97-872ORlGI�lAL Council File #� L v� d` Ordinance # �3'��D Green Sheet # �� RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Referred To Committee: Date y5 RESOLVED: That application, (ID $32979), for a new Gambling Manager's License by ICaren L. Wirkus DBA Climb, Inc. at Top Hat Lounge, 134 E. Sth Street, be and the same is hereby approved. Requested by nepartment of: Adopted by Council: Date � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: � ,- r-a Approved by M � R pL ?!3 9..2_, By: P! d��� �/[� . .-. - � .- �.._ ,�• a � - � - �3"�7 � � �� .A iF Form Approved by City Atto� By: � �2./�ti..�v� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council sy: °�� - �� a. DEPApTME� DA7EINITIATED GREEN SHEE N_ 35350 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE �NITIAVDATE INRIAVDAiE O DEPAHTMENT D1AfCTOi1 � CRY CAUNCiI William F. Gunther - 266-9132 ASSIGN OCINATfORNEY �CRYCLEflK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) NUYBER FOR ❑ BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. FOUTING Hearing: cl OflDER �Mpypp�ORAS515fANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� ACTION FiE�UESTED: Karen L. Wirkus DBA Climb, Inc. requests Council approval of her application for a Gambling Manager's License at Top Hat, 134 E. Sth Street. (ID /132979) RECOMMENDA7ION5: Approve (A) or Reject (Ii) pEHSONAI SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUFSTIONS: _ PLqNNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SEfiVICE CAMMISSION 1. Has this perso�rtn ever worked untler a coM2ct for this departrneM? � , CIBCOMMITTEE __ VES NO _ SiqFF 2. Has this person�rm ever been a city employee? — VES NO ^ DISTRICT COUH7 _ 3. Does this personRi�m possess a skill not normall y possessed by any curtent ciry amployee? SUPPORT$ WHICN COUNCIL O&IECfIVE7 YES NO Explein all yes answers on separate sheat and ettach to grean sheet INITIATMG PROBLEM, ISSUE.OPPORTUNRV (Who, What, When, VJhere, Why): ' � , �� ������ � � Jura rt7 �9st ��T� b���� �� ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: DISADVAMAGES IFAPPROVED� D4S0.DVANTAGES IF NOT APPROYEO: � ���. � 1 �997 TOTAL AMOUNT OF THANSACTION $ COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIdG SOURCE ACTiVYfY NUMBEB FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Greensheet # 35349 In Tracker? 7%/_ /R�/ L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: /`� — a �� App'n Received / App'n Processed LiCense ID # 32979 LiCense Type: Gamb� ing Manaeer Company Name: Karen L. Wirkus DBA: Climb, Inc. Business Addresss: 13G E. Sth St. (Tou Hat Lounge) Business Phone: 227-9660 Contact Date to Cotsncil Pubiic Hearing Date: , `i�', /59] Notice Sent to Applicant:_� !�9 7 Home Phone: 227-9660 Labels Ordered: N/A District Council Notice Sent to Public: N/A Ward #: �a Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney ��- ��/��9'7 Environmental Health �lA Fire N �X� License si�e Pian aeceived:_ j Lease Received: �!7/ / Police S2Q Cbt�-CI1L'U L�COY"' �'et.� �""' " D � .