97-833Council File # °l�t -833 Green Sheet # � �� 7 � 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 JRI�I�!A�. Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Whereas, Mendota Homes, Inc. made application to the Board of Zoning Appeals for a variance from the strict application of the provisions of the Saint Paui Zoning Code for property located at 496 Laurel Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota, and legally described as I,ots 13, 14, & 15, Block 9, Woodland Park Addirion; and Whereas, the purpose of the application was to vary the standards of the Saint Paul Zoning Code [§§ 61.101 and 63.107(d)] so as to provide for several setback vaziances as well as a variance of the separation requirement betcveen buildings, in order to conshuct an 8 unit townhouse development; and Whereas, The Boazd of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearin$ on Apri17, 1997, after having provided notice to affected property owners, and the Boazd of Zoning Appeals, by its Resolution 97-041, adopted Apri17, 1997, granted the variance application based upon the following fmdings and conclusions: L The proposed townhouse development, three hvo-unit and two single-unit structures with a total of 32 zoning rooms, is under the density allowed (38 rooms) for this site. A low densiry development of one-unit and two-unit buildings that is in keeping with the Heritage Preservation guidelines and the chazacter of the surrounding neighborhood has created the need for the variances. 2. The inclusion of this property in a Heritage Preservation Dish and the character of the surrounding neighborhood are circumstances that were not created by the applicant. 3. A low density development of one-unit and two-unit buildings as opposed to a single, two or three story structure with as many as 19 apartment units which would be allowed on this site given the RM-2 zoning and lot size, is in keeping with the character of the neighborhood. 4. This parcel has street frontage on two sides and abuts an alley on another side. The setback vaziances for these three sides will not affect the supply of light or air to the adjacent properties. The variances xequested for the East side of the properiy are relatively minor and can be further mitigated through landscaping or fencing. The proposed development, if it meets Heritage Preservation o idelines, wi11 fit in well with the neighborhood and will not diminish established properiy values. 5. The proposed vaziances, if granted, will not change or alter the zoning classification of the property. 6. The applicant states that the primary goat of this project is to create a low density development of one-unit and two-unit structures that is in keeping with the chazacter of the surrounding area and Heritage Preservation guidelines. Whereas, pursuant to the provisions of Saint Paul Legislative Code § 64.205, Judy Beck, Herb and Marylyn Vogel and Pam Brandt, duly filed with the City Clerk an appeal from the determination ,. q1- �33 � 2 3 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 made by the Boatd of Zoning Appeals, requesting that a hearing be held before the City Council for the purpose of considering the actions taken by the Board of Zoning Appeals; and Whereas, Acting pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code Sections 64205 through 64.208, and upon notice to afFected parties a public hearing was duly conducted by the Ciry Council on May 7, 1997, where all interested parties were given an opportuniry to be heazd; and Whereas, the Council, having heard the statements made, and having considered the vaziance application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the Board of Zoning Appeals, does hereby Resolve, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby uphold the decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals in this matter, based upon the following fmdings of the Council: Having heard the public testimony and considered all the records and files in this matter, the Council finds no error as to fact, fmding, or procedure on the part of the Board of Zoning Appeals, and that the Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul hereby adopts and incorporates as its own, the findings of the Board of Zoning Appeals as set forth above; and Be It Further Resolved, based upon the above findings, that the appeal of Judy Beck, Herb and Marylyn Vogel and Pam Brandt be and is hereby denied; and Be it Finally Resolved, that the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to Judy Beck, Herb and Marylyn Vogel, Pam Brandt and Mendota Hames, Inc., the Zoning Administrator, the Planning Commission and the Board of Zoning Appeals. Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Covncil: Date t�yy� l l� 1 Adoption Certified by Counci � Sec ary HY: a � Approved by a o. D�te � 1� By: 6 Form Approved by City Attorney B ���<•/w.vr�- t "rP''j'y Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Byc c��y co,��� 6-18-97 f GREEN SHEET p � O DEPARiMEM DIREGTOR ��W lO NUMaER FOR � C4TY ATTORPlEY pp�� �HUDGETOIRECTOR ORUEF � MpYOR (OR ASSISTAN7J TOTAL # OF 31GNATURE PAGES (CUF ALL LOCATIONS FOH SIGNATURE) ���4U � � ��� � iNR1AUDATE — cm couwca CRYCLERK FIN. 8 MGT. SERYICES OIR. Finalizing City Coimcil action taken May 7, 1997, denying the appeat of Judy Beck, Her & Marilyn Vogel and Pam Brandt to a decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals granting variances to construct an eight unit towahouse development at 496 Laurel Avenue. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) a pejeC[ (R) _ PLANNiNG COMMISSION __ CML SERYICE COMMISSION �. Ci8 COMMRiEE � . _ STAFF� _ " _ DISTRICTCOURT _' SUPPOHTS WMICH COUNCIL O&lECT7VE7 TOTAL AMOUNT OF SRANSACTION S PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS NUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 1. Has Mis pe�soMirm ever worked untler a conmct tor Mis departrneM? YES NO 2. Has this personfittn ever been a ciy BmPloyee? '- YES NO 3. Does this personfirm possess a skifl not rro'ma�ly possessed by any cunent city emplqee? YES NO Explaln all yes answen on sepatate shae[ sntl ettA¢� to gresn ahee[ COSTlREVENU£ BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONE) YES NO FUNRIHG SOUHCE ACTIVttY NUMBER FINANCIAI 1NFDAbSAT10N: �EXPoAIN) OFFICE OF TF� CITY ATTORNEY �./� � PegBir7� CityAttorney /lI� �� �a 'l CIfiY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor civit Divrsion 400 Ciry Hat! I S West Kellogg Blvd SainrPaul, Mimlesota SS102 Tetephone: 612 26b$710 Facsimile: 612 298-5614 June 18, 1447 HAND DELIVERED Nancy Anderson Assistant Secretary Saint Paul City Council Room 310 Saint Paul City Hall RE: Appeal of Mendota Homes, Inc., 496 Laurel Avenue BZA File No. 97-041 Dear Nancy: Attached please fmd a signed resolution formalizing the decision of the Saint Paul City Ccouncil in the above enfided matter. The resolution should be set on the Council's Consent Agenda at your eaziiest convenience. If you haue any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, ������ Peter W. Wamer Assistant City Attorney. OFFtCE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND t�`^� 1��' v ' 1 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTE(."LION Robert Kess[er, Direttar OF SAINT PAUL Coleman, Mayor w�r Aprii 24, 1497 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Keseazch Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: 7AWRY PROF£SSIONAL BUIIDING Suite 300 350 St. Peter Streei Saint Paut, Minnesota 55102-IS70 ��.�33 Telephone, 612-26G9090 Facsimile: 612-2664049 612-26b9124 I would like to confum that a public heazing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday May ?, 1997 for the following appeal of a Boazd of Zoning Appeals decision: Appellant: Tudy Beck, Her & Maryilyn Vogal, Pam Brandt File Number: 9?-IDO Purpose: Appeal of a Board of Zoning Appeals decision granting several variances in order to const�vct an 8 unit townhouse Address: development. 496 Laurel Ave Legal Description of Property: Lots 13,14, & 15, Block 9, Woodland Pazk Add. Previous Action: The 9ummit University Planning Council and Raznsey Hill Association held a joint community issues meeting and unanimously recommended approval. Staff recommended approval. Boazd of Zoning Appeais; Granterl the request on a vote of ?-0. My understanding is that this public heazing request wiil appear on the agenda for the May Y, 1941 City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-9082 if you have any qbestions. ' cerely, lohn Hazdwick Zoning Technician ec: Cauneil Member Blakey � NO�CE OF PUBLIC HEARINQ - - The Saint Paul City Council will conduct a public hearing on Wednesday, May 7, 1997. iri the City CouncIl Chambers. Third Floor City Hall-6ourt Aouse, to eonsider the appeal of Judy Beck, Aer & Mazilyn Vogei. and Pam Brandt to a decision of the Board ofZoning P;ppeals grantingseveraTvariances in order to constnicf an eight unit townhouse development at 496_Laurel Avenue. - Dated: April 30, 1997 : - , NANCY ANDERSON - � � - - � Assistant City Ctiuncil Secretary �. - - ' (May 3, 1997} Zoning File #: Project Name: Applicant c Telephone: Representative: Telephone: Location: Legal Description: Purpose: Date Received: Notification Sent: Aearing Date: Land Use Map: Tax Map: Present Zoning: District: District Planner: xistory: Notes: INFORMATION CUVER SHEET 97-160 Zoning Type: Appeal Appeal File #: VOGEL APP FflT• HERB VQGEL 471 ASHLAND AVE ST PAUL, MN 55102-OODO (612)224-2053 q�-�33 {612)�00-0000 496 Laurel Ave Lots 13, 14, & 15, Block 9, Woodland Park Add. An appeal of a Board af Zoning Appeals deciaion granting several variances in order to construct an 8-unit townhouse development. �4/22/97 04�23�97 : .- Sj719? 20 10 RM-2 8 96-283, 9�-041 � �3 APPLICATION POR APPEAL Department af Planning and Economic Development Zoning Section IZ00 City Hall Ann�z ZS West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 266-6589 APPELLANT Zip �S I t7 LDaytime phone ZZ - 2 S3 PROPERTY LOCATION Zoning File Name �� — 0 � � �I Address/Locetion � � � Lc� u �y-QQ �� TYPE OF APPEAL: Application is hereby made for an appeaf to the: O Board of Zoning Appeais ,�i City Council under the provisions ofi Chapter 64, Section ' , Paragraph appeal a decision made by of the Zoning Code, to on � �nv-i Q� , 18� F�ife number: J q'I ^0� I (date o� GROUNDS FOR APPEAL: Expiain why you feel there has been an error in any requirement, permit, decision or refusal made by an administrative o�cial, or an error in fact, procedure or finding made by the Board ofi Zoning Appeals or the Pianning Commission. 5 e�. �- � �. � �R- tYs!21197oaooa1D:31Aif �CDBO VAR2Ah,CE G#ECK Attach additiona! sheet if necessary) ��9 ApplicanYs signature t ?'�4�C� U aR� Date� City agen�� / al'1- 8'�� Apri120, 1997 City of Saint Paul City Council Re: APPEAL OF BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS DECISION OF APRIL 7,1997 MAILED APRIL 8,1997 ZOIVING FTLE NO. 97-041 We the undersigned do hereby appeal the waivers (approoal of variances) granted by the Boazd of Zoning Appeals on April 7, 199? for the property at 496 Laurel Avenue for development by Mendota Homes, also identifying themselves as Pineview Homes. This appeal is being taken because of enors in the fmdings of facts and procedural errors. The waiver of the provisions of 61.141 was not in accordance with the requirements defined in 64.203, The granting of the waiver has a grave negafive impact on the undersigned and other surrounding property owners of which we are representative and has an adverse affect on the safety and the public welfare of the neighborhood. Whereas this appeal is requested by property owners in accordance with the Notice provisions described in 64.208. This request for appeal is filed, along with required payment, within fifteen days of the mailing on April 8, 1497. Erroneous Finding of Facts include but are not limited to numbers 1, 2, 4, and 6. Fanding #1: The property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use under strict provisions of the code. Response: This property can be put to reasonable use and kept within the requirements of the code. This is a very desirable property comprised of three adjacent vacant lots, inciuding a corner lot. The terrain is essentially flat, there are no encumbrances or problems with the land either on the site or caused by any adjacent property. A similaz development could be accomplished without the variances or with only minimal variances, with fewer buildings. An example is attached. Finding # 2: The plight of the land owner is due to circumstances unique to this property and these circumstances were not created by the landowner. Response: There is no plight. The applicant has volunteered to develop tlus site. Inclusion of the properry in the Historical Preservation District is not }ustification for a variance. None of the variances requested originate with, or are related to meeting any of the District Guidelines, nor are the requested variances caused by any of the District Guidelines. al� - 83� City Council re: Appeal of Zoning Board file 97-041 Page 2 Finding # 4: The proposed variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, nor will it alter the essential character of the surrounding area and unreasonably diminish the property values within the surrounding area. Response: (a). The Laurel Avenue setback variance is not in keeping with the zoning provisions, street scape or District guidelines. The average setback on the block is 21 feet. This variance has a significant impact on Laurel, as 150 feet of this pazcel are on Laurel Avenue. There is no reason why these three vacant lots can not be developed with the same set backs required and foilowed on this block. (b). The rear setback variance from 25 feet ta 5 feet significantly impacts the alley and property across the alley. A safety issue is created with vehicles (including an increased number of vehicles from this development) entering and leaving the alley at Mackubin with limited visibility. Pazking restrictions on Mackubin will be necessary. This variance atso eliminates light from the reaz windows in the church condominiums at 114 Mackubin, This is partacularly problematic due to the height of the buildings. This is a significant negative impact on this property and would not be allowed without the variance. (c). The proposed development overcrowds the parcels; the main purpose of the variances is to put more buildings on the parceL The RM-2 zoning of the property permits a macimum density, but does not require massive setback variances to achieve any density. Finding # 6: The request for variance is not based primarily on a desire to increase the value or income potential of the pazcel of land. Response: This finding is most glaringly contrary to the Code Provisions. The applicants propose to fill the parcel with mulYipie buildings. The number of buildings is only driven by the desire to achieve a higher profit return. A similar development could be achieved without variances, be in keeping with the character of the neighborhood and provide for an adequate return on investment. Councilman Blakey has received a letter outlining a significant profit mazgin for such a development, based on industry srandazd figures. �i'1-8�3 City Council re: Appeal of Zoning Boazd file 97-041 Page 3 Specific Requests: We urge the Council to reverse and deny the 2 variances granted by the Zoning Board for the front and reaz yard setbacks. First, the I,aurel setback should be in accordance with the 61.101 requirements. The average setback for Laurel is 21 feet; we ask that the Laurel setback variance to I S feet be denied. This is significant'due to the I50 foot frontage on Laurel. A 21 foot setback is consistent for this block. Second, the rear yazd setback should be at 25 feet; not 5 feet. Third, there are at least two code requirements that were not addressed by the variance hearing and the proposed development is not in compliance with Sections 61.101 ( c) and 61.101 ( h). For these reasons, the development and site plan must be reviewed in the context of distances required between all the buildings and open space requirements for townhomes. • In conclusions: There is no hazdship or piight. This is vacant parcel-- (three lots including a corner lot). 2. When the council overturned the HPC recommendations, the direction from the council included compromise design discussions. The Laurel Avenue setback, however, has not been addressed by the detailed design discussions. The Laurel Avenue setback is a significant design issue, pertinent to both the Historic Preservation District and to Zoning Code Provisions. 3. There has not been review hy either the city or neighbors of a specific site pian. This is of particular importance due to the intense lot coverage as it relates to the water run-off and drainage, snow removal, rubbish removal, and usability of gazages with the narrow internal driveway. This is pertinent due to numerous recent design changes. 4. This is an important site and development, worthy of cazeful city planning. We urge that the development go forward within the intent of the Code. City Council re: Appeal of Zoning Board file 9?-041 Page 4 Submitted byr, d� Y = J -��`' k, 487 Ashland �,►�, 1� �y�2 �.. ,�t. d,►; 'i„�,. �v�.2- Henvard & Marilyn Vogel, 471 Ashland �..��.�.�.�._�- Pam Brandt, 99 Mackubin q� -f33 _' -.. wm nrcemaMenal Grom:OOndtlE.Chue,Jr. Apr20.499T 632.:Op.m. °1� -8�� 3 litlackubin Avenue i4� —�--�--�--�-- -- -- -- --� — � �29 �� � � � I°a-ch f'arch I � I � �� � � � � , 1 m �� ^ � I � O 0� '� �� �' T 1 � � e v c I g �� � Q� � a�� � 9 � � F < � � � � 1 �' � �1 i � --�- 9 -�-- � �, . � i I� � I � Q �.� I F � (� 0�� �� a � � , � � � �� � � � < � o� � o� � o� a °-�� � �� I o� � o� � o� � o � a -� � � � s F V � � S � I I � 1 � f N z I_ I ' � I �` � i � I N -� � -� N -� � -� -� S I � o�� o�a o�� °�, � � i o�� o o�� � ��� s � I._.__.�_ __._-. � �_._� � --- �— -- --'_�. �21—�— �I-r,� �lan i�ropos�l #� �{-J� Laurel Av�. S�, paul. MN °I't-�33 BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS STAFF REPORT 1. APPLICANT: MENDOTA HOMES INC. 2. CLASSIFICAT'ION: Major Variance 3. LOCATION: 496 LAUREL AVENUE FILE # 97-041 DATE OF HEARING: 04/07J9? 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 13, 14, & 15, Block 9, Woodland Park Add. 5. PLANNING DISTRICT: 8 6. PRESENT ZONING: RM-2 ZONING CODE REFEI2ENCE: 61.1Q1, 63.107 (d) 7. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 3l20/97 BY: 3ohn Hardwick 8. DATE RECEIVED: 03/07197 DEADLINE FOR ACTTON: OS/06197 A. PURPOSE: Severai setback variances and a variance of the separation required between buildings in order to construct an 8-unit townhouse development. B. ACTION REQUESTED: 1. A front setback of 21 feet from Laurel Avenue is required and a setback of 15 feet is proposed, for a variance of 6 feet. 2. A rear yard setback of 25 feet is required and a setback of 5 feet is proposed, for a variance of 20 feet. 3. A side yard setback of 9 feet is required and a setback of 7 feet from the east property line is proposed for the easternmost townhouse, and a setback of 4 feet from the east property line is proposed for detached garages for variances of 2 feet and 5 feet respectively. 4. The maximum projection into a required yard for a fireplace is 1 foot and the proposed projection for all fireplaces is two feet, for a variance of 1 foot. 5. An 18-foot separation between buildings is required and a 10-foot separation is progosed between units B& C and units D& E and a separation of 14.4 feet between units E& H, for a variances of 8 feet and 3.8 feet respectivety. C. STTE AND AREA CONDTTIONS: This is a 141 by 154 foot parcel located at the southeast comer of Laurel and Mackubin. There is ailey access to the rear of the property. The property is located within a Heritage Preservation District. Surrounding Land Use: A miarture of single- and multi-family housing. �� r F ✓'� File #97-041 Page Two D. BACKGROUNU: This parcel was formerly occupied by a one-story commercial structure that was demolished in 1992. In 1988, the Board of Zoning Appeals granted several variances to allow construction of a 10-unit townhouse with 28 underground parking spaces on this site. Atthough the Herita�e Preservation Commission granted approval for the project and the BZA granted a one year extension, the praject was never started. Tn December of 199b, the BZA heard a proposal for a variance request to construct a 7-unit rowhouse structure and 2 carriage houses on this site. The matter was continued due to possible changes in the plan. The developer, Mendota Homes INC., is now proposing this latest plan. E. FfNDINGS: 1. The property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use under the strict provisions of the code. ' The proposed townhouse development, three two-unit and two single-unit structures with a total of 32 zoning rooms, is under the density allowed (38 rooms) for this site. A low density development of one- and two-unit buildings that is in keeping with Heritage Preservation guidelines and the character of the surrounding neighborhood has created the need for the variances. 2. The plight of the land owner is due to circumstances unique to this property, and these ciraumstances were not created by the land owner. The inclusion of this property in a Heritage Preservation District and the character of the surroundinJ neighborhood are circumstances that were not created by the applicant. 3. The proposed variance is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code, and is consistent with the health, safety, comfort, morals and welfare of the inha6itants of the City of St. Paul. A low density development of one- and two-unit buildings, as opposed to a single, two or three-story structure with as many as 19 apartment units which would be allowed on this site given the RM-2 zoning and lot size, is in keeping with the character of the neighborhood. 4. The praposed variance wilt not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, nor wilt it alter the essential chazacter of the surrounding area or unreasonably diminish established property values within the surrounding area. cl rl - p� 3� File #197-041 Page Three This parcel has street fronta�e on two sides and abuts an alley on another side. The setback variances for these three sides will not affect the supply of light or air to the ad}acent properties. The variances requested for the east side of the property are relatively minor and can be further mitigated through landscaping or fencing. The proposed development, if it meets Heritage Preservation guidelines, will fit in well with the nei�hborhood and will not diminish established property values. 5. The variance, if granted, would not permit any use that is not pemtitted under the provisions of the code for the property in the district where the affected land is located, nor would it a(ter or change the zoning district classification of the properry. The proposed variances, if granted, will not change ot alter the zoning classification of the property. 