97-802Council File # ���Qa Green Sheet # J �b � � �+RI�I�!A�. Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 10 RESOLUTtON CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �5 Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Ta�cicab Driver's License Application submitted by Williaxn R. Harper is hereby denied for the violation of Indecent Exposure. This resolution and the action of the Council in this matter are based upon the facts contained in the Notice of Violation letter to the licensee, the Ramsey County Court Records, St. Paul Police Report CN 94-092-196, and such arguments as may have been presented to the Council at the public heazing. The facts were not contested by the licensee. Requested by Department of: L _ 1 J / �i /.L Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By By � a. � / �oved by Mayor: Date � 2 L"%�- � L// T — Form Approved by City Attorney By : 7/!/� o �� �/Y,,, _, � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � �8232 �EPANIMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL OATE INITIATED �/� — AO ^ License Inspections Environmetrtal Prot. June 12 ,1997 GREEN SHEE �� '� CONTACf PERSON 8 PHONE MRIAVDATE INfTIAUDATE ODEPARTMENTDIRE �CffYCOUNCIL Robert KesSlei, 266-9112 nssicx � cin uroaNe� � atr c�wc NIIYBER FOp MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (OA'fE) pOUiiNG � BUDGET OIRECiOR � PIN. & M6T. $ERVIGES �IR. June 25 1997 Public Hearin OROER � MAYOR (OR ASSISTAN'n O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR StGNATURE} ACT10N RE�UESiED: Concerning ffie TaYicab Driver's License Application submitted by William R. Harper, 833 Fremont Avenue. (Uncontested) RECAMMENDA71oNS: Approve (n) a Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING OUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ GIVII SERVICE WMMISSION �� Has this person/firm ever worked under a conVad for this department? _CIBCOMMITT£E _ YES NO _ STAFf 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ oi57niC7 COUa7 _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill no[ normally possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explaln all yes answers on separete sheet end attach to green Shcet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNIT' (Wno, What, NTen. Where, Why): ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED' `s34de���?�� ��� 'u,=:'sx,eE'wZ}� ���1 � �7�J _...__._..,....�__,._.__,...._....... DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPFOVED: TOTAL AMOUN70FTRANSACTION $ COS7/REVENUE BUDGEiEp (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNOIfBG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFOA65ATION- (EXPLAIN) OfFICE OF THE CI7Y ATTORNEY Peg Birk, City Aftorney ��_ j � 0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Civil Divisiort 4Q0 Ciy Hat! I S West Kellogg Blvd Saint Pau{ �nnesota 55IO2 June 10, 1997 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING William R. Harper 833 Fremont Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 551�6 Re: License Application for Taxicab Driver's License Our File Number: G97-0209 Dear Mr. William: . �,� .��"i� 2'�'�' Please take notice that a hearing concerning your license application for a Taxicab Driver's License has been scheduled for 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, June 25, 1997 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the facts concerning your conviction for indecent exposure have not been disputed. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remarks as to the penalty, if any, to be imposed. The recommendation of the license office will be for denial of your Taxicab Driver's License Application. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours� `��� l, cJ:-,.�.c�. Virgiriia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney T¢lephone: 612 266-8710 Facsimile: 612 298•56I9 n� �`#�1{ r� ' • '..�. �`. cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Troy Gilbertson, LIEP q���roa UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING Licensee Name: William R. Harper Address: 833 Fremont Street Council Hearing Date: June 25, 1997 Violations: Conviction for Indecent Exposure Minn. Stat. § 617.23 St. Paui Legisiative Code § 376.16(e)(4) October 10, 1994 Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of ctient, Office of License, Inspections and Environmentaf Protection: Denial of Apptication for Taxicab Driver's License Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation 3. Apptication and license infiormation 4. Certified copies of Ramsey County Court Records CIIY OF S �I;�T PAliL, �orm Colemon, .11a�ror MGy 5, 1997 jry'i l l 1nii1 �. ?:c_^c'_' 833 Fr2:�oat S�_��� �z=='t Paul, N�-^����a SS1C� OFF1C] = THE C]TY AT70R\El" Timotl{r E alcrs, C�rt.S:mrnn� O a� -F a Cn�il D"n�rsion :QO Ctq� Hall Telephone. 6]? ]66-6'10 75 7�es� Rellogg Sh�d Facsimiie: bl? ?95-5619 Sainr Poul, Tlmnesota 3?IO? 2e: L'_cense A�til'_���ic^ _.._ TaxicGb Dr<<�er's Licerse Cur cile �;:�:�e_. C-;7-���9 Dear Nr. 3arper: T�e 0=fice of Lice-=e, Ir=_.e�tic^s and Er.vironmental Prctectie� is recommending deniai c= your ��plication for taxi driver's licer.se, This action is bGse3 ca th= °ollowing: Section 376.15(e)(4) o� the Saint Paul Legislativa Code does not permit the issuance of a taxicab driver's license to a person having a gross misdemeanor or misdemeanor convictio� in the past three (3) years iz�volving indecent con�uct. Your conviction in 1994 for indecent exposure constitutes a violation of this section and is the basis for de�ial of your license application. Section 310.06 of �he Legislative Code also allows denial of a license when such -atters i,dicate a lack of good moral character or fitness to eng�c=_ in the licensed activity. Under state law, N,i:�n. Stat. ch. 364, the City of Saint Paul must inform you of certain matte_s: First, th= grcunds ar� reasons for the denial of the license. The=e grou^ds and reasons are set fcrtn above. Second, any cc-plai�ts �r grievances that you mzy have will be proces=_ed an3 a.