97-855Council File � Gi�l- 8` 55 Green Sheet # �� r^�^,; �9>.P i E ; ;_,° 1 `�-` i ? �' 3 f �v t°� Presented By Refetred To Com[nittee: Date � 1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appoinhnents and reappointments, 2 made by the Mayor, of the following-named individuals to serve on the BUSINE5S REVIEW COiJNCIL. 3 4 APPOINTMENTS 1'ERM EXPIRES 5 6 Blong Vang shall serve the remainder of April 1, 1998 � Kenneth Mihelich's unexpired term. a 9 William Mason, III shall serve the remainder of April 1, 1999 10 Kazen C1uisWfferson's unexpired term. 11 12 Jennifer Engh April 1, 2000 13 14 15 REAPPOINTMENTS 16 17 Michael P. Hernandez April 1, 2000 is 7ulie Hoff April 1, 2000 19 Johnny Howard April 1, 2000 2 o Steven Johnson April 1, 2000 z 1 Kathleen Laliberte April l, 2000 22 Mazk Moeller April 1, 2000 23 Rhonda Smieja April 1, 2000 24 25 2 6 Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date � `�� Adoption Certified by Council Se tary By: c�- Approved by Mayor: Date It� °1 �"' ' By: � RESOLUTION �,IlV'I' PAUL, NIINNESOTA Form Approved by City Attorney By: ��ii�l�i'// "� G �- `�U -97 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Cou By: ��—g55 DEAWTdENT#FlG�COUNGL DATE INITIATED � � S � � Mayor Coleman's Office 6-27-97 G RE EN SH EET CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INITIAVDqTE �NITIAWATE ODEPAflTMENTDIRECTOR QTYCOUNdI RO 0T CllTC1S 266-8531 A ���N QCITVATfORNEY OCITYCLERK MUST 8E ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) NUMBER FOR ❑ BUDGET DIAEL70R � F1N. 8 MGT. SEFiVICES DIR. ROUfING OADER � MAVOR (OR ASSISTAN'n O TOSAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 �CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED. Approval of appointments of Blong Vang; William Mason, III; & Jennifer Engh and reappointment of Michael Hernandez, Julie Hoff, Johnny Howard, Steven Johnson, Kathleen Laliberte, Mark Moeller and Rhonda Smieja to the Business Review Council. pECOMMENDA710N5: Approve (A) or Aeiect (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this person/firm ever worked untler a contract for this department? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO _ S7AFF 2 Has this personfirm ever bee� a ciry employee? — YES NO _ DISTRICi COUR7 _ 3. Does this personHirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current cily employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNdL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attaeh to green Sheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Wha. What, When, Where. Why)� ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED �{{31L� . 4de�ii ! AJ4�,s!'���y� JUi� 3 €� l��d" _,.�., � DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: TO7AL AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION $ COST/HEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAI INFORHiATION (EXPU+IN) clr�-$SS Interdepartmental Memorandum QTY OF SAIIVT PAUL TO: Saint Paul City Councilmem6ers Council President Dave Thune Councilmember 3erry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Joseph Cdlins Counci]member Mike Harris Councilmember Gladys Morton Councilmember Roberta Megazd FROM: DATE: � Roger C. Curtis l�C- Assistant to the Mayor June 30, 1997 ,_.,.:..,.........:.:.,.............. .. ........:. ..:..., ..,:.....,...:_........,....:.:...... I3�3SI1�ESS.RE�T�E� �i3Il1YGII::t1T';PQI1�,',�'NIEI�t'S Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointments and reappointments of the following individuals to serve on the Business Review Council. Blong Vang will serve the remainder of Kenneth Mihelich's unexpired term. This term eacpires April 1, 1998. William Mason, III will serve the remainder of Kazen Christofferson's unexpired term. This terxn exp'ues April 1, 1999. Jennifer Engh will serve a three-yeaz term that expires April 1, 2000. REAPPOINTMENTS Michael Hemandez Julie Hoff Johnny Howard Steven Johnson Kathleen Laliberte Mazk Mceller Rhonda Smieja Attached is a copy of the resolution recommending these individuals, copies of the new appointees' applications and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January 1, 1994. RCC:drm Attachments c: Nancy Andersoq Council Reseazch Troy Gilbertson, LIEP Robert Kessler, LIEP COf1ISH. REVENU TEL�612 ...ii utwu 2�1 n_ � SI�Z2IT 1'AIIL� MINNESOTA ?J ✓ '' 266-8525<" FAX: x�e: �l�n��'�;- �lt . Home Address: �� � Street Rpr 28 9r 55102 266-8513 9�02 �10.003 �.�� �I�,-gS5 � � �� ��� . Ci.ty n2ti s� rv z _ Zip Telephone 2iumber: _ (Home) �� �� ��`� � fAork) c�� J�� 2 - .(PAX) ��- �0�, Planning Distri.ct Gouncil: � � City Council Aard; ;� �� Yreferred Hai.l.ing Address: (t�'t-2 � A�� rsl� �., _ L7hat is your occupation7 ,U/�S)87l�d� � �� _�I-I"l<U/ Place�o£ E�ploynent: Comittee(s) Applied For: ��Q-ta s� /. Ahat sY.ills/training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for vhich qou se_k appointment? , ����e�! She in£otcation included in this application is considezed private data aecording to c?:e 25innesota Govezment Data P=actices Act. As a result, this in£orT�ztion is rot releaszc co the general public. (p7Eg) Rev. 2i?8/96 COMISH. REVENUE Naac TEL�612-297-5309 Hpr 28 97 ��b� No.UU3 N.U� Address ��� ��� ( LD/L//�d� Phonc: (t f�lork) Name: �,G:fCQ (�(/��C.L'L�, z � Address �a� So ° 1 ��� ��s Phone: (Home) (STork) � 7� - �0 7"� Name: Addre Phone; (Home) (VOrkl .�� Reasons �or your interest in this particular comittee:_ G.�t%2�"�� Have yo¢ had preaious contact vith the committee for which qou are making application. TE so, vhen, and circumstances? In an attempt to ensvse that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. V S:hite (Caucasian) Hispr.nic B2ack (African American) Asian or Paci�ic Islander American Ind3an or Alaskan Eskimo 2iale � �� _[�_ Female Date of Birth: _ Z� �-� / � Disabled: Yes No �� If special accomaodations are needed, p2ease specify. Hov did you hear about this opening7 r�,%���Pz CONIISH. RtVtNUt Apri125, 1997 TO: l'ROM: KE: iEL�612-297-5309 �,,_� L8 9( y�UJ NO.OUJ F'.u-- �1� r� 7'im Marx Jenny L gh. � " J Application for Cily hoards Thanks for forwarding thc application materials for city 6oard openings. 1 received it on'1'uesday of this wcck, bul found it 1'riday in my mail (tax committce week, you know). Anyway, l think the dcadline may have been April 23rd, but I hope 1 can still bc considered. I am particularly interested in �hrcc of thc bo�rds: Thc }3usiness f2cview Council, tl�c Planning Commission and thc Saint Paut Rivcrfront Corporation. ] f�e1 that I am particutar4y quafified for these thrcc boards with my exocricnce both .� ornin_ at Ihc I,egislamre (1985-19R7) and as Ucpury Commissioner for thc Mmncsota Uepartment of Tradc �nd Economic Development (D7'IsU) (1991-1�I9G). During my tenure at DTT:D, 1 worked closcly wiih ihc Ciry of St. Paal on �everal budget and capital budget requests, including developing and starting the Urban Initiative fund, Minnesota Job Skills Parinership programs, ti�e Science Museum bonding requests, and other business location/rclocation proiects and tourism projects. 