97-82,�^�� �°°q � y4, � �, a �.� � Council File # � 2 � �_ �., ;, n < �"� E ` � '"`� � ° ti � � � Green Sheet # 31999 RESOLUTfON CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MlNNESOTA Presented By Referred To WHEREAS, the DeparlmeM of Pubiic Works has amended Agreement #95019 with Ramsey County for participation in the cost of trattic signal revlsions on University Avenue at Pascal, Albert and Hamline using Trunk Highway Turnback dollars, and WHEREAS, this work is eligible for additional Municipal State Aid and PIA, and there is sufficient funtling available in the 1996 MNDOT and County Aid Participation projects to transfer to this prqect, and WHEREAS, this work was originalty adopted by City Council Resolution 92-1844, known as Log #SU-13XX, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul, upon recommentlation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted antl amended by this Council is hereby turther amended in following particular: /„� � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 �5 16 17 18 79 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5� 52 FINANCING PLAN � - UNIVERSITYfLEXINGTON SIGNAL csz-2Pnozo-zaona Committee: Aate Curtent Amentled Budget Change Budget 1992 Public Improvement Aid ' 38,820.00 38,S20.D0 1996PubliclmprovementAid — . . . 20,292.09� .20,292.09 � - . t�MunicipalSWteAid 35,000.00 18,38920 53,389.20 MnDOT 49,464.00 36,850.03 86,414.03 123284.00 75,631.32 198,915.32 SPENDING PLAN UNIVERSITV/LEXINGTON SIGNAL C92-2MO20 Plans & Construction FINANCING PLAN MND07 PARTICIPATION C96-2T463 123,284.00 75,631.32 798,915.32 123,284.00 75,631.32 198,915.32 MnDOT 14,040.00 74,040.00 County Aid 1�,500.00 t0,800.00 1996 Municipal State Aitl 50,000.00 -18,38920 31,610.80 74,840,00 -18,3892D 56,450.80 SPENDING PLAN MNDOT PARTICIPATION C96-2T483 Plans & Construction 74,8b0.00 -18,38920 56.450.80 74,840.00 -18,38920 56,450.80 . ; �.,. � � ;,:- _ �: & t✓ 6 e . A�f . . .. � . ..m. 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 FINANCING PLAN COUNTY AID PARTICIPATION C96-2T480 1996 Public Improvement Aid SPENDING PLAN COUNTY AID PARTICIPATION C96-2T480 Plans & Construction 23,487.73 -20,292.09 3,195.64 23,487.73 -20,292.09 3,195.64 23,487.73 -20,292.09 3,195.64 23,48�.73 -20,292.09 3,795.64 RESOLVED, that the City Council adopts the above changes to the Capital budget. fhe St. �aul Long - Range Capital Improvament Budget Committee received this request on ,date) _ � aad reco�n:cr�:s � � $ignetl: � Budgst Director of: `�. � - � - -'� Adopti Certified by Council Secretary By Q_ � , �� Approved by Mayor:� Date � �/t / � By: �r� � I � Requested by MJE/3b �� � sy: Form Appr, d by City A torney B . � � Approved by Mayor £or Submission to Council BY: � � Gf�' "' °�� �s Z 11-26-96 Adopted by Council: Date ��.s .���=� DEPAftTMENT/OFFIGE/CAUNCIi DATE INITIATED v \ ` L? � r�b���worx� u-z6-96 GREEN SHEET N0.3 CANTACTPERSON&PH�NE INITI ATE INITIAVDATE EPARTMENTDIAECTOR g CIT'COUNqL Michael7.Eggum 266-6143 r�'MBERwp �ciTVnrroaNer 0 anc�aK MUSTBEONCOI/NCILAGENDABY(DATE) ROIRIN(3 �BUDGETOFFlCE � FlNANCE-ACCOUNTIN OFDER Q MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn 1 ike Eggum 'j�� TOTAL # OF S{GNATURE PAGES � (CLlP ALl LOCAt10NS FOR SIGNATUR� ❑3 �P Prq M9r O DEPARiMF_NT ACCOU � �� �' ACTION REQUESTED Approval of Council Resolution amending the 1992 Capital Improvement Program by hansferring spending and financing from the 1996 MNDOT and Counry