6. The request for variance is not based primarily on a desire to iricrease the vatue or income potential of the parcei of land. The applicant states that the primary goal of this project is to create a low density development of one- and two-unit structures that is in keeping with the character of the surrounding area and Heritage Preservatson guidelines. F. DISTRICT CO[3NCII. RECOMMENDAT'ION: The Summit University Planning Council and the Ramsey Hill Association have unanimously recommended approvai of the variances requested. G. STAFF I2ECOMMENDATION: Based on findings 1 through 6, staffrecommends approval of the variances subject to the condition that appropriate landscaping or fencing is added along the east property line. 4� ZONING BOAflD /l�l �1�0(� `° ' �97--oy/ :. �� APPLICATION FOR Z�NING ORDIfVANCE VARIANCE iere appropriate. �(` � � l � YPssc.�`' { � 7 7 �, ��!� � 7 . / �D r � CITY OF� PAUL /b"� [� 2�'J 3 � ( { J l , �� A VARIANCE OF ZONiNG CODE CHAPTER r� �, SECTION�_ PARAGRAPH IS REQUESTED IN CON�ORMITY WVTH THE POWERS VESTED {N THE BOAflD OF ZONING AP- PEALS TO PERMIT THE �� ���`� � ON PROPERTY DESCRIBEDBEIOW. T(JLyJf(LYYlGS , A. Applicant; NAME: DAYiIME?ELEPHONE NQ. � jO�a'�7� r 1�i i ZIP CODE �as t. Property interest of applicant: (owner, contract purchaser, etc.)\ � Z( � Q� sC y9 ! 2o tJ 2. Name of ow�er (if different) Q�vIQ �� ����� ��� /- C- B. Property Description: 7. Legal descriptio /�, 2. Lot size: � ADDRESS W�CY�- �C!%-�Z7L I"RL.�...'G�S11.I 1 /�IJS k'c�t,�� ,0.42� LOT SLOCK�_ ADD. Rd�J f77t� 1 X �o . Z31u�`� ti/F�ca.vt-- /1 l�1 � 3. Present Use �r Present Zoning Dist. r �" ` G. ReasonsforRequesC t. Pro use �dGS9If '�b(,til'I t{DuS�= �//*�J��T -- 3 {2(rYf / ( a�Lt G� ���/r��� �Q'C�'7 GU`t� L�CG�r��w Cbn� { tZ -WI 2. Wfiat pFrysicaf charaEteristics f�'he roperty prevent its being used for any af the permitted uses in your zone? (topography, soil conditions, size and shape of lot, etc. 7ff/5 /S An1 ALtn05� SQuQ2E P.�ctPbtTy l..�{/7/ f?o405 Gh 3 5/ll�sC�NGU,�a/� ALL�Y} Tf/4T�lc!?�7�5 U,dZ14�vLcs State the /��b� �� J�t� 4. Exptain how your of the following: r .., � f �-r . — v ����� Q�f"� 1 `.� ! ��-� � a. Tha6 the strict application of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance would result in peculiar ' or excepUOnal practical difficulties, or exceptional undue bardsbips, s[�((Q/L� S/T� G�/IX E Prr�vw,t ac.� scT 84cres oa�s ,vor l�vtJ ,rstZF Ta ,p tfausalb �F/TTwb 7tf75 N�76/f$a21Yot� r �J31�7f47c�oo�.�i�:t�.^ti � _'�`: i i_ b. That the granting of a variance wiH �• ,,,;,,� ' not be a substantial tletriment to � F ��HIERS U5E ONLY � - � &s �� +t33�.�t ; public good or a substanUal impair• ,. , � ment oi the intent and purpose of "��t�'` j�'fl '� -"�-+� �� �. � theZontngOMinar�ce. CHt��GE �,�(} �t�ill ft� l�vZa -rt�c hu, l,�t�-ha ��� Z un�� ��� z�(4� lht�clGit cv,l( '�n-���re— :, a �° ,h4�r(� � ��� �; ..,� . _ -;. _ �.� ?J95 �t�. F�3 �� � � ------ Ri 1, y ! 1 f1 �iI �i S.s � i� � �r � � E. �i z ; � � � � ` � � i : � �i �� a � � ' 1� 1, t I ( {. j � t�i �i fu � Li31t5w9bAN � ' � _ �_ _ _ _� �i �_ �; �• i � k� 4a ki : t � { �` � �� � � � � � �, � { i� <� �' � ���,�� �' ,. 9� -�33 � 2 'n � : ��� �� ��� � -_-__ -�- --- � � g �� �� --� �� � � � �� �l I il lµ al'1- ��'J ��� l�: I � A � S ' � �i � -�t � = , , � ►; � � �� ;t ,� : RCGOIL7t �IUM� I�1 ;ui�lii ii: . JERRY BLAKEY Coundlmember March 18, 1997 CITY OF SAINfi PAUL OFFICE OF TI� CITY COUNCII. Ms. Tracey Baker, Chair Neritage Preservation Commission cio 1868 Sargent Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55105 Dear Ms. Baker: �11-� 1 am writing to express my support for the proposed town home �project on Laurei Avenue and MacKubin Street. Frank Greczyna and his staff have done an excellent job in addressing the concerns of the neighborhood and the Heritage Preservation Commission. In fact, the Summit- University Planning Council and the Ramsey Hi1f Association unanimously supported the projeci, incfuding the variances for tha front porch and rear setbacks, at their community issue meeting on March 13, 1997. i hope that the heritage Preservation Commission wiil consider the my o�ce and the neighborhood extend to this pro}ect in considerin requested. Sincerely, Jerry B City Co cilmember variances ���� � n . -� cc: Frank Greczyna �Y 1'^' "" n J Aaron Rubenstein �( Summit-University Ptanning Counci( �f Ramsey Hill Associatian � � j�� - � J�"�" CITY HALL THIRD FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 s .�..<a PdnRd ou Raycled Paper t/"" ' )� U� � , � Jf 1 �." � � � ��� , �� " "V � 612J266-86J0 a�_��3 Shaping the future of a historic neighbofiood in Saint Paui 400 Selby Avenue, Sui[e M, St. Paul, MN 55102 March 17, 1997 John Hardwick LIEP 350 St. Peter St. Suite 300 St. Paul, Mn. 55102-1510 Dear Mr. Hardwick, On March 13, 1997 the Ramsey Hill Association held a community issnes meeting concerning the several variances requested by Mendota Homes for the development at 496 Laurel Ave. - your file #97-041. The neighborhood was noticed of the meeting and several neighbors were in attendance. The Association approved all of the variances requested. We are impressed with the quality of this project and laok forward to seeing it built. S' cer y, � ��l�.Gu i�� ud McLaughlin, President sey Hill Association SUMM�T-17NIVERSIT'Y �'LAI`�i'NING COUNCIL °t'1-�'33 i 827 Se{by Avenue --��--� Saint Paul Minnesote 651Q4 ' ' ' '—' 7'elephone 228-1855 Friday, Maxch 14, 1997 Board of Zoning Appeais 25 West Fowth Street Saint Paut, M�nnesota 55142 Ii�: zoning Fi1e # 47-041 The Summit University T'lanning Couacil, together with the Ramsey Fii3i Association casponsored a Community Tssues meeting which was held Thursday, March 33, 3997 to provida a forum for neighborhood input on Mendota �Tomes Inc.'s request for several setback varixnces and a variance of the separation required beiween buildings in order to construct an 8 unit townhouse developmenk. Project developers made a presernation wktich ineiuded architectural renderings of the projeot and responded to questions from tl�e community. Pursuam to #his and other infomiation shared, a rnotion was made and �assed ananimously to approve the varianas as requested. Tf you have any questions pr nesd further information, please contact me at Z28-1855. Sincerely, 7°��.�- Peggy Byrne Bxecutive birector Z0'd 54:00 lki8 t6-ST-21liW fQ. 90 J1 / APP�fCAN7 Mc1'1�0"FCA ��'.S _111C_. PURPOSE MQ�r �af1 nee' -,�E a 9 or. y•�• 9�7 'LNG. DIST � � ktAP #7 �— ;CAI.E 1' = 400'� LEGEND ....��, zoning district boundary � subjed property 0 one famiiy � N+o famity . '�¢Q muttipfe famity <nonhl • � � commerciai � �.,. industrial V vacant . ,. o��, f�� 1. SUNRAY-BATIT.ECREEK-HIGHWOOD 2. HAZEL PARK HADEN-PROSPERTTY HILLCREST 3. WEST SII7B 4. DAYTON'S BLUFF 5. PAXNE-PHALEN 6. NORTEi END 7, THOMAS-DALE 8. SUMMfT-UIv'IVERSTTY 9. WEST SEVENTH 10. COMO 11. HAMLINE-MIDWAY 12, ST. ADITFiONY PARK 13. MERRIAM PARK-LEXINGTON HAMLINE-SNELLING HAMLINE 14. MACALESTER G120VELAND 15. T3IGHI.AN7� 16. SL3MMTT HILL 17. DOWNfOWN CITIZEN PARTICII'ATION PLANh�Ii�?G DISTRICI'S Gr� .�'S� MINUTES OF THE MEETIIdG OF THE SOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CITY COLJNCIL CHAMBERS, 330 CITY HALL ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA, APRIL 7,1997 PRESENT: Mmes. Maddox and Bogen; Messrs. A1tAn, Donohue, Scherman, Tully and WHson of the Boud of Zoning Appeals; Mr. Wamer, Assistant City Attomey; Mr. Hardwick and Ms. Synstegaazd of the O�ce of License, Inspection, and Environmentat Protectioa ABSENT None The meeting was chaired by Joyce Maddo� Chair. MENDOTA HOMES INC (#97-041) - 496 LAUREL AVEN[JE: Several setback variances and a variance of the sepazation required betrveen buildings in order to construct an 8-unit townhouse developmenk The applicant was present. There was no opposition present at the hearing. Mr. Audwick stated that a revised site plan that changes the requested sepazation from 10' to 7' between the buildings was submitted by the applicant subsequent to a campromise with the Ramsey Hill Association and a representative from Councilmember Blakey's office. The Heritage Preservat�on Comtnission reviewed tlils matter and denied the agplicatiott last week. Their denial was based on: 1) the orientation of the comer building to MacKubin rather than Laurel is not compatible with the chazacter of the district; 2) the proposed development is also incompafible with the character of the district because of the unifotmity of design of the proposed buildings; and 3) the proposed 15' setback from Laurel Avenue conflicts with the districPs guidelines and is incompatible with the character of the district. Mr. Hazdwick showed slides of the site and reviewed the staff report with a recommendation for approval subject to the condition that appropriate landscaping or fencing is added along the east property line. One letter was received in opposition stating there is no demonstrated hardship and they feel this development is not in keeping with the character of the neighborhood. Mr. Hazdwick asked Mr. Wamer to address the ]egal implications of a revised site pian in regazds to notification purposes. Mr. Warner stated that the submission of the site plan at this particulaz time doesn't affect this hearing on the variances requested. Ms. Bogen stated that number five under acuon requested of the staff report is inconect since the applicant initially requestetl a 10' variance sepazation and now they aze asldng for a 7' separation She added that where the buildings aze placed on the property doesn't make any difference as far as the side yazd setbacks, but the setbacks for the variances between the separation of the buildings is different. Mr. Warner replied that is correct but the purpose of today's hearing it is to allow people an opporhuiiry to be heard. He stated that it is his opinion ihat the difference of 3' in a building not yet built and not adjacent to any presently occupied structure, is not necessarily going to preclude anybaly from tesfifying to that fact taday in what impact that might have overall on this project. Nevertheless, the Boazd wuld state that they've not had an adequate time to reviecv the documents and lay the matter over. a� -� File #97-041 Page Two John Mathem, Mendota Homes, Inc., Box 416, Forest Lake, Minnesota, stated that they have a new proposal resulting from their meeting with the Ramsey Hill Association. The proposal is for eight living units, ttu�ee 2- unit build'urgs and two detached buildings on the comu of Laurel and MacKubin. He stated that they took direction that they received from the citizens at the neighborhood meet�ngs. One request was to reduce the density and that none of the gazages front the alley. They have done that by intemalizing the garages oa the site plan. In meetings with the community organizer and a siaff inember from Councilmember Blakey's office, they have come to a conctusion that they could produce the sazne buildings with a front porch and side views by simply turning one two-unit onto Laurel. In this way they would present two 2-units. He presented a large site plan drawing to the Boazd and explained them. The side yazds will go from 16' to 7' wluch is why they need the variances. They don't feel ihis is a significant change, although it would alleviate concerns of having more units on Laurel and ]ess on MacKubin. The HPC didn't support them but they did receive neighborhood support and support from Councilmember Blakey's office. They feei this plan is in keeping with the neighborhood character which is mixed with a commerciai building across the street and townhomes further down the block. They don't feel the setback on Laurel was a significant issue because of the various setbacks along the street. Dick Hidey, HRM Architects, passed azound a graphic drawing that showed th� setbacks more clearly. They feel their setbacks aze a blend of what you find on the strat. Mr. Aiton asked if there was a revised elevation drawing of the view from MacKubin. Mr. Mathern replied no, but explained how it would look on a drawing he passed azound to the Board. Ms. Bogen asked if one of the buildings on MacKubin would be a side view. Mr. Hidey replied yes and sho�ved the drawings to the Board. ~•' Mr. Alton asked if the side yard setback on the two-unit building would be more than 1Q'. Mr. Mathern replied it would be 18' away from the other 2-unit on the side and they exceed the side yard setbacks on MacKubin. He stated that ihe reaz yazd is within 7' of the side yard of the next twin home. Mr. Hidey stated that when they rotated the twin home to front on Laurel they had lazger back yazds then the previous plan, They were delighted with that change and fee] more positive about this plan than they did with the originai one. They also increased the width of the driveway from 20' to 24'. This was a concem to some of the neighborhood residents. Mr. Alton stated that tlus proposed plan was obviously designed with the consideration of the HPC Guidelines in mind. Mr. Mathem and Mr. Hidey replied yes. Mr. Alton asked what limitations that presented to them in terms of fitting the plan onto the site? The limits they found are that the site fronts aspbaIt on three sides. They felt that by fronting more usuts on Laurel it would be a positive change and that is why they revised their site plan. Mr. Alton stated that the developer could build a three-sWry squue brick apartment building with a asphalt parking lot and meet the zoning requirements. However, the developer chose to try and comply with the HPC guidelines and designed this current plan. Mr. Hidey stated that they designed eight units and have tried to make them appeaz as detached as possible. a�_��3 File #97-041 Page Three 3udy McLaughlin, President of the Ramsey Hill Association, stated that they met with the developer in conjunction with the Neighborhood Development Committee of District 8 and have made significant headway in working with the neighborhood to come up with a design and configuration that takes into consideration the character of the neighborhood and the historic district_ They voted unanimously to approve the variances that were originalty proposed to the Board. One of the issues the HPC had was the orientation of ihe buildings. The developers wers willing to change this. 3erry Mcinemey, I.egislative Aide to Councilmember Blakey, stated their office went to the developers and asked them if there were things they could do hy flipping the buildings. They also asked them to revise their porch design to include an all wood front. The HPC appeal will come befare the City Council on Apri19. Mazch 13 was the date of the community meeting where the variances were unanimously approved. Last Wednesday they met with the developer to come to an agreement. He apologized for the confusion of the site plan but stated it was an effort to try to get the development moving forward and to come to an agcernent to hy and satisfy all parties. � Hearing no further testimony, Ms. Maddox closed the public portion of the meeting. Mr. Alton moved to approve the variance and resolution based on fmdings i through 6 subjut to the condition that appropriate landscaping or fencing is added along the east property ]ine. Mr. Scherman seconded tha motion. Ms. Bogen staeed that she wouldn't be opposed to the variances except she feels that a 7' separation wiU lead to overcrowding on the block and limited airflow to people in the uniks ihat are affected by the 7' sepazation. Mr. Alton stated his motion was for the 7' separation variance on the latest revised plans. Mr. Hazdwick stated that the required separation between buildings is 18' so the revised site plan would require a variance of 11' between the two units that front on MacKubin, and on the double units that front on both MacKubin and Laurel. On B. 5. o� the staff report it should state, "An 18-foot sepaza6on is required between the buildings fronting on MacKubin and the rear of the north comer building on Laurel, and a 7-foot sepazation is proposed, for a variance of 11 feet " He stated that the 14.4 feet and 3.8 feet can be stricken because they are no longer required. The applicant has gained the required sepazation between the buildings that &ont on Laurel. Mr. Alton moved to amend his motion to comply with the 11-foot variance. Ms. Bogen stated that she dcesn't understand why there dcesn't need to be a reno�cation for residents who may be concemed about how close the buildings are. Mr. Warner stated that the changes as requested are zelatively minor and formal notice of the entire ptoposal is not necessary. -.. °l� _ �"� 3 File #97-041 Page Fow The Boud voted unarumously to approved the amendment to the morion on a vote of 1 to 0. The motion passed on a roll call vote of 7 to 0. 5 ,�.� ���/C/� John Hazdwick John Tully, Secretary CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� � BOARD OF ZONING AP'PEALS RESOLUTION ZONING FILE NUMSER: s7-oai �I�T�' : Apri17,1997 WHEREAS, MENDOTA HOMES INC. has applied for a variance from the strict application of the provisions of Section 61.101, 63.107 (d) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the coastruction of an 8-unit townhouse development in the RM-2 zoning district at 496 LAUREL AVENUE; and WF�',REAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing on 04/07/97, pursuant to said appeal in accordance with the requirements of Section 64205 of the Legislative Code; and WHEREA5, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals based upon evidence presented at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: 1. The property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use under the strict provisions of the code. 'The proposed townhouse development, three two-unit and two single-unit structures with a totai of 32 zoning rooms, is under the density allowed (38 rooms) for this site. A 1ow density development of one- and two-unit buildings that is in keeping with Heritage Preservation guidelines and the chazaeter of the surrounding neighborhood has created the need for the variances. 2. The plight of the land owner is due to circumstances unique to this property, and these circumstances were not created by the land owner. The inclusion of this property in a Heritage Preservation District and the character of the sunounding neighborhood are circumstances that were not created by the applicant. 3. The proposed variance is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code, and is consistent with the health, safety, comfort, morals and welfare of the inhabitants of the City of St. Paui. A low density development of one- and two-unit buildings, as opposed to a singie, two or three-story structure with as many as 19 apartment units which would be allowed on this site given the RM-2 zoning and lot size, is in keeping with the chazacter of the neighborhood. 4. The proposed variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, nor will it alter the essential character of the sunounding azea or unreasonably diminish established property values within the surrounding area. �� , ��� File #97-041 Page Two This parce] has street frontage on two sides and abuts an alley on another side. The setback variances for these three sides will not afFect the supply of light or air to the ad}acent properties. The variances requested for the east side of the property are relatively minor and can be further mitigated through landscaping or fencing. The proposed development, if it meets Heritage Preservation guidelines, will fit in well with the neighborhood and will not diminish established property values. 5. The variance, if granted, would not pernut any use that is not pemutted under the provisions of the code for the properiy in the district where the afFected land is located, nor would it alter or change the zoning district classification of the properky. The proposed variances, if granted, will not change or alter the zoning classification of the property. 6, The request for variance is not based primarily on a desire to increase the value or income potential of the parcel of land. The applicant states that the primary goal of this project is to create a low density development of one- and two-unit structures that is in keeping with the character of the surrounding area and Heritage Preservation guidelines. NOW, TF�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals that the provisions of Section 61.101 and 63.10? (d) are hereby waived to allow the foilowing variances in order to construct an 8-unit townhouse development: 1) A front setback of 15 feet along Laurel Avenue; 2) A rear yard setback of 5 feet; 3) A side yard setback of 7 feet from the east property line for the eastern most townhouse, and a side yazd setback af 4 feet from the east property line for the garages; 4) A variance to allow fireplace chimneys to pro,{ect 2 feet into a required yazd; and 5) A 7-foot separation between the buildings on the west side of the properiy, subject to the condition that appropriate landscaping or fencing is added along the east property line on property located at 496 LAIJREL AVENUE and legally described as Lots 13, 14, & 15, Blk 9, Woodland Park Add.; in accordance with the application for variance and the site plan on file with the Zoning Administrator. File #97-041 Page Three MOVED BY: Atton SECONDED BY : 5cherman IN FAVOR: � AGAINST: o MAILED: Apri18, 199� �t"1. ��� TIME LIMIT No order of the Board of Zoning Appeals permitting the erection or alteration • of a buiiding or off-street parking facility shall be vatid for a period longer than one year, unless a building permit for such erection or alteration is obtained within such period and such erection or alteration is proceeding pursuant to the terms of such permit. The Board of Zoning Appea]s or the City Council may grant an extension not to exceed one yeaa In granting such extension, the Board of Zonsng Appeals may decide to hold a public hearing. APPEAL Decisions of the Board of Zoning Appeals are final subject to appeal to the City Council withia 15 days by anyone affected by the decision. Buifding permits shali not be issued after an appeal has been fled. IEpermits have been issued before an appeal has been filed, then the permits are suspended and construction shal! cease until the City Cauncil has made a final determination of the appeal. CERTIFICATION: I, the undersigned Secretary to the Board of Zoning Appeais for the City of 5aint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify thak I have compared the foregoing copy with the original record in my office; and find the same to be a true and correct copy of said original and of the whole thereof, as based on approved minutes of the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals meeting held on Apri17,1997 and on record in the Office of License Inspection and Environmental Protection, 350 St. PeYer Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota. SAINT PAUL BOARD OF ZOl�'ING APPEALS �L�;����.