97-784Council File # �`� Ordinance # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ' f���='sn`r�, � <�� E�:;Lr�'4� ` '4 Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # 35344 ��� RESOLVED: That application, ID #64247, for a new Gambling Manager's License by Lois J. Dirksen DBA Se�cual Violence Center at Club Metro, 733 Pierce Butler Route, be and the same is hereby approved. Requested by Department of: • # .- • -� - : .-• •�- .�: ! 1' - • S f � k •� �� Adopted by Council: Date \ °�'� Adoptio by Council Secretary By: 11 \ c�- . � �is--�� Approved by Mayor: Date Z/�"!`� � B � �-- c �%�� Form Approved by city � t��rce� p � J � ) By: V�2�v.t,a, � %� Approved by Mayor for Submisaion to Council By: �I'1-'1�4 DEPARTMENT/OFFlCFJCOUNCIL DAiE INITIATED GREEN SHEET N� 3 5 3 4 4 , LIEP _ , _ _ INfTIAVDATE INITIAVDATE CONTACTPEFSON 8 PHONE Q DEPAFTMEf�f�DIRECTOR � CRYCAUNCIL William F. Gunther - 266-9132 A���N O CRYATTORNEY O CITYCLERK NUYBERFOR MUST BE ON OOUNCIL AGENDA 8Y (OAi� pp�p� O BUDGET DlRECTOR � FItJ. 8 MGT. SEAVICES OtR. / �( ` ONDER � MqYOR (OR ASSI5TANn � $edT1II : {v a[� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCA710NS FOR SICaNATURE) ncnori a[ouesreo: Lois J. Dirksen DBA Sexual 4iolence Center requests Council approval for an application for a new Gambling Manager's License at Club Metro, 733 Pierce Butler Route. (ID �164247 ) FiECOMMENDAnONS: Appraue (A) w Reject (a) pER50NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION � CIVIL SEfiVICE COMMISSIIXJ 1. Has ttiis perso�rm ever worketl under a corrtract for this departrnent? - _ ae COn�MmEE _ YES "NO �� — 2. Has Mis perso�rm ever been a city employee? YES NO _ DISTHIC7 CAURi _ 3. Does this personffirm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any curtem ciry employce? SUPPORT$ WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTNE? YES NO Exp�ain all yes answen on separete sheet and attaeh to green sheet INIT�ATINGPSiOBLEM.ISSUE.OPPeJRTUNITY(Who.YMet.Wfien.Where.Why): ' � . � RECEIVE[� JUN 12 1997 ���������% lERRY BL4KEY Ju� o� �9s� �-n �a � � ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVEO: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPqO�ED: � JUN 1 21�97 OISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: TQTAL AMOUNT QF TRANSACTION $ COST/NEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDItdG SOURCE NC7IVITY NUMBEH PINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Greensheet # In TrackeR___���[� License ID # 64247 �`� L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST � c �� "� g y ApP'n Received / ApP'n Processed License Type: GamblinQ Manager COmpanyName: Lois J. Dirksen DBA: Sexval p;olence ('Pntar Business Addresss: 733 Pierce Butler Route (Club Metro) Business Phone: 9 8-47t t Contact Name/Address: 410 Groveland Ave. �I302 Home Phone: 9�R—��� t Date to Council Research: Minne� /�� 55403 Pubiic Hearing Date: �n.t �S !9� % Labels Ordered: N A Notice Sent to Applicant: �v�LClQ`7 District Council #: 07 Notice Sent to Public: N/A Ward #: O1 Department/ Date Inspections Commenis Ciry Attomey /� e' � � �/ / �/�a/�� Environmenial Health �/ � Fire �� � License Site Plan aeceived:_ Lease Received: �� � Police Q� �� �t 7'T2�C� �/��g� Zoning /V l � ��zts Minnesota Gambling Control Board 04/18/95 Gambfing Manager Affidavit Attach to the Gambling Manager Application, Form LG212 STATE OF ) q-►- �8y m f Yl Y12 S� �-tA AFFIDAVIT OF QUALIFICATION ) s.s. FOR GAMBLING MANAGER LICENSE COUNTY OF ' AND CONSENT STATEMENT (-�f �'1 YlR-�� l h � (Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes and Rules) i, LOIS �rcc,�n�lrk�sr.r� ,Underoathstatetfiat: (type/print name) - 1. i have never been convicfed of a felony or a crime involving gambling. 