97-801Council File # ` / � � � V O � Green Sheet # V � ��������� Presented By RePerred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date � RESOLVED, that the Licensee, Tuan A Pham d/b/a Tuan Auto Repair (license ID No. 32119) located at 1459 University Avenue West in Saint Paul is hereby ordered to pay a fine of $1,000.00. Said fine shall be paid to the O�ce of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection within tlurty (30) days of the adoption of this resolufion by the Council and signature by the Mayor. This resolution and the action of the Council in this matter aze based upon the facts contained in the Notice of Violation letter to the licensee and such arguments as may have been presented to the Council at the public hearing. The facts were not contested by the licensee. xequested by Department of: I �' I�` ���� � � � f /� _ _ Adopted by Covncil: Date Adoption Certified by By: Approved by Mayor: Date By: � �__2S l`� Form Approved by City Attorney Secretary � &y: `�/li`c�[ix.�F'. �� E � / Z l�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council C By: 3$227 DERriMENTADFFICEACAUNCIL o June 11 �1997 GREEN SHEE � 1'� 0 � INRIAL/DATE INRIAVDATE CONTAGf PERSON & PHONE O DEPARTMENT �IRECTOFi � CITY CAUNCIL Robert Kessler 266-9112 assicx � arvanoaNev � cmc�aK MUST BE ON CAUNCILAGEN�A BY (�ATE) NUYBER FOR O BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIF. HOUTING 7une 25, 1997 Public Hearing OflDEN O �,�pyOA (OR ASSI5TANn � TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AC(ION REQUESTEO: Conce rnin�v adverse acrion against Tuan A. Pham, d/b/a T�an Auto Repair, 1459 University Avenue. (Uncontested) RECOMMENDATIONS: npprova (A) or Rejact (R) PERSONAL SEflVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has [his personlfirm ever worked under a coMrect for Mis tlepartment? _ CIB CAMMITfEE YES NO — 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? — STaF� — YES NO _ OISTFIC7 COUR7 _ 3. Does ihis personMirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICM COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? VES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet INIiIATING PHOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOiiTUNITY (Who, Whet, Whan. Where, Why): ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: � �i��` a��� 1 � i�`�7 -�---_ . -- --_ - --------�-'"-�:�! DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPfiOVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE AC7IVITV NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORhiATION: (E%PLAIN) , q ' 1 -�o� UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING Licensee Name: Tuan Anh Pham Address: 1459 University Avenue Council Hearing Date: June 25, 1997 Violations: Illegal parking and storage of inoperable and/or unlicensed vehicles and outside storage of auto parts and miscellaneous items. Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protecfion: One Thousand Dollar ($1,000.00) Fine Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. letter from licensee agreeing not to contest the facts 3. Notice of Violation 4. license information 5. photocopies of 10 photographs of site 6. complaint history and complaints OFFICE OF TI� CITY ATTORNEY Peg Birk, Ciry Anorney �O � �� CITY OF SAINT PALTL Civil Division .Norm Coleman, Mayor 400 Ciry Ha!! Telephone: 672 266-8770 IS West Kellogg Blvd Facsimile: 611198-5679 Sainr Paul, M"mnesam SSIO2 June 10, 1997 �9�Y �'�� 5 �i:n Jt.l�! 1 � f. NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING Tuan Anh Pham Tuan Auto Repair 1970 Dayton Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 Re: All Licenses held by Tuan Anh Pham d/b/a Tuan Auto Repair for the premises at 1459 University Avenue License ID No.: 32119 File Number: G97-0222 Dear Mr. Pham: Please take notice that a hearing concerning your Auto Repair Garage License has been scheduled for 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, June 25, 1997 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the facts concerning the illegal parking and storage of inoperable and/or unlicensed vehicles and auto parts have not been disputed. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remarks as to the penalty, if any, to be imposed. The recommendation of the license office will be for a$1,000.00 fine. If you have any guestions, please call me at 266-8710. Very tr yours,. _ � � � cc�...,. // Virgini� D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Robert Kessler, Director, Christine Rozek, LIEP Council Secretary LIEP q�_�ol Ple�se let me kacx _a writi=� no later th�� Monday, ?�ay 5, 1997 :cw you wish to procee3. If I have not heard from you in writing by May 5, 1997, I will ass�e that you are not contesting the facts outlined above, an3 will sc`_edule the matter for the hearing before the City Council. Sincerely, \ `�/�°L',.[-C� �J'.i ..�.-rt� C.J Virg_-��a D. ?al,:,e_ assistGrt City A��c_r_ey cc: 3ebert Resslo=, �==ec�_r c' LI=? Christine 3cze:�, �e��_: Dir>_ctcr c� LIE� {ris Schwein_er, �-ce-se :-=_eector ��Z � , "�s ������� � l d'v � � ��e+��ti , ��� ;�?�- �iL cn �C�c �Gt{" c�f�st yo L�� �� ��2� a �� y���Sf C. � f � v �,.� /f� i,, � ��,. yav �� �- Jj�LiY� �n f cz� ��cen1" � rn y l�✓siiusS �ds` ��h. ✓ �/ (?��.�n�G� O ��t-. �j�e�se �/1�CSTigdf'� CtvY� ✓ �n� � .��� � H �/ J v �' ` / r� C � � b� �rt.e ��-lc'nG� / eGf I/� !`°. !� C'-i'l)'/�� � y'P,�,� ��.�<i� y-� � ��� �---- OFF]C F THE CITl' ATTOR\E1' Prg 6+rk. t m� .Srrornrc CITY OF S:�I\T PALZ ?�orn: Coleman, ,1fa��or Cn�il D"n�ision +00 Ciq� Ha11 IS If'es1 Kellogg Bh•d Scint Pau7, .dlinnesoto 5�102 q� Telephone: 61? ?66-5%10 Facsnr.ile: 6!? :9R- 5 6/9 �pr;l 25, 1997 NOTIC3 OF VIOLATION TuGa ;::h Pham Tu�n Au�o RenG_r 1970 DGyton Av=r��e Sa ?aul, ?✓�? =�=�a_ RB: All Lice�=_�s =�ld - �an ^-� n Ph�m d � ; �y - � , /b/a Tu�n ALto �e�a_r �cr the pre-._s�s at 1�=: University �venue License I� _. 