Enterprise (5) Enterprise Rent-A-Car 1 of 4 P�BOX 842442 DALLAS,TX 752842442 R EC E I V E D Ma���,Jtme l0,2013 .�UN �.4 2013 CITY CLERK OF ST PAUL s�o e�n xa» CITY CLERK 15 Kellogg Blvd.,�V est ST.PA[�L,�iN 55102 Re: Claim No. 03308354 ➢ate of Loss 11>0'/2012 Amount➢ue:$38b_68 Dear SirlMadam: Qur records show that we have been tu�able to resolve the claim cit�d above and we have not received payment for the fiiit a�noi�nt of our loss. We are sincere iu our desire to bring this matter to an amicahle conclusifln,but we�uust have yaur coo�eration to do so. Please remit payinent in fuil to the address abave and include our claim nuFnber on your payment_ If ynu prefer,you znay also pay the aanouut due using a debit card,credit card or directly from your = bank account at the followin�web address,making sure to iuclude the"S"at the end of"http": _ t�ttps:/!www.velocitypayment.cotn/clienWaukofaanerica/eraclindex.htn� = If we do not receive gaytuent far the total amount due within teu(10)days of the above date,we will have no alternarive but to turn this niatter over to a callection agency or independeut attorney. Collectian witi be for d�e amount due plus any expeuses incurred in die recovery process,where petwitted by law_ In light of tUis matter,until fiirther natice you will not be eligible to rent frotu Alama,Enterprise or National Car Reutal. Any reservation you make will not be hanored at the rental location_ If you have any q�►estiolls regarding yaur respousibility for tlus loss.please contact our office. This will be oiu fi�al votice. 2 of 4 Sincerely> LTC LTC RECQVERY 7L02 Recovery Speeialist dru2Cehi.com Da�nage Recovery Unit DiRECT: 866-30d-3?38 OFFICE: 866-300-3238 FAX: 888-874-8937 , i 3af4 I?��OICE Date: 06/1 d/2013 CIT�CLERK OF ST PAUL Claim#: 03308354 310 City Hall Unit#: 7GFLGQ 15 Kellogg Blvd.,West Billing Invoice#: 6122b3(}8 ST. PALTL,MN S_Sld2 Vehicle Infar�natiau VIN: JN8AE2KPSC9039621 Year: 2Q 12 Make: NISN Madel: QUES Itero Total C'ost Amonnt Due Dan�ages $28�.70 $?80.70 Admuustrative Fees $SQ.i�O $SO.UO Loss of Use , $55.98 $55.98 1.406 dm,^��539.99/day�,d'100'.occupaacy � Diminislwsent of Value $28.07 Waived Total Amotint Due: $386.68* *Remit payment iu U.S.Dollars. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PAYL'P(JNREGEIPT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ ALL PAY14iEI�TS�41U5T INCLL?DE THIS REA�IITTANCE TO BE CREDITED PROPERLY! PAYABLE TO: DAMAGE RECOVERY UI�IIT Claiiv#: �33083_54 P4 BO�842442 Unit�#: 7GFLGQ DALLf1S,TX 752842442 Biiling Invaice#: 61226308 Toll Free�#: 8b6-300-3238 Total Amount Due: S 386.68* *Remit payment in U.S.Doltars. Total Amount Remitted: � 4 of 4 Otu c�aim vumber: 033U8354 Yoni•Claim Intormation Your insurance/credit card company: Yaur claim number: � Name of claims adjuster: _ Adjuster/�ompany email address: Adjuster/company pliane number: Adjuster/eompauy faY number: Adjusier/coiupany mailing address: .4c�dre.ss Ci1}�, Sfc�te, Zip Please reply ta: Dama�e Recavery Unit Esnail:DRU2 t�.ehi.com or Fax:888-874-8937 Phon : 866-3U0-3238 Mail: PO BOX 842 2 DALLAS,TX 752842442