93-48 'C3���a��'�i�ll. . �'°� � . . Council File # �� �� �reen sheet � 21209 RESOLUTION �-� "�. CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �: � ,,��' . � , a.� Presented By �" `�� F�l,� ��� Referred to Committee: Date WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul did pass ordinance No. 17321, on January 7 , 1986, wherin a fund to administer and distribute the proceeds contributed by charitable qambling in on-sale liquor establishments was established, and WHEREAS, The Youth Programs Fund Advisory Board established by said ordinance has reviewed and recommended for approval the attached applications for grants from the above mentioned fund; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the attached applications fro funding from the following organizations for the following amount: Jimmy Lee Booster Club $1, 500. 00 Area "J" Girls Fastpitch $ 850. 00 Baker Community Center Booster Club $2, 000. 00 Battle Creek Booster Club $2, 000. 00 Desnoyer Park Improvement Association $ 155. 00 Duluth and Case Booster CLub $ 600. 00 East Side Arts Council $2, 410. 00 Hillcrest Booster Club $1, 329. 00 Homecroft Booster Club $1, 885. 00 Martin Luther King Recreation Booster Club $2 , 780. 00 Martin Luther King Track & Field Club $1, 500. 00 Non-Athletic Advisory Committee $2, 000. 00 Northwest Como Booster Club $1, 000. 00 ������� �� �`1 D tr>°`', Orchard Park Booster Club $2 , 563 . 00 St. Clair Booster Club $ 237. 00 Valley Recreation Center Booster Club $3, 500.00 West District Support Team $1, 120. 00 West Minnehaha Booster Club $3 , 500. 00 and does hereby authorize the proper City officials to execute agreements as necessary to disburse the approved funds. Funding Code: P-3-399-33179-545-33000 -, _�_ Yeas Nays Absent Grimm / Requested by Department of: Guerin � , . Long /-- Maccabee / Rettman / � , Thune � By: Wilson / L � J N 1 9 1993 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Coun�il 5ecretary By: � � G.:__ 1 r By � �'�/ �-- Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved b Ma or: Dat� JAN 2 5 1993 �°"n°il :���, By: By: ��,�� :VISF�lI4.•�."�� 5� �*� '4� ���ft�:;u:��;�;+ ���! J�J � � 7 q3-�g � Pa�s a�x�ec�eation �2%23%92 GREEN SH ET N_ 212 0 9 P RSON 6 PHON �pEpllRiIAENT DIREC'fOR�I 7E �CITY COUNCIL INITIAUDATE Eric Tl��so�n 298-5678 �ae�N �cm�rr�ev �cirr c�aK MUBT ON IL E BY(DI1TE) RuOUTEGROR �BUDOET DIRECTOR FIN.�AAOT.SERViCEB DIR. A.S.A.P. °RDE" ��v�coRnssisr [�]LicensitnQ — TOTAL�OF SIONATUR�W1t#E8 (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SKK,9NATUR@) a - SOri ACT�1 RE�UESTED: I}isbursement of Yo�uth Programs �lmds. RE(.bMMENDATIONS:Approw(A)or R�Ct(Fi) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACT8 MUST ANiWER THE ROLLOWING CUE8TIOWS: _PLANNINO COMMIS31�1 _CIViL 8ERVICE COMMI8810N 1. Has tMs personRirtn ever worksd u�der e conhact for tMs dspertmeM? CB COMMI7TEE � YE3 NO 2. Has thls psreoNflrm ever been a city ampbyee? �$T� — YES NO _DISTRICT c�uR'r _ 3. Does this pereon/Nrm posssaa a eWll not normally P�essed bY anY curcent dlY employeo9 8UPPORT8 WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 YES NO Explain ell yy answen on t�p�r�ts�M�t snd att�eh to�n�n she�t INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(Who.WAst.When.Where.VVhy): 'lhe F�md was esta.blished to disburse proceeds from charitable gambling to eligible ca�nnity based. r�n profit organiza.tians that have been screened by the Yauth Programs Fur�d. Advisory Board. ADVANTA�'�'F"�RO1�o: Improved yauth programs for: Jinmy Lee Booster Club(football uniforms/equipmen , leagu�e fees,trophies), Area. "J" Gir1s Fastpitch(sliding mat,protective screen,equip�nent) , laker Ca�anity Cneter Booster Club(field trips/transportation), Battle Creek Booster Club(fee , lla�reen event,ice time,equipment), Desnoyer Park Improvement Associatian(tickets,candy,arts craft supplies), Duluth & Case Booster Club(supplies,games,pa.int kits), East Side Arts Counc'1 (equipmetn,tickets,transportation,pliblicity,insurarbce), Hillcrest Booster Club(uniforms, fees, lls,medallians,snacks,decorations), I�necroft Booster Club(uniforms,equipm�it,goals), MLK Booster Club(fees,tmiforms), MLK Track & Field(uni.fornis), NoirAthletic Advisory Camdttee (prizes,supplies,video games,snow tubes,trophies), Northwest Com� Booster Club(fees,tmifor�s, balls), Orchard Park Booster Club(soccer goa.ls/nets,vniforn�s,games,balls) , St. Clair Booster Club(puppet shaw,candy,material), Valley Booster Club(Supplies,games,equip�nent,field trips, transportation,holida.ypaxty,egghunt), West District Support.Team(leaglbe €ees), West nd.rn�haha Booster Club(uniforms/equip��ent,fees,batti�rag cage/r�t) IF APA�JJID: N�e DISADVANTiR4E8 iF NOT APPROVED: � —r.