323�9 Dear Sir: The Director c= t'�2 C'_=ice of License, Inspections G�d Environmental ?re�ection w_11 recommend that adverse action be taken against your licer.ses.based on the foilowing information: The parking lot adjoining your business has been the subject of repeated complaints regarding the illegal parking and storage of inoperable and/or unlicensed vehicles and outside storage of auto parts and miscellaneous itexs. Because you are located in a P-1 district, you may not use the parking lot for storage of vehicles, equipment or supplies of any kind. Photographs taken in March and April of 1997 show numerous vehicles stored under mouncs of snow, piles of debris, miscellaneous junk parts and continued long- term storage of vehicles, all in violation of the zoning code. If you do not disa���e that t:e above facts, please send me a lett�r so that the matt=_r can be sc:eduled before the City Council for a hearing on what p=_-�lty, i= a-•y, to impcse. You will be allowed to speak on your be}a_'_ at tna� hearing. If }'011 DEIIEVE t:c_ �l':° idC�3 Si.nteC� abcve are 117 error, y011 d:2 entit t0 d71 �V_�=n�1dY �earing beiore an administrative Zc'vJ judge. In that ev<_-�, you r.-c•�ld receive a notice of hearing, with the date, time ard place =' the nearing and the name of the administrative law �ndge. a�-� Please ZEt IDE }CIICW '_�} Wri�j-J -;0 �c�EY thfl:1 N,ond N:d}� 7� 1997 :�w you wish to proce�d. Zf I �ave not heard from you in writing by May 5, 1997, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts outlined above, ar.d will sc�edule the matter for the hearing befcre the City Council. Siacerely, ` :,.c.GTL �'�.i//c�--(''�'� Vira_n�D. ?al�,.er Assistart City A�_:raeY cc: 3obert Kessler, �irec�cr c' �I_? Christine Rcz�;c, �eD�.�� �1�=ctor c' LI�? Rris Schk�ei�:�:, Licer_s= ___=Dectcr a� -�� S': �T� C? MI?��'=�G" :'_ COU?�TY CF ,'��IvNS=V ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JC- C-. l.. _"_=V -_"3 _:YS� Q:�_Y SWOY? C2PCS c? SaL' t.-nGl. __ A�v�� L�� i/ � S�C� �=YVC.�L t.�.� G :\OTIC.'.+ Vi V I VL_']1_�._\ C i L.1�.. TCl, OW=�_, __3.'..�Q _S_� DJ U_� GC=� � LYU2 �P_G CC'_':c^Ct CC: V ��Er2C_ 1ri ari c'��_;D2 u...._=SSEQ �S �O�!CWS: " "�_' A^_7 � _^.di1 __3__ a"-,',:�0 �2 __-_ DGytc�: Aver•�e �_. �aw_ 1�N. >j�.�d __�._ �:_� _�am '_��. LT�'_v=rsi:y Avenue S�. ?a::_, :�T_Q. 55104 (which is the - ias� ��cwn ac�_=ss=s the same, with pcs=age pre�a_d, in Paul, Ninnesot�. Subscribed and swcr� to be�cre me this 25th day of Ftiril, 1957. ��c� / `/• %�"J--JCL-L�'( ' Notary Publ_c �� RITA M. BOSSARD �� NOTARY PUBGG - H,I�;NiSCTA S RAMSEY COUNiY : My Comm, Expires Jan 's7. 20C^ �_ cf said person) ar.d deposit_-a �he united States mails at 5�. a ' 1 -g°1 r.�c ID ................... C:�1... ""' ... " ""- "' 3�siness Na�:e............ An3ress .................. Z17J ............... " " "' �0.1IlJ 3llS1_^_ESS F.S. ....... �=_cense Na�� ............. �x� Date ................. L^s�.�rance Carrier........ _ =•s. Folicy !��ns�ber. . . . . .. I�surar_ce =f=ec�ice Da�e. ?�s. Expira�_on �ate..... 1OT� F,.''�BA ................ laX Id ................... Wor'.�er Comp Exp Date..... Telephone ................ =21_9 ' '�.N � _ ..r_� � __5° u'�=�-:SI��' �v� t4 �:iOS =�i y:;=� :=a�_� _ � 'O �-_ _'-:- < G =�T�G� _7/Co'/�7 -\5? �_=\�? r30M 02 TO Ol ON a/09/52 --��= �SOo'97 ?r �_�T E??N r0� GEN REP GAR LIC APP'D W=1^3 S -=?S. C.F. 87-11a8 __;g-c� __, CO?���T101TS MET.�H. ==-17-:5 - SC�? granted for expar_sion of garaae - �-o��.�r �s�vice bGy to be added. Thr=e addit=cral c�na=�`_ors were placed on SCUP. See zoning �_ie 55 -226. Zor_-g to inspect to see if exnansion has ta :��n plac=. car/lic ::83C5: �:�L7�i� =47-0274 -.�' _ `�` - < _ _- _-- =�= � . A � .s . E� •�� � �� � � .� :.�, �_ . � �` ��. _ � ---'- - _`� � - �.. 1 �,�..?Ff: � } � �'ti . '�� C, a 1' . 4 : :�` , � a ���, � _ a l _ �{,� .�:�� • . 3 ' � .\ �� �T s ��r ��.1 ' ` ��: _� .� � i� i- -!� . � .� ���: . ;� �����'�-'.`. r � . ' �. ' i I � � ' ! J• '- '• \ �'=1.� �: �: f' i � � � j � 1 {.� \ ..� �t�9''�� �:..i:`� ..�y e ���� { <�_f . � C� " . � ` �. � C�� ' � i / - � � }/ _;>. R/ '\ . �', \_: �' '� ' Y ��\ � � ��: - j - ' j ;� ;, ::i'� � / � � , :,;` ; : ',. � ; a ', ;�, ' � , " � �, y . , �. , �.� ,. , �� .�� ;�� �,,. . .� � '\ / ; . � T�v'E , �� � � �.� e i � i•�� t y . t �ti i'� , / ; , •�_ . 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Clll' OF SAI\T PACL Sorm Calemcn. .l:airor DATE: ?vIarch 12, 1997 T0: Kris Sch���einier Senior License Inspzctor FROM: Peg Fuller Zoning Inspeccor OFFICE OFl.ICC�:SE. IASP!_Z�llO�ti -1�'U G�\'IRO\�1CXT:1L PROTt�CT10`: ^ p , Rahrrt,i'estler Dvcc�or /� � /\ ' V` 6L7LDI.��GISSPECT/O.�'AA�D Tclephoue:6;=-'66-9090 DESIG>� Fatsimile� 67=-'GG-9099 i �0 St Pertr Slreet s�,rre ;nn SanvtPcul. 4linnesoto ji103-]JIO RE: Tuan Auto Repair 1459 University A��enue (Business Location} 1456 Sherburne A.enue (Parki-�g Lot) A brief history of the referenced propem• re�arding zoning violations: 08/18/94 Complaint re�ardinQ parking/storing of inoperable, unlicensed vehicles in parkin� lot. 09/09/94 Inspection. Gave Tuan Pham �erbal orders to bring parking lot into compliance with the Special Condition Use Permit (SCUP) conditions (see higtilighted conditions of attached SCUP). 9/27/94 Letter sent to Mr. Pham reiterating 9/9/94 verbal orders (see attached). 10/15/94 Inspection. Parkin� lot impro��ed and Mr. Pham stated the remaining unacceptable vehicles would be removed from the property soon. 10/24/94 Inspection. A few ��ehicles remaining in violation, generally parking lot is very much improved. 11/02l94 Inspection. Three uniicensed ��ehicles remaining , referred complaint to Housing so they could issue orders for unlicensed vehicles (orders were issued on 11/8/44). 12/06/94 Two vehicles still unlicensed. Housing issued abatement orders, so I closed the complaint. 03/Ol/96 Complaint regarding vehicles, tires, Qeneral mess of parking lot and the neglect of a -. i � r� , doQ. Called'�1r. Pham and told him I�z�ould be comina out for an inspection. 03/05/96 D1et with licence inspector and �ir. Pham on site for 35 minutes discussing �•iolations. 03/21;96 Letter sent as a follo��-up to o��: 3i5196 meetina (letter attached). 04/10;96 ?�4uch improlzmenr in parkinQ lot conditions. 07/12/96 ?�4r. Pham once aRain in �•iolation of SCti�P. Many times in 1996 I attempted to concact the property ou ner. I never heard from the property oN�ner, nor �;as I successful in contacting them. CITY OF S.AIt1TT P_�LZ i�'nnn Colrmm�, A9cyor rlarch 21, 1996 ?�ir. Tuan Pham Tuan Auto Repair 1�59 University A� zr.u� Saint Paul, MN »IO-� RE: 1456 Sherbume ��enue Parkins I,ot Dear Mr. Pham: OFFICE OF LICESSE, i\5°ECTIO�S A\D E�\'II20\�7E�TAL PFOTECTIO� R�i+<rr 3,?rsla, D�re<tm ^ � �, � `� Z0.1i�'G.9D.311,A7S7'R9T70.\' Td.