97-807� _ , .t � City Gf St, p&lli C4UNCIL EILE tdG, �_ ( �� � riie No. 59705AAA RESOLT3TI�t RAT2FY2NG BSSE3�'.�t�1+iR '7otin_g &dard F7 �sFSSmer�t 2�7a. 9745 7� In the m�itter c�f tfle as�es�m�nr �f ����its, cast �nd exper�ses fer Summary abatement (Snow Removal) for Winter of 1997 for property located at 2106 Marahall Avenue, legally described as Lot 12, Block 51, Desnoyer Park. TO LEGISLATIVE HEARING OFFICER - 6/1Z%I97 LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON - 6j11j97 to 6/25/97 preliminary order xx s�proved Final 6rder xx A pnbllc hearing h&vin� �een Y�ad upt+si the aseeegmEnt fGr ti�e aL3t�ve 3.atpr�eement� an�3 said asse�sment having been further aonsiderecl by the CcLneil, and having beer. aonsidared finell.y a$tisfsctory, therefare, b� it RE�t�Lt{EF�, T?�at t?^_e eaid ae�esument L+e �en� tY�e �eme i� h�rer� in all resnect� ratifiad. ' R864LV8D FURTF7ER, That the said assessment be and it ia 2aerel�y determined to Y�e priya�:le in nne �qusl i�,stall�!ents. {:fltRiCIT.kvQSC�s Ysas iday� �"ekaY ✓ �'GS�Pssffi � ��� �' rris � In Favor VM�qarv �&��� Qfic�ai.nst ✓ Phune �orton � ��se"�t Collins_ �}bsey�'�' i�dopt?c3 by the Ceunci2; Dete�`�c�� C'�rL3.f32[l Fa3826 b� C47YnC.17. 3aGY`etYr;? � 6 TO LEGISLATIVE HEARING OFEICER 6-17-97 �� q�'�� � LAID OVER BY CONCIL ON 6-11-97 to 6-25-97 � � n��� AFFICE/COUNdL DATE INITIATED xL` b-13-91 ' ' T.M.S./Real Est te n���5�on 6-11-97 GREEN SHEE ClJNTACf PERAN @ PHONE INITIAVOATE INITIAUDATE � DEPpfliMENTDIRECTOfl � CITYGOUNGIL Roxanna Flink 66-8859 ASSIGN � CRYATTORNEY p CT'CLERK MUST BE ON COUNqL AGENDA BY (�AT� � YBEp � BUDGEf DIRECTOF' FlN. $ MGT. SERVICES DIR. LAID OVER BY pO11i1NG � � COUNCIL ON 6-11-97 TO 6-25-97 OqOEfl OMqyOR(OFASSISTMIT� � Council Re ea TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATUREJ ACIION flE�UESTED: Eile No. J9705AAA, Assessment �I9745 At Council's request on 6j11J97, Summary Abatemeat for Snow Removal for winter 1997 for�property at 2106 Marshall Avenue was laid over for further discussion. RECOMMEN�ATIONS: Appmve (A) pr Raject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE POLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PIANNMG CAMMISSIQN __ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personffirm ever worketl under a contract for this tlepartment? _ C�BCOMMI7TEE _ YES 'NO �_ sipFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ o�stta�cr couar � Rtht ; Heal th 3. Does tBis personttirm possess a skiil not normaily possessed by eny current city employee7 SUPPOHTuKryI1CHCOUNCILQBJEC7IVE? Ward 2 vES No Explain all yes anawers on seperata aheet and attach to green sheet Neighborhoods INITIATING PROBLEM, I$BUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Wh$L When, Whera, Whyp "SEE ORIGINAL GREEN SHEET NUMBER'S 39518, 39521, & 39984" A�VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: �� � ��'^' 48i .fl1N 1 � 3�97 DSADVANTAGESIFAPPROVEO. � D{SADVANTAGESIF NOTAPPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 132. 50 COS7/REYENUE BUDGETED (CIHCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfiGSOURCE A550SSmeIItS OnlV ACTIVITYNUMBER FINANCIAL INFORFSATION� (EXPLAIN) City �f St. Paul Real ..�«�e �ivi;�ie.a. Dep�. a#" Fi�ansc & Maf,sg�aat aai� REPi}RT OF Ct�LETI�7 OF AS3ESffi+�2dT C��:31:ii.i iliF. i3:i. �i�t - �o� F'it� SSo. J9705AAA �sv�ssatEait ,d�. 9745 Yotir_y Ward In ri:e matr�r af �he assessmEnt of benefits, coat �nd expensFs for 2 Summary abatement (Snow Removal) located at 2106 Marshall Avenue, Block 51, Desnoyer Park. fox Winter of 1997 for property legally described as Lot 12, TO LEGISLATIVE HEARING OFFIGER - 6/17/97 LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON - 6/11/97 to 6/25/97 gre2iminerv Gr�er Fina2 Order T� trie C;� �f *he �'.ity af S+. P�,x� apprc�t �ci xx xx T�'�g �°lU�fir_iR 8ri� ?LS��SRfiE•Il'� �ri�1II92r t!_.�87�_� ranOrt� t� �:iu i�ilSi�il i�r�F. 20116W3.ACS 85 8 5L&"t�IIt2i2t pI` i7� g'i.�tOri�S.'tllY`28 YtEC;�S58Y'21_y lrij'llY'YELY ` SpY' g:7(y iyi �van2ction �ai�n the m�king of the �?��ve ir.:rro. =rz�: `�''vt�} .^>::sLg Cr�.°,t3 v 105.�� Engineeritiq an� Ina°pectic�n S vaivatior, snd �ssr�ssttent Services $ Administration_ ChsrgA - ?ub2ic r.iealth $ Re-Ciiscx �narge - F��blac $$?�:L�h $ 12.50 P���emen*_ service Charae $ 15.00 TOTF,.L EXPEd`7BIi? :';�S C?x�r�e T� Net A��essmexit � Y � $ 132.50 fICYa va; ��ra�.uatio;� er.v �afissm�. t En�in�er fuYthE i' Y�E�+GT�t= tli2t : ries �ss�s�e�? axa� le rie� the totai amcunt as a'noua avicertai :ed, L^v Lr39 31EIIe of $ ,� E'8Ch &Yu� 2vcr•�t �t'�� �sflrt ne- r��l"Cal �i{ 7 gZt� C{�23s�� L .b'a tha S3i� 3.�t�Y'�ivp�ay1t� HRG' 2R the C338 Of Br�Ch iOt �)grt Gi �3rngl GL 3.dRQ 1R &CCQTC13I10E W1tR L212 I}eRBTliS CC::F��Y'�Y ti2�c�=:; tf:$i �7:� .='..32t�. $EocSB.T*.fc21L fI3� �@ri CCIIl�?c�2�� $T:te �iBL :12�ciU attaahEd, identified by the signatur� af the said 'daluation end Asasssm�nt ��q2r.ser, and mede a part ?;e is the s�_u asc�sa�exi_ as coacpleted hy hir, and n�aich ia herewith submittPd to the Council for such articn thereon as msy be oonsic�esed �rr�per. l8'CE �_�(L_/ � - 9 � -,.�✓C//`Cl '�l�,:ation and P,ssessmenc Engineer ; _�_ _T_r '^ i �� ol � ¢ I �a Z wl I o ¢ I a i ', m I Z j V Q i � � � Z V I S l N i a t- v «. I P 7 � � O � F f V N 6 S � W ¢ Q � Q K � F � ' i i ~ ! I V � I Q ` ; I o w LL L � � ? J � Z 6 LL L V .. m . p � x � s n_ w O a I i I n P 1 O d O » r� N c � r_I�'LII_ i � � o� �I 0 � � �� N� 0' N� 0 000no ONORUf VI [�l N R N O �+ �+ A � N��N9! I N p i I p i I �� I 000 � o � inO-+ � OI ~ I � � � 000 ! w i � I j � I F U�i� i Qa� i j>sm � 16W� IST� I L V K I�WW I fA � N 1 Z F I i YE.+Z f f 6 I' � lll � is i i>Nau�i i ZU�1� # ~ tfALi-#Q iw¢o �QKJ 3 I ` I i I i I I I W �I i �t' � I F� NJii I Ww.N.=O I FOV1Nt11 1 W �Vf KQ i¢ i zu�s z 1 Q � .0 W i�aa°z i c�''i�aou iaow�� 4 . -�a.,�.-..:-�. _' . , i ' _ ... . . , . �., �. � � . , � ..� _ 11�cJ.v��'�I"�rd �1��� ' � , � ,.,_� . � � � � r_'_:_� � i � . �..._:J_b�I��J=L1i!z� :='.i�iL�W_- ` , . I ai� sl�o � . ; , i i . � '. ' , � • • I i i � � � � � � i j l i ; � i I i . . . ' l �l I , � , i � i i ! , , , � f ; I . i ', i � I ,, � ' ' � . ,� � � i L � i I i . . � ' �I i� I �' ; �i l I I � 1, � f �. ' � i � � I � � I f �'. � ', '� � � I ; i �� i V I I �� I � � ' I I � I ��i 1 ' �� I � �� � ., ' � � I �� � ,' � I ; I I ; i �I i i ' �� � '', '�, ' I � I I � I ��f � I � I i i j � i � � i I � I � i I I I I � � � i � I� I i I ' ' . i � I � ! i f ! ; ; � � , , I � ' 1 � � �� I� I i' I I! i I �' ' �� I i i � I � I I � i � � �� �, ! � � � I � � � ��' I �� � � � � �' � � I f � ��, � j ; ! � � � i � i I i �' , i ' I � ' i ; � ( � '' i I j; � � , � � ; � � � I � � � �� � '� � I I I I I i I , i I i �� �� I ! I 1 1 I 1 Ii ! '� I I I �I I I I �I I, O r11NN o�� w I i s wmo QLQ cJOS 4VV Y5W Q W M ES> �ww NC@ � J ,.I aa¢ 000 r�� I � � � I I � i � � 7 � � I i o , � i i ' �� I � � I i � I , � I N J W V � S a i a S W W ¢ F � � F V w � 0 ¢ a i I i ,z : + TO LEGISLATIVE HEARING OFFICER - 6-3-97 LAID CVER BY COUNCIL ON 5-14-97 TO 6-11-97 RE 5-19-97 GREEN SHEET ON 5-14-97 TO 6-11-97 � DEPFRTMENT �IREGTOR FOq ❑ CRYATfORNEY , O BUDC>ET DIRECTOR � O MkYOR (OA A551$iANTJ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCA710NS FOR SIGNATURE) � I °l'1 - �O `7 39984 INITIALfDFTE CRY COUNCIL pT1'CLEFK FfN. 8 MGi SERVECES DIR Council Research NRE04ESTE0: F11E NO.