2. i have not, within ive years before ihe daie of the license application, committed a viofation of law or Board rule that resuited in the revocation of a license issued by the Board. �. - ;: � : 3. i have never been convicted of a criminal viotation involving fraud, theft, tax evasion, misreprese�tatign, , or gambling. 4. I have never been convicted of n assauR, (i)_ a criminal violation involving the use, of a i making fercoristic threats. - .' .. — . "r•�' "���.� - ' _,. � � ` - _ . " l" ;', _. �rf 5. I am not, nor ever have been connected,'with or engaged,in�an iilegal business:.,. -�°s_:,,>;; 6. I do not owe $SOO,o�_more in deli 7. t have not had'_a sales and use te years. - ' `; - 8. I have never afterdemand faile -�� �� - .,'l.k��'�-a�:�f�'_:��-.�<.�? i�.,�.;,1,+�ii.:..;�'..., ....s...,.i�_.:...,...,..., `NC Notary ?ut Seal may_r ' : Subscribe ` -� � d ,� e ., i:' i E. � ,� j , r3 3 axes as defined in secfion 270.72. t Cevoked,by the commissioner of revenue withi i ` _ ..._. � . . ._ _ _ . .. __ . , �� 'ey w - , . . 5 t �`.��Y1TY. k : � t` 3t �k ���, 'UBLIC lNFORMA770N �` � � � t i,1 i a y s,rn �c i»3a �. (� - f .� iE . t• must be cur�e�t and correct � _ ,; t _ 3° ,,,; - , -._ (signata� tf:('Ed;:�LiG'fJ� M?e�' a. _s ::• „�7 . _�..>' ... ,. . : .--,.:, rd � , �,i. +�,n�".+.�-�„�'ti. _ S f �'. �;v; 3�5 . � i <+ • � `' �..�9� � c , � { - f i� s;°�, t , i>� ° F "i "� - -.� �. . -. . � : i:3, "• , , �t�i� ORGANIZJ Jame of Organizati �SexUuQ:;�i cr��?:; � .-.. Fc:- .._-. .. ro :.' ;. . _ i= t'� . _ _ . - . , ' .. `.';:7�' . '_U „c.�:�F; 70N, _ �" -, �'�2 . ;-r . LG272 (Rev. 7/Z92) � - � Renewal LAST NAME �D(�se�n Address " ' � Minnesota Lawful Gambiing Gambling Manager Applicatio�. es FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ensE uc � _� SEQ z FEE CHK DATE INIT Give date that the nvo-day garnbling manager seminar was completed. o/� � Location of training �Q�Q/Y7J (ciry) Give date of training received within three years prior to tlie date of ihe application for renewal. _/ / Locafion of training FIRSTNAME MIDDLENAME i.o � 5 J �a.r, iv�_:� -� 30 2 (Y Date of Birtfi Soc. Securiry Number 4-ta�ss 5�- a�-3��8 �y MAIDEN s�� m� MEMBERSHIP.�Data_garnbling manager became a member of the organiza5on �/, `�( g7 _ .. . e��y ca�ai�ya� ui �mom ;. '_ _ r•c..u..._�... - =;�;=.};= ::��. __�'Ari affid'a'vit for,gainbi�g;manage -� .. .. � 1 understan"d Uiat failure to provic Gcense:: �} a _ . -, Signature of GambGng Manager � - : G r:r";.�{ i ::'.�;._.. ., -, . . x7 i��aav: _; ` ;';:;�;;.<:;,::<:M:=:<<:::<:. I °'� 7�1r� Send the completed appiication and aIl required attachments to: Gambiing Control Board " � � � - � ' , � �Sulte 300 S. - t711 W..County Road B ° Ftosevllle, MN 55�73 - ` ;: - . . _ , � � �_�, , . +� . , ...