93-10 ���v���� Council File # �� ^�� V Green Sheet # � 1 ,� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT P UL, MINNESOTA �L�- � . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date BE IT RFSOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the action of the Property Code Enforcement Board of Appeals pertaining to the following listed properties and as shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Property Code Enforcement Board of Appeals and dated, December 10, 1992 and marked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: Date of Board Minutes Case No: Pro�ert A��ealed A��ellant 12-10-92 96-92-F 176 Arundel Street Otto & Leona Reiling BOARD ACTION: A variance was granted on the one hour fire door with the provision of fulfilling either one of two options: First Option: put a one hour fire rated door on the boiler room. Second Option: install a sprinkler system, two heads for the boiler room and one head for the laundry room and allow until March 1, 1993 to comply with either option. BOARD ACTION: A variance was granted on the deadbolt locks with the provision that as the locks need replacing they be replaced with the one inch throw. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Kern's Addition to St. Paul W 6 Inches of Lot 17 and All of Lot 16 Blk 2 ----------------------------------- 12-10-92 99-92-F 707 Minnehaha Avenue East Stroh Brewery Company Vincent Lechman BOARD ACTION: A variance was granted on the electronic supervision of all sprinkler systems with the provision that daily inspections are completed by maintenance personnel in addition to the monthly inspections being completed and that there be available a daily log on site of these daily inspections. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: (720 Payne Avenue) THEO. HAMM BREWING CO ADDITION, ST. PAUL VAC STS & ALLEYS ACCRUING & SUBJ TO THE FOL; IN ARLINGTON HILLS ADD, EX THE PART DEEDED TO RAILROAD BLK 41 & 43, LOTS 9 & 10 BLK 52 LOTS 9 THRU 16 BLK 55, LOTS 9 THRU 15 BLK 58 & ALL OF BLKS 42, 51, 56 & 57, & ALL OF BLK 44 ���Gi�l�1p►�. q 3 -�� � OF STINSON'S SUBD LOT 16 OF WARREN'S GARDEN LOTS, EX E 9.14 FT LOT 3 & ALL OF LOTS 4 THRU 19 BLK 1 OF SCHURMEIER & EVAN'S ADD, PART OF WATER POWER RESERVATION & LOTS 1 & 2 BLK 8 OF IRVINES 2ND ADD, PART OF BLK 1 & 4 IN BORUP & PAYNES ADD, A 15.5 FT MOL PART OF THE 100 FT RR R/W & IN THE THEO HAMM BREWING CO. ADD, ALL OF BLK 1, 2, 3 & BLK 4 ----------------------------------- and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon passage of this resolution the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this resolution for recording to the Ramsey County Office of Register of Deeds. -2- Yeas Nays Absent R ted b Deaartmen of: rsmm G ue in i on � acca ee i � � e man � iuson / �- BY. ( Adopted by Council: Date ,;r�;, j R; ���;� Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption ti �ied by u il Secretary � �� _ >� By' .� i By: � � , Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by', yor: Da JAN � 3 1993 Council ' ; .� s . a�.��u�/ By: �������� y. A . "? � f� P14����;'�� 41,���G ._ . _ .. 93-Io oeP�wn�rirro�ce�cour�c� DATE INITIATEO 5 9 7 9 Prop Code Enf Bd of Ap 12-��-92 GREEN SHEET No. CONTACT PER80M d PFIONE INITIAU OATE IPqTIAl1DATE DEPAfiTMENT DIRECTOp . GTY OpUNCIL CllaflCS VOt81 2�-�I71 H � TY ATTORNEY �pTY CLERK MUBT BE ON OOUNGIL AOENDA BY(DAT� IIOUTINO �BUDOET OIRECTOR �FIN,8 Ml'iT.SERVICES DIR. A.S.A.P. (�]«u►voR ca+�se�srMm ❑ TOTAL A�OF SIGNATURE PA�8 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 81GNATURfl ACTION flECUEBTED: Resolution approving the action of the Property Ccxie Enforcement Board of Appeals. F� :�PD�W a►�1�(� OOIN�ICN. Ii�011T AL _PLANNINO OOM�SBION _CML SERWC�COh1MiSSION ��'Y8T PHONE NO. _qB f�MMITTEE _ _ST/�FF _ O�M�NT8. _DISI'FUC'T COURT _ BUPPORTB NR11CH OOUNqL OBJECTIVE? II�NTIATINO PROBLEM�ISBUE�OPPOR7LNITY(Who�What.Whsn�Whero.Wh�: Approving the action of the Property Code Enforcement Board of Appeals for the meeting of December 10, 1992 (see attached minutes). �-... tp s � ,�L�r� DEC 2 2 1992 �A�'��'S OFFICE ADVANTI�OES IF APPF�VED: Variances granted to the property will be ratified. Q :� 2 Variances � � �� � � '� V ~ � �� � � � o�v�nrt�s��oveo: Q � , �.�r� �@SE� tns��a� None RECEIVED nEC 31 1992 ����$ � CtTY CLERK D18ADVMITAOEB IF NOT APPAOVED: The action taken by the Property Code Enforcement Board of Appeals will be returneti to the Board by the City Council for further review. TOTAL AMalNT OF TRANfACT10N ill/S COST/WEYENUE WD�TED(C111CLE ONE) YEi NO FUNDINQ SOUNCE �a ACTIVITY NUMOEi3�v� FINAN(�Al INFORMATION:(EXPWI� dUJ . � �i , k,.� . � ' . NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECT'tON3 l�iE INCLUOEA IN TME al�EM SNEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVJULABLE IN THE PUqCFf/kSINO OFFfCE(PHONE NO:2N-4225).. ROUTtN(i ORDER: Bslow ere p►sf�rred routinps 1or ths tNre mo�t frpwM typN of documeMs: CONTRACTS (as�unws authorized OOUNqL RE80LUTION (Amsnd, Bdgts:/ budqet exias) Accept.arants) 1. Outaide A�sncy 1. Dsp�Rnant Director 3. Gty IAtton��� 3. dl�Attany 4. Msyor 4. Mayor/As�steM S. Finarx�d�Mgmt Svcs. Dfnctor 5. qly Cou�� 6. Fin�nce AccouMin� 8. Chisf AccouMaM.Fln&INpmt Stires. . ADMINI3TRATIVE ORDER (Budpet, COUNqL RESOLUTION (and��NANCE i�evisbn 1. Activily Mar�eper 1. Initiatinp DspaRmsrrt Director 2. D�Rrrbr►t AccouMaM 2. City Attaney 3. Dep�rtrt�snt drocta 3. MayoNA�tM 4. BudpM Director 4. qty Ca�U1lc:il S. City Clerk 8. Chief AccountaM, Fln�M�mt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER8 (aN othsrs) 1. IniUding D�Rment ' 2. qly Attomsy 3. MayoN/laiqant 4. CHy Clerk TOTAL NWkiBER OF SK3NATUAE PA(�ES Indkate thp�of paQsa on v�ich afqnaturos aro requind and papercllP �ach of thbse� ACT'ION REOUESTED Describs what ths projoct/request tesks to scoomplish in eithsr cbrondopi- cal ordsr or order of importaru:a.whichwer ts moot appnop�fate for ths iseue. Do not write oomplste aentenoss. Bspin a�h item in your list with a verb. REOOMMENDATIONS Complste N Me iasue in qusation h�s b�sn pree�ted bsbre any body,IwbHc � or prhrat�. 3UPPORT3 WHICH OOUNqI.OBJECTIVE? Irbfc�ts wMch Council obMcdve(s)Y���1��tiY���9 ths ksy word(s)(HOUSINt3, FiECREATtON, NEICiHBORHO0D8, ECONOIu11C DEVELOPMENT, BUD(iET,SEWER SEPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE L13T IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEEIRESEARCH REPORT-�P'TIONAL AS REQUE3TED BY COUNCIL INITIATII�K3 PROBIEM, lSSUE,OPPOATUNITY Explain the skuetbn or�ditia�s Mat crMted a nssd for your project or requ�t. ADVANTACiE3 IF APPf�VED I�s whstMr Mi�is simpy►an annual budpN proc�dure roquired by Isw/ chertsr a whsthsr there ars spsdAc wa in which tlw City of SaiM Peul and fta ckizens will bsnstit inom Mis prc�t/ection. DISA�VANTA6ES IF APPROVED What nspati�re effects w major char�qes to fxiating or past pror�aes mi�ht t�s ProlectJroQu�Producs if it is pqNd(e.p.�tratHc dslaya, noise. tax incrost�or as�stmsnis)?To WtwmT Whsn7 For how long� DI&ADVANTACiE3 IF NOT APPROVED Whet will be ths napativ�consequsncss N ths promfaed action is not approved4 Inability to deliver service?Contlnued hbh tniNc, ndas,— , axident rate?Loss of rsvsnue? FINANGAL IMPACT - Although you mwt t�lor ths inf�metion you prcvids hers to ths IMUe you aro addrossing, in general you must anwusr two que�tions: Fbw much is 8 �oMp to c�t?Who is going to payt PROPERTY CODE ENFORCEMENT �3 ��t,l BOARD OF APPEALS CTI'Y OF S�AIN'T PAUL SSS Cedar Street 612-292-7775 James Scheibe[,Mayor Saint Paul,MN SSI01-2260 �Xl�l�l% 14 Minutes, Meeting of December 10, 1992 Members Present: Ron Glassman, Chairman Ron Ankeny Donald Weida Joan Pearson James Laughlin Members Absent: William Tilton Stephanie Chester Others Present: Otto Reiling Leona Reiling John Lenzi Jim Hazayda Paul Haugen Tim Knabe Vince L.echman David Germain Mike Ricketson Wes Sampson Pat Fish John Ebner Phil Owens Staff: Judy Masterman The meedng was called to order by Chairman Glassman at 1:30. Chairman Glassman welcomed the Appellants and explained the procedure, stating that what the Board dces is recommend action to the City Council. He also asked that the statements be brief and that the Board was there as fellow citizens to help them in a fair manner. Chairman Glassman reviewed with the Board members the letter from the Board of Water Commissioners regard;ng the RPZ valves and the ruling by the Board of Water Commissioners regazding the "Hold" on all RPZ valve appeals. ��3-i� Board of Appeals December 10, 1992 Page: 2 1. Approval of the minutes for the meeting of November 12, 1992 as submitted in writing. BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Laughlin to approve the Minutes of the November 12, 1992 meeting. Seconded by Pearson. Motion carried unanimously. ----------------------------------- 2. Case Hearings: Case No: Property Anuealed A ell n 91-92-F 297 Goodrich Avenue David J. Carter (3 Units) SUB�TECT: Appellant is requesting a variance for the order to provide a larger escape window in the bedroom of unit 3, the carriage house. PROCEEDINGS: Pat Fish stated that she has met with the owners of 297 Goodrich Avenue and that she is asking the Board to return the $25.00 filing fee because there is an alternative escape for this particular unit. BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Laughlin to refund the $25.00 filing fee. Seconded by Weida. Motion carried unanunously. ------------------------------- 95-92-F 580 Snelling Avenue