97-770Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTiON CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Committee: Date g'_L- �_. 3t 30(� /9 Whereas, as part of the 7997 budget process, the City Council placetl a porfion ofthe budgM for tAe Information Services Division of the Technology antl Manageme�rt Services Departrne�rt iirto co�rtngenry, wnditional on a report of the progress of the new IS organaafion to the City Caunciy antl Whereas, the Directar of the Deparhnerrt of Technology antl ManagemeM Senices, antl ffie Manager of Information Services have dxumentetl goals, specific sho�ttesm tasks, anci evaluation uiteria, in a wock plan sAared with Council Mem6e�s, and Whereas, f5 has successfuly documented and accomplished the goals setforth for the Gity Council fo�the first haR of �997, antl Whereas, IS needs the release of the budget money placetl in cantingenry to cantinue its operation and progress WwaNS creatlng a healthy information technology environment that supporls the attainmeM of city-witle sUategic goals, as well as deparhnent and office specific strategic goals. antl Whereas, the Mayoy pursuant to Section tO.Old antl 10.07.4 of Ne City Charteq recpmmentls the follovring changes to the 1997 Atlop[ed Budget for the City of Sai`R Paul: CURRENTBl1OGET CHANGES AMENDEDBUDGET C; _ GENERAL PUND (Traosfer) TRANSFERFROM: Technolo9Y and ManagemeM Services Infortnation Services - CoMingent Reserve 007-07115-0548 Contingency ToWI Transfer From 7RANSFER70: Technology antl Manageme�A Services InfortnaEon Services 001-01716-0111 001-07715-0121 001-07175-0147 001-01715-0161 001-01115-0162 001-07775-0219 001-07715-0221 001-011i5-0222 001-07115-0223 001-01115-0T27 007-0�115-0237 001-07715-0241 001-01115-0249 001-07175-0257 001-07115-0252 007-01775-0253 001A7175-0255 001-01N5-0256 001-01715-0261 001A7116-0275 OUt-01ttb�280 001-07N5-0282 001-01N5-0283 007-01ri5-0286 001-07115-0288 007-01N5-0297 U�7-04715�U299 001-01175-0338 001-07115-0347 001-07115-0369 1.379,979 (1,379,919) (t,379,919) 760,623 15,805 28,A22 58.487 12,337 77,500 150 5,874 700 1,568 SU 2,8M 750 1,750 2,450 a,sso 378 25,7A1 725 7,853 10$245 27,798 :,soo 308 616 10,750 725 7,750 50 3,250 Page 1 of 2 862,666 1,799 732 71,500 750 5,814 700 7,567 50 2,872 750 1,750 2,450 a,sso an 17,fi00 725 1.854 99,83& 27,799 z,soo 308 676 10,750 725 1,750 50 3,250 0 7,623,289 15,805 28f122 60,286 14,069 23,000 300 N,628 1,400 3,135 �oo 5,744 7,500 3,500 4,900 9,700 �� 42�841 1,M`0 3,707 202,083 55.597 s,aoo 676 1,232 21,500 7,950 3,500 100 6,500 t`�8 G�18�9� 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 n 78 79 80 81 82 83 � 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 TRANSGERTO: Technology and Mana9emeM Services Infortnation Services (continuetl} 001-0N75-0359 001-017'IS-p363 001-01115-0368 0 01-011 7 5 03 7 7 001-07915-0376 001-011t5-0387 U01-0t115-0383 001-01115-0A39 007-0t7'IS-0873 001-01775-0856 007-07115-0&57 001-07N5-0859 �� - �'10 752 15,W0 3,165 Sf700 150 3,200 702 20.5�797 4,500 19.044 20,27� 7,250 $794,661 TofalTransfer To Total Budget Generzl Funtl Net Change Because nf Transfer Then, Nerefore, be it resolvetl, that the City Council releases fhis conEngency and approves these changes to the 1997 budget Page 2 of T Technology and Management Services f By:l�'���. G�� 1,504 3t,000 6,330 16,800 300 6,400 7�G04 988,646 9,000 31,834 35,A36 14,500 2.794,664 Requested by Department of: By: Approve � Approval Recommended by Budget Director. Form Ap�3rAv�ed by City � By: By: 0 �-i8-9� Sain�PaulBUtlgNOifice( qine N.WSERS�811DGETDEPTS�FINNNCE\123W1115RES.WH4 6/18/9]) 7b2 ti.500 3,765 5.400 7W 3,200 702 242.853 4,500 12,790 15,165 7.250 1.379.919 Adopted by Council: Date °�S �qq7 , Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: q�t -'1'10 DEPARTMENT/OFFICEJGOUNCIL DATEINRIATED GREEN SHEE N� 31306 iC4A`hOIO "r � INITAVDATE - " � " - INITIAUOAiE COKIACT PEq PHOICE O DEPAqTMEM DIRECfOR � CrtY CAUNdI ' "' ""- `�'�`� «��-• �� N YBERFON �CffYATTORNEY �•� �C(fYCLERK MUST BE ON CqUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA7E� ROUTING O BUOGET DIRECTO � FlN. & MGT. SEFMCES DIR. p� ��� ORDER O MAYOR (OR ASSISTMfT) O G� # OF SIGNATI3HE PAGE (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� ACfION REQUES7ED: Approval of Council Resolution releasing the.nortion of the 1997 IS Budge£ placed in contingency. RECOMMENDnnONS: Approve (A) a Reject (RJ pEHSONAI SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSW ER THE FOIIOWING QUESTlONS: _ PI.ANNMG COMMISSION __ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contrad for this deparhnent? � _ CIB COMMfREE _ YES NO —�� — 2. Has ihis person/firm ever been a city employee? YES NO _ DIS7FlICi CAUA7 _ 3. Does Mis persoMirm possess a skill not normalty possessed by any curceM CM1y employee4 SUPPORTSWHICHCAUNCILO&IECTiVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to groen sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPEJRTUNRY (WM, Whet, When, Where. Why)' The City Council placed a portion of the 1997 IS budget in contingency conditional on a report of orogress on the new ZS organization. At the beginning of the year, IS presenCed Council with a list of goals for the first half of 1997. Tfie attached memo documents the nrogress to date. ADVANTAGESIFAPPflOVED� Continued functionin� o£ the IS organ3zatien. �ISA�VANTAGES IFAPPROVEO: None. � �u�a 1 � �sgl DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPiiO�ED: Insufficient funds �oz techn7-ca1 salaries, services, supnlies and eq_uipment essential to the daily operation of t$e City< Disruption of technology services to all customers throughout City'offices. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TqANSACTION S COSi/fiEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOUNCE AC7IVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) 91-��0 CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co%man, Mayor To: From Date: Re: Counci] members Martha Larson � Cindy Mullan June 18, 1947 DEPARTMENT OF TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES Manha larson, Director 290 Crry Hall Te[ephone: 612-?66-8797 IS W. Ke(logg Bo<alevard Facsimi[e: 672-266$919 Saint Pmd, Minnesota 55102 Progress To Date: 1997 IS Strategic Goals We are pleased to report on our progress to date in accomplishin� the 1997 strategic goais of the new IS organization. As we have noted in earlier communications to you, we recognize that we must be a dynamic, responsive organization that is able to anticipate and adapt to constant change in our environment and customer needs. Therefore, unanticipated priorities wili occasionally require us to focus on those immediate, unplanned needs at the expense of accomplishing our stated workplan objectives_ Having acknowledged that, the following remain our top priorities and focus areas. Some of these goals represent specific activities and deliverables that will be accomplished within 1997. Others are more difficult to quantify and measure, but represent very impartant evolutions in our culture and mana�ement philosophy. All of our work in 1997 is underpinned by two principles: that we apply technology to deliver City services most effectively, and that we maximize the return on the City's investment in technology. (Note: Only those tasks targeted for completion in the first half of 1997 have been included in this status report.) We have noted below a handful of significant efforts in the first part of 1997, which took IS manajement and stafftime, that were not initially anticipated in creating our 1997 workplan. We recognize that this is the nature of our operation - to be flexible enou�h to meet demands for unanticipated services as well as those we planned for. However, the need to keep our resources flexible and responsive is made a greater challenge when efforts like those below require the amount of time and staff involvement that these have warranted: 1. Development of the 1998 Technology Initiatives bud�et, and inclusion of the customer departments in this process °1r1-1r1� 2. Assistance to the HR/payroll/benefits administration system replacement project team in its planning and preparation for this major, multi year, enterprise-wide system implementation 3. Assistance to LIEP in its oversi�ht and management of the ECLIPS project 4. Finalizing the City e mail policy (applicable to City staff and mana�ement) 5, Development and distribution of our survey to define the City's strategic direction for use of the Internet 6. Kicking off our review and redefinition of technical titles and related position descriptions 7. Coordinating and implementing a multi-department and office upgrade to Novell 4. ], for Parks, PED, IS, LIEP and Fire 8. Assistance to Police and Libraries in addressin� network implementation and support issues associated with new systems in their departments; this include reass n�nment of current staffand assistance in hiring a new staffperson for Libraries We also believe that we have made substantial progress toward accomplishing our agaressive workplan and goals within the first half of 1997. We are especially pleased with the learning process that's been reflected in the creation of the departmental Service Agreements. We are developing a much better appreciation for the dynamic, somewhat fluid nature of the shiftin� depaRmental priorities and demands for IS support, and how this affects our ability to keep this initiatives movin� ahead. We are pleased at the level of cooperation and support we have received from our customers - they are a demanding group, by and large, but remain committed to working with us to achieve what we set out to do with the IS reor�anization. They are an important arbiter of our success and instrumenta] to helping us in our efforts to serve them better. We hope that you will be satisfied with the results presented in this report, and will support the accompanyin� resolution to release the second half of the 1997 IS budget from contingency. If you have questions or comments, I would be more than happy to meet with you to address them. GOAL 1: Define the information services responsibilities of the new IS and Departments �nd Offices. SPECIFIC TASKS: 0 Work with Departments and Offices to create customized service agreements that define IS expectations, the respansibilities of IS ar7d the responsibilitres of 1he Department/Offrce Martha Larson and Cindy Mullan have met individually with all departments' and offices' management representatives. Final drafts of each agreement have been completed and submitted back to our customers for their review and acceptance.. This exercise has been productive and beneficial £or both IS and our customers, but has been more time- consuming than originally anticipated. A particular benefit of these meetings has been that we have identified a number of staffing and other resource issues that have been timely for 2 inclusion in various 1998 budget discussions. Completion and acceptance of Service 9 � ���� Agreements is anticipated in June. A sample copy of