D00593CITY OF SAWT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR � Approved Copies to: - City Clerk (Onginal) - Finance DepYS Accounting Division - Requesting Dept. ADMINI5TRATIVE ORDER: BUDGET REVISION No: ��� Date: � '� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistem wAh the authority grented io the Mayor in Section M10.07.4 of the C"�iy Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services to amend the 1995 budget of the General Fund fund, the Director of the Finance and Management Services Depadment is authorized to amend said budget in tfie tWbwing manner. DEPARTMENT&DIVISION: CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED LEDGER, FUND, AC71VfTY, OBJECT, PROJECT Finance and Management Services Citywide information Services GL-0�1 01115-0111 Fulf 7ime Permanent GL-001 01115-0219 Fees - Other Professional Services C I m BUDGET GHANGES BUDGET 1,013,323 (47,000} 966,323 15,297 47,000 62 297 1,028,620 0 1,028,620 3 � Da `�ji� R5 Date 7-�0-�� Date • Znformation Svcs J. Haupt TQTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 6-6787 . ... z-�-9s. GREEN SHEET � DEPAHTMENT �IREGTOfl � cm nrroaNev FOR ����DIflECfOR ■ � MAYOR (OP ASSISTAMT) ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) '�oo5q3 t�_ 23217 INRIAI.lDATE � CRV COUNCiI cm c�ruc FlN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. $ignature on Administrative Order for Budget Revision to transfer funds from Salaries into Consultant Fees MMENOATIONS: Appmve (A) Of RBJect (X) PERSONAL SERVICE CANTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING UUESTIONS: PIANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SEFVICE CAMMISSION �� H25 thi5 pelSONfirt� eVOr WOAcetl undef d coMfaCl fof Mi5 tl0pert11t8M? CIB COMMITfEE VES NO — 2. Has fhis person/Firm ever 6een a city employee? STAFF — `/ES NO DISiRiCT CoUR7 _ 3. Doas this parsoNfirm possess a skiA not normaliy possessed 6y any current city amployee4 DRTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yea anawers on separafe sheet ana etteeh to green sheet ISSUE, OPPOPTUNITY (Who, What, When, Local Area Network and �'C Support are experiencing an intensified workload due to wor_k on high priority projF�cts such as E-mail and Network restructuring projects and need additional help. This money would provide two (2)'LA14/PC tecfinicians on a sF�tsrt':eerm; temporary is�sis nntil the worklo�d_.caa-be reduced. E-mail and the network reconstruction projects can continue to be implemented without additional delays. R����v�D J ll L 2 fl f995 6UDGET OFFfCE DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: None RECEIVED JUL 2 41995 CITY CLERK Scheduled workload will continue to cause delays in getting larger projects completed. AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ �FJ , OOO COST/HEVENUE BUDGETEp (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE GEri0Ta1 � F' llnCl AC7IVITY NUMBER 01115 FINANCIAL INFORMATIONi (E%PLAIN) � '� � �