�judicated ia accordance with the procedures set *crth _- section 310.05 of the Saint Paul PAG� 1 q�_�o2� Legislati�e Code. T�e=e procedures are substantially similar to t: ose rec by the state administrative orocedures Gc" Mi�:n. �tat. §§14.57-.69. 1-^-1TC�, 'Cf2 2='_"�.1�Si. Ca�° C:1 4:'71C}'? y011 iild re�pply 20Y d t�xi dri�-e_'s licerse x_I1 be oae year fro� the later oi t�e follcw:-c �wo CGL��' �}� t:�e date of your successiul CO^1Al2C1C_i C= SL:DEYV=�?f3 DYO�.^.,cLi0:1� 4i1t�1 a copy Oi i.}1E C'°DdY�RtE^C '_ CCYT°C�_OIIS Q'_SC; cYC2 OY ar_d cther documents .. =cwi�g cc:,,p1iG*:ce with all ter�s and conditic�s c_ arc.'�,at_�z; er (2} ��e date, eursuant to s2ction 31�.�� of tre _egislative Code, your license is cenied by t^e Ci�y o' �airt ?aul. �uture rec�ption of a reapplicac`_c- aoes -„= guar�rtee tnat there will be SUi�1C12P� ='v'_�cL�C° C' IIOY �PcL a license wiil issce �� �_.�t ti-.=. rourth, == }-": r=_�: �_y -r , , _,e C'ty of Sairt ?Gul will consider a_1 co;-.pe�=-� ev�dence or r2habilitation that you wish �o :resert. _xamples of tne type of �vidence tnat will �2 co�s;cer�3 are set ferth in section 364.�3 ei the sta�e _�w. Since the propcsen ::enial c` your application ior a license is G*� anverse actioa, �,�ou are entitled to the hearing procedures established in sections 31D.o5 and 310.06 of the Saint Pzul Legislative Code. !'ou or yo::r attorney will have to make a written request for a hea�ing if ycu wish to contest the denial of your application. If you do contest tae iacts stated above in bold type, a hearing on the facts will be :eard before an administrative law judge, whose findings and reco�;�:�endatiors will be given to the St. Paul City Council for a final dete: If you choase to exercise your right to a hear;-g, the Office o£ License, Inspections and Environmental Prot�ction will also submit a recommendation to the judge to recover t�e cost ci the hearing. You may then be held responsible for the cost of the administrative hearing. If you do not contest the f�cts stated above in bold type, you will be assumed to ccnce3e the iacts and your license application will be denied. Please be on nc�ic� that yo:: do not have a taxi driver's licer.s=, and you are not pe:-.�tted to 3rive a cab without such a license. If you do drive a cab x_thout t:at license, evidence of that fact m�y be used in add:�_c- to ot}e_ evidence to deny the licease. PAGB 2 �,� ,�oa- Please contact ,;;2 cr ?eter ;ancborn, �t 266-8710, witnin ten (1�) QcyS STOiA ��'1C Cct� OS C '_EL�EY cS �O whether you admit OT C°^�Y the hiahlighted _acts =_tate� aboce, and whether you wish to have an aaministrative _e�rir C:1 _7C�Z �acts. Failure �O CORtaCi i.',g w1t^7.21 thst t_r.iz ��r_p,r", w� 1 i �e i�terUreted GS }>CL:Y 1ritEP_t t0 w?t}draw your �ic�-=e a��1'_c:tie�. As stated above, i= you chocse i.0 proceed W1L_R d.. cC^,11�i c_` hPCY'�.?1Q� y0i1 W1� 1;:cEC� [O .T,�'.KG' l,�'G� r�vl.ES�L �� N�_._��.�. Very �r�ly yours, � l/� ��� � Virginia D. Pai-�-- A=<istar.t City _��_-'-=Y cc: Zebert Re�s_e=, :,'==_c=�r, r.l�� C :ristine 3cz_:�, L_=? T_cy Gilbert=c�, '.i-? ?AG ; 3 q� .�oa- STP_Tfi O_ M:AT�SG_3 ) Ss. AFSIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL COti?Q_�' OF �A?vS�y JOA��N� G. C_= b�`_-g =irs� duly sworn, depcses and says t:a� on Nay 7, =_�7, s�� served the attached L�TTB� on _^e =cllowiag named v=_son by �=acir_g a tr4e and carrect copy thereof in Gn eavelepe Gac_ as '_ol=ows: irI_-'_iam R. Harber 833 Fremo:� Street St. Pau1, MN. 55106 (w�ich is the la=� ;_-�own adc°ess o� said person) and deocsiting cc,e sa,<<<, with posta�� _ retiaid, _� �'�e United States mails at St . Pau �, Minn2sota. Subscribed and sworn to bef�re me this 7th day of Nay, 1997. . � � KATHRYN J. t1clAUG!'_'^: � � I;OTkRY Pl16LIC - N�4:: E;. RHMSEY COUNTY My Comm, Expires Jan. 31. �^2 , ' ; � ! �=..=ZP"�_' I =o� °.� AP?i=C1ii�O1T 1 , �I� -�o�- 7�545 City o� Sa:.^.t ?aul Of��ce o� I.ice. :.s�cctio:.s And � viro:u-�: ?ro�ect�o_. 3�0 St._?eter St. Sti::te 300 S�.� ?a�:1., Ni.^.neso�a �S1C2 �� ��� I C / ` / ,i2� � ��22Vi`__- ,. � "��'���", � L Date Of AppiiCatlOn : 02/07/97 iicerse efiective �ra:, C2I07I97 to 02/07/98 U;iits L=C��S� UR.IV�.�� (��WJ 1 Totz1 r^ee: " _ � - � � � &• �� 4:tiY � K AP4 1 7 1G97 C��� � -�� i#i� t4..te��'t State Tax ID#: N/A Paid by: CASH 2-7-97--NF�D RECORD Q'.ECK—LK--LIC ree S66.�� S66.00 J C< �n.�'t /H .7� „,.1. J Your license to do business will be . u�n receipt of required approvals. If you have any questions :egarding yoar lice;,se, please call ---------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- CII2TIFICAT2�1 OF WORKERS' CQ'�'�ENSATIO:V COVERAGE PRSUANT ZU M1I�IIV"tSp'I'A STATUTE 176.182 I hereby certify that I, cr my ca�.y, am in ccanpliance with the w�rkers' ca�sLSation inc urance cwerage r��;:e-�ents of N,:nnesota statu� 176.182, subdivision 2. I also understand that prcv±sion of `_alse infcr,nation in this certificatioa co:,sti.tur.es sufficient grounds for a�:verse actioz aga�nst all licenses held, including revocation and suspension if said lice��.ses. Name of Insurance Canr,�r.y : Coverage frnn : � : Policy Nim�ber : I have no employees covered �.�der v�rkers' cQ�ersation insurance. Signature of licensee Busi.ess ha-ie Date Applica>.t Name: I!�/� //�` Taaicab Driver License ArYlication �,��.:_� .:� ��� � Y� i:o: c'_::ce om c �:7� Home Address: � �� �i�c� ���-FF,. < .re_s �� — --_- j`=.--_=-� f " �" /C�� , _ c,cy s:a.e - -=� Home Phone }: (_)_ 7 7� -Z ��� rusiness PSor,e #: (_) Date of Birth -� !�/�� p_�� of Birth: � P ` <-L / Are you a citizen c: t;e :;r.ited Sta:es7 1; �� �> 2;etive J 97- b�o�- CITl' OF SAI\T i'.-��L. O�:c o: Li:�z.<c. I��� c:•.ic: s crd E���itor,men:x! Pm;c;:ion ;� k R+<: s�. r,.ro. S,. r.�:. �!. ...._ tE:[I'saaW fo:([C):tEO:[a Taturalized **I£ you a:e not a U.S. =esicent, :cu must provice proof o£ work authorizatic� fzom the U.S. Zmmigraticn and Katcralizatioa Serv`_ce.