the draft Service Agreement form is attached for your review. �1 Estab7ish IS priorities and detailed workplans based on the initiatives identrfied in the 199715 budget and the service agreements The Service Agreement discussions and on�oin� interaction with our customers have helped us to identify potential projects and resource needs in the followin� areas: GIS, e- mail policy, and use of/technical support for the InternedIntranet. IS staff have begun work on those issues, startin� with definition of the City's strate�y for GIS and the Internet and issuance of an e mail policy. In addition, IS has worked with the Police Department, Libraries, PED and the City Fleet Manager in addressing staffing issues and creative efforts to redeploy existing staff to help further their specific technology projects. �Maintain good customer relations and seek feedback throz�gh a Department or Offzce des�gnated liaison Martha and Cindy have conducted meetings every 4-6 weeks with designated department line mana�ers to explain the status of various IS projects as well as solicit topics for discussion at future meetings. Furthermore, the Service Agreement discussions have taken place primarily with those line manaaers and have allowed IS to demonstrate how its 1997 workplan activities affect each department and where they can participate in helping to accomplish those Citywide IS objectives. Finally, a working group of DODs or their desianees has been convened to assist in the development and prioritization of projects to be addressed by the 1998 TechnoloJy Initiatives Fund. Their work will significantly influence the 1998 budget to be submitted in June GOAL 2: Plan, develop and maintnin a City-wide network that is accessibie, secure, effective and re►iable. SPECTFIC TASKS: ODenelop cr network secvr•zty policy for the City Preliminary work has bea n. A draft policy has been proposed, and IS staff are refining it and developing an action plan for its implementation. When this is completed in August, the policy will be communicated to the customer departments for feedback, to ensure their support and that the proposed approach will work effective(y with their networks and department-specific applications. OAcquire and implement a fzrewall thnt szipports the City's securiry policy Preliminary work has be�un on the firewall, which is hardware and software designed to protect the City's internal systems and data from unauthorized access by outsiders through linked networks and the Intemet. Potential products have been researched and analyzed. A drafr strate�y has been proposed, and IS staffare refining it and developin� an action �1'���� plan for its implementation. This effort is bein� coordinated with the next objective (strategy for providin� remote access). Implementation of the firewall is anticipated for the fall of 1997. �Denelop a City wide strategy for providing remote access capabilities to City Systems for City staff Preliminary work, includin� an inventory of current remote access points and methods is complete. An assessment of appropriate technolo�y and equipment to meet the City's needs has been completed. A strate�y for remote access is under development. Once this plan and the firewall has been defined, IS will work with affected customer departments to ensure that the new approach is properly implemented and that their end users are adequately prepared for chan�es in how they access City and outside systems. Installation of remote access capabilities is anticipated for the fall of 1997. GOAL 3: Establish the process and principles for providing prafessional technical assistance to City IS customers thlt is efficient, timely and cost effective. SPECIFIC TASKS: OAssen7ble a group of core and departmental lechnical staff to develop a centralized cz�stomer sen�ices strategy A cross-departmental group was formed under the leadership of Betty Swanson to examine potential customer service needs and define the functional and technical requirements. The goai of this group was to develop a recommendation on the best approach for providing a centralized customer service approach. DEva7uate and select an appropriczte help desk soh�tion, associated too7s and sta�ng This cross-departmental group's report and recommendation are in final draft form and wi(t be distributed Citywide by mid-7une. The repoR inctudes a product recommendation as well as an implementation plan. This solution wi11 provide a central resource for desktop support (PC installation and maintenance, connections, and a limited amount of software support for common applications like WordPerfecT). In the past, This support was provided by the fonner CIS division to certain departments and offices, while other departments took care of their own needs individually. This led to diverse and inconsistent levels of assistance across the City. We expect this resource to be used to supplement those line department's IS staff, minimizing time spent by experieneed I5 staff dealing with lower level maintenance and troubleshooting and maximizing their time available far the department-specific applications and consultative work. ODefine a s2rategy for assessing custonrer satisfaction; condz�ct a follow-zip to ihe customer service survey last conducted ir� Jz�ly 1996 IS staff is examining the feasibility of using the Intranet to conduct the follow-up survey. � Survey planned for distribution in July. (The City's new Intranet page, operational as of q � ���d the end ofMay, is available at http_Utheorb.) OCortdvct a cr�stomer sernice trair�rng session for all employees in the IS divisron An introductory workshop on "Respect in the Workplace" is scheduled for June. We expect this to be the foundation for more in-depth trainin� and development efforts which will focus first on skills needed to serve customers as part of cooperative, multi- disciplinary teams. Other trainin� and development to enhance customer service-related ski]]s and abilities will also be identified throu�h a department-wide analysis (planned for the summer of 1997) of specific needs and opportunities. GOAL 4: Develop a strategy to eliminate risk of losing critical data and standardize backup and recovery operatio�s throughout the City SPECIFIC TASKS: �Innentory current backup sernices performed throarghoaat 1he City The central Novell and Public Works backup services have been reviewed and standardized. This simplifies backup service and enables IS to further consolidate those services for more efficient administration. OAssess the wectknesses and strengths of tfie cr�rrent backr+p practices We are examining ways to combine backup responsibilities on network segments. By taking over common support functions, department service representatives will be able to do more value-added work on their department-specific systems. �Assemble a groa�p of core and departrnental technical stcrff to Gegin assessment of city- wide disaster recoi�ery plcros rn�d procedlrres Throu�h the process of completin� the IS Service Agreements, we have identified individuals responsibie for Department disaster recovery p(ans. These sta£f will be surveyed in late summer regardin� current best practices in this area. TS expects to work with the City's Emergency Management Team to coordinate development of this component ofthe Citywide plan. Furthermore, IS worked with customer departments durin� the preparations for the threatened AFSCME strike. This exercise allowed us to identify a number of personnel, security and other issues, and potential solutions, that will be addressed in the Cityv✓ide disaster recovery plan. GOAL 5: Create a secure, stable and timeSy electronic mail environment SPECIFIC TASKS: OComplete implementation of current Gror�pWise project GroupWise implementation was completed 4f27/97. All City departments and offices, � `' � -`O with the exception ofPolice, Fire, and Libraries, now have GroupWise installed and in use as their e mail systems. Use of this common application by most of the City staff eases the administration and support for this system, which, along with our WordPerfect, is the City's most commonly-used application and an important tool for employee productivity. DAssemble a grozrp of core and departnaental techriical staff to denelop a strategy to assess the strengths and limitations of the c7irrent system within the City IS is planning to kick off this effort this summer. This evaluation will be led by a cross- departmental group of technical staff, but will also incorporate a substantial amount of input from non-technical e mail system users. This is critical because of the widespread use and dependence on e mail by virtually all City users, and the integration and potential of this essential function into the departments' daily operations. In particular, users vary widely in their reliance on some of the additional features of GroupWise (calendars, schedulers, routing, file transmission, etc.), so our longer-term strategy must address not only e mail but this functionality as well. L7Establish and nraintain an accurate, integrated address book An integrated address book for all City departments and offices will be completed by the end of June. Instructions for creating specia] personal address groups of mail recipients outside the City were prepared and distributed to IS staffwho support customer departments. However, the ability to do this more comprehensively and efficiently will be a key criteria for evaluating the City's next e mail application. OProvide �ngoing electronic inail mainzenanee This service is provided by IS Core staf£, who support the GroupWise package. Fire, Libraries and Public Works support their own individual e mail packages, but coordinate with IS Core on the technical adjustments needed to ensure that e mail will be sent/received between those departments and GroupWise users. GOAL 6: Develop a consistent appro�ch for collecting, retrieving and maintaining corporate data SPECIFIC TASKS: OConduct a pilot project which com�erts an existing npplicaiion to a more accessible fo��nat As the Council is aware, the City needs to remove all applications from the Prime computer, because this hardware is obsolete and increasingly difficult to maintain. The City's Fixed Asset Inventory system was selected for a pilot conversion project, due to the size and on�oin� viability of this application. The data has been converted to Oracle tables and moved to an NT server. IS staff are examininJ several user interFace options (ways for City users to access and update this information}. Demonstrations will be conducted in a�." 