97-862Council Pile # ° �`1 - �G a r ,���,� t � `-�� � 3 i `a f°? � Presented By Referred To 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll � 13 WHEREAS, the 't of Metropolitan oi RESOLUTION Green Sheet # ���53 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � �� Committee: Date t Paul maintains interceptor sewers within Saint Paul for Environmental Services (MCES); and WHEREAS, the City and MCES have annually entered into an agreement to perform this maintenance since 1984; Now Therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the renewal of the agreement between the City and the MCES whereby the City agrees to maintain interceptor sewers and appurtenances as described in said agreement for the term of January 1, 1997 through December 31, 1997, and the City further agrees to the terms of said agreement to indemnify and hold harmless the said MCES for any claims or injuries caused by the City's performance under said agreements, and to execute the said agreement on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Blakev Bostrom (o77inc Harri s MP, aa r(7 Morton Thune Yeas Nays Absent � ✓ ✓ i/ ✓ � � Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by � .� By: Council Secretary Requested by Department of: Public Works By: - fT - °'� Form Appr ed by City Attorney BY: ii�-��¢° ✓�/4" G/ 6[A/�--. ��" � J c 7 7 Approved by Mayor for Submission to C011RCil By: � q�-�'ca DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCIL DATE INITIATED 32253 �ublic Works 6/12l97 GREEN SHEET wo. CONTACT PEpSON & PHONE �NRIA!/DATE INITIAVDATE DEPARiMENTDIRECTOR �j CINCOUNpL Roger Puchreiter 266-6248 ASSIGN ,—.,�n, ARQqNEY � CITY CLERK NUMBER WR IJ��"� MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ROUfING Q BUDGET DIRECTOR O FlNANCE AGCOUMIN ��� O MAYOR(OR ASSI5fANT) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCAilONS FOR SIGNA7UR� OSENIOfl MGRfr4 ❑2 �EPARTMENTACCpUNT ACiION REQUESTED Approve interceptor sewer maintenance ageement between the Ciry of Saint Paut and the Metropolitan Councii Bnvironmental Services for the period January 1, 1997 through December 31, 1997. FECOMMENDATONS:Appmve (AJ or qeject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOVNNG �UESTIONS: PLANNINGCOMMISSION_CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION 1_ Hasthisperson/firtneverwoficeduntleracontractforthisdepartment? ' Cle CoMMITTEE YES NO A SinFF 2. Has this persorVfirtn ever been a dty employee? — — YES NO , ols7aicr cOUrvCiL _ 3. Does this persorJfirtn possess a sltill not nortnally possessed by any current cily employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheM and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN. WHERE, WH1�: Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) owns intercep[or sewers within [he City of Saint Paul which [he City of Saint Paul repairs and maintains at their request. The City and the MCES have annually entered into an ageement for these services since 1984. ' Triplicate agreement copies for signature attached to greensheet 32254. ADVANTAGESfFAPPqOVED The City will be paid for services performed, and the MCES will not have to employ addirional personnel to maintain these sewets. a.>� - ' 4.6� {:�. � � :a K!�'�=��'=y3 �-�'s�� t�e.�"i�r� �- „ ` DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: y�,S;�� ?'� §.;��? None. �� �� '�t�r .:,�;�.,'� �°i,��r�^; �,. � : � ..-... _ , r; _ ?S:� :t ,1Ui5 3 €9 �997 � _�,_...� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The MCES wili have to find another method of maintaining these sewers. Cl' T�TALAMOUNTOFTRANSACf10N$ 75 000 CO5T/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEON� YES No FUNDING SOURCE AC'flVffY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFOFiMATION: (EXPLAIN) �7 � Metropolitan Council "��" ��� Working for the Kegion, Planning for the Fufure Environmentai Services June 3, 1997 Mr. Bmce Beese Ciry of St Paul 600 City Hall Annex 25 West 4th Street St Patil, MN 55117 RE: INTERCEPTOR MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR 1997 C1TY OF 5T. PAUL CONTRACT #124 Dear Mr. Beese: We wish to renew for another yeaz Interceptor Maintenance Agreement # 124 under the same general terms and conditions contained in the Agreement now in force between the City of