Aid Participation projects and adding County Aid Trunk Highway Tumback fundin� to the University-Midway Mazket Place signal project. , RECOMMENDAi10NS:qoprore(A)orpeject(R) pERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEfOLLOWINGQUE NS= _PIANNINGGOMMISSION_CINLSERVICECAMMISSION 7_ HasthispersoNfirtneverworkeduntleracorrtrac[forihistlepartmenY? CIB CoMM�7TEE YES NO STAFF 2- Has ihis perso�rtn ever been a city employee? — — YES NO _ DiSTAiCT COUNCIL _ 3. Does this person/Firtn possess a skill not nortnally possessetl by any c ent ci emp e? SUPPORTSWH�CHCOUNCILO&IECiIVE? YES NO F�cpiain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PR08LEM.ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY): The Department of Pubic Works has entered into an agreement with Ramsey County for participafion in the cost of traffic signals on University Avenue at Pascal, Albert & Hamline in conjunction with the Midway Mazket Place Shopping Center Development. Actual cosu have exceeded budget due to scheduling and conhactor coordination complicauons. This work is also eligible for additional Municipal State Aid and PIA funding. There is sufficient funding in the 1996 MNDOT and County Aid Participation projects to transfer to this project. This project was originally adopted by City Council File 92-1844, known as Log #S-13XX. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. The Depariment of Public Works will be able ro accept monies from Ramsey County per agreement and to complete contract foz the revision of traffic signals on University Avenue from Pascal to Hamline. �A �.� �� �Q i�.6�.„_ ,_. . ._.,_.w.. i.rad�fl4� v;�;"�; 2 � i�3�� ItECEt�D DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: �vone. �A�y �g 1997 ' ������ I�ttYOR'S OFF�rc JAN 1 � 1997 ���� �� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Financing and spending budget will not reflect actual availahle amounts and completian of contract will be delayed. ���6�F� y- �v p =� 159� { l.� ��� i3Fe[�� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ R�50 03 COSVREYENUE BODGETED (CIRCLE ONE} YES w� FUNDmG SoURCE 199b MSA, Ramsey Co & PIA Acnv�rv NUrtneER C92-2MO2Q C96-2T463 & C96-2T480 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPIAIN) Transfers - $ 38,68129 Additions - $36,950.03 ,�^�� �°°q � y4, � �, a �.� � Council File # � 2 � �_ �., ;, n < �"� E ` � '"`� � ° ti � � � Green Sheet # 31999 RESOLUTfON CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MlNNESOTA Presented By Referred To WHEREAS, the DeparlmeM of Pubiic Works has amended Agreement #95019 with Ramsey County for participation in the cost of trattic signal revlsions on University Avenue at Pascal, Albert and Hamline using Trunk Highway Turnback dollars, and WHEREAS, this work is eligible for additional Municipal State Aid and PIA, and there is sufficient funtling available in the 1996 MNDOT and County Aid Participation projects to transfer to this prqect, and WHEREAS, this work was originalty adopted by City Council Resolution 92-1844, known as Log #SU-13XX, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul, upon recommentlation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted antl amended by this Council is hereby turther amended in following particular: /„� � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 �5 16 17 18 79 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5� 52 FINANCING PLAN � - UNIVERSITYfLEXINGTON SIGNAL csz-2Pnozo-zaona Committee: Aate Curtent Amentled Budget Change Budget 1992 Public Improvement Aid ' 38,820.00 38,S20.D0 1996PubliclmprovementAid — . . . 