�i'�� Sue Synstegaard Secretary to the Board PUBLIC HEARtNG NOTICE Ciiy Councii Appeal of Decision TO APPLICANT PURPOSE LOCATION OF PROPERTY TIME OF HEARfNG PLACE OF HEARING HOW TO PARTtCIPATE Property Owners within 350 feet; Representatives of Planning District 8 a� -��� Judy Beck, Herb & Marilyn Vogel, Pam Brandt Appeai of a Board of Zoning Appeals decision granting several variances in order to construct an 8 unit townhouse deve{opment. 496 Laurel Avenue Wednesday, May 7, 1997 at 4:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor Ciiy Hali-Court House 15 West Ke{logg Boulevard, Saint Paui, Minnesota 55102 1. You may attend hearing and testifiy. 2. You may send a letter before the hearing to the O�ce of LIEP, Attn: John Hardwick, 350 St. Peter Street, Suite 300, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 3. Participation is not required. This is your notice of public hearing. ANY QUESTIONS Caii John Hardwick of the Office of LIEP at 266-9082 or your District Council Representative at 228-1855 with the foflowing information: Zoning Fife Number 97-100 � ;�: �����, ��ra�� Zoning File Name Judy Beck, Herb & Marilyn Vogel, Pam ' Brandt ^ ia�7 e;��;a � �r _ .w«.�.::: �( �� �� 3 May 5,1997 � � � COUNCILMEMBER JERRY BLAKEY ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL RE: PETITON RELATING TO APPEAL OF ZOI�TING BOARD DECISION ZONING FILE NO. 97-041(Battle Electric site) Attached are signatures (received to date) of 28 property owners alarmed at the magnitude and extent of the variances granted to Mendota Homes/Pineview Homes for the above project. These multiple variances produce an over-crowded, overbuilt project which will have a profound effect on this neighborhood. We collected support from property owners on all sides of the site, including the next door neighbor (Dider), the 3 houses across the site on Laurel, the Firenze Building on Mackubin, the Church Condo across the alley, the other properties off the alley near the site, as well as other near-by properties on Laurel, Mackubin, and Ashland. Some people plan to write their own letters, and some thought the petition too mild. Virtually every property directly affected is represented on this petition. We are presenting this petition because we are concerned that you may have been led to believe that this project has widespread support from the surrounding community. Nothing could be further from the truth. Respeetfully, � � � �� Herb & Marilyn Vogel Attachments: 3 pages of petition and original signatures 1 list of names & addresses arranged in order around the site ; cc. John Hardwick, Board of Zoning Appeals PETITION Date 3 0 � 7 To: Councilmember Jerry Blakey Re: Zoning Fite No: 97-041 Laurel-Mackubin project by Mendota Homes, also known as Pineview Homes. � We the undersigned urge the City Councii to honor the spirit and intent of theCity Zoning Code as well as the HPC Guidelines by requiring the above developers to reduce the number of units to 7 instead of 8. STREET ADDRESS � � �.I� � ��(� ���w C� � �-v; ,��? �g3 �5� ���-� �-�- f� . /'�2 � �� �/7 � I,��� � �: -� �� p-- ��.,.��1�1ti`'��.�.� ��l ��<�� '�E. ,-�vv3 � ���� ' �-i�l ��� n�.. �1 � ` ``��' � �� � ���- �� � �� �� ...�� �� PETITIQN Date � 30 9 7 To: Councilmember Jerry Blakey �, ��3 Re: Zoning File No: 97-041 � Laurel-Mackubin project by Mendota Homes, a{so known as Pineview Homes. We the undersigned urge the City Councii to honor the spirit and intent of theCity Zoning Code as well as the HPC Guidelines by requiring the above developers to reduce the number of units to 7 instead of 8. STREET ADDRESS i� �� �k�.l�,�� �a �r i ����-�� r h. �7 � a � M�,� �.G �� �, � `��� ,��� ��� s �� r�,.�.�... ��� ���� � �- �-�-���- ��z �� �- `f7Z L�c���� Av'� SIGNATURE PETITION Date�����c•t 27, (q . I To: Councilmember Jerry Blakey � Re: Zoning File No: 97-Q41 Laurel-Mackubin project by Mendota Nomes, a(so known as Pineview Homes. We the undersigned urge the City Council to honor the spirit and intent of theCity Zoning Code as well as the HPC Guidelines by requiring the above developers to reduce the number of units to 7 instead of 8. STREET ADDRESS s �4� �1r�. `,� �P� � =Y�t� SS 1v2 � ��s� � � �� �`J � +��.rc.LC..u�., � 3-03G9 �f5� �cuci. ��� ��. `f7l �.��e�-�� � ��-a�ss` ; . �f�/ ,�-,1��..� `t �i ��(� � �i , �, ,, � - SIGNATURE Petition to Jerry Blakey May 5, 1997 File no 97.041 PETITION SIGNERS t1RRANGED BY ADDRESS: 1. 482 Laurei Avenue 2. 482 Laurel Avenue 3. 472 Laurel Avenue 4. 472 Laurel Avenue 5. 458 Laurel Avenue 6. 493 Laurel 7. 491 Laurel Avenue 8. 491 Laurel Avenue 9. 487 Lattrel Avenue 10. 481 Laurel Avenue ' 11. 475 Laurel Avenue 12. 117 Maakubin # 2 13. 117 Mackubin # 7 14. l l7 Mackubin # 6 15. 114 Mackubin 16. 99 Mackubin 17. 89 Mackubin l8. 491 Ashland Avenue 19. A91 Ashland Avenue 20. 487 Ashland Avenue 21. 483 Ashland Avenue 22 4&3 Ashland Avenue 23. 471 Ashland Avenue 24. 471 Ash3and Avenue 25. 4b4 Ashland Avenue 26. 451 Ashland Avenue 27. 453 Ashland Avenue 28. 448 Ashland Avenue Sue Didier Chazles Didier Kate McGu'ue Ray Hofhnann Paula Moliin Sherrill Gannon Dawn Ellerd Jeff Ellerd Robert C. Sordan Richard McDermott Mary Morris Mary E. Pound Parker Fiery (sp??) Martin Zeger(sp??) William Conley Pamela J. Brandt Harvey Sherman Dayton Gilbert Brenda Gilbert Judith A. Beck Dan Mueller Diane Mueller Marilyn Vogel Herb Vogel Tom Davis Elis Ljungkuil Gene Nelson Len Jackson fy/�. ��� �.� l C � 95 Mackubin St. Paul, MN 55102-2021 Apri130, 1997 Mr. John Hardwick Office of LIEP 350 St. Peter Street Suite 300 St. Paul, MN 55102 RE: Zoning File Number: 9?-100 Zoning File Name: Judy Beck, Herb and Marilyn Vogel Dear Mr. Hardwick: I am unable to attend the Wednesday, May 7 appeal meeting for the above case. However, I object to the decision made by the Boazd of Zoning and the St. Paul City Council related to the property at 496 Laurel Avenue. My reasons follow. / �� � � �,�.Y�� i. The plan proposes massive buildings and limited green space. This space is zoned for far less dense construction. If it weren't, a variance wouldn't be necessary. Why not construct a building that is in keeping with the zoning ordinances? The surrounding buildings to the west and south of 496 Lawel Avenue are all very lazge multiple dwellingslmultiple organization offices. The overall concentration of massive buildings along Mackubin from Holiy to Laurel is ea-tremely high. 2. This plan is presented by people who don't currently live in the neighborhood and, most likely, will not live here in the future. Insteati, they are developers who will never have to live with the overly dense housing they propose. 3. I was distressed to read that this proposal had been supported by my council reprasentative, Jerry Blakey. Ifthis is correct, this decision seems to have been made against the eapress desires of the nearest neighbors. It was certainly made without my input. Why didn't I receive a cali from my council representative or his staff prior to this decision? How can an informed and reflective decision be made without seeking this input? How is it that my council representatives can always locate me at election time and never seek my opinions when changes are to be made in the neighborhood? 4. In principle, I am against variances. Variances require a citizen to enforce the zoning codes, rather than govemment officiais enforcing the laws they are sworn to uphold. In the 20 plus years I have lived in this neighborhood, I have been asked numerous times to police my neighbors through granting or not granting variances. In every incidence I can think of, I have later come to regret agreeing to the variance. While in theory legislation-by-variance might seem wise, what happens i;� practiee is that generalty citizens agree to a variance rather than f ght a neighbor and create ili feeling within their mutual tiving space. Prior to the construction, one simply cannot know how helshe will be afFected by the ftnished construction. Once the construction is finish, there is no way to reverse the variance. Two such variances stand out in my mind One involves the garages which are along the ailey just south of my home. Because those garages where built into the private alley behind my house, my access to tha4 space (on which I pay Yaxes) is reduced. Another is the ]oading dock at the St. Paul Church Home across Mackubin at which semi-trucks regularly untoad eariy in the moming, causing noise and disturbing my sleep. Zoning ordinances and codes were put in place for specific reasons—supposedly for the greater good of the majoriry of the peopie. Why then is one person or one gmup of peopie aliowed to manipulate those zoning ordinances, through the variance process, to gain a specific favor at the majority's eazpense? Once a variance is granted, all people foHpwing must live with that special concession granted to a singie person/singte group of peopie. This is bad policy. Instead of finding ways around them, why not require people to live within the zoning ordinances? In summary . . . • I urge you to reject this proposa! anc! the variances it reqnires. • I urge you to uphold the zoning ordinances. • I urge you to consider the wishes of cunent tax-paying residents of Yhis neighborhood. • I urge you to maintain the atmosphere of our neighborhood. • I urge you Yo consider the wotk that many of the current residents have put into this neighborhood over the past 3Q plus years to preserve an important part of St. Paui's lustory. Please work with us to continue to pteserve Ramsey Hill and this beaurifui city. Please reptesent the residents of your city. Sincerety, � Margazet Ann Aennen Ramsey I3i11 Resident CC: Jerry Blakey F ��- � ��� ' Row Detached House House q'1-P Base sq. ft. cost {above grade) Sq, ft. refinements: HUAC Basement (unfnished) Fireplace (2 story) Garage (2 car) Adjnsted sq. ft. cost Arealshape multiplier Refined per sq. ft. cost $39.99 +3.65 +5.91 +1.5G +z•ss $53.96 � $53.15 $4G.10 +3.G5 +5.91 +1.56 +2.$ $60.07 1.063 $63.85 Current cost multiplier Local multiplier (St. Paul) �inal�sq. ft.�cost � _ � �1��`!31 �''� $73.CiC�= 1.03 1.12 1.03 1.12 Source: Marshall and Swift Cost Service � Cost Summary — 8 Units ��-��� Base construction cost of buildings: Row House C$G1.311sf x 1600 sf x 6= Detached Home C� $73.G6/sf x 1600 sf x 2= Total base cost of buildings Site improvement costs Indirect costs (not included in base costs) Land acquisition Total estimated development cost Total cost per square foot of building area $588,576 235,712 8 Unit Development Gross proceeds � $200,000 per unit Less: Sales commission @ 7% Less: Development costs Net Profit Discounted C� 12% for 6 month sellout Discounted C� 12% for 2 mo. develapment $425,3501$1,600,000 = 26.58% $824,288 50,000 10,000 1 4 00 $1,038,788 $81.1G $1,G00,000 112,U00 1,038,788 $449,212 $433,900 $425,350 $425,350/$1,038,788 = 40.95% O�� �. �� ' Cost 5ummary — 7 Units Base construction cost of b.uildings: Row House C$61.31Isf x 160d sf x 6= Detached Home C� $73.66Jsf x 1600 = Total base cost of builrlings Site improvement costs Indirect costs (not included in base costs) Land acquisition Total estimated development cost Total cost per square foot of building area 7 Unit $588,57G 117,856 $70G,432 50,000 10,000 1 4 00 $920,932 $82.23 Gross proceeds C$200,000 per unit Less: Sales commission � 7% Less: Development costs Net Profit Discounted C 12�10 for 6 month sellout Discounted C� 12°lo for 2 mo. development $360,8251$1,400,000 = 25.77% $1,400,000 9$,000 29 0,932 $381,068 $3f 8,078 $3G0,825 - �3Ga,s25/$920,932 = 39.i8��o ` Cost Summary - 6 Units Base construction cost of buildings: Row House C� $61.311sf g 1600 sf x 6= Total base cost of buildings Site improvement costs Indirect costs (not included in base costs) Land acquisition Total estimated development cost Total cost per squaze foot of building area $588,57G 6 Unit Development Gross proceeds C$200,000 per unit Less: Sales commission C� 7°l0 Less: Development costs Net Profit Discounted @ 12% for 6 month sellout Discounted C� 12°lo for 2 mo. development $297,3211$1,200,000 = 24.78% � � .. �33 $588,57G 50,000 : 11! 1 54,500 $801,076 $83.45 $1,200,000 84,000 801 •076 $314,000 $303,297 $297,321 $297,3211$801,076 = 37.12% 5����� ��t-��3 May 7, 1997 John Hardwick! St. Paul Office of LIEP 350 St. Peter St., Suite 300 St. Paul, MIV 55102 fte : Development of 496 Lauref Ave Site Dear Mr. Hardwick: The proposed devlopment site is directly across the street from our residence, and we see it every day from our front porch. My wife(Dianne) and I have recently studied the proposed plan for deve{opment by Pineview Homes, carefully considered this new design, and thoughtfully discussed the issues raised by the requested variances. We strongly oppose this development. Over the long term it will significantly degrade the value of this neighborhood as well as our own personat property investment. The particular legai and architectura! reasons for our objection are ciearly articulated '+n the "Appeal of Board of Zoning Appeals Decision of Aprii 7, 1997lMailed Apr+l 8; Zoning Flle No. 97-041" (J. Beck, H&M Vogel, P. Brandt) , as well as the HPC recommendations. The excessive set-back variances on Laurel & the rear alley are the most egregious parts of the current pfan. However , dwelling on the specific legal points of the above ruling deflects attention from a major point: these zoning rules and architectural guidetines play a fundamental role in maintining the long - term health, viability, economic vatue, and continuing investmenUrehabilitation of this neighborhood and those immediately surrounding . For example ihe HPC and zoning guidelines support the architectural and aesthetic value of this area, keeping the "historic" ambiance as a major component of our real-estate va{ue. If we do not pay attention to the intent of the guidelines we will see degradation of value and living standards in this neighborhood. ''r k ,a _��3 � Dianne and I have invested many tens of thousands ofi dollars in renovation costs in our home since 1592. We bought the house in an uninhabitable state while the Battie Electric building still occupied the 496 Laurel site. This was a major financial risk for us. We painstakingly worked to obtain approva{ of the HPC , foliowed aii zoning rules, embraced the spirit and intent of the "Historic Dlstrict", and sincerely believed we had an obligation to improve the aesthetic appearance ofi this area. Why should the developer not be heid to the same standards? in consideration of this appeal please consider this: as residents we have a long-term financial and personaf stake in this neighborhood; the developer only has a short-term financial one. The developer is not a resident, enabling him to "get the money and run" without accountability far the long-term wel{-being of the area. To continue improving the precarious heaith of this lovely old part of St. Paul, a process started more than 20 years ago by committed residents, demands thai we do the right thing for the community. Respectfully G '��c G S� Robert C. Jordan 487 Laurel Ave., St. Paul, MN ph: 290-0213 �. �M � °I�-��3 TO APPLICANT PUBLiC HEARING NOTICE City Council Appeat of Decision Property Owners within 350 feet; Representatives of Planning District 8 .ludy Beck, Herb 8� Marilyn Vogei, Pam Brandt PURPOSE Appeal of a Board of Zoning Appeals decision granting several variances in order to construct an 8 unit townhouse devefopmerrt. �dCATiON OF PROPERTY TIME OF HEARING PLACE OF HEARING HOW TO PART{CIPATE 496 Laurel Avenue Wednesday, May 7, 1997 at 430 p.m. City Counci{ Chambers, 3rd Ffoor City Haii-Court House 15 West Keilogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 1. You may attend hearing and testify. 2. You may send a fetter before the hearing to the Office of L1EP, Attn: John fiardwick, 350 St. Peter Street, Suite 300, Saint Paui, Minnesota 55102 3. Participation is not required. This is your notice of pubiic hearing. ANY QUESTlONS Call John Hardwick of the Office of LiEP af 266-9082 or your District Councii Representative at 228-1855 with the following information: Zoning File Number 97-100 - Zoning File Name Judy Beck, Herb & Marilyn Vogel, Pam Brandt .._ :. ti ��;�i � U � Council File # °l�t -833 Green Sheet # � �� 7 � 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 JRI�I�!A�. Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Whereas, Mendota Homes, Inc. made application to the Board of Zoning Appeals for a variance from the strict application of the provisions of the Saint Paui Zoning Code for property located at 496 Laurel Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota, and legally described as I,ots 13, 14, & 15, Block 9, Woodland Park Addirion; and Whereas, the purpose of the application was to vary the standards of the Saint Paul Zoning Code [§§ 61.101 and 63.107(d)] so as to provide for several setback vaziances as well as a variance of the separation requirement betcveen buildings, in order to conshuct an 8 unit townhouse development; and Whereas, The Boazd of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearin$ on Apri17, 1997, after having provided notice to affected property owners, and the Boazd of Zoning Appeals, by its Resolution 97-041, adopted Apri17, 1997, granted the variance application based upon the following fmdings and conclusions: L The proposed townhouse development, three hvo-unit and two single-unit structures with a total of 32 zoning rooms, is under the density allowed (38 rooms) for this site. A low densiry development of one-unit and two-unit buildings that is in keeping with the Heritage Preservation guidelines and the chazacter of the surrounding neighborhood has created the need for the variances. 2. The inclusion of this property in a Heritage Preservation Dish and the character of the surrounding neighborhood are circumstances that were not created by the applicant. 3. A low density development of one-unit and two-unit buildings as opposed to a single, two or three story structure with as many as 19 apartment units which would be allowed on this site given the RM-2 zoning and lot size, is in keeping with the character of the neighborhood. 4. This parcel has street frontage on two sides and abuts an alley on another side. The setback vaziances for these three sides will not affect the supply of light or air to the adjacent properties. The variances xequested for the East side of the properiy are relatively minor and can be further mitigated through landscaping or fencing. The proposed development, if it meets Heritage Preservation o idelines, wi11 fit in well with the neighborhood and will not diminish established properiy values. 5. The proposed vaziances, if granted, will not change or alter the zoning classification of the property. 6. The applicant states that the primary goat of this project is to create a low density development of one-unit and two-unit structures that is in keeping with the chazacter of the surrounding area and Heritage Preservation guidelines. Whereas, pursuant to the provisions of Saint Paul Legislative Code § 64.205, Judy Beck, Herb and Marylyn Vogel and Pam Brandt, duly filed with the City Clerk an appeal from the determination ,. q1- �33 � 2 3 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 made by the Boatd of Zoning Appeals, requesting that a hearing be held before the City Council for the purpose of considering the actions taken by the Board of Zoning Appeals; and Whereas, Acting pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code Sections 64205 through 64.208, and upon notice to afFected parties a public hearing was duly conducted by the Ciry Council on May 7, 1997, where all interested parties were given an opportuniry to be heazd; and Whereas, the Council, having heard the statements made, and having considered the vaziance application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the Board of Zoning Appeals, does hereby Resolve, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby uphold the decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals in this matter, based upon the following fmdings of the Council: Having heard the public testimony and considered all the records and files in this matter, the Council finds no error as to fact, fmding, or procedure on the part of the Board of Zoning Appeals, and that the Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul hereby adopts and incorporates as its own, the findings of the Board of Zoning Appeals as set forth above; and Be It Further Resolved, based upon the above findings, that the appeal of Judy Beck, Herb and Marylyn Vogel and Pam Brandt be and is hereby denied; and Be it Finally Resolved, that the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to Judy Beck, Herb and Marylyn Vogel, Pam Brandt and Mendota Hames, Inc., the Zoning Administrator, the Planning Commission and the Board of Zoning Appeals. Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Covncil: Date t�yy� l l� 1 Adoption Certified by Counci � Sec ary HY: a � Approved by a o. D�te � 1� By: 6 Form Approved by City Attorney B ���<•/w.vr�- t "rP''j'y Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Byc c��y co,��� 6-18-97 f GREEN SHEET p � O DEPARiMEM DIREGTOR ��W lO NUMaER FOR � C4TY ATTORPlEY pp�� �HUDGETOIRECTOR ORUEF � MpYOR (OR ASSISTAN7J TOTAL # OF 31GNATURE PAGES (CUF ALL LOCATIONS FOH SIGNATURE) ���4U � � ��� � iNR1AUDATE — cm couwca CRYCLERK FIN. 8 MGT. SERYICES OIR. Finalizing City Coimcil action taken May 7, 1997, denying the appeat of Judy Beck, Her & Marilyn Vogel and Pam Brandt to a decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals granting variances to construct an eight unit towahouse development at 496 Laurel Avenue. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) a pejeC[ (R) _ PLANNiNG COMMISSION __ CML SERYICE COMMISSION �. Ci8 COMMRiEE � . _ STAFF� _ " _ DISTRICTCOURT _' SUPPOHTS WMICH COUNCIL O&lECT7VE7 TOTAL AMOUNT OF SRANSACTION S PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS NUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 1. Has Mis pe�soMirm ever worked untler a conmct tor Mis departrneM? YES NO 2. Has this personfittn ever been a ciy BmPloyee? '- YES NO 3. Does this personfirm possess a skifl not rro'ma�ly possessed by any cunent city emplqee? YES NO Explaln all yes answen on sepatate shae[ sntl ettA¢� to gresn ahee[ COSTlREVENU£ BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONE) YES NO FUNRIHG SOUHCE ACTIVttY NUMBER FINANCIAI 1NFDAbSAT10N: �EXPoAIN) OFFICE OF TF� CITY ATTORNEY �./� � PegBir7� CityAttorney /lI� �� �a 'l CIfiY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor civit Divrsion 400 Ciry Hat! I S West Kellogg Blvd SainrPaul, Mimlesota SS102 Tetephone: 612 26b$710 Facsimile: 612 298-5614 June 18, 1447 HAND DELIVERED Nancy Anderson Assistant Secretary Saint Paul City Council Room 310 Saint Paul City Hall RE: Appeal of Mendota Homes, Inc., 496 Laurel Avenue BZA File No. 97-041 Dear Nancy: Attached please fmd a signed resolution formalizing the decision of the Saint Paul City Ccouncil in the above enfided matter. The resolution should be set on the Council's Consent Agenda at your eaziiest convenience. If you haue any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, ������ Peter W. Wamer Assistant City Attorney. OFFtCE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND t�`^� 1��' v ' 1 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTE(."LION Robert Kess[er, Direttar OF SAINT PAUL Coleman, Mayor w�r Aprii 24, 1497 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Keseazch Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: 7AWRY PROF£SSIONAL BUIIDING Suite 300 350 St. Peter Streei Saint Paut, Minnesota 55102-IS70 ��.