1 have workcd closely wilh hEU {Larry Bucgler) and the Port Authority (Ken Johnson and Lzurie Lauder} and understand thc Mayor's vision for St. Paul, tha riverfro�it aitid fuiure development effor(s. I am very familiar �vith the City's one-stop business effa7s and also with the various ncighborhood devetopment groups. St. Paul and the St. Paul Neighborhood llevelopment gro�ps (WIND-NllC in p2rticular) were particularly active and hclpful in helping DTBD start and makc the llrban laitiative Loan fund succcssful. At the l,egislature I served as thc fiscal nnalyst for lhe State Government division of ihe then-2lousc Appropriations committee, I have � working knowledge of governmcnt budgcis and public Gnancing, as wcll as civi! servicelpersonnel requirements and legislative/ciry parltterships. All ot'these experiences pointed me toward applying for one of the three committees I have listed. 1 have lived in SC. Paul since ] rcturned from Washington, D.C. in 1485. I hope you and tHe Mayor can considcr my application and please do not hesiiate to contact mc if you have aiiy qucstions or need funher information. My pager is 534-9010. Thank you Sor yous consideration. [//�'I /%�L[ �2l�yr/ ' % /J / c L�z<- L?�cGP��f tt,�v f/ �' �L�/J"<-!'� A�R-23-1997 12�23 FROM WOMENVENTURE TO 2668513 P.03 iu«uvlv,aY iV:LLALI��sLJ Name � Add=ess- 2324 University Avenue. Suite 200, St. Paul, MN 55114 Yhone: (Home� �512} 928-9255 Caork) (6Z2? 646-3808 i _ Name: 3oan Peterson (Director of LeadersBip Academy at Lakewood Comm. College) 3300 Avenue, North White Bear Lake Phone:_�_ (Home) Cvork) (612) 773-2743 Name Samuelson (Executive Director of P 369 University Avenue, St. Paul, MN SS?Q3 � Counsel District 7th) Phone:� (Home) '(Aozk) (612) 298^5068 Reasons £os youz interest in thi.s particulaz committee: A5 an AmeziCan citi.zen with a Sou$hEast Asian zoots living in the city of St. Paul, I want to bring in the issues and persp o a d groups o£ people into the table hoping to benefit the local goveznment and St. Paul residents. I want to contribute mp efforts to my local community in making it a better pla�e to e. Have you lxad previans contact with the committ¢e for trhich pou aze making application. I� so, vherA, and ci_rcumstances? No. " Zn an attempt to ensvze thaC committee zepresentation ze£lects the mak¢up of our co�unity, please check the line applicable to you. Tfiis is�.formation is strictly volroxxtary. Rhite (Caucaszan) Tiispanic ' - Black (A£rScan American) ,�_ ssiaa or Faci£ic Zslander _ Americaa Tndian oz Alaskan Hskimo X Hale Female Date o� Birth: 02/O1/67 Disabled: • Yes _ No X I£ spee4al accoffiaodations are needed, piease speci£y. None. Ho*J did yon hear about this opeaing? News Release TOTAL P.63 � .. �� ,�i , - . � H Blong B. Vang WOr'IENVtNIUKt IU OPP'SC� Ur' T�iE MAYOR � s90 czxs a�L Sr�I21`Z' k�AIIL, MIZINESOTA 55102 , 266-8525_" FAX: 266-8513 C��-$SS Home Addzess: 660 Char2es Avente 'St. Paul MN 55104 " - Stxeet Citp Zlp Telephone t7umber: (Home) (612) 227-0740 (ti7ozk) (612) 646-3&Q8 �EAX} 641-�223 Ylanning District Crnmcil: 7 City Coeuicil Aard• Preferza@ Xai2in� Address; Rhat i.s yovs occupation? Busi.ness Consul Place'of F�ploy�ent: WomenVenture co�iczee<s) Applied For: Pianning CommiSSions & Business Review Council ❑hat stills/training or ezperience do pov posse�s for the cocmittee(s) foz uhich you seek appointment? I received a B.A. in Biology from the University, of Minnesota. I�� qraduated £rom the LeadershiA Academy of Lakewood Communitv College �rogzam in 1996. I was a Soard Member of Planninq District�Council 7th and a Board Member af Greater Eresatown CDC in 1995 - 1996• I am currentiv on the Executive Committee of Board Director for MIAR (FoundeY & Chair by Mayor Sharo SayZes Beltoa). I was a student Senate and a vice-President ot International Student Organizatio at S 6tai:e liniversity in 1987 to Z988. I was a Youth Leadez, a Sunday School Director, and a Board Membex of Fixst- Hmong Church in 1989 to 1990. I am a member of Lao Fami],y Community Inc. T also own a.tax preparation business in Froqtown called Business &�ax Pro. � xhe istformatioa included in this app�ication is considered private data according to �he 2Sinnesota Govexment Data Xractices Aet_ A.s a result, th,5.s in£or.aation is not zeleased to the genezal pub7,i.c. (04ER� • ReP. 2;28/96 MAR-27-1997 10�44 ST PAUL MRYOR'S OFFICE 612 266 8513 P.03iO3 Address �� Yhone___ CHome) �ap Name: Phone: ($omel (Vorkl 2iame Add=ess Phone• (Home� f (VOrk) Reasons £or yovz interest in this particular co�mmi.tree:__ Ha��; nq a b,. i ne s in St Paul ha bro�aht b mv a tA t;�n � nat how dif icult we make the —�-� ess e�-��t-�e-��n bu�inesses to the citv We do some rgallv dumb th�ngs zgain and ac�,ain The motto"A new beQinnin " — anA tha cinrara bpliPf of ^ nnP atc� Sho ,p�lIIa" are AUY2 horse u we. an chan e all thi Have you had p�ev�o�s'con'taet cn.Ch Lhe eom�ittee for v�ick pou are nalcing spplication, xf so, vhen, and ciscwastances? °° �C}sz�stz� 'G � f�Pn�l „� u.P have i extensively about this committte. . Having just bouqht a building in � St.P. I needed Xou....only after all the BS did I hear ofp Tn an attempt to ensvse zhat coffi�,ttee regresentation xe£lects the makeup oE our coma�uaity, please check the �i.ne applicable to you. This information is strictlq valuntary. � idh3te (Caucasian) H3spanic B1ack (A£rican American) Asian or Pacifi.c Islandex Amexican Tndian or Alaskan 8skimo � Hale Petaale Date o£ Bir=h: 2' Z2r ��L Disabled: Yes No '� xf special accommodati.ons are needed, please specifp, Hov did you hear about this opening? TOTRL P.03 MPR-2?-199? 10�SZ 612 266 8513 99i P.03 �MRR-27-1997 0�44 ST PRUL MPYDR'S OFFICE 612 266 8513 _ P.02i�3 �� SAINfi PAIIL, MIN23ESOTA 55102 �;eL�f����, 266-8525_" FAX: 266-8513 Gl�j_�SS Naae: william x. Mason zzz �AY 13 t537 Hone Addzess: 400 Western Ave No: ' St. Paul MN �s���'������'''�G� Street . CiLy Zi Telephone 2�umber. [Home� 227-2135 (pork) 227-7000 .(EAX} ��� tiS�ti Plannin� Districz GoLmeil: � City Counci.l Gard: Pre£exred 2Sailing Addzess: 400 WeGtern Ave No T,7hat is qovx occupation? President CEO � Place'of E�ployment• Uncommon Conqlomerates Ine.. Go�sittee(s) ADplied Foz: St.Paul Business Review Counr_i1 Ahat sY.il.ls/training or eaparience do you possess �ox the committee(s) tor vhicn qou seek appointment? . Have had practical hands on experience of rnnninQ a successfnl business for over 40 pears Mv talants are in creativitv and nmblPm ��lvina_ T am an axnart 'in markPtina(think vrnir wav throucxh, before pavincx vour wav throuqh). I manaqe a _• multi-million dollar com�any. I can't stand,"It can't be done mentality" Fi crht- qraa�7 C��pl (fl tV-�� 1�'�S t��hPn mi SC -directed. I listen The itiformation ineluded in this application is conside=ed pri4ate dzta according to Lhe Hinnesota Gove�menc Daca Practices Act. As a resul'c, this informaLion zs not zeleased to the geneYal public. COVER) s Rev. 2/28/96 MRR-27-1997 10�52 612 266 8513 99i P.02 � � OS-14-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT � `1 - 8'S5 PAGE 1 COMMZTTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER 01J01/94 - APPLZCANT j REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE E2H GEI3 DZS 003208 Soston, Dr. Je£frey T. Boston Health Care Systems 563 Payne Avenue St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - �71-3578 FAX 7710869 CEO./Clinical Director Dr. Norman Siberberg 920 