Cilek NOTICE (3F CLAIM FORNi to the City of Saint Paut,Minnesota Mir.rtesoect SKire S�currr 46d(K rp�rs rhui°...rven'ptrsaa...who rktiws dtuNrtgts fmix tmt•nrraiciptzlir�•...r/mll cause to ht pr[srrtred fn thc govtming bndr v(ehr nmrieipalifr�,•irhir.I NO dar.s a�rer rhr ullegrd lozs nr rr.jyry is discovrred a ttorire swring rhe tirne,place,aad circumsmi7ces thereof aru!ihe un�or�st a�'i nr��nnxatinr,uv nlhrr rrtie(denra�uled." Plruse ccxvplete tfils fi>nn in its entinty b�clrari}�typing or priMtng��ewr ana�er to euch cµ�estk�n. [f►nore spnce Is needecl,attxh acklittonal sheets. Ple.�se mte that�xiu w•EII not be carttmted by tetepl�one to etarifr�micw�ers,so pmrlcle as m�rh it�'onn�ion as necessary to eaptadn 3nur claim,:aid tlie ano►qd of axryxnsation bei�mquesEed. 1'ou wiA receive a w�itten acknowteck•emmt ance yvur fortn is recei�ed. 77ie prarss c:u�take up to ten�eeics or bnrer clepencAng on tl�e nature oY rour cl�m This[arn rnust be signed,f1lld DOfIi(lfl�p5 COO1pIQLCfI. IY 50111CYIIIII�,f�0lS I101 A�I}"�WfItB°N/A'. SEND COMPLETED FOR1�1 AND OTHER DOCUI�IENTS TO: CITY CLERK, 15 w'EST KELLOGG BLVD,310 CITY HALL,SAINT PALTL,II�N 5�1d2 Fint Name �L l���� Middle initial�Last Name � � ��K Comp�ny or Bu�.ine�.5 Name Are You an lnsurance Compaiiy'? Yzs Nc ff 1'e�.Ctaim Numbei' Street Addre,s �L��� ��C< S K Gi �I V� P � � �"'�� 7.ip Cude `7 '7 ��� Cit� 7 1 �l � j State Crayrtinm Fhonz�S1 y Q;,t'� Cell Phone �� ►�1 _�1.�'1 C'� C-� �--�. �� L Evening T�lephone(�Si�k I�_Z 1� �] llate of Acci�end Injurv or Uale Dixovered y� �C ' �3 Tinie �C3 �V �(p�» Ylease state,in detail,u•h�rf occurred(happened),and why you are subrnitting a clairn.Pletk�indicate w�hy or how yot� feel the City of S:aint P�ul ar it�emplovee,cu•e invalvrd:���d/or r�.�;po�f4ibk�for yotu damage:. 2 Z (;ti °''�Z G� L/5�✓�y° ---r��_� ' v 1K �V�GIo' G ' �'v 1• r �' o. -t1�o YVLC - �i v� i t„ Ple•a.sc chu•k the fwx(es)that nx�st ctu.�l��repre.ent the n:ason forcompleting this f'orm 0 My vehicle�as danuiged in an accidznt [J My tiehicle ws darnaeeJ during a tow �My vehicle w�ati danwiged bp'a pothole o conditiun�t the street ❑My�chicle wb,ciankiged b�a plow ❑My vehicle w�a�wrongFull�toweJ and/or tic eted O I H�as injured on City pro�rty ❑Other ty�e of pec+pem•dama_e—ptease specifp O(]ther tyjse of injury—plectie specify En order to pmces,yuur rlaim yau need to inclode copies of all applicable docnmen�c. Far the claims t}°pcs tisted E�ek�w�,pleci.e be su�to include the docucnent,indic�ed or it will deluy the h�ndling of your claim. Docun�enES W L N()T be m.tur�d and hecome the propeny ofi the C"itr. You are enccwrageJ to keep u copy for yc nelf brfore�ubmitting your claim furm. �raperty