97-771ORIGINAL , Presented By: Referred To: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA CouncH File # Green Sheet # � � Committee: Date 1 2 WHEREAS, tt�e City of Sairrt Paul f�as establ'shed fhe Children's Play Area Equipment Program (CPAEP) to provide one-to-one 3��9 9�� m� a9�izafions for tlie installation of recreation equiprrierrt on pubfic schod Property� and d 5 WHEREAS, tlie Mayor azW City Co�ncl approved $126,000 for tlie CPAEP program in the 1996 and 1997 Capital Improvement 6 Budgets. with funduig earmarked for Uie folbuvin9 schod play azeas: 6lolwmis Elememary. Sheridan ElemeMary, Hayden HeigMs 7 Elementary, Ma�deW Elertienfary, Wheelock ECSE/ECFE, and a playgroundltot bt near Arlington High School; and 8 9 WHEREAS, the playground/tnt bt near Arlington High School will rwt be going forward as a projeck and 10 11 WHEREAS, the Parerrts and Teachers Association of Horace Mann Elementary have requested CPAEP funding to replace 92 dangerous play equipmerd at tl�e school; and 13 14 WHEREAS, the Haace Mann PTA has received in excess of $20,000 far tlus projed from non-City souroas, ttws safisfying 15 fhe CPAEP program's matching requiremerds: now 16 17 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Maya and City Council approve the realiacation of $20,000 in the 1997 CPAEP 18 Progrem to the Horace Mann Elementary Playground projecX and ba it 19 20 FURTHER RESOLVED, that tl�e City tunds be disbursed according to the matching and other requirements of tlie CPAEP 21 program. Tbo St. Pnn] Lon4-Ranga Capitallmpzovemaas $udget Committes received this request on �3�t b �Z �,. , .... and recoaunends J9'aeri�Ja� _, Si9a�dc ���—=_�-- - �� , ,..� By: 1 \ c� Approvad by Mayw: Date By: Requested by Departrnent oY. OfFi`c�e df' Ftw.,�e}e � Servi`ce5 By: Approval Recommernied by Director, Office of By: �� Fortn BY � )t�y' ' �'` \./� � �� Approved by Ma ` Submi ic to ouncil: 8r o�r.dr� a ,z+wesa�umnES}uM+.vnc. mn,an °� - �h� 326t2 Adopted by Council: Date `� � } `�.�j � Adoption Certifiad by Couxil Secreta . DEPAR'rt.fflii/OFFICF/COUNCO. DA]EIMtN2ED Q(� _�f ol�ceofFinanciatservices 06/11f97 GREEN SHEET PIO. 32612 �� COMACfPERSON&PHONE � D6PAR'IMENI'DIRECtOR 4a CfIYCOUNCII, JoeReid,266-8553 ��� 2❑ crrcnrrowvtv ✓ � cincu�nK MUSI'BEONCOONCQ,AGtNDABY(OA't� / � �I HWGETp¢tECfOR `� $a £1N gMGI.SERVICFSDIIt ASAP �,.�qi �S V`G � n,nvoxtaxnssisrnxn � � TOTAL # O IGNATURE PAGES (CLIP A,LL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CIIONREQUESIID Approval of $20,000 in matching fimds for the Horace Mann Playground project thrwgh the 1991 Children's Play Area Fquipment Program. rzECOeu�+nnnorrs:a�o.zfA)o��y�s(�U PEILSONALSERVICECONTRACtSMQSTANSWERTHEFOLLOK'INGQ � ONS: _eL,wcmvccoru.uss�oN _crvu.smv�cECOramss�ox I.Hasthisperson/fimeverworkeduaderacamnc[forthisdepartmenT? = cmconum'ig = YES NO � _SrnFe _ 2. Hu this persodfum ever been a city employee? msrwcrtouxT YES NO soPPOxTSwtnCH coUNCa oH�Cftve? 