St. Paul and the Mekopolitan Council - Environmental Services with the exception of Section 6.02 Cost Estimates Monthlv Pavments. We would like to amend this secpon to read: "6.02. Cost Estimates Monthlv Pavments." The parties estimate that the totat amount of costs which Environmental Secvices will be required to pay to the Municipality for performance of this Agreement in 1997 will be $15,000. Environmental Services agrees to pay to the Municipality on or before the last day of each month in 1997 the sum of $1,250.00 as an advance gayment of such costs. On or before April l, 1998, the Municipality will submit to Environment Services a detailed statement of the actual costs incurred by the Municipality which Environmental Secvices is required to pay in accordance with Section 6.01, and will remit to Environmental Secvices any amoun[ paid to the Municipality which is in excess of such actual costs. If the total of the monthly advances previously paid by Environmentai Seivices is less than the actual amount of such wsts, Environmental Services shall pay to the Municipaliry on or before May 1, 1998, an amount equal to the difference between the actual costs and the monthly advances previously paid. The Municipality shall keep detailed records supporting all costs of the types specified in Section 6A1, which it expects Environmental Services to pay, and shall make the same available to Environmental Services on request. 't'he renewal agreement is enclosed, in triplicate, for endorsement. We have signed the enclosed as our intenflon of renewing the ageement and ask that you also sign and return to us two (2) copies of the executed copies and retain one (1) for your records. Should you have any questions or suggested changes to the basic agreement, please feel free to contact us. Enctosures cc_ LaRae Boh� Bitl Moeller File - Contract #124 230 East Fifrh Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-1633 (612) 222-8423 An F� ^l Opportunity Empbyer FaY 229-2153 TDD/T1Y 229-3760 (/ � A;\INTCPSTP.LRB AGREEMENT RENEWAL INTERCEPTOR MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT #124 The Meuopolitan Council - Environmental Services and the Ciry of St. Paul agree to renew the Interceptor Maintenance Agreement #124, which is currenUy in force between these parties. The terms of the agreement for the renewal period shall be the same as those contained in the agreement, which was executed for the January 1996 through December 31, 1996 period with the exceptian of Section 6A2: "6.02. Cost Estimates hfonth3v ravments` T'he parties estimate that the total amount oi costs wiucn Environmental Services will be required to pay to the Municipality for perforntance of the agreement in 1997 will be $15,000. Environmental Services agrees to pay to the Municipaliry on or before the last day of each month in 1997, the sum of $1,250.00 as an advance payment of such costs. On or before April 1, 1998, the Municipality will submit to Environmental Services a detailed statement of the actual cosLS incurred by the Municipality which Environmental Services is required to pay in accordance with Section 6.01, and will remit to Environmental Services any amount paid to the Municipality which is in excess of such acnial costs. If the total of the monthly advances previously paid by Environmental Services is less than the actual amount of such costs, Environmental Services shall pay to the Municipality on or before May 1, 1998, an amount equal to the difference between the actuai costs and the monthly advances previously paid. The Municipality shall keep detailed records supporting all costs of the types specified in Section 6.01, which it expects Environmental Services to pay, and shali make the same available to Environmental Services on request. The renewal period of Interceptor Maintenance Agreement #124 shall be from January 1, 1997 through December 31, 1997. That both parties agree to the renewal period and terms is evidenced by the signatures affixed to this statement. CTTY OF ST. PAUL (Sign Name & Title Above) Mayor � �C��� �� _! (S�gnNam,e&TitieAbove)Director of Public / Works (Date City of S� Paul Signed) Approved as to Foxm: ��1��� COUNCIL - ENV. SERVICES Moore, General Mgr. �"�G-�L.J�,. G_23_�� a:\�t24.