�/a�/9� Zoning ��� �East �. . - 1 f -O / �^ STATE OF MINNESOTA �FOR BoARD USE OxLY - GAM6LING CONTROL BOARD �AMT. PAID GAMBLING MANAGER LICENSE RENEWAL APPLZCATZON ICHECK #` LG212GMR PRINTED: 09/OS/95 DATE s LICENSE NUMBER: 6-0200� 002 E-FFECTIVE DATE: 03/O1/96 EXPIRATZON DATEt 02/29/96 NAME OF ORGANIZATIONs Climb St Paul GABSBLINa MANAGER INFORMATION %arep Lea Wirkus 55:.: crosby Ave E Inver Grpve 8eighta MN 55076 DAYTIME PHONE NUMBER: 612-227-9660 MEMBER SINCE: 11/07/89 Y DATE OF BIRTH: 10/26/43 SEX: F SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: 471-48-')872 LAST DATE YOU ATTENDED A GAMBLING MANAGERS SEMINAR/CONTSNUING EDUCATION CLASSs BOND INFORMATION SOND COMFANY NAME: North River Zns Co BOND NOMBER: 626011202 ACKNOWLEDGMENT /l/ / P/9S 11.�3-2%B$ I DECLARE THAT: v • I HAVE READ TiiIS APPLICATION AND ALL INFORMATION SUBMITTE� TO THE GAMBLING CONTEZOL 80ARD) � ALL INFORMATSON YS TRUE� ACCURATE AND COMPLETE; • ALL OTHER REQUZRED INFORMATION HAS BEEN FULLY DISCLOSEDj • I AM THE ONLY GAMBLING MANAGER OF THE ORCANSZATIONj • I HAVE BEEN AN ACTIVE MEMBER OF THE ORGANI2ATION FOR AT LEAST TWO YEARSj • I WILL PAMZLIARIZE MYSELF WITH THE LAWS OF MINNESQTA GOV£RNING LAWFUL GAMBLTNG AND RULES OF THE GAMBLINC CONTROL BOARD ANA AGREE, IF LICENSED� TO ABXDE THOSE LAWS AND RULES� INCLUDING AMENDMENTS 1'O THEM) • ANY CHANGES IN APPLICATION SNFORMATION WILL BE SUBMZTTED TO THE GAMBLSNG CONTROL BOARD AND LOCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT WSTHIN 10 AAYS OF THE CHANGEp • AN AFFIDAVIT FOR GAMBLING MANAGER HRS BEEN COMPLETED AND ATTACHEDj AND • S UNDERSTANA TNAT FAILURE TO PROVIDE REQUIRED INFORMATION OR PROVIDING FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION MAY RESULT IN THE DENIAL OR R$VOCATION OF THE LICENSE. SIGNATURE OF� CAbfBLIN6 HANAGER REFER TO THE CBECKLIST FOR REQUZRED ATTACHMENTS MASL TO� GAILBLIN6 CONTROL SOARD Y711 WEST COtTNTY ROAD B� SUITE 3003 ROSEVILLE, MIN2tESOTA 55113 8 THZS FORM WILL SE MADE AVAILABLE IN ALTERNATIVE FOF2MAT (I.E. LARGE PRINT� BRAILLE) UPON REQUEST. DATE � � � � --r� LG213 lNinnesota Gambling Confrol Board oar�a�ss Gambling Manager Affidavif Attach 4o the Gambling Manager App4icacion, Fo[m LG212 �f `l - �� �- STATE OF � � � AFFIDAVIT OF QUALIFICATION L ) 5.5. �OR GAMBIfNG MANAGER LiCENSE COUNTY Oh��K�,�,.�, � a �„ � AND CO`NSENT STATEMENT �__�..a�� (Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes and Rules) �� 'tlAhe A� �• �; �.h�u , Under oath state that: (type/print name) 1. ( have never been convicted of a felony or a crime involving gambling. 2. i have not, within five yea�s before the date of the ficense application, committed a violation oi law or Board rule that resulted in the revocation oi a license issued by the Board, 3. I have never been convicted of a criminal violation invoiving fraud, theft, tax evasion, misrepresentation, or gambling. 4. 1 have never been convicted of (i) assauit, (ii) a criminai violation involving the use of a firearm, or (iii) making terzoristic threats. 5, i am not, nor ever have been connecied with or engaged in an iliegal business. 6, i do not owe 5500 or more in delinquent taxes as defined in section 270.72. 7. I have nol had a sales and use tax permit revoked by the commissioner of revenue within the past hvo years. 