-. . Daytime Phone �� �� 9� �!7// Sex : � Male _ � Female _ � , � � �,">-' -7 j �O�l -����3e�9�fn f�,�`Il� Council File # �`� Ordinance # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ' f���='sn`r�, � <�� E�:;Lr�'4� ` '4 Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # 35344 ��� RESOLVED: That application, ID #64247, for a new Gambling Manager's License by Lois J. Dirksen DBA Se�cual Violence Center at Club Metro, 733 Pierce Butler Route, be and the same is hereby approved. Requested by Department of: • # .- • -� - : .-• •�- .�: ! 1' - • S f � k •� �� Adopted by Council: Date \ °�'� Adoptio by Council Secretary By: 11 \ c�- . � �is--�� Approved by Mayor: Date Z/�"!`� � B � �-- c �%�� Form Approved by city � t��rce� p � J � ) By: V�2�v.t,a, � %� Approved by Mayor for Submisaion to Council By: �I'1-'1�4 DEPARTMENT/OFFlCFJCOUNCIL DAiE INITIATED GREEN SHEET N� 3 5 3 4 4 , LIEP _ , _ _ INfTIAVDATE INITIAVDATE CONTACTPEFSON 8 PHONE Q DEPAFTMEf�f�DIRECTOR � CRYCAUNCIL William F. Gunther - 266-9132 A���N O CRYATTORNEY O CITYCLERK NUYBERFOR MUST BE ON OOUNCIL AGENDA 8Y (OAi� pp�p� O BUDGET DlRECTOR � FItJ. 8 MGT. SEAVICES OtR. / �( ` ONDER � MqYOR (OR ASSI5TANn � $edT1II : {v a[� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCA710NS FOR SICaNATURE) ncnori a[ouesreo: Lois J. Dirksen DBA Sexual 4iolence Center requests Council approval for an application for a new Gambling Manager's License at Club Metro, 733 Pierce Butler Route. (ID �164247 ) FiECOMMENDAnONS: Appraue (A) w Reject (a) pER50NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION � CIVIL SEfiVICE COMMISSIIXJ 1. Has ttiis perso�rm ever worketl under a corrtract for this departrnent? - _ ae COn�MmEE _ YES "NO �� — 2. Has Mis perso�rm ever been a city employee? YES NO _ DISTHIC7 CAURi _ 3. Does this personffirm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any curtem ciry employce? SUPPORT$ WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTNE? YES NO Exp�ain all yes answen on separete sheet and attaeh to green sheet INIT�ATINGPSiOBLEM.ISSUE.OPPeJRTUNITY(Who.YMet.Wfien.Where.Why): ' � . � RECEIVE[� JUN 12 1997 ���������% lERRY BL4KEY Ju� o� �9s� �-n �a � � ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVEO: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPqO�ED: � JUN 1 21�97 OISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: TQTAL AMOUNT QF TRANSACTION $ COST/NEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDItdG SOURCE NC7IVITY NUMBEH PINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Greensheet # In TrackeR___���[� License ID # 64247 �`� L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST � c �� "� g y ApP'n Received / ApP'n Processed License Type: GamblinQ Manager COmpanyName: Lois J. Dirksen DBA: Sexval p;olence ('Pntar Business Addresss: 733 Pierce Butler Route (Club Metro) Business Phone: 9 8-47t t Contact Name/Address: 410 Groveland Ave. �I302 Home Phone: 9�R—��� t Date to Council Research: Minne� /�� 55403 Pubiic Hearing Date: �n.t �S !9� % Labels Ordered: N A Notice Sent to Applicant: �v�LClQ`7 District Council #: 07 Notice Sent to Public: N/A Ward #: O1 Department/ Date Inspections Commenis Ciry Attomey /� e' � � �/ / �/�a/�� Environmenial Health �/ � Fire �� � License Site Plan aeceived:_ Lease Received: �� � Police Q� �� �t 7'T2�C� �/��g� Zoning /V l � ��zts Minnesota Gambling Control Board 04/18/95 Gambfing Manager Affidavit Attach to the Gambling Manager Application, Form LG212 STATE OF ) q-►- �8y m f Yl Y12 S� �-tA AFFIDAVIT OF QUALIFICATION ) s.s. FOR GAMBLING MANAGER LICENSE COUNTY OF ' AND CONSENT STATEMENT (-�f �'1 YlR-�� l h � (Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes and Rules) i, LOIS �rcc,�n�lrk�sr.r� ,Underoathstatetfiat: (type/print name) - 1. i have never been convicfed of a felony or a crime involving gambling. 