�RaAssistant City Attorney Council Pile # ° �`1 - �G a r ,���,� t � `-�� � 3 i `a f°? � Presented By Referred To 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll � 13 WHEREAS, the 't of Metropolitan oi RESOLUTION Green Sheet # ���53 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � �� Committee: Date t Paul maintains interceptor sewers within Saint Paul for Environmental Services (MCES); and WHEREAS, the City and MCES have annually entered into an agreement to perform this maintenance since 1984; Now Therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the renewal of the agreement between the City and the MCES whereby the City agrees to maintain interceptor sewers and appurtenances as described in said agreement for the term of January 1, 1997 through December 31, 1997, and the City further agrees to the terms of said agreement to indemnify and hold harmless the said MCES for any claims or injuries caused by the City's performance under said agreements, and to execute the said agreement on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Blakev Bostrom (o77inc Harri s MP, aa r(7 Morton Thune Yeas Nays Absent � ✓ ✓ i/ ✓ � � Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by � .� By: Council Secretary Requested by Department of: Public Works By: - fT - °'� Form Appr ed by City Attorney BY: ii�-��¢° ✓�/4" G/ 6[A/�--. ��" � J c 7 7 Approved by Mayor for Submission to C011RCil By: � q�-�'ca DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCIL DATE INITIATED 32253 �ublic Works 6/12l97 GREEN SHEET wo. CONTACT PEpSON & PHONE �NRIA!/DATE INITIAVDATE DEPARiMENTDIRECTOR �j CINCOUNpL Roger Puchreiter 266-6248 ASSIGN ,—.,�n, ARQqNEY � CITY CLERK NUMBER WR IJ��"� MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ROUfING Q BUDGET DIRECTOR O FlNANCE AGCOUMIN ��� O MAYOR(OR ASSI5fANT) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCAilONS FOR SIGNA7UR� OSENIOfl MGRfr4 ❑2 �EPARTMENTACCpUNT ACiION REQUESTED Approve interceptor sewer maintenance ageement between the Ciry of Saint Paut and the Metropolitan Councii Bnvironmental Services for the period January 1, 1997 through December 31, 1997. FECOMMENDATONS:Appmve (AJ or qeject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOVNNG �UESTIONS: PLANNINGCOMMISSION_CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION 1_ Hasthisperson/firtneverwoficeduntleracontractforthisdepartment? ' Cle CoMMITTEE YES NO A SinFF 2. Has this persorVfirtn ever been a dty employee? — — YES NO , ols7aicr cOUrvCiL _ 3. Does this persorJfirtn possess a sltill not nortnally possessed by any current cily employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheM and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN. WHERE, WH1�: Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) owns intercep[or sewers within [he City of Saint Paul which [he City of Saint Paul repairs and maintains at their request. The City and the MCES have annually entered into an ageement for these services since 1984. ' Triplicate agreement copies for signature attached to greensheet 32254. ADVANTAGESfFAPPqOVED The City will be paid for services performed, and the MCES will not have to employ addirional personnel to maintain these sewets. a.>� - ' 4.6� {:�. � � :a K!�'�=��'=y3 �-�'s�� t�e.�"i�r� �- „ ` DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: y�,S;�� ?'� §.;��? None. �� �� '�t�r .:,�;�.,'� �°i,��r�^; �,. � : � ..-... _ , r; _ ?S:� :t ,1Ui5 3 €9 �997 � _�,_...� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The MCES wili have to find another method of maintaining these sewers. Cl' T�TALAMOUNTOFTRANSACf10N$ 75 000 CO5T/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEON� YES No FUNDING SOURCE AC'flVffY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFOFiMATION: (EXPLAIN) �7 � Metropolitan Council "��" ��� Working for the Kegion, Planning for the Fufure Environmentai Services June 3, 1997 Mr. Bmce Beese Ciry of St Paul 600 City Hall Annex 25 West 4th Street St Patil, MN 55117 RE: INTERCEPTOR MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR 1997 C1TY OF 5T. PAUL CONTRACT #124 Dear Mr. Beese: We wish to renew for another yeaz Interceptor Maintenance Agreement # 124 under the same general terms and conditions contained in the Agreement now in force between the City of