danr�};e claim�to a vehicle:tw�o e�inrate.,for the repairti ta ya�r vehicle if the damage exceeds $_ 0.00;orche actual bil(s andlor mceipts t�or the repairs C)Towing claims:legible copies oF an�ticket is�ed and a cupy of the impound lot receipt O Qher property damake claim,:t+�o rep:iir�timates if the dam��ge exceeds$SOU.OU:or the actual bill, and/cx r�eipts fur the�epain:cietaile�tist of'danraged itenn O Injun�elaims:meJic:�l hills.rcceipt� O Photographs are al�vays weEcan�e to du�,�ument a��d u�pport ycwr claim but wiU not be returned. Pege 1 of 2—Yleasc eompl�ite and rntw•n both pages of Clalm Fo�m �,w ; � � . �g .;; � f{: . , - I '_,;ar...:�i€i+4, .3::t� , .:��,.-'` 3:d r1i � x.a, i yt<.i�'.1 � �+.�,t„a } a . :� i r . y' '_ ! ..... , . � •.e- � . .,�. .,�.. . .-. .. .., �-;i. _ . .. . . . ..,. .. . . .. .. ,,. .._ . . . � .,�ra. � .... .. .. . \ . ... ' t-...i1��i�� ., . .J t _ .i.�..@4ti... � .;��..;s• °' :::+: .t5�r.,. ��:;x: .. �,�:s.- -_ �••:: . ,_ •_ .. •.3'?. .. , -Y�i:-�.tr .,.�,..�. . � . •assa>: . .. .. ' .. .. . � �3�..�. .. . � ... � : .Me x�.� , � �f f�S "If .k.St�yY .. >.... � ., ';�,. . `£,t�, �. . . ..i.., i .i," ,. � � a ..�_ , � . . . . :£-!.. Fi� .�i�� .�dift.� ... �. .yl-: ._ . :.�Y'�. , ,�1I�..... � .�... .. ..:in�!y'.s ,.�N. , :�:5's�i3 , <... _. ... �. . . _ ,t� ._, .. .t..�:i'd'�t'i:f�� ,t ts:� .. < ... . ._. . .�:i�.:,.. ,, �. . . , .. : , � . . : ,_ . '.�e:�f�t.��, . ,: } � �,,;� :F'�.L>.�}ax.,:•-'>aL«tt3;t€t':_ -;,�'� Mta.�'��:'.��-: g .9t';,:.,. , .�I J`. t':•3 t��;��;�c:(i���. . � . - . .3 ,.. -,,� a.. . 4'�'1 ; =t F �- ` t�,.. �� . . � , f. . .� �,.T �.F:n,r..:. - �`i t h '►3i 3�= .:��i�''4 ,Y.t{��.._�.ix��� .. , t',�'.`5"f.�'� �,#�.�..t`,�a.4 1 # �•.�� `«.i4�Y ; �.ir� .���Etii i�fli � :..�,..�t�.�� � �`� i ���`e .{.�1.�!}' r:�t.� ..,. �_`�.t, .� . ,, f (�} t 2 � ,�"'.. i t i°4 .. . ... , � � . , . .. , t. ::.:,: ,, } ..:�..:t� ,�. ::, .: ,.!....�� . c. ..._... .__ ._. . ._ ._.. . . . . .._ _ _. . _... _.. .. ..(':_ . � . .. .. . . , , i . . . .F . r,� ,.. � . .��i:E- . .. ., 7 .., .�-j ...,�.� .., ; . . . 3 :.-��+:F,..'. . . � .S i .. . }. . ,. . < r. , .'a �...� .. . .".�-.. � . ,- . _ '.. .. . :,i „ .....1„ �t'_h�; _.� . . . .... .. ... . . ... . . . ,:1��.. -'t���'. ' .�,t.... � . .?rt`:: . . . . ,.. .. . � .i:. . .,`'f . ... . R+..��}..�f'.. . . .. . . .. .. �:Y.. � . ,. r : . . . . .�i '�.. �� ' . .. . . � . � ., .— .. .- � : . Fadure to complete ynd n turn both pages�91 result in delav in the handling of four cls►im. All Claims—nlease complete this secdan � / �i'ere thei�wiroes�to the i»rident'? Yc.�: IJo L�nknown (circl�) � ( ��'l 1�/ S S(((v Prcn�ide Eheir names.