97-876QRi�'�`'�`�� s ir � Presented By Referred To Council File # `-' ��� Green Sheet # � � RESOLUTION 41NT PAUL, MINNESOTA �{R COmmittee: Date VJHEREAS, Chapter 293 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code was enacted to regulate the subject of noise in the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, §293.11 provides for the granting of variances from the sound level limitations contained in §293.09, upon a finding by the City council that full compliance with Chapter 293 would constitute an unreasonable hazdship on an applicant, other persons or on the community; and WHEREAS, Capital Event Management, represented by Todd Friel President, who has been designated as the responsible person on the application, has applied for a variance to allow live music at Harriet Island, on 7uly 12, 1997, August 9, 1997 and September 27, 1997; and WHEREAS, applicant is seeking a variance for the hours of 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on those three dates; and WHEREAS, if applicant is not granted a variance it will not be able to present the concerts; and VJIIEREAS, the Office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection has reviewed the application and has made recommendarions regazding conditions for the variance; now therefore, be it IZESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby grants a variance to Capital Event Management, subject to the following conditions: 1) The variance shall be for the hours of 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on July 12, 1997; 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 pm. on August 9, 1997 and 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on September 27, 1997. 2) All electronically powered equipment used in conjuncrion with the event shall not exceed 100 dBA as measured atthe closer of the sound mix or at a distance of 100 feet from the front of the stage. 3) The applicant shall provide personnel and equipment who shall provide continuous sound level monitoring between 12:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. on a11 dates to ensure compliance with Condition #2. i 2 3 4 5 6 7 4) All electronically powered equipment, PA systems, loudspeakers or similaz devices shall be turned off no later than 8:00 p.m. on all three dates. �, --� b � � FURTHER RESOLVED, that any violation of the conditions set forth above during the July 12, or August 9 dates may result in revocation of the grant of the variance for any of the later dates, in addition to any criminal citation which might issue. Requested by Department of: By: Appr By: l / �!� f�_� Form Approved by City Attorney B �.^'� � � � � _� by Mayor for Submission to ./.,�iL�.t'i ��� Adopted by Council: Date � Adoption Certified by Counci Se etary N° 50278 J ^ ��� DEPAi1iMENTiOFFlCEICOUNCIL DATE �NITIATEO � � � OFFICE OF LIEP IJune �� ,1997 � GREEN SHEE CONTACT PERSON 8 oHONE INITIAUDATE INITIALIDATE O DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR �/ pTYGOUNCIL PETER KISHEL 266-9133 ASSIGN O CITYATTORNEY O CITV CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATEI NlIM6ER FOR O BU ET DIFECTOF � FIN. 8 N.GT. SERVICES DIR. FOUTING J[]T.y 9 1997 OPOEA AVOR(ORASSISTANT � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION qE�UESTED- Resolution granting Capital Event Management a sound level variance from the sound level limitations contained in Chapter 293.D9. RECOMMENOATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personlfirm ever worked untler a contract for ihis tlepartment? _ CB COMMITiEE _ '�ES NO 2. Has this perSOnRirm ever been a ciry employee? _ STAFF _ YES NO _ DISTRiCi COURi _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normaliy possessed by any currant city employea'+ SUPPOHTS k'HICH COUNCII OBJECTIVE? YES NO Expleln ali yes anawers on seperata eheet and ettech to green aheet INITIATIN6 PROBLEM.ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(Who. What, When, WPare. Why). Capital Event Management has requested a sound level variance for three concerts on Harriet Island. The concerts are scheduled from 12:00 noon to 8:00 p.m. on July 12, 1997, August 9, 1997 and September 27, 1997. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Will place conditions that will limit the sound level impact in surrounding residential areas. DISADVANTAGES IF APPflOVED Persons living near Harriet Island will be able to hear the music from the concerts. Will require staff time to monitor the events. DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPflOVED The sound level impact on surrounding residential areas could be greatez with no conditions. Applicant may not be able to present the concerts without exceeding the sound level limitations contained in 293.09. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION $ 72 COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCIEONE) VES NO FUNDItdG SOURCE 320-33350 ACTIVITV NUMBER 0141 FINANCIAL INFORMATION �EXPLAIN) For moniYOring overtime. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor June 17, 1997 OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND ��� ENVII20NMENTAL PROTECTION (� RobenKess7er, Director � 1 � LOWRY PROFESSIONAL Te]ephone: 612-2669090 BUILIIJJING Facsimile: 612-2669099 Suite 300 b1 L2669124 350 St. Peter Street SaintPmeZMinnesata 55102-15I0 TO: Nancy Anderson, Conncil Invesfigauon & Research Room 310, City all FROM: Peter Kishel Office of Lice � tions and Environmental Protection SUBJECT: Sound I.evel Variance Harriet Island Attached is a sound level variance application from Capital Event Management for three concerts to be held on Harriet Island. The dates are July 12, 1997, August 9, 1997 and September 27, 1997, from 12:00 noon to 8:00 p.m. Also attached is a copy of the Public Hearing Notice sent to property owners within 200 feet of Harriet Island. Please have this item placed on the Council agenda for July 9, 1997. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-9133. PTK/ko Attachments c: file CITY OF SAIIv�I' PAUZ l."orm Co.eman, Mayor June 17. 1997 Deu St. Paul Propeny Owner: OFFICE OF LICE\S£. I�SPECTIO\S A\D E��ZRO\YiE\TAI, PROTECTIO\ RobertKessler,D�rector �y n �� � "4 ' IAI'✓RY PrTOFFSS70.�r�1 Telephone: 612-2669090 BGII]JLj'G Facsimile: 612-266-9099 Suite 300 611-16G9124 350 Sc Peter Sireet SainrPoul,Mfnnesota 55102-I510 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARIAIG This is to inform you of an application to request a variance from the sound level limitadons as indicated in the St. Paul Noise Ordinance (Chapter 293 of the St. Pau1 Legisladve Code). A public heazing before the City Council on rhis variance request will be held on: Date: July 9, 1997 Time: 4:30 p.m. Locadon: 3rd Floor, Ciry Hall Council Chambers Within £dteen 1151 davs of the mai_linv date on this noHce wcitten comments or ob,�ections mav be filed with the City of St. Paul Office of License, Inspecuons and Environmental Protecdon 350 St. Peter Street, Suite 300 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1510 Descriprion of Variance: Noise Source: Capital Event Management is requesring a sound level vaziance for three concerts on Harriet Island. The concerts aze scheduled from 12:00 noon to 8:00 p.m. on July 12, 1997, August 9, 1997 and September 27, 1997. Locaaon: Harrie[ Island If you have any quesrions, please feel free to call me at 266-9133. n Yows truly, ` �± / �i � , ,;���� Peter T. Kis6e1 Safety and Health Analyst 'l�i�� c: Council President Dave Thune District Council file Application for Sound Level Variance City of St. Paul Noise Ordinance Chapter 293 of the St Paul Legislative Code 1. Organizationorpersonseekingvariance: Carital Ever.t ?���r_age�er,t 2. Address: 35C St. Peter St., 13th rlcor St. Paul, ."