St. Paul and the Mekopolitan Council - Environmental Services with the exception of Section 6.02 Cost Estimates Monthlv Pavments. We would like to amend this secpon to read: "6.02. Cost Estimates Monthlv Pavments." The parties estimate that the totat amount of costs which Environmental Secvices will be required to pay to the Municipality for performance of this Agreement in 1997 will be $15,000. Environmental Services agrees to pay to the Municipality on or before the last day of each month in 1997 the sum of $1,250.00 as an advance gayment of such costs. On or before April l, 1998, the Municipality will submit to Environment Services a detailed statement of the actual costs incurred by the Municipality which Environmental Secvices is required to pay in accordance with Section 6.01, and will remit to Environmental Secvices any amoun[ paid to the Municipality which is in excess of such actual costs. If the total of the monthly advances previously paid by Environmentai Seivices is less than the actual amount of such wsts, Environmental Services shall pay to the Municipaliry on or before May 1, 1998, an amount equal to the difference between the actual costs and the monthly advances previously paid. The Municipality shall keep detailed records supporting all costs of the types specified in Section 6A1, which it expects Environmental Services to pay, and shall make the same available to Environmental Services on request. 't'he renewal agreement is enclosed, in triplicate, for endorsement. We have signed the enclosed as our intenflon of renewing the ageement and ask that you also sign and return to us two (2) copies of the executed copies and retain one (1) for your records. Should you have any questions or suggested changes to the basic agreement, please feel free to contact us. Enctosures cc_ LaRae Boh� Bitl Moeller File - Contract #124 230 East Fifrh Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-1633 (612) 222-8423 An F� ^l Opportunity Empbyer FaY 229-2153 TDD/T1Y 229-3760 (/ � A;\INTCPSTP.LRB AGREEMENT RENEWAL INTERCEPTOR MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT #124 The Meuopolitan Council - Environmental Services and the Ciry of St. Paul agree to renew the Interceptor Maintenance Agreement #124, which is currenUy in force between these parties. The terms of the agreement for the renewal period shall be the same as those contained in the agreement, which was executed for the January 1996 through December 31, 1996 period with the exceptian of Section 6A2: "6.02. Cost Estimates hfonth3v ravments` T'he parties estimate that the total amount oi costs wiucn Environmental Services will be required to pay to the Municipality for perforntance of the agreement in 1997 will be $15,000. Environmental Services agrees to pay to the Municipaliry on or before the last day of each month in 1997, the sum of $1,250.00 as an advance payment of such costs. On or before April 1, 1998, the Municipality will submit to Environmental Services a detailed statement of the actual cosLS incurred by the Municipality which Environmental Services is required to pay in accordance with Section 6.01, and will remit to Environmental Services any amount paid to the Municipality which is in excess of such acnial costs. If the total of the monthly advances previously paid by Environmental Services is less than the actual amount of such costs, Environmental Services shall pay to the Municipality on or before May 1, 1998, an amount equal to the difference between the actuai costs and the monthly advances previously paid. The Municipality shall keep detailed records supporting all costs of the types specified in Section 6.01, which it expects Environmental Services to pay, and shali make the same available to Environmental Services on request. The renewal period of Interceptor Maintenance Agreement #124 shall be from January 1, 1997 through December 31, 1997. That both parties agree to the renewal period and terms is evidenced by the signatures affixed to this statement. CTTY OF ST. PAUL (Sign Name & Title Above) Mayor � �C��� �� _! (S�gnNam,e&TitieAbove)Director of Public / Works (Date City of S� Paul Signed) Approved as to Foxm: ��1��� COUNCIL - ENV. SERVICES Moore, General Mgr. �"�G-�L.J�,. G_23_�� a:\�t24.