93-31 ����1�►!� a3 -3� � Council File � Green Sheet # 20532 RESOLUTION , CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �"� Presented By ��y� �j ,(�l.R/1�v�- � Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application, ID #32250, for a new Gambling Manager's License by Ireneaus Massman DBA North Ramsey SOOth Lions Club at Paul's Lounge, 685 E. 3rd Street, be and the same is hereby approved. Requested by Department of: Yeas Navs Absent ri� '� Office of License, Inspections and uerin i- on �- Environmental Protection acca ee � et man � une i / � " i son �--- / By: I Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certi 'ed .by Counc� S cretary Form Approved by City Attorney �j �� gy; (�L� ��'/�� By: << -- ;!,y� y, "�;�,;;��": Approved by r: Date ` '' Approved by Mayor for Submission to ,/ Council By: �?,`'_�1.,-�if�t�`'� �98±'��R���::� �p��, �r +��� BY� , _� _ ,a ..,. . �- Y � 93-31 'f License & Ins 8�t�ons GRfEN SHEET N� 2 0 5 3 2 � 0 o�wn�t a�ECroR mwo,�re �cmr co�� �� Christirie Rozek - 298-5056 �� ��'"'�Y �'TM'�` _ City C erk "amNO ❑�DO�r°�cro� g�'°"�cxr.sEnv�s°x�. 3 aunrop coR�ra�m Hearin : 1 Z g s • 3 ❑ � TOTAL�OF SKlNATURE PYAf'iE8 (CUP ALL LOCATIOlIS FtlF!SIAN11tUREy �crwN'n�cuegrEO: Approval of an appl3cation for a new Gambling Manager's License (ID #32250). Notification: H � Z :MP��U)a RN�ot(iq PBRSONA�.ftRViCE CONTRACTt MWT AlI�w6R THE FOLLOMfItK#QUlSTIONi: _PL�N�NNrO oOM1�188�ON _Gva SEpviCE O�AAAIS�DN 1. Hes thls psr�onAkm ever worlad urKNr�oorMract for tlMs dp�rM�erM? _C�COMMMT�EE _ YE8 NO 2. Has thb perso�dllmn w�r b��aity�mployas? —8T� — YE8 NO _DISTRICT COURT _ 3. Doss this parsoMinn po�NM�skiN not nonnal�r P��'!��Y��troM�Y�p�oY�� SUPPORT8 WHK:M COUNCN.OlJECTNE? YE8 NO ExpiNn NI yN�n�wrs on��hNt and�etaoh t0 4n�n�M�! NrITUCrR19 PROYLEM.188uE.OPPORTUNRY(Who,WMt,WhN+.wl+���WhY): Ireneaus Maseman DBA North Ramsey 500th Lions Club requests Gouncil approval of his application for a new Gambling Manager's License at Panl's Lounge, 685 E. 3rd Street. A11 fees and applications have been submitted and approved. AD1N111TAOE8 IF APPROYED: DISA01/ANTAOEB IF APPROVED: RECEIVED DEC 2 9 1992 tbunci� Res��mh ^- - �_ CITY CLERK DEC� g ��2 �►�8���: If Couneil approval is not given, applicant cannot operate lawful gambling in Saint Paul. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN�IICTION = COdT/REVENIlE�UDfiETEO(CIRCl.E ONL� Y�S NO FUNDIN�i SOURCE ACTIVITY NUWER ����:,�� dUV ♦ ` NOTE: CQMPLETE DIRECTION3 AF�MIE�UOED IN THE OREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AYA{LABI.E IN THE PUACt1A$�OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-422b). ROUTINCi ORDER: Bslow are ootrect routlnps for tfte tive nlost Mqusnt types of documsMa: CON'fRACT3(aseumss au�rizad budp�t axists) COUNCIL RE80LUTION(Amend Budp�WAoo�pt.ararns) 1. Oublde Agency 1. aparhnsM GireCtor 2. Dspa�U�snt Dirsdoc 2. City Atbrn�y 9. City Attomey 3. BiKl�t Of� 4. MaYor(tor coM►ew�is over 845,000) 4. MaycNAsefstlu�t 5. Human Rights(for camsots ovar�60�000) 5. City Council 6. Finsncs and Mat�apert�sM Servias Dinctor 8. Chief AocouMant.Fin�nos and Man�p�rtNnt SKVIc�s 7. FMance Acoamdng ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS(Budp�t FtsviNon) COUNCIL RESOLUTION(ul oth�rs,and�dinancss) l 1. Adivity ManepK 1. Departmsnt DirscWr 2. D�partrtbnt AccountaM 2. City Attomey S. Depertmsnt Director 3. Mayor Aesistartt 4. Budpet DlreCtor 4. Cfly CounCil . 