�icidresses and telephone i�umhers:'�'�C�iin d_��iSL� i("13\ F��i S�� � � ��� ln Yvt �S S �-�r'�1�-Z��� Were the pc�Iice nr law onforcernent c;illed' Ye� No Llnkncyw�n Icirclej W K �3 S( -`'f��"3�l�S [f ve�,whai�I�partn�nt or a�ency'? Ca�e#ur repur[# ��'here did the accident ar injur��tuke place? Pn��ie�e urezt adcl��s:,en��.s�reet,intersectic>n.narax;of pari:�r farility. clo��t landm�uk.etc. Plea�be�a�ietailed a�po+�ible. If eces..vy.attach u diagn�m. AI 0"."f(� h�:1►nrl lf2►tit., G� S• lsZx►v�rta. ? �wy � c�v,�i °-rc'�e�'��� I-��� Pleau indicate the anwunt yuu are sex�king in crnnpe4iwtion ar«°h.�t yrou�ould like the City to do to resolve dtis claim fU Youl'ialis�actic�n. + � 1 Yh_. ' C,�- Y' C�i r '�f I.t CK �FC Cc S�� �'e ide C'lahns— eaise com lete thls section �check box if this�tion dues not a Iv ��CL'.��� \ 2�C���'� Yoiir Vehic{r: Ycar t -t�tS hlake `�2 M1ode1 lS C(� �'�� 1Y t1 c,{C (..icen�e Plate Numher State Color I Registered�w�ner �`t�d 1•11 t. ('�(C K � Dricer cif Vehicle Area l�an��ed �`! CGi r �Gt � 1/�l I(� I�1hG1 City Vehicle: Year M�ike ivlodei License Plate Nm��r 5tate Color Dri��er��t Vehiclr(City Employee`,Na�m;) Area Dairraaed tn.�ur�Claims—please comDlete this sectlon �eheck baY if thi,5ection doc,�i nat��p� How Here yuu ini�ned'? VVhat panisi of?=our bocly���•zre injured'.' Have yuu wught n�edical trc�ument'? Ye, No Plannine[o Seek Treatnxnt{cin;le) t�4'hen did you rccci��e treatme.nt? (pro�•ide date(si} Namc�uf Medical Provideriti): Addre�.� Telephone t)id you n�ics�eork as a rewlt ot}`arr injury�' Yes No K`hen did you mi;s wc�rk? (p��:i��►stEy�?) Nart�e oi your F..n�>loyer: _ Addre�.� Telephune �Check hene if you are attarhing more pa���to thL�clatm form. Number of additlanal paKc�s_. By signing this form,you ar�.rtaNng that all informatian pou have proiided rs lrr�e anr!correct to the best of pour knowledge. Gnsr�ned/'onns witl r�otbe proressed. Subneidin�a%rrlse clai�case resr�/t i�z prosecrrtio�l. Date form was completed `7'Z�v' �3 PMnt the Name ol the Person wbo CompletM this arm: r t��(� P• C i LE�� /�r Slgnature ofPer:ton D7aking the Claim: , �^�e� �' (,i � Rcvi.czl Frfrnrnv 201 1 4/19/2013 We (my wife and I) were traveling north bound on Lexington Pkwy in St. Paul around Jefferson Ave, approximately 6:l 0am on 4-19-2013, it had snowed 6" over night, and it was still dark out at this time and we were driving slower than the speed limit due to the road conditions. We followed the construction signs to a lane shift, this narrowed the lanes, and as we were driving through this lane shift area, we hit this awful bump and immediately afterwaxd, the steering of my truck was off and pulling to the right, and it was such a hard jolt, by wife's seat belt