� J9705PA, 9740 & J9704A4, 9741 Council's request on 5-1G-97 Summ Abatements for winter 1997 £oi properties at: 2106 shall Ave, 473 Cretin Ave S, 1857 Cottage Ave E, 2176 Stillwater Ave � 695 St Anthony . and Summ Abate for 1110 Foiest St were laid over for further discussion. REGOMMENpAT10N5: Npprov¢ (AJ Or qejed (F) _ PL4NNING COMMISSION _ CML SEFVIGE CAMMISS�ON _ CIB COMMtTTEE A s7nFV A Public Health _ DISTFICTCOURT _ SUPPORTSWHICXCOUNCIlOB1ECTIVET Ward 2 wnet. vrt+en. PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOILOWING OUESTIONS: 1. Ha5 this perso�rm ever worked untler a Contract for this Cepartment? YES NO 2. Has this personffirm ever been a tiry employee? YES NO 3. Dnes 7his persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? YES NO Explain ell yea answers on separate sheet end attech to green sheet "SEE ORIGIrAL GREEN SHEET A'UMBER'S 39518 & 39521" AMOUNT OF TFANSAC710N S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (qRCLE ONEJ YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER fINnNCiaL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) ' To Legislative Hearing Officer - April 1, 1997 Public Aearing Date - EPAFlTAENTIOFF�GE�COUMCLL Finance De artment/Re ONiACi PEP$ON S PMMnE � Boxanna Flink USi BE �N COUNCIL AGENOF 8Y (DFTEJ Must be in Council Re 9, 1997 Est2te 266-88�9 seaich��ffice RE 1-24-97 � R�1. $a7 3951'= � GREEN SHEE `' 1 f INITIAWATE INITIAVpFTE �DEPFRTME�TDIRECTOR �GT'CDUNCIL i1GN � CI7YFTfOANEY � LT' CLRK ABEfl FOR TfiNG � bu'JGE7 D�AECTOR � FIN. d MGt SERVtGES Dt0. �E� � UJ.YOR(OAAS515fFN7) L't] Council Research TOTAL # OF SIGNA7URE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA7URE) J9704A, 9715; 39701B, 9718; 59702B, 9714; J9701TDBC, 9720 Setting date of public hearing. Approve assessments for Summary Abate from Aug 1996 to Jan 1997; from sid-June to mid-Sept 1996 and Boardings-up £or Ju1y and Aug 1996. m _ P(f.NNING C�MMfS$fON _ CIVIL SEFVICE C^JMMISSION _ CIB COMMRTEE � srn� A Public Health � D15Tf11CTCOURT A Vacant B1des. SUPPORTSWhiCHCOUNCILO&IECTIVE? ��BTd Z Neighboorhoods PERSONAL SERVIGE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWER 7NE FOLLOWING OUESTIONS: 1. Hxs ihis persoMrm ever worketl under a contrad for this depanment7 YES NO 2. � Hxs this persoMim ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this persoMirm possess a skitl not nortnally possessed by any eunent city ¢mployeel YES NO Ezplsin ell yes answera on seperate sheet anE eriach lo green aheet JIiIATING PROBLEM, ISSVE. OPPORTUNITY (V✓fw, W�et �'/MR W�re, W�y): Propetty owaeis or renters cre2te a health ha2ard at various times throughout the City of Saint Paul when their property is not kept up. ___ ---- .. . _ . .._. __. Cost recovery programs to recover expenses for Summary Abatements and Boardings-up. This includes cutting tall grass �nd weeds, haulin� away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, all household items such as refrigerators, stoves, sofa chairs and all other items. In winter this includes the removal of snow and ice from sidewalk and cross walks. iADVAMAGES IF APPROVED: If Council does not approve these charges, General Fund G�ould be required to pay the assessment. Assessments payable over 1 year and collected with the property taxes if not paid. NOT ne3ghborhoods would be A'ohody would take care Rodents, £ilth garbage become a problem. left to deteriorate and property vaiues would decline of their property, especially vacant or rental properties and trash would accumlate everywhere. Disease and pests could �ITOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S �� • 3 � 1 • � � COSTfREVENUE BUDGETEO (GtRCLE ONE) FUNDIIiG50URCE Assessments OnIV p�TIV1TYNUMBER iSWnN��ALMfOAN�ATIOH IEXPIPiN) ' 267 property owners 4i11 be notified of the public YES NO hearing and charges. To Legislative Hearing Officer -:�7ay 6, 1997 Public Hearing Date -�14ay 14, 1997 T.NI.S.IREAL ESTATE DIVZSIO:� Comm� Persoa and Pbone'�umber: Roxana F'link �'J 266-8859 be on Couno7 Agenda b}: 3-�6-97 be ia Counpl Resrarcb O�ce RE-3-7-97 � �rl -FO `f Date: 3Jj/97 GreenSheet\'umber: 39522 EPAR7'�g'CI DIStECTOR TY COL'�CTL �` 7Y ATfOR�"EY ITY CLfRK � 1i �'� DIAECTOR '. L�.7G7. NC. DIR, noon on Friday 3-1497 � SAYOR (OR ASSLS7A.4"5) 1 coL�c� �sEaxca iTAL 3 OF SIG�ATC'RE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL IACATfO`:S FOR SIG\ATGRE) T30!: REQL'ESTID: J970�B, 9725; 39705C, 9726; J97051B, 9727; J9705A, 9728 Setting date of public hearing. Appro�°e assessments for Boardings-up for :�'ov & Dec 1996, Demolitioas for Dec 1946 - Jan 1997 and Summ Abate for winfer of 1997. Yl..t�.`.'L�G COMV590\ rna scRtia co>nasnoi � �o,�� rts v'hidA Council Ob]etiirt ':eighborhoods � y�� Il. Has tLe personlFirm ever worked uader a cootraa for thi� department? � Pubiic HraM a ,�>� 8��. R'azd 2 Has this penon/fvzn e+u beea a Cit�� emplopee'! Does this pe�son�firm poness a sl:ili not normally possessed b} any curreat Cit}� emplo.�ee? Expltin all )'ES aaswers on a separaie sheet and attach. YFS NO YES NO �BS ':O PROBLE�f, ISSL'E� OPPORTf,:1ITY (R'ho, �i'Cat, K3en, Lt'here, �i'Ly'.); Property o�vers or renters create a health hazard at various times throughout t6e City of Saint Paul K�hen their propesfy is not kept up IF APPRO\'ED: Cost recovery programs fo reco��er expenses for Boardings-up, Demolitions and Summary Abatements. This includes cutting tall grass and weeds, hauling away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, all fiousehold ifems such as refrigerators, stoves, sofas, chairs and all other items. In v��inter this includes tbe removal of snow and ice from sidewalk and cross k�alks. IF APPROti'ED: If Council does not approti•e these charges, General Fund wou]d be required to pay the assessment. � Assessme*_+fs are payable over 1 year and cotlected a�ith the groperfy taxes if not ff NOT aPPRO�"ED: \'eighborboods would be left to deteriorate and property values would decline. Nobody w�ou3d take care of their propertp, especially vacant or rental properties. Rodenfs, filth, garbage and trash would accumulafe ever}��here. Disease and pests could become a oroblem. $114,268.23 cosrrnE.�-ue aunc�n c�c�-E o*�� ��es No SO�� Assessments only �'�Y�N T�'SBER: I7�ANCSAL7?CFOiU7ATf0\: (E7J'LAL�� 228 property oK�ners w�ill be notified of the and ��-ro`1 .,-.�. Date: June 17, 1497 Time: 10:00 a.m. Place: Room 330 City Hall 15 West Kellogg,Boulevard LEGISLATIVE HEARING Gerry Strathman I.egislative Hearing Officer i. Resolution ratifying assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for summary abatement for the fallowing (Laid over from June 3, 1997 I,egislative Hearing): 2106 Marshall Avemie (J9705AAA) Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval. 2. Summary abatement appeal for 790 Laurel Avenue; Mary Dabney, appellant. Legisiative Heariug Officer recammended denial of tf�e appeal. 3. Summary abatement appeal for 355 Marshall Avenue; Vemon Harms, appellant. Rescheduied to 3ul}r 1, 1947. 4. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at S50 Marvland Avenue East. If the owner fails to compiy with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval. Resolurion ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at 600 Selbv Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolurion, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approvai and amended the date for repair or removal of the structure to 180 days if a$2,000 bond is posted and the necessary permits are pulled by noon on 3une 25, 1997. �� �Yo � MINUTES OF LEGISLATIVE HEARING June 17, 1447 Room 330, City Hali Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer STAFF PRESENT: Chuck Votel, Guy Willits, Public Health; Roxanna Flink, Real Estate Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing O�cer, called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Resolution ratifying assessment of benefits, costs, and expenses for siumnary abatement for 2106 Mazshall Avenue (J9705AAA) The owner appeared and stated he always shovels his snow, but got behind in shoveling because he has thyroid cancer and his father died in January. Once the water froze on the sidewalk, it was di�cuh to remove. The city just threw sand on the snow and the assessment is too high for that. The owner stated this problem will not happen again. Also, he never received notice of this abatement beforehand. Gerry Strathman stated the costs for the assessment include the crew, equipment, hearings, and notices that are sent out. The city is recovering costs for taking care of the snow. There were complaints from neighbors. Guy Willits showed a video of the property. Chuck Votel reported the letters sent to the two listed owners were returned. A letter was then sent to the taz� person and that was not returned. 11ae pubiic sidewalk was plowed. Mr. Strathman recommended approval of the assessment. 2. Smmnary abatement appeal for 790 Laurel Avenue; Mary Dabney appellant. A picture was shown of the gazage. Mary Dabney appeared and stated she is cunently on AFDC, working temporarily, and looking for more work. The garage doors were stolen some time ago. She may be able to pay for new doors in August. Chuck Votel reported the garage is struchually sound, but it is against city ordinances to not have doors on a gazage. Open garages are an attraction to children and vandals. Gerry Strathxnan recommended denial of the appeal. 3. Sununary abatement appeal for 355 Marshall Avenue; Vernon Harms, appellant. Rescheduled to 3uly 1, 1997. a� -��� LEGISLATIVE HEARING, JUNE 17, 1997 4. 1147 Virginia (This matter was not scheduled on the agenda, but testimony was taken.} Page 2 Norman 3ones appeazed and stated he was concemed about what will happen to the property. Sharon Kerl appeared and stated she was interested in buying and rehabilitating the house. There was a fire, but the house could not have burned for more than ten minutes. Ms. Kerl asked what she couid do to inspect the proper[y and stop the demolition. Gerry Strathman responded a third party cannot intervene and Ms. Kerl would have to locate the owner to work out something. Unless something happens soon, the Council will probably ask it to be removed or repaired in 15 days. One of the councilmembers asked for this property to be rescheduled so there is a mix up in the scheduling at this point. However, the scheduled date for it to be heard will be posted on the building. 5. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the reference building located at $50 Marvland Avenue East. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Chuck Votel reported the owner and prospective buyer were given a month to put together a deal and they were to appear before the Legislative Hearing Officer today. Mr. Votel recommended removing or repairing the build'uig in 15 days. No one appeazed; Gerry Strathman recommended approval of Public Health order. 6. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the reference building located at 600 Selbv Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Pictures were shown of the properiy. Sharon Bowie, the owner's daughter, appeazed along with the owner. Ms. Bowie stated they have fixed the roof, painted, and put in a new bath. Some of the real estate taxes have been paid. Potential buyers appeazed and stated they were attempting to purchase and rehabilitate the properiy. This witl take a month or two. Gerry Stratluuan stated 8 sutnmary abatements have been issued. This property has been defined as a nuisance, no certificate of occupancy is on file, no bonds have been posted, and there are no pernuts for repair. The building has been vacant for almost 1.5 years. Q�t-Ko`7 Legislarive Hearing, June 17, 1997 Page 3 Mr. Strathman asked if the parties were willing to post a$2,000 bond. Shazon Bowie responded they will. Mr. Strathman recommended 180 days to rehabilitate on the condition that a$2,000 bond is posted by noon of June 25 and necessary permits aze pulled. _ � Gerry Strathman adjoumed the meeting at 10:41 a.m. � � Czerry Str an, Legislative Hearing Officer � _ , .t � City Gf St, p&lli C4UNCIL EILE tdG, �_ ( �� � riie No. 59705AAA RESOLT3TI�t RAT2FY2NG BSSE3�'.�t�1+iR '7otin_g &dard F7 �sFSSmer�t 2�7a. 9745 7� In the m�itter c�f tfle as�es�m�nr �f ����its, cast �nd exper�ses fer Summary abatement (Snow Removal) for Winter of 1997 for property located at 2106 Marahall Avenue, legally described as Lot 12, Block 51, Desnoyer Park. TO LEGISLATIVE HEARING OFFICER - 6/1Z%I97 LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON - 6j11j97 to 6/25/97 preliminary order xx s�proved Final 6rder xx A pnbllc hearing h&vin� �een Y�ad upt+si the aseeegmEnt fGr ti�e aL3t�ve 3.atpr�eement� an�3 said asse�sment having been further aonsiderecl by the CcLneil, and having beer. aonsidared finell.y a$tisfsctory, therefare, b� it RE�t�Lt{EF�, T?�at t?^_e eaid ae�esument L+e �en� tY�e �eme i� h�rer� in all resnect� ratifiad. ' R864LV8D FURTF7ER, That the said assessment be and it ia 2aerel�y determined to Y�e priya�:le in nne �qusl i�,stall�!ents. {:fltRiCIT.kvQSC�s Ysas iday� �"ekaY ✓ �'GS�Pssffi � ��� �' rris � In Favor VM�qarv �&��� Qfic�ai.nst ✓ Phune �orton � ��se"�t Collins_ �}bsey�'�' i�dopt?c3 by the Ceunci2; Dete�`�c�� C'�rL3.f32[l Fa3826 b� C47YnC.17. 3aGY`etYr;? � 6 TO LEGISLATIVE HEARING OFEICER 6-17-97 �� q�'�� � LAID OVER BY CONCIL ON 6-11-97 to 6-25-97 � � n��� AFFICE/COUNdL DATE INITIATED xL` b-13-91 ' ' T.M.S./Real Est te n���5�on 6-11-97 GREEN SHEE ClJNTACf PERAN @ PHONE INITIAVOATE INITIAUDATE � DEPpfliMENTDIRECTOfl � CITYGOUNGIL Roxanna Flink 66-8859 ASSIGN � CRYATTORNEY p CT'CLERK MUST BE ON COUNqL AGENDA BY (�AT� � YBEp � BUDGEf DIRECTOF' FlN. $ MGT. SERVICES DIR. LAID OVER BY pO11i1NG � � COUNCIL ON 6-11-97 TO 6-25-97 OqOEfl OMqyOR(OFASSISTMIT� � Council Re ea TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATUREJ ACIION flE�UESTED: Eile No. J9705AAA, Assessment �I9745 At Council's request on 6j11J97, Summary Abatemeat for Snow Removal for winter 1997 for�property at 2106 Marshall Avenue was laid over for further discussion. RECOMMEN�ATIONS: Appmve (A) pr Raject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE POLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PIANNMG CAMMISSIQN __ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personffirm ever worketl under a contract for this tlepartment? _ C�BCOMMI7TEE _ YES 'NO �_ sipFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ o�stta�cr couar � Rtht ; Heal th 3. Does tBis personttirm possess a skiil not normaily possessed by eny current city employee7 SUPPOHTuKryI1CHCOUNCILQBJEC7IVE? Ward 2 vES No Explain all yes anawers on seperata aheet and attach to green sheet Neighborhoods INITIATING PROBLEM, I$BUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Wh$L When, Whera, Whyp "SEE ORIGINAL GREEN SHEET NUMBER'S 39518, 39521, & 39984" A�VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: �� � ��'^' 48i .fl1N 1 � 3�97 DSADVANTAGESIFAPPROVEO. � D{SADVANTAGESIF NOTAPPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 132. 