saint Paul Police Department to administer the award. Requested � Chief GVilliam K. Finney Approval Recommended by Sa � �� Adopted by Councii: llate: Adoption CertiYied by Council Secreta�y: Approved 6y Mayo Date: �`2JJ 5�} BY ` "--'�. � Fotm A roved by City ttorney: V s � C ` � _ � % � -- y.� �'� q�-q b3 �RLlf17 AFPIGF�COUNCIL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET Saint Paul Poliee De artment 7/1OJ97 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INRIAVDATE INRIAVDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOfl � � CITV CAUNCIL Chief Wm. K. Finne 292-3588 A ��� N CITYATfORNEY CT'CLERK NUNBERPOR MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA 8Y (OAT� qOUTiNG BUDGET DIpECTOR FIN. erlK SERVICES DIR. OROER MAYOR(ORASSISTANn 'O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION ftE4UE5TED: City Council acceptance oE a federal Weed and Seed award in the amount of $125,000 RECOMMENDAT�ONS: npprove (A) o� Reject (R) pEpSONAL SERVICE CONTflACTS MUST ANSWEP THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personRirm eve� worketl untler a coMrect for this tlepartmer�t? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO _ SiAFF 2. Nas this persoNfirm ever been a city empioyee? — YES NO _ Oisrn�c7 coUaT _ 3. Does this erson/firm p possess a skitl not normally possessed Dy any current ciry emplayee? 5UPPORTS WHICH COUNpL OBJEGTNE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl atteeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE.OPPoRTUNITV (Who, What, When, Where, The City of Saint Paul Police Department has been awarded a Weed and Seed award in the amount of $125,Q00 for the Railroad Island neighborhood. AOVANTAGESIFAPPR�VED: If approved, the Weed and Seed program would be put into operation in the Railroad Island neighborhood which is bounded by the railroad tracks on the north, Payne Avenue on the east, I35E and railroad tracks on the west, and East Seventh Street and railroad tracks on the south. DISAOVANTAGES IF APPROVE�. None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED. � The federal fundsing of $125,000 could not be accessed for a Weed and Seed site in Railroad Island. TOTAL AMOUNT OF 7RANSACTION $ R � � 5�Q(1(1 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDItdGSOURCE Fsrarntivo (lffiro nf WaPA anA SaaA ACiNITVNUMBER FINANCIAL INFOpFnAT10N (EXPLAIN) ���_ �-s Office of the Assistant Attomey General William K. Finney Chief of Police City of St. Paul 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Chief Finney: RECEIVED JUL 0 � 1997 CHIEF'S OFFICE T am pleased to inform you that the Office of Justice Programs (OJP? has approved a Weed and Seed Grant Award in the amount of $125,000 to the City o£ St. Paul. This Award will enable you to support activities within your Weed and Seed target area. The awarding of Asset Forfeiture Funds will be made under a separate cover pendinq the development of an agreement with either the Drug Enforcement Administration or the Federal Bureau of Investigation and approval of the costs requested. The original and one copy of the Award with Special Conditions are enclosed. If you accept this Award, sign both the Award and Special Conditions and return the copy to the Financial Management Division (FMD), Office of the Comptroller, OJP. Keep the original copy of the Award and Special Conditions for your file. Obligations and expenditures may be incurred on or after the first day of the official grant period. Also included are copies of the required 03P guidelines and reporting forms (for both financial and progress reports) with instructions for preparation of the forms. All copies of the progress and financial reports, as required under the terms of your Award, should be sent to FMD, which will subsequently forward them to your Program Manager. Progress reports must be submitted within 30 days after the end of the reporting periods, which are June 3o and December 31 for the life of the award. The awarding agency may opt, by special condition to the award, to combine the first report into the subsequent reportinq period. For example, if the begin date on the award is June lst, the awarding agency may opt to receive the first report 30 days after the December 31st reporting period. U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs �'1-9p3 Washington, D. C. 20531 3uly 3, 1997 �� _�03 By accepting