locked up. We also noticed about 200 feet after this bump, there was a cab changing a flat tire. I walked back to the scene around 8am and there was a tow truck with a Fish Window Cleaning company vehicle with 2 flat tires being towed. The driver of the Fish vehicle told me it happened from hitting this bump! The driver's name is Bryan Koster and his phone # is 651-209-6030 if you would like to talk to him, he'd be happy to make a statement about the road conditions. When I walked back to the scene at Lexington and Jefferson Ave, I saw that it was a road patch section repair, so it was the bump to the transition back to the pavement that did this. Note the pictures we've enclosed. My wife, Stephanie, and i feel the City of St Paul is responsible for my truck repairs because you steered us right into this! We were following the signs that you had posted. The damage to my truck was a broken spring, and the cost to fix it was $435.25. It took until 1:30pm that day, on 4/19/2013 for a crew to change the lane shift back so other drivers wouldn't hit this. We've enclosed pictures with explanations on the back. Audie Cilek 1431 Alaska Ave St Paul MN 55116 651-699-2907 i. � E�. ` - } , . . . . . . , . + ... .- .,.. '�tF. . .. - � . . . .. r . .r e ..r .s c_ .13.r . _ . . . ., .�Y� _ . .. .. . . _. .�E� . �3t..' 8',t..�S . .4�� . '.. _....... .. . . , r tJ' .i 1 a�1 . �. ;..- _� � i:_.- , � . . F . ,. .. _i�', i ...... ��., ;..r:.^ ... . .. ..r- . . . .,. a ...+ .�f� :i f,al� 4 �._. . : , . _- i..- �. . <. ..�. „ .. . ,`. . . . . , ,f,.. . . a�'. .! . ..-�__ !.:.! ...'... ;...'.,a.d . ; . ,';:: -. '�:�. .if .. l�tr 7 . . , �. -�,. �. . _. i . � .p� . , . , , . .., . . . . .. .� . : . : �. ' . � 7 .. ; .. .�. . ,-�. . i . . '+ . . r..:� . . ' .f.. . 1'. . . . . . , l�R��LER'S SERVICE NAME ! � � PHONE 7� J r; � ��"� 483 Griggs St.So. aooRESs St.Paul,MN 55116 c�rv,STATE,z�P 651-69&6427 2ND AUTHORIZED NAME PHONE MATERIAL:ALL PARTS NEW UNLESS SPECIFIED:U-USED,R-REBUILT,RC-RECONDITIONED—� 1 1 1 ' � 1 ��: .� 1' 1 ; RECE VED(DATE&TIME) p M CUSTOMER'S ORDER N(� PROMISED(DATE&TIME) A.M. P.M. P.M. YFAR+,MAKE MODEL -� SERIAL#MN, �t> - � �.� �/� �� MOTOR# LIC SE N0. ODOMETER WRI � `,� . . �LUBE �OIL CHANGE �FLUSH TRANS. �FLUSH DIFE �WASH �POUSH CHARGE FOR HAZARDOUS OR OTHER WASTE REMOVAL* -� � - : ��,;�f, � � , _. _ .. . . ..