93-25 � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL F�I.E NO �' l.,J f / j FINAL ORDER �~ ) ' • By �`�`� .. ��,ile No. �8677 Voting In the Matter of Ward 2 Construction of the Goodrich/Smith Area Storm Se��r Separation Project ia an area bonnd�d by Grace Street , Pleaaant Avenue , Graad Avenue, Wilkin Street and St. Clair Aveaue. . � i :- - 4. � -' ^� ' _ _. � ,, , � :, •.:a ;� , � � �7-9o'L '� under Preliminary Order �'����� approved � � The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: DateJAN i 2 199� Yeas�r� Nays �_� Certified P y. ounc' cr��ry Long ,.� ,' / 1"LCCabed � In Favor By � � B�ttmaa � � Against ii�"' Mayor �aK 13 �s3 ����s�� �Q� '';� 'S3 TO PUBLIC WORKS CO1�tITTEE - January 6, 1993 �/" Pt�blic �earing ��te' - Janusry 12, 1993 3"z5 Eiaance Department/Rea1.Estate 10f 29/92 GI�EEN SHEET M� �2 0 4 a d ' �DEFM1fiTMENT DIAECTGR��� �CITY t�UWCIL INITIAV�4TE Tom Ruhf,eld �-6276 ,u� �c,n.�N�, �crrva.�nK 11 /92 r�n� �]euooer�ECron ��m.a►�carr.seav�s aa. /12 eourn�o Must be in C� �y Clerk's Office no °�" ��um�ca+�ss�sTMm [i] TOTAL#t OF 8KiNATUR�PAQ88 Y (CI.IP ALL LCC^TIONS FOR 81�3NATURE) ticrWN n�uESree� Setting date o� public hearing for 1993 C3SP Project Approve sewer construction for .CSSP Pro�ect to be known as the Goodrich/Smith Area Storm Sewer'' �'ile 18677 REOOM�ND�cI'10�:Appow(A)a ReMct(R) PER80NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST AN�WlR TME FOLLOMIIN3 flUE�T10N8: _PLANNqi�COt�AAN8810N' _CIVN.SERVICE COMMAIS$ION 1. Hes thie psrsoNflrin swr worla�d und�r A cc�n��Ct tor Ufis deperhnsM7 _G9 COAiMAm'EE _ YE3 NO 2. Has lhis psrsoMflrnt wer besn a dty�rt►pbyes9 �sTAFF — YES NO _as7AK:r cWwr _ 3. ooss thts psr.onmrm pose�ss a.ki��rwt nonndly aoeeeessd br�►y ourrent oih�loy�s4 SuPPORT8 WH�►1 c�U1�IL 08JEC17VE4 Ward 2 YES NO Facpidn aN yss entwen an s�nt��hMt�nd�taoh��n�n�M�t Sewer Separatibn Project n�mnnNO�M.issue.o�oaTUNm�wiw,vnaa.w�,,rvnwe,wny). This area is served by a combined sewer system. It has heen federally mandated that this system be separated ADWVrTA0E81FAPPROVED: " Gompliaace with the MPCA and EPA mandate to separate ,said combined sewers DIBAWANTA3ES IFAPPROYED: T � Temporary conatruction disrugtions to the neighborhoad. A1s4, assessments to the affccted properties D18ADVANTMiE$IF NOT APPFIOVED: . Failure to comply with said mandate could meet with serious penalties , �.,y �i��ga� ,. �, .-..,.,,� �.,���?�' RECEIVED ` NOU 10 1992 OCT �' , i9g2 TOTAI AMOUNT OF TRANSACTtOM = ��?,304 COST/REYENUE dUD�iETEO(GIACIE ONE) YE8 NO Assessments 122,000 �a��p��nt of Transportation Funds �130,000 Acrivm�nER Fn�iaiN�oa►�►Tro�: rants & Loans $3,000,000 d ,'t Sewer Revenue Bonds $2,320,304 W I�TE`. COMPLE't'�:DIRECTION3 ARE tNCLUDED IN T.HE CiREEN 3HEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASlt�3 OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are correct routlngs for ths ffnre most frequeM typss of documsnts: CONTRACTS(asaumes authorized budget exfsts) COUNCIL RESOCUTION(Amsnd Budgeta/Accspt. (irants) 1. Outaide Apency 1. Department Director 2. DepartmeM Director 2. City Attomey 3. Cfty Attorney 3. Budget Olrector 4. Mayor(for c�ntracta�S1S,000) 4. MayoNAssiatant 5. Human Rights(for oontracts over$50,000) 5. City Council 8. Finarx�and