�33 Telephone, 612-26G9090 Facsimile: 612-2664049 612-26b9124 I would like to confum that a public heazing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday May ?, 1997 for the following appeal of a Boazd of Zoning Appeals decision: Appellant: Tudy Beck, Her & Maryilyn Vogal, Pam Brandt File Number: 9?-IDO Purpose: Appeal of a Board of Zoning Appeals decision granting several variances in order to const�vct an 8 unit townhouse Address: development. 496 Laurel Ave Legal Description of Property: Lots 13,14, & 15, Block 9, Woodland Pazk Add. Previous Action: The 9ummit University Planning Council and Raznsey Hill Association held a joint community issues meeting and unanimously recommended approval. Staff recommended approval. Boazd of Zoning Appeais; Granterl the request on a vote of ?-0. My understanding is that this public heazing request wiil appear on the agenda for the May Y, 1941 City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-9082 if you have any qbestions. ' cerely, lohn Hazdwick Zoning Technician ec: Cauneil Member Blakey � NO�CE OF PUBLIC HEARINQ - - The Saint Paul City Council will conduct a public hearing on Wednesday, May 7, 1997. iri the City CouncIl Chambers. Third Floor City Hall-6ourt Aouse, to eonsider the appeal of Judy Beck, Aer & Mazilyn Vogei. and Pam Brandt to a decision of the Board ofZoning P;ppeals grantingseveraTvariances in order to constnicf an eight unit townhouse development at 496_Laurel Avenue. - Dated: April 30, 1997 : - , NANCY ANDERSON - � � - - � Assistant City Ctiuncil Secretary �. - - ' (May 3, 1997} Zoning File #: Project Name: Applicant c Telephone: Representative: Telephone: Location: Legal Description: Purpose: Date Received: Notification Sent: Aearing Date: Land Use Map: Tax Map: Present Zoning: District: District Planner: xistory: Notes: INFORMATION CUVER SHEET 97-160 Zoning Type: Appeal Appeal File #: VOGEL APP FflT• HERB VQGEL 471 ASHLAND AVE ST PAUL, MN 55102-OODO (612)224-2053 q�-�33 {612)�00-0000 496 Laurel Ave Lots 13, 14, & 15, Block 9, Woodland Park Add. An appeal of a Board af Zoning Appeals deciaion granting several variances in order to construct an 8-unit townhouse development. �4/22/97 04�23�97 : .- Sj719? 20 10 RM-2 8 96-283, 9�-041 � �3 APPLICATION POR APPEAL Department af Planning and Economic Development Zoning Section IZ00 City Hall Ann�z ZS West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 266-6589 APPELLANT Zip �S I t7 LDaytime phone ZZ - 2 S3 PROPERTY LOCATION Zoning File Name �� — 0 � � �I Address/Locetion � � � Lc� u �y-QQ �� TYPE OF APPEAL: Application is hereby made for an appeaf to the: O Board of Zoning Appeais ,�i City Council under the provisions ofi Chapter 64, Section ' , Paragraph appeal a decision made by of the Zoning Code, to on � �nv-i Q� , 18� F�ife number: J q'I ^0� I (date o� GROUNDS FOR APPEAL: Expiain why you feel there has been an error in any requirement, permit, decision or refusal made by an administrative o�cial, or an error in fact, procedure or finding made by the Board ofi Zoning Appeals or the Pianning Commission. 5 e�. �- � �. � �R- tYs!21197oaooa1D:31Aif �CDBO VAR2Ah,CE G#ECK Attach additiona! sheet if necessary) ��9 ApplicanYs signature t ?'�4�C� U aR� Date� City agen�� / al'1- 8'�� Apri120, 1997 City of Saint Paul City Council Re: APPEAL OF BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS DECISION OF APRIL 7,1997 MAILED APRIL 8,1997 ZOIVING FTLE NO. 97-041 We the undersigned do hereby appeal the waivers (approoal of variances) granted by the Boazd of Zoning Appeals on April 7, 199? for the property at 496 Laurel Avenue for development by Mendota Homes, also identifying themselves as Pineview Homes. This appeal is being taken because of enors in the fmdings of facts and procedural errors. The waiver of the provisions of 61.141 was not in accordance with the requirements defined in 64.203, The granting of the waiver has a grave negafive impact on the undersigned and other surrounding property owners of which we are representative and has an adverse affect on the safety and the public welfare of the neighborhood. Whereas this appeal is requested by property owners in accordance with the Notice provisions described in 64.208. This request for appeal is filed, along with required payment, within fifteen days of the mailing on April 8, 1497. Erroneous Finding of Facts include but are not limited to numbers 1, 2, 4, and 6. Fanding #1: The property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use under strict provisions of the code. Response: This property can be put to reasonable use and kept within the requirements of the code. This is a very desirable property comprised of three adjacent vacant lots, inciuding a corner lot. The terrain is essentially flat, there are no encumbrances or problems with the land either on the site or caused by any adjacent property. A similaz development could be accomplished without the variances or with only minimal variances, with fewer buildings. An example is attached. Finding # 2: The plight of the land owner is due to circumstances unique to this property and these circumstances were not created by the landowner. Response: There is no plight. The applicant has volunteered to develop tlus site. Inclusion of the properry in the Historical Preservation District is not }ustification for a variance. None of the variances requested originate with, or are related to meeting any of the District Guidelines, nor are the requested variances caused by any of the District Guidelines. al� - 83� City Council re: Appeal of Zoning Board file 97-041 Page 2 Finding # 4: The proposed variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, nor will it alter the essential character of the surrounding area and unreasonably diminish the property values within the surrounding area. Response: (a). The Laurel Avenue setback variance is not in keeping with the zoning provisions, street scape or District guidelines. The average setback on the block is 21 feet. This variance has a significant impact on Laurel, as 150 feet of this pazcel are on Laurel Avenue. There is no reason why these three vacant lots can not be developed with the same set backs required and foilowed on this block. (b). The rear setback variance from 25 feet ta 5 feet significantly impacts the alley and property across the alley. A safety issue is created with vehicles (including an increased number of vehicles from this development) entering and leaving the alley at Mackubin with limited visibility. Pazking restrictions on Mackubin will be necessary. This variance atso eliminates light from the reaz windows in the church condominiums at 114 Mackubin, This is partacularly problematic due to the height of the buildings. This is a significant negative impact on this property and would not be allowed without the variance. (c). The proposed development overcrowds the parcels; the main purpose of the variances is to put more buildings on the parceL The RM-2 zoning of the property permits a macimum density, but does not require massive setback variances to achieve any density. Finding # 6: The request for variance is not based primarily on a desire to increase the value or income potential of the pazcel of land. Response: This finding is most glaringly contrary to the Code Provisions. The applicants propose to fill the parcel with mulYipie buildings. The number of buildings is only driven by the desire to achieve a higher profit return. A similar development could be achieved without variances, be in keeping with the character of the neighborhood and provide for an adequate return on investment. Councilman Blakey has received a letter outlining a significant profit mazgin for such a development, based on industry srandazd figures. City Council re: Appeal of Zoning Board file 9?-041 Page 4 Submitted byr, d� Y = J -��`' k, 487 Ashland �,►�, 1� �y�2 �.. ,�t. d,►; 'i„�,. �v�.2- Henvard & Marilyn Vogel, 471 Ashland �..��.�.�.�._�- Pam Brandt, 99 Mackubin q� -f33 _' -.. wm nrcemaMenal Grom:OOndtlE.Chue,Jr. Apr20.499T 632.:Op.m. °1� -8�� 3 litlackubin Avenue i4� —�--�--�--�-- -- -- -- --� — � �29 �� � � � I°a-ch f'arch I � I � �� � � � � , 1 m �� ^ � I � O 0� '� �� �' T 1 � � e v c I g �� � Q� � a�� � 9 � � F < � � � � 1 �' � �1 i � --�- 9 -�-- � �, . � i I� � I � Q �.� I F � (� 0�� �� a � � , � � � �� � � � < � o� � o� � o� a °-�� � �� I o� � o� � o� � o � a -� � � � s F V � � S � I I � 1 � f N z I_ I ' � I �` � i � I N -� � -� N -� � -� -� S I � o�� o�a o�� °�, � � i o�� o o�� � ��� s � I._.__.�_ __._-. � �_._� � --- �— -- --'_�. �21—�— �I-r,� �lan i�ropos�l #� �{-J� Laurel Av�. S�, paul. MN °I't-�33 BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS STAFF REPORT 1. APPLICANT: MENDOTA HOMES INC. 2. CLASSIFICAT'ION: Major Variance 3. LOCATION: 496 LAUREL AVENUE FILE # 97-041 DATE OF HEARING: 04/07J9? 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 13, 14, & 15, Block 9, Woodland Park Add. 5. PLANNING DISTRICT: 8 6. PRESENT ZONING: RM-2 ZONING CODE REFEI2ENCE: 61.1Q1, 63.107 (d) 7. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 3l20/97 BY: 3ohn Hardwick 8. DATE RECEIVED: 03/07197 DEADLINE FOR ACTTON: OS/06197 A. PURPOSE: Severai setback variances and a variance of the separation required between buildings in order to construct an 8-unit townhouse development. B. ACTION REQUESTED: 1. A front setback of 21 feet from Laurel Avenue is required and a setback of 15 feet is proposed, for a variance of 6 feet. 2. A rear yard setback of 25 feet is required and a setback of 5 feet is proposed, for a variance of 20 feet. 3. A side yard setback of 9 feet is required and a setback of 7 feet from the east property line is proposed for the easternmost townhouse, and a setback of 4 feet from the east property line is proposed for detached garages for variances of 2 feet and 5 feet respectively. 4. The maximum projection into a required yard for a fireplace is 1 foot and the proposed projection for all fireplaces is two feet, for a variance of 1 foot. 5. An 18-foot separation between buildings is required and a 10-foot separation is progosed between units B& C and units D& E and a separation of 14.4 feet between units E& H, for a variances of 8 feet and 3.8 feet respectivety. C. STTE AND AREA CONDTTIONS: This is a 141 by 154 foot parcel located at the southeast comer of Laurel and Mackubin. There is ailey access to the rear of the property. The property is located within a Heritage Preservation District. Surrounding Land Use: A miarture of single- and multi-family housing. �� r F ✓'� File #97-041 Page Two D. BACKGROUNU: This parcel was formerly occupied by a one-story commercial structure that was demolished in 1992. In 1988, the Board of Zoning Appeals granted several variances to allow construction of a 10-unit townhouse with 28 underground parking spaces on this site. Atthough the Herita�e Preservation Commission granted approval for the project and the BZA granted a one year extension, the praject was never started. Tn December of 199b, the BZA heard a proposal for a variance request to construct a 7-unit rowhouse structure and 2 carriage houses on this site. The matter was continued due to possible changes in the plan. The developer, Mendota Homes INC., is now proposing this latest plan. E. FfNDINGS: 1. The property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use under the strict provisions of the code. ' The proposed townhouse development, three two-unit and two single-unit structures with a total of 32 zoning rooms, is under the density allowed (38 rooms) for this site. A low density development of one- and two-unit buildings that is in keeping with Heritage Preservation guidelines and the character of the surrounding neighborhood has created the need for the variances. 2. The plight of the land owner is due to circumstances unique to this property, and these ciraumstances were not created by the land owner. The inclusion of this property in a Heritage Preservation District and the character of the surroundinJ neighborhood are circumstances that were not created by the applicant. 3. The proposed variance is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code, and is consistent with the health, safety, comfort, morals and welfare of the inha6itants of the City of St. Paul. A low density development of one- and two-unit buildings, as opposed to a single, two or three-story structure with as many as 19 apartment units which would be allowed on this site given the RM-2 zoning and lot size, is in keeping with the character of the neighborhood. 4. The praposed variance wilt not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, nor wilt it alter the essential chazacter of the surrounding area or unreasonably diminish established property values within the surrounding area. cl rl - p� 3� File #197-041 Page Three This parcel has street fronta�e on two sides and abuts an alley on another side. The setback variances for these three sides will not affect the supply of light or air to the ad}acent properties. The variances requested for the east side of the property are relatively minor and can be further mitigated through landscaping or fencing. The proposed development, if it meets Heritage Preservation guidelines, will fit in well with the nei�hborhood and will not diminish established property values. 5. The variance, if granted, would not permit any use that is not pemtitted under the provisions of the code for the property in the district where the affected land is located, nor would it a(ter or change the zoning district classification of the properry. The proposed variances, if granted, will not change ot alter the zoning classification of the property. 6. The request for variance is not based primarily on a desire to iricrease the vatue or income potential of the parcei of land. The applicant states that the primary goal of this project is to create a low density development of one- and two-unit structures that is in keeping with the character of the surrounding area and Heritage Preservatson guidelines. F. DISTRICT CO[3NCII. RECOMMENDAT'ION: The Summit University Planning Council and the Ramsey Hill Association have unanimously recommended approvai of the variances requested. G. STAFF I2ECOMMENDATION: Based on findings 1 through 6, staffrecommends approval of the variances subject to the condition that appropriate landscaping or fencing is added along the east property line. 4� ZONING BOAflD /l�l �1�0(� `° ' �97--oy/ :. �� APPLICATION FOR Z�NING ORDIfVANCE VARIANCE iere appropriate. �(` � � l � YPssc.�`' { � 7 7 �, ��!� � 7 . / �D r � CITY OF� PAUL /b"� [� 2�'J 3 � ( { J l , �� A VARIANCE OF ZONiNG CODE CHAPTER r� �, SECTION�_ PARAGRAPH IS REQUESTED IN CON�ORMITY WVTH THE POWERS VESTED {N THE BOAflD OF ZONING AP- PEALS TO PERMIT THE �� ���`� � ON PROPERTY DESCRIBEDBEIOW. T(JLyJf(LYYlGS , A. Applicant; NAME: DAYiIME?ELEPHONE NQ. � jO�a'�7� r 1�i i ZIP CODE �as t. Property interest of applicant: (owner, contract purchaser, etc.)\ � Z( � Q� sC y9 ! 2o tJ 2. Name of ow�er (if different) Q�vIQ �� ����� ��� /- C- B. Property Description: 7. Legal descriptio /�, 2. Lot size: � ADDRESS W�CY�- �C!%-�Z7L I"RL.�...'G�S11.I 1 /�IJS k'c�t,�� ,0.42� LOT SLOCK�_ ADD. Rd�J f77t� 1 X �o . Z31u�`� ti/F�ca.vt-- /1 l�1 � 3. Present Use �r Present Zoning Dist. r �" ` G. ReasonsforRequesC t. Pro use �dGS9If '�b(,til'I t{DuS�= �//*�J��T -- 3 {2(rYf / ( a�Lt G� ���/r��� �Q'C�'7 GU`t� L�CG�r��w Cbn� { tZ -WI 2. Wfiat pFrysicaf charaEteristics f�'he roperty prevent its being used for any af the permitted uses in your zone? (topography, soil conditions, size and shape of lot, etc. 7ff/5 /S An1 ALtn05� SQuQ2E P.�ctPbtTy l..�{/7/ f?o405 Gh 3 5/ll�sC�NGU,�a/� ALL�Y} Tf/4T�lc!?�7�5 U,dZ14�vLcs State the /��b� �� J�t� 4. Exptain how your of the following: r .., � f �-r . — v ����� Q�f"� 1 `.� ! ��-� � a. Tha6 the strict application of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance would result in peculiar ' or excepUOnal practical difficulties, or exceptional undue bardsbips, s[�((Q/L� S/T� G�/IX E Prr�vw,t ac.� scT 84cres oa�s ,vor l�vtJ ,rstZF Ta ,p tfausalb �F/TTwb 7tf75 N�76/f$a21Yot� r �J31�7f47c�oo�.�i�:t�.^ti � _'�`: i i_ b. That the granting of a variance wiH �• ,,,;,,� ' not be a substantial tletriment to � F ��HIERS U5E ONLY � - � &s �� +t33�.�t ; public good or a substanUal impair• ,. , � ment oi the intent and purpose of "��t�'` j�'fl '� -"�-+� �� �. � theZontngOMinar�ce. CHt��GE �,�(} �t�ill ft� l�vZa -rt�c hu, l,�t�-ha ��� Z un�� ��� z�(4� lht�clGit cv,l( '�n-���re— :, a �° ,h4�r(� � ��� �; ..,� . _ -;. _ �.� ?J95 �t�. F�3 �� � � ------ Ri 1, y ! 1 f1 �iI �i S.s � i� � �r � � E. �i z ; � � � � ` � � i : � �i �� a � � ' 1� 1, t I ( {. j � t�i �i fu � Li31t5w9bAN � ' � _ �_ _ _ _� �i �_ �; �• i � k� 4a ki : t � { �` � �� � � � � � �, � { i� <� �' � ���,�� �' ,. 9� -�33 � 2 'n � : ��� �� ��� � -_-__ -�- --- � � g �� �� --� �� � � � �� �l I il lµ al'1- ��'J ��� l�: I � A � S ' � �i � -�t � = , , � ►; � � �� ;t ,� : RCGOIL7t �IUM� I�1 ;ui�lii ii: . JERRY BLAKEY Coundlmember March 18, 1997 CITY OF SAINfi PAUL OFFICE OF TI� CITY COUNCII. Ms. Tracey Baker, Chair Neritage Preservation Commission cio 1868 Sargent Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55105 Dear Ms. Baker: �11-� 1 am writing to express my support for the proposed town home �project on Laurei Avenue and MacKubin Street. Frank Greczyna and his staff have done an excellent job in addressing the concerns of the neighborhood and the Heritage Preservation Commission. In fact, the Summit- University Planning Council and the Ramsey Hi1f Association unanimously supported the projeci, incfuding the variances for tha front porch and rear setbacks, at their community issue meeting on March 13, 1997. i hope that the heritage Preservation Commission wiil consider the my o�ce and the neighborhood extend to this pro}ect in considerin requested. Sincerely, Jerry B City Co cilmember variances ���� � n . -� cc: Frank Greczyna �Y 1'^' "" n J Aaron Rubenstein �( Summit-University Ptanning Counci( �f Ramsey Hill Associatian � � j�� - � J�"�" CITY HALL THIRD FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 s .�..<a PdnRd ou Raycled Paper t/"" ' )� U� � , � Jf 1 �." � � � ��� , �� " "V � 612J266-86J0 a�_��3 Shaping the future of a historic neighbofiood in Saint Paui 400 Selby Avenue, Sui[e M, St. Paul, MN 55102 March 17, 1997 John Hardwick LIEP 350 St. Peter St. Suite 300 St. Paul, Mn. 55102-1510 Dear Mr. Hardwick, On March 13, 1997 the Ramsey Hill Association held a community issnes meeting concerning the several variances requested by Mendota Homes for the development at 496 Laurel Ave. - your file #97-041. The neighborhood was noticed of the meeting and several neighbors were in attendance. The Association approved all of the variances requested. We are impressed with the quality of this project and laok forward to seeing it built. S' cer y, � ��l�.Gu i�� ud McLaughlin, President sey Hill Association SUMM�T-17NIVERSIT'Y �'LAI`�i'NING COUNCIL °t'1-�'33 i 827 Se{by Avenue --��--� Saint Paul Minnesote 651Q4 ' ' ' '—' 7'elephone 228-1855 Friday, Maxch 14, 1997 Board of Zoning Appeais 25 West Fowth Street Saint Paut, M�nnesota 55142 Ii�: zoning Fi1e # 47-041 The Summit University T'lanning Couacil, together with the Ramsey Fii3i Association casponsored a Community Tssues meeting which was held Thursday, March 33, 3997 to provida a forum for neighborhood input on Mendota �Tomes Inc.'s request for several setback varixnces and a variance of the separation required beiween buildings in order to construct an 8 unit townhouse developmenk. Project developers made a presernation wktich ineiuded architectural renderings of the projeot and responded to questions from tl�e community. Pursuam to #his and other infomiation shared, a rnotion was made and �assed ananimously to approve the varianas as requested. Tf you have any questions pr nesd further information, please contact me at Z28-1855. Sincerely, 7°��.�- Peggy Byrne Bxecutive birector Z0'd 54:00 lki8 t6-ST-21liW fQ. 90 J1 / APP�fCAN7 Mc1'1�0"FCA ��'.S _111C_. PURPOSE MQ�r �af1 nee' -,�E a 9 or. y•�• 9�7 'LNG. DIST � � ktAP #7 �— ;CAI.E 1' = 400'� LEGEND ....��, zoning district boundary � subjed property 0 one famiiy � N+o famity . '�¢Q muttipfe famity <nonhl • � � commerciai � �.,. industrial V vacant . ,. o��, f�� 1. SUNRAY-BATIT.ECREEK-HIGHWOOD 2. HAZEL PARK HADEN-PROSPERTTY HILLCREST 3. WEST SII7B 4. DAYTON'S BLUFF 5. PAXNE-PHALEN 6. NORTEi END 7, THOMAS-DALE 8. SUMMfT-UIv'IVERSTTY 9. WEST SEVENTH 10. COMO 11. HAMLINE-MIDWAY 12, ST. ADITFiONY PARK 13. MERRIAM PARK-LEXINGTON HAMLINE-SNELLING HAMLINE 14. MACALESTER G120VELAND 15. T3IGHI.AN7� 16. SL3MMTT HILL 17. DOWNfOWN CITIZEN PARTICII'ATION PLANh�Ii�?G DISTRICI'S Gr� .