8, I have never, after demand, failed to flfe tax retums required by ihe commissioner of ravenue. In addition, I understand, agree and hereby irrevocabiy consent that suits and actions relating to fhe subject matter of the attached gambiing manager license appfication, or acis or omissions arising from such applica- tion, may be commenced against my organizatio� and f will accept the service of process for my organiza- tion in any caurt of competent jurisdiction in Minnesota by service on the Minnesota Seceetary of State of any summons, process or pleadi�g authorized by the laws of Minnesota. By signature of this document, the undersigned authorizes the Department of Pubiic Safety to conduct a criminal background check or review and to share the results with the Gambli�g Gontro4 Board. Failure to provide required information or providing false or misleading informafion may result in the deniai or revocation o( the Iicense. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT, except that this Affidavit and Consent Statement are submltted In support of the appiication for a gambling manager license from the Gambiing Control Board. NOTARYPUBLIC INFORMATlON ��,. ^ n' _ ) / � / / , IJ��Uf/�� ��t � /t/J�.A1. A j Notary Pubfic Seal musi be current and correct. (signature of applica�t) Seal may not be altered. Subscribed and swom to betore me t �`� day of ��'U�Pn'%�C�/ �il�,�,:�v-� 9,��" ORGANIZA7ION 1NFORMATION of Organization t�rnt�sroH exP�aes IANUAI;'P31, 2000 C�h�B'�(hcaTre J NL Base l.icense Number O��C� _-� ORlGI�lAL Council File #� L v� d` Ordinance # �3'��D Green Sheet # �� RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Referred To Committee: Date y5 RESOLVED: That application, (ID $32979), for a new Gambling Manager's License by ICaren L. Wirkus DBA Climb, Inc. at Top Hat Lounge, 134 E. Sth Street, be and the same is hereby approved. Requested by nepartment of: Adopted by Council: Date � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: � ,- r-a Approved by M � R pL ?!3 9..2_, By: P! d��� �/[� . .-. - � .- �.._ ,�• a � - � - �3"�7 � � �� .A iF Form Approved by City Atto� By: � �2./�ti..�v� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council sy: °�� - �� a. DEPApTME� DA7EINITIATED GREEN SHEE N_ 35350 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE �NITIAVDATE INRIAVDAiE O DEPAHTMENT D1AfCTOi1 � CRY CAUNCiI William F. Gunther - 266-9132 ASSIGN OCINATfORNEY �CRYCLEflK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) NUYBER FOR ❑ BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. FOUTING Hearing: cl OflDER �Mpypp�ORAS515fANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� ACTION FiE�UESTED: Karen L. Wirkus DBA Climb, Inc. requests Council approval of her application for a Gambling Manager's License at Top Hat, 134 E. Sth Street. (ID /132979) RECOMMENDA7ION5: Approve (A) or Reject (Ii) pEHSONAI SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUFSTIONS: _ PLqNNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SEfiVICE CAMMISSION 1. Has this perso�rtn ever worked untler a coM2ct for this departrneM? � , CIBCOMMITTEE __ VES NO _ SiqFF 2. Has this person�rm ever been a city employee? — VES NO ^ DISTRICT COUH7 _ 3. Does this personRi�m possess a skill not normall y possessed by any curtent ciry amployee? SUPPORT$ WHICN COUNCIL O&IECfIVE7 YES NO Explein all yes answers on separate sheat and ettach to grean sheet INITIATMG PROBLEM, ISSUE.OPPORTUNRV (Who, What, When, VJhere, Why): ' � , �� ������ � � Jura rt7 �9st ��T� b���� �� ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: DISADVAMAGES IFAPPROVED� D4S0.DVANTAGES IF NOT APPROYEO: � ���. � 1 �997 TOTAL AMOUNT OF THANSACTION $ COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIdG SOURCE ACTiVYfY NUMBEB FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Greensheet # 35349 In Tracker? 