** Driver's License ! Il ��lf, — () �� � �(� �� / iap. Date Kame and Address of cab co:rgany ycc ::ill be driving .or Do you own or lease the cab you dr:re7 What is the lease rate ycu pay to c�erate the cab? I hereby state under oath that Z have answered a11 of the above questions and that the information coatained he:ein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. i also berebp state that I have read and understand ihe rules aad regulatioas set forth ia Chapter 376.16 (Tazicab Driver's License of the Saint Paul Legislative Code), � , ����.����..�...02 , �� � 7 Sig*.sture oP Applican Date Subscribed and sworn befcre me this day of Notary Public, My commission expires 19 County, :^.t '�PROOF OF L'AI.SD DRIVER'S LICENSE HILL BE REQUIRED AT THE TI?:E OF APPLICATZON'* ��t -do �. � -94-002078 Misdemea SD Date ed: 07/O1(199� A11d5: � DOB: 05�03/1955 Race: White Sex: Male Soc Sec # DPnt At rny: EUGENE F. GOETZ Type; Retained Dfnt Status: Status Date: Bail Amount: Case Status CLOSED Offense Date: 07/Ol/94 Warrant Date; Location: 1 Continuances: 0 Trial Type: Jurisdiction: CCT Plea Charge Chap/Sect/Subd GOC UoC 001 GUILTY INDECENT CONIIL'CT 617.23 N 02692 Date Activity Tine Last 09/30/1996 Doc. Filed 11:11 Per,ding 04j11/1997 Archive Disposition Date 09/30/96 Next _ FC 3udge 04 06 08 10 District Verdict DischrgPrb CRTRM CkNIEt W. LUND57ROM, Dis(rici Coud Admin�stra,or, Ramsey County, State of ld�irnesoia, d�s h;;re� � certify that ihe arach� �nstrumeni is a true a^� c: �eci �py ol the aiginai on tile and ol record ;� r„y o5. s�. Dated this � day oE , � � DANIELW.LUNDSTROM, s;rictCourtl.;,-;;i,V�;�r BY __ `�'�•^r;:i; F!n No. Criminal Case Summary q� -�o�.. SD1009.0/970410:1506313Q + ; Criminal Sentencing Inquiry Last 4-94�-002�0�8 Gross Misdemeanor Date Piled: 07/ OSj1994 aii�. neuccL � � L� U/U1N4 ...— CING: Date-10 10 94 Judge-03135F Stay Imposition: Return Date: : 001 ---------+----+----+-----+- Si'1TENCE --------------------- ---------+Year+Mos +Days + �nounced += 1 ��_'� Confinement NCIC: MN062023C ro a 1on - - +- Probation NCIC: MN062o13G i iona - - +- + Residential Treatment: +---- z o ay - - - �This �ine �—S�aved S 3000.00 + }___________ + +"�ub.Ti ----------+ Type: S. ` ---+------+ + es i u lon -* ot.`.er Court Provisions: 365 367 eclplen : DL Suspend: Reinstated: Alchl Assess: $ School : Date- Waived COMMENTS: lYR &$30�0-SS PRB 2YR 1)90 DYS-CR 1DY 2)CMPLY W/MEDS/THERPY PER DR'S 3}NCO WjVICTIN. 4)LA, NO S/S; FC:TSI 10-17-94;WK REL ext FC 01 02 03 06 07 08 09 12 q'? - d�o a� SD1�19.0/970410:1504 Activity Summary First -94-002078 Gross Misdemear,or Date £iled: 07/0 - �T t�a-."��a�o n��F7inno�n�a VS. O1 � �,��_,�� Vy -- ��C AND D FILED�PP v 07/05j94 Clerical 10:00 � DEFT BAILED OUT BEFORE CT; FC TO PM CAL t'2M _ 07/05J94 Clerical 02:33 � NO CT TODAY DUE TO WATER DAMAGE; SCHD NEW 1ST APP DATE NOTICE SENT t2M _ 0�/06(94 Ttl $ Bail 11:48 $500 BAIL POSTED �`20068; FC 7/5 EMP _ 07/19/94 1st Distrt 01:00 E Wilson SP BL NP - FC OH 8/10/94 2:30 SANDS 131 TMS _ 07/19/94 Cert Rep 01:17 EUGENE GOETZ TMS _ 07/19/94 Doc. Filed 03:59 NOTICE OF RULE 7 AND 9 FILED AN,P _ 08/04/94 Clerical 01:44 FC TO 8/24j94 GN, OH 10:00 MARKERT _ 08J24/94 Plea Hrng 10:00 A Markert SP PG AS CHARGED 10-10-94 1:30 MARKERT RM 1240 PSI/SENT LD _ 08/24J94 Doc. Filed 02:27 PLEA PETITION FIiED LD _ 10/10/94 Hearing 01:30 A Markert SP FC PSI/SENT TO 10-11-94 1:30 MARKERT LD 1OJ10/94 Closed 04:30 - 10/11/94 Pre-sntInv 10:07 _ 10/11/94 SentenCinq 01:30 A Markert SP lYR &$3000-SS PRB 2YR 1)9�DY-CR 1DY 2}CMPLY SIJMED/THERPY AS DIR BY DR�S 3)NCO WfVICTIM 4)LA, NO SJS; W/FEES FC:TSI 10-17-94; WORK RELEASE AUTHORIZED DB _ 10/12/94 Bail Revw 03:05 11/21j95 Closed $500 BAIL #204630 EFUNDED TO DFD AT CTR CK#12483 EMP � CLOSED PER PENDING REPORT TMM ! 09j30/96 Doc. Filed 11:11 PROBATI013 DISCHARGE FILED BY PETER VADNAIS PO LHH -------------- ---------------Pending Activities --------- ---_____________ ------------------------------ — ---------------- 04J11/97 Archive Next FC O1 02 03 04 06 10 Council File # ���Qa Green Sheet # J �b � � �+RI�I�!A�. Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 10 RESOLUTtON CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �5 Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Ta�cicab Driver's License Application submitted by Williaxn R. Harper is hereby denied for the violation of Indecent Exposure. This resolution and the action of the Council in this matter are based upon the facts contained in the Notice of Violation letter to the licensee, the Ramsey County Court Records, St. Paul Police Report CN 94-092-196, and such arguments as may have been presented to the Council at the public heazing. The facts were not contested by the licensee. Requested by Department of: L _ 1 J / �i /.L Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By By � a. � / �oved by Mayor: Date � 2 L"%�- � L// T — Form Approved by City Attorney By : 7/!/� o �� �/Y,,, _, � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � �8232 �EPANIMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL OATE INITIATED �/� — AO ^ License Inspections Environmetrtal Prot. June 12 ,1997 GREEN SHEE �� '� CONTACf PERSON 8 PHONE MRIAVDATE INfTIAUDATE ODEPARTMENTDIRE �CffYCOUNCIL Robert KesSlei, 266-9112 nssicx � cin uroaNe� � atr c�wc NIIYBER FOp MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (OA'fE) pOUiiNG � BUDGET OIRECiOR � PIN. & M6T. $ERVIGES �IR. June 25 1997 Public Hearin OROER � MAYOR (OR ASSISTAN'n O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR StGNATURE} ACT10N RE�UESiED: Concerning ffie TaYicab Driver's License Application submitted by William R. Harper, 833 Fremont Avenue. (Uncontested) RECAMMENDA71oNS: Approve (n) a Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING OUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ GIVII SERVICE WMMISSION �� Has this person/firm ever worked under a conVad for this department? _CIBCOMMITT£E _ YES NO _ STAFf 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ oi57niC7 COUa7 _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill no[ normally possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explaln all yes answers on separete sheet end attach to green Shcet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNIT' (Wno, What, NTen. Where, Why): ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED' `s34de���?