93-61 �����!�.� � '�+���� Council File # �� �I Green Sheet # 20517 RESOLUTION .�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �.�.� � �_..% Presented By �2�.-L�"�/ Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application, ID #63848, for a new Gambling Manager's License by Kenneth A. Wyberg DBA Sokol Minnesota at Hot Rods Bar, 1553 University Avenue W. , be and the same is hereby approved. Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: Grimm i Office of License, Inspections and Guerzn 'i on � Environmental Protection A acca ee � e t tman �% une �— i son � `- , By: Adopted by Council: Date JAN 19 1993 Adoption Ce tifi by Cour�.l Secretary Form Approved by City Attorney f � • n• � • / gy. �L� ���/�.�2 By: � � Approved by Ma or: Dat 2` ,� Approved by Mayor for Submission to � Council By: �✓���-C s ,t,,� �� , ��;:�;;��...�;'� �!A�� :a i% '�� y' .. . q3 6 � � OE T EICOU IL DATE INITIATED License/Ins e�t�ong GREEN SHEET N_ 2 0 517 x�m�wa� iNin�va►r� � d �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR Q CITY COUNCIL Christine Rozek - 298-5056 ��� �c�TM^T�"� �cmc�aK "" � �� °A��DA� City Clerk ��+ Q��ET OIRECiOR FlN.6 MOT.8ERVICE8 Dlii. Hearin : B : �� ���tOR A8818TAN'n � +�� TOTAL#OF ATt1RE PA(iES (CLIP ALL LOCATION8 FOR 81QNATURE� IICTWN REGUESTED: Approval of a new Gambling Manager's License (ID #63848) Notification: Hearin : � Q Q REC0I�MAENDATIONB:Appiow(A)a ReNct(R) p�RgpNAL gERVICE CONTRA MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWINO GUE8TION8: _PLANNINO COMMA18810N _CIVII.SERVICE f:O�AM18810N 1. Has tl�is pe►son/flrm enlM worksd under a c:ontract for thla d9pOrfineM? _CIB COMMI7TEE _ YES NO 2. Hes this pereon/Nrm e�ror been 8 dly smployeeT —$T� — YES NO _D18TR1CT COt1RT _ 3. Does this perBOnRirm Posssos a skill not normsllY P�bY�Y currerq dly employss? 8UPPORTB WHICFI COUNCIL OB.IECT1vE9 YES NO Explafn all ya�nsw�n on s���M�t and�tqcb W pt�n shat n�rcuara�o P�eM.issue.ov�aruNm cwrw.wn.t wn�.wn�►•.wnr). Renneth A. Wyberg DBA Sokol Minnesota requests Council approval of his application for a new Gambling Manager's License at Hot Rods Bar, 1553 IIniversity Avenue W. All fees and applications have been submitted and approved. ADVANTIlOE8 IF APPROVED: � RECEIVED JAN - 5 1993 CITY CLERK DI8ADVANTA�iE81F APPFiONED: vVV•rpq �1!►r..M..t, � �i� DEC� 8 �992 DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: 1 If Council approval is not given, applicant cannot operate lawful gambling in Saint Paul. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN8ACTION = COST/R6VENUE dUDOETEC(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOUiiCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) �� � NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE IIVCLUDEO IN THE OREEN 3HEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASIN(i OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below ere co�ect routlngs for the five most froqueM typas of documents: CONTRACTS(assumes suthorized budget exists) COUNCIL RESOLUTION(Amend Budp�b/Aoc�pt.C�hnts) 1. Outside Ap� 1. Dspartment Director 2. Department Director 2. CHy Attorney 3. Ctry Attorney 3. Budget Director 4. Mayor(for coMracts over$15,0�) 4. MayoNAssistant 5. Human Righta(for cbntracts over s50,000) 5. City Councfl 8. Finance and Management Services Director 8. Chief Accountant,Finance and Mana�smsnt 8ervk�s 7. Finence Axoundng ADMtNISTRATiVE ORDERS(Budpet Revision) COUNCIL