Rysgaard (2) NOTICE OF CLAIM FORM to the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, 2 extra pages added to standard document provided. I am Robert Alan Rysgaard. I was driving to a Hudson Wisconsin business appointment on Tuesday March 19th 2013 when this accident occurred. I had stopped and ate lunch at the Culver's restaurant in the Sun Ray Shopping Center. I was on my way to Hwy 94 East via the frontage road on Old Hudson Road in front of the Cub Foods, 2197 Old Hudson Road when I hit a gigantic pot hole which resulted in a shredded right front tire, a bent right front rim and damage to the right front tire sensor. This resulted in having to have my car towed, rent a car from Enterprise and having all the repairs done which are detailed in the repair receipt performed by R.M.F. Auto Service enclosed with this claim. My tires, rim and tire sensor were all in fine condition and fully operational with no issues prior to hitting this pot hole. All these damages were as a direct result of hitting this pot hole. This pot hole was situated on the frontage road in front of the Cub Foods store parking lot on Old Hudson Road. There is no excuse for this hazard to have been blatantly ignored and neglected by the City of St. Paul endangering the physical safety of the drivers as well as their vehicles. I phoned in and spoke with the City Clerk who directed me to the website to obtain a copy of the claim form and also gave me the name (Sandra Bodensteiner) and number (651-266-8887) of the City Attorney who handles these claims. I called the Sandra Bodensteiner and gave her the address of the pot hole and explained what happened. I went back to the scene of the accident the next day on 3-20-13 and took a picture of it with my cell phone. When I returned to R.M.F. Auto Service to get my car when it was finished on 3-27-13 I again stopped at the scene and took another picture of the pot hole and measured it with a tape measure. The pot hole had been filled in. The distance across the asphalt was 3� x 39 . Braden Adams of R.M.F. Auto 'l, and'stated that b the size of the hole, Service also went to look at the pot hd e Y he was astounded that it didn't cause much more damage to my vehicle. Clearly this repair to the road should have been done prior to my becoming a victim of the neglect and negligence by the City of St. Paul. My car repairs came to $1700.00, tow was $21.43, and the rental car was $21.57, so I am asking to be compensated for $1743.00 I am making this claim to be restored back to my original condition prior to hitting this pot hole. I am not being opportunistic and attempting to make money at the expense of this City of St. Paul. All of my claims are legitimate and documented both by witnesses as wetl as documents I submitted verifying my claims. I have experienced lower back pain since this accident and have been treated by my Chiropractor Dr. Barry Bicanich of Prospect Park Chiropractic on one occasion and I am hopeful that I willed be healed in the near future and at this time I am not seeking any damages for injuries suffered as a result of this accident. �. � 5s� s�r��u� E�n►acE � : oo��rr Htuls�on, WI 54016 � 715-386-8100 Da�e:�IZ7M3 Cee�er: 1 Pa�e 1 af 2 THANK YOU FOR YOI�BUS'INESS! Cusbon�er: RYS�GAARD, ROBERT Vehicle: 2001 AUDI TT Addross: 4322 SHORELINE DR Lice�'�se: �= Cih►: ROBBINSQALE, MN 55422- VMI : TRUUT28N611003877 Ho�e : ( 612 ) - �: En�ne: 4-1781 1.8L DOHC Tra�+s: Csll : ( 763 ) 355-44`�l Ext: i�Nap�: 150359 Sub: Op T�eh � labor Parls SnbblN OiNn PaR Nwwb�r PaR D�on ' R�on h�►R�pMo�R Prkx— Servite Req�: sYre�dc�a flreet dre rar�rair�s foet��ery�bt be�C' Plare i�k eaf�e vc�de a�i adme BR3CD3 DN Brtlrt S�stta E�al�tie� . 