� 750 StPrtt� Srrttt Fucsimile: 61:-_'66-�Y9 S,r,"n Si0 Sain; Pmd..Ninr�esota 5510:-] As you are awaze, «z r;cendy recei�; d a complaint regardin� the storino of ��ehicles, auto parts and additional miscellaneous items. This property is located in a P-1, a vehicle parkin� district. As we discussed, this parl:ing facility may not be used for the storino of vehicles equipment or supplies of any I:ind. The referenced property may be used solely for private passenger vehicles business vehicIes, and a limited number of vehicles awaiting service (for short periods of tune) according to Sections 60.72I, 60.723(2} and 60.723(3) of the City's Legislative Code. Fxterior storage is not permitted in This zonin� district. Exterior stonge is first permitted in an I-1, an Industriai zoning district. Additionally, an auto sales business is not permitted without first obtaining a dealership license. A Special Condition Use Permit was appro�°ed last fall for expansion of an auto repair facility, not for an auto sales business. All miscellaneous exterior storage items and stored vehicles must be removed from the referenced property by April 8, 1446. After that date, I will be reinspecting for compliance with the Legisiative Code and the Special Condifion Use Permit. If you have any questions or concems regarding this matter, piease call me at 266-9085. Sincerely, Peg Fuller Zoning Inspector cc: Kris Schweinler, Senior License Inspector OFFICE OF LICENSE, L'�SPECI'IONS A7�'D Eh'�"0.'Oh".SEh7AL PROTF.CI'ION Robca K�ssler, Dircrwr Q � I � � ` ` CITY OF SAINT PAUL T'om Coleman, Dfcyor ZO�7�ti'G ADM/A7S7RATfON 350 St Pcur Street Suiu 310 Sci�u Pau(, N.iruusam SSIO2-ISIO 7ckphont: 67? ?6b9�8 Facrimik: 612-?659099 September 27, 1994 Mr. Tuan Pham Tuan Auto Repair 1459 University A��er.ue Saint Paul, MN 5� 104 RE: Parldng Lot At 1456 Sherbu:ne Avenue Dear Mr. Pham: As you are aware, «�e ha��e recendy received a complaint regarding the parking of inoperable vehicles at the referenced address. This property is located in a P-1, a Vehicle Parldng District. Per Sections 60.721, 60.723(2) and 60.723(3) of the Cify's I.egislative Code, the pazking facility may not be used for stor2ge of vehicles and may be used solely for private passenger vehicles (see enclosed copies). When I met with you earlier this month, you stated that you were keeping some of the vehicles because customers had not paid their biIIs. You also stated that 3 or 4 additional vehicles were used as storage for auTo parts. Stora;e of any kind, including inoperable and/or unlicensed vehicles is not a permitted use in this Parldng District. To comply with zoning requiremenu, all stored vehicles must be removed by October 14, 1994. All remaining vehicles must be licensed. If you need additional time to find a space for your vehicles or have any questions regarding this matter, please call me at 266- 9085. Sincerely, Peg Fuller Zoning InspecTor enc. cc: I,awrence M. Sw�2rtz -_--�-� - __--= -._ � -- �-- - __=_=,� _ ==-= � ��.��1 �-..==- -,�_��_`_: �: �-�___ ��--� 1�, �__ _�_� = ��:_- ��'�__^ __�?�__�� �--�-- �`-�_— =----= �_- -?<,__ �.�. _. _.. _� _.,_.. =Y'r__c. ---�- -� _.,��....� �`�--• - _�-- _��_ _. `_�_ _ `____. .,_..'.^,=ILL _ ____--X _ _'__Y = _,.:_._�. �- .. .�C „J .. ` y = _ �;1 �v..-�t-_� ____.\_� ____�.___ _�. _.�._� .-Gl,�. __..._ 'S/ Sar:e _�=. �_�-- - -�r.?n - -- - -- -- -- --�,---_- _-�__ _�ce^s2 ID °��:z� '=-�-s'�r co L I� ��re�t �' er i97C S�'-`�_- =, _ �io1: U:!:L �=__ct- .'�v?':° Dl-_XTGic :�,-�__ _ . .' _ � 1 = L , i �_-1 S J.: ti�G�� ;,'„'V� ��p ���0�? P:!Orc 6?62"iG0 L�C�cS " T^' - n -. .._ ..._ (�� �.iI�J? C _ �J ' ': 1J� ^J L_ lJ\� L /V�IJ2 2:�13?u_ �: ���SL�� P= �.� -._ =-� =l � ��?�: K�_ Ci?K Li� AP;�'D �9_T1 C"1aJ. �.._. ...,-__'& -K .� 5:6-13-34, ~��_. ,:OA�� aTC_�S ?✓=T.J3. 6:?1-17-95 - Sri7p arar,t=_3 �or expansion of garage - 7:another s=_ :ay to b� aqded. Three additi�n�l -- _ ----- &:conditicn� -s:�Ye place� �n SCuP. See zq 1 11n5_fi le--9� - . - RnS^_K=CTIOtiS :1�QUSRY SCREEN r.-C=';SE S�: �21i9 ��r:1'tiP?�� AII_O REPAIR AOTB: i:080687 P_PP'D W/ ti'=r`i:P_`S'?O:dS �.:. H7-1 ? _ 1. ?��0 ? ;R�I?'�G C= `1--_CL?S P;==':I'_�:: ?�?'�IK OR RBCENT 3:�Y KB?�IR�D ON =_� _-���T. 5:2_ T✓�IN_AI?Q 8 C='~S=3B.;1 =F=-c`_n� S_F_C?S iN �D�"IO S:N :0 T�OSB SPAC=� �:=T3IN ��- '=p�czG� LR�F. J : ` 7 : s: _ L : _`_'_'_ _'—__—___"__"— __— __ __ __—__ __l.'_�_ "_"�r�. �,/^/ ^ G•� - �-=� . _.� -�n �' / !�.�c?J =7 :_ _ --C=.._ ZL. .�__._, Da:e: Nar 12 Council File # ` / � � � V O � Green Sheet # V � ��������� Presented By RePerred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date � RESOLVED, that the Licensee, Tuan A Pham d/b/a Tuan Auto Repair (license ID No. 32119) located at 1459 University Avenue West in Saint Paul is hereby ordered to pay a fine of $1,000.00. Said fine shall be paid to the O�ce of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection within tlurty (30) days of the adoption of this resolufion by the Council and signature by the Mayor. This resolution and the action of the Council in this matter aze based upon the facts contained in the Notice of Violation letter to the licensee and such arguments as may have been presented to the Council at the public hearing. The facts were not contested by the licensee. xequested by Department of: I �' I�` ���� � � � f /� _ _ Adopted by Covncil: Date Adoption Certified by By: Approved by Mayor: Date By: � ----aS �_ Form Approved by City Attorney Secretary � &y: `�/li`c�[ix.�F'. �� E � / Z l�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council C By: 3$227 DERriMENTADFFICEACAUNCIL o June 11 �1997 GREEN SHEE � 1'� 0 � INRIAL/DATE INRIAVDATE CONTAGf PERSON & PHONE O DEPARTMENT �IRECTOFi � CITY CAUNCIL Robert Kessler 266-9112 assicx � arvanoaNev � cmc�aK MUST BE ON CAUNCILAGEN�A BY (�ATE) NUYBER FOR O BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIF. HOUTING 7une 25, 1997 Public Hearing OflDEN O �,�pyOA (OR ASSI5TANn � TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AC(ION REQUESTEO: Conce rnin�v adverse acrion against Tuan A. Pham, d/b/a T�an Auto Repair, 1459 University Avenue. (Uncontested) RECOMMENDATIONS: npprova (A) or Rejact (R) PERSONAL SEflVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has [his personlfirm ever worked under a coMrect for Mis tlepartment? _ CIB CAMMITfEE YES NO — 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? — STaF� — YES NO _ OISTFIC7 COUR7 _ 3. Does ihis personMirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICM COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? VES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet INIiIATING PHOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOiiTUNITY (Who, Whet, Whan. Where, Why): ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: � �i��` a��� 1 � i�`�7 -�---_ . -- --_ - --------�-'"-�:�! DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPfiOVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE AC7IVITV NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORhiATION: (E%PLAIN) , q ' 1 -�o� UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING Licensee Name: Tuan Anh Pham Address: 1459 University Avenue Council Hearing Date: June 25, 1997 Violations: Illegal parking and storage of inoperable and/or unlicensed vehicles and outside storage of auto parts and miscellaneous items. Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protecfion: One Thousand Dollar ($1,000.00) Fine Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. letter from licensee agreeing not to contest the facts 3. Notice of Violation 4. license information 5. photocopies of 10 photographs of site 6. complaint history and complaints OFFICE OF TI� CITY ATTORNEY Peg Birk, Ciry Anorney �O � �� CITY OF SAINT PALTL Civil Division .Norm Coleman, Mayor 400 Ciry Ha!! Telephone: 672 266-8770 IS West Kellogg Blvd Facsimile: 611198-5679 Sainr Paul, M"mnesam SSIO2 June 10, 1997 �9�Y �'�� 5 �i:n Jt.l�! 1 � f. NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING Tuan Anh Pham Tuan Auto Repair 1970 Dayton Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 Re: All Licenses held by Tuan Anh Pham d/b/a Tuan Auto Repair for the premises at 1459 University Avenue License ID No.: 32119 File Number: G97-0222 Dear Mr. Pham: Please take notice that a hearing concerning your Auto Repair Garage License has been scheduled for 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, June 25, 1997 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the facts concerning the illegal parking and storage of inoperable and/or unlicensed vehicles and auto parts have not been disputed. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remarks as to the penalty, if any, to be imposed. The recommendation of the license office will be for a$1,000.00 fine. If you have any guestions, please call me at 266-8710. Very tr yours,. _ � � � cc�...,. // Virgini� D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Robert Kessler, Director, Christine Rozek, LIEP Council Secretary LIEP q�_�ol Ple�se let me kacx _a writi=� no later th�� Monday, ?�ay 5, 1997 :cw you wish to procee3. If I have not heard from you in writing by May 5, 1997, I will ass�e that you are not contesting the facts outlined above, an3 will sc`_edule the matter for the hearing before the City Council. Sincerely, \ `�/�°L',.[-C� �J'.i ..�.-rt� C.J Virg_-��a D. ?al,:,e_ assistGrt City A��c_r_ey cc: 3ebert Resslo=, �==ec�_r c' LI=? Christine 3cze:�, �e��_: Dir>_ctcr c� LIE� {ris Schwein_er, �-ce-se :-=_eector ��Z � , "�s ������� � l d'v � � ��e+��ti , ��� ;�?�- �iL cn �C�c �Gt{" c�f�st yo L�� �� ��2� a �� y���Sf C. � f � v �,.� /f� i,, � ��,. yav �� �- Jj�LiY� �n f cz� ��cen1" � rn y l�✓siiusS �ds` ��h. ✓ �/ (?��.�n�G� O ��t-. �j�e�se �/1�CSTigdf'� CtvY� ✓ �n� � .��� � H �/ J v �' ` / r� C � � b� �rt.e ��-lc'nG� / eGf I/� !`°. !� C'-i'l)'/�� � y'P,�,� ��.�<i� y-� � ��� �---- OFF]C F THE CITl' ATTOR\E1' Prg 6+rk. t m� .Srrornrc CITY OF S:�I\T PALZ ?�orn: Coleman, ,1fa��or Cn�il D"n�ision +00 Ciq� Ha11 IS If'es1 Kellogg Bh•d Scint Pau7, .dlinnesoto 5�102 q� Telephone: 61? ?66-5%10 Facsnr.ile: 6!? :9R- 5 6/9 �pr;l 25, 1997 NOTIC3 OF VIOLATION TuGa ;::h Pham Tu�n Au�o RenG_r 1970 DGyton Av=r��e Sa ?aul, ?✓�? =�=�a_ RB: All Lice�=_�s =�ld - �an ^-� n Ph�m d � ; �y - � , /b/a Tu�n ALto �e�a_r �cr the pre-._s�s at 1�=: University �venue License I� _. 323�9 Dear Sir: The Director c= t'�2 C'_=ice of License, Inspections G�d Environmental ?re�ection w_11 recommend that adverse action be taken against your licer.ses.based on the foilowing information: The parking lot adjoining your business has been the subject of repeated complaints regarding the illegal parking and storage of inoperable and/or unlicensed vehicles and outside storage of auto parts and miscellaneous itexs. Because you are located in a P-1 district, you may not use the parking lot for storage of vehicles, equipment or supplies of any kind. Photographs taken in March and April of 1997 show numerous vehicles stored under mouncs of snow, piles of debris, miscellaneous junk parts and continued long- term storage of vehicles, all in violation of the zoning code. If you do not disa���e that t:e above facts, please send me a lett�r so that the matt=_r can be sc:eduled before the City Council for a hearing on what p=_-�lty, i= a-•y, to impcse. You will be allowed to speak on your be}a_'_ at tna� hearing. If }'011 DEIIEVE t:c_ �l':° idC�3 Si.nteC� abcve are 117 error, y011 d:2 entit t0 d71 �V_�=n�1dY �earing beiore an administrative Zc'vJ judge. In that ev<_-�, you r.-c•�ld receive a notice of hearing, with the date, time ard place =' the nearing and the name of the administrative law �ndge. a�-� Please ZEt IDE }CIICW '_�} Wri�j-J -;0 �c�EY thfl:1 N,ond N:d}� 7� 1997 :�w you wish to proce�d. Zf I �ave not heard from you in writing by May 5, 1997, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts outlined above, ar.d will sc�edule the matter for the hearing befcre the City Council. Siacerely, ` :,.c.GTL �'�.i//c�--(''�'� Vira_n�D. ?al�,.er Assistart City A�_:raeY cc: 3obert Kessler, �irec�cr c' �I_? Christine Rcz�;c, �eD�.�� �1�=ctor c' LI�? Rris Schk�ei�:�:, Licer_s= ___=Dectcr a� -�� S': �T� C? MI?��'=�G" :'_ COU?�TY CF ,'��IvNS=V ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JC- C-. l.. _"_=V -_"3 _:YS� Q:�_Y SWOY? C2PCS c? SaL' t.-nGl. __ A�v�� L�� i/ � S�C� �=YVC.�L t.�.� G :\OTIC.'.+ Vi V I VL_']1_�._\ C i L.1�.. TCl, OW=�_, __3.'..�Q _S_� DJ U_� GC=� � LYU2 �P_G CC'_':c^Ct CC: V ��Er2C_ 1ri ari c'��_;D2 u...._=SSEQ �S �O�!CWS: " "�_' A^_7 � _^.di1 __3__ a"-,',:�0 �2 __-_ DGytc�: Aver•�e �_. �aw_ 1�N. >j�.�d __�._ �:_� _�am '_��. LT�'_v=rsi:y Avenue S�. ?a::_, :�T_Q. 55104 (which is the - ias� ��cwn ac�_=ss=s the same, with pcs=age pre�a_d, in Paul, Ninnesot�. Subscribed and swcr� to be�cre me this 25th day of Ftiril, 1957. ��c� / `/• %�"J--JCL-L�'( ' Notary Publ_c �� RITA M. BOSSARD �� NOTARY PUBGG - H,I�;NiSCTA S RAMSEY COUNiY : My Comm, Expires Jan 's7. 20C^ �_ cf said person) ar.d deposit_-a �he united States mails at 5�. a ' 1 -g°1 r.