�� l, �> + � TOTAL PARTS METHOD OF PAYMENT: Dairy Storage fee after repair work has been �gOR ONLY completed and customer has been notified. No � �, � ❑CHECK ❑CHARGE charges shall accrue or be due and payable for a PARTS '�`�'�J ❑CASH period of 3 working days from date of notification. ACCESSORIES LABOR GUARANTEED ITEM(S) GAS,OIL&GREASE ❑FLAT.RATE ❑HOURLY MISC.MERCHANDISE ❑BOTH GUARANTEE EFfECTIVE UNTIL: Estimated cost$ Estimate Charge Basis for Char e SUBLET REPAIRS ❑RETAIN PARTS TIME STORAGE FEE - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY,CHECK ONE OF THE STATEMENTS BELOW,AND SIGN; ❑DESTROY PARTS M,���E _ I UNDERSTAND THAT,UNDER STATE LAW,I AM ENTITLED TO A WRITTEN ESTIMATE, qUTHORIZED BY T"" ' INCLUDING A COMPLETION DATE,IF MY FINAL BILL WILL EXCEED$100.($50 in MD) TOTAL► �; "'°; — I REQUESTAWRITTEN ESTIMATE. THE FINAL BILL MAY NOi EXCEEDTHIS vo�areentit�edby�awmmerer�rnots��pz�tsreG�zced e>cePtt�ose!orwhich ereisacorechar9e,un�ess EST�MATE W�TH��T MY WR��EN APPR��A�. you agree othenvise by initialing the tollowing,_I do not desire the return of any ot the par(s that are replaced during the authorized repairs. — I DO NOT REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE,AS LONG AS THE REPAIR COSTS DO NOT EXCEED Es�ima�e 9ood to�so dayS.No<<e5ponsib�e ro�aama9e�a�sed by men,ti�e,o�a�ts of�a���e.�a�tho�iie $ , THE SHOP MAY NOT EXCEED THIS AMOUNT WITHOUT MY WRITTEN OR ORAL APPROVAL, Veh1���°io�`theap��po°e ot test�9y i��ve�iio�,�d dei�ery athmyZesk°.�zpress mechancsstlienpsrher by _ ���N�T REQ�ESTAW��I IEN EST�MATE, acknowledgedontheabovevenicletosecuremeamountotmerepairsmereto.lflcancelrepairspriortotheir completion for any�on,a tear-do and reassembly fee of$ will be applietl. `Checked lines appry(Preparer must check at least one): SIGNED - ����� ��; —This charge represents costs and profits to the motor vehicle repair facility for miscellaneous shop supplies or waste disposal. �"°f�""s GT3870 —This amount includes a charge of$ ,which is required under law. DATE os-ii _ ___ ___-_ _ _ _ _ __-____ ___ �— _ _ __.__ __ –� __......_._..._.,.._ .._.__. _._ �_ ...� _. ._ ___r_ . ____.. - �_ . ,', ` -.., + »;�-` � N $ ,` ` ._ ; ,.: �.�, � � � ; _ __ ._ __ -__ _ ...,,.� _ _ -� -._,-- . _ ' o� 1c 2�t�itr^��$p � : , - _ �- _ _ � ; � � ���� i���� ,iu�� .f2 E -- _,.. �bi;. ,_ - _.. ,„ ����( 4 C ; �S��P?-P�? � ,r� �r.; i � � � , ���' ,- , � . - � T �-�.{+���r�� :a,2ytikl"Y3N 2Tr,V J' .�.�:�l" I __'. �i�S"=+zaak'BS:. .�...ari:'." 6! !Fi`�'...�3. ��' �.. b`� S ��BF�`� ,....�a �s.,�m'_ A t� �� t:�f.. '. '.P I'1 ,^-�F,;;, � . _ , ��•" r):{..�_ . � . , • , _. :- . .:_ : -�: ' '. � � �. � . � . . . � _.. . ..� ._ , _ . j._ ._. . ..._._....... _ . -L._»_i--✓+.t { -.-. . - .. k 1__.--._. . . -. ..��n."N�i�'� .. . . . __ _ . . �� :7(5U^I��t1A&•`J��r� �'��.. _ !.__ . . . . _ ____._ _ _'. ___. _.._._ ..__ .F ._'_- T i f (II �. __ _.._.._- __ , ' . ^, ` .. ... __ _' _'___ � ._. ' , .."'_—. ._...._.. ._ ____' '___ ' � i� 1 �- � ' � 1 . 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