�RaAssistant City Attorney Council Pile # ° �`1 - �G a r ,���,� t � `-�� � 3 i `a f°? � Presented By Referred To 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll � 13 WHEREAS, the 't of Metropolitan oi RESOLUTION Green Sheet # ���53 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � �� Committee: Date t Paul maintains interceptor sewers within Saint Paul for Environmental Services (MCES); and WHEREAS, the City and MCES have annually entered into an agreement to perform this maintenance since 1984; Now Therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the renewal of the agreement between the City and the MCES whereby the City agrees to maintain interceptor sewers and appurtenances as described in said agreement for the term of January 1, 1997 through December 31, 1997, and the City further agrees to the terms of said agreement to indemnify and hold harmless the said MCES for any claims or injuries caused by the City's performance under said agreements, and to execute the said agreement on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Blakev Bostrom (o77inc Harri s MP, aa r(7 Morton Thune Yeas Nays Absent � ✓ ✓ i/ ✓ � � Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by � .� By: Council Secretary Requested by Department of: Public Works By: - fT - °'� Form Appr ed by City Attorney BY: ii�-��¢° ✓�/4" G/ 6[A/�--. ��" � J c 7 7 Approved by Mayor for Submission to C011RCil By: � q�-�'ca DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCIL DATE INITIATED 32253 �ublic Works 6/12l97 GREEN SHEET wo. CONTACT PEpSON & PHONE �NRIA!/DATE INITIAVDATE DEPARiMENTDIRECTOR �j CINCOUNpL Roger Puchreiter 266-6248 ASSIGN ,—.,�n, ARQqNEY � CITY CLERK NUMBER WR IJ��"� MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ROUfING Q BUDGET DIRECTOR O FlNANCE AGCOUMIN ��� O MAYOR(OR ASSI5fANT) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCAilONS FOR SIGNA7UR� OSENIOfl MGRfr4 ❑2 �EPARTMENTACCpUNT ACiION REQUESTED Approve interceptor sewer maintenance ageement between the Ciry of Saint Paut and the Metropolitan Councii Bnvironmental Services for the period January 1, 1997 through December 31, 1997. FECOMMENDATONS:Appmve (AJ or qeject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOVNNG �UESTIONS: PLANNINGCOMMISSION_CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION 1_ Hasthisperson/firtneverwoficeduntleracontractforthisdepartment? ' Cle CoMMITTEE YES NO A SinFF 2. Has this persorVfirtn ever been a dty employee? — — YES NO , ols7aicr cOUrvCiL _ 3. Does this persorJfirtn possess a sltill not nortnally possessed by any current cily employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheM and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN. WHERE, WH1�: Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) owns intercep[or sewers within [he City of Saint Paul which [he City of Saint Paul repairs and maintains at their request. The City and the MCES have annually entered into an ageement for these services since 1984. ' Triplicate agreement copies for signature attached to greensheet 32254. ADVANTAGESfFAPPqOVED The City will be paid for services performed, and the MCES will not have to employ addirional personnel to maintain these sewets. a.>� - ' 4.6� {:�. � � :a K!�'�=��'=y3 �-�'s�� t�e.�"i�r� �- „ ` DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: y�,S;�� ?'� §.;��? None. �� �� '�t�r .:,�;�.,'� �°i,��r�^; �,. � : � ..-... _ , r; _ ?S:� :t ,1Ui5 3 €9 �997 � _�,_...� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The MCES wili have to find another method of maintaining these sewers. Cl' T�TALAMOUNTOFTRANSACf10N$ 75 000 CO5T/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEON� YES No FUNDING SOURCE AC'flVffY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFOFiMATION: (EXPLAIN) �7 � Metropolitan Council "��" ��� Working for the Kegion, Planning for the Fufure Environmentai Services June 3, 1997 Mr. Bmce Beese Ciry of St Paul 600 City Hall Annex 25 West 4th Street St Patil, MN 55117 RE: INTERCEPTOR MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR 1997 C1TY OF 5T. PAUL CONTRACT #124 Dear Mr. Beese: We wish to renew for another yeaz Interceptor Maintenance Agreement # 124 under the same general terms and conditions contained in the Agreement now in force between the City of St. Paul