�'S� MINUTES OF THE MEETIIdG OF THE SOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CITY COLJNCIL CHAMBERS, 330 CITY HALL ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA, APRIL 7,1997 PRESENT: Mmes. Maddox and Bogen; Messrs. A1tAn, Donohue, Scherman, Tully and WHson of the Boud of Zoning Appeals; Mr. Wamer, Assistant City Attomey; Mr. Hardwick and Ms. Synstegaazd of the O�ce of License, Inspection, and Environmentat Protectioa ABSENT None The meeting was chaired by Joyce Maddo� Chair. MENDOTA HOMES INC (#97-041) - 496 LAUREL AVEN[JE: Several setback variances and a variance of the sepazation required betrveen buildings in order to construct an 8-unit townhouse developmenk The applicant was present. There was no opposition present at the hearing. Mr. Audwick stated that a revised site plan that changes the requested sepazation from 10' to 7' between the buildings was submitted by the applicant subsequent to a campromise with the Ramsey Hill Association and a representative from Councilmember Blakey's office. The Heritage Preservat�on Comtnission reviewed tlils matter and denied the agplicatiott last week. Their denial was based on: 1) the orientation of the comer building to MacKubin rather than Laurel is not compatible with the chazacter of the district; 2) the proposed development is also incompafible with the character of the district because of the unifotmity of design of the proposed buildings; and 3) the proposed 15' setback from Laurel Avenue conflicts with the districPs guidelines and is incompatible with the character of the district. Mr. Hazdwick showed slides of the site and reviewed the staff report with a recommendation for approval subject to the condition that appropriate landscaping or fencing is added along the east property line. One letter was received in opposition stating there is no demonstrated hardship and they feel this development is not in keeping with the character of the neighborhood. Mr. Hazdwick asked Mr. Wamer to address the ]egal implications of a revised site pian in regazds to notification purposes. Mr. Warner stated that the submission of the site plan at this particulaz time doesn't affect this hearing on the variances requested. Ms. Bogen stated that number five under acuon requested of the staff report is inconect since the applicant initially requestetl a 10' variance sepazation and now they aze asldng for a 7' separation She added that where the buildings aze placed on the property doesn't make any difference as far as the side yazd setbacks, but the setbacks for the variances between the separation of the buildings is different. Mr. Warner replied that is correct but the purpose of today's hearing it is to allow people an opporhuiiry to be heard. He stated that it is his opinion ihat the difference of 3' in a building not yet built and not adjacent to any presently occupied structure, is not necessarily going to preclude anybaly from tesfifying to that fact taday in what impact that might have overall on this project. Nevertheless, the Boazd wuld state that they've not had an adequate time to reviecv the documents and lay the matter over. a� -� File #97-041 Page Two John Mathem, Mendota Homes, Inc., Box 416, Forest Lake, Minnesota, stated that they have a new proposal resulting from their meeting with the Ramsey Hill Association. The proposal is for eight living units, ttu�ee 2- unit build'urgs and two detached buildings on the comu of Laurel and MacKubin. He stated that they took direction that they received from the citizens at the neighborhood meet�ngs. One request was to reduce the density and that none of the gazages front the alley. They have done that by intemalizing the garages oa the site plan. In meetings with the community organizer and a siaff inember from Councilmember Blakey's office, they have come to a conctusion that they could produce the sazne buildings with a front porch and side views by simply turning one two-unit onto Laurel. In this way they would present two 2-units. He presented a large site plan drawing to the Boazd and explained them. The side yazds will go from 16' to 7' wluch is why they need the variances. They don't feel ihis is a significant change, although it would alleviate concerns of having more units on Laurel and ]ess on MacKubin. The HPC didn't support them but they did receive neighborhood support and support from Councilmember Blakey's office. They feei this plan is in keeping with the neighborhood character which is mixed with a commerciai building across the street and townhomes further down the block. They don't feel the setback on Laurel was a significant issue because of the various setbacks along the street. Dick Hidey, HRM Architects, passed azound a graphic drawing that showed th� setbacks more clearly. They feel their setbacks aze a blend of what you find on the strat. Mr. Aiton asked if there was a revised elevation drawing of the view from MacKubin. Mr. Mathern replied no, but explained how it would look on a drawing he passed azound to the Board. Ms. Bogen asked if one of the buildings on MacKubin would be a side view. Mr. Hidey replied yes and sho�ved the drawings to the Board. ~•' Mr. Alton asked if the side yard setback on the two-unit building would be more than 1Q'. Mr. Mathern replied it would be 18' away from the other 2-unit on the side and they exceed the side yard setbacks on MacKubin. He stated that ihe reaz yazd is within 7' of the side yard of the next twin home. Mr. Hidey stated that when they rotated the twin home to front on Laurel they had lazger back yazds then the previous plan, They were delighted with that change and fee] more positive about this plan than they did with the originai one. They also increased the width of the driveway from 20' to 24'. This was a concem to some of the neighborhood residents. Mr. Alton stated that tlus proposed plan was obviously designed with the consideration of the HPC Guidelines in mind. Mr. Mathem and Mr. Hidey replied yes. Mr. Alton asked what limitations that presented to them in terms of fitting the plan onto the site? The limits they found are that the site fronts aspbaIt on three sides. They felt that by fronting more usuts on Laurel it would be a positive change and that is why they revised their site plan. Mr. Alton stated that the developer could build a three-sWry squue brick apartment building with a asphalt parking lot and meet the zoning requirements. However, the developer chose to try and comply with the HPC guidelines and designed this current plan. Mr. Hidey stated that they designed eight units and have tried to make them appeaz as detached as possible. a�_��3 File #97-041 Page Three 3udy McLaughlin, President of the Ramsey Hill Association, stated that they met with the developer in conjunction with the Neighborhood Development Committee of District 8 and have made significant headway in working with the neighborhood to come up with a design and configuration that takes into consideration the character of the neighborhood and the historic district_ They voted unanimously to approve the variances that were originalty proposed to the Board. One of the issues the HPC had was the orientation of ihe buildings. The developers wers willing to change this. 3erry Mcinemey, I.egislative Aide to Councilmember Blakey, stated their office went to the developers and asked them if there were things they could do hy flipping the buildings. They also asked them to revise their porch design to include an all wood front. The HPC appeal will come befare the City Council on Apri19. Mazch 13 was the date of the community meeting where the variances were unanimously approved. Last Wednesday they met with the developer to come to an agreement. He apologized for the confusion of the site plan but stated it was an effort to try to get the development moving forward and to come to an agcernent to hy and satisfy all parties. � Hearing no further testimony, Ms. Maddox closed the public portion of the meeting. Mr. Alton moved to approve the variance and resolution based on fmdings i through 6 subjut to the condition that appropriate landscaping or fencing is added along the east property ]ine. Mr. Scherman seconded tha motion. Ms. Bogen staeed that she wouldn't be opposed to the variances except she feels that a 7' separation wiU lead to overcrowding on the block and limited airflow to people in the uniks ihat are affected by the 7' sepazation. Mr. Alton stated his motion was for the 7' separation variance on the latest revised plans. Mr. Hazdwick stated that the required separation between buildings is 18' so the revised site plan would require a variance of 11' between the two units that front on MacKubin, and on the double units that front on both MacKubin and Laurel. On B. 5. o� the staff report it should state, "An 18-foot sepaza6on is required between the buildings fronting on MacKubin and the rear of the north comer building on Laurel, and a 7-foot sepazation is proposed, for a variance of 11 feet " He stated that the 14.4 feet and 3.8 feet can be stricken because they are no longer required. The applicant has gained the required sepazation between the buildings that &ont on Laurel. Mr. Alton moved to amend his motion to comply with the 11-foot variance. Ms. Bogen stated that she dcesn't understand why there dcesn't need to be a reno�cation for residents who may be concemed about how close the buildings are. Mr. Warner stated that the changes as requested are zelatively minor and formal notice of the entire ptoposal is not necessary. -.. °l� _ �"� 3 File #97-041 Page Fow The Boud voted unarumously to approved the amendment to the morion on a vote of 1 to 0. The motion passed on a roll call vote of 7 to 0. 5 ,�.� ���/C/� John Hazdwick John Tully, Secretary CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� � BOARD OF ZONING AP'PEALS RESOLUTION ZONING FILE NUMSER: s7-oai �I�T�' : Apri17,1997 WHEREAS, MENDOTA HOMES INC. has applied for a variance from the strict application of the provisions of Section 61.101, 63.107 (d) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the coastruction of an 8-unit townhouse development in the RM-2 zoning district at 496 LAUREL AVENUE; and WF�',REAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing on 04/07/97, pursuant to said appeal in accordance with the requirements of Section 64205 of the Legislative Code; and WHEREA5, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals based upon evidence presented at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: 1. The property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use under the strict provisions of the code. 'The proposed townhouse development, three two-unit and two single-unit structures with a totai of 32 zoning rooms, is under the density allowed (38 rooms) for this site. A 1ow density development of one- and two-unit buildings that is in keeping with Heritage Preservation guidelines and the chazaeter of the surrounding neighborhood has created the need for the variances. 2. The plight of the land owner is due to circumstances unique to this property, and these circumstances were not created by the land owner. The inclusion of this property in a Heritage Preservation District and the character of the sunounding neighborhood are circumstances that were not created by the applicant. 3. The proposed variance is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code, and is consistent with the health, safety, comfort, morals and welfare of the inhabitants of the City of St. Paui. A low density development of one- and two-unit buildings, as opposed to a singie, two or three-story structure with as many as 19 apartment units which would be allowed on this site given the RM-2 zoning and lot size, is in keeping with the chazacter of the neighborhood. 4. The proposed variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, nor will it alter the essential character of the sunounding azea or unreasonably diminish established property values within the surrounding area. �� , ��� File #97-041 Page Two This parce] has street frontage on two sides and abuts an alley on another side. The setback variances for these three sides will not afFect the supply of light or air to the ad}acent properties. The variances requested for the east side of the property are relatively minor and can be further mitigated through landscaping or fencing. The proposed development, if it meets Heritage Preservation guidelines, will fit in well with the neighborhood and will not diminish established property values. 5. The variance, if granted, would not pernut any use that is not pemutted under the provisions of the code for the properiy in the district where the afFected land is located, nor would it alter or change the zoning district classification of the properky. The proposed variances, if granted, will not change or alter the zoning classification of the property. 6, The request for variance is not based primarily on a desire to increase the value or income potential of the parcel of land. The applicant states that the primary goal of this project is to create a low density development of one- and two-unit structures that is in keeping with the character of the surrounding area and Heritage Preservation guidelines. NOW, TF�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals that the provisions of Section 61.101 and 63.10? (d) are hereby waived to allow the foilowing variances in order to construct an 8-unit townhouse development: 1) A front setback of 15 feet along Laurel Avenue; 2) A rear yard setback of 5 feet; 3) A side yard setback of 7 feet from the east property line for the eastern most townhouse, and a side yazd setback af 4 feet from the east property line for the garages; 4) A variance to allow fireplace chimneys to pro,{ect 2 feet into a required yazd; and 5) A 7-foot separation between the buildings on the west side of the properiy, subject to the condition that appropriate landscaping or fencing is added along the east property line on property located at 496 LAIJREL AVENUE and legally described as Lots 13, 14, & 15, Blk 9, Woodland Park Add.; in accordance with the application for variance and the site plan on file with the Zoning Administrator. File #97-041 Page Three MOVED BY: Atton SECONDED BY : 5cherman IN FAVOR: � AGAINST: o MAILED: Apri18, 199� �t"1. ��� TIME LIMIT No order of the Board of Zoning Appeals permitting the erection or alteration • of a buiiding or off-street parking facility shall be vatid for a period longer than one year, unless a building permit for such erection or alteration is obtained within such period and such erection or alteration is proceeding pursuant to the terms of such permit. The Board of Zoning Appea]s or the City Council may grant an extension not to exceed one yeaa In granting such extension, the Board of Zonsng Appeals may decide to hold a public hearing. APPEAL Decisions of the Board of Zoning Appeals are final subject to appeal to the City Council withia 15 days by anyone affected by the decision. Buifding permits shali not be issued after an appeal has been fled. IEpermits have been issued before an appeal has been filed, then the permits are suspended and construction shal! cease until the City Cauncil has made a final determination of the appeal. CERTIFICATION: I, the undersigned Secretary to the Board of Zoning Appeais for the City of 5aint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify thak I have compared the foregoing copy with the original record in my office; and find the same to be a true and correct copy of said original and of the whole thereof, as based on approved minutes of the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals meeting held on Apri17,1997 and on record in the Office of License Inspection and Environmental Protection, 350 St. PeYer Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota. SAINT PAUL BOARD OF ZOl�'ING APPEALS �L�;����.�i'�� Sue Synstegaard Secretary to the Board PUBLIC HEARtNG NOTICE Ciiy Councii Appeal of Decision TO APPLICANT PURPOSE LOCATION OF PROPERTY TIME OF HEARfNG PLACE OF HEARING HOW TO PARTtCIPATE Property Owners within 350 feet; Representatives of Planning District 8 a� -��� Judy Beck, Herb & Marilyn Vogel, Pam Brandt Appeai of a Board of Zoning Appeals decision granting several variances in order to construct an 8 unit townhouse deve{opment. 496 Laurel Avenue Wednesday, May 7, 1997 at 4:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor Ciiy Hali-Court House 15 West Ke{logg Boulevard, Saint Paui, Minnesota 55102 1. You may attend hearing and testifiy. 2. You may send a letter before the hearing to the O�ce of LIEP, Attn: John Hardwick, 350 St. Peter Street, Suite 300, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 3. Participation is not required. This is your notice of public hearing. ANY QUESTIONS Caii John Hardwick of the Office of LIEP at 266-9082 or your District Council Representative at 228-1855 with the foflowing information: Zoning Fife Number 97-100 � ;�: �����, ��ra�� Zoning File Name Judy Beck, Herb & Marilyn Vogel, Pam ' Brandt ^ ia�7 e;��;a � �r _ .w«.�.::: �( �� �� 3 May 5,1997 � � � COUNCILMEMBER JERRY BLAKEY ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL RE: PETITON RELATING TO APPEAL OF ZOI�TING BOARD DECISION ZONING FILE NO. 97-041(Battle Electric site) Attached are signatures (received to date) of 28 property owners alarmed at the magnitude and extent of the variances granted to Mendota Homes/Pineview Homes for the above project. These multiple variances produce an over-crowded, overbuilt project which will have a profound effect on this neighborhood. We collected support from property owners on all sides of the site, including the next door neighbor (Dider), the 3 houses across the site on Laurel, the Firenze Building on Mackubin, the Church Condo across the alley, the other properties off the alley near the site, as well as other near-by properties on Laurel, Mackubin, and Ashland. Some people plan to write their own letters, and some thought the petition too mild. Virtually every property directly affected is represented on this petition. We are presenting this petition because we are concerned that you may have been led to believe that this project has widespread support from the surrounding community. Nothing could be further from the truth. Respeetfully, � � � �� Herb & Marilyn Vogel Attachments: 3 pages of petition and original signatures 1 list of names & addresses arranged in order around the site ; cc. John Hardwick, Board of Zoning Appeals PETITION Date 3 0 � 7 To: Councilmember Jerry Blakey Re: Zoning Fite No: 97-041 Laurel-Mackubin project by Mendota Homes, also known as Pineview Homes. � We the undersigned urge the City Councii to honor the spirit and intent of theCity Zoning Code as well as the HPC Guidelines by requiring the above developers to reduce the number of units to 7 instead of 8. STREET ADDRESS � � �.I� � ��(� ���w C� � �-v; ,��? �g3 �5� ���-� �-�- f� . /'�2 � �� �/7 � I,��� � �: -� �� p-- ��.,.��1�1ti`'��.�.� ��l ��<�� '�E. ,-�vv3 � ���� ' �-i�l ��� n�.. �1 � ` ``��' � �� � ���- �� � �� �� ...�� �� PETITIQN Date � 30 9 7 To: Councilmember Jerry Blakey �, ��3 Re: Zoning File No: 97-041 � Laurel-Mackubin project by Mendota Homes, a{so known as Pineview Homes. We the undersigned urge the City Councii to honor the spirit and intent of theCity Zoning Code as well as the HPC Guidelines by requiring the above developers to reduce the number of units to 7 instead of 8. STREET ADDRESS i� �� �k�.l�,�� �a �r i ����-�� r h. �7 � a � M�,� �.G �� �, � `��� ,��� ��� s �� r�,.�.�... ��� ���� � �- �-�-���- ��z �� �- `f7Z L�c���� Av'� SIGNATURE PETITION Date�����c•t 27, (q . I To: Councilmember Jerry Blakey � Re: Zoning File No: 97-Q41 Laurel-Mackubin project by Mendota Nomes, a(so known as Pineview Homes. We the undersigned urge the City Council to honor the spirit and intent of theCity Zoning Code as well as the HPC Guidelines by requiring the above developers to reduce the number of units to 7 instead of 8. STREET ADDRESS s �4� �1r�. `,� �P� � =Y�t� SS 1v2 � ��s� � � �� �`J � +��.rc.LC..u�., � 3-03G9 �f5� �cuci. ��� ��. `f7l �.��e�-�� � ��-a�ss` ; . �f�/ ,�-,1��..� `t �i ��(� � �i , �, ,, � - SIGNATURE Petition to Jerry Blakey May 5, 1997 File no 97.041 PETITION SIGNERS t1RRANGED BY ADDRESS: 1. 482 Laurei Avenue 2. 482 Laurel Avenue 3. 472 Laurel Avenue 4. 472 Laurel Avenue 5. 458 Laurel Avenue 6. 493 Laurel 7. 491 Laurel Avenue 8. 491 Laurel Avenue 9. 487 Lattrel Avenue 10. 481 Laurel Avenue ' 11. 475 Laurel Avenue 12. 117 Maakubin # 2 13. 117 Mackubin # 7 14. l l7 Mackubin # 6 15. 114 Mackubin 16. 99 Mackubin 17. 89 Mackubin l8. 491 Ashland Avenue 19. A91 Ashland Avenue 20. 487 Ashland Avenue 21. 483 Ashland Avenue 22 4&3 Ashland Avenue 23. 471 Ashland Avenue 24. 471 Ash3and Avenue 25. 4b4 Ashland Avenue 26. 451 Ashland Avenue 27. 453 Ashland Avenue 28. 448 Ashland Avenue Sue Didier Chazles Didier Kate McGu'ue Ray Hofhnann Paula Moliin Sherrill Gannon Dawn Ellerd Jeff Ellerd Robert C. Sordan Richard McDermott Mary Morris Mary E. Pound Parker Fiery (sp??) Martin Zeger(sp??) William Conley Pamela J. Brandt Harvey Sherman Dayton Gilbert Brenda Gilbert Judith A. Beck Dan Mueller Diane Mueller Marilyn Vogel Herb Vogel Tom Davis Elis Ljungkuil Gene Nelson Len Jackson fy/�. ��� �.� l C � 95 Mackubin St. Paul, MN 55102-2021 Apri130, 1997 Mr. John Hardwick Office of LIEP 350 St. Peter Street Suite 300 St. Paul, MN 55102 RE: Zoning File Number: 9?-100 Zoning File Name: Judy Beck, Herb and Marilyn Vogel Dear Mr. Hardwick: I am unable to attend the Wednesday, May 7 appeal meeting for the above case. However, I object to the decision made by the Boazd of Zoning and the St. Paul City Council related to the property at 496 Laurel Avenue. My reasons follow. / �� � � �,�.Y�� i. The plan proposes massive buildings and limited green space. This space is zoned for far less dense construction. If it weren't, a variance wouldn't be necessary. Why not construct a building that is in keeping with the zoning ordinances? The surrounding buildings to the west and south of 496 Lawel Avenue are all very lazge multiple dwellingslmultiple organization offices. The overall concentration of massive buildings along Mackubin from Holiy to Laurel is ea-tremely high. 2. This plan is presented by people who don't currently live in the neighborhood and, most likely, will not live here in the future. Insteati, they are developers who will never have to live with the overly dense housing they propose. 3. I was distressed to read that this proposal had been supported by my council reprasentative, Jerry Blakey. Ifthis is correct, this decision seems to have been made against the eapress desires of the nearest neighbors. It was certainly made without my input. Why didn't I receive a cali from my council representative or his staff prior to this decision? How can an informed and reflective decision be made without seeking this input? How is it that my council representatives can always locate me at election time and never seek my opinions when changes are to be made in the neighborhood? 4. In principle, I am against variances. Variances require a citizen to enforce the zoning codes, rather than govemment officiais enforcing the laws they are sworn to uphold. In the 20 plus years I have lived in this neighborhood, I have been asked numerous times to police my neighbors through granting or not granting variances. In every incidence I can think of, I have later come to regret agreeing to the variance. While in theory legislation-by-variance might seem wise, what happens i;� practiee is that generalty citizens agree to a variance rather than f ght a neighbor and create ili feeling within their mutual tiving space. Prior to the construction, one simply cannot know how helshe will be afFected by the ftnished construction. Once the construction is finish, there is no way to reverse the variance. Two such variances stand out in my mind One involves the garages which are along the ailey just south of my home. Because those garages where built into the private alley behind my house, my access to tha4 space (on which I pay Yaxes) is reduced. Another is the ]oading dock at the St. Paul Church Home across Mackubin at which semi-trucks regularly untoad eariy in the moming, causing noise and disturbing my sleep. Zoning ordinances and codes were put in place for specific reasons—supposedly for the greater good of the majoriry of the peopie. Why then is one person or one gmup of peopie aliowed to manipulate those zoning ordinances, through the variance process, to gain a specific favor at the majority's eazpense? Once a variance is granted, all people foHpwing must live with that special concession granted to a singie person/singte group of peopie. This is bad policy. Instead of finding ways around them, why not require people to live within the zoning ordinances? In summary . . . • I urge you to reject this proposa! anc! the variances it reqnires. • I urge you to uphold the zoning ordinances. • I urge you to consider the wishes of cunent tax-paying residents of Yhis neighborhood. • I urge you to maintain the atmosphere of our neighborhood. • I urge you Yo consider the wotk that many of the current residents have put into this neighborhood over the past 3Q plus years to preserve an important part of St. Paui's lustory. Please work with us to continue to pteserve Ramsey Hill and this beaurifui city. Please reptesent the residents of your city. Sincerety, � Margazet Ann Aennen Ramsey I3i11 Resident CC: Jerry Blakey F ��- � ��� ' Row Detached House House q'1-P Base sq. ft. cost {above grade) Sq, ft. refinements: HUAC Basement (unfnished) Fireplace (2 story) Garage (2 car) Adjnsted sq. ft. cost Arealshape multiplier Refined per sq. ft. cost $39.99 +3.65 +5.91 +1.5G +z•ss $53.96 � $53.15 $4G.10 +3.G5 +5.91 +1.56 +2.