97-825Council File # �� � p as Green Sheet � � `��� QR��7�i`#��. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the 2 appointments and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on a the SAINT PAUIrRAMSEY COiJNTY C011�41UNITY HEALTH SERVICES a COMII�IITTEE. s 6 7 e 9 io 11 12 13 Marsha Lea Andrews Mr. R. D. Brown Gabrielle Lawrence Lucille C. McCarty Ann F. Short �;?ul�F���i'7��7>� 7une 26, 1999 7une 26, 1999 June 2b, 1999 7une 26, 1999 7une 26, 1999 � 14 15 i5 REAPPOINTMENTS 17 ia Nancy White 7une 26, 1998 i9 Lucie Ferrell 7une 26, 1999 zo Mary Huot June 26, 1999 21 2 2 Requested by Department of: By: By: Appr By: SOLUTION CITY O;��I' PAUL, MINNESOTA Form Approved by City Attorney $y: _ 'L'���-✓�` C-2�— Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �� l�M� Adopted by Council: Date 1`� Adoption Certified by Council Se etary a'i-�'as %� h n DEPMiMENTKIFFIGFICOUNCIL DATEINITIATE� GREEN SHEET J( J � 4 Mayor Coleman's Office 6-24-97 CONI'ACTPERSON&PHONE �DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR rgCRYGOUNCIL �NRIAUDATE IJ AlbeYto Quintela 266-8529 ASSIGN �cmnno�EV OCI7YGLERK NUNBERFOF MUST BE ON CAUNC�L AGENDA BY (DATE) pQ�ypG � BUDGEf DIRE(AOR O FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. OROEN � MAVOR (OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACfION RE�UE5TE�: Approval of appts. of Marsha Andrews, R.D. Brown, Gabrielle Lawrence, Lucille McCarty & Ann Short AND the reappts. oE Lucie Ferrell, Mary Huot,and Nancy.White Eo�serye on xhe � Saint Paul-Ramsey County Community Health Services Advisoxy Co�ittee. ' REGOMMENOATI�t�S: Approve (A) or Pe7ea (R) pERSONAL SEqVICE CONTBACT5 MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PL4NNING CAMMISSI�N __ CfVI� SERYICE COMMISSION �- Has this perso�Rirm ever worked under a rqntract for this department? _ C18 COMMITTEE _ YES NO _ S7qFF _ 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO _ DISTRIC7 COUP7 _ 3. Does this personRirm possess a skill not normally po55essed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHIGN CAUNCII O&IEGTIVEP YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whay When. Where, Why): ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED' DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Ccwnc� �rch Ce�t�1' JUN 2 � 1997 - -; DISADVANTAGES IF NO7 APPROVED. -_ ' TOTAL AMOUN7 OF TRANSAC710N $ COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfiG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FIhANCfAL INFORFfiATION' (EXPLAIN} q �-��s Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Saint Paul Citv_ Councilmembers Council President David Thune Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Counciimember Joseph Collins Councilmember Michael FIarris Counci]member Roberta Megazd Councilmember Gladys Morton FROM: Roger C. Curtis �'�' ` Assistant to the Mayor DATE: June 24, 1997 RE: Saint Paul-Ramsey County Commun+ty Heatth Services Advisory Committee Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointments and reappointments of the following individuals to seroe on the Saint Paul-Ran�sey County Community Health Services Advisory Committee. APPOIlV'I'MENTS Mazsha Lea Andrews Mr. R D. Brown Gabrielle Lawrence Lucille C. McCarty Ann F. Short REAPPOINTMENTS Nancy White Lucie Ferrell Mazy Auot TERM EXPIRES June 26, 1999 June 26, 1999 7une 26,1999 7une 26, 1949 7une 26, 1999 7une 26,1998 June 26, 1999 June 26, 1999 Attached is a copy of the resolurion recommending these individuals, copies of the new appointees' applications and an applicant report listing applicants on file since 3anuary 1, 1994. Alberto Quintela handles appointcnents to this committee; however, he is out of the office umil 7une 30, 1997. Feel free to contact Alberto at 266-8529 if you wish to discuss these appointments and reappointments. Attachments c: Nancy Anderson, Council Reseazch Dr. Neal Holton, Saint Paul Public Health Diane Holmgren, Saint Paul Public Health � �� ����,�� Name: Home Address OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAINT RAIIL, MINNESOTA 55 266-8525_ FAX: 26b-8513 � ��uti? :'�� JUP� 0 3 199 � ��� 56 7 (,v�t �fe Bea2 }� Ve _.�� •�'a. cc G � v b 6 Street City Zip xelephone t3umber: (Home) 77'�-Q'/3� cLlorx) 336 _.(�[ Q?/- �py(� Planni.ng District Gauncil: � � City Coimcil Qard:,� � T J Pre£exred Hailing Addzess: �f� �'t � ✓�S' /�b O VC, Ahat is your occupation? ..t7 �� • ���e� �,�LCi2G�1�S u2q QG�� (� . 0 Rlace of Employment: t� Co�ittee(s) Applied For: facn� Commun.i.-�� �JeaC�I-h R-dv�so�, �amm��� or f 1'na�av's .Ad.v �sa�� C.oµ.�i�-E{'ee �o.. ���l ts),�>1-G� D isa�.��'cs . ,� What skills/training or eaperience do pou possess for the committee(s) £o= vhich pou seek appointment? S. have w u-� ��. �e��✓e c_n�us(-�v -�o�— a�pro�u.`�a.-F�lv I8 trea.�s, ;{-�ants h�.ue eon�. m�dse� - T'e.�4ti�n�c,� �o N`� e�.cu-se� ,i _ Z 6 �e.�.�eue� m�l vc�^1 e� c�u.u�e�" ass� c�c�S ,6u. cT�.�c�( — � - a e� �E�,r C6�+v�.rw -(�'ee, . T-¢-x�cZa,ri evu�c� o.� —�Pirn�s,rewc� c�hah�'�;� i,, w`�.cc1v �n'�c� -�or r � 'p- � L L(�CC.Y`S as d'��- de,S�r 6'� o., a-x-�"or�cc�aL�, Or_c�--c�i4n-��i', . JJot,.J �-�ta# Z}xLV2 Z C�. 5� crn � I,v h.t,E.t-1 Ca,r� �c.�t�on �s The information included in this application is conside=ed private data acco=ding to the ?Sinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this in£ormation is not released to the gene=al puhlic. (OVEIt) Rev.4/21/93 PII2SONAL REFERENCES �^5 . �(,�r7e �r2m6N�c Address: � � s� � , y � �' . ��' • �� 5St06 Phone: `(Home) `-! �(�- 55 i 2 n Name: D�vie."{�e �5o..r�SC•1 Address U �. SS1�'� Phone : (Home) �� -�� v i (Aork) � 5 l- � Q l Q x�e: �a � S��+er Address:'1�� I .rtf2aU�?CC, ��. �AtOa�.�a-tAVJ 5S1]C Fhone:_ CHome) �`l-3q' ���-a {pork) "139 - 9 3 8 Reasons for your interest i.n this particular committee: � D e,ueU¢, �,p��eSS 1rtnPrstt�..'tls� �n�wl �'c� ct�c5' 1.i.�r 2x�erie�cPC W c,h t,�txli hs,�'r,a 21aQ.�wl�(e.. vn.,x.c��� -�-o `l�I?e 4§aaemen-l-ion��S eom,n;{�S. �r' d`esi..-�-} be � restaans�ble me,Mbp,r ��,a j��'� , �rd=�attv be. �.�1,-�+ lliri a �t-I-� �al • Have qou had previ.ous cantact vith the committee for vhich you are making application. I£ so, vhen, and circumstances? � Sn an attempt to ensvxe that co�ittee representation reflects the makeup o£ ovr co�rnity, please check the line applicable to you. This i.nformation is strictly voluntaxy. � White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander dmerican Indian or Alaskan Eskimo 21a1e � Female Disabled: Yes Date of Birth: I�IyIJ 2 No � `� If special accommodations are needed, please specifp. Hov did you fieaz about this opening? �� s «�" N� wS�F}�E�. ��� 3 = . .^� (�� � � ��I�''V �/r g ?-f���,j�L� QFFICE OF THE bIAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA 55102 266-8525 FAX 2b6-8513 APR 15 ;997 in��:�i�R t�}Ft Name RD Brown Home Address: 2100 Niles Avenue Saint Paul 55116 Street City Zip Telephone Number: (HO1�IE) 698-3345 (�V012K) 627-5840 (FAXI 627-8118 Planning District Council: City Council Ward: Preferred NIaifing Address: 2100 Niles Avenue, Saint Paul, bIN ��ll6-1140 What is your occupation? Healthcare Piace of Employment: NationlS Marrow Donor Ptroaram Committee(s) Applied For: Civic Center Authoritv. Civil Service Commission Alternat`! Communitv He:tlth Services Advisorv Committee Saint Paul Nei�hborhood Parks and Recreation Commission. Plannine Commission nnd the Riverfront Corporation What skills/trnining or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? I have t�ventv (20) vears FinanciallAdministrntive exaerience as well as twentv (20) vears experience in the healthcare arena. Other emploved exnerience includes twentv (20) vears strat�ic planning and ten (10} years in the Information SvstemsltechnoloPV aren� Mv elected exuerience inchides that of an Advisorv Neiehborhood Commissioner in Washinaton, DC. Mv most recent volunteer exaerience inciudes the Mavor's Advisorv Committee for Peoale with Dislbilities — 5aint Pnul MN Site Councii Nlember for Horace M1nn Elementarv School — Saint Paul MN and the Commitment Defense for Hennepin Tlie information included in tltis appiication is considered pricate data according to tlie Minnesota Go�ermnent Data Practices Ac[. As a result, tlus information is not released m the genera] pnblic. %'�% (O VER) Rev. 2/28/96 Countv. Mv nrevious volunteer exqerience consisted of Mavor's Btock Grant Committee — �Vashington, DC I have over twenty- (20) vears communitv service servin2 on various boards, committees and commissions while living in Cleveland. Ohio and Washinaton. DC. I believe that my diverse educational, business and ethnic/cultural backaround would be an asset to anv commission or committee to which I am apnointed Reasons for your interest in these particular committees: As a new member of the Saint Pai�l familv. I want to become involved with mv. communitv. I believe that the committees listed above will give me an onportunitv to use mv venrs of exuerience in � verv uroductive manner for mv communiri. If one is not involved in iheir communitv. it ceases to be a communitv. $ave you had previous contact with the committees for which you are making application? In an nttempt to ensure that committee representntion reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. Tl�is informatio� is sYricYly volantary. White Hispanic Asian or Plcific Islander X Black (African American) Americln Indiln/Allska Eskimo X Ma1e Female D1te of Birth: Januarv 1. 1946 Disabled: Yes X If specia( accommodations are needed, please specify. None are needed as I am mobile. How did you hear lbout this opening? News Reiease at the Recreation Centers. R ?-��S 2100 Niies Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 :► ::� ..i (612) 627-5840 Office (612) 698-3345 Residence (612) 419-]946 Cellular CAREER SUMMARY Financial/administrative executive with hventy years' experience in the healthcare industry. Extensive experience in Information Systems. An innovative problem solver, with a strang team orientation, and a record ol'solid financial, administrat+ve and information systems contributions. Results oriented teader with an ability to integrate the strategic, operational and financial aspects of a business. Strong membership and marketing exposure. Experienced as an editorial director of an association quarterly news publ+cntion. A well rounded, educationa! experience with a master's degree in Business and a master's degree in Health Services Administration. Certified by Healthcare Financial Management Association as a Certified Healthcare Financial Professional. Maintain membership in organizations such as the American College of Healthcare Executives, American Academy of Medical Administrators, National Association of Health Services Bxecutives and the Americ�n College of Healthcare Information Administrators. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 12/95 - Present Nltional Marrow Donor Program Director, Donor Services Minneapolis, MN For the National Marrow Donor Pro2ram (NMDP): Director, Donor Services. Direct nationwide functions to include all multiracial and multiethnic volunteer donor recruitment, donor reYention, education, donor service and qunlity assurance programs along with the direct supervision of off-site staff (Washington, D.C.) and Donor Services assistant directors and coordinators. As part of the NMDP senior manaeement team develops and implements the donor service aspects of the NMDP strategic business plan. Oversight and contract negotiation of ninety-nine domestic donor centers. 