7%/_ /R�/ L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: /`� — a �� App'n Received / App'n Processed LiCense ID # 32979 LiCense Type: Gamb� ing Manaeer Company Name: Karen L. Wirkus DBA: Climb, Inc. Business Addresss: 13G E. Sth St. (Tou Hat Lounge) Business Phone: 227-9660 Contact Date to Cotsncil Pubiic Hearing Date: , `i�', /59] Notice Sent to Applicant:_� !�9 7 Home Phone: 227-9660 Labels Ordered: N/A District Council Notice Sent to Public: N/A Ward #: �a Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney ��- ��/��9'7 Environmental Health �lA Fire N �X� License si�e Pian aeceived:_ j Lease Received: �!7/ / Police S2Q Cbt�-CI1L'U L�COY"' �'et.� �""' " D � .�/a�/9� Zoning ��� �East �. . - 1 f -O / �^ STATE OF MINNESOTA �FOR BoARD USE OxLY - GAM6LING CONTROL BOARD �AMT. PAID GAMBLING MANAGER LICENSE RENEWAL APPLZCATZON ICHECK #` LG212GMR PRINTED: 09/OS/95 DATE s LICENSE NUMBER: 6-0200� 002 E-FFECTIVE DATE: 03/O1/96 EXPIRATZON DATEt 02/29/96 NAME OF ORGANIZATIONs Climb St Paul GABSBLINa MANAGER INFORMATION %arep Lea Wirkus 55:.: crosby Ave E Inver Grpve 8eighta MN 55076 DAYTIME PHONE NUMBER: 612-227-9660 MEMBER SINCE: 11/07/89 Y DATE OF BIRTH: 10/26/43 SEX: F SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: 471-48-')872 LAST DATE YOU ATTENDED A GAMBLING MANAGERS SEMINAR/CONTSNUING EDUCATION CLASSs BOND INFORMATION SOND COMFANY NAME: North River Zns Co BOND NOMBER: 626011202 ACKNOWLEDGMENT /l/ / P/9S 11.�3-2%B$ I DECLARE THAT: v • I HAVE READ TiiIS APPLICATION AND ALL INFORMATION SUBMITTE� TO THE GAMBLING CONTEZOL 80ARD) � ALL INFORMATSON YS TRUE� ACCURATE AND COMPLETE; • ALL OTHER REQUZRED INFORMATION HAS BEEN FULLY DISCLOSEDj • I AM THE ONLY GAMBLING MANAGER OF THE ORCANSZATIONj • I HAVE BEEN AN ACTIVE MEMBER OF THE ORGANI2ATION FOR AT LEAST TWO YEARSj • I WILL PAMZLIARIZE MYSELF WITH THE LAWS OF MINNESQTA GOV£RNING LAWFUL GAMBLTNG AND RULES OF THE GAMBLINC CONTROL BOARD ANA AGREE, IF LICENSED� TO ABXDE THOSE LAWS AND RULES� INCLUDING AMENDMENTS 1'O THEM) • ANY CHANGES IN APPLICATION SNFORMATION WILL BE SUBMZTTED TO THE GAMBLSNG CONTROL BOARD AND LOCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT WSTHIN 10 AAYS OF THE CHANGEp • AN AFFIDAVIT FOR GAMBLING MANAGER HRS BEEN COMPLETED AND ATTACHEDj AND • S UNDERSTANA TNAT FAILURE TO PROVIDE REQUIRED INFORMATION OR PROVIDING FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION MAY RESULT IN THE DENIAL OR R$VOCATION OF THE LICENSE. SIGNATURE OF� CAbfBLIN6 HANAGER REFER TO THE CBECKLIST FOR REQUZRED ATTACHMENTS MASL TO� GAILBLIN6 CONTROL SOARD Y711 WEST COtTNTY ROAD B� SUITE 3003 ROSEVILLE, MIN2tESOTA 55113 8 THZS FORM WILL SE MADE AVAILABLE IN ALTERNATIVE FOF2MAT (I.E. LARGE PRINT� BRAILLE) UPON REQUEST. DATE � � � � --r� LG213 lNinnesota Gambling Confrol Board oar�a�ss Gambling Manager Affidavif Attach 4o the Gambling Manager App4icacion, Fo[m LG212 �f `l - �� �- STATE OF � � � AFFIDAVIT OF QUALIFICATION L ) 5.5. �OR GAMBIfNG MANAGER LiCENSE COUNTY Oh��K�,�,.�, � a �„ � AND CO`NSENT STATEMENT �__�..a�� (Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes and Rules) �� 'tlAhe A� �• �; �.h�u , Under oath state that: (type/print name) 1. ( have never been convicted of a felony or a crime involving gambling. 