South Calvin Fischer (5 Units) SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance for the required Boiler RPZ valve. PROCEEDINGS: Board of Water Commissioners is requesting a "hold" on all RPZ valve appeals. Appellants will be advised of further developments. BOARD AC1'ION: None required. ---------------------------------- � � �3 -10 Board of Appeals December 10, 1992 Page: 3 103-92-F 1200 Forest Street John D. Lenzi Apartment E SUBJECT: Appellant is appealing the Condemnation and Vacate of this unit as it pertains to a past due bill with NSP. PROCEEDINGS: Testimony was presented by Mr. Lenzi to include that he is concerned that NSP is using the City to help collect their past due accounts. Mr. Lenzi stated that NSP should have to collect these past due accounts through small claims court or another way. NSP has refused to allow Mr. Lenzi to put the service for this apartment into his name. Mr. Lenzi informed the Board that there is heat for this unit, the only thing lacking is illumination and cooking facilities. Phil Owens from Fire Prevention stated that this tenant is living without basic facilities and that this is in violation of six different sections of the Housing Code and therefore wants the unit vacated until the time that the NSP is restored. Phil Owens stated that this is a new procedure for NSP to not allow the property owner to have the utilities in their name. There was much discussion by the Board, appellant and Phil Owens about allowing a person to occupy a unit without basic facilities and the Board's authority to deal with this type of situation in granting a variance on a condemnation. BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Ankeny to grant an extension of time until March 1, 1993 to vacate the unit with the understanding that this time is to allow the tenant and the property owner to work out an agreement with NSP, restore the facilities or vacate the unit. This extension/variance is for this unit/tenant only at this time. Seconded by Pearson. Motion carried unanimously. ----------------------------------- 96-92-F 176 Arundel Street Otto & Leona Reiling (5 Units) SUBJECT: Appellant is appealing several items on orders issued by the Fire Department: Item 2. Key box - requesting extension of time, the key box has been ordered. 3. Exterior painting - requesting extension of time until spring. 6. Provide one hour fire rated doors on entrance to boiler room, one hour fire rated ceiling in laundry room and one hour fire door at front entrance - requesting a variance. 7. RPZ valve in fill line to boiler - requesting variance. 12. Provide self closures for all apartment doors - requesting a variance. 13. Provide deadbolt locks on all apartment doors - requesting a variance. PROCEEDINGS: Testimony was presented by Otto and Leona Reiling regarding the above list of deficiencies. q3 -i� Board of Appeals December 10, 1992 Page: 4 Item 6. There was much discussion by the Board, Mike Ricketson from Fire Prevention, Pat Fish from Fire Prevention and the Reiling's regarding the need and location of the one hour fire rated doors and the opdon of adding sprinkler heads. The City's position on this is that somewhere between the hazardous area and the lower unit apartment there be a separation door. BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Ankeny to grant a variance on the one hour fire door with the provision of fulfilling either one of two options: First Option: put a one hour fire rated door on the boiler room. Second Option: install a sprinkler system, two heads for the boiler room and one head for the laundry room and allow until March 1, 1993 to comply with either option. Motion carried unanimously. 12. There was discussion by the same individuals regarding the need to install door closures. There was concern about handicapped residents and the potential burden for them. Mike Ricketson stated that this is a life and safety issue due to a fire spreading from one unit to another. BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Ankeny to deny the request for a variance. Seconded by Weida. Motion carried unanimously. 13. There was discussion regarding the requirement to install deadbolt locks. This is a security building and the main doors are locked at all time. The door to the individual apartments fit securely in the frames. BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Laughlin to grant a variance on the deadbolt locks with the provision that as the locks need replacing they be replaced with the one inch throw. Seconded by Ankeny. Motion carried unanimously. 