2. i have not, within ive years before ihe daie of the license application, committed a viofation of law or Board rule that resuited in the revocation of a license issued by the Board. �. - ;: � : 3. i have never been convicted of a criminal viotation involving fraud, theft, tax evasion, misreprese�tatign, , or gambling. 4. I have never been convicted of n assauR, (i)_ a criminal violation involving the use, of a i making fercoristic threats. - .' .. — . "r•�' "���.� - ' _,. � � ` - _ . " l" ;', _. �rf 5. I am not, nor ever have been connected,'with or engaged,in�an iilegal business:.,. -�°s_:,,>;; 6. I do not owe $SOO,o�_more in deli 7. t have not had'_a sales and use te years. - ' `; - 8. I have never afterdemand faile -�� �� - .,'l.k��'�-a�:�f�'_:��-.�<.�? i�.,�.;,1,+�ii.:..;�'..., ....s...,.i�_.:...,...,..., `NC Notary ?ut Seal may_r ' : Subscribe ` -� � d ,� e ., i:' i E. � ,� j , r3 3 axes as defined in secfion 270.72. t Cevoked,by the commissioner of revenue withi i ` _ ..._. � . . ._ _ _ . .. __ . , �� 'ey w - , . . 5 t �`.��Y1TY. k : � t` 3t �k ���, 'UBLIC lNFORMA770N �` � � � t i,1 i a y s,rn �c i»3a �. (� - f .� iE . t• must be cur�e�t and correct � _ ,; t _ 3° ,,,; - , -._ (signata� tf:('Ed;:�LiG'fJ� M?e�' a. _s ::• „�7 . _�..>' ... ,. . : .--,.:, rd � , �,i. +�,n�".+.�-�„�'ti. _ S f �'. �;v; 3�5 . � i <+ • � `' �..�9� � c , � { - f i� s;°�, t , i>� ° F "i "� - -.� �. . -. . � : i:3, "• , , �t�i� ORGANIZJ Jame of Organizati �SexUuQ:;�i cr��?:; � .-.. Fc:- .._-. .. ro :.' ;. . _ i= t'� . _ _ . - . , ' .. `.';:7�' . '_U „c.�:�F; 70N, _ �" -, �'�2 . ;-r . LG272 (Rev. 7/Z92) � - � Renewal LAST NAME �D(�se�n Address " ' � Minnesota Lawful Gambiing Gambling Manager Applicatio�. es FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ensE uc � _� SEQ z FEE CHK DATE INIT Give date that the nvo-day garnbling manager seminar was completed. o/� � Location of training �Q�Q/Y7J (ciry) Give date of training received within three years prior to tlie date of ihe application for renewal. _/ / Locafion of training FIRSTNAME MIDDLENAME i.o � 5 J �a.r, iv�_:� -� 30 2 (Y Date of Birtfi Soc. Securiry Number 4-ta�ss 5�- a�-3��8 �y MAIDEN s�� m� MEMBERSHIP.�Data_garnbling manager became a member of the organiza5on �/, `�( g7 _ .. . e��y ca�ai�ya� ui �mom ;. '_ _ r•c..u..._�... - =;�;=.};= ::��. __�'Ari affid'a'vit for,gainbi�g;manage -� .. .. � 1 understan"d Uiat failure to provic Gcense:: �} a _ . -, Signature of GambGng Manager � - : G r:r";.�{ i ::'.�;._.. ., -, . . x7 i��aav: _; ` ;';:;�;;.<:;,::<:M:=:<<:::<:. I °'� 7�1r� Send the completed appiication and aIl required attachments to: Gambiing Control Board " � � � - � ' , � �Sulte 300 S. - t711 W..County Road B ° Ftosevllle, MN 55�73 - ` ;: - . . _ , � � �_�, , . +� . , ...