1' `� June. ODevelop a City Intranet The Intranet was extended to all City employees 5(14(97. It is accessibie at http:(/theorb. A number of departments have established specific pa�es at this site, with a wide variety of information about their operations, staff and ongoing projects. Citywide information formerly sent via e mail can now be posted there to be�in reducing non-essential e mail "clutte�". Feedback has generally been positive, and IS has hi�h expectations for the increasing utility of the Intranet as a communication and transaction processing medium for City business. Based on outcomes ofthe in-process Internet survey, we will have a better sense of those uses and related technical support needs for the balance of 1997 and 1998. ODefine the ca�rrent GIS (geographic info�•matron systena) environment in the Ciry and provide recommendcttions that promote cost effective a�se of this technolo� Brad Hendricks is working with technical staffand users across the City to identify GIS needs and associated resource requirements. Based on these findin�s, a report describing a City-wide comprehensive GIS strategy will be available by the end of June. This review will focus on identifying current and near-term operatin� needs for GIS evaluating various software tools, and defining a workable approach for accessing and maintaining the underlyin� databases. Once the business case for GIS and its various applications has been built, IS and the customer departments will work together to develop implementation plans and allocate resources for this. ODevelop a strategy for� mnking inforn�ation accessible to ihe citizens of St. Paul; examine the feasibzliZy of pub7ie kiosks IS is resolving technical issues surroundin� the use of kiosk equipment. Once this is complete, IS will examine the feasibility of usin� kiosks to deliver service to citizens. Ongoing discussions with customer departments reflects in increasing preference for pursuin� the Tnternet as an alternative to kiosks for elecuonic delivery of information to citizens and other customers. GOAL'7: Deploy the appropriate level of computing technology to each desktop and workgroup to ensure that all City staff have the proper tools to accomplish their jobs. SPECIFIC TASKS: �Establish and maintain an accurate Cilywide im�entory of desktop computrng hardware and software. The City-wide inventory has been completed throu�h information associated with the 1997 and 1998 PC replacement projects, and information gathered from the desktop software project. Maintainin� a complete and accurate inventory of this technology base is important to allow IS to provide appropriate support and to minimize the costs of �n ���� licensin� and other administration. This inventory also allows us to plan for network � changes and other infrastructure enhancements more effectively. �Gather itformation on software licenses Citywide and irtilize volzrme purchasingwhere possible. Information gathering has been completed for WordPerfect with anticipated implementation by June 1997. Information gatherin� on Novell network operating system has been completed, with anticipated implementation of Novell 4.1 in IS, Fire, LTEP and PED in 1497, usin� previously-budgeted funds. Remainin� departments using Novell will be upgraded in 1998. In addition, the City is implementing virus scanning software (see following objectives) which has been licensed on a Citywide basis, at a savings over our former department-by-depart ORei�iew options for desktop application s•oftware arid establrsh a corporate preference. The study has been completed and a corporate preference of Corel word processing package (WordPerfect) has been established. City staff who work with common desktop applications indicate that there are large user bases only for word processin� and e mail. Therefore, in the short term, IS intends to define an application preference only for those two uses. Other desktop applications, like spreadsheets (Lotus or Excel) or databases (Paradox), do not yet have enough users to demand a preference to ensure compatibility, reduce support, or reduce licensin� costs. � Initiate and complete the 1997 PC Replacement progrcrin. The 1997 PC Replacement program was completed 5/20/97, and p1anning for the 1998 Replacement program has also been completed. This planning included communication to departments and offices from IS about the mimbers of machines and per-machine contributions that are anticipated for 1998. However, as the market continues to fluctuate, the actual costs of the machines acquired for 1998 installation may change, which could affect the overall numbers of machines the City buys and/or the contribution for each. We will keep the departments apprised as we get closer to acquisition and installation of the 1995 PCs. Olnstall a�d use virz�s scanning sofhva�•e at 1he deskiop antl server. Virus scanning software has been acquired and is being distributed, and virus signature update files are bein� distributed periodically. Al] desktops and servers are expected to have this software and update files by July. This tool reduces the risk of losing data or damaainJ software and hardware. Previously, there were no virus scanning packages in use consistently across the City to miti�ate Chis risk. ODevelop a procedi�re to ens�rre that virus zipdale files are ir�stalled at the server and client on a1l of 1he Cify's networ�ks. 8 This procedure has been developed. New viruses are constantly being introduced and q�'��� keepin� current is extremely time consumin�. This new procedure automates the update process and si�nificantly reduces the time that technical staff spend to make sure that each desktop machine is adequately protected. GOAL 8: Lay the foundation for a positive, professionai work environment in which technical employees feel supported, respected, chailenged and enthusiastic about their job SPECIFIC TASKS: OEstablish the pr•ocesses for comn���nicating with staff on a regular basis to support workload management and ensure open dialog between managers and staff The followin� communication mechanisms have been put in place, and IS management continues to be open to new ideas about expanding and improving the flow of information within IS: 0 An IS web page was established in March with bulletin board, discussion forums, trainin� news and project updates 0 Monthly staff meetings for personnel responsible for the Cityv✓ide technoiogy infrastructure (commonly referred to as IS Core) have been established � Meetings for all IS staff are conducted every 4 to 6 weeks 0 TS management meets individually with IS technical leads assigned to the departments every 4 to 6 weeks ODevelop a perforrncv�ce evaluation process ihat s�pports �he professional and technical developmenl of stc�ff A new performance evaluation form for IS staff has been designed, reviewed with technical staff and department line managers, and is now in use. DEstablish a formcrl training plan for eaclr technical em�loyee that enables them to acconaplish iheir ca�rrent,joh responsibilifies as �n�eR ns enhance their professional ecsreer gr'owth Technical stafftraining plans have been induded in the individual Service Agreements. Also, as part of the Department of Technology and Mana�ement Services' 1997 Strategic Objectives, non-technical trainin� needs for all divisions, including IS, will be assessed. A tailored approach for each division will be developed from that assessment, with the goal being to desi�n training and development activities that enhance the divisions' customer service skills and abilities to add value to customer operations. For IS, this training approach will start with a workshop on Respect in the Workplace in June 1997, with an expected follow up session focusing on team-building. 0 Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTiON CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Committee: Date g'_L- �_. 3t 30(� /9 Whereas, as part of the 7997 budget process, the City Council placetl a porfion ofthe budgM for tAe Information Services Division of the Technology antl Manageme�rt Services Departrne�rt iirto co�rtngenry, wnditional on a report of the progress of the new IS organaafion to the City Caunciy antl Whereas, the Directar of the Deparhnerrt of Technology antl ManagemeM Senices, antl ffie Manager of Information Services have dxumentetl goals, specific sho�ttesm tasks, anci evaluation uiteria, in a wock plan sAared with Council Mem6e�s, and Whereas, f5 has successfuly documented and accomplished the goals setforth for the Gity Council fo�the first haR of �997, antl Whereas, IS needs the release of the budget money placetl in cantingenry to cantinue its operation and progress WwaNS creatlng a healthy information technology environment that supporls the attainmeM of city-witle sUategic goals, as well as deparhnent and office specific strategic goals. antl Whereas, the Mayoy pursuant to Section tO.Old antl 10.07.4 of Ne City Charteq recpmmentls the follovring changes to the 1997 Atlop[ed Budget for the City of Sai`R Paul: CURRENTBl1OGET CHANGES AMENDEDBUDGET C; _ GENERAL PUND (Traosfer) TRANSFERFROM: Technolo9Y and ManagemeM Services Infortnation Services - CoMingent Reserve 007-07115-0548 Contingency ToWI Transfer From 7RANSFER70: Technology antl Manageme�A Services InfortnaEon Services 001-01716-0111 001-07715-0121 001-07175-0147 001-01715-0161 001-01115-0162 001-07775-0219 001-07715-0221 001-011i5-0222 001-07115-0223 001-01115-0T27 007-0�115-0237 001-07715-0241 001-01115-0249 001-07175-0257 001-07115-0252 007-01775-0253 001A7175-0255 001-01N5-0256 001-01715-0261 001A7116-0275 OUt-01ttb�280 001-07N5-0282 001-01N5-0283 007-01ri5-0286 001-07115-0288 007-01N5-0297 U�7-04715�U299 001-01175-0338 001-07115-0347 001-07115-0369 1.379,979 (1,379,919) (t,379,919) 760,623 15,805 28,A22 58.487 12,337 77,500 150 5,874 700 1,568 SU 2,8M 750 1,750 2,450 a,sso 378 25,7A1 725 7,853 10$245 27,798 :,soo 308 616 10,750 725 7,750 50 3,250 Page 1 of 2 862,666 1,799 732 71,500 750 5,814 700 7,567 50 2,872 750 1,750 2,450 a,sso an 17,fi00 725 1.854 99,83& 27,799 z,soo 308 676 10,750 725 1,750 50 3,250 0 7,623,289 15,805 28f122 60,286 14,069 23,000 300 N,628 1,400 3,135 �oo 5,744 7,500 3,500 4,900 9,700 �� 42�841 1,M`0 3,707 202,083 55.597 s,aoo 676 1,232 21,500 7,950 3,500 100 6,500 t`�8 G�18�9� 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 n 78 79 80 81 82 83 � 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 TRANSGERTO: Technology and Mana9emeM Services Infortnation Services (continuetl} 001-0N75-0359 001-017'IS-p363 001-01115-0368 0 01-011 7 5 03 7 7 001-07915-0376 001-011t5-0387 U01-0t115-0383 001-01115-0A39 007-0t7'IS-0873 001-01775-0856 007-07115-0&57 001-07N5-0859 �� - �'10 752 15,W0 3,165 Sf700 150 3,200 702 20.5�797 4,500 19.044 20,27� 7,250 $794,661 TofalTransfer To Total Budget Generzl Funtl Net Change Because nf Transfer Then, Nerefore, be it resolvetl, that the City Council releases fhis conEngency and approves these changes to the 1997 budget Page 2 of T Technology and Management Services f By:l�'���. G�� 1,504 3t,000 6,330 16,800 300 6,400 7�G04 988,646 9,000 31,834 35,A36 14,500 2.794,664 Requested by Department of: By: Approve � Approval Recommended by Budget Director. Form Ap�3rAv�ed by City � By: By: 0 �-i8-9� Sain�PaulBUtlgNOifice( qine N.WSERS�811DGETDEPTS�FINNNCE\123W1115RES.WH4 6/18/9]) 7b2 ti.500 3,765 5.400 7W 3,200 702 242.853 4,500 12,790 15,165 7.250 1.379.919 Adopted