Lincoln Avenue h) 292-9508 Dr. Tim Runsey United Family Practice 545 W. 7th Street, 55102 w) 293-9199 Raymond Campbell 1294 Hewitt Avenue St. Paul h) 647-0800 003058 Brooks, James E. 1833 Fairmount Avenue St. Paul, MN 551�5 Aome - 698-3083 Editor Terrance Patrick O'Brien W) 297-5930 Michael McLaughlin 275 Summit St. Paul, MN Dan Flannagan H) 699-4414 003139 Cardinal, Robert J. 761 Iowa Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 771-3330 Busienss Broker DISTRICT DISTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 2 lfi �7J24/46 W M � 5 5 09/18/95 W M 02/26/96 W M Gary & Virgie Bundy 765 Iowa Avenue E., 55106 h) 774-0836 J 05-14-97 APPLICANTS.RPT °l'1- g COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 2 COMMITTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DAPE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -°----- --- --'- --- James & Corinne Fanslow 760 Iowa Ave. E., 55106 h) 771-7655 Ken & Marty Brainard 757 Iowa Ave. E., 55106 h) 771-0914 003212 Dario, Mel 2084 Lacrosse Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55119 Home - 738-8751 U of M Russ Miller ' 267 White Bear Avenue h) 774-6394 w) 738-2688 Frank Orsello 4916 He1mo Ave. N. Oakdale, MN h) 770-2804 w) 735-2797 Roger Forrester 5217 80th Ave. N. Brooklyn Park, MN h) 422-1388 w) 624^7006 003302 Engh, Jennifer 307 Ryan St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 227-9640 Asst. CommissionerfTax Policy Governor Arne Carlson 130 State Capitol Peter Gullette President Piper Trust Company 222 S. 9th St. Mp1s. w) 342-1840 6 2 2 9 07/26/96 W M 04f28/97 W F Joe Kingman St. Paul Foundation 600 Norwest Center , q�1- 8s5 OS-14-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 3 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 - APPLICANT / REFERE[3CE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON� ------------°----------------"---- --° -------- -------- °------ --- --- --- St_ Paul, MN 55101 w] 224-5463 003040 Harp, Reynald E-1401 First National Bank St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - 225-8104 Attorney Clayton Robinson Warren Spannus OS/23/95 B M 003152 Kvasnik, Renee R. 5 03/11/96 II F Kvasnik Photography and Frames Work - 698-0456 Co-Owner Photography Store 3-11-96 BRC--no references provided 003307 Mason, III, William H. 1 8 OS/13/97 W M 400 Western Avenue N. St. Paul, MN 55103 Aome - 227-2135 President and CEO None listed, except he said he heard about opening from Henry Crystal (who is current BR{C member) 003137 O'Neill, Jr., Patrick H. 02/20/96 W M Patrick H. O'Neill, Jr. Law 1500 Capitol Centre 386 N. Wabasha Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 Work - 222-5000 FAX 2221313 Attorney Joseph T. O'Neill 1250 World Trade Center w) 298-8300 003077 Ogiamien, Jonah I. 1 7 10/12/95 B M Jonah I. Ogiamien, Inc. 508 N. Snelling St. Paul, MN 55104 e OS-14-97 APPLICANTS.RPT �l`l - 8" 5 5 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 4 COMMITTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICAT20NS DATED AFTER O1/O1J94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER CAMMITTEES SERVING ON) ____ ________ __^_____ ________ ___ ___ ___ Work - 642-1413 EAX 6421315 Business Consultant Jonathan B. Oyinlove TCCR Ste. 107 220 5. Robert Street St. Pau1, MN 55107 h) 739-3239 w) 224-3788 Tom M. Moriarty 1146 Rice, 55117 h) 882-2080 w) 488-0562 Nghi Huynh Asian American Press 417 University Avenue, 55103 h) 644-0148 w) 224-6570 003151 Rasmussen, Diane K. Apt. 1 185 E. Thompson Ave. St. Paul, MN 55118 Home - 450-2322 Membership Coordinator YMCA Brigid Nault Midway YMCA, 55104 h) 426-2712 w) 646-4557 Tammy Abrahamson h) 447-6356 w) 646-4557 Crystelle Underdahl 410 E. Butler West St. Pau1, MN 55118 h) 457-7352 w) 738-16�0 003297 Vang, Blong B. 660 Charles Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 227-0740 Business Consultant 1 7 03/11/96 W F 04/23/97 AP M Kay Gudmested President of WomenVenture) Suite 200 , , ctcl _ $'S5 OS-14-97 APPLICAI3TS _ RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT � REFERENCE COMMENTS 2324 University Ave. St. Pau1� 55114 h) 928-9255 w� 646-3808 PAGE 5 WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ Joan Peterson Director of Leadership Academy at Lakewood Co{mmunity College 3300 Century Avenue White Bear Lake w) 773-1743 Michael Samuelson Exec. Dir. of Planning Council District 7 369 University Avenue St. Paul, MN 55103 w) 298-5068 003127 Von Yeast, Fritz 1858 Palace Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55105 Home - 699-9337 V.P. Sales & Marketing Scott Benson President Strategic Communications 2675 Hennepin Ave. S. Mpls., MN 55408 w) 825-4559 Kevin Atkinson President Digital MediaCOm 8934 Gould Road Eden Prairie, MN 55113 w) 581-1601 Leo Kim President Leo fCim Photography 800 Washington Ave. Mp1s., 55401 w) 338-3595 3 14 O1/12/96 W M Council File � Gi�l- 8` 55 Green Sheet # �� r^�^,; �9>.P i E ; ;_,° 1 `�-` i ? �' 3 f �v t°� Presented By Refetred To Com[nittee: Date � 1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appoinhnents and reappointments, 2 made by the Mayor, of the following-named individuals to serve on the BUSINE5S REVIEW COiJNCIL. 3 4 APPOINTMENTS 1'ERM EXPIRES 5 6 Blong Vang shall serve the remainder of April 1, 1998 � Kenneth Mihelich's unexpired term. a 9 William Mason, III shall serve the remainder of April 1, 1999 10 Kazen C1uisWfferson's unexpired term. 11 12 Jennifer Engh April 1, 2000 13 14 15 REAPPOINTMENTS 16 17 Michael P. Hernandez April 1, 2000 is 7ulie Hoff April 1, 2000 19 Johnny Howard April 1, 2000 2 o Steven Johnson April 1, 2000 z 1 Kathleen Laliberte April l, 2000 22 Mazk Moeller April 1, 2000 23 Rhonda Smieja April 1, 2000 24 25 2 6 Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date � `�� Adoption Certified by Council Se tary By: c�- Approved by Mayor: Date It� °1 �"' ' By: � RESOLUTION �,IlV'I' PAUL, NIINNESOTA Form Approved by City Attorney By: ��ii�l�i'// "� G �- `�U -97 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Cou By: ��—g55 DEAWTdENT#FlG�COUNGL DATE INITIATED � � S � � Mayor Coleman's Office 6-27-97 G RE EN SH EET CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INITIAVDqTE �NITIAWATE ODEPAflTMENTDIRECTOR QTYCOUNdI RO 0T CllTC1S 266-8531 A ���N QCITVATfORNEY OCITYCLERK MUST 8E ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) NUMBER FOR ❑ BUDGET DIAEL70R � F1N. 8 MGT. SEFiVICES DIR. ROUfING OADER � MAVOR (OR ASSISTAN'n O TOSAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 �CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED. Approval of appointments of Blong Vang; William Mason, III; & Jennifer Engh and reappointment of Michael Hernandez, Julie Hoff, Johnny Howard, Steven Johnson, Kathleen Laliberte, Mark Moeller and Rhonda Smieja to the Business Review Council. pECOMMENDA710N5: Approve (A) or Aeiect (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this person/firm ever worked untler a contract for this department? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO _ S7AFF 2 Has this personfirm ever bee� a ciry employee? — YES NO _ DISTRICi COUR7 _ 3. Does this personHirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current cily employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNdL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attaeh to green Sheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Wha. What, When, Where. Why)� ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED �{{31L� . 