5. City Clsrk 8. CMet Accountant� Flnar�cs and Man�gsmsr�t 8ervk:ss ADMIIdISTRATIVE ORDERS(all otMsrs) 1. Depertmont Director 2. Cfty Attomey 3. Financs end ManagsmsM Servic�a Director 4. City Cisrk TOTAL NUMBER OF SICiWATURE PMiES Indicate d�s#►of pagss on which sipnatures are required end p�r�cllp or flap �h of tlaN pag�s. ACTION RE�UESTED D�xibs what the projsc�lr+equest seeks to scx.ompUeh in eithsr chronologi- cal ordK or adsr ot importnr�cs,��vhiChsver is m�t apptopriats for tl�s issw.Do not write c�ompbte senter�a.BspM each item in your Ust with a vsrb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue M qusstion has�sn prosented before anY�Y P�b� or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? tndica�wh�h Caincil obj�tive(s)You�ProjecUreQusat wP�rta bY��0 the k�sy word(a)(H�JSINCi, RECREATION,N�KiHBORHOODS,ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDQET,SEWER SEF�►RATION).(SEE COMPLETE LIST IN IN3TRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) PERSONAL 3ERVICE CONTRACTS: Thia lnformatbn will bs uaed b dstermins U�e cityg Ii�biNty#or woHcors compsnsatlon claime,taxes and proper dvil Nrvk»hkN�p rui�a. INITIATINCi PROBLEM, IS3UE,OPPORTUNITY Explafn Ms a�uetion or conditbns that crssted a naed tor your project �requ�at. ADVANTAC�E8 IF APPROVED irWbate whether this ia shnpiy en annual budpst proosdure requlrsd by law/ charter or whether thera�e speaNc ways in which tt�Gy of SaiM Paul and f�ckizens wNl I�r►eflt from this prnjscVacrion. DISADVANTAtiES IF APPROVED What negativve eifects cx majcx d�angss to exlaHr�g or past processes might this projecvrequest produce H it is passed(e.�.�trat8c dslsys�noise, tex incxeeses or assessments)4 To Whom?When4 For how bnp? DISADVANTAGE3 IF NOT APPROVED wnae win be a,e negativ�s oonsequencss if the promised action ts rwt appruved?Inability to dslfver servic�?Contlnued hiph trafflc,noiae, accident rqte7 L�s of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT AlEhough you must tailor the informatfon you provids t�re to the isaue you ero,addnssing,in gsnsrN you must answer two quesdons:How mueh is It goir�g to c�at7 who Is poing to pay4 � q3 -3� DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE � /� 90�- / INTERDEPARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant�f�'ei�E�Q-US /�SS/YlL�t7 Home Address 6�j� 0�'l !ef` ��/a f N�r rn se� .�� Qaha s e y, Business Name ,L/OnS (��(1,�j Home Phone �[,-Q'/p�2 Business Address ��'!5' � �hd n�� ,�:5%O,(7Type of License(s) fyl,ljl/il CL � Business Phone �026 - Q'�0 v2 /'J�j,� Public Hearing Date � t� � License I.D. 4{ �a�o2�0 at 9:00 a.m. in the Counc 1 C ambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 4� �//}' Date Notice Sent; Dealer 4� /�l/q' to Applicant Federal Firearms 4� /��/9 Public Hearing —� DATE INSPECTION REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) COrIl�IENTS A roved Not A roved Bldg I & D I ti'l a� Health Divn. I N�� I Fire Dept. I N��- � � Police Dept. � �Z� 3 /�L License Divn. I � I f � �� L3��i2 City Attorney � ������ �►L o1�- Date Received: Site Plan ���11 I q 1� l.