Warren (2) THOMAS GEORGE ASSOCIATES, LTD TGA Insurance Recovery Division Post Office Box 30 East Northport NY 11731 0030 RECEIVED (631) 261-8800 MAY o 6 2013 May �, 2 0�3 CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL 310 CITY HALL 15 KELLOGG BLVD WEST SAINT PAUL, MN 55102-0000 Attention: CITY CLERK OUR CLIENT: LIBERTY MUTUAL GROUP "4" OUR INSURED: WARREN, JAMES CLIENTS CLAIM# : 023900160 OUR CASE # : 610204-21 AMT OF DAMAGES : $5, 685 . 27 YOUR INSURED: OFFICER: TIMOTHY C. FILIOWICH YOUR CLAIM# : PLEASE SET UP YOUR POLICY# : DATE OF LOSS : 08/30/12 This office has previously put your company on notice and advised that we are recovery agents for the above referenced client and are aiding them in their subrogation rights as result of the above captioned loss . The information obtained through our investigation places the liability on your insured for the damages incurred by our clients insured. As of this date we have not had a response to our subrogation demand, or it has been quite some time since we have heard from your office . We would like to resolve this claim as quickly as possible . Kindly contact the undersigned upon receipt of this letter or forward payment in the amount of $5, 685 . 27 made payable to our client, care of Thomas George Assoc . at the above address and reference our case number on all correspondence. If any additional information is needed, please contact us immediately. Very truly yours, THOMAS GEORGE ASSOCIATES, LTD. Will Umana