-. . Daytime Phone �� �� 9� �!7// Sex : � Male _ � Female _ � , � � �,">-' -7 j �O�l -����3e�9�fn f�,�`Il� Council File # �`� Ordinance # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ' f���='sn`r�, � <�� E�:;Lr�'4� ` '4 Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # 35344 ��� RESOLVED: That application, ID #64247, for a new Gambling Manager's License by Lois J. Dirksen DBA Se�cual Violence Center at Club Metro, 733 Pierce Butler Route, be and the same is hereby approved. Requested by Department of: • # .- • -� - : .-• •�- .�: ! 1' - • S f � k •� �� Adopted by Council: Date \ °�'� Adoptio by Council Secretary By: 11 \ c�- . � �is--�� Approved by Mayor: Date Z/�"!`� � B � �-- c �%�� Form Approved by city � t��rce� p � J � ) By: V�2�v.t,a, � %� Approved by Mayor for Submisaion to Council By: �I'1-'1�4 DEPARTMENT/OFFlCFJCOUNCIL DAiE INITIATED GREEN SHEET N� 3 5 3 4 4 , LIEP _ , _ _ INfTIAVDATE INITIAVDATE CONTACTPEFSON 8 PHONE Q DEPAFTMEf�f�DIRECTOR � CRYCAUNCIL William F. Gunther - 266-9132 A���N O CRYATTORNEY O CITYCLERK NUYBERFOR MUST BE ON OOUNCIL AGENDA 8Y (OAi� pp�p� O BUDGET DlRECTOR � FItJ. 8 MGT. SEAVICES OtR. / �( ` ONDER � MqYOR (OR ASSI5TANn � $edT1II : {v a[� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCA710NS FOR SICaNATURE) ncnori a[ouesreo: Lois J. Dirksen DBA Sexual 4iolence Center requests Council approval for an application for a new Gambling Manager's License at Club Metro, 733 Pierce Butler Route. (ID �164247 ) FiECOMMENDAnONS: Appraue (A) w Reject (a) pER50NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION � CIVIL SEfiVICE COMMISSIIXJ 1. Has ttiis perso�rm ever worketl under a corrtract for this departrnent? - _ ae COn�MmEE _ YES "NO �� — 2. Has Mis perso�rm ever been a city employee? YES NO _ DISTHIC7 CAURi _ 3. Does this personffirm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any curtem ciry employce? SUPPORT$ WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTNE? YES NO Exp�ain all yes answen on separete sheet and attaeh to green sheet INIT�ATINGPSiOBLEM.ISSUE.OPPeJRTUNITY(Who.YMet.Wfien.Where.Why): ' � . � RECEIVE[� JUN 12 1997 ���������% lERRY BL4KEY Ju� o� �9s� �-n �a � � ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVEO: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPqO�ED: � JUN 1 21�97 OISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: TQTAL AMOUNT QF TRANSACTION $ COST/NEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDItdG SOURCE NC7IVITY NUMBEH PINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Greensheet # In TrackeR___���[� License ID # 64247 �`� L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST � c �� "� g y ApP'n Received / ApP'n Processed License Type: GamblinQ Manager COmpanyName: Lois J. Dirksen DBA: Sexval p;olence ('Pntar Business Addresss: 733 Pierce Butler Route (Club Metro) Business Phone: 9 8-47t t Contact Name/Address: 410 Groveland Ave. �I302 Home Phone: 9�R—��� t Date to Council Research: Minne� /�� 55403 Pubiic Hearing Date: �n.t �S !9� % Labels Ordered: N A Notice Sent to Applicant: �v�LClQ`7 District Council #: 07 Notice Sent to Public: N/A Ward #: O1 Department/ Date Inspections Commenis Ciry Attomey /� e' � � �/ / �/�a/�� Environmenial Health �/ � Fire �� � License Site Plan aeceived:_ Lease Received: �� � Police Q� �� �t 7'T2�C� �/��g� Zoning /V l � ��zts Minnesota Gambling Control Board 04/18/95 Gambfing Manager Affidavit Attach to the Gambling Manager Application, Form LG212 STATE OF ) q-►- �8y m f Yl Y12 S� �-tA AFFIDAVIT OF QUALIFICATION ) s.s. FOR GAMBLING MANAGER LICENSE COUNTY OF ' AND CONSENT STATEMENT (-�f �'1 YlR-�� l h � (Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes and Rules) i, LOIS �rcc,�n�lrk�sr.r� ,Underoathstatetfiat: (type/print name) - 1. i have never been convicfed of a felony or a crime involving gambling. 