�J �� .� To Council Research `�l� Lease or Letter Date from Landlord � Z I I ��( Z ,- ..� . � .. _ . ,. , q3 -�(� �f � . ; LG212 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ' t Minnesota Lawful Gambling F�E (9/24/90) Gambling Manager Application pA� INiT ,�;_ �f":.;� ..•.,,...,..h......:. ............ w ..,.,� �.v�:..�v..n •.xxv:u:v•v..H.y.w�ny.tm�}vx}.v.uvM`:.:di�.':^4\:.x.;xn.:M':^J}M:.M}u....}��w:nx..,v,:C�A:�>NYL�i}g`:_ .::;wrt:px�{n:r�,.w.y.,v,.:n}::y4.n:n}Y .�..,. .. ,• •2oR`i�::::::::::'.''::..\'�i:::.:•:::.�::`:.::e;h...�!.^•.`.�::::::::•:•.�°�.'.^k;..::::.:•.:�^:2t:::: 'N. ::...'.�._::• ......Y•::r::::x.>. < k "'�`t�".' x. ; ....-,. .�t ...........................................,�.r.............................. . ,.:..............•:.:...... ...........� �-•->-•.•.:.....::::..t............::. .....r........,............................................................... ...:.�:;.;•::•:::.:...... ...---................•::::::.�:::::::•.�:. ...... .. ..a.......... ... :.y,-...;.... .. ......... ...... r:::::...:::?::::::-._ :�.::�.i:.�.v....................:' ... vr.}}}w:n'•:{?:':�::::i•?.<v.v.............::._v::n..........::.�n:. vi:..�4 .......... . .... ... . .�:.�::.........�r.i}i:?�iii: ..... .........................:::..:.::...:::....... - . ............ ... �........ .. ............:.. .. ................... .f�:�.........xvv........v...n.n......n.::::::..v{...{h.:^in::.i_ii::i::.v. 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Membership:Date gambling manager became a member of the organization �/�/� � ' .. . ...,,••..,•..•..,,•::........ .:..�,,....,µ,.,.:.,.,M....„.....:.:::.::.K......�.:::.,-.,,.w•..r,.M..•.,..,,..•,..,..,,V,:�,::.>,:...,:.................,.t•.:.,;:.v...:•:..>:;..,:.,r::.,:,:.v,, - >.":•;:v.,,::.,,.w,,.�w,:�.>...,...:<.,,,. .-.. .a•�::�,.a,�:x.:,,,,,.,,..,x.>.:::,..:•:.:.:::•::::,c:>:c>.................................................:•:...-.:::::....r::•s:::::._.�::::..... `2� . ..;� `;�:>:�»>:o;:::>r+:::-::;::.:.::::::::.:�•� .. .;..::<..•::•:::::::. ......... 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Lxation of trair►ing �_ (pti) ._•: -...x-.. r:•:: . »:.:;.,.,.,,�z. v +•.x..++:.a%•::;;;.>.�x;;e':. 'C•'.^.`�::^�i::•.e•;:;'•?"{`^`....�!;;>•;..c::;x...; „�^,,,.c;"�:�m�:..+M!ir.•AC:w:-y'2.-re -- ... ..: t.c:e:xtta.;p;:+:c<c::,.,m,.;::�:....`".C'�•�.<.... :'d4C•::.�',�"•."•.".".Y:::i':44.`C�.::::::;a.;;.'.^,.�.�:':`.;':•.r .',:a�::.:::.:..: . .;,c.a: ..�;as::<.:::.;:.:;�;:•�� , „ :...,-:� �.:::: r,..::.; ...:�::•::•:•.... :..,.�f.`.. \4.�... .-:w'.. ,3 <..��>:.;.:::•:sx.?�x;.::,•:k.t\:w.:.��::%�:+•'•�.� '�:va`c'.'•S'�....,:.K•. :..� +�: ... ............. ,..... ,...,• .::.. -�. 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Signatu of Gambling Manager � � ����"�� � � Reter to the'nstructions for the required attachmertts and fee. � Department of Gaming Gambling Control Dlvfsion Rosewood Plaza South,3rd Floor 1711 W.County Road B Roseville,MN 55113