�c ID ................... C:�1... ""' ... " ""- "' 3�siness Na�:e............ An3ress .................. Z17J ............... " " "' �0.1IlJ 3llS1_^_ESS F.S. ....... �=_cense Na�� ............. �x� Date ................. L^s�.�rance Carrier........ _ =•s. Folicy !��ns�ber. . . . . .. I�surar_ce =f=ec�ice Da�e. ?�s. Expira�_on �ate..... 1OT� F,.''�BA ................ laX Id ................... Wor'.�er Comp Exp Date..... Telephone ................ =21_9 ' '�.N � _ ..r_� � __5° u'�=�-:SI��' �v� t4 �:iOS =�i y:;=� :=a�_� _ � 'O �-_ _'-:- < G =�T�G� _7/Co'/�7 -\5? �_=\�? r30M 02 TO Ol ON a/09/52 --��= �SOo'97 ?r �_�T E??N r0� GEN REP GAR LIC APP'D W=1^3 S -=?S. C.F. 87-11a8 __;g-c� __, CO?���T101TS MET.�H. ==-17-:5 - SC�? granted for expar_sion of garaae - �-o��.�r �s�vice bGy to be added. Thr=e addit=cral c�na=�`_ors were placed on SCUP. See zoning �_ie 55 -226. Zor_-g to inspect to see if exnansion has ta :��n plac=. car/lic ::83C5: �:�L7�i� =47-0274 -.�' _ `�` - < _ _- _-- =�= � . A � .s . E� •�� � �� � � .� :.�, �_ . � �` ��. _ � ---'- - _`� � - �.. 1 �,�..?Ff: � } � �'ti . '�� C, a 1' . 4 : :�` , � a ���, � _ a l _ �{,� .�:�� • . 3 ' � .\ �� �T s ��r ��.1 ' ` ��: _� .� � i� i- -!� . � .� ���: . ;� �����'�-'.`. r � . ' �. ' i I � � ' ! J• '- '• \ �'=1.� �: �: f' i � � � j � 1 {.� \ ..� �t�9''�� �:..i:`� ..�y e ���� { <�_f . � C� " . � ` �. � C�� ' � i / - � � }/ _;>. R/ '\ . �', \_: �' '� ' Y ��\ � � ��: - j - ' j ;� ;, ::i'� � / � � , :,;` ; : ',. � ; a ', ;�, ' � , " � �, y . , �. , �.� ,. , �� .�� ;�� �,,. . .� � '\ / ; . � T�v'E , �� � � �.� e i � i•�� t y . t �ti i'� , / ; , •�_ . 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Clll' OF SAI\T PACL Sorm Calemcn. .l:airor DATE: ?vIarch 12, 1997 T0: Kris Sch���einier Senior License Inspzctor FROM: Peg Fuller Zoning Inspeccor OFFICE OFl.ICC�:SE. IASP!_Z�llO�ti -1�'U G�\'IRO\�1CXT:1L PROTt�CT10`: ^ p , Rahrrt,i'estler Dvcc�or /� � /\ ' V` 6L7LDI.��GISSPECT/O.�'AA�D Tclephoue:6;=-'66-9090 DESIG>� Fatsimile� 67=-'GG-9099 i �0 St Pertr Slreet s�,rre ;nn SanvtPcul. 4linnesoto ji103-]JIO RE: Tuan Auto Repair 1459 University A��enue (Business Location} 1456 Sherburne A.enue (Parki-�g Lot) A brief history of the referenced propem• re�arding zoning violations: 08/18/94 Complaint re�ardinQ parking/storing of inoperable, unlicensed vehicles in parkin� lot. 09/09/94 Inspection. Gave Tuan Pham �erbal orders to bring parking lot into compliance with the Special Condition Use Permit (SCUP) conditions (see higtilighted conditions of attached SCUP). 9/27/94 Letter sent to Mr. Pham reiterating 9/9/94 verbal orders (see attached). 10/15/94 Inspection. Parkin� lot impro��ed and Mr. Pham stated the remaining unacceptable vehicles would be removed from the property soon. 10/24/94 Inspection. A few ��ehicles remaining in violation, generally parking lot is very much improved. 11/02l94 Inspection. Three uniicensed ��ehicles remaining , referred complaint to Housing so they could issue orders for unlicensed vehicles (orders were issued on 11/8/44). 12/06/94 Two vehicles still unlicensed. Housing issued abatement orders, so I closed the complaint. 03/Ol/96 Complaint regarding vehicles, tires, Qeneral mess of parking lot and the neglect of a -. i � r� , doQ. Called'�1r. Pham and told him I�z�ould be comina out for an inspection. 03/05/96 D1et with licence inspector and �ir. Pham on site for 35 minutes discussing �•iolations. 03/21;96 Letter sent as a follo��-up to o��: 3i5196 meetina (letter attached). 04/10;96 ?�4uch improlzmenr in parkinQ lot conditions. 07/12/96 ?�4r. Pham once aRain in �•iolation of SCti�P. Many times in 1996 I attempted to concact the property ou ner. I never heard from the property oN�ner, nor �;as I successful in contacting them. CITY OF S.AIt1TT P_�LZ i�'nnn Colrmm�, A9cyor rlarch 21, 1996 ?�ir. Tuan Pham Tuan Auto Repair 1�59 University A� zr.u� Saint Paul, MN »IO-� RE: 1456 Sherbume ��enue Parkins I,ot Dear Mr. Pham: OFFICE OF LICESSE, i\5°ECTIO�S A\D E�\'II20\�7E�TAL PFOTECTIO� R�i+<rr 3,?rsla, D�re<tm ^ � �, � `� Z0.1i�'G.9D.311,A7S7'R9T70.\' Td.� 750 StPrtt� Srrttt Fucsimile: 61:-_'66-�Y9 S,r,"n Si0 Sain; Pmd..Ninr�esota 5510:-] As you are awaze, «z r;cendy recei�; d a complaint regardin� the storino of ��ehicles, auto parts and additional miscellaneous items. This property is located in a P-1, a vehicle parkin� district. As we discussed, this parl:ing facility may not be used for the storino of vehicles equipment or supplies of any I:ind. The referenced property may be used solely for private passenger vehicles business vehicIes, and a limited number of vehicles awaiting service (for short periods of tune) according to Sections 60.72I, 60.723(2} and 60.723(3) of the City's Legislative Code. Fxterior storage is not permitted in This zonin� district. Exterior stonge is first permitted in an I-1, an Industriai zoning district. Additionally, an auto sales business is not permitted without first obtaining a dealership license. A Special Condition Use Permit was appro�°ed last fall for expansion of an auto repair facility, not for an auto sales business. All miscellaneous exterior storage items and stored vehicles must be removed from the referenced property by April 8, 1446. After that date, I will be reinspecting for compliance with the Legisiative Code and the Special Condifion Use Permit. If you have any questions or concems regarding this matter, piease call me at 266-9085. Sincerely, Peg Fuller Zoning Inspector cc: Kris Schweinler, Senior License Inspector OFFICE OF LICENSE, L'�SPECI'IONS A7�'D Eh'�"0.'Oh".SEh7AL PROTF.CI'ION Robca K�ssler, Dircrwr Q � I � � ` ` CITY OF SAINT PAUL T'om Coleman, Dfcyor ZO�7�ti'G ADM/A7S7RATfON 350 St Pcur Street Suiu 310 Sci�u Pau(, N.iruusam SSIO2-ISIO 7ckphont: 67? ?6b9�8 Facrimik: 612-?659099 September 27, 1994 Mr. Tuan Pham Tuan Auto Repair 1459 University A��er.ue Saint Paul, MN 5� 104 RE: Parldng Lot At 1456 Sherbu:ne Avenue Dear Mr. Pham: As you are aware, «�e ha��e recendy received a complaint regarding the parking of inoperable vehicles at the referenced address. This property is located in a P-1, a Vehicle Parldng District. Per Sections 60.721, 60.723(2) and 60.723(3) of the Cify's I.egislative Code, the pazking facility may not be used for stor2ge of vehicles and may be used solely for private passenger vehicles (see enclosed copies). When I met with you earlier this month, you stated that you were keeping some of the vehicles because customers had not paid their biIIs. You also stated that 3 or 4 additional vehicles were used as storage for auTo parts. Stora;e of any kind, including inoperable and/or unlicensed vehicles is not a permitted use in this Parldng District. To comply with zoning requiremenu, all stored vehicles must be removed by October 14, 1994. All remaining vehicles must be licensed. If you need additional time to find a space for your vehicles or have any questions regarding this matter, please call me at 266- 9085. Sincerely, Peg Fuller Zoning InspecTor enc. cc: I,awrence M. Sw�2rtz -_--�-� - __--= -._ � -- �-- - __=_=,� _ ==-= � ��.