by Council: Date °�S �qq7 , Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: q�t -'1'10 DEPARTMENT/OFFICEJGOUNCIL DATEINRIATED GREEN SHEE N� 31306 iC4A`hOIO "r � INITAVDATE - " � " - INITIAUOAiE COKIACT PEq PHOICE O DEPAqTMEM DIRECfOR � CrtY CAUNdI ' "' ""- `�'�`� «��-• �� N YBERFON �CffYATTORNEY �•� �C(fYCLERK MUST BE ON CqUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA7E� ROUTING O BUOGET DIRECTO � FlN. & MGT. SEFMCES DIR. p� ��� ORDER O MAYOR (OR ASSISTMfT) O G� # OF SIGNATI3HE PAGE (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� ACfION REQUES7ED: Approval of Council Resolution releasing the.nortion of the 1997 IS Budge£ placed in contingency. RECOMMENDnnONS: Approve (A) a Reject (RJ pEHSONAI SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSW ER THE FOIIOWING QUESTlONS: _ PI.ANNMG COMMISSION __ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contrad for this deparhnent? � _ CIB COMMfREE _ YES NO —�� — 2. Has ihis person/firm ever been a city employee? YES NO _ DIS7FlICi CAUA7 _ 3. Does Mis persoMirm possess a skill not normalty possessed by any curceM CM1y employee4 SUPPORTSWHICHCAUNCILO&IECTiVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to groen sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPEJRTUNRY (WM, Whet, When, Where. Why)' The City Council placed a portion of the 1997 IS budget in contingency conditional on a report of orogress on the new ZS organization. At the beginning of the year, IS presenCed Council with a list of goals for the first half of 1997. Tfie attached memo documents the nrogress to date. ADVANTAGESIFAPPflOVED� Continued functionin� o£ the IS organ3zatien. �ISA�VANTAGES IFAPPROVEO: None. � �u�a 1 � �sgl DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPiiO�ED: Insufficient funds �oz techn7-ca1 salaries, services, supnlies and eq_uipment essential to the daily operation of t$e City< Disruption of technology services to all customers throughout City'offices. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TqANSACTION S COSi/fiEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOUNCE AC7IVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) 91-��0 CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co%man, Mayor To: From Date: Re: Counci] members Martha Larson � Cindy Mullan June 18, 1947 DEPARTMENT OF TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES Manha larson, Director 290 Crry Hall Te[ephone: 612-?66-8797 IS W. Ke(logg Bo<alevard Facsimi[e: 672-266$919 Saint Pmd, Minnesota 55102 Progress To Date: 1997 IS Strategic Goals We are pleased to report on our progress to date in accomplishin� the 1997 strategic goais of the new IS organization. As we have noted in earlier communications to you, we recognize that we must be a dynamic, responsive organization that is able to anticipate and adapt to constant change in our environment and customer needs. Therefore, unanticipated priorities wili occasionally require us to focus on those immediate, unplanned needs at the expense of accomplishing our stated workplan objectives_ Having acknowledged that, the following remain our top priorities and focus areas. Some of these goals represent specific activities and deliverables that will be accomplished within 1997. Others are more difficult to quantify and measure, but represent very impartant evolutions in our culture and mana�ement philosophy. All of our work in 1997 is underpinned by two principles: that we apply technology to deliver City services most effectively, and that we maximize the return on the City's investment in technology. (Note: Only those tasks targeted for completion in the first half of 1997 have been included in this status report.) We have noted below a handful of significant efforts in the first part of 1997, which took IS manajement and stafftime, that were not initially anticipated in creating our 1997 workplan. We recognize that this is the nature of our operation - to be flexible enou�h to meet demands for unanticipated services as well as those we planned for. However, the need to keep our resources flexible and responsive is made a greater challenge when efforts like those below require the amount of time and staff involvement that these have warranted: 1. Development of the 1998 Technology Initiatives bud�et, and inclusion of the customer departments in this process °1r1-1r1� 2. Assistance to the HR/payroll/benefits administration system replacement project team in its planning and preparation for this major, multi year, enterprise-wide system implementation 3. Assistance to LIEP in its oversi�ht and management of the ECLIPS project 4. Finalizing the City e mail policy (applicable to City staff and mana�ement) 5, Development and distribution of our survey to define the City's strategic direction for use of the Internet 6. Kicking off our review and redefinition of technical titles and related position descriptions 7. Coordinating and implementing a multi-department and office upgrade to Novell 4. ], for Parks, PED, IS, LIEP and Fire 8. Assistance to Police and Libraries in addressin� network implementation and support issues associated with new systems in their departments; this include reass n�nment of current staffand assistance in hiring a new staffperson for Libraries We also believe that we have made substantial progress toward accomplishing our agaressive workplan and goals within the first half of 1997. We are especially pleased with the learning process that's been reflected in the creation of the departmental Service Agreements. We are developing a much better appreciation for the dynamic, somewhat fluid nature of the shiftin� depaRmental priorities and demands for IS support, and how this affects our ability to keep this initiatives movin� ahead. We are pleased at the level of cooperation and support we have received from our customers - they are a demanding group, by and large, but remain committed to working with us to achieve what we set out to do with the IS reor�anization. They are an important arbiter of our success and instrumenta] to helping us in our efforts to serve them better. We hope that you will be satisfied with the results presented in this report, and will support the accompanyin� resolution to release the second half of the 1997 IS budget from contingency. If you have questions or comments, I would be more than happy to meet with you to address them. GOAL 1: Define the information services responsibilities of the new IS and Departments �nd Offices. SPECIFIC TASKS: 0 Work with Departments and Offices to create customized service agreements that define IS expectations, the respansibilities of IS ar7d the responsibilitres of 1he Department/Offrce Martha Larson and Cindy Mullan have met individually with all departments' and offices' management representatives. Final drafts of each agreement have been completed and submitted back to our customers for their review and acceptance.. This exercise has been productive and beneficial £or both IS and our customers, but has been more time- consuming than originally anticipated. A particular benefit of these meetings has been that we have identified a number of staffing and other resource issues that have been timely for 2 inclusion in various 1998 budget discussions. Completion and acceptance of Service 9 � ���� Agreements is anticipated in June. A sample copy of the draft Service Agreement form is attached for your review. �1 Estab7ish IS priorities and detailed workplans based on the initiatives identrfied in the 199715 budget and the service agreements The Service Agreement discussions and on�oin� interaction with our customers have helped us to identify potential projects and resource needs in the followin� areas: GIS, e- mail policy, and use of/technical support for the InternedIntranet. IS staff have begun work on those issues, startin� with definition of the City's strate�y for GIS and the Internet and issuance of an e mail policy. In addition, IS has worked with the Police Department, Libraries, PED and the City Fleet Manager in addressing staffing issues and creative efforts to redeploy existing staff to help further their specific technology projects. �Maintain good customer relations and seek feedback throz�gh a Department or Offzce des�gnated liaison Martha and Cindy have conducted meetings every 4-6 weeks with designated department line mana�ers to explain the status of various IS projects as well as solicit topics for discussion at future meetings. Furthermore, the Service Agreement discussions have taken place primarily with those line manaaers and have allowed IS to demonstrate how its 1997 workplan activities affect each department and where they can participate in helping to accomplish those Citywide IS objectives. Finally, a working group of DODs or their desianees has been convened to assist in the development and prioritization of projects to be addressed by the 1998 TechnoloJy Initiatives Fund. Their work will significantly influence the 1998 budget to be submitted in June GOAL 2: Plan, develop and maintnin a City-wide network that is accessibie, secure, effective and re►iable. SPECTFIC TASKS: ODenelop cr network secvr•zty policy for the City Preliminary work has bea n. A draft policy has been proposed, and IS staff are refining it and developing an action plan for its implementation. When this is completed in August, the policy will be communicated to the customer departments for feedback, to ensure their support and that the proposed approach will work effective(y with their networks and department-specific applications. OAcquire and implement a fzrewall thnt szipports the City's securiry policy Preliminary work has be�un on the firewall, which is hardware and software designed to protect the City's internal systems and data from unauthorized access by outsiders through linked networks and the Intemet. Potential products have been researched and analyzed. A drafr strate�y has been proposed, and IS staffare refining it and developin� an action �1'���� plan for its implementation. This effort is bein� coordinated with the next objective (strategy for providin� remote access). Implementation of the firewall is anticipated for the fall of 1997. �Denelop a City wide strategy for providing remote access capabilities to City Systems for City staff Preliminary work, includin� an inventory of current remote access points and methods is complete. An assessment of appropriate technolo�y and equipment to meet the City's needs has been completed. A strate�y for remote access is under development. Once this plan and the firewall has been defined, IS will work with affected customer departments to ensure that the new approach is properly implemented and that their end users are adequately prepared for chan�es in how they access City and outside systems. Installation of remote access capabilities is anticipated for the fall of 1997. GOAL 3: Establish the process and principles for providing prafessional technical assistance to City IS customers thlt is efficient, timely and