50 COS7/REYENUE BUDGETED (CIHCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfiGSOURCE A550SSmeIItS OnlV ACTIVITYNUMBER FINANCIAL INFORFSATION� (EXPLAIN) City �f St. Paul Real ..�«�e �ivi;�ie.a. Dep�. a#" Fi�ansc & Maf,sg�aat aai� REPi}RT OF Ct�LETI�7 OF AS3ESffi+�2dT C��:31:ii.i iliF. i3:i. �i�t - �o� F'it� SSo. J9705AAA �sv�ssatEait ,d�. 9745 Yotir_y Ward In ri:e matr�r af �he assessmEnt of benefits, coat �nd expensFs for 2 Summary abatement (Snow Removal) located at 2106 Marshall Avenue, Block 51, Desnoyer Park. fox Winter of 1997 for property legally described as Lot 12, TO LEGISLATIVE HEARING OFFIGER - 6/17/97 LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON - 6/11/97 to 6/25/97 gre2iminerv Gr�er Fina2 Order T� trie C;� �f *he �'.ity af S+. P�,x� apprc�t �ci xx xx T�'�g �°lU�fir_iR 8ri� ?LS��SRfiE•Il'� �ri�1II92r t!_.�87�_� ranOrt� t� �:iu i�ilSi�il i�r�F. 20116W3.ACS 85 8 5L&"t�IIt2i2t pI` i7� g'i.�tOri�S.'tllY`28 YtEC;�S58Y'21_y lrij'llY'YELY ` SpY' g:7(y iyi �van2ction �ai�n the m�king of the �?��ve ir.:rro. =rz�: `�''vt�} .^>::sLg Cr�.°,t3 v 105.�� Engineeritiq an� Ina°pectic�n S vaivatior, snd �ssr�ssttent Services $ Administration_ ChsrgA - ?ub2ic r.iealth $ Re-Ciiscx �narge - F��blac $$?�:L�h $ 12.50 P���emen*_ service Charae $ 15.00 TOTF,.L EXPEd`7BIi? :';�S C?x�r�e T� Net A��essmexit � Y � $ 132.50 fICYa va; ��ra�.uatio;� er.v �afissm�. t En�in�er fuYthE i' Y�E�+GT�t= tli2t : ries �ss�s�e�? axa� le rie� the totai amcunt as a'noua avicertai :ed, L^v Lr39 31EIIe of $ ,� E'8Ch &Yu� 2vcr•�t �t'�� �sflrt ne- r��l"Cal �i{ 7 gZt� C{�23s�� L .b'a tha S3i� 3.�t�Y'�ivp�ay1t� HRG' 2R the C338 Of Br�Ch iOt �)grt Gi �3rngl GL 3.dRQ 1R &CCQTC13I10E W1tR L212 I}eRBTliS CC::F��Y'�Y ti2�c�=:; tf:$i �7:� .='..32t�. $EocSB.T*.fc21L fI3� �@ri CCIIl�?c�2�� $T:te �iBL :12�ciU attaahEd, identified by the signatur� af the said 'daluation end Asasssm�nt ��q2r.ser, and mede a part ?;e is the s�_u asc�sa�exi_ as coacpleted hy hir, and n�aich ia herewith submittPd to the Council for such articn thereon as msy be oonsic�esed �rr�per. l8'CE �_�(L_/ � - 9 � -,.�✓C//`Cl '�l�,:ation and P,ssessmenc Engineer ; _�_ _T_r '^ i �� ol � ¢ I �a Z wl I o ¢ I a i ', m I Z j V Q i � � � Z V I S l N i a t- v «. I P 7 � � O � F f V N 6 S � W ¢ Q � Q K � F � ' i i ~ ! I V � I Q ` ; I o w LL L � � ? J � Z 6 LL L V .. m . p � x � s n_ w O a I i I n P 1 O d O » r� N c � r_I�'LII_ i � � o� �I 0 � � �� N� 0' N� 0 000no ONORUf VI [�l N R N O �+ �+ A � N��N9! I N p i I p i I �� I 000 � o � inO-+ � OI ~ I � � � 000 ! w i � I j � I F U�i� i Qa� i j>sm � 16W� IST� I L V K I�WW I fA � N 1 Z F I i YE.+Z f f 6 I' � lll � is i i>Nau�i i ZU�1� # ~ tfALi-#Q iw¢o �QKJ 3 I ` I i I i I I I W �I i �t' � I F� NJii I Ww.N.=O I FOV1Nt11 1 W �Vf KQ i¢ i zu�s z 1 Q � .0 W i�aa°z i c�''i�aou iaow�� 4 . -�a.,�.-..:-�. _' . , i ' _ ... . . , . �., �. � � . , � ..� _ 11�cJ.v��'�I"�rd �1��� ' � , � ,.,_� . � � � � r_'_:_� � i � . �..._:J_b�I��J=L1i!z� :='.i�iL�W_- ` , . I ai� sl�o � . ; , i i . � '. ' , � • • I i i � � � � � � i j l i ; � i I i . . . ' l �l I , � , i � i i ! , , , � f ; I . i ', i � I ,, � ' ' � . ,� � � i L � i I i . . � ' �I i� I �' ; �i l I I � 1, � f �. 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'� I I I �I I I I �I I, O r11NN o�� w I i s wmo QLQ cJOS 4VV Y5W Q W M ES> �ww NC@ � J ,.I aa¢ 000 r�� I � � � I I � i � � 7 � � I i o , � i i ' �� I � � I i � I , � I N J W V � S a i a S W W ¢ F � � F V w � 0 ¢ a i I i ,z : + � _ , .t � City Gf St, p&lli C4UNCIL EILE tdG, �_ ( �� � riie No. 59705AAA RESOLT3TI�t RAT2FY2NG BSSE3�'.�t�1+iR '7otin_g &dard F7 �sFSSmer�t 2�7a. 9745 7� In the m�itter c�f tfle as�es�m�nr �f ����its, cast �nd exper�ses fer Summary abatement (Snow Removal) for Winter of 1997 for property located at 2106 Marahall Avenue, legally described as Lot 12, Block 51, Desnoyer Park. TO LEGISLATIVE HEARING OFFICER - 6/1Z%I97 LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON - 6j11j97 to 6/25/97 preliminary order xx s�proved Final 6rder xx A pnbllc hearing h&vin� �een Y�ad upt+si the aseeegmEnt fGr ti�e aL3t�ve 3.atpr�eement� an�3 said asse�sment having been further aonsiderecl by the CcLneil, and having beer. aonsidared finell.y a$tisfsctory, therefare, b� it RE�t�Lt{EF�, T?�at t?^_e eaid ae�esument L+e �en� tY�e �eme i� h�rer� in all resnect� ratifiad. ' R864LV8D FURTF7ER, That the said assessment be and it ia 2aerel�y determined to Y�e priya�:le in nne �qusl i�,stall�!ents. {:fltRiCIT.kvQSC�s Ysas iday� �"ekaY ✓ �'GS�Pssffi � ��� �' rris � In Favor VM�qarv �&��� Qfic�ai.nst ✓ Phune �orton � ��se"�t Collins_ �}bsey�'�' i�dopt?c3 by the Ceunci2; Dete�`�c�� C'�rL3.f32[l Fa3826 b� C47YnC.17. 3aGY`etYr;? � 6 TO LEGISLATIVE HEARING OFFICER - 6-3-97 LAID CVER BY COUNCIL ON 5-14-97 TO 6-11-97 RE 5-19-97 GREEN SHEET ON 5-14-97 TO 6-11-97 � DEPFRTMENT �IREGTOR FOq ❑ CRYATfORNEY , O BUDC>ET DIRECTOR � O MkYOR (OA A551$iANTJ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCA710NS FOR SIGNATURE) � I °l'1 - �O `7 39984 INITIALfDFTE CRY COUNCIL pT1'CLEFK FfN. 8 MGi SERVECES DIR Council Research NRE04ESTE0: F11E NO.� J9705PA, 9740 & J9704A4, 9741 Council's request on 5-1G-97 Summ Abatements for winter 1997 £oi properties at: 2106 shall Ave, 473 Cretin Ave S, 1857 Cottage Ave E, 2176 Stillwater Ave � 695 St Anthony . and Summ Abate for 1110 Foiest St were laid over for further discussion. REGOMMENpAT10N5: Npprov¢ (AJ Or qejed (F) _ PL4NNING COMMISSION _ CML SEFVIGE CAMMISS�ON _ CIB COMMtTTEE A s7nFV A Public Health _ DISTFICTCOURT _ SUPPORTSWHICXCOUNCIlOB1ECTIVET Ward 2 wnet. vrt+en. PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOILOWING OUESTIONS: 1. Ha5 this perso�rm ever worked untler a Contract for this Cepartment? YES NO 2. Has this personffirm ever been a tiry employee? YES NO 3. Dnes 7his persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? YES NO Explain ell yea answers on separate sheet end attech to green sheet "SEE ORIGIrAL GREEN SHEET A'UMBER'S 39518 & 39521" AMOUNT OF TFANSAC710N S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (qRCLE ONEJ YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER fINnNCiaL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) ' To Legislative Hearing Officer - April 1, 1997 Public Aearing Date - EPAFlTAENTIOFF�GE�COUMCLL Finance De artment/Re ONiACi PEP$ON S PMMnE � Boxanna Flink USi BE �N COUNCIL AGENOF 8Y (DFTEJ Must be in Council Re 9, 1997 Est2te 266-88�9 seaich��ffice RE 1-24-97 � R�1. $a7 3951'= � GREEN