�� ��� 'u,=:'sx,eE'wZ}� ���1 � �7�J _...__._..,....�__,._.__,...._....... DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPFOVED: TOTAL AMOUN70FTRANSACTION $ COS7/REVENUE BUDGEiEp (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNOIfBG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFOA65ATION- (EXPLAIN) OfFICE OF THE CI7Y ATTORNEY Peg Birk, City Aftorney ��_ j � 0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Civil Divisiort 4Q0 Ciy Hat! I S West Kellogg Blvd Saint Pau{ �nnesota 55IO2 June 10, 1997 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING William R. Harper 833 Fremont Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 551�6 Re: License Application for Taxicab Driver's License Our File Number: G97-0209 Dear Mr. William: . �,� .��"i� 2'�'�' Please take notice that a hearing concerning your license application for a Taxicab Driver's License has been scheduled for 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, June 25, 1997 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the facts concerning your conviction for indecent exposure have not been disputed. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remarks as to the penalty, if any, to be imposed. The recommendation of the license office will be for denial of your Taxicab Driver's License Application. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours� `��� l, cJ:-,.�.c�. Virgiriia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney T¢lephone: 612 266-8710 Facsimile: 612 298•56I9 n� �`#�1{ r� ' • '..�. �`. cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Troy Gilbertson, LIEP q���roa UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING Licensee Name: William R. Harper Address: 833 Fremont Street Council Hearing Date: June 25, 1997 Violations: Conviction for Indecent Exposure Minn. Stat. § 617.23 St. Paui Legisiative Code § 376.16(e)(4) October 10, 1994 Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of ctient, Office of License, Inspections and Environmentaf Protection: Denial of Apptication for Taxicab Driver's License Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation 3. Apptication and license infiormation 4. Certified copies of Ramsey County Court Records CIIY OF S �I;�T PAliL, �orm Colemon, .11a�ror MGy 5, 1997 jry'i l l 1nii1 �. ?:c_^c'_' 833 Fr2:�oat S�_��� �z=='t Paul, N�-^����a SS1C� OFF1C] = THE C]TY AT70R\El" Timotl{r E alcrs, C�rt.S:mrnn� O a� -F a Cn�il D"n�rsion :QO Ctq� Hall Telephone. 6]? ]66-6'10 75 7�es� Rellogg Sh�d Facsimiie: bl? ?95-5619 Sainr Poul, Tlmnesota 3?IO? 2e: L'_cense A�til'_���ic^ _.._ TaxicGb Dr<<�er's Licerse Cur cile �;:�:�e_. C-;7-���9 Dear Nr. 3arper: T�e 0=fice of Lice-=e, Ir=_.e�tic^s and Er.vironmental Prctectie� is recommending deniai c= your ��plication for taxi driver's licer.se, This action is bGse3 ca th= °ollowing: Section 376.15(e)(4) o� the Saint Paul Legislativa Code does not permit the issuance of a taxicab driver's license to a person having a gross misdemeanor or misdemeanor convictio� in the past three (3) years iz�volving indecent con�uct. Your conviction in 1994 for indecent exposure constitutes a violation of this section and is the basis for de�ial of your license application. Section 310.06 of �he Legislative Code also allows denial of a license when such -atters i,dicate a lack of good moral character or fitness to eng�c=_ in the licensed activity. Under state law, N,i:�n. Stat. ch. 364, the City of Saint Paul must inform you of certain matte_s: First, th= grcunds ar� reasons for the denial of the license. The=e grou^ds and reasons are set fcrtn above. Second, any cc-plai�ts �r grievances that you mzy have will be proces=_ed an3 a.�judicated ia accordance with the procedures set *crth _- section 310.05 of the Saint Paul PAG� 1 q�_�o2� Legislati�e Code. T�e=e procedures are substantially similar to t: ose rec by the state administrative orocedures Gc" Mi�:n. �tat. §§14.57-.69. 1-^-1TC�, 'Cf2 2='_"�.1�Si. Ca�° C:1 4:'71C}'? y011 iild re�pply 20Y d t�xi dri�-e_'s licerse x_I1 be oae year fro� the later oi t�e follcw:-c �wo CGL��' �}� t:�e date of your successiul CO^1Al2C1C_i C= SL:DEYV=�?f3 DYO�.^.,cLi0:1� 4i1t�1 a copy Oi i.}1E C'°DdY�RtE^C '_ CCYT°C�_OIIS Q'_SC; cYC2 OY ar_d cther documents .. =cwi�g cc:,,p1iG*:ce with all ter�s and conditic�s c_ arc.'�,at_�z; er (2} ��e date, eursuant to s2ction 31�.�� of tre _egislative Code, your license is cenied by t^e Ci�y o' �airt ?aul. �uture rec�ption of a reapplicac`_c- aoes -„= guar�rtee tnat there will be SUi�1C12P� ='v'_�cL�C° C' IIOY �PcL a license wiil issce �� �_.�t ti-.=. rourth, == }-": r=_�: �_y -r , , _,e C'ty of Sairt ?Gul will consider a_1 co;-.pe�=-� ev�dence or r2habilitation that you wish �o :resert. _xamples of tne type of �vidence tnat will �2 co�s;cer�3 are set ferth in section 364.�3 ei the sta�e _�w. Since the propcsen ::enial c` your application ior a license is G*� anverse actioa, �,�ou are entitled to the hearing procedures established in sections 31D.o5 and 310.06 of the Saint Pzul Legislative Code. !'ou or yo::r attorney will have to make a written request for a hea�ing if ycu wish to contest the denial of your application. If you do contest tae iacts stated above in bold type, a hearing on the facts will be :eard before an administrative law judge, whose findings and reco�;�:�endatiors will be given to the St. Paul City Council for a final dete: If you choase to exercise your right to a hear;-g, the Office o£ License, Inspections and Environmental Prot�ction will also submit a recommendation to the judge to recover t�e cost ci the hearing. You may then be held responsible for the cost of the administrative hearing. If you do not contest the f�cts stated above in bold type, you will be assumed to ccnce3e the iacts and your license application will be denied. Please be on nc�ic� that yo:: do not have a taxi driver's licer.s=, and you are not pe:-.