--PI 55102 3. Resposible 4. Tide or To�d rriel President ��_��� 5. Telephone: E12-224-1404 �. Brieflydescribethenoisesourceandequipmentinvoived: Sound systen, £or outdoor eercerts 7. Address or legai descriprion of noise source: uarriet Islanu� S. Noise saurce rime of aperation: nioon - 8: 00 pT�R 9. Briefly describe the steps that will be taken to minimize the noise levels: �ECaus e thi s i s � Pa.n;il;� evert tiromoted bv wLTE-FI�" with soft acts we t,rant tre scund- to be only �. as loud as it nee�s to be. 10. Brieflysta?ereasonforseekingvariance: I t eaill rer�uire approx. 100 d.b. i?. Dates during which the variance is requested: � ul�.>; 12 , Au�ust 9. �ee't . 27 . 1497 Signature of responsible person l� Date Return completed Application and $150.Od fee to: CTTY OF SAINT PAUL ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 350 ST. PETER STREET, #330 SAINT PAUL, MN 551Q2-151d 266-9130 Office.Use Onty Date Rec'd. ��� 9 7 �� Reviewed Date Public Notice Sent Referred to Council �. � � � � �J �� ���� � �� � � � � � � � � � � � �- � � Q J J - � � � � �� � � !� �� �c �� � � �r�r �s d�tl �i; 33Esy� C�?a�9���� � ^� l.� � �s� � �� o� / �- � U rt `°" �� � � � h ✓ � � � �! n � J 1— JUN-23-1997 14=01 CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE � 612 266 8689 P.01�01 c.� �ucvNmr.n a�u, rxui u i i� � RobsnKcsrlsr, Dirccmr n � !� ��� CITY OF SAII�TI' PATIL LCTiLRY PROFFSSIOAGIL Telephone: 6f2.?669090 Norm Co:eman. Mayor BUIIDA/G Fcerimile: 61?.2669099 Sui7e 300 612-26697_d 350Sc PercrSrreu SmnrPau�Minnesow 55J02-1510 a,me i�, i�� REGEIVED NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING JU� 2 a�9�7 Dear S[. Paul Property Owner: eiTY cLeR►c This is to inform you of an applicadoa to requese a variance from the sound level ]imiradons as indicated in the St. Pau1 Noise Osdinance (Chapcer 293 of che St. Paul Legisla6ve Code). A public hcaring beEora chs Ciry Counci] on �his variance requesc will be held on: Da[e: runa: Location: 3rd Floor, Ciry Hatl Council Chamben Witlun C�fteen (151 davs o[ the mailine date en this notice written comments or obie�0o s mav be tiled with the: City of St. Pavl dffice of Licease, inspecaons and F�viTOnmenrnl Prorecrion 350 St. Peter Sveet, Suite 300 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1510 Desaiption of Vaziance; Noise So�rce: Capita] Evcnt Management is requesting a sound level vaziance for chree concerrs on Hazrie[ ?sland. The concercc aze scheduled from 12:00 nooa co 8:00 p.m on Iuly 12, 1997, August 9, 1997 and September 27, 1997. �p: Haztiat Ltlaad It yon bave any quesaoos, please fed hee to call me az?b6-9133. , Yours ttuly. . , � /' j ! / `/`; / r% °��"' Paer T. Kishel Safery and Health Analyst PT,IUIco c: Council Presiden[ Dave Thune Disuia Council file TOTAL P.01 QRi�'�`'�`�� s ir � Presented By Referred To Council File # `-' ��� Green Sheet # � � RESOLUTION 41NT PAUL, MINNESOTA �{R COmmittee: Date VJHEREAS, Chapter 293 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code was enacted to regulate the subject of noise in the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, §293.11 provides for the granting of variances from the sound level limitations contained in §293.09, upon a finding by the City council that full compliance with Chapter 293 would constitute an unreasonable hazdship on an applicant, other persons or on the community; and WHEREAS, Capital Event Management, represented by Todd Friel President, who has been designated as the responsible person on the application, has applied for a variance to allow live music at Harriet Island, on 7uly 12, 1997, August 9, 1997 and September 27, 1997; and WHEREAS, applicant is seeking a variance for the hours of 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on those three dates; and WHEREAS, if applicant is not granted a variance it will not be able to present the concerts; and VJIIEREAS, the Office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection has reviewed the application and has made recommendarions regazding conditions for the variance; now therefore, be it IZESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby grants a variance to Capital Event Management, subject to the following conditions: 1) The variance shall be for the hours of 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on July 12, 1997; 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 pm. on August 9, 1997 and 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on September 27, 1997. 