SHEE `' 1 f INITIAWATE INITIAVpFTE �DEPFRTME�TDIRECTOR �GT'CDUNCIL i1GN � CI7YFTfOANEY � LT' CLRK ABEfl FOR TfiNG � bu'JGE7 D�AECTOR � FIN. d MGt SERVtGES Dt0. �E� � UJ.YOR(OAAS515fFN7) L't] Council Research TOTAL # OF SIGNA7URE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA7URE) J9704A, 9715; 39701B, 9718; 59702B, 9714; J9701TDBC, 9720 Setting date of public hearing. Approve assessments for Summary Abate from Aug 1996 to Jan 1997; from sid-June to mid-Sept 1996 and Boardings-up £or Ju1y and Aug 1996. m _ P(f.NNING C�MMfS$fON _ CIVIL SEFVICE C^JMMISSION _ CIB COMMRTEE � srn� A Public Health � D15Tf11CTCOURT A Vacant B1des. SUPPORTSWhiCHCOUNCILO&IECTIVE? ��BTd Z Neighboorhoods PERSONAL SERVIGE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWER 7NE FOLLOWING OUESTIONS: 1. Hxs ihis persoMrm ever worketl under a contrad for this depanment7 YES NO 2. � Hxs this persoMim ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this persoMirm possess a skitl not nortnally possessed by any eunent city ¢mployeel YES NO Ezplsin ell yes answera on seperate sheet anE eriach lo green aheet JIiIATING PROBLEM, ISSVE. OPPORTUNITY (V✓fw, W�et �'/MR W�re, W�y): Propetty owaeis or renters cre2te a health ha2ard at various times throughout the City of Saint Paul when their property is not kept up. ___ ---- .. . _ . .._. __. Cost recovery programs to recover expenses for Summary Abatements and Boardings-up. This includes cutting tall grass �nd weeds, haulin� away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, all household items such as refrigerators, stoves, sofa chairs and all other items. In winter this includes the removal of snow and ice from sidewalk and cross walks. iADVAMAGES IF APPROVED: If Council does not approve these charges, General Fund G�ould be required to pay the assessment. Assessments payable over 1 year and collected with the property taxes if not paid. NOT ne3ghborhoods would be A'ohody would take care Rodents, £ilth garbage become a problem. left to deteriorate and property vaiues would decline of their property, especially vacant or rental properties and trash would accumlate everywhere. Disease and pests could �ITOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S �� • 3 � 1 • � � COSTfREVENUE BUDGETEO (GtRCLE ONE) FUNDIIiG50URCE Assessments OnIV p�TIV1TYNUMBER iSWnN��ALMfOAN�ATIOH IEXPIPiN) ' 267 property owners 4i11 be notified of the public YES NO hearing and charges. To Legislative Hearing Officer -:�7ay 6, 1997 Public Hearing Date -�14ay 14, 1997 T.NI.S.IREAL ESTATE DIVZSIO:� Comm� Persoa and Pbone'�umber: Roxana F'link �'J 266-8859 be on Couno7 Agenda b}: 3-�6-97 be ia Counpl Resrarcb O�ce RE-3-7-97 � �rl -FO `f Date: 3Jj/97 GreenSheet\'umber: 39522 EPAR7'�g'CI DIStECTOR TY COL'�CTL �` 7Y ATfOR�"EY ITY CLfRK � 1i �'� DIAECTOR '. L�.7G7. NC. DIR, noon on Friday 3-1497 � SAYOR (OR ASSLS7A.4"5) 1 coL�c� �sEaxca iTAL 3 OF SIG�ATC'RE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL IACATfO`:S FOR SIG\ATGRE) T30!: REQL'ESTID: J970�B, 9725; 39705C, 9726; J97051B, 9727; J9705A, 9728 Setting date of public hearing. Appro�°e assessments for Boardings-up for :�'ov & Dec 1996, Demolitioas for Dec 1946 - Jan 1997 and Summ Abate for winfer of 1997. Yl..t�.`.'L�G COMV590\ rna scRtia co>nasnoi � �o,�� rts v'hidA Council Ob]etiirt ':eighborhoods � y�� Il. Has tLe personlFirm ever worked uader a cootraa for thi� department? � Pubiic HraM a ,�>� 8��. R'azd 2 Has this penon/fvzn e+u beea a Cit�� emplopee'! Does this pe�son�firm poness a sl:ili not normally possessed b} any curreat Cit}� emplo.�ee? Expltin all )'ES aaswers on a separaie sheet and attach. YFS NO YES NO �BS ':O PROBLE�f, ISSL'E� OPPORTf,:1ITY (R'ho, �i'Cat, K3en, Lt'here, �i'Ly'.); Property o�vers or renters create a health hazard at various times throughout t6e City of Saint Paul K�hen their propesfy is not kept up IF APPRO\'ED: Cost recovery programs fo reco��er expenses for Boardings-up, Demolitions and Summary Abatements. This includes cutting tall grass and weeds, hauling away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, all fiousehold ifems such as refrigerators, stoves, sofas, chairs and all other items. In v��inter this includes tbe removal of snow and ice from sidewalk and cross k�alks. IF APPROti'ED: If Council does not approti•e these charges, General Fund wou]d be required to pay the assessment. � Assessme*_+fs are payable over 1 year and cotlected a�ith the groperfy taxes if not ff NOT aPPRO�"ED: \'eighborboods would be left to deteriorate and property values would decline. Nobody w�ou3d take care of their propertp, especially vacant or rental properties. Rodenfs, filth, garbage and trash would accumulafe ever}��here. Disease and pests could become a oroblem. $114,268.23 cosrrnE.�-ue aunc�n c�c�-E o*�� ��es No SO�� Assessments only �'�Y�N T�'SBER: I7�ANCSAL7?CFOiU7ATf0\: (E7J'LAL�� 228 property oK�ners w�ill be notified of the and ��-ro`1 .,-.�. Date: June 17, 1497 Time: 10:00 a.m. Place: Room 330 City Hall 15 West Kellogg,Boulevard LEGISLATIVE HEARING Gerry Strathman I.egislative Hearing Officer i. Resolution ratifying assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for summary abatement for the fallowing (Laid over from June 3, 1997 I,egislative Hearing): 2106 Marshall Avemie (J9705AAA) Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval. 2. Summary abatement appeal for 790 Laurel Avenue; Mary Dabney, appellant. Legisiative Heariug Officer recammended denial of tf�e appeal. 3. Summary abatement appeal for 355 Marshall Avenue; Vemon Harms, appellant. Rescheduied to 3ul}r 1, 1947. 4. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at S50 Marvland Avenue East. If the owner fails to compiy with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval. Resolurion ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at 600 Selbv Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolurion, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approvai and amended the date for repair or removal of the structure to 180 days if a$2,000 bond is posted and the necessary permits are pulled by noon on 3une 25, 1997. �� �Yo � MINUTES OF LEGISLATIVE HEARING June 17, 1447 Room 330, City Hali Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer STAFF PRESENT: Chuck Votel, Guy Willits, Public Health; Roxanna Flink, Real Estate Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing O�cer, called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Resolution ratifying assessment of benefits, costs, and expenses for siumnary abatement for 2106 Mazshall Avenue (J9705AAA) The owner appeared and stated he always shovels his snow, but got behind in shoveling because he has thyroid cancer and his father died in January. Once the water froze on the sidewalk, it was di�cuh to remove. The city just threw sand on the snow and the assessment is too high for that. The owner stated this problem will not happen again. Also, he never received notice of this abatement beforehand. Gerry Strathman stated the costs for the assessment include the crew, equipment, hearings, and notices that are sent out. The city is recovering costs for taking care of the snow. There were complaints from neighbors. Guy Willits showed a video of the property. Chuck Votel reported the letters sent to the two listed owners were returned. A letter was then sent to the taz� person and that was not returned. 