2. i have not, within five yea�s before the date of the ficense application, committed a violation oi law or Board rule that resulted in the revocation oi a license issued by the Board, 3. I have never been convicted of a criminal violation invoiving fraud, theft, tax evasion, misrepresentation, or gambling. 4. 1 have never been convicted of (i) assauit, (ii) a criminai violation involving the use of a firearm, or (iii) making terzoristic threats. 5, i am not, nor ever have been connecied with or engaged in an iliegal business. 6, i do not owe 5500 or more in delinquent taxes as defined in section 270.72. 7. I have nol had a sales and use tax permit revoked by the commissioner of revenue within the past hvo years. 8, I have never, after demand, failed to flfe tax retums required by ihe commissioner of ravenue. In addition, I understand, agree and hereby irrevocabiy consent that suits and actions relating to fhe subject matter of the attached gambiing manager license appfication, or acis or omissions arising from such applica- tion, may be commenced against my organizatio� and f will accept the service of process for my organiza- tion in any caurt of competent jurisdiction in Minnesota by service on the Minnesota Seceetary of State of any summons, process or pleadi�g authorized by the laws of Minnesota. By signature of this document, the undersigned authorizes the Department of Pubiic Safety to conduct a criminal background check or review and to share the results with the Gambli�g Gontro4 Board. Failure to provide required information or providing false or misleading informafion may result in the deniai or revocation o( the Iicense. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT, except that this Affidavit and Consent Statement are submltted In support of the appiication for a gambling manager license from the Gambiing Control Board. NOTARYPUBLIC INFORMATlON ��,. ^ n' _ ) / � / / , IJ��Uf/�� ��t � /t/J�.A1. A j Notary Pubfic Seal musi be current and correct. (signature of applica�t) Seal may not be altered. Subscribed and swom to betore me t �`� day of ��'U�Pn'%�C�/ �il�,�,:�v-� 9,��" ORGANIZA7ION 1NFORMATION of Organization t�rnt�sroH exP�aes IANUAI;'P31, 2000 C�h�B'�(hcaTre J NL Base l.icense Number O��C� _-� ORlGI�lAL Council File #� L v� d` Ordinance # �3'��D Green Sheet # �� RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Referred To Committee: Date y5 RESOLVED: That application, (ID $32979), for a new Gambling Manager's License by ICaren L. Wirkus DBA Climb, Inc. at Top Hat Lounge, 134 E. Sth Street, be and the same is hereby approved. Requested by nepartment of: Adopted by Council: Date � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: � ,- r-a Approved by M � R pL ?!3 9..2_, By: P! d��� �/[� . .-. - � .- �.._ ,�• a � - � - �3"�7 � � �� .A iF Form Approved by City Atto� By: � �2./�ti..�v� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council sy: °�� - �� a. DEPApTME� DA7EINITIATED GREEN SHEE N_ 35350 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE �NITIAVDATE INRIAVDAiE O DEPAHTMENT D1AfCTOi1 � CRY CAUNCiI William F. Gunther - 266-9132 ASSIGN OCINATfORNEY �CRYCLEflK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) NUYBER FOR ❑ BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. FOUTING Hearing: cl OflDER �Mpypp�ORAS515fANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� ACTION