RE80LUTION(ail othars,and OMinarx;ss) t. Acdvity Manaper 1. Department Director 2. Dspertment Axountant 2. Ciy Attorney 3. Dopanmsnt Director 3. Meyor Assistant 4. Budget Dirocta 4. Ciry Councll , 5. City Clerk 8. Chief Acoountant, Finance and Manaysment Services ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS(all othera) 1. Depanms�t Director 2. City Attomey 3. Finance and Management Services Director 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PA(3ES Indicate the#�of pages on which signatures ere required and p�ps►cllp or Ne� �ch of tMN pagss. ACTION RE�UESTE� Des�xibe what the project/roquest seeks to axompliah fn either chronotogi- cal order o►order of importanc�,whichever is m�t appropriate for the issue.Do not wrRe c�mpiete sentenCes.Begin each item in your list with a verb. FiECOMMENDATiONS Complete if the iasus In quesUon has been presented before any body,public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objective(s)your proJecUrequest supports by Uatfng the key word(a)(HOUSINCi,RECREATION,NEIaHBORHOODS, ECONOMlC DEVELOPMENT, BUDQET,SEWER SEPARATION).(SEE COMPIETE LtST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: This informatfon will be uaed to determine the cfty's Itablliry for workers compensation claims,texea and prop�r civil s�rv�e Mring rules. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explein the situatlon or condiHons that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an ennual budget pra�dure roquired by law/ charter or whether there are apecificc ways fn whiCh the Cfty of Saint Paul a�ita ckizens wfll beneflt from this project/ecdon. DISADVANTA(3ES IF APPROVED What negattve effects or major changes to existing or past procesaes might this project/request produce if it is pessed(e.g.,traffic delays,nofse, tex incroases or essessments)?To Whom?When?For how long4 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will�the negatfve consequences if the promised actfon is not epproved?Inability to delhrer service?Continued high traffic,noise, a�ident rate?Loss of re�renue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Akhouph you must tailor ths iMormaUon you provide here to the issue you are,addrossing,fn gsneral you must anawer two questions:How much is it going to c�st?Who is going to pay? . , . q3 �� �� DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE / INTERDEPARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST App Pr cessed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant � /� ,� Home Address 0 I/�• SO. , � mp s. .s-.r �9 Business Name r1�S' Q..J Home Phone �a D - .� �jf�9' , , Business Address �i Type of License(s) Q��j /�9 Qh�9P�- 5' 0 � Business Phone ��d- ,SG}fL9 eGlJ T Public Hearing Date r�' �t q� License I.D. � at 9:00 a.m. in the Counci Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� N`�} Date Notice Sent; Dealer � /J�/9' to Applicant Federal Firearms 4� _fl� Public Hearing L�y/r% / � ✓ DATE INSPECTION REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) CO�NTS A roved Not A roved Bldg I & D ! �I� Health Divn. � �1,� � Fire Dept. � ���� I Police Dept. �� I�����1 �/L License Divn. ( �z�a3/�'z 0 �' City Attorney f Ir I `3 �S� � l� Date Received: Site Plan ��.�-- To Council Research �� '�3�'�/ � Lease or Letter � �� Date from Landlord ��-�� �' LG212 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY �Re�'7�2192� BASE UC� SE�� M�nnesota Lawfui Gambiin9 �E Gambling Manager Application cHK DATE INIT w.