11ae pubiic sidewalk was plowed. Mr. Strathman recommended approval of the assessment. 2. Smmnary abatement appeal for 790 Laurel Avenue; Mary Dabney appellant. A picture was shown of the gazage. Mary Dabney appeared and stated she is cunently on AFDC, working temporarily, and looking for more work. The garage doors were stolen some time ago. She may be able to pay for new doors in August. Chuck Votel reported the garage is struchually sound, but it is against city ordinances to not have doors on a gazage. Open garages are an attraction to children and vandals. Gerry Strathxnan recommended denial of the appeal. 3. Sununary abatement appeal for 355 Marshall Avenue; Vernon Harms, appellant. Rescheduled to 3uly 1, 1997. a� -��� LEGISLATIVE HEARING, JUNE 17, 1997 4. 1147 Virginia (This matter was not scheduled on the agenda, but testimony was taken.} Page 2 Norman 3ones appeazed and stated he was concemed about what will happen to the property. Sharon Kerl appeared and stated she was interested in buying and rehabilitating the house. There was a fire, but the house could not have burned for more than ten minutes. Ms. Kerl asked what she couid do to inspect the proper[y and stop the demolition. Gerry Strathman responded a third party cannot intervene and Ms. Kerl would have to locate the owner to work out something. Unless something happens soon, the Council will probably ask it to be removed or repaired in 15 days. One of the councilmembers asked for this property to be rescheduled so there is a mix up in the scheduling at this point. However, the scheduled date for it to be heard will be posted on the building. 5. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the reference building located at $50 Marvland Avenue East. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Chuck Votel reported the owner and prospective buyer were given a month to put together a deal and they were to appear before the Legislative Hearing Officer today. Mr. Votel recommended removing or repairing the build'uig in 15 days. No one appeazed; Gerry Strathman recommended approval of Public Health order. 6. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the reference building located at 600 Selbv Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Pictures were shown of the properiy. Sharon Bowie, the owner's daughter, appeazed along with the owner. Ms. Bowie stated they have fixed the roof, painted, and put in a new bath. Some of the real estate taxes have been paid. Potential buyers appeazed and stated they were attempting to purchase and rehabilitate the properiy. This witl take a month or two. Gerry Stratluuan stated 8 sutnmary abatements have been issued. This property has been defined as a nuisance, no certificate of occupancy is on file, no bonds have been posted, and there are no pernuts for repair. The building has been vacant for almost 1.5 years. Q�t-Ko`7 Legislarive Hearing, June 17, 1997 Page 3 Mr. Strathman asked if the parties were willing to post a$2,000 bond. Shazon Bowie responded they will. Mr. Strathman recommended 180 days to rehabilitate on the condition that a$2,000 bond is posted by noon of June 25 and necessary permits aze pulled. _ � Gerry Strathman adjoumed the meeting at 10:41 a.m. � � Czerry Str an, Legislative Hearing Officer TO LEGISLATIVE HEARING OFEICER 6-17-97 �� q�'�� � LAID OVER BY CONCIL ON 6-11-97 to 6-25-97 � � n��� AFFICE/COUNdL DATE INITIATED xL` b-13-91 ' ' T.M.S./Real Est te n���5�on 6-11-97 GREEN SHEE ClJNTACf PERAN @ PHONE INITIAVOATE INITIAUDATE � DEPpfliMENTDIRECTOfl � CITYGOUNGIL Roxanna Flink 66-8859 ASSIGN � CRYATTORNEY p CT'CLERK MUST BE ON COUNqL AGENDA BY (�AT� � YBEp � BUDGEf DIRECTOF' FlN. $ MGT. SERVICES DIR. LAID OVER BY pO11i1NG � � COUNCIL ON 6-11-97 TO 6-25-97 OqOEfl OMqyOR(OFASSISTMIT� � Council Re ea TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATUREJ ACIION flE�UESTED: Eile No. J9705AAA, Assessment �I9745 At Council's request on 6j11J97, Summary Abatemeat for Snow Removal for winter 1997 for�property at 2106 Marshall Avenue was laid over for further discussion. RECOMMEN�ATIONS: Appmve (A) pr Raject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE POLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PIANNMG CAMMISSIQN __ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personffirm ever worketl under a contract for this tlepartment? _ C�BCOMMI7TEE _ YES 'NO �_ sipFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ o�stta�cr couar � Rtht ; Heal th 3. Does tBis personttirm possess a skiil not normaily possessed by eny current city employee7 SUPPOHTuKryI1CHCOUNCILQBJEC7IVE? Ward 2 vES No Explain all yes anawers on seperata aheet and attach to green sheet Neighborhoods INITIATING PROBLEM, I$BUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Wh$L When, Whera, Whyp "SEE ORIGINAL GREEN SHEET NUMBER'S 39518, 39521, & 39984" A�VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: �� � ��'^' 48i .fl1N 1 � 3�97 DSADVANTAGESIFAPPROVEO. � D{SADVANTAGESIF NOTAPPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 132. 50 COS7/REYENUE BUDGETED (CIHCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfiGSOURCE A550SSmeIItS OnlV ACTIVITYNUMBER FINANCIAL INFORFSATION� (EXPLAIN) City �f St. Paul Real ..�«�e �ivi;�ie.a. Dep�. a#" Fi�ansc & Maf,sg�aat aai� REPi}RT OF Ct�LETI�7 OF AS3ESffi+�2dT C��:31:ii.i iliF. i3:i. �i�t - �o� F'it� SSo. J9705AAA �sv�ssatEait ,d�. 9745 Yotir_y Ward In ri:e matr�r af �he assessmEnt of benefits, coat �nd expensFs for 2 Summary abatement (Snow Removal) located at 2106 Marshall Avenue, Block 51, Desnoyer Park. fox Winter of 1997 for property legally described as Lot 12, TO LEGISLATIVE HEARING OFFIGER - 6/17/97 LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON - 6/11/97 to 6/25/97 gre2iminerv Gr�er Fina2 Order T� trie C;� �f *he �'.ity af S+. P�,x� apprc�t �ci xx xx T�'�g �°lU�fir_iR 8ri� ?LS��SRfiE•Il'� �ri�1II92r t!_.�87�_� ranOrt� t� �:iu i�ilSi�il i�r�F. 20116W3.ACS 85 8 5L&"t�IIt2i2t pI` i7� g'i.�tOri�S.'tllY`28 YtEC;�S58Y'21_y lrij'llY'YELY ` SpY' g:7(y iyi �van2ction �ai�n the m�king of the �?��ve ir.:rro. =rz�: `�''vt�} .^>::sLg Cr�.°,t3 v 105.�� Engineeritiq an� Ina°pectic�n S vaivatior, snd �ssr�ssttent Services $ Administration_ ChsrgA - ?ub2ic r.iealth $ Re-Ciiscx �narge - F��blac $$?�:L�h $ 12.50 P���emen*_ service Charae $ 15.00 TOTF,.L EXPEd`7BIi? :';�S C?x�r�e T� Net A��essmexit � Y � $ 132.50 fICYa va; ��ra�.uatio;� er.v �afissm�. t En�in�er fuYthE i' Y�E�+GT�t= tli2t : ries �ss�s�e�? axa� le rie� the totai amcunt as a'noua avicertai :ed, L^v Lr39 31EIIe of $ ,� E'8Ch &Yu� 2vcr•�t �t'�� �sflrt ne- r��l"Cal �i{ 7 gZt� C{�23s�� L .b'a tha S3i� 3.�t�Y'�ivp�ay1t� HRG' 2R the C338 Of Br�Ch iOt �)grt Gi �3rngl GL 3.dRQ 1R &CCQTC13I10E W1tR L212 I}eRBTliS CC::F��Y'�Y ti2�c�=:; tf:$i �7:� .='..32t�. $EocSB.T*.fc21L fI3� �@ri CCIIl�?c�2�� $T:te �iBL :12�ciU attaahEd, identified by the signatur� af the said 'daluation end Asasssm�nt ��q2r.ser, and mede a part ?;e is the s�_u asc�sa�exi_ as coacpleted hy hir, and n�aich ia herewith submittPd to the Council for such articn thereon as msy be oonsic�esed �rr�per. l8'CE �_�(L_/ � - 9 � -,.