97-858fL f;�. ,, �u� iLUTION PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File iLl.}—U S � Green Sheet tL2Qdzo � I Presented By Referred To• ommi DatO— i WHE AS, the B eau of Jusrice Administration (BJA) has awarded to t ity of 2 Saint Pau cal Law Enforcement Block Grant in the amount of $644,215 an 3 4 WHEREAS, a match of $50,055 is required from the city of Saint Paul and a match 5 of $21,453 from Ramsey County is required for a total program cost of $715,723 6 and, 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul intends to access the block grant funding and has agreed to allocate funding to Ramsey County in the amount of 30 percent or $214,717, and $501,006 to the City of Saint Paul, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant will be allocated by the City of Saint Paul as follows: $389,222 to the procurement of equipment, technology, and materials directly related to basic enforcement functions; $157,734 to overtime law enforcement personnel; $97,259 to enhance the adjudication of cases involving violent offenders and further, the Saint Paul City Council will authorize submission to the BJA for the Local 19 Law Enforcement Block Grant so that the terms of the grant shall be fulfilled. 20 Requested by Department of Police: Approval Recommended byVB ddg B �«�" Form Approved by City Attorney: Adopted by Council: Date: � By: Adoption Certified by Counc ecre Ap� �— 2 — y7 Submission to CouncIl: Approved by„Ma �"�I)at�: - 7 /l3 384�9 �EfMNTMEN7A0FFICE/COUNqL DATEINITIATED GREEN S `� ��� Saint Paul Police Department 06j30/97 Q7 winnvon� CON7ACT PERSON & PHONE O OEPARTMENT DIRECT � CITY CpUNCIL Chief r' 1IIII2y ���N O CIT'ATfORNEY O CIiY CLERK NUYBERFON MUST BE ON CAUNCl ND[ BY (DATE) qOUTING � BUDGEf DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIF2. `l.\ � � O � ONOEP OMAYOR(ORASSISTANn O �i w TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE GES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Council approval of submission of Local Law Enforcement Block Grant. RECOMMENDA710NS: Approva (A) or Reject (R) PERS�NAL SERYfCE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER iHE FOLLAWING QUES710NS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personffirm ever worked under a wntract for this tlepartment? _ GIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO 2. Has this personHirm ever been a city empioyee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ oISTRiC7 CqURT _ 3. Does ihis person/firm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current ctty employee? SUPPOPTS WHICN COUNpL 0&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet anC attach to gnen shaet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPP�RTUNITY (Who, Whet, When, Where, Why): The US Congress via the Bureau of Justice Administration has awarded Che City of Saint Paul a Local Law Enforcement Block Grant in the amount of $644,215 with a 109 local match of $71,507. � ADVANTACaESIFAPPROVED� The City of Saint Paul would be able to receive the block grant funding. OISADYANTAGES IF APPPOVED. None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED The City of Saint Paul would not be able to receive the block grant funding. TOTAL AMOUNT OFTBANSACTION $ 644 ZI5 COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (qRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIWGSOURCE BuTeall �f Justice Administration ACT{VITYPIUMBER FINANCIAL INFORFhATION (EXPLAIN) CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co1em¢n, Mayor DEPARTMENT OF POLICE �� J � S � Willium K. F'uutey, Quef of Police I00 E. Eievenih Sveei Telephone: 652-291-IIII SY. P¢u1, Minnesota SSIOI Facsiraile: 6I2-292-3711 PROPOSAL FOR USE OF LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT CITY OF SAINT PAUL RAMSEY COUNTY AGENCY . .�� ALLOCATION Saint Paul Police Department Saint Paul City Attorney's Off'ice Ramsey County Corrections Deparhnent Ramsey County Sheriff's Department Ramsey County Attorney's Office $250,000 $150,000 $101,006 $66,593 $15,000 $81,593 $51,531 * See agency pioposals for full program desciipuon. Procurement of law enforcement equipment Procurement of law enforcement equipment Enhancing adjudication of violent offense cases Overtime for law enforcement personnel Procurement of law enforcement equipment Overtime for law enforcement personnel Overtime for law enforcement personnel July 1, 1997 LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANTS PROGRAM FOLLOW-UP INFORMATION FORM G{!l_ ��� b �w : U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Bureau ofJustice Assistance Office of the Direc[or June 19, 1997 Chief Executive Officer City of Saint Paul Office of the Mayor 390 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program: FY 1997 Program Funding Availability Dear Chief Executive Officer: :t': Li�► dUN 20 1997 �lAYOR'S OFFI�E ��_gs� I am pleased to announce the availability of funding under the Local Law Enforcement Block Grants (LLEBG) Program, established within the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) under the Fiscal Yeaz 1997 Omnibus Appropriations Act (Pub. L. 104-208). Your jurisdiction is eligible to apply to B7A for a direct award of $ 644,215 under this program. Funding may be used for seven purpose areas, which address a wide variety of activities from increasing personnel and equipment resources for law enforcement to developing and supporting programs to enhance effective criminal justice processes. The program will provide your jurisdiction with opportunities to reduce crime and improve public safety through the implementation of diverse strategies ranging from addressing violent juvenile crime to establishing crime prevention programs that foster cooperation between community residents and law enforcement personnel. Applications for the LLEBG program must be submitted to BJA no later than July 11, 1997. All complete applications will be approved by September 30, 1997. Enclosed is a Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program Application Kit, which identifies the program purposes and gives detailed instructions for submitting an application to BJA. The kit contains all required forms, certifications, and assurances to secure an awazd. To facilitate the application process, we encourage you to submit your application in electronic format via computer modem using our 800 number or the formatted computer disk provided with the application kit. Your jurisdiction has been given a unique identification (ID) number and a password. You will need both to apply via computer modem. Only the ID number is needed to apply via formatted disk. Your ID number is: C921 Washing[an, D.C. 20�3! Your password is: 09583830 ��.�s� Applications also may be submitted by facsimile or by mailing in the hazd copy application. However, to expedite the application process, we ask that applications be submitted usingonly one of these four methods. Upon notification of an awazd under this program, and prior to obligation of any funds, each local jurisdiction is required by statute to establish an advisory boazd to review the application and make nonbinding recommendations on the use of Block Grants funds. The jurisdiction is also required to conduct at least one public hearing on the use of Block Grants funds prior to fund obligation. Federal funds provided under a grant from this program may not exceed 9Q percent of the total costs of the project. The matching share (at least 10 perccnt) must be cash. The matching shaze must be obligated and expended during the Federal project period. Please be aware that there is a provision in the statute that addresses the potential for funding disparities between counties and cities within those counties. Per this provision, the State Attorney General may certify that such a funding disparity exists and in certain cases that the disparity is likely to threaten the efficient administration of justice. The last date that such a certification may be submitted to BJA coincides with the application due date, July 11, 1997. If such a disparity is certified relative to your jurisdiction, you aze required to submit a joint funding plan with the other jurisdictions affected by the disparity. Please refer to "Distribution of Awards" in the Application Kit for additional information. We look forward to receiving your application and working with you on this program. If you have any questions regarding the Program, its purposes, or its administration, please contact us at (202) 305-2088. Additionally, the BJA Cleazinghouse serves as a repository of information regarding program efforts and strategies that have been demonstrated to be effective in reducing crime and improving criminal justice operations. Should you need information, assistance, or resources about these successful programs, piease contact the BJA Clearinghouse at 1-800-688- 4252. 