cost effective. SPECIFIC TASKS: OAssen7ble a group of core and departmental lechnical staff to develop a centralized cz�stomer sen�ices strategy A cross-departmental group was formed under the leadership of Betty Swanson to examine potential customer service needs and define the functional and technical requirements. The goai of this group was to develop a recommendation on the best approach for providing a centralized customer service approach. DEva7uate and select an appropriczte help desk soh�tion, associated too7s and sta�ng This cross-departmental group's report and recommendation are in final draft form and wi(t be distributed Citywide by mid-7une. The repoR inctudes a product recommendation as well as an implementation plan. This solution wi11 provide a central resource for desktop support (PC installation and maintenance, connections, and a limited amount of software support for common applications like WordPerfecT). In the past, This support was provided by the fonner CIS division to certain departments and offices, while other departments took care of their own needs individually. This led to diverse and inconsistent levels of assistance across the City. We expect this resource to be used to supplement those line department's IS staff, minimizing time spent by experieneed I5 staff dealing with lower level maintenance and troubleshooting and maximizing their time available far the department-specific applications and consultative work. ODefine a s2rategy for assessing custonrer satisfaction; condz�ct a follow-zip to ihe customer service survey last conducted ir� Jz�ly 1996 IS staff is examining the feasibility of using the Intranet to conduct the follow-up survey. � Survey planned for distribution in July. (The City's new Intranet page, operational as of q � ���d the end ofMay, is available at http_Utheorb.) OCortdvct a cr�stomer sernice trair�rng session for all employees in the IS divisron An introductory workshop on "Respect in the Workplace" is scheduled for June. We expect this to be the foundation for more in-depth trainin� and development efforts which will focus first on skills needed to serve customers as part of cooperative, multi- disciplinary teams. Other trainin� and development to enhance customer service-related ski]]s and abilities will also be identified throu�h a department-wide analysis (planned for the summer of 1997) of specific needs and opportunities. GOAL 4: Develop a strategy to eliminate risk of losing critical data and standardize backup and recovery operatio�s throughout the City SPECIFIC TASKS: �Innentory current backup sernices performed throarghoaat 1he City The central Novell and Public Works backup services have been reviewed and standardized. This simplifies backup service and enables IS to further consolidate those services for more efficient administration. OAssess the wectknesses and strengths of tfie cr�rrent backr+p practices We are examining ways to combine backup responsibilities on network segments. By taking over common support functions, department service representatives will be able to do more value-added work on their department-specific systems. �Assemble a groa�p of core and departrnental technical stcrff to Gegin assessment of city- wide disaster recoi�ery plcros rn�d procedlrres Throu�h the process of completin� the IS Service Agreements, we have identified individuals responsibie for Department disaster recovery p(ans. These sta£f will be surveyed in late summer regardin� current best practices in this area. TS expects to work with the City's Emergency Management Team to coordinate development of this component ofthe Citywide plan. Furthermore, IS worked with customer departments durin� the preparations for the threatened AFSCME strike. This exercise allowed us to identify a number of personnel, security and other issues, and potential solutions, that will be addressed in the Cityv✓ide disaster recovery plan. GOAL 5: Create a secure, stable and timeSy electronic mail environment SPECIFIC TASKS: OComplete implementation of current Gror�pWise project GroupWise implementation was completed 4f27/97. All City departments and offices, � `' � -`O with the exception ofPolice, Fire, and Libraries, now have GroupWise installed and in use as their e mail systems. Use of this common application by most of the City staff eases the administration and support for this system, which, along with our WordPerfect, is the City's most commonly-used application and an important tool for employee productivity. DAssemble a grozrp of core and departnaental techriical staff to denelop a strategy to assess the strengths and limitations of the c7irrent system within the City IS is planning to kick off this effort this summer. This evaluation will be led by a cross- departmental group of technical staff, but will also incorporate a substantial amount of input from non-technical e mail system users. This is critical because of the widespread use and dependence on e mail by virtually all City users, and the integration and potential of this essential function into the departments' daily operations. In particular, users vary widely in their reliance on some of the additional features of GroupWise (calendars, schedulers, routing, file transmission, etc.), so our longer-term strategy must address not only e mail but this functionality as well. L7Establish and nraintain an accurate, integrated address book An integrated address book for all City departments and offices will be completed by the end of June. Instructions for creating specia] personal address groups of mail recipients outside the City were prepared and distributed to IS staffwho support customer departments. However, the ability to do this more comprehensively and efficiently will be a key criteria for evaluating the City's next e mail application. OProvide �ngoing electronic inail mainzenanee This service is provided by IS Core staf£, who support the GroupWise package. Fire, Libraries and Public Works support their own individual e mail packages, but coordinate with IS Core on the technical adjustments needed to ensure that e mail will be sent/received between those departments and GroupWise users. GOAL 6: Develop a consistent appro�ch for collecting, retrieving and maintaining corporate data SPECIFIC TASKS: OConduct a pilot project which com�erts an existing npplicaiion to a more accessible fo��nat As the Council is aware, the City needs to remove all applications from the Prime computer, because this hardware is obsolete and increasingly difficult to maintain. The City's Fixed Asset Inventory system was selected for a pilot conversion project, due to the size and on�oin� viability of this application. The data has been converted to Oracle tables and moved to an NT server. IS staff are examininJ several user interFace options (ways for City users to access and update this information}. Demonstrations will be conducted in a�." 1' `� June. ODevelop a City Intranet The Intranet was extended to all City employees 5(14(97. It is accessibie at http:(/theorb. A number of departments have established specific pa�es at this site, with a wide variety of information about their operations, staff and ongoing projects. Citywide information formerly sent via e mail can now be posted there to be�in reducing non-essential e mail "clutte�". Feedback has generally been positive, and IS has hi�h expectations for the increasing utility of the Intranet as a communication and transaction processing medium for City business. Based on outcomes ofthe in-process Internet survey, we will have a better sense of those uses and related technical support needs for the balance of 1997 and 1998. ODefine the ca�rrent GIS (geographic info�•matron systena) environment in the Ciry and provide recommendcttions that promote cost effective a�se of this technolo� Brad Hendricks is working with technical staffand users across the City to identify GIS needs and associated resource requirements. Based on these findin�s, a report describing a City-wide comprehensive GIS strategy will be available by the end of June. This review will focus on identifying current and near-term operatin� needs for GIS evaluating various software tools, and defining a workable approach for accessing and maintaining the underlyin� databases. Once the business case for GIS and its various applications has been built, IS and the customer departments will work together to develop implementation plans and allocate resources for this. ODevelop a strategy for� mnking inforn�ation accessible to ihe citizens of St. Paul; examine the feasibzliZy of pub7ie kiosks IS is resolving technical issues surroundin� the use of kiosk equipment. Once this is complete, IS will examine the feasibility of usin� kiosks to deliver service to citizens. Ongoing discussions with customer departments reflects in increasing preference for pursuin� the Tnternet as an alternative to kiosks for elecuonic delivery of information to citizens and other customers. GOAL'7: Deploy the appropriate level of computing technology to each desktop and workgroup to ensure that all City staff have the proper tools to accomplish their jobs. SPECIFIC TASKS: �Establish and maintain an accurate Cilywide im�entory of desktop computrng hardware and software. The City-wide inventory has been completed throu�h information associated with the 1997 and 1998 PC replacement projects, and information gathered from the desktop software project. Maintainin� a complete and accurate inventory of this technology base is important to allow IS to provide appropriate support and to minimize the costs of �n ���� licensin� and other administration. This inventory also allows us to plan for network � changes and other infrastructure enhancements more effectively. �Gather itformation on software licenses Citywide and irtilize volzrme purchasingwhere possible. Information gathering has been completed for WordPerfect with anticipated implementation by June 1997. Information gatherin� on Novell network operating system has been completed, with anticipated implementation of Novell 4.1 in IS, Fire, LTEP and PED in 1497, usin� previously-budgeted funds. Remainin� departments using Novell will be upgraded in 1998. In addition, the City is implementing virus scanning software (see following objectives) which has been licensed on a Citywide basis, at a savings over our former department-by-depart ORei�iew options for desktop application s•oftware arid establrsh a corporate preference. The study has been completed and a corporate preference of Corel word processing package (WordPerfect) has been established. City staff who work with common desktop applications indicate that there are large user bases only for word processin� and e mail. Therefore, in the short term, IS intends to define an application preference only for those two uses. Other desktop applications, like spreadsheets (Lotus or Excel) or databases (Paradox), do not yet have enough users to demand a preference to ensure compatibility, reduce support, or reduce