�✓C//`Cl '�l�,:ation and P,ssessmenc Engineer ; _�_ _T_r '^ i �� ol � ¢ I �a Z wl I o ¢ I a i ', m I Z j V Q i � � � Z V I S l N i a t- v «. I P 7 � � O � F f V N 6 S � W ¢ Q � Q K � F � ' i i ~ ! I V � I Q ` ; I o w LL L � � ? J � Z 6 LL L V .. m . p � x � s n_ w O a I i I n P 1 O d O » r� N c � r_I�'LII_ i � � o� �I 0 � � �� N� 0' N� 0 000no ONORUf VI [�l N R N O �+ �+ A � N��N9! I N p i I p i I �� I 000 � o � inO-+ � OI ~ I � � � 000 ! w i � I j � I F U�i� i Qa� i j>sm � 16W� IST� I L V K I�WW I fA � N 1 Z F I i YE.+Z f f 6 I' � lll � is i i>Nau�i i ZU�1� # ~ tfALi-#Q iw¢o �QKJ 3 I ` I i I i I I I W �I i �t' � I F� NJii I Ww.N.=O I FOV1Nt11 1 W �Vf KQ i¢ i zu�s z 1 Q � .0 W i�aa°z i c�''i�aou iaow�� 4 . -�a.,�.-..:-�. _' . , i ' _ ... . . , . �., �. � � . , � ..� _ 11�cJ.v��'�I"�rd �1��� ' � , � ,.,_� . � � � � r_'_:_� � i � . �..._:J_b�I��J=L1i!z� :='.i�iL�W_- ` , . I ai� sl�o � . ; , i i . � '. ' , � • • I i i � � � � � � i j l i ; � i I i . . . ' l �l I , � , i � i i ! , , , � f ; I . i ', i � I ,, � ' ' � . ,� � � i L � i I i . . � ' �I i� I �' ; �i l I I � 1, � f �. ' � i � � I � � I f �'. � ', '� � � I ; i �� i V I I �� I � � ' I I � I ��i 1 ' �� I � �� � ., ' � � I �� � ,' � I ; I I ; i �I i i ' �� � '', '�, ' I � I I � I ��f � I � I i i j � i � � i I � I � i I I I I � � � i � I� I i I ' ' . i � I � ! i f ! ; ; � � , , I � ' 1 � � �� I� I i' I I! i I �' ' �� I i i � I � I I � i � � �� �, ! � � � I � � � ��' I �� � � � � �' � � I f � ��, � j ; ! � � � i � i I i �' , i ' I � ' i ; � ( � '' i I j; � � , � � ; � � � I � � � �� � '� � I I I I I i I , i I i �� �� I ! I 1 1 I 1 Ii ! '� I I I �I I I I �I I, O r11NN o�� w I i s wmo QLQ cJOS 4VV Y5W Q W M ES> �ww NC@ � J ,.I aa¢ 000 r�� I � � � I I � i � � 7 � � I i o , � i i ' �� I � � I i � I , � I N J W V � S a i a S W W ¢ F � � F V w � 0 ¢ a i I i ,z : + TO LEGISLATIVE HEARING OFFICER - 6-3-97 LAID CVER BY COUNCIL ON 5-14-97 TO 6-11-97 RE 5-19-97 GREEN SHEET ON 5-14-97 TO 6-11-97 � DEPFRTMENT �IREGTOR FOq ❑ CRYATfORNEY , O BUDC>ET DIRECTOR � O MkYOR (OA A551$iANTJ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCA710NS FOR SIGNATURE) � I °l'1 - �O `7 39984 INITIALfDFTE CRY COUNCIL pT1'CLEFK FfN. 8 MGi SERVECES DIR Council Research NRE04ESTE0: F11E NO.� J9705PA, 9740 & J9704A4, 9741 Council's request on 5-1G-97 Summ Abatements for winter 1997 £oi properties at: 2106 shall Ave, 473 Cretin Ave S, 1857 Cottage Ave E, 2176 Stillwater Ave � 695 St Anthony . and Summ Abate for 1110 Foiest St were laid over for further discussion. REGOMMENpAT10N5: Npprov¢ (AJ Or qejed (F) _ PL4NNING COMMISSION _ CML SEFVIGE CAMMISS�ON _ CIB COMMtTTEE A s7nFV A Public Health _ DISTFICTCOURT _ SUPPORTSWHICXCOUNCIlOB1ECTIVET Ward 2 wnet. vrt+en. PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOILOWING OUESTIONS: 1. Ha5 this perso�rm ever worked untler a Contract for this Cepartment? YES NO 2. Has this personffirm ever been a tiry employee? YES NO 3. Dnes 7his persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? YES NO Explain ell yea answers on separate sheet end attech to green sheet "SEE ORIGIrAL GREEN SHEET A'UMBER'S 39518 & 39521" AMOUNT OF TFANSAC710N S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (qRCLE ONEJ YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER fINnNCiaL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) ' To Legislative Hearing Officer - April 1, 1997 Public Aearing Date - EPAFlTAENTIOFF�GE�COUMCLL Finance De artment/Re ONiACi PEP$ON S PMMnE � Boxanna Flink USi BE �N COUNCIL AGENOF 8Y (DFTEJ Must be in Council Re 9, 1997 Est2te 266-88�9 seaich��ffice RE 1-24-97 � R�1. $a7 3951'= � GREEN SHEE `' 1 f INITIAWATE INITIAVpFTE �DEPFRTME�TDIRECTOR �GT'CDUNCIL i1GN � CI7YFTfOANEY � LT' CLRK ABEfl FOR TfiNG � bu'JGE7 D�AECTOR � FIN. d MGt SERVtGES Dt0. �E� � UJ.YOR(OAAS515fFN7) L't] Council Research TOTAL # OF SIGNA7URE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA7URE) J9704A, 9715; 39701B, 9718; 59702B, 9714; J9701TDBC, 9720 Setting date of public hearing. Approve assessments for Summary Abate from Aug 1996 to Jan 1997; from sid-June to mid-Sept 1996 and Boardings-up £or Ju1y and Aug 1996. m _ P(f.NNING C�MMfS$fON _ CIVIL SEFVICE C^JMMISSION _ CIB COMMRTEE � srn� A Public Health � D15Tf11CTCOURT A Vacant B1des. SUPPORTSWhiCHCOUNCILO&IECTIVE? ��BTd Z Neighboorhoods PERSONAL SERVIGE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWER 7NE FOLLOWING OUESTIONS: 1. Hxs ihis persoMrm ever worketl under a contrad for this depanment7 YES NO 2. � Hxs this persoMim ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this persoMirm possess a skitl not nortnally possessed by any eunent city ¢mployeel YES NO Ezplsin ell yes answera on seperate sheet anE eriach lo green aheet JIiIATING PROBLEM, ISSVE. OPPORTUNITY (V✓fw, W�et �'/MR W�re, W�y): Propetty owaeis or renters cre2te a health ha2ard at various times throughout the City of Saint Paul when their property is not kept up. ___ ---- .. . _ . .._. __. Cost recovery programs to recover expenses for Summary Abatements and Boardings-up. This includes cutting tall grass �nd weeds, haulin� away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, all household items such as refrigerators, stoves, sofa chairs and all other items. In winter this includes the removal of snow and ice from sidewalk and cross walks. iADVAMAGES IF APPROVED: If Council does not approve these charges, General Fund G�ould be required to pay the assessment. Assessments payable over 1 year and collected with the property taxes if not paid. NOT ne3ghborhoods would be A'ohody would take care Rodents, £ilth garbage become a problem. left to deteriorate and property vaiues would decline of their property, especially vacant or rental properties and trash would accumlate everywhere. Disease and pests could �ITOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S �� • 3 � 1 • � � COSTfREVENUE BUDGETEO (GtRCLE ONE) FUNDIIiG50URCE Assessments OnIV p�TIV1TYNUMBER iSWnN��ALMfOAN�ATIOH IEXPIPiN) ' 267 property owners 4i11 be notified of the public YES NO hearing and charges. To Legislative Hearing Officer -:�7ay 6, 1997 Public Hearing Date -�14ay 14, 1997 T.NI.S.IREAL ESTATE DIVZSIO:� Comm� Persoa and Pbone'�umber: Roxana F'link �'J 266-8859 be on Couno7 Agenda b}: 3-�6-97 be ia Counpl Resrarcb O�ce RE-3-7-97 � �rl -FO `f Date: 3Jj/97 GreenSheet\'umber: 39522 EPAR7'�g'CI DIStECTOR TY COL'�CTL �` 7Y ATfOR�"EY ITY CLfRK � 1i �'� DIAECTOR '. L�.7G7. NC. DIR, noon on Friday 3-1497 � SAYOR (OR ASSLS7A.4"5) 1 coL�c� �sEaxca iTAL 3 OF SIG�ATC'RE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL IACATfO`:S FOR SIG\ATGRE) T30!: REQL'ESTID: J970�B, 9725; 39705C, 9726; J97051B, 9727; J9705A, 9728 Setting date of public hearing. Appro�°e assessments for Boardings-up for :�'ov & Dec 1996, Demolitioas for Dec 1946 - Jan 1997 and Summ Abate for winfer of 1997. Yl..t�.`.'L�G COMV590\ rna scRtia co>nasnoi � �o,�� rts v'hidA Council Ob]etiirt ':eighborhoods � y�� Il. Has tLe personlFirm ever worked uader a cootraa for thi� department? � Pubiic HraM a ,�>� 8��. R'azd 2 Has this penon/fvzn e+u beea a Cit�� emplopee'! Does this pe�son�firm poness a sl:ili not normally possessed b} any curreat Cit}� emplo.