5incerely yours, �,�-e.��sf— Nancy E. Gist Director Enclosure �,� -�s� PROPOSAL FOR COLLABORATIVE USES OF LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT SAINT PAUL CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE PROPOSAL FOR PROCLTRING EQUIPMENT AND TECHNOLOGY PURPOSE AREA 1: Law enforcement support for procuring equipment, technology, and other material d'uectly related to basic law enforcement functions. The St. Paul Ciry Attomey's Office has determined that there is a serious need to design and implement an integrated crimival justice informauon system to effectively support law enforcement investigations and arrests through aggressive and effective prosecu6on. Such a system would enable the City Attorney's Office to fulfill its responsibilities in a more efficient manner by reducing redundant efforts and by sharing data throughout the various agencies within the crimnial justice system. These agencies include the St. Paul Police Deparhuent Ramsey County 5heriffls Department, St. Paul City Attorney, Ramsey County Attomey, Project Remand, Ramsey County Public Defender, Ramsey County Court System, Ramsey County Corrections Department, Crime Victim Advocate Groups and members of the general public. It is the goal of the St. Paul City Attorney's Office to: (1) acquire fully integrated information system softwue to facilitate the efficient use of human zesources while providing quality prosecurion services; (2) provide timely and accurate information for analysis and reporting; (3) reduce the amount of manual effort required to collect, process and analyze information; (4) provide for continued growth; and (4) participate actively and fully in the design and development of an integrated City Attomey's Office Criminal Justice Information System. A new system would result in increased efficiencies throughout the cruninal justice system such as: • eliminating the duplication of arrest and charge information data entry • access to prosecution decision on line • immediate access to case status • form preparation including: * officer notices * subpoenas * victim and witness letters * discovery notices • access to disposition and sentencing information • compatible systems would allow access to invesfigate reports on line • expediting complaint preparation ESTIMATED INITIAL COSTS: $142,876 for procuring equipment and technology �,����� PROPOSAL FOR DOMESTIC ASSAULT SQUAD (DA-S� PURPOSE AREA 4: Enhancing the adjudica6on of cases involving violent offenders, including case violentjuvenile offenders. Domesric assault is a serious public safery issue. Between 1992 and 1996, the Criminal Division of the Saint Paul City Attomey's Of£ice (CAO) had a 53 percent increase in its handling of domestic assaults. In 1996, the Saint Paul Police received 2,396 domesuc assault calls. This ever- growing crime uses a disproportionate amount of overburdened resources. Therefore, law enforcement and prosecution have a great need to obtain successful resolutions without d'uninishing resources. Domestic assaults account for a disproportionately high number of cosdy jury trial settings because defense attorneys have developed the pervasive general strategy, to wait until trial, to see what the victim does. This causes an inability to successfully resolve cases in early stages, whether at arraignment or settlement conference. To overcome insufficient evidence and increase successful early resolutions and tried cases we have developed a proposal for a specialized police Domestic Assault Squad (DA-S� to videotape domestic assault crune scenes. The concepts of this program is to collect and preserve evidence by training and deploying a specialized police unit to videotape domestic assault crime scenes. The video process would require immediate taping upon arrival of the crime scene; taping mterviews of victims, wimesses, suspects; physical injury to victims and damaged property; and all relevant evidence left of the assaults. The video will be immediately available to both the prosecution and defense arraignment. The video will be an effective, additional, and enhanced piece of evidence providing powerfully preserved and dramatic audible and visual evidence of the actual crune. The videotaping and trained prosecutors and law enforcement could also be used for educational purposes in schools, communities, churches, for medical personnel and judges. The concept program with these grants would operate for one year with two part-time police officers from the Saint Paul Police Department (SPPD), one full-time prosecuting attorney and one full-time legal assistant from the CAO. The program will involve a domestic assault police video squad (DA-S� operated by two SPPD officers in the target azea in the City, the Eastem District, which generates the highest number of domestic assault calls. Other public agencies which will secondarily benefit from the videotape domestic assault avenues: Saint Paul Domestic Abuse Intervention Project, the publicly and privately funded victim advocate organization of the Ciry, can utilize videos to assist victims in getting court orders for protection. Ramsey County Court Domestic Office, a public agency of the County, videos would available to use in application for and receiving court orders for protection. ��_�s�' • Ramsey County Conections, a public agency of the County, can utilize videos to prepaze their pre-sentence invesrigarions for the court's consideration in sentencing and to work with convicted clients toward reduced recidivism by clients accepting responsibility for criminal acts and ultimate rehabilitation. • Ramsey Counry Attorney's Office, a public agency of the County, can utilize video when the offense for which the evidence was collected result in a felony chazge. This concept approach will reduce the cost of current practices by increasing the number of domesfic assault cases removed from the system at an earlier stage of prosecu6on, thus decreasing the number set for trial and h and thereby eliminating associated costs for trial preparation and trial. The video evidence will also produce an increase in convicdons at trial. Addi6onally, there is a cost benefit to the societal problem of domestic assaults. Earlier resolufion and higher conviction in the cases will reduce recidivism thereby removing repeat offenders and victnns from the criminal justice system and lessening the burden on the communiry's limited resources. Because recidivism will be reduced, the Police and prosecution will see a reduction in the number of domestic assault calls and prosecutions which currently account for a disproportionate amount of time and energy. This shift in resources will allow the criminal justice system to expend more tension and energy on other serious crime in the commumty. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST: Attorney, full-time - approximately $40,000 Legal Assistant, full-time - approximately $26,000 Two officers, 10 hoars each week far 12 months -$40,000 Equipment costs video catnera and film -$1,500 Video cassettes - $630 TOTAL COST: $108,130 3 7UN-30-1997 15�20 P,CCD aDMlNSTF�iTI7N 612 266 2293 P.02iO3 , ,:.:,..F• - �� , �$ 8 " ??.OP05:9:� FGR COLLABORAT2VE U$E Or THE LAW ENFO�CENEEtiT BLOCK GR�i The issue of qang vioienc= ard hew to comba� it is a major priority for Che ci�y of St. Paul and Ra:�sey County. The plsr. to target the most ciolent criminals and com'aine ci.ty anc county resources, as outlined by Major Coleman, St. Paui Folice. chief Finney, County Attorney Gae,rtner and Sheriff Fletcher is an important step in acldzessing this serious public sa£ety concern. 5owever, there are same signi£icar_t system gaps that could and should be addressed through coJ.�aborztive use of a portion of the Federai Law Enfozcement Block Grant ar_d couJ.d be dealt with in tize follows.ng ways: COURTS/Co G.�vv,�a Chief Judge Shuraaker has initiated ongoing meetings with criminal justice representatives to ceal wiL'n i.esues surzoundzng cases involvzna guns, gangs anci violent czimee_ One of the key issues ideatified was the naed_for the Court td hatre more oompletie y ,�...""'� _ _'� _'��._`__'_'_... in oxma ian on defendants prior to dzc�siors on �ia_1'""and senyen.. �'^inq. 'I�v�as ��eSt� tha* afficers;`�par:'zcu7;ar7.y that wOYSC u;itn the qang units, zre in possession of necessary and useful inforn�tior. but are nct usually present ac court k!earir.gs. we would zecommend that a portion of this grant be sperzt on fundina a nolice ofiicer, in the gang unit, to be &ssi,gned to wark c oseiy with t e County Attorney`s sgecz'x7 z liaa.so:� to tne Court. That of£ic=r �loulei prcvicle information on gar.g mem:bers at various sLac,es of the court process. This wcuAd ;nclude,apaearing ir_ court �;ad �ossibly "second cYz2.�.ring"-witA the �ounCy Attorney in arraigr.ments ar.d sentencinc. ^hey would also �e s xesource Co Project P.ernan3 irt making �econ:r�a:�dations to the court regardinc� Dai.l. • Estim�tsd aanual Cost CORRECTSONS ��i`�-ri.x. �,5'/, 5`�/ ' � . O�:ce a:1 aKfer.aer ie arrested, prosacutEd and sertenC°d, the ____�. - ..:cz S'vSC�•'." i1SL'c_'_V �55'..1`..°.^ ' �_C^C �@T _cSD.^._ 5��=='-LV = � 5... .�r....__. .r.: G.� .! . ��: C�. ` � .+ - �v v'� L. � Yi�rlC: v:S_ r_ i Cl....�._ e., .,_.� . .� � �.....__ �.J �C'. v �'' � O� SLF'.i�T_'V1SS0 ;- /+ � -'�- W`' c� `f` Q T j� � �;'c 47'J:l��t7 ?'2CO�;T!°?74 �''!�C .or ?S'0�..'��L:O-1 .� cC;F�G �.0 tl'iE 'J�G .:: un?t, whose pr_m2xy xespons�b�-_ty �5 tC iritens_��'_y Supervi,se se�ected public risk gang memb=_rs. JUN-30-1997 15�2@ RCCD RDMINSTRATU7N 612 26b 2293 P.03/03 � maximum caseload OL 15 OTT�A6eT5 UII 1it�rctS�vC suz�el���nce . wculd include eve^.ir.gs a�3 weeker.ds. Specific condit3ons a£ supervisia�s ccu18 z�c2ude zzr,dom drLg tests, unGr.nounced visits, ���� curfews, electroric non�to:ir.a ard the requzre�ent �o obtain p� � legitima�e en��o��menv. A viola:zo:, c� �hese conditzons wo��ld zesu?L ir_ a reCUxn or com�itr.ent to prison. �f4� • ,R,ro'aation . " h�auld alsa coozdi�ate �n�erGgercy czr.g _n£oz-ation a::d provide �t tc the aaaa unit currer.tly tY.ere is no „<echanis;n te coilect gang zelat�d _nfcrmation fro�n our institutions or fro� ar. Snd:v_duai nro�ats'.on officex. Y�St1�T.ZtEC'., dP:1.23� L`ost C crrv�s�� �'�""` ,,� L �.,e,a._ �� � ,5"9� �N���mi � r".-v-i - C a t t t^� t,-� 12 S i.�x-2Q �� "-'a-A'� �n„'F'�..A- ��,.,.�7_ 7os: .•� .. _. ._ _, . . . .. �-�-- S6eritl's I.LE�G A.t[ocation c'rang Related Ecaforcement 4�;nn'rr".,"„�-� �.��.° fi.,��- � q �� .,�„�,�,� � t S f_ boo U " . Y �� S` �� r 8$ �,593 Wo:kisag in collaboration swith several oLher l�w enforcement, social service and community based agencies, the Sher�'s office has ciearly identifiett sewere3 strategies which are aimed deaiing with the growin$ gang probiems in Ramsey County. These shate.gies inciude; d) supptemantf ng the multi-a;ency gang unit 2} cusfew enforcement airned at early intervention 3) waTrant sw�ps targeted at apprehending ihe most violent offenders 4) targeted enfotcement of hot spots for gang activity. l�'tsi:e each ofthese strategies have been implemeated on � timited basis �t is clear Yhat substantialiy mare resaunces are aecessary to acYdeve a mesningfic} impact- The €unds abtained faom the granc wi11 supply additional officezs on an overtime basis and provade an snfarcement vehic3e capable of transporting multiple deYainces. 70Tfii P. fJ3 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, M¢yor DEPARTMENT OF POLICE �' u � o Williom K. Finney, Chief of Pokre 100 E. Elwenth Stree Telephone: 612-291-Illl St. Paul, M'vueesota SSI01 FacsemiLe: 6I2-292d711 PROPOSAL FOR USE OF LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT SAINT PAUL POLICE DEPARTMENT $250,000 Procurement of equipment, technology, and other material dixecdy related to basic law enforcement functions. P,reas for upgrades include investigation, forensics, surveillance, properry room, traffic and accident, training and bike patrol. July 2, 1997 fL f;�. ,, �u� iLUTION PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File iLl.}—U S � Green Sheet tL2Qdzo � I Presented By Referred To• ommi DatO— i WHE AS, the B eau of Jusrice Administration (BJA) has awarded to t ity of 2 Saint Pau cal Law Enforcement Block Grant in the amount of $644,215 an 3 4 WHEREAS, a match of $50,055 is required from the city of Saint Paul and a match 5 of $21,453 from Ramsey County is required for a total program cost of $715,723 6 and, 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul intends to access the block grant funding and has agreed to allocate funding to Ramsey County in the amount of 30 percent or $214,717, and $501,006 to the City of Saint Paul, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant will be allocated by the City of Saint Paul as follows: $389,222 to the procurement of equipment, technology, and materials directly related to basic enforcement functions; $157,734 to overtime law enforcement personnel; $97,259 to enhance the adjudication of cases involving violent offenders and further, the Saint Paul City Council will authorize submission to the BJA for the Local 19 Law Enforcement Block Grant so that the terms of the grant shall be fulfilled. 20 Requested by Department of Police: Approval Recommended byVB ddg B �«�" Form Approved by City Attorney: Adopted by Council: Date: � By: Adoption Certified by Counc ecre Ap� �— 2 — y7 Submission to CouncIl: Approved by„Ma �"�I)at�: - 7 /l3 384�9 �EfMNTMEN7A0FFICE/COUNqL DATEINITIATED GREEN S `� ��� Saint Paul Police Department 06j30/97 Q7 winnvon� CON7ACT PERSON & PHONE O OEPARTMENT DIRECT � CITY CpUNCIL Chief r' 1IIII2y ���N O CIT'ATfORNEY O CIiY CLERK NUYBERFON MUST BE ON CAUNCl ND[ BY (DATE) qOUTING � BUDGEf DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIF2. `l.