licensin� costs. � Initiate and complete the 1997 PC Replacement progrcrin. The 1997 PC Replacement program was completed 5/20/97, and p1anning for the 1998 Replacement program has also been completed. This planning included communication to departments and offices from IS about the mimbers of machines and per-machine contributions that are anticipated for 1998. However, as the market continues to fluctuate, the actual costs of the machines acquired for 1998 installation may change, which could affect the overall numbers of machines the City buys and/or the contribution for each. We will keep the departments apprised as we get closer to acquisition and installation of the 1995 PCs. Olnstall a�d use virz�s scanning sofhva�•e at 1he deskiop antl server. Virus scanning software has been acquired and is being distributed, and virus signature update files are bein� distributed periodically. Al] desktops and servers are expected to have this software and update files by July. This tool reduces the risk of losing data or damaainJ software and hardware. Previously, there were no virus scanning packages in use consistently across the City to miti�ate Chis risk. ODevelop a procedi�re to ens�rre that virus zipdale files are ir�stalled at the server and client on a1l of 1he Cify's networ�ks. 8 This procedure has been developed. New viruses are constantly being introduced and q�'��� keepin� current is extremely time consumin�. This new procedure automates the update process and si�nificantly reduces the time that technical staff spend to make sure that each desktop machine is adequately protected. GOAL 8: Lay the foundation for a positive, professionai work environment in which technical employees feel supported, respected, chailenged and enthusiastic about their job SPECIFIC TASKS: OEstablish the pr•ocesses for comn���nicating with staff on a regular basis to support workload management and ensure open dialog between managers and staff The followin� communication mechanisms have been put in place, and IS management continues to be open to new ideas about expanding and improving the flow of information within IS: 0 An IS web page was established in March with bulletin board, discussion forums, trainin� news and project updates 0 Monthly staff meetings for personnel responsible for the Cityv✓ide technoiogy infrastructure (commonly referred to as IS Core) have been established � Meetings for all IS staff are conducted every 4 to 6 weeks 0 TS management meets individually with IS technical leads assigned to the departments every 4 to 6 weeks ODevelop a perforrncv�ce evaluation process ihat s�pports �he professional and technical developmenl of stc�ff A new performance evaluation form for IS staff has been designed, reviewed with technical staff and department line managers, and is now in use. DEstablish a formcrl training plan for eaclr technical em�loyee that enables them to acconaplish iheir ca�rrent,joh responsibilifies as �n�eR ns enhance their professional ecsreer gr'owth Technical stafftraining plans have been induded in the individual Service Agreements. Also, as part of the Department of Technology and Mana�ement Services' 1997 Strategic Objectives, non-technical trainin� needs for all divisions, including IS, will be assessed. A tailored approach for each division will be developed from that assessment, with the goal being to desi�n training and development activities that enhance the divisions' customer service skills and abilities to add value to customer operations. For IS, this training approach will start with a workshop on Respect in the Workplace in June 1997, with an expected follow up session focusing on team-building. 0 Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTiON CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Committee: Date g'_L- �_. 3t 30(� /9 Whereas, as part of the 7997 budget process, the City Council placetl a porfion ofthe budgM for tAe Information Services Division of the Technology antl Manageme�rt Services Departrne�rt iirto co�rtngenry, wnditional on a report of the progress of the new IS organaafion to the City Caunciy antl Whereas, the Directar of the Deparhnerrt of Technology antl ManagemeM Senices, antl ffie Manager of Information Services have dxumentetl goals, specific sho�ttesm tasks, anci evaluation uiteria, in a wock plan sAared with Council Mem6e�s, and Whereas, f5 has successfuly documented and accomplished the goals setforth for the Gity Council fo�the first haR of �997, antl Whereas, IS needs the release of the budget money placetl in cantingenry to cantinue its operation and progress WwaNS creatlng a healthy information technology environment that supporls the attainmeM of city-witle sUategic goals, as well as deparhnent and office specific strategic goals. antl Whereas, the Mayoy pursuant to Section tO.Old antl 10.07.4 of Ne City Charteq recpmmentls the follovring changes to the 1997 Atlop[ed Budget for the City of Sai`R Paul: CURRENTBl1OGET CHANGES AMENDEDBUDGET C; _ GENERAL PUND (Traosfer) TRANSFERFROM: Technolo9Y and ManagemeM Services Infortnation Services - CoMingent Reserve 007-07115-0548 Contingency ToWI Transfer From 7RANSFER70: Technology antl Manageme�A Services InfortnaEon Services 001-01716-0111 001-07715-0121 001-07175-0147 001-01715-0161 001-01115-0162 001-07775-0219 001-07715-0221 001-011i5-0222 001-07115-0223 001-01115-0T27 007-0�115-0237 001-07715-0241 001-01115-0249 001-07175-0257 001-07115-0252 007-01775-0253 001A7175-0255 001-01N5-0256 001-01715-0261 001A7116-0275 OUt-01ttb�280 001-07N5-0282 001-01N5-0283 007-01ri5-0286 001-07115-0288 007-01N5-0297 U�7-04715�U299 001-01175-0338 001-07115-0347 001-07115-0369 1.379,979 (1,379,919) (t,379,919) 760,623 15,805 28,A22 58.487 12,337 77,500 150 5,874 700 1,568 SU 2,8M 750 1,750 2,450 a,sso 378 25,7A1 725 7,853 10$245 27,798 :,soo 308 616 10,750 725 7,750 50 3,250 Page 1 of 2 862,666 1,799 732 71,500 750 5,814 700 7,567 50 2,872 750 1,750 2,450 a,sso an 17,fi00 725 1.854 99,83& 27,799 z,soo 308 676 10,750 725 1,750 50 3,250 0 7,623,289 15,805 28f122 60,286 14,069 23,000 300 N,628 1,400 3,135 �oo 5,744 7,500 3,500 4,900 9,700 �� 42�841 1,M`0 3,707 202,083 55.597 s,aoo 676 1,232 21,500 7,950 3,500 100 6,500 t`�8 G�18�9� 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 n 78 79 80 81 82 83 � 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 TRANSGERTO: Technology and Mana9emeM Services Infortnation Services (continuetl} 001-0N75-0359 001-017'IS-p363 001-01115-0368 0 01-011 7 5 03 7 7 001-07915-0376 001-011t5-0387 U01-0t115-0383 001-01115-0A39 007-0t7'IS-0873 001-01775-0856 007-07115-0&57 001-07N5-0859 �� - �'10 752 15,W0 3,165 Sf700 150 3,200 702 20.5�797 4,500 19.044 20,27� 7,250 $794,661 TofalTransfer To Total Budget Generzl Funtl Net Change Because nf Transfer Then, Nerefore, be it resolvetl, that the City Council releases fhis conEngency and approves these changes to the 1997 budget Page 2 of T Technology and Management Services f By:l�'���. G�� 1,504 3t,000 6,330 16,800 300 6,400 7�G04 988,646 9,000 31,834 35,A36 14,500 2.794,664 Requested by Department of: By: Approve � Approval Recommended by Budget Director. Form Ap�3rAv�ed by City � By: By: 0 �-i8-9� Sain�PaulBUtlgNOifice( qine N.WSERS�811DGETDEPTS�FINNNCE\123W1115RES.WH4 6/18/9]) 7b2 ti.500 3,765 5.400 7W 3,200 702 242.853 4,500 12,790 15,165 7.250 1.379.919 Adopted by Council: Date °�S �qq7 , Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: q�t -'1'10 DEPARTMENT/OFFICEJGOUNCIL DATEINRIATED GREEN SHEE N� 31306 iC4A`hOIO "r � INITAVDATE - " � " - INITIAUOAiE COKIACT PEq PHOICE O DEPAqTMEM DIRECfOR � CrtY CAUNdI ' "' ""- `�'�`� «��-• �� N YBERFON �CffYATTORNEY �•� �C(fYCLERK MUST BE ON CqUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA7E� ROUTING O BUOGET DIRECTO � FlN. & MGT. SEFMCES DIR. p� ��� ORDER O MAYOR (OR ASSISTMfT) O G� # OF SIGNATI3HE PAGE (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� ACfION REQUES7ED: Approval of Council Resolution releasing the.nortion of the 1997 IS Budge£ placed in contingency. RECOMMENDnnONS: Approve (A) a Reject (RJ pEHSONAI SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSW ER THE FOIIOWING QUESTlONS: _ PI.ANNMG COMMISSION __ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contrad for this deparhnent? � _ CIB COMMfREE _ YES NO —�� — 2. Has ihis person/firm ever been a city employee? YES NO _ DIS7FlICi CAUA7 _ 3. Does Mis persoMirm possess a skill not normalty possessed by any curceM CM1y employee4 SUPPORTSWHICHCAUNCILO&IECTiVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to groen sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPEJRTUNRY (WM, Whet, When, Where. Why)' The City Council placed a portion of the 1997 IS budget in contingency conditional on a report of orogress on the new ZS organization. At the beginning of the year, IS presenCed Council with a list of goals for the first half of 1997. Tfie attached memo documents the nrogress to date. ADVANTAGESIFAPPflOVED� Continued functionin� o£ the IS organ3zatien. �ISA�VANTAGES IFAPPROVEO: None. � �u�a 1 � �sgl DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPiiO�ED: Insufficient funds �oz techn7-ca1 salaries, services, supnlies and eq_uipment essential to the daily operation of t$e City< Disruption of technology services to all customers throughout City'offices. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TqANSACTION S COSi/fiEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOUNCE AC7IVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) 91-��0 CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co%man, Mayor To: From Date: Re: Counci] members Martha Larson � Cindy Mullan June 18, 1947 DEPARTMENT OF TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES Manha larson, Director 290 Crry Hall Te[ephone: 612-?66-8797 IS W. Ke(logg Bo<alevard Facsimi[e: 672-266$919 Saint Pmd, Minnesota 55102 Progress To Date: 1997 IS Strategic Goals We are pleased to report on our progress to date in accomplishin� the 1997 strategic goais of the new IS organization. As we have noted in earlier communications to you, we recognize that we must be a dynamic, responsive organization that is able to anticipate and adapt to constant change in our environment and customer needs. Therefore, unanticipated priorities wili occasionally require us to focus on those immediate, unplanned needs at the expense of accomplishing our stated workplan objectives_ Having acknowledged that, the following remain our top priorities and focus areas. Some of these goals represent specific activities and deliverables that will be accomplished within 1997. Others are more difficult to quantify and measure, but represent very impartant evolutions in our culture and mana�ement philosophy. All of our work in 1997 is underpinned by two principles: that we apply technology to deliver City services most effectively, and that we maximize the return on the City's investment in technology. (Note: Only those tasks targeted for completion in the first half of 1997 have been included in this status