�ee? Expltin all )'ES aaswers on a separaie sheet and attach. YFS NO YES NO �BS ':O PROBLE�f, ISSL'E� OPPORTf,:1ITY (R'ho, �i'Cat, K3en, Lt'here, �i'Ly'.); Property o�vers or renters create a health hazard at various times throughout t6e City of Saint Paul K�hen their propesfy is not kept up IF APPRO\'ED: Cost recovery programs fo reco��er expenses for Boardings-up, Demolitions and Summary Abatements. This includes cutting tall grass and weeds, hauling away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, all fiousehold ifems such as refrigerators, stoves, sofas, chairs and all other items. In v��inter this includes tbe removal of snow and ice from sidewalk and cross k�alks. IF APPROti'ED: If Council does not approti•e these charges, General Fund wou]d be required to pay the assessment. � Assessme*_+fs are payable over 1 year and cotlected a�ith the groperfy taxes if not ff NOT aPPRO�"ED: \'eighborboods would be left to deteriorate and property values would decline. Nobody w�ou3d take care of their propertp, especially vacant or rental properties. Rodenfs, filth, garbage and trash would accumulafe ever}��here. Disease and pests could become a oroblem. $114,268.23 cosrrnE.�-ue aunc�n c�c�-E o*�� ��es No SO�� Assessments only �'�Y�N T�'SBER: I7�ANCSAL7?CFOiU7ATf0\: (E7J'LAL�� 228 property oK�ners w�ill be notified of the and ��-ro`1 .,-.�. Date: June 17, 1497 Time: 10:00 a.m. Place: Room 330 City Hall 15 West Kellogg,Boulevard LEGISLATIVE HEARING Gerry Strathman I.egislative Hearing Officer i. Resolution ratifying assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for summary abatement for the fallowing (Laid over from June 3, 1997 I,egislative Hearing): 2106 Marshall Avemie (J9705AAA) Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval. 2. Summary abatement appeal for 790 Laurel Avenue; Mary Dabney, appellant. Legisiative Heariug Officer recammended denial of tf�e appeal. 3. Summary abatement appeal for 355 Marshall Avenue; Vemon Harms, appellant. Rescheduied to 3ul}r 1, 1947. 4. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at S50 Marvland Avenue East. If the owner fails to compiy with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval. Resolurion ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at 600 Selbv Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolurion, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approvai and amended the date for repair or removal of the structure to 180 days if a$2,000 bond is posted and the necessary permits are pulled by noon on 3une 25, 1997. �� �Yo � MINUTES OF LEGISLATIVE HEARING June 17, 1447 Room 330, City Hali Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer STAFF PRESENT: Chuck Votel, Guy Willits, Public Health; Roxanna Flink, Real Estate Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing O�cer, called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Resolution ratifying assessment of benefits, costs, and expenses for siumnary abatement for 2106 Mazshall Avenue (J9705AAA) The owner appeared and stated he always shovels his snow, but got behind in shoveling because he has thyroid cancer and his father died in January. Once the water froze on the sidewalk, it was di�cuh to remove. The city just threw sand on the snow and the assessment is too high for that. The owner stated this problem will not happen again. Also, he never received notice of this abatement beforehand. Gerry Strathman stated the costs for the assessment include the crew, equipment, hearings, and notices that are sent out. The city is recovering costs for taking care of the snow. There were complaints from neighbors. Guy Willits showed a video of the property. Chuck Votel reported the letters sent to the two listed owners were returned. A letter was then sent to the taz� person and that was not returned. 11ae pubiic sidewalk was plowed. Mr. Strathman recommended approval of the assessment. 2. Smmnary abatement appeal for 790 Laurel Avenue; Mary Dabney appellant. A picture was shown of the gazage. Mary Dabney appeared and stated she is cunently on AFDC, working temporarily, and looking for more work. The garage doors were stolen some time ago. She may be able to pay for new doors in August. Chuck Votel reported the garage is struchually sound, but it is against city ordinances to not have doors on a gazage. Open garages are an attraction to children and vandals. Gerry Strathxnan recommended denial of the appeal. 3. Sununary abatement appeal for 355 Marshall Avenue; Vernon Harms, appellant. Rescheduled to 3uly 1, 1997. a� -��� LEGISLATIVE HEARING, JUNE 17, 1997 4. 1147 Virginia (This matter was not scheduled on the agenda, but testimony was taken.} Page 2 Norman 3ones appeazed and stated he was concemed about what will happen to the property. Sharon Kerl appeared and stated she was interested in buying and rehabilitating the house. There was a fire, but the house could not have burned for more than ten minutes. Ms. Kerl asked what she couid do to inspect the proper[y and stop the demolition. Gerry Strathman responded a third party cannot intervene and Ms. Kerl would have to locate the owner to work out something. Unless something happens soon, the Council will probably ask it to be removed or repaired in 15 days. One of the councilmembers asked for this property to be rescheduled so there is a mix up in the scheduling at this point. However, the scheduled date for it to be heard will be posted on the building. 5. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the reference building located at $50 Marvland Avenue East. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Chuck Votel reported the owner and prospective buyer were given a month to put together a deal and they were to appear before the Legislative Hearing Officer today. Mr. Votel recommended removing or repairing the build'uig in 15 days. No one appeazed; Gerry Strathman recommended approval of Public Health order. 6. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the reference building located at 600 Selbv Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Pictures were shown of the properiy. Sharon Bowie, the owner's daughter, appeazed along with the owner. Ms. Bowie stated they have fixed the roof, painted, and put in a new bath. Some of the real estate taxes have been paid. Potential buyers appeazed and stated they were attempting to purchase and rehabilitate the properiy. This witl take a month or two. Gerry Stratluuan stated 8 sutnmary abatements have been issued. This property has been defined as a nuisance, no certificate of occupancy is on file, no bonds have been posted, and there are no pernuts for repair. The building has been vacant for almost 1.5 years. Q�t-Ko`7 Legislarive Hearing, June 17, 1997 Page 3 Mr. Strathman asked if the parties were willing to post a$2,000 bond. Shazon Bowie responded they will. Mr. Strathman recommended 180 days to rehabilitate on the condition that a$2,000 bond is posted by noon of June 25 and necessary permits aze pulled. _ � Gerry Strathman adjoumed the meeting at 10:41 a.m. � � Czerry Str an, Legislative Hearing Officer