\ � � O � ONOEP OMAYOR(ORASSISTANn O �i w TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE GES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Council approval of submission of Local Law Enforcement Block Grant. RECOMMENDA710NS: Approva (A) or Reject (R) PERS�NAL SERYfCE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER iHE FOLLAWING QUES710NS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personffirm ever worked under a wntract for this tlepartment? _ GIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO 2. Has this personHirm ever been a city empioyee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ oISTRiC7 CqURT _ 3. Does ihis person/firm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current ctty employee? SUPPOPTS WHICN COUNpL 0&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet anC attach to gnen shaet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPP�RTUNITY (Who, Whet, When, Where, Why): The US Congress via the Bureau of Justice Administration has awarded Che City of Saint Paul a Local Law Enforcement Block Grant in the amount of $644,215 with a 109 local match of $71,507. � ADVANTACaESIFAPPROVED� The City of Saint Paul would be able to receive the block grant funding. OISADYANTAGES IF APPPOVED. None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED The City of Saint Paul would not be able to receive the block grant funding. TOTAL AMOUNT OFTBANSACTION $ 644 ZI5 COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (qRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIWGSOURCE BuTeall �f Justice Administration ACT{VITYPIUMBER FINANCIAL INFORFhATION (EXPLAIN) CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co1em¢n, Mayor DEPARTMENT OF POLICE �� J � S � Willium K. F'uutey, Quef of Police I00 E. Eievenih Sveei Telephone: 652-291-IIII SY. P¢u1, Minnesota SSIOI Facsiraile: 6I2-292-3711 PROPOSAL FOR USE OF LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT CITY OF SAINT PAUL RAMSEY COUNTY AGENCY . .�� ALLOCATION Saint Paul Police Department Saint Paul City Attorney's Off'ice Ramsey County Corrections Deparhnent Ramsey County Sheriff's Department Ramsey County Attorney's Office $250,000 $150,000 $101,006 $66,593 $15,000 $81,593 $51,531 * See agency pioposals for full program desciipuon. Procurement of law enforcement equipment Procurement of law enforcement equipment Enhancing adjudication of violent offense cases Overtime for law enforcement personnel Procurement of law enforcement equipment Overtime for law enforcement personnel Overtime for law enforcement personnel July 1, 1997 LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANTS PROGRAM FOLLOW-UP INFORMATION FORM G{!l_ ��� b �w : U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Bureau ofJustice Assistance Office of the Direc[or June 19, 1997 Chief Executive Officer City of Saint Paul Office of the Mayor 390 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program: FY 1997 Program Funding Availability Dear Chief Executive Officer: :t': Li�► dUN 20 1997 �lAYOR'S OFFI�E ��_gs� I am pleased to announce the availability of funding under the Local Law Enforcement Block Grants (LLEBG) Program, established within the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) under the Fiscal Yeaz 1997 Omnibus Appropriations Act (Pub. L. 104-208). Your jurisdiction is eligible to apply to B7A for a direct award of $ 644,215 under this program. Funding may be used for seven purpose areas, which address a wide variety of activities from increasing personnel and equipment resources for law enforcement to developing and supporting programs to enhance effective criminal justice processes. The program will provide your jurisdiction with opportunities to reduce crime and improve public safety through the implementation of diverse strategies ranging from addressing violent juvenile crime to establishing crime prevention programs that foster cooperation between community residents and law enforcement personnel. Applications for the LLEBG program must be submitted to BJA no later than July 11, 1997. All complete applications will be approved by September 30, 1997. Enclosed is a Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program Application Kit, which identifies the program purposes and gives detailed instructions for submitting an application to BJA. The kit contains all required forms, certifications, and assurances to secure an awazd. To facilitate the application process, we encourage you to submit your application in electronic format via computer modem using our 800 number or the formatted computer disk provided with the application kit. Your jurisdiction has been given a unique identification (ID) number and a password. You will need both to apply via computer modem. Only the ID number is needed to apply via formatted disk. Your ID number is: C921 Washing[an, D.C. 20�3! Your password is: 09583830 ��.�s� Applications also may be submitted by facsimile or by mailing in the hazd copy application. However, to expedite the application process, we ask that applications be submitted usingonly one of these four methods. Upon notification of an awazd under this program, and prior to obligation of any funds, each local jurisdiction is required by statute to establish an advisory boazd to review the application and make nonbinding recommendations on the use of Block Grants funds. The jurisdiction is also required to conduct at least one public hearing on the use of Block Grants funds prior to fund obligation. Federal funds provided under a grant from this program may not exceed 9Q percent of the total costs of the project. The matching share (at least 10 perccnt) must be cash. The matching shaze must be obligated and expended during the Federal project period. Please be aware that there is a provision in the statute that addresses the potential for funding disparities between counties and cities within those counties. Per this provision, the State Attorney General may certify that such a funding disparity exists and in certain cases that the disparity is likely to threaten the efficient administration of justice. The last date that such a certification may be submitted to BJA coincides with the application due date, July 11, 1997. If such a disparity is certified relative to your jurisdiction, you aze required to submit a joint funding plan with the other jurisdictions affected by the disparity. Please refer to "Distribution of Awards" in the Application Kit for additional information. We look forward to receiving your application and working with you on this program. If you have any questions regarding the Program, its purposes, or its administration, please contact us at (202) 305-2088. Additionally, the BJA Cleazinghouse serves as a repository of information regarding program efforts and strategies that have been demonstrated to be effective in reducing crime and improving criminal justice operations. Should you need information, assistance, or resources about these successful programs, piease contact the BJA Clearinghouse at 1-800-688- 4252. 5incerely yours, �,�-e.��sf— Nancy E. Gist Director Enclosure �,� -�s� PROPOSAL FOR COLLABORATIVE USES OF LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT SAINT PAUL CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE PROPOSAL FOR PROCLTRING EQUIPMENT AND TECHNOLOGY PURPOSE AREA 1: Law enforcement support for procuring equipment, technology, and other material d'uectly related to basic law enforcement functions. The St. Paul Ciry Attomey's Office has determined that there is a serious need to design and implement an integrated crimival justice informauon system to effectively support law enforcement investigations and arrests through aggressive and effective prosecu6on. Such a system would enable the City Attorney's Office to fulfill its responsibilities in a more efficient manner by reducing redundant efforts and by sharing data throughout the various agencies within the crimnial justice system. These agencies include the St. Paul Police Deparhuent Ramsey County 5heriffls Department, St. Paul City Attorney, Ramsey County Attomey, Project Remand, Ramsey County Public Defender, Ramsey County Court System, Ramsey County Corrections Department, Crime Victim Advocate Groups and members of the general public. It is the goal of the St. Paul City Attorney's Office to: (1) acquire fully integrated information system softwue to facilitate the efficient use of human zesources while providing quality prosecurion services; (2) provide timely and accurate information for analysis and reporting; (3) reduce the amount of manual effort