�tted to 3rive a cab without such a license. If you do drive a cab x_thout t:at license, evidence of that fact m�y be used in add:�_c- to ot}e_ evidence to deny the licease. PAGB 2 �,� ,�oa- Please contact ,;;2 cr ?eter ;ancborn, �t 266-8710, witnin ten (1�) QcyS STOiA ��'1C Cct� OS C '_EL�EY cS �O whether you admit OT C°^�Y the hiahlighted _acts =_tate� aboce, and whether you wish to have an aaministrative _e�rir C:1 _7C�Z �acts. Failure �O CORtaCi i.',g w1t^7.21 thst t_r.iz ��r_p,r", w� 1 i �e i�terUreted GS }>CL:Y 1ritEP_t t0 w?t}draw your �ic�-=e a��1'_c:tie�. As stated above, i= you chocse i.0 proceed W1L_R d.. cC^,11�i c_` hPCY'�.?1Q� y0i1 W1� 1;:cEC� [O .T,�'.KG' l,�'G� r�vl.ES�L �� N�_._��.�. Very �r�ly yours, � l/� ��� � Virginia D. Pai-�-- A=<istar.t City _��_-'-=Y cc: Zebert Re�s_e=, :,'==_c=�r, r.l�� C :ristine 3cz_:�, L_=? T_cy Gilbert=c�, '.i-? ?AG ; 3 q� .�oa- STP_Tfi O_ M:AT�SG_3 ) Ss. AFSIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL COti?Q_�' OF �A?vS�y JOA��N� G. C_= b�`_-g =irs� duly sworn, depcses and says t:a� on Nay 7, =_�7, s�� served the attached L�TTB� on _^e =cllowiag named v=_son by �=acir_g a tr4e and carrect copy thereof in Gn eavelepe Gac_ as '_ol=ows: irI_-'_iam R. Harber 833 Fremo:� Street St. Pau1, MN. 55106 (w�ich is the la=� ;_-�own adc°ess o� said person) and deocsiting cc,e sa,<<<, with posta�� _ retiaid, _� �'�e United States mails at St . Pau �, Minn2sota. Subscribed and sworn to bef�re me this 7th day of Nay, 1997. . � � KATHRYN J. t1clAUG!'_'^: � � I;OTkRY Pl16LIC - N�4:: E;. RHMSEY COUNTY My Comm, Expires Jan. 31. �^2 , ' ; � ! �=..=ZP"�_' I =o� °.� AP?i=C1ii�O1T 1 , �I� -�o�- 7�545 City o� Sa:.^.t ?aul Of��ce o� I.ice. :.s�cctio:.s And � viro:u-�: ?ro�ect�o_. 3�0 St._?eter St. Sti::te 300 S�.� ?a�:1., Ni.^.neso�a �S1C2 �� ��� I C / ` / ,i2� � ��22Vi`__- ,. � "��'���", � L Date Of AppiiCatlOn : 02/07/97 iicerse efiective �ra:, C2I07I97 to 02/07/98 U;iits L=C��S� UR.IV�.�� (��WJ 1 Totz1 r^ee: " _ � - � � � &• �� 4:tiY � K AP4 1 7 1G97 C��� � -�� i#i� t4..te��'t State Tax ID#: N/A Paid by: CASH 2-7-97--NF�D RECORD Q'.ECK—LK--LIC ree S66.�� S66.00 J C< �n.�'t /H .7� „,.1. J Your license to do business will be . u�n receipt of required approvals. If you have any questions :egarding yoar lice;,se, please call ---------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- CII2TIFICAT2�1 OF WORKERS' CQ'�'�ENSATIO:V COVERAGE PRSUANT ZU M1I�IIV"tSp'I'A STATUTE 176.182 I hereby certify that I, cr my ca�.y, am in ccanpliance with the w�rkers' ca�sLSation inc urance cwerage r��;:e-�ents of N,:nnesota statu� 176.182, subdivision 2. I also understand that prcv±sion of `_alse infcr,nation in this certificatioa co:,sti.tur.es sufficient grounds for a�:verse actioz aga�nst all licenses held, including revocation and suspension if said lice��.ses. Name of Insurance Canr,�r.y : Coverage frnn : � : Policy Nim�ber : I have no employees covered �.�der v�rkers' cQ�ersation insurance. Signature of licensee Busi.ess ha-ie Date Applica>.t Name: I!�/� //�` Taaicab Driver License ArYlication �,��.:_� .:� ��� � Y� i:o: c'_::ce om c �:7� Home Address: � �� �i�c� ���-FF,. < .re_s �� — --_- j`=.--_=-� f " �" /C�� , _ c,cy s:a.e - -=� Home Phone }: (_)_ 7 7� -Z ��� rusiness PSor,e #: (_) Date of Birth -� !�/�� p_�� of Birth: � P ` <-L / Are you a citizen c: t;e :;r.ited Sta:es7 1; �� �> 2;etive J 97- b�o�- CITl' OF SAI\T i'.-��L. O�:c o: Li:�z.<c. I��� c:•.ic: s crd E���itor,men:x! Pm;c;:ion ;� k R+<: s�. r,.ro. S,. r.�:. �!. ...._ tE:[I'saaW fo:([C):tEO:[a Taturalized **I£ you a:e not a U.S. =esicent, :cu must provice proof o£ work authorizatic� fzom the U.S. Zmmigraticn and Katcralizatioa Serv`_ce.** Driver's License ! Il ��lf, — () �� � �(� �� / iap. Date Kame and Address of cab co:rgany ycc ::ill be driving .or Do you own or lease the cab you dr:re7 What is the lease rate ycu pay to c�erate the cab? I hereby state under oath that Z have answered a11 of the above questions and that the information coatained he:ein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. i also berebp state that I have read and understand ihe rules aad regulatioas set forth ia Chapter 376.16 (Tazicab Driver's License of the Saint Paul Legislative Code), � , ����.����..�...02 , �� � 7 Sig*.sture oP Applican Date Subscribed and sworn befcre me this day of Notary Public, My commission expires 19 County, :^.t '�PROOF OF L'AI.SD DRIVER'S LICENSE HILL BE REQUIRED AT THE TI?:E OF APPLICATZON'* ��t -do �. � -94-002078 Misdemea SD Date ed: 07/O1(199� A11d5: � DOB: 05�03/1955 Race: White Sex: Male Soc Sec # DPnt At rny: EUGENE F. GOETZ Type; Retained Dfnt Status: Status Date: Bail Amount: Case Status CLOSED Offense Date: 07/Ol/94 Warrant Date; Location: 1 Continuances: 0 Trial Type: Jurisdiction: CCT Plea Charge Chap/Sect/Subd GOC UoC 001 GUILTY INDECENT CONIIL'CT 617.23 N 02692 Date Activity Tine Last 09/30/1996 Doc. Filed 11:11 Per,ding 04j11/1997 Archive Disposition Date 09/30/96 Next _ FC 3udge 04 06 08 10 District Verdict DischrgPrb CRTRM CkNIEt W. LUND57ROM, Dis(rici Coud Admin�stra,or, Ramsey County, State of ld�irnesoia, d�s h;;re� � certify that ihe arach� �nstrumeni is a true a^� c: �eci �py ol the aiginai on tile and ol record ;� r„y o5. s�. Dated this � day oE , � � DANIELW.LUNDSTROM, s;rictCourtl.;,-;;i,V�;�r BY __ `�'�•^r;:i; F!n No. Criminal Case Summary q� -�o�.. SD1009.0/970410:1506313Q + ; Criminal Sentencing Inquiry Last 4-94�-002�0�8 Gross Misdemeanor Date Piled: 07/ OSj1994 aii�. neuccL � � L� U/U1N4 ...