97-823Counail File $ l� — p «3 GYeen Sheet # _3' t� Presented By Referred To CITY OF RESOLUTION �Il�1T PAUL, MINNESOTA �' i 2 3 4 5 6 IiESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointment, made by the Mayor, of Jennifer Engh to serve on the SAINT PAUL PLANNING COMMISSION. 7ennifer Engh shall serve the remainder of Peg Birk's un�pired term. Tlvs term shall expire 7anuary 1, 1999. Requeated by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date ��. �°�`�� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Appz By: Form AppYOVed by City Attorney By: �� � Approved by Mayor for Submission o Council � � / �� - ga3 �7on� DEPAF7DAENTAFFICHCOUNCIL DATE INITIATED J/ V V J Ma or Coleman's 0£fice 6-26-97 G REEN SH EE CONTACT PEi150N S PHONE INITIAL/DATE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR �CITYCOUNCIL RO er C. CllTt15 266-8531 A ��� N �CRYATTOFNEV �CffYCLERK � MUST BE ON CqUNCIL A6ENDA BY (DATE) NUNHEH FOR O BUW ET DIRECTOR Q FIN. & MCaT. SERVICES DIR. ROUTItMa OFDER � MAYOR (OR ASSISTAN'n � TQTAI # OF SIGNATURE PAGES i (CLfP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of the appointment of ,TenniEer-Engh to serve on the Saint Paul Planning Commission. RECOMMENDA710N5. Apprwe (A) m Rejett (R) pEASONAL SEflVICE CONiFiACTS MUST ANSWER 7HE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNMG COMMISSION _ CNfL SERYICE COMMISSfON �� Nas this personfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this personttirm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISTHICTCOURT _ 3. Doesifus personttirm possess a skill noi normally possessetl by any curreni city employee? SUPPoRTSWHICHCOUNGLOBJEGTIVE? YES NO Exp{aIn al{ yes answers on separote aheet and attach to green sBeet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSl1E, OPPORTUNITY (WM, What, When, Where, WHy)�. A�VANiAGES IF APPRWED: DISADVAMAGES IFAPPROVEO: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF 7HANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIiG SOURCE ACTIYITY NUMBER FMANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) q�-�a3 q'. Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Saint Pau1 Ci� Councilmembers Council President David Thune Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Joseph Collins Councilmember 1�Tichael Harris Councilmember Roberta Megard Councilmember Gladys Morton li� DATE: i� Roger Curtis '� C • Assistant to the Mayor 7une 26, 1497 Planning Commission Appointment Attached is a revised resolution appointing 7eru�ifer Engh to serve on the Saint Paul Planning Commission. Ms. Engh shall fiil the remainder of Peg Birk's unexpired term. This term will expire on 7anuary 1, 1999. C.F. 97-738 was read for the second time and adopted at yesterday's Council meeting. This resolution listed the following individuais for appointment to the Pianning Commission. Jennifer Engh 5oliving K. Kong George Edwin 7ohnson Arlend Wilson All of the above individuals, with the exception of Ms. Engh, were appointed on 7une 25. Ms. Engh's appointmettt was laid over to July 2, 1997, Attached is a copy of Ms. Engh's application. Feel free to contact me at 266-8531 if you wish to discuss this matter. RCC:drm Attachments c: Nancy Anderson, Council Research Ken Ford, Planning Commission Staff --.. ., . .