$ $60.07 1.063 $63.85 Current cost multiplier Local multiplier (St. Paul) �inal�sq. ft.�cost � _ � �1��`!31 �''� $73.CiC�= 1.03 1.12 1.03 1.12 Source: Marshall and Swift Cost Service � Cost Summary — 8 Units ��-��� Base construction cost of buildings: Row House C$G1.311sf x 1600 sf x 6= Detached Home C� $73.G6/sf x 1600 sf x 2= Total base cost of buildings Site improvement costs Indirect costs (not included in base costs) Land acquisition Total estimated development cost Total cost per square foot of building area $588,576 235,712 8 Unit Development Gross proceeds � $200,000 per unit Less: Sales commission @ 7% Less: Development costs Net Profit Discounted C� 12% for 6 month sellout Discounted C� 12% for 2 mo. develapment $425,3501$1,600,000 = 26.58% $824,288 50,000 10,000 1 4 00 $1,038,788 $81.1G $1,G00,000 112,U00 1,038,788 $449,212 $433,900 $425,350 $425,350/$1,038,788 = 40.95% O�� �. �� ' Cost 5ummary — 7 Units Base construction cost of b.uildings: Row House C$61.31Isf x 160d sf x 6= Detached Home C� $73.66Jsf x 1600 = Total base cost of builrlings Site improvement costs Indirect costs (not included in base costs) Land acquisition Total estimated development cost Total cost per square foot of building area 7 Unit $588,57G 117,856 $70G,432 50,000 10,000 1 4 00 $920,932 $82.23 Gross proceeds C$200,000 per unit Less: Sales commission � 7% Less: Development costs Net Profit Discounted C 12�10 for 6 month sellout Discounted C� 12°lo for 2 mo. development $360,8251$1,400,000 = 25.77% $1,400,000 9$,000 29 0,932 $381,068 $3f 8,078 $3G0,825 - �3Ga,s25/$920,932 = 39.i8��o ` Cost Summary - 6 Units Base construction cost of buildings: Row House C� $61.311sf g 1600 sf x 6= Total base cost of buildings Site improvement costs Indirect costs (not included in base costs) Land acquisition Total estimated development cost Total cost per squaze foot of building area $588,57G 6 Unit Development Gross proceeds C$200,000 per unit Less: Sales commission C� 7°l0 Less: Development costs Net Profit Discounted @ 12% for 6 month sellout Discounted C� 12°lo for 2 mo. development $297,3211$1,200,000 = 24.78% � � .. �33 $588,57G 50,000 : 11! 1 54,500 $801,076 $83.45 $1,200,000 84,000 801 •076 $314,000 $303,297 $297,321 $297,3211$801,076 = 37.12% 5����� ��t-��3 May 7, 1997 John Hardwick! St. Paul Office of LIEP 350 St. Peter St., Suite 300 St. Paul, MIV 55102 fte : Development of 496 Lauref Ave Site Dear Mr. Hardwick: The proposed devlopment site is directly across the street from our residence, and we see it every day from our front porch. My wife(Dianne) and I have recently studied the proposed plan for deve{opment by Pineview Homes, carefully considered this new design, and thoughtfully discussed the issues raised by the requested variances. We strongly oppose this development. Over the long term it will significantly degrade the value of this neighborhood as well as our own personat property investment. The particular legai and architectura! reasons for our objection are ciearly articulated '+n the "Appeal of Board of Zoning Appeals Decision of Aprii 7, 1997lMailed Apr+l 8; Zoning Flle No. 97-041" (J. Beck, H&M Vogel, P. Brandt) , as well as the HPC recommendations. The excessive set-back variances on Laurel & the rear alley are the most egregious parts of the current pfan. However , dwelling on the specific legal points of the above ruling deflects attention from a major point: these zoning rules and architectural guidetines play a fundamental role in maintining the long - term health, viability, economic vatue, and continuing investmenUrehabilitation of this neighborhood and those immediately surrounding . For example ihe HPC and zoning guidelines support the architectural and aesthetic value of this area, keeping the "historic" ambiance as a major component of our real-estate va{ue. If we do not pay attention to the intent of the guidelines we will see degradation of value and living standards in this neighborhood. ''r k ,a _��3 � Dianne and I have invested many tens of thousands ofi dollars in renovation costs in our home since 1592. We bought the house in an uninhabitable state while the Battie Electric building still occupied the 496 Laurel site. This was a major financial risk for us. We painstakingly worked to obtain approva{ of the HPC , foliowed aii zoning rules, embraced the spirit and intent of the "Historic Dlstrict", and sincerely believed we had an obligation to improve the aesthetic appearance ofi this area. Why should the developer not be heid to the same standards? in consideration of this appeal please consider this: as residents we have a long-term financial and personaf stake in this neighborhood; the developer only has a short-term financial one. The developer is not a resident, enabling him to "get the money and run" without accountability far the long-term wel{-being of the area. To continue improving the precarious heaith of this lovely old part of St. Paul, a process started more than 20 years ago by committed residents, demands thai we do the right thing for the community. Respectfully G '��c G S� Robert C. Jordan 487 Laurel Ave., St. Paul, MN ph: 290-0213 �. �M � °I�-��3 TO APPLICANT PUBLiC HEARING NOTICE City Council Appeat of Decision Property Owners within 350 feet; Representatives of Planning District 8 .ludy Beck, Herb 8� Marilyn Vogei, Pam Brandt PURPOSE Appeal of a Board of Zoning Appeals decision granting several variances in order to construct an 8 unit townhouse devefopmerrt. �dCATiON OF PROPERTY TIME OF HEARING PLACE OF HEARING HOW TO PART{CIPATE 496 Laurel Avenue Wednesday, May 7, 1997 at 430 p.m. City Counci{ Chambers, 3rd Ffoor City Haii-Court House 15 West Keilogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 1. You may attend hearing and testify. 2. You may send a fetter before the hearing to the Office of L1EP, Attn: John fiardwick, 350 St. Peter Street, Suite 300, Saint Paui, Minnesota 55102 3. Participation is not required. This is your notice of pubiic hearing. ANY QUESTlONS Call John Hardwick of the Office of LiEP af 266-9082 or your District Councii Representative at 228-1855 with the following information: Zoning File Number 97-100 - Zoning File Name Judy Beck, Herb & Marilyn Vogel, Pam Brandt .._ :. ti ��;�i � U � Council File # °l�t -833 Green Sheet # � �� 7 � 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 JRI�I�!A�. Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Whereas, Mendota Homes, Inc. made application to the Board of Zoning Appeals for a variance from the strict application of the provisions of the Saint Paui Zoning Code for property located at 496 Laurel Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota, and legally described as I,ots 13, 14, & 15, Block 9, Woodland Park Addirion; and Whereas, the purpose of the application was to vary the standards of the Saint Paul Zoning Code [§§ 61.101 and 63.107(d)] so as to provide for several setback vaziances as well as a variance of the separation requirement betcveen buildings, in order to conshuct an 8 unit townhouse development; and Whereas, The Boazd of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearin$ on Apri17, 1997, after having provided notice to affected property owners, and the Boazd of Zoning Appeals, by its Resolution 97-041, adopted Apri17, 1997, granted the variance application based upon the following fmdings and conclusions: L The proposed townhouse development, three hvo-unit and two single-unit structures with a total of 32 zoning rooms, is under the density allowed (38 rooms) for this site. A low densiry development of one-unit and two-unit buildings that is in keeping with the Heritage Preservation guidelines and the chazacter of the surrounding neighborhood has created the need for the variances. 2. The inclusion of this property in a Heritage Preservation Dish and the character of the surrounding neighborhood are circumstances that were not created by the applicant. 3. A low density development of one-unit and two-unit buildings as opposed to a single, two or three story structure with as many as 19 apartment units which would be allowed on this site given the RM-2 zoning and lot size, is in keeping with the character of the neighborhood. 4. This parcel has street frontage on two sides and abuts an alley on another side. The setback vaziances for these three sides will not affect the supply of light or air to the adjacent properties. The variances xequested for the East side of the properiy are relatively minor and can be further mitigated through landscaping or fencing. The proposed development, if it meets Heritage Preservation o idelines, wi11 fit in well with the neighborhood and will not diminish established properiy values. 5. The proposed vaziances, if granted, will not change or alter the zoning classification of the property. 6. The applicant states that the primary goat of this project is to create a low density development of one-unit and two-unit structures that is in keeping with the chazacter of the surrounding area and Heritage Preservation guidelines. Whereas, pursuant to the provisions of Saint Paul Legislative Code § 64.205, Judy Beck, Herb and Marylyn Vogel and Pam Brandt, duly filed with the City Clerk an appeal from the determination ,. q1- �33 � 2 3 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 made by the Boatd of Zoning Appeals, requesting that a hearing be held before the City Council for the purpose of considering the actions taken by the Board of Zoning Appeals; and Whereas, Acting pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code Sections 64205 through 64.208, and upon notice to afFected parties a public hearing was duly conducted by the Ciry Council on May 7, 1997, where all interested parties were given an opportuniry to be heazd; and Whereas, the Council, having heard the statements made, and having considered the vaziance application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the Board of Zoning Appeals, does hereby Resolve, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby uphold the decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals in this matter, based upon the following fmdings of the Council: Having heard the public testimony and considered all the records and files in this matter, the Council finds no error as to fact, fmding, or procedure on the part of the Board of Zoning Appeals, and that the Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul hereby adopts and incorporates as its own, the findings of the Board of Zoning Appeals as set forth above; and Be It Further Resolved, based upon the above findings, that the appeal of Judy Beck, Herb and Marylyn Vogel and Pam Brandt be and is hereby denied; and Be it Finally Resolved, that the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to Judy Beck, Herb and Marylyn Vogel, Pam Brandt and Mendota Hames, Inc., the Zoning Administrator, the Planning Commission and the Board of Zoning Appeals. Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Covncil: Date t�yy� l l� 1 Adoption Certified by Counci � Sec ary HY: a � Approved by a o. D�te � 1� By: 6 Form Approved by City Attorney B ���<•/w.vr�- t "rP''j'y Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Byc c��y co,��� 6-18-97 f GREEN SHEET p � O DEPARiMEM DIREGTOR ��W lO NUMaER FOR � C4TY ATTORPlEY pp�� �HUDGETOIRECTOR ORUEF � MpYOR (OR ASSISTAN7J TOTAL # OF 31GNATURE PAGES (CUF ALL LOCATIONS FOH SIGNATURE) ���4U � � ��� � iNR1AUDATE — cm couwca CRYCLERK FIN. 8 MGT. SERYICES OIR. Finalizing City Coimcil action taken May 7, 1997, denying the appeat of Judy Beck, Her & Marilyn Vogel and Pam Brandt to a decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals granting variances to construct an eight unit towahouse development at 496 Laurel Avenue. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) a pejeC[ (R) _ PLANNiNG COMMISSION __ CML SERYICE COMMISSION �. Ci8 COMMRiEE � . _ STAFF� _ " _ DISTRICTCOURT _' SUPPOHTS WMICH COUNCIL O&lECT7VE7 TOTAL AMOUNT OF SRANSACTION S PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS NUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 1. Has Mis pe�soMirm ever worked untler a conmct tor Mis departrneM? YES NO 2. Has this personfittn ever been a ciy BmPloyee? '- YES NO 3. Does this personfirm possess a skifl not rro'ma�ly possessed by any cunent city emplqee? YES NO Explaln all yes answen on sepatate shae[ sntl ettA¢� to gresn ahee[ COSTlREVENU£ BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONE) YES NO FUNRIHG SOUHCE ACTIVttY NUMBER FINANCIAI 1NFDAbSAT10N: �EXPoAIN) OFFICE OF TF� CITY ATTORNEY �./� � PegBir7� CityAttorney /lI� �� �a 'l CIfiY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor civit Divrsion 400 Ciry Hat! I S West Kellogg Blvd SainrPaul, Mimlesota SS102 Tetephone: 612 26b$710 Facsimile: 612 298-5614 June 18, 1447 HAND DELIVERED Nancy Anderson Assistant Secretary Saint Paul City Council Room 310 Saint Paul City Hall RE: Appeal of Mendota Homes, Inc., 496 Laurel Avenue BZA File No. 97-041 Dear Nancy: Attached please fmd a signed resolution formalizing the decision of the Saint Paul City Ccouncil in the above enfided matter. The resolution should be set on the Council's Consent Agenda at your eaziiest convenience. If you haue any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, ������ Peter W. Wamer Assistant City Attorney. OFFtCE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND t�`^� 1��' v ' 1 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTE(."LION Robert Kess[er, Direttar OF SAINT PAUL Coleman, Mayor w�r Aprii 24, 1497 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Keseazch Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: 7AWRY PROF£SSIONAL BUIIDING Suite 300 350 St. Peter Streei Saint Paut, Minnesota 55102-IS70 ��.�33 Telephone, 612-26G9090 Facsimile: 612-2664049 612-26b9124 I would like to confum that a public heazing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday May ?, 1997 for the following appeal of a Boazd of Zoning Appeals decision: Appellant: Tudy Beck, Her & Maryilyn Vogal, Pam Brandt File Number: 9?-IDO Purpose: Appeal of a Board of Zoning Appeals decision granting several variances in order to const�vct an 8 unit townhouse Address: development. 496 Laurel Ave Legal Description of Property: Lots 13,14, & 15, Block 9, Woodland Pazk Add. Previous Action: The 9ummit University Planning Council and Raznsey Hill Association held a joint community issues meeting and unanimously recommended approval. Staff recommended approval. Boazd of Zoning Appeais; Granterl the request on a vote of ?-0. My understanding is that this public heazing request wiil appear on the agenda for the May Y, 1941 City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-9082 if you have any qbestions. ' cerely, lohn Hazdwick Zoning Technician ec: Cauneil Member Blakey � NO�CE OF PUBLIC HEARINQ - - The Saint Paul City Council will conduct a public hearing on Wednesday, May 7, 1997. iri the City CouncIl Chambers. Third Floor City Hall-6ourt Aouse, to eonsider the appeal of Judy Beck, Aer & Mazilyn Vogei. and Pam Brandt to a decision of the Board ofZoning P;ppeals grantingseveraTvariances in order to constnicf an eight unit townhouse development at 496_Laurel Avenue. - Dated: April 30, 1997 : - , NANCY ANDERSON - � � - - � Assistant City Ctiuncil Secretary �. - - ' (May 3, 1997} Zoning File #: Project Name: Applicant c Telephone: Representative: Telephone: Location: Legal Description: Purpose: Date Received: Notification Sent: Aearing Date: Land Use Map: Tax Map: Present Zoning: District: District Planner: xistory: Notes: INFORMATION CUVER SHEET 97-160 Zoning Type: Appeal Appeal File #: VOGEL APP FflT• HERB VQGEL 471 ASHLAND AVE ST PAUL, MN 55102-OODO (612)224-2053 q�-�33 {612)�00-0000 496 Laurel Ave Lots 13, 14, & 15, Block 9, Woodland Park Add. An appeal of a Board af Zoning Appeals deciaion granting several variances in order to construct an 8-unit townhouse development. �4/22/97 04�23�97 : .- Sj719? 20 10 RM-2 8 96-283, 9�-041 � �3 APPLICATION POR APPEAL Department af Planning and Economic Development Zoning Section IZ00 City Hall Ann�z ZS West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 266-6589 APPELLANT Zip �S I t7 LDaytime phone ZZ - 2 S3 PROPERTY LOCATION Zoning File Name �� — 0 � � �I Address/Locetion � � � Lc� u �y-QQ �� TYPE OF APPEAL: Application is hereby made for an appeaf to the: O Board of Zoning Appeais ,�i City Council under the provisions ofi Chapter 64, Section ' , Paragraph appeal a decision made by of the Zoning Code, to on � �nv-i Q� , 18� F�ife number: J q'I ^0� I (date o� GROUNDS FOR APPEAL: Expiain why you feel there has been an error in any requirement, permit, decision or refusal made by an administrative o�cial, or an error in fact, procedure or finding made by the Board ofi Zoning Appeals or the Pianning Commission. 5 e�. �- � �. � �R- tYs!21197oaooa1D:31Aif �CDBO VAR2Ah,CE G#ECK Attach additiona! sheet if necessary) ��9 ApplicanYs signature t ?'�4�C� U aR� Date� City agen�� / al'1- 8'�� Apri120, 1997 City of Saint Paul City Council Re: APPEAL OF BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS DECISION OF APRIL 7,1997 MAILED APRIL 8,1997 ZOIVING FTLE NO. 97-041 We the undersigned do hereby appeal the waivers (approoal of variances) granted by the Boazd of Zoning Appeals on April 7, 199? for the property at 496 Laurel Avenue for development by Mendota Homes, also identifying themselves as Pineview Homes. This appeal is being taken because of enors in the fmdings of facts and procedural errors. The waiver of the provisions of 61.141 was not in accordance with the requirements defined in 64.203, The granting of the waiver has a grave negafive impact on the undersigned and other surrounding property owners of which we are representative and has an adverse affect on the safety and the public welfare of the neighborhood. Whereas this appeal is requested by property owners in accordance with the Notice provisions described in 64.208. This request for appeal is filed, along with required payment, within fifteen days of the mailing on April 8, 1497. Erroneous Finding of Facts include but are not limited to numbers 1, 2, 4, and 6. Fanding #1: The property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use under strict provisions of the code. Response: This property can be put to reasonable use and kept within the requirements of the code. This is a very desirable property comprised of three adjacent vacant lots, inciuding a corner lot. The terrain is essentially flat, there are no encumbrances or problems with the land either on the site or caused by any adjacent property. A similaz development could be accomplished without the variances or with only minimal variances, with fewer buildings. An example is attached. Finding # 2: The plight of the land owner is due to circumstances unique to this property and these circumstances were not created by the landowner. Response: There is no plight. The applicant has volunteered to develop tlus site. Inclusion of the properry in the Historical Preservation District is not }ustification for a variance. None of the variances requested originate with, or are related to meeting any of the District Guidelines, nor are the requested variances caused by any of the District Guidelines. al� - 83� City Council re: Appeal of Zoning Board file 97-041 Page 2 Finding # 4: The proposed variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, nor will it alter the essential character of the surrounding area and unreasonably diminish the property values within the surrounding area. Response: (a). The Laurel Avenue setback variance is not in keeping with the zoning provisions, street scape or District guidelines. The average setback on the block is 21 feet. This variance has a significant impact on Laurel, as 150 feet of this pazcel are on Laurel Avenue. There is no reason why these three vacant lots can not be developed with the same set backs required and foilowed on this block. (b). The rear setback variance from 25 feet ta 5 feet significantly impacts the alley and property across the alley. A safety issue is created with vehicles (including an increased number of vehicles from this development) entering and leaving the alley at Mackubin with limited visibility. Pazking restrictions on Mackubin will be necessary. This variance atso eliminates light from the reaz windows in the church condominiums at 114 Mackubin, This is partacularly problematic due to the height of the buildings. This is a significant negative impact on this property and would not be allowed without the variance. (c). The proposed development overcrowds the parcels; the main purpose of the variances is to put more buildings on the parceL The RM-2 zoning of the property permits a macimum density, but does not require massive setback variances to achieve any density. Finding # 6: The request for variance is not based primarily on a desire to increase the value or income potential of the pazcel of land. Response: This finding is most glaringly contrary to the Code Provisions. The applicants propose to fill the parcel with mulYipie buildings. The number of buildings is only driven by the desire to achieve a higher profit return. A similar development could be achieved without variances, be in keeping with the character of the neighborhood and provide for an adequate return on investment. Councilman Blakey has received a letter outlining a significant profit mazgin for such a development, based on industry srandazd figures. �i'1-8�3 City Council re: Appeal of Zoning Boazd file 97-041 Page 3 Specific Requests: We urge the Council to reverse and deny the 2 variances granted by the Zoning Board for the front and reaz yard setbacks. First, the I,aurel setback should be in accordance with the 61.101 requirements. The average setback for Laurel is 21 feet; we ask that the Laurel setback variance to I S feet be denied. This is significant'due to the I50 foot frontage on Laurel. A 21 foot setback is consistent for this block. Second, the rear yazd setback should be at 25 feet; not 5 feet. Third, there are at least two code requirements that were not addressed by the variance hearing and the proposed development is not in compliance with Sections 61.101 ( c) and 61.101 ( h). For these reasons, the development and site plan must be reviewed in the context of distances required between all the buildings and open space requirements for townhomes. • In conclusions: There is no hazdship or piight. This is vacant parcel-- (three lots including a corner lot). 