report.) We have noted below a handful of significant efforts in the first part of 1997, which took IS manajement and stafftime, that were not initially anticipated in creating our 1997 workplan. We recognize that this is the nature of our operation - to be flexible enou�h to meet demands for unanticipated services as well as those we planned for. However, the need to keep our resources flexible and responsive is made a greater challenge when efforts like those below require the amount of time and staff involvement that these have warranted: 1. Development of the 1998 Technology Initiatives bud�et, and inclusion of the customer departments in this process °1r1-1r1� 2. Assistance to the HR/payroll/benefits administration system replacement project team in its planning and preparation for this major, multi year, enterprise-wide system implementation 3. Assistance to LIEP in its oversi�ht and management of the ECLIPS project 4. Finalizing the City e mail policy (applicable to City staff and mana�ement) 5, Development and distribution of our survey to define the City's strategic direction for use of the Internet 6. Kicking off our review and redefinition of technical titles and related position descriptions 7. Coordinating and implementing a multi-department and office upgrade to Novell 4. ], for Parks, PED, IS, LIEP and Fire 8. Assistance to Police and Libraries in addressin� network implementation and support issues associated with new systems in their departments; this include reass n�nment of current staffand assistance in hiring a new staffperson for Libraries We also believe that we have made substantial progress toward accomplishing our agaressive workplan and goals within the first half of 1997. We are especially pleased with the learning process that's been reflected in the creation of the departmental Service Agreements. We are developing a much better appreciation for the dynamic, somewhat fluid nature of the shiftin� depaRmental priorities and demands for IS support, and how this affects our ability to keep this initiatives movin� ahead. We are pleased at the level of cooperation and support we have received from our customers - they are a demanding group, by and large, but remain committed to working with us to achieve what we set out to do with the IS reor�anization. They are an important arbiter of our success and instrumenta] to helping us in our efforts to serve them better. We hope that you will be satisfied with the results presented in this report, and will support the accompanyin� resolution to release the second half of the 1997 IS budget from contingency. If you have questions or comments, I would be more than happy to meet with you to address them. GOAL 1: Define the information services responsibilities of the new IS and Departments �nd Offices. SPECIFIC TASKS: 0 Work with Departments and Offices to create customized service agreements that define IS expectations, the respansibilities of IS ar7d the responsibilitres of 1he Department/Offrce Martha Larson and Cindy Mullan have met individually with all departments' and offices' management representatives. Final drafts of each agreement have been completed and submitted back to our customers for their review and acceptance.. This exercise has been productive and beneficial £or both IS and our customers, but has been more time- consuming than originally anticipated. A particular benefit of these meetings has been that we have identified a number of staffing and other resource issues that have been timely for 2 inclusion in various 1998 budget discussions. Completion and acceptance of Service 9 � ���� Agreements is anticipated in June. A sample copy of the draft Service Agreement form is attached for your review. �1 Estab7ish IS priorities and detailed workplans based on the initiatives identrfied in the 199715 budget and the service agreements The Service Agreement discussions and on�oin� interaction with our customers have helped us to identify potential projects and resource needs in the followin� areas: GIS, e- mail policy, and use of/technical support for the InternedIntranet. IS staff have begun work on those issues, startin� with definition of the City's strate�y for GIS and the Internet and issuance of an e mail policy. In addition, IS has worked with the Police Department, Libraries, PED and the City Fleet Manager in addressing staffing issues and creative efforts to redeploy existing staff to help further their specific technology projects. �Maintain good customer relations and seek feedback throz�gh a Department or Offzce des�gnated liaison Martha and Cindy have conducted meetings every 4-6 weeks with designated department line mana�ers to explain the status of various IS projects as well as solicit topics for discussion at future meetings. Furthermore, the Service Agreement discussions have taken place primarily with those line manaaers and have allowed IS to demonstrate how its 1997 workplan activities affect each department and where they can participate in helping to accomplish those Citywide IS objectives. Finally, a working group of DODs or their desianees has been convened to assist in the development and prioritization of projects to be addressed by the 1998 TechnoloJy Initiatives Fund. Their work will significantly influence the 1998 budget to be submitted in June GOAL 2: Plan, develop and maintnin a City-wide network that is accessibie, secure, effective and re►iable. SPECTFIC TASKS: ODenelop cr network secvr•zty policy for the City Preliminary work has bea n. A draft policy has been proposed, and IS staff are refining it and developing an action plan for its implementation. When this is completed in August, the policy will be communicated to the customer departments for feedback, to ensure their support and that the proposed approach will work effective(y with their networks and department-specific applications. OAcquire and implement a fzrewall thnt szipports the City's securiry policy Preliminary work has be�un on the firewall, which is hardware and software designed to protect the City's internal systems and data from unauthorized access by outsiders through linked networks and the Intemet. Potential products have been researched and analyzed. A drafr strate�y has been proposed, and IS staffare refining it and developin� an action �1'���� plan for its implementation. This effort is bein� coordinated with the next objective (strategy for providin� remote access). Implementation of the firewall is anticipated for the fall of 1997. �Denelop a City wide strategy for providing remote access capabilities to City Systems for City staff Preliminary work, includin� an inventory of current remote access points and methods is complete. An assessment of appropriate technolo�y and equipment to meet the City's needs has been completed. A strate�y for remote access is under development. Once this plan and the firewall has been defined, IS will work with affected customer departments to ensure that the new approach is properly implemented and that their end users are adequately prepared for chan�es in how they access City and outside systems. Installation of remote access capabilities is anticipated for the fall of 1997. GOAL 3: Establish the process and principles for providing prafessional technical assistance to City IS customers thlt is efficient, timely and cost effective. SPECIFIC TASKS: OAssen7ble a group of core and departmental lechnical staff to develop a centralized cz�stomer sen�ices strategy A cross-departmental group was formed under the leadership of Betty Swanson to examine potential customer service needs and define the functional and technical requirements. The goai of this group was to develop a recommendation on the best approach for providing a centralized customer service approach. DEva7uate and select an appropriczte help desk soh�tion, associated too7s and sta�ng This cross-departmental group's report and recommendation are in final draft form and wi(t be distributed Citywide by mid-7une. The repoR inctudes a product recommendation as well as an implementation plan. This solution wi11 provide a central resource for desktop support (PC installation and maintenance, connections, and a limited amount of software support for common applications like WordPerfecT). In the past, This support was provided by the fonner CIS division to certain departments and offices, while other departments took care of their own needs individually. This led to diverse and inconsistent levels of assistance across the City. We expect this resource to be used to supplement those line department's IS staff, minimizing time spent by experieneed I5 staff dealing with lower level maintenance and troubleshooting and maximizing their time available far the department-specific applications and consultative work. ODefine a s2rategy for assessing custonrer satisfaction; condz�ct a follow-zip to ihe customer service survey last conducted ir� Jz�ly 1996 IS staff is examining the feasibility of using the Intranet to conduct the follow-up survey. � Survey planned for distribution in July. (The City's new Intranet page, operational as of q � ���d the end ofMay, is available at http_Utheorb.) OCortdvct a cr�stomer sernice trair�rng session for all employees in the IS divisron An introductory workshop on "Respect in the Workplace" is scheduled for June. We expect this to be the foundation for more in-depth trainin� and development efforts which will focus first on skills needed to serve customers as part of cooperative, multi- disciplinary teams. Other trainin� and development to enhance customer service-related ski]]s and abilities will also be identified throu�h a department-wide analysis (planned for the summer of 1997) of specific needs and opportunities. GOAL 4: Develop a strategy to eliminate risk of losing critical data and standardize backup and recovery operatio�s throughout the City SPECIFIC TASKS: �Innentory current backup sernices performed throarghoaat 1he City The central Novell and Public Works backup services have been reviewed and standardized. This simplifies backup service and enables IS to further consolidate those services for more efficient administration. OAssess the wectknesses and strengths of tfie cr�rrent backr+p practices We are examining ways to combine backup responsibilities on network segments. By taking over common support functions, department service representatives will be able to do more value-added work on their department-specific systems. �Assemble a groa�p of core and departrnental technical stcrff to Gegin assessment of city- wide disaster recoi�ery plcros rn�d procedlrres Throu�h the process of completin� the IS Service Agreements, we have identified individuals responsibie for Department disaster recovery p(ans. These sta£f will be surveyed in late summer regardin� current best practices in this area. TS expects to work with the City's Emergency Management Team to coordinate development of this component ofthe Citywide plan. Furthermore, IS worked with customer