��1 �-..==- -,�_��_`_: �: �-�___ ��--� 1�, �__ _�_� = ��:_- ��'�__^ __�?�__�� �--�-- �`-�_— =----= �_- -?<,__ �.�. _. _.. _� _.,_.. =Y'r__c. ---�- -� _.,��....� �`�--• - _�-- _��_ _. `_�_ _ `____. .,_..'.^,=ILL _ ____--X _ _'__Y = _,.:_._�. �- .. .�C „J .. ` y = _ �;1 �v..-�t-_� ____.\_� ____�.___ _�. _.�._� .-Gl,�. __..._ 'S/ Sar:e _�=. �_�-- - -�r.?n - -- - -- -- -- --�,---_- _-�__ _�ce^s2 ID °��:z� '=-�-s'�r co L I� ��re�t �' er i97C S�'-`�_- =, _ �io1: U:!:L �=__ct- .'�v?':° Dl-_XTGic :�,-�__ _ . .' _ � 1 = L , i �_-1 S J.: ti�G�� ;,'„'V� ��p ���0�? P:!Orc 6?62"iG0 L�C�cS " T^' - n -. .._ ..._ (�� �.iI�J? C _ �J ' ': 1J� ^J L_ lJ\� L /V�IJ2 2:�13?u_ �: ���SL�� P= �.� -._ =-� =l � ��?�: K�_ Ci?K Li� AP;�'D �9_T1 C"1aJ. �.._. ...,-__'& -K .� 5:6-13-34, ~��_. ,:OA�� aTC_�S ?✓=T.J3. 6:?1-17-95 - Sri7p arar,t=_3 �or expansion of garage - 7:another s=_ :ay to b� aqded. Three additi�n�l -- _ ----- &:conditicn� -s:�Ye place� �n SCuP. See zq 1 11n5_fi le--9� - . - RnS^_K=CTIOtiS :1�QUSRY SCREEN r.-C=';SE S�: �21i9 ��r:1'tiP?�� AII_O REPAIR AOTB: i:080687 P_PP'D W/ ti'=r`i:P_`S'?O:dS �.:. H7-1 ? _ 1. ?��0 ? ;R�I?'�G C= `1--_CL?S P;==':I'_�:: ?�?'�IK OR RBCENT 3:�Y KB?�IR�D ON =_� _-���T. 5:2_ T✓�IN_AI?Q 8 C='~S=3B.;1 =F=-c`_n� S_F_C?S iN �D�"IO S:N :0 T�OSB SPAC=� �:=T3IN ��- '=p�czG� LR�F. J : ` 7 : s: _ L : _`_'_'_ _'—__—___"__"— __— __ __ __—__ __l.'_�_ "_"�r�. �,/^/ ^ G•� - �-=� . _.� -�n �' / !�.�c?J =7 :_ _ --C=.._ ZL. .�__._, Da:e: Nar 12 Council File # ` / � � � V O � Green Sheet # V � ��������� Presented By RePerred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date � RESOLVED, that the Licensee, Tuan A Pham d/b/a Tuan Auto Repair (license ID No. 32119) located at 1459 University Avenue West in Saint Paul is hereby ordered to pay a fine of $1,000.00. Said fine shall be paid to the O�ce of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection within tlurty (30) days of the adoption of this resolufion by the Council and signature by the Mayor. This resolution and the action of the Council in this matter aze based upon the facts contained in the Notice of Violation letter to the licensee and such arguments as may have been presented to the Council at the public hearing. The facts were not contested by the licensee. xequested by Department of: I �' I�` ���� � � � f /� _ _ Adopted by Covncil: Date Adoption Certified by By: Approved by Mayor: Date By: � ----aS �_ Form Approved by City Attorney Secretary � &y: `�/li`c�[ix.�F'. �� E � / Z l�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council C By: 3$227 DERriMENTADFFICEACAUNCIL o June 11 �1997 GREEN SHEE � 1'� 0 � INRIAL/DATE INRIAVDATE CONTAGf PERSON & PHONE O DEPARTMENT �IRECTOFi � CITY CAUNCIL Robert Kessler 266-9112 assicx � arvanoaNev � cmc�aK MUST BE ON CAUNCILAGEN�A BY (�ATE) NUYBER FOR O BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIF. HOUTING 7une 25, 1997 Public Hearing OflDEN O �,�pyOA (OR ASSI5TANn � TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AC(ION REQUESTEO: Conce rnin�v adverse acrion against Tuan A. Pham, d/b/a T�an Auto Repair, 1459 University Avenue. (Uncontested) RECOMMENDATIONS: npprova (A) or Rejact (R) PERSONAL SEflVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has [his personlfirm ever worked under a coMrect for Mis tlepartment? _ CIB CAMMITfEE YES NO — 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? — STaF� — YES NO _ OISTFIC7 COUR7 _ 3. Does ihis personMirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICM COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? VES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet INIiIATING PHOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOiiTUNITY (Who, Whet, Whan. Where, Why): ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: � �i��` a��� 1 � i�`�7 -�---_ . -- --_ - --------�-'"-�:�! DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPfiOVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE AC7IVITV NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORhiATION: (E%PLAIN) , q ' 1 -�o� UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING Licensee Name: Tuan Anh Pham Address: 1459 University Avenue Council Hearing Date: June 25, 1997 Violations: Illegal parking and storage of inoperable and/or unlicensed vehicles and outside storage of auto parts and miscellaneous items. Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protecfion: One Thousand Dollar ($1,000.00) Fine Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. letter from licensee agreeing not to contest the facts 3. Notice of Violation 4. license information 5. photocopies of 10 photographs of site 6. complaint history and complaints OFFICE OF TI� CITY ATTORNEY Peg Birk, Ciry Anorney �O � �� CITY OF SAINT PALTL Civil Division .Norm Coleman, Mayor 400 Ciry Ha!! Telephone: 672 266-8770 IS West Kellogg Blvd Facsimile: 611198-5679 Sainr Paul, M"mnesam SSIO2 June 10, 1997 �9�Y �'�� 5 �i:n Jt.l�! 1 � f. NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING Tuan Anh Pham Tuan Auto Repair 1970 Dayton Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 Re: All Licenses held by Tuan Anh Pham d/b/a Tuan Auto Repair for the premises at 1459 University Avenue License ID No.: 32119 File Number: G97-0222 Dear Mr. Pham: Please take notice that a hearing concerning your Auto Repair Garage License has been scheduled for 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, June 25, 1997 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the facts concerning the illegal parking and storage of inoperable and/or unlicensed vehicles and auto parts have not been disputed. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remarks as to the penalty, if any, to be imposed. The recommendation of the license office will be for a$1,000.00 fine. If you have any guestions, please call me at 266-8710. Very tr yours,. _ � � � cc�...,. // Virgini� D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Robert Kessler, Director, Christine Rozek, LIEP Council Secretary LIEP q�_�ol Ple�se let me kacx _a writi=� no later th�� Monday, ?�ay 5, 1997 :cw you wish to procee3. If I have not heard from you in writing by May 5, 1997, I will ass�e that you are not contesting the facts outlined above, an3 will sc`_edule the matter for the hearing before the City Council. Sincerely, \ `�/�°L',.[-C� �J'.i ..�.-rt� C.J Virg_-��a D. ?al,:,e_ assistGrt City A��c_r_ey cc: 3ebert Resslo=, �==ec�_r c' LI=? Christine 3cze:�, �e��_: Dir>_ctcr c� LIE� {ris Schwein_er, �-ce-se :-=_eector ��Z � , "�s ������� � l d'v � � ��e+��ti , ��� ;�?�- �iL cn �C�c �Gt{" c�f�st yo L�� �� ��2� a �� y���Sf C. � f � v �,.� /f� i,, � ��,. yav �� �- Jj�LiY� �n f cz� ��cen1" � rn y l�✓siiusS �ds` ��h. ✓ �/ (?��.�n�G� O ��t-. �j�e�se �/1�CSTigdf'� CtvY� ✓ �n� � .��� � H �/ J v �' ` / r� C � � b� �rt.e ��-lc'nG� / eGf I/� !`°. !� C'-i'l)'/�� � y'P,�,� ��.�<i� y-� � ��� �---- OFF]C F THE CITl' ATTOR\E1' Prg 6+rk. t m� .Srrornrc CITY OF S:�I\T PALZ ?�orn: Coleman, ,1fa��or Cn�il D"n�ision +00 Ciq� Ha11 IS If'es1 Kellogg Bh•d Scint Pau7, .dlinnesoto 5�102 q� Telephone: 61? ?66-5%10 Facsnr.ile: 6!? :9R- 5 6/9 �pr;l 25, 1997 NOTIC3 OF VIOLATION TuGa ;::h Pham Tu�n Au�o RenG_r 1970 DGyton Av=r��e Sa ?aul, ?✓�? =�=�a_ RB: All Lice�=_�s =�ld - �an ^-� n Ph�m d � ; �y - � , /b/a Tu�n ALto �e�a_r �cr the pre-._s�s at 1�=: University �venue License I� _. 323�9 Dear Sir: The Director c= t'�2 C'_=ice of License, Inspections G�d Environmental ?re�ection w_11 recommend that adverse action be taken against your licer.ses.based on the foilowing information: The parking lot adjoining your business has been the subject of repeated complaints regarding the illegal parking and storage of inoperable and/or unlicensed vehicles and outside storage of auto parts and miscellaneous itexs. Because you are located in a P-1 district, you may not use the parking lot for storage of vehicles, equipment or supplies of any kind. Photographs taken in March and April of 1997 show numerous vehicles stored under mouncs of snow, piles of debris, miscellaneous junk parts and continued long- term storage of vehicles, all in violation of the zoning code. If you do not disa���e that t:e above facts, please send me a lett�r so that the matt=_r can be sc:eduled before the City Council for a hearing on what p=_-�lty, i= a-•y, to impcse. You will be allowed to speak on your be}a_'_ at tna� hearing. If }'011 DEIIEVE t:c_ �l':° idC�3 Si.nteC� abcve are 117 error, y011 d:2 entit t0 d71 �V_�=n�1dY �earing beiore an administrative Zc'vJ judge. In that ev<_-�, you r.-c•�ld receive a notice of hearing, with the date, time ard place =' the nearing and the name of the administrative law �ndge. a�-� Please ZEt IDE }CIICW '_�} Wri�j-J -;0 �c�EY thfl:1 N,ond N:d}� 7� 1997 :�w you wish to proce�d. Zf I �ave not heard from you in writing by May 5, 1997, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts outlined above, ar.d will sc�edule the matter for the hearing befcre the City Council. Siacerely, ` :,.c.GTL �'�.i//c�--(''�'� Vira_n�D. ?al�,.er Assistart City A�_:raeY cc: 3obert Kessler, �irec�cr c' �I_? Christine Rcz�;c, �eD�.�� �1�=ctor c' LI�? Rris Schk�ei�:�:, Licer_s= ___=Dectcr a� -�� S': �T� C? MI?��'=�G" :'_ COU?�TY CF ,'��IvNS=V ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JC- C-. l.. _"_=V -_"3 _:YS� Q:�_Y SWOY? C2PCS c? SaL' t.-nGl. __ A�v�� L�� i/ � S�C� �=YVC.�L t.�.� G :\OTIC.'.+ Vi V I VL_']1_�._\ C i L.1�.. TCl, OW=�_, __3.'..�Q _S_� DJ U_� GC=� � LYU2 �P_G CC'_':c^Ct CC: V ��Er2C_ 1ri ari c'��_;D2 u...._=SSEQ �S �O�!CWS: " "�_' A^_7 � _^.di1 __3__ a"-,',:�0 �2 __-_ DGytc�: Aver•�e �_. �aw_ 1�N. >j�.�d __�._ �:_� _�am '_��. LT�'_v=rsi:y Avenue S�. ?a::_, :�T_Q. 55104 (which is the - ias� ��cwn ac�_=ss=s the same, with pcs=age pre�a_d, in Paul, Ninnesot�. Subscribed and swcr� to be�cre me this 25th day of Ftiril, 1957. ��c� / `/• %�"J--JCL-L�'( ' Notary Publ_c �� RITA M. BOSSARD �� NOTARY PUBGG - H,I�;NiSCTA S RAMSEY COUNiY : My Comm, Expires Jan 's7. 20C^ �_ cf said person) ar.d deposit_-a �he united States mails at 5�. a ' 1 -g°1 r.�c ID ................... C:�1... ""' ... " ""- "' 3�siness Na�:e............ An3ress .................. Z17J ............... " " "' �0.1IlJ 3llS1_^_ESS F.S. ....... �=_cense Na�� ............. �x� Date ................. L^s�.�rance Carrier........ _ =•s. Folicy !��ns�ber. . . . . .. I�surar_ce =f=ec�ice Da�e. ?�s. Expira�_on �ate..... 1OT� F,.''�BA ................ laX Id ................... Wor'.�er Comp Exp Date..... Telephone ................ =21_9 ' '�.N � _ ..r_� � __5° u'�=�-:SI��' �v� t4 �:iOS =�i y:;=� :=a�_� _ � 'O �-_ _'-:- < G =�T�G� _7/Co'/�7 -\5? �_=\�? r30M 02 TO Ol ON a/09/52 --��= �SOo'97 ?r �_�T E??N r0� GEN REP GAR LIC APP'D W=1^3 S -=?S. C.F. 87-11a8 __;g-c� __, CO?���T101TS MET.�H. ==-17-:5 - SC�? granted for expar_sion of garaae - �-o��.�r �s�vice bGy to be added. Thr=e addit=cral c�na=�`_ors were placed on SCUP. See zoning �_ie 55 -226. Zor_-g to inspect to see if exnansion has ta :��n plac=. car/lic ::83C5: �:�L7�i� =47-0274 -.�' _ `�` - < _ _- _-- =�= � . A � .s . E� •�� � �� � � .� :.�, �_ . � �` ��. _ � ---'- - _`� � - �.. 1 �,�..?Ff: � } � �'ti . '�� C, a 1' . 4 : :�` , � a ���, � _ a l _ �{,� .�:�� • . 3 ' � .\ �� �T s ��r ��.1 ' ` ��: _� .� � i� i- -!� . � .� ���: . ;� �����'�-'.`. r � . ' �. ' i I � � ' ! J• '- '• \ �'=1.� �: �: f' i � � � j � 1 {.� \ ..� �t�9''�� �:..i:`� ..�y e ���� { <�_f . � C� " . � ` �. � C�� ' � i / - � � }/ _;>. R/ '\ . �', \_: �' '� ' Y ��\ � � ��: - j - ' j ;� ;, ::i'� � / � � , :,;` ; : ',. � ; a ', ;�, ' � , " � �, y . , �. , �.� ,. , �� .�� ;�� �,,. . .� � '\ / ; . � T�v'E , �� � � �.� e i � i•�� t y . t �ti i'� , / ; , •�_ . 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Clll' OF SAI\T PACL Sorm Calemcn. .l:airor DATE: ?vIarch 12, 1997 T0: Kris Sch���einier Senior License Inspzctor FROM: Peg Fuller Zoning Inspeccor OFFICE OFl.ICC�:SE. IASP!_Z�llO�ti -1�'U G�\'IRO\�1CXT:1L PROTt�CT10`: ^ p , Rahrrt,i'estler Dvcc�or /� � /\ ' V` 6L7LDI.��GISSPECT/O.�'AA�D Tclephoue:6;=-'66-9090 DESIG>� Fatsimile� 67=-'GG-9099 i �0 St Pertr Slreet s�,rre ;nn SanvtPcul. 