�vcrvv�� ItL�b11 Hpr 1� V i 1 1 1L<1UL 7 S112NT PAIIL� MINNESOTA 55102 , �•� � 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 N�e: _ J�,�,�'� �jt r.oz °l�l - $�.3 Home Address - �� � /��� . ' � /'�fJL �' S IC� Z Stseet Gity Zy Te2ephone Number: CBomel �� �- ��`i' � (pork) c�15 �� 2 (EAX) �'7- 3C Planning District Counci.l: � � City Council Gard: ;� � Preferred Hailing Address: (j�'� Slhat is your occupation2 �/sf�_��,t{/�v�j�j�.y — fQ� �/-��((EG� P1ace�of F�ploynent: _ Co�ittee(s) Applied For: �IG� ra Ahat sY,ills/training or esperience do pou possess for the committee(s) for vhicn pou seek appointment? ��� � The in£ormation included in this application is considered private d2ta according to tha Ninnesota Govezment Data Practices Act. As a resu2t, this inforaation is not releasez to the gene=al public. (OVEIt) R� 2,`28/96 ItL�b12 ttamc•_,_, Addres:: Phonc: Rpr 28 9T 9�02 No.003 P.03 q�- 5�.3 Name : ! �fl ( _"!/����L �. 7 Addzess � aa� So g ��5� l�ts Phone: (�ome) [S7ork) � 7� '1�� Name: Addre Phone• CHome) (WOrk) .�y Reasons for your interest in this particular co�uittee:,_ t�i�2��p Have qou had previous contact vith the committee for vhich you are making app2ication. Tf so, vhen, and circumstancesl In an attemgt to ensure that co�ittea representation reflects Lhe makeup of our community, please cheek the line applicable to you. This inEormation is strictly voluntarp. �White (Caucasian) Bispr.nic Black (Afzican American) Asian oz Pacific Zslandez American Indian or hlaskan Eskimo 2Sa1e � . � q _// Female Datc of Birth: _ O��Z f-i / Disabled: Xes ___ No � If special accommodations are needed, please specify. Hov did you hear about this opening7 ,_,t,�j,CUt�r�f�T 2 ��� .,..��+vii. rtCVCIVVt � Apri125, 1997 TO: PKOM: RE: TEL�612-297-5309 Apr 28 97 9�03 No.003 P.04 � � � � �� Tim Marx Jenny E gh. 7 " ✓ App]ication for Cily boards Thanks for forwarding Ihc application ma[erials for city board openings. I received it on 7Lesday of this weck, but found it )�riday in my mail (tax committce week, you know). Anyway, 1 think the dcadline may have been Apri123rd, but I l�ope 1 can still be considered. I am particulady interested in fhrcc of thc boards: Thc 13usiness lteview Council,l6c Pia�ning Canmission and thc Saint Paul Riverfront Cosporation. 1 feel that l am particularly qualified for these thrce boards with my experience botb working at ihc Legislawre (1985-19R7) anA as Uepuly Commissioner fw �he Minncsota bepartment of Trade and Economic Development (QTGt)) (1991-199G). During my tenure at DT8D,1 worked doscly with thc City of St. Paul on several budget and capital budget requests, including developing and starting thc Urban Initiative rund, Minnesota Job Skilis Partnership programs, the Science Museum bonding requests, and other business locatioiJrclocation projects and tourism projecis. 1 have worked closely with PEU (Larry Buegler) and thc Port Authoriry (Ken Johnson and Laurie Lauder) and understand Ihe Mayor's vision for St. Paul, the riverfront and future development efCorts. ! am very familiar wilh the City's wie-stop business efforts and afso with the varions ncighborhood development groups. St. Paul and Oie St. Pau) Neighborhood llevelopment groups (WIND-NllC in particufar) were particularly active and hcipful in S�elping QTGD start aud make the Urban Initiative LoTn fund successful. At the l.egislature 1 served as the fiscai analyst for the State Govcrnment division of the then-I louse Appropriations committee. 1 have a working knowledge of govermne��t budgels and public financing, as wcli as civil servicelpe�sonnel requirements and legislativelcity partnerships. All of these experiences pointed me toward applying for one of the threc cosiunittees S have 4istsd. i have lived in St. Paui sincc I rcturned from Washington, D.C. in 1985. I hope you and Uie Mayor car� consider my application and please do not hesilate to contact me if you havc any questions or need funhcr inforination. My pager is 539-9010. Thank you for your eonsideration. � nu �-/N2l3rrl �y �jr�u c,4-.t r���t U �� �2�u�Q Counail File $ l� — p «3 GYeen Sheet # _3' t� Presented By Referred To CITY OF RESOLUTION �Il�1T PAUL, MINNESOTA �' i 2 3 4 5 6 IiESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointment, made by the Mayor, of Jennifer Engh to serve on the SAINT PAUL PLANNING COMMISSION. 