97-891G;�1GI1�AL RESOLUTION CITY OF SA1NT PAUL, Presented To 0 Council File # � � �q j Green Sheet # �� �� 1 WI�REAS, the Ivliunesota Public Urilities Co�ion (PUC) is considering��€quest to divide the 612 azea code district, 2 which includes the entirety of the City of Saint Paul, into two area code districts as eazly as fall 1997 and fully effective by Mazch of 1998; and 4 WHEREAS, in addition to creating confusion for telephone users, such a change could have significant fmancial impacts for 5 Saint Paul City government, Ramsey County govemment and businesses located in Saint Paul; and 6 WI�REAS, the PUC has set a series of public hearings to seek public input into the requested change, however, the hearing 7 scheduled in the City of Saurt Paul has been scheduled during the daytime hours making it difficult or unpossible for those 8 most affected to attend; now, therefore, be it 9 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul requests that the Public Utilities Commission hold an additional 10 heazing in the City of Saint Paul during the evening houts so that those who may be affected by a change as proposed, but 11 who cannot attend during the day, may have an opportunity for input equal to that of suburban metropolitan residents and 12 businesses; and be it further 13 RESOLVED, that the City will make the Council Chambers available to the PUC for such a heazing as schedules permit; and 14 be it finally 1 S RESOLVED, that the Administration of the City of Saint Paul and City Council Research and Investigation review the request 16 before the PUC to determine impacts on local government, local businesses and city residents and make recommendations 17 to the Mayor and City Council by August 1, 1997. Requested by Depaztment o£ Adopted by Council: Date Adoprion Certified by Council Secreta BY� � � Approved by ` �/3 Q � By: � Form Approved by C' Attomey By: � �C��-� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � New area code proposais With available phone numbers in area code 612 e�ected to be e�austed by mid-1998, the Minnesota Publ'�c tJtifities Commission is holding publ'�c hearings on three plans to add a new area code to the Twin C'ities. ,;�; 612 area code New area code The rives sp�t The 612 area code would stay with sesidents in the area south and west of the MississQpi RNer and west of a line running ttvough Burrisville. Everyone else would receNe tfie new area code. The overlaysplit Everyone who has The 612 area code wouid keep it, and once all available numbers were used up, new phone numbers wouid include the new area code. � The public meetir�gs witf be hefd at the f�lowing times and locations: hity 9, 7 p.m. July 30,1:30 p.m. Forest Lake High School Minnesota Pubiic Utilities Room F108 Commission 6101 Scandia Traii N. MeVo Square Buildmg ' 1217th Place E ' kity 10,1:30 p.m. St Paul Minneapolis City Hail Room 319 . 350 S. 5th SC Juty 15, 7 p.m. EJk River City Hali 13065 Orono Rd Source: Minnesota PubC�c Util'ities Commisbn Juty 30, 7 p.m. Red Wing C'dy Ha� 315 W.4th St July 31, 7 p.m. Eden Prairie City Hall 8080 Mitcheli Rd. Star Trbune Map 7-6 97 �`�-��i The doughnut split The core'areas of Minneapolis and St Paul woufd keep the 612 area code, and surrounding areas would receive the new area code. a�- d�q � DEPARTMENT/OFFlCE/COUNCIL OATE INRIATE� N� 2 9 8 3 2 c�t coun��i 7 _ 2 _ y � GREEN SHEE INITIAVDATE INITIAUDATE COMACT PERSON & PHONE � OEPAqTMENT DIflECTOR � pTY COUNdL Mark Voerdin 6-8650 ^���" �cmnttoauer �CITYCLERK MUST BE ON COf1NCILAGENDA BY (DATE) pOUTIHG� � BUDGET DIqECTOF � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. Jul 9, 1997 oxoee O �, y � � A ���� � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNASURE) ACiION FiE�UESTED: Approval of a resolution requesting an evening public hearing by the PUC regarding a proposal to divide the 612 area code and requesting review and recomnendation by city staff. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or aeject (R) PERSONAL SERYlCE CANTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE fOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING CqMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has thi5 perso�rm e�er worKed under a wntrect for this departmen[? _ GB COMMITCEe _ YES NO 2. Has this personffirtn e�er been a ciry employee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ OtSTR1CT cAURT _ 3. Does Ihis personlfirm possass a skill not normally possessed by any curterR cily employee? SUPPOFTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on seDarate sheet and attach to qreen sheet INITIATIMG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who. What, When, Where. Why): The Public Utilities Commission is reviewing a proposal to divide the metropolitan 612 area code into two distiinct codes. This change could have a significant impact on city and county governments as well as local businesses. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Gity-residents and businesses would have greater opportunity for input and the city would have information necessary to make a knowledgable recommendation. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED� None. OfSA�VANTAGES IF NOT APPAOVED� City residents, businesses and city governemnt would have limited opportunity for input into a significant change in the local phone system. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TPANSAC710N $ —� COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIidG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBEA FINANCIAL INFOR6nATION (EXPLAIN) G;�1GI1�AL RESOLUTION CITY OF SA1NT PAUL, Presented To 0 Council File # � � �q j Green Sheet # �� �� 1 WI�REAS, the Ivliunesota Public Urilities Co�ion (PUC) is considering��€quest to divide the 612 azea code district, 2 which includes the entirety of the City of Saint Paul, into two area code districts as eazly as fall 1997 and fully effective by Mazch of 1998; and 4 WHEREAS, in addition to creating confusion for telephone users, such a change could have significant fmancial impacts for 5 Saint Paul City government, Ramsey County govemment and businesses located in Saint Paul; and 6 WI�REAS, the PUC has set a series of public hearings to seek public input into the requested change, however, the hearing 7 scheduled in the City of Saurt Paul has been scheduled during the daytime hours making it difficult or unpossible for those 8 most affected to attend; now, therefore, be it 9 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul requests that the Public Utilities Commission hold an additional 10 heazing in the City of Saint Paul during the evening houts so that those who may be affected by a change as proposed, but 11 who cannot attend during the day, may have an opportunity for input equal to that of suburban metropolitan residents and 12 businesses; and be it further 13 RESOLVED, that the City will make the Council Chambers available to the PUC for such a heazing as schedules permit; and 14 be it finally 1 S RESOLVED, that the Administration of the City of Saint Paul and City Council Research and Investigation review the request 16 before the PUC to determine impacts on local government, local businesses and city residents and make recommendations 17 to the Mayor and City Council by August 1, 1997. Requested by Depaztment o£ Adopted by Council: Date Adoprion Certified by Council Secreta BY� � � Approved by ` �/3 Q � By: � Form Approved by C' Attomey By: � �C��-� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � New area code proposais With available phone numbers in area code 612 e�ected to be e�austed by mid-1998, the Minnesota Publ'�c tJtifities Commission is holding publ'�c hearings on three plans to add a new area code to the Twin C'ities. ,;�; 612 area code New area code The rives sp�t The 612 area code would stay with sesidents in the area south and west of the MississQpi RNer and west of a line running ttvough Burrisville. Everyone else would receNe tfie new area code. The overlaysplit Everyone who has The 612 area code wouid keep it, and once all available numbers were used up, new phone numbers wouid include the new area code. � The public meetir�gs witf be hefd at the f�lowing times and locations: hity 9, 7 p.m. July 30,1:30 p.m. Forest Lake High School Minnesota Pubiic Utilities Room F108 Commission 6101 Scandia Traii N. MeVo Square Buildmg ' 1217th Place E ' kity 10,1:30 p.m. St Paul Minneapolis City Hail Room 319 . 350 S. 5th SC Juty 15, 7 p.m. EJk River City Hali 13065 Orono Rd Source: Minnesota PubC�c Util'ities Commisbn Juty 30, 7 p.m. Red Wing C'dy Ha� 315 W.4th St July 31, 7 p.m. Eden Prairie City Hall 8080 Mitcheli Rd. Star Trbune Map 7-6 97 �`�-��i The doughnut split The core'areas of Minneapolis and St Paul woufd keep the 612 area code, and surrounding areas would receive the new area code. a�- d�q � DEPARTMENT/OFFlCE/COUNCIL OATE INRIATE� N� 2 9 8 3 2 c�t coun��i 7 _ 2 _ y � GREEN SHEE INITIAVDATE INITIAUDATE COMACT PERSON & PHONE � OEPAqTMENT DIflECTOR � pTY COUNdL Mark Voerdin 6-8650 ^���" �cmnttoauer �CITYCLERK MUST BE ON COf1NCILAGENDA BY (DATE) pOUTIHG� � BUDGET DIqECTOF � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. Jul 9, 1997 oxoee O �, y � � A ���� � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNASURE) ACiION FiE�UESTED: Approval of a resolution requesting an evening public hearing by the PUC regarding a proposal to divide the 612 area code and requesting review and recomnendation by city staff. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or aeject (R) PERSONAL SERYlCE CANTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE fOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING CqMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has thi5 perso�rm e�er worKed under a wntrect for this departmen[? _ GB COMMITCEe _ YES NO 2. Has this personffirtn e�er been a ciry employee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ OtSTR1CT cAURT _ 3. Does Ihis personlfirm possass a skill not normally possessed by any curterR cily employee? SUPPOFTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on seDarate sheet and attach to qreen sheet INITIATIMG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who. What, When, Where. Why): The Public Utilities Commission is reviewing a proposal to divide the metropolitan 612 area code into two distiinct codes. This change could have a significant impact on city and county governments as well as local businesses. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Gity-residents and businesses would have greater opportunity for input and the city would have information necessary to make a knowledgable recommendation. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED� None. OfSA�VANTAGES IF NOT APPAOVED� City residents, businesses and city governemnt would have limited opportunity for input into a significant change in the local phone system. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TPANSAC710N $ —� COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIidG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBEA FINANCIAL INFOR6nATION (EXPLAIN) G;�1GI1�AL RESOLUTION CITY OF SA1NT PAUL, Presented To 0 Council File # � � �q j Green Sheet # �� �� 1 WI�REAS, the Ivliunesota Public Urilities Co�ion (PUC) is considering��€quest to divide the 612 azea code district, 2 which includes the entirety of the City of Saint Paul, into two area code districts as eazly as fall 1997 and fully effective by Mazch of 1998; and 4 WHEREAS, in addition to creating confusion for telephone users, such a change could have significant fmancial impacts for 5 Saint Paul City government, Ramsey County govemment and businesses located in Saint Paul; and 6 WI�REAS, the PUC has set a series of public hearings to seek public input into the requested change, however, the hearing 7 scheduled in the City of Saurt Paul has been scheduled during the daytime hours making it difficult or unpossible for those 8 most affected to attend; now, therefore, be it 9 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul requests that the Public Utilities Commission hold an additional 10 heazing in the City of Saint Paul during the evening houts so that those who may be affected by a change as proposed, but 11 who cannot attend during the day, may have an opportunity for input equal to that of suburban metropolitan residents and 12 businesses; and be it further 13 RESOLVED, that the City will make the Council Chambers available to the PUC for such a heazing as schedules permit; and 14 be it finally 1 S RESOLVED, that the Administration of the City of Saint Paul and City Council Research and Investigation review the request 16 before the PUC to determine impacts on local government, local businesses and city residents and make recommendations 17 to the Mayor and City Council by August 1, 1997. Requested by Depaztment o£ Adopted by Council: Date Adoprion Certified by Council Secreta BY� � � Approved by ` �/3 Q � By: � Form Approved by C' Attomey By: � �C��-� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � New area code proposais With available phone numbers in area code 612 e�ected to be e�austed by mid-1998, the Minnesota Publ'�c tJtifities Commission is holding publ'�c hearings on three plans to add a new area code to the Twin C'ities. ,;�; 612 area code New area code The rives sp�t The 612 area code would stay with sesidents in the area south and west of the MississQpi RNer and west of a line running ttvough Burrisville. Everyone else would receNe tfie new area code. The overlaysplit Everyone who has The 612 area code wouid keep it, and once all available numbers were used up, new phone numbers wouid include the new area code. � The public meetir�gs witf be hefd at the f�lowing times and locations: hity 9, 7 p.m. July 30,1:30 p.m. Forest Lake High School Minnesota Pubiic Utilities Room F108 Commission 6101 Scandia Traii N. MeVo Square Buildmg ' 1217th Place E ' kity 10,1:30 p.m. St Paul Minneapolis City Hail Room 319 . 350 S. 5th SC Juty 15, 7 p.m. EJk River City Hali 13065 Orono Rd Source: Minnesota PubC�c Util'ities Commisbn Juty 30, 7 p.m. Red Wing C'dy Ha� 315 W.4th St July 31, 7 p.m. Eden Prairie City Hall 8080 Mitcheli Rd. Star Trbune Map 7-6 97 �`�-��i The doughnut split The core'areas of Minneapolis and St Paul woufd keep the 612 area code, and surrounding areas would receive the new area code. a�- d�q � DEPARTMENT/OFFlCE/COUNCIL OATE INRIATE� N� 2 9 8 3 2 c�t coun��i 7 _ 2 _ y � GREEN SHEE INITIAVDATE INITIAUDATE COMACT PERSON & PHONE � OEPAqTMENT DIflECTOR � pTY COUNdL Mark Voerdin 6-8650 ^���" �cmnttoauer �CITYCLERK MUST BE ON COf1NCILAGENDA BY (DATE) pOUTIHG� � BUDGET DIqECTOF � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. Jul 9, 1997 oxoee O �, y � � A ���� � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNASURE) ACiION FiE�UESTED: Approval of a resolution requesting an evening public hearing by the PUC regarding a proposal to divide the 612 area code and requesting review and recomnendation by city staff. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or aeject (R) PERSONAL SERYlCE CANTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE fOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING CqMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has thi5 perso�rm e�er worKed under a wntrect for this departmen[? _ GB COMMITCEe _ YES NO 2. Has this personffirtn e�er been a ciry employee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ OtSTR1CT cAURT _ 3. Does Ihis personlfirm possass a skill not normally possessed by any curterR cily employee? SUPPOFTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on seDarate sheet and attach to qreen sheet INITIATIMG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who. What, When, Where. Why): The Public Utilities Commission is reviewing a proposal to divide the metropolitan 612 area code into two distiinct codes. This change could have a significant impact on city and county governments as well as local businesses. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Gity-residents and businesses would have greater opportunity for input and the city would have information necessary to make a knowledgable recommendation. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED� None. OfSA�VANTAGES IF NOT APPAOVED� City residents, businesses and city governemnt would have limited opportunity for input into a significant change in the local phone system. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TPANSAC710N $ —� COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIidG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBEA FINANCIAL INFOR6nATION (EXPLAIN)