2) All electronically powered equipment used in conjuncrion with the event shall not exceed 100 dBA as measured atthe closer of the sound mix or at a distance of 100 feet from the front of the stage. 3) The applicant shall provide personnel and equipment who shall provide continuous sound level monitoring between 12:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. on a11 dates to ensure compliance with Condition #2. i 2 3 4 5 6 7 4) All electronically powered equipment, PA systems, loudspeakers or similaz devices shall be turned off no later than 8:00 p.m. on all three dates. �, --� b � � FURTHER RESOLVED, that any violation of the conditions set forth above during the July 12, or August 9 dates may result in revocation of the grant of the variance for any of the later dates, in addition to any criminal citation which might issue. Requested by Department of: By: Appr By: l / �!� f�_� Form Approved by City Attorney B �.^'� � � � � _� by Mayor for Submission to ./.,�iL�.t'i ��� Adopted by Council: Date � Adoption Certified by Counci Se etary N° 50278 J ^ ��� DEPAi1iMENTiOFFlCEICOUNCIL DATE �NITIATEO � � � OFFICE OF LIEP IJune �� ,1997 � GREEN SHEE CONTACT PERSON 8 oHONE INITIAUDATE INITIALIDATE O DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR �/ pTYGOUNCIL PETER KISHEL 266-9133 ASSIGN O CITYATTORNEY O CITV CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATEI NlIM6ER FOR O BU ET DIFECTOF � FIN. 8 N.GT. SERVICES DIR. FOUTING J[]T.y 9 1997 OPOEA AVOR(ORASSISTANT � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION qE�UESTED- Resolution granting Capital Event Management a sound level variance from the sound level limitations contained in Chapter 293.D9. RECOMMENOATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personlfirm ever worked untler a contract for ihis tlepartment? _ CB COMMITiEE _ '�ES NO 2. Has this perSOnRirm ever been a ciry employee? _ STAFF _ YES NO _ DISTRiCi COURi _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normaliy possessed by any currant city employea'+ SUPPOHTS k'HICH COUNCII OBJECTIVE? YES NO Expleln ali yes anawers on seperata eheet and ettech to green aheet INITIATIN6 PROBLEM.ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(Who. What, When, WPare. Why). Capital Event Management has requested a sound level variance for three concerts on Harriet Island. The concerts are scheduled from 12:00 noon to 8:00 p.m. on July 12, 1997, August 9, 1997 and September 27, 1997. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Will place conditions that will limit the sound level impact in surrounding residential areas. DISADVANTAGES IF APPflOVED Persons living near Harriet Island will be able to hear the music from the concerts. Will require staff time to monitor the events. DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPflOVED The sound level impact on surrounding residential areas could be greatez with no conditions. Applicant may not be able to present the concerts without exceeding the sound level limitations contained in 293.09. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION $ 72 COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCIEONE) VES NO FUNDItdG SOURCE 320-33350 ACTIVITV NUMBER 0141 FINANCIAL INFORMATION �EXPLAIN) For moniYOring overtime. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor June 17, 1997 OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND ��� ENVII20NMENTAL PROTECTION (� RobenKess7er, Director � 1 � LOWRY PROFESSIONAL Te]ephone: 612-2669090 BUILIIJJING Facsimile: 612-2669099 Suite 300 b1 L2669124 350 St. Peter Street SaintPmeZMinnesata 55102-15I0 TO: Nancy Anderson, Conncil Invesfigauon & Research Room 310, City all FROM: Peter Kishel Office of Lice � tions and Environmental Protection SUBJECT: Sound I.evel Variance Harriet Island Attached is a sound level variance application from Capital Event Management for three concerts to be held on Harriet Island. The dates are July 12, 1997, August 9, 1997 and September 27, 1997, from 12:00 noon to 8:00 p.m. Also attached is a copy of the Public Hearing Notice sent to property owners within 200 feet of Harriet Island. Please have this item placed on the Council agenda for July 9, 1997. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-9133. PTK/ko Attachments c: file CITY OF SAIIv�I' PAUZ l."orm Co.eman, Mayor June 17. 1997 Deu St. Paul Propeny Owner: OFFICE OF LICE\S£. I�SPECTIO\S A\D E��ZRO\YiE\TAI, PROTECTIO\ RobertKessler,D�rector �y n �� � "4 ' IAI'✓RY PrTOFFSS70.�r�1 Telephone: 612-2669090 BGII]JLj'G Facsimile: 612-266-9099 Suite 300 611-16G9124 350 Sc Peter Sireet SainrPoul,Mfnnesota 55102-I510 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARIAIG This is to inform you of an application to request a variance from the sound level limitadons as indicated in the St. Paul Noise Ordinance (Chapter 293 of the St. Pau1 Legisladve Code). A public heazing before the City Council on rhis variance request will be held on: Date: July 9, 1997 Time: 4:30 p.m. Locadon: 3rd Floor, Ciry Hall Council Chambers Within £dteen 1151 davs of the mai_linv date on this noHce wcitten comments or ob,�ections mav be filed with the City of St. Paul Office of License, Inspecuons and Environmental Protecdon 350 St. Peter Street, Suite 300 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1510 Descriprion of Variance: Noise Source: Capital Event Management is requesring a sound level vaziance for three concerts on Harriet Island. The concerts aze scheduled from 12:00 noon to 8:00 p.m. on July 12, 1997, August 9, 1997 and September 27, 1997. Locaaon: Harrie[ Island If you have any quesrions, please feel free to call me at 266-9133. n Yows truly, ` �± / �i � , ,;���� Peter T. Kis6e1 Safety and Health Analyst 'l�i�� c: Council President Dave Thune District Council file Application for Sound Level Variance City of St. Paul Noise Ordinance Chapter 293 of the St Paul Legislative Code 1. Organizationorpersonseekingvariance: Carital Ever.t ?���r_age�er,t 2. Address: 35C St. Peter St., 13th rlcor St. Paul, ."--PI 55102 3. Resposible 4. Tide or To�d rriel President ��_��� 5. Telephone: E12-224-1404 �. Brieflydescribethenoisesourceandequipmentinvoived: Sound systen, £or outdoor eercerts 7. Address or legai descriprion of noise source: uarriet Islanu� S. Noise saurce rime of aperation: nioon - 8: 00 pT�R 9. Briefly describe the steps that will be taken to minimize the noise levels: �ECaus e thi s i s � Pa.n;il;� evert tiromoted bv wLTE-FI�" with soft acts we t,rant tre scund- to be only �. as loud as it nee�s to be. 10. Brieflysta?ereasonforseekingvariance: I t eaill rer�uire approx. 100 d.b. i?. Dates during which the variance is requested: � ul�.>; 12 , Au�ust 9. �ee't . 27 . 1497 Signature of responsible person l� Date Return completed Application and $150.Od fee to: CTTY OF SAINT PAUL ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 350 ST. PETER STREET, #330 SAINT PAUL, MN 551Q2-151d 266-9130 Office.Use Onty Date Rec'd. ��� 9 7 �� Reviewed Date Public Notice Sent Referred to Council �. � � � � �J �� ���� � �� � � � � � � � � � � � �- � � Q J J - � � � � �� � � !� �� �c �� � � �r�r �s d�tl �i; 33Esy� C�?a�9���� � ^� l.� � �s� � �� o� / �- � U rt `°" �� � � � h ✓ � � � �! n � J 1— JUN-23-1997 14=01 CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE � 612 266 8689 P.01�01 c.� �ucvNmr.n a�u, rxui u i i� � RobsnKcsrlsr, Dirccmr n � !