6. There was discussion about residing the building next spring. BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Glassman to grant an extension of time until September 1, 1993 to complete the exterior painting. Seconded by Pearson. Motion carried unanimously. ------------------------------- 97-92-F 1881 Mechanic Avenue Azure Properties (47 Units) Barb Jones SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance for the installation of a RPZ valve on the boiler feed line. PROCEEDINGS: Board of Water Commissioners is requesting a "hold" on a11 RPZ valve appeals. Appellants will be advised of further developments. BOARD ACTION: None required. �3 -�a Boazd of Appeals December 10, 1992 Page: 5 100-92-F 1547 Marion Street Azure Properties (35 Units) Barb Jones SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance for the installation of a RPZ valve on the boiler feed line. PROCEEDINGS: Board of Water Commissioners is requesting a "hold" on all RPZ valve appeals. Appellants will be advised of further developments. BOARD ACTION: None required. ---------------------------------- 98-92-F 1166 Hewitt Avenue Richard Sagstetter (18 Units) SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance for the installation of the RPZ valve on the boilers. PROCEEDINGS: Board of Water Commissioners is requesting a "hold" on all RPZ valve appeals. Appellants will be advised of further developments. BOARD ACTION: None required. ---------------------------------- 101-92-F 1939 Marshall Avenue North Star Investment (27 Units) John Ebner SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance to the order of installing the one inch dead bolt locks on all apartment doors. PROCEEDINGS: Testimony was presented by John Ebner regarding the requirement to install the one inch deadbolt locks. This is a security building, the front door is locked at all times. There was discussion by the Board, Mr. Ebner and Pat Fish regarding the new requirement that if there is an existing 5/8 inch deadbolt lock they would install a extended metal strike plate. Mr. Ebner was concerned about the cost. BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Chairman Glassman to deny the request for a variance but to grant an extension of time until December 31, 1993 for one half of the apartments and the other half of the apartment to be completed by December 31, 1994 with either installing the required one inch deadbolts or the extended six inch metal strike plates. Seconded by Weida. Motion carried unanimously. ------------------------------- �� 1a Board of Appeals December 10, 1992 Page: 6 102-92-F 1261-69 Cleveland Avenue North Wesley Sampson (14 Units) Cleveland Terrace Apartments SUB�TECT: Appellant is requesting a variance to the order of installing the one inch dead bolt locks on all apartment doors. PROCEEDINGS: Testimony was presented by Wes Sampson regarding the requirement to install the one inch deadbolts, this is a security building with security door to both corridors that are locks and accessed by keys only. Pat Fish from Fire Prevention stated that this would be another possibility for the extended metal strike plate. BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Ankeny to deny the request for a variance but to grant an extension of time until December 31, 1993 to either replace the deadbolts with the one inch throw or to install the extended six inch metal strike plates. Seconded by Pearson. Motion carried unanimously. ------------------------------- 88-92-F 1188 Rice Street David L. Germain (Commercial) SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance to the order of either removing exposed foam insulation material or covering with approved material. PROCEEDINGS: Testimony was presented by David Germain and Leo Herimerl regarding the exposed insulation. Phil Owens from Fire Prevention stated that this a life and safety issue because if this insulation were to burn, it would emit toxic fumes. There was much discussion by the Board, Fire Prevention and the appellants regarding the cost of covering this insulation and the fact that this insulation was installed as the building was constructed and that there would be no way to remove the insulation without totally dismantling the building. There are no functions performed or no materials that are stored in the garage that would be hazardous. BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Glassman to deny the request for a variance but to grant an extension of time until July 1, 1993 to provide cover for the insulation up to 12 feet high of 1/2 inch gypsum board on the walls, an hour separation between the occupied azea and the storage area and to install hard wired smoke detectors that enunciate throughout the buildings and that the use of the building be used only (for the present use) for a storage facility, to park vehicles. Seconded