this Award, you assume certain administrative and financial responsibilities including the timely submission of a11 financial and programmatic reports, the resolution of all interim audit findings, and the maintenance of a minimum level of grant cash-on-hand. Should your organization not adhere to the terms and conditions of this Award, it is subject to termination for cause or other administrative action, as appropriate. Sf you have any programmatic or administrative questions pertaining to this Award, please feel free to contact your Program Manager, Michael Connor on (202)616-9384, or your Financial Analyst, Robert Balzer on (202)307-3577. Sincerely, �-C�/7✓ I,aurie obinson Assistant Attorney Gen ral Enclosure . q�-qo3 II.S. DBPARidffiTl OF JUSTICS AWARD R� ,y*T l �. a OFPICS OF JOSTICS PROGRlMS x '� � ❑8 07P ❑ SSA ❑ OS3➢P ❑8 GRAtTT � � PAG3 1 OF 4 ��'�'"" ❑ 8JS ❑ NZJ ❑ OVC O COOPBRATZVB AGRSRfd3T C�CK APPROPRSATB 808 i. GRANC&3 NAUffi ASID ADDR855 (Iacludiag Zip Code) 4. AWARD NOPIDEA — — — Cit of St. Paul 97 H ��2� 15 West Rellogg Swlavard Saiat Paul, MN 55102 5. P80SSCT PSRSODa PROM �'1/0119� TO 06/30/98 HIIDGEL P%RIO➢: PROM �7/�1/97 TO U6/3Q(98 lA. GRANTEB IRSJVS[mOR NO. 6. AWARD DAT&: �. ACTION Jul 3 1997 � � T TnT. 2. SIIHGRANTSB NA2�ffi A!ID ADDR855 (Iacluding Zip Code) 8. SVPPLffi�ffiS`1T NOUIDHR ❑ SVPPLE4ffii'PAL 2A, SIIBGRANTES IRS/Vffi�IDOR NO. 9. PAEVI0II5 AWARD AM09STT $ 0.00 3. PROJECT TI1Z8 10. AMODNT OP TSIS AWARD $ 125,000.00 Weed and Seed PY 37 11. TOTAL AiVARD $ 125.DOO.D➢ 12. SYECIAL CONDITIONS (Check, iE applieahle) O X T88 ABOVS GRANP PROJSCT IS A4PROVHD SIIBJSCT TO SQCB CONDITIONS OR LIIQITATIONS AS AA8 SST FORTB ON T9S ATTACHBD 03 PAGB(S). 13. SSATOTORY A9T80RITY FOR GRANf �X TITLB I OF T8E OMNTBUS CRItB: CONTROL AND SAFB STR88T5 ACT OF 1968. 42 II.S.C. 3'101, 8T. SEQ., AS Al�.+NDBD. ❑ TITLB II OF TFffi JWSl72L8 JQSTICB AN9 DELINQIIENCY PRSVII7P202i ACT OF 1974. 42 II.S.C. 5601. 8T. 584.. AS ADffi!ID&D ❑ VICTIMS OF CRIME ACT OF 1984, 42 II.S.C. 10601� ET. Sfi¢.� PIIBLIC LAiQ 98-493, AS ADffiVDED. � OTHSR �Speci£y): 14. FOTQAE FISCAL YEFSt(S) SIIPPORT: SECOND YEAR'S SIIDG&T PSRTOD: N/A AMOIINT OP FOItDS: NjA TYPB OP PfRIDS: THIRD YBAR'S SIIDGST P&RZOD: N/A AkIOSIHT OF PONDS: Li/8 TYPE OF PqN�S: 15. MST80D OF PAYMffii'I 1'88 GRANT88 WILL RSCSIPS CASB VIA A LBTTER OF CRSDIT ❑ YSS ❑$ NO ' AGENCY APPROVAL GRANT88 ACCSP7ANC8 16. TYPEO HAMS AND TITLS OF APPROVING OJP OPFICSAL 18. TYPSD NalMB A!ID TITLB OF ADTHORIZED GRANT88 OFFICrnT Lauria Robiasoa William R. Fianey Assiataat Atto ey General Chief of Police @7AT6R8 OF ROVIN6 OJP OFFICIAL 19. SIGNATQAB OF AV'C80RIZ&� GRANT88 19A. DATS A68NCY BS8 ONLY 20. ACWSIIiTING CLASSIPICATION CODB 21. FISCAL POND BDD. DSV. YEAR CADS ACT. OPC. REG. SIIB. P MS AMOUNC X Q WS 26 00 00 OJP FORM 4000/2 (REV. 5-8]) PREVIOIIS SDITIONS ARS OaSOLETS. %� II.S. DEPARTTIIZNT OF .NSTICE I AWARD CONTIIVUATIOIU OFPICE OF JQSTSCB PROGP.AM:'i SNEET �� � pJp ❑ SSA ❑ OJ.TDP PAGE 2 OP 4 ❑ SJS ❑ NLJ ❑ OVC �CtC APPROPIZIRTS 80% �R GRANT ❑ COOP%IV�TIVE AGRH�21T PR ��� � 97-WS-QX-0020 AW1RD DATS Jul 3, 1997 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. The recipient agrees to comply with the financial and administrative requirements set forth in the current edition of the Of£ice o£ Justice Programs (OJP) Financial Guide. 2. The recipient agrees to comply with the organizational audit requirements o£ the applicable OMB audit circular. The first audit report period should be for 1/1J97 to 12/31j97. The managemsnt letter must be submitted with the audit report. Grantee audit reports must be submitted no later than thirteen (13) months after the close of each fiscal year during the term oE the award. Recipients who receive $100,000 or more o£ Federal Funds during their fiscal year, are sequired to submit an organization-wide financial and compliance audit report. Recipients who reaeive $25,000 to $100,000 of Federal Funds, are required to submit a program or organization-wide audit regort as directed by the granting agency. Recipients who receive less than $25,000 of Federal Funds, are not reguired to submit a program or organization-wide financial and compliance audit report for that year. Note: If your audit disclosed findings or recommendations you must include with your audit report, a corrective aation plan containing the £ollowing. 