required to collect, process and analyze information; (4) provide for continued growth; and (4) participate actively and fully in the design and development of an integrated City Attomey's Office Criminal Justice Information System. A new system would result in increased efficiencies throughout the cruninal justice system such as: • eliminating the duplication of arrest and charge information data entry • access to prosecution decision on line • immediate access to case status • form preparation including: * officer notices * subpoenas * victim and witness letters * discovery notices • access to disposition and sentencing information • compatible systems would allow access to invesfigate reports on line • expediting complaint preparation ESTIMATED INITIAL COSTS: $142,876 for procuring equipment and technology �,����� PROPOSAL FOR DOMESTIC ASSAULT SQUAD (DA-S� PURPOSE AREA 4: Enhancing the adjudica6on of cases involving violent offenders, including case violentjuvenile offenders. Domesric assault is a serious public safery issue. Between 1992 and 1996, the Criminal Division of the Saint Paul City Attomey's Of£ice (CAO) had a 53 percent increase in its handling of domestic assaults. In 1996, the Saint Paul Police received 2,396 domesuc assault calls. This ever- growing crime uses a disproportionate amount of overburdened resources. Therefore, law enforcement and prosecution have a great need to obtain successful resolutions without d'uninishing resources. Domestic assaults account for a disproportionately high number of cosdy jury trial settings because defense attorneys have developed the pervasive general strategy, to wait until trial, to see what the victim does. This causes an inability to successfully resolve cases in early stages, whether at arraignment or settlement conference. To overcome insufficient evidence and increase successful early resolutions and tried cases we have developed a proposal for a specialized police Domestic Assault Squad (DA-S� to videotape domestic assault crune scenes. The concepts of this program is to collect and preserve evidence by training and deploying a specialized police unit to videotape domestic assault crime scenes. The video process would require immediate taping upon arrival of the crime scene; taping mterviews of victims, wimesses, suspects; physical injury to victims and damaged property; and all relevant evidence left of the assaults. The video will be immediately available to both the prosecution and defense arraignment. The video will be an effective, additional, and enhanced piece of evidence providing powerfully preserved and dramatic audible and visual evidence of the actual crune. The videotaping and trained prosecutors and law enforcement could also be used for educational purposes in schools, communities, churches, for medical personnel and judges. The concept program with these grants would operate for one year with two part-time police officers from the Saint Paul Police Department (SPPD), one full-time prosecuting attorney and one full-time legal assistant from the CAO. The program will involve a domestic assault police video squad (DA-S� operated by two SPPD officers in the target azea in the City, the Eastem District, which generates the highest number of domestic assault calls. Other public agencies which will secondarily benefit from the videotape domestic assault avenues: Saint Paul Domestic Abuse Intervention Project, the publicly and privately funded victim advocate organization of the Ciry, can utilize videos to assist victims in getting court orders for protection. Ramsey County Court Domestic Office, a public agency of the County, videos would available to use in application for and receiving court orders for protection. ��_�s�' • Ramsey County Conections, a public agency of the County, can utilize videos to prepaze their pre-sentence invesrigarions for the court's consideration in sentencing and to work with convicted clients toward reduced recidivism by clients accepting responsibility for criminal acts and ultimate rehabilitation. • Ramsey Counry Attorney's Office, a public agency of the County, can utilize video when the offense for which the evidence was collected result in a felony chazge. This concept approach will reduce the cost of current practices by increasing the number of domesfic assault cases removed from the system at an earlier stage of prosecu6on, thus decreasing the number set for trial and h and thereby eliminating associated costs for trial preparation and trial. The video evidence will also produce an increase in convicdons at trial. Addi6onally, there is a cost benefit to the societal problem of domestic assaults. Earlier resolufion and higher conviction in the cases will reduce recidivism thereby removing repeat offenders and victnns from the criminal justice system and lessening the burden on the communiry's limited resources. Because recidivism will be reduced, the Police and prosecution will see a reduction in the number of domestic assault calls and prosecutions which currently account for a disproportionate amount of time and energy. This shift in resources will allow the criminal justice system to expend more tension and energy on other serious crime in the commumty. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST: Attorney, full-time - approximately $40,000 Legal Assistant, full-time - approximately $26,000 Two officers, 10 hoars each week far 12 months -$40,000 Equipment costs video catnera and film -$1,500 Video cassettes - $630 TOTAL COST: $108,130 3 7UN-30-1997 15�20 P,CCD aDMlNSTF�iTI7N 612 266 2293 P.02iO3 , ,:.:,..F• - �� , �$ 8 " ??.OP05:9:� FGR COLLABORAT2VE U$E Or THE LAW ENFO�CENEEtiT BLOCK GR�i The issue of qang vioienc= ard hew to comba� it is a major priority for Che ci�y of St. Paul and Ra:�sey County. The plsr. to target the most ciolent criminals and com'aine ci.ty anc county resources, as outlined by Major Coleman, St. Paui Folice. chief Finney, County Attorney Gae,rtner and Sheriff Fletcher is an important step in acldzessing this serious public sa£ety concern. 5owever, there are same signi£icar_t system gaps that could and should be addressed through coJ.�aborztive use of a portion of the Federai Law Enfozcement Block Grant ar_d couJ.d be dealt with in tize follows.ng ways: COURTS/Co G.�vv,�a Chief Judge Shuraaker has initiated ongoing meetings with criminal justice representatives to ceal wiL'n i.esues surzoundzng cases involvzna guns, gangs anci violent czimee_ One of the key issues ideatified was the naed_for the Court td hatre more oompletie y ,�...""'� _ _'� _'��._`__'_'_... in oxma ian on defendants prior to dzc�siors on �ia_1'""and senyen.. �'^inq. 'I�v�as ��eSt� tha* afficers;`�par:'zcu7;ar7.y that wOYSC u;itn the qang units, zre in possession of necessary and useful inforn�tior. but are nct usually present ac court k!earir.gs. we would zecommend that a portion of this grant be sperzt on fundina a nolice ofiicer, in the gang unit, to be &ssi,gned to wark c oseiy with t e County Attorney`s sgecz'x7 z liaa.so:� to tne Court. That of£ic=r �loulei prcvicle information on gar.g mem:bers at various sLac,es of the court process. This wcuAd ;nclude,apaearing ir_ court �;ad �ossibly "second cYz2.�.ring"-witA the �ounCy Attorney in arraigr.ments ar.d sentencinc. ^hey would also �e s xesource Co Project P.ernan3 irt making �econ:r�a:�dations to the court regardinc� Dai.l. • Estim�tsd aanual Cost CORRECTSONS ��i`�-ri.x. �,5'/, 5`�/ ' � . O�:ce a:1 aKfer.aer ie arrested, prosacutEd and sertenC°d, the ____�. - ..:cz S'vSC�•'." i1SL'c_'_V �55'..1`..°.^ ' �_C^C �@T _cSD.^._ 5��=='-LV = � 5... .�r....__. .r.: G.� .! . ��: C�. ` � .+ - �v v'� L. � Yi�rlC: v:S_ r_ i Cl....�._ e., .,_.� . .� � �.....__ �.J �C'. v �'' � O� SLF'.i�T_'V1SS0 ;- /+ � -'�- W`' c� `f` Q T j� � �;'c 47'J:l��t7 ?'2CO�;T!