10/94 - 12/95 Nntionll Medicll Association (NMA) Deputy Director/Project Coordinator W ashington, D.C. For the National Medical Association (NMA): Deputy Director/Project Coordinator for the National Minority Mentor Recruitment Network (NMMRN). This is a joint nationwide project between NMA and the U.S. Public Heaith Service to provide African-Americln medical students with African- American physician mentors and support resources to pursue careers in primary care. • Achievements: Increased the percentages of inedical students (mentees) matched �vith physicians (mentors) nationwide 40% within six months. Managed the conversion of al! 5,000 physicia» and siudent participanYs from a stand- alone daYabase to Yhe association's integraYed management information system f3MIS) database. Integrity of the database increased 100%. InstituYed a mentor/mentee program with dentists and dental students nationwide. Production and Editoria! Director of the Nebvork Nervs, a qaarterly publication mailed to S,OOOt members and friends of the mentor network Ol/93 - 8l30/94 HBO & Company Director, FM OuYSO�rcing MISBusiness Oftice Operations Commission on Mental Heatth Services: Account Manager and Project Director for two contracts at the District of Columbil Commission on Ment�l AealthServices to operate and maintain the Information System facility and a business office operation. The facility is a 1,400-bed inpatient psychiatric teaching facilitp with fiee outpatient clinics with a census of 7;L00. Facilities are in culturally diverse areas of the city and trent both ldults and ldotescents. Achievements: Negotiated a 3.2 million-doUar Information Systems one-year contract each fiscal year with the Commission on Mental $e:tlth Services/District of Columbia Government during the District of Columbia's severe financial crisis in fiscal years 1993,1994 and 1995. Negotiated a 19 million-dollar B,usiness Office one-year contract elch £scal yearwith the Commission on Mental.Health Services/District of Columbia Government during the District of Columbia's severe finnncial crisis i� fiscal years 1993, 1994 and 1995. Increased the productivity of remaining staff during a period of downsizing 1988 - 1993 HealthQuest (HBO & Company Division) Director, Business Office Operations For Commission on Mental Aealth Services (previouslv St. Elizabeths Hospital. National Institute of Mental Health); Director o� a project in which HealthQuest (Division of HBO & Company) implemented and operated a Hospital Business Office. The facility is a 1,400-bed inpatient psychiatric teaching facility with five outpatient clinics with a census of 7,?00. Facitities are in culturally diverse areas of the city and treat both adults and adolescents. • Achievements: During the transition of St. Elizabeths Hospital from the federal jurisdiction to the District of Columbia, successfufly merged the approximately 10,000 clients of the District of Cotumbia Mental Health Services and St. Elizabeths Hospital to form the Commission on Mental Health Services wifhout any disruption to patient service. Successfulty negotiated a three-year $6.75 million Business O(fice Contract with the Commission on Mental Health Services. Designed the outpatient admission unit for the Outpatient clinics that were merged into the.Commission. This unit was responsible for the 7,2001ong term Commission outpatients. 9�-��s 1984 -1988 HBO & Company-Deputy Director, — Business Office For Commission on Mental Health Services (previouslv St. Elizabeths Hospital, National Institute of Mental Health): Deputy Director on a project in which HealthQuest (Division of HBO & Company) impiemented and operated a Aospital Business Otfice. • Achievements: • Instituted procedures with the hospital legal department that resulted in the collection of all uncollectible accounts averaging $50-75,000 per account irom conservators. • Designed and assisted in the impiementation of the HospitalBusiness Office financial reports currently being utilized by the Commission on Mental Health Services. These reports nllowed the CFO and business office staff to track revenue, days outstanding nnd 111 other pertinent financial information. • Designed and assisted in the implementation of the Collection and Accounts Receivables On Line Query system. This system allowed the business office stafS to have immediate access to the patient bilfing database for entry, query and updating oF all patient and financial records. • Assisted in the successful negotiation of a four-year eight (8) million-dollar Business Office contract with St. Elizabeths Hospital, Nntional Institute of Mental Health. EDUCATION: Columbia Pacific University, San Rafael, CA MA Health Services Administration (1989) Columbia Pacific University, San Rafael, CA MA Business Administration (1989) Baldwin Wallace College, Berea, OH Gradunte Courses-Bus. Admin. ( 1979-1981) Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH Mgmt. & Acctg. Seminars (1977-1981) Central College, Pella, IA BA Bus. Admin. & Mgmt. (1976) PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS: • American Cotlege of Healthcare Executives, (ACHE). • Healthcare Financial Management Association, (HFMA). Advanced member, Certified Healthcare Financial Professional (CHFP, 1989). • American Academy of Medical Administrators, (AAMA). • Americln College of Heaithcare Information Administrators, (ACHIA). • American Academy of Managed Care Administrators, (A.AMCA). • Association of Donoc Recruitment Professionals. (ADRP). COM�IUNITY ACTIVITIES: Member--Saint Paut Mayor's Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities Mem6er--Commitment Defense Panet Advisory Board--Hennepin County Bar Association Member--5aint Paul Horace Niann Elementary School Site Council REFERENCES OF I2D $rown Craig W.S. Howe, MD, Ph.D. Chief Executive OfFicer National Marrow Donor Program 3433 Broadway Street, NE Suite 500 blinneapolis, MN 55413 (612)627-5800 Patricia Coppo Chief Operatina Of6cer tiational blarrow Donor Program 3433 Broadway Street, NE Suite 500 Minneapolis, MN 55413 (612) 627-5800 Gordon Bryan Chief Financial Officer National Marrow Donor Program 3433 Broadway Street, NE Suite 500 Minneapolis, MN 55413 (612)627-5800 Freddie John Martin, Ph.D. Director National Minority Recruitment Network Commissioner Commission on Mental Health Services (CMHS) 2700 niartin Luther King Jr. Ave., SE Administration Building, First Floor Washington, D.C. ?0032 {202)373-7166 Michael blcGuire President/CEO Rational Heaith Tech Division of ACS Corp. 3119 St. Ives Country Club Parlcway Duluth, GA 30316 (404) 495-1485 Mr. McGuire was the former Vice President, Outsourcing Services at HBO cg Compan}�, Atlanta, GA. I reported directly to Mr. NlcGuire during my tenure as Director, FM Outsourcing Services. Daltoa Tong, FHFMA, MBA, CPA President and CEO Greater Southeast Healthcare System 1310 Southern Avenue Washington, D.C.20032 (202) 574-6675 (NMMRN) National Medical Association IOI2 Tentfi Street, NW �Vashirtgton, D.C.20002 {202) 347-1895 ext. 32 (800) 662-0�54 ext. 32 (800) 662-0779 ext. 32 Guido Z1nni, Ph.D. MAY-16-96 06:35 FROM: ST.PAUL RAMSEY MEO.CIR. ID: 6322212194 PAGE 2 saaY-�-s9% iz=z6 sr �a �zc r��rri 6t2 z2z 2rrre a.e2� � 394 ,Ci�x Ha1,L ' � S,AZDIT PAII� I�.INHESOTA 55202 � ��� � �- i � " ��. 266-8525. FaX: 266-8513 � � � �ab�E�E�e I,awrre�c� x�B: - - - ,.. Baae Addrsss: "E'fV tiF/YY4V(JU'/Ut e7t • t s { t ••• -• , • •• ,• i �-v - Street �ir�' - - ZiP Talaphoae Ilnmhe=: _i Plaaniag Districi Coa Yrefezrsd ]lai2is�y A3d Vhac is 7otu cccupati Rl.acc EmpSo7ment: Commxttet(s} Appli.ed , " Sha jnfoYmatiaa 3ncT.vded in this applieatioa is coasidered private data sccordissg to the Hizmesots Gavarnent pata Pzaetices Act, /u a zescit, this infozmatiaa is aac zeleased to the genez:I publie. � € <�vE&) , xev.4lZl/93 F .�: _ � � GhaC sY311sjtzai,a�ng or �zieace do yau pbs,ss;ss �or the commxtcee(s) £or which yeu aeek ����c��_�.�rY J MAY-16-96 06:36 FROM: ST_PAUL RAMSEY MED.CTR_ !WY-�B--1996 12= ST PF.I�.FC FF%Tt�! ��a:. �i v�d� ��+�� ad�u=:� � 45Z-qll3 w .....-7 •.,�,,•._ _ _ • �.i.�.i.... .�...i Name: addzeas P�✓� , �t� c�, ���e. � �� , ��� �-� J 0 � C ct.ce ' �+{�c� �` � tu,�- a , Saoe yau had previoeu conuct with the eoamittee �or vhieh you are makS,ug applicaeian. Zf so, vhea,�aad cixevmstaaeesT ' ' _YVI� . . .._ .._. Ia aa attemy� to ensace that co�mictee repseseaeation zeileats tha maiceup of onr co�mit�, please check tAe lfae npg23cab2e ;to,yea. This infozna=�rny ;s suzctip volnatar�. � -. . �4hite'(Cxacasian) S3spavic Blaek (Afzicaa American) dsian ar paex�ic Ir2sader Emiricaa iadiaa or A2askan Eskimo ' � � " f -- . � � 3�3�5( Faq1e Data of Bi.rth: ` - .. - . . •. , . Disab2ad: Yas ga � ' Sf spe�iai acEommodatioas a=e aeaded, Pxaase 'spe�y£y; .. �, 8a�r did 7ou hear abont, �s open3ng7 � 0 � ID: 6122212194 , PAG� 3 612 222 2'lT0 P.03i@3 s � TQTAI. P.03 Reasoas Per paaY i.ntarest in this particula=' com�y=te�: t �(J L� WL. - t (�(Gp � ( t'.� ��.r�. (�.e G. .�b�t -h ur _ na� �o �n,� � �.�.�;,,� � .� r�� r� �t�„ h,�,. Oi't1C.^' Oc' Lnt Y.i-,YC.;_Z n `� �� �,^,. �i, 3 9 d C2TY HALL Y� J ��` SAINT PAUL� MINNESOTA 55102 � �l� n 2b ! 6 � -8525 = " PAX: 265-8513 Name: ��+e �vLLC�vy� `-'. /' l (/�.�1 . Home Address: S �� �'��G/� � � /l' /�/�-Y/ � ` �/ Streez . City � Telephone Yvu.. (Hoael t��Z�2Z��7'� (�7ork) _ _ g � Plann3ng District Co�cil: City Counc�l uara: i PreferredHailin Address• .�p �!!' /"/•tictJ�-il�1.�`1. SS�a . $ • �� �/" W � R'hat is your occupat3on? v� / i - «R3.ace �of Eaployaent: ��! 0� ?"�Q� 'f'D e�/rt�y a'�' a Co�ittee(s) Applied For: 0 �� ����,�'se ��� �AY 0 6 1997 . ��`7 Sl �Z� - Zip � 0 �� �d�.� G�it''l.tl7-CC�� v n . - v �� Ahat skills/training or esperience do you possess for the comaittee(s) for unicn you seek appointment? —/Y i ll/l�it/ a1. G��.a��.l^^. �LC� 7� �h�'�'�-'^� � /�1/P�r � 5 �l.iv�vt.✓ � . -�t�n.�e�,.�.��. �- �c. � ..__.- r � � �� 6 �� � � � � a.l� 1 _.. � 0 ; L, ,i y • � �� � � ° - U�� �- ��� � S 3-�9s�� - �� �. �'�...,� - .�r��- . . . f .. The inforsation included in this pplication is considered =ivate data acco=ding to the Hinnesota Governer.t Data P=actices Act. As a result, this information is not releasz� to the gene=a public. �?'J/ • ,j.� � . (/+l� ��/�v � �+'� . � ' ll.tiJ .�� f "�- � �OV�R) E Rev. 2i28(96 PERSONAL REFERENCES v.....,.., / �i_. �/- - - Address: Phone: Name: Address: Phone: tlame Addr Phon � � !JY! � '"`�'�"�--r' { �f/ ! l . W � Reasons £o= gour interest in this particular co�ittee:,� / ' i/ �%� �' (�+�� r"n-�—' �-c�- c �lt/��– n � , —�. �-t.� ) �/c! �'f Have you had pre ous contact vith the committee for vhich Tf so, vhein, and circvmstancesY � n�t-'LYr�:f;Y2.� �rit�"�, R��e� �j,.���,� , are makin appli��io� n. _�/ � �/ � w"%`o � f�- � In an attempt to ensure that cosmittee representation reflects the makeup of oar commmnity, please check the line applicable to pou. This information is strictly voluntary. ✓ White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander American Tndian or Alaskan Eskimo �ale ��� Female Date o£ Birth; '7 "Z-� O Disabled: Yes xo � If special acco�odations are needed, p2ease specifp. Hov did you hear about this opening? l� ��5� � ��-- � �� E�,��,�,2� ! ��Q % {�✓�r!