by Pearson. Motion carried 4 yea, 1 nea. ----------------------------------- a3 _,� Boazd of Appeals December 10, 1992 Page: 7 99-92-F 707 Minnehaha Avenue East Vincent Lechman (Commercial) Stroh Brewery Company SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance to the order to install electronic supervision of all sprinkler system control valves. PROCEEDINGS: Testimony was presented by Mr. Lechman, Mr. Harayda, Mr. Knabe and Mr. Haugen regarding the sprinkler system control valves. There was much discussion concerning this requirement, the sixty buildings that are spread out among 20 acres and that the sprinkler control valves be electronically supervised. The valves aze cunently chained and locked open and there has been no problems thus far. The discussion involved the cost of installation and the annual service fee. Phil Owens from Fire Prevention stated the City's position and recited from the State Fire Code and the City Fire Code which requires this electronic supervision. There was also testimony by Jim Harayda, a Senior Loss Prevention Specialist from Factory Mutual about their concerns and that the property owners have complied with their needs as it relates to insurance. Phil Owens stated his concern that this is a most untimely appeal since the orders were originally issued in January of 1992. BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Pearson to grant a variance on the electronic supervision of all sprinkler systems provided that daily inspections are completed by maintenance personnel in addition to the monthly inspections already being completed and that there be available a daily log on site. Seconded by Weida. Motion carried unanimously. ------------------------------- Motion for adjournment. Motion carried unanimously. ------------------------------- r . 13 -�� � ` Board of Appeals �!''��,��8� December 10, 1992 Page: 7 99-92-F 707 Minnehaha Avenue F.ast Vincent Lechman (Commercial) Stroh Brewery Company SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance to the order to install electronic supervision of all sprinkler system control valves. PROCEEDINGS: Testimony was presented by Mr. Lechman, Mr. Harayda, Mr. Knabe and Mr. Haugen regarding the sprinkler system control valves. There was much discussion concerning this requirement, the sixty buildings that are spread out among 20 acres and that the sprinkler control valves be electronically supervised. The valves are cunently chained and locked open and there has been no problems thus far. Tfie discussion involved the cost of installation and the annual service fee. Phil Owens from Fire Prevendon stated the City's position and recited from the State Fire Code and the City Fire Code which requires this electronic supervision. There was also testimony by Jim Harayda, a Senior Loss Prevention Specialist from Factory Mutual about their concerns and that the property owners have complied with their needs as it relates to insurance. Phil Owens stated his concern that this is a most untimely appeal since the orders were originally issued in January of 1992. BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Pearson to grant a variance on the electronic supervision of all sprinkler systems provided that daily inspections are completed by maintenance personnel in addition to the monthly inspe.ctions already being completed and that there be available a daily log on site. Seconded by Weida. Motion carried unanimously. ------------------------------- Motion for adjournment. Motion carried unanimously. ------------------------------- ' � . . r � � � � � � • � J •nj�f i•� O /� (� � l n%i• t �-- RFCOF?�ED ON � � ufi�i, r-�d.w. a � {}�_b� � ,� _�� Nov is 1993 L�ErJf�. i { �� { i C -� � L�fi�. �..: e . . � '.J� r� Pl�Y �6 101� �� ��� � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) � .,�r� COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) ss. ���;'!.�: ,, ,:;�R CITY OF ST. PAUL ) �Y _�... .. �: '�TY I, Molly O'Rourke, City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that f have compared the attached copy of Council File No. 93-10 as adopted by the City Council on January 12. 1993 and approved by the Mayor on January 13. 1993 with the original thereof on file in my office. 1 further certifiy that said copy is a true and correct copy of said � original and the whole thereof. WITNESS, my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota this 1 st day of Nov�;mber, 1993. 4�=���,_���� = �� .F � . s � � , ;� .. :� ._____ ��� � ,��,� � �',? �r _ ::�y . ' ' . '",•'.,,�5� ' "; s .. � ��°� � CITY CLERK ��# ������j� � - ; °_. RETUR�! 7`� C.c� C'�2�•�h-� (��� , / 7t7 � ` V ' �- ��[.�-C�-�� t , � � 'y'r- ; .'i`,�.j 7=ii7t3�;��?b�-iF��..`r�t.r.-�.i-� �.'�.�.�17