20,292.09� .20,292.09 � - . t�MunicipalSWteAid 35,000.00 18,38920 53,389.20 MnDOT 49,464.00 36,850.03 86,414.03 123284.00 75,631.32 198,915.32 SPENDING PLAN UNIVERSITV/LEXINGTON SIGNAL C92-2MO20 Plans & Construction FINANCING PLAN MND07 PARTICIPATION C96-2T463 123,284.00 75,631.32 798,915.32 123,284.00 75,631.32 198,915.32 MnDOT 14,040.00 74,040.00 County Aid 1�,500.00 t0,800.00 1996 Municipal State Aitl 50,000.00 -18,38920 31,610.80 74,840,00 -18,3892D 56,450.80 SPENDING PLAN MNDOT PARTICIPATION C96-2T483 Plans & Construction 74,8b0.00 -18,38920 56.450.80 74,840.00 -18,38920 56,450.80 . ; �.,. � � ;,:- _ �: & t✓ 6 e . A�f . . .. � . ..m. 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 FINANCING PLAN COUNTY AID PARTICIPATION C96-2T480 1996 Public Improvement Aid SPENDING PLAN COUNTY AID PARTICIPATION C96-2T480 Plans & Construction 23,487.73 -20,292.09 3,195.64 23,487.73 -20,292.09 3,195.64 23,487.73 -20,292.09 3,195.64 23,48�.73 -20,292.09 3,795.64 RESOLVED, that the City Council adopts the above changes to the Capital budget. fhe St. �aul Long - Range Capital Improvament Budget Committee received this request on ,date) _ � aad reco�n:cr�:s � � $ignetl: � Budgst Director of: `�. � - � - -'� Adopti Certified by Council Secretary By Q_ � , �� Approved by Mayor:� Date � �/t / � By: �r� � I � Requested by MJE/3b �� � sy: Form Appr, d by City A torney B . � � Approved by Mayor £or Submission to Council BY: � � Gf�' "' °�� �s Z 11-26-96 Adopted by Council: Date ��.s .���=� DEPAftTMENT/OFFIGE/CAUNCIi DATE INITIATED v \ ` L? � r�b���worx� u-z6-96 GREEN SHEET N0.3 CANTACTPERSON&PH�NE INITI ATE INITIAVDATE EPARTMENTDIAECTOR g CIT'COUNqL Michael7.Eggum 266-6143 r�'MBERwp �ciTVnrroaNer 0 anc�aK MUSTBEONCOI/NCILAGENDABY(DATE) ROIRIN(3 �BUDGETOFFlCE � FlNANCE-ACCOUNTIN OFDER Q MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn 1 ike Eggum 'j�� TOTAL # OF S{GNATURE PAGES � (CLlP ALl LOCAt10NS FOR SIGNATUR� ❑3 �P Prq M9r O DEPARiMF_NT ACCOU � �� �' ACTION REQUESTED Approval of Council Resolution amending the 1992 Capital Improvement Program by hansferring spending and financing from the 1996 MNDOT and Counry Aid Participation projects and adding County Aid Trunk Highway Tumback fundin� to the University-Midway Mazket Place signal project. , RECOMMENDAi10NS:qoprore(A)orpeject(R) pERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEfOLLOWINGQUE NS= _PIANNINGGOMMISSION_CINLSERVICECAMMISSION 7_ HasthispersoNfirtneverworkeduntleracorrtrac[forihistlepartmenY? CIB CoMM�7TEE YES NO STAFF 2- Has ihis perso�rtn ever been a city employee? — — YES NO _ DiSTAiCT COUNCIL _ 3. Does this person/Firtn possess a skill not nortnally possessetl by any c ent ci emp e? SUPPORTSWH�CHCOUNCILO&IECiIVE? YES NO F�cpiain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PR08LEM.ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY): The Department of Pubic Works has entered into an agreement with Ramsey County for participafion in the cost of traffic signals on University Avenue at Pascal, Albert & Hamline in conjunction with the Midway Mazket Place Shopping Center Development. Actual cosu have exceeded budget due to scheduling and conhactor coordination complicauons. This work is also eligible for additional Municipal State Aid and PIA funding. There is sufficient funding in the 1996 MNDOT and County Aid Participation projects to transfer to this project. This project was originally adopted by City Council File 92-1844, known as Log #S-13XX. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. The Depariment of Public Works will be able ro accept monies from Ramsey County per agreement and to complete contract foz the revision of traffic signals on University Avenue from Pascal to Hamline. �A �.� �� �Q i�.6�.„_ ,_. . ._.,_.w.. i.rad�fl4� v;�;"�; 2 � i�3�� ItECEt�D DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: �vone. �A�y �g 1997 ' ������ I�ttYOR'S OFF�rc JAN 1 � 1997 ���� �� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Financing and spending budget will not reflect actual availahle amounts and completian of contract will be delayed. ���6�F� y- �v p =� 159� { l.� ��� i3Fe[�� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ R�50 03 COSVREYENUE BODGETED (CIRCLE ONE} YES w� FUNDmG SoURCE 199b MSA, Ramsey Co & PIA Acnv�rv NUrtneER C92-2MO2Q C96-2T463 & C96-2T480 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPIAIN) Transfers - $ 38,68129 Additions - $36,950.03 ,�^�� �°°q � y4, � �, a �.� � Council File # � 2 � �_ �., ;, n < �"� E ` � '"`� � ° ti � � � Green Sheet # 31999 RESOLUTfON CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MlNNESOTA Presented By Referred To WHEREAS, the DeparlmeM of Pubiic Works has amended Agreement #95019 with Ramsey County for participation in the cost of trattic signal revlsions on University Avenue at Pascal, Albert and Hamline using Trunk Highway Turnback dollars, and WHEREAS, this work is eligible for additional Municipal State Aid and PIA, and there is sufficient funtling available in the 1996 MNDOT and County Aid Participation projects to transfer to this prqect, and WHEREAS, this work was originalty adopted by City Council Resolution 92-1844, known as Log #SU-13XX, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul, upon recommentlation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted antl amended by this Council is hereby turther amended in following particular: /„� � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 �5 16 17 18 79 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5� 52 FINANCING PLAN � - UNIVERSITYfLEXINGTON SIGNAL csz-2Pnozo-zaona Committee: Aate Curtent Amentled Budget Change Budget 1992 Public Improvement Aid ' 38,820.00 38,S20.D0 1996PubliclmprovementAid — . . . 20,292.09� .20,292.09 � - . t�MunicipalSWteAid 35,000.00 18,38920 53,389.20 MnDOT 49,464.00 36,850.03 86,414.03 123284.00 75,631.32 198,915.32 SPENDING PLAN UNIVERSITV/LEXINGTON SIGNAL C92-2MO20 Plans & Construction FINANCING PLAN MND07 PARTICIPATION C96-2T463 123,284.00 75,631.32 798,915.32 123,284.00 75,631.32 198,915.32 MnDOT 14,040.00 74,040.00 County Aid 1�,500.00 t0,800.00 1996 Municipal State Aitl 50,000.00 -18,38920 31,610.80 74,840,00 -18,3892D 56,450.80 SPENDING PLAN MNDOT PARTICIPATION C96-2T483 Plans & Construction 74,8b0.00 -18,38920 56.450.80 74,840.00 -18,38920 56,450.80 . ; �.,. � � ;,:- _ �: & t✓ 6 e . A�f . . .. � . ..m. 