}•.v.x;.:n�i....{. ++Y\:hh'•:S-+:'+ •:Mkt{?+rry,v,{tIXLN.K^i%•:' +:•%�..i4i:�'.;;.;:.v •�.j5;,.<• ••\Y•.v,{;� .+..?s+ w.{.,.:{.r<�c?fx:.;..,r::, ,�.fyt...; :::i::+••+ ..".;i. 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' Location ot training �0 S E U L l. l. E, t"t f.y. (p�Y) � Renewal Give date of training received within three years prior to the date of the appGcation for renewal. / / Location of training .. .�., . - . 'StivN� ::..'f� �4 :•::H�::4:�FC•fi:v4••:w:l.!%. 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LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIODLE NAME MAIDEN Date of Birth Soc.Seairiry Number W�Y6E2G KENNE►N A '-' 09-12-3� 4-7D- 38-o75S Address State Z�p Code Daytime Phone 5'(�04 h'►D2CrArN AuE S M1NN�A Po��S MN 5541 � (612)�20-599,9 MEMBERSHIP:Date gambGng manager became a member of the organi�tion �/�/ $�- Sex: �Male ❑ Female •,:<„r>;:.;::;..;:<::1, :�:<:«:,,:,.. .•,.:-�,-,,.:,:::.,�::•,.,.,•.w.::..,,,:.:.,.::,:::::•,::::.:::::::.:::::fi:<:.:•;:•<.•;:,.;:.:::,>:•;:::,.,.;.;::.;;;:;:,,.:;.;:.:;.;:;.;;:;;.;:.;;;:.:::.:�:-:_:;•:............. ........... .:::::,•::::.:..;::�:<:;.;:::,::.::.,:,,.. . ... :..r.a.f.........q....:::,..::..•:•.-.:::::::...................... .•:::..•::...... ........... � �.....r...........�....r.... . . ..............................r.....................,.......................................................:::•.:....: . .: ..... .::::::....... .......................... .............:..:...:........................:.:..................................:..:..:...................:.:.........................:...M1......:.....::.>•::•:::s:::::::::.:::.::::::::.......:•::::::::::•.y:.r.....�_.:....:.........r ,..,_�i�i:;:::;�.:<:::.::< �:•:r::�::::•;:•:::•::•::•:;•;:•:r:•::.;.:;:>:�:::::�>:.>:.;::•`:�:�i:::;�:::�:r::.r:•>:;�:;�::�::�:;;::::<•;:�::�::�::�:;�:;:::�::::;:;::�.;;.:;:;:.r:•:•}:r:.>:.:::.::�:.:;:;:::.:::<.::�::c_::•>;>x�::::::•:•,•;•:::r.::::i:i:::�::;:;;::;:•,•-, a::•x•:•::::c•::•:%:.:;�,;:r:•::.:::�::.::.>:::...:c�r:>::::•:::�;:�::::::::-::�::::::�, i::':%::iX:-,:::i::i'ii{:iii:4i�:ithi}*ir:.ii:+..i:u:�:.iiiiii:ti:�;{y,.;iiii:0}: .... 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Name of Organiza6on License Number S� Ko � Nt � n�r•► ESaTA Address City/State Zip Code Phone 3$ 3 t-►«H � �-� r.r ST ST PAu � rN Ssio� � 6fZ > Z9�- oS4Z .,.:,:. ..,.::vr..:..:::.::..>, { � { , � :::.�. x.0:::�•:v 8�x v.i�r. . . .. . x::r.v:�'Ct>.•iri::i.•;... .. i�......,-. .�... .. ... . . .. .. .. . . . . �.. } ......... .:: �,ri,: .. .,- . }.r... �r i�k•......:..�:j::;:;::: M t •%•:�i.•i::iii�iiiiiii:�f%):ti i:JS s:�/! :.}: . .... ..... . ........ . ...... v...........::�: . .. . �Ot7RtI�'LOlL:.:,::::::.;.:::::::::;::::,::.;:.,:;,.:::::::..;•,::.::.;::::<:::;:;.,::::<:.;::.;::..�:::::�;»<:.:::�;:::::::.;:>:::::,_,.;:;.;:;•:.:;.;;;�,,..;;;<.>:<:.;:.�.;:.�;:.:.:.;�;•;:,,.;:.;:.:<r>�•:«::<.............................. r�7n --A s10,000 fidelity bond in favor of the organization must be obtained for the gambGng manager. Name of insurance company(do not use agency name) UN�7'E� F�RE d G�4SiJAL i`(g�d Number S �J$7 S$� ..:{:<;?;:•:--f:•:•;:.>:•:::•;;>;;:•::•::.:.:.;:,;:::;:.:.::•:;.:;.;;;:.;:;•:;•;:•;:;«•;v::•;;::•;:;:,:..:;...;;:•::•;:•:::;;<-::;•: o,�•�•:<.�,:r:•;:•;:•;:-::;•;:;•;:•:,.;: •<.:::»»:;a::>::>::>::»::>::»»::>::>::::»::>:z:s>::;�;::<.::<::<=;_>:=>�»:<:>::>::«:<::::::::;:ss>::s;::»::»::>::z::<:;::;::>r::::�;>::;:�>::::.; ....