„ �J 390 cITY x1�T.,L . L X���� SAIIQT PAIIL, MIN.YESOTA 55102 - . 266-8525_' FAX: 266-8513 n . ,� � �iLI�� �H�ti2(.�S �VE � � � :•,:� f�[�, $one Address: �L-dV I �{� y � ���v r Street City �` ����� ` QG\re. Zin Tele�hone 2luaber: (Ho�e) U1 `t' I�O� " 1/ CL7ork) 0 •���-�) Planr_ing Diszrict Cov�^_cil: City Council Aard: Preferred Hailing Address: ,��� l��j�� �/�i c�i' f/,Ll.l.� mlv �'ll�;� S7'nat is qour occnpation? nlf�.�i �UV1 �S�i1S��.tl'L"� T � Place�of F�nloq�ent: Co�ittee(s) Applied Ghat sYills/training or esperience do you possess £or the co�ittee(s) sor vnicn pou see.l appointment? . . , . . , . - • . ,� . _ � , , ., +i ,1 . . n . .I .� �� ! � � ♦ _ � + I � �!_ L l.t< • ♦ Tne in£or+,�tion incleded in this application is considered private dzta eccorcing to t^e Hinr_esota Governient Data Practices Act. As z result, this inzor+,_ztioa is not releesed to the general public. ,_.�;�:.,� 9�-��S v�AY 3 0 1�31 (ODE.Tt) g 2J28/96 PEFtS�NAL REFERENCES Ram.e: ��;�1�q�y� Address:�_ Phone: (Home) 1( Name: �XLYdGL',X7((,L. Address: Phone:_ (Home) � � Name:_�'S7y�� �i Address: i �,(Y1 Phone: C8one1 CGOrici .;Z.��, '](��[��� Reasons for your interest in thi:s particular coa�ittee Have you h�ad previ� c taEt vith the� mm�� for If so, vhen, and circvmstances7 � �_ �.Y}et,.L 'i`l.. c . i_ -_ ` :c- . , . In an attempt to ensuze that cosmittee representation re£lects the makeup o£ our comecunity, please check the line applicable to you. This info=mation is stzictly volvntary. V White (Caucasian) Hispanzc Slack (A£rican American) Asian or Pacific Islander Aaerican Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Hale ,�. Feraale Disabled: Yes No �1 Date of Birth: V I�c���Co�n If special accommodations are needed, please specify. Hov did you hear about this openingT ' l� l� n (�ph �(a�n t ATYI Ij)�II� 9�-�as 1VIINNESOTA AFSCNI.E COUNCIL N0,14 300 Ii.aRDMAN AVEh'UE 506173 • SU(TE 2 SO[1TEt SA[M' PA(7[., hU�h'ESOTA 55075-2469 (612) 455-077� FaX (612) 455-1311 �o+n C1E1ar /NabapeUtnn f{taa r`.�u�3'��L Norm Coleman, Mayor Room 390 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boutevard St. Paul, MN 55102 A �� �� 1 JJ1 _: �;_� v'�Yir: Apri123, 1997 Deaz Mayor Coleman: It is my understanding there are two City vacancies on the Community Health Services Advisory Committee. I would like to recommend Ann Short to be appointed to the Committee. Ann is a member of the Si. Paul Technical Employees Locai t&42 and lives at 121� Charles Ave_ She is currently on a parental leave of ak�sence from her Nutrition Assistant position at St. Paul Public Health, but is available to serve on the CHS Committee. With the impending combining of the City and County Health departments on 7uly 1�, I believe Ann will provide unique insights into the need to provide quality health services for St. Paul residents and will be able to provide valuable advice during the transition to a joint City County Health Department. S� erely, ��g��� Roger Sie�al, Execuhve Duector AFSCME Councii No. 14 cc Rohin Madsen Mary Kilgus Peter Aames � q�-�as 06-02-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COHMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 1 COMMITTEE : JCCHSAC Health Services Adv. Comm. FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1J44 APPLZCANT ( REFERENCE COMMENTS 003170 Andrews, Tiarsha Lea 567 White Bear Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55106 Home - 774-0438 A11ina Flealth System Work - 336-5982 FAX 8713040 Asaistant Buyer Mrs. June Fremont 1754 E. 4th St. St. Paul, 55106 h) 776-5512 Danette swaneon 396 E. Viking Dr. Maplewood, 55117 h) 772-4404 w) 851-1910 Bob Slagter 9197 Andrea Dr. Woodbury, 55125 h) 739-1120 w) 739-9383 003282 Belgea, Nicole 2223 W. County Road B Roaeville, MN 55113 Home - 636-5357 Full-time U of M Student Tom & Pay Lyons 568 Zona Lane Roseville, MN 55113 h) 484-7612 Gerald McCauley 1925 Jerrold Avenue Arden Hills, MN 55112 h) 633-3665 w) 631�1724 Debbie Wolf 1438 148th Avenue Andover, MN 55304 h) 434-2852 w) 631-1724 � WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEii D1S DISTRZCT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COHHITTEES SERVING ON) "--- -'------- ---�---- ------_- °^ "-- --- 7 1 06f03/9fi W F 04f14f97 W F 003173 Brown, R. D. 3 15 04/15/97 B M 2100 Ni1es Avenue Mayora Advisory Committee �'�-�� 06-02-97 APPYICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICAI3TS REPORT PAGE 2 COMMITTEE : SCCHSAC Health Service9 Adv. Comm. FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1(94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS � WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR} (OTHER COMHZTTEES SERVING ON} �--- -------- ------^- -------- --- --- --- St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - 698-3345 National Marrow Donoi Program Work - 627-5840 FAX 6278118 Aealth Caze Pzofessional Patricia Coppo , Chief Operating Officer Natl. Marrow Donor Proqram 3433 Broadway St., N.E., Ste. 500 Mpls., 55413 627-5800 Freddie John Martin, Ph.D., Director Natl. Minority Recruitment Network National Medical Assn. 1012 Tenth street, N.W. Washington, DC 20001 (202) 347-1895, Ext. 32 (800) 662-0554, Ext. 32 (800) 662-0779 Guido Zanni, Ph.D., Commissioner Commission on Mental Health Services 2700 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. S.E. Administration B1dg., lst Floor Washington, DC 20032 (202) 373-7166 Michael McGUire PresidentfCEO National Health Tech Div, af AcS Corp 3119 St. Ives Country Club Parkway Duluth, GA 30316 (404) 495-1485 Dalton Tong, FHFMA, MBA, CPA President & CEO Greater S.E. Health Care System 1310 Southern Avenue Washington, DC 20032 (202) 574-6675 003169 Lawrence, Gabrielle 2 16 OS/16/96 W F 970 Lombard q7-�aS 06-02-97 COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 3 APPLICANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE : JCCHSAC Health Services Adv. Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 " , APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEI3 DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR} (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ONj St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 281-0236 Ramsey Clinic 5t. Paul Ramsey Medical Center Work - 221-3122 FAX 2212194 Health Care Administrator 003304 McCarty, Lucille (Lucy) C. 573 Summit Avenue St. Paul, HN 55102 Home - 224-3843 1 8 05/06/97 W F Nurse Cindy Von Feldt 701 Woodrige Drive Mendota Hgts., MN 450-1804 Marsha Gorman and Mark Gorman 611 Svmmit Avenue hj 224-1123 Gail Foreman 688 Waodridge Drive 457-6455 002964 Mitchell, Susan A11ina Health System 5601 Smetana Drive P.O. Box 9310 Minneapolis, MN 55440 16 03J30/95 W F Work - 992-3948 1009 Fairmount Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 227-6679 Director-COmmunity Health 9 �-�as 06-02-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : JCCHSAC Health Services Adv. Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AETER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS Joan Mishek 736 Osceola Avenue St. Paul H) 224-9381 Susan Haigh 910 Fairmount St. Paul, MN H) 224-3178 PAGE 4 � WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Rob Fulton Dir-Ramsey County Public Health W)266-2424 003309 Short, Ann F. Saint Pau1 Public Health/WIC 1210 Charles Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Work - 292-7000 None Listed Home - 647-0179 Nut. Asat./Public Health Heidi Barbarick 942 124th Lane N.w. coon Rapids, 55448 h) 767-5815 w) 774-0562 Stella Sola h) 789-3551 OS/30/97 W F Donna Spielman 1954 University Avenue, Suite 12 St. Paul, 55104 w) 292-7000 Council File # �� � p as Green Sheet � � `��� QR��7�i`#��. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the 2 appointments and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on a the SAINT PAUIrRAMSEY COiJNTY C011�41UNITY HEALTH SERVICES a COMII�IITTEE. s 6 7 e 9 io 11 12 13 Marsha Lea Andrews Mr. R. D. Brown Gabrielle Lawrence Lucille C. McCarty Ann F. Short �;?ul�F���i'7��7>� 7une 26, 1999 7une 26, 1999 June 2b, 1999 7une 26, 1999 7une 26, 1999 � 14 15 i5 REAPPOINTMENTS 17 ia Nancy White 7une 26, 1998 i9 Lucie Ferrell 7une 26, 1999 zo Mary Huot June 26, 1999 21 2 2 Requested by Department of: By: By: Appr By: SOLUTION CITY O;��I' PAUL, MINNESOTA Form Approved by City Attorney $y: _ 'L'���-✓�` C-2�— Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �� l�M� Adopted by Council: Date 1`� Adoption Certified by Council Se etary a'i-�'as %� h n DEPMiMENTKIFFIGFICOUNCIL DATEINITIATE� GREEN SHEET J( J � 4 Mayor Coleman's Office 6-24-97 CONI'ACTPERSON&PHONE �DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR rgCRYGOUNCIL �NRIAUDATE IJ AlbeYto Quintela 266-8529 ASSIGN �cmnno�EV OCI7YGLERK NUNBERFOF MUST BE ON CAUNC�L AGENDA BY (DATE) pQ�ypG � BUDGEf DIRE(AOR O FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. OROEN � MAVOR (OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACfION RE�UE5TE�: Approval of appts. of Marsha Andrews, R.D. Brown, Gabrielle Lawrence, Lucille McCarty & Ann Short AND the reappts. oE Lucie Ferrell, Mary Huot,and Nancy.White Eo�serye on xhe � Saint Paul-Ramsey County Community Health Services Advisoxy Co�ittee. ' REGOMMENOATI�t�S: Approve (A) or Pe7ea (R) pERSONAL SEqVICE CONTBACT5 MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PL4NNING CAMMISSI�N __ CfVI� SERYICE COMMISSION �- Has this perso�Rirm ever worked under a rqntract for this department? _ C18 COMMITTEE _ YES NO _ S7qFF _ 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO _ DISTRIC7 COUP7 _ 3. Does this personRirm possess a skill not normally po55essed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHIGN CAUNCII O&IEGTIVEP YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whay When. Where, Why): ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED' DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Ccwnc� �rch Ce�t�1' JUN 2 � 1997 - -; DISADVANTAGES IF NO7 APPROVED. -_ ' TOTAL AMOUN7 OF TRANSAC710N $ COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfiG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FIhANCfAL INFORFfiATION' (EXPLAIN} q �-��s Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Saint Paul Citv_ Councilmembers Council President David Thune Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Counciimember Joseph Collins Councilmember Michael FIarris Counci]member Roberta Megazd Councilmember Gladys Morton FROM: Roger C. Curtis �'�' ` Assistant to the Mayor DATE: June 24, 1997 RE: Saint Paul-Ramsey County Commun+ty Heatth Services Advisory Committee Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointments and reappointments of the following individuals to seroe on the Saint Paul-Ran�sey County Community Health Services Advisory Committee. APPOIlV'I'MENTS Mazsha Lea Andrews Mr. R D. Brown Gabrielle Lawrence Lucille C. McCarty Ann F. Short REAPPOINTMENTS Nancy White Lucie Ferrell Mazy Auot TERM EXPIRES June 26, 1999 June 26, 1999 7une 26,1999 7une 26, 1949 7une 26, 1999 7une 26,1998 June 26, 1999 June 26, 1999 Attached is a copy of the resolurion recommending these individuals, copies of the new appointees' applications and an applicant report listing applicants on file since 3anuary 1, 1994. Alberto Quintela handles appointcnents to this committee; however, he is out of the office umil 7une 30, 1997. Feel free to contact Alberto at 266-8529 if you wish to discuss these appointments and reappointments. Attachments c: Nancy Anderson, Council Reseazch Dr. Neal Holton, Saint Paul Public Health Diane Holmgren, Saint Paul Public Health � �� ����,�� Name: Home Address OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAINT RAIIL, MINNESOTA 55 266-8525_ FAX: 26b-8513 � ��uti? :'�� JUP� 0 3 199 � ��� 56 7 (,v�t �fe Bea2 }� Ve _.