93-14 ������NA►� a 3-�� �' Council File # Green Sheet ,� ����� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� � �..�....,�` Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 A Resolution requesting the Metropolitan Airports Commission to immediately enact a mandatory 3 noise budget ordinance at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport 4 5 Whereas, the City of St. Paul is severely impacted by air noise pollution emanating from Minneapolis- 6 St. Paul Intemational Airport (MSP), and 7 8 Whereas, the Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) is responsible for minimizing environmental 9 impacts from air navigation and transportation, and 10 11 Whereas, the MAC recently reported that aircraft noise levels at MSP are in violation of a voluntary 12 Noise Abatement Ordinance which was first established in 1987, and 13 14 Whereas, the MAC is currently considering what actions should be taken to address the noted 15 violations, and 16 17 Whereas, the MAC has specifically requested public comment on the various noise ordinance options 18 available to the MAC. 19 20 Now, Therefore Be It Resolved by the City of St. Paul that the MAC should immediately enact a new 21 mandatory Noise Budget Ordinance to achieve meaningful air noise reduction at MSP. 22 23 Be It Further Resolved that a copy of the Resolution be forwarded to the MAC for inclusion in the 24 public record currently being developed on this issue. Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: rimm � uerin � on '� acca ee �— ettman � un e / i son i BY� _ U 4�': . ) :��3 Adopted by Council: Date �H�LLN � �� � Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certi d ,. y Counci� �ecretary By: �. ; : BY� �G � ` �, �' � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by May r: Date �AN � " ���5�; Council � �� j�,� ��� � ����-� By: � �u'°Y`_"���"` $y: a' ''z.�:' , _ . . q 3 - I�I ►� Le islative o�e�$t�n � C�REEN SHEET N_ 21 b 40 (�oe�Nr o�cr�m�►� Q ciTV caiNC� ua'tuwo,�rE BOB LONG ' 298�44.73 �� �]c�TMA� ❑�TM�� Mu � � Q�oc,�r o�cron ��.a Mar.s�av�s a�. �e�uiro��oR�ssisrN+n (� TOTAL AF OF�#NATIJRE PA�#�8 (CUP l►LL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� �crwN�ar�c. , Adoption of Re�oZution urging Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) to enact a new mandatory Noise Budget Ordinance. RE�D�TIOq8:Appow W tx Re�t(R? PERSONAL BERVICE CWITRAC7"�IAU6T At�MfE11 TM��i01M1q0 OUEATIONS: _PLANNMN3 COMM188�N _.CIVN.BERVK�COAAAM8810N t. I�s ihfs p�reoMNen ewr woriNd Und�r'�COntr�Ct tor iM{dspW�11e1M't _CI�COMMrtTEE _ YE9 NO 2. Flas tl�s psrion/Ifrtn ewr b�a1 a dry smployss? —$T� — YES NO _asTnwr oax�r ._ g. �o.s uas psrwnrti�m aasea a awu�oe nom,.ar�oeaa�br d+r�+r►«n�r•�wbr•�� gUppOpTg WHlCN C�iC��C11vE9 YES NO Explain all yN ensw�rs on s�p�taN ahNt ind M1aah to-�ahNt INITIATMlO PR08LEM�188uE.OPPOF7UNITY lWho.YM+M.Wlwn.YlllNn.WhY). MAC has reported that aircraft noise levels at MSP violate voluntary Noise Aba�eme�nC � Ordinance and is seeking pu�lic comment on what direction MAC should take regardiag various Noise Ordinance options, ADVMITAOEB�APPFIO'VED: � The City of St. Paul will be on record i.n support of a ma.ndatory Noise Ordinance in �' effect at MSP. � DISAOYANTAGE8 IF APPHONED: None RECEIVED DEC 3 1 1992 CITY CLERK l�IBADVANTAflE81F NGT APPFIWEO: The City of St. Paul �i11 not have submitted com�ent for MAC's consideration on t� h�� � - subject of Noise Ordinance optf.ons. � llQSVa��" �EC q �. 