4de�ii ! AJ4�,s!'���y� JUi� 3 €� l��d" _,.�., � DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: TO7AL AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION $ COST/HEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAI INFORHiATION (EXPU+IN) clr�-$SS Interdepartmental Memorandum QTY OF SAIIVT PAUL TO: Saint Paul City Councilmem6ers Council President Dave Thune Councilmember 3erry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Joseph Cdlins Counci]member Mike Harris Councilmember Gladys Morton Councilmember Roberta Megazd FROM: DATE: � Roger C. Curtis l�C- Assistant to the Mayor June 30, 1997 ,_.,.:..,.........:.:.,.............. .. ........:. ..:..., ..,:.....,...:_........,....:.:...... I3�3SI1�ESS.RE�T�E� �i3Il1YGII::t1T';PQI1�,',�'NIEI�t'S Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointments and reappointments of the following individuals to serve on the Business Review Council. Blong Vang will serve the remainder of Kenneth Mihelich's unexpired term. This term eacpires April 1, 1998. William Mason, III will serve the remainder of Kazen Christofferson's unexpired term. This terxn exp'ues April 1, 1999. Jennifer Engh will serve a three-yeaz term that expires April 1, 2000. REAPPOINTMENTS Michael Hemandez Julie Hoff Johnny Howard Steven Johnson Kathleen Laliberte Mazk Mceller Rhonda Smieja Attached is a copy of the resolution recommending these individuals, copies of the new appointees' applications and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January 1, 1994. RCC:drm Attachments c: Nancy Andersoq Council Reseazch Troy Gilbertson, LIEP Robert Kessler, LIEP COf1ISH. REVENU TEL�612 ...ii utwu 2�1 n_ � SI�Z2IT 1'AIIL� MINNESOTA ?J ✓ '' 266-8525<" FAX: x�e: �l�n��'�;- �lt . Home Address: �� � Street Rpr 28 9r 55102 266-8513 9�02 �10.003 �.�� �I�,-gS5 � � �� ��� . Ci.ty n2ti s� rv z _ Zip Telephone 2iumber: _ (Home) �� �� ��`� � fAork) c�� J�� 2 - .(PAX) ��- �0�, Planning Distri.ct Gouncil: � � City Council Aard; ;� �� Yreferred Hai.l.ing Address: (t�'t-2 � A�� rsl� �., _ L7hat is your occupation7 ,U/�S)87l�d� � �� _�I-I"l<U/ Place�o£ E�ploynent: Comittee(s) Applied For: ��Q-ta s� /. Ahat sY.ills/training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for vhich qou se_k appointment? , ����e�! She in£otcation included in this application is considezed private data aecording to c?:e 25innesota Govezment Data P=actices Act. As a result, this in£orT�ztion is rot releaszc co the general public. (p7Eg) Rev. 2i?8/96 COMISH. REVENUE Naac TEL�612-297-5309 Hpr 28 97 ��b� No.UU3 N.U� Address ��� ��� ( LD/L//�d� Phonc: (t f�lork) Name: �,G:fCQ (�(/��C.L'L�, z � Address �a� So ° 1 ��� ��s Phone: (Home) (STork) � 7� - �0 7"� Name: Addre Phone; (Home) (VOrkl .�� Reasons �or your interest in this particular comittee:_ G.�t%2�"�� Have yo¢ had preaious contact vith the committee for which qou are making application. TE so, vhen, and circumstances? In an attempt to ensvse that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. V S:hite (Caucasian) Hispr.nic B2ack (African American) Asian or Paci�ic Islander American Ind3an or Alaskan Eskimo 2iale � �� _[�_ Female Date of Birth: _ Z� �-� / � Disabled: Yes No �� If special accomaodations are needed, p2ease specify. Hov did you hear about this opening7 r�,%���Pz CONIISH. RtVtNUt Apri125, 1997 TO: l'ROM: KE: iEL�612-297-5309 �,,_� L8 9( y�UJ NO.OUJ F'.u-- �1� r� 7'im Marx Jenny L gh. � " J Application for Cily hoards Thanks for forwarding thc application materials for city 6oard openings. 1 received it on'1'uesday of this wcck, bul found it 1'riday in my mail (tax committce week, you know). Anyway, l think the dcadline may have been April 23rd, but I hope 1 can still bc considered. I am particularly interested in �hrcc of thc bo�rds: Thc }3usiness f2cview Council, tl�c Planning Commission and thc Saint Paut Rivcrfront Corporation. ] f�e1 that I am particutar4y quafified for these thrcc boards with my exocricnce both .� ornin_ at Ihc I,egislamre (1985-19R7) and as Ucpury Commissioner for thc Mmncsota Uepartment of Tradc �nd Economic Development (D7'IsU) (1991-1�I9G). During my tenure at DTT:D, 1 worked closcly wiih ihc Ciry of St. Paal on �everal budget and capital budget requests, including developing and starting the Urban Initiative fund, Minnesota Job Skills Parinership programs, ti�e Science Museum bonding requests, and other business location/rclocation proiects and tourism projects. 1 have workcd closely wilh hEU {Larry Bucgler) and the Port Authority (Ken Johnson and Lzurie Lauder} and understand thc Mayor's vision for St. Paul, tha riverfro�it aitid fuiure development effor(s. I am very familiar �vith the City's one-stop business effa7s and also with the various ncighborhood devetopment groups. St. Paul and the St. Paul Neighborhood llevelopment gro�ps (WIND-NllC in p2rticular) were particularly active and hclpful in helping DTBD start and makc the llrban laitiative Loan fund succcssful. At the l,egislature I served as thc fiscal nnalyst for lhe State Government division of ihe then-2lousc Appropriations committee, I have � working knowledge of governmcnt budgcis and public Gnancing, as wcll as civi! servicelpersonnel requirements and legislative/ciry parltterships. All ot'these experiences pointed me toward applying for one of the three committees I have listed. 1 have lived in SC. Paul since ] rcturned from Washington, D.C. in 1485. I hope you and tHe Mayor can considcr my application and please do not hesiiate to contact mc if you have aiiy qucstions or need funher information. My pager is 534-9010. Thank you Sor yous consideration. [//�'I /%�L[ �2l�yr/ ' % /J / c L�z<- L?�cGP��f tt,�v f/ �' �L�/J"<-!'� A�R-23-1997 12�23 FROM WOMENVENTURE TO 2668513 P.03 iu«uvlv,aY iV:LLALI��sLJ Name � Add=ess- 2324 University Avenue. Suite 200, St. Paul, MN 55114 Yhone: (Home� �512} 928-9255 Caork) (6Z2? 646-3808 i _ Name: 3oan Peterson (Director of LeadersBip Academy at Lakewood Comm. College) 3300 Avenue, North White Bear Lake Phone:_�_ (Home) Cvork) (612) 773-2743 Name Samuelson (Executive Director of P 369 University Avenue, St. Paul, MN SS?Q3 � Counsel District 7th) Phone:� (Home) '(Aozk) (612) 298^5068 Reasons £os youz interest in thi.s particulaz committee: A5 an AmeziCan citi.zen with a Sou$hEast Asian zoots living in the city of St. Paul, I want to bring in the issues and persp o a d groups o£ people into the table hoping to benefit the local goveznment and St. Paul residents. I want to contribute mp efforts to my local community in making it a better pla�e to e. Have you lxad previans contact with the committ¢e for trhich pou aze making application. I� so, vherA, and ci_rcumstances? No. " Zn an attempt to ensvze thaC committee zepresentation ze£lects the mak¢up of our co�unity, please check the line applicable to you. Tfiis is�.formation is strictly volroxxtary. Rhite (Caucaszan) Tiispanic ' - Black (A£rScan American) ,�_ ssiaa or Faci£ic Zslander _ Americaa Tndian oz Alaskan Hskimo X Hale Female Date o� Birth: 02/O1/67 Disabled: • Yes _ No X I£ spee4al accoffiaodations are needed, piease speci£y. None. Ho*J did yon hear about this opeaing? News Release TOTAL P.63 � .. �� ,�i , - . � H Blong B. Vang WOr'IENVtNIUKt IU OPP'SC� Ur' T�iE MAYOR � s90 czxs a�L Sr�I21`Z' k�AIIL, MIZINESOTA 55102 , 266-8525_" FAX: 266-8513 C��-$SS Home Addzess: 660 Char2es Avente 'St. Paul MN 55104 " - Stxeet Citp Zlp Telephone t7umber: (Home) (612) 227-0740 (ti7ozk) (612) 646-3&Q8 �EAX} 641-�223 Ylanning District Crnmcil: 7 City Coeuicil Aard• Preferza@ Xai2in� Address; Rhat i.s yovs occupation? Busi.ness Consul Place'of F�ploy�ent: WomenVenture co�iczee<s) Applied For: Pianning CommiSSions & Business Review Council ❑hat stills/training or ezperience do pov posse�s for the cocmittee(s) foz uhich you seek appointment? I received a B.A. in Biology from the University, of Minnesota. I�� qraduated £rom the LeadershiA Academy of Lakewood Communitv College �rogzam in 1996. I was a Soard Member of Planninq District�Council 7th and a Board Member af Greater Eresatown CDC in 1995 - 1996• I am currentiv on the Executive Committee of Board Director for MIAR (FoundeY & Chair by Mayor Sharo SayZes Beltoa). I was a student Senate and a vice-President ot International Student Organizatio at S 6tai:e liniversity in 1987 to Z988. I was a Youth Leadez, a Sunday School Director, and a Board Membex of Fixst- Hmong Church in 1989 to 1990. I am a member of Lao Fami],y Community Inc. T also own a.tax preparation business in Froqtown called Business &�ax Pro. � xhe istformatioa included in this app�ication is considered private data according to �he 2Sinnesota Govexment Data Xractices Aet_ A.s a result, th,5.s in£or.aation is not zeleased to the genezal pub7,i.c. (04ER� • ReP. 2;28/96 MAR-27-1997 10�44 ST PAUL MRYOR'S OFFICE 612 266 8513 P.03iO3 Address �� Yhone___ CHome) �ap Name: Phone: ($omel (Vorkl 2iame Add=ess Phone• (Home� f (VOrk) Reasons £or yovz interest in this particular co�mmi.tree:__ Ha��; nq a b,. i ne s in St Paul ha bro�aht b mv a tA t;�n � nat how dif icult we make the —�-� ess e�-��t-�e-��n bu�inesses to the citv We do some rgallv dumb th�ngs zgain and ac�,ain The motto"A new beQinnin " — anA tha cinrara bpliPf of ^ nnP atc� Sho ,p�lIIa" are AUY2 horse u we. an chan e all thi Have you had p�ev�o�s'con'taet cn.Ch Lhe eom�ittee for v�ick pou are nalcing spplication, xf so, vhen, and ciscwastances? °° �C}sz�stz� 'G � f�Pn�l „� u.P have i extensively about this committte. . Having just bouqht a building in � St.P. I needed Xou....only after all the BS did I hear ofp Tn an attempt to ensvse zhat coffi�,ttee regresentation xe£lects the makeup oE our coma�uaity, please check the �i.ne applicable to you. This information is strictlq valuntary. � idh3te (Caucasian) H3spanic B1ack (A£rican American) Asian or Pacifi.c Islandex Amexican Tndian or Alaskan 8skimo � Hale Petaale Date o£ Bir=h: 2' Z2r ��L Disabled: Yes No '� xf special accommodati.ons are needed, please specifp, Hov did you hear about this opening? TOTRL P.03 MPR-2?-199? 10�SZ 612 266 8513 99i P.03 �MRR-27-1997 0�44 ST PRUL MPYDR'S OFFICE 612 266 8513 _ P.02i�3 �� SAINfi PAIIL, MIN23ESOTA 55102 �;eL�f����, 266-8525_" FAX: 266-8513 Gl�j_�SS Naae: william x. Mason zzz �AY 13 t537 Hone Addzess: 400 Western Ave No: ' St. Paul MN �s���'������'''�G� Street . CiLy Zi Telephone 2�umber. [Home� 227-2135 (pork) 227-7000 .(EAX} ��� tiS�ti Plannin� Districz GoLmeil: � City Counci.l Gard: Pre£exred 2Sailing Addzess: 400 WeGtern Ave No T,7hat is qovx occupation? President CEO � Place'of E�ployment• Uncommon Conqlomerates Ine.. Go�sittee(s) ADplied Foz: St.Paul Business Review Counr_i1 Ahat sY.il.ls/training or eaparience do you possess �ox the committee(s) tor vhicn qou seek appointment? . Have had practical hands on experience of rnnninQ a successfnl business for over 40 pears Mv talants are in creativitv and nmblPm ��lvina_ T am an axnart 'in markPtina(think vrnir wav throucxh, before pavincx vour wav throuqh). I manaqe a _• multi-million dollar com�any. I can't stand,"It can't be done mentality" Fi crht- qraa�7 C��pl (fl tV-�� 1�'�S t��hPn mi SC -directed. I listen The itiformation ineluded in this application is conside=ed pri4ate dzta according to Lhe Hinnesota Gove�menc Daca Practices Act. As a resul'c, this informaLion zs not zeleased to the geneYal public. COVER) s Rev. 2/28/96 MRR-27-1997 10�52 612 266 8513 99i P.02 � � OS-14-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT � `1 - 8'S5 PAGE 1 COMMZTTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER 01J01/94 - APPLZCANT j REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE E2H GEI3 DZS 003208 Soston, Dr. Je£frey T. Boston Health Care Systems 563 Payne Avenue St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - �71-3578 FAX 7710869 CEO./Clinical Director Dr. Norman Siberberg 920 Lincoln Avenue h) 292-9508 Dr. Tim Runsey United Family Practice 545 W. 7th Street, 55102 w) 293-9199 Raymond Campbell 1294 Hewitt Avenue St. Paul h) 647-0800 003058 Brooks, James E. 1833 Fairmount Avenue St. Paul, MN 551�5 Aome - 698-3083 Editor Terrance Patrick O'Brien W) 297-5930 Michael McLaughlin 275 Summit St. Paul, MN Dan Flannagan H) 699-4414 003139 Cardinal, Robert J. 761 Iowa Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 771-3330 Busienss Broker DISTRICT DISTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 2 lfi �7J24/46 W M � 5 5 09/18/95 W M 02/26/96 W M Gary & Virgie Bundy 765 Iowa Avenue E., 55106 h) 774-0836 J 05-14-97 APPLICANTS.RPT °l'1- g COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 2 COMMITTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DAPE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -°----- --- --'- --- James & Corinne Fanslow 760 Iowa Ave. E., 55106 h) 771-7655 Ken & Marty Brainard 757 Iowa Ave. E., 55106 h) 771-0914 003212 Dario, Mel 2084 Lacrosse Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55119 Home - 738-8751 U of M Russ Miller ' 267 White Bear Avenue h) 774-6394 w) 738-2688 Frank Orsello 4916 He1mo Ave. N. Oakdale, MN h) 770-2804 w) 735-2797 Roger Forrester 5217 80th Ave. N. Brooklyn Park, MN h) 422-1388 w) 624^7006 003302 Engh, Jennifer 307 Ryan St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 227-9640 Asst. CommissionerfTax Policy Governor Arne Carlson 130 State Capitol Peter Gullette President Piper Trust Company 222 S. 9th St. Mp1s. w) 342-1840 6 2 2 9 07/26/96 W M 04f28/97 W F Joe Kingman St. Paul Foundation 600 Norwest Center , q�1- 8s5 OS-14-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 3 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 - APPLICANT / REFERE[3CE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON� ------------°----------------"---- --° -------- -------- °------ --- --- --- St_ Paul, MN 55101 w] 224-5463 003040 Harp, Reynald E-1401 First National Bank St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - 225-8104 Attorney Clayton Robinson Warren Spannus OS/23/95 B M 003152 Kvasnik, Renee R. 5 03/11/96 II F Kvasnik Photography and Frames Work - 698-0456 Co-Owner Photography Store 3-11-96 BRC--no references provided 003307 Mason, III, William H. 1 8 OS/13/97 W M 400 Western Avenue N. St. Paul, MN 55103 Aome - 227-2135 President and CEO None listed, except he said