°?74 �''!�C .or ?S'0�..'��L:O-1 .� cC;F�G �.0 tl'iE 'J�G .:: un?t, whose pr_m2xy xespons�b�-_ty �5 tC iritens_��'_y Supervi,se se�ected public risk gang memb=_rs. JUN-30-1997 15�2@ RCCD RDMINSTRATU7N 612 26b 2293 P.03/03 � maximum caseload OL 15 OTT�A6eT5 UII 1it�rctS�vC suz�el���nce . wculd include eve^.ir.gs a�3 weeker.ds. Specific condit3ons a£ supervisia�s ccu18 z�c2ude zzr,dom drLg tests, unGr.nounced visits, ���� curfews, electroric non�to:ir.a ard the requzre�ent �o obtain p� � legitima�e en��o��menv. A viola:zo:, c� �hese conditzons wo��ld zesu?L ir_ a reCUxn or com�itr.ent to prison. �f4� • ,R,ro'aation . " h�auld alsa coozdi�ate �n�erGgercy czr.g _n£oz-ation a::d provide �t tc the aaaa unit currer.tly tY.ere is no „<echanis;n te coilect gang zelat�d _nfcrmation fro�n our institutions or fro� ar. Snd:v_duai nro�ats'.on officex. Y�St1�T.ZtEC'., dP:1.23� L`ost C crrv�s�� �'�""` ,,� L �.,e,a._ �� � ,5"9� �N���mi � r".-v-i - C a t t t^� t,-� 12 S i.�x-2Q �� "-'a-A'� �n„'F'�..A- ��,.,.�7_ 7os: .•� .. _. ._ _, . . . .. �-�-- S6eritl's I.LE�G A.t[ocation c'rang Related Ecaforcement 4�;nn'rr".,"„�-� �.��.° fi.,��- � q �� .,�„�,�,� � t S f_ boo U " . Y �� S` �� r 8$ �,593 Wo:kisag in collaboration swith several oLher l�w enforcement, social service and community based agencies, the Sher�'s office has ciearly identifiett sewere3 strategies which are aimed deaiing with the growin$ gang probiems in Ramsey County. These shate.gies inciude; d) supptemantf ng the multi-a;ency gang unit 2} cusfew enforcement airned at early intervention 3) waTrant sw�ps targeted at apprehending ihe most violent offenders 4) targeted enfotcement of hot spots for gang activity. l�'tsi:e each ofthese strategies have been implemeated on � timited basis �t is clear Yhat substantialiy mare resaunces are aecessary to acYdeve a mesningfic} impact- The €unds abtained faom the granc wi11 supply additional officezs on an overtime basis and provade an snfarcement vehic3e capable of transporting multiple deYainces. 70Tfii P. fJ3 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, M¢yor DEPARTMENT OF POLICE �' u � o Williom K. Finney, Chief of Pokre 100 E. Elwenth Stree Telephone: 612-291-Illl St. Paul, M'vueesota SSI01 FacsemiLe: 6I2-292d711 PROPOSAL FOR USE OF LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT SAINT PAUL POLICE DEPARTMENT $250,000 Procurement of equipment, technology, and other material dixecdy related to basic law enforcement functions. P,reas for upgrades include investigation, forensics, surveillance, properry room, traffic and accident, training and bike patrol. July 2, 1997 fL f;�. ,, �u� iLUTION PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File iLl.}—U S � Green Sheet tL2Qdzo � I Presented By Referred To• ommi DatO— i WHE AS, the B eau of Jusrice Administration (BJA) has awarded to t ity of 2 Saint Pau cal Law Enforcement Block Grant in the amount of $644,215 an 3 4 WHEREAS, a match of $50,055 is required from the city of Saint Paul and a match 5 of $21,453 from Ramsey County is required for a total program cost of $715,723 6 and, 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul intends to access the block grant funding and has agreed to allocate funding to Ramsey County in the amount of 30 percent or $214,717, and $501,006 to the City of Saint Paul, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant will be allocated by the City of Saint Paul as follows: $389,222 to the procurement of equipment, technology, and materials directly related to basic enforcement functions; $157,734 to overtime law enforcement personnel; $97,259 to enhance the adjudication of cases involving violent offenders and further, the Saint Paul City Council will authorize submission to the BJA for the Local 19 Law Enforcement Block Grant so that the terms of the grant shall be fulfilled. 20 Requested by Department of Police: Approval Recommended byVB ddg B �«�" Form Approved by City Attorney: Adopted by Council: Date: � By: Adoption Certified by Counc ecre Ap� �— 2 — y7 Submission to CouncIl: Approved by„Ma �"�I)at�: - 7 /l3 384�9 �EfMNTMEN7A0FFICE/COUNqL DATEINITIATED GREEN S `� ��� Saint Paul Police Department 06j30/97 Q7 winnvon� CON7ACT PERSON & PHONE O OEPARTMENT DIRECT � CITY CpUNCIL Chief r' 1IIII2y ���N O CIT'ATfORNEY O CIiY CLERK NUYBERFON MUST BE ON CAUNCl ND[ BY (DATE) qOUTING � BUDGEf DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIF2. `l.\ � � O � ONOEP OMAYOR(ORASSISTANn O �i w TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE GES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Council approval of submission of Local Law Enforcement Block Grant. RECOMMENDA710NS: Approva (A) or Reject (R) PERS�NAL SERYfCE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER iHE FOLLAWING QUES710NS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personffirm ever worked under a wntract for this tlepartment? _ GIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO 2. Has this personHirm ever been a city empioyee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ oISTRiC7 CqURT _ 3. Does ihis person/firm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current ctty employee? SUPPOPTS WHICN COUNpL 0&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet anC attach to gnen shaet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPP�RTUNITY (Who, Whet, When, Where, Why): The US Congress via the Bureau of Justice Administration has awarded Che City of Saint Paul a Local Law Enforcement Block Grant in the amount of $644,215 with a 109 local match of $71,507. � ADVANTACaESIFAPPROVED� The City of Saint Paul would be able to receive the block grant funding. OISADYANTAGES IF APPPOVED. None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED The City of Saint Paul would not be able to receive the block grant funding. TOTAL AMOUNT OFTBANSACTION $ 644 ZI5 COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (qRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIWGSOURCE BuTeall �f Justice Administration ACT{VITYPIUMBER FINANCIAL INFORFhATION (EXPLAIN) CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co1em¢n, Mayor DEPARTMENT OF POLICE �� J � S � Willium K. F'uutey, Quef of Police I00 E. Eievenih Sveei Telephone: 652-291-IIII SY. P¢u1, Minnesota SSIOI Facsiraile: 6I2-292-3711 PROPOSAL FOR USE OF LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT CITY OF SAINT PAUL RAMSEY COUNTY AGENCY . .�� ALLOCATION Saint Paul Police Department Saint Paul City Attorney's Off'ice Ramsey County Corrections Deparhnent Ramsey County Sheriff's Department Ramsey County Attorney's Office $250,000 $150,000 $101,006 $66,593 $15,000 $81,593 $51,531 * See agency pioposals for full program desciipuon. Procurement of law enforcement equipment Procurement of law enforcement equipment Enhancing adjudication of violent offense cases Overtime for law enforcement personnel Procurement of law enforcement equipment Overtime for law enforcement personnel Overtime for law enforcement personnel July 1, 1997 LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANTS PROGRAM FOLLOW-UP INFORMATION FORM G{!l_ ��� b �w : U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Bureau ofJustice Assistance Office of the Direc[or June 19, 1997 Chief Executive Officer City of Saint Paul Office of the Mayor 390 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program: FY 1997 Program Funding Availability Dear Chief Executive Officer: :t': Li�► dUN 20 1997 �lAYOR'S OFFI�E ��_gs� I am pleased to announce the availability of funding under the Local Law Enforcement Block Grants (LLEBG) Program, established within the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) under the Fiscal Yeaz 1997 Omnibus Appropriations Act (Pub. L. 104-208). Your jurisdiction is eligible to apply to B7A for a direct award of $ 644,215 under this