1992 Nv cost involved TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN�ACTION = to C1tV COST/REVENIlE DIIDaETED(CIRC�.!ONE) YE8 NO FUNDINfi iOURCE ACTIVtTY NWMdEII A F,N„�,��,,�:«> d Uu 4 NOTE: COMP'l.ETE'DIRE+CTIONB ARE IIrCUH�ED IN THE�3REEN 8HEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AV/U[,ABLE IN THE PUFI�HA8tN�OFFICE`(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTIN(i ORDER: B810W Af9 OE1(P�C�fODUI'1�6}Of��1'1108t�f�QU9rlt�J6S O}dOCUfil9nb: CONTRACTS(aswmas autl�odzed budast s�dsts) COUNCIL RESOLUTION(Amend Budp�tsJAccspt.t�rand) 1. Outeide J1�r�► 1. DsperprbM DfroCtor 2. D�partrnsnt Dir�tor 2. Citar Attorney 3. City Attornsy 3. Budpet Di►ector 4. Mayor(hx cont�acis ov�er=45,000) 4. Mayor/Assfatant 5. Hurhan RipMs(for oontr�cte Ovar:80,000) 5. City Councll 6. Flnana u�d Manapsmer�t 8srvioss biroctor 8. Chlsf llccoun#ant, Financ�and Mana�m�nt Servfas 7. FMu�os ACOOUMing ADMlNISTRATIVE ORDER$(Budgst Revision) COUNCIL RESOLUTION(all othsro,mnd Ordinances) 1. Acbvity Mana�er 1. Department Diroctor 2. Departmsnt Acoountant 2. Ciry Attorney 3. Department Dfrector 3. Mayor Assistant 4. Budyst Director 4. City Councii . 5. Ciy Clerk 6. Chief AccouMant,F�ancs�nd Managsrtbr�t Ssrvioes ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS(aN othsrs) 1. DspartmsM Director 2. CI#y Attomey 3. Finance and Management Servk�s Director 4. Ciiy Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIONATUFiE PAOES Indicats the#of peipes on whid�siynaturas are requirod and pp�cllp or flap . �ch of tl�pp�s. AC7tON flEQUE3TED Dsa�xibs what ths project/requeat seeks�acwomplbh in efther chroralopi- cal ordsr or ordK of ImpoManc�e.whid�rer is most appropriate for the issue.Do not Mr�Contplste�Merx�a.Bpin aech kem in you�liat with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complste ff ths Isaw In queatbn has been proeented before anY�Y P�� or private. SLlPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? IndiCate which Cour�cii ob�hre(s)You►ProjecUroqueat support8 by Ilstirp ri+e key word(sj(HOUSMK3,RECREATION, NElQHBORHOOpS,ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDOET,3EWER$EPARATIOPIj.(SEE COMPLETE LIST IN FNSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) PERSONAL 3ERVICE C:ONTRACTS: This infonnati�on will bs used to de�e►mine d�s city'a liabillty for workera comp�nsation dalms,taxss and propK dvll ssrvio�hkinp rW�. INITIATIN(i PROBLEM, 133UE,OPPORTl1NITY Explain the aftuation or conditions that chated a need for you�project or tsquest. ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED Indk;ate whether this is simply an$nnual budpst procedure required by law/ charter or whether Men are apeciHc ways in whk;h the City of Safnt Paul and its citizens will bensfit from this project/aarion. DISADVANTAQES IF APPROVED What negative effscb or major d�anges W sxiatinp or past processea might this proJ�tJrequest produce if ft is pa�sd(e.g.,trai�c delsys,raise� tax irKxsasss 0r-aas�er)snts)?To VlEltom?Wlten?For how IongT DISADVANTAQES IF NOT APPRQVEO 11Vha!wfN,be the ne�et�c�wteequsr�ces ff the promieed action is�t approved?Inab�Nity Eo dsNver eervioe?C,c�r�Unued hiyh traffiC,nase, sccident rats?Lose of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPAC'f Although you muat taibr ths i�kxmatbn you provide here to the issue you are,addressing,in gsneral you must aruvrar two qusstbns:How much ia it going b c�t?Who is�oing to pay?