he heard about opening from Henry Crystal (who is current BR{C member) 003137 O'Neill, Jr., Patrick H. 02/20/96 W M Patrick H. O'Neill, Jr. Law 1500 Capitol Centre 386 N. Wabasha Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 Work - 222-5000 FAX 2221313 Attorney Joseph T. O'Neill 1250 World Trade Center w) 298-8300 003077 Ogiamien, Jonah I. 1 7 10/12/95 B M Jonah I. Ogiamien, Inc. 508 N. Snelling St. Paul, MN 55104 e OS-14-97 APPLICANTS.RPT �l`l - 8" 5 5 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 4 COMMITTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICAT20NS DATED AFTER O1/O1J94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER CAMMITTEES SERVING ON) ____ ________ __^_____ ________ ___ ___ ___ Work - 642-1413 EAX 6421315 Business Consultant Jonathan B. Oyinlove TCCR Ste. 107 220 5. Robert Street St. Pau1, MN 55107 h) 739-3239 w) 224-3788 Tom M. Moriarty 1146 Rice, 55117 h) 882-2080 w) 488-0562 Nghi Huynh Asian American Press 417 University Avenue, 55103 h) 644-0148 w) 224-6570 003151 Rasmussen, Diane K. Apt. 1 185 E. Thompson Ave. St. Paul, MN 55118 Home - 450-2322 Membership Coordinator YMCA Brigid Nault Midway YMCA, 55104 h) 426-2712 w) 646-4557 Tammy Abrahamson h) 447-6356 w) 646-4557 Crystelle Underdahl 410 E. Butler West St. Pau1, MN 55118 h) 457-7352 w) 738-16�0 003297 Vang, Blong B. 660 Charles Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 227-0740 Business Consultant 1 7 03/11/96 W F 04/23/97 AP M Kay Gudmested President of WomenVenture) Suite 200 , , ctcl _ $'S5 OS-14-97 APPLICAI3TS _ RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT � REFERENCE COMMENTS 2324 University Ave. St. Pau1� 55114 h) 928-9255 w� 646-3808 PAGE 5 WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ Joan Peterson Director of Leadership Academy at Lakewood Co{mmunity College 3300 Century Avenue White Bear Lake w) 773-1743 Michael Samuelson Exec. Dir. of Planning Council District 7 369 University Avenue St. Paul, MN 55103 w) 298-5068 003127 Von Yeast, Fritz 1858 Palace Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55105 Home - 699-9337 V.P. Sales & Marketing Scott Benson President Strategic Communications 2675 Hennepin Ave. S. Mpls., MN 55408 w) 825-4559 Kevin Atkinson President Digital MediaCOm 8934 Gould Road Eden Prairie, MN 55113 w) 581-1601 Leo Kim President Leo fCim Photography 800 Washington Ave. Mp1s., 55401 w) 338-3595 3 14 O1/12/96 W M Council File � Gi�l- 8` 55 Green Sheet # �� r^�^,; �9>.P i E ; ;_,° 1 `�-` i ? �' 3 f �v t°� Presented By Refetred To Com[nittee: Date � 1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appoinhnents and reappointments, 2 made by the Mayor, of the following-named individuals to serve on the BUSINE5S REVIEW COiJNCIL. 3 4 APPOINTMENTS 1'ERM EXPIRES 5 6 Blong Vang shall serve the remainder of April 1, 1998 � Kenneth Mihelich's unexpired term. a 9 William Mason, III shall serve the remainder of April 1, 1999 10 Kazen C1uisWfferson's unexpired term. 11 12 Jennifer Engh April 1, 2000 13 14 15 REAPPOINTMENTS 16 17 Michael P. Hernandez April 1, 2000 is 7ulie Hoff April 1, 2000 19 Johnny Howard April 1, 2000 2 o Steven Johnson April 1, 2000 z 1 Kathleen Laliberte April l, 2000 22 Mazk Moeller April 1, 2000 23 Rhonda Smieja April 1, 2000 24 25 2 6 Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date � `�� Adoption Certified by Council Se tary By: c�- Approved by Mayor: Date It� °1 �"' ' By: � RESOLUTION �,IlV'I' PAUL, NIINNESOTA Form Approved by City Attorney By: ��ii�l�i'// "� G �- `�U -97 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Cou By: ��—g55 DEAWTdENT#FlG�COUNGL DATE INITIATED � � S � � Mayor Coleman's Office 6-27-97 G RE EN SH EET CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INITIAVDqTE �NITIAWATE ODEPAflTMENTDIRECTOR QTYCOUNdI RO 0T CllTC1S 266-8531 A ���N QCITVATfORNEY OCITYCLERK MUST 8E ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) NUMBER FOR ❑ BUDGET DIAEL70R � F1N. 8 MGT. SEFiVICES DIR. ROUfING OADER � MAVOR (OR ASSISTAN'n O TOSAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 �CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED. Approval of appointments of Blong Vang; William Mason, III; & Jennifer Engh and reappointment of Michael Hernandez, Julie Hoff, Johnny Howard, Steven Johnson, Kathleen Laliberte, Mark Moeller and Rhonda Smieja to the Business Review Council. pECOMMENDA710N5: Approve (A) or Aeiect (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this person/firm ever worked untler a contract for this department? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO _ S7AFF 2 Has this personfirm ever bee� a ciry employee? — YES NO _ DISTRICi COUR7 _ 3. Does this personHirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current cily employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNdL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attaeh to green Sheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Wha. What, When, Where. Why)� ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED �{{31L� . 4de�ii ! AJ4�,s!'���y� JUi� 3 €� l��d" _,.�., � DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: TO7AL AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION $ COST/HEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAI INFORHiATION (EXPU+IN) clr�-$SS Interdepartmental Memorandum QTY OF SAIIVT PAUL TO: Saint Paul City Councilmem6ers Council President Dave Thune Councilmember 3erry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Joseph Cdlins Counci]member Mike Harris Councilmember Gladys Morton Councilmember Roberta Megazd FROM: DATE: � Roger C. Curtis l�C- Assistant to the Mayor June 30, 1997 ,_.,.:..,.........:.:.,.............. .. ........:. ..:..., ..,:.....,...:_........,....:.:...... I3�3SI1�ESS.RE�T�E� �i3Il1YGII::t1T';PQI1�,',�'NIEI�t'S Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointments and reappointments of the following individuals to serve on the Business Review Council. Blong Vang will serve the remainder of Kenneth Mihelich's unexpired term. This term eacpires April 1, 1998. William Mason, III will serve the remainder of Kazen Christofferson's unexpired term. This terxn exp'ues April 1, 1999. Jennifer Engh will serve a three-yeaz term that expires April 1, 2000. REAPPOINTMENTS Michael Hemandez Julie Hoff Johnny Howard Steven Johnson Kathleen Laliberte Mazk Mceller Rhonda Smieja Attached is a copy of the resolution recommending these individuals, copies of the new appointees' applications and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January 1, 1994. RCC:drm Attachments c: Nancy Andersoq Council Reseazch Troy Gilbertson, LIEP Robert Kessler, LIEP COf1ISH. REVENU TEL�612 ...ii utwu 2�1 n_ � SI�Z2IT 1'AIIL� MINNESOTA ?J ✓ '' 266-8525<" FAX: x�e: �l�n��'�;- �lt . Home Address: �� � Street Rpr 28 9r 55102 266-8513 9�02 �10.003 �.�� �I�,-gS5 � � �� ��� . Ci.ty n2ti s� rv z _ Zip Telephone 2iumber: _ (Home) �� �� ��`� � fAork) c�� J�� 2 - .