program. Funding may be used for seven purpose areas, which address a wide variety of activities from increasing personnel and equipment resources for law enforcement to developing and supporting programs to enhance effective criminal justice processes. The program will provide your jurisdiction with opportunities to reduce crime and improve public safety through the implementation of diverse strategies ranging from addressing violent juvenile crime to establishing crime prevention programs that foster cooperation between community residents and law enforcement personnel. Applications for the LLEBG program must be submitted to BJA no later than July 11, 1997. All complete applications will be approved by September 30, 1997. Enclosed is a Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program Application Kit, which identifies the program purposes and gives detailed instructions for submitting an application to BJA. The kit contains all required forms, certifications, and assurances to secure an awazd. To facilitate the application process, we encourage you to submit your application in electronic format via computer modem using our 800 number or the formatted computer disk provided with the application kit. Your jurisdiction has been given a unique identification (ID) number and a password. You will need both to apply via computer modem. Only the ID number is needed to apply via formatted disk. Your ID number is: C921 Washing[an, D.C. 20�3! Your password is: 09583830 ��.�s� Applications also may be submitted by facsimile or by mailing in the hazd copy application. However, to expedite the application process, we ask that applications be submitted usingonly one of these four methods. Upon notification of an awazd under this program, and prior to obligation of any funds, each local jurisdiction is required by statute to establish an advisory boazd to review the application and make nonbinding recommendations on the use of Block Grants funds. The jurisdiction is also required to conduct at least one public hearing on the use of Block Grants funds prior to fund obligation. Federal funds provided under a grant from this program may not exceed 9Q percent of the total costs of the project. The matching share (at least 10 perccnt) must be cash. The matching shaze must be obligated and expended during the Federal project period. Please be aware that there is a provision in the statute that addresses the potential for funding disparities between counties and cities within those counties. Per this provision, the State Attorney General may certify that such a funding disparity exists and in certain cases that the disparity is likely to threaten the efficient administration of justice. The last date that such a certification may be submitted to BJA coincides with the application due date, July 11, 1997. If such a disparity is certified relative to your jurisdiction, you aze required to submit a joint funding plan with the other jurisdictions affected by the disparity. Please refer to "Distribution of Awards" in the Application Kit for additional information. We look forward to receiving your application and working with you on this program. If you have any questions regarding the Program, its purposes, or its administration, please contact us at (202) 305-2088. Additionally, the BJA Cleazinghouse serves as a repository of information regarding program efforts and strategies that have been demonstrated to be effective in reducing crime and improving criminal justice operations. Should you need information, assistance, or resources about these successful programs, piease contact the BJA Clearinghouse at 1-800-688- 4252. 5incerely yours, �,�-e.��sf— Nancy E. Gist Director Enclosure �,� -�s� PROPOSAL FOR COLLABORATIVE USES OF LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT SAINT PAUL CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE PROPOSAL FOR PROCLTRING EQUIPMENT AND TECHNOLOGY PURPOSE AREA 1: Law enforcement support for procuring equipment, technology, and other material d'uectly related to basic law enforcement functions. The St. Paul Ciry Attomey's Office has determined that there is a serious need to design and implement an integrated crimival justice informauon system to effectively support law enforcement investigations and arrests through aggressive and effective prosecu6on. Such a system would enable the City Attorney's Office to fulfill its responsibilities in a more efficient manner by reducing redundant efforts and by sharing data throughout the various agencies within the crimnial justice system. These agencies include the St. Paul Police Deparhuent Ramsey County 5heriffls Department, St. Paul City Attorney, Ramsey County Attomey, Project Remand, Ramsey County Public Defender, Ramsey County Court System, Ramsey County Corrections Department, Crime Victim Advocate Groups and members of the general public. It is the goal of the St. Paul City Attorney's Office to: (1) acquire fully integrated information system softwue to facilitate the efficient use of human zesources while providing quality prosecurion services; (2) provide timely and accurate information for analysis and reporting; (3) reduce the amount of manual effort required to collect, process and analyze information; (4) provide for continued growth; and (4) participate actively and fully in the design and development of an integrated City Attomey's Office Criminal Justice Information System. A new system would result in increased efficiencies throughout the cruninal justice system such as: • eliminating the duplication of arrest and charge information data entry • access to prosecution decision on line • immediate access to case status • form preparation including: * officer notices * subpoenas * victim and witness letters * discovery notices • access to disposition and sentencing information • compatible systems would allow access to invesfigate reports on line • expediting complaint preparation ESTIMATED INITIAL COSTS: $142,876 for procuring equipment and technology �,����� PROPOSAL FOR DOMESTIC ASSAULT SQUAD (DA-S� PURPOSE AREA 4: Enhancing the adjudica6on of cases involving violent offenders, including case violentjuvenile offenders. Domesric assault is a serious public safery issue. Between 1992 and 1996, the Criminal Division of the Saint Paul City Attomey's Of£ice (CAO) had a 53 percent increase in its handling of domestic assaults. In 1996, the Saint Paul Police received 2,396 domesuc assault calls. This ever- growing crime uses a disproportionate amount of overburdened resources. Therefore, law enforcement and prosecution have a great need to obtain successful resolutions without d'uninishing resources. Domestic assaults account for a disproportionately high number of cosdy jury trial settings because defense attorneys have developed the pervasive general strategy, to wait until trial, to see what the victim does. This causes an inability to successfully resolve cases in early stages, whether at arraignment or settlement conference. To overcome insufficient evidence and increase successful early resolutions and tried cases we have developed a proposal for a specialized police Domestic Assault Squad (DA-S� to videotape domestic assault crune scenes. The concepts of this program is to collect and preserve evidence by training and deploying a specialized police unit to videotape domestic assault crime scenes. The video process would require immediate taping upon arrival of the crime scene; taping mterviews of victims, wimesses, suspects; physical injury to victims and damaged property; and all relevant evidence left of the assaults. The video will be immediately available to both the prosecution and defense arraignment. The video will be an effective, additional, and enhanced piece of evidence providing powerfully preserved