� ��� CITY OF SAII�TI' PATIL LCTiLRY PROFFSSIOAGIL Telephone: 6f2.?669090 Norm Co:eman. Mayor BUIIDA/G Fcerimile: 61?.2669099 Sui7e 300 612-26697_d 350Sc PercrSrreu SmnrPau�Minnesow 55J02-1510 a,me i�, i�� REGEIVED NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING JU� 2 a�9�7 Dear S[. Paul Property Owner: eiTY cLeR►c This is to inform you of an applicadoa to requese a variance from the sound level ]imiradons as indicated in the St. Pau1 Noise Osdinance (Chapcer 293 of che St. Paul Legisla6ve Code). A public hcaring beEora chs Ciry Counci] on �his variance requesc will be held on: Da[e: runa: Location: 3rd Floor, Ciry Hatl Council Chamben Witlun C�fteen (151 davs o[ the mailine date en this notice written comments or obie�0o s mav be tiled with the: City of St. Pavl dffice of Licease, inspecaons and F�viTOnmenrnl Prorecrion 350 St. Peter Sveet, Suite 300 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1510 Desaiption of Vaziance; Noise So�rce: Capita] Evcnt Management is requesting a sound level vaziance for chree concerrs on Hazrie[ ?sland. The concercc aze scheduled from 12:00 nooa co 8:00 p.m on Iuly 12, 1997, August 9, 1997 and September 27, 1997. �p: Haztiat Ltlaad It yon bave any quesaoos, please fed hee to call me az?b6-9133. , Yours ttuly. . , � /' j ! / `/`; / r% °��"' Paer T. Kishel Safery and Health Analyst PT,IUIco c: Council Presiden[ Dave Thune Disuia Council file TOTAL P.01 QRi�'�`'�`�� s ir � Presented By Referred To Council File # `-' ��� Green Sheet # � � RESOLUTION 41NT PAUL, MINNESOTA �{R COmmittee: Date VJHEREAS, Chapter 293 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code was enacted to regulate the subject of noise in the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, §293.11 provides for the granting of variances from the sound level limitations contained in §293.09, upon a finding by the City council that full compliance with Chapter 293 would constitute an unreasonable hazdship on an applicant, other persons or on the community; and WHEREAS, Capital Event Management, represented by Todd Friel President, who has been designated as the responsible person on the application, has applied for a variance to allow live music at Harriet Island, on 7uly 12, 1997, August 9, 1997 and September 27, 1997; and WHEREAS, applicant is seeking a variance for the hours of 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on those three dates; and WHEREAS, if applicant is not granted a variance it will not be able to present the concerts; and VJIIEREAS, the Office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection has reviewed the application and has made recommendarions regazding conditions for the variance; now therefore, be it IZESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby grants a variance to Capital Event Management, subject to the following conditions: 1) The variance shall be for the hours of 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on July 12, 1997; 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 pm. on August 9, 1997 and 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on September 27, 1997. 2) All electronically powered equipment used in conjuncrion with the event shall not exceed 100 dBA as measured atthe closer of the sound mix or at a distance of 100 feet from the front of the stage. 3) The applicant shall provide personnel and equipment who shall provide continuous sound level monitoring between 12:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. on a11 dates to ensure compliance with Condition #2. i 2 3 4 5 6 7 4) All electronically powered equipment, PA systems, loudspeakers or similaz devices shall be turned off no later than 8:00 p.m. on all three dates. �, --� b � � FURTHER RESOLVED, that any violation of the conditions set forth above during the July 12, or August 9 dates may result in revocation of the grant of the variance for any of the later dates, in addition to any criminal citation which might issue. Requested by Department of: By: Appr By: l / �!� f�_� Form Approved by City Attorney B �.