�� •�'a. cc G � v b 6 Street City Zip xelephone t3umber: (Home) 77'�-Q'/3� cLlorx) 336 _.(�[ Q?/- �py(� Planni.ng District Gauncil: � � City Coimcil Qard:,� � T J Pre£exred Hailing Addzess: �f� �'t � ✓�S' /�b O VC, Ahat is your occupation? ..t7 �� • ���e� �,�LCi2G�1�S u2q QG�� (� . 0 Rlace of Employment: t� Co�ittee(s) Applied For: facn� Commun.i.-�� �JeaC�I-h R-dv�so�, �amm��� or f 1'na�av's .Ad.v �sa�� C.oµ.�i�-E{'ee �o.. ���l ts),�>1-G� D isa�.��'cs . ,� What skills/training or eaperience do pou possess for the committee(s) £o= vhich pou seek appointment? S. have w u-� ��. �e��✓e c_n�us(-�v -�o�— a�pro�u.`�a.-F�lv I8 trea.�s, ;{-�ants h�.ue eon�. m�dse� - T'e.�4ti�n�c,� �o N`� e�.cu-se� ,i _ Z 6 �e.�.�eue� m�l vc�^1 e� c�u.u�e�" ass� c�c�S ,6u. cT�.�c�( — � - a e� �E�,r C6�+v�.rw -(�'ee, . T-¢-x�cZa,ri evu�c� o.� —�Pirn�s,rewc� c�hah�'�;� i,, w`�.cc1v �n'�c� -�or r � 'p- � L L(�CC.Y`S as d'��- de,S�r 6'� o., a-x-�"or�cc�aL�, Or_c�--c�i4n-��i', . JJot,.J �-�ta# Z}xLV2 Z C�. 5� crn � I,v h.t,E.t-1 Ca,r� �c.�t�on �s The information included in this application is conside=ed private data acco=ding to the ?Sinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this in£ormation is not released to the gene=al puhlic. (OVEIt) Rev.4/21/93 PII2SONAL REFERENCES �^5 . �(,�r7e �r2m6N�c Address: � � s� � , y � �' . ��' • �� 5St06 Phone: `(Home) `-! �(�- 55 i 2 n Name: D�vie."{�e �5o..r�SC•1 Address U �. SS1�'� Phone : (Home) �� -�� v i (Aork) � 5 l- � Q l Q x�e: �a � S��+er Address:'1�� I .rtf2aU�?CC, ��. �AtOa�.�a-tAVJ 5S1]C Fhone:_ CHome) �`l-3q' ���-a {pork) "139 - 9 3 8 Reasons for your interest i.n this particular committee: � D e,ueU¢, �,p��eSS 1rinP�rstt�.'t18� Yxt�w� �'c� CL�cS 1.�.�e, �72,rie�cPC W c,i-� c�L�11 4,s,�i-�a 2!'0.�.��4lz�e.. vn,x.tti�� -�-o `l�I?e 4§aaemen-l-ion��S eom,n;{�S. �r' d`esi..-�-} be � restaans�ble me,Mbp,r ��,a j��'� , �rd=�attv be. �.�1,-�+ lliri a �t-I-� �al • Have qou had previ.ous cantact vith the committee for vhich you are making application. I£ so, vhen, and circumstances? � Sn an attempt to ensvxe that co�ittee representation reflects the makeup o£ ovr co�rnity, please check the line applicable to you. This i.nformation is strictly voluntaxy. � White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander dmerican Indian or Alaskan Eskimo 21a1e � Female Disabled: Yes Date of Birth: I�IyIJ 2 No � `� If special accommodations are needed, please specifp. Hov did you fieaz about this opening? �� s «�" N� wS�F}�E�. ��� 3 = . .^� (�� � � ��I�''V �/r g ?-f���,j�L� QFFICE OF THE bIAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA 55102 266-8525 FAX 2b6-8513 APR 15 ;997 in��:�i�R t�}Ft Name RD Brown Home Address: 2100 Niles Avenue Saint Paul 55116 Street City Zip Telephone Number: (HO1�IE) 698-3345 (�V012K) 627-5840 (FAXI 627-8118 Planning District Council: City Council Ward: Preferred NIaifing Address: 2100 Niles Avenue, Saint Paul, bIN ��ll6-1140 What is your occupation? Healthcare Piace of Employment: NationlS Marrow Donor Ptroaram Committee(s) Applied For: Civic Center Authoritv. Civil Service Commission Alternat`! Communitv He:tlth Services Advisorv Committee Saint Paul Nei�hborhood Parks and Recreation Commission. Plannine Commission nnd the Riverfront Corporation What skills/trnining or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? I have t�ventv (20) vears FinanciallAdministrntive exaerience as well as twentv (20) vears experience in the healthcare arena. Other emploved exnerience includes twentv (20) vears strat�ic planning and ten (10} years in the Information SvstemsltechnoloPV aren� Mv elected exuerience inchides that of an Advisorv Neiehborhood Commissioner in Washinaton, DC. Mv most recent volunteer exaerience inciudes the Mavor's Advisorv Committee for Peoale with Dislbilities — 5aint Pnul MN Site Councii Nlember for Horace M1nn Elementarv School — Saint Paul MN and the Commitment Defense for Hennepin Tlie information included in tltis appiication is considered pricate data according to tlie Minnesota Go�ermnent Data Practices Ac[. As a result, tlus information is not released m the genera] pnblic. %'�% (O VER) Rev. 2/28/96 Countv. Mv nrevious volunteer exqerience consisted of Mavor's Btock Grant Committee — �Vashington, DC I have over twenty- (20) vears communitv service servin2 on various boards, committees and commissions while living in Cleveland. Ohio and Washinaton. DC. I believe that my diverse educational, business and ethnic/cultural backaround would be an asset to anv commission or committee to which I am apnointed Reasons for your interest in these particular committees: As a new member of the Saint Pai�l familv. I want to become involved with mv. communitv. I believe that the committees listed above will give me an onportunitv to use mv venrs of exuerience in � verv uroductive manner for mv communiri. If one is not involved in iheir communitv. it ceases to be a communitv. $ave you had previous contact with the committees for which you are making application? In an nttempt to ensure that committee representntion reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. Tl�is informatio� is sYricYly volantary. White Hispanic Asian or Plcific Islander X Black (African American) Americln Indiln/Allska Eskimo X Ma1e Female D1te of Birth: Januarv 1. 1946 Disabled: Yes X If specia( accommodations are needed, please specify. None are needed as I am mobile. How did you hear lbout this opening? News Reiease at the Recreation Centers. R ?-��S 2100 Niies Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 :► ::� ..i (612) 627-5840 Office (612) 698-3345 Residence (612) 419-]946 Cellular CAREER SUMMARY Financial/administrative executive with hventy years' experience in the healthcare industry. Extensive experience in Information Systems. An innovative problem solver, with a strang team orientation, and a record ol'solid financial, administrat+ve and information systems contributions. Results oriented teader with an ability to integrate the strategic, operational and financial aspects of a business. Strong membership and marketing exposure. Experienced as an editorial director of an association quarterly news publ+cntion. A well rounded, educationa! experience with a master's degree in Business and a master's degree in Health Services Administration. Certified by Healthcare Financial Management Association as a Certified Healthcare Financial Professional. Maintain membership in organizations such as the American College of Healthcare Executives, American Academy of Medical Administrators, National Association of Health Services Bxecutives and the Americ�n College of Healthcare Information Administrators. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 12/95 - Present Nltional Marrow Donor Program Director, Donor Services Minneapolis, MN For the National Marrow Donor Pro2ram (NMDP): Director, Donor Services. Direct nationwide functions to include all multiracial and multiethnic volunteer donor recruitment, donor reYention, education, donor service and qunlity assurance programs along with the direct supervision of off-site staff (Washington, D.C.) and Donor Services assistant directors and coordinators. As part of the NMDP senior manaeement team develops and implements the donor service aspects of the NMDP strategic business plan. Oversight and contract negotiation of ninety-nine domestic donor centers. 10/94 - 12/95 Nntionll Medicll Association (NMA) Deputy Director/Project Coordinator W ashington, D.C. For the National Medical Association (NMA): Deputy Director/Project Coordinator for the National Minority Mentor Recruitment Network (NMMRN). This is a joint nationwide project between NMA and the U.S. Public Heaith Service to provide African-Americln medical students with African- American physician mentors and support resources to pursue careers in primary care. • Achievements: Increased the percentages of inedical students (mentees) matched �vith physicians (mentors) nationwide 40% within six months. Managed the conversion of al! 5,000 physicia» and siudent participanYs from a stand- alone daYabase to Yhe association's integraYed management information system f3MIS) database. Integrity of the database increased 100%. InstituYed a mentor/mentee program with dentists and dental students nationwide. Production and Editoria! Director of the Nebvork Nervs, a qaarterly publication mailed to S,OOOt members and friends of the mentor network Ol/93 - 8l30/94 HBO & Company Director, FM OuYSO�rcing MISBusiness Oftice Operations Commission on Mental Heatth Services: Account Manager and Project Director for two contracts at the District of Columbil Commission on Ment�l AealthServices to operate and maintain the Information System facility and a business office operation. The facility is a 1,400-bed inpatient psychiatric teaching facilitp with fiee outpatient clinics with a census of 7;L00. Facilities are in culturally diverse areas of the city and trent both ldults and ldotescents. Achievements: Negotiated a 3.2 million-doUar Information Systems one-year contract each fiscal year with the Commission on Mental $e:tlth Services/District of Columbia Government during the District of Columbia's severe financial crisis in fiscal years 1993,1994 and 1995. Negotiated a 19 million-dollar B,usiness Office one-year contract elch £scal yearwith the Commission on Mental.Health Services/District of Columbia Government during the District of Columbia's severe finnncial crisis i� fiscal years 1993, 1994 and 1995. Increased the productivity of remaining staff during a period of downsizing 1988 - 1993 HealthQuest (HBO & Company Division) Director, Business Office Operations For Commission on Mental Aealth Services (previouslv St. Elizabeths Hospital. National Institute of Mental Health); Director o� a project in which HealthQuest (Division of HBO & Company) implemented and operated a Hospital Business Office. The facility is a 1,400-bed inpatient psychiatric teaching facility with five outpatient clinics with a census of 7,?00. Facitities are in culturally diverse areas of the city and treat both adults and adolescents. • Achievements: During the transition of St. Elizabeths Hospital from the federal jurisdiction to the District of Columbia, successfufly merged the approximately 10,000 clients of the District of Cotumbia Mental Health Services and St. Elizabeths Hospital to form the Commission on Mental Health Services wifhout any disruption to patient service. Successfulty negotiated a three-year $6.75 million Business O(fice Contract with the Commission on Mental Health Services. Designed the outpatient admission unit for the Outpatient clinics that were merged into the.Commission. This unit was responsible for the 7,2001ong term Commission outpatients. 