and dramatic audible and visual evidence of the actual crune. The videotaping and trained prosecutors and law enforcement could also be used for educational purposes in schools, communities, churches, for medical personnel and judges. The concept program with these grants would operate for one year with two part-time police officers from the Saint Paul Police Department (SPPD), one full-time prosecuting attorney and one full-time legal assistant from the CAO. The program will involve a domestic assault police video squad (DA-S� operated by two SPPD officers in the target azea in the City, the Eastem District, which generates the highest number of domestic assault calls. Other public agencies which will secondarily benefit from the videotape domestic assault avenues: Saint Paul Domestic Abuse Intervention Project, the publicly and privately funded victim advocate organization of the Ciry, can utilize videos to assist victims in getting court orders for protection. Ramsey County Court Domestic Office, a public agency of the County, videos would available to use in application for and receiving court orders for protection. ��_�s�' • Ramsey County Conections, a public agency of the County, can utilize videos to prepaze their pre-sentence invesrigarions for the court's consideration in sentencing and to work with convicted clients toward reduced recidivism by clients accepting responsibility for criminal acts and ultimate rehabilitation. • Ramsey Counry Attorney's Office, a public agency of the County, can utilize video when the offense for which the evidence was collected result in a felony chazge. This concept approach will reduce the cost of current practices by increasing the number of domesfic assault cases removed from the system at an earlier stage of prosecu6on, thus decreasing the number set for trial and h and thereby eliminating associated costs for trial preparation and trial. The video evidence will also produce an increase in convicdons at trial. Addi6onally, there is a cost benefit to the societal problem of domestic assaults. Earlier resolufion and higher conviction in the cases will reduce recidivism thereby removing repeat offenders and victnns from the criminal justice system and lessening the burden on the communiry's limited resources. Because recidivism will be reduced, the Police and prosecution will see a reduction in the number of domestic assault calls and prosecutions which currently account for a disproportionate amount of time and energy. This shift in resources will allow the criminal justice system to expend more tension and energy on other serious crime in the commumty. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST: Attorney, full-time - approximately $40,000 Legal Assistant, full-time - approximately $26,000 Two officers, 10 hoars each week far 12 months -$40,000 Equipment costs video catnera and film -$1,500 Video cassettes - $630 TOTAL COST: $108,130 3 7UN-30-1997 15�20 P,CCD aDMlNSTF�iTI7N 612 266 2293 P.02iO3 , ,:.:,..F• - �� , �$ 8 " ??.OP05:9:� FGR COLLABORAT2VE U$E Or THE LAW ENFO�CENEEtiT BLOCK GR�i The issue of qang vioienc= ard hew to comba� it is a major priority for Che ci�y of St. Paul and Ra:�sey County. The plsr. to target the most ciolent criminals and com'aine ci.ty anc county resources, as outlined by Major Coleman, St. Paui Folice. chief Finney, County Attorney Gae,rtner and Sheriff Fletcher is an important step in acldzessing this serious public sa£ety concern. 5owever, there are same signi£icar_t system gaps that could and should be addressed through coJ.�aborztive use of a portion of the Federai Law Enfozcement Block Grant ar_d couJ.d be dealt with in tize follows.ng ways: COURTS/Co G.�vv,�a Chief Judge Shuraaker has initiated ongoing meetings with criminal justice representatives to ceal wiL'n i.esues surzoundzng cases involvzna guns, gangs anci violent czimee_ One of the key issues ideatified was the naed_for the Court td hatre more oompletie y ,�...""'� _ _'� _'��._`__'_'_... in oxma ian on defendants prior to dzc�siors on �ia_1'""and senyen.. �'^inq. 'I�v�as ��eSt� tha* afficers;`�par:'zcu7;ar7.y that wOYSC u;itn the qang units, zre in possession of necessary and useful inforn�tior. but are nct usually present ac court k!earir.gs. we would zecommend that a portion of this grant be sperzt on fundina a nolice ofiicer, in the gang unit, to be &ssi,gned to wark c oseiy with t e County Attorney`s sgecz'x7 z liaa.so:� to tne Court. That of£ic=r �loulei prcvicle information on gar.g mem:bers at various sLac,es of the court process. This wcuAd ;nclude,apaearing ir_ court �;ad �ossibly "second cYz2.�.ring"-witA the �ounCy Attorney in arraigr.ments ar.d sentencinc. ^hey would also �e s xesource Co Project P.ernan3 irt making �econ:r�a:�dations to the court regardinc� Dai.l. • Estim�tsd aanual Cost CORRECTSONS ��i`�-ri.x. �,5'/, 5`�/ ' � . O�:ce a:1 aKfer.aer ie arrested, prosacutEd and sertenC°d, the ____�. - ..:cz S'vSC�•'." i1SL'c_'_V �55'..1`..°.^ ' �_C^C �@T _cSD.^._ 5��=='-LV = � 5... .�r....__. .r.: G.� .! . ��: C�. ` � .+ - �v v'� L. � Yi�rlC: v:S_ r_ i Cl....�._ e., .,_.� . .� � �.....__ �.J �C'. v �'' � O� SLF'.i�T_'V1SS0 ;- /+ � -'�- W`' c� `f` Q T j� � �;'c 47'J:l��t7 ?'2CO�;T!°?74 �''!�C .or ?S'0�..'��L:O-1 .� cC;F�G �.0 tl'iE 'J�G .:: un?t, whose pr_m2xy xespons�b�-_ty �5 tC iritens_��'_y Supervi,se se�ected public risk gang memb=_rs. JUN-30-1997 15�2@ RCCD RDMINSTRATU7N 612 26b 2293 P.03/03 � maximum caseload OL 15 OTT�A6eT5 UII 1it�rctS�vC suz�el���nce . wculd include eve^.ir.gs a�3 weeker.ds. Specific condit3ons a£ supervisia�s ccu18 z�c2ude zzr,dom drLg tests, unGr.nounced visits, ���� curfews, electroric non�to:ir.a ard the requzre�ent �o obtain p� � legitima�e en��o��menv. A viola:zo:, c� �hese conditzons wo��ld zesu?L ir_ a reCUxn or com�itr.ent to prison. �f4� • ,R,ro'aation . " h�auld alsa coozdi�ate �n�erGgercy czr.g _n£oz-ation a::d provide �t tc the aaaa unit currer.tly tY.ere is no „<echanis;n te coilect gang zelat�d _nfcrmation fro�n our institutions or fro� ar. Snd:v_duai nro�ats'.on officex. Y�St1�T.ZtEC'., dP:1.23� L`ost C crrv�s�� �'�""` ,,� L �.,e,a._ �� � ,5"9� �N���mi � r".-v-i - C a t t t^� t,-� 12 S i.�x-2Q �� "-'a-A'� �n„'F'�..A- ��,.,.�7_ 7os: .•� .. _. ._ _, . . . .. �-�-- S6eritl's I.LE�G A.t[ocation c'rang Related Ecaforcement 4�;nn'rr".,"„�-� �.��.° fi.,��- � q �� .,�„�,�,� � t S f_ boo U " . Y �� S` �� r 8$ �,593 Wo:kisag in collaboration swith several oLher l�w enforcement, social service and community based agencies, the Sher�'s office has ciearly identifiett sewere3 strategies which are aimed deaiing with the growin$ gang probiems in Ramsey County. These shate.gies inciude; d) supptemantf ng the multi-a;ency gang unit 2} cusfew enforcement airned at early intervention 3) waTrant sw�ps targeted at apprehending ihe most violent offenders 4) targeted enfotcement of hot spots for gang activity. l�'tsi:e each ofthese strategies have been implemeated on � timited basis �t is clear Yhat substantialiy mare resaunces are aecessary to acYdeve a mesningfic} impact- The €unds abtained faom the granc wi11 supply additional officezs on an overtime basis and provade an snfarcement vehic3e capable of transporting multiple deYainces. 70Tfii P. fJ3 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, M¢yor DEPARTMENT OF POLICE �' u � o Williom K. Finney, Chief of Pokre 100 E. Elwenth Stree Telephone: 612-291-Illl St. Paul, M'vueesota SSI01 FacsemiLe: 6I2-292d711 PROPOSAL FOR USE OF LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT SAINT PAUL POLICE DEPARTMENT $250,000 Procurement of equipment, technology, and other material dixecdy related to basic law enforcement functions. P,reas for upgrades include investigation, forensics, surveillance, properry room, traffic and accident, training and bike patrol. July 2, 1997