(PAX) ��- �0�, Planning Distri.ct Gouncil: � � City Council Aard; ;� �� Yreferred Hai.l.ing Address: (t�'t-2 � A�� rsl� �., _ L7hat is your occupation7 ,U/�S)87l�d� � �� _�I-I"l<U/ Place�o£ E�ploynent: Comittee(s) Applied For: ��Q-ta s� /. Ahat sY.ills/training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for vhich qou se_k appointment? , ����e�! She in£otcation included in this application is considezed private data aecording to c?:e 25innesota Govezment Data P=actices Act. As a result, this in£orT�ztion is rot releaszc co the general public. (p7Eg) Rev. 2i?8/96 COMISH. REVENUE Naac TEL�612-297-5309 Hpr 28 97 ��b� No.UU3 N.U� Address ��� ��� ( LD/L//�d� Phonc: (t f�lork) Name: �,G:fCQ (�(/��C.L'L�, z � Address �a� So ° 1 ��� ��s Phone: (Home) (STork) � 7� - �0 7"� Name: Addre Phone; (Home) (VOrkl .�� Reasons �or your interest in this particular comittee:_ G.�t%2�"�� Have yo¢ had preaious contact vith the committee for which qou are making application. TE so, vhen, and circumstances? In an attempt to ensvse that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. V S:hite (Caucasian) Hispr.nic B2ack (African American) Asian or Paci�ic Islander American Ind3an or Alaskan Eskimo 2iale � �� _[�_ Female Date of Birth: _ Z� �-� / � Disabled: Yes No �� If special accomaodations are needed, p2ease specify. Hov did you hear about this opening7 r�,%���Pz CONIISH. RtVtNUt Apri125, 1997 TO: l'ROM: KE: iEL�612-297-5309 �,,_� L8 9( y�UJ NO.OUJ F'.u-- �1� r� 7'im Marx Jenny L gh. � " J Application for Cily hoards Thanks for forwarding thc application materials for city 6oard openings. 1 received it on'1'uesday of this wcck, bul found it 1'riday in my mail (tax committce week, you know). Anyway, l think the dcadline may have been April 23rd, but I hope 1 can still bc considered. I am particularly interested in �hrcc of thc bo�rds: Thc }3usiness f2cview Council, tl�c Planning Commission and thc Saint Paut Rivcrfront Corporation. ] f�e1 that I am particutar4y quafified for these thrcc boards with my exocricnce both .� ornin_ at Ihc I,egislamre (1985-19R7) and as Ucpury Commissioner for thc Mmncsota Uepartment of Tradc �nd Economic Development (D7'IsU) (1991-1�I9G). During my tenure at DTT:D, 1 worked closcly wiih ihc Ciry of St. Paal on �everal budget and capital budget requests, including developing and starting the Urban Initiative fund, Minnesota Job Skills Parinership programs, ti�e Science Museum bonding requests, and other business location/rclocation proiects and tourism projects. 1 have workcd closely wilh hEU {Larry Bucgler) and the Port Authority (Ken Johnson and Lzurie Lauder} and understand thc Mayor's vision for St. Paul, tha riverfro�it aitid fuiure development effor(s. I am very familiar �vith the City's one-stop business effa7s and also with the various ncighborhood devetopment groups. St. Paul and the St. Paul Neighborhood llevelopment gro�ps (WIND-NllC in p2rticular) were particularly active and hclpful in helping DTBD start and makc the llrban laitiative Loan fund succcssful. At the l,egislature I served as thc fiscal nnalyst for lhe State Government division of ihe then-2lousc Appropriations committee, I have � working knowledge of governmcnt budgcis and public Gnancing, as wcll as civi! servicelpersonnel requirements and legislative/ciry parltterships. All ot'these experiences pointed me toward applying for one of the three committees I have listed. 1 have lived in SC. Paul since ] rcturned from Washington, D.C. in 1485. I hope you and tHe Mayor can considcr my application and please do not hesiiate to contact mc if you have aiiy qucstions or need funher information. My pager is 534-9010. Thank you Sor yous consideration. [//�'I /%�L[ �2l�yr/ ' % /J / c L�z<- L?�cGP��f tt,�v f/ �' �L�/J"<-!'� A�R-23-1997 12�23 FROM WOMENVENTURE TO 2668513 P.03 iu«uvlv,aY iV:LLALI��sLJ Name � Add=ess- 2324 University Avenue. Suite 200, St. Paul, MN 55114 Yhone: (Home� �512} 928-9255 Caork) (6Z2? 646-3808 i _ Name: 3oan Peterson (Director of LeadersBip Academy at Lakewood Comm. College) 3300 Avenue, North White Bear Lake Phone:_�_ (Home) Cvork) (612) 773-2743 Name Samuelson (Executive Director of P 369 University Avenue, St. Paul, MN SS?Q3 � Counsel District 7th) Phone:� (Home) '(Aozk) (612) 298^5068 Reasons £os youz interest in thi.s particulaz committee: A5 an AmeziCan citi.zen with a Sou$hEast Asian zoots living in the city of St. Paul, I want to bring in the issues and persp o a d groups o£ people into the table hoping to benefit the local goveznment and St. Paul residents. I want to contribute mp efforts to my local community in making it a better pla�e to e. Have you lxad previans contact with the committ¢e for trhich pou aze making application. I� so, vherA, and ci_rcumstances? No. " Zn an attempt to ensvze thaC committee zepresentation ze£lects the mak¢up of our co�unity, please check the line applicable to you. Tfiis is�.formation is strictly volroxxtary. Rhite (Caucaszan) Tiispanic ' - Black (A£rScan American) ,�_ ssiaa or Faci£ic Zslander _ Americaa Tndian oz Alaskan Hskimo X Hale Female Date o� Birth: 02/O1/67 Disabled: • Yes _ No X I£ spee4al accoffiaodations are needed, piease speci£y. None. Ho*J did yon hear about this opeaing? News Release TOTAL P.63 � .. �� ,�i , - . � H Blong B. Vang WOr'IENVtNIUKt IU OPP'SC� Ur' T�iE MAYOR � s90 czxs a�L Sr�I21`Z' k�AIIL, MIZINESOTA 55102 , 266-8525_" FAX: 266-8513 C��-$SS Home Addzess: 660 Char2es Avente 'St. Paul MN 55104 " - Stxeet Citp Zlp Telephone t7umber: (Home) (612) 227-0740 (ti7ozk) (612) 646-3&Q8 �EAX} 641-�223 Ylanning District Crnmcil: 7 City Coeuicil Aard• Preferza@ Xai2in� Address; Rhat i.s yovs occupation? Busi.ness Consul Place'of F�ploy�ent: WomenVenture co�iczee<s) Applied For: Pianning CommiSSions & Business Review Council ❑hat stills/training or ezperience do pov posse�s for the cocmittee(s) foz uhich you seek appointment? I received a B.A. in Biology from the University, of Minnesota. I�� qraduated £rom the LeadershiA Academy of Lakewood Communitv College �rogzam in 1996. I was a Soard Member of Planninq District�Council 7th and a Board Member af Greater Eresatown CDC in 1995 - 1996• I am currentiv on the Executive Committee of Board Director for MIAR (FoundeY & Chair by Mayor Sharo SayZes Beltoa). I was a student Senate and a vice-President ot International Student Organizatio at S 6tai:e liniversity in 1987 to Z988. I was a Youth Leadez, a Sunday School Director, and a Board Membex of Fixst- Hmong Church in 1989 to 1990. I am a member of Lao Fami],y Community Inc. T also own a.tax preparation business in Froqtown called Business &�ax Pro. � xhe istformatioa included in this app�ication is considered private data according to �he 2Sinnesota Govexment Data Xractices Aet_ A.s a result, th,5.s in£or.aation is not zeleased to the genezal pub7,i.c. (04ER� • ReP. 2;28/96 MAR-27-1997 10�44 ST PAUL MRYOR'S OFFICE 612 266 8513 P.03iO3 Address �� Yhone___ CHome) �ap Name: Phone: ($omel (Vorkl 2iame Add=ess Phone• (Home� f (VOrk) Reasons £or yovz interest in this particular co�mmi.tree:__ Ha��; nq a b,. i ne s in St Paul ha bro�aht b mv a tA t;�n � nat how dif icult we make the —�-� ess e�-��t-�e-��n bu�inesses to the citv We do some rgallv dumb th�ngs zgain and ac�,ain The motto"A new beQinnin " — anA tha cinrara bpliPf of ^ nnP atc� Sho ,p�lIIa" are AUY2 horse u we. an chan e all thi Have you had p�ev�o�s'con'taet cn.Ch Lhe eom�ittee for v�ick pou are nalcing spplication, xf so, vhen, and ciscwastances? °° �C}sz�stz� 'G � f�Pn�l „� u.P have i extensively about this committte. . Having just bouqht a building in � St.P. I needed Xou....only after all the BS did I hear ofp Tn an attempt to ensvse zhat coffi�,ttee regresentation xe£lects the makeup oE our coma�uaity, please check the �i.ne applicable to you. This information is strictlq valuntary. � idh3te (Caucasian) H3spanic B1ack (A£rican American) Asian or Pacifi.c Islandex Amexican Tndian or Alaskan 8skimo � Hale Petaale Date o£ Bir=h: 2' Z2r ��L Disabled: Yes No '� xf special accommodati.ons are needed, please specifp, Hov did you hear about this opening? TOTRL P.03 MPR-2?