2. When the council overturned the HPC recommendations, the direction from the council included compromise design discussions. The Laurel Avenue setback, however, has not been addressed by the detailed design discussions. The Laurel Avenue setback is a significant design issue, pertinent to both the Historic Preservation District and to Zoning Code Provisions. 3. There has not been review hy either the city or neighbors of a specific site pian. This is of particular importance due to the intense lot coverage as it relates to the water run-off and drainage, snow removal, rubbish removal, and usability of gazages with the narrow internal driveway. This is pertinent due to numerous recent design changes. 4. This is an important site and development, worthy of cazeful city planning. We urge that the development go forward within the intent of the Code. City Council re: Appeal of Zoning Board file 9?-041 Page 4 Submitted byr, d� Y = J -��`' k, 487 Ashland �,►�, 1� �y�2 �.. ,�t. d,►; 'i„�,. �v�.2- Henvard & Marilyn Vogel, 471 Ashland �..��.�.�.�._�- Pam Brandt, 99 Mackubin q� -f33 _' -.. wm nrcemaMenal Grom:OOndtlE.Chue,Jr. Apr20.499T 632.:Op.m. °1� -8�� 3 litlackubin Avenue i4� —�--�--�--�-- -- -- -- --� — � �29 �� � � � I°a-ch f'arch I � I � �� � � � � , 1 m �� ^ � I � O 0� '� �� �' T 1 � � e v c I g �� � Q� � a�� � 9 � � F < � � � � 1 �' � �1 i � --�- 9 -�-- � �, . � i I� � I � Q �.� I F � (� 0�� �� a � � , � � � �� � � � < � o� � o� � o� a °-�� � �� I o� � o� � o� � o � a -� � � � s F V � � S � I I � 1 � f N z I_ I ' � I �` � i � I N -� � -� N -� � -� -� S I � o�� o�a o�� °�, � � i o�� o o�� � ��� s � I._.__.�_ __._-. � �_._� � --- �— -- --'_�. �21—�— �I-r,� �lan i�ropos�l #� �{-J� Laurel Av�. S�, paul. MN °I't-�33 BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS STAFF REPORT 1. APPLICANT: MENDOTA HOMES INC. 2. CLASSIFICAT'ION: Major Variance 3. LOCATION: 496 LAUREL AVENUE FILE # 97-041 DATE OF HEARING: 04/07J9? 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 13, 14, & 15, Block 9, Woodland Park Add. 5. PLANNING DISTRICT: 8 6. PRESENT ZONING: RM-2 ZONING CODE REFEI2ENCE: 61.1Q1, 63.107 (d) 7. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 3l20/97 BY: 3ohn Hardwick 8. DATE RECEIVED: 03/07197 DEADLINE FOR ACTTON: OS/06197 A. PURPOSE: Severai setback variances and a variance of the separation required between buildings in order to construct an 8-unit townhouse development. B. ACTION REQUESTED: 1. A front setback of 21 feet from Laurel Avenue is required and a setback of 15 feet is proposed, for a variance of 6 feet. 2. A rear yard setback of 25 feet is required and a setback of 5 feet is proposed, for a variance of 20 feet. 3. A side yard setback of 9 feet is required and a setback of 7 feet from the east property line is proposed for the easternmost townhouse, and a setback of 4 feet from the east property line is proposed for detached garages for variances of 2 feet and 5 feet respectively. 4. The maximum projection into a required yard for a fireplace is 1 foot and the proposed projection for all fireplaces is two feet, for a variance of 1 foot. 5. An 18-foot separation between buildings is required and a 10-foot separation is progosed between units B& C and units D& E and a separation of 14.4 feet between units E& H, for a variances of 8 feet and 3.8 feet respectivety. C. STTE AND AREA CONDTTIONS: This is a 141 by 154 foot parcel located at the southeast comer of Laurel and Mackubin. There is ailey access to the rear of the property. The property is located within a Heritage Preservation District. Surrounding Land Use: A miarture of single- and multi-family housing. �� r F ✓'� File #97-041 Page Two D. BACKGROUNU: This parcel was formerly occupied by a one-story commercial structure that was demolished in 1992. In 1988, the Board of Zoning Appeals granted several variances to allow construction of a 10-unit townhouse with 28 underground parking spaces on this site. Atthough the Herita�e Preservation Commission granted approval for the project and the BZA granted a one year extension, the praject was never started. Tn December of 199b, the BZA heard a proposal for a variance request to construct a 7-unit rowhouse structure and 2 carriage houses on this site. The matter was continued due to possible changes in the plan. The developer, Mendota Homes INC., is now proposing this latest plan. E. FfNDINGS: 1. The property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use under the strict provisions of the code. ' The proposed townhouse development, three two-unit and two single-unit structures with a total of 32 zoning rooms, is under the density allowed (38 rooms) for this site. A low density development of one- and two-unit buildings that is in keeping with Heritage Preservation guidelines and the character of the surrounding neighborhood has created the need for the variances. 2. The plight of the land owner is due to circumstances unique to this property, and these ciraumstances were not created by the land owner. The inclusion of this property in a Heritage Preservation District and the character of the surroundinJ neighborhood are circumstances that were not created by the applicant. 3. The proposed variance is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code, and is consistent with the health, safety, comfort, morals and welfare of the inha6itants of the City of St. Paul. A low density development of one- and two-unit buildings, as opposed to a single, two or three-story structure with as many as 19 apartment units which would be allowed on this site given the RM-2 zoning and lot size, is in keeping with the character of the neighborhood. 4. The praposed variance wilt not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, nor wilt it alter the essential chazacter of the surrounding area or unreasonably diminish established property values within the surrounding area. cl rl - p� 3� File #197-041 Page Three This parcel has street fronta�e on two sides and abuts an alley on another side. The setback variances for these three sides will not affect the supply of light or air to the ad}acent properties. The variances requested for the east side of the property are relatively minor and can be further mitigated through landscaping or fencing. The proposed development, if it meets Heritage Preservation guidelines, will fit in well with the nei�hborhood and will not diminish established property values. 5. The variance, if granted, would not permit any use that is not pemtitted under the provisions of the code for the property in the district where the affected land is located, nor would it a(ter or change the zoning district classification of the properry. The proposed variances, if granted, will not change ot alter the zoning classification of the property. 6. The request for variance is not based primarily on a desire to iricrease the vatue or income potential of the parcei of land. The applicant states that the primary goal of this project is to create a low density development of one- and two-unit structures that is in keeping with the character of the surrounding area and Heritage Preservatson guidelines. F. DISTRICT CO[3NCII. RECOMMENDAT'ION: The Summit University Planning Council and the Ramsey Hill Association have unanimously recommended approvai of the variances requested. G. STAFF I2ECOMMENDATION: Based on findings 1 through 6, staffrecommends approval of the variances subject to the condition that appropriate landscaping or fencing is added along the east property line. 4� ZONING BOAflD /l�l �1�0(� `° ' �97--oy/ :. �� APPLICATION FOR Z�NING ORDIfVANCE VARIANCE iere appropriate. �(` � � l � YPssc.�`' { � 7 7 �, ��!� � 7 . / �D r � CITY OF� PAUL /b"� [� 2�'J 3 � ( { J l , �� A VARIANCE OF ZONiNG CODE CHAPTER r� �, SECTION�_ PARAGRAPH IS REQUESTED IN CON�ORMITY WVTH THE POWERS VESTED {N THE BOAflD OF ZONING AP- PEALS TO PERMIT THE �� ���`� � ON PROPERTY DESCRIBEDBEIOW. T(JLyJf(LYYlGS , A. Applicant; NAME: DAYiIME?ELEPHONE NQ. � jO�a'�7� r 1�i i ZIP CODE �as t. Property interest of applicant: (owner, contract purchaser, etc.)\ � Z( � Q� sC y9 ! 2o tJ 2. Name of ow�er (if different) Q�vIQ �� ����� ��� /- C- B. Property Description: 7. Legal descriptio /�, 2. Lot size: � ADDRESS W�CY�- �C!%-�Z7L I"RL.�...'G�S11.I 1 /�IJS k'c�t,�� ,0.42� LOT SLOCK�_ ADD. Rd�J f77t� 1 X �o . Z31u�`� ti/F�ca.vt-- /1 l�1 � 3. Present Use �r Present Zoning Dist. r �" ` G. ReasonsforRequesC t. Pro use �dGS9If '�b(,til'I t{DuS�= �//*�J��T -- 3 {2(rYf / ( a�Lt G� ���/r��� �Q'C�'7 GU`t� L�CG�r��w Cbn� { tZ -WI 2. Wfiat pFrysicaf charaEteristics f�'he roperty prevent its being used for any af the permitted uses in your zone? (topography, soil conditions, size and shape of lot, etc. 7ff/5 /S An1 ALtn05� SQuQ2E P.�ctPbtTy l..�{/7/ f?o405 Gh 3 5/ll�sC�NGU,�a/� ALL�Y} Tf/4T�lc!?�7�5 U,dZ14�vLcs State the /��b� �� J�t� 4. Exptain how your of the following: r .., � f �-r . — v ����� Q�f"� 1 `.� ! ��-� � a. Tha6 the strict application of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance would result in peculiar ' or excepUOnal practical difficulties, or exceptional undue bardsbips, s[�((Q/L� S/T� G�/IX E Prr�vw,t ac.� scT 84cres oa�s ,vor l�vtJ ,rstZF Ta ,p tfausalb �F/TTwb 7tf75 N�76/f$a21Yot� r �J31�7f47c�oo�.�i�:t�.^ti � _'�`: i i_ b. That the granting of a variance wiH �• ,,,;,,� ' not be a substantial tletriment to � F ��HIERS U5E ONLY � - � &s �� +t33�.�t ; public good or a substanUal impair• ,. , � ment oi the intent and purpose of "��t�'` j�'fl '� -"�-+� �� �. � theZontngOMinar�ce. CHt��GE �,�(} �t�ill ft� l�vZa -rt�c hu, l,�t�-ha ��� Z un�� ��� z�(4� lht�clGit cv,l( '�n-���re— :, a �° ,h4�r(� � ��� �; ..,� . _ -;. _ �.� ?J95 �t�. F�3 �� � � ------ Ri 1, y ! 1 f1 �iI �i S.s � i� � �r � � E. �i z ; � � � � ` � � i : � �i �� a � � ' 1� 1, t I ( {. j � t�i �i fu � Li31t5w9bAN � ' � _ �_ _ _ _� �i �_ �; �• i � k� 4a ki : t � { �` � �� � � � � � �, � { i� <� �' � ���,�� �' ,. 9� -�33 � 2 'n � : ��� �� ��� � -_-__ -�- --- � � g �� �� --� �� � � � �� �l I il lµ al'1- ��'J ��� l�: I � A � S ' � �i � -�t � = , , � ►; � � �� ;t ,� : RCGOIL7t �IUM� I�1 ;ui�lii ii: . JERRY BLAKEY Coundlmember March 18, 1997 CITY OF SAINfi PAUL OFFICE OF TI� CITY COUNCII. Ms. Tracey Baker, Chair Neritage Preservation Commission cio 1868 Sargent Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55105 Dear Ms. Baker: �11-� 1 am writing to express my support for the proposed town home �project on Laurei Avenue and MacKubin Street. Frank Greczyna and his staff have done an excellent job in addressing the concerns of the neighborhood and the Heritage Preservation Commission. In fact, the Summit- University Planning Council and the Ramsey Hi1f Association unanimously supported the projeci, incfuding the variances for tha front porch and rear setbacks, at their community issue meeting on March 13, 1997. i hope that the heritage Preservation Commission wiil consider the my o�ce and the neighborhood extend to this pro}ect in considerin requested. Sincerely, Jerry B City Co cilmember variances ���� � n . -� cc: Frank Greczyna �Y 1'^' "" n J Aaron Rubenstein �( Summit-University Ptanning Counci( �f Ramsey Hill Associatian � � j�� - � J�"�" CITY HALL THIRD FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 s .�..<a PdnRd ou Raycled Paper t/"" ' )� U� � , � Jf 1 �." � � � ��� , �� " "V � 612J266-86J0 a�_��3 Shaping the future of a historic neighbofiood in Saint Paui 400 Selby Avenue, Sui[e M, St. Paul, MN 55102 March 17, 1997 John Hardwick LIEP 350 St. Peter St. Suite 300 St. Paul, Mn. 55102-1510 Dear Mr. Hardwick, On March 13, 1997 the Ramsey Hill Association held a community issnes meeting concerning the several variances requested by Mendota Homes for the development at 496 Laurel Ave. - your file #97-041. The neighborhood was noticed of the meeting and several neighbors were in attendance. The Association approved all of the variances requested. We are impressed with the quality of this project and laok forward to seeing it built. S' cer y, � ��l�.Gu i�� ud McLaughlin, President sey Hill Association SUMM�T-17NIVERSIT'Y �'LAI`�i'NING COUNCIL °t'1-�'33 i 827 Se{by Avenue --��--� Saint Paul Minnesote 651Q4 ' ' ' '—' 7'elephone 228-1855 Friday, Maxch 14, 1997 Board of Zoning Appeais 25 West Fowth Street Saint Paut, M�nnesota 55142 Ii�: zoning Fi1e # 47-041 The Summit University T'lanning Couacil, together with the Ramsey Fii3i Association casponsored a Community Tssues meeting which was held Thursday, March 33, 3997 to provida a forum for neighborhood input on Mendota �Tomes Inc.'s request for several setback varixnces and a variance of the separation required beiween buildings in order to construct an 8 unit townhouse developmenk. Project developers made a presernation wktich ineiuded architectural renderings of the projeot and responded to questions from tl�e community. Pursuam to #his and other infomiation shared, a rnotion was made and �assed ananimously to approve the varianas as requested. Tf you have any questions pr nesd further information, please contact me at Z28-1855. Sincerely, 7°��.�- Peggy Byrne Bxecutive birector Z0'd 54:00 lki8 t6-ST-21liW fQ. 90 J1 / APP�fCAN7 Mc1'1�0"FCA ��'.S _111C_. PURPOSE MQ�r �af1 nee' -,�E a 9 or. y•�• 9�7 'LNG. DIST � � ktAP #7 �— ;CAI.E 1' = 400'� LEGEND ....��, zoning district boundary � subjed property 0 one famiiy � N+o famity . '�¢Q muttipfe famity <nonhl • � � commerciai � �.,. industrial V vacant . ,. o��, f�� 1. SUNRAY-BATIT.ECREEK-HIGHWOOD 2. HAZEL PARK HADEN-PROSPERTTY HILLCREST 3. WEST SII7B 4. DAYTON'S BLUFF 5. PAXNE-PHALEN 6. NORTEi END 7, THOMAS-DALE 8. SUMMfT-UIv'IVERSTTY 9. WEST SEVENTH 10. COMO 11. HAMLINE-MIDWAY 12, ST. ADITFiONY PARK 13. MERRIAM PARK-LEXINGTON HAMLINE-SNELLING HAMLINE 14. MACALESTER G120VELAND 15. T3IGHI.AN7� 16. SL3MMTT HILL 17. DOWNfOWN CITIZEN PARTICII'ATION PLANh�Ii�?G DISTRICI'S Gr� .�'S� MINUTES OF THE MEETIIdG OF THE SOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CITY COLJNCIL CHAMBERS, 330 CITY HALL ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA, APRIL 7,1997 PRESENT: Mmes. Maddox and Bogen; Messrs. A1tAn, Donohue, Scherman, Tully and WHson of the Boud of Zoning Appeals; Mr. Wamer, Assistant City Attomey; Mr. Hardwick and Ms. Synstegaazd of the O�ce of License, Inspection, and Environmentat Protectioa ABSENT None The meeting was chaired by Joyce Maddo� Chair. MENDOTA HOMES INC (#97-041) - 496 LAUREL AVEN[JE: Several setback variances and a variance of the sepazation required betrveen buildings in order to construct an 8-unit townhouse developmenk The applicant was present. There was no opposition present at the hearing. Mr. Audwick stated that a revised site plan that changes the requested sepazation from 10' to 7' between the buildings was submitted by the applicant subsequent to a campromise with the Ramsey Hill Association and a representative from Councilmember Blakey's office. The Heritage Preservat�on Comtnission reviewed tlils matter and denied the agplicatiott last week. Their denial was based on: 1) the orientation of the comer building to MacKubin rather than Laurel is not compatible with the chazacter of the district; 2) the proposed development is also incompafible with the character of the district because of the unifotmity of design of the proposed buildings; and 3) the proposed 15' setback from Laurel Avenue conflicts with the districPs guidelines and is incompatible with the character of the district. Mr. Hazdwick showed slides of the site and reviewed the staff report with a recommendation for approval subject to the condition that appropriate landscaping or fencing is added along the east property line. One letter was received in opposition stating there is no demonstrated hardship and they feel this development is not in keeping with the character of the neighborhood. Mr. Hazdwick asked Mr. Wamer to address the ]egal implications of a revised site pian in regazds to notification purposes. Mr. Warner stated that the submission of the site plan at this particulaz time doesn't affect this hearing on the variances requested. Ms. Bogen stated that number five under acuon requested of the staff report is inconect since the applicant initially requestetl a 10' variance sepazation and now they aze asldng for a 7' separation She added that where the buildings aze placed on the property doesn't make any difference as far as the side yazd setbacks, but the setbacks for the variances between the separation of the buildings is different. Mr. Warner replied that is correct but the purpose of today's hearing it is to allow people an opporhuiiry to be heard. He stated that it is his opinion ihat the difference of 3' in a building not yet built and not adjacent to any presently occupied structure, is not necessarily going to preclude anybaly from tesfifying to that fact taday in what impact that might have overall on this project. Nevertheless, the Boazd wuld state that they've not had an adequate time to reviecv the documents and lay the matter over. a� -� File #97-041 Page Two John Mathem, Mendota Homes, Inc., Box 416, Forest Lake, Minnesota, stated that they have a new proposal resulting from their meeting with the Ramsey Hill Association. The proposal is for eight living units, ttu�ee 2- unit build'urgs and two detached buildings on the comu of Laurel and MacKubin. He stated that they took direction that they received from the citizens at the neighborhood meet�ngs. One request was to reduce the density and that none of the gazages front the alley. They have done that by intemalizing the garages oa the site plan. In meetings with the community organizer and a siaff inember from Councilmember Blakey's office, they have come to a conctusion that they could produce the sazne buildings with a front porch and side views by simply turning one two-unit onto Laurel. In this way they would present two 2-units. He presented a large site plan drawing to the Boazd and explained them. The side yazds will go from 16' to 7' wluch is why they need the variances. They don't feel ihis is a significant change, although it would alleviate concerns of having more units on Laurel and ]ess on MacKubin. The HPC didn't support them but they did receive neighborhood support and support from Councilmember Blakey's office. They feei this plan is in keeping with the neighborhood character which is mixed with a commerciai building across the street and townhomes further down the block. They don't feel the setback on Laurel was a significant issue because of the various setbacks along the street. Dick Hidey, HRM Architects, passed azound a graphic drawing that showed th� setbacks more clearly. They feel their setbacks aze a blend of what you find on the strat. Mr. Aiton asked if there was a revised elevation drawing of the view from MacKubin. Mr. Mathern replied no, but explained how it would look on a drawing he passed azound to the Board. Ms. Bogen asked if one of the buildings on MacKubin would be a side view. Mr. Hidey replied yes and sho�ved the drawings to the Board. ~•' Mr. Alton asked if the side yard setback on the two-unit building would be more than 1Q'. Mr. Mathern replied it would be 18' away from the other 2-unit on the side and they exceed the side yard setbacks on MacKubin. He stated that ihe reaz yazd is within 7' of the side yard of the next twin home. Mr. Hidey stated that when they rotated the twin home to front on Laurel they had lazger back yazds then the previous plan, They were delighted with that change and fee] more positive about this plan than they did with the originai one. They also increased the width of the driveway from 20' to 24'. This was a concem to some of the neighborhood residents. Mr. Alton stated that tlus proposed plan was obviously designed with the consideration of the HPC Guidelines in mind. Mr. Mathem and Mr. Hidey replied yes. Mr. Alton asked what limitations that presented to them in terms of fitting the plan onto the site? The limits they found are that the site fronts aspbaIt on three sides. They felt that by fronting more usuts on Laurel it would be a positive change and that is why they revised their site plan. Mr. Alton stated that the developer could build a three-sWry squue brick apartment building with a asphalt parking lot and meet the zoning requirements. However, the developer chose to try and comply with the HPC guidelines and designed this current plan. Mr. Hidey stated that they designed eight units and have tried to make them appeaz as detached as possible. a�_��3 File #97-041 Page Three 3udy McLaughlin, President of the Ramsey Hill Association, stated that they met with the developer in conjunction with the Neighborhood Development Committee of District 8 and have made significant headway in working with the neighborhood to come up with a design and configuration that takes into consideration the character of the neighborhood and the historic district_ They voted unanimously to approve the variances that were originalty proposed to the Board. One of the issues the HPC had was the orientation of ihe buildings. The developers wers willing to change this. 3erry Mcinemey, I.egislative Aide to Councilmember Blakey, stated their office went to the developers and asked them if there were things they could do hy flipping the buildings. They also asked them to revise their porch design to include an all wood front. The HPC appeal will come befare the City Council on Apri19. Mazch 13 was the date of the community meeting where the variances were unanimously approved. Last Wednesday they met with the developer to come to an agreement. He apologized for the confusion of the site plan but stated it was an effort to try to get the development moving forward and to come to an agcernent to hy and satisfy all parties. � Hearing no further testimony, Ms. Maddox closed the public portion of the meeting. Mr. Alton moved to approve the variance and resolution based on fmdings i through 6 subjut to the condition that appropriate landscaping or fencing is added along the east property ]ine. Mr. Scherman seconded tha motion. Ms. Bogen staeed that she wouldn't be opposed to the variances except she feels that a 7' separation wiU lead to overcrowding on the block and limited airflow to people in the uniks ihat are affected by the 7' sepazation. Mr. Alton stated his motion was for the 7' separation variance on the latest revised plans. Mr. Hazdwick stated that the required separation between buildings is 18' so the revised site plan would require a variance of 11' between the two units that front on MacKubin, and on the double units that front on both MacKubin and Laurel. On B. 5. o� the staff report it should state, "An 18-foot sepaza6on is required between the buildings fronting on MacKubin and the rear of the north comer building on Laurel, and a 7-foot sepazation is proposed, for a variance of 11 feet " He stated that the 14.4 feet and 3.8 feet can be stricken because they are no longer required. The applicant has gained the required sepazation between the buildings that &ont on Laurel. Mr. Alton moved to amend his motion to comply with the 11-foot variance. Ms. Bogen stated that she dcesn't understand why there dcesn't need to be a reno�cation for residents who may be concemed about how close the buildings are. Mr. Warner stated that the changes as requested are zelatively minor and formal notice of the entire ptoposal is not necessary. -.. °l� _ �"� 3 File #97-041 Page Fow The Boud voted unarumously to approved the amendment to the morion on a vote of 1 to 0. The motion passed on a roll call vote of 7 to 0. 