4linnesoto ji103-]JIO RE: Tuan Auto Repair 1459 University A��enue (Business Location} 1456 Sherburne A.enue (Parki-�g Lot) A brief history of the referenced propem• re�arding zoning violations: 08/18/94 Complaint re�ardinQ parking/storing of inoperable, unlicensed vehicles in parkin� lot. 09/09/94 Inspection. Gave Tuan Pham �erbal orders to bring parking lot into compliance with the Special Condition Use Permit (SCUP) conditions (see higtilighted conditions of attached SCUP). 9/27/94 Letter sent to Mr. Pham reiterating 9/9/94 verbal orders (see attached). 10/15/94 Inspection. Parkin� lot impro��ed and Mr. Pham stated the remaining unacceptable vehicles would be removed from the property soon. 10/24/94 Inspection. A few ��ehicles remaining in violation, generally parking lot is very much improved. 11/02l94 Inspection. Three uniicensed ��ehicles remaining , referred complaint to Housing so they could issue orders for unlicensed vehicles (orders were issued on 11/8/44). 12/06/94 Two vehicles still unlicensed. Housing issued abatement orders, so I closed the complaint. 03/Ol/96 Complaint regarding vehicles, tires, Qeneral mess of parking lot and the neglect of a -. i � r� , doQ. Called'�1r. Pham and told him I�z�ould be comina out for an inspection. 03/05/96 D1et with licence inspector and �ir. Pham on site for 35 minutes discussing �•iolations. 03/21;96 Letter sent as a follo��-up to o��: 3i5196 meetina (letter attached). 04/10;96 ?�4uch improlzmenr in parkinQ lot conditions. 07/12/96 ?�4r. Pham once aRain in �•iolation of SCti�P. Many times in 1996 I attempted to concact the property ou ner. I never heard from the property oN�ner, nor �;as I successful in contacting them. CITY OF S.AIt1TT P_�LZ i�'nnn Colrmm�, A9cyor rlarch 21, 1996 ?�ir. Tuan Pham Tuan Auto Repair 1�59 University A� zr.u� Saint Paul, MN »IO-� RE: 1456 Sherbume ��enue Parkins I,ot Dear Mr. Pham: OFFICE OF LICESSE, i\5°ECTIO�S A\D E�\'II20\�7E�TAL PFOTECTIO� R�i+<rr 3,?rsla, D�re<tm ^ � �, � `� Z0.1i�'G.9D.311,A7S7'R9T70.\' Td.� 750 StPrtt� Srrttt Fucsimile: 61:-_'66-�Y9 S,r,"n Si0 Sain; Pmd..Ninr�esota 5510:-] As you are awaze, «z r;cendy recei�; d a complaint regardin� the storino of ��ehicles, auto parts and additional miscellaneous items. This property is located in a P-1, a vehicle parkin� district. As we discussed, this parl:ing facility may not be used for the storino of vehicles equipment or supplies of any I:ind. The referenced property may be used solely for private passenger vehicles business vehicIes, and a limited number of vehicles awaiting service (for short periods of tune) according to Sections 60.72I, 60.723(2} and 60.723(3) of the City's Legislative Code. Fxterior storage is not permitted in This zonin� district. Exterior stonge is first permitted in an I-1, an Industriai zoning district. Additionally, an auto sales business is not permitted without first obtaining a dealership license. A Special Condition Use Permit was appro�°ed last fall for expansion of an auto repair facility, not for an auto sales business. All miscellaneous exterior storage items and stored vehicles must be removed from the referenced property by April 8, 1446. After that date, I will be reinspecting for compliance with the Legisiative Code and the Special Condifion Use Permit. If you have any questions or concems regarding this matter, piease call me at 266-9085. Sincerely, Peg Fuller Zoning Inspector cc: Kris Schweinler, Senior License Inspector OFFICE OF LICENSE, L'�SPECI'IONS A7�'D Eh'�"0.'Oh".SEh7AL PROTF.CI'ION Robca K�ssler, Dircrwr Q � I � � ` ` CITY OF SAINT PAUL T'om Coleman, Dfcyor ZO�7�ti'G ADM/A7S7RATfON 350 St Pcur Street Suiu 310 Sci�u Pau(, N.iruusam SSIO2-ISIO 7ckphont: 67? ?6b9�8 Facrimik: 612-?659099 September 27, 1994 Mr. Tuan Pham Tuan Auto Repair 1459 University A��er.ue Saint Paul, MN 5� 104 RE: Parldng Lot At 1456 Sherbu:ne Avenue Dear Mr. Pham: As you are aware, «�e ha��e recendy received a complaint regarding the parking of inoperable vehicles at the referenced address. This property is located in a P-1, a Vehicle Parldng District. Per Sections 60.721, 60.723(2) and 60.723(3) of the Cify's I.egislative Code, the pazking facility may not be used for stor2ge of vehicles and may be used solely for private passenger vehicles (see enclosed copies). When I met with you earlier this month, you stated that you were keeping some of the vehicles because customers had not paid their biIIs. You also stated that 3 or 4 additional vehicles were used as storage for auTo parts. Stora;e of any kind, including inoperable and/or unlicensed vehicles is not a permitted use in this Parldng District. To comply with zoning requiremenu, all stored vehicles must be removed by October 14, 1994. All remaining vehicles must be licensed. If you need additional time to find a space for your vehicles or have any questions regarding this matter, please call me at 266- 9085. Sincerely, Peg Fuller Zoning InspecTor enc. cc: I,awrence M. Sw�2rtz -_--�-� - __--= -._ � -- �-- - __=_=,� _ ==-= � ��.��1 �-..==- -,�_��_`_: �: �-�___ ��--� 1�, �__ _�_� = ��:_- ��'�__^ __�?�__�� �--�-- �`-�_— =----= �_- -?<,__ �.�. _. _.. _� _.,_.. =Y'r__c. ---�- -� _.,��....� �`�--• - _�-- _��_ _. `_�_ _ `____. .,_..'.^,=ILL _ ____--X _ _'__Y = _,.:_._�. �- .. .�C „J .. ` y = _ �;1 �v..-�t-_� ____.\_� ____�.___ _�. _.�._� .-Gl,�. __..._ 'S/ Sar:e _�=. �_�-- - -�r.?n - -- - -- -- -- --�,---_- _-�__ _�ce^s2 ID °��:z� '=-�-s'�r co L I� ��re�t �' er i97C S�'-`�_- =, _ �io1: U:!:L �=__ct- .'�v?':° Dl-_XTGic :�,-�__ _ . .' _ � 1 = L , i �_-1 S J.: ti�G�� ;,'„'V� ��p ���0�? P:!Orc 6?62"iG0 L�C�cS " T^' - n -. .._ ..._ (�� �.iI�J? C _ �J ' ': 1J� ^J L_ lJ\� L /V�IJ2 2:�13?u_ �: ���SL�� P= �.� -._ =-� =l � ��?�: K�_ Ci?K Li� AP;�'D �9_T1 C"1aJ. �.._. ...,-__'& -K .� 5:6-13-34, ~��_. ,:OA�� aTC_�S ?✓=T.J3. 6:?1-17-95 - Sri7p arar,t=_3 �or expansion of garage - 7:another s=_ :ay to b� aqded. Three additi�n�l -- _ ----- &:conditicn� -s:�Ye place� �n SCuP. See zq 1 11n5_fi le--9� - . - RnS^_K=CTIOtiS :1�QUSRY SCREEN r.-C=';SE S�: �21i9 ��r:1'tiP?�� AII_O REPAIR AOTB: i:080687 P_PP'D W/ ti'=r`i:P_`S'?O:dS �.:. H7-1 ? _ 1. ?��0 ? ;R�I?'�G C= `1--_CL?S P;==':I'_�:: ?�?'�IK OR RBCENT 3:�Y KB?�IR�D ON =_� _-���T. 5:2_ T✓�IN_AI?Q 8 C='~S=3B.;1 =F=-c`_n� S_F_C?S iN �D�"IO S:N :0 T�OSB SPAC=� �:=T3IN ��- '=p�czG� LR�F. J : ` 7 : s: _ L : _`_'_'_ _'—__—___"__"— __— __ __ __—__ __l.'_�_ "_"�r�. �,/^/ ^ G•� - �-=� . _.� -�n �' / !�.�c?J =7 :_ _ --C=.._ ZL. .�__._, Da:e: Nar 12