7ennifer Engh shall serve the remainder of Peg Birk's un�pired term. Tlvs term shall expire 7anuary 1, 1999. Requeated by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date ��. �°�`�� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Appz By: Form AppYOVed by City Attorney By: �� � Approved by Mayor for Submission o Council � � / �� - ga3 �7on� DEPAF7DAENTAFFICHCOUNCIL DATE INITIATED J/ V V J Ma or Coleman's 0£fice 6-26-97 G REEN SH EE CONTACT PEi150N S PHONE INITIAL/DATE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR �CITYCOUNCIL RO er C. CllTt15 266-8531 A ��� N �CRYATTOFNEV �CffYCLERK � MUST BE ON CqUNCIL A6ENDA BY (DATE) NUNHEH FOR O BUW ET DIRECTOR Q FIN. & MCaT. SERVICES DIR. ROUTItMa OFDER � MAYOR (OR ASSISTAN'n � TQTAI # OF SIGNATURE PAGES i (CLfP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of the appointment of ,TenniEer-Engh to serve on the Saint Paul Planning Commission. RECOMMENDA710N5. Apprwe (A) m Rejett (R) pEASONAL SEflVICE CONiFiACTS MUST ANSWER 7HE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNMG COMMISSION _ CNfL SERYICE COMMISSfON �� Nas this personfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this personttirm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISTHICTCOURT _ 3. Doesifus personttirm possess a skill noi normally possessetl by any curreni city employee? SUPPoRTSWHICHCOUNGLOBJEGTIVE? YES NO Exp{aIn al{ yes answers on separote aheet and attach to green sBeet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSl1E, OPPORTUNITY (WM, What, When, Where, WHy)�. A�VANiAGES IF APPRWED: DISADVAMAGES IFAPPROVEO: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF 7HANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIiG SOURCE ACTIYITY NUMBER FMANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) q�-�a3 q'. Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Saint Pau1 Ci� Councilmembers Council President David Thune Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Joseph Collins Councilmember 1�Tichael Harris Councilmember Roberta Megard Councilmember Gladys Morton li� DATE: i� Roger Curtis '� C • Assistant to the Mayor 7une 26, 1497 Planning Commission Appointment Attached is a revised resolution appointing 7eru�ifer Engh to serve on the Saint Paul Planning Commission. Ms. Engh shall fiil the remainder of Peg Birk's unexpired term. This term will expire on 7anuary 1, 1999. C.F. 97-738 was read for the second time and adopted at yesterday's Council meeting. This resolution listed the following individuais for appointment to the Pianning Commission. Jennifer Engh 5oliving K. Kong George Edwin 7ohnson Arlend Wilson All of the above individuals, with the exception of Ms. Engh, were appointed on 7une 25. Ms. Engh's appointmettt was laid over to July 2, 1997, Attached is a copy of Ms. Engh's application. Feel free to contact me at 266-8531 if you wish to discuss this matter. RCC:drm Attachments c: Nancy Anderson, Council Research Ken Ford, Planning Commission Staff --.. ., . .