-199? 10�SZ 612 266 8513 99i P.03 �MRR-27-1997 0�44 ST PRUL MPYDR'S OFFICE 612 266 8513 _ P.02i�3 �� SAINfi PAIIL, MIN23ESOTA 55102 �;eL�f����, 266-8525_" FAX: 266-8513 Gl�j_�SS Naae: william x. Mason zzz �AY 13 t537 Hone Addzess: 400 Western Ave No: ' St. Paul MN �s���'������'''�G� Street . CiLy Zi Telephone 2�umber. [Home� 227-2135 (pork) 227-7000 .(EAX} ��� tiS�ti Plannin� Districz GoLmeil: � City Counci.l Gard: Pre£exred 2Sailing Addzess: 400 WeGtern Ave No T,7hat is qovx occupation? President CEO � Place'of E�ployment• Uncommon Conqlomerates Ine.. Go�sittee(s) ADplied Foz: St.Paul Business Review Counr_i1 Ahat sY.il.ls/training or eaparience do you possess �ox the committee(s) tor vhicn qou seek appointment? . Have had practical hands on experience of rnnninQ a successfnl business for over 40 pears Mv talants are in creativitv and nmblPm ��lvina_ T am an axnart 'in markPtina(think vrnir wav throucxh, before pavincx vour wav throuqh). I manaqe a _• multi-million dollar com�any. I can't stand,"It can't be done mentality" Fi crht- qraa�7 C��pl (fl tV-�� 1�'�S t��hPn mi SC -directed. I listen The itiformation ineluded in this application is conside=ed pri4ate dzta according to Lhe Hinnesota Gove�menc Daca Practices Act. As a resul'c, this informaLion zs not zeleased to the geneYal public. COVER) s Rev. 2/28/96 MRR-27-1997 10�52 612 266 8513 99i P.02 � � OS-14-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT � `1 - 8'S5 PAGE 1 COMMZTTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER 01J01/94 - APPLZCANT j REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE E2H GEI3 DZS 003208 Soston, Dr. Je£frey T. Boston Health Care Systems 563 Payne Avenue St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - �71-3578 FAX 7710869 CEO./Clinical Director Dr. Norman Siberberg 920 Lincoln Avenue h) 292-9508 Dr. Tim Runsey United Family Practice 545 W. 7th Street, 55102 w) 293-9199 Raymond Campbell 1294 Hewitt Avenue St. Paul h) 647-0800 003058 Brooks, James E. 1833 Fairmount Avenue St. Paul, MN 551�5 Aome - 698-3083 Editor Terrance Patrick O'Brien W) 297-5930 Michael McLaughlin 275 Summit St. Paul, MN Dan Flannagan H) 699-4414 003139 Cardinal, Robert J. 761 Iowa Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 771-3330 Busienss Broker DISTRICT DISTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 2 lfi �7J24/46 W M � 5 5 09/18/95 W M 02/26/96 W M Gary & Virgie Bundy 765 Iowa Avenue E., 55106 h) 774-0836 J 05-14-97 APPLICANTS.RPT °l'1- g COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 2 COMMITTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DAPE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -°----- --- --'- --- James & Corinne Fanslow 760 Iowa Ave. E., 55106 h) 771-7655 Ken & Marty Brainard 757 Iowa Ave. E., 55106 h) 771-0914 003212 Dario, Mel 2084 Lacrosse Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55119 Home - 738-8751 U of M Russ Miller ' 267 White Bear Avenue h) 774-6394 w) 738-2688 Frank Orsello 4916 He1mo Ave. N. Oakdale, MN h) 770-2804 w) 735-2797 Roger Forrester 5217 80th Ave. N. Brooklyn Park, MN h) 422-1388 w) 624^7006 003302 Engh, Jennifer 307 Ryan St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 227-9640 Asst. CommissionerfTax Policy Governor Arne Carlson 130 State Capitol Peter Gullette President Piper Trust Company 222 S. 9th St. Mp1s. w) 342-1840 6 2 2 9 07/26/96 W M 04f28/97 W F Joe Kingman St. Paul Foundation 600 Norwest Center , q�1- 8s5 OS-14-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 3 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 - APPLICANT / REFERE[3CE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON� ------------°----------------"---- --° -------- -------- °------ --- --- --- St_ Paul, MN 55101 w] 224-5463 003040 Harp, Reynald E-1401 First National Bank St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - 225-8104 Attorney Clayton Robinson Warren Spannus OS/23/95 B M 003152 Kvasnik, Renee R. 5 03/11/96 II F Kvasnik Photography and Frames Work - 698-0456 Co-Owner Photography Store 3-11-96 BRC--no references provided 003307 Mason, III, William H. 1 8 OS/13/97 W M 400 Western Avenue N. St. Paul, MN 55103 Aome - 227-2135 President and CEO None listed, except he said he heard about opening from Henry Crystal (who is current BR{C member) 003137 O'Neill, Jr., Patrick H. 02/20/96 W M Patrick H. O'Neill, Jr. Law 1500 Capitol Centre 386 N. Wabasha Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 Work - 222-5000 FAX 2221313 Attorney Joseph T. O'Neill 1250 World Trade Center w) 298-8300 003077 Ogiamien, Jonah I. 1 7 10/12/95 B M Jonah I. Ogiamien, Inc. 508 N. Snelling St. Paul, MN 55104 e OS-14-97 APPLICANTS.RPT �l`l - 8" 5 5 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 4 COMMITTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICAT20NS DATED AFTER O1/O1J94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER CAMMITTEES SERVING ON) ____ ________ __^_____ ________ ___ ___ ___ Work - 642-1413 EAX 6421315 Business Consultant Jonathan B. Oyinlove TCCR Ste. 107 220 5. Robert Street St. Pau1, MN 55107 h) 739-3239 w) 224-3788 Tom M. Moriarty 1146 Rice, 55117 h) 882-2080 w) 488-0562 Nghi Huynh Asian American Press 417 University Avenue, 55103 h) 644-0148 w) 224-6570 003151 Rasmussen, Diane K. Apt. 1 185 E. Thompson Ave. St. Paul, MN 55118 Home - 450-2322 Membership Coordinator YMCA Brigid Nault Midway YMCA, 55104 h) 426-2712 w) 646-4557 Tammy Abrahamson h) 447-6356 w) 646-4557 Crystelle Underdahl 410 E. Butler West St. Pau1, MN 55118 h) 457-7352 w) 738-16�0 003297 Vang, Blong B. 660 Charles Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 227-0740 Business Consultant 1 7 03/11/96 W F 04/23/97 AP M Kay Gudmested President of WomenVenture) Suite 200 , , ctcl _ $'S5 OS-14-97 APPLICAI3TS _ RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT � REFERENCE COMMENTS 2324 University Ave. St. Pau1� 55114 h) 928-9255 w� 646-3808 PAGE 5 WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ Joan Peterson Director of Leadership Academy at Lakewood Co{mmunity College 3300 Century Avenue White Bear Lake w) 773-1743 Michael Samuelson Exec. Dir. of Planning Council District 7 369 University Avenue St. Paul, MN 55103 w) 298-5068 003127 Von Yeast, Fritz 1858 Palace Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55105 Home - 699-9337 V.P. Sales & Marketing Scott Benson President Strategic Communications 2675 Hennepin Ave. S. Mpls., MN 55408 w) 825-4559 Kevin Atkinson President Digital MediaCOm 8934 Gould Road Eden Prairie, MN 55113 w) 581-1601 Leo Kim President Leo fCim Photography 800 Washington Ave. Mp1s., 55401 w) 338-3595 3 14 O1/12/96 W M