�_�_��y � C�.E1LL �L[1 R�c��vEo RECEIVED Coun� Research Center pE� 2 9 JAN - 71993 �� � CITY C�ERK JAN p 6 1993 ��T QFFj�F TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION t 30,929 COST/REVENUE BUDpETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINO 80URCE p 3-399-33179-_5[►S-'�'�(� ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCtAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) ,r+��/ �i W NOTE: COMPLETf DIRECTIONS ARE ING.UD�O`IN TME OREEN 3HEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AYAILABLE IN THE PURCHA31N0 OFFICE(PHONE NO. 298-4225). ROUTIN(i ORDER: 9e�ow aro correct routlnps ror a,e nve moat frequent rypes ot documerns: CONTRACTS(assumsa suthorfzsd budpet exists) COUNCIL RE30LUTION(Amand Budgets/Axept.Qrar�) 1. Outside Agency 1. Depanment Director 2. Department Director 2. City Attornsy 3. Ciry Attorney 3. Budpet Director 4. Mayor(for contracts over$15,000) 4. Mayor/Assistant 5. Human Riphb(for oontracts ovsr 550,000) 5. City Councll 8. Finance and Managsment Servic�es Director 6. Chief AccouMaM,Financs and Mens�oment 8�rvk:ss 7. Ffnarx:e Acwour�tlnp . ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS(Budget Revlaion) COUNCIL RESOLUTION(ati others,and Oniinarx:ss) 1. Acdvity Manapar 1. Department Director 2. Department Acoountent 2. City Attorney 3. Dspertm�nt Director 3. Mayor Asststant 4. Budgst Director 4. City Council , 5. City Clerk 6. Chief AcaouMant, Finance and Manegement 3ervioes ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS(ali others) 1. Dspertment Director 2. City Attor�ey 3. Ffnarn;e and Management Servk:es Director 4. Ciry Clsrk TOTAI NUMBER OF SICiNATURE PAOES Indfcate ths#�of pages on which signatures are requlred snd p�psrcllp or fl�p ssch of t�ppa. ACTION REQUE3TED Describe what the project/reQuest sseks to acoomplish in either chronologi- cal order or order of importance,whichever it m�t appropNate for the issue.Do not wrke�mplete aentences.Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Completie if Me issue in question hes been preseMed before any body,public or prfvate. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Goundt objectfve(s)your projsct/rsquest supports by Iiating the key wad(s)(HOUSINa, RECREATION,NEIfiHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDOET,SEWER SEPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: This I�formallon will be uaed to dstermine the cityg IlaWliy for ww�kers compensetion clafma,taxae and proper civfl�srvics hiring�. INITIATINQ PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or condfdons that cxsated a need for your project, or roquest. ADVANTAOES iF APPROVED Indicate whether thfs is simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ charter or whether there are apsciflc ways in which the City of Saint Paul and ita ciNzens wfll beneNt from thia proJectfacdon. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED What negadve e��.or major chang�a to existing or past processes mfght this pro ast protluce if it is paseed(e.g.,traf�c dslays,noise, tax inc�assesame�)7 To Whom?When?For how long? DISADVA�ITAEiE81F NOT APPROVED What will be the negaUve c�nsequsnces if the promfsed action is not a�roved?Ip�bility t0 delhrer service?Continued high treff�, noise, accident rata'�Fass of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you muat tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are,addressing,in general you muat answsr two questions:How much is it going fo cost?Who is going to pay?