Management Servicea Director 6. Chief Aocountsnt,Finance and Mana�smsnt 3e�s 7. Financc�Acc�untiny ADMINI3TRATIVE ORDER8(Budget Revisfon) COUNCIL RESOLUTION(all othsrs,and Ordinances) t. Activiry Manager 1. Department Director 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Mayor Assistant 4. Budget Director 4. Cit�r Council , 5. Cfty Clerk 8. Chief Acoountant, Financ�anci Managsment Servfces ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS(all others) 1. peparhnsnt Director 2. Cit�r Attorney 3. Finanoa and Management Services Dfroctor 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SI(iNATURE PAC3ES Indicate the�►of pages on which signaturea are required and pap�rcllp or fla� «ch of tl�pap�s. ACTION REOUESTED Dsscribe what the projecUrequest seeks to axomplish in either chronologi- cal order or order of importanc�e,whicAever is moat appropriate for the issus.Do not write oomplete sentences.Begin each item in your list with a vsrb. RECOMMENDATIONS Comptete if the issue in question hes been preseMed beforo any b�y,publfc or private. SUPPORT3 WHICH COUNCiI OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objective(sI Your project/request supports by listing the key word(s)(FIOUSINCi�, RfCREATION,NEI(�HBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPAAENT, BUDQET,3EWER SEPARATION).{SEE COMPLETE UST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: This informatbn will be used to determine the cityle Ifability for workers compensaUon claims,taxes and proper dvil serv�e hiNng rulea. INITIATfN(3 PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or c�nditions that created a need for your project � or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget p►ocedure required by law/ charter or whether there are specif'ic ways in vrhkh the Cfty of Saint Paul and its c�izens will beneflt from this project/acdon. DISADVANTACiES IF APPROVED What negadve effects or major chanyes W exfsting a past processes might this projecUrequest produce H it is pessed(e.g.,traific dNays, nase, tax Increases or assessments)?To Whom?When?Fw how long? DISADVANTACiES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequerx:es ff the promised action is not approved?Inability to deliver service?Continued high tratHc, noise, accfdent rate?Loss oi revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the infonnation you provids here to the iasue you are,addressing,in general you must answer two quesdons:How much is ft going to cost?Who is going to pay? �� -a�" -_ PRELIIVIII�iARY ORDER Councll File No. 92-173�By Dave Thune— ..: _ • In the Matter of construcrion of the Goodrich/Smith Area Storm Sewer SepazaGon ProJect in an area bounded by Grace St.,Pleasant Ave.,Grand Ave:,Wilkln St and SL Clair Ave.in Voring Wazd 2. _ __._ .. . _; The Councll of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement,and having considered said report,hereby resolves: , 1. That the said report and the same is.hereby approved,wlth no altemattves,and that the estlmated cost thereof is 55,572,304;financed by Minnesota Depart- ment of 1Yansportation Funds S 130,000;State Grants and Loans$3,000,000. Assessments 5122,000 and Sewer Revenue Bonds$2,320,304. . 