9�-��s 1984 -1988 HBO & Company-Deputy Director, — Business Office For Commission on Mental Health Services (previouslv St. Elizabeths Hospital, National Institute of Mental Health): Deputy Director on a project in which HealthQuest (Division of HBO & Company) impiemented and operated a Aospital Business Otfice. • Achievements: • Instituted procedures with the hospital legal department that resulted in the collection of all uncollectible accounts averaging $50-75,000 per account irom conservators. • Designed and assisted in the impiementation of the HospitalBusiness Office financial reports currently being utilized by the Commission on Mental Health Services. These reports nllowed the CFO and business office staff to track revenue, days outstanding nnd 111 other pertinent financial information. • Designed and assisted in the implementation of the Collection and Accounts Receivables On Line Query system. This system allowed the business office stafS to have immediate access to the patient bilfing database for entry, query and updating oF all patient and financial records. • Assisted in the successful negotiation of a four-year eight (8) million-dollar Business Office contract with St. Elizabeths Hospital, Nntional Institute of Mental Health. EDUCATION: Columbia Pacific University, San Rafael, CA MA Health Services Administration (1989) Columbia Pacific University, San Rafael, CA MA Business Administration (1989) Baldwin Wallace College, Berea, OH Gradunte Courses-Bus. Admin. ( 1979-1981) Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH Mgmt. & Acctg. Seminars (1977-1981) Central College, Pella, IA BA Bus. Admin. & Mgmt. (1976) PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS: • American Cotlege of Healthcare Executives, (ACHE). • Healthcare Financial Management Association, (HFMA). Advanced member, Certified Healthcare Financial Professional (CHFP, 1989). • American Academy of Medical Administrators, (AAMA). • Americln College of Heaithcare Information Administrators, (ACHIA). • American Academy of Managed Care Administrators, (A.AMCA). • Association of Donoc Recruitment Professionals. (ADRP). COM�IUNITY ACTIVITIES: Member--Saint Paut Mayor's Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities Mem6er--Commitment Defense Panet Advisory Board--Hennepin County Bar Association Member--5aint Paul Horace Niann Elementary School Site Council REFERENCES OF I2D $rown Craig W.S. Howe, MD, Ph.D. Chief Executive OfFicer National Marrow Donor Program 3433 Broadway Street, NE Suite 500 blinneapolis, MN 55413 (612)627-5800 Patricia Coppo Chief Operatina Of6cer tiational blarrow Donor Program 3433 Broadway Street, NE Suite 500 Minneapolis, MN 55413 (612) 627-5800 Gordon Bryan Chief Financial Officer National Marrow Donor Program 3433 Broadway Street, NE Suite 500 Minneapolis, MN 55413 (612)627-5800 Freddie John Martin, Ph.D. Director National Minority Recruitment Network Commissioner Commission on Mental Health Services (CMHS) 2700 niartin Luther King Jr. Ave., SE Administration Building, First Floor Washington, D.C. ?0032 {202)373-7166 Michael blcGuire President/CEO Rational Heaith Tech Division of ACS Corp. 3119 St. Ives Country Club Parlcway Duluth, GA 30316 (404) 495-1485 Mr. McGuire was the former Vice President, Outsourcing Services at HBO cg Compan}�, Atlanta, GA. I reported directly to Mr. NlcGuire during my tenure as Director, FM Outsourcing Services. Daltoa Tong, FHFMA, MBA, CPA President and CEO Greater Southeast Healthcare System 1310 Southern Avenue Washington, D.C.20032 (202) 574-6675 (NMMRN) National Medical Association IOI2 Tentfi Street, NW �Vashirtgton, D.C.20002 {202) 347-1895 ext. 32 (800) 662-0�54 ext. 32 (800) 662-0779 ext. 32 Guido Z1nni, Ph.D. MAY-16-96 06:35 FROM: ST.PAUL RAMSEY MEO.CIR. ID: 6322212194 PAGE 2 saaY-�-s9% iz=z6 sr �a �zc r��rri 6t2 z2z 2rrre a.e2� � 394 ,Ci�x Ha1,L ' � S,AZDIT PAII� I�.INHESOTA 55202 � ��� � �- i � " ��. 266-8525. FaX: 266-8513 � � � �ab�E�E�e I,awrre�c� x�B: - - - ,.. Baae Addrsss: "E'fV tiF/YY4V(JU'/Ut e7t • t s { t ••• -• , • •• ,• i �-v - Street �ir�' - - ZiP Talaphoae Ilnmhe=: _i Plaaniag Districi Coa Yrefezrsd ]lai2is�y A3d Vhac is 7otu cccupati Rl.acc EmpSo7ment: Commxttet(s} Appli.ed , " Sha jnfoYmatiaa 3ncT.vded in this applieatioa is coasidered private data sccordissg to the Hizmesots Gavarnent pata Pzaetices Act, /u a zescit, this infozmatiaa is aac zeleased to the genez:I publie. � € <�vE&) , xev.4lZl/93 F .�: _ � � GhaC sY311sjtzai,a�ng or �zieace do yau pbs,ss;ss �or the commxtcee(s) £or which yeu aeek ����c��_�.�rY J MAY-16-96 06:36 FROM: ST_PAUL RAMSEY MED.CTR_ !WY-�B--1996 12= ST PF.I�.FC FF%Tt�! ��a:. �i v�d� ��+�� ad�u=:� � 45Z-qll3 w .....-7 •.,�,,•._ _ _ • �.i.�.i.... .�...i Name: addzeas P�✓� , �t� c�, ���e. � �� , ��� �-� J 0 � C ct.ce ' �+{�c� �` � tu,�- a , Saoe yau had previoeu conuct with the eoamittee �or vhieh you are makS,ug applicaeian. Zf so, vhea,�aad cixevmstaaeesT ' ' _YVI� . . .._ .._. Ia aa attemy� to ensace that co�mictee repseseaeation zeileats tha maiceup of onr co�mit�, please check tAe lfae npg23cab2e ;to,yea. This infozna=�rny ;s suzctip volnatar�. � -. . �4hite'(Cxacasian) S3spavic Blaek (Afzicaa American) dsian ar paex�ic Ir2sader Emiricaa iadiaa or A2askan Eskimo ' � � " f -- . � � 3�3�5( Faq1e Data of Bi.rth: ` - .. - . . •. , . Disab2ad: Yas ga � ' Sf spe�iai acEommodatioas a=e aeaded, Pxaase 'spe�y£y; .. �, 8a�r did 7ou hear abont, �s open3ng7 � 0 � ID: 6122212194 , PAG� 3 612 222 2'lT0 P.03i@3 s � TQTAI. P.03 Reasoas Per paaY i.ntarest in this particula=' com�y=te�: t �(J L� WL. - t (�(Gp � ( t'.� ��.r�. (�.e G. .�b�t -h ur _ na� �o �n,� � �.�.�;,,� � .� r�� r� �t�„ h,�,. Oi't1C.^' Oc' Lnt Y.i-,YC.;_Z n `� �� �,^,. �i, 3 9 d C2TY HALL Y� J ��` SAINT PAUL� MINNESOTA 55102 � �l� n 2b ! 6 � -8525 = " PAX: 265-8513 Name: ��+e �vLLC�vy� `-'. /' l (/�.�1 . Home Address: S �� �'��G/� � � /l' /�/�-Y/ � ` �/ Streez . City � Telephone Yvu.. (Hoael t��Z�2Z��7'� (�7ork) _ _ g � Plann3ng District Co�cil: City Counc�l uara: i PreferredHailin Address• .�p �!!' /"/•tictJ�-il�1.�`1. SS�a . $ • �� �/" W � R'hat is your occupat3on? v� / i - «R3.ace �of Eaployaent: ��! 0� ?"�Q� 'f'D e�/rt�y a'�' a Co�ittee(s) Applied For: 0 �� ����,�'se ��� �AY 0 6 1997 . ��`7 Sl �Z� - Zip � 0 �� �d�.� G�it''l.tl7-CC�� v n . - v �� Ahat skills/training or esperience do you possess for the comaittee(s) for unicn you seek appointment? —/Y i ll/l�it/ a1. G��.a��.l^^. �LC� 7� �h�'�'�-'^� � /�1/P�r � 5 �l.iv�vt.✓ � . -�t�n.�e�,.�.��. �- �c. � ..__.- r � � �� 6 �� � � � � a.l� 1 _.. � 0 ; L, ,i y • � �� � � ° - U�� �- ��� � S 3-�9s�� - �� �. �'�...,� - .�r��- . . . f .. The inforsation included in this pplication is considered =ivate data acco=ding to the Hinnesota Governer.t Data P=actices Act. As a result, this information is not releasz� to the gene=a public. �?'J/ • ,j.� � . (/+l� ��/�v � �+'� . � ' ll.tiJ .�� f "�- � �OV�R) E Rev. 2i28(96 PERSONAL REFERENCES v.....,.., / �i_. �/- - - Address: Phone: Name: Address: Phone: tlame Addr Phon � � !JY! � '"`�'�"�--r' { �f/ ! l . W � Reasons £o= gour interest in this particular co�ittee:,� / ' i/ �%� �' (�+�� r"n-�—' �-c�- c �lt/��– n � , —�. �-t.� ) �/c! �'f Have you had pre ous contact vith the committee for vhich Tf so, vhein, and circvmstancesY � n�t-'LYr�:f;Y2.� �rit�"�, R��e� �j,.���,� , are makin appli��io� n. _�/ � �/ � w"%`o � f�- � In an attempt to ensure that cosmittee representation reflects the makeup of oar commmnity, please check the line applicable to pou. This information is strictly voluntary. ✓ White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander American Tndian or Alaskan Eskimo �ale ��� Female Date o£ Birth; '7 "Z-� O Disabled: Yes xo � If special acco�odations are needed, p2ease specifp. Hov did you hear about this opening? l� ��5� � ��-- � �� E�,��,�,2� ! ��Q % {�✓�r!„ �J 390 cITY x1�T.,L . L X���� SAIIQT PAIIL, MIN.YESOTA 55102 - . 266-8525_' FAX: 266-8513 n . ,� � �iLI�� �H�ti2(.�S �VE � � � :•,:� f�[�, $one Address: �L-dV I �{� y � ���v r Street City �` ����� ` QG\re. Zin Tele�hone 2luaber: (Ho�e) U1 `t' I�O� " 1/ CL7ork) 0 •���-�) Planr_ing Diszrict Cov�^_cil: City Council Aard: Preferred Hailing Address: ,��� l��j�� �/�i c�i' f/,Ll.l.� mlv �'ll�;� S7'nat is qour occnpation? nlf�.�i �UV1 �S�i1S��.tl'L"� T � Place�of F�nloq�ent: Co�ittee(s) Applied Ghat sYills/training or esperience do you possess £or the co�ittee(s) sor vnicn pou see.l appointment? . . , . . , . - • . ,� . _ � , , ., +i ,1 . . n . .I .� �� ! � � ♦ _ � + I � �!_ L l.t< • ♦ Tne in£or+,�tion incleded in this application is considered private dzta eccorcing to t^e Hinr_esota Governient Data Practices Act. As z result, this inzor+,_ztioa is not releesed to the general public. ,_.�;�:.,� 9�-��S v�AY 3 0 1�31 (ODE.Tt) g 2J28/96 PEFtS�NAL REFERENCES Ram.e: ��;�1�q�y� Address:�_ Phone: (Home) 1( Name: �XLYdGL',X7((,L. Address: Phone:_ (Home) � � Name:_�'S7y�� �i Address: i �,(Y1 Phone: C8one1 CGOrici .;Z.��, '](��[��� Reasons for your interest in thi:s particular coa�ittee Have you h�ad previ� c taEt vith the� mm�� for If so, vhen, and circvmstances7 � �_ �.Y}et,.L 'i`l.. c . i_ -_ ` :c- . , . In an attempt to ensuze that cosmittee representation re£lects the makeup o£ our comecunity, please check the line applicable to you. This info=mation is stzictly volvntary. V White (Caucasian) Hispanzc Slack (A£rican American) Asian or Pacific Islander Aaerican Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Hale ,�. Feraale Disabled: Yes No �1 Date of Birth: V I�c���Co�n If special accommodations are needed, please specify. Hov did you hear about this openingT ' l� l� n (�ph �(a�n t ATYI Ij)�II� 9�-�as 1VIINNESOTA AFSCNI.E COUNCIL N0,14 300 Ii.aRDMAN AVEh'UE 506173 • SU(TE 2 SO[1TEt SA[M' PA(7[., hU�h'ESOTA 55075-2469 (612) 455-077� FaX (612) 455-1311 �o+n C1E1ar /NabapeUtnn f{taa r`.�u�3'��L Norm Coleman, Mayor Room 390 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boutevard St. Paul, MN 55102 A �� �� 1 JJ1 _: �;_� v'�Yir: Apri123, 1997 Deaz Mayor Coleman: It is my understanding there are two City vacancies on the Community Health Services Advisory Committee. I would like to recommend Ann Short to be appointed to the Committee. Ann is a member of the Si. Paul Technical Employees Locai t&42 and lives at 121� Charles Ave_ She is currently on a parental leave of ak�sence from her Nutrition Assistant position at St. Paul Public Health, but is available to serve on the CHS Committee. With the impending combining of the City and County Health departments on 7uly 1�, I believe Ann will provide unique insights into the need to provide quality health services for St. Paul residents and will be able to provide valuable advice during the transition to a joint City County Health Department. S� erely, ��g��� Roger Sie�al, Execuhve Duector AFSCME Councii No. 14 cc Rohin Madsen Mary Kilgus Peter Aames � q�-�as 06-02-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COHMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 1 COMMITTEE : JCCHSAC Health Services Adv. Comm. FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1J44 APPLZCANT ( REFERENCE COMMENTS 003170 Andrews, Tiarsha Lea 567 White Bear Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55106 Home - 774-0438 A11ina Flealth System Work - 336-5982 FAX 8713040 Asaistant Buyer Mrs. June Fremont 1754 E. 4th St. St. Paul, 55106 h) 776-5512 Danette swaneon 396 E. Viking Dr. Maplewood, 55117 h) 772-4404 w) 851-1910 Bob Slagter 9197 Andrea Dr. Woodbury, 55125 h) 739-1120 w) 739-9383 003282 Belgea, Nicole 2223 W. County Road B Roaeville, MN 55113 Home - 636-5357 Full-time U of M