2. i have not, within ive years before ihe daie of the license application, committed a viofation of law or Board rule that resuited in the revocation of a license issued by the Board. �. - ;: � : 3. i have never been convicted of a criminal viotation involving fraud, theft, tax evasion, misreprese�tatign, , or gambling. 4. I have never been convicted of n assauR, (i)_ a criminal violation involving the use, of a i making fercoristic threats. - .' .. — . "r•�' "���.� - ' _,. � � ` - _ . " l" ;', _. �rf 5. I am not, nor ever have been connected,'with or engaged,in�an iilegal business:.,. -�°s_:,,>;; 6. I do not owe $SOO,o�_more in deli 7. t have not had'_a sales and use te years. - ' `; - 8. I have never afterdemand faile -�� �� - .,'l.k��'�-a�:�f�'_:��-.�<.�? i�.,�.;,1,+�ii.:..;�'..., ....s...,.i�_.:...,...,..., `NC Notary ?ut Seal may_r ' : Subscribe ` -� � d ,� e ., i:' i E. � ,� j , r3 3 axes as defined in secfion 270.72. t Cevoked,by the commissioner of revenue withi i ` _ ..._. � . . ._ _ _ . .. __ . , �� 'ey w - , . . 5 t �`.��Y1TY. k : � t` 3t �k ���, 'UBLIC lNFORMA770N �` � � � t i,1 i a y s,rn �c i»3a �. (� - f .� iE . t• must be cur�e�t and correct � _ ,; t _ 3° ,,,; - , -._ (signata� tf:('Ed;:�LiG'fJ� M?e�' a. _s ::• „�7 . _�..>' ... ,. . : .--,.:, rd � , �,i. +�,n�".+.�-�„�'ti. _ S f �'. �;v; 3�5 . � i <+ • � `' �..�9� � c , � { - f i� s;°�, t , i>� ° F "i "� - -.� �. . -. . � : i:3, "• , , �t�i� ORGANIZJ Jame of Organizati �SexUuQ:;�i cr��?:; � .-.. Fc:- .._-. .. ro :.' ;. . _ i= t'� . _ _ . - . , ' .. `.';:7�' . '_U „c.�:�F; 70N, _ �" -, �'�2 . ;-r . LG272 (Rev. 7/Z92) � - � Renewal LAST NAME �D(�se�n Address " ' � Minnesota Lawful Gambiing Gambling Manager Applicatio�. es FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ensE uc � _� SEQ z FEE CHK DATE INIT Give date that the nvo-day garnbling manager seminar was completed. o/� � Location of training �Q�Q/Y7J (ciry) Give date of training received within three years prior to tlie date of ihe application for renewal. _/ / Locafion of training FIRSTNAME MIDDLENAME i.o � 5 J �a.r, iv�_:� -� 30 2 (Y Date of Birtfi Soc. Securiry Number 4-ta�ss 5�- a�-3��8 �y MAIDEN s�� m� MEMBERSHIP.�Data_garnbling manager became a member of the organiza5on �/, `�( g7 _ .. . e��y ca�ai�ya� ui �mom ;. '_ _ r•c..u..._�... - =;�;=.};= ::��. __�'Ari affid'a'vit for,gainbi�g;manage -� .. .. � 1 understan"d Uiat failure to provic Gcense:: �} a _ . -, Signature of GambGng Manager � - : G r:r";.�{ i ::'.�;._.. ., -, . . x7 i��aav: _; ` ;';:;�;;.<:;,::<:M:=:<<:::<:. I °'� 7�1r� Send the completed appiication and aIl required attachments to: Gambiing Control Board " � � � - � ' , � �Sulte 300 S. - t711 W..County Road B ° Ftosevllle, MN 55�73 - ` ;: - . . _ , � � �_�, , . +� . , ...-. . Daytime Phone �� �� 9� �!7// Sex : � Male _ � Female _ � , � � �,">-' -7 j �O�l -����3e�9�fn f�,�`Il