2. That a publlc_hearing be had on said lmprovement on the�12th.day of January. ..1993,af 9:00 o'clock a.m:;in the;Council Chambers�of the City Hall and Court ' House Buiiding in the City of Saint Paul. .. .. . : , �`- . ' 3. That notice of said publlc hearing be gtven to the persons and in`the manner provlded by the Charter,stating the time and piace of hearing the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated - �• ;. _:-, -. : _ , .... _,�.; ,File._No. 18677 ° - ' , Adopted by Councff Nayember 17. 1992 .•' �:•' , ?- APProved by Mayor Nwember 20."1992 �`'� � . . r . °:(November 28-Decemlxr 5. 1992) � � � 0 w � E ?. W � Vl N W m m J R a \ w . . � �d 0 E � N H�331� . ��p�+� j � �G�%/ � m° � � � i Q -u 1 � � � 3AV 11V1. . ' . Z � O � �V' r �I d� � � . � � N �1'�(1�' Y 2 O ,� � F ¢ p � ? o , z � u �(' �a' � ' W V1 VI 1S 1� � � in rc � NVY15f104 � �.> � c �i .�- . ZS � � �. v� r 1S 3i.�a � r��ti . � ts � G�. s r� NNV � �i � � r a a u � = u U b � 2 V� �v N2f31S3M . `' s� NM31S3M r- N K N z Q � a'•.• 1.. � V . ��.. � � o.' m � d � ` � 1S aNOwH�ia ' � .S ONOYiH�I - � ' 15 NU0010� S 3NilOBlO � �s� � 1S . . V � Hn w� Ls 3�na� n "' ❑lJ ❑ �O .ls w OC K �a3- cn a o 0 C7 � W Z a ls Z� � i3N0-- ; .ma � , �S � Vw a ise3m— w H� � N� o�,o� aol �10N Z e ���� �° �� C o� � ° a C ° W � �, �— < - � � � . . -�. �Z-�� , . . q3-Z5 ✓' SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING R�COMMENDATIONS V OODRICH/SM1TH SEWER SEPARATION & PAVING PROJECT PROJECT NO. 93-S-8084 (P-8063) (V-8063) REPORT PREPARED - September 18, 1992 NEIGHBORHOOD 1NFORMATION MEETING - PUBLIC HEARING - PROJECT: Construct a storm sewer system and sanitary sewer modifications to accomplish sewer separation, water and sewer service connections, street improvements and a modified ]antern style lighting system in part of tiie Goodrich/Western Sewer System. The area is bounded by I-35E, Smith Avenue, Grand Avenue, and St. Clair Avei�ue. The project is part of the CSSP program. �XISTING CONDITIONS: The project area is presently served by a con�bined sewer system consisting mainly of deep sandrock tunnels. Shallow limestone bedrock is typical throughout the project area. Most construction wil] take place on residenti�l streets. West 7t1� Street from St. Clair Avenue to Smith Avenue (0.5 mile) will also be disturbed by st:orm sewer construction. Residential streets in the project va�y from oiled surfaces with no curb to bituminous pavement witl� concrete curb and gutter. W. 7th Street and St.Clair Avenue have bituminous surfacing over concrete base with curb. The driving surt'aces are fair to good and roadway widths are generally 32 feet for residential and 40 feet on collectors. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: Street improvements, street lighting, and sewer construction are proposed for the following streets: Western Avenue froni Superior to Goodhue Western Avenue from Goodrich to Harrison Goodrich Avenue from Harrison to Richmond Goodrich Avenue from G�rfield to W. Seventh Banfi] Street from Duke to Richmond (2S' wide) Goodhue Street from Richmond to Western (36' wide) Richmond Street from Goodhue to Goodrich Garfield Street from Goodricl� to Harrison Sturgis Street from Western to Garfield Forbes Street from Garfield to Douglas (28' wide) Douglas Street from Forbes N. to Forbes S St. Clair Avenue from W. Seventh to I-35E - MSA street Note: Street widths are 32' face to f�ice unless othenvise noted. Page 1. 