^'� � � � � _� by Mayor for Submission to ./.,�iL�.t'i ��� Adopted by Council: Date � Adoption Certified by Counci Se etary N° 50278 J ^ ��� DEPAi1iMENTiOFFlCEICOUNCIL DATE �NITIATEO � � � OFFICE OF LIEP IJune �� ,1997 � GREEN SHEE CONTACT PERSON 8 oHONE INITIAUDATE INITIALIDATE O DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR �/ pTYGOUNCIL PETER KISHEL 266-9133 ASSIGN O CITYATTORNEY O CITV CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATEI NlIM6ER FOR O BU ET DIFECTOF � FIN. 8 N.GT. SERVICES DIR. FOUTING J[]T.y 9 1997 OPOEA AVOR(ORASSISTANT � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION qE�UESTED- Resolution granting Capital Event Management a sound level variance from the sound level limitations contained in Chapter 293.D9. RECOMMENOATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personlfirm ever worked untler a contract for ihis tlepartment? _ CB COMMITiEE _ '�ES NO 2. Has this perSOnRirm ever been a ciry employee? _ STAFF _ YES NO _ DISTRiCi COURi _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normaliy possessed by any currant city employea'+ SUPPOHTS k'HICH COUNCII OBJECTIVE? YES NO Expleln ali yes anawers on seperata eheet and ettech to green aheet INITIATIN6 PROBLEM.ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(Who. What, When, WPare. Why). Capital Event Management has requested a sound level variance for three concerts on Harriet Island. The concerts are scheduled from 12:00 noon to 8:00 p.m. on July 12, 1997, August 9, 1997 and September 27, 1997. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Will place conditions that will limit the sound level impact in surrounding residential areas. DISADVANTAGES IF APPflOVED Persons living near Harriet Island will be able to hear the music from the concerts. Will require staff time to monitor the events. DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPflOVED The sound level impact on surrounding residential areas could be greatez with no conditions. Applicant may not be able to present the concerts without exceeding the sound level limitations contained in 293.09. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION $ 72 COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCIEONE) VES NO FUNDItdG SOURCE 320-33350 ACTIVITV NUMBER 0141 FINANCIAL INFORMATION �EXPLAIN) For moniYOring overtime. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor June 17, 1997 OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND ��� ENVII20NMENTAL PROTECTION (� RobenKess7er, Director � 1 � LOWRY PROFESSIONAL Te]ephone: 612-2669090 BUILIIJJING Facsimile: 612-2669099 Suite 300 b1 L2669124 350 St. Peter Street SaintPmeZMinnesata 55102-15I0 TO: Nancy Anderson, Conncil Invesfigauon & Research Room 310, City all FROM: Peter Kishel Office of Lice � tions and Environmental Protection SUBJECT: Sound I.evel Variance Harriet Island Attached is a sound level variance application from Capital Event Management for three concerts to be held on Harriet Island. The dates are July 12, 1997, August 9, 1997 and September 27, 1997, from 12:00 noon to 8:00 p.m. Also attached is a copy of the Public Hearing Notice sent to property owners within 200 feet of Harriet Island. Please have this item placed on the Council agenda for July 9, 1997. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-9133. PTK/ko Attachments c: file CITY OF SAIIv�I' PAUZ l."orm Co.eman, Mayor June 17. 1997 Deu St. Paul Propeny Owner: OFFICE OF LICE\S£. I�SPECTIO\S A\D E��ZRO\YiE\TAI, PROTECTIO\ RobertKessler,D�rector �y n �� � "4 ' IAI'✓RY PrTOFFSS70.