— CING: Date-10 10 94 Judge-03135F Stay Imposition: Return Date: : 001 ---------+----+----+-----+- Si'1TENCE --------------------- ---------+Year+Mos +Days + �nounced += 1 ��_'� Confinement NCIC: MN062023C ro a 1on - - +- Probation NCIC: MN062o13G i iona - - +- + Residential Treatment: +---- z o ay - - - �This �ine �—S�aved S 3000.00 + }___________ + +"�ub.Ti ----------+ Type: S. ` ---+------+ + es i u lon -* ot.`.er Court Provisions: 365 367 eclplen : DL Suspend: Reinstated: Alchl Assess: $ School : Date- Waived COMMENTS: lYR &$30�0-SS PRB 2YR 1)90 DYS-CR 1DY 2)CMPLY W/MEDS/THERPY PER DR'S 3}NCO WjVICTIN. 4)LA, NO S/S; FC:TSI 10-17-94;WK REL ext FC 01 02 03 06 07 08 09 12 q'? - d�o a� SD1�19.0/970410:1504 Activity Summary First -94-002078 Gross Misdemear,or Date £iled: 07/0 - �T t�a-."��a�o n��F7inno�n�a VS. O1 � �,��_,�� Vy -- ��C AND D FILED�PP v 07/05j94 Clerical 10:00 � DEFT BAILED OUT BEFORE CT; FC TO PM CAL t'2M _ 07/05J94 Clerical 02:33 � NO CT TODAY DUE TO WATER DAMAGE; SCHD NEW 1ST APP DATE NOTICE SENT t2M _ 0�/06(94 Ttl $ Bail 11:48 $500 BAIL POSTED �`20068; FC 7/5 EMP _ 07/19/94 1st Distrt 01:00 E Wilson SP BL NP - FC OH 8/10/94 2:30 SANDS 131 TMS _ 07/19/94 Cert Rep 01:17 EUGENE GOETZ TMS _ 07/19/94 Doc. Filed 03:59 NOTICE OF RULE 7 AND 9 FILED AN,P _ 08/04/94 Clerical 01:44 FC TO 8/24j94 GN, OH 10:00 MARKERT _ 08J24/94 Plea Hrng 10:00 A Markert SP PG AS CHARGED 10-10-94 1:30 MARKERT RM 1240 PSI/SENT LD _ 08/24J94 Doc. Filed 02:27 PLEA PETITION FIiED LD _ 10/10/94 Hearing 01:30 A Markert SP FC PSI/SENT TO 10-11-94 1:30 MARKERT LD 1OJ10/94 Closed 04:30 - 10/11/94 Pre-sntInv 10:07 _ 10/11/94 SentenCinq 01:30 A Markert SP lYR &$3000-SS PRB 2YR 1)9�DY-CR 1DY 2}CMPLY SIJMED/THERPY AS DIR BY DR�S 3)NCO WfVICTIM 4)LA, NO SJS; W/FEES FC:TSI 10-17-94; WORK RELEASE AUTHORIZED DB _ 10/12/94 Bail Revw 03:05 11/21j95 Closed $500 BAIL #204630 EFUNDED TO DFD AT CTR CK#12483 EMP � CLOSED PER PENDING REPORT TMM ! 09j30/96 Doc. Filed 11:11 PROBATI013 DISCHARGE FILED BY PETER VADNAIS PO LHH -------------- ---------------Pending Activities --------- ---_____________ ------------------------------ — ---------------- 04J11/97 Archive Next FC O1 02 03 04 06 10 Council File # ���Qa Green Sheet # J �b � � �+RI�I�!A�. Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 10 RESOLUTtON CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �5 Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Ta�cicab Driver's License Application submitted by Williaxn R. Harper is hereby denied for the violation of Indecent Exposure. This resolution and the action of the Council in this matter are based upon the facts contained in the Notice of Violation letter to the licensee, the Ramsey County Court Records, St. Paul Police Report CN 94-092-196, and such arguments as may have been presented to the Council at the public heazing. The facts were not contested by the licensee. Requested by Department of: L _ 1 J / �i /.L Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By By � a. � / �oved by Mayor: Date � 2 L"%�- � L// T — Form Approved by City Attorney By : 7/!/� o �� �/Y,,, _, � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � �8232 �EPANIMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL OATE INITIATED �/� — AO ^ License Inspections Environmetrtal Prot. June 12 ,1997 GREEN SHEE �� '� CONTACf PERSON 8 PHONE MRIAVDATE INfTIAUDATE ODEPARTMENTDIRE �CffYCOUNCIL Robert KesSlei, 266-9112 nssicx � cin uroaNe� � atr c�wc NIIYBER FOp MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (OA'fE) pOUiiNG � BUDGET OIRECiOR � PIN. & M6T. $ERVIGES �IR. June 25 1997 Public Hearin OROER � MAYOR (OR ASSISTAN'n O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR StGNATURE} ACT10N RE�UESiED: Concerning ffie TaYicab Driver's License Application submitted by William R. Harper, 833 Fremont Avenue. (Uncontested) RECAMMENDA71oNS: Approve (n) a Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING OUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ GIVII SERVICE WMMISSION �� Has this person/firm ever worked under a conVad for this department? _CIBCOMMITT£E _ YES NO _ STAFf 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ oi57niC7 COUa7 _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill no[ normally possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explaln all yes answers on separete sheet end attach to green Shcet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNIT' (Wno, What, NTen. Where, Why): ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED' `s34de���?�� ��� 'u,=:'sx,eE'wZ}� ���1 � �7�J _...__._..,....�__,._.__,...._....... DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPFOVED: TOTAL AMOUN70FTRANSACTION $ COS7/REVENUE BUDGEiEp (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNOIfBG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFOA65ATION- (EXPLAIN) OfFICE OF THE CI7Y ATTORNEY Peg Birk, City Aftorney ��_ j � 0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Civil Divisiort 4Q0 Ciy Hat! I S West Kellogg Blvd Saint Pau{ �nnesota 55IO2 June 10, 1997 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING William R. Harper 833 Fremont Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 551�6 Re: License Application for Taxicab Driver's License Our File Number: G97-0209 Dear Mr. William: . �,� .��"i� 2'�'�' Please take notice that a hearing concerning your license application for a Taxicab Driver's License has been scheduled for 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, June 25, 1997 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the facts concerning your conviction for indecent exposure have not been disputed. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remarks as to the penalty, if any, to be imposed. The recommendation of the license office will be for denial of your Taxicab Driver's License Application. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours� `��� l, cJ:-,.�.c�. Virgiriia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney T¢lephone: 612 266-8710 Facsimile: 612 298•56I9 n� �`#�1{ r� ' • '..