5 ,�.� ���/C/� John Hazdwick John Tully, Secretary CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� � BOARD OF ZONING AP'PEALS RESOLUTION ZONING FILE NUMSER: s7-oai �I�T�' : Apri17,1997 WHEREAS, MENDOTA HOMES INC. has applied for a variance from the strict application of the provisions of Section 61.101, 63.107 (d) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the coastruction of an 8-unit townhouse development in the RM-2 zoning district at 496 LAUREL AVENUE; and WF�',REAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing on 04/07/97, pursuant to said appeal in accordance with the requirements of Section 64205 of the Legislative Code; and WHEREA5, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals based upon evidence presented at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: 1. The property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use under the strict provisions of the code. 'The proposed townhouse development, three two-unit and two single-unit structures with a totai of 32 zoning rooms, is under the density allowed (38 rooms) for this site. A 1ow density development of one- and two-unit buildings that is in keeping with Heritage Preservation guidelines and the chazaeter of the surrounding neighborhood has created the need for the variances. 2. The plight of the land owner is due to circumstances unique to this property, and these circumstances were not created by the land owner. The inclusion of this property in a Heritage Preservation District and the character of the sunounding neighborhood are circumstances that were not created by the applicant. 3. The proposed variance is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code, and is consistent with the health, safety, comfort, morals and welfare of the inhabitants of the City of St. Paui. A low density development of one- and two-unit buildings, as opposed to a singie, two or three-story structure with as many as 19 apartment units which would be allowed on this site given the RM-2 zoning and lot size, is in keeping with the chazacter of the neighborhood. 4. The proposed variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, nor will it alter the essential character of the sunounding azea or unreasonably diminish established property values within the surrounding area. �� , ��� File #97-041 Page Two This parce] has street frontage on two sides and abuts an alley on another side. The setback variances for these three sides will not afFect the supply of light or air to the ad}acent properties. The variances requested for the east side of the property are relatively minor and can be further mitigated through landscaping or fencing. The proposed development, if it meets Heritage Preservation guidelines, will fit in well with the neighborhood and will not diminish established property values. 5. The variance, if granted, would not pernut any use that is not pemutted under the provisions of the code for the properiy in the district where the afFected land is located, nor would it alter or change the zoning district classification of the properky. The proposed variances, if granted, will not change or alter the zoning classification of the property. 6, The request for variance is not based primarily on a desire to increase the value or income potential of the parcel of land. The applicant states that the primary goal of this project is to create a low density development of one- and two-unit structures that is in keeping with the character of the surrounding area and Heritage Preservation guidelines. NOW, TF�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals that the provisions of Section 61.101 and 63.10? (d) are hereby waived to allow the foilowing variances in order to construct an 8-unit townhouse development: 1) A front setback of 15 feet along Laurel Avenue; 2) A rear yard setback of 5 feet; 3) A side yard setback of 7 feet from the east property line for the eastern most townhouse, and a side yazd setback af 4 feet from the east property line for the garages; 4) A variance to allow fireplace chimneys to pro,{ect 2 feet into a required yazd; and 5) A 7-foot separation between the buildings on the west side of the properiy, subject to the condition that appropriate landscaping or fencing is added along the east property line on property located at 496 LAIJREL AVENUE and legally described as Lots 13, 14, & 15, Blk 9, Woodland Park Add.; in accordance with the application for variance and the site plan on file with the Zoning Administrator. File #97-041 Page Three MOVED BY: Atton SECONDED BY : 5cherman IN FAVOR: � AGAINST: o MAILED: Apri18, 199� �t"1. ��� TIME LIMIT No order of the Board of Zoning Appeals permitting the erection or alteration • of a buiiding or off-street parking facility shall be vatid for a period longer than one year, unless a building permit for such erection or alteration is obtained within such period and such erection or alteration is proceeding pursuant to the terms of such permit. The Board of Zoning Appea]s or the City Council may grant an extension not to exceed one yeaa In granting such extension, the Board of Zonsng Appeals may decide to hold a public hearing. APPEAL Decisions of the Board of Zoning Appeals are final subject to appeal to the City Council withia 15 days by anyone affected by the decision. Buifding permits shali not be issued after an appeal has been fled. IEpermits have been issued before an appeal has been filed, then the permits are suspended and construction shal! cease until the City Cauncil has made a final determination of the appeal. CERTIFICATION: I, the undersigned Secretary to the Board of Zoning Appeais for the City of 5aint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify thak I have compared the foregoing copy with the original record in my office; and find the same to be a true and correct copy of said original and of the whole thereof, as based on approved minutes of the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals meeting held on Apri17,1997 and on record in the Office of License Inspection and Environmental Protection, 350 St. PeYer Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota. SAINT PAUL BOARD OF ZOl�'ING APPEALS �L�;����.�i'�� Sue Synstegaard Secretary to the Board PUBLIC HEARtNG NOTICE Ciiy Councii Appeal of Decision TO APPLICANT PURPOSE LOCATION OF PROPERTY TIME OF HEARfNG PLACE OF HEARING HOW TO PARTtCIPATE Property Owners within 350 feet; Representatives of Planning District 8 a� -��� Judy Beck, Herb & Marilyn Vogel, Pam Brandt Appeai of a Board of Zoning Appeals decision granting several variances in order to construct an 8 unit townhouse deve{opment. 496 Laurel Avenue Wednesday, May 7, 1997 at 4:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor Ciiy Hali-Court House 15 West Ke{logg Boulevard, Saint Paui, Minnesota 55102 1. You may attend hearing and testifiy. 2. You may send a letter before the hearing to the O�ce of LIEP, Attn: John Hardwick, 350 St. Peter Street, Suite 300, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 3. Participation is not required. This is your notice of public hearing. ANY QUESTIONS Caii John Hardwick of the Office of LIEP at 266-9082 or your District Council Representative at 228-1855 with the foflowing information: Zoning Fife Number 97-100 � ;�: �����, ��ra�� Zoning File Name Judy Beck, Herb & Marilyn Vogel, Pam ' Brandt ^ ia�7 e;��;a � �r _ .w«.�.::: �( �� �� 3 May 5,1997 � � � COUNCILMEMBER JERRY BLAKEY ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL RE: PETITON RELATING TO APPEAL OF ZOI�TING BOARD DECISION ZONING FILE NO. 97-041(Battle Electric site) Attached are signatures (received to date) of 28 property owners alarmed at the magnitude and extent of the variances granted to Mendota Homes/Pineview Homes for the above project. These multiple variances produce an over-crowded, overbuilt project which will have a profound effect on this neighborhood. We collected support from property owners on all sides of the site, including the next door neighbor (Dider), the 3 houses across the site on Laurel, the Firenze Building on Mackubin, the Church Condo across the alley, the other properties off the alley near the site, as well as other near-by properties on Laurel, Mackubin, and Ashland. Some people plan to write their own letters, and some thought the petition too mild. Virtually every property directly affected is represented on this petition. We are presenting this petition because we are concerned that you may have been led to believe that this project has widespread support from the surrounding community. Nothing could be further from the truth. Respeetfully, � � � �� Herb & Marilyn Vogel Attachments: 3 pages of petition and original signatures 1 list of names & addresses arranged in order around the site ; cc. John Hardwick, Board of Zoning Appeals PETITION Date 3 0 � 7 To: Councilmember Jerry Blakey Re: Zoning Fite No: 97-041 Laurel-Mackubin project by Mendota Homes, also known as Pineview Homes. � We the undersigned urge the City Councii to honor the spirit and intent of theCity Zoning Code as well as the HPC Guidelines by requiring the above developers to reduce the number of units to 7 instead of 8. STREET ADDRESS � � �.I� � ��(� ���w C� � �-v; ,��? �g3 �5� ���-� �-�- f� . /'�2 � �� �/7 � I,��� � �: -� �� p-- ��.,.��1�1ti`'��.�.� ��l ��<�� '�E. ,-�vv3 � ���� ' �-i�l ��� n�.. �1 � ` ``��' � �� � ���- �� � �� �� ...�� �� PETITIQN Date � 30 9 7 To: Councilmember Jerry Blakey �, ��3 Re: Zoning File No: 97-041 � Laurel-Mackubin project by Mendota Homes, a{so known as Pineview Homes. We the undersigned urge the City Councii to honor the spirit and intent of theCity Zoning Code as well as the HPC Guidelines by requiring the above developers to reduce the number of units to 7 instead of 8. STREET ADDRESS i� �� �k�.l�,�� �a �r i ����-�� r h. �7 � a � M�,� �.G �� �, � `��� ,��� ��� s �� r�,.�.�... ��� ���� � �- �-�-���- ��z �� �- `f7Z L�c���� Av'� SIGNATURE PETITION Date�����c•t 27, (q . I To: Councilmember Jerry Blakey � Re: Zoning File No: 97-Q41 Laurel-Mackubin project by Mendota Nomes, a(so known as Pineview Homes. We the undersigned urge the City Council to honor the spirit and intent of theCity Zoning Code as well as the HPC Guidelines by requiring the above developers to reduce the number of units to 7 instead of 8. STREET ADDRESS s �4� �1r�. `,� �P� � =Y�t� SS 1v2 � ��s� � � �� �`J � +��.rc.LC..u�., � 3-03G9 �f5� �cuci. ��� ��. `f7l �.��e�-�� � ��-a�ss` ; . �f�/ ,�-,1��..� `t �i ��(� � �i , �, ,, � - SIGNATURE Petition to Jerry Blakey May 5, 1997 File no 97.041 PETITION SIGNERS t1RRANGED BY ADDRESS: 1. 482 Laurei Avenue 2. 482 Laurel Avenue 3. 472 Laurel Avenue 4. 472 Laurel Avenue 5. 458 Laurel Avenue 6. 493 Laurel 7. 491 Laurel Avenue 8. 491 Laurel Avenue 9. 487 Lattrel Avenue 10. 481 Laurel Avenue ' 11. 475 Laurel Avenue 12. 117 Maakubin # 2 13. 117 Mackubin # 7 14. l l7 Mackubin # 6 15. 114 Mackubin 16. 99 Mackubin 17. 89 Mackubin l8. 491 Ashland Avenue 19. A91 Ashland Avenue 20. 487 Ashland Avenue 21. 483 Ashland Avenue 22 4&3 Ashland Avenue 23. 471 Ashland Avenue 24. 471 Ash3and Avenue 25. 4b4 Ashland Avenue 26. 451 Ashland Avenue 27. 453 Ashland Avenue 28. 448 Ashland Avenue Sue Didier Chazles Didier Kate McGu'ue Ray Hofhnann Paula Moliin Sherrill Gannon Dawn Ellerd Jeff Ellerd Robert C. Sordan Richard McDermott Mary Morris Mary E. Pound Parker Fiery (sp??) Martin Zeger(sp??) William Conley Pamela J. Brandt Harvey Sherman Dayton Gilbert Brenda Gilbert Judith A. Beck Dan Mueller Diane Mueller Marilyn Vogel Herb Vogel Tom Davis Elis Ljungkuil Gene Nelson Len Jackson fy/�. ��� �.� l C � 95 Mackubin St. Paul, MN 55102-2021 Apri130, 1997 Mr. John Hardwick Office of LIEP 350 St. Peter Street Suite 300 St. Paul, MN 55102 RE: Zoning File Number: 9?-100 Zoning File Name: Judy Beck, Herb and Marilyn Vogel Dear Mr. Hardwick: I am unable to attend the Wednesday, May 7 appeal meeting for the above case. However, I object to the decision made by the Boazd of Zoning and the St. Paul City Council related to the property at 496 Laurel Avenue. My reasons follow. / �� � � �,�.Y�� i. The plan proposes massive buildings and limited green space. This space is zoned for far less dense construction. If it weren't, a variance wouldn't be necessary. Why not construct a building that is in keeping with the zoning ordinances? The surrounding buildings to the west and south of 496 Lawel Avenue are all very lazge multiple dwellingslmultiple organization offices. The overall concentration of massive buildings along Mackubin from Holiy to Laurel is ea-tremely high. 2. This plan is presented by people who don't currently live in the neighborhood and, most likely, will not live here in the future. Insteati, they are developers who will never have to live with the overly dense housing they propose. 3. I was distressed to read that this proposal had been supported by my council reprasentative, Jerry Blakey. Ifthis is correct, this decision seems to have been made against the eapress desires of the nearest neighbors. It was certainly made without my input. Why didn't I receive a cali from my council representative or his staff prior to this decision? How can an informed and reflective decision be made without seeking this input? How is it that my council representatives can always locate me at election time and never seek my opinions when changes are to be made in the neighborhood? 4. In principle, I am against variances. Variances require a citizen to enforce the zoning codes, rather than govemment officiais enforcing the laws they are sworn to uphold. In the 20 plus years I have lived in this neighborhood, I have been asked numerous times to police my neighbors through granting or not granting variances. In every incidence I can think of, I have later come to regret agreeing to the variance. While in theory legislation-by-variance might seem wise, what happens i;� practiee is that generalty citizens agree to a variance rather than f ght a neighbor and create ili feeling within their mutual tiving space. Prior to the construction, one simply cannot know how helshe will be afFected by the ftnished construction. Once the construction is finish, there is no way to reverse the variance. Two such variances stand out in my mind One involves the garages which are along the ailey just south of my home. Because those garages where built into the private alley behind my house, my access to tha4 space (on which I pay Yaxes) is reduced. Another is the ]oading dock at the St. Paul Church Home across Mackubin at which semi-trucks regularly untoad eariy in the moming, causing noise and disturbing my sleep. Zoning ordinances and codes were put in place for specific reasons—supposedly for the greater good of the majoriry of the peopie. Why then is one person or one gmup of peopie aliowed to manipulate those zoning ordinances, through the variance process, to gain a specific favor at the majority's eazpense? Once a variance is granted, all people foHpwing must live with that special concession granted to a singie person/singte group of peopie. This is bad policy. Instead of finding ways around them, why not require people to live within the zoning ordinances? In summary . . . • I urge you to reject this proposa! anc! the variances it reqnires. • I urge you to uphold the zoning ordinances. • I urge you to consider the wishes of cunent tax-paying residents of Yhis neighborhood. • I urge you to maintain the atmosphere of our neighborhood. • I urge you Yo consider the wotk that many of the current residents have put into this neighborhood over the past 3Q plus years to preserve an important part of St. Paui's lustory. Please work with us to continue to pteserve Ramsey Hill and this beaurifui city. Please reptesent the residents of your city. Sincerety, � Margazet Ann Aennen Ramsey I3i11 Resident CC: Jerry Blakey F ��- � ��� ' Row Detached House House q'1-P Base sq. ft. cost {above grade) Sq, ft. refinements: HUAC Basement (unfnished) Fireplace (2 story) Garage (2 car) Adjnsted sq. ft. cost Arealshape multiplier Refined per sq. ft. cost $39.99 +3.65 +5.91 +1.5G +z•ss $53.96 � $53.15 $4G.10 +3.G5 +5.91 +1.56 +2.$ $60.07 1.063 $63.85 Current cost multiplier Local multiplier (St. Paul) �inal�sq. ft.�cost � _ � �1��`!31 �''� $73.CiC�= 1.03 1.12 1.03 1.12 Source: Marshall and Swift Cost Service � Cost Summary — 8 Units ��-��� Base construction cost of buildings: Row House C$G1.311sf x 1600 sf x 6= Detached Home C� $73.G6/sf x 1600 sf x 2= Total base cost of buildings Site improvement costs Indirect costs (not included in base costs) Land acquisition Total estimated development cost Total cost per square foot of building area $588,576 235,712 8 Unit Development Gross proceeds � $200,000 per unit Less: Sales commission @ 7% Less: Development costs Net Profit Discounted C� 12% for 6 month sellout Discounted C� 12% for 2 mo. develapment $425,3501$1,600,000 = 26.58% $824,288 50,000 10,000 1 4 00 $1,038,788 $81.1G $1,G00,000 112,U00 1,038,788 $449,212 $433,900 $425,350 $425,350/$1,038,788 = 40.95% O�� �. �� ' Cost 5ummary — 7 Units Base construction cost of b.uildings: Row House C$61.31Isf x 160d sf x 6= Detached Home C� $73.66Jsf x 1600 = Total base cost of builrlings Site improvement costs Indirect costs (not included in base costs) Land acquisition Total estimated development cost Total cost per square foot of building area 7 Unit $588,57G 117,856 $70G,432 50,000 10,000 1 4 00 $920,932 $82.23 Gross proceeds C$200,000 per unit Less: Sales commission � 7% Less: Development costs Net Profit Discounted C 12�10 for 6 month sellout Discounted C� 12°lo for 2 mo. development $360,8251$1,400,000 = 25.77% $1,400,000 9$,000 29 0,932 $381,068 $3f 8,078 $3G0,825 - �3Ga,s25/$920,932 = 39.i8��o ` Cost Summary - 6 Units Base construction cost of buildings: Row House C� $61.311sf g 1600 sf x 6= Total base cost of buildings Site improvement costs Indirect costs (not included in base costs) Land acquisition Total estimated development cost Total cost per squaze foot of building area $588,57G 6 Unit Development Gross proceeds C$200,000 per unit Less: Sales commission C� 7°l0 Less: Development costs Net Profit Discounted @ 12% for 6 month sellout Discounted C� 12°lo for 2 mo. development $297,3211$1,200,000 = 24.78% � � .. �33 $588,57G 50,000 : 11! 1 54,500 $801,076 $83.45 $1,200,000 84,000 801 •076 $314,000 $303,297 $297,321 $297,3211$801,076 = 37.12% 5����� ��t-��3 May 7, 1997 John Hardwick! St. Paul Office of LIEP 350 St. Peter St., Suite 300 St. Paul, MIV 55102 fte : Development of 496 Lauref Ave Site Dear Mr. Hardwick: The proposed devlopment site is directly across the street from our residence, and we see it every day from our front porch. My wife(Dianne) and I have recently studied the proposed plan for deve{opment by Pineview Homes, carefully considered this new design, and thoughtfully discussed the issues raised by the requested variances. We strongly oppose this development. Over the long term it will significantly degrade the value of this neighborhood as well as our own personat property investment. The particular legai and architectura! reasons for our objection are ciearly articulated '+n the "Appeal of Board of Zoning Appeals Decision of Aprii 7, 1997lMailed Apr+l 8; Zoning Flle No. 97-041" (J. Beck, H&M Vogel, P. Brandt) , as well as the HPC recommendations. The excessive set-back variances on Laurel & the rear alley are the most egregious parts of the current pfan. However , dwelling on the specific legal points of the above ruling deflects attention from a major point: these zoning rules and architectural guidetines play a fundamental role in maintining the long - term health, viability, economic vatue, and continuing investmenUrehabilitation of this neighborhood and those immediately surrounding . For example ihe HPC and zoning guidelines support the architectural and aesthetic value of this area, keeping the "historic" ambiance as a major component of our real-estate va{ue. If we do not pay attention to the intent of the guidelines we will see degradation of value and living standards in this neighborhood. ''r k ,a _��3 � Dianne and I have invested many tens of thousands ofi dollars in renovation costs in our home since 1592. We bought the house in an uninhabitable state while the Battie Electric building still occupied the 496 Laurel site. This was a major financial risk for us. We painstakingly worked to obtain approva{ of the HPC , foliowed aii zoning rules, embraced the spirit and intent of the "Historic Dlstrict", and sincerely believed we had an obligation to improve the aesthetic appearance ofi this area. Why should the developer not be heid to the same standards? in consideration of this appeal please consider this: as residents we have a long-term financial and personaf stake in this neighborhood; the developer only has a short-term financial one. The developer is not a resident, enabling him to "get the money and run" without accountability far the long-term wel{-being of the area. To continue improving the precarious heaith of this lovely old part of St. Paul, a process started more than 20 years ago by committed residents, demands thai we do the right thing for the community. Respectfully G '��c G S� Robert C. Jordan 487 Laurel Ave., St. Paul, MN ph: 290-0213 �. �M � °I�-��3 TO APPLICANT PUBLiC HEARING NOTICE City Council Appeat of Decision Property Owners within 350 feet; Representatives of Planning District 8 .ludy Beck, Herb 8� Marilyn Vogei, Pam Brandt PURPOSE Appeal of a Board of Zoning Appeals decision granting several variances in order to construct an 8 unit townhouse devefopmerrt. �dCATiON OF PROPERTY TIME OF HEARING PLACE OF HEARING HOW TO PART{CIPATE 496 Laurel Avenue Wednesday, May 7, 1997 at 430 p.m. City Counci{ Chambers, 3rd Ffoor City Haii-Court House 15 West Keilogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 1. You may attend hearing and testify. 2. You may send a fetter before the hearing to the Office of L1EP, Attn: John fiardwick, 350 St. Peter Street, Suite 300, Saint Paui, Minnesota 55102 3. Participation is not required. This is your notice of pubiic hearing. ANY QUESTlONS Call John Hardwick of the Office of LiEP af 266-9082 or your District Councii Representative at 228-1855 with the following information: Zoning File Number 97-100 - Zoning File Name Judy Beck, Herb & Marilyn Vogel, Pam Brandt .._ :. ti ��;�i � U �