�vcrvv�� ItL�b11 Hpr 1� V i 1 1 1L<1UL 7 S112NT PAIIL� MINNESOTA 55102 , �•� � 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 N�e: _ J�,�,�'� �jt r.oz °l�l - $�.3 Home Address - �� � /��� . ' � /'�fJL �' S IC� Z Stseet Gity Zy Te2ephone Number: CBomel �� �- ��`i' � (pork) c�15 �� 2 (EAX) �'7- 3C Planning District Counci.l: � � City Council Gard: ;� � Preferred Hailing Address: (j�'� Slhat is your occupation2 �/sf�_��,t{/�v�j�j�.y — fQ� �/-��((EG� P1ace�of F�ploynent: _ Co�ittee(s) Applied For: �IG� ra Ahat sY,ills/training or esperience do pou possess for the committee(s) for vhicn pou seek appointment? ��� � The in£ormation included in this application is considered private d2ta according to tha Ninnesota Govezment Data Practices Act. As a resu2t, this inforaation is not releasez to the gene=al public. (OVEIt) R� 2,`28/96 ItL�b12 ttamc•_,_, Addres:: Phonc: Rpr 28 9T 9�02 No.003 P.03 q�- 5�.3 Name : ! �fl ( _"!/����L �. 7 Addzess � aa� So g ��5� l�ts Phone: (�ome) [S7ork) � 7� '1�� Name: Addre Phone• CHome) (WOrk) .�y Reasons for your interest in this particular co�uittee:,_ t�i�2��p Have qou had previous contact vith the committee for vhich you are making app2ication. Tf so, vhen, and circumstancesl In an attemgt to ensure that co�ittea representation reflects Lhe makeup of our community, please cheek the line applicable to you. This inEormation is strictly voluntarp. �White (Caucasian) Bispr.nic Black (Afzican American) Asian oz Pacific Zslandez American Indian or hlaskan Eskimo 2Sa1e � . � q _// Female Datc of Birth: _ O��Z f-i / Disabled: Xes ___ No � If special accommodations are needed, please specify. Hov did you hear about this opening7 ,_,t,�j,CUt�r�f�T 2 ��� .,..��+vii. rtCVCIVVt � Apri125, 1997 TO: PKOM: RE: TEL�612-297-5309 Apr 28 97 9�03 No.003 P.04 � � � � �� Tim Marx Jenny E gh. 7 " ✓ App]ication for Cily boards Thanks for forwarding Ihc application ma[erials for city board openings. I received it on 7Lesday of this weck, but found it )�riday in my mail (tax committce week, you know). Anyway, 1 think the dcadline may have been Apri123rd, but I l�ope 1 can still be considered. I am particulady interested in fhrcc of thc boards: Thc 13usiness lteview Council,l6c Pia�ning Canmission and thc Saint Paul Riverfront Cosporation. 1 feel that l am particularly qualified for these thrce boards with my experience botb working at ihc Legislawre (1985-19R7) anA as Uepuly Commissioner fw �he Minncsota bepartment of Trade and Economic Development (QTGt)) (1991-199G). During my tenure at DT8D,1 worked doscly with thc City of St. Paul on several budget and capital budget requests, including developing and starting thc Urban Initiative rund, Minnesota Job Skilis Partnership programs, the Science Museum bonding requests, and other business locatioiJrclocation projects and tourism projecis. 1 have worked closely with PEU (Larry Buegler) and thc Port Authoriry (Ken Johnson and Laurie Lauder) and understand Ihe Mayor's vision for St. Paul, the riverfront and future development efCorts. ! am very familiar wilh the City's wie-stop business efforts and afso with the varions ncighborhood development groups. St. Paul and Oie St. Pau) Neighborhood llevelopment groups (WIND-NllC in particufar) were particularly active and hcipful in S�elping QTGD start aud make the Urban Initiative LoTn fund successful. At the l.egislature 1 served as the fiscai analyst for the State Govcrnment division of the then-I louse Appropriations committee. 1 have a working knowledge of govermne��t budgels and public financing, as wcli as civil servicelpe�sonnel requirements and legislativelcity partnerships. All of these experiences pointed me toward applying for one of the threc cosiunittees S have 4istsd. i have lived in St. Paui sincc I rcturned from Washington, D.C. in 1985. I hope you and Uie Mayor car� consider my application and please do not hesilate to contact me if you havc any questions or need funhcr inforination. My pager is 539-9010. Thank you for your eonsideration. � nu �-/N2l3rrl �y �jr�u c,4-.t r���t U �� �2�u�Q Counail File $ l� — p «3 GYeen Sheet # _3' t� Presented By Referred To CITY OF RESOLUTION �Il�1T PAUL, MINNESOTA �' i 2 3 4 5 6 IiESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointment, made by the Mayor, of Jennifer Engh to serve on the SAINT PAUL PLANNING COMMISSION. 