�r�1 Telephone: 612-2669090 BGII]JLj'G Facsimile: 612-266-9099 Suite 300 611-16G9124 350 Sc Peter Sireet SainrPoul,Mfnnesota 55102-I510 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARIAIG This is to inform you of an application to request a variance from the sound level limitadons as indicated in the St. Paul Noise Ordinance (Chapter 293 of the St. Pau1 Legisladve Code). A public heazing before the City Council on rhis variance request will be held on: Date: July 9, 1997 Time: 4:30 p.m. Locadon: 3rd Floor, Ciry Hall Council Chambers Within £dteen 1151 davs of the mai_linv date on this noHce wcitten comments or ob,�ections mav be filed with the City of St. Paul Office of License, Inspecuons and Environmental Protecdon 350 St. Peter Street, Suite 300 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1510 Descriprion of Variance: Noise Source: Capital Event Management is requesring a sound level vaziance for three concerts on Harriet Island. The concerts aze scheduled from 12:00 noon to 8:00 p.m. on July 12, 1997, August 9, 1997 and September 27, 1997. Locaaon: Harrie[ Island If you have any quesrions, please feel free to call me at 266-9133. n Yows truly, ` �± / �i � , ,;���� Peter T. Kis6e1 Safety and Health Analyst 'l�i�� c: Council President Dave Thune District Council file Application for Sound Level Variance City of St. Paul Noise Ordinance Chapter 293 of the St Paul Legislative Code 1. Organizationorpersonseekingvariance: Carital Ever.t ?���r_age�er,t 2. Address: 35C St. Peter St., 13th rlcor St. Paul, ."--PI 55102 3. Resposible 4. Tide or To�d rriel President ��_��� 5. Telephone: E12-224-1404 �. Brieflydescribethenoisesourceandequipmentinvoived: Sound systen, £or outdoor eercerts 7. Address or legai descriprion of noise source: uarriet Islanu� S. Noise saurce rime of aperation: nioon - 8: 00 pT�R 9. Briefly describe the steps that will be taken to minimize the noise levels: �ECaus e thi s i s � Pa.n;il;� evert tiromoted bv wLTE-FI�" with soft acts we t,rant tre scund- to be only �. as loud as it nee�s to be. 10. Brieflysta?ereasonforseekingvariance: I t eaill rer�uire approx. 100 d.b. i?. Dates during which the variance is requested: � ul�.>; 12 , Au�ust 9. �ee't . 27 . 1497 Signature of responsible person l� Date Return completed Application and $150.Od fee to: CTTY OF SAINT PAUL ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 350 ST. PETER STREET, #330 SAINT PAUL, MN 551Q2-151d 266-9130 Office.Use Onty Date Rec'd. ��� 9 7 �� Reviewed Date Public Notice Sent Referred to Council �. � � � � �J �� ���� � �� � � � � � � � � � � � �- � � Q J J - � � � � �� � � !� �� �c �� � � �r�r �s d�tl �i; 33Esy� C�?a�9���� � ^� l.� � �s� � �� o� / �- � U rt `°" �� � � � h ✓ � � � �! n � J 1— JUN-23-1997 14=01 CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE � 612 266 8689 P.01�01 c.� �ucvNmr.n a�u, rxui u i i� � RobsnKcsrlsr, Dirccmr n � !� ��� CITY OF SAII�TI' PATIL LCTiLRY PROFFSSIOAGIL Telephone: 6f2.?669090 Norm Co:eman. Mayor BUIIDA/G Fcerimile: 61?.2669099 Sui7e 300 612-26697_d 350Sc PercrSrreu SmnrPau�Minnesow 55J02-1510 a,me i�, i�� REGEIVED NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING JU� 2 a�9�7 Dear S[. Paul Property Owner: eiTY cLeR►c This is to inform you of an applicadoa to requese a variance from the sound level ]imiradons as indicated in the St. Pau1 Noise Osdinance (Chapcer 293 of che St. Paul Legisla6ve Code). A public hcaring beEora chs Ciry Counci] on �his variance requesc will be held on: Da[e: runa: Location: 3rd Floor, Ciry Hatl Council Chamben Witlun C�fteen (151 davs o[ the mailine date en this notice written comments or obie�0o s mav be tiled with the: City of St. Pavl dffice of Licease, inspecaons and F�viTOnmenrnl Prorecrion 350 St. Peter Sveet, Suite 300 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1510 Desaiption of Vaziance; Noise So�rce: Capita] Evcnt Management is requesting a sound level vaziance for chree concerrs on Hazrie[ ?sland. The concercc aze scheduled from 12:00 nooa co 8:00 p.m on Iuly 12, 1997, August 9, 1997 and September 27, 1997. �p: Haztiat Ltlaad It yon bave any quesaoos, please fed hee to call me az?b6-9133. , Yours ttuly. . , � /' j ! / `/`; / r% °��"' Paer T. Kishel Safery and Health Analyst PT,IUIco c: Council Presiden[ Dave Thune Disuia Council file TOTAL P.01