Student Tom & Pay Lyons 568 Zona Lane Roseville, MN 55113 h) 484-7612 Gerald McCauley 1925 Jerrold Avenue Arden Hills, MN 55112 h) 633-3665 w) 631�1724 Debbie Wolf 1438 148th Avenue Andover, MN 55304 h) 434-2852 w) 631-1724 � WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEii D1S DISTRZCT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COHHITTEES SERVING ON) "--- -'------- ---�---- ------_- °^ "-- --- 7 1 06f03/9fi W F 04f14f97 W F 003173 Brown, R. D. 3 15 04/15/97 B M 2100 Ni1es Avenue Mayora Advisory Committee �'�-�� 06-02-97 APPYICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICAI3TS REPORT PAGE 2 COMMITTEE : SCCHSAC Health Service9 Adv. Comm. FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1(94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS � WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR} (OTHER COMHZTTEES SERVING ON} �--- -------- ------^- -------- --- --- --- St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - 698-3345 National Marrow Donoi Program Work - 627-5840 FAX 6278118 Aealth Caze Pzofessional Patricia Coppo , Chief Operating Officer Natl. Marrow Donor Proqram 3433 Broadway St., N.E., Ste. 500 Mpls., 55413 627-5800 Freddie John Martin, Ph.D., Director Natl. Minority Recruitment Network National Medical Assn. 1012 Tenth street, N.W. Washington, DC 20001 (202) 347-1895, Ext. 32 (800) 662-0554, Ext. 32 (800) 662-0779 Guido Zanni, Ph.D., Commissioner Commission on Mental Health Services 2700 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. S.E. Administration B1dg., lst Floor Washington, DC 20032 (202) 373-7166 Michael McGUire PresidentfCEO National Health Tech Div, af AcS Corp 3119 St. Ives Country Club Parkway Duluth, GA 30316 (404) 495-1485 Dalton Tong, FHFMA, MBA, CPA President & CEO Greater S.E. Health Care System 1310 Southern Avenue Washington, DC 20032 (202) 574-6675 003169 Lawrence, Gabrielle 2 16 OS/16/96 W F 970 Lombard q7-�aS 06-02-97 COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 3 APPLICANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE : JCCHSAC Health Services Adv. Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 " , APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEI3 DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR} (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ONj St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 281-0236 Ramsey Clinic 5t. Paul Ramsey Medical Center Work - 221-3122 FAX 2212194 Health Care Administrator 003304 McCarty, Lucille (Lucy) C. 573 Summit Avenue St. Paul, HN 55102 Home - 224-3843 1 8 05/06/97 W F Nurse Cindy Von Feldt 701 Woodrige Drive Mendota Hgts., MN 450-1804 Marsha Gorman and Mark Gorman 611 Svmmit Avenue hj 224-1123 Gail Foreman 688 Waodridge Drive 457-6455 002964 Mitchell, Susan A11ina Health System 5601 Smetana Drive P.O. Box 9310 Minneapolis, MN 55440 16 03J30/95 W F Work - 992-3948 1009 Fairmount Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 227-6679 Director-COmmunity Health 9 �-�as 06-02-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : JCCHSAC Health Services Adv. Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AETER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS Joan Mishek 736 Osceola Avenue St. Paul H) 224-9381 Susan Haigh 910 Fairmount St. Paul, MN H) 224-3178 PAGE 4 � WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Rob Fulton Dir-Ramsey County Public Health W)266-2424 003309 Short, Ann F. Saint Pau1 Public Health/WIC 1210 Charles Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Work - 292-7000 None Listed Home - 647-0179 Nut. Asat./Public Health Heidi Barbarick 942 124th Lane N.w. coon Rapids, 55448 h) 767-5815 w) 774-0562 Stella Sola h) 789-3551 OS/30/97 W F Donna Spielman 1954 University Avenue, Suite 12 St. Paul, 55104 w) 292-7000 Council File # �� � p as Green Sheet � � `��� QR��7�i`#��. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the 2 appointments and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on a the SAINT PAUIrRAMSEY COiJNTY C011�41UNITY HEALTH SERVICES a COMII�IITTEE. s 6 7 e 9 io 11 12 13 Marsha Lea Andrews Mr. R. D. Brown Gabrielle Lawrence Lucille C. McCarty Ann F. Short �;?ul�F���i'7��7>� 7une 26, 1999 7une 26, 1999 June 2b, 1999 7une 26, 1999 7une 26, 1999 � 14 15 i5 REAPPOINTMENTS 17 ia Nancy White 7une 26, 1998 i9 Lucie Ferrell 7une 26, 1999 zo Mary Huot June 26, 1999 21 2 2 Requested by Department of: By: By: Appr By: SOLUTION CITY O;��I' PAUL, MINNESOTA Form Approved by City Attorney $y: _ 'L'���-✓�` C-2�— Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �� l�M� Adopted by Council: Date 1`� Adoption Certified by Council Se etary a'i-�'as %� h n DEPMiMENTKIFFIGFICOUNCIL DATEINITIATE� GREEN SHEET J( J � 4 Mayor Coleman's Office 6-24-97 CONI'ACTPERSON&PHONE �DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR rgCRYGOUNCIL �NRIAUDATE IJ AlbeYto Quintela 266-8529 ASSIGN �cmnno�EV OCI7YGLERK NUNBERFOF MUST BE ON CAUNC�L AGENDA BY (DATE) pQ�ypG � BUDGEf DIRE(AOR O FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. OROEN � MAVOR (OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACfION RE�UE5TE�: Approval of appts. of Marsha Andrews, R.D. Brown, Gabrielle Lawrence, Lucille McCarty & Ann Short AND the reappts. oE Lucie Ferrell, Mary Huot,and Nancy.White Eo�serye on xhe � Saint Paul-Ramsey County Community Health Services Advisoxy Co�ittee. ' REGOMMENOATI�t�S: Approve (A) or Pe7ea (R) pERSONAL SEqVICE CONTBACT5 MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PL4NNING CAMMISSI�N __ CfVI� SERYICE COMMISSION �- Has this perso�Rirm ever worked under a rqntract for this department? _ C18 COMMITTEE _ YES NO _ S7qFF _ 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO _ DISTRIC7 COUP7 _ 3. Does this personRirm possess a skill not normally po55essed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHIGN CAUNCII O&IEGTIVEP YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whay When. Where, Why): ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED' DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Ccwnc� �rch Ce�t�1' JUN 2 � 1997 - -; DISADVANTAGES IF NO7 APPROVED. -_ ' TOTAL AMOUN7 OF TRANSAC710N $ COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfiG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FIhANCfAL INFORFfiATION' (EXPLAIN} q �-��s Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Saint Paul Citv_ Councilmembers Council President David Thune Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Counciimember Joseph Collins Councilmember Michael FIarris Counci]member Roberta Megazd Councilmember Gladys Morton FROM: Roger C. Curtis �'�' ` Assistant to the Mayor DATE: June 24, 1997 RE: Saint Paul-Ramsey County Commun+ty Heatth Services Advisory Committee Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointments and reappointments of the following individuals to seroe on the Saint Paul-Ran�sey County Community Health Services Advisory Committee. APPOIlV'I'MENTS Mazsha Lea Andrews Mr. R D. Brown Gabrielle Lawrence Lucille C. McCarty Ann F. Short REAPPOINTMENTS Nancy White Lucie Ferrell Mazy Auot TERM EXPIRES June 26, 1999 June 26, 1999 7une 26,1999 7une 26, 1949 7une 26, 1999 7une 26,1998 June 26, 1999 June 26, 1999 Attached is a copy of the resolurion recommending these individuals, copies of the new appointees' applications and an applicant report listing applicants on file since 3anuary 1, 1994. Alberto Quintela handles appointcnents to this committee; however, he is out of the office umil 7une 30, 1997. Feel free to contact Alberto at 266-8529 if you wish to discuss these appointments and reappointments. Attachments c: Nancy Anderson, Council Reseazch Dr. Neal Holton, Saint Paul Public Health Diane Holmgren, Saint Paul Public Health � �� ����,�� Name: Home Address OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAINT RAIIL, MINNESOTA 55 266-8525_ FAX: 26b-8513 � ��uti? :'�� JUP� 0 3 199 � ��� 56 7 (,v�t �fe Bea2 }� Ve _.�� •�'a. cc G � v b 6 Street City Zip xelephone t3umber: (Home) 77'�-Q'/3� cLlorx) 336 _.(�[ Q?/- �py(� Planni.ng District Gauncil: � � City Coimcil Qard:,� � T J Pre£exred Hailing Addzess: �f� �'t � ✓�S' /�b O VC, Ahat is your occupation? ..t7 �� • ���e� �,�LCi2G�1�S u2q QG�� (� . 0 Rlace of Employment: t� Co�ittee(s) Applied For: facn� Commun.i.-�� �JeaC�I-h R-dv�so�, �amm��� or f 1'na�av's .Ad.v �sa�� C.oµ.�i�-E{'ee �o.. ���l ts),�>1-G� D isa�.��'cs . ,� What skills/training or eaperience do pou possess for the committee(s) £o= vhich pou seek appointment? S. have w u-� ��. �e��✓e c_n�us(-�v -�o�— a�pro�u.`�a.-F�lv I8 trea.�s, ;{-�ants h�.ue eon�. m�dse� - T'e.�4ti�n�c,� �o N`� e�.cu-se� ,i _ Z 6 �e.�.�eue� m�l vc�^1 e� c�u.u�e�" ass� c�c�S ,6u. cT�.�c�( — � - a e� �E�,r C6�+v�.rw -(�'ee, . T-¢-x�cZa,ri evu�c� o.� —�Pirn�s,rewc� c�hah�'�;� i,, w`�.cc1v �n'�c� -�or r � 'p- � L L(�CC.Y`S as d'��- de,S�r 6'� o., a-x-�"or�cc�aL�, Or_c�--c�i4n-��i', . JJot,.J �-�ta# Z}xLV2 Z C�. 5� crn � I,v h.t,E.t-1 Ca,r� �c.�t�on �s The information included in this application is conside=ed private data acco=ding to the ?Sinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this in£ormation is not released to the gene=al puhlic. (OVEIt) Rev.4/21/93 PII2SONAL REFERENCES �^5 . �(,�r7e �r2m6N�c Address: � � s� � , y � �' . ��' • �� 5St06 Phone: `(Home) `-! �(�- 55 i 2 n Name: D�vie."{�e �5o..r�SC•1 Address U �. SS1�'� Phone : (Home) �� -�� v i (Aork) � 5 l- � Q l Q x�e: �a � S��+er Address:'1�� I .rtf2aU�?CC, ��. �AtOa�.�a-tAVJ 5S1]C Fhone:_ CHome) �`l-3q' ���-a {pork) "139 - 9 3 8 Reasons for your interest i.n this particular committee: � D e,ueU¢, �,p��eSS 1rinP�rstt�.'t18� Yxt�w� �'c� CL�cS 1.�.�e, �72,rie�cPC W c,i-� c�L�11 4,s,�i-�a 2!'0.�.��4lz�e.. vn,x.tti�� -�-o `l�I?e 4§aaemen-l-ion��S eom,n;{�S. �r' d`esi..-�-} be � restaans�ble me,Mbp,r ��,a j��'� , �rd=�attv be. �.�1,-�+ lliri a �t-I-� �al • Have qou had previ.ous cantact vith the committee for vhich you are making application. I£ so, vhen, and circumstances? � Sn an attempt to ensvxe that co�ittee representation reflects the makeup o£ ovr co�rnity, please check the line applicable to you. This i.nformation is strictly voluntaxy. � White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander dmerican Indian or Alaskan Eskimo 21a1e � Female Disabled: Yes Date of Birth: I�IyIJ 2 No � `� If special accommodations are needed, please specifp. Hov did you fieaz about this opening? �� s «�" N� wS�F}�E�. ��� 3 = . .^� (�� � � ��I�''V �/r g ?