0.00 TS 00 D11 MniJ1VT AND B�AI.ANCE 411RES 60.00 1076.08 1138.Oa 4.00 100021277 EAGLE GT 54U.60 4.00 TIRE DISPOSAL 12.00 Tread Depth: 10 Warranty: 0 Rating: V Size: 225/45R17 4.00 .VST TIRE VALVE STEM 2.52 4.00 WEIGHT fiEIEEL WEIGHT 7.96 1.00 8N06U1025HZ33 wHEEL 515.00 BRl[90 DN Ae�eve�ReNaoe Ab 3pced Se�ser-Frnat,Ore 286.81 168.99 457.80 1.00 6N0927903C HARNESS 168.99 tay�eNs: M�rCari,S80Y M.ei�3R7l13 OK �d I�oo�nd�tloA QIC dtd � OK !!�d � --- 3P17/20'131:41:N Buooe�ul tra Au�: 2�0 MF 0�753Z X i e09..90 wst *`�"'�""es11 ��RYSG�AARD Aproes!o P�r TaeM M�oa+t Aooael'n0 to Csd MpMr Agw� "Mdor Vabcle repar Frr�o���b9�ATCP 132,Wis.Adr.Co�e, ad�iislered bf'�e H�rau c#'Cooa�oar Pmkr,eio�, L�O1'' ��{$.$� w���-�,�;,�,T�,�a c�a Ra�p.,p.o.�asi i,�.,w���ss�oss9i�- Pa�ls: s1.247.07 we..ura�at eer repsir�ra a.a hbOr for IZ.e.tb or 12,eM�ite#,�ic�evcr ooses lat,.vtA� sublst• 30.00 oerlxir e:c�pEie�.l�p�ar+e e:espt Detailt ate araiWtble opi req�est. p�Fess: 50.00 Customer ageees to:1.Pay all oollectiam oostg and/or atto�aey's fees in the errent defgult is made ia�Y P8Ym�t due. 2.If��oa�obik is ret�uaed to cu�oma witbFrt repair service being Perfarmed,a di�gno�tic�d�dling f�ee St+op SuPP�� 515.49 (�ct�g�i�g)mar be c�•3.c�s tett athx wodc is�ed may be s�jed to a�fee.a. St�o�l: a1,611.37 Tams�e Cash,� hav�e boen made pciac to su�ori�tion. g�1es Ta�c: 388.63 I have read and�d d�above aad acimawledge raceipt of�estimste,r�ei�pt of ti�e merchandise and services set foith h�and a oopy of ii�is sales invoice. patd e�r: Total: �1,700.00 Custoinec' Ca�h Signa_+�� � � w�r rr+.�: �d: 51,700.00 Thank you fior�our business. We�preciate it! o�: sQ.00 � . � ; 592 Sc�homn,�e+,D� INYOICE # : 0033327 H�, wi �o�s �� �� 715-386-8100 Da1�:3t27N3 Cen�r: 1 Pape Z o�f 2 TNANIC YOt1 FOR YOI�t BUSINESS! C�r: RYSC'AARD, ROBERT VehicN: 2001 AUDI TT Addre�s: 4322 SH�RELINE DR Li�e: �: C�►: ROBBiNSDALE, MN 55422- 1lMi : TRUUT2�16110Q3877 1�ome : ( 612 ) - �: Enpine: 41781 1.8L DOHC Trans: CaN : � 763 ) 355-4454 Ext: M�: 150359 _ S�+b: _ — Op Ted+ Orse�e�n L.�bor Parts Sublotd tlu�n PaR lluw�ber Part Dwai�lion Rw�on for R�pl�aw�t _ Prk� _ -- � �ww**:*e►�i,r�ll],A�[?.� c,.�,s�.�,o.s�rn3 q� � — �.�o„ pc eaa - � ac e.a �.00nw�«�.eon �t3't/Z0'131:N:49 Bucossdul tra /uRh: ?A90 Rs1: 04753Z X i lOtAO Wrt �11 RpgERT RYSGAARD�pses b Ray Told MnourR A000�b CMd 1�Ap�M�wnt �v���n��r���is�,v�.�.ccaa�, .�a�rm���ca..�r+�., ta�or• �345.81 w�emain De�.of'AgiwdO�,TzaAe.a coa.o.er Rwecdaa.r.o.eaec a911,Madi�oo,Ti+'ncoa�.ss7o6-8911� p�1Pl�• S�,2�17.07 We�rurat o�r r+qair p�rts�lab�r for 12�ar 12,lM�r,w�Yic4�.wer e�s 1�,w�i g�- �p.00 ecrl�e:oe�tioes.M�et�a�P�'a m ez�pt.D�t aM'e ava�abk�oa r�- p�pr Fe�s: 50.00 Cuata�er a�ces to:1.Pay all collection oosts�d/a�or�y's fees in th�e evrot default is mede in anY paymeat due- 2.If m�omobik is redaaed to custc�n►er wit2�out�r seavice being perfamod,a dis�c�d haodlin8 fee Slf�fp 8tlpp�es: s 15.48 c���►���y��.3.���,,,��������«*�a��.4. s�r�.�: a,,611.37 Tams are e,ash,���'e been made pr�r w s�Rho�iz�ion. 8�iss Tax: 388-63 I have re�d and unclerstand the above and aclmawiedge recei�pt of an estim�e,receiPt of t�e merchandise and seivices set forth hec+eia�d a copy af tilis sales invoice• Paia sy: T�1: $1,700.00 S�t�x � �: Paid: 51,700.00 Thank you for your�si�s.s. We appreaate it! o�: �o.00 o Z 3— y ; vi p � .-. t/� 0a v v v � � ��,-� � o -� -� � � � �,s' g � � c^ ,n�, � � � $ C � � � v � � � . a � � � � � m � .. 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YES N(3 '�IS Tt�TRLE AND i�GIB�RATION i�7XyVERY FEE,SEE PAOE 2.PJIR�RAPH 3.b.8. P/�BY C'R`� C�'� , F OUT. E 11B V4 318 1/2 518 3f4 T� F � . �� . L No Gasoiine Refunds �� a►� AMOl1F1'f R�AIEDBY f1fMl�t IS API AFfl1.MTE OF HifFA�E FIOLDIrGS YdC,V�!#t�!O�INVSKi.FbQi15"ib�liM�3MIE)t�lAf�S. 0 EMe�prtis le�r+9 Comp�y a I�Anr�eeola.[LC.201 �:y-�-�'��---�_...�..._. .._. � _,._._,.o......_...._.,.._.k,.r�.,�.._�_�_�--�-_�---„r..�_.,_�-___, ..�_..__._..,_._.....�..._.�...e.,�.....Y........-..:.a I