3. Does this peison/firm pOSSess a sldll not aolmally possessed by any cuaent ciTy em � YES NO (Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheek) ML11A'fMGPROBLEAI, ISSUE, OPPOR]VMTY (\Vho.Wbat, Whw, Where, VlLy) The Horace Maun PTA has requested funding to replace dangerous childreds play equipement at Horace Mann Elementary. The PTA has received non-City contributions for this project in excess of $2Q000. The otganization is now requesting matching funding through the 1997 Children's Play Area Equipment Program (CPAEP), as approved in the 1997 Capital Improvement Budget. The5e funds became available when it was determined that a playgoundhot lot project originally approved in the 1997 CPAEP program would not be going forwazd. ADVAMAGES Q' APPRqVED: � The PTA will be able to reconstruc[ the children's play azea this yeaz. ���°�`' ��� t��� �� ��g� ����� �����' DISADYANTAGESIFAPPROV6D None. Approval ofthis project will not remove funding from other viable, approved CPAEP projects. DISADV APiTAGES OF NOT APPAOV ED- The Horace Marm PTA wili have to delay replacement of the play equipment by applying for 1998/99 CPAEP funding. i0'fALAMOUMIOF'fAANSACITON N L CpST/REVENOEBODGEiED(CRtCLEONE) O NO mmuwcsomc CIB Bonds ncm�rrmrnme C97-3S008 �r.wcw.m�oxMnnoH �uw> �� ORIGINAL , Presented By: Referred To: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA CouncH File # Green Sheet # � � Committee: Date 1 2 WHEREAS, tt�e City of Sairrt Paul f�as establ'shed fhe Children's Play Area Equipment Program (CPAEP) to provide one-to-one 3��9 9�� m� a9�izafions for tlie installation of recreation equiprrierrt on pubfic schod Property� and d 5 WHEREAS, tlie Mayor azW City Co�ncl approved $126,000 for tlie CPAEP program in the 1996 and 1997 Capital Improvement 6 Budgets. with funduig earmarked for Uie folbuvin9 schod play azeas: 6lolwmis Elememary. Sheridan ElemeMary, Hayden HeigMs 7 Elementary, Ma�deW Elertienfary, Wheelock ECSE/ECFE, and a playgroundltot bt near Arlington High School; and 8 9 WHEREAS, the playground/tnt bt near Arlington High School will rwt be going forward as a projeck and 10 11 WHEREAS, the Parerrts and Teachers Association of Horace Mann Elementary have requested CPAEP funding to replace 92 dangerous play equipmerd at tl�e school; and 13 14 WHEREAS, the Haace Mann PTA has received in excess of $20,000 far tlus projed from non-City souroas, ttws safisfying 15 fhe CPAEP program's matching requiremerds: now 16 17 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Maya and City Council approve the realiacation of $20,000 in the 1997 CPAEP 18 Progrem to the Horace Mann Elementary Playground projecX and ba it 19 20 FURTHER RESOLVED, that tl�e City tunds be disbursed according to the matching and other requirements of tlie CPAEP 21 program. Tbo St. Pnn] Lon4-Ranga Capitallmpzovemaas $udget Committes received this request on �3�t b �Z �,. , .... and recoaunends J9'aeri�Ja� _, Si9a�dc ���—=_�-- - �� , ,..� By: 1 \ c� Approvad by Mayw: Date By: Requested by Departrnent oY. OfFi`c�e df' Ftw.,�e}e � Servi`ce5 By: Approval Recommernied by Director, Office of By: �� Fortn BY � )t�y' ' �'` \./� � �� Approved by Ma ` Submi ic to ouncil: 8r o�r.dr� a ,z+wesa�umnES}uM+.vnc. mn,an °� - �h� 326t2 Adopted by Council: Date `� � } `�.