-f���,j�L� QFFICE OF THE bIAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA 55102 266-8525 FAX 2b6-8513 APR 15 ;997 in��:�i�R t�}Ft Name RD Brown Home Address: 2100 Niles Avenue Saint Paul 55116 Street City Zip Telephone Number: (HO1�IE) 698-3345 (�V012K) 627-5840 (FAXI 627-8118 Planning District Council: City Council Ward: Preferred NIaifing Address: 2100 Niles Avenue, Saint Paul, bIN ��ll6-1140 What is your occupation? Healthcare Piace of Employment: NationlS Marrow Donor Ptroaram Committee(s) Applied For: Civic Center Authoritv. Civil Service Commission Alternat`! Communitv He:tlth Services Advisorv Committee Saint Paul Nei�hborhood Parks and Recreation Commission. Plannine Commission nnd the Riverfront Corporation What skills/trnining or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? I have t�ventv (20) vears FinanciallAdministrntive exaerience as well as twentv (20) vears experience in the healthcare arena. Other emploved exnerience includes twentv (20) vears strat�ic planning and ten (10} years in the Information SvstemsltechnoloPV aren� Mv elected exuerience inchides that of an Advisorv Neiehborhood Commissioner in Washinaton, DC. Mv most recent volunteer exaerience inciudes the Mavor's Advisorv Committee for Peoale with Dislbilities — 5aint Pnul MN Site Councii Nlember for Horace M1nn Elementarv School — Saint Paul MN and the Commitment Defense for Hennepin Tlie information included in tltis appiication is considered pricate data according to tlie Minnesota Go�ermnent Data Practices Ac[. As a result, tlus information is not released m the genera] pnblic. %'�% (O VER) Rev. 2/28/96 Countv. Mv nrevious volunteer exqerience consisted of Mavor's Btock Grant Committee — �Vashington, DC I have over twenty- (20) vears communitv service servin2 on various boards, committees and commissions while living in Cleveland. Ohio and Washinaton. DC. I believe that my diverse educational, business and ethnic/cultural backaround would be an asset to anv commission or committee to which I am apnointed Reasons for your interest in these particular committees: As a new member of the Saint Pai�l familv. I want to become involved with mv. communitv. I believe that the committees listed above will give me an onportunitv to use mv venrs of exuerience in � verv uroductive manner for mv communiri. If one is not involved in iheir communitv. it ceases to be a communitv. $ave you had previous contact with the committees for which you are making application? In an nttempt to ensure that committee representntion reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. Tl�is informatio� is sYricYly volantary. White Hispanic Asian or Plcific Islander X Black (African American) Americln Indiln/Allska Eskimo X Ma1e Female D1te of Birth: Januarv 1. 1946 Disabled: Yes X If specia( accommodations are needed, please specify. None are needed as I am mobile. How did you hear lbout this opening? News Reiease at the Recreation Centers. R ?-��S 2100 Niies Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 :► ::� ..i (612) 627-5840 Office (612) 698-3345 Residence (612) 419-]946 Cellular CAREER SUMMARY Financial/administrative executive with hventy years' experience in the healthcare industry. Extensive experience in Information Systems. An innovative problem solver, with a strang team orientation, and a record ol'solid financial, administrat+ve and information systems contributions. Results oriented teader with an ability to integrate the strategic, operational and financial aspects of a business. Strong membership and marketing exposure. Experienced as an editorial director of an association quarterly news publ+cntion. A well rounded, educationa! experience with a master's degree in Business and a master's degree in Health Services Administration. Certified by Healthcare Financial Management Association as a Certified Healthcare Financial Professional. Maintain membership in organizations such as the American College of Healthcare Executives, American Academy of Medical Administrators, National Association of Health Services Bxecutives and the Americ�n College of Healthcare Information Administrators. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 12/95 - Present Nltional Marrow Donor Program Director, Donor Services Minneapolis, MN For the National Marrow Donor Pro2ram (NMDP): Director, Donor Services. Direct nationwide functions to include all multiracial and multiethnic volunteer donor recruitment, donor reYention, education, donor service and qunlity assurance programs along with the direct supervision of off-site staff (Washington, D.C.) and Donor Services assistant directors and coordinators. As part of the NMDP senior manaeement team develops and implements the donor service aspects of the NMDP strategic business plan. Oversight and contract negotiation of ninety-nine domestic donor centers. 10/94 - 12/95 Nntionll Medicll Association (NMA) Deputy Director/Project Coordinator W ashington, D.C. For the National Medical Association (NMA): Deputy Director/Project Coordinator for the National Minority Mentor Recruitment Network (NMMRN). This is a joint nationwide project between NMA and the U.S. Public Heaith Service to provide African-Americln medical students with African- American physician mentors and support resources to pursue careers in primary care. • Achievements: Increased the percentages of inedical students (mentees) matched �vith physicians (mentors) nationwide 40% within six months. Managed the conversion of al! 5,000 physicia» and siudent participanYs from a stand- alone daYabase to Yhe association's integraYed management information system f3MIS) database. Integrity of the database increased 100%. InstituYed a mentor/mentee program with dentists and dental students nationwide. Production and Editoria! Director of the Nebvork Nervs, a qaarterly publication mailed to S,OOOt members and friends of the mentor network Ol/93 - 8l30/94 HBO & Company Director, FM OuYSO�rcing MISBusiness Oftice Operations Commission on Mental Heatth Services: Account Manager and Project Director for two contracts at the District of Columbil Commission on Ment�l AealthServices to operate and maintain the Information System facility and a business office operation. The facility is a 1,400-bed inpatient psychiatric teaching facilitp with fiee outpatient clinics with a census of 7;L00. Facilities are in culturally diverse areas of the city and trent both ldults and ldotescents. Achievements: Negotiated a 3.2 million-doUar Information Systems one-year contract each fiscal year with the Commission on Mental $e:tlth Services/District of Columbia Government during the District of Columbia's severe financial crisis in fiscal years 1993,1994 and 1995. Negotiated a 19 million-dollar B,usiness Office one-year contract elch £scal yearwith the Commission on Mental.Health Services/District of Columbia Government during the District of Columbia's severe finnncial crisis i� fiscal years 1993, 1994 and 1995. Increased the productivity of remaining staff during a period of downsizing 1988 - 1993 HealthQuest (HBO & Company Division) Director, Business Office Operations For Commission on Mental Aealth Services (previouslv St. Elizabeths Hospital. National Institute of Mental Health); Director o� a project in which HealthQuest (Division of HBO & Company) implemented and operated a Hospital Business Office. The facility is a 1,400-bed inpatient psychiatric teaching facility with five outpatient clinics with a census of 7,?00. Facitities are in culturally diverse areas of the city and treat both adults and adolescents. • Achievements: During the transition of St. Elizabeths Hospital from the federal jurisdiction to the District of Columbia, successfufly merged the approximately 10,000 clients of the District of Cotumbia Mental Health Services and St. Elizabeths Hospital to form the Commission on Mental Health Services wifhout any disruption to patient service. Successfulty negotiated a three-year $6.75 million Business O(fice Contract with the Commission on Mental Health Services. Designed the outpatient admission unit for the Outpatient clinics that were merged into the.Commission. This unit was responsible for the 7,2001ong term Commission outpatients. 9�-��s 1984 -1988 HBO & Company-Deputy Director, — Business Office For Commission on Mental Health Services (previouslv St. Elizabeths Hospital, National Institute of Mental Health): Deputy Director on a project in which HealthQuest (Division of HBO & Company) impiemented and operated a Aospital Business Otfice. • Achievements: • Instituted procedures with the hospital legal department that resulted in the collection of all uncollectible accounts averaging $50-75,000 per account irom conservators. • Designed and assisted in the impiementation of the HospitalBusiness Office financial reports currently being utilized by the Commission on Mental Health Services. These reports nllowed the CFO and business office staff to track revenue, days outstanding nnd 111 other pertinent financial information. • Designed and assisted in the implementation of the Collection and Accounts Receivables On Line Query system. This system allowed the business office stafS to have immediate access to the patient bilfing database for entry, query and updating oF all patient and financial records. • Assisted in the successful negotiation of a four-year eight (8) million-dollar Business Office contract with St. Elizabeths Hospital, Nntional Institute of Mental Health. EDUCATION: Columbia Pacific University, San Rafael, CA MA Health Services Administration (1989) Columbia Pacific University, San Rafael, CA MA Business Administration (1989) Baldwin Wallace College, Berea, OH Gradunte Courses-Bus. Admin. ( 1979-1981) Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH Mgmt. & Acctg. Seminars (1977-1981) Central College, Pella, IA BA Bus. Admin. & Mgmt. (1976) PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS: • American Cotlege of Healthcare Executives, (ACHE). • Healthcare Financial Management Association, (HFMA). Advanced member, Certified Healthcare Financial Professional (CHFP, 1989). • American Academy of Medical Administrators, (AAMA). • Americln College of Heaithcare Information Administrators, (ACHIA). • American Academy of Managed Care Administrators, (A.AMCA). • Association of Donoc Recruitment Professionals. (ADRP). COM�IUNITY ACTIVITIES: Member--Saint Paut Mayor's Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities Mem6er--Commitment Defense Panet Advisory Board--Hennepin County Bar Association Member--5aint Paul Horace Niann Elementary School Site Council REFERENCES OF I2D $rown Craig W.S. Howe, MD, Ph.D. Chief Executive OfFicer National Marrow Donor Program 3433 Broadway Street, NE Suite 500 blinneapolis, MN 55413 (612)627-5800 Patricia Coppo Chief Operatina Of6cer tiational blarrow Donor Program 3433 Broadway Street, NE Suite 500 Minneapolis, MN 55413 (612) 627-5800 Gordon Bryan Chief Financial Officer National Marrow Donor Program 3433 Broadway Street, NE Suite 500 Minneapolis, MN 55413 (612)627-5800 Freddie John Martin, Ph.D. Director National Minority Recruitment Network Commissioner Commission on Mental Health Services (CMHS) 2700 niartin Luther King Jr. Ave., SE Administration Building, First Floor Washington, D.C. ?0032 {202)373-7166 Michael blcGuire President/CEO Rational Heaith Tech Division of ACS Corp. 3119 St. Ives Country Club Parlcway Duluth, GA 30316 (404) 495-1485 Mr. McGuire was the former Vice President, Outsourcing Services at HBO cg Compan}�, Atlanta, GA. I reported directly to Mr. NlcGuire during my tenure as Director, FM Outsourcing Services. Daltoa Tong, FHFMA, MBA, CPA President and CEO Greater Southeast Healthcare System 1310 Southern Avenue Washington, D.C.20032 (202) 574-6675 (NMMRN) National Medical Association IOI2 Tentfi Street, NW �Vashirtgton, D.C.20002 {202) 347-1895 ext. 32 (800) 662-0�54 ext. 32 (800) 662-0779 ext. 32 Guido Z1nni, Ph.D. MAY-16-96 06:35 FROM: ST.PAUL RAMSEY MEO.CIR. ID: 6322212194 PAGE 2 saaY-�-s9% iz=z6 sr �a �zc r��rri 6t2 z2z 2rrre a.e2� � 394 ,Ci�x Ha1,L ' � S,AZDIT PAII� I�.INHESOTA 55202 � ��� � �- i � " ��. 