�. �`. cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Troy Gilbertson, LIEP q���roa UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING Licensee Name: William R. Harper Address: 833 Fremont Street Council Hearing Date: June 25, 1997 Violations: Conviction for Indecent Exposure Minn. Stat. § 617.23 St. Paui Legisiative Code § 376.16(e)(4) October 10, 1994 Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of ctient, Office of License, Inspections and Environmentaf Protection: Denial of Apptication for Taxicab Driver's License Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation 3. Apptication and license infiormation 4. Certified copies of Ramsey County Court Records CIIY OF S �I;�T PAliL, �orm Colemon, .11a�ror MGy 5, 1997 jry'i l l 1nii1 �. ?:c_^c'_' 833 Fr2:�oat S�_��� �z=='t Paul, N�-^����a SS1C� OFF1C] = THE C]TY AT70R\El" Timotl{r E alcrs, C�rt.S:mrnn� O a� -F a Cn�il D"n�rsion :QO Ctq� Hall Telephone. 6]? ]66-6'10 75 7�es� Rellogg Sh�d Facsimiie: bl? ?95-5619 Sainr Poul, Tlmnesota 3?IO? 2e: L'_cense A�til'_���ic^ _.._ TaxicGb Dr<<�er's Licerse Cur cile �;:�:�e_. C-;7-���9 Dear Nr. 3arper: T�e 0=fice of Lice-=e, Ir=_.e�tic^s and Er.vironmental Prctectie� is recommending deniai c= your ��plication for taxi driver's licer.se, This action is bGse3 ca th= °ollowing: Section 376.15(e)(4) o� the Saint Paul Legislativa Code does not permit the issuance of a taxicab driver's license to a person having a gross misdemeanor or misdemeanor convictio� in the past three (3) years iz�volving indecent con�uct. Your conviction in 1994 for indecent exposure constitutes a violation of this section and is the basis for de�ial of your license application. Section 310.06 of �he Legislative Code also allows denial of a license when such -atters i,dicate a lack of good moral character or fitness to eng�c=_ in the licensed activity. Under state law, N,i:�n. Stat. ch. 364, the City of Saint Paul must inform you of certain matte_s: First, th= grcunds ar� reasons for the denial of the license. The=e grou^ds and reasons are set fcrtn above. Second, any cc-plai�ts �r grievances that you mzy have will be proces=_ed an3 a.�judicated ia accordance with the procedures set *crth _- section 310.05 of the Saint Paul PAG� 1 q�_�o2� Legislati�e Code. T�e=e procedures are substantially similar to t: ose rec by the state administrative orocedures Gc" Mi�:n. �tat. §§14.57-.69. 1-^-1TC�, 'Cf2 2='_"�.1�Si. Ca�° C:1 4:'71C}'? y011 iild re�pply 20Y d t�xi dri�-e_'s licerse x_I1 be oae year fro� the later oi t�e follcw:-c �wo CGL��' �}� t:�e date of your successiul CO^1Al2C1C_i C= SL:DEYV=�?f3 DYO�.^.,cLi0:1� 4i1t�1 a copy Oi i.}1E C'°DdY�RtE^C '_ CCYT°C�_OIIS Q'_SC; cYC2 OY ar_d cther documents .. =cwi�g cc:,,p1iG*:ce with all ter�s and conditic�s c_ arc.'�,at_�z; er (2} ��e date, eursuant to s2ction 31�.�� of tre _egislative Code, your license is cenied by t^e Ci�y o' �airt ?aul. �uture rec�ption of a reapplicac`_c- aoes -„= guar�rtee tnat there will be SUi�1C12P� ='v'_�cL�C° C' IIOY �PcL a license wiil issce �� �_.�t ti-.=. rourth, == }-": r=_�: �_y -r , , _,e C'ty of Sairt ?Gul will consider a_1 co;-.pe�=-� ev�dence or r2habilitation that you wish �o :resert. _xamples of tne type of �vidence tnat will �2 co�s;cer�3 are set ferth in section 364.�3 ei the sta�e _�w. Since the propcsen ::enial c` your application ior a license is G*� anverse actioa, �,�ou are entitled to the hearing procedures established in sections 31D.o5 and 310.06 of the Saint Pzul Legislative Code. !'ou or yo::r attorney will have to make a written request for a hea�ing if ycu wish to contest the denial of your application. If you do contest tae iacts stated above in bold type, a hearing on the facts will be :eard before an administrative law judge, whose findings and reco�;�:�endatiors will be given to the St. Paul City Council for a final dete: If you choase to exercise your right to a hear;-g, the Office o£ License, Inspections and Environmental Prot�ction will also submit a recommendation to the judge to recover t�e cost ci the hearing. You may then be held responsible for the cost of the administrative hearing. If you do not contest the f�cts stated above in bold type, you will be assumed to ccnce3e the iacts and your license application will be denied. Please be on nc�ic� that yo:: do not have a taxi driver's licer.s=, and you are not pe:-.�tted to 3rive a cab without such a license. If you do drive a cab x_thout t:at license, evidence of that fact m�y be used in add:�_c- to ot}e_ evidence to deny the licease. PAGB 2 �,� ,�oa- Please contact ,;;2 cr ?eter ;ancborn, �t 266-8710, witnin ten (1�) QcyS STOiA ��'1C Cct� OS C '_EL�EY cS �O whether you admit OT C°^�Y the hiahlighted _acts =_tate� aboce, and whether you wish to have an aaministrative _e�rir C:1 _7C�Z �acts. Failure �O CORtaCi i.',g w1t^7.21 thst t_r.iz ��r_p,r", w� 1 i �e i�terUreted GS }>CL:Y 1ritEP_t t0 w?t}draw your �ic�-=e a��1'_c:tie�. As stated above, i= you chocse i.0 proceed W1L_R d.. cC^,11�i c_` hPCY'�.?1Q� y0i1 W1� 1;:cEC� [O .T,�'.KG' l,�'G� r�vl.ES�L �� N�_._��.�. Very �r�ly yours, � l/� ��� � Virginia D. Pai-�-- A=<istar.t City _��_-'-=Y cc: Zebert Re�s_e=, :,'==_c=�r, r.l�� C :ristine 3cz_:�, L_=? T_cy Gilbert=c�, '.i-? ?AG ; 3 q� .�oa- STP_Tfi O_ M:AT�SG_3 ) Ss. AFSIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL COti?Q_�' OF �A?vS�y JOA��N� G. C_= b�`_-g =irs� duly sworn, depcses and says t:a� on Nay 7, =_�7, s�� served the attached L�TTB� on _^e =cllowiag named v=_son by �=acir_g a tr4e and carrect copy thereof in Gn eavelepe Gac_ as '_ol=ows: irI_-'_iam R. Harber 833 Fremo:� Street St. Pau1, MN. 55106 (w�ich is the la=� ;_-�own adc°ess o� said person) and deocsiting cc,e sa,<<<, with posta�� _ retiaid, _� �'�e United States mails at St . Pau �, Minn2sota. Subscribed and sworn to bef�re me this 7th day of Nay, 1997. . � � KATHRYN J. t1clAUG!'_'^: � � I;OTkRY Pl16LIC - N�4:: E;. RHMSEY COUNTY My Comm, Expires Jan. 31. �^2 , ' ; � ! �=..=ZP"�_' I =o� °.� AP?i=C1ii�O1T 1 , �I� -�o�- 7�545 City o� Sa:.^.t ?aul Of��ce o� I.ice. :.s�cctio:.s And � viro:u-�: ?ro�ect�o_. 