1) The name and number of the contact person responsible for the corrective action plan. 2) Specific steps taken to comply with the recommendations. 3) Timetable £or per£ormance andfor implementation dates for each recommendation. 4) Descriptions of monitoring to be conducted to ensure implementation. The submissions of audit reports for a11 grantees sha11 be as follows: 1) Mail original and one copy of the completed audit report to: U.S. Aepartment of Housing and Urban Development. 2) Mai1 one cogy of the completed audit report to: Federal Audit Clearinghouse OSP POBM 4000/2 <REV- 5-87) PREVIOQS EDITIONS ARE OBSOL5TE. �t�]-qn3 II.S. DSPAR1MIIiT OF J65TIC8 OPFICS OP JQSTICS YROGRAMS ER0.TSCT Ii0N3%R AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET � OSP ❑ H3A ❑ OJSDP ❑ HSS ❑ NiS ❑ OVC C�CR APPROPRIATE HO% � GRANT ❑ COOPP•FWTNS A6R8IIfEtiT xwxxn nxxs July 3, 1997 SPECIAL CONDITIONS Bureau o£ the Census 1201 E. lOth Street Jeffersonville, IN 47132 3) Mail a copy of Cover (transmittal) letter to: Office of Comptroller Office of Justice Programs Attn.: Control Desk, Room 942 633 Indiana Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20531 PAGS 3 �P 4 3. Approval ot this grant does not indicate an approval of any consultant rate in exeess of $450 per day. 5pecific and detailed justification must be aubmitted to and approved by the Executive Office for Weed and Seed prior to obligation or expanditure of sueh funds. 4. Grantee shall be aware that lodging, meals and incidental expenses (M & IE) relative to OJP sponsored conferences shall generally be limited to the established Federal rate for the geographio location of the conference. Any exception to this policy must be justified as cost effective and will require the prior approval of the Executive Office for Weed and Seed and the Office of the Comptroller, OJP. Any such conference costs exceeding the Federa7. rate and incurred without prior justification and prior approval will be disallowed. 5. Budget item submissions £or equipment and other contract items are aecepted as best estimate only and are not deeated approved at that price. Recipients are required to ensure such items are not currently available, are not duplicative or excessive, arid should make market surveys and obtain the best prices available. 6. Grantee acknowledges that failure to submit an acceptable Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (if grantee is required submit one pursuant to 28 CFR Section 42.302), that is approved by the Office of Civil Rights, is a violation of its CertiEied Assurances and may result in the suspension the drawdown of funds. to of 7. Grantee agrees to require that organizations which receive grant funds certify, as part of the contract, that they have appropriate hiring policies and screening procedures for employees who will be working with youth and other residents O.TP FORM 4000/2 (ASV. 5-87) PRSVIOIIS SDITIONS ARS OHSOLSTB. � II.S. DBPARTMffiiT OF JUSTICS OFPICB OP JVSi2C8 PROG I�1n/_�� ZK�II� ���1�r ����1� SHEET PROJBCE N[R.SBR � OJP ❑ 8JA ❑ QT.TDP ❑ HSS ❑ STIJ ❑ OVC CSSCR APPAOPRIATB BO% 97-WS-qX-�020 ❑% GRAN'T ❑ COOPEAATNS AGASffi.� AS°� �*T$ Su1y 3, 1997 SPECIAL CQ*IDITIOATS as part of the Weed and Seed strategy. �[�1 -qo3 PAGS 4 02 4 8. The recipient agrees to complete and keep on file, as appropriate, Smmigration and Naturalization Service Employment Eligibilty Verification Form (I-9). This form is to be used by recipients of federal funds to verify that persons are eligible to work in the United States. 9. The graatee agrees to conduct at least one Safe Haven Program as part of their overall Weed and Seed strategy. 10. While speci£ie program strategies may vary from site to site, the planning, development and execution £or the following elements shall be common to all Weed and Seed sites. These common elements are: (1) to organize and regularly convene a Weed and Seed steering committee; (2) to maintain focus on the four components in the target neighborhood; (3) to screen applicants working with children while selecting and mobilizing resources to address neighborhood problems; (4) to regularly revisit goals, objectives, and the implementation strategies and schedules. Failure to substantially comply with these elements are cause to discontinue grant funding. GRANTEE ACCEPTANCE OF SPECIAL CONDITIONS DATE �1 OJP PORM 4000/2 (REV. 5-87) PRSVIOIIS EDITIONS ARE Oe50L&28.