�j � Adoption Certifiad by Couxil Secreta . DEPAR'rt.fflii/OFFICF/COUNCO. DA]EIMtN2ED Q(� _�f ol�ceofFinanciatservices 06/11f97 GREEN SHEET PIO. 32612 �� COMACfPERSON&PHONE � D6PAR'IMENI'DIRECtOR 4a CfIYCOUNCII, JoeReid,266-8553 ��� 2❑ crrcnrrowvtv ✓ � cincu�nK MUSI'BEONCOONCQ,AGtNDABY(OA't� / � �I HWGETp¢tECfOR `� $a £1N gMGI.SERVICFSDIIt ASAP �,.�qi �S V`G � n,nvoxtaxnssisrnxn � � TOTAL # O IGNATURE PAGES (CLIP A,LL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CIIONREQUESIID Approval of $20,000 in matching fimds for the Horace Mann Playground project thrwgh the 1991 Children's Play Area Fquipment Program. rzECOeu�+nnnorrs:a�o.zfA)o��y�s(�U PEILSONALSERVICECONTRACtSMQSTANSWERTHEFOLLOK'INGQ � ONS: _eL,wcmvccoru.uss�oN _crvu.smv�cECOramss�ox I.Hasthisperson/fimeverworkeduaderacamnc[forthisdepartmenT? = cmconum'ig = YES NO � _SrnFe _ 2. Hu this persodfum ever been a city employee? msrwcrtouxT YES NO soPPOxTSwtnCH coUNCa oH�Cftve? 3. Does this peison/firm pOSSess a sldll not aolmally possessed by any cuaent ciTy em � YES NO (Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheek) ML11A'fMGPROBLEAI, ISSUE, OPPOR]VMTY (\Vho.Wbat, Whw, Where, VlLy) The Horace Maun PTA has requested funding to replace dangerous childreds play equipement at Horace Mann Elementary. The PTA has received non-City contributions for this project in excess of $2Q000. The otganization is now requesting matching funding through the 1997 Children's Play Area Equipment Program (CPAEP), as approved in the 1997 Capital Improvement Budget. The5e funds became available when it was determined that a playgoundhot lot project originally approved in the 1997 CPAEP program would not be going forwazd. ADVAMAGES Q' APPRqVED: � The PTA will be able to reconstruc[ the children's play azea this yeaz. ���°�`' ��� t��� �� ��g� ����� �����' DISADYANTAGESIFAPPROV6D None. Approval ofthis project will not remove funding from other viable, approved CPAEP projects. DISADV APiTAGES OF NOT APPAOV ED- The Horace Marm PTA wili have to delay replacement of the play equipment by applying for 1998/99 CPAEP funding. i0'fALAMOUMIOF'fAANSACITON N L CpST/REVENOEBODGEiED(CRtCLEONE) O NO mmuwcsomc CIB Bonds ncm�rrmrnme C97-3S008 �r.wcw.m�oxMnnoH �uw> �� ORIGINAL , Presented By: Referred To: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA CouncH File # Green Sheet # � � Committee: Date 1 2 WHEREAS, tt�e City of Sairrt Paul f�as establ'shed fhe Children's Play Area Equipment Program (CPAEP) to provide one-to-one 3��9 9�� m� a9�izafions for tlie installation of recreation equiprrierrt on pubfic schod Property� and d 5 WHEREAS, tlie Mayor azW City Co�ncl approved $126,000 for tlie CPAEP program in the 1996 and 1997 Capital Improvement 6 Budgets. with funduig earmarked for Uie folbuvin9 schod play azeas: 6lolwmis Elememary. Sheridan ElemeMary, Hayden HeigMs 7 Elementary, Ma�deW Elertienfary, Wheelock ECSE/ECFE, and a playgroundltot bt near Arlington High School; and 8 9 WHEREAS, the playground/tnt bt near Arlington High School will rwt be going forward as a projeck and 10 11 WHEREAS, the Parerrts and Teachers Association of Horace Mann Elementary have requested CPAEP funding to replace 92 dangerous play equipmerd at tl�e school; and 13 14 WHEREAS, the Haace Mann PTA has received in excess