266-8525. FaX: 266-8513 � � � �ab�E�E�e I,awrre�c� x�B: - - - ,.. Baae Addrsss: "E'fV tiF/YY4V(JU'/Ut e7t • t s { t ••• -• , • •• ,• i �-v - Street �ir�' - - ZiP Talaphoae Ilnmhe=: _i Plaaniag Districi Coa Yrefezrsd ]lai2is�y A3d Vhac is 7otu cccupati Rl.acc EmpSo7ment: Commxttet(s} Appli.ed , " Sha jnfoYmatiaa 3ncT.vded in this applieatioa is coasidered private data sccordissg to the Hizmesots Gavarnent pata Pzaetices Act, /u a zescit, this infozmatiaa is aac zeleased to the genez:I publie. � € <�vE&) , xev.4lZl/93 F .�: _ � � GhaC sY311sjtzai,a�ng or �zieace do yau pbs,ss;ss �or the commxtcee(s) £or which yeu aeek ����c��_�.�rY J MAY-16-96 06:36 FROM: ST_PAUL RAMSEY MED.CTR_ !WY-�B--1996 12= ST PF.I�.FC FF%Tt�! ��a:. �i v�d� ��+�� ad�u=:� � 45Z-qll3 w .....-7 •.,�,,•._ _ _ • �.i.�.i.... .�...i Name: addzeas P�✓� , �t� c�, ���e. � �� , ��� �-� J 0 � C ct.ce ' �+{�c� �` � tu,�- a , Saoe yau had previoeu conuct with the eoamittee �or vhieh you are makS,ug applicaeian. Zf so, vhea,�aad cixevmstaaeesT ' ' _YVI� . . .._ .._. Ia aa attemy� to ensace that co�mictee repseseaeation zeileats tha maiceup of onr co�mit�, please check tAe lfae npg23cab2e ;to,yea. This infozna=�rny ;s suzctip volnatar�. � -. . �4hite'(Cxacasian) S3spavic Blaek (Afzicaa American) dsian ar paex�ic Ir2sader Emiricaa iadiaa or A2askan Eskimo ' � � " f -- . � � 3�3�5( Faq1e Data of Bi.rth: ` - .. - . . •. , . Disab2ad: Yas ga � ' Sf spe�iai acEommodatioas a=e aeaded, Pxaase 'spe�y£y; .. �, 8a�r did 7ou hear abont, �s open3ng7 � 0 � ID: 6122212194 , PAG� 3 612 222 2'lT0 P.03i@3 s � TQTAI. P.03 Reasoas Per paaY i.ntarest in this particula=' com�y=te�: t �(J L� WL. - t (�(Gp � ( t'.� ��.r�. (�.e G. .�b�t -h ur _ na� �o �n,� � �.�.�;,,� � .� r�� r� �t�„ h,�,. Oi't1C.^' Oc' Lnt Y.i-,YC.;_Z n `� �� �,^,. �i, 3 9 d C2TY HALL Y� J ��` SAINT PAUL� MINNESOTA 55102 � �l� n 2b ! 6 � -8525 = " PAX: 265-8513 Name: ��+e �vLLC�vy� `-'. /' l (/�.�1 . Home Address: S �� �'��G/� � � /l' /�/�-Y/ � ` �/ Streez . City � Telephone Yvu.. (Hoael t��Z�2Z��7'� (�7ork) _ _ g � Plann3ng District Co�cil: City Counc�l uara: i PreferredHailin Address• .�p �!!' /"/•tictJ�-il�1.�`1. SS�a . $ • �� �/" W � R'hat is your occupat3on? v� / i - «R3.ace �of Eaployaent: ��! 0� ?"�Q� 'f'D e�/rt�y a'�' a Co�ittee(s) Applied For: 0 �� ����,�'se ��� �AY 0 6 1997 . ��`7 Sl �Z� - Zip � 0 �� �d�.� G�it''l.tl7-CC�� v n . - v �� Ahat skills/training or esperience do you possess for the comaittee(s) for unicn you seek appointment? —/Y i ll/l�it/ a1. G��.a��.l^^. �LC� 7� �h�'�'�-'^� � /�1/P�r � 5 �l.iv�vt.✓ � . -�t�n.�e�,.�.��. �- �c. � ..__.- r � � �� 6 �� � � � � a.l� 1 _.. � 0 ; L, ,i y • � �� � � ° - U�� �- ��� � S 3-�9s�� - �� �. �'�...,� - .�r��- . . . f .. The inforsation included in this pplication is considered =ivate data acco=ding to the Hinnesota Governer.t Data P=actices Act. As a result, this information is not releasz� to the gene=a public. �?'J/ • ,j.� � . (/+l� ��/�v � �+'� . � ' ll.tiJ .�� f "�- � �OV�R) E Rev. 2i28(96 PERSONAL REFERENCES v.....,.., / �i_. �/- - - Address: Phone: Name: Address: Phone: tlame Addr Phon � � !JY! � '"`�'�"�--r' { �f/ ! l . W � Reasons £o= gour interest in this particular co�ittee:,� / ' i/ �%� �' (�+�� r"n-�—' �-c�- c �lt/��– n � , —�. �-t.� ) �/c! �'f Have you had pre ous contact vith the committee for vhich Tf so, vhein, and circvmstancesY � n�t-'LYr�:f;Y2.� �rit�"�, R��e� �j,.���,� , are makin appli��io� n. _�/ � �/ � w"%`o � f�- � In an attempt to ensure that cosmittee representation reflects the makeup of oar commmnity, please check the line applicable to pou. This information is strictly voluntary. ✓ White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander American Tndian or Alaskan Eskimo �ale ��� Female Date o£ Birth; '7 "Z-� O Disabled: Yes xo � If special acco�odations are needed, p2ease specifp. Hov did you hear about this opening? l� ��5� � ��-- � �� E�,��,�,2� ! ��Q % {�✓�r!„ �J 390 cITY x1�T.,L . L X���� SAIIQT PAIIL, MIN.YESOTA 55102 - . 266-8525_' FAX: 266-8513 n . ,� � �iLI�� �H�ti2(.�S �VE � � � :•,:� f�[�, $one Address: �L-dV I �{� y � ���v r Street City �` ����� ` QG\re. Zin Tele�hone 2luaber: (Ho�e) U1 `t' I�O� " 1/ CL7ork) 0 •���-�) Planr_ing Diszrict Cov�^_cil: City Council Aard: Preferred Hailing Address: ,��� l��j�� �/�i c�i' f/,Ll.l.� mlv �'ll�;� S7'nat is qour occnpation? nlf�.�i �UV1 �S�i1S��.tl'L"� T � Place�of F�nloq�ent: Co�ittee(s) Applied Ghat sYills/training or esperience do you possess £or the co�ittee(s) sor vnicn pou see.l appointment? . . , . . , . - • . ,� . _ � , , ., +i ,1 . . n . .I .� �� ! � � ♦ _ � + I � �!_ L l.t< • ♦ Tne in£or+,�tion incleded in this application is considered private dzta eccorcing to t^e Hinr_esota Governient Data Practices Act. As z result, this inzor+,_ztioa is not releesed to the general public. ,_.�;�:.,� 9�-��S v�AY 3 0 1�31 (ODE.Tt) g 2J28/96 PEFtS�NAL REFERENCES Ram.e: ��;�1�q�y� Address:�_ Phone: (Home) 1( Name: �XLYdGL',X7((,L. Address: Phone:_ (Home) � � Name:_�'S7y�� �i Address: i �,(Y1 Phone: C8one1 CGOrici .;Z.��, '](��[��� Reasons for your interest in thi:s particular coa�ittee Have you h�ad previ� c taEt vith the� mm�� for If so, vhen, and circvmstances7 � �_ �.Y}et,.L 'i`l.. c . i_ -_ ` :c- . , . In an attempt to ensuze that cosmittee representation re£lects the makeup o£ our comecunity, please check the line applicable to you. This info=mation is stzictly volvntary. V White (Caucasian) Hispanzc Slack (A£rican American) Asian or Pacific Islander Aaerican Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Hale ,�. Feraale Disabled: Yes No �1 Date of Birth: V I�c���Co�n If special accommodations are needed, please specify. Hov did you hear about this openingT ' l� l� n (�ph �(a�n t ATYI Ij)�II� 9�-�as 1VIINNESOTA AFSCNI.E COUNCIL N0,14 300 Ii.aRDMAN AVEh'UE 506173 • SU(TE 2 SO[1TEt SA[M' PA(7[., hU�h'ESOTA 55075-2469 (612) 455-077� FaX (612) 455-1311 �o+n C1E1ar /NabapeUtnn f{taa r`.�u�3'��L Norm Coleman, Mayor Room 390 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boutevard St. Paul, MN 55102 A �� �� 1 JJ1 _: �;_� v'�Yir: Apri123, 1997 Deaz Mayor Coleman: It is my understanding there are two City vacancies on the Community Health Services Advisory Committee. I would like to recommend Ann Short to be appointed to the Committee. Ann is a member of the Si. Paul Technical Employees Locai t&42 and lives at 121� Charles Ave_ She is currently on a parental leave of ak�sence from her Nutrition Assistant position at St. Paul Public Health, but is available to serve on the CHS Committee. With the impending combining of the City and County Health departments on 7uly 1�, I believe Ann will provide unique insights into the need to provide quality health services for St. Paul residents and will be able to provide valuable advice during the transition to a joint City County Health Department. S� erely, ��g��� Roger Sie�al, Execuhve Duector AFSCME Councii No. 14 cc Rohin Madsen Mary Kilgus Peter Aames � q�-�as 06-02-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COHMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 1 COMMITTEE : JCCHSAC Health Services Adv. Comm. FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1J44 APPLZCANT ( REFERENCE COMMENTS 003170 Andrews, Tiarsha Lea 567 White Bear Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55106 Home - 774-0438 A11ina Flealth System Work - 336-5982 FAX 8713040 Asaistant Buyer Mrs. June Fremont 1754 E. 4th St. St. Paul, 55106 h) 776-5512 Danette swaneon 396 E. Viking Dr. Maplewood, 55117 h) 772-4404 w) 851-1910 Bob Slagter 9197 Andrea Dr. Woodbury, 55125 h) 739-1120 w) 739-9383 003282 Belgea, Nicole 2223 W. County Road B Roaeville, MN 55113 Home - 636-5357 Full-time U of M Student Tom & Pay Lyons 568 Zona Lane Roseville, MN 55113 h) 484-7612 Gerald McCauley 1925 Jerrold Avenue Arden Hills, MN 55112 h) 633-3665 w) 631�1724 Debbie Wolf 1438 148th Avenue Andover, MN 55304 h) 434-2852 w) 631-1724 � WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEii D1S DISTRZCT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COHHITTEES SERVING ON) "--- -'------- ---�---- ------_- °^ "-- --- 7 1 06f03/9fi W F 04f14f97 W F 003173 Brown, R. D. 3 15 04/15/97 B M 2100 Ni1es Avenue Mayora Advisory Committee �'�-�� 06-02-97 APPYICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICAI3TS REPORT PAGE 2 COMMITTEE : SCCHSAC Health Service9 Adv. Comm. FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1(94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS � WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR} (OTHER COMHZTTEES SERVING ON} �--- -------- ------^- -------- --- --- --- St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - 698-3345 National Marrow Donoi Program Work - 627-5840 FAX 6278118 Aealth Caze Pzofessional Patricia Coppo , Chief Operating Officer Natl. Marrow Donor Proqram 3433 Broadway St., N.E., Ste. 500 Mpls., 55413 627-5800 Freddie John Martin, Ph.D., Director Natl. Minority Recruitment Network National Medical Assn. 1012 Tenth street, N.W. Washington, DC 20001 (202) 347-1895, Ext. 32 (800) 662-0554, Ext. 32 (800) 662-0779 Guido Zanni, Ph.D., Commissioner Commission on Mental Health Services 2700 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. S.E. Administration B1dg., lst Floor Washington, DC 20032 (202) 373-7166 Michael McGUire PresidentfCEO National Health Tech Div, af AcS Corp 3119 St. Ives Country Club Parkway Duluth, GA 30316 (404) 495-1485 Dalton Tong, FHFMA, MBA, CPA President & CEO Greater S.E. Health Care System 1310 Southern Avenue Washington, DC 20032 (202) 574-6675 003169 Lawrence, Gabrielle 2 16 OS/16/96 W F 970 Lombard q7-�aS 06-02-97 COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 3 APPLICANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE : JCCHSAC Health Services Adv. Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 " , APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEI3 DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR} (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ONj St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 281-0236 Ramsey Clinic 5t. Paul Ramsey Medical Center Work - 221-3122 FAX 2212194 Health Care Administrator 003304 McCarty, Lucille (Lucy) C. 573 Summit Avenue St. Paul, HN 55102 Home - 224-3843 1 8 05/06/97 W F Nurse Cindy Von Feldt 701 Woodrige Drive Mendota Hgts., MN 450-1804 Marsha Gorman and Mark Gorman 611 Svmmit Avenue hj 224-1123 Gail Foreman 688 Waodridge Drive 457-6455 002964 Mitchell, Susan A11ina Health System 5601 Smetana Drive P.O. Box 9310 Minneapolis, MN 55440 16 03J30/95 W F Work - 992-3948 1009 Fairmount Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 227-6679 Director-COmmunity Health 9 �-�as 06-02-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : JCCHSAC Health Services Adv. Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AETER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS Joan Mishek 736 Osceola Avenue St. Paul H) 224-9381 Susan Haigh 910 Fairmount St. Paul, MN H) 224-3178 PAGE 4 � WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Rob Fulton Dir-Ramsey County Public Health W)266-2424 003309 Short, Ann F. Saint Pau1 Public Health/WIC 1210 Charles Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Work - 292-7000 None Listed Home - 647-0179 Nut. Asat./Public Health Heidi Barbarick 942 124th Lane N.w. coon Rapids, 55448 h) 767-5815 w) 774-0562 Stella Sola h) 789-3551 OS/30/97 W F Donna Spielman 1954 University Avenue, Suite 12 St. Paul, 55104 w) 292-7000