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 FINANCING PLAN COUNTY AID PARTICIPATION C96-2T480 1996 Public Improvement Aid SPENDING PLAN COUNTY AID PARTICIPATION C96-2T480 Plans & Construction 23,487.73 -20,292.09 3,195.64 23,487.73 -20,292.09 3,195.64 23,487.73 -20,292.09 3,195.64 23,48�.73 -20,292.09 3,795.64 RESOLVED, that the City Council adopts the above changes to the Capital budget. fhe St. �aul Long - Range Capital Improvament Budget Committee received this request on ,date) _ � aad reco�n:cr�:s � � $ignetl: � Budgst Director of: `�. � - � - -'� Adopti Certified by Council Secretary By Q_ � , �� Approved by Mayor:� Date � �/t / � By: �r� � I � Requested by MJE/3b �� � sy: Form Appr, d by City A torney B . � � Approved by Mayor £or Submission to Council BY: � � Gf�' "' °�� �s Z 11-26-96 Adopted by Council: Date ��.s .���=� DEPAftTMENT/OFFIGE/CAUNCIi DATE INITIATED v \ ` L? � r�b���worx� u-z6-96 GREEN SHEET N0.3 CANTACTPERSON&PH�NE INITI ATE INITIAVDATE EPARTMENTDIAECTOR g CIT'COUNqL Michael7.Eggum 266-6143 r�'MBERwp �ciTVnrroaNer 0 anc�aK MUSTBEONCOI/NCILAGENDABY(DATE) ROIRIN(3 �BUDGETOFFlCE � FlNANCE-ACCOUNTIN OFDER Q MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn 1 ike Eggum 'j�� TOTAL # OF S{GNATURE PAGES � (CLlP ALl LOCAt10NS FOR SIGNATUR� ❑3 �P Prq M9r O DEPARiMF_NT ACCOU � �� �' ACTION REQUESTED Approval of Council Resolution amending the 1992 Capital Improvement Program by hansferring spending and financing from the 1996 MNDOT and Counry Aid Participation projects and adding County Aid Trunk Highway Tumback fundin� to the University-Midway Mazket Place signal project. , RECOMMENDAi10NS:qoprore(A)orpeject(R) pERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEfOLLOWINGQUE NS= _PIANNINGGOMMISSION_CINLSERVICECAMMISSION 7_ HasthispersoNfirtneverworkeduntleracorrtrac[forihistlepartmenY? CIB CoMM�7TEE YES NO STAFF 2- Has ihis perso�rtn ever been a city employee? — — YES NO _ DiSTAiCT COUNCIL _ 3. Does this person/Firtn possess a skill not nortnally possessetl by any c ent ci emp e? SUPPORTSWH�CHCOUNCILO&IECiIVE? YES NO F�cpiain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PR08LEM.ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY): The Department of Pubic Works has entered into an agreement with Ramsey County for participafion in the cost of traffic signals on University Avenue at Pascal, Albert & Hamline in conjunction with the Midway Mazket Place Shopping Center Development. Actual cosu have exceeded budget due to scheduling and conhactor coordination complicauons. This work is also eligible for additional Municipal State Aid and PIA funding. There is sufficient funding in the 1996 MNDOT and County Aid Participation projects to transfer to this project. This project was originally adopted by City Council File 92-1844, known as Log #S-13XX. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. The Depariment of Public Works will be able ro accept monies from Ramsey County per agreement and to complete contract foz the revision of traffic signals on University Avenue from Pascal to Hamline. �A �.� �� �Q i�.6�.„_ ,_. . ._.,_.w.. i.rad�fl4� v;�;"�; 2 � i�3�� ItECEt�D DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: �vone. �A�y �g 1997 ' ������ I�ttYOR'S OFF�rc JAN 1 � 1997 ���� �� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Financing and spending budget will not reflect actual availahle amounts and completian of contract will be delayed. ���6�F� y- �v p =� 159� { l.� ��� i3Fe[�� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ R�50 03 COSVREYENUE BODGETED (CIRCLE ONE} YES w� FUNDmG SoURCE 199b MSA, Ramsey Co & PIA Acnv�rv NUrtneER C92-2MO2Q C96-2T463 & C96-2T480 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPIAIN) Transfers - $ 38,68129 Additions - $36,950.03