21134\Engr.rec q 3-Z5 . . . . � Street improvements and street lighting only are proposed for tl�e following streets: Western Avenue from W. Seventh to Superior Western Avenue from Goodl�ue to Goodrich Goodrich Avenue from Richmond to Garfield Banfil Street from Richmond to Western (28' wide) Sewer construction and restoration in kind is proposed for the street and right-of-way area along the following alignments: Goodhue Street from Cliff to W. Seventl� W. Seventh Street from Goodl�ue to St. Clair Goodhue Street from Richmond to Duke Duke Street from Goodl�ue to Superior Superior Street from Duke to Erie Erie Street from Superior to Micl�igan Michigan Street from Duke to Webster Oneida Street from Michigan to Superior Riclimond Street fi-om Michigan to W. Seventh Colborne Street from Michigan to Duke Oneida Street from St. Clair to railroad Harrison Avenue from Western to 300 feet west Superioi• Street fi•om Anii to Cliff Dousman Street from Superior to W. Seventh Goodrich Avenue from Douglas to Leech Leech Street from Goodrich to McBoal Smith Avenue at W. Seventh The new storm sewer construction is part of a long-range storm sewer project whicl� will result in a separated storm and sanitary sewer system for tl�e Goodrich/Western area. The street and lighting in�provements proposed would compliment the st��rm sewer construction. New bituminous ro�dways with concrete cw•b and gutter are being proposed. For full street restoration all driveway aprons will be i•econstriicted witl� concrete and new concrete outwalks will be constructed for each l�ome. Boulevards will be regraded and sodded. A new energy efficient sodium vapor lighting systein will be installed. Trees will Ue planted in the boulevard areas as needed to refa•est the area. It is estimated that 8 trees will be removed on tl�e soutl� side of Goodl�ue Street, between Dousman and Cliff and 2 trees removed on tl�e east side of Western Avenue between Superior and Goodhue. Tl�is is due to deep storm and sanitary sewer construction. Page 2. 2l 134\Engr.rec , . � � - : . q3-Z�S� ALTERNATES: To do nothing would be inconsistent �vitl� the City's commitment to separate the combined sewers and to improve existing oiled streets. Constructing sewers without street improvements has not been effective in the past, in that tlie existing oiled streets are not capable of withstanding the construction activity necessary to construct the sewers, and merely restore the trench areas. Improving the roadways in conjunction with sewer construction will save time, money and inconvenience later. Open cutting of all sewers in tl�is project was determined to be most economical and appropriate. The l�igh cost of deep rock tunnels is greater than the savings realized by ]ess rock excavation and storm sewer pipe. POSITIVE BENEFITS: Witl� the completion of the City's sewer project, tl�e ch�nce of sewer backups into basements and surface flooding will be reduced, and after rainleader disconnections, sewer backups into basements will be eliminated. Combined sewer overflows into the Mississippi River will be reduced. General improvement of the public right-of-way in conjunction with street construction will enhance and add quality to the neighborhood. Street oiling would be eliminated on new bituminous roadw�ys. ADVERSE EFFECTS: Normal problems associated with construction, such as noise, dust, and genei•al disruption will be present. Rock excavation is necessa�y, which will create additional noise and dust. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: Temporary construction e�sements will be needed on the south side of Goodhue Street from Dousman to Cliff and the east side of Western Avenue from Superior to Goodhue. Sidewalk will be reinoved and replaced, and will not be assessed. All other work will take place in existing street right-of-way. Cliff Street from St. Clair Ave.nue to Smith Avenue will have no work done to it, due to neighborhood action. TIME SCHEDULE: The project will begin in April, 1993 and be completed in November, 1993. ESTIMATED COSTS: GOODRICH/SMITH AREA Sewers (S-8084) $5,572,304 Paving (P-8063) 9��,bgg Lighting (V-s063) 207,900 TOTAL $6,692,092 Page 3. 21134\En�r.rec , _ . . . . , , q3-z� ✓ ESTIMATED FINANCING: GOODRICH/SMITH AREA Sewers: MnDOT 130 000 St�te Grants & Loans 3 000 000 Assessments 122 000 Sewer Revenue Bonds 2 320 304 Subtotal 5 S72 304 ' Paving: C� ital im rovement Bonds 6S7 391 Assessments 254 497 Subtotal 9]l 888 Lighting: Ca ital Im rovement Bonds l5l 636 Assessments 56 264 Subtot�l 207 900 TOTAL $6,692,092 ASSESSMENTS: Street Improven�ents: $21.10/front foot Lighting: $ 3.73/front foot Sewer Construction: $0.0333/square foot (1, 2 & 3 family homes) $0.0833/square foot (all others) SOURCE OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For additional information, contact: Tom Kuhfeld, St. Paul Public Works: 292-6276 Tom Peterson, Bonestroo, Itosene, Anderlik & Associates: 636-4600 RECOMMENDATION: The Department of Public Works feels tliat this is a necessary and worthwhile project, and the Engineering Recommendations is for approval of the order. Respectfully submitted, Tom Eggum Director of Public Works Page 4. 21134\Engr.rec ` � Saint Paul City Council C�� Public Hearing Notice Q3 -Z5 . . ✓ Public Improvement Construction OWNER OR TAXPAYER COUNCIL DISTRICT �2 PLANNING COUNCIL �09 ................................ .... RECEIVED FILE # 1$�'7<�<»;:�:<:::::<:::>::<::>::::>:::<: oEC 18 1992 PROPERTY ADDRESS ClTY CLERK. - PARCEL ID PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION PUBLIC TIME: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1993 AT 2:00 P.M. WORKS PLACE: CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, THIRD FLOOR CITY HALL-COURT HOUSE COMMITTEE This is where problems should be discussed so they can be MEETING resolved before the public hearing. THE TIME: TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1993 AT 9:00 A.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE To consider approval of the proposed project as follows: GOODRICH/WESTERN STORM SEWER PROJECT SAID AREA BOUNDED BY: 35E, GRAND AVE, GRACE ST, AND THE BLUFF ALONG CLIFF ESTIMATED If the City Council approves the project, all or part of the ASSESSMENT cost will be assessed against the benefitted properties. The INFORMATION ESTIMATED assessment for the above property is $158.84. THIS AMOUNT WILL NOT NEED TO BE PAID ALL AT ONE TIME! Please see PAYMENT INFORMATION on the reverse side of this notice and also the enclosed information for pro ject financing and a map showing the area of improvement. ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT CALCULATION CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE: i2/i8/92 (apis aay�o ay� uo si eaae uoi��na�suo� ay� ;o dew e) _ •�ui.zeaH �iiqnd au� �o ��P au� '�'� 00�6 - 0£:g u,io.z3 Ii�H �?� 8tZ u�oo� ui ��afo.�d siq� uo suoi�sanb a�nuiuz �s�i �Cu� aannsu� o� ajq�il�n� aq iitnn 33��s �t� `os� E�Sb-86Z �s�uawssassd 9LZ9-Z6Z �uo�}�na�suo� •uz�i�oid s�aa.z�s paiio siq� iapun passass� uaaq s�q apts �ioqs aq� ��eq� papino.zd passass� aq �ou iiinn s�oj.zau.zo� i�t�uapisai�o apis �uoj � uo �aa� OSi �s�i3 a�.L •�uiu�is s.zaunno ��adoid aq� �o �ua�iad OL q�rnn uoi�t�ad �q �003 ajq�ssass� sad �£'Z$ �� alq�ii�n� si �ut�q�tj nn�i�s �uag �oo� bs .zad ££80'$�t�i�.zauiuzo� �oo� bs iad £££0'$ �I�i�uaptsa� :luauzssass� iannas uiio�s �003 ajq�ssass� iad £L'£$ :luauissass� �ut�q�t-I �oo� alq�ssass� .zad pi•jZ$ :�uauzssass� �utn�d �aai�s Z60`Z69`9$"""Id1.O.L 000`000`£ su�oZ � s�u�i� a���s �0£`OZ£`Z spuog anuana� iamaS Z60`Z69`9$""'I�'.LO.L LZO`608 spuog �uauzano.zdLUI I��id�� 006`LOZ �uT�u$FI 000`0£I ,LOQ/uY�i 888`t i 6 �uin�d I9L`Z£� $ s�uauzssass� b0£`ZLS`S$ iannas uz.zo�s :�q JI�II�l�I�I�iI3 Q�.LL�'Y�II.LS� :jo3 S.LSO� Q�.I,�'Y11LI.S� :snnojjo� s� a.z� s�uauissass� pa��uzi�sa aq,i, •uot���i�t��.z ia��� sai�.zado�d pa��i�auaq �sure�� passass� aq ii?� s�so� uot��nz�suo� je�o� aq� �o uoi�.zod � `��afoid s1q� sanoidd� ii�uno� �t� aq� 3I �aa.��s u�uanaS 'M �� �S£ a��isia�uI - anuan� ii�i� �ut�s anuan� u�i.zpoo� o� �aai�s q�uanas •M - �aal�s u�euzsnoQ �aai�s s�j�noQ o� �aal�s pjai3.z�� - ;aai�s saq�o,� �aa.z�s pjat�i�� o� anuan� uia�sa� - �aai�s st�.�n�s �aai�s q�uanas •m o� anuan� uosi.zi�H - anuand q�i.zpoo� anuand u�a�sa� o� �aa.z�s axnQ - �aa.z�S i?3u�g anuan� uia�saM o� �aai�s puouzq�ig - �aa��s anupoo� •S �aa.z�s saqio3 0� •N �aai�s saq�o3 - �aai�s s�i�noQ anuan� uosiii�H o� anuan� u�upoo� - �aa.z�s piat�i�� �aai�S u�i.�poo� o� �aa.��s anqpoo� - �aai�S Puouzq�t� anuand uostii�H o� �aai�s q�uanas •� - anuand uia�saM :uoi��n.��suo�a� io3 pasodoid s�aai�s s��roxa �xin�ra s33Zis8 ax�t xois�ra�s x��3s a3xiswo� xsiws/x�i�aoo� .,,.��Z_�b . , F z w \ � � m w c� � � � a� � w z H�3 3l� 0����/ w O � \G�,�� v� o0 � � �Tl / � � 0 Q _ E a u � 7AV I11N1` N Z '� p � a ( �oC �r �> N ��� � 1S � � � � z �i svi�noa T � � �., Q � ri z I � O • F � � � , 7 N � � � W " N VI IS � o � N rc c� NVWSf100 z � r •1 Ci lY • •• O W l.l �t � U � = r- • � � V1 ls 3i�a � fs'ti ls � � � '' �� NNV , �j v� � � '` a � t9 =t V ti � = VI nV �nd N2171S]M N21J1S3M _ N a''. �; z a 1' '' J;. -' (7 c��,� 'W .i n � � u n+; -� � � n, m in a p ., rS c�: 1S ,? aNOrlN�lii S aNOWHal2 .;. 1S N2J0810� S 3N2J0810' � �1S � s� 3Hn U `� � O is �Hna � ❑� � I ls � �� W � 3�a3 F W Z p a� � �1S � C7 °� lJ R Z � � V 13N0- � a a S � W a31so3M— w � v~i is ►uaori N � _ oir,oaoi �Z (Y � _ U � �� I � � � OQ � w ��— � (� W` <� d l9 , � � ��'9£t iZ sx�nnsx� � suo�s�na SJ,1�I�b1iSS�SS�'9I�iIQfl'I�I�iI l�IOI�VL�RI03I�II 'I�'I�I�I�'l�tI,3 SAi�''Id 30 l�iOI.L�'J.1�t�S�2Id _ . �dQl�t�J�'- - S�SS�I�IISRg SZI�i�QIS� '�I�iI `'�OSS�' Ql�i�'�IIZ2I�Ql�i� `�I�I�S02I `40N.LS�I�tOg ?I��I�iI�i�i� �riIS'If1S1�T0� �.