�::::::<•N:.,::::::,:.,•,.:;.�:::.:::::,..::.�::::::::::•::•::::::::::::::::::::::.�:::::•::::::::::::::::::::::•:::::::::•.:::•._:::::: .............................. ..............................................<............ ...<..,. :-;:��•;>;::s:;::::<;::�<> :i:>f•,.::.:.............. ��1��ttOt�tler�a`riz�<: ';�<;:::::::`:::::<::_<:><:::::::::.'..>:`>:::;::;::::::::::�::;>;:::;:::»:::::�;>:<:>;».;:<.,_.<:::::::::.;;;::::::::::.;.:::.;..<:::>:<:::�:<;�::::::;<;::::::;::>::::�=:<::::;��'>::�::;:::::::::::��::;:<,::::::::::::::::::;�.`;>.:::::::<;::�:::�:`��<:>:`;<::<:;:<:::<:;»:::::;::y>:::::::: . ;.>:� � � � � �� � � .�. �dea�met • I have read this application and all information submitted to the board; • ap information is true,accurate and compleLe; • aA other required information has been fully disdosed; • 1 am the only gambGng manager ot tfie organization; • 1 will famil'iarize myself with ihe laws of Mnnesota goveming lawful gambling and rules of the board and agree,if licensed,to abide by those laws and rules,induding amendments to them; ' • any changes in applica6on infortnation will be submitted to the board and bcal unit oi govemment witt�in 10 days of the change; • M affidavit for gambling manager has been completed and attached,and • I understand that failure to provide required infoRnation or providing false information may result in the denial or revocation of tt�e Gcense. Signature of Gambling Manager I Date �- - - - - t� ;-:�.�.---�_- I I - 1 i� - ? 2 Send the campleted application and all required attachments to: Gambling Control Board Suite 300 S. 1711 W.County Road B Rosevllle,MN 55113 1 . . q� -�� I Saint Paul City Council �EC��v�� Public Hearing Notice oEC 2 2 1992 License Application CITY CLERK To Whom It May Concern: FILE NO. : L16294 PURPOSE: Application for a Class B Gambling Premise Permit. This permit will allow a non-profit organization (Sokol Minnesota) to sell pulltabs and/or tipboards in this liquor establishment. APPLICANT: sokol Minnesota LOCATION: Hot Rods Bar, 1553 W. University Avenue � HEARING: January �9, 1993 City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall- Court House 9: 00 a.m. QUESTIONS: Notice sent by the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP) , Room 203 city Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 298-5056. This date may be changed without the consent and/or knowledge of the LIEP Office. It is suggested that you call the City Clerk's Office at 298-4231 if you wish confirmation. Date Mailed: 12/21/92 . . . ' Supplement To Attached Public Hearing Notice License Application FILE NOZ L16294 � BAR INFORMATION: Corporate Name: Midway Enterprises Inc. Officers: John J. Bigaouette, President/Secretary/Stockholder Marcella M. Bigaouette, Vice President/Treasurer/Stockholder Contact Person: John Bigaouette, 646-3020 ORGANIZATION INFORMATIONS � Name of Organization: Sokol Minnesota Location: Contact Person: Kenneth Wyberg/Gambling Manager 920-5949 GAMBLING FIINDS TO BE IISED FOR: Normal activities of a 501C3 organization - contributions to a fund for chronically ill children, language instruction, scholarships, etc. QIIESTIONB? CONTACT: Christine Rozek Gambling Enforcement Manager OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 203 City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 298-5056