FiE�UESTED: Karen L. Wirkus DBA Climb, Inc. requests Council approval of her application for a Gambling Manager's License at Top Hat, 134 E. Sth Street. (ID /132979) RECOMMENDA7ION5: Approve (A) or Reject (Ii) pEHSONAI SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUFSTIONS: _ PLqNNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SEfiVICE CAMMISSION 1. Has this perso�rtn ever worked untler a coM2ct for this departrneM? � , CIBCOMMITTEE __ VES NO _ SiqFF 2. Has this person�rm ever been a city employee? — VES NO ^ DISTRICT COUH7 _ 3. Does this personRi�m possess a skill not normall y possessed by any curtent ciry amployee? SUPPORT$ WHICN COUNCIL O&IECfIVE7 YES NO Explein all yes answers on separate sheat and ettach to grean sheet INITIATMG PROBLEM, ISSUE.OPPORTUNRV (Who, What, When, VJhere, Why): ' � , �� ������ � � Jura rt7 �9st ��T� b���� �� ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: DISADVAMAGES IFAPPROVED� D4S0.DVANTAGES IF NOT APPROYEO: � ���. � 1 �997 TOTAL AMOUNT OF THANSACTION $ COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIdG SOURCE ACTiVYfY NUMBEB FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Greensheet # 35349 In Tracker? 7%/_ /R�/ L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: /`� — a �� App'n Received / App'n Processed LiCense ID # 32979 LiCense Type: Gamb� ing Manaeer Company Name: Karen L. Wirkus DBA: Climb, Inc. Business Addresss: 13G E. Sth St. (Tou Hat Lounge) Business Phone: 227-9660 Contact Date to Cotsncil Pubiic Hearing Date: , `i�', /59] Notice Sent to Applicant:_� !�9 7 Home Phone: 227-9660 Labels Ordered: N/A District Council Notice Sent to Public: N/A Ward #: �a Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney ��- ��/��9'7 Environmental Health �lA Fire N �X� License si�e Pian aeceived:_ j Lease Received: �!7/ / Police S2Q Cbt�-CI1L'U L�COY"' �'et.� �""' " D � .�/a�/9� Zoning ��� �East �. . - 1 f -O / �^ STATE OF MINNESOTA �FOR BoARD USE OxLY - GAM6LING CONTROL BOARD �AMT. PAID GAMBLING MANAGER LICENSE RENEWAL APPLZCATZON ICHECK #` LG212GMR PRINTED: 09/OS/95 DATE s LICENSE NUMBER: 6-0200� 002 E-FFECTIVE DATE: 03/O1/96 EXPIRATZON DATEt 02/29/96 NAME OF ORGANIZATIONs Climb St Paul GABSBLINa MANAGER INFORMATION %arep Lea Wirkus 55:.: crosby Ave E Inver Grpve 8eighta MN 55076 DAYTIME PHONE NUMBER: 612-227-9660 MEMBER SINCE: 11/07/89 Y DATE OF BIRTH: 10/26/43 SEX: F SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: 471-48-')872 LAST DATE YOU ATTENDED A GAMBLING MANAGERS SEMINAR/CONTSNUING EDUCATION CLASSs BOND INFORMATION SOND COMFANY NAME: North River Zns Co BOND NOMBER: 626011202 ACKNOWLEDGMENT /l/ / P/9S 11.�3-2%B$ I DECLARE THAT: v • I HAVE READ TiiIS APPLICATION AND ALL INFORMATION SUBMITTE� TO THE GAMBLING CONTEZOL 80ARD) � ALL INFORMATSON YS TRUE� ACCURATE AND COMPLETE; • ALL OTHER REQUZRED INFORMATION HAS BEEN FULLY DISCLOSEDj • I AM THE ONLY GAMBLING MANAGER OF THE ORCANSZATIONj • I HAVE BEEN AN ACTIVE MEMBER OF THE ORGANI2ATION FOR AT LEAST TWO YEARSj • I WILL PAMZLIARIZE MYSELF WITH THE LAWS OF MINNESQTA GOV£RNING LAWFUL GAMBLTNG AND RULES OF THE GAMBLINC CONTROL BOARD ANA AGREE, IF LICENSED� TO ABXDE THOSE LAWS AND RULES� INCLUDING AMENDMENTS 1'O THEM) • ANY CHANGES IN APPLICATION SNFORMATION WILL BE SUBMZTTED TO THE GAMBLSNG CONTROL BOARD AND LOCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT WSTHIN 10 AAYS OF THE CHANGEp • AN AFFIDAVIT FOR GAMBLING MANAGER HRS BEEN COMPLETED AND ATTACHEDj AND • S UNDERSTANA TNAT FAILURE TO PROVIDE REQUIRED INFORMATION OR PROVIDING FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION MAY RESULT IN THE DENIAL OR R$VOCATION OF THE LICENSE. SIGNATURE OF� CAbfBLIN6 HANAGER REFER TO THE CBECKLIST FOR REQUZRED ATTACHMENTS MASL TO� GAILBLIN6 CONTROL SOARD Y711 WEST COtTNTY ROAD B� SUITE 3003 ROSEVILLE, MIN2tESOTA 55113 8 THZS FORM WILL SE MADE AVAILABLE IN ALTERNATIVE FOF2MAT (I.E. LARGE PRINT� BRAILLE) UPON REQUEST. DATE � � � � --r� LG213 lNinnesota Gambling Confrol Board oar�a�ss Gambling Manager Affidavif Attach 4o the Gambling Manager App4icacion, Fo[m LG212 �f `l - �� �- STATE OF � � � AFFIDAVIT OF QUALIFICATION L ) 5.5. �OR GAMBIfNG MANAGER LiCENSE COUNTY Oh��K�,�,.�, � a �„ � AND CO`NSENT STATEMENT �__�..a�� (Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes and Rules) �� 'tlAhe A� �• �; �.h�u , Under oath state that: (type/print name) 1. ( have never been convicted of a felony or a crime involving gambling. 2. i have not, within five yea�s before the date of the ficense application, committed a violation oi law or Board rule that resulted in the revocation oi a license issued by the Board, 3. I have never been convicted of a criminal violation invoiving fraud, theft, tax evasion, misrepresentation, or gambling. 4. 1 have never been convicted of (i) assauit, (ii) a criminai violation involving the use of a firearm, or (iii) making terzoristic threats. 5, i am not, nor ever have been connecied with or engaged in an iliegal business. 6, i do not owe 5500 or more in delinquent taxes as defined in section 270.72. 7. I have nol had a sales and use tax permit revoked by the commissioner of revenue within the past hvo years. 8, I have never, after demand, failed to flfe tax retums required by ihe commissioner of ravenue. In addition, I understand, agree and hereby irrevocabiy consent that suits and actions relating to fhe subject matter of the attached gambiing manager license appfication, or acis or omissions arising from such applica- tion, may be commenced against my organizatio� and f will accept the service of process for my organiza- tion in any caurt of competent jurisdiction in Minnesota by service on the Minnesota Seceetary of State of any summons, process or pleadi�g authorized by the laws of Minnesota. By signature of this document, the undersigned authorizes the Department of Pubiic Safety to conduct a criminal background check or review and to share the results with the Gambli�g Gontro4 Board. Failure to provide required information or providing false or misleading informafion may result in the deniai or revocation o( the Iicense. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT, except that this Affidavit and Consent Statement are submltted In support of the appiication for a gambling manager license from the Gambiing Control Board. NOTARYPUBLIC INFORMATlON ��,. ^ n' _ ) / � / / , IJ��Uf/�� ��t � /t/J�.A1. A j Notary Pubfic Seal musi be current and correct. (signature of applica�t) Seal may not be altered. Subscribed and swom to betore me t �`� day of ��'U�Pn'%�C�/ �il�,�,:�v-� 9,��" ORGANIZA7ION 1NFORMATION of Organization t�rnt�sroH exP�aes IANUAI;'P31, 2000 C�h�B'�(hcaTre J NL Base l.icense Number O��C� _-