3�0 St._?eter St. Sti::te 300 S�.� ?a�:1., Ni.^.neso�a �S1C2 �� ��� I C / ` / ,i2� � ��22Vi`__- ,. � "��'���", � L Date Of AppiiCatlOn : 02/07/97 iicerse efiective �ra:, C2I07I97 to 02/07/98 U;iits L=C��S� UR.IV�.�� (��WJ 1 Totz1 r^ee: " _ � - � � � &• �� 4:tiY � K AP4 1 7 1G97 C��� � -�� i#i� t4..te��'t State Tax ID#: N/A Paid by: CASH 2-7-97--NF�D RECORD Q'.ECK—LK--LIC ree S66.�� S66.00 J C< �n.�'t /H .7� „,.1. J Your license to do business will be . u�n receipt of required approvals. If you have any questions :egarding yoar lice;,se, please call ---------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- CII2TIFICAT2�1 OF WORKERS' CQ'�'�ENSATIO:V COVERAGE PRSUANT ZU M1I�IIV"tSp'I'A STATUTE 176.182 I hereby certify that I, cr my ca�.y, am in ccanpliance with the w�rkers' ca�sLSation inc urance cwerage r��;:e-�ents of N,:nnesota statu� 176.182, subdivision 2. I also understand that prcv±sion of `_alse infcr,nation in this certificatioa co:,sti.tur.es sufficient grounds for a�:verse actioz aga�nst all licenses held, including revocation and suspension if said lice��.ses. Name of Insurance Canr,�r.y : Coverage frnn : � : Policy Nim�ber : I have no employees covered �.�der v�rkers' cQ�ersation insurance. Signature of licensee Busi.ess ha-ie Date Applica>.t Name: I!�/� //�` Taaicab Driver License ArYlication �,��.:_� .:� ��� � Y� i:o: c'_::ce om c �:7� Home Address: � �� �i�c� ���-FF,. < .re_s �� — --_- j`=.--_=-� f " �" /C�� , _ c,cy s:a.e - -=� Home Phone }: (_)_ 7 7� -Z ��� rusiness PSor,e #: (_) Date of Birth -� !�/�� p_�� of Birth: � P ` <-L / Are you a citizen c: t;e :;r.ited Sta:es7 1; �� �> 2;etive J 97- b�o�- CITl' OF SAI\T i'.-��L. O�:c o: Li:�z.<c. I��� c:•.ic: s crd E���itor,men:x! Pm;c;:ion ;� k R+<: s�. r,.ro. S,. r.�:. �!. ...._ tE:[I'saaW fo:([C):tEO:[a Taturalized **I£ you a:e not a U.S. =esicent, :cu must provice proof o£ work authorizatic� fzom the U.S. Zmmigraticn and Katcralizatioa Serv`_ce.** Driver's License ! Il ��lf, — () �� � �(� �� / iap. Date Kame and Address of cab co:rgany ycc ::ill be driving .or Do you own or lease the cab you dr:re7 What is the lease rate ycu pay to c�erate the cab? I hereby state under oath that Z have answered a11 of the above questions and that the information coatained he:ein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. i also berebp state that I have read and understand ihe rules aad regulatioas set forth ia Chapter 376.16 (Tazicab Driver's License of the Saint Paul Legislative Code), � , ����.����..�...02 , �� � 7 Sig*.sture oP Applican Date Subscribed and sworn befcre me this day of Notary Public, My commission expires 19 County, :^.t '�PROOF OF L'AI.SD DRIVER'S LICENSE HILL BE REQUIRED AT THE TI?:E OF APPLICATZON'* ��t -do �. � -94-002078 Misdemea SD Date ed: 07/O1(199� A11d5: � DOB: 05�03/1955 Race: White Sex: Male Soc Sec # DPnt At rny: EUGENE F. GOETZ Type; Retained Dfnt Status: Status Date: Bail Amount: Case Status CLOSED Offense Date: 07/Ol/94 Warrant Date; Location: 1 Continuances: 0 Trial Type: Jurisdiction: CCT Plea Charge Chap/Sect/Subd GOC UoC 001 GUILTY INDECENT CONIIL'CT 617.23 N 02692 Date Activity Tine Last 09/30/1996 Doc. Filed 11:11 Per,ding 04j11/1997 Archive Disposition Date 09/30/96 Next _ FC 3udge 04 06 08 10 District Verdict DischrgPrb CRTRM CkNIEt W. LUND57ROM, Dis(rici Coud Admin�stra,or, Ramsey County, State of ld�irnesoia, d�s h;;re� � certify that ihe arach� �nstrumeni is a true a^� c: �eci �py ol the aiginai on tile and ol record ;� r„y o5. s�. Dated this � day oE , � � DANIELW.LUNDSTROM, s;rictCourtl.;,-;;i,V�;�r BY __ `�'�•^r;:i; F!n No. Criminal Case Summary q� -�o�.. SD1009.0/970410:1506313Q + ; Criminal Sentencing Inquiry Last 4-94�-002�0�8 Gross Misdemeanor Date Piled: 07/ OSj1994 aii�. neuccL � � L� U/U1N4 ...— CING: Date-10 10 94 Judge-03135F Stay Imposition: Return Date: : 001 ---------+----+----+-----+- Si'1TENCE --------------------- ---------+Year+Mos +Days + �nounced += 1 ��_'� Confinement NCIC: MN062023C ro a 1on - - +- Probation NCIC: MN062o13G i iona - - +- + Residential Treatment: +---- z o ay - - - �This �ine �—S�aved S 3000.00 + }___________ + +"�ub.Ti ----------+ Type: S. ` ---+------+ + es i u lon -* ot.`.er Court Provisions: 365 367 eclplen : DL Suspend: Reinstated: Alchl Assess: $ School : Date- Waived COMMENTS: lYR &$30�0-SS PRB 2YR 1)90 DYS-CR 1DY 2)CMPLY W/MEDS/THERPY PER DR'S 3}NCO WjVICTIN. 4)LA, NO S/S; FC:TSI 10-17-94;WK REL ext FC 01 02 03 06 07 08 09 12 q'? - d�o a� SD1�19.0/970410:1504 Activity Summary First -94-002078 Gross Misdemear,or Date £iled: 07/0 - �T t�a-."��a�o n��F7inno�n�a VS. O1 � �,��_,�� Vy -- ��C AND D FILED�PP v 07/05j94 Clerical 10:00 � DEFT BAILED OUT BEFORE CT; FC TO PM CAL t'2M _ 07/05J94 Clerical 02:33 � NO CT TODAY DUE TO WATER DAMAGE; SCHD NEW 1ST APP DATE NOTICE SENT t2M _ 0�/06(94 Ttl $ Bail 11:48 $500 BAIL POSTED �`20068; FC 7/5 EMP _ 07/19/94 1st Distrt 01:00 E Wilson SP BL NP - FC OH 8/10/94 2:30 SANDS 131 TMS _ 07/19/94 Cert Rep 01:17 EUGENE GOETZ TMS _ 07/19/94 Doc. Filed 03:59 NOTICE OF RULE 7 AND 9 FILED AN,P _ 08/04/94 Clerical 01:44 FC TO 8/24j94 GN, OH 10:00 MARKERT _ 08J24/94 Plea Hrng 10:00 A Markert SP PG AS CHARGED 10-10-94 1:30 MARKERT RM 1240 PSI/SENT LD _ 08/24J94 Doc. Filed 02:27 PLEA PETITION FIiED LD _ 10/10/94 Hearing 01:30 A Markert SP FC PSI/SENT TO 10-11-94 1:30 MARKERT LD 1OJ10/94 Closed 04:30 - 10/11/94 Pre-sntInv 10:07 _ 10/11/94 SentenCinq 01:30 A Markert SP lYR &$3000-SS PRB 2YR 1)9�DY-CR 1DY 2}CMPLY SIJMED/THERPY AS DIR BY DR�S 3)NCO WfVICTIM 4)LA, NO SJS; W/FEES FC:TSI 10-17-94; WORK RELEASE AUTHORIZED DB _ 10/12/94 Bail Revw 03:05 11/21j95 Closed $500 BAIL #204630 EFUNDED TO DFD AT CTR CK#12483 EMP � CLOSED PER PENDING REPORT TMM ! 09j30/96 Doc. Filed 11:11 PROBATI013 DISCHARGE FILED BY PETER VADNAIS PO LHH -------------- ---------------Pending Activities --------- ---_____________ ------------------------------ — ---------------- 04J11/97 Archive Next FC O1 02 03 04 06 10