�'ZS 5'�RIOAA �I'IgAd 'If1T�d 'ZS 30 A.LI� �SJd�iddl�LL?Idd L1iflIS�'I�IW�i� Z��IZS �'QI�l�tO S9Z 2I�.L1�T�� �.LII�if1L1i1�1i0� H.LI�t�S �S�Aci ��2I�HAA 'L1i'd 00=L Z66i `0£ �I�$b1i���Q `1��QS�I�iQ�AA �l�I�HAA (�I�dg l�IO ddL1i ��S) ��' H.LIL1iS/H�RIQ009 S.LI�i�L1t�A02IdL11I Z��ZS Qi�d l�IOIZH�I�+'d�S 2I�AA�S £66I ��j�IQ���� ��tI.L��L1I I�tOIZ��03I�tI �I'ISlld ��131� �111� . 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N ,C �'r °� � 3iina ls 3�na� � .. . ��: ❑ ls � .,� 3ia3 �: � . x �s � n' '�' M013N0 � N : � O1 N O � � ��� ! a�se3M a � N � o�oaol � � J � � Q � U� a � � �j = � � U �Oi O � ¢ i� ` -�� • � g .n- U C� N � ' I PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT C� 3 — �� January 6, 1993 REC�IVED Page - 2 - � � � l 1 ��9:� 7. Construction of the CSSP Project to be known as the Cleve��arsc�'/I�Aa�s�`all Area Storm Sewer. Area bounded by Marshall and Iglehart on the north, Dayton on the south, Mississippi River on the west & Howeli on the east. Public Hearing is scheduled for Jan. 19, 1993. (Staff Peter White, Joe Mueller) Committee recommends approval. (3-0) 8. Construction of the following streets in the Cleveland/Marshall Area Street Paving and Lighting Project: Parts of Iglehart, Marshall, Dayton, Selby, Otis, Exeter Place, Finn, Wilder and Moore. Public Hearing is scheduled for Jan. 19, 1993. (Staff - Peter White, Joe Mueller) Committee recommends approval. (3-0) 9. Construction of sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water service connections, if requested by the property owner, for the Cleveland/Marshall Area Storm Sewer and Street Paving and Lighting Project. Public Hearing is scheduled for Jan. 19, 1993. (Staff - Peter White, Joe Mueller) Committee recommends approval. (3-0) v � 10. Construction of CSSP Project to be known as the Goodrich/Smith Area Storm Sewer. Area is bounded by Grace St., Pleasant Ave., Grand Ave., Wilkin St., and St. Clair Ave. Public _ Hearing is scheduled for Jan. 12, 1993. (Staff - Peter White, Tom Kuhfeld) Committee recommends approval. (3-0) 11. Construction of the following streets in the Goodrich/Smith Area Street Paving and Lighting Project. Parts of Western, Richmond, Garfield, Douglas, Goodhue, Banfil, Goodrich, Sturgis, Forbes, Dousman, and St. Clair. Public Hearing is scheduled for Jan. 12, 1993. (Staff - Peter White, Tom Kuhfeld) Committee recommends approval. (3-0) 12. Construction of sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water service connections, if requested by ` the property owners, for the Goodrich/Smith Area Storm Sewer and Street Paving and �--� Lighting Project. Public Hearing is scheduled for Jan. 12, 1993. (Staff - Peter White, Tom Kuhfeld) Committee recommends approval. (3-0} 13. Vacation - Petition of Housing & Redevelopment Authority for the vacation of the alley in Block 11, Bazil and Guerin's Addition for the construction of the Children's Museum, bounded by Seventh Street, Seventh Place, Wabasha and St. Peter Streets. Laid over from December 16, 1992. (Staff - Dick McCann, Theresa Sterns) Committee recommends lay over to January 20, 1993. (3-0)