of $20,000 far tlus projed from non-City souroas, ttws safisfying 15 fhe CPAEP program's matching requiremerds: now 16 17 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Maya and City Council approve the realiacation of $20,000 in the 1997 CPAEP 18 Progrem to the Horace Mann Elementary Playground projecX and ba it 19 20 FURTHER RESOLVED, that tl�e City tunds be disbursed according to the matching and other requirements of tlie CPAEP 21 program. Tbo St. Pnn] Lon4-Ranga Capitallmpzovemaas $udget Committes received this request on �3�t b �Z �,. , .... and recoaunends J9'aeri�Ja� _, Si9a�dc ���—=_�-- - �� , ,..� By: 1 \ c� Approvad by Mayw: Date By: Requested by Departrnent oY. OfFi`c�e df' Ftw.,�e}e � Servi`ce5 By: Approval Recommernied by Director, Office of By: �� Fortn BY � )t�y' ' �'` \./� � �� Approved by Ma ` Submi ic to ouncil: 8r o�r.dr� a ,z+wesa�umnES}uM+.vnc. mn,an °� - �h� 326t2 Adopted by Council: Date `� � } `�.�j � Adoption Certifiad by Couxil Secreta . DEPAR'rt.fflii/OFFICF/COUNCO. DA]EIMtN2ED Q(� _�f ol�ceofFinanciatservices 06/11f97 GREEN SHEET PIO. 32612 �� COMACfPERSON&PHONE � D6PAR'IMENI'DIRECtOR 4a CfIYCOUNCII, JoeReid,266-8553 ��� 2❑ crrcnrrowvtv ✓ � cincu�nK MUSI'BEONCOONCQ,AGtNDABY(OA't� / � �I HWGETp¢tECfOR `� $a £1N gMGI.SERVICFSDIIt ASAP �,.�qi �S V`G � n,nvoxtaxnssisrnxn � � TOTAL # O IGNATURE PAGES (CLIP A,LL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CIIONREQUESIID Approval of $20,000 in matching fimds for the Horace Mann Playground project thrwgh the 1991 Children's Play Area Fquipment Program. rzECOeu�+nnnorrs:a�o.zfA)o��y�s(�U PEILSONALSERVICECONTRACtSMQSTANSWERTHEFOLLOK'INGQ � ONS: _eL,wcmvccoru.uss�oN _crvu.smv�cECOramss�ox I.Hasthisperson/fimeverworkeduaderacamnc[forthisdepartmenT? = cmconum'ig = YES NO � _SrnFe _ 2. Hu this persodfum ever been a city employee? msrwcrtouxT YES NO soPPOxTSwtnCH coUNCa oH�Cftve? 3. Does this peison/firm pOSSess a sldll not aolmally possessed by any cuaent ciTy em � YES NO (Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheek) ML11A'fMGPROBLEAI, ISSUE, OPPOR]VMTY (\Vho.Wbat, Whw, Where, VlLy) The Horace Maun PTA has requested funding to replace dangerous childreds play equipement at Horace Mann Elementary. The PTA has received non-City contributions for this project in excess of $2Q000. The otganization is now requesting matching funding through the 1997 Children's Play Area Equipment Program (CPAEP), as approved in the 1997 Capital Improvement Budget. The5e funds became available when it was determined that a playgoundhot lot project originally approved in the 1997 CPAEP program would not be going forwazd. ADVAMAGES Q' APPRqVED: � The PTA will be able to reconstruc[ the children's play azea this yeaz. ���°�`' ��� t��� �� ��g� ����� �����' DISADYANTAGESIFAPPROV6D None. Approval ofthis project will not remove funding from other viable, approved CPAEP projects. DISADV APiTAGES OF NOT APPAOV ED- The Horace Marm PTA wili have to delay replacement of the play equipment by applying for 1998/99 CPAEP funding. i0'fALAMOUMIOF'fAANSACITON N L CpST/REVENOEBODGEiED(CRtCLEONE) O NO mmuwcsomc CIB Bonds ncm�rrmrnme C97-3S008 �r.wcw.m�oxMnnoH �uw> ��