departments durin� the preparations for the threatened AFSCME strike. This exercise allowed us to identify a number of personnel, security and other issues, and potential solutions, that will be addressed in the Cityv✓ide disaster recovery plan. GOAL 5: Create a secure, stable and timeSy electronic mail environment SPECIFIC TASKS: OComplete implementation of current Gror�pWise project GroupWise implementation was completed 4f27/97. All City departments and offices, � `' � -`O with the exception ofPolice, Fire, and Libraries, now have GroupWise installed and in use as their e mail systems. Use of this common application by most of the City staff eases the administration and support for this system, which, along with our WordPerfect, is the City's most commonly-used application and an important tool for employee productivity. DAssemble a grozrp of core and departnaental techriical staff to denelop a strategy to assess the strengths and limitations of the c7irrent system within the City IS is planning to kick off this effort this summer. This evaluation will be led by a cross- departmental group of technical staff, but will also incorporate a substantial amount of input from non-technical e mail system users. This is critical because of the widespread use and dependence on e mail by virtually all City users, and the integration and potential of this essential function into the departments' daily operations. In particular, users vary widely in their reliance on some of the additional features of GroupWise (calendars, schedulers, routing, file transmission, etc.), so our longer-term strategy must address not only e mail but this functionality as well. L7Establish and nraintain an accurate, integrated address book An integrated address book for all City departments and offices will be completed by the end of June. Instructions for creating specia] personal address groups of mail recipients outside the City were prepared and distributed to IS staffwho support customer departments. However, the ability to do this more comprehensively and efficiently will be a key criteria for evaluating the City's next e mail application. OProvide �ngoing electronic inail mainzenanee This service is provided by IS Core staf£, who support the GroupWise package. Fire, Libraries and Public Works support their own individual e mail packages, but coordinate with IS Core on the technical adjustments needed to ensure that e mail will be sent/received between those departments and GroupWise users. GOAL 6: Develop a consistent appro�ch for collecting, retrieving and maintaining corporate data SPECIFIC TASKS: OConduct a pilot project which com�erts an existing npplicaiion to a more accessible fo��nat As the Council is aware, the City needs to remove all applications from the Prime computer, because this hardware is obsolete and increasingly difficult to maintain. The City's Fixed Asset Inventory system was selected for a pilot conversion project, due to the size and on�oin� viability of this application. The data has been converted to Oracle tables and moved to an NT server. IS staff are examininJ several user interFace options (ways for City users to access and update this information}. Demonstrations will be conducted in a�." 1' `� June. ODevelop a City Intranet The Intranet was extended to all City employees 5(14(97. It is accessibie at http:(/theorb. A number of departments have established specific pa�es at this site, with a wide variety of information about their operations, staff and ongoing projects. Citywide information formerly sent via e mail can now be posted there to be�in reducing non-essential e mail "clutte�". Feedback has generally been positive, and IS has hi�h expectations for the increasing utility of the Intranet as a communication and transaction processing medium for City business. Based on outcomes ofthe in-process Internet survey, we will have a better sense of those uses and related technical support needs for the balance of 1997 and 1998. ODefine the ca�rrent GIS (geographic info�•matron systena) environment in the Ciry and provide recommendcttions that promote cost effective a�se of this technolo� Brad Hendricks is working with technical staffand users across the City to identify GIS needs and associated resource requirements. Based on these findin�s, a report describing a City-wide comprehensive GIS strategy will be available by the end of June. This review will focus on identifying current and near-term operatin� needs for GIS evaluating various software tools, and defining a workable approach for accessing and maintaining the underlyin� databases. Once the business case for GIS and its various applications has been built, IS and the customer departments will work together to develop implementation plans and allocate resources for this. ODevelop a strategy for� mnking inforn�ation accessible to ihe citizens of St. Paul; examine the feasibzliZy of pub7ie kiosks IS is resolving technical issues surroundin� the use of kiosk equipment. Once this is complete, IS will examine the feasibility of usin� kiosks to deliver service to citizens. Ongoing discussions with customer departments reflects in increasing preference for pursuin� the Tnternet as an alternative to kiosks for elecuonic delivery of information to citizens and other customers. GOAL'7: Deploy the appropriate level of computing technology to each desktop and workgroup to ensure that all City staff have the proper tools to accomplish their jobs. SPECIFIC TASKS: �Establish and maintain an accurate Cilywide im�entory of desktop computrng hardware and software. The City-wide inventory has been completed throu�h information associated with the 1997 and 1998 PC replacement projects, and information gathered from the desktop software project. Maintainin� a complete and accurate inventory of this technology base is important to allow IS to provide appropriate support and to minimize the costs of �n ���� licensin� and other administration. This inventory also allows us to plan for network � changes and other infrastructure enhancements more effectively. �Gather itformation on software licenses Citywide and irtilize volzrme purchasingwhere possible. Information gathering has been completed for WordPerfect with anticipated implementation by June 1997. Information gatherin� on Novell network operating system has been completed, with anticipated implementation of Novell 4.1 in IS, Fire, LTEP and PED in 1497, usin� previously-budgeted funds. Remainin� departments using Novell will be upgraded in 1998. In addition, the City is implementing virus scanning software (see following objectives) which has been licensed on a Citywide basis, at a savings over our former department-by-depart ORei�iew options for desktop application s•oftware arid establrsh a corporate preference. The study has been completed and a corporate preference of Corel word processing package (WordPerfect) has been established. City staff who work with common desktop applications indicate that there are large user bases only for word processin� and e mail. Therefore, in the short term, IS intends to define an application preference only for those two uses. Other desktop applications, like spreadsheets (Lotus or Excel) or databases (Paradox), do not yet have enough users to demand a preference to ensure compatibility, reduce support, or reduce licensin� costs. � Initiate and complete the 1997 PC Replacement progrcrin. The 1997 PC Replacement program was completed 5/20/97, and p1anning for the 1998 Replacement program has also been completed. This planning included communication to departments and offices from IS about the mimbers of machines and per-machine contributions that are anticipated for 1998. However, as the market continues to fluctuate, the actual costs of the machines acquired for 1998 installation may change, which could affect the overall numbers of machines the City buys and/or the contribution for each. We will keep the departments apprised as we get closer to acquisition and installation of the 1995 PCs. Olnstall a�d use virz�s scanning sofhva�•e at 1he deskiop antl server. Virus scanning software has been acquired and is being distributed, and virus signature update files are bein� distributed periodically. Al] desktops and servers are expected to have this software and update files by July. This tool reduces the risk of losing data or damaainJ software and hardware. Previously, there were no virus scanning packages in use consistently across the City to miti�ate Chis risk. ODevelop a procedi�re to ens�rre that virus zipdale files are ir�stalled at the server and client on a1l of 1he Cify's networ�ks. 8 This procedure has been developed. New viruses are constantly being introduced and q�'��� keepin� current is extremely time consumin�. This new procedure automates the update process and si�nificantly reduces the time that technical staff spend to make sure that each desktop machine is adequately protected. GOAL 8: Lay the foundation for a positive, professionai work environment in which technical employees feel supported, respected, chailenged and enthusiastic about their job SPECIFIC TASKS: OEstablish the pr•ocesses for comn���nicating with staff on a regular basis to support workload management and ensure open dialog between managers and staff The followin� communication mechanisms have been put in place, and IS management continues to be open to new ideas about expanding and improving the flow of information within IS: 0 An IS web page was established in March with bulletin board, discussion forums, trainin� news and project updates 0 Monthly staff meetings for personnel responsible for the Cityv✓ide technoiogy infrastructure (commonly referred to as IS Core) have been established � Meetings for all IS staff are conducted every 4 to 6 weeks 0 TS management meets individually with IS technical leads assigned to the departments every 4 to 6 weeks ODevelop a perforrncv�ce evaluation process ihat s�pports �he professional and technical developmenl of stc�ff A new performance evaluation form for IS staff has been designed, reviewed with technical staff and department line managers, and is now in use. DEstablish a formcrl training plan for eaclr technical em�loyee that enables them to acconaplish iheir ca�rrent,joh responsibilifies as �n�eR ns enhance their professional ecsreer gr'owth Technical stafftraining plans have been induded in the individual Service Agreements. Also, as part of the Department of Technology and Mana�ement Services' 1997 Strategic Objectives, non-technical trainin� needs for all divisions, including IS, will be assessed. A tailored approach for each division will be developed from that assessment, with the goal being to desi�n training and development activities that enhance the divisions' customer service skills and abilities to add value to customer operations. For IS, this training approach will start with a workshop on Respect in the Workplace in June 1997, with an expected follow up session focusing on team-building. 0