and the Mekopolitan Council - Environmental Services with the exception of Section 6.02 Cost Estimates Monthlv Pavments. We would like to amend this secpon to read: "6.02. Cost Estimates Monthlv Pavments." The parties estimate that the totat amount of costs which Environmental Secvices will be required to pay to the Municipality for performance of this Agreement in 1997 will be $15,000. Environmental Services agrees to pay to the Municipality on or before the last day of each month in 1997 the sum of $1,250.00 as an advance gayment of such costs. On or before April l, 1998, the Municipality will submit to Environment Services a detailed statement of the actual costs incurred by the Municipality which Environmental Secvices is required to pay in accordance with Section 6.01, and will remit to Environmental Secvices any amoun[ paid to the Municipality which is in excess of such actual costs. If the total of the monthly advances previously paid by Environmentai Seivices is less than the actual amount of such wsts, Environmental Services shall pay to the Municipaliry on or before May 1, 1998, an amount equal to the difference between the actual costs and the monthly advances previously paid. The Municipality shall keep detailed records supporting all costs of the types specified in Section 6A1, which it expects Environmental Services to pay, and shall make the same available to Environmental Services on request. 't'he renewal agreement is enclosed, in triplicate, for endorsement. We have signed the enclosed as our intenflon of renewing the ageement and ask that you also sign and return to us two (2) copies of the executed copies and retain one (1) for your records. Should you have any questions or suggested changes to the basic agreement, please feel free to contact us. Enctosures cc_ LaRae Boh� Bitl Moeller File - Contract #124 230 East Fifrh Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-1633 (612) 222-8423 An F� ^l Opportunity Empbyer FaY 229-2153 TDD/T1Y 229-3760 (/ � A;\INTCPSTP.LRB AGREEMENT RENEWAL INTERCEPTOR MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT #124 The Meuopolitan Council - Environmental Services and the Ciry of St. Paul agree to renew the Interceptor Maintenance Agreement #124, which is currenUy in force between these parties. The terms of the agreement for the renewal period shall be the same as those contained in the agreement, which was executed for the January 1996 through December 31, 1996 period with the exceptian of Section 6A2: "6.02. Cost Estimates hfonth3v ravments` T'he parties estimate that the total amount oi costs wiucn Environmental Services will be required to pay to the Municipality for perforntance of the agreement in 1997 will be $15,000. Environmental Services agrees to pay to the Municipaliry on or before the last day of each month in 1997, the sum of $1,250.00 as an advance payment of such costs. On or before April 1, 1998, the Municipality will submit to Environmental Services a detailed statement of the actual cosLS incurred by the Municipality which Environmental Services is required to pay in accordance with Section 6.01, and will remit to Environmental Services any amount paid to the Municipality which is in excess of such acnial costs. If the total of the monthly advances previously paid by Environmental Services is less than the actual amount of such costs, Environmental Services shall pay to the Municipality on or before May 1, 1998, an amount equal to the difference between the actuai costs and the monthly advances previously paid. The Municipality shall keep detailed records supporting all costs of the types specified in Section 6.01, which it expects Environmental Services to pay, and shali make the same available to Environmental Services on request. The renewal period of Interceptor Maintenance Agreement #124 shall be from January 1, 1997 through December 31, 1997. That both parties agree to the renewal period and terms is evidenced by the signatures affixed to this statement. CTTY OF ST. PAUL (Sign Name & Title Above) Mayor � �C��� �� _! (S�gnNam,e&TitieAbove)Director of Public / Works (Date City of S� Paul Signed) Approved as to Foxm: ��1��� COUNCIL - ENV. SERVICES Moore, General Mgr. �"�G-�L.J�,. G_23_�� a:\�t24.�RaAssistant City Attorney