7ennifer Engh shall serve the remainder of Peg Birk's un�pired term. Tlvs term shall expire 7anuary 1, 1999. Requeated by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date ��. �°�`�� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Appz By: Form AppYOVed by City Attorney By: �� � Approved by Mayor for Submission o Council � � / �� - ga3 �7on� DEPAF7DAENTAFFICHCOUNCIL DATE INITIATED J/ V V J Ma or Coleman's 0£fice 6-26-97 G REEN SH EE CONTACT PEi150N S PHONE INITIAL/DATE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR �CITYCOUNCIL RO er C. CllTt15 266-8531 A ��� N �CRYATTOFNEV �CffYCLERK � MUST BE ON CqUNCIL A6ENDA BY (DATE) NUNHEH FOR O BUW ET DIRECTOR Q FIN. & MCaT. SERVICES DIR. ROUTItMa OFDER � MAYOR (OR ASSISTAN'n � TQTAI # OF SIGNATURE PAGES i (CLfP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of the appointment of ,TenniEer-Engh to serve on the Saint Paul Planning Commission. RECOMMENDA710N5. Apprwe (A) m Rejett (R) pEASONAL SEflVICE CONiFiACTS MUST ANSWER 7HE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNMG COMMISSION _ CNfL SERYICE COMMISSfON �� Nas this personfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this personttirm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISTHICTCOURT _ 3. Doesifus personttirm possess a skill noi normally possessetl by any curreni city employee? SUPPoRTSWHICHCOUNGLOBJEGTIVE? YES NO Exp{aIn al{ yes answers on separote aheet and attach to green sBeet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSl1E, OPPORTUNITY (WM, What, When, Where, WHy)�. A�VANiAGES IF APPRWED: DISADVAMAGES IFAPPROVEO: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF 7HANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIiG SOURCE ACTIYITY NUMBER FMANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) q�-�a3 q'. Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Saint Pau1 Ci� Councilmembers Council President David Thune Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Joseph Collins Councilmember 1�Tichael Harris Councilmember Roberta Megard Councilmember Gladys Morton li� DATE: i� Roger Curtis '� C • Assistant to the Mayor 7une 26, 1497 Planning Commission Appointment Attached is a revised resolution appointing 7eru�ifer Engh to serve on the Saint Paul Planning Commission. Ms. Engh shall fiil the remainder of Peg Birk's unexpired term. This term will expire on 7anuary 1, 1999. C.F. 97-738 was read for the second time and adopted at yesterday's Council meeting. This resolution listed the following individuais for appointment to the Pianning Commission. Jennifer Engh 5oliving K. Kong George Edwin 7ohnson Arlend Wilson All of the above individuals, with the exception of Ms. Engh, were appointed on 7une 25. Ms. Engh's appointmettt was laid over to July 2, 1997, Attached is a copy of Ms. Engh's application. Feel free to contact me at 266-8531 if you wish to discuss this matter. RCC:drm Attachments c: Nancy Anderson, Council Research Ken Ford, Planning Commission Staff --.. ., . .�vcrvv�� ItL�b11 Hpr 1� V i 1 1 1L<1UL 7 S112NT PAIIL� MINNESOTA 55102 , �•� � 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 N�e: _ J�,�,�'� �jt r.oz °l�l - $�.3 Home Address - �� � /��� . ' � /'�fJL �' S IC� Z Stseet Gity Zy Te2ephone Number: CBomel �� �- ��`i' � (pork) c�15 �� 2 (EAX) �'7- 3C Planning District Counci.l: � � City Council Gard: ;� � Preferred Hailing Address: (j�'� Slhat is your occupation2 �/sf�_��,t{/�v�j�j�.y — fQ� �/-��((EG� P1ace�of F�ploynent: _ Co�ittee(s) Applied For: �IG� ra Ahat sY,ills/training or esperience do pou possess for the committee(s) for vhicn pou seek appointment? ��� � The in£ormation included in this application is considered private d2ta according to tha Ninnesota Govezment Data Practices Act. As a resu2t, this inforaation is not releasez to the gene=al public. (OVEIt) R� 2,`28/96 ItL�b12 ttamc•_,_, Addres:: Phonc: Rpr 28 9T 9�02 No.003 P.03 q�- 5�.3 Name : ! �fl ( _"!/����L �. 7 Addzess � aa� So g ��5� l�ts Phone: (�ome) [S7ork) � 7� '1�� Name: Addre Phone• CHome) (WOrk) .�y Reasons for your interest in this particular co�uittee:,_ t�i�2��p Have qou had previous contact vith the committee for vhich you are making app2ication. Tf so, vhen, and circumstancesl In an attemgt to ensure that co�ittea representation reflects Lhe makeup of our community, please cheek the line applicable to you. This inEormation is strictly voluntarp. �White (Caucasian) Bispr.nic Black (Afzican American) Asian oz Pacific Zslandez American Indian or hlaskan Eskimo 2Sa1e � . � q _// Female Datc of Birth: _ O��Z f-i / Disabled: Xes ___ No � If special accommodations are needed, please specify. Hov did you hear about this opening7 ,_,t,�j,CUt�r�f�T 2 ��� .,..��+vii. rtCVCIVVt � Apri125, 1997 TO: PKOM: RE: TEL�612-297-5309 Apr 28 97 9�03 No.003 P.04 � � � � �� Tim Marx Jenny E gh. 7 " ✓ App]ication for Cily boards Thanks for forwarding Ihc application ma[erials for city board openings. I received it on 7Lesday of this weck, but found it )�riday in my mail (tax committce week, you know). Anyway, 1 think the dcadline may have been Apri123rd, but I l�ope 1 can still be considered. I am particulady interested in fhrcc of thc boards: Thc 13usiness lteview Council,l6c Pia�ning Canmission and thc Saint Paul Riverfront Cosporation. 1 feel that l am particularly qualified for these thrce boards with my experience botb working at ihc Legislawre (1985-19R7) anA as Uepuly Commissioner fw �he Minncsota bepartment of Trade and Economic Development (QTGt)) (1991-199G). During my tenure at DT8D,1 worked doscly with thc City of St. Paul on several budget and capital budget requests, including developing and starting thc Urban Initiative rund, Minnesota Job Skilis Partnership programs, the Science Museum bonding requests, and other business locatioiJrclocation projects and tourism projecis. 1 have worked closely with PEU (Larry Buegler) and thc Port Authoriry (Ken Johnson and Laurie Lauder) and understand Ihe Mayor's vision for St. Paul, the riverfront and future development efCorts. ! am very familiar wilh the City's wie-stop business efforts and afso with the varions ncighborhood development groups. St. Paul and Oie St. Pau) Neighborhood llevelopment groups (WIND-NllC in particufar) were particularly active and hcipful in S�elping QTGD start aud make the Urban Initiative LoTn fund successful. At the l.egislature 1 served as the fiscai analyst for the State Govcrnment division of the then-I louse Appropriations committee. 1 have a working knowledge of govermne��t budgels and public financing, as wcli as civil servicelpe�sonnel requirements and legislativelcity partnerships. All of these experiences pointed me toward applying for one of the threc cosiunittees S have 4istsd. i have lived in St. Paui sincc I rcturned from Washington, D.C. in 1985. I hope you and Uie